/* * Copyright (c) 1996, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include "awt.h" #include #include "awt_Component.h" #include "awt_Container.h" #include "awt_Frame.h" #include "awt_Dialog.h" #include "awt_Insets.h" #include "awt_Panel.h" #include "awt_Toolkit.h" #include "awt_Window.h" #include "awt_Win32GraphicsDevice.h" #include "awt_BitmapUtil.h" #include "awt_IconCursor.h" #include "ComCtl32Util.h" #include "java_awt_Insets.h" #include #include #include "sun_awt_windows_WCanvasPeer.h" #include #include #if !defined(__int3264) typedef __int32 LONG_PTR; #endif // __int3264 #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1800 # define ROUND_TO_INT(num) ((int) round(num)) #else # define ROUND_TO_INT(num) ((int) floor((num) + 0.5)) #endif // Used for Swing's Menu/Tooltip animation Support const int UNSPECIFIED = 0; const int TOOLTIP = 1; const int MENU = 2; const int SUBMENU = 3; const int POPUPMENU = 4; const int COMBOBOX_POPUP = 5; const int TYPES_COUNT = 6; jint windowTYPES[TYPES_COUNT]; /* IMPORTANT! Read the README.JNI file for notes on JNI converted AWT code. */ /***********************************************************************/ // struct for _SetAlwaysOnTop() method struct SetAlwaysOnTopStruct { jobject window; jboolean value; }; // struct for _SetTitle() method struct SetTitleStruct { jobject window; jstring title; }; // struct for _SetResizable() method struct SetResizableStruct { jobject window; jboolean resizable; }; // struct for _UpdateInsets() method struct UpdateInsetsStruct { jobject window; jobject insets; }; // struct for _ReshapeFrame() method struct ReshapeFrameStruct { jobject frame; jint x, y; jint w, h; }; // struct for _SetIconImagesData struct SetIconImagesDataStruct { jobject window; jintArray iconRaster; jint w, h; jintArray smallIconRaster; jint smw, smh; }; // struct for _SetMinSize() method // and other methods setting sizes struct SizeStruct { jobject window; jint w, h; }; // struct for _SetFocusableWindow() method struct SetFocusableWindowStruct { jobject window; jboolean isFocusableWindow; }; // struct for _ModalDisable() method struct ModalDisableStruct { jobject window; jlong blockerHWnd; }; // struct for _SetOpacity() method struct OpacityStruct { jobject window; jint iOpacity; }; // struct for _SetOpaque() method struct OpaqueStruct { jobject window; jboolean isOpaque; }; // struct for _UpdateWindow() method struct UpdateWindowStruct { jobject window; jintArray data; HBITMAP hBitmap; jint width, height; }; // Struct for _RequestWindowFocus() method struct RequestWindowFocusStruct { jobject component; jboolean isMouseEventCause; }; // struct for _RepositionSecurityWarning() method struct RepositionSecurityWarningStruct { jobject window; }; struct SetFullScreenExclusiveModeStateStruct { jobject window; jboolean isFSEMState; }; // struct for _WindowDPIChange() method struct ScaleStruct { jobject window; jint prevScreen; jfloat prevScaleX; jfloat prevScaleY; jint screen; jfloat scaleX; jfloat scaleY; }; struct OverrideHandle { jobject frame; HWND handle; }; /************************************************************************ * AwtWindow fields */ jfieldID AwtWindow::warningStringID; jfieldID AwtWindow::locationByPlatformID; jfieldID AwtWindow::autoRequestFocusID; jfieldID AwtWindow::securityWarningWidthID; jfieldID AwtWindow::securityWarningHeightID; jfieldID AwtWindow::sysXID; jfieldID AwtWindow::sysYID; jfieldID AwtWindow::sysWID; jfieldID AwtWindow::sysHID; jfieldID AwtWindow::windowTypeID; jmethodID AwtWindow::getWarningStringMID; jmethodID AwtWindow::calculateSecurityWarningPositionMID; jmethodID AwtWindow::windowTypeNameMID; int AwtWindow::ms_instanceCounter = 0; HHOOK AwtWindow::ms_hCBTFilter; AwtWindow * AwtWindow::m_grabbedWindow = NULL; BOOL AwtWindow::sm_resizing = FALSE; UINT AwtWindow::untrustedWindowsCounter = 0; /************************************************************************ * AwtWindow class methods */ AwtWindow::AwtWindow() { m_sizePt.x = m_sizePt.y = 0; m_owningFrameDialog = NULL; m_isResizable = FALSE;//Default value is replaced after construction m_minSize.x = m_minSize.y = 0; m_hIcon = NULL; m_hIconSm = NULL; m_iconInherited = FALSE; VERIFY(::SetRectEmpty(&m_insets)); VERIFY(::SetRectEmpty(&m_old_insets)); VERIFY(::SetRectEmpty(&m_warningRect)); // what's the best initial value? m_screenNum = -1; ms_instanceCounter++; m_grabbed = FALSE; m_isFocusableWindow = TRUE; m_isRetainingHierarchyZOrder = FALSE; m_filterFocusAndActivation = FALSE; if (AwtWindow::ms_instanceCounter == 1) { AwtWindow::ms_hCBTFilter = ::SetWindowsHookEx(WH_CBT, (HOOKPROC)AwtWindow::CBTFilter, 0, AwtToolkit::MainThread()); } m_opaque = TRUE; m_opacity = 0xff; warningString = NULL; warningWindow = NULL; securityTooltipWindow = NULL; securityWarningAnimationStage = 0; currentWmSizeState = SIZE_RESTORED; hContentBitmap = NULL; ::InitializeCriticalSection(&contentBitmapCS); m_windowType = NORMAL; m_alwaysOnTop = false; fullScreenExclusiveModeState = FALSE; m_winSizeMove = FALSE; prevScaleRec.screen = -1; prevScaleRec.scaleX = -1.0f; prevScaleRec.scaleY = -1.0f; m_overriddenHwnd = NULL; } AwtWindow::~AwtWindow() { if (warningString != NULL) { delete [] warningString; } DeleteContentBitmap(); ::DeleteCriticalSection(&contentBitmapCS); } void AwtWindow::Dispose() { // Fix 4745575 GDI Resource Leak // MSDN // Before a window is destroyed (that is, before it returns from processing // the WM_NCDESTROY message), an application must remove all entries it has // added to the property list. The application must use the RemoveProp function // to remove the entries. if (--AwtWindow::ms_instanceCounter == 0) { ::UnhookWindowsHookEx(AwtWindow::ms_hCBTFilter); } ::RemoveProp(GetHWnd(), ModalBlockerProp); if (m_grabbedWindow == this) { Ungrab(); } if ((m_hIcon != NULL) && !m_iconInherited) { ::DestroyIcon(m_hIcon); } if ((m_hIconSm != NULL) && !m_iconInherited) { ::DestroyIcon(m_hIconSm); } AwtCanvas::Dispose(); } void AwtWindow::Grab() { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); if (m_grabbedWindow != NULL) { m_grabbedWindow->Ungrab(); } m_grabbed = TRUE; m_grabbedWindow = this; if (AwtComponent::GetFocusedWindow() == NULL && IsFocusableWindow()) { // we shouldn't perform grab in this case (see 4841881 & 6539458) Ungrab(); } else if (GetHWnd() != AwtComponent::GetFocusedWindow()) { _ToFront(env->NewGlobalRef(GetPeer(env))); // Global ref was deleted in _ToFront } } void AwtWindow::Ungrab(BOOL doPost) { if (m_grabbed && m_grabbedWindow == this) { if (doPost) { PostUngrabEvent(); } m_grabbedWindow = NULL; m_grabbed = FALSE; } } void AwtWindow::Ungrab() { Ungrab(TRUE); } void AwtWindow::_Grab(void * param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jobject self = (jobject)param; if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(1) < 0) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); return; } AwtWindow *p = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); p = (AwtWindow *)pData; p->Grab(); ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); } void AwtWindow::_Ungrab(void * param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jobject self = (jobject)param; if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(1) < 0) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); return; } AwtWindow *p = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); p = (AwtWindow *)pData; p->Ungrab(FALSE); ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmNcMouseDown(WPARAM hitTest, int x, int y, int button) { if (m_grabbedWindow != NULL && !m_grabbedWindow->IsOneOfOwnersOf(this)) { m_grabbedWindow->Ungrab(); } return AwtCanvas::WmNcMouseDown(hitTest, x, y, button); } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmWindowPosChanging(LPARAM windowPos) { return mrDoDefault; } void AwtWindow::RepositionSecurityWarning(JNIEnv *env) { RECT rect; CalculateWarningWindowBounds(env, &rect); ::SetWindowPos(warningWindow, IsAlwaysOnTop() ? HWND_TOPMOST : HWND_NOTOPMOST, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER ); } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmWindowPosChanged(LPARAM windowPos) { WINDOWPOS * wp = (WINDOWPOS *)windowPos; // Reposition the warning window if (IsUntrusted() && warningWindow != NULL) { if (wp->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) { UpdateSecurityWarningVisibility(); } RepositionSecurityWarning((JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2)); if (wp->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) { UpdateSecurityWarningVisibility(); } } if (wp->flags & SWP_HIDEWINDOW) { EnableTranslucency(FALSE); } if (wp->flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW) { EnableTranslucency(TRUE); } return mrDoDefault; } LPCTSTR AwtWindow::GetClassName() { return TEXT("SunAwtWindow"); } void AwtWindow::FillClassInfo(WNDCLASSEX *lpwc) { AwtComponent::FillClassInfo(lpwc); /* * This line causes bug #4189244 (Swing Popup menu is not being refreshed (cleared) under a Dialog) * so it's comment out (son@sparc.spb.su) * * lpwc->style |= CS_SAVEBITS; // improve pull-down menu performance */ lpwc->cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA; } bool AwtWindow::IsWarningWindow(HWND hWnd) { const UINT len = 128; TCHAR windowClassName[len]; ::RealGetWindowClass(hWnd, windowClassName, len); return 0 == _tcsncmp(windowClassName, AwtWindow::GetWarningWindowClassName(), len); } LRESULT CALLBACK AwtWindow::CBTFilter(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (nCode == HCBT_ACTIVATE || nCode == HCBT_SETFOCUS) { HWND hWnd = (HWND)wParam; AwtComponent *comp = AwtComponent::GetComponent(hWnd); if (comp == NULL) { // Check if it's a security warning icon // See: 5091224, 6181725, 6732583 if (AwtWindow::IsWarningWindow(hWnd)) { return 1; } } else { if (comp->IsTopLevel()) { AwtWindow* win = (AwtWindow*)comp; if (!win->IsFocusableWindow() || win->m_filterFocusAndActivation) { return 1; // Don't change focus/activation. } } } } return ::CallNextHookEx(AwtWindow::ms_hCBTFilter, nCode, wParam, lParam); } void AwtWindow::InitSecurityWarningSize(JNIEnv *env) { warningWindowWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); warningWindowHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); jobject target = GetTarget(env); env->SetIntField(target, AwtWindow::securityWarningWidthID, warningWindowWidth); env->SetIntField(target, AwtWindow::securityWarningHeightID, warningWindowHeight); env->DeleteLocalRef(target); } void AwtWindow::CreateHWnd(JNIEnv *env, LPCWSTR title, DWORD windowStyle, DWORD windowExStyle, int x, int y, int w, int h, HWND hWndParent, HMENU hMenu, COLORREF colorForeground, COLORREF colorBackground, jobject peer) { // Retrieve the warning string // Note: we need to get it before CreateHWnd() happens because // the isUntrusted() method may be invoked while the HWND // is being created in response to some window messages. jobject target = env->GetObjectField(peer, AwtObject::targetID); jstring javaWarningString = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(target, AwtWindow::getWarningStringMID); if (javaWarningString != NULL) { size_t length = env->GetStringLength(javaWarningString) + 1; warningString = new WCHAR[length]; env->GetStringRegion(javaWarningString, 0, static_cast(length - 1), reinterpret_cast(warningString)); warningString[length-1] = L'\0'; env->DeleteLocalRef(javaWarningString); } env->DeleteLocalRef(target); InitType(env, peer); JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env); TweakStyle(windowStyle, windowExStyle); AwtCanvas::CreateHWnd(env, title, windowStyle, windowExStyle, x, y, w, h, hWndParent, hMenu, colorForeground, colorBackground, peer); // Now we need to create the warning window. CreateWarningWindow(env); } void AwtWindow::CreateWarningWindow(JNIEnv *env) { if (!IsUntrusted()) { return; } if (++AwtWindow::untrustedWindowsCounter == 1) { AwtToolkit::GetInstance().InstallMouseLowLevelHook(); } InitSecurityWarningSize(env); RECT rect; CalculateWarningWindowBounds(env, &rect); RegisterWarningWindowClass(); warningWindow = ::CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, GetWarningWindowClassName(), warningString, WS_POPUP, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top, GetHWnd(), // owner NULL, // menu AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetModuleHandle(), NULL // lParam ); if (warningWindow == NULL) { //XXX: actually this is bad... We didn't manage to create the window. return; } HICON hIcon = GetSecurityWarningIcon(); ICONINFO ii; ::GetIconInfo(hIcon, &ii); //Note: we assume that every security icon has exactly the same shape. HRGN rgn = BitmapUtil::BitmapToRgn(ii.hbmColor); if (rgn) { ::SetWindowRgn(warningWindow, rgn, TRUE); } // Now we need to create the tooltip control for this