/* * cmds.c -- handles: * commands from a user via dcc * (split in 2, this portion contains no-irc commands) * * $Id: cmds.c,v 1.107 (1.0.4) 2004/04/17 22:47:48 [Xp-AvR] Exp $ */ #include "main.h" #include "tandem.h" #include "modules.h" #include extern struct chanset_t *chanset; extern struct dcc_t *dcc; extern struct userrec *userlist; extern tcl_timer_t *timer, *utimer; extern int dcc_total, remote_boots, backgrd, make_userfile, do_restart, conmask, require_p, must_be_owner, strict_host, noshare; extern unsigned long otraffic_irc, otraffic_irc_today, itraffic_irc, itraffic_irc_today, otraffic_bn, otraffic_bn_today, itraffic_bn, itraffic_bn_today, otraffic_dcc, otraffic_dcc_today, itraffic_dcc, itraffic_dcc_today, otraffic_trans, otraffic_trans_today, itraffic_trans, itraffic_trans_today, otraffic_unknown, otraffic_unknown_today, itraffic_unknown, itraffic_unknown_today; extern Tcl_Interp *interp; extern char botnetnick[], origbotname[], ver[], network[], owner[], quit_msg[], userfileCryptKey[], datadir[], userfile[]; extern time_t now, online_since; extern module_entry *module_list; static char *btos(unsigned long); /* Add hostmask to a bot's record if possible. */ static int add_bot_hostmask(int idx, char *nick) { struct chanset_t *chan; for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) if (channel_active(chan)) { memberlist *m = ismember(chan, nick); if (m) { char s[UHOSTLEN]; struct userrec *u; EvangelineSnprintf(s, sizeof s, "%s!%s", m->nick, m->userhost); u = get_user_by_host(s); if (u) { dprintf(idx, "(Can't add hostmask for %s because it matches %s)\n", nick, u->handle); return 0; } if (strchr("~^+=-", m->userhost[0])) EvangelineSnprintf(s, sizeof s, "*!%s%s", strict_host ? "?" : "", m->userhost + 1); else EvangelineSnprintf(s, sizeof s, "*!%s", m->userhost); dprintf(idx, "(Added hostmask for %s from %s)\n", nick, chan->dname); addhost_by_handle(nick, s); return 1; } } return 0; } static void tell_who(struct userrec *u, int idx, int chan) { int i, k, ok = 0, atr = u ? u->flags : 0; int nicklen; char format[81]; char s[1024]; if (!chan) dprintf(idx, "%s (* = owner, + = master, %% = botmaster, @ = op)\n", BOT_PARTYMEMBS); else { simple_sprintf(s, "assoc %d", chan); if ((Tcl_Eval(interp, s) != TCL_OK) || !Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)[0]) dprintf(idx, "%s %s%d: (* = owner, + = master, %% = botmaster, @ = op)\n", BOT_PEOPLEONCHAN, (chan < GLOBAL_CHANS) ? "" : "*", chan % GLOBAL_CHANS); else dprintf(idx, "%s '%s' (%s%d): (* = owner, + = master, %% = botmaster, @ = op)\n", BOT_PEOPLEONCHAN, Tcl_GetStringResult(interp), (chan < GLOBAL_CHANS) ? "" : "*", chan % GLOBAL_CHANS); } nicklen = 0; for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) { if (strlen(dcc[i].nick) > nicklen) nicklen = strlen(dcc[i].nick); } if (nicklen < 9) nicklen = 9; for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if (dcc[i].type == &DCC_CHAT) if (dcc[i].u.chat->channel == chan) { if (atr & USER_OWNER) { EvangelineSnprintf(format, sizeof format, " [%%.2lu] %%c%%-%us %%s", nicklen); sprintf(s, format, dcc[i].sock, (geticon(i) == '-' ? ' ' : geticon(i)), dcc[i].nick, dcc[i].host); } else { EvangelineSnprintf(format, sizeof format, " %%c%%-%us %%s", nicklen); sprintf(s, format, (geticon(i) == '-' ? ' ' : geticon(i)), dcc[i].nick, dcc[i].host); } if (atr & USER_MASTER) { if (dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags) sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], " (con:%s)", masktype(dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags)); } if (now - dcc[i].timeval > 300) { unsigned long days, hrs, mins; days = (now - dcc[i].timeval) / 86400; hrs = ((now - dcc[i].timeval) - (days * 86400)) / 3600; mins = ((now - dcc[i].timeval) - (hrs * 3600)) / 60; if (days > 0) sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], " (idle %lud%luh)", days, hrs); else if (hrs > 0) sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], " (idle %luh%lum)", hrs, mins); else sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], " (idle %lum)", mins); } dprintf(idx, "%s\n", s); if (dcc[i].u.chat->away != NULL) dprintf(idx, " AWAY: %s\n", dcc[i].u.chat->away); } for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if (dcc[i].type == &DCC_BOT) { if (!ok) { ok = 1; dprintf(idx, "Bots connected:\n"); } EvangelineStrftime(s, 14, "%d %b %H:%M", localtime(&dcc[i].timeval)); if (atr & USER_OWNER) { EvangelineSnprintf(format, sizeof format, " [%%.2lu] %%s%%c%%-%us (%%s) %%s\n", nicklen); dprintf(idx, format, dcc[i].sock, dcc[i].status & STAT_CALLED ? "<-" : "->", dcc[i].status & STAT_SHARE ? '+' : ' ', dcc[i].nick, s, dcc[i].u.bot->version); } else { EvangelineSnprintf(format, sizeof format, " %%s%%c%%-%us (%%s) %%s\n", nicklen); dprintf(idx, format, dcc[i].status & STAT_CALLED ? "<-" : "->", dcc[i].status & STAT_SHARE ? '+' : ' ', dcc[i].nick, s, dcc[i].u.bot->version); } } ok = 0; for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) { if ((dcc[i].type == &DCC_CHAT) && (dcc[i].u.chat->channel != chan)) { if (!ok) { ok = 1; dprintf(idx, "Other people on the bot:\n"); } if (atr & USER_OWNER) { EvangelineSnprintf(format, sizeof format, " [%%.2lu] %%c%%-%us ", nicklen); sprintf(s, format, dcc[i].sock, (geticon(i) == '-' ? ' ' : geticon(i)), dcc[i].nick); } else { EvangelineSnprintf(format, sizeof format, " %%c%%-%us ", nicklen); sprintf(s, format, (geticon(i) == '-' ? ' ' : geticon(i)), dcc[i].nick); } if (atr & USER_MASTER) { if (dcc[i].u.chat->channel < 0) strcat(s, "(-OFF-) "); else if (!dcc[i].u.chat->channel) strcat(s, "(party) "); else sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], "(%5d) ", dcc[i].u.chat->channel); } strcat(s, dcc[i].host); if (atr & USER_MASTER) { if (dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags) sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], " (con:%s)", masktype(dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags)); } if (now - dcc[i].timeval > 300) { k = (now - dcc[i].timeval) / 60; if (k < 60) sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], " (idle %dm)", k); else sprintf(&s[strlen(s)], " (idle %dh%dm)", k / 60, k % 60); } dprintf(idx, "%s\n", s); if (dcc[i].u.chat->away != NULL) dprintf(idx, " AWAY: %s\n", dcc[i].u.chat->away); } if ((atr & USER_MASTER) && (dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_SHOWWHO) && (dcc[i].type != &DCC_CHAT)) { if (!ok) { ok = 1; dprintf(idx, "Other people on the bot:\n"); } if (atr & USER_OWNER) { EvangelineSnprintf(format, sizeof format, " [%%.2lu] %%c%%-%us (files) %%s", nicklen); sprintf(s, format, dcc[i].sock, dcc[i].status & STAT_CHAT ? '+' : ' ', dcc[i].nick, dcc[i].host); } else { EvangelineSnprintf(format, sizeof format, " %%c%%-%us (files) %%s", nicklen); sprintf(s, format, dcc[i].status & STAT_CHAT ? '+' : ' ', dcc[i].nick, dcc[i].host); } dprintf(idx, "%s\n", s); } } } /* static void cmd_botinfo(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char s[512], s2[32]; struct chanset_t *chan; time_t now2; int hr, min; now2 = now - online_since; s2[0] = 0; if (now2 > 86400) { int days = now2 / 86400; sprintf(s2, "%d day", days); if (days >= 2) strcat(s2, "s"); strcat(s2, ", "); now2 -= days * 86400; } hr = (time_t) ((int) now2 / 3600); now2 -= (hr * 3600); min = (time_t) ((int) now2 / 60); sprintf(&s2[strlen(s2)], "%02d:%02d", (int) hr, (int) min); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# botinfo", dcc[idx].nick); simple_sprintf(s, "%d:%s@%s", dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick); botnet_send_infoq(-1, s); s[0] = 0; if (module_find("server", 0, 0)) { for (chan = chanset; chan; chan = chan->next) { if (!channel_secret(chan)) { if ((strlen(s) + strlen(chan->dname) + strlen(network) + strlen(botnetnick) + strlen(ver) + 1) >= 490) { strcat(s, "++ "); break; } strcat(s, chan->dname); strcat(s, ", "); } } if (s[0]) { s[strlen(s) - 2] = 0; dprintf(idx, "*** [%s] %s <%s> (%s) [UP %s]\n", botnetnick, ver, network, s, s2); } else dprintf(idx, "*** [%s] %s <%s> (%s) [UP %s]\n", botnetnick, ver, network, BOT_NOCHANNELS, s2); } else dprintf(idx, "*** [%s] %s [UP %s]\n", botnetnick, ver, s2); } */ static void cmd_whom(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { if (par[0] == '*') { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# whom %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); answer_local_whom(idx, -1); return; } else if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < 0) { dprintf(idx, "You have chat turned off.\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# whom %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); if (!par[0]) { answer_local_whom(idx, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel); } else { int chan = -1; if ((par[0] < '0') || (par[0] > '9')) { Tcl_SetVar(interp, "chan", par, 0); if ((Tcl_VarEval(interp, "assoc ", "$chan", NULL) == TCL_OK) && Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)[0]) { Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), &chan); } if (chan <= 0) { dprintf(idx, "No such channel exists.\n"); return; } } else chan = atoi(par); if ((chan < 0) || (chan >= GLOBAL_CHANS)) { dprintf(idx, "Channel number out of range: must be between 0 and %d." "\n", GLOBAL_CHANS); return; } answer_local_whom(idx, chan); } } static void cmd_me(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int i; if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < 0) { dprintf(idx, "You have chat turned off.\n"); return; } if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: me \n"); return; } if (dcc[idx].u.chat->away != NULL) not_away(idx); for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if ((dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_CHAT) && (dcc[i].u.chat->channel == dcc[idx].u.chat->channel) && ((i != idx) || (dcc[i].status & STAT_ECHO))) dprintf(i, "* %s %s\n", dcc[idx].nick, par); botnet_send_act(idx, botnetnick, dcc[idx].nick, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel, par); check_tcl_act(dcc[idx].nick, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel, par); } static void cmd_away(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { if (strlen(par) > 60) par[60] = 0; set_away(idx, par); } static void cmd_back(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { not_away(idx); } static void cmd_export(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { if (!isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, MISC_NOSUCHCMD); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# export...", dcc[idx].nick); exportUserfile(); dprintf(idx, "Exported userfile...