package Pisg; # Documentation(POD) for this module is found at the end of the file. # Copyright (C) 2001-2005 - # Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Christoph Berg # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA use strict; $^W = 1; sub new { my $type = shift; my %args = @_; my $self = { override_cfg => $args{override_cfg}, use_configfile => $args{use_configfile}, search_path => $args{search_path}, chans => [], users => {}, cfg => {}, tmps => {}, }; # Set the default configuration settings. get_default_config_settings($self); # Import common functions in Pisg::Common require Pisg::Common; Pisg::Common->import(); bless($self, $type); return $self; } sub run { my $self = shift; print "pisg v$self->{cfg}->{version} - Perl IRC Statistics Generator\n\n" unless ($self->{cfg}->{silent}); # Init the configuration file (aliases, ignores, channels, etc) my $r; if ($self->{use_configfile}) { foreach my $c ($self->{cfg}->{configfile}, $self->{search_path} . "/$self->{cfg}->{configfile}") { if (open(CONFIG, $c)) { $self->{cfg}->{configfile} = $c; print "Using config file: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}\n\n" unless ($self->{cfg}->{silent}); $r = $self->init_config(\*CONFIG); last; } else { print STDERR "Warning: $c: $!\n\n" if -e $c; } } } # Get translations from langfile $self->get_language_templates(); # Parse any channels in statements $self->parse_channels(); # Optionaly parse the channel we were given in override_cfg. $self->do_channel() if (!$self->{cfg}->{chan_done}{$self->{cfg}->{channel}}); } sub get_default_config_settings { my $self = shift; # This is all the default settings of pisg. They can be overriden by the # pisg.cfg file, or by using the override_cfg argument to the new # constructor. $self->{cfg} = { channel => '', logtype => 'Logfile', logfile => [], format => '', network => 'SomeIRCNet', outputfile => 'index.html', outputtag => '', maintainer => 'MAINTAINER', pagehead => 'none', pagefoot => 'none', configfile => 'pisg.cfg', imagepath => '', imageglobpath => '', defaultpic => '', logdir => [], nfiles => 0, lang => 'EN', langfile => '/usr/local/share/pisg/lang.txt', cssdir => '/usr/local/share/pisg/layout/', colorscheme => 'default', altcolorscheme => 'none', logprefix => '', logsuffix => '', silent => 0, cachedir => '', userpics => 'y', # Colors / Layout hicell => '#BABADD', # FIXME hicell2 => '#CCCCCC', # FIXME picwidth => '', picheight => '', pic_v_0 => 'blue-v.png', pic_v_6 => 'green-v.png', pic_v_12 => 'yellow-v.png', pic_v_18 => 'red-v.png', pic_h_0 => 'blue-h.png', pic_h_6 => 'green-h.png', pic_h_12 => 'yellow-h.png', pic_h_18 => 'red-h.png', piclocation => '.', # Stats settings showactivetimes => 1, showactivenicks => 1, showbignumbers => 1, showtopics => 1, showlinetime => 0, showwordtime => 0, showlines => 1, showtime => 1, showwords => 0, showwpl => 0, showcpl => 0, showlastseen => 1, showlegend => 1, showkickline => 1, showactionline => 1, showfoulline => 0, showfouldecimals => 1, showshoutline => 1, showviolentlines => 1, showrandquote => 1, showmuw => 1, showmrn => 1, showsmileys => 0, showkarma => 0, showmru => 1, showcharts => 0, showops => 1, showvoices => 0, showhalfops => 0, showmostnicks => 0, showactivegenders => 0, showmostactivebyhour => 0, showmostactivebyhourgraph => 1, showonlytop => 0, # Less important things timeoffset => '+0', minquote => 25, maxquote => 65, quotewidth => 80, bignumbersthreshold => 'sqrt', wordlength => 5, dailyactivity => 0, activenicks => 25, activenicks2 => 30, activenicksbyhour => 10, topichistory => 3, urlhistory => 5, chartshistory => 5, nickhistory => 5, smileyhistory => 10, karmahistory => 5, wordhistory => 10, mostnickshistory => 5, mostnicksverbose => 1, nicklimit => 10, nicktracking => 0, charset => 'iso-8859-1', logcharset => '', logcharsetfallback => '', # sorting sortbywords => 0, # Misc settings foulwords => 'ass fuck bitch shit scheisse scheiße kacke arsch ficker ficken schlampe', violentwords => 'slaps beats smacks', chartsregexp => '(?:is )?(?:np:|(?:now )?playing:? |listening to:? )(?:MPEG stream from)?\s*(.*)', ignorewords => '', noignoredquotes => 0, tablewidth => 574, regexpaliases => 0, botnicks => '', # Needed for DCpp format (non-irc) statsdump => '', # Debug option modules_dir => '', # set in get_cmdline_options cchannels => '', # set in get_cmdline_options version => "0.73" }; # This enables us to use the search_path in other modules $self->{cfg}->{search_path} = $self->{search_path}; # Parse the optional overriden configuration variables foreach my $key (keys %{$self->{override_cfg}}) { if ($self->{override_cfg}->{$key}) { unless (defined($self->{cfg}->{$key})) { print STDERR "Warning: No such configuration option: -cfg $key\n"; next; } $self->{cfg}->{$key} = $self->{override_cfg}->{$key}; } } } sub get_language_templates { my $self = shift; open(FILE, $self->{cfg}->{langfile}) or open (FILE, $self->{search_path} . "/$self->{cfg}->{langfile}") or die("$0: Unable to open language file($self->{cfg}->{langfile}): $!\n"); while (my $line = ) { next if ($line =~ /^#/); if ($line =~ //i) { # Found start tag, setting the current language my $current_lang = uc($1); $self->{tmps}->{$current_lang}{lang_charset} = lc($2); while () { next if ($_ =~ /^#/); last if ($_ =~ /<\/lang>/i); # Get 'template = "Text"' in language file: if ($_ =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$/) { warn "duplicate translation $1 -> $2" if $self->{tmps}->{$current_lang}{$1} and !$self->{cfg}->{silent}; $self->{tmps}->{$current_lang}{$1} = $2; } } } } close(FILE); } sub init_config { my $self = shift; my $fh = shift; while (my $line = <$fh>) { next if ($line =~ /^\s*#/); chomp $line; if ($line =~ //) { my $nick; if ($line =~ /\bnick=(["'])(.+?)\1/) { $nick = $2; add_alias($nick, $nick); } else { print STDERR "Warning: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}, line $.: No nick specified\n"; next; } if ($line =~ /\balias=(["'])(.+?)\1/) { my @thisalias = split(/\s+/, lc($2)); foreach (@thisalias) { if ($self->{cfg}->{regexpaliases} and /[\|\[\]\{\}\(\)\?\+\.\*\^\\]/) { add_aliaswild($nick, $_); } elsif (not $self->{cfg}->{regexpaliases} and s/\*/\.\*/g) { # quote it if it is a wildcard s/([\|\[\]\{\}\(\)\?\+\^\\])/\\$1/g; add_aliaswild($nick, $_); } else { add_alias($nick, $_); } } } if ($line =~ /\bpic=(["'])(.+?)\1/) { $self->{users}->{userpics}{$nick} = $2; } if ($line =~ /\bbigpic=(["'])(.+?)\1/) { $self->{users}->{biguserpics}{$nick} = $2; } if ($line =~ /\blink=(["'])(.+?)\1/) { $self->{users}->{userlinks}{$nick} = $2; } if ($line =~ /\bignore=(["'])Y\1/i) { add_ignore($nick); } if ($line =~ /\bsex=(["'])([MmFfBb])\1/) { $self->{users}->{sex}{$nick} = lc($2); } } elsif ($line =~ //) { if ($line =~ /\burl=(["'])(.+?)\1/) { my $url = $2; if ($line =~ /ignore="Y"/i) { add_url_ignore($url); } } else { print STDERR "Warning: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}, line $.: No URL specified\n"; } } elsif ($line =~ //) { my $settings = $1; if ($settings !~ /=["'](.*)["']/ || $settings =~ /(\w)>/ ) { print STDERR "Warning: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}, line $.: Missing or wrong quotes near $1\n"; } while ($settings =~ s/[ \t]([^=]+?)=(["'])(.*?)\2//) { my $var = lc($1); my $val = $3; $var =~ s/ //; # Remove whitespace if (!defined($self->{cfg}->{$var})) { print STDERR "Warning: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}, line $.: No such configuration option: '$var'\n"; next; } unless (($self->{cfg}->{$var} eq $val) || $self->{override_cfg}->{$var}) { $self->{cfg}->{$var} = $val; } } } elsif ($line =~ //i) { my ($channel, $settings, $tmp) = ($2, $3, {}); $tmp->{$channel}->{channel} = $channel; $self->{cfg}->{chan_done}{$self->{cfg}->{channel}} = 1; # don't parse channel in $self->{cfg}->{channel} if a channel statement is present while ($settings =~ s/\s([^=]+)=(["'])(.*?)\2//) { my $var = lc($1); my $val = $3; if ($var eq "logdir" || $var eq "logfile") { push(@{$tmp->{$channel}{$var}}, $val); } else { $tmp->{$channel}{$var} = $val; } } while (<$fh>) { next if /^\s*#/; if ($_ =~ /<\/*channel>/i) { push @{ $self->{chans} }, $tmp; last; } if ($_ =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s*=\s*(["'])(.*?)\2/) { my $var = lc($1); my $val = $3; unless ((($var eq "logdir" || $var eq "logfile") && scalar(@{$self->{override_cfg}->{$var}}) > 0) || (($var ne "logdir" && $var ne "logfile") && $self->{override_cfg}->{$var})) { if($var eq "logdir" || $var eq "logfile") { push @{$tmp->{$channel}{$var}}, $val; } else { $tmp->{$channel}{$var} = $val; } } } elsif ($_ !~ /^$/) { print STDERR "Warning: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}, line $.: Unrecognized line: $_"; } } } elsif ($line =~ //) { my $include_cfg = $2; my $backup_cfg = $self->{cfg}->{configfile}; $self->{cfg}->{configfile} = $include_cfg; my $r; foreach my $c ($self->{cfg}->{configfile}, $self->{search_path} . "/$self->{cfg}->{configfile}") { if (open(INCLUDE, $c)) { $self->{cfg}->{configfile} = $c; $r = $self->init_config(\*INCLUDE); last; } else { print STDERR "Warning: $backup_cfg, line $.: $c: $!\n" if -e $c; } } print "Included config file: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}\n\n" if ($r && !$self->{cfg}->{silent}); print STDERR "Warning: $backup_cfg, line $.: $self->{cfg}->{configfile} not found\n" if (!$r); $self->{cfg}->{configfile} = $backup_cfg; } elsif ($line =~ /<(\w+)?.*[^>]$/) { print STDERR "Warning: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}, line $.: Missing end on element <$1 (probably multi-line?)\n"; } elsif ($line =~ /\S/) { $line =~ s/\n//; print STDERR "Warning: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}, line $.: Unrecognized line: $line\n"; } } close($fh); } sub init_pisg { my $self = shift; my $timestamp = time(); $self->{cfg}->{start} = time(); if ($self->{cfg}->{timeoffset} =~ /\+(\d+)/) { # We must plus some hours to the time $timestamp += 3600 * $1; # 3600 seconds per hour } elsif ($self->{cfg}->{timeoffset} =~ /-(\d+)/) { # We must remove some hours from the time $timestamp -= 3600 * $1; # 3600 seconds per hour } $self->{cfg}->{timestamp} = $timestamp; # convert wordlists $self->{cfg}->{foulwords} = wordlist_regexp($self->{cfg}->{foulwords}, $self->{cfg}->{regexpaliases}); $self->{cfg}->{ignorewords} = wordlist_regexp($self->{cfg}->{ignorewords}, $self->{cfg}->{regexpaliases}); $self->{cfg}->{violentwords} = wordlist_regexp($self->{cfg}->{violentwords}, $self->{cfg}->{regexpaliases}); # Add trailing slash when it's not there.. $self->{cfg}->{imagepath} =~ s/([^\/])$/$1\//; # Set ImageGlobPath default $self->{cfg}->{imageglobpath} ||= $self->{cfg}->{imagepath}; $self->{cfg}->{imageglobpath} =~ s/([^\/])$/$1\//; # Set number of picture columns to show if ($self->{cfg}->{userpics} =~ /^n/i) { $self->{cfg}->{userpics} = 0; } elsif ($self->{cfg}->{userpics} =~ /^y/i) { $self->{cfg}->{userpics} = 1; } elsif ($self->{cfg}->{userpics} !~ /^\d+$/) { print STDERR "Warning: $self->{cfg}->{configfile}, line $.: Invalid UserPics setting\n"; } unless ($self->{cfg}->{silent}) { print "Statistics for channel $self->{cfg}->{channel} \@ $self->{cfg}->{network} by $self->{cfg}->{maintainer}\n\n"; } } sub do_channel { my $self = shift; if (!$self->{cfg}->{channel}) { print STDERR "No channels defined.\n"; } elsif ((!@{$self->{cfg}->{logfile}}) && (!@{$self->{cfg}->{logdir}})) { print STDERR "No logfile or logdir defined for " . $self->{cfg}->{channel} . "\n"; } elsif (!$self->{cfg}->{format}) { print STDERR "No format defined for $self->{cfg}->{channel}.\n"; } else { $self->init_pisg(); # Init some general things store_aliases(); # Save the aliases so we can restore them # later, we don't want to add the aliases # for this channel to the next channel # Pick our stats generator. my $analyzer; eval <<_END; use Pisg::Parser::$self->{cfg}->{logtype}; \$analyzer = new Pisg::Parser::$self->{cfg}->{logtype}( { cfg => \$self->{cfg}, users => \$self->{users} } ); _END if ($@) { print STDERR "Could not load stats analyzer for '$self->{cfg}->{logtype}': $@\n"; return undef; } my $stats = $analyzer->analyze(); $self->{cfg}->{analyzer} = $analyzer; # we need the parser in _format_line # Initialize HTMLGenerator object my $generator; eval <<_END; use Pisg::HTMLGenerator; \$generator = new Pisg::HTMLGenerator( cfg => \$self->{cfg}, stats => \$stats, users => \$self->{users}, tmps => \$self->{tmps} ); _END if ($@) { print STDERR "Could not load stats generator (Pisg::HTMLGenerator): $@\n"; return undef; } # Create our HTML page if the logfile has any data. if (defined $stats) { if ($stats->{parsedlines} > 0) { foreach my $lang (split /\s*,\s*/, uc $self->{cfg}->{lang}) { $lang =~ s/-/_/g; # PT_BR was called PT-BR before die sprintf "No such language: %s\n", $_ unless $self->{tmps}->{$lang}; $generator->create_output($lang); } } else { print STDERR <<_END unless $self->{cfg}->{silent}; No parseable lines found in logfile ($stats->{totallines} total lines). Skipping. -> You might be using the wrong format. -> A common error is that the logs do not contain timestamps for each line. _END } } restore_aliases(); $self->{cfg}->{chan_done}{$self->{cfg}->{channel}} = 1; } } sub parse_channels { my $self = shift; my %origcfg = %{ $self->{cfg} }; # make a list of channels to do my @chanlist; if (scalar @ {$self->{cfg}->{cchannels} } > 0) { foreach my $channel (@{ $self->{cfg}->{cchannels} }) { my $hits = 0; foreach ( @{ $self->{chans} }) { my $chan = (keys %{ $_ })[0]; if (lc($channel) eq lc($chan)) { push @chanlist, $_; $hits++; } } if ($hits < 1) { print STDERR "Channel $channel not in config file, ignoring\n"; } } } else { push @chanlist, $_ foreach (@{ $self->{chans} }); } foreach my $channel (@chanlist) { foreach my $chan (keys %{ $channel }) { # import channel specific config $self->{cfg}->{$_} = $channel->{$chan}->{$_} foreach (keys %{ $channel->{$chan} }); } $self->do_channel(); $origcfg{chan_done} = $self->{cfg}->{chan_done}; %{ $self->{cfg} } = %origcfg; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Pisg - Perl IRC Statistics Generator main module =head1 SYNOPSIS use Pisg; $pisg = new Pisg( use_configfile => '1', override_cfg => { network => 'MyNetwork', format => 'eggdrop' } ); $pisg->run(); =head1 DESCRIPTION C is a statistic generator for IRC logfiles or the like, delivering the results in a HTML page. =head1 CONSTRUCTOR =over 4 =item new ( [ OPTIONS ] ) This is the constructor for a new Pisg object. C are passed in a hash like fashion, using key and value pairs. Possible options are: B - When set to 1, pisg will look up it's channels in it's configuration file, defined by the configuration option 'configfile'. B - This defines whichever configuration variables you want to override from the configuration file. If you set use_configfile to 0, then you'll have to set at least channel and logfile here. B - This defines an optional search path. It's used when you want to hardcode an alternative path where pisg should look after its language and config file. =back =head1 AUTHOR Morten Brix Pedersen =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2001 Morten Brix Pedersen. All rights resereved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL, license is included with the distribution of this file. =cut