/*- * See the file LICENSE for redistribution information. * * Copyright (c) 2002, 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * */ package com.sleepycat.je; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_BACKLOG; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_BIN_DELTAS_CLEANED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_BIN_DELTAS_DEAD; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_BIN_DELTAS_MIGRATED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_BIN_DELTAS_OBSOLETE; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_CLUSTER_LNS_PROCESSED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_DELETIONS; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_ENTRIES_READ; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_FILE_DELETION_BACKLOG; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_INS_CLEANED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_INS_DEAD; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_INS_MIGRATED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_INS_OBSOLETE; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LAST_KNOWN_UTILIZATION; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LNQUEUE_HITS; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LNS_CLEANED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LNS_DEAD; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LNS_LOCKED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LNS_MARKED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LNS_MIGRATED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LNS_OBSOLETE; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_LN_SIZE_CORRECTION_FACTOR; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_MARKED_LNS_PROCESSED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_PENDING_LNS_LOCKED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_PENDING_LNS_PROCESSED; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_PENDING_LN_QUEUE_SIZE; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_PROBE_RUNS; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_REPEAT_ITERATOR_READS; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_RUNS; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_TOTAL_LOG_SIZE; import static com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition.CLEANER_TO_BE_CLEANED_LNS_PROCESSED; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.ENVIMPL_CREATION_TIME; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.ENVIMPL_RELATCHES_REQUIRED; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.MB_ADMIN_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.MB_DATA_ADMIN_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.MB_DATA_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.MB_LOCK_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.MB_SHARED_CACHE_TOTAL_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.MB_TOTAL_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.THROUGHPUT_BIN_DELTA_GETS; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.THROUGHPUT_BIN_DELTA_INSERTS; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.THROUGHPUT_BIN_DELTA_UPDATES; import static com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition.THROUGHPUT_BIN_DELTA_DELETES; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.BIN_DELTA_FETCH_MISS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.BIN_FETCH; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.BIN_FETCH_MISS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.BIN_FETCH_MISS_RATIO; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.BIN_DELTA_BLIND_OPS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.FULL_BIN_MISS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.CACHED_BINS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.CACHED_BIN_DELTAS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.CACHED_IN_COMPACT_KEY; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.CACHED_IN_NO_TARGET; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.CACHED_IN_SPARSE_TARGET; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.CACHED_UPPER_INS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_NODES_MUTATED; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_NODES_STRIPPED; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_EVICTION_RUNS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_NODES_EVICTED; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_NODES_TARGETED; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_ROOT_NODES_EVICTED; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_LNS_EVICTED; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_NODES_PUT_BACK; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_NODES_SKIPPED; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_NODES_MOVED_TO_DIRTY_LRU; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.EVICTOR_SHARED_CACHE_ENVS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.LN_FETCH; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.LN_FETCH_MISS; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.THREAD_UNAVAILABLE; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.UPPER_IN_FETCH; import static com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition.UPPER_IN_FETCH_MISS; import static com.sleepycat.je.incomp.INCompStatDefinition.INCOMP_CURSORS_BINS; import static com.sleepycat.je.incomp.INCompStatDefinition.INCOMP_DBCLOSED_BINS; import static com.sleepycat.je.incomp.INCompStatDefinition.INCOMP_NON_EMPTY_BINS; import static com.sleepycat.je.incomp.INCompStatDefinition.INCOMP_PROCESSED_BINS; import static com.sleepycat.je.incomp.INCompStatDefinition.INCOMP_QUEUE_SIZE; import static com.sleepycat.je.incomp.INCompStatDefinition.INCOMP_SPLIT_BINS; import static com.sleepycat.je.latch.LatchStatDefinition.LATCH_CONTENTION; import static com.sleepycat.je.latch.LatchStatDefinition.LATCH_NOWAIT_SUCCESS; import static com.sleepycat.je.latch.LatchStatDefinition.LATCH_NOWAIT_UNSUCCESS; import static com.sleepycat.je.latch.LatchStatDefinition.LATCH_NO_WAITERS; import static com.sleepycat.je.latch.LatchStatDefinition.LATCH_RELEASES; import static com.sleepycat.je.latch.LatchStatDefinition.LATCH_SELF_OWNED; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_BYTES_READ_FROM_WRITEQUEUE; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_BYTES_WRITTEN_FROM_WRITEQUEUE; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_FILE_OPENS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_LOG_FSYNCS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_OPEN_FILES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_RANDOM_READS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_RANDOM_READ_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_RANDOM_WRITES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_RANDOM_WRITE_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_READS_FROM_WRITEQUEUE; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_SEQUENTIAL_READS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_SEQUENTIAL_READ_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_SEQUENTIAL_WRITES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_WRITEQUEUE_OVERFLOW; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_WRITEQUEUE_OVERFLOW_FAILURES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FILEMGR_WRITES_FROM_WRITEQUEUE; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FSYNCMGR_FSYNCS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FSYNCMGR_FSYNC_REQUESTS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.FSYNCMGR_TIMEOUTS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.LBFP_BUFFER_BYTES; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.LBFP_LOG_BUFFERS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.LBFP_MISS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.LBFP_NOT_RESIDENT; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.LOGMGR_END_OF_LOG; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.LOGMGR_REPEAT_FAULT_READS; import static com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition.LOGMGR_TEMP_BUFFER_WRITES; import static com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition.CKPT_CHECKPOINTS; import static com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition.CKPT_DELTA_IN_FLUSH; import static com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition.CKPT_FULL_BIN_FLUSH; import static com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition.CKPT_FULL_IN_FLUSH; import static com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition.CKPT_LAST_CKPTID; import static com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition.CKPT_LAST_CKPT_END; import static com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition.CKPT_LAST_CKPT_INTERVAL; import static com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition.CKPT_LAST_CKPT_START; import static com.sleepycat.je.txn.LockStatDefinition.LOCK_OWNERS; import static com.sleepycat.je.txn.LockStatDefinition.LOCK_READ_LOCKS; import static com.sleepycat.je.txn.LockStatDefinition.LOCK_REQUESTS; import static com.sleepycat.je.txn.LockStatDefinition.LOCK_TOTAL; import static com.sleepycat.je.txn.LockStatDefinition.LOCK_WAITERS; import static com.sleepycat.je.txn.LockStatDefinition.LOCK_WAITS; import static com.sleepycat.je.txn.LockStatDefinition.LOCK_WRITE_LOCKS; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.sleepycat.je.cleaner.CleanerStatDefinition; import com.sleepycat.je.dbi.DbiStatDefinition; import com.sleepycat.je.evictor.Evictor.EvictionSource; import com.sleepycat.je.evictor.EvictorStatDefinition; import com.sleepycat.je.incomp.INCompStatDefinition; import com.sleepycat.je.log.LogStatDefinition; import com.sleepycat.je.recovery.CheckpointStatDefinition; import com.sleepycat.je.txn.LockStatDefinition; import com.sleepycat.je.utilint.StatGroup; /** * Statistics for a single environment. *