\n"); } static void cmd_newpass(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *new; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: newpass \n"); return; } new = newsplit(&par); if (strlen(new) > 16) new[16] = 0; if (strlen(new) < 6) { dprintf(idx, "Please use at least 6 characters.\n"); return; } set_user(&USERENTRY_PASS, u, new); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# newpass...", dcc[idx].nick); dprintf(idx, "Changed password to '%s'.\n", new); } static void cmd_bots(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# bots", dcc[idx].nick); tell_bots(idx); } static void cmd_bottree(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# bottree", dcc[idx].nick); tell_bottree(idx, 0); } static void cmd_vbottree(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# vbottree", dcc[idx].nick); tell_bottree(idx, 1); } static void cmd_addlog(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: addlog \n"); return; } dprintf(idx, "Placed entry in the log file.\n"); putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "%s: %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); } static void cmd_who(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int i; if (par[0]) { if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < 0) { dprintf(idx, "You have chat turned off.\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# who %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(par, botnetnick)) tell_who(u, idx, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel); else { i = nextbot(par); if (i < 0) { dprintf(idx, "That bot isn't connected.\n"); } else if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel >= GLOBAL_CHANS) dprintf(idx, "You are on a local channel.\n"); else { char s[40]; simple_sprintf(s, "%d:%s@%s", dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick); botnet_send_who(i, s, par, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel); } } } else { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# who", dcc[idx].nick); if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < 0) tell_who(u, idx, 0); else tell_who(u, idx, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel); } } static void cmd_whois(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN | FR_ANYWH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char *handle; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: whois \n"); return; } handle = newsplit(&par); get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, NULL); if (EvangelineStrcasecmp(handle, dcc[idx].nick) && !glob_botmast(fr) && !glob_op(fr) && !chan_master(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You do not have access to whois handles other than your " "own.\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# whois %s", dcc[idx].nick, handle); tell_user_ident(idx, handle, u ? (u->flags & USER_MASTER) : 0); } static void cmd_match(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int start = 1, limit = 20; char *s, *s1, *chname; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: match [[skip] count]\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# match %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); s = newsplit(&par); if (strchr(CHANMETA, par[0]) != NULL) chname = newsplit(&par); else chname = ""; if (atoi(par) > 0) { s1 = newsplit(&par); if (atoi(par) > 0) { start = atoi(s1); limit = atoi(par); } else limit = atoi(s1); } tell_users_match(idx, s, start, limit, u ? (u->flags & USER_MASTER) : 0, chname); } static void cmd_uptime(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# uptime", dcc[idx].nick); tell_verbose_uptime(idx); } static void cmd_status(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int atr = u ? u->flags : 0; if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(par, "all")) { if (!(atr & USER_MASTER)) { dprintf(idx, "You do not have Bot Master privileges.\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# status all", dcc[idx].nick); tell_verbose_status(idx); tell_mem_status_dcc(idx); dprintf(idx, "\n"); tell_settings(idx); do_module_report(idx, 1, NULL); } else { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# status", dcc[idx].nick); tell_verbose_status(idx); tell_mem_status_dcc(idx); do_module_report(idx, 0, NULL); } } static void cmd_dccstat(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# dccstat", dcc[idx].nick); tell_dcc(idx); } static void cmd_boot(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int i, files = 0, ok = 0; char *who; struct userrec *u2; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: boot nick[@bot]\n"); return; } who = newsplit(&par); if (strchr(who, '@') != NULL) { char whonick[HANDLEN + 1]; splitcn(whonick, who, '@', HANDLEN + 1); if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(who, botnetnick)) { cmd_boot(u, idx, whonick); return; } if (remote_boots > 0) { i = nextbot(who); if (i < 0) { dprintf(idx, "No such bot connected.\n"); return; } if (!isadmin(dcc[idx].nick) && isowner(whonick)) return; botnet_send_reject(i, dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick, whonick, who, par[0] ? par : dcc[idx].nick); putlog(LOG_BOTS, "*", "#%s# boot %s@%s (%s)", dcc[idx].nick, whonick, who, par[0] ? par : dcc[idx].nick); } else dprintf(idx, "Remote boots are disabled here.\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[i].nick, who) && !ok && (dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_CANBOOT)) { u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, dcc[i].nick); if (u2 && (u2->flags & USER_OWNER) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, who)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't boot a bot owner.\n"); return; } if (isowner(who) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't boot a bot permowner.\n"); return; } if (u2 && (u2->flags & USER_MASTER) && !(u && (u->flags & USER_MASTER))) { dprintf(idx, "You can't boot a bot master.\n"); return; } files = (dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_FILES); if (files) dprintf(idx, "Booted %s from the file area.\n", dcc[i].nick); else dprintf(idx, "Booted %s from the party line.\n", dcc[i].nick); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# boot %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, who, par); do_boot(i, dcc[idx].nick, par); ok = 1; } if (!ok) dprintf(idx, "Who? No such person on the party line.\n"); } static void cmd_console(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *nick, s[2], s1[512]; int dest = 0, i, ok = 0, pls, md; struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; module_entry *me; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Your console is %s: %s (%s).\n", dcc[idx].u.chat->con_chan, masktype(dcc[idx].u.chat->con_flags), maskname(dcc[idx].u.chat->con_flags)); return; } get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, dcc[idx].u.chat->con_chan); strcpy(s1, par); nick = newsplit(&par); if (nick[0] && !strchr(CHANMETA "+-*", nick[0]) && glob_master(fr)) { for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(nick, dcc[i].nick) && (dcc[i].type == &DCC_CHAT) && (!ok)) { ok = 1; dest = i; } if (!ok) { dprintf(idx, "No such user on the party line!\n"); return; } nick[0] = 0; } else dest = idx; if (!nick[0]) nick = newsplit(&par); if ((nick[0] == '+' && findchan_by_dname(nick)) || (nick[0] != '+' && strchr(CHANMETA "*", nick[0]))) { if (strcmp(nick, "*") && !findchan_by_dname(nick)) { dprintf(idx, "Invalid console channel: %s.\n", nick); return; } get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, nick); if (!chan_op(fr) && !(glob_op(fr) && !chan_deop(fr))) { dprintf(idx, "You don't have op or master access to channel %s.\n", nick); return; } strncpyz(dcc[dest].u.chat->con_chan, nick, 81); nick[0] = 0; if ((dest == idx) && !glob_master(fr) && !chan_master(fr)) dcc[dest].u.chat->con_flags &= ~(LOG_MISC | LOG_CMDS | LOG_WALL); } if (!nick[0]) nick = newsplit(&par); pls = 1; if (nick[0]) { if ((nick[0] != '+') && (nick[0] != '-')) dcc[dest].u.chat->con_flags = 0; for (; *nick; nick++) { if (*nick == '+') pls = 1; else if (*nick == '-') pls = 0; else { s[0] = *nick; s[1] = 0; md = logmodes(s); if ((dest == idx) && !glob_master(fr) && pls) { if (chan_master(fr)) md &= ~(LOG_FILES | LOG_LEV1 | LOG_LEV2 | LOG_LEV3 | LOG_LEV4 | LOG_LEV5 | LOG_LEV6 | LOG_LEV7 | LOG_DEBUG); else md &= ~(LOG_MISC | LOG_CMDS | LOG_FILES | LOG_LEV1 | LOG_LEV2 | LOG_LEV3 | LOG_LEV4 | LOG_LEV5 | LOG_LEV6 | LOG_LEV7 | LOG_WALL | LOG_DEBUG); } if (!glob_owner(fr) && pls) md &= ~(LOG_RAW | LOG_SRVOUT | LOG_BOTNET | LOG_BOTSHARE); if (!glob_botmast(fr) && pls) md &= ~LOG_BOTS; if (pls) dcc[dest].u.chat->con_flags |= md; else dcc[dest].u.chat->con_flags &= ~md; } } } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# console %s", dcc[idx].nick, s1); if (dest == idx) { dprintf(idx, "Set your console to %s: %s (%s).\n", dcc[idx].u.chat->con_chan, masktype(dcc[idx].u.chat->con_flags), maskname(dcc[idx].u.chat->con_flags)); } else { dprintf(idx, "Set console of %s to %s: %s (%s).\n", dcc[dest].nick, dcc[dest].u.chat->con_chan, masktype(dcc[dest].u.chat->con_flags), maskname(dcc[dest].u.chat->con_flags)); dprintf(dest, "%s set your console to %s: %s (%s).\n", dcc[idx].nick, dcc[dest].u.chat->con_chan, masktype(dcc[dest].u.chat->con_flags), maskname(dcc[dest].u.chat->con_flags)); } if ((me = module_find("console", 1, 1))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[CONSOLE_DOSTORE]) (dest); } } static void cmd_pls_bot(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *handle, *addr, *p, *q, *host, comment[128], s[24]=""; struct userrec *u1; struct bot_addr *bi; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: +bot [address[:telnet-port[/relay-port]]] " "[host]\n"); return; } handle = newsplit(&par); addr = newsplit(&par); host = newsplit(&par); if (strlen(handle) > HANDLEN) handle[HANDLEN] = 0; if (get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle)) dprintf(idx, "Someone already exists by that name.\n"); else if (strchr(BADHANDCHARS, handle[0]) != NULL) dprintf(idx, "You can't start a botnick with '%c'.