window. if (!ComCtl32Util::GetInstance().IsToolTipControlInitialized()) { return; } securityTooltipWindow = ::CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_TOPMOST, TOOLTIPS_CLASS, NULL, WS_POPUP | TTS_NOPREFIX | TTS_ALWAYSTIP, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, warningWindow, NULL, AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetModuleHandle(), NULL ); ::SetWindowPos(securityTooltipWindow, HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOACTIVATE); // We currently don't expect changing the size of the window, // hence we may not care of updating the TOOL position/size. ::GetClientRect(warningWindow, &rect); TOOLINFO ti; ti.cbSize = sizeof(ti); ti.uFlags = TTF_SUBCLASS; ti.hwnd = warningWindow; ti.hinst = AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetModuleHandle(); ti.uId = 0; ti.lpszText = warningString; ti.rect.left = rect.left; ti.rect.top = rect.top; ti.rect.right = rect.right; ti.rect.bottom = rect.bottom; ::SendMessage(securityTooltipWindow, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti); } void AwtWindow::DestroyWarningWindow() { if (!IsUntrusted()) { return; } if (--AwtWindow::untrustedWindowsCounter == 0) { AwtToolkit::GetInstance().UninstallMouseLowLevelHook(); } if (warningWindow != NULL) { // Note that the warningWindow is an owned window, and hence // it would be destroyed automatically. However, the window // class may only be unregistered if there's no any single // window left using this class. Thus, we're destroying the // warning window manually. Note that the tooltip window // will be destroyed automatically because it's an owned // window as well. ::DestroyWindow(warningWindow); warningWindow = NULL; securityTooltipWindow = NULL; UnregisterWarningWindowClass(); } } void AwtWindow::DestroyHWnd() { DestroyWarningWindow(); AwtCanvas::DestroyHWnd(); } LPCTSTR AwtWindow::GetWarningWindowClassName() { return TEXT("SunAwtWarningWindow"); } void AwtWindow::FillWarningWindowClassInfo(WNDCLASS *lpwc) { lpwc->style = 0L; lpwc->lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WarningWindowProc; lpwc->cbClsExtra = 0; lpwc->cbWndExtra = 0; lpwc->hInstance = AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetModuleHandle(), lpwc->hIcon = AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetAwtIcon(); lpwc->hCursor = ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); lpwc->hbrBackground = NULL; lpwc->lpszMenuName = NULL; lpwc->lpszClassName = AwtWindow::GetWarningWindowClassName(); } void AwtWindow::RegisterWarningWindowClass() { WNDCLASS wc; ::ZeroMemory(&wc, sizeof(wc)); if (!::GetClassInfo(AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetModuleHandle(), AwtWindow::GetWarningWindowClassName(), &wc)) { AwtWindow::FillWarningWindowClassInfo(&wc); ATOM atom = ::RegisterClass(&wc); DASSERT(atom != 0); } } void AwtWindow::UnregisterWarningWindowClass() { ::UnregisterClass(AwtWindow::GetWarningWindowClassName(), AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetModuleHandle()); } HICON AwtWindow::GetSecurityWarningIcon() { // It is assumed that the icon at index 0 is gray const UINT index = securityAnimationKind == akShow ? securityWarningAnimationStage : 0; HICON ico = AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetSecurityWarningIcon(index, warningWindowWidth, warningWindowHeight); return ico; } // This function calculates the bounds of the warning window and stores them // into the RECT structure pointed by the argument rect. void AwtWindow::CalculateWarningWindowBounds(JNIEnv *env, LPRECT rect) { RECT windowBounds; AwtToolkit::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &windowBounds); jobject target = GetTarget(env); jobject point2D = env->CallObjectMethod(target, calculateSecurityWarningPositionMID, (jdouble)windowBounds.left, (jdouble)windowBounds.top, (jdouble)(windowBounds.right - windowBounds.left), (jdouble)(windowBounds.bottom - windowBounds.top)); env->DeleteLocalRef(target); static jclass point2DClassID = NULL; static jmethodID point2DGetXMID = NULL; static jmethodID point2DGetYMID = NULL; if (point2DClassID == NULL) { jclass point2DClassIDLocal = env->FindClass("java/awt/geom/Point2D"); if (point2DClassIDLocal == NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(point2D); return; } point2DClassID = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(point2DClassIDLocal); env->DeleteLocalRef(point2DClassIDLocal); } if (point2DGetXMID == NULL) { point2DGetXMID = env->GetMethodID(point2DClassID, "getX", "()D"); if (point2DGetXMID == NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(point2D); return; } } if (point2DGetYMID == NULL) { point2DGetYMID = env->GetMethodID(point2DClassID, "getY", "()D"); if (point2DGetYMID == NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(point2D); return; } } int x = (int)env->CallDoubleMethod(point2D, point2DGetXMID); int y = (int)env->CallDoubleMethod(point2D, point2DGetYMID); env->DeleteLocalRef(point2D); rect->left = x; rect->top = y; rect->right = rect->left + warningWindowWidth; rect->bottom = rect->top + warningWindowHeight; } LRESULT CALLBACK AwtWindow::WarningWindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_PAINT: PaintWarningWindow(hwnd); return 0; case WM_MOUSEACTIVATE: { // Retrive the owner of the warning window. HWND javaWindow = ::GetParent(hwnd); if (javaWindow) { // If the window is blocked by a modal dialog, substitute // its handle with the topmost blocker. HWND topmostBlocker = GetTopmostModalBlocker(javaWindow); if (::IsWindow(topmostBlocker)) { javaWindow = topmostBlocker; } ::BringWindowToTop(javaWindow); AwtWindow * window = (AwtWindow*)AwtComponent::GetComponent(javaWindow); if (window == NULL) { // Quite unlikely to go into here, but it's way better // than getting a crash. ::SetForegroundWindow(javaWindow); } else { // Activate the window if it is focusable and inactive if (window->IsFocusableWindow() && javaWindow != ::GetActiveWindow()) { ::SetForegroundWindow(javaWindow); } else { // ...otherwise just start the animation. window->StartSecurityAnimation(akShow); } } // In every case if there's a top-most blocker, we need to // enable modal animation. if (::IsWindow(topmostBlocker)) { AwtDialog::AnimateModalBlocker(topmostBlocker); } } return MA_NOACTIVATEANDEAT; } } return ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); } void AwtWindow::PaintWarningWindow(HWND warningWindow) { RECT updateRect; if (!::GetUpdateRect(warningWindow, &updateRect, FALSE)) { // got nothing to update return; } PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc = ::BeginPaint(warningWindow, &ps); if (hdc == NULL) { // indicates an error return; } PaintWarningWindow(warningWindow, hdc); ::EndPaint(warningWindow, &ps); } void AwtWindow::PaintWarningWindow(HWND warningWindow, HDC hdc) { HWND javaWindow = ::GetParent(warningWindow); AwtWindow * window = (AwtWindow*)AwtComponent::GetComponent(javaWindow); if (window == NULL) { return; } ::DrawIconEx(hdc, 0, 0, window->GetSecurityWarningIcon(), window->warningWindowWidth, window->warningWindowHeight, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL); } static const UINT_PTR IDT_AWT_SECURITYANIMATION = 0x102; // Approximately 6 times a second. 0.75 seconds total. static const UINT securityAnimationTimerElapse = 150; static const UINT securityAnimationMaxIterations = 5; void AwtWindow::RepaintWarningWindow() { HDC hdc = ::GetDC(warningWindow); PaintWarningWindow(warningWindow, hdc); ::ReleaseDC(warningWindow, hdc); } void AwtWindow::SetLayered(HWND window, bool layered) { const LONG ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(window, GWL_EXSTYLE); ::SetWindowLong(window, GWL_EXSTYLE, layered ? ex_style | WS_EX_LAYERED : ex_style & ~WS_EX_LAYERED); } bool AwtWindow::IsLayered(HWND window) { const LONG ex_style = ::GetWindowLong(window, GWL_EXSTYLE); return ex_style & WS_EX_LAYERED; } void AwtWindow::StartSecurityAnimation(AnimationKind kind) { if (!IsUntrusted()) { return; } if (warningWindow == NULL) { return; } securityAnimationKind = kind; securityWarningAnimationStage = 1; ::SetTimer(GetHWnd(), IDT_AWT_SECURITYANIMATION, securityAnimationTimerElapse, NULL); if (securityAnimationKind == akShow) { ::SetWindowPos(warningWindow, IsAlwaysOnTop() ? HWND_TOPMOST : HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); ::SetLayeredWindowAttributes(warningWindow, RGB(0, 0, 0), 0xFF, LWA_ALPHA); AwtWindow::SetLayered(warningWindow, false); ::RedrawWindow(warningWindow, NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } else if (securityAnimationKind == akPreHide) { // Pre-hiding means fading-out. We have to make the window layered. // Note: Some VNC clients do not support layered windows, hence // we dynamically turn it on and off. See 6805231. AwtWindow::SetLayered(warningWindow, true); } } void AwtWindow::StopSecurityAnimation() { if (!IsUntrusted()) { return; } if (warningWindow == NULL) { return; } securityWarningAnimationStage = 0; ::KillTimer(GetHWnd(), IDT_AWT_SECURITYANIMATION); switch (securityAnimationKind) { case akHide: case akPreHide: ::SetWindowPos(warningWindow, HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_HIDEWINDOW | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); break; case akShow: RepaintWarningWindow(); break; } securityAnimationKind = akNone; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmTimer(UINT_PTR timerID) { if (timerID != IDT_AWT_SECURITYANIMATION) { return mrPassAlong; } if (securityWarningAnimationStage == 0) { return mrConsume; } securityWarningAnimationStage++; if (securityWarningAnimationStage >= securityAnimationMaxIterations) { if (securityAnimationKind == akPreHide) { // chain real hiding StartSecurityAnimation(akHide); } else { StopSecurityAnimation(); } } else { switch (securityAnimationKind) { case akHide: { BYTE opacity = ((int)0xFF * (securityAnimationMaxIterations - securityWarningAnimationStage)) / securityAnimationMaxIterations; ::SetLayeredWindowAttributes(warningWindow, RGB(0, 0, 0), opacity, LWA_ALPHA); } break; case akShow: case akNone: // quite unlikely, but quite safe RepaintWarningWindow(); break; } } return mrConsume; } // The security warning is visible if: // 1. The window has the keyboard window focus, OR // 2. The mouse pointer is located within the window bounds, // or within the security warning icon. void AwtWindow::UpdateSecurityWarningVisibility() { if (!IsUntrusted()) { return; } if (warningWindow == NULL) { return; } bool show = false; if (IsVisible() && currentWmSizeState != SIZE_MINIMIZED && !isFullScreenExclusiveMode()) { if (AwtComponent::GetFocusedWindow() == GetHWnd()) { show = true; } HWND hwnd = AwtToolkit::GetInstance().GetWindowUnderMouse(); if (hwnd == GetHWnd()) { show = true; } if (hwnd == warningWindow) { show = true; } } if (show && (!::IsWindowVisible(warningWindow) || securityAnimationKind == akHide || securityAnimationKind == akPreHide)) { StartSecurityAnimation(akShow); } if (!show && ::IsWindowVisible(warningWindow)) { StartSecurityAnimation(akPreHide); } } void AwtWindow::FocusedWindowChanged(HWND from, HWND to) { AwtWindow * fw = (AwtWindow *)AwtComponent::GetComponent(from); AwtWindow * tw = (AwtWindow *)AwtComponent::GetComponent(to); if (fw != NULL) { fw->UpdateSecurityWarningVisibility(); } if (tw != NULL) { tw->UpdateSecurityWarningVisibility(); // Flash on receiving the keyboard focus even if the warning // has already been shown (e.g. by hovering with the mouse) tw->StartSecurityAnimation(akShow); } } void AwtWindow::_RepositionSecurityWarning(void* param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); RepositionSecurityWarningStruct *rsws = (RepositionSecurityWarningStruct *)param; jobject self = rsws->window; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); AwtWindow *window = (AwtWindow *)pData; window->RepositionSecurityWarning(env); ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete rsws; } void AwtWindow::InitType(JNIEnv *env, jobject peer) { jobject type = env->GetObjectField(peer, windowTypeID); if (type == NULL) { return; } jstring value = (jstring)env->CallObjectMethod(type, windowTypeNameMID); if (value == NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(type); return; } const char* valueNative = env->GetStringUTFChars(value, 0); if (valueNative == NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(value); env->DeleteLocalRef(type); return; } if (strcmp(valueNative, "UTILITY") == 0) { m_windowType = UTILITY; } else if (strcmp(valueNative, "POPUP") == 0) { m_windowType = POPUP; } env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(value, valueNative); env->DeleteLocalRef(value); env->DeleteLocalRef(type); } void AwtWindow::TweakStyle(DWORD & style, DWORD & exStyle) { switch (GetType()) { case UTILITY: exStyle |= WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; break; case POPUP: style &= ~WS_OVERLAPPED; style |= WS_POPUP; break; } } /* Create a new AwtWindow object and window. */ AwtWindow* AwtWindow::Create(jobject self, jobject parent) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jobject target = NULL; AwtWindow* window = NULL; try { if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(1) < 0) { return NULL; } AwtWindow* awtParent = NULL; PDATA pData; if (parent != NULL) { JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(parent, done); awtParent = (AwtWindow *)pData; } target = env->GetObjectField(self, AwtObject::targetID); JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(target, "null target", done); window = new AwtWindow(); { if (JNU_IsInstanceOfByName(env, target, "javax/swing/Popup$HeavyWeightWindow") > 0) { window->m_isRetainingHierarchyZOrder = TRUE; } if (env->ExceptionCheck()) goto done; DWORD style = WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_POPUP; DWORD exStyle = WS_EX_NOACTIVATE; if (GetRTL()) { exStyle |= WS_EX_RIGHT | WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR; if (GetRTLReadingOrder()) exStyle |= WS_EX_RTLREADING; } if (awtParent != NULL) { window->InitOwner(awtParent); } else { // specify WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW to remove parentless windows from taskbar exStyle |= WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; } window->CreateHWnd(env, L"", style, exStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, (awtParent != NULL) ? awtParent->GetHWnd() : NULL, NULL, ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT), ::GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOW), self); jint x = env->GetIntField(target, AwtComponent::xID); jint y = env->GetIntField(target, AwtComponent::yID); jint width = env->GetIntField(target, AwtComponent::widthID); jint height = env->GetIntField(target, AwtComponent::heightID); /* * Initialize icon as inherited from parent if it exists */ if (parent != NULL) { window->m_hIcon = awtParent->GetHIcon(); window->m_hIconSm = awtParent->GetHIconSm(); window->m_iconInherited = TRUE; } window->DoUpdateIcon(); /* * Reshape here instead of during create, so that a WM_NCCALCSIZE * is sent. */ window->Reshape(x, y, width, height); } } catch (...) { env->DeleteLocalRef(target); throw; } done: env->DeleteLocalRef(target); return window; } BOOL AwtWindow::IsOneOfOwnersOf(AwtWindow * wnd) { while (wnd != NULL) { if (wnd == this || wnd->GetOwningFrameOrDialog() == this) return TRUE; wnd = (AwtWindow*)GetComponent(::GetWindow(wnd->GetHWnd(), GW_OWNER)); } return FALSE; } void AwtWindow::InitOwner(AwtWindow *owner) { DASSERT(owner != NULL); AwtWindow *initialOwner = owner; while (owner != NULL && owner->IsSimpleWindow()) { HWND ownerOwnerHWND = ::GetWindow(owner->GetHWnd(), GW_OWNER); if (ownerOwnerHWND == NULL) { owner = NULL; break; } owner = (AwtWindow *)AwtComponent::GetComponent(ownerOwnerHWND); } if (!owner) { owner = initialOwner->GetOwningFrameOrDialog(); } m_owningFrameDialog = (AwtFrame *)owner; } void AwtWindow::moveToDefaultLocation() { HWND boggy = ::CreateWindow(GetClassName(), L"BOGGY", WS_OVERLAPPED, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0 ,0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); RECT defLoc; // Fixed 6477497: Windows drawn off-screen on Win98, even when java.awt.Window.locationByPlatform is set // Win9x does not position a window until the window is shown. // The behavior is slightly opposite to the WinNT (and up), where // Windows will position the window upon creation of the window. // That's why we have to manually set the left & top values of // the defLoc to 0 if the GetWindowRect function returns FALSE. BOOL result = ::GetWindowRect(boggy, &defLoc); if (!result) { defLoc.left = defLoc.top = 0; } VERIFY(::DestroyWindow(boggy)); VERIFY(::SetWindowPos(GetHWnd(), NULL, defLoc.left, defLoc.top, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER)); } void AwtWindow::Show() { m_visible = true; JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); BOOL done = false; HWND hWnd = GetHWnd(); if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) { return; } jobject target = GetTarget(env); INT nCmdShow; AwtFrame* owningFrame = GetOwningFrameOrDialog(); if (IsFocusableWindow() && IsAutoRequestFocus() && owningFrame != NULL && ::GetForegroundWindow() == owningFrame->GetHWnd()) { nCmdShow = SW_SHOW; } else { nCmdShow = SW_SHOWNA; } BOOL locationByPlatform = env->GetBooleanField(GetTarget(env), AwtWindow::locationByPlatformID); if (locationByPlatform) { moveToDefaultLocation(); } EnableTranslucency(TRUE); // The following block exists to support Menu/Tooltip animation for // Swing programs in a way which avoids introducing any new public api into // AWT or Swing. // This code should eventually be replaced by a better longterm solution // which might involve tagging java.awt.Window instances with a semantic // property so platforms can animate/decorate/etc accordingly. // if (JNU_IsInstanceOfByName(env, target, "com/sun/java/swing/plaf/windows/WindowsPopupWindow") > 0) { // need this global ref to make the class unloadable (see 6500204) static jclass windowsPopupWindowCls; static jfieldID windowTypeFID = NULL; jint windowType = 0; BOOL animateflag = FALSE; BOOL fadeflag = FALSE; DWORD animateStyle = 0; if (windowTypeFID == NULL) { // Initialize Window type constants ONCE... jfieldID windowTYPESFID[TYPES_COUNT]; jclass cls = env->GetObjectClass(target); windowTypeFID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "windowType", "I"); windowTYPESFID[UNSPECIFIED] = env->GetStaticFieldID(cls, "UNDEFINED_WINDOW_TYPE", "I"); windowTYPESFID[TOOLTIP] = env->GetStaticFieldID(cls, "TOOLTIP_WINDOW_TYPE", "I"); windowTYPESFID[MENU] = env->GetStaticFieldID(cls, "MENU_WINDOW_TYPE", "I"); windowTYPESFID[SUBMENU] = env->GetStaticFieldID(cls, "SUBMENU_WINDOW_TYPE", "I"); windowTYPESFID[POPUPMENU] = env->GetStaticFieldID(cls, "POPUPMENU_WINDOW_TYPE", "I"); windowTYPESFID[COMBOBOX_POPUP] = env->GetStaticFieldID(cls, "COMBOBOX_POPUP_WINDOW_TYPE", "I"); for (int i=0; i < 6; i++) { windowTYPES[i] = env->GetStaticIntField(cls, windowTYPESFID[i]); } windowsPopupWindowCls = (jclass) env->NewGlobalRef(cls); env->DeleteLocalRef(cls); } windowType = env->GetIntField(target, windowTypeFID); if (windowType == windowTYPES[TOOLTIP]) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETTOOLTIPANIMATION, 0, &animateflag, 0); SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETTOOLTIPFADE, 0, &fadeflag, 0); if (animateflag) { // AW_BLEND currently produces runtime parameter error // animateStyle = fadeflag? AW_BLEND : AW_SLIDE | AW_VER_POSITIVE; animateStyle = fadeflag? 0 : AW_SLIDE | AW_VER_POSITIVE; } } else if (windowType == windowTYPES[MENU] || windowType == windowTYPES[SUBMENU] || windowType == windowTYPES[POPUPMENU]) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMENUANIMATION, 0, &animateflag, 0); if (animateflag) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMENUFADE, 0, &fadeflag, 0); if (fadeflag) { // AW_BLEND currently produces runtime parameter error //animateStyle = AW_BLEND; } if (animateStyle == 0 && !fadeflag) { animateStyle = AW_SLIDE; if (windowType == windowTYPES[MENU]) { animateStyle |= AW_VER_POSITIVE; } else if (windowType == windowTYPES[SUBMENU]) { animateStyle |= AW_HOR_POSITIVE; } else { /* POPUPMENU */ animateStyle |= (AW_VER_POSITIVE | AW_HOR_POSITIVE); } } } } else if (windowType == windowTYPES[COMBOBOX_POPUP]) { SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCOMBOBOXANIMATION, 0, &animateflag, 0); if (animateflag) { animateStyle = AW_SLIDE | AW_VER_POSITIVE; } } if (animateStyle != 0) { BOOL result = ::AnimateWindow(hWnd, (DWORD)200, animateStyle); if (!result) { // TODO: log message } else { // WM_PAINT is not automatically sent when invoking AnimateWindow, // so force an expose event RECT rect; ::GetWindowRect(hWnd,&rect); ::ScreenToClient(hWnd, (LPPOINT)&rect); ::InvalidateRect(hWnd, &rect, TRUE); ::UpdateWindow(hWnd); done = TRUE; } } } if (!done) { // transient windows shouldn't change the owner window's position in the z-order if (IsRetainingHierarchyZOrder()){ UINT flags = SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW | SWP_NOOWNERZORDER; if (nCmdShow == SW_SHOWNA) { flags |= SWP_NOACTIVATE; } ::SetWindowPos(GetHWnd(), HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags); } else { ::ShowWindow(GetHWnd(), nCmdShow); } } env->DeleteLocalRef(target); } /* * Get and return the insets for this window (container, really). * Calculate & cache them while we're at it, for use by AwtGraphics */ BOOL AwtWindow::UpdateInsets(jobject insets) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); DASSERT(GetPeer(env) != NULL); if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) { return FALSE; } // fix 4167248 : don't update insets when frame is iconified // to avoid bizarre window/client rectangles if (::IsIconic(GetHWnd())) { return FALSE; } /* * Code to calculate insets. Stores results in frame's data * members, and in the peer's Inset object. */ RECT outside; RECT inside; int extraBottomInsets = 0; ::GetClientRect(GetHWnd(), &inside); ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &outside); /* Update our inset member */ if (outside.right - outside.left > 0 && outside.bottom - outside.top > 0) { ::MapWindowPoints(GetHWnd(), 0, (LPPOINT)&inside, 2); m_insets.top = inside.top - outside.top; m_insets.bottom = outside.bottom - inside.bottom + extraBottomInsets; m_insets.left = inside.left - outside.left; m_insets.right = outside.right - inside.right; } else { m_insets.top = -1; } if (m_insets.left < 0 || m_insets.top < 0 || m_insets.right < 0 || m_insets.bottom < 0) { /* This window hasn't been sized yet -- use system metrics. */ jobject target = GetTarget(env); if (IsUndecorated() == FALSE) { /* Get outer frame sizes. */ LONG style = GetStyle(); if (style & WS_THICKFRAME) { m_insets.left = m_insets.right = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME); m_insets.top = m_insets.bottom = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME); } else { m_insets.left = m_insets.right = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXDLGFRAME); m_insets.top = m_insets.bottom = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYDLGFRAME); } /* Add in title. */ m_insets.top += ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION); } else { /* fix for 4418125: Undecorated frames are off by one */ /* undo the -1 set above */ /* Additional fix for 5059656 */ /* Also, 5089312: Window insets should be 0. */ ::memset(&m_insets, 0, sizeof(m_insets)); } /* Add in menuBar, if any. */ if (JNU_IsInstanceOfByName(env, target, "java/awt/Frame") > 0 && ((AwtFrame*)this)->GetMenuBar()) { m_insets.top += ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU); } if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { env->DeleteLocalRef(target); return FALSE; } m_insets.bottom += extraBottomInsets; env->DeleteLocalRef(target); } BOOL insetsChanged = FALSE; jobject peer = GetPeer(env); /* Get insets into our peer directly */ jobject peerInsets = (env)->GetObjectField(peer, AwtPanel::insets_ID); DASSERT(!safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)); if (peerInsets != NULL) { // may have been called during creation (env)->SetIntField(peerInsets, AwtInsets::topID, ScaleDownY(m_insets.top)); (env)->SetIntField(peerInsets, AwtInsets::bottomID, ScaleDownY(m_insets.bottom)); (env)->SetIntField(peerInsets, AwtInsets::leftID, ScaleDownX(m_insets.left)); (env)->SetIntField(peerInsets, AwtInsets::rightID, ScaleDownX(m_insets.right)); } /* Get insets into the Inset object (if any) that was passed */ if (insets != NULL) { (env)->SetIntField(insets, AwtInsets::topID, ScaleDownY(m_insets.top)); (env)->SetIntField(insets, AwtInsets::bottomID, ScaleDownY(m_insets.bottom)); (env)->SetIntField(insets, AwtInsets::leftID, ScaleDownX(m_insets.left)); (env)->SetIntField(insets, AwtInsets::rightID, ScaleDownX(m_insets.right)); } env->DeleteLocalRef(peerInsets); insetsChanged = !::EqualRect( &m_old_insets, &m_insets ); ::CopyRect( &m_old_insets, &m_insets ); if (insetsChanged) { // Since insets are changed we need to update the surfaceData object // to reflect that change env->CallVoidMethod(peer, AwtComponent::replaceSurfaceDataLaterMID); } return insetsChanged; } /** * Sometimes we need the hWnd that actually owns this Window's hWnd (if * there is an owner). */ HWND AwtWindow::GetTopLevelHWnd() { return m_owningFrameDialog ? m_owningFrameDialog->GetHWnd() : GetHWnd(); } /* * Although this function sends ComponentEvents, it needs to be defined * here because only top-level windows need to have move and resize * events fired from native code. All