* The statistics are logically grouped into several categories. Viewing the * statistics through {@link EnvironmentStats#toString()} displays the values * in these categories, as does viewing the stats through the {@link JEMonitor mbean}. * Viewing the stats with {@link EnvironmentStats#toStringVerbose()} will * provide more detailed descriptions of the stats and stat categories. *

* The current categories are: *

* @see Viewing * Statistics with JConsole */ public class EnvironmentStats implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1734048134L; private StatGroup incompStats; private StatGroup cacheStats; private StatGroup ckptStats; private StatGroup cleanerStats; private StatGroup logStats; private StatGroup lockStats; private StatGroup envImplStats; private StatGroup throughputStats; /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public EnvironmentStats() { incompStats = new StatGroup(INCompStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, INCompStatDefinition.GROUP_DESC); /* * Memory budget stats are displayed with evictor stats, as a single * cache category. */ cacheStats = new StatGroup(EvictorStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, EvictorStatDefinition.GROUP_DESC); ckptStats = new StatGroup(CheckpointStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, CheckpointStatDefinition.GROUP_DESC); cleanerStats = new StatGroup(CleanerStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, CleanerStatDefinition.GROUP_DESC); logStats = new StatGroup(LogStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, LogStatDefinition.GROUP_DESC); lockStats = new StatGroup(LockStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, LockStatDefinition.GROUP_DESC); envImplStats = new StatGroup(DbiStatDefinition.ENV_GROUP_NAME, DbiStatDefinition.ENV_GROUP_DESC); throughputStats = new StatGroup(DbiStatDefinition.THROUGHPUT_GROUP_NAME, DbiStatDefinition.THROUGHPUT_GROUP_DESC); } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public Collection getStatGroups() { return Arrays.asList(cacheStats, ckptStats, cleanerStats, logStats, lockStats, envImplStats, incompStats, throughputStats); } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public Map getStatGroupsMap() { HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put(cacheStats.getName(), cacheStats); map.put(ckptStats.getName(), ckptStats); map.put(cleanerStats.getName(), cleanerStats); map.put(logStats.getName(), logStats); map.put(lockStats.getName(), lockStats); map.put(envImplStats.getName(), envImplStats); map.put(incompStats.getName(), incompStats); map.put(throughputStats.getName(), throughputStats); return map; } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setStatGroup(StatGroup sg) { if (sg.getName().equals(INCompStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME)) { incompStats = sg; } else if (sg.getName().equals(EvictorStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME)) { cacheStats = sg; } else if (sg.getName().equals(CheckpointStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME)) { ckptStats = sg; } else if (sg.getName().equals(CleanerStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME)) { cleanerStats = sg; } else if (sg.getName().equals(LogStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME)) { logStats = sg; } else if (sg.getName().equals(LockStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME)) { lockStats = sg; } else if (sg.getName().equals(DbiStatDefinition.ENV_GROUP_NAME)) { envImplStats = sg; } else if (sg.getName().equals( DbiStatDefinition.THROUGHPUT_GROUP_NAME)) { throughputStats = sg; } else { throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState ("Invalid stat group name in setStatGroup " + sg.getName()); } } /** * @hidden * Internal use only * For JConsole plugin support. */ public static String[] getStatGroupTitles() { return new String[] { LogStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, EvictorStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, CleanerStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, INCompStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, CheckpointStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME, DbiStatDefinition.ENV_GROUP_NAME, LockStatDefinition.GROUP_NAME}; } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setINCompStats(StatGroup stats) { incompStats = stats; } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setCkptStats(StatGroup stats) { ckptStats = stats; } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setCleanerStats(StatGroup stats) { cleanerStats = stats; } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setLogStats(StatGroup stats) { logStats = stats; } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setMBAndEvictorStats(StatGroup clonedMBStats, StatGroup clonedEvictorStats){ cacheStats = clonedEvictorStats; cacheStats.addAll(clonedMBStats); } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setCacheStats(StatGroup clonedCacheStats) { cacheStats = clonedCacheStats; } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setLockStats(StatGroup stats) { lockStats = stats; } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. */ public void setEnvImplStats(StatGroup stats) { envImplStats = stats; } /* INCompressor