\n", handle[0]); else { if (strlen(addr) > 60) addr[60] = 0; putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# +bot %s%s%s%s%s", dcc[idx].nick, handle, addr[0] ? " " : "", addr, host[0] ? " " : "", host); userlist = adduser(userlist, handle, "none", "-", USER_BOT); u1 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); bi = user_malloc(sizeof(struct bot_addr)); q = strchr(addr, ':'); if (!q) { bi->address = user_malloc(strlen(addr) + 1); strcpy(bi->address, addr); bi->telnet_port = 3333; bi->relay_port = 3333; } else { bi->address = user_malloc(q - addr + 1); strncpy(bi->address, addr, q - addr); bi->address[q - addr] = 0; p = q + 1; bi->telnet_port = atoi(p); q = strchr(p, '/'); if (!q) bi->relay_port = bi->telnet_port; else bi->relay_port = atoi(q + 1); } set_user(&USERENTRY_BOTADDR, u1, bi); strftime(s, 23, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now)); sprintf(comment, "Added by: %s (%s)", dcc[idx].nick, s); set_user(&USERENTRY_COMMENT, u1, comment); dprintf(idx, "Added bot '%s' with %s%s%s%s and %s%s%s%s.\n", handle, addr[0] ? "address " : "no address ", addr[0] ? "'" : "", addr[0] ? addr : "", addr[0] ? "'" : "", host[0] ? "hostmask " : "no hostmask", addr[0] ? "'" : "", host[0] ? host : "", addr[0] ? "'" : ""); if (host[0]) addhost_by_handle(handle, host); else if (!add_bot_hostmask(idx, handle)) dprintf(idx, "You'll want to add a hostmask if this bot will ever %s", "be on any channels that I'm on.\n"); } } static void cmd_chhandle(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char hand[HANDLEN + 1], newhand[HANDLEN + 1]; int i, atr = u ? u->flags : 0, atr2; struct userrec *u2; strncpyz(hand, newsplit(&par), sizeof hand); strncpyz(newhand, newsplit(&par), sizeof newhand); if (!hand[0] || !newhand[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: chhandle \n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < strlen(newhand); i++) if ((newhand[i] <= 32) || (newhand[i] >= 127) || (newhand[i] == '@')) newhand[i] = '?'; if (strchr(BADHANDCHARS, newhand[0]) != NULL) dprintf(idx, "Bizarre quantum forces prevent nicknames from starting with " "'%c'.\n", newhand[0]); else if (get_user_by_handle(userlist, newhand) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(hand, newhand)) dprintf(idx, "Somebody is already using %s.\n", newhand); else { u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, hand); atr2 = u2 ? u2->flags : 0; if ((atr & USER_BOTMAST) && !(atr & USER_MASTER) && !(atr2 & USER_BOT)) dprintf(idx, "You can't change handles for non-bots.\n"); else if ((bot_flags(u2) & BOT_SHARE) && !(atr & USER_OWNER)) dprintf(idx, "You can't change share bot's nick.\n"); else if ((atr2 & USER_OWNER) && !(atr & USER_OWNER) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, hand)) dprintf(idx, "You can't change a bot owner's handle.\n"); else if (isowner(hand) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, hand) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) dprintf(idx, "You can't change a permanent bot owner's handle.\n"); else if (isadmin(hand) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, hand) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) dprintf(idx, "Can't change the bot admin handle.\n"); else if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(newhand, botnetnick) && (!(atr2 & USER_BOT) || nextbot(hand) != -1)) dprintf(idx, "Hey! That's MY name!\n"); else if (change_handle(u2, newhand)) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# chhandle %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, hand, newhand); dprintf(idx, "Changed.\n"); } else dprintf(idx, "Failed.\n"); } } static void cmd_handle(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char oldhandle[HANDLEN + 1], newhandle[HANDLEN + 1]; int i; strncpyz(newhandle, newsplit(&par), sizeof newhandle); if (!newhandle[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: handle \n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < strlen(newhandle); i++) if ((newhandle[i] <= 32) || (newhandle[i] >= 127) || (newhandle[i] == '@')) newhandle[i] = '?'; if (strchr(BADHANDCHARS, newhandle[0]) != NULL) dprintf(idx, "Bizarre quantum forces prevent handle from starting with '%c'.\n", newhandle[0]); else if (get_user_by_handle(userlist, newhandle) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, newhandle)) dprintf(idx, "Somebody is already using %s.\n", newhandle); else if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(newhandle, botnetnick)) dprintf(idx, "Hey! That's MY name!\n"); else { strncpyz(oldhandle, dcc[idx].nick, sizeof oldhandle); if (change_handle(u, newhandle)) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# handle %s", oldhandle, newhandle); dprintf(idx, "Okay, changed.\n"); } else dprintf(idx, "Failed.\n"); } } static void cmd_chpass(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *handle, *new; int atr = u ? u->flags : 0, l; if (!par[0]) dprintf(idx, "Usage: chpass [password]\n"); else { handle = newsplit(&par); u = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); if (!u) dprintf(idx, "No such user.\n"); else if ((atr & USER_BOTMAST) && !(atr & USER_MASTER) && !(u->flags & USER_BOT)) dprintf(idx, "You can't change passwords for non-bots.\n"); else if ((bot_flags(u) & BOT_SHARE) && !(atr & USER_OWNER)) dprintf(idx, "You can't change a share bot's password.\n"); else if ((u->flags & USER_OWNER) && !(atr & USER_OWNER) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(handle, dcc[idx].nick)) dprintf(idx, "You can't change a bot owner's password.\n"); else if (isowner(handle) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, handle) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) dprintf(idx, "You can't change a permanent bot owner's password.\n"); else if (isadmin(handle) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, handle) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) dprintf(idx, "Can't change the bot admin password.\n"); else if (!par[0]) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# chpass %s [nothing]", dcc[idx].nick, handle); set_user(&USERENTRY_PASS, u, NULL); dprintf(idx, "Removed password.\n"); } else { l = strlen(new = newsplit(&par)); if (l > 16) new[16] = 0; if (l < 6) dprintf(idx, "Please use at least 6 characters.\n"); else { set_user(&USERENTRY_PASS, u, new); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# chpass %s [something]", dcc[idx].nick, handle); dprintf(idx, "Changed password.\n"); } } } } static void cmd_chaddr(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int telnet_port = 3333, relay_port = 3333; char *handle, *addr, *p, *q; struct bot_addr *bi; struct userrec *u1; handle = newsplit(&par); if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: chaddr " "\n"); return; } addr = newsplit(&par); if (strlen(addr) > UHOSTMAX) addr[UHOSTMAX] = 0; u1 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); if (!u1 || !(u1->flags & USER_BOT)) { dprintf(idx, "This command is only useful for tandem bots.\n"); return; } if ((bot_flags(u1) & BOT_SHARE) && (!u || !u->flags & USER_OWNER)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't change a share bot's address.\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# chaddr %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, handle, addr); dprintf(idx, "Changed bot's address.\n"); bi = (struct bot_addr *) get_user(&USERENTRY_BOTADDR, u1); if (bi) { telnet_port = bi->telnet_port; relay_port = bi->relay_port; } bi = user_malloc(sizeof(struct bot_addr)); q = strchr(addr, ':'); if (!q) { bi->address = user_malloc(strlen(addr) + 1); strcpy(bi->address, addr); bi->telnet_port = telnet_port; bi->relay_port = relay_port; } else { bi->address = user_malloc(q - addr + 1); strncpyz(bi->address, addr, q - addr + 1); p = q + 1; bi->telnet_port = atoi(p); q = strchr(p, '/'); if (!q) bi->relay_port = bi->telnet_port; else bi->relay_port = atoi(q + 1); } set_user(&USERENTRY_BOTADDR, u1, bi); } static void cmd_comment(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *handle; struct userrec *u1; if (!isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, MISC_NOSUCHCMD); return; } handle = newsplit(&par); if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: comment \n"); return; } u1 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); if (!u1) { dprintf(idx, "No such user!\n"); return; } if ((u1->flags & USER_OWNER) && !(u && (u->flags & USER_OWNER)) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(handle, dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't change comment on a bot owner.\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# comment %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, handle, par); if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(par, "none")) { dprintf(idx, "Okay, comment blanked.\n"); set_user(&USERENTRY_COMMENT, u1, NULL); return; } dprintf(idx, "Changed comment.\n"); set_user(&USERENTRY_COMMENT, u1, par); } static void cmd_import(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { FILE *tmpf; char *fname, tmpfn[100], tmp[512]; if (!isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, MISC_NOSUCHCMD); return; } if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: .import \n"); return; } fname = newsplit(&par); if (file_readable(fname)) sprintf(tmpfn, "%s", fname); else sprintf(tmpfn, "%s%s", datadir, fname); tmpf = fopen(tmpfn, "r"); if (tmpf == NULL) { fclose(tmpf); dprintf(idx, "Can't open file: %s\n", fname); return; } if (is_compressedfile(tmpfn)) uncompress_file(tmpfn); fgets(tmp, 511, tmpf); if (strncmp(tmp, "#4v: ", 5) && strncmp(tmp, "#4!: ", 5)) { dprintf(idx, "Invalid userfile format: %s\n", tmpfn); return; } fclose(tmpf); sprintf(tmp, "%s.prv", userfile); copyfile(userfile, tmp); copyfile(tmpfn, userfile); decryptUserfile(userfile, 1); noshare = 1; clear_userlist(userlist); noshare = 0; userlist = NULL; if (!readuserfile(userfile, &userlist, userfileCryptKey)) fatal(MISC_MISSINGUSERF, 0); reaffirm_owners(); call_hook(HOOK_READ_USERFILE); write_userfile(-1, userfileCryptKey); putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Imported userfile: %s", tmpfn); dprintf(idx, "Old userfile saved to: %s\n", tmp); return; } static void cmd_restart(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# restart", dcc[idx].nick); if (!backgrd) { dprintf(idx, "You cannot .restart a bot when running -n (due to Tcl).\n"); return; } dprintf(idx, "Restarting.