/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2016 IBM Corporation and others. * * This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/ * * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.swt.examples.controlexample; import static org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener.widgetSelectedAdapter; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolder2Listener; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolderEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Font; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.FontData; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Item; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TableItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolBar; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ToolItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget; class CTabFolderTab extends Tab { int lastSelectedTab = 0; /* Example widgets and groups that contain them */ CTabFolder tabFolder1; Group tabFolderGroup, itemGroup, tabHeightGroup; /* Style widgets added to the "Style" group */ Button topButton, bottomButton, flatButton, closeButton; Button rightButton, fillButton, wrapButton; static String [] CTabItems1 = {ControlExample.getResourceString("CTabItem1_0"), ControlExample.getResourceString("CTabItem1_1"), ControlExample.getResourceString("CTabItem1_2")}; /* Controls and resources added to the "Fonts" group */ static final int SELECTION_FOREGROUND_COLOR = 3; static final int SELECTION_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 4; static final int ITEM_FONT = 5; static final int ITEM_FOREGROUND_COLOR = 6; static final int ITEM_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 7; Color selectionForegroundColor, selectionBackgroundColor, itemForegroundColor, itemBackgroundColor; Font itemFont; /* Other widgets added to the "Other" group */ Button simpleTabButton, singleTabButton, imageButton, showMinButton, showMaxButton, topRightButton, unselectedCloseButton, unselectedImageButton; ToolBar topRightControl; Button tabHeightDefault, tabHeightSmall, tabHeightMedium, tabHeightLarge; /** * Creates the Tab within a given instance of ControlExample. */ CTabFolderTab(ControlExample instance) { super(instance); } @Override void createControlGroup() { super.createControlGroup(); /* Create a group for the CTabFolder */ tabHeightGroup = new Group (controlGroup, SWT.NONE); tabHeightGroup.setLayout (new GridLayout ()); tabHeightGroup.setLayoutData (new GridData (SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true)); tabHeightGroup.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString ("Tab_Height")); tabHeightDefault = new Button(tabHeightGroup, SWT.RADIO); tabHeightDefault.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("Preferred")); tabHeightDefault.setSelection(true); tabHeightDefault.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setTabHeight(SWT.DEFAULT))); tabHeightSmall = new Button(tabHeightGroup, SWT.RADIO); tabHeightSmall.setText("8"); tabHeightSmall.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setTabHeight(Integer.parseInt(tabHeightSmall.getText())))); tabHeightMedium = new Button(tabHeightGroup, SWT.RADIO); tabHeightMedium.setText("20"); tabHeightMedium.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setTabHeight(Integer.parseInt(tabHeightMedium.getText())))); tabHeightLarge = new Button(tabHeightGroup, SWT.RADIO); tabHeightLarge.setText("45"); tabHeightLarge.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setTabHeight(Integer.parseInt(tabHeightLarge.getText())))); } /** * Creates the "Colors and Fonts" group. */ @Override void createColorAndFontGroup () { super.createColorAndFontGroup(); TableItem item = new TableItem(colorAndFontTable, SWT.None); item.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString ("Selection_Foreground_Color")); item = new TableItem(colorAndFontTable, SWT.None); item.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString ("Selection_Background_Color")); item = new TableItem(colorAndFontTable, SWT.None); item.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString ("Item_Font")); item = new TableItem(colorAndFontTable, SWT.None); item.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString ("Item_Foreground_Color")); item = new TableItem(colorAndFontTable, SWT.None); item.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString ("Item_Background_Color")); shell.addDisposeListener(event -> { if (selectionBackgroundColor != null) selectionBackgroundColor.dispose(); if (selectionForegroundColor != null) selectionForegroundColor.dispose(); if (itemFont != null) itemFont.dispose(); if (itemBackgroundColor != null) itemBackgroundColor.dispose(); if (itemForegroundColor != null) itemForegroundColor.dispose(); selectionBackgroundColor = null; selectionForegroundColor = null; itemFont = null; itemBackgroundColor = null; itemForegroundColor = null; }); } @Override void changeFontOrColor(int index) { switch (index) { case SELECTION_FOREGROUND_COLOR: { Color oldColor = selectionForegroundColor; if (oldColor == null) oldColor = tabFolder1.getSelectionForeground(); colorDialog.setRGB(oldColor.getRGB()); RGB rgb = colorDialog.open(); if (rgb == null) return; oldColor = selectionForegroundColor; selectionForegroundColor = new Color (display, rgb); setSelectionForeground (); if (oldColor != null) oldColor.dispose (); } break; case SELECTION_BACKGROUND_COLOR: { Color oldColor = selectionBackgroundColor; if (oldColor == null) oldColor = tabFolder1.getSelectionBackground(); colorDialog.setRGB(oldColor.getRGB()); RGB rgb = colorDialog.open(); if (rgb == null) return; oldColor = selectionBackgroundColor; selectionBackgroundColor = new Color (display, rgb); setSelectionBackground (); if (oldColor != null) oldColor.dispose (); } break; case ITEM_FONT: { Font oldFont = itemFont; if (oldFont == null) oldFont = tabFolder1.getItem (0).getFont (); fontDialog.setFontList(oldFont.getFontData()); FontData fontData = fontDialog.open (); if (fontData == null) return; oldFont = itemFont; itemFont = new Font (display, fontData); setItemFont (); setExampleWidgetSize (); if (oldFont != null) oldFont.dispose (); } break; case ITEM_FOREGROUND_COLOR: { Color oldColor = itemForegroundColor; if (oldColor == null) oldColor = tabFolder1.getItem(0).getControl().getForeground(); colorDialog.setRGB(oldColor.getRGB()); RGB rgb = colorDialog.open(); if (rgb == null) return; oldColor = itemForegroundColor; itemForegroundColor = new Color (display, rgb); setItemForeground (); if (oldColor != null) oldColor.dispose (); } break; case ITEM_BACKGROUND_COLOR: { Color oldColor = itemBackgroundColor; if (oldColor == null) oldColor = tabFolder1.getItem(0).getControl().getBackground(); colorDialog.setRGB(oldColor.getRGB()); RGB rgb = colorDialog.open(); if (rgb == null) return; oldColor = itemBackgroundColor; itemBackgroundColor = new Color (display, rgb); setItemBackground (); if (oldColor != null) oldColor.dispose (); } break; default: super.changeFontOrColor(index); } } /** * Creates the "Other" group. */ @Override void createOtherGroup () { super.createOtherGroup (); /* Create display controls specific to this example */ simpleTabButton = new Button (otherGroup, SWT.CHECK); simpleTabButton.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Set_Simple_Tabs")); simpleTabButton.setSelection(true); simpleTabButton.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setSimpleTabs())); singleTabButton = new Button (otherGroup, SWT.CHECK); singleTabButton.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Set_Single_Tabs")); singleTabButton.setSelection(false); singleTabButton.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setSingleTabs())); showMinButton = new Button (otherGroup, SWT.CHECK); showMinButton.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Set_Min_Visible")); showMinButton.setSelection(false); showMinButton.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setMinimizeVisible())); showMaxButton = new Button (otherGroup, SWT.CHECK); showMaxButton.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Set_Max_Visible")); showMaxButton.setSelection(false); showMaxButton.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setMaximizeVisible())); topRightButton = new Button (otherGroup, SWT.CHECK); topRightButton.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Set_Top_Right")); topRightButton.setSelection(false); topRightButton.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setTopRight())); imageButton = new Button (otherGroup, SWT.CHECK); imageButton.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Set_Image")); imageButton.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setImages())); unselectedImageButton = new Button (otherGroup, SWT.CHECK); unselectedImageButton.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Set_Unselected_Image_Visible")); unselectedImageButton.setSelection(true); unselectedImageButton.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setUnselectedImageVisible())); unselectedCloseButton = new Button (otherGroup, SWT.CHECK); unselectedCloseButton.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Set_Unselected_Close_Visible")); unselectedCloseButton.setSelection(true); unselectedCloseButton.addSelectionListener (widgetSelectedAdapter(event -> setUnselectedCloseVisible())); } /** * Creates the "Example" group. */ @Override void createExampleGroup () { super.createExampleGroup (); /* Create a group for the CTabFolder */ tabFolderGroup = new Group (exampleGroup, SWT.NONE); tabFolderGroup.setLayout (new GridLayout ()); tabFolderGroup.setLayoutData (new GridData (SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, true, true)); tabFolderGroup.setText ("CTabFolder"); } /** * Creates the "Example" widgets. */ @Override void createExampleWidgets () { /* Compute the widget style */ int style = getDefaultStyle(); if (topButton.getSelection ()) style |= SWT.TOP; if (bottomButton.getSelection ()) style |= SWT.BOTTOM; if (borderButton.getSelection ()) style |= SWT.BORDER; if (flatButton.getSelection ()) style |= SWT.FLAT; if (closeButton.getSelection ()) style |= SWT.CLOSE; /* Create the example widgets */ tabFolder1 = new CTabFolder (tabFolderGroup, style); for (int i = 0; i < CTabItems1.length; i++) { CTabItem item = new CTabItem(tabFolder1, SWT.NONE); item.setText(CTabItems1[i]); Text text = new Text(tabFolder1, SWT.WRAP | SWT.MULTI); text.setText(ControlExample.getResourceString("CTabItem_content") + ": " + i); item.setControl(text); } tabFolder1.addListener(SWT.Selection, event -> lastSelectedTab = tabFolder1.getSelectionIndex()); /* If we have saved state, restore it */ tabFolder1.setSelection(lastSelectedTab); setTopRight (); } /** * Creates the "Style" group. */ @Override void createStyleGroup() { super.createStyleGroup (); /* Create the extra widgets */ topButton = new Button (styleGroup, SWT.RADIO); topButton.setText ("SWT.TOP"); topButton.setSelection(true); bottomButton = new Button (styleGroup, SWT.RADIO); bottomButton.setText ("SWT.BOTTOM"); borderButton = new Button (styleGroup, SWT.CHECK); borderButton.setText ("SWT.BORDER"); flatButton = new Button (styleGroup, SWT.CHECK); flatButton.setText ("SWT.FLAT"); closeButton = new Button (styleGroup, SWT.CHECK); closeButton.setText ("SWT.CLOSE"); Group topRightGroup = new Group(styleGroup, SWT.NONE); topRightGroup.setLayout (new GridLayout ()); topRightGroup.setLayoutData (new GridData (SWT.FILL, SWT.FILL, false, false)); topRightGroup.setText (ControlExample.getResourceString("Top_Right_Styles")); rightButton = new Button (topRightGroup, SWT.RADIO); rightButton.setText ("SWT.RIGHT"); rightButton.setSelection(true); fillButton = new Button (topRightGroup, SWT.RADIO); fillButton.setText ("SWT.FILL"); wrapButton = new Button (topRightGroup, SWT.RADIO); wrapButton.setText ("SWT.RIGHT | SWT.WRAP"); } /** * Gets the list of custom event names. * * @return an array containing custom event names */ @Override String [] getCustomEventNames () { return new String [] {"CTabFolderEvent"}; } /** * Gets the "Example" widget children's items, if any. * * @return an array containing the example widget children's items */ @Override Item [] getExampleWidgetItems () { return tabFolder1.getItems(); } /** * Gets the "Example" widget children. */ @Override Widget [] getExampleWidgets () { return new Widget [] {tabFolder1}; } /** * Gets the text for the tab folder item. */ @Override String getTabText () { return "CTabFolder"; } /** * Hooks the custom listener specified by eventName. */ @Override void hookCustomListener (final String eventName) { if (eventName == "CTabFolderEvent") { tabFolder1.addCTabFolder2Listener (new CTabFolder2Listener () { @Override public void close (CTabFolderEvent event) { log (eventName, event); } @Override public void minimize(CTabFolderEvent event) { log (eventName, event); } @Override public void maximize(CTabFolderEvent event) { log (eventName, event); } @Override public void restore(CTabFolderEvent event) { log (eventName, event); } @Override public void showList(CTabFolderEvent event) { log (eventName, event); } }); } } /** * Sets the foreground color, background color, and font * of the "Example" widgets to their default settings. * Also sets foreground and background color of the Node 1 * TreeItems to default settings. */ @Override void resetColorsAndFonts () { super.resetColorsAndFonts (); Color oldColor = selectionForegroundColor; selectionForegroundColor = null; setSelectionForeground (); if (oldColor != null) oldColor.dispose(); oldColor = selectionBackgroundColor; selectionBackgroundColor = null; setSelectionBackground (); if (oldColor != null) oldColor.dispose(); Font oldFont = itemFont; itemFont = null; setItemFont (); if (oldFont != null) oldFont.dispose(); oldColor = itemForegroundColor; itemForegroundColor = null; setItemForeground (); if (oldColor != null) oldColor.dispose(); oldColor = itemBackgroundColor; itemBackgroundColor = null; setItemBackground (); } /** * Sets the state of the "Example" widgets. */ @Override void setExampleWidgetState () { super.setExampleWidgetState(); setSimpleTabs(); setSingleTabs(); setImages(); setMinimizeVisible(); setMaximizeVisible(); setUnselectedCloseVisible(); setUnselectedImageVisible(); setSelectionBackground (); setSelectionForeground (); setItemFont (); setItemBackground(); setItemForeground(); setExampleWidgetSize(); } /** * Sets the shape that the CTabFolder will use to render itself. */ void setSimpleTabs () { tabFolder1.setSimple (simpleTabButton.getSelection ()); setExampleWidgetSize(); } /** * Sets the number of tabs that the CTabFolder should display. */ void setSingleTabs () { tabFolder1.setSingle (singleTabButton.getSelection ()); setExampleWidgetSize(); } /** * Sets an image into each item of the "Example" widgets. */ void setImages () { boolean setImage = imageButton.getSelection (); CTabItem items[] = tabFolder1.getItems (); for (CTabItem item : items) { if (setImage) { item.setImage (instance.images[ControlExample.ciClosedFolder]); } else { item.setImage (null); } } setExampleWidgetSize (); } /** * Sets the visibility of the minimize button */ void setMinimizeVisible () { tabFolder1.setMinimizeVisible(showMinButton.getSelection ()); setExampleWidgetSize(); } /** * Sets the visibility of the maximize button */ void setMaximizeVisible () { tabFolder1.setMaximizeVisible(showMaxButton.getSelection ()); setExampleWidgetSize(); } /** * Sets the top right control to a toolbar */ void setTopRight () { if (topRightButton.getSelection ()) { topRightControl = new ToolBar(tabFolder1, SWT.FLAT); ToolItem item = new ToolItem(topRightControl, SWT.PUSH); item.setImage(instance.images[ControlExample.ciClosedFolder]); item = new ToolItem(topRightControl, SWT.PUSH); item.setImage(instance.images[ControlExample.ciOpenFolder]); int topRightStyle = 0; if (rightButton.getSelection ()) topRightStyle |= SWT.RIGHT; if (fillButton.getSelection ()) topRightStyle |= SWT.FILL; if (wrapButton.getSelection ()) topRightStyle |= SWT.RIGHT | SWT.WRAP; tabFolder1.setTopRight(topRightControl, topRightStyle); } else { if (topRightControl != null) { tabFolder1.setTopRight(null); topRightControl.dispose(); } } setExampleWidgetSize(); } /** * Sets the visibility of the close button on unselected tabs */ void setUnselectedCloseVisible () { tabFolder1.setUnselectedCloseVisible(unselectedCloseButton.getSelection ()); setExampleWidgetSize(); } /** * Sets the visibility of the image on unselected tabs */ void setUnselectedImageVisible () { tabFolder1.setUnselectedImageVisible(unselectedImageButton.getSelection ()); setExampleWidgetSize(); } /** * Sets the background color of CTabItem 0. */ void setSelectionBackground () { if (!instance.startup) { tabFolder1.setSelectionBackground(selectionBackgroundColor); } // Set the selection background item's image to match the background color of the selection. Color color = selectionBackgroundColor; if (color == null) color = tabFolder1.getSelectionBackground (); TableItem item = colorAndFontTable.getItem(SELECTION_BACKGROUND_COLOR); Image oldImage = item.getImage(); if (oldImage != null) oldImage.dispose(); item.setImage (colorImage(color)); } /** * Sets the foreground color of CTabItem 0. */ void setSelectionForeground () { if (!instance.startup) { tabFolder1.setSelectionForeground(selectionForegroundColor); } // Set the selection foreground item's image to match the foreground color of the selection. Color color = selectionForegroundColor; if (color == null) color = tabFolder1.getSelectionForeground (); TableItem item = colorAndFontTable.getItem(SELECTION_FOREGROUND_COLOR); Image oldImage = item.getImage(); if (oldImage != null) oldImage.dispose(); item.setImage (colorImage(color)); } /** * Sets the font of CTabItem 0. */ void setItemFont () { if (!instance.startup) { tabFolder1.getItem (0).setFont (itemFont); setExampleWidgetSize(); } /* Set the font item's image to match the font of the item. */ Font ft = itemFont; if (ft == null) ft = tabFolder1.getItem (0).getFont (); TableItem item = colorAndFontTable.getItem(ITEM_FONT); Image oldImage = item.getImage(); if (oldImage != null) oldImage.dispose(); item.setImage (fontImage(ft)); item.setFont(ft); colorAndFontTable.layout (); } /** * Sets the background color of the CTabItem 0 content element. */ void setItemBackground () { if (!instance.startup) { tabFolder1.getItem(0).getControl().setBackground(itemBackgroundColor); } /* Set the background color item's image to match the background color of the content. */ Color color = itemBackgroundColor; if (color == null) color = tabFolder1.getItem(0).getControl().getBackground(); TableItem item = colorAndFontTable.getItem(ITEM_BACKGROUND_COLOR); Image oldImage = item.getImage(); if (oldImage != null) oldImage.dispose(); item.setImage (colorImage(color)); } /** * Sets the foreground color of the CTabItem 0 content element. */ void setItemForeground () { if (!instance.startup) { tabFolder1.getItem(0).getControl().setForeground(itemForegroundColor); } /* Set the foreground color item's image to match the foreground color of the content. */ Color color = itemForegroundColor; if (color == null) color = tabFolder1.getItem(0).getControl().getForeground(); TableItem item = colorAndFontTable.getItem(ITEM_FOREGROUND_COLOR); Image oldImage = item.getImage(); if (oldImage != null) oldImage.dispose(); item.setImage (colorImage(color)); } /** * Set the fixed item height for the CTabFolder * * @param height new fixed header height */ void setTabHeight(int height) { tabFolder1.setTabHeight(height); } }