contained windows have these events * fired from common Java code. */ void AwtWindow::SendComponentEvent(jint eventId) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); static jclass classEvent = NULL; if (classEvent == NULL) { if (env->PushLocalFrame(1) < 0) return; classEvent = env->FindClass("java/awt/event/ComponentEvent"); if (classEvent != NULL) { classEvent = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(classEvent); } env->PopLocalFrame(0); CHECK_NULL(classEvent); } static jmethodID eventInitMID = NULL; if (eventInitMID == NULL) { eventInitMID = env->GetMethodID(classEvent, "", "(Ljava/awt/Component;I)V"); CHECK_NULL(eventInitMID); } if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) { return; } jobject target = GetTarget(env); jobject event = env->NewObject(classEvent, eventInitMID, target, eventId); DASSERT(!safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)); DASSERT(event != NULL); if (event == NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(target); return; } SendEvent(event); env->DeleteLocalRef(target); env->DeleteLocalRef(event); } void AwtWindow::SendWindowEvent(jint id, HWND opposite, jint oldState, jint newState) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); static jclass wClassEvent; if (wClassEvent == NULL) { if (env->PushLocalFrame(1) < 0) return; wClassEvent = env->FindClass("sun/awt/TimedWindowEvent"); if (wClassEvent != NULL) { wClassEvent = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(wClassEvent); } env->PopLocalFrame(0); if (wClassEvent == NULL) { return; } } static jmethodID wEventInitMID; if (wEventInitMID == NULL) { wEventInitMID = env->GetMethodID(wClassEvent, "", "(Ljava/awt/Window;ILjava/awt/Window;IIJ)V"); DASSERT(wEventInitMID); if (wEventInitMID == NULL) { return; } } static jclass sequencedEventCls; if (sequencedEventCls == NULL) { jclass sequencedEventClsLocal = env->FindClass("java/awt/SequencedEvent"); DASSERT(sequencedEventClsLocal); CHECK_NULL(sequencedEventClsLocal); sequencedEventCls = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(sequencedEventClsLocal); env->DeleteLocalRef(sequencedEventClsLocal); } static jmethodID sequencedEventConst; if (sequencedEventConst == NULL) { sequencedEventConst = env->GetMethodID(sequencedEventCls, "", "(Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;)V"); CHECK_NULL(sequencedEventConst); } static jclass windowCls = NULL; if (windowCls == NULL) { jclass windowClsLocal = env->FindClass("java/awt/Window"); CHECK_NULL(windowClsLocal); windowCls = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(windowClsLocal); env->DeleteLocalRef(windowClsLocal); CHECK_NULL(windowCls); } if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(3) < 0) { return; } jobject target = GetTarget(env); jobject jOpposite = NULL; if (opposite != NULL) { AwtComponent *awtOpposite = AwtComponent::GetComponent(opposite); if (awtOpposite != NULL) { jOpposite = awtOpposite->GetTarget(env); if ((jOpposite != NULL) && !env->IsInstanceOf(jOpposite, windowCls)) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jOpposite); jOpposite = NULL; HWND parent = AwtComponent::GetTopLevelParentForWindow(opposite); if ((parent != NULL) && (parent != opposite)) { if (parent == GetHWnd()) { jOpposite = env->NewLocalRef(target); } else { AwtComponent* awtParent = AwtComponent::GetComponent(parent); if (awtParent != NULL) { jOpposite = awtParent->GetTarget(env); if ((jOpposite != NULL) && !env->IsInstanceOf(jOpposite, windowCls)) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jOpposite); jOpposite = NULL; } } } } } } } jobject event = env->NewObject(wClassEvent, wEventInitMID, target, id, jOpposite, oldState, newState, ::JVM_CurrentTimeMillis(NULL, 0)); DASSERT(!safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)); DASSERT(event != NULL); if (jOpposite != NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(jOpposite); jOpposite = NULL; } env->DeleteLocalRef(target); target = NULL; CHECK_NULL(event); if (id == java_awt_event_WindowEvent_WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS || id == java_awt_event_WindowEvent_WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS) { jobject sequencedEvent = env->NewObject(sequencedEventCls, sequencedEventConst, event); DASSERT(!safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)); DASSERT(sequencedEvent != NULL); env->DeleteLocalRef(event); event = sequencedEvent; } SendEvent(event); env->DeleteLocalRef(event); } BOOL AwtWindow::AwtSetActiveWindow(BOOL isMouseEventCause, UINT hittest) { // We used to reject non mouse window activation if our app wasn't active. // This code since has been removed as the fix for 7185280 HWND proxyContainerHWnd = GetProxyToplevelContainer(); HWND proxyHWnd = GetProxyFocusOwner(); if (proxyContainerHWnd == NULL || proxyHWnd == NULL) { return FALSE; } // Activate the proxy toplevel container if (::GetActiveWindow() != proxyContainerHWnd) { sm_suppressFocusAndActivation = TRUE; ::BringWindowToTop(proxyContainerHWnd); ::SetForegroundWindow(proxyContainerHWnd); sm_suppressFocusAndActivation = FALSE; if (::GetActiveWindow() != proxyContainerHWnd) { return FALSE; // activation has been rejected } } // Focus the proxy itself if (::GetFocus() != proxyHWnd) { sm_suppressFocusAndActivation = TRUE; ::SetFocus(proxyHWnd); sm_suppressFocusAndActivation = FALSE; if (::GetFocus() != proxyHWnd) { return FALSE; // focus has been rejected (that is unlikely) } } const HWND focusedWindow = AwtComponent::GetFocusedWindow(); if (focusedWindow != GetHWnd()) { if (focusedWindow != NULL) { // Deactivate the old focused window AwtWindow::SynthesizeWmActivate(FALSE, focusedWindow, GetHWnd()); } // Activate the new focused window. AwtWindow::SynthesizeWmActivate(TRUE, GetHWnd(), focusedWindow); } return TRUE; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmActivate(UINT nState, BOOL fMinimized, HWND opposite) { jint type; if (nState != WA_INACTIVE) { type = java_awt_event_WindowEvent_WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS; AwtComponent::SetFocusedWindow(GetHWnd()); } else { // The owner is not necassarily getting WM_ACTIVATE(WA_INACTIVE). // So, initiate retaining the actualFocusedWindow. AwtFrame *owner = GetOwningFrameOrDialog(); if (owner) { owner->CheckRetainActualFocusedWindow(opposite); } if (m_grabbedWindow != NULL && !m_grabbedWindow->IsOneOfOwnersOf(this)) { m_grabbedWindow->Ungrab(); } type = java_awt_event_WindowEvent_WINDOW_LOST_FOCUS; AwtComponent::SetFocusedWindow(NULL); sm_focusOwner = NULL; } SendWindowEvent(type, opposite); return mrConsume; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmCreate() { return mrDoDefault; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmClose() { SendWindowEvent(java_awt_event_WindowEvent_WINDOW_CLOSING); /* Rely on above notification to handle quitting as needed */ return mrConsume; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmDestroy() { SendWindowEvent(java_awt_event_WindowEvent_WINDOW_CLOSED); return AwtComponent::WmDestroy(); } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmShowWindow(BOOL show, UINT status) { /* * Original fix for 4810575. Modified for 6386592. * If a simple window gets disposed we should synthesize * WM_ACTIVATE for its nearest owner. This is not performed by default because * the owner frame/dialog is natively active. */ HWND hwndSelf = GetHWnd(); HWND hwndOwner = ::GetParent(hwndSelf); if (!show && IsSimpleWindow() && hwndSelf == AwtComponent::GetFocusedWindow() && hwndOwner != NULL && ::IsWindowVisible(hwndOwner)) { AwtFrame *owner = (AwtFrame*)AwtComponent::GetComponent(hwndOwner); if (owner != NULL) { owner->AwtSetActiveWindow(); } } //Fixed 4842599: REGRESSION: JPopupMenu not Hidden Properly After Iconified and Deiconified if (show && (status == SW_PARENTOPENING)) { if (!IsVisible()) { return mrConsume; } } return AwtCanvas::WmShowWindow(show, status); } /* * Override AwtComponent's move handling to first update the * java AWT target's position fields directly, since Windows * and below can be resized from outside of java (by user) */ MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmMove(int x, int y) { if ( ::IsIconic(GetHWnd()) ) { // fixes 4065534 (robi.khan@eng) // if a window is iconified we don't want to update // it's target's position since minimized Win32 windows // move to -32000, -32000 for whatever reason // NOTE: See also AwtWindow::Reshape return mrDoDefault; } if (m_screenNum == -1) { // Set initial value m_screenNum = GetScreenImOn(); } else { CheckIfOnNewScreen(); } /* Update the java AWT target component's fields directly */ JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(1) < 0) { return mrConsume; } jobject peer = GetPeer(env); jobject target = env->GetObjectField(peer, AwtObject::targetID); RECT rect; ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &rect); (env)->SetIntField(target, AwtComponent::xID, ScaleDownX(rect.left)); (env)->SetIntField(target, AwtComponent::yID, ScaleDownY(rect.top)); (env)->SetIntField(peer, AwtWindow::sysXID, ScaleDownX(rect.left)); (env)->SetIntField(peer, AwtWindow::sysYID, ScaleDownY(rect.top)); SendComponentEvent(java_awt_event_ComponentEvent_COMPONENT_MOVED); env->DeleteLocalRef(target); return AwtComponent::WmMove(x, y); } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmGetMinMaxInfo(LPMINMAXINFO lpmmi) { MsgRouting r = AwtCanvas::WmGetMinMaxInfo(lpmmi); if ((m_minSize.x == 0) && (m_minSize.y == 0)) { return r; } lpmmi->ptMinTrackSize.x = m_minSize.x; lpmmi->ptMinTrackSize.y = m_minSize.y; return mrConsume; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmSizing() { if (!AwtToolkit::GetInstance().IsDynamicLayoutActive()) { return mrDoDefault; } DTRACE_PRINTLN("AwtWindow::WmSizing fullWindowDragEnabled"); SendComponentEvent(java_awt_event_ComponentEvent_COMPONENT_RESIZED); HWND thisHwnd = GetHWnd(); if (thisHwnd == NULL) { return mrDoDefault; } // Call WComponentPeer::dynamicallyLayoutContainer() JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jobject peer = GetPeer(env); JNU_CallMethodByName(env, NULL, peer, "dynamicallyLayoutContainer", "()V"); DASSERT(!safe_ExceptionOccurred(env)); return mrDoDefault; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmEnterSizeMove() { m_winSizeMove = TRUE; return mrDoDefault; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmExitSizeMove() { m_winSizeMove = FALSE; CheckWindowDPIChange(); return mrDoDefault; } /* * Override AwtComponent's size handling to first update the * java AWT target's dimension fields directly, since Windows * and below can be resized from outside of java (by user) */ MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmSize(UINT type, int w, int h) { currentWmSizeState = type; if (type == SIZE_MINIMIZED) { UpdateSecurityWarningVisibility(); return mrDoDefault; } JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(1) < 0) return mrDoDefault; jobject target = GetTarget(env); // fix 4167248 : ensure the insets are up-to-date before using BOOL insetsChanged = UpdateInsets(NULL); int newWidth = w + m_insets.left + m_insets.right; int newHeight = h + m_insets.top + m_insets.bottom; (env)->SetIntField(target, AwtComponent::widthID, ScaleDownX(newWidth)); (env)->SetIntField(target, AwtComponent::heightID, ScaleDownY(newHeight)); jobject peer = GetPeer(env); (env)->SetIntField(peer, AwtWindow::sysWID, ScaleDownX(newWidth)); (env)->SetIntField(peer, AwtWindow::sysHID, ScaleDownY(newHeight)); if (!AwtWindow::IsResizing()) { WindowResized(); } env->DeleteLocalRef(target); return AwtComponent::WmSize(type, w, h); } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmPaint(HDC) { PaintUpdateRgn(&m_insets); return mrConsume; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmSettingChange(UINT wFlag, LPCTSTR pszSection) { if (wFlag == SPI_SETNONCLIENTMETRICS) { // user changed window metrics in // Control Panel->Display->Appearance // which may cause window insets to change UpdateInsets(NULL); // [rray] fix for 4407329 - Changing Active Window Border width in display // settings causes problems WindowResized(); Invalidate(NULL); return mrConsume; } return mrDoDefault; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmNcCalcSize(BOOL fCalcValidRects, LPNCCALCSIZE_PARAMS lpncsp, LRESULT& retVal) { MsgRouting mrRetVal = mrDoDefault; if (fCalcValidRects == FALSE) { return mrDoDefault; } JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(2) < 0) { return mrConsume; } // WM_NCCALCSIZE is usually in response to a resize, but // also can be triggered by SetWindowPos(SWP_FRAMECHANGED), // which means the insets will have changed - rnk 4/7/1998 retVal = static_cast(DefWindowProc( WM_NCCALCSIZE, fCalcValidRects, reinterpret_cast(lpncsp))); if (HasValidRect()) { UpdateInsets(NULL); } mrRetVal = mrConsume; return mrRetVal; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmNcHitTest(UINT x, UINT y, LRESULT& retVal) { // If this window is blocked by modal dialog, return HTCLIENT for any point of it. // That prevents it to be moved or resized using the mouse. Disabling these // actions to be launched from sysmenu is implemented by ignoring WM_SYSCOMMAND if (::IsWindow(GetModalBlocker(GetHWnd()))) { retVal = HTCLIENT; } else { retVal = DefWindowProc(WM_NCHITTEST, 0, MAKELPARAM(x, y)); } return mrConsume; } MsgRouting AwtWindow::WmGetIcon(WPARAM iconType, LRESULT& retValue) { return mrDoDefault; } LRESULT AwtWindow::WindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { MsgRouting mr = mrDoDefault; LRESULT retValue = 0L; switch(message) { case WM_GETICON: mr = WmGetIcon(wParam, retValue); break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: //Fixed 6355340: Contents of frame are not layed out properly on maximize if ((wParam & 0xFFF0) == SC_SIZE) { AwtWindow::sm_resizing = TRUE; mr = WmSysCommand(wParam, GET_X_LPARAM(lParam), GET_Y_LPARAM(lParam)); if (mr != mrConsume) { // Perform size-move loop here AwtWindow::DefWindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } AwtWindow::sm_resizing = FALSE; if (!AwtToolkit::GetInstance().IsDynamicLayoutActive()) { WindowResized(); } else { /* * 8016356: check whether window snapping occurred after * resizing, i.e. GetWindowRect() returns the real * (snapped) window rectangle, e.g. (179, 0)-(483, 1040), * but GetWindowPlacement() returns the rectangle of * normal window position, e.g. (179, 189)-(483, 445) and * they are different. If so, send ComponentResized event. */ WINDOWPLACEMENT wp; ::GetWindowPlacement(GetHWnd(), &wp); RECT rc; ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &rc); if (!::EqualRect(&rc, &wp.rcNormalPosition)) { WindowResized(); } } mr = mrConsume; } break; } if (mr != mrConsume) { retValue = AwtCanvas::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam); } return retValue; } /* * Fix for BugTraq ID 4041703: keyDown not being invoked. * This method overrides AwtCanvas::HandleEvent() since * an empty Window always receives the focus on the activation * so we don't have to modify the behavior. */ MsgRouting AwtWindow::HandleEvent(MSG *msg, BOOL synthetic) { return AwtComponent::HandleEvent(msg, synthetic); } void AwtWindow::WindowResized() { SendComponentEvent(java_awt_event_ComponentEvent_COMPONENT_RESIZED); // Need to replace surfaceData on resize to catch changes to // various component-related values, such as insets JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); env->CallVoidMethod(m_peerObject, AwtComponent::replaceSurfaceDataLaterMID); } BOOL CALLBACK InvalidateChildRect(HWND hWnd, LPARAM) { TRY; ::InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); return TRUE; CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(FALSE); } void AwtWindow::Invalidate(RECT* r) { ::InvalidateRect(GetHWnd(), NULL, TRUE); ::EnumChildWindows(GetHWnd(), (WNDENUMPROC)InvalidateChildRect, 0); } BOOL AwtWindow::IsResizable() { return m_isResizable; } void AwtWindow::SetResizable(BOOL isResizable) { m_isResizable = isResizable; if (IsEmbeddedFrame()) { return; } LONG style = GetStyle(); LONG resizeStyle = WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; if (IsUndecorated() == FALSE) { resizeStyle |= WS_THICKFRAME; } if (isResizable) { style |= resizeStyle; } else { style &= ~resizeStyle; } SetStyle(style); RedrawNonClient(); } // SetWindowPos flags to cause frame edge to be recalculated static const UINT SwpFrameChangeFlags = SWP_FRAMECHANGED | /* causes WM_NCCALCSIZE to be called */ SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOCOPYBITS | SWP_NOREPOSITION | SWP_NOSENDCHANGING; // // Forces WM_NCCALCSIZE to be called to recalculate // window border (updates insets) without redrawing it // void AwtWindow::RecalcNonClient() { ::SetWindowPos(GetHWnd(), (HWND) NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SwpFrameChangeFlags|SWP_NOREDRAW); } // // Forces WM_NCCALCSIZE to be called to recalculate // window border (updates insets) and redraws border to match // void AwtWindow::RedrawNonClient() { ::SetWindowPos(GetHWnd(), (HWND) NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, SwpFrameChangeFlags|SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS); } int AwtWindow::GetScreenImOn() { HMONITOR hmon; int scrnNum; hmon = ::MonitorFromWindow(GetHWnd(), MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY); DASSERT(hmon != NULL); scrnNum = AwtWin32GraphicsDevice::GetScreenFromHMONITOR(hmon); DASSERT(scrnNum > -1); return scrnNum; } /* Check to see if we've been moved onto another screen. * If so, update internal data, surfaces, etc. */ void AwtWindow::CheckIfOnNewScreen() { int curScrn = GetScreenImOn(); if (curScrn != m_screenNum) { // we've been moved JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jclass peerCls = env->GetObjectClass(m_peerObject); DASSERT(peerCls); CHECK_NULL(peerCls); jmethodID draggedID = env->GetMethodID(peerCls, "draggedToNewScreen", "()V"); DASSERT(draggedID); if (draggedID == NULL) { env->DeleteLocalRef(peerCls); return; } env->CallVoidMethod(m_peerObject, draggedID); m_screenNum = curScrn; env->DeleteLocalRef(peerCls); } } void AwtWindow::CheckWindowDPIChange() { if (prevScaleRec.screen != -1 ) { float prevScaleX = prevScaleRec.scaleX; float prevScaleY = prevScaleRec.scaleY; if (prevScaleX >= 1 && prevScaleY >= 1) { Devices::InstanceAccess devices; AwtWin32GraphicsDevice* device = devices->GetDevice(m_screenNum); if (device) { float scaleX = device->GetScaleX(); float scaleY = device->GetScaleY(); if (prevScaleX != scaleX || prevScaleY != scaleY) { WindowDPIChange(prevScaleRec.screen, prevScaleX, prevScaleY, m_screenNum, scaleX, scaleY); } } } prevScaleRec.screen = -1; } } void AwtWindow::WindowDPIChange(int prevScreen, float prevScaleX, float prevScaleY, int screen, float scaleX, float scaleY) { int x; int y; int w; int h; RECT rect; if (prevScaleX == scaleX && prevScaleY == scaleY) { return; } ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &rect); x = rect.left; y = rect.top; w = (rect.right - rect.left) * scaleX / prevScaleX; h = (rect.bottom - rect.top) * scaleY / prevScaleY; if (prevScreen != screen) { Devices::InstanceAccess devices; AwtWin32GraphicsDevice* device = devices->GetDevice(screen); if (device) { RECT bounds; if (MonitorBounds(device->GetMonitor(), &bounds)) { x = x < bounds.left ? bounds.left : x; y = y < bounds.top ? bounds.top : y; x = (x + w > bounds.right) ? bounds.right - w : x; y = (y + h > bounds.bottom) ? bounds.bottom - h : y; } } } ReshapeNoScale(x, y, w, h); } BOOL AwtWindow::IsFocusableWindow() { /* * For Window/Frame/Dialog to accept focus it should: * - be focusable; * - be not blocked by any modal blocker. */ BOOL focusable = m_isFocusableWindow && !::IsWindow(AwtWindow::GetModalBlocker(GetHWnd())); AwtFrame *owner = GetOwningFrameOrDialog(); // NULL for Frame and Dialog if (owner != NULL) { /* * Also for Window (not Frame/Dialog) to accept focus: * - its decorated parent should accept focus; */ focusable = focusable && owner->IsFocusableWindow(); } return focusable; } void AwtWindow::SetModalBlocker(HWND window, HWND blocker) { if (!::IsWindow(window)) { return; } if (::IsWindow(blocker)) { ::SetProp(window, ModalBlockerProp, reinterpret_cast(blocker)); ::EnableWindow(window, FALSE); } else { ::RemoveProp(window, ModalBlockerProp); AwtComponent *comp = AwtComponent::GetComponent(window); // we don't expect to be called with non-java HWNDs DASSERT(comp && comp->IsTopLevel()); // we should not unblock disabled toplevels ::EnableWindow(window, comp->isEnabled()); } } void AwtWindow::SetAndActivateModalBlocker(HWND window, HWND blocker) { if (!::IsWindow(window)) { return; } AwtWindow::SetModalBlocker(window, blocker); if (::IsWindow(blocker)) { // We must check for visibility. Otherwise invisible dialog will receive WM_ACTIVATE. if (::IsWindowVisible(blocker)) { ::BringWindowToTop(blocker); ::SetForegroundWindow(blocker); } } } HWND AwtWindow::GetTopmostModalBlocker(HWND window) { HWND ret, blocker = NULL; do { ret = blocker; blocker = AwtWindow::GetModalBlocker(window); window = blocker; } while (::IsWindow(blocker)); return ret; } void AwtWindow::FlashWindowEx(HWND hWnd, UINT count, DWORD timeout, DWORD flags) { FLASHWINFO fi; fi.cbSize = sizeof(fi); fi.hwnd = hWnd; fi.dwFlags = flags; fi.uCount = count; fi.dwTimeout = timeout; ::FlashWindowEx(&fi); } jboolean AwtWindow::_RequestWindowFocus(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); RequestWindowFocusStruct *rfs = (RequestWindowFocusStruct *)param; jobject self = rfs->component; jboolean isMouseEventCause = rfs->isMouseEventCause; jboolean result = JNI_FALSE; AwtWindow *window = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(self, "peer", ret); pData = JNI_GET_PDATA(self); if (pData == NULL) { // do nothing just return false goto ret; } window = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (::IsWindow(window->GetHWnd())) { result = (jboolean)window->SendMessage(WM_AWT_WINDOW_SETACTIVE, (WPARAM)isMouseEventCause, 0); } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete rfs; return result; } void AwtWindow::_ToFront(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jobject self = (jobject)param; AwtWindow *w = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); w = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (::IsWindow(w->GetHWnd())) { UINT flags = SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE; BOOL focusable = w->IsFocusableWindow(); BOOL autoRequestFocus = w->IsAutoRequestFocus(); if (!focusable || !autoRequestFocus) { flags = flags|SWP_NOACTIVATE; } ::SetWindowPos(w->GetHWnd(), HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, flags); if (focusable && autoRequestFocus) { ::SetForegroundWindow(w->GetHWnd()); } } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); } void AwtWindow::_ToBack(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jobject self = (jobject)param; AwtWindow *w = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); w = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (::IsWindow(w->GetHWnd())) { HWND hwnd = w->GetHWnd(); // if (AwtComponent::GetComponent(hwnd) == NULL) { // // Window was disposed. Don't bother. // return; // } ::SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND_BOTTOM, 0, 0 ,0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOACTIVATE); // If hwnd is the foreground window or if *any* of its owners are, then // we have to reset the foreground window. The reason is that when we send // hwnd to back, all of its owners are sent to back as well. If any one of // them is the foreground window, then it's possible that we could end up // with a foreground window behind a window of another application. HWND foregroundWindow = ::GetForegroundWindow(); BOOL adjustForegroundWindow; HWND toTest = hwnd; do { adjustForegroundWindow = (toTest == foregroundWindow); if (adjustForegroundWindow) { break; } toTest = ::GetWindow(toTest, GW_OWNER); } while (toTest != NULL); if (adjustForegroundWindow) { HWND foregroundSearch = hwnd, newForegroundWindow = NULL; while (1) { foregroundSearch = ::GetNextWindow(foregroundSearch, GW_HWNDPREV); if (foregroundSearch == NULL) { break; } LONG style = static_cast(::GetWindowLongPtr(foregroundSearch, GWL_STYLE)); if ((style & WS_CHILD) || !