\n"); if (make_userfile) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Uh, guess you don't need to create a new userfile."); make_userfile = 0; } write_userfile(-1, userfileCryptKey); putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Restarting ..."); wipe_timers(interp, &utimer); wipe_timers(interp, &timer); do_restart = idx; } static void cmd_rehash(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# rehash", dcc[idx].nick); dprintf(idx, "Rehashing.\n"); if (make_userfile) { putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Uh, guess you don't need to create a new userfile."); make_userfile = 0; } write_userfile(-1, userfileCryptKey); putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Rehashing ..."); do_restart = -2; } static void cmd_reload(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# reload", dcc[idx].nick); dprintf(idx, "Reloading user file...\n"); reload(); } void cmd_die(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char s1[1024], s2[1024]; putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# die %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); if (par[0]) { EvangelineSnprintf(s1, sizeof s1, "BOT SHUTDOWN (%s: %s)", dcc[idx].nick, par); EvangelineSnprintf(s2, sizeof s2, "DIE BY %s!%s (%s)", dcc[idx].nick, dcc[idx].host, par); strncpyz(quit_msg, par, 1024); } else { EvangelineSnprintf(s1, sizeof s1, "BOT SHUTDOWN (Authorized by %s)", dcc[idx].nick); EvangelineSnprintf(s2, sizeof s2, "DIE BY %s!%s (request)", dcc[idx].nick, dcc[idx].host); strncpyz(quit_msg, dcc[idx].nick, 1024); } kill_bot(s1, s2); } static void cmd_debug(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# debug", dcc[idx].nick); debug_mem_to_dcc(idx); } static void cmd_simul(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *nick; int i, ok = 0; nick = newsplit(&par); if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: simul \n"); return; } if ((isowner(nick) || isadmin(nick)) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "Unable to '.simul' permanent owners.\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(nick, dcc[i].nick) && !ok && (dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_SIMUL)) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# simul %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, nick, par); if (dcc[i].type && dcc[i].type->activity) { dcc[i].type->activity(i, par, strlen(par)); ok = 1; } } if (!ok) dprintf(idx, "No such user on the party line.\n"); } static void cmd_link(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *s; int i; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: link [some-bot] \n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# link %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); s = newsplit(&par); if (!par[0] || !EvangelineStrcasecmp(par, botnetnick)) botlink(dcc[idx].nick, idx, s); else { char x[40]; i = nextbot(s); if (i < 0) { dprintf(idx, "No such bot online.\n"); return; } simple_sprintf(x, "%d:%s@%s", dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick); botnet_send_link(i, x, s, par); } } static void cmd_unlink(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int i; char *bot; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: unlink [reason]\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# unlink %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); bot = newsplit(&par); i = nextbot(bot); if (i < 0) { botunlink(idx, bot, par, dcc[idx].nick); return; } if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[i].nick, bot)) botunlink(idx, bot, par, dcc[i].nick); else { char x[40]; simple_sprintf(x, "%d:%s@%s", dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick); botnet_send_unlink(i, x, lastbot(bot), bot, par); } } static void cmd_relay(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: relay \n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# relay %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); tandem_relay(idx, par, 0); } static void cmd_save(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# save", dcc[idx].nick); dprintf(idx, "Saving...\n"); write_userfile(-1, userfileCryptKey); } static void cmd_backup(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# backup", dcc[idx].nick); dprintf(idx, "Backing up the channel & user files...\n"); call_hook(HOOK_BACKUP); } static void cmd_trace(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int i; char x[NOTENAMELEN + 11], y[11]; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: trace \n"); return; } if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(par, botnetnick)) { dprintf(idx, "That's me! Hiya! :)\n"); return; } i = nextbot(par); if (i < 0) { dprintf(idx, "Unreachable bot.\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# trace %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); simple_sprintf(x, "%d:%s@%s", dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick); simple_sprintf(y, ":%d", now); botnet_send_trace(i, x, par, y); } static void cmd_binds(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# binds %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); tell_binds(idx, par); } /* After messing with someone's user flags, make sure the dcc-chat flags are set correctly. */ int check_dcc_attrs(struct userrec *u, int oatr) { int i, stat; if (!u) return 0; /* Make sure default owners are +n */ if (isowner(u->handle)) { u->flags = sanity_check(u->flags | USER_OWNER); } for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) { if ((dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_MASTER) && (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(u->handle, dcc[i].nick))) { stat = dcc[i].status; if ((dcc[i].type == &DCC_CHAT) && ((u->flags & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER | USER_BOTMAST)) != (oatr & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER | USER_BOTMAST)))) { botnet_send_join_idx(i, -1); } if ((oatr & USER_MASTER) && !(u->flags & USER_MASTER)) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_CHAN | FR_ANYWH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags &= ~(LOG_MISC | LOG_CMDS | LOG_RAW | LOG_FILES | LOG_LEV1 | LOG_LEV2 | LOG_LEV3 | LOG_LEV4 | LOG_LEV5 | LOG_LEV6 | LOG_LEV7 | LOG_WALL | LOG_DEBUG); get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, NULL); if (!chan_master(fr)) dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags |= (LOG_MISC | LOG_CMDS); dprintf(i, "*** POOF! ***\n"); dprintf(i, "You are no longer a master on this bot.\n"); } if (!(oatr & USER_MASTER) && (u->flags & USER_MASTER)) { dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags |= conmask; dprintf(i, "*** POOF! ***\n"); dprintf(i, "You are now a master on this bot.\n"); } if (!(oatr & USER_BOTMAST) && (u->flags & USER_BOTMAST)) { dprintf(i, "### POOF! ###\n"); dprintf(i, "You are now a botnet master on this bot.\n"); } if ((oatr & USER_BOTMAST) && !(u->flags & USER_BOTMAST)) { dprintf(i, "### POOF! ###\n"); dprintf(i, "You are no longer a botnet master on this bot.\n"); } if (!(oatr & USER_OWNER) && (u->flags & USER_OWNER)) { dprintf(i, "@@@ POOF! @@@\n"); dprintf(i, "You are now an OWNER of this bot.\n"); } if ((oatr & USER_OWNER) && !(u->flags & USER_OWNER)) { dprintf(i, "@@@ POOF! @@@\n"); dprintf(i, "You are no longer an owner of this bot.\n"); } if ((stat & STAT_PARTY) && (u->flags & USER_OP)) stat &= ~STAT_PARTY; if (!(stat & STAT_PARTY) && !(u->flags & USER_OP) && !(u->flags & USER_MASTER)) stat |= STAT_PARTY; if ((stat & STAT_CHAT) && !(u->flags & USER_PARTY) && !(u->flags & USER_MASTER) && (!(u->flags & USER_OP) || require_p)) stat &= ~STAT_CHAT; if ((dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_FILES) && !(stat & STAT_CHAT) && ((u->flags & USER_MASTER) || (u->flags & USER_PARTY) || ((u->flags & USER_OP) && !require_p))) stat |= STAT_CHAT; dcc[i].status = stat; if ((dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_FILES) && !(u->flags & USER_XFER) && !(u->flags & USER_MASTER)) { dprintf(i, "-+- POOF! -+-\n"); dprintf(i, "You no longer have file area access.\n\n"); putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "DCC user [%s]%s removed from file system", dcc[i].nick, dcc[i].host); if (dcc[i].status & STAT_CHAT) { struct chat_info *ci; ci = dcc[i].u.file->chat; nfree(dcc[i].u.file); dcc[i].u.chat = ci; dcc[i].status &= (~STAT_CHAT); dcc[i].type = &DCC_CHAT; if (dcc[i].u.chat->channel >= 0) { chanout_but(-1, dcc[i].u.chat->channel, "*** %s has returned.\n", dcc[i].nick); if (dcc[i].u.chat->channel < GLOBAL_CHANS) botnet_send_join_idx(i, -1); } } else { killsock(dcc[i].sock); lostdcc(i); } } } if (dcc[i].type == &DCC_BOT && !EvangelineStrcasecmp(u->handle, dcc[i].nick)) { if ((dcc[i].status & STAT_LEAF) && !(u->flags & BOT_LEAF)) dcc[i].status &= ~(STAT_LEAF | STAT_WARNED); if (!(dcc[i].status & STAT_LEAF) && (u->flags & BOT_LEAF)) dcc[i].status |= STAT_LEAF; } } return u->flags; } int check_dcc_chanattrs(struct userrec *u, char *chname, int chflags, int ochatr) { int i, found = 0, atr = u ? u->flags : 0; struct chanset_t *chan; if (!u) return 0; for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) { if ((dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_MASTER) && !EvangelineStrcasecmp(u->handle, dcc[i].nick)) { if ((dcc[i].type == &DCC_CHAT) && ((chflags & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER)) != (ochatr & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER)))) botnet_send_join_idx(i, -1); if ((ochatr & USER_MASTER) && !(chflags & USER_MASTER)) { if (!(atr & USER_MASTER)) dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags &= ~(LOG_MISC | LOG_CMDS); dprintf(i, "*** POOF! ***\n"); dprintf(i, "You are no longer a master on %s.\n", chname); } if (!(ochatr & USER_MASTER) && (chflags & USER_MASTER)) { dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags |= conmask; if (!(atr & USER_MASTER)) dcc[i].u.chat->con_flags &= ~(LOG_LEV1 | LOG_LEV2 | LOG_LEV3 | LOG_LEV4 | LOG_LEV5 | LOG_LEV6 | LOG_LEV7 | LOG_RAW | LOG_DEBUG | LOG_WALL | LOG_FILES | LOG_SRVOUT); dprintf(i, "*** POOF! ***\n"); dprintf(i, "You are now a master on %s.\n", chname); } if (!(ochatr & USER_OWNER) && (chflags & USER_OWNER)) { dprintf(i, "@@@ POOF! @@@\n"); dprintf(i, "You are now an OWNER of %s.\n", chname); } if ((ochatr & USER_OWNER) && !(chflags & USER_OWNER)) { dprintf(i, "@@@ POOF! @@@\n"); dprintf(i, "You are no longer an owner of %s.\n", chname); } if (((ochatr & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER)) && (!