# # Built-in objects # # YAML conventions: # # - Indent by two, indent lists of objects too. # - Quoted used for keys, explicit string values, hex data, attributes. # Not used for classes, built-in ID values, etc, unless necessary. # - Double quotes used throughout to allow escaping. # # Top level object format is mostly self explanatory, a few notes: # # - The "id" string is used for referencing objects from property table # - Class names must match array in genbuiltins.py # - If the top level object is a function: # - varargs: if true, function is vararg (nargs = DUK_VARARGS) # - nargs: nargs (ignored if varargs true); if missing, default from 'length' property # - magic: see below # - native: native function name # - callable: true/false, depending on function # - constructable: true/false, depending on function # - special_call: true/false, used for .call(), .apply(), etc which # need special casing in runtime call handling # - To disable an object without removing its metadata, you can # use 'disable: true'. # - If the object is dependent on Duktape configuration, you can make the # object optional using e.g. 'present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT'. # If the value is a list, the object is present if all listed options are # enabled (logical AND). # - If the object needs a DUK_BIDX_xxx define in Duktape source code, which # also implies it'll get a slot in thr->builtins[] array, use 'bidx: true'. # # Property format: # # - key: verbatim string key, codepoints U+0000...U+00FF map to bytes, # so that \u0082 is 0x82 prefix, \u00FF is 0xFF prefix, etc. Key # can also be a symbol, with the same format as for symbol values. # - value: see below # - attributes: string of format /w?e?c?a?/, e.g. "wc" is writable and # configurable # + w: writable # + e: enumerable # + c: configurable # + a: accessor (determined automatically, not necessary to give explicitly) # - auto_lightfunc: if true (which is default), function property may be # automatically converted to a lightfunc if other automatic lightfunc # conversion criteria are met; use "auto_lightfunc: false" to prevent # lightfunc conversion # - May also have feature tags like "es6: true" to indicate property # is related to a specific standard # - To disable a property without removing its metadata, you can use # 'disable: true'. # - If the property is dependent on Duktape configuration, you can make the # property optional using e.g. 'present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT'. # List of options is interpreted as for objects (logical AND). # # Property value format: # # - ECMAScript undefined: # - type: undefined # - Plain YAML/JSON null (parses as Python None) # - treated as ECMAScript null # - Plain string: # - treated as plain string, string data as with keys # - Plain symbol: # - type: symbol # - variant: global, wellknown, hidden, userhidden # - string: symbol string without any prefix # - NOTE: ES2015 well-known symbols are local symbols with 'string' as # their description, and a fixed suffix never overlapping with # runtime local symbols # - NOTE: "hidden symbols" are Duktape specific internal properties # (called just internal properties in 1.x) # - Plain number: # - treated as a fastint/ieee double # - IEEE double: # - type: double # - bytes: IEEE bytes in big endian format, hex encoded # - NOTE: if you define a NaN, make sure it is in the Duktape normalized # form (see bi_global 'NaN' property): otherwise strange things will # happen with packed duk_tval # - Buffer: # - type: buffer # - NOTE: not supported yet, type is reserved # - Pointer: # - type: pointer # - NOTE: not supported yet, type is reserved # - Lightfunc: # - type: lightfunc # - native: native function name # - magic: -128 to 127 # - length: 0 to 15 # - nargs: 0 to 14; or varargs: true # - varargs: if true, target has variable arguments # - Reference to a built-in object: # - type: object # id: ID string of target object # - Accessor (setter/getter): # - type: accessor # - getter_id: object ID of getter # - setter_id: object ID of setter # - Native function shorthand; alternative to defining a function as a # native object and referencing it using an ID: # - type: function (implicitly callable) # - callable: default is true # - constructable: default is false # - native: native function name # - length: function .length (optional, defaults to 0) # - nargs: function nargs (optional, defaults to length) # - varargs: if true, function is vararg (nargs = DUK_VARARGS) # - magic: magic value for function (see below) # - name: optional, provides .name property (non-writable, non-enumerable, non-configurable) # - special_call: recognized in shorthand # - Accessor (setter/getter) shorthand: # - type: accessor # - callable: default is true # - constructable: default is false # - getter: native function name # - setter: native function name # - getter_magic: magic value for getter # - setter_magic: magic value for setter # - getter_nargs: nargs value for getter # - setter_nargs: nargs value for setter # - getter_length: length value for getter (0 if missing) # - setter_length: length value for setter (0 if missing) # - Structured object shorthand: # - type: structured # - value: arbitrary JSON-like value # - NOTE: value is converted into object(s) with properties # similarly to JSON.parse() results: properties will be # writable, enumerable, and configurable, inherit from # Object.prototype, etc. # # Magic format: # # - Plain number: direct magic value # - Array iterator magic: # - type: array_iter # - funcname: function name, e.g. "forEach" # - Built-in object index: # - type: bidx # - id: id of built-object, idx to thr->builtins[] # - One-argument math function: # - type: math_onearg # - funcname: name of function, e.g. "cos" # - Two-argument math function: # - type: math_twoarg # - funcname: name of function, e.g. "atan2" # - Typed array constructor # - type: typedarray_constructor # - elem: element type, e.g. "int8" # - shift: shift for element size (0 = 1 byte element, 2 = 4 byte element etc) objects: # internal prototype: implementation specific # Smjs: Object.prototype # Rhino: Object.prototype # V8: *not* Object.prototype, but prototype chain includes Object.prototype # external prototype: apparently not set # external constructor: apparently not set # internal class: implemented specific # Smjs: "global" # Rhino: "global" # V8: "global" # # E5 Sections B.2.1 and B.2.2 describe non-standard properties which are # included below but flagged as extensions. - id: bi_global class: global internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: true properties: # 'globalThis' binding giving easy to access to the global object. # Not yet standard, see https://github.com/tc39/proposal-global. - key: "globalThis" value: type: object id: bi_global attributes: "wc" # This could be stripped when DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN is disabled # but keep for now (the property is quite fundamental). present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BINDING - key: "NaN" value: type: double bytes: "7ff8000000000000" # DBL_NAN attributes: "" present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "Infinity" value: type: double bytes: "7ff0000000000000" # DBL_POSITIVE_INFINITY attributes: "" present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "undefined" value: type: undefined attributes: "" # This could be stripped when DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN is disabled # ("void 0" is the same and safer) but it's commonly used so keep. - key: "Object" value: type: object id: bi_object_constructor present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN - key: "Function" value: type: object id: bi_function_constructor present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN - key: "Array" value: type: object id: bi_array_constructor present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "String" value: type: object id: bi_string_constructor present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "Boolean" value: type: object id: bi_boolean_constructor present_if: DUK_USE_BOOLEAN_BUILTIN - key: "Number" value: type: object id: bi_number_constructor present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN - key: "Date" value: type: object id: bi_date_constructor present_if: DUK_USE_DATE_BUILTIN - key: "RegExp" value: type: object id: bi_regexp_constructor present_if: DUK_USE_REGEXP_SUPPORT - key: "Error" value: type: object id: bi_error_constructor - key: "EvalError" value: type: object id: bi_eval_error_constructor - key: "RangeError" value: type: object id: bi_range_error_constructor - key: "ReferenceError" value: type: object