stats. */ /** * The number of BINs encountered by the INCompressor that had cursors * referring to them when the compressor ran. */ public long getCursorsBins() { return incompStats.getLong(INCOMP_CURSORS_BINS); } /** * The time the Environment was created. */ public long getEnvironmentCreationTime() { return envImplStats.getLong(ENVIMPL_CREATION_TIME); } /** * The number of BINs encountered by the INCompressor that had their * database closed between the time they were put on the compressor queue * and when the compressor ran. */ public long getDbClosedBins() { return incompStats.getLong(INCOMP_DBCLOSED_BINS); } /** * The number of entries in the INCompressor queue when the getStats() * call was made. */ public long getInCompQueueSize() { return incompStats.getLong(INCOMP_QUEUE_SIZE); } /** * The number of BINs encountered by the INCompressor that were not * actually empty when the compressor ran. */ public long getNonEmptyBins() { return incompStats.getLong(INCOMP_NON_EMPTY_BINS); } /** * The number of BINs that were successfully processed by the IN * Compressor. */ public long getProcessedBins() { return incompStats.getLong(INCOMP_PROCESSED_BINS); } /** * The number of BINs encountered by the INCompressor that were split * between the time they were put on the compressor queue and when the * compressor ran. */ public long getSplitBins() { return incompStats.getLong(INCOMP_SPLIT_BINS); } /* Checkpointer stats. */ /** * The Id of the last checkpoint. */ public long getLastCheckpointId() { return ckptStats.getLong(CKPT_LAST_CKPTID); } /** * The total number of checkpoints run so far. */ public long getNCheckpoints() { return ckptStats.getLong(CKPT_CHECKPOINTS); } /** * The accumulated number of full INs flushed to the log. */ public long getNFullINFlush() { return ckptStats.getLong(CKPT_FULL_IN_FLUSH); } /** * The accumulated number of full BINs flushed to the log. */ public long getNFullBINFlush() { return ckptStats.getLong(CKPT_FULL_BIN_FLUSH); } /** * The accumulated number of Delta INs flushed to the log. */ public long getNDeltaINFlush() { return ckptStats.getLong(CKPT_DELTA_IN_FLUSH); } /** * Byte length from last checkpoint start to the previous checkpoint start. */ public long getLastCheckpointInterval() { return ckptStats.getLong(CKPT_LAST_CKPT_INTERVAL); } /** * The location in the log of the last checkpoint start. */ public long getLastCheckpointStart() { return ckptStats.getLong(CKPT_LAST_CKPT_START); } /** * The location in the log of the last checkpoint end. */ public long getLastCheckpointEnd() { return ckptStats.getLong(CKPT_LAST_CKPT_END); } /* Cleaner stats. */ /** * The number of files to be cleaned to reach the target utilization. */ public int getCleanerBacklog() { return cleanerStats.getInt(CLEANER_BACKLOG); } /** * The number of log files that are ready to be deleted. A file that is * ready to be deleted may not yet have been deleted for any of the * following reasons: *
  • A checkpoint has not yet completed. Files are deleted only at the * end of each checkpoint.
  • *
  • A read-only process is running, which prevents file deletion.
  • *
  • A file is protected from deletion by an in-progress {@link * com.sleepycat.je.util.DbBackup}.
  • *
  • A file is protected from deletion because it is needed for * replication (High Availability applications only).
  • *
*/ public int getFileDeletionBacklog() { return cleanerStats.getInt(CLEANER_FILE_DELETION_BACKLOG); } /** * The last known log utilization as a percentage. This statistic provides * a cheap way of checking the log utilization without having to run the * DbSpace utility. *

* The log utilization is the percentage of the total log size (all .jdb * files) that is utilized or active. The remaining portion of the log * is obsolete. The log cleaner is responsible for keeping the log * utilization below the configured threshold, * {@link EnvironmentConfig#CLEANER_MIN_UTILIZATION}. *

* This statistic is computed every time the log cleaner examines the * utilization of the log, in order to determine whether cleaning is * needed. The frequency can be configured using * {@link EnvironmentConfig#CLEANER_BYTES_INTERVAL}. *

* Note that the size of the utilized data in the log is always greater * than the amount of user data (total size of keys and data). The active * Btree internal nodes and other metadata are also included. * * @return the last known utilization, or -1 if the utilization has not * been calculated for this environment since it was last opened. */ public int getLastKnownUtilization() { return cleanerStats.getInt(CLEANER_LAST_KNOWN_UTILIZATION); } /** * The factor used to correct average LN size, for LNs whose obsolete size * is unknown. Used to calculate corrected utilization. * *

{@link Float#NaN} is returned when a correction factor is not * applicable because all record sizes have not yet been counted or enough * data has not yet been collected to determine a representative * average.

* *

When deletions and updates are performed and the record (LN) is not * in cache, the size of the obsolete record in the log is unknown and * estimated log utilization may be incorrect. The correction factor is * determined when true utilization is calculated as log files are * cleaned.