(chflags & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER)))) || ((chflags & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER)) && (!(ochatr & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER))))) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (chan = chanset; chan && !found; chan = chan->next) { get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chan->dname); if (fr.chan & (USER_OP | USER_MASTER | USER_OWNER)) found = 1; } if (!chan) chan = chanset; if (chan) strcpy(dcc[i].u.chat->con_chan, chan->dname); else strcpy(dcc[i].u.chat->con_chan, "*"); } } } return chflags; } static void cmd_chattr(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *hand, *arg = NULL, *tmpchg = NULL, *chg = NULL, work[1024]; struct chanset_t *chan = NULL; struct userrec *u2; struct flag_record pls = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, mns = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, user = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; module_entry *me; int fl = -1, of = 0, ocf = 0; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: chattr [changes] [channel]\n"); return; } hand = newsplit(&par); u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, hand); if (!u2) { dprintf(idx, "No such user!\n"); return; } else if (u2 && isowner(hand) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, hand) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't change attributes of permanent owner(s)\n"); return; } else if (u2 && isadmin(hand) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't change attributes of the bot admin\n"); return; } if (par[0]) { arg = newsplit(&par); if (par[0]) { chg = arg; arg = newsplit(&par); chan = findchan_by_dname(arg); } else { chan = findchan_by_dname(arg); if (!(arg[0] == '+' && chan) && !(arg[0] != '+' && strchr(CHANMETA, arg[0]))) { chg = arg; chan = NULL; arg = NULL; } } } Assert(!(!arg && chan)); if (arg && !chan) { dprintf(idx, "No channel record for %s.\n", arg); return; } if (!isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick) && (strstr(chg, "r") || strstr(chg, "s"))) { dprintf(idx, "You have to be admin or permowner to add/remove 'rs' flags\n"); return; } if (chg) { if (!arg && strpbrk(chg, "&|")) { if (!strcmp((arg = dcc[idx].u.chat->con_chan), "*")) arg = NULL; else chan = findchan_by_dname(arg); if (arg && !chan) { dprintf(idx, "Invalid console channel %s.\n", arg); return; } } else if (arg && !strpbrk(chg, "&|")) { tmpchg = nmalloc(strlen(chg) + 2); strcpy(tmpchg, "|"); strcat(tmpchg, chg); chg = tmpchg; } } par = arg; user.match = FR_GLOBAL; if (chan) user.match |= FR_CHAN; get_user_flagrec(u, &user, chan ? chan->dname : 0); if (!chan && !glob_botmast(user)) { dprintf(idx, "You do not have Bot Master privileges.\n"); if (tmpchg) nfree(tmpchg); return; } if (chan && !glob_master(user) && !chan_master(user)) { dprintf(idx, "You do not have channel master privileges for channel %s.\n", par); if (tmpchg) nfree(tmpchg); return; } user.match &= fl; if (chg) { pls.match = user.match; break_down_flags(chg, &pls, &mns); pls.global &=~(USER_BOT); mns.global &=~(USER_BOT); if (chan) { pls.chan &= ~(BOT_SHARE); mns.chan &= ~(BOT_SHARE); } if (!glob_owner(user)) { pls.global &=~(USER_OWNER | USER_MASTER | USER_BOTMAST | USER_UNSHARED); mns.global &=~(USER_OWNER | USER_MASTER | USER_BOTMAST | USER_UNSHARED); if (chan) { pls.chan &= ~USER_OWNER; mns.chan &= ~USER_OWNER; } if (!glob_master(user)) { pls.global &=USER_PARTY | USER_XFER; mns.global &=USER_PARTY | USER_XFER; if (!glob_botmast(user)) { pls.global = 0; mns.global = 0; } } } if (chan && !chan_owner(user) && !glob_owner(user)) { pls.chan &= ~USER_MASTER; mns.chan &= ~USER_MASTER; if (!chan_master(user) && !glob_master(user)) { pls.chan = 0; mns.chan = 0; } } get_user_flagrec(u2, &user, par); if (user.match & FR_GLOBAL) { of = user.global; user.global = sanity_check((user.global |pls.global) &~mns.global); user.udef_global = (user.udef_global | pls.udef_global) & ~mns.udef_global; } if (chan) { ocf = user.chan; user.chan = chan_sanity_check((user.chan | pls.chan) & ~mns.chan, user.global); user.udef_chan = (user.udef_chan | pls.udef_chan) & ~mns.udef_chan; } set_user_flagrec(u2, &user, par); } if (chan) putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# (%s) chattr %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, chan ? chan->dname : "*", hand, chg ? chg : ""); else putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# chattr %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, hand, chg ? chg : ""); if (user.match & FR_GLOBAL) { user.match = FR_GLOBAL; if (chg) check_dcc_attrs(u2, of); get_user_flagrec(u2, &user, NULL); build_flags(work, &user, NULL); if (work[0] != '-') dprintf(idx, "Global flags for %s are now +%s.\n", hand, work); else dprintf(idx, "No global flags for %s.\n", hand); } if (chan) { user.match = FR_CHAN; get_user_flagrec(u2, &user, par); user.chan &= ~BOT_SHARE; if (chg) check_dcc_chanattrs(u2, chan->dname, user.chan, ocf); build_flags(work, &user, NULL); if (work[0] != '-') dprintf(idx, "Channel flags for %s on %s are now +%s.\n", hand, chan->dname, work); else dprintf(idx, "No flags for %s on %s.\n", hand, chan->dname); } if (chg && (me = module_find("irc", 0, 0))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[IRC_CHECK_THIS_USER]) (hand, 0, NULL); } if (tmpchg) nfree(tmpchg); } static void cmd_botattr(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *hand, *chg = NULL, *arg = NULL, *tmpchg = NULL, work[1024]; struct chanset_t *chan = NULL; struct userrec *u2; struct flag_record pls = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, mns = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, user = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int idx2; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: botattr [changes] [channel]\n"); return; } hand = newsplit(&par); u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, hand); if (!u2 || !(u2->flags & USER_BOT)) { dprintf(idx, "No such bot!\n"); return; } for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < dcc_total; idx2++) if (dcc[idx2].type != &DCC_RELAY && dcc[idx2].type != &DCC_FORK_BOT && !EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx2].nick, hand)) break; if (idx2 != dcc_total) { dprintf(idx, "You may not change the attributes of a directly linked bot.\n"); return; } if (par[0]) { arg = newsplit(&par); if (par[0]) { chg = arg; arg = newsplit(&par); chan = findchan_by_dname(arg); } else { chan = findchan_by_dname(arg); if (!(arg[0] == '+' && chan) && !(arg[0] != '+' && strchr(CHANMETA, arg[0]))) { chg = arg; chan = NULL; arg = NULL; } } } Assert(!(!arg && chan)); if (arg && !chan) { dprintf(idx, "No channel record for %s.\n", arg); return; } if (chg) { if (!arg && strpbrk(chg, "&|")) { if (!strcmp((arg = dcc[idx].u.chat->con_chan), "*")) arg = NULL; else chan = findchan_by_dname(arg); if (arg && !chan) { dprintf(idx, "Invalid console channel %s.\n", arg); return; } } else if (arg && !strpbrk(chg, "&|")) { tmpchg = nmalloc(strlen(chg) + 2); strcpy(tmpchg, "|"); strcat(tmpchg, chg); chg = tmpchg; } } par = arg; user.match = FR_GLOBAL; get_user_flagrec(u, &user, chan ? chan->dname : 0); if (!glob_botmast(user)) { dprintf(idx, "You do not have Bot Master privileges.\n"); if (tmpchg) nfree(tmpchg); return; } if (chg) { user.match = FR_BOT | (chan ? FR_CHAN : 0); pls.match = user.match; break_down_flags(chg, &pls, &mns); pls.global &=~BOT_BOT; mns.global &=~BOT_BOT; if (chan && glob_owner(user)) { pls.chan &= BOT_SHARE; mns.chan &= BOT_SHARE; } else { pls.chan = 0; mns.chan = 0; } if (!glob_owner(user)) { pls.bot &= ~(BOT_SHARE | BOT_GLOBAL); mns.bot &= ~(BOT_SHARE | BOT_GLOBAL); } user.match = FR_BOT | (chan ? FR_CHAN : 0); get_user_flagrec(u2, &user, par); user.bot = (user.bot | pls.bot) & ~mns.bot; if ((user.bot & BOT_SHARE) == BOT_SHARE) user.bot &= ~BOT_SHARE; if (chan) user.chan = (user.chan | pls.chan) & ~mns.chan; set_user_flagrec(u2, &user, par); } if (chan) putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# (%s) botattr %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, chan->dname, hand, chg ? chg : ""); else putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# botattr %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, hand, chg ? chg : ""); if (!chan || pls.bot || mns.bot) { user.match = FR_BOT; get_user_flagrec(u2, &user, NULL); build_flags(work, &user, NULL); if (work[0] != '-') dprintf(idx, "Bot flags for %s are now +%s.\n", hand, work); else dprintf(idx, "There are no bot flags for %s.\n", hand); } if (chan) { user.match = FR_CHAN; get_user_flagrec(u2, &user, par); user.chan &= BOT_SHARE; build_flags(work, &user, NULL); if (work[0] != '-') dprintf(idx, "Bot flags for %s on %s are now +%s.\n", hand, chan->dname, work); else dprintf(idx, "There are no bot flags for %s on %s.\n", hand, chan->dname); } if (tmpchg) nfree(tmpchg); } static void cmd_chat(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *arg; int newchan, oldchan; module_entry *me; arg = newsplit(&par); if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(arg, "off")) { if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < 0) { dprintf(idx, "You weren't in chat anyway!\n"); return; } else { dprintf(idx, "Leaving chat mode...\n"); check_tcl_chpt(botnetnick, dcc[idx].nick, dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel); chanout_but(-1, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel, "*** %s left the party line.\n", dcc[idx].nick); if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < GLOBAL_CHANS) botnet_send_part_idx(idx, ""); } dcc[idx].u.chat->channel = -1; } else { if (arg[0] == '*') { if (((arg[1] < '0') || (arg[1] > '9'))) { if (!arg[1]) newchan = 0; else { Tcl_SetVar(interp, "chan", arg, 0); if ((Tcl_VarEval(interp, "assoc ", "$chan", NULL) == TCL_OK) && Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)[0]) Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), &newchan); else newchan = -1; } if (newchan < 0) { dprintf(idx, "No channel exists by that name.\n"); return; } } else newchan = GLOBAL_CHANS + atoi(arg + 1); if (newchan < GLOBAL_CHANS || newchan > 199999) { dprintf(idx, "Channel number out of range: local channels must be " "*0-*99999.\n"); return; } } else { if (((arg[0] < '0') || (arg[0] > '9')) && (arg[0])) { if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(arg, "on")) newchan = 0; else { Tcl_SetVar(interp, "chan", arg, 0); if ((Tcl_VarEval(interp, "assoc ", "$chan", NULL) == TCL_OK) && Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)[0]) Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), &newchan); else newchan = -1; } if (newchan < 0) { dprintf(idx, "No channel exists by that name.\n"); return; } } else newchan = atoi(arg); if ((newchan < 0) || (newchan >= GLOBAL_CHANS)) { dprintf(idx, "Channel number out of range: must be between 0 and %d." "\n", GLOBAL_CHANS); return; } } if ((dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < 0) && (dcc[idx].u.chat->away != NULL)) not_away(idx); if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel == newchan) { if (!newchan) { dprintf(idx, "You're already on the party line!\n"); return; } else { dprintf(idx, "You're already on channel %s%d!\n", (newchan < GLOBAL_CHANS) ? "" : "*", newchan % GLOBAL_CHANS); return; } } else { oldchan = dcc[idx].u.chat->channel; if (oldchan >= 0) check_tcl_chpt(botnetnick, dcc[idx].nick, dcc[idx].sock, oldchan); if (!oldchan) chanout_but(-1, 0, "*** %s left the party line.\n", dcc[idx].nick); else if (oldchan > 0) chanout_but(-1, oldchan, "*** %s left the channel.\n", dcc[idx].nick); dcc[idx].u.chat->channel = newchan; if (!newchan) { dprintf(idx, "Entering the party line...\n"); chanout_but(-1, 0, "*** %s joined the party line.\n", dcc[idx].nick); } else { dprintf(idx, "Joining channel '%s'...\n", arg); chanout_but(-1, newchan, "*** %s joined the channel.\n", dcc[idx].nick); } check_tcl_chjn(botnetnick, dcc[idx].nick, newchan, geticon(idx), dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].host); if (newchan < GLOBAL_CHANS) botnet_send_join_idx(idx, oldchan); else if (oldchan < GLOBAL_CHANS) botnet_send_part_idx(idx, ""); } } if ((me = module_find("console", 1, 1))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[CONSOLE_DOSTORE]) (idx); } } static void cmd_echo(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { module_entry *me; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Echo is currently %s.\n", dcc[idx].status & STAT_ECHO ? "on" : "off"); return; } if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(par, "on")) { dprintf(idx, "Echo turned on.\n"); dcc[idx].status |= STAT_ECHO; } else if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(par, "off")) { dprintf(idx, "Echo turned off.\n"); dcc[idx].status &= ~STAT_ECHO; } else { dprintf(idx, "Usage: echo \n"); return; } if ((me = module_find("console", 1, 1))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[CONSOLE_DOSTORE]) (idx); } } int stripmodes(char *s) { int res = 0; for (; *s; s++) switch (tolower(*s)) { case 'b': res |= STRIP_BOLD; break; case 'c': res |= STRIP_COLOR; break; case 'r': res |= STRIP_REV; break; case 'u': res |= STRIP_UNDER; break; case 'a': res |= STRIP_ANSI; break; case 'g': res |= STRIP_BELLS; break; case '*': res |= STRIP_ALL; break; } return res; } char *stripmasktype(int x) { static char s[20]; char *p = s; if (x & STRIP_BOLD) *p++ = 'b'; if (x & STRIP_COLOR) *p++ = 'c'; if (x & STRIP_REV) *p++ = 'r'; if (x & STRIP_UNDER) *p++ = 'u'; if (x & STRIP_ANSI) *p++ = 'a'; if (x & STRIP_BELLS) *p++ = 'g'; if (p == s) *p++ = '-'; *p = 0; return s; } static char *stripmaskname(int x) { static char s[161]; int i = 0; s[i] = 0; if (x & STRIP_BOLD) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "bold, "); if (x & STRIP_COLOR) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "color, "); if (x & STRIP_REV) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "reverse, "); if (x & STRIP_UNDER) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "underline, "); if (x & STRIP_ANSI) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "ansi, "); if (x & STRIP_BELLS) i += my_strcpy(s + i, "bells, "); if (!i) strcpy(s, "none"); else s[i - 2] = 0; return s; } static void cmd_strip(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *nick, *changes, *c, s[2]; int dest = 0, i, pls, md, ok = 0; module_entry *me; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Your current strip settings are: %s (%s).\n", stripmasktype(dcc[idx].u.chat->strip_flags), stripmaskname(dcc[idx].u.chat->strip_flags)); return; } nick = newsplit(&par); if ((nick[0] != '+') && (nick[0] != '-') && u && (u->flags & USER_MASTER)) { for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(nick, dcc[i].nick) && dcc[i].type == &DCC_CHAT && !ok) { ok = 1; dest = i; } if (!ok) { dprintf(idx, "No such user on the party line!\n"); return; } changes = par; } else { changes = nick; nick = ""; dest = idx; } c = changes; if ((c[0] != '+') && (c[0] != '-')) dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags = 0; s[1] = 0; for (pls = 1; *c; c++) { switch (*c) { case '+': pls = 1; break; case '-': pls = 0; break; default: s[0] = *c; md = stripmodes(s); if (pls == 1) dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags |= md; else dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags &= ~md; } } if (nick[0]) putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# strip %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, nick, changes); else putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# strip %s", dcc[idx].nick, changes); if (dest == idx) { dprintf(idx, "Your strip settings are: %s (%s).\n", stripmasktype(dcc[idx].u.chat->strip_flags), stripmaskname(dcc[idx].u.chat->strip_flags)); } else { dprintf(idx, "Strip setting for %s: %s (%s).\n", dcc[dest].nick, stripmasktype(dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags), stripmaskname(dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags)); dprintf(dest, "%s set your strip settings to: %s (%s).\n", dcc[idx].nick, stripmasktype(dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags), stripmaskname(dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags)); } if (dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags & STRIP_BOLD && u->flags & USER_HIGHLITE) { u->flags &= ~USER_HIGHLITE; } else if (!(dcc[dest].u.chat->strip_flags & STRIP_BOLD) && !(u->flags & USER_HIGHLITE)) { u->flags |= USER_HIGHLITE; } if ((me = module_find("console", 1, 1))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[CONSOLE_DOSTORE]) (dest); } } static void cmd_su(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int atr = u ? u->flags : 0; struct flag_record fr = { FR_ANYWH | FR_CHAN | FR_GLOBAL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; u = get_user_by_handle(userlist, par); if (!par[0]) dprintf(idx, "Usage: su \n"); else if (!u) dprintf(idx, "No such user.\n"); else if (u->flags & USER_BOT) dprintf(idx, "You can't su to a bot... then again, why would you wanna?\n"); else if (dcc[idx].u.chat->su_nick) dprintf(idx, "You cannot currently double .su; try .su'ing directly.\n"); else { get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, NULL); if ((!glob_party(fr) && (require_p || !(glob_op(fr) || chan_op(fr)))) && !(atr & USER_BOTMAST)) dprintf(idx, "No party line access permitted for %s.\n", par); else { correct_handle(par); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# su %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); if (isadmin(par)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't su on admin account.\n"); return; } if (isowner(par) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) return; if (!(atr & USER_OWNER) || ((u->flags & USER_OWNER) && (isowner(par)) && !(isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)))) { if (u_pass_match(u, "-")) { dprintf(idx, "No password set for user. You may not .su to them.\n"); return; } if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < GLOBAL_CHANS) botnet_send_part_idx(idx, ""); chanout_but(-1, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel, "*** %s left the party line.\n", dcc[idx].nick); if (dcc[idx].u.chat->away != NULL) nfree(dcc[idx].u.chat->away); dcc[idx].u.chat->away = get_data_ptr(strlen(dcc[idx].nick) + 1); strcpy(dcc[idx].u.chat->away, dcc[idx].nick); dcc[idx].u.chat->su_nick = get_data_ptr(strlen(dcc[idx].nick) + 1); strcpy(dcc[idx].u.chat->su_nick, dcc[idx].nick); dcc[idx].user = u; strcpy(dcc[idx].nick, par); dprintf(idx, "Enter password for %s%s\n", par, (dcc[idx].status & STAT_TELNET) ? TLN_IAC_C TLN_WILL_C TLN_ECHO_C : ""); dcc[idx].type = &DCC_CHAT_PASS; } else if (atr & USER_OWNER) { if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < GLOBAL_CHANS) botnet_send_part_idx(idx, ""); chanout_but(-1, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel, "*** %s left the party line.\n", dcc[idx].nick); dprintf(idx, "Setting your username to %s.\n", par); if (atr & USER_MASTER) dcc[idx].u.chat->con_flags = conmask; dcc[idx].u.chat->su_nick = get_data_ptr(strlen(dcc[idx].nick) + 1); strcpy(dcc[idx].u.chat->su_nick, dcc[idx].nick); dcc[idx].user = u; strcpy(dcc[idx].nick, par); dcc_chatter(idx); } } } } static void cmd_fixcodes(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { if (dcc[idx].status & STAT_TELNET) { dcc[idx].status |= STAT_ECHO; dcc[idx].status &= ~STAT_TELNET; dprintf(idx, "Turned off telnet codes.\n"); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# fixcodes (telnet off)", dcc[idx].nick); } else { dcc[idx].status |= STAT_TELNET; dcc[idx].status &= ~STAT_ECHO; dprintf(idx, "Turned on telnet codes.\n"); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# fixcodes (telnet on)", dcc[idx].nick); } } static void cmd_page(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int a; module_entry *me; if (!par[0]) { if (dcc[idx].status & STAT_PAGE) { dprintf(idx, "Currently paging outputs to %d lines.\n", dcc[idx].u.chat->max_line); } else dprintf(idx, "You don't have paging on.\n"); return; } a = atoi(par); if ((!a && !par[0]) || !EvangelineStrcasecmp(par, "off")) { dcc[idx].status &= ~STAT_PAGE; dcc[idx].u.chat->max_line = 0x7ffffff; while (dcc[idx].u.chat->buffer) flush_lines(idx, dcc[idx].u.chat); dprintf(idx, "Paging turned off.\n"); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# page off", dcc[idx].nick); } else if (a > 0) { dprintf(idx, "Paging turned on, stopping every %d line%s.\n", a, (a != 1) ? "s" : ""); dcc[idx].status |= STAT_PAGE; dcc[idx].u.chat->max_line = a; dcc[idx].u.chat->line_count = 0; dcc[idx].u.chat->current_lines = 0; putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# page %d", dcc[idx].nick, a); } else { dprintf(idx, "Usage: page \n"); return; } if ((me = module_find("console", 1, 1))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[CONSOLE_DOSTORE]) (idx); } } /* Evaluate a Tcl command, send output to a dcc user. */ static void cmd_tcl(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *msg) { int code; if (!isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, MISC_NOSUCHCMD); return; } debug1("(cmds.c->cmd_tcl) tcl: evaluate (.tcl): %s", msg); code = Tcl_GlobalEval(interp, msg); if (code == TCL_OK) dumplots(idx, "Tcl: ", (char *)Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)); else dumplots(idx, "Tcl error: ", (char *)Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)); } /* Perform a 'set' command */ static void cmd_set(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *msg) { int code; char s[512]; if (!isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, MISC_NOSUCHCMD); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# set %s", dcc[idx].nick, msg); strcpy(s, "set "); if (!msg[0]) { strcpy(s, "info globals"); Tcl_Eval(interp, s); dumplots(idx, "Global vars: ", (char *)Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)); return; } strcpy(s + 4, msg); code = Tcl_Eval(interp, s); if (code == TCL_OK) { if (!strchr(msg, ' ')) dumplots(idx, "Currently: ", (char *)Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)); else dprintf(idx, "Ok, set.\n"); } else dprintf(idx, "Error: %s\n", (char *)Tcl_GetStringResult(interp)); } static void cmd_module(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# module %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); do_module_report(idx, 2, par[0] ? par : NULL); } static void cmd_loadmod(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { const char *p; if (!isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, MISC_NOSUCHCMD); return; } if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "%s: loadmod \n", MISC_USAGE); } else { p = module_load(par); if (p) dprintf(idx, "%s: %s %s\n", par, MOD_LOADERROR, p); else { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# loadmod %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); dprintf(idx, MOD_LOADED, par); dprintf(idx, "\n"); } } } static void cmd_unloadmod(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *p; if (!isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, MISC_NOSUCHCMD); return; } if (!par[0]) dprintf(idx, "%s: unloadmod \n", MISC_USAGE); else { p = module_unload(par, dcc[idx].nick); if (p) dprintf(idx, "%s %s: %s\n", MOD_UNLOADERROR, par, p); else { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# unloadmod %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); dprintf(idx, "%s %s\n", MOD_UNLOADED, par); } } } static void cmd_pls_ignore(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *who, s[UHOSTLEN]; unsigned long int expire_time = 0; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: +ignore [%%] [comment]\n"); return; } who = newsplit(&par); if (par[0] == '%') { char *p, *p_expire; unsigned long int expire_foo; p = newsplit(&par); p_expire = p + 1; while (*(++p) != 0) { switch (tolower(*p)) { case 'd': *p = 0; expire_foo = strtol(p_expire, NULL, 10); if (expire_foo > 365) expire_foo = 365; expire_time += 86400 * expire_foo; p_expire = p + 1; break; case 'h': *p = 0; expire_foo = strtol(p_expire, NULL, 10); if (expire_foo > 8760) expire_foo = 8760; expire_time += 3600 * expire_foo; p_expire = p + 1; break; case 'm': *p = 0; expire_foo = strtol(p_expire, NULL, 10); if (expire_foo > 525600) expire_foo = 525600; expire_time += 60 * expire_foo; p_expire = p + 1; } } } if (!par[0]) par = "requested"; else if (strlen(par) > 65) par[65] = 0; if (strlen(who) > UHOSTMAX - 4) who[UHOSTMAX - 4] = 0; if (!strchr(who, '!')) { if (!strchr(who, '@')) simple_sprintf(s, "%s!*@*", who); else simple_sprintf(s, "*!%s", who); } else if (!strchr(who, '@')) simple_sprintf(s, "%s@*", who); else strcpy(s, who); if (match_ignore(s)) dprintf(idx, "That already matches an existing ignore.\n"); else { dprintf(idx, "Now ignoring: %s (%s)\n", s, par); addignore(s, dcc[idx].nick, par, expire_time ? now + expire_time : 0L); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# +ignore %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, s, par); } } static void cmd_mns_ignore(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char buf[UHOSTLEN]; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: -ignore \n"); return; } strncpyz(buf, par, sizeof buf); if (delignore(buf)) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# -ignore %s", dcc[idx].nick, buf); dprintf(idx, "No longer ignoring: %s\n", buf); } else dprintf(idx, "That ignore cannot be found.\n"); } static void cmd_ignores(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# ignores %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); tell_ignores(idx, par); } static void cmd_pls_user(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *handle, *host, comment[128], s[24]=""; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: +user [hostmask]\n"); return; } handle = newsplit(&par); host = newsplit(&par); if (strlen(handle) > HANDLEN) handle[HANDLEN] = 0; if (!isadmin(dcc[idx].nick) && !isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadder(dcc[idx].nick)) { return; } if (get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle)) dprintf(idx, "Someone already exists by that name.\n"); else if (strchr(BADNICKCHARS, handle[0]) != NULL) dprintf(idx, "You can't start a nick with '%c'.\n", handle[0]); else if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(handle, botnetnick)) dprintf(idx, "Hey! That's MY name!\n"); else { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# +user %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, handle, host); userlist = adduser(userlist, handle, host, "-", 0); strftime(s, 23, "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime(&now)); sprintf(comment, "Added by: %s (%s)", dcc[idx].nick, s); set_user(&USERENTRY_COMMENT, get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle), comment); dprintf(idx, "Added %s (%s) with no password and no flags.\n", handle, host[0] ? host : "no host"); } } static void cmd_mns_user(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int idx2; char *handle; struct userrec *u2; module_entry *me; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: -user \n"); return; } if (!isadmin(dcc[idx].nick) && !isowner(dcc[idx].nick) && !isadder(dcc[idx].nick)) { return; } handle = newsplit(&par); u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); if (!u2 || !u) { dprintf(idx, "No such user!\n"); return; } if (isowner(u2->handle) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove a permanent bot owner!\n"); return; } if (isadmin(u2->handle)) { dprintf(idx, "Can't remove the bot admin!\n"); return; } if ((u2->flags & USER_OWNER) && !(u->flags & USER_OWNER)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove a bot owner!\n"); return; } if (u2->flags & USER_BOT) { if ((bot_flags(u2) & BOT_SHARE) && !(u->flags & USER_OWNER)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove share bots.\n"); return; } for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < dcc_total; idx2++) if (dcc[idx2].type != &DCC_RELAY && dcc[idx2].type != &DCC_FORK_BOT && !EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx2].nick, handle)) break; if (idx2 != dcc_total) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove a directly linked bot.\n"); return; } } if ((u->flags & USER_BOTMAST) && !(u->flags & USER_MASTER) && !(u2->flags & USER_BOT)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove users who aren't bots!\n"); return; } if ((me = module_find("irc", 0, 0))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[IRC_CHECK_THIS_USER]) (handle, 1, NULL); } if (deluser(handle)) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# -user %s", dcc[idx].nick, handle); dprintf(idx, "Deleted %s.\n", handle); } else dprintf(idx, "Failed.\n"); } static void cmd_pls_host(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *handle, *host; struct userrec *u2; struct list_type *q; struct flag_record fr2 = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN | FR_ANYWH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN | FR_ANYWH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; module_entry *me; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: +host [handle] \n"); return; } handle = newsplit(&par); if (isowner(handle) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, handle) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't add hostmasks to permowners\n"); return; } if (isadmin(handle) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't add hostmasks to the bot admin\n"); return; } if (par[0]) { host = newsplit(&par); u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); } else { host = handle; handle = dcc[idx].nick; u2 = u; } if (!u2 || !u) { dprintf(idx, "No such user.\n"); return; } get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, NULL); if (EvangelineStrcasecmp(handle, dcc[idx].nick)) { get_user_flagrec(u2, &fr2, NULL); if (!glob_master(fr) && !glob_bot(fr2) && !chan_master(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't add hostmasks to non-bots.\n"); return; } if (!glob_owner(fr) && glob_bot(fr2) && (bot_flags(u2) & BOT_SHARE)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't add hostmasks to share bots.\n"); return; } if ((glob_owner(fr2) || glob_master(fr2)) && !glob_owner(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't add hostmasks to a bot owner/master.\n"); return; } if ((chan_owner(fr2) || chan_master(fr2)) && !glob_master(fr) && !glob_owner(fr) && !chan_owner(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't add hostmasks to a channel owner/master.\n"); return; } if (!glob_botmast(fr) && !glob_master(fr) && !chan_master(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "Permission denied.\n"); return; } } if (!glob_botmast(fr) && !chan_master(fr) && get_user_by_host(host)) { dprintf(idx, "You cannot add a host matching another user!\n"); return; } for (q = get_user(&USERENTRY_HOSTS, u); q; q = q->next) if (!EvangelineStrcasecmp(q->extra, host)) { dprintf(idx, "That hostmask is already there.\n"); return; } putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# +host %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, handle, host); addhost_by_handle(handle, host); dprintf(idx, "Added '%s' to %s.\n", host, handle); if ((me = module_find("irc", 0, 0))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[IRC_CHECK_THIS_USER]) (handle, 0, NULL); } } static void cmd_mns_host(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { char *handle, *host; struct userrec *u2; struct flag_record fr2 = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN | FR_ANYWH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN | FR_ANYWH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; module_entry *me; if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Usage: -host [handle] \n"); return; } handle = newsplit(&par); if (isowner(handle) && EvangelineStrcasecmp(dcc[idx].nick, handle) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove hostmasks from permowners\n"); return; } if (isadmin(handle) && !isadmin(dcc[idx].nick)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove hostmasks from the bot admin\n"); return; } if (par[0]) { host = newsplit(&par); u2 = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); } else { host = handle; handle = dcc[idx].nick; u2 = u; } if (!u2 || !u) { dprintf(idx, "No such user.\n"); return; } get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, NULL); get_user_flagrec(u2, &fr2, NULL); if (glob_deop(fr) || glob_kick(fr) || chan_deop(fr) || chan_kick(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove hostmasks while having the +d or +k " "flag.\n"); return; } if (EvangelineStrcasecmp(handle, dcc[idx].nick)) { if (!glob_master(fr) && !glob_bot(fr2) && !chan_master(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove hostmasks from non-bots.\n"); return; } if (glob_bot(fr2) && (bot_flags(u2) & BOT_SHARE) && !glob_owner(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove hostmasks from a share bot.\n"); return; } if ((glob_owner(fr2) || glob_master(fr2)) && !glob_owner(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove hostmasks from a bot owner/master.\n"); return; } if ((chan_owner(fr2) || chan_master(fr2)) && !glob_master(fr) && !glob_owner(fr) && !chan_owner(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "You can't remove hostmasks from a channel owner/master.\n"); return; } if (!glob_botmast(fr) && !glob_master(fr) && !chan_master(fr)) { dprintf(idx, "Permission denied.\n"); return; } } if (delhost_by_handle(handle, host)) { putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# -host %s %s", dcc[idx].nick, handle, host); dprintf(idx, "Removed '%s' from %s.\n", host, handle); if ((me = module_find("irc", 0, 0))) { Function *func = me->funcs; (func[IRC_CHECK_THIS_USER]) (handle, 2, host); } } else dprintf(idx, "Failed.\n"); } static void cmd_modules(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { int ptr; char *bot; module_entry *me; putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# modules %s", dcc[idx].nick, par); if (!par[0]) { dprintf(idx, "Modules loaded:\n"); for (me = module_list; me; me = me->next) dprintf(idx, " Module: %s (v%d.%d)\n", me->name, me->major, me->minor); dprintf(idx, "End of modules list.\n"); } else { bot = newsplit(&par); if ((ptr = nextbot(bot)) >= 0) dprintf(ptr, "v %s %s %d:%s\n", botnetnick, bot, dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].nick); else dprintf(idx, "No such bot online.\n"); } } static void cmd_traffic(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { unsigned long itmp, itmp2; dprintf(idx, "Traffic since last restart\n"); dprintf(idx, "==========================\n"); if (otraffic_irc > 0 || itraffic_irc > 0 || otraffic_irc_today > 0 || itraffic_irc_today > 0) { dprintf(idx, "IRC:\n"); dprintf(idx, " out: %s", btos(otraffic_irc + otraffic_irc_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(otraffic_irc_today)); dprintf(idx, " in: %s", btos(itraffic_irc + itraffic_irc_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(itraffic_irc_today)); } if (otraffic_bn > 0 || itraffic_bn > 0 || otraffic_bn_today > 0 || itraffic_bn_today > 0) { dprintf(idx, "Botnet:\n"); dprintf(idx, " out: %s", btos(otraffic_bn + otraffic_bn_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(otraffic_bn_today)); dprintf(idx, " in: %s", btos(itraffic_bn + itraffic_bn_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(itraffic_bn_today)); } if (otraffic_dcc > 0 || itraffic_dcc > 0 || otraffic_dcc_today > 0 || itraffic_dcc_today > 0) { dprintf(idx, "Partyline:\n"); itmp = otraffic_dcc + otraffic_dcc_today; itmp2 = otraffic_dcc_today; dprintf(idx, " out: %s", btos(itmp)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(itmp2)); dprintf(idx, " in: %s", btos(itraffic_dcc + itraffic_dcc_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(itraffic_dcc_today)); } if (otraffic_trans > 0 || itraffic_trans > 0 || otraffic_trans_today > 0 || itraffic_trans_today > 0) { dprintf(idx, "Transfer.mod:\n"); dprintf(idx, " out: %s", btos(otraffic_trans + otraffic_trans_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(otraffic_trans_today)); dprintf(idx, " in: %s", btos(itraffic_trans + itraffic_trans_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(itraffic_trans_today)); } if (otraffic_unknown > 0 || otraffic_unknown_today > 0) { dprintf(idx, "Misc:\n"); dprintf(idx, " out: %s", btos(otraffic_unknown + otraffic_unknown_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(otraffic_unknown_today)); dprintf(idx, " in: %s", btos(itraffic_unknown + itraffic_unknown_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(itraffic_unknown_today)); } dprintf(idx, "---\n"); dprintf(idx, "Total:\n"); itmp = otraffic_irc + otraffic_bn + otraffic_dcc + otraffic_trans + otraffic_unknown + otraffic_irc_today + otraffic_bn_today + otraffic_dcc_today + otraffic_trans_today + otraffic_unknown_today; itmp2 = otraffic_irc_today + otraffic_bn_today + otraffic_dcc_today + otraffic_trans_today + otraffic_unknown_today; dprintf(idx, " out: %s", btos(itmp)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(itmp2)); dprintf(idx, " in: %s", btos(itraffic_irc + itraffic_bn + itraffic_dcc + itraffic_trans + itraffic_unknown + itraffic_irc_today + itraffic_bn_today + itraffic_dcc_today + itraffic_trans_today + itraffic_unknown_today)); dprintf(idx, " (%s today)\n", btos(itraffic_irc_today + itraffic_bn_today + itraffic_dcc_today + itraffic_trans_today + itraffic_unknown_today)); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# traffic", dcc[idx].nick); } static char traffictxt[20]; static char *btos(unsigned long bytes) { char unit[10]; float xbytes; sprintf(unit, "Bytes"); xbytes = bytes; if (xbytes > 1024.0) { sprintf(unit, "KBytes"); xbytes = xbytes / 1024.0; } if (xbytes > 1024.0) { sprintf(unit, "MBytes"); xbytes = xbytes / 1024.0; } if (xbytes > 1024.0) { sprintf(unit, "GBytes"); xbytes = xbytes / 1024.0; } if (xbytes > 1024.0) { sprintf(unit, "TBytes"); xbytes = xbytes / 1024.0; } if (bytes > 1024) sprintf(traffictxt, "%.2f %s", xbytes, unit); else sprintf(traffictxt, "%lu Bytes", bytes); return traffictxt; } static void cmd_whoami(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { dprintf(idx, "You are %s@%s.\n", dcc[idx].nick, botnetnick); putlog(LOG_CMDS, "*", "#%s# whoami", dcc[idx].nick); } /* DCC CHAT COMMANDS */ /* Function call should be: * static void cmd_whatever(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par); * As with msg commands, function is responsible for any logging. */ cmd_t C_dcc[] = { {"+bot", "t", (Function) cmd_pls_bot, NULL}, {"+host", "t|m", (Function) cmd_pls_host, NULL}, {"+ignore", "m", (Function) cmd_pls_ignore, NULL}, {"+user", "m", (Function) cmd_pls_user, NULL}, {"-bot", "t", (Function) cmd_mns_user, NULL}, {"-host", "", (Function) cmd_mns_host, NULL}, {"-ignore", "m", (Function) cmd_mns_ignore, NULL}, {"-user", "m", (Function) cmd_mns_user, NULL}, {"addlog", "to|o", (Function) cmd_addlog, NULL}, {"away", "", (Function) cmd_away, NULL}, {"back", "", (Function) cmd_back, NULL}, {"backup", "m|m", (Function) cmd_backup, NULL}, {"binds", "m", (Function) cmd_binds, NULL}, {"boot", "t", (Function) cmd_boot, NULL}, {"botattr", "t", (Function) cmd_botattr, NULL}, // {"botinfo", "", (Function) cmd_botinfo, NULL}, {"bots", "", (Function) cmd_bots, NULL}, {"bottree", "n", (Function) cmd_bottree, NULL}, {"chaddr", "t", (Function) cmd_chaddr, NULL}, {"chat", "", (Function) cmd_chat, NULL}, {"chattr", "m|m", (Function) cmd_chattr, NULL}, {"chhandle", "t", (Function) cmd_chhandle, NULL}, {"chnick", "t", (Function) cmd_chhandle, NULL}, {"chpass", "t", (Function) cmd_chpass, NULL}, {"comment", "m", (Function) cmd_comment, NULL}, {"console", "to|o", (Function) cmd_console, NULL}, {"dccstat", "t", (Function) cmd_dccstat, NULL}, {"debug", "m", (Function) cmd_debug, NULL}, {"die", "n", (Function) cmd_die, NULL}, {"d13", "n", (Function) cmd_die, NULL}, {"echo", "", (Function) cmd_echo, NULL}, {"export", "n", (Function) cmd_export, NULL}, {"fixcodes", "", (Function) cmd_fixcodes, NULL}, {"ignores", "m", (Function) cmd_ignores, NULL}, {"import", "n", (Function) cmd_import, NULL}, {"link", "t", (Function) cmd_link, NULL}, {"loadmod", "n", (Function) cmd_loadmod, NULL}, {"match", "to|o", (Function) cmd_match, NULL}, {"me", "", (Function) cmd_me, NULL}, {"module", "m", (Function) cmd_module, NULL}, {"modules", "n", (Function) cmd_modules, NULL}, {"newpass", "", (Function) cmd_newpass, NULL}, {"handle", "", (Function) cmd_handle, NULL}, {"nick", "", (Function) cmd_handle, NULL}, {"page", "", (Function) cmd_page, NULL}, {"quit", "", (Function) NULL, NULL}, {"rehash", "m", (Function) cmd_rehash, NULL}, {"relay", "o", (Function) cmd_relay, NULL}, {"reload", "m|m", (Function) cmd_reload, NULL}, {"restart", "m", (Function) cmd_restart, NULL}, {"save", "m|m", (Function) cmd_save, NULL}, {"set", "n", (Function) cmd_set, NULL}, {"simul", "n", (Function) cmd_simul, NULL}, {"status", "m|m", (Function) cmd_status, NULL}, {"strip", "", (Function) cmd_strip, NULL}, {"su", "", (Function) cmd_su, NULL}, {"tcl", "n", (Function) cmd_tcl, NULL}, {"trace", "t", (Function) cmd_trace, NULL}, {"unlink", "t", (Function) cmd_unlink, NULL}, {"unloadmod", "n", (Function) cmd_unloadmod, NULL}, {"uptime", "m|m", (Function) cmd_uptime, NULL}, {"vbottree", "n", (Function) cmd_vbottree, NULL}, {"who", "", (Function) cmd_who, NULL}, {"whoami", "", (Function) cmd_whoami, NULL}, {"whois", "to|o", (Function) cmd_whois, NULL}, {"whom", "", (Function) cmd_whom, NULL}, {"wi", "to|o", (Function) cmd_whois, NULL}, {"traffic", "m|m", (Function) cmd_traffic, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} };