id: bi_reference_error_constructor - key: "SyntaxError" value: type: object id: bi_syntax_error_constructor - key: "TypeError" value: type: object id: bi_type_error_constructor - key: "URIError" value: type: object id: bi_uri_error_constructor - key: "Math" value: type: object id: bi_math present_if: DUK_USE_MATH_BUILTIN - key: "JSON" value: type: object id: bi_json present_if: DUK_USE_JSON_BUILTIN # CBOR - key: "CBOR" value: type: object id: bi_cbor present_if: DUK_USE_CBOR_BUILTIN # Duktape specific - key: "Duktape" value: type: object id: bi_duktape duktape: true # Remains present even when disabled: needed for error augmentation internally. #present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN # ES2015 - key: "Proxy" value: type: object id: bi_proxy_constructor es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6_PROXY - key: "Reflect" value: type: object id: bi_reflect es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_REFLECT_BUILTIN - key: "Symbol" value: type: object id: bi_symbol_constructor es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - key: "Promise" value: type: object id: bi_promise_constructor es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_PROMISE_BUILTIN # Node.js Buffer - key: "Buffer" value: type: object id: bi_nodejs_buffer_constructor nodejs_buffer: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT # TypedArray - key: "ArrayBuffer" value: type: object id: bi_arraybuffer_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "DataView" value: type: object id: bi_dataview_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Int8Array" value: type: object id: bi_int8array_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Uint8Array" value: type: object id: bi_uint8array_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Uint8ClampedArray" value: type: object id: bi_uint8clampedarray_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Int16Array" value: type: object id: bi_int16array_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Uint16Array" value: type: object id: bi_uint16array_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Int32Array" value: type: object id: bi_int32array_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Uint32Array" value: type: object id: bi_uint32array_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Float32Array" value: type: object id: bi_float32array_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "Float64Array" value: type: object id: bi_float64array_constructor typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT # Functions - key: "eval" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_eval length: 1 magic: 15 # see duk_js_call.c special_call: true auto_lightfunc: false # automatic lightfunc conversion clashes with internal implementation present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "parseInt" value: type: object id: bi_parse_int present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "parseFloat" value: type: object id: bi_parse_float present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "isNaN" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_is_nan length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "isFinite" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_is_finite length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "decodeURI" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_decode_uri length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "decodeURIComponent" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_decode_uri_component length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "encodeURI" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_encode_uri length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "encodeURIComponent" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_encode_uri_component length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN # Non-standard extensions: E5 Sections B.2.1 and B.2.2 # # "length" is not specified explicitly in E5 but it follows the # general argument count rule. V8 also agrees on the lengths. - key: "escape" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_escape length: 1 section_b: true present_if: - DUK_USE_SECTION_B - DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN - key: "unescape" value: type: function native: duk_bi_global_object_unescape length: 1 section_b: true present_if: - DUK_USE_SECTION_B - DUK_USE_GLOBAL_BUILTIN # Encoding API: https://encoding.spec.whatwg.org/ - key: "TextEncoder" value: type: object id: bi_textencoder_constructor encoding_api: true present_if: DUK_USE_ENCODING_BUILTINS - key: "TextDecoder" value: type: object id: bi_textdecoder_constructor encoding_api: true present_if: DUK_USE_ENCODING_BUILTINS # High resolution time API: https://www.w3.org/TR/hr-time/ # Firefox and Chrome: accessor with 'ec' attributes, setter # allows overwrite. # Use data property with 'wec' for now. - key: "performance" value: type: object id: bi_performance attributes: "wec" performance_api: true present_if: DUK_USE_PERFORMANCE_BUILTIN - id: bi_parse_int class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_global_object_parse_int callable: true constructable: false bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 2 attributes: "c" - id: bi_parse_float class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_global_object_parse_float callable: true constructable: false bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - id: bi_global_env class: ObjEnv duktape: true bidx: true # The internal 'target' property is now part of duk_hobjenv and handled # specially by RAM built-in init code. ROM built-ins provide an explicit # initializer based on these properties. objenv_target: bi_global objenv_has_this: 0 properties: [] - id: bi_object_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_object_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_object_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "Object" attributes: "c" - key: "getPrototypeOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_getprototype_shared length: 1 magic: 1 - key: "setPrototypeOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_setprototype_shared length: 2 magic: 1 es6: true - key: "getOwnPropertyDescriptor" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_get_own_property_descriptor length: 2 magic: 0 - key: "getOwnPropertyNames" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_keys_shared length: 1 magic: 1 - key: "assign" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_assign length: 2 varargs: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "create" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_create length: 2 - key: "defineProperty" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_define_property length: 3 magic: 0 - key: "defineProperties" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_define_properties length: 2 - key: "seal" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_seal_freeze_shared length: 1 magic: 0 - key: "freeze" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_seal_freeze_shared length: 1 magic: 1 - key: "preventExtensions" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_prevent_extensions length: 1 magic: 0 - key: "isSealed" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_is_sealed_frozen_shared length: 1 magic: 0 - key: "isFrozen" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_is_sealed_frozen_shared length: 1 magic: 1 - key: "isExtensible" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_is_extensible length: 1 magic: 0 - key: "keys" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_keys_shared length: 1 magic: 0 - key: "getOwnPropertySymbols" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_keys_shared length: 1 magic: 2 es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "is" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_is length: 2 nargs: 2 es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - id: bi_object_prototype class: Object # internal_prototype: null bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN disabled. properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_object_constructor attributes: "wc" present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN - key: "__proto__" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_object_getprototype_shared setter: duk_bi_object_setprototype_shared getter_nargs: 0 setter_nargs: 1 getter_magic: 0 setter_magic: 0 attributes: "c" # configurable in ES2015, also V8 es6: true # also non-standard legacy present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_to_string length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN - key: "toLocaleString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_to_locale_string length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN - key: "valueOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_value_of length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN - key: "hasOwnProperty" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_has_own_property length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN - key: "isPrototypeOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_is_prototype_of length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN - key: "propertyIsEnumerable" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_property_is_enumerable length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_OBJECT_BUILTIN # __defineGetter, __defineSetter__, __lookupGetter__, __lookupSetter__: ES2017 Annex B # https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-additional-properties-of-the-object.prototype-object - key: "__defineGetter__" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_defineaccessor length: 2 magic: 0 # define getter present_if: DUK_USE_ES8 - key: "__defineSetter__" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_defineaccessor length: 2 magic: 1 # define setter present_if: DUK_USE_ES8 - key: "__lookupGetter__" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_lookupaccessor length: 1 magic: 0 # lookup getter present_if: DUK_USE_ES8 - key: "__lookupSetter__" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_prototype_lookupaccessor length: 1 magic: 1 # lookup setter present_if: DUK_USE_ES8 - id: bi_function_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: true native: duk_bi_function_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_function_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "Function" attributes: "c" # Note, unlike other prototype objects, Function.prototype is itself # a Function and callable. When invoked, it accepts any arguments # and returns undefined. It cannot be called as a constructor. # See E5 Section 15.3.4. - id: bi_function_prototype class: Function internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype native: duk_bi_function_prototype callable: true constructable: false bidx: true nargs: 0 # given explicitly because .length is optional # Present even when DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN disabled. properties: - key: "length" value: 0 attributes: "c" present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_function_constructor attributes: "wc" present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN # In ES2015 Function.prototype.name is not writable, but is configurable. - key: "name" value: "" attributes: "c" #present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN # Kept even when prototype is otherwise empty to guarantee a .name for functions # test262 ch15/15.3/15.3.4/ checks that Function.prototype.toString.length # is zero, cannot find specification support for that but 0 is a good value. - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_function_prototype_to_string length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN - key: "apply" value: type: function native: duk_bi_function_prototype_apply length: 2 magic: 1 # see duk_js_call.c special_call: true auto_lightfunc: false # automatic lightfunc conversion clashes with internal implementation present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN - key: "call" value: type: function native: duk_bi_function_prototype_call length: 1 magic: 0 # see duk_js_call.c varargs: true special_call: true auto_lightfunc: false # automatic lightfunc conversion clashes with internal implementation present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN - key: "bind" value: type: function native: duk_bi_function_prototype_bind length: 1 varargs: true present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN # ES2015 - key: # @@hasInstance type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.hasInstance" value: type: function native: duk_bi_function_prototype_hasinstance length: 1 attributes: "" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN # Duktape specific %NativeFunctionPrototype% which provides some getters. # - id: bi_native_function_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_function_prototype bidx: true duktape: true # Present even when DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN disabled. properties: - key: "length" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_native_function_length getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 # Setter undefined: direct write fails (defineProperty() works). # This mimics ES2015 function (own property) .length which is # not writable but configurable. attributes: "c" #present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN # Kept to guarantee a .length for lightfuncs - key: "name" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_native_function_name getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 # Setter undefined: direct write fails (defineProperty() works). # This mimics ES2015 function (own property) .name which is # not writable but configurable. attributes: "c" #present_if: DUK_USE_FUNCTION_BUILTIN # Kept to guarantee a .name for lightfuncs - id: bi_array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: true native: duk_bi_array_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_array_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "Array" attributes: "c" - key: "isArray" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_constructor_is_array length: 1 #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_array_prototype class: Array internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN disabled. # An array prototype is an Array itself. It has a length property initialized to 0, # with property attributes: writable, non-configurable, non-enumerable. The attributes # are not specified very explicitly for the prototype, but are given for Array instances # in E5 Section (and this matches the behavior of e.g. V8). properties: # With duk_harray added to the internal representation, .length is now virtual. #- key: "length" # value: 0 # attributes: "w" - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_array_constructor attributes: "wc" present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_to_string length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "toLocaleString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_join_shared length: 0 magic: 1 # magic: to_locale_string, here 1 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "concat" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_concat length: 1 varargs: true present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "join" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_join_shared length: 1 magic: 0 # magic: to_locale_string, here 0 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "pop" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_pop length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "push" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_push length: 1 varargs: true present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "reverse" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_reverse length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "shift" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_shift length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "slice" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_slice length: 2 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "sort" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_sort length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "splice" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_splice length: 2 varargs: true present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "unshift" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_unshift length: 1 varargs: true present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "indexOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_indexof_shared length: 1 varargs: true magic: 1 # magic: idx_step = +1 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "lastIndexOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_indexof_shared length: 1 varargs: true magic: -1 # magic: idx_step = -1 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "every" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_iter_shared length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: type: array_iter funcname: "every" # BI_ARRAY_ITER_EVERY present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "some" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_iter_shared