(style & WS_VISIBLE)) { continue; } AwtComponent *c = AwtComponent::GetComponent(foregroundSearch); if ((c != NULL) && !::IsWindow(AwtWindow::GetModalBlocker(c->GetHWnd()))) { newForegroundWindow = foregroundSearch; } } if (newForegroundWindow != NULL) { ::SetWindowPos(newForegroundWindow, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOSIZE|SWP_NOACTIVATE); if (((AwtWindow*)AwtComponent::GetComponent(newForegroundWindow))->IsFocusableWindow()) { ::SetForegroundWindow(newForegroundWindow); } } else { // We *have* to set the active HWND to something new. We simply // cannot risk having an active Java HWND which is behind an HWND // of a native application. This really violates the Windows user // experience. // // Windows won't allow us to set the foreground window to NULL, // so we use the desktop window instead. To the user, it appears // that there is no foreground window system-wide. ::SetForegroundWindow(::GetDesktopWindow()); } } } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); } void AwtWindow::_SetAlwaysOnTop(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); SetAlwaysOnTopStruct *sas = (SetAlwaysOnTopStruct *)param; jobject self = sas->window; jboolean value = sas->value; AwtWindow *w = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); w = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (::IsWindow(w->GetHWnd())) { w->SendMessage(WM_AWT_SETALWAYSONTOP, (WPARAM)value, (LPARAM)w); w->m_alwaysOnTop = (bool)value; } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete sas; } void AwtWindow::_SetTitle(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); SetTitleStruct *sts = (SetTitleStruct *)param; jobject self = sts->window; jstring title = sts->title; AwtWindow *w = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(title, "null title", ret); w = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (::IsWindow(w->GetHWnd())) { int length = env->GetStringLength(title); TCHAR *buffer = new TCHAR[length + 1]; env->GetStringRegion(title, 0, length, reinterpret_cast(buffer)); buffer[length] = L'\0'; VERIFY(::SetWindowText(w->GetHWnd(), buffer)); delete[] buffer; } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); if (title != NULL) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(title); } delete sts; } void AwtWindow::_SetResizable(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); SetResizableStruct *srs = (SetResizableStruct *)param; jobject self = srs->window; jboolean resizable = srs->resizable; AwtWindow *w = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); w = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (::IsWindow(w->GetHWnd())) { DASSERT(!IsBadReadPtr(w, sizeof(AwtWindow))); w->SetResizable(resizable != 0); } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete srs; } void AwtWindow::_UpdateInsets(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); UpdateInsetsStruct *uis = (UpdateInsetsStruct *)param; jobject self = uis->window; jobject insets = uis->insets; AwtWindow *w = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(insets, "null insets", ret); w = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (::IsWindow(w->GetHWnd())) { w->UpdateInsets(insets); } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); env->DeleteGlobalRef(insets); delete uis; } void AwtWindow::_ReshapeFrame(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); ReshapeFrameStruct *rfs = (ReshapeFrameStruct *)param; jobject self = rfs->frame; jint x = rfs->x; jint y = rfs->y; jint w = rfs->w; jint h = rfs->h; if (env->EnsureLocalCapacity(1) < 0) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete rfs; return; } AwtFrame *p = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); p = (AwtFrame *)pData; if (::IsWindow(p->GetHWnd())) { jobject target = env->GetObjectField(self, AwtObject::targetID); if (target != NULL) { // enforce tresholds before sending the event // Fix for 4459064 : do not enforce thresholds for embedded frames if (!p->IsEmbeddedFrame()) { jobject peer = p->GetPeer(env); int minWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN); int minHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMIN); if (w < minWidth) { env->SetIntField(target, AwtComponent::widthID, w = minWidth); env->SetIntField(peer, AwtWindow::sysWID, w); } if (h < minHeight) { env->SetIntField(target, AwtComponent::heightID, h = minHeight); env->SetIntField(peer, AwtWindow::sysHID, h); } } env->DeleteLocalRef(target); RECT *r = new RECT; ::SetRect(r, x, y, x + w, y + h); p->SendMessage(WM_AWT_RESHAPE_COMPONENT, 0, (LPARAM)r); // r is deleted in message handler // After the input method window shown, the dimension & position may not // be valid until this method is called. So we need to adjust the // IME candidate window position for the same reason as commented on // awt_Frame.cpp Show() method. if (p->isInputMethodWindow() && ::IsWindowVisible(p->GetHWnd())) { p->AdjustCandidateWindowPos(); } } else { JNU_ThrowNullPointerException(env, "null target"); } } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete rfs; } void AwtWindow::_OverrideHandle(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); OverrideHandle* oh = (OverrideHandle *) param; jobject self = oh->frame; AwtWindow *f = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); f = (AwtWindow *)pData; f->OverrideHWnd(oh->handle); ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete oh; } /* * This is AwtWindow-specific function that is not intended for reusing */ HICON CreateIconFromRaster(JNIEnv* env, jintArray iconRaster, jint w, jint h) { HBITMAP mask = NULL; HBITMAP image = NULL; HICON icon = NULL; if (iconRaster != NULL) { int* iconRasterBuffer = NULL; try { iconRasterBuffer = (int *)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(iconRaster, 0); JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(iconRasterBuffer, "iconRaster data", done); mask = BitmapUtil::CreateTransparencyMaskFromARGB(w, h, iconRasterBuffer); image = BitmapUtil::CreateV4BitmapFromARGB(w, h, iconRasterBuffer); } catch (...) { if (iconRasterBuffer != NULL) { env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(iconRaster, iconRasterBuffer, 0); } throw; } if (iconRasterBuffer != NULL) { env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(iconRaster, iconRasterBuffer, 0); } } if (mask && image) { ICONINFO icnInfo; memset(&icnInfo, 0, sizeof(ICONINFO)); icnInfo.hbmMask = mask; icnInfo.hbmColor = image; icnInfo.fIcon = TRUE; icon = ::CreateIconIndirect(&icnInfo); } if (image) { destroy_BMP(image); } if (mask) { destroy_BMP(mask); } done: return icon; } void AwtWindow::SetIconData(JNIEnv* env, jintArray iconRaster, jint w, jint h, jintArray smallIconRaster, jint smw, jint smh) { HICON hOldIcon = NULL; HICON hOldIconSm = NULL; //Destroy previous icon if it isn't inherited if ((m_hIcon != NULL) && !m_iconInherited) { hOldIcon = m_hIcon; } m_hIcon = NULL; if ((m_hIconSm != NULL) && !m_iconInherited) { hOldIconSm = m_hIconSm; } m_hIconSm = NULL; m_hIcon = CreateIconFromRaster(env, iconRaster, w, h); JNU_CHECK_EXCEPTION(env); m_hIconSm = CreateIconFromRaster(env, smallIconRaster, smw, smh); m_iconInherited = (m_hIcon == NULL); if (m_iconInherited) { HWND hOwner = ::GetWindow(GetHWnd(), GW_OWNER); AwtWindow* owner = (AwtWindow *)AwtComponent::GetComponent(hOwner); if (owner != NULL) { m_hIcon = owner->GetHIcon(); m_hIconSm = owner->GetHIconSm(); } else { m_iconInherited = FALSE; } } DoUpdateIcon(); EnumThreadWindows(AwtToolkit::MainThread(), UpdateOwnedIconCallback, (LPARAM)this); if (hOldIcon != NULL) { DestroyIcon(hOldIcon); } if (hOldIconSm != NULL) { DestroyIcon(hOldIconSm); } } BOOL AwtWindow::UpdateOwnedIconCallback(HWND hWndOwned, LPARAM lParam) { HWND hWndOwner = ::GetWindow(hWndOwned, GW_OWNER); AwtWindow* owner = (AwtWindow*)lParam; if (hWndOwner == owner->GetHWnd()) { AwtComponent* comp = AwtComponent::GetComponent(hWndOwned); if (comp != NULL && comp->IsTopLevel()) { AwtWindow* owned = (AwtWindow *)comp; if (owned->m_iconInherited) { owned->m_hIcon = owner->m_hIcon; owned->m_hIconSm = owner->m_hIconSm; owned->DoUpdateIcon(); EnumThreadWindows(AwtToolkit::MainThread(), UpdateOwnedIconCallback, (LPARAM)owned); } } } return TRUE; } void AwtWindow::DoUpdateIcon() { //Does nothing for windows, is overriden for frames and dialogs } void AwtWindow::RedrawWindow() { if (isOpaque()) { ::RedrawWindow(GetHWnd(), NULL, NULL, RDW_ERASE | RDW_INVALIDATE | RDW_FRAME | RDW_ALLCHILDREN); } else { ::EnterCriticalSection(&contentBitmapCS); if (hContentBitmap != NULL) { UpdateWindowImpl(contentWidth, contentHeight, hContentBitmap); } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&contentBitmapCS); } } // Deletes the hContentBitmap if it is non-null void AwtWindow::DeleteContentBitmap() { ::EnterCriticalSection(&contentBitmapCS); if (hContentBitmap != NULL) { ::DeleteObject(hContentBitmap); hContentBitmap = NULL; } ::LeaveCriticalSection(&contentBitmapCS); } // The effects are enabled only upon showing the window. // See 6780496 for details. void AwtWindow::EnableTranslucency(BOOL enable) { if (enable) { SetTranslucency(getOpacity(), isOpaque(), FALSE, TRUE); } else { SetTranslucency(0xFF, TRUE, FALSE); } } /** * Sets the translucency effects. * * This method is used to: * * 1. Apply the translucency effects upon showing the window * (setValues == FALSE, useDefaultForOldValues == TRUE); * 2. Turn off the effects upon hiding the window * (setValues == FALSE, useDefaultForOldValues == FALSE); * 3. Set the effects per user's request * (setValues == TRUE, useDefaultForOldValues == FALSE); * * In case #3 the effects may or may not be applied immediately depending on * the current visibility status of the window. * * The setValues argument indicates if we need to preserve the passed values * in local fields for further use. * The useDefaultForOldValues argument indicates whether we should consider * the window as if it has not any effects applied at the moment. */ void AwtWindow::SetTranslucency(BYTE opacity, BOOL opaque, BOOL setValues, BOOL useDefaultForOldValues) { BYTE old_opacity = useDefaultForOldValues ? 0xFF : getOpacity(); BOOL old_opaque = useDefaultForOldValues ? TRUE : isOpaque(); if (opacity == old_opacity && opaque == old_opaque) { return; } if (setValues) { m_opacity = opacity; m_opaque = opaque; } // If we're invisible and are storing the values, return // Otherwise, apply the effects immediately if (!IsVisible() && setValues) { return; } HWND hwnd = GetHWnd(); if (opaque != old_opaque) { DeleteContentBitmap(); } if (opaque && opacity == 0xff) { // Turn off all the effects AwtWindow::SetLayered(hwnd, false); // Ask the window to repaint itself and all the children RedrawWindow(); } else { // We're going to enable some effects if (!AwtWindow::IsLayered(hwnd)) { AwtWindow::SetLayered(hwnd, true); } else { if ((opaque && opacity < 0xff) ^ (old_opaque && old_opacity < 0xff)) { // _One_ of the modes uses the SetLayeredWindowAttributes. // Need to reset the style in this case. // If both modes are simple (i.e. just changing the opacity level), // no need to reset the style. AwtWindow::SetLayered(hwnd, false); AwtWindow::SetLayered(hwnd, true); } } if (opaque) { // Simple opacity mode ::SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, RGB(0, 0, 0), opacity, LWA_ALPHA); } } } static HBITMAP CreateBitmapFromRaster(JNIEnv* env, jintArray raster, jint w, jint h) { HBITMAP image = NULL; if (raster != NULL) { int* rasterBuffer = NULL; try { rasterBuffer = (int *)env->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(raster, 0); JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(rasterBuffer, "raster data", done); image = BitmapUtil::CreateBitmapFromARGBPre(w, h, w*4, rasterBuffer); } catch (...) { if (rasterBuffer != NULL) { env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(raster, rasterBuffer, 0); } throw; } if (rasterBuffer != NULL) { env->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(raster, rasterBuffer, 0); } } done: return image; } void AwtWindow::UpdateWindowImpl(int width, int height, HBITMAP hBitmap) { if (isOpaque()) { return; } HWND hWnd = GetHWnd(); HDC hdcDst = ::GetDC(NULL); HDC hdcSrc = ::CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); HBITMAP hOldBitmap = (HBITMAP)::SelectObject(hdcSrc, hBitmap); //XXX: this code doesn't paint the children (say, the java.awt.Button)! //So, if we ever want to support HWs here, we need to repaint them //in some other way... //::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_PRINT, (WPARAM)hdcSrc, /*PRF_CHECKVISIBLE |*/ // PRF_CHILDREN /*| PRF_CLIENT | PRF_NONCLIENT*/); POINT ptSrc; ptSrc.x = ptSrc.y = 0; RECT rect; POINT ptDst; SIZE size; ::GetWindowRect(hWnd, &rect); ptDst.x = rect.left; ptDst.y = rect.top; size.cx = width; size.cy = height; BLENDFUNCTION bf; bf.SourceConstantAlpha = getOpacity(); bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; bf.BlendFlags = 0; ::UpdateLayeredWindow(hWnd, hdcDst, &ptDst, &size, hdcSrc, &ptSrc, RGB(0, 0, 0), &bf, ULW_ALPHA); ::ReleaseDC(NULL, hdcDst); ::SelectObject(hdcSrc, hOldBitmap); ::DeleteDC(hdcSrc); } void AwtWindow::UpdateWindow(JNIEnv* env, jintArray data, int width, int height, HBITMAP hNewBitmap) { if (isOpaque()) { return; } HBITMAP hBitmap; if (hNewBitmap == NULL) { if (data == NULL) { return; } hBitmap = CreateBitmapFromRaster(env, data, width, height); if (hBitmap == NULL) { return; } } else { hBitmap = hNewBitmap; } ::EnterCriticalSection(&contentBitmapCS); DeleteContentBitmap(); hContentBitmap = hBitmap; contentWidth = width; contentHeight = height; UpdateWindowImpl(width, height, hBitmap); ::LeaveCriticalSection(&contentBitmapCS); } /* * Fixed 6353381: it's improved fix for 4792958 * which was backed-out to avoid 5059656 */ BOOL AwtWindow::HasValidRect() { RECT inside; RECT outside; if (::IsIconic(GetHWnd())) { return FALSE; } ::GetClientRect(GetHWnd(), &inside); ::GetWindowRect(GetHWnd(), &outside); BOOL isZeroClientArea = (inside.right == 0 && inside.bottom == 0); BOOL isInvalidLocation = ((outside.left == -32000 && outside.top == -32000) || // Win2k && WinXP (outside.left == 32000 && outside.top == 32000) || // Win95 && Win98 (outside.left == 3000 && outside.top == 3000)); // Win95 && Win98 // the bounds correspond to iconic state if (isZeroClientArea && isInvalidLocation) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } void AwtWindow::_SetIconImagesData(void * param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); SetIconImagesDataStruct* s = (SetIconImagesDataStruct*)param; jobject self = s->window; jintArray iconRaster = s->iconRaster; jintArray smallIconRaster = s->smallIconRaster; AwtWindow *window = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); // ok to pass null raster: default AWT icon window = (AwtWindow*)pData; if (::IsWindow(window->GetHWnd())) { window->SetIconData(env, iconRaster, s->w, s->h, smallIconRaster, s->smw, s->smh); } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); env->DeleteGlobalRef(iconRaster); env->DeleteGlobalRef(smallIconRaster); delete s; } void AwtWindow::_SetMinSize(void* param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); SizeStruct *ss = (SizeStruct *)param; jobject self = ss->window; jint w = ss->w; jint h = ss->h; //Perform size setting AwtWindow *window = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); window = (AwtWindow *)pData; window->m_minSize.x = w; window->m_minSize.y = h; ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete ss; } jint AwtWindow::_GetScreenImOn(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jobject self = (jobject)param; // It's entirely possible that our native resources have been destroyed // before our java peer - if we're dispose()d, for instance. // Alert caller w/ IllegalComponentStateException. if (self == NULL) { JNU_ThrowByName(env, "java/awt/IllegalComponentStateException", "Peer null in JNI"); return 0; } PDATA pData = JNI_GET_PDATA(self); if (pData == NULL) { JNU_ThrowByName(env, "java/awt/IllegalComponentStateException", "Native resources unavailable"); env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); return 0; } jint result = 0; AwtWindow *w = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (::IsWindow(w->GetHWnd())) { result = (jint)w->GetScreenImOn(); } env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); return result; } void AwtWindow::_SetFocusableWindow(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); SetFocusableWindowStruct *sfws = (SetFocusableWindowStruct *)param; jobject self = sfws->window; jboolean isFocusableWindow = sfws->isFocusableWindow; AwtWindow *window = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); window = (AwtWindow *)pData; window->m_isFocusableWindow = isFocusableWindow; // A simple window is permanently set to WS_EX_NOACTIVATE if (!window->IsSimpleWindow()) { if (!window->m_isFocusableWindow) { LONG isPopup = window->GetStyle() & WS_POPUP; window->SetStyleEx(window->GetStyleEx() | (isPopup ? 0 : WS_EX_APPWINDOW) | WS_EX_NOACTIVATE); } else { window->SetStyleEx(window->GetStyleEx() & ~WS_EX_APPWINDOW & ~WS_EX_NOACTIVATE); } } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete sfws; } void AwtWindow::_ModalDisable(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); ModalDisableStruct *mds = (ModalDisableStruct *)param; jobject self = mds->window; HWND blockerHWnd = (HWND)mds->blockerHWnd; AwtWindow *window = NULL; HWND windowHWnd = 0; JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(self, "peer", ret); PDATA pData = JNI_GET_PDATA(self); if (pData == NULL) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete mds; return; } window = (AwtWindow *)pData; windowHWnd = window->GetHWnd(); if (::IsWindow(windowHWnd)) { AwtWindow::SetAndActivateModalBlocker(windowHWnd, blockerHWnd); } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete mds; } void AwtWindow::_ModalEnable(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); jobject self = (jobject)param; AwtWindow *window = NULL; HWND windowHWnd = 0; JNI_CHECK_NULL_GOTO(self, "peer", ret); PDATA pData = JNI_GET_PDATA(self); if (pData == NULL) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); return; } window = (AwtWindow *)pData; windowHWnd = window->GetHWnd(); if (::IsWindow(windowHWnd)) { AwtWindow::SetModalBlocker(windowHWnd, NULL); } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); } void AwtWindow::_SetOpacity(void* param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); OpacityStruct *os = (OpacityStruct *)param; jobject self = os->window; BYTE iOpacity = (BYTE)os->iOpacity; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); AwtWindow *window = (AwtWindow *)pData; window->SetTranslucency(iOpacity, window->isOpaque()); ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete os; } void AwtWindow::_SetOpaque(void* param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); OpaqueStruct *os = (OpaqueStruct *)param; jobject self = os->window; BOOL isOpaque = (BOOL)os->isOpaque; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); AwtWindow *window = (AwtWindow *)pData; window->SetTranslucency(window->getOpacity(), isOpaque); ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete os; } void AwtWindow::_UpdateWindow(void* param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); UpdateWindowStruct *uws = (UpdateWindowStruct *)param; jobject self = uws->window; jintArray data = uws->data; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); AwtWindow *window = (AwtWindow *)pData; window->UpdateWindow(env, data, (int)uws->width, (int)uws->height, uws->hBitmap); ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); if (data != NULL) { env->DeleteGlobalRef(data); } delete uws; } void AwtWindow::_SetFullScreenExclusiveModeState(void *param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); SetFullScreenExclusiveModeStateStruct * data = (SetFullScreenExclusiveModeStateStruct*)param; jobject self = data->window; jboolean state = data->isFSEMState; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); AwtWindow *window = (AwtWindow *)pData; window->setFullScreenExclusiveModeState(state != 0); ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete data; } void AwtWindow::_GetNativeWindowSize(void* param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); SizeStruct *ss = (SizeStruct *)param; jobject self = ss->window; AwtWindow *window = NULL; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_RETURN(self); window = (AwtWindow *)pData; RECT rc; ::GetWindowRect(window->GetHWnd(), &rc); ss->w = rc.right - rc.left; ss->h = rc.bottom - rc.top; env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); } void AwtWindow::_WindowDPIChange(void* param) { JNIEnv *env = (JNIEnv *)JNU_GetEnv(jvm, JNI_VERSION_1_2); ScaleStruct *ss = (ScaleStruct *)param; jobject self = ss->window; jint prevScreen = ss->prevScreen; jfloat prevScaleX = ss->prevScaleX; jfloat prevScaleY = ss->prevScaleY; jint screen = ss->screen; jfloat scaleX = ss->scaleX; jfloat scaleY = ss->scaleY; PDATA pData; JNI_CHECK_PEER_GOTO(self, ret); AwtWindow *window = (AwtWindow *)pData; if (window->m_winSizeMove) { if (window->prevScaleRec.screen == -1) { window->prevScaleRec.screen = prevScreen; window->prevScaleRec.scaleX = prevScaleX; window->prevScaleRec.scaleY = prevScaleY; } } else { window->WindowDPIChange(prevScreen, prevScaleX, prevScaleY, screen, scaleX, scaleY); } ret: env->DeleteGlobalRef(self); delete ss; } extern "C" int getSystemMetricValue(int msgType); extern "C" { /* * Class: java_awt_Window * Method: initIDs * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_java_awt_Window_initIDs(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) { TRY; CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::warningStringID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "warningString", "Ljava/lang/String;")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::locationByPlatformID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "locationByPlatform", "Z")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::securityWarningWidthID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "securityWarningWidth", "I")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::securityWarningHeightID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "securityWarningHeight", "I")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::getWarningStringMID = env->GetMethodID(cls, "getWarningString", "()Ljava/lang/String;")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::autoRequestFocusID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "autoRequestFocus", "Z")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::calculateSecurityWarningPositionMID = env->GetMethodID(cls, "calculateSecurityWarningPosition", "(DDDD)Ljava/awt/geom/Point2D;")); jclass windowTypeClass = env->FindClass("java/awt/Window$Type"); CHECK_NULL(windowTypeClass); AwtWindow::windowTypeNameMID = env->GetMethodID(windowTypeClass, "name", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); env->DeleteLocalRef(windowTypeClass); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } } /* extern "C" */ /************************************************************************ * WindowPeer native methods */ extern "C" { /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: initIDs * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_initIDs(JNIEnv *env, jclass cls) { TRY; CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::sysXID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "sysX", "I")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::sysYID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "sysY", "I")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::sysWID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "sysW", "I")); CHECK_NULL(AwtWindow::sysHID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "sysH", "I")); AwtWindow::windowTypeID = env->GetFieldID(cls, "windowType", "Ljava/awt/Window$Type;"); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: toFront * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer__1toFront(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) { TRY; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_ToFront, env->NewGlobalRef(self)); // global ref is deleted in _ToFront() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: toBack * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_toBack(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) { TRY; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_ToBack, env->NewGlobalRef(self)); // global ref is deleted in _ToBack() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: setAlwaysOnTop * Signature: (Z)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_setAlwaysOnTopNative(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jboolean value) { TRY; SetAlwaysOnTopStruct *sas = new SetAlwaysOnTopStruct; sas->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); sas->value = value; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_SetAlwaysOnTop, sas); // global ref and sas are deleted in _SetAlwaysOnTop CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: _setTitle * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer__1setTitle(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jstring title) { TRY; SetTitleStruct *sts = new SetTitleStruct; sts->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); sts->title = (jstring)env->NewGlobalRef(title); AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_SetTitle, sts); /// global refs and sts are deleted in _SetTitle() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: _setResizable * Signature: (Z)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer__1setResizable(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jboolean resizable) { TRY; SetResizableStruct *srs = new SetResizableStruct; srs->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); srs->resizable = resizable; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_SetResizable, srs); // global ref and srs are deleted in _SetResizable CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: create * Signature: (Lsun/awt/windows/WComponentPeer;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_createAwtWindow(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jobject parent) { TRY; AwtToolkit::CreateComponent(self, parent, (AwtToolkit::ComponentFactory) AwtWindow::Create); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: updateInsets * Signature: (Ljava/awt/Insets;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_updateInsets(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jobject insets) { TRY; UpdateInsetsStruct *uis = new UpdateInsetsStruct; uis->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); uis->insets = env->NewGlobalRef(insets); AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_UpdateInsets, uis); // global refs and uis are deleted in _UpdateInsets() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: reshapeFrame * Signature: (IIII)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_reshapeFrame(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jint x, jint y, jint w, jint h) { TRY; ReshapeFrameStruct *rfs = new ReshapeFrameStruct; rfs->frame = env->NewGlobalRef(self); rfs->x = x; rfs->y = y; rfs->w = w; rfs->h = h; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_ReshapeFrame, rfs); // global ref and rfs are deleted in _ReshapeFrame() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: getNativeWindowSize * Signature: ()Ljava/awt/Dimension; */ JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_getNativeWindowSize (JNIEnv *env, jobject self) { jobject res = NULL; TRY; SizeStruct *ss = new SizeStruct; ss->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_GetNativeWindowSize, ss); int w = ss->w; int h = ss->h; delete ss; // global ref is deleted in _GetNativeWindowSize() static jmethodID dimMID = NULL; static jclass dimClassID = NULL; if (dimClassID == NULL) { jclass dimClassIDLocal = env->FindClass("java/awt/Dimension"); CHECK_NULL_RETURN(dimClassIDLocal, NULL); dimClassID = (jclass)env->NewGlobalRef(dimClassIDLocal); env->DeleteLocalRef(dimClassIDLocal); } if (dimMID == NULL) { dimMID = env->GetMethodID(dimClassID, "", "(II)V"); CHECK_NULL_RETURN(dimMID, NULL); } return env->NewObject(dimClassID, dimMID, w, h); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(NULL); } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: getSysMinWidth * Signature: ()I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_getSysMinWidth(JNIEnv *env, jclass self) { TRY; return ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMIN); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: getSysMinHeight * Signature: ()I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_getSysMinHeight(JNIEnv *env, jclass self) { TRY; return ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMIN); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: getSysIconHeight * Signature: ()I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_getSysIconHeight(JNIEnv *env, jclass self) { TRY; return getSystemMetricValue(SM_CYICON); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: getSysIconWidth * Signature: ()I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_getSysIconWidth(JNIEnv *env, jclass self) { TRY; return getSystemMetricValue(SM_CXICON); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: getSysSmIconHeight * Signature: ()I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_getSysSmIconHeight(JNIEnv *env, jclass self) { TRY; return getSystemMetricValue(SM_CYSMICON); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: getSysSmIconWidth * Signature: ()I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_getSysSmIconWidth(JNIEnv *env, jclass self) { TRY; return getSystemMetricValue(SM_CXSMICON); CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(0); } int getSystemMetricValue(int msgType) { int value = 1; int logPixels = LOGPIXELSX; switch (msgType) { case SM_CXICON: value = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); break; case SM_CYICON: value = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); logPixels = LOGPIXELSY; break; case SM_CXSMICON: value = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); break; case SM_CYSMICON: value = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); logPixels = LOGPIXELSY; break; } static int dpi = -1; if (dpi == -1) { HWND hWnd = ::GetDesktopWindow(); HDC hDC = ::GetDC(hWnd); dpi = GetDeviceCaps(hDC, logPixels); ::ReleaseDC(hWnd, hDC); } if(dpi != 0 && dpi != 96) { float invScaleX = 96.0f / dpi; value = (int) ROUND_TO_INT(value * invScaleX); } return value; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: setIconImagesData * Signature: ([I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_setIconImagesData(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jintArray iconRaster, jint w, jint h, jintArray smallIconRaster, jint smw, jint smh) { TRY; SetIconImagesDataStruct *sims = new SetIconImagesDataStruct; sims->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); sims->iconRaster = (jintArray)env->NewGlobalRef(iconRaster); sims->w = w; sims->h = h; sims->smallIconRaster = (jintArray)env->NewGlobalRef(smallIconRaster); sims->smw = smw; sims->smh = smh; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_SetIconImagesData, sims); // global refs and sims are deleted in _SetIconImagesData() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: setMinSize * Signature: (Lsun/awt/windows/WWindowPeer;)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_setMinSize(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jint w, jint h) { TRY; SizeStruct *ss = new SizeStruct; ss->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); ss->w = w; ss->h = h; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_SetMinSize, ss); // global refs and mds are deleted in _SetMinSize CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: getScreenImOn * Signature: ()I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_getScreenImOn(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) { TRY; return static_cast(reinterpret_cast(AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall( (void *(*)(void *))AwtWindow::_GetScreenImOn, env->NewGlobalRef(self)))); // global ref is deleted in _GetScreenImOn() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(-1); } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: setFullScreenExclusiveModeState * Signature: (Z)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_setFullScreenExclusiveModeState(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jboolean state) { TRY; SetFullScreenExclusiveModeStateStruct *data = new SetFullScreenExclusiveModeStateStruct; data->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); data->isFSEMState = state; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall( AwtWindow::_SetFullScreenExclusiveModeState, data); // global ref and data are deleted in the invoked method CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: modalDisable * Signature: (J)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_modalDisable(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jobject blocker, jlong blockerHWnd) { TRY; ModalDisableStruct *mds = new ModalDisableStruct; mds->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); mds->blockerHWnd = blockerHWnd; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_ModalDisable, mds); // global ref and mds are deleted in _ModalDisable CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: modalEnable * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_modalEnable(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jobject blocker) { TRY; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_ModalEnable, env->NewGlobalRef(self)); // global ref is deleted in _ModalEnable CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: setFocusableWindow * Signature: (Z)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_setFocusableWindow(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jboolean isFocusableWindow) { TRY; SetFocusableWindowStruct *sfws = new SetFocusableWindowStruct; sfws->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); sfws->isFocusableWindow = isFocusableWindow; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_SetFocusableWindow, sfws); // global ref and sfws are deleted in _SetFocusableWindow() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_nativeGrab(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) { TRY; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_Grab, env->NewGlobalRef(self)); // global ref is deleted in _Grab() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_nativeUngrab(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) { TRY; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_Ungrab, env->NewGlobalRef(self)); // global ref is deleted in _Ungrab() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: setOpacity * Signature: (I)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_setOpacity(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jint iOpacity) { TRY; OpacityStruct *os = new OpacityStruct; os->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); os->iOpacity = iOpacity; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_SetOpacity, os); // global refs and mds are deleted in _SetMinSize CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: setOpaqueImpl * Signature: (Z)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_setOpaqueImpl(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jboolean isOpaque) { TRY; OpaqueStruct *os = new OpaqueStruct; os->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); os->isOpaque = isOpaque; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtWindow::_SetOpaque, os); // global refs and mds are deleted in _SetMinSize CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: updateWindowImpl * Signature: ([III)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_updateWindowImpl(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jintArray data, jint width, jint height) { TRY; UpdateWindowStruct *uws = new UpdateWindowStruct; uws->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); uws->data = (jintArray)env->NewGlobalRef(data); uws->hBitmap = NULL; uws->width = width; uws->height = height; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().InvokeFunction(AwtWindow::_UpdateWindow, uws); // global refs and mds are deleted in _UpdateWindow CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /** * This method is called from the WGL pipeline when it needs to update * the layered window WindowPeer's C++ level object. */ void AwtWindow_UpdateWindow(JNIEnv *env, jobject peer, jint width, jint height, HBITMAP hBitmap) { TRY; UpdateWindowStruct *uws = new UpdateWindowStruct; uws->window = env->NewGlobalRef(peer); uws->data = NULL; uws->hBitmap = hBitmap; uws->width = width; uws->height = height; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().InvokeFunction(AwtWindow::_UpdateWindow, uws); // global refs and mds are deleted in _UpdateWindow CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WComponentPeer * Method: requestFocus * Signature: (Z)Z */ JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_requestWindowFocus (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jboolean isMouseEventCause) { TRY; jobject selfGlobalRef = env->NewGlobalRef(self); RequestWindowFocusStruct *rfs = new RequestWindowFocusStruct; rfs->component = selfGlobalRef; rfs->isMouseEventCause = isMouseEventCause; return (jboolean)((intptr_t)AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall( (void*(*)(void*))AwtWindow::_RequestWindowFocus, rfs)); // global refs and rfs are deleted in _RequestWindowFocus CATCH_BAD_ALLOC_RET(JNI_FALSE); } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: repositionSecurityWarning * Signature: ()V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_repositionSecurityWarning(JNIEnv *env, jobject self) { TRY; RepositionSecurityWarningStruct *rsws = new RepositionSecurityWarningStruct; rsws->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); AwtToolkit::GetInstance().InvokeFunction( AwtWindow::_RepositionSecurityWarning, rsws); // global refs and mds are deleted in _RepositionSecurityWarning CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer * Method: windowDPIChange * Signature: (IFFIFF)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WWindowPeer_windowDPIChange(JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jint prevScreen, jfloat prevScaleX, jfloat prevScaleY, jint screen, jfloat scaleX, jfloat scaleY) { TRY; ScaleStruct *ss = new ScaleStruct; ss->window = env->NewGlobalRef(self); ss->prevScreen = prevScreen; ss->prevScaleX = prevScaleX; ss->prevScaleY = prevScaleY; ss->screen = screen; ss->scaleX = scaleX; ss->scaleY = scaleY; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().InvokeFunction(AwtWindow::_WindowDPIChange, ss); // global refs and ss are deleted in _WindowDPIChange CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } /* * Class: sun_awt_windows_WLightweightFramePeer * Method: overrideNativeHandle * Signature: (J)V */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_awt_windows_WLightweightFramePeer_overrideNativeHandle (JNIEnv *env, jobject self, jlong hwnd) { TRY; OverrideHandle *oh = new OverrideHandle; oh->frame = env->NewGlobalRef(self); oh->handle = (HWND) hwnd; AwtToolkit::GetInstance().SyncCall(AwtFrame::_OverrideHandle, oh); // global ref and oh are deleted in _OverrideHandle() CATCH_BAD_ALLOC; } } /* extern "C" */