*/ public float getLNSizeCorrectionFactor() { return cleanerStats.getFloat(CLEANER_LN_SIZE_CORRECTION_FACTOR); } /** * @deprecated in JE 5.0.56, use {@link #getCorrectedAvgLNSize} instead. */ public float getCorrectedAvgLNSize() { return Float.NaN; } /** * @deprecated in JE 5.0.56, use {@link #getCorrectedAvgLNSize} instead. */ public float getEstimatedAvgLNSize() { return Float.NaN; } /** * Number of cleaner runs, including probe runs. * * @see #getNCleanerProbeRuns */ public long getNCleanerRuns() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_RUNS); } /** * Number of cleaner runs for probing utilization. * *

When utilization may be incorrect (see {@link * #getCorrectedAvgLNSize}) and no log cleaning occurs because the * estimated utilization is higher than the configured utilization * threshold, a cleaner run is made to probe utilization and determine the * correction factor. This run is read-only and does not clean or delete * the log file; it only calculates utilization.

*/ public long getNCleanerProbeRuns() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_PROBE_RUNS); } /** * The number of cleaner file deletions this session. */ public long getNCleanerDeletions() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_DELETIONS); } /** * The number of LNs pending because they were locked and could not be * migrated. */ public int getPendingLNQueueSize() { return cleanerStats.getInt(CLEANER_PENDING_LN_QUEUE_SIZE); } /** * The accumulated number of log entries read by the cleaner. */ public long getNCleanerEntriesRead() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_ENTRIES_READ); } /** * The accumulated number of INs obsolete. */ public long getNINsObsolete() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_INS_OBSOLETE); } /** * The accumulated number of INs cleaned. */ public long getNINsCleaned() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_INS_CLEANED); } /** * The accumulated number of INs that were not found in the tree anymore * (deleted). */ public long getNINsDead() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_INS_DEAD); } /** * The accumulated number of INs migrated. */ public long getNINsMigrated() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_INS_MIGRATED); } /** * The accumulated number of BIN-deltas obsolete. */ public long getNBINDeltasObsolete() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_BIN_DELTAS_OBSOLETE); } /** * The accumulated number of BIN-deltas cleaned. */ public long getNBINDeltasCleaned() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_BIN_DELTAS_CLEANED); } /** * The accumulated number of BIN-deltas that were not found in the tree * anymore (deleted). */ public long getNBINDeltasDead() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_BIN_DELTAS_DEAD); } /** * The accumulated number of BIN-deltas migrated. */ public long getNBINDeltasMigrated() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_BIN_DELTAS_MIGRATED); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs obsolete. */ public long getNLNsObsolete() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_LNS_OBSOLETE); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs cleaned. */ public long getNLNsCleaned() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_LNS_CLEANED); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs that were not found in the tree anymore * (deleted). */ public long getNLNsDead() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_LNS_DEAD); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs encountered that were locked. */ public long getNLNsLocked() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_LNS_LOCKED); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs encountered that were migrated forward in * the log by the cleaner. */ public long getNLNsMigrated() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_LNS_MIGRATED); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs in temporary DBs that were dirtied by the * cleaner and subsequently logging during checkpoint/eviction. */ public long getNLNsMarked() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_LNS_MARKED); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs processed without a tree lookup. */ public long getNLNQueueHits() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_LNQUEUE_HITS); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs processed because they were previously * locked. */ public long getNPendingLNsProcessed() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_PENDING_LNS_PROCESSED); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs processed because they were previously * marked for migration. */ public long getNMarkedLNsProcessed() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_MARKED_LNS_PROCESSED); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs processed because they are soon to be * cleaned. */ public long getNToBeCleanedLNsProcessed() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_TO_BE_CLEANED_LNS_PROCESSED); } /** * The accumulated number of LNs processed because they qualify for * clustering. */ public long getNClusterLNsProcessed() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_CLUSTER_LNS_PROCESSED); } /** * The accumulated number of pending LNs that could not be locked for * migration because of a long duration application lock. */ public long getNPendingLNsLocked() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_PENDING_LNS_LOCKED); } /** * The number of times we tried to read a log entry larger than the read * buffer size and couldn't grow the log buffer to accommodate the large * object. This happens during scans of the log during activities like * environment open or log cleaning. Implies that the read chunk size * controlled by je.log.iteratorReadSize is too small. */ public long getNRepeatIteratorReads() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_REPEAT_ITERATOR_READS); } /** * An approximation of the current total log size in bytes. */ public long getTotalLogSize() { return cleanerStats.getLong(CLEANER_TOTAL_LOG_SIZE); } /* LogManager stats. */ /** * The total number of requests for database objects which were not in * memory. */ public long getNCacheMiss() { return logStats.getAtomicLong(LBFP_MISS); } /** * The location of the next entry to be written to the log. * *

Note that the log entries prior to this position may not yet have * been flushed to disk. Flushing can be forced using a Sync or * WriteNoSync commit, or a checkpoint.

*/ public long getEndOfLog() { return logStats.getLong(LOGMGR_END_OF_LOG); } /** * The number of fsyncs issued through the group commit manager. A subset * of nLogFsyncs. */ public long getNFSyncs() { return logStats.getAtomicLong(FSYNCMGR_FSYNCS); } /** * The number of fsyncs requested through the group commit manager. */ public long getNFSyncRequests() { return logStats.getLong(FSYNCMGR_FSYNC_REQUESTS); } /** * The number of fsync requests submitted to the group commit manager which * timed out. */ public long getNFSyncTimeouts() { return logStats.getLong(FSYNCMGR_TIMEOUTS); } /** * The total number of fsyncs of the JE log. This includes those fsyncs * issued on behalf of transaction commits. */ public long getNLogFSyncs() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_LOG_FSYNCS); } /** * The number of log buffers currently instantiated. */ public int getNLogBuffers() { return logStats.getInt(LBFP_LOG_BUFFERS); } /** * The number of disk reads which required repositioning the disk head * more than 1MB from the previous file position. Reads in a different * *.jdb log file then the last IO constitute a random read. *

* This number is approximate and may differ from the actual number of * random disk reads depending on the type of disks and file system, disk * geometry, and file system cache size. */ public long getNRandomReads() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_RANDOM_READS); } /** * The number of bytes read which required repositioning the disk head * more than 1MB from the previous file position. Reads in a different * *.jdb log file then the last IO constitute a random read. *

* This number is approximate vary depending on the type of disks and file * system, disk geometry, and file system cache size. */ public long getNRandomReadBytes() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_RANDOM_READ_BYTES); } /** * The number of disk writes which required repositioning the disk head by * more than 1MB from the previous file position. Writes to a different * *.jdb log file (i.e. a file "flip") then the last IO constitute a random * write. *

* This number is approximate and may differ from the actual number of * random disk writes depending on the type of disks and file system, disk * geometry, and file system cache size. */ public long getNRandomWrites() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_RANDOM_WRITES); } /** * The number of bytes written which required repositioning the disk head * more than 1MB from the previous file position. Writes in a different * *.jdb log file then the last IO constitute a random write. *

* This number is approximate vary depending on the type of disks and file * system, disk geometry, and file system cache size. */ public long getNRandomWriteBytes() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_RANDOM_WRITE_BYTES); } /** * The number of disk reads which did not require repositioning the disk * head more than 1MB from the previous file position. Reads in a * different *.jdb log file then the last IO constitute a random read. *

* This number is approximate and may differ from the actual number of * sequential disk reads depending on the type of disks and file system, * disk geometry, and file system cache size. */ public long getNSequentialReads() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_SEQUENTIAL_READS); } /** * The number of bytes read which did not require repositioning the disk * head more than 1MB from the previous file position. Reads in a * different *.jdb log file then the last IO constitute a random read. *

* This number is approximate vary depending on the type of disks and file * system, disk geometry, and file system cache size. */ public long getNSequentialReadBytes() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_SEQUENTIAL_READ_BYTES); } /** * The number of disk writes which did not require repositioning the disk * head by more than 1MB from the previous file position. Writes to a * different *.jdb log file (i.e. a file "flip") then the last IO * constitute a random write. *

* This number is approximate and may differ from the actual number of * sequential disk writes depending on the type of disks and file system, * disk geometry, and file system cache size. */ public long getNSequentialWrites() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_SEQUENTIAL_WRITES); } /** * The number of bytes written which did not require repositioning the * disk head more than 1MB from the previous file position. Writes in a * different *.jdb log file then the last IO constitute a random write. *

* This number is approximate vary depending on the type of disks and file * system, disk geometry, and file system cache size. */ public long getNSequentialWriteBytes() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_SEQUENTIAL_WRITE_BYTES); } /** * The number of bytes read to fulfill file read operations by reading out * of the pending write queue. */ public long getNBytesReadFromWriteQueue() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_BYTES_READ_FROM_WRITEQUEUE); } /** * The number of bytes written from the pending write queue. */ public long getNBytesWrittenFromWriteQueue() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_BYTES_WRITTEN_FROM_WRITEQUEUE); } /** * The number of file read operations which were fulfilled by reading out * of the pending write queue. */ public long getNReadsFromWriteQueue() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_READS_FROM_WRITEQUEUE); } /** * The number of file writes operations executed from the pending write * queue. */ public long getNWritesFromWriteQueue() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_WRITES_FROM_WRITEQUEUE); } /** * The number of writes operations which would overflow the Write Queue. */ public long getNWriteQueueOverflow() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_WRITEQUEUE_OVERFLOW); } /** * The number of writes operations which would overflow the Write Queue * and could not be queued. */ public long getNWriteQueueOverflowFailures() { return logStats.getLong(FILEMGR_WRITEQUEUE_OVERFLOW_FAILURES); } /** * The total memory currently consumed by log buffers, in bytes. If this * environment uses the shared cache, this method returns only the amount * used by this environment. */ public long getBufferBytes() { return logStats.getLong(LBFP_BUFFER_BYTES); } /** * The number of requests for database objects not contained within the * in memory data structures. */ public long getNNotResident() { return logStats.getAtomicLong(LBFP_NOT_RESIDENT); } /** * The number of reads which had to be repeated when faulting in an object * from disk because the read chunk size controlled by je.log.faultReadSize * is too small. */ public long getNRepeatFaultReads() { return logStats.getLong(LOGMGR_REPEAT_FAULT_READS); } /** * The number of writes which had to be completed using the temporary * marshalling buffer because the fixed size log buffers specified by * je.log.totalBufferBytes and je.log.numBuffers were not large enough. */ public long getNTempBufferWrites() { return logStats.getLong(LOGMGR_TEMP_BUFFER_WRITES); } /** * The number of times a log file has been opened. */ public int getNFileOpens() { return logStats.getInt(FILEMGR_FILE_OPENS); } /** * The number of files currently open in the file cache. */ public int getNOpenFiles() { return logStats.getInt(FILEMGR_OPEN_FILES); } /* Return Evictor stats. */ /** * @deprecated The method returns 0 always. */ public long getRequiredEvictBytes() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has no meaning after the implementation * of the new evictor in JE 6.0. The method returns 0 always. */ public long getNNodesScanned() { return 0; } /** * Number of eviction runs, an indicator of the eviction activity level. * * @deprecated Use getNEvictionRuns() instead. */ public long getNEvictPasses() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_EVICTION_RUNS); } /** * Number of nodes selected as eviction targets. An eviction target may * actually be evicted, or skipped, or put back to the LRU, potentially * after partial eviction (stripping) or BIN-delta mutation is done on it. * * @deprecated Use getNNodesTargeted() instead. */ public long getNNodesSelected() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_TARGETED); } /** * Number of nodes evicted. * * @deprecated Use getNNodesEvicted() instead. */ public long getNNodesExplicitlyEvicted() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_EVICTED); } /** * Number of BINs whose child LNs were evicted (stripped). * * @deprecated Use getNNodesStripped() instead. */ public long getNBINsStripped() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_STRIPPED); } /** * Number of BINs mutated to BIN-deltas by eviction. * * @deprecated Use getNNodesMutated() instead. */ public long getNBINsMutated() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_MUTATED); } /** * Number of eviction runs, an indicator of the eviction activity level. */ public long getNEvictionRuns() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_EVICTION_RUNS); } /** * Number of nodes selected as eviction targets. An eviction target may * actually be evicted, or skipped, or put back to the LRU, potentially * after partial eviction (stripping) or BIN-delta mutation is done on it. */ public long getNNodesTargeted() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_TARGETED); } /** * Number of nodes evicted. */ public long getNNodesEvicted() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_EVICTED); } /** * Number of database root nodes evicted. */ public long getNRootNodesEvicted() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_ROOT_NODES_EVICTED); } /** * Number of LNs evicted as a result of BIN stripping */ public long getNLNsEvicted() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_LNS_EVICTED); } /** * Number of BINs whose child LNs were evicted (stripped). */ public long getNNodesStripped() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_STRIPPED); } /** * Number of BINs mutated to BIN-deltas by eviction. */ public long getNNodesMutated() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_MUTATED); } /** * Number of nodes back into the LRU without any action taken on them. * For example, a target BIN will immediatelly be put back if it is * pinned, or is marked "hot", or none of it LNs are evictable." */ public long getNNodesPutBack() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_PUT_BACK); } /** * Number of nodes moved from the "mixed" to the dirty LRU. */ public long getNNodesMovedToDirtyLRU() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_MOVED_TO_DIRTY_LRU); } /** * Number of nodes removed from the LRU without any action taken on them. * For example, a node will be skipped if it has already been evicted by * another thread. */ public long getNNodesSkipped() { return cacheStats.getLong(EVICTOR_NODES_SKIPPED); } /** * Number of eviction tasks that were submitted to the background evictor * pool, but were refused because all eviction threads were busy. This may * indicate the need to change the size of the evictor pool through the * je.evictor.*Threads properties. */ public long getNThreadUnavailable() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(THREAD_UNAVAILABLE); } /** * The number of environments using the shared cache. This method says * nothing about whether this environment is using the shared cache or not. */ public int getNSharedCacheEnvironments() { return cacheStats.getInt(EVICTOR_SHARED_CACHE_ENVS); } /** * Number of LNs (data records) requested by btree operations. Can be used * to gauge cache hit/miss ratios. */ public long getNLNsFetch() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(LN_FETCH); } /** * Number of upper INs (non bottom internal nodes) requested by btree * operations. Can be used to gauge cache hit/miss ratios. */ public long getNUpperINsFetch() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(UPPER_IN_FETCH); } /** * Number of BINs (bottom internal nodes) requested by btree * operations. Can be used to gauge cache hit/miss ratios. */ public long getNBINsFetch() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(BIN_FETCH); } /** * Number of LNs (data records) requested by btree operations that were not * in cache. Can be used to gauge cache hit/miss ratios. */ public long getNLNsFetchMiss() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(LN_FETCH_MISS); } /** * Number of upper INs (non-bottom internal nodes) requested by btree * operations that were not in cache. Can be used to gauge cache hit/miss * ratios. */ public long getNUpperINsFetchMiss() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(UPPER_IN_FETCH_MISS); } /** * Number of full BINs (bottom internal nodes) and BIN deltas fetched to * satisfy btree operations. Can be used to gauge cache hit/miss ratios. */ public long getNBINsFetchMiss() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(BIN_FETCH_MISS); } /** * Number of BIN-deltas (partial BINS) fetched to satisfy btree * operations. Can be used to gauge cache hit/miss ratios. */ public long getNBINDeltasFetchMiss() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(BIN_DELTA_FETCH_MISS); } /** * The ratio between the number of BINs (full or deltas) fetched to * satisfy btree operations and the number of BINs requested by btree * operations. */ public float getNBINsFetchMissRatio() { return cacheStats.getFloat(BIN_FETCH_MISS_RATIO); } /** * Number of times a BIN-delta had to be mutated to a full BIN (and as a * result a full BIN had to be read in from the log). */ public long getNFullBINsMiss() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(FULL_BIN_MISS); } /** * The number of operations performed blindly in BIN deltas */ public long getNBINDeltaBlindOps() { return cacheStats.getAtomicLong(BIN_DELTA_BLIND_OPS); } /** * Number of INs (internal nodes) in cache. The cache holds INs and BINS, * so this indicates the proportion used by each type of node. When used on * shared environment caches, will only be visible via * StatConfig.setFast(false). */ public long getNCachedUpperINs() { return cacheStats.getLong(CACHED_UPPER_INS); } /** * Number of BINs (bottom internal nodes) in cache. The cache holds INs and * BINS, so this indicates the proportion used by each type of node. When * used on shared environment caches, will only be visible via * StatConfig.setFast(false). */ public long getNCachedBINs() { return cacheStats.getLong(CACHED_BINS); } /** * Number of BIN-deltas (partial BINs) in cache. This is a subset of the * nCachedBINs value. */ public long getNCachedBINDeltas() { return cacheStats.getLong(CACHED_BIN_DELTAS); } /** * Number of INs that use a compact sparse array representation to point * to child nodes in the cache. This helps provide some insight into what * is resident in the cache. */ public long getNINSparseTarget() { return cacheStats.getLong(CACHED_IN_SPARSE_TARGET); } /** * Number of INs that use a compact representation when none of its child * nodes are in the cache. This helps provide some insight into what * is resident in the cache. */ public long getNINNoTarget() { return cacheStats.getLong(CACHED_IN_NO_TARGET); } /** * Number of INs that use a compact key representation to minimize the key * object representation overhead. This helps provide some insight into * what is resident in the cache. In addition, if this number is low, and * the application may want to try using Database.setKeyPrefix to enable * key prefixing, and to see if that lets JE use the compact key * representation more often. */ public long getNINCompactKeyIN() { return cacheStats.getLong(CACHED_IN_COMPACT_KEY); } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBINsEvictedEvictorThread() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBINsEvictedManual() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBINsEvictedCritical() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBINsEvictedCacheMode() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBINsEvictedDaemon() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNUpperINsEvictedEvictorThread() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNUpperINsEvictedManual() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNUpperINsEvictedCritical() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNUpperINsEvictedCacheMode() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNUpperINsEvictedDaemon() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBatchesEvictorThread() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBatchesManual() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBatchesCacheMode() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBatchesCritical() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getNBatchesDaemon() { return 0; } /** * Number of bytes evicted by evictor pool threads. It serves as an * indicator of which part of the system is doing eviction work. */ public long getNBytesEvictedEvictorThread() { return cacheStats.getLong( EvictionSource.EVICTORTHREAD.getNumBytesEvictedStatDef()); } /** * Number of bytes evicted by the {@link Environment#evictMemory} method, * which is called during Environment startup, or by application code. It * serves as an indicator of which part of the system is doing eviction * work. */ public long getNBytesEvictedManual() { return cacheStats.getLong( EvictionSource.MANUAL.getNumBytesEvictedStatDef()); } /** * Number of bytes evicted in the course of executing operations that * use an explicitly set {@link CacheMode}. It serves as an * indicator of which part of the system is doing eviction work. */ public long getNBytesEvictedCacheMode() { return cacheStats.getLong( EvictionSource.CACHEMODE.getNumBytesEvictedStatDef()); } /** * Number of bytes evicted in the course of executing operations that * will cause the cache to go over budget. It serves as an indicator of * which part of the system is doing eviction work. */ public long getNBytesEvictedCritical() { return cacheStats.getLong( EvictionSource.CRITICAL.getNumBytesEvictedStatDef()); } /** * Number of bytes evicted by JE deamon threads. It serves as an * indicator of which part of the system is doing eviction work. */ public long getNBytesEvictedDeamon() { return cacheStats.getLong( EvictionSource.DAEMON.getNumBytesEvictedStatDef()); } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getAvgBatchEvictorThread() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getAvgBatchManual() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getAvgBatchCacheMode() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getAvgBatchCritical() { return 0; } /** * @deprecated This statistic has been removed. The method returns 0 * always. */ public long getAvgBatchDaemon() { return 0; } /* MemoryBudget stats. */ /** * The total amount of the shared JE cache in use, in bytes. If this * environment uses the shared cache, this method returns the total amount * used by all environments that are sharing the cache. If this * environment does not use the shared cache, this method returns zero. * *

To get the configured maximum cache size, see {@link * EnvironmentMutableConfig#getCacheSize}.

*/ public long getSharedCacheTotalBytes() { return cacheStats.getLong(MB_SHARED_CACHE_TOTAL_BYTES); } /** * The total amount of JE cache in use, in bytes. If this environment uses * the shared cache, this method returns only the amount used by this * environment. * *

This method returns the sum of {@link #getDataBytes}, {@link * #getAdminBytes}, {@link #getLockBytes} and {@link #getBufferBytes}.

* *

To get the configured maximum cache size, see {@link * EnvironmentMutableConfig#getCacheSize}.

*/ public long getCacheTotalBytes() { return cacheStats.getLong(MB_TOTAL_BYTES); } /** * The amount of JE cache used for holding data, keys and internal Btree * nodes, in bytes. If this environment uses the shared cache, this method * returns only the amount used by this environment. * *

The value returned by this method includes the amount returned by * {@link #getDataAdminBytes}.

*/ public long getDataBytes() { return cacheStats.getLong(MB_DATA_BYTES); } /** * The portion of data bytes ({@link #getDataBytes}) in the cache that are * allocated for per-database cleaner utilization metadata. */ public long getDataAdminBytes() { return cacheStats.getLong(MB_DATA_ADMIN_BYTES); } /** * The number of bytes of JE cache used for log cleaning metadata and other * administrative structures. If this environment uses the shared cache, * this method returns only the amount used by this environment. */ public long getAdminBytes() { return cacheStats.getLong(MB_ADMIN_BYTES); } /** * The number of bytes of JE cache used for holding locks and transactions. * If this environment uses the shared cache, this method returns only the * amount used by this environment. */ public long getLockBytes() { return cacheStats.getLong(MB_LOCK_BYTES); } /** * The amount of JE cache used for all items except for the log buffers, in * bytes. If this environment uses the shared cache, this method returns * only the amount used by this environment. * * @deprecated Please use {@link #getDataBytes} to get the amount of cache * used for data and use {@link #getAdminBytes}, {@link #getLockBytes} and * {@link #getBufferBytes} to get other components of the total cache usage * ({@link #getCacheTotalBytes}). */ public long getCacheDataBytes() { return getCacheTotalBytes() - getBufferBytes(); } /* EnvironmentImpl stats. */ /** * Returns the number of latch upgrades (relatches) required while * operating on this Environment. Latch upgrades are required when an * operation assumes that a shared (read) latch will be sufficient but * later determines that an exclusive (write) latch will actually be * required. * * @return number of latch upgrades (relatches) required. */ public long getRelatchesRequired() { return envImplStats.getLong(ENVIMPL_RELATCHES_REQUIRED); } /* TxnManager stats. */ /** * Total lock owners in lock table. Only provided when {@link * com.sleepycat.je.Environment#getStats Environment.getStats} is * called in "slow" mode. */ public int getNOwners() { return lockStats.getInt(LOCK_OWNERS); } /** * Total read locks currently held. Only provided when {@link * com.sleepycat.je.Environment#getStats Environment.getStats} is * called in "slow" mode. */ public int getNReadLocks() { return lockStats.getInt(LOCK_READ_LOCKS); } /** * Total locks currently in lock table. Only provided when {@link * com.sleepycat.je.Environment#getStats Environment.getStats} is * called in "slow" mode. */ public int getNTotalLocks() { return lockStats.getInt(LOCK_TOTAL); } /** * Total transactions waiting for locks. Only provided when {@link * com.sleepycat.je.Environment#getStats Environment.getStats} is * called in "slow" mode. */ public int getNWaiters() { return lockStats.getInt(LOCK_WAITERS); } /** * Total write locks currently held. Only provided when {@link * com.sleepycat.je.Environment#getStats Environment.getStats} is * called in "slow" mode. */ public int getNWriteLocks() { return lockStats.getInt(LOCK_WRITE_LOCKS); } /** * Total number of lock requests to date. */ public long getNRequests() { return lockStats.getLong(LOCK_REQUESTS); } /** * Total number of lock waits to date. */ public long getNWaits() { return lockStats.getLong(LOCK_WAITS); } /** * Number of acquires of lock table latch with no contention. */ public int getNAcquiresNoWaiters() { return lockStats.getInt(LATCH_NO_WAITERS); } /** * Number of acquires of lock table latch when it was already owned * by the caller. */ public int getNAcquiresSelfOwned() { return lockStats.getInt(LATCH_SELF_OWNED); } /** * Number of acquires of lock table latch when it was already owned by * another thread. */ public int getNAcquiresWithContention() { return lockStats.getInt(LATCH_CONTENTION); } /** * Number of successful no-wait acquires of the lock table latch. */ public int getNAcquiresNoWaitSuccessful() { return lockStats.getInt(LATCH_NOWAIT_SUCCESS); } /** * Number of unsuccessful no-wait acquires of the lock table latch. */ public int getNAcquiresNoWaitUnSuccessful() { return lockStats.getInt(LATCH_NOWAIT_UNSUCCESS); } /** * Number of releases of the lock table latch. */ public int getNReleases() { return lockStats.getInt(LATCH_RELEASES); } /** * The number of user (non-internal) Cursor and Database get operations * performed in BIN deltas. */ public long getNBinDeltaGetOps() { return throughputStats.getAtomicLong(THROUGHPUT_BIN_DELTA_GETS); } /** * The number of user (non-internal) Cursor and Database insert operations * performed in BIN deltas (these are insertions performed via the various * put methods). */ public long getNBinDeltaInsertOps() { return throughputStats.getAtomicLong(THROUGHPUT_BIN_DELTA_INSERTS); } /** * The number of user (non-internal) Cursor and Database update operations * performed in BIN deltas (these are updates performed via the various * put methods). */ public long getNBinDeltaUpdateOps() { return throughputStats.getAtomicLong(THROUGHPUT_BIN_DELTA_UPDATES); } /** * The number of user (non-internal) Cursor and Database delete operations * performed in BIN deltas. */ public long getNBinDeltaDeleteOps() { return throughputStats.getAtomicLong(THROUGHPUT_BIN_DELTA_DELETES); } /** * Returns a String representation of the stats in the form of * <stat>=<value> */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); /* IO */ sb.append(logStats.toString()); /* Cache */ sb.append(cacheStats.toString()); /* Cleaner */ sb.append(cleanerStats.toString()); /* INCompressor */ sb.append(incompStats.toString()); /* Checkpointer */ sb.append(ckptStats.toString()); /* EnvironmentImpl */ sb.append(envImplStats.toString()); /* Lock Stats */ sb.append(lockStats.toString()); return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns a String representation of the stats which includes stats * descriptions in addition to <stat>=<value> */ public String toStringVerbose() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); /* IO */ sb.append(logStats.toStringVerbose()); /* Cache */ sb.append(cacheStats.toStringVerbose()); /* Cleaner */ sb.append(cleanerStats.toStringVerbose()); /* INCompressor */ sb.append(incompStats.toStringVerbose()); /* Checkpointer */ sb.append(ckptStats.toStringVerbose()); /* EnvironmentImpl */ sb.append(envImplStats.toStringVerbose()); /* Lock Stats */ sb.append(lockStats.toStringVerbose()); return sb.toString(); } /** * @hidden * Internal use only. * JConsole plugin support: Get tips for stats. */ public Map getTips() { Map tipsMap = new HashMap(); cacheStats.addToTipMap(tipsMap); ckptStats.addToTipMap(tipsMap); cleanerStats.addToTipMap(tipsMap); logStats.addToTipMap(tipsMap); lockStats.addToTipMap(tipsMap); envImplStats.addToTipMap(tipsMap); return tipsMap; } }