length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: type: array_iter funcname: "some" # BI_ARRAY_ITER_SOME present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "forEach" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_iter_shared length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: type: array_iter funcname: "forEach" # BI_ARRAY_ITER_FOREACH present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "map" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_iter_shared length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: type: array_iter funcname: "map" # BI_ARRAY_ITER_MAP present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "filter" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_iter_shared length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: type: array_iter funcname: filter # BI_ARRAY_ITER_FILTER present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "reduce" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_reduce_shared length: 1 varargs: true magic: 1 # magic: idx_step = +1 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN - key: "reduceRight" value: type: function native: duk_bi_array_prototype_reduce_shared length: 1 varargs: true magic: -1 # magic: idx_step = -1 present_if: DUK_USE_ARRAY_BUILTIN #- key: # @@iterator # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.iterator" # value: XXX # es6: true #- key: # @@unscopables # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.unscopables" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_string_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: true native: duk_bi_string_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_string_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "String" attributes: "c" - key: "fromCharCode" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_constructor_from_char_code length: 1 varargs: true - key: "fromCodePoint" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_constructor_from_code_point length: 1 varargs: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - id: bi_string_prototype class: String internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN disabled. # String prototype is a String instance and must have length value 0. # This is supplied by the String instance virtual properties and does # not need to be included in init data. # # Unlike Array.prototype.length, String.prototype.length has the default # "length" attributes of built-in objects: non-writable, non-enumerable, # non-configurable. #length: 0, # omitted; non-writable, non-enumerable, non-configurable properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_string_constructor attributes: "wc" present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN # Internal empty string value. Note that this value is not writable # which prevents a String instance's internal value also from being # written with standard methods. The internal code creating String # instances has no such issues. - key: type: symbol variant: hidden string: "Value" value: "" attributes: "" duktape: true - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_to_string length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "valueOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_to_string # share native function, behavior is identical length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "charAt" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_char_at length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "charCodeAt" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_char_code_at length: 1 magic: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "codePointAt" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_char_code_at length: 1 magic: 1 es6: true present_if: - DUK_USE_ES6 - DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "concat" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_concat length: 1 varargs: true present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "indexOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_indexof_shared length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: 0 # magic = 0 -> indexOf present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "lastIndexOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_indexof_shared length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: 1 # magic = 1 -> lastIndexOf present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "localeCompare" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_locale_compare length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "match" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_match length: 1 present_if: - DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - DUK_USE_REGEXP_SUPPORT - key: "replace" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_replace length: 2 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "search" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_search length: 1 present_if: - DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - DUK_USE_REGEXP_SUPPORT - key: "slice" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_slice length: 2 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "split" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_split length: 2 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "substring" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_substring length: 2 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "toLowerCase" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_caseconv_shared length: 0 magic: 0 # magic = uppercase present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "toLocaleLowerCase" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_caseconv_shared length: 0 magic: 0 # magic = uppercase; no locale specific conversion now present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "toUpperCase" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_caseconv_shared length: 0 magic: 1 # magic = uppercase present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "toLocaleUpperCase" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_caseconv_shared length: 0 magic: 1 # magic = uppercase; no locale specific conversion now present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "trim" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_trim length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "repeat" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_repeat length: 1 nargs: 1 present_if: - DUK_USE_ES6 - DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "startsWith" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_startswith_endswith length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: 0 # 0=startsWith present_if: - DUK_USE_ES6 - DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "endsWith" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_startswith_endswith length: 1 nargs: 2 magic: 1 # 1=endsWith present_if: - DUK_USE_ES6 - DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - key: "includes" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_includes length: 1 nargs: 2 present_if: - DUK_USE_ES6 - DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN # Non-standard extension: E5 Section B.2.3 - key: "substr" value: type: function native: duk_bi_string_prototype_substr length: 2 section_b: true present_if: - DUK_USE_STRING_BUILTIN - DUK_USE_SECTION_B #- key: # @@iterator # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.iterator" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_boolean_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_boolean_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BOOLEAN_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_boolean_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "Boolean" attributes: "c" - id: bi_boolean_prototype class: Boolean internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_BOOLEAN_BUILTIN disabled. properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_boolean_constructor attributes: "wc" present_if: DUK_USE_BOOLEAN_BUILTIN # Internal false boolean value. Note that this value is not writable # which prevents a Boolean instance's internal value also from being # written with standard methods. The internal code creating Boolean # instances has no such issues. - key: type: symbol variant: hidden string: "Value" value: false attributes: "" duktape: true - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_boolean_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 1 # magic = coerce_tostring present_if: DUK_USE_BOOLEAN_BUILTIN - key: "valueOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_boolean_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 0 # magic = coerce_tostring present_if: DUK_USE_BOOLEAN_BUILTIN - id: bi_number_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: true native: duk_bi_number_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_number_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "Number" attributes: "c" - key: "MAX_VALUE" value: type: double bytes: "7fefffffffffffff" # DBL_MAX_DOUBLE attributes: "" - key: "MIN_VALUE" value: type: double bytes: "0000000000000001" # DBL_MIN_DOUBLE attributes: "" - key: "NaN" value: type: double bytes: "7ff8000000000000" # DBL_NAN attributes: "" - key: "POSITIVE_INFINITY" value: type: double bytes: "7ff0000000000000" # DBL_POSITIVE_INFINITY attributes: "" - key: "NEGATIVE_INFINITY" value: type: double bytes: "fff0000000000000" # DBL_NEGATIVE_INFINITY attributes: "" - key: "EPSILON" value: type: double bytes: "3cb0000000000000" # 3ff0000000000001 - 3ff0000000000000 = 3cb0000000000000 attributes: "" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "MAX_SAFE_INTEGER" value: # >>> struct.pack('>d', 9007199254740991.0).encode('hex') # '433fffffffffffff' type: double bytes: "433fffffffffffff" attributes: "" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "MIN_SAFE_INTEGER" value: # >>> struct.pack('>d', -9007199254740991.0).encode('hex') # 'c33fffffffffffff' type: double bytes: "c33fffffffffffff" attributes: "" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "isFinite" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_check_shared length: 1 magic: 0 attributes: "wc" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "isInteger" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_check_shared length: 1 magic: 1 attributes: "wc" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "isNaN" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_check_shared length: 1 magic: 2 attributes: "wc" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "isSafeInteger" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_check_shared length: 1 magic: 3 attributes: "wc" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "parseInt" # Must map to the exactly same object as global parseInt() value: type: object id: bi_parse_int es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "parseFloat" # Must map to the exactly same object as global parseFloat() value: type: object id: bi_parse_float es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - id: bi_number_prototype class: Number internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN disabled. properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_number_constructor attributes: "wc" present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN # Internal 0.0 number value. Note that this value is not writable # which prevents a Number instance's internal value also from being # written with standard methods. The internal code creating Number # instances has no such issues. # # Number.prototype is a Number itself in ES5.1 and ES2016+. It was # briefly made a non-Number in ES2015 but this change was reverted # in ES2016. - key: type: symbol variant: hidden string: "Value" value: 0.0 attributes: "" duktape: true - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_prototype_to_string length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN - key: "toLocaleString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_prototype_to_locale_string length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN - key: "valueOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_prototype_value_of length: 0 present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN - key: "toFixed" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_prototype_to_fixed length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN - key: "toExponential" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_prototype_to_exponential length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN - key: "toPrecision" value: type: function native: duk_bi_number_prototype_to_precision length: 1 present_if: DUK_USE_NUMBER_BUILTIN - id: bi_date_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: true native: duk_bi_date_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_DATE_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 7 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_date_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "Date" attributes: "c" - key: "parse" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_constructor_parse length: 1 - key: "UTC" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_constructor_utc length: 7 varargs: true - key: "now" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_constructor_now length: 0 - id: bi_date_prototype class: Date internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_DATE_BUILTIN # The Date prototype is an instance of Date with [[PrimitiveValue]] NaN. # # Setters with optional arguments must be varargs functions because # they must detect the number of parameters actually given (cannot # assume parameters not given are undefined). # # Date.prototype.valueOf() and Date.prototype.getTime() have identical # behavior so they share the same C function, but have different # function instances. # # Getters, setters, and string conversion functions use shared native # helpers and the function "magic" value is used to pass flags and # parameters to the helpers. properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_date_constructor attributes: "wc" # Internal date value (E5 Section 15.9.5). # # Note: the value is writable, as you can e.g. do the following (V8): # > Date.prototype.toString() # "Invalid Date" # > Date.prototype.setYear(2010) # 1262296800000 # > Date.prototype.toString() # "Fri Jan 01 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0200 (EET)" - key: type: symbol variant: hidden string: "Value" value: type: double bytes: "7ff8000000000000" # DBL_NAN attributes: "w" duktape: true # NOTE: The magic values for Date prototype are special. The actual control # flags needed for the built-ins don't fit into LIGHTFUNC magic field, so # the values here are indices to duk__date_magics[] in duk_bi_date.c which # contains the actual control flags. Magic values here must be kept in strict # sync with duk_bi_date.c! - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 0 - key: "toDateString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 1 - key: "toTimeString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 2 - key: "toLocaleString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 3 - key: "toLocaleDateString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 4 - key: "toLocaleTimeString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 5 - key: "toUTCString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 6 - key: "toISOString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 7 - key: "toJSON" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_to_json length: 1 - key: "valueOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_value_of length: 0 - key: "getTime" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_value_of # Native function shared on purpose length: 0 - key: "getFullYear" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 8 - key: "getUTCFullYear" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 9 - key: "getMonth" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 10 - key: "getUTCMonth" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 11 - key: "getDate" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 12 - key: "getUTCDate" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 13 - key: "getDay" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 14 - key: "getUTCDay" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 15 - key: "getHours" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 16 - key: "getUTCHours" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 17 - key: "getMinutes" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 18 - key: "getUTCMinutes" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 19 - key: "getSeconds" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 20 - key: "getUTCSeconds" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 21 - key: "getMilliseconds" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 22 - key: "getUTCMilliseconds" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 23 - key: "getTimezoneOffset" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_timezone_offset length: 0 - key: "setTime" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_time length: 1 - key: "setMilliseconds" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 1 magic: 24 - key: "setUTCMilliseconds" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 1 magic: 25 - key: "setSeconds" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 2 varargs: true magic: 26 - key: "setUTCSeconds" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 2 varargs: true magic: 27 - key: "setMinutes" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 3 varargs: true magic: 28 - key: "setUTCMinutes" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 3 varargs: true magic: 29 - key: "setHours" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 4 varargs: true magic: 30 - key: "setUTCHours" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 4 varargs: true magic: 31 - key: "setDate" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 1 magic: 32 - key: "setUTCDate" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 1 magic: 33 - key: "setMonth" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 2 varargs: true magic: 34 - key: "setUTCMonth" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 2 varargs: true magic: 35 - key: "setFullYear" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 3 varargs: true magic: 36 - key: "setUTCFullYear" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 3 varargs: true magic: 37 # Note: toGMTString() is required to initially be the same Function # object as the initial Date.prototype.toUTCString. In other words # the following must compare true: # # Date.prototype.toGMTString === Date.prototype.toUTCString. # # This is currently handled using a small tweak in duk_hthread_builtins.c # (for RAM objects) and genbuiltins.py (for ROM objects). # # Note that while Smjs respects the requirement in E5 Section B.2.6, # V8 does not. - key: "toGMTString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 6 section_b: true # Non-standard extensions: E5 Section B.2.4, B.2.5, B.2.6 # # "length" values are not given explicitly but follows the general rule. # The lengths below agree with V8. - key: "getYear" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_get_shared length: 0 magic: 38 section_b: true - key: "setYear" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_set_shared length: 1 magic: 39 section_b: true - key: # @@toPrimitive type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.toPrimitive" value: type: function native: duk_bi_date_prototype_toprimitive length: 1 name: "[Symbol.toPrimitive]" attributes: "c" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - id: bi_regexp_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_regexp_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_REGEXP_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 2 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_regexp_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "RegExp" attributes: "c" #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_regexp_prototype class: Object # Object in ES2015; RegExp in ES5 internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_REGEXP_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_regexp_constructor attributes: "wc" # In ES2015 RegExp.prototype is no longer a RegExp instance. # "lastIndex" is writable, even in the RegExp.prototype object. # This matches at least V8. - key: "lastIndex" value: 0 attributes: "w" - key: "exec" value: type: function native: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_exec length: 1 - key: "test" value: type: function native: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_test length: 1 - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_tostring length: 0 # In ES2015 .source, .global, .ignoreCase, etc are accessors. # .flags is ES2015 but must be present because the constructor now # relies on its presence for e.g. new RegExp(/foo/gim). - key: "flags" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_flags getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 # setter undefined attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "source" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_shared_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 16 # default case in shared getter (value quite arbitrary) # setter undefined attributes: "c" - key: "global" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_shared_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 # setter undefined attributes: "c" - key: "ignoreCase" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_shared_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 1 # setter undefined attributes: "c" - key: "multiline" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_shared_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 2 # setter undefined attributes: "c" # .sticky and .unicode commented out; don't provide until implemented # to avoid interfering with application feature detection code #- key: "sticky" # value: # type: accessor # getter: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_shared_getter # getter_nargs: 0 # getter_magic: 3 # # setter undefined # attributes: "c" # es6: true # present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 #- key: "unicode" # value: # type: accessor # getter: duk_bi_regexp_prototype_shared_getter # getter_nargs: 0 # getter_magic: 4 # # setter undefined # attributes: "c" # es6: true # present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 #- key: # @@match # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.match" # value: XXX # es6: true #- key: # @@replace # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.replace" # value: XXX # es6: true #- key: # @@search # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.search" # value: XXX # es6: true #- key: # @@split # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.split" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_error_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_error_constructor_shared callable: true constructable: true magic: type: bidx id: bi_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_error_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "Error" attributes: "c" - id: bi_error_prototype class: Error internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_error_constructor attributes: "wc" # Standard properties; property attributes: # # "message" is writable and deletable. This matches the default # attributes of "wc". V8 and Smjs both match this. # # "name" is writable and deletable. This matches the default # attributes too. Smjs behaves like this, but in V8 "name" is # non-writable: # # > Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Error.prototype, "name") # { value: "Error", # writable: false, # enumerable: false, # configurable: false } # # We go with the standard attributes ("wc"). - key: "name" value: "Error" - key: "message" value: "" # Custom properties - key: "stack" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_error_prototype_stack_getter setter: duk_bi_error_prototype_stack_setter getter_nargs: 0 setter_nargs: 1 getter_magic: 0 setter_magic: 0 attributes: "c" duktape: true - key: "fileName" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_error_prototype_filename_getter setter: duk_bi_error_prototype_filename_setter getter_nargs: 0 setter_nargs: 1 getter_magic: 0 setter_magic: 0 attributes: "c" duktape: true - key: "lineNumber" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_error_prototype_linenumber_getter setter: duk_bi_error_prototype_linenumber_setter getter_nargs: 0 setter_nargs: 1 getter_magic: 0 setter_magic: 0 attributes: "c" duktape: true # XXX: columnNumber - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_error_prototype_to_string length: 0 # NOTE: Error subclass prototypes have an empty "message" property, even # though one is inherited already from Error prototype (E5 Section # # V8 does not respect this: Error subclasses ("native Errors" in E5 spec) # do not have a "message" property at all. Also, in V8 their "name" property # is not writable and configurable as E5 requires. - id: bi_eval_error_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_error_constructor native: duk_bi_error_constructor_shared callable: true constructable: true magic: type: bidx id: bi_eval_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_eval_error_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "EvalError" attributes: "c" - id: bi_eval_error_prototype class: Error internal_prototype: bi_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_eval_error_constructor attributes: "wc" - key: "name" value: "EvalError" - key: "message" value: "" - id: bi_range_error_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_error_constructor native: duk_bi_error_constructor_shared callable: true constructable: true magic: type: bidx id: bi_range_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_range_error_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "RangeError" attributes: "c" - id: bi_range_error_prototype class: Error internal_prototype: bi_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_range_error_constructor attributes: "wc" - key: "name" value: "RangeError" - key: "message" value: "" - id: bi_reference_error_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_error_constructor native: duk_bi_error_constructor_shared callable: true constructable: true magic: type: bidx id: bi_reference_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_reference_error_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "ReferenceError" attributes: "c" - id: bi_reference_error_prototype class: Error internal_prototype: bi_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_reference_error_constructor attributes: "wc" - key: "name" value: "ReferenceError" - key: "message" value: "" - id: bi_syntax_error_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_error_constructor native: duk_bi_error_constructor_shared callable: true constructable: true magic: type: bidx id: bi_syntax_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_syntax_error_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "SyntaxError" attributes: "c" - id: bi_syntax_error_prototype class: Error internal_prototype: bi_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_syntax_error_constructor attributes: "wc" - key: "name" value: "SyntaxError" - key: "message" value: "" - id: bi_type_error_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_error_constructor native: duk_bi_error_constructor_shared callable: true constructable: true magic: type: bidx id: bi_type_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_type_error_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "TypeError" attributes: "c" - id: bi_type_error_prototype class: Error internal_prototype: bi_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_type_error_constructor attributes: "wc" - key: "name" value: "TypeError" - key: "message" value: "" - id: bi_uri_error_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_error_constructor native: duk_bi_error_constructor_shared callable: true constructable: true magic: type: bidx id: bi_uri_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_uri_error_prototype attributes: "" - key: "name" value: "URIError" attributes: "c" - id: bi_uri_error_prototype class: Error internal_prototype: bi_error_prototype bidx: true properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_uri_error_constructor attributes: "wc" - key: "name" value: "URIError" - key: "message" value: "" - id: bi_math class: Math internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_MATH_BUILTIN # apparently no external "prototype" property # apparently no external "constructor" property properties: - key: "E" value: type: double bytes: "4005bf0a8b145769" # DBL_E attributes: "" - key: "LN10" value: type: double bytes: "40026bb1bbb55516" # DBL_LN10 attributes: "" - key: "LN2" value: type: double bytes: "3fe62e42fefa39ef" # DBL_LN2 attributes: "" - key: "LOG2E" value: type: double bytes: "3ff71547652b82fe" # DBL_LOG2E attributes: "" - key: "LOG10E" value: type: double bytes: "3fdbcb7b1526e50e" # DBL_LOG10E attributes: "" - key: "PI" value: type: double bytes: "400921fb54442d18" # DBL_PI attributes: "" - key: "SQRT1_2" value: type: double bytes: "3fe6a09e667f3bcd" # DBL_SQRT1_2 attributes: "" - key: "SQRT2" value: type: double bytes: "3ff6a09e667f3bcd" # DBL_SQRT2 attributes: "" - key: "abs" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "fabs" - key: "acos" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "acos" - key: "asin" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "asin" - key: "atan" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "atan" - key: "atan2" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_twoarg_shared length: 2 magic: type: math_twoarg funcname: "atan2" - key: "cbrt" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "cbrt" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "ceil" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "ceil" - key: "clz32" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_clz32 length: 1 es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "cos" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "cos" - key: "exp" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "exp" - key: "floor" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "floor" - key: "hypot" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_hypot length: 2 varargs: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "imul" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_imul length: 2 es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "log" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "log" - key: "log2" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "log2" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "log10" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "log10" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "max" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_max length: 2 varargs: true - key: "min" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_min length: 2 varargs: true - key: "pow" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_twoarg_shared length: 2 magic: type: math_twoarg funcname: "pow" - key: "random" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_random length: 0 - key: "round" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "round" - key: "sign" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_sign length: 1 es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: "sin" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "sin" - key: "sqrt" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "sqrt" - key: "tan" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "tan" - key: "trunc" value: type: function native: duk_bi_math_object_onearg_shared length: 1 magic: type: math_onearg funcname: "trunc" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_ES6 - key: type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.toStringTag" value: "Math" attributes: "c" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - id: bi_json class: JSON internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: false present_if: - DUK_USE_JSON_BUILTIN - DUK_USE_JSON_SUPPORT # apparently no external "prototype" property # apparently no external "constructor" property properties: - key: "parse" value: type: function native: duk_bi_json_object_parse length: 2 - key: "stringify" value: type: function native: duk_bi_json_object_stringify length: 3 #- key: # @@toStringTag # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.toStringTag" # value: XXX # es6: true # present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN # E5 Section 13.2.3 - id: bi_type_error_thrower class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_type_error_thrower callable: true constructable: false # This is not clearly specified, but [[Construct]] is not set in E5 Section 13.2.3. bidx: true properties: - key: "length" value: 0 attributes: "c" # Custom name, matches V8; ES2016 describes %ThrowTypeError% as being # anonymous. - key: "name" value: "ThrowTypeError" attributes: "c" duktape: true # # Duktape-specific built-ins # - id: bi_duktape class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype duktape: true bidx: true #present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN # Present even when properties disabled, error augmentation relies on it # There are a few properties not listed here: # - "version" is added from parameter file automatically. # - "env" is added dynamically at runtime. properties: - key: "Pointer" value: type: object id: bi_pointer_constructor duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "Thread" value: type: object id: bi_thread_constructor duktape: true present_if: - DUK_USE_COROUTINE_SUPPORT - DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "info" value: type: function native: duk_bi_duktape_object_info length: 1 duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "act" value: type: function native: duk_bi_duktape_object_act length: 1 duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "gc" value: type: function native: duk_bi_duktape_object_gc length: 1 duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "fin" value: type: function native: duk_bi_duktape_object_fin length: 0 varargs: true duktape: true present_if: - DUK_USE_FINALIZER_SUPPORT - DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "enc" value: type: function native: duk_bi_duktape_object_enc length: 0 varargs: true duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "dec" value: type: function native: duk_bi_duktape_object_dec length: 0 varargs: true duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "compact" value: type: function native: duk_bi_duktape_object_compact length: 1 duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - id: bi_thread_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: true native: duk_bi_thread_constructor callable: true constructable: true duktape: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_COROUTINE_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" duktape: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_thread_prototype attributes: "" duktape: true - key: "name" value: "Thread" attributes: "c" duktape: true # "yield" is a reserved word but does not prevent its use as a property name - key: "yield" value: type: function native: duk_bi_thread_yield length: 2 duktape: true auto_lightfunc: false # automatic lightfunc conversion clashes with internal implementation present_if: DUK_USE_COROUTINE_SUPPORT - key: "resume" value: type: function native: duk_bi_thread_resume length: 3 duktape: true auto_lightfunc: false # automatic lightfunc conversion clashes with internal implementation present_if: DUK_USE_COROUTINE_SUPPORT - key: "current" value: type: function native: duk_bi_thread_current length: 0 duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_COROUTINE_SUPPORT - id: bi_thread_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype duktape: true bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN disabled. # Must be present even if coroutines are disabled for inheritance. # Because Duktape.Thread.prototype is missing, the only way to access # the prototype to e.g. add methods is to look it up from a thread # instance. # Note: we don't keep up with the E5 convention that prototype objects # are some faux instances of their type (e.g. Date.prototype is a Date # instance). # # Also, we don't currently have a "constructor" property because there is # no explicit constructor object. properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_thread_constructor attributes: "wc" duktape: true present_if: - DUK_USE_COROUTINE_SUPPORT - DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN # toString() and valueOf() are inherited from Object.prototype - id: bi_pointer_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: true native: duk_bi_pointer_constructor callable: true constructable: true duktape: true bidx: false properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" duktape: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_pointer_prototype attributes: "" duktape: true - key: "name" value: "Pointer" attributes: "c" duktape: true - id: bi_pointer_prototype class: Pointer internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype duktape: true bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN disabled. properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_pointer_constructor attributes: "wc" duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_pointer_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 1 # magic = to_string duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN - key: "valueOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_pointer_prototype_tostring_shared length: 0 magic: 0 # magic = to_string duktape: true present_if: DUK_USE_DUKTAPE_BUILTIN # This is an Error *instance* used to avoid allocation when a "double error" occurs. # The object is "frozen and sealed" to avoid code accidentally modifying the instance. # This is important because the error is rethrown as is. - id: bi_double_error class: Error internal_prototype: bi_error_prototype extensible: false duktape: true bidx: true # Note: this is the only non-extensible built-in, so there is special # post-tweak in duk_hthread_builtins.c to handle this. properties: - key: "name" value: "DoubleError" attributes: "" duktape: true - key: "message" value: "error in error handling" attributes: "" duktape: true # # ES2015 # - id: bi_proxy_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype # no external prototype native: duk_bi_proxy_constructor callable: true constructable: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_ES6_PROXY properties: - key: "length" value: 2 attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "name" value: "Proxy" attributes: "c" es6: true #- key: "revocable" # value: # type: function # native: duk_bi_proxy_constructor_revocable # length: 2 # es6: true - id: bi_reflect class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_REFLECT_BUILTIN properties: - key: "apply" value: type: function native: duk_bi_reflect_apply length: 3 magic: 2 # see duk_js_call.c special_call: true auto_lightfunc: false # automatic lightfunc conversion clashes with internal implementation es6: true - key: "construct" value: type: function native: duk_bi_reflect_construct length: 2 magic: 3 # see duk_js_call.c special_call: true auto_lightfunc: false # automatic lightfunc conversion clashes with internal implementation es6: true - key: "defineProperty" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_define_property length: 3 magic: 1 es6: true - key: "deleteProperty" value: type: function native: duk_bi_reflect_object_delete_property length: 2 es6: true - key: "get" value: type: function native: duk_bi_reflect_object_get length: 2 varargs: true es6: true - key: "getOwnPropertyDescriptor" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_get_own_property_descriptor length: 2 magic: 1 es6: true - key: "getPrototypeOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_getprototype_shared length: 1 magic: 2 es6: true - key: "has" value: type: function native: duk_bi_reflect_object_has length: 2 es6: true - key: "isExtensible" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_is_extensible length: 1 magic: 1 es6: true - key: "ownKeys" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_keys_shared length: 1 magic: 3 es6: true - key: "preventExtensions" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_constructor_prevent_extensions length: 1 magic: 1 es6: true - key: "set" value: type: function native: duk_bi_reflect_object_set length: 3 varargs: true es6: true - key: "setPrototypeOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_object_setprototype_shared length: 2 magic: 2 es6: true - id: bi_symbol_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_symbol_constructor_shared callable: true constructable: false # new Symbol() not allowed es6: true nargs: 1 magic: 0 bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 0 attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "name" value: "Symbol" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_symbol_prototype attributes: "" es6: true - key: "for" value: type: function native: duk_bi_symbol_constructor_shared magic: 1 length: 1 nargs: 1 attributes: "wc" es6: true - key: "keyFor" value: type: function native: duk_bi_symbol_key_for length: 1 nargs: 1 attributes: "wc" es6: true - key: "hasInstance" value: type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.hasInstance" attributes: "" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - key: "isConcatSpreadable" value: type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.isConcatSpreadable" attributes: "" es6: true - key: "iterator" value: type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.iterator" attributes: "" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN #- key: "match" # value: # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.match" # attributes: "" # es6: true #- key: "replace" # value: # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.replace" # attributes: "" # es6: true #- key: "search" # value: # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.search" # attributes: "" # es6: true #- key: "species" # value: # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # attributes: "" # es6: true #- key: "split" # value: # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.split" # attributes: "" # es6: true - key: "toPrimitive" value: type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.toPrimitive" attributes: "" es6: true - key: "toStringTag" value: type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.toStringTag" attributes: "" es6: true #- key: "unscopables" # value: # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.unscopables" # attributes: "" # es6: true - id: bi_symbol_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype es6: true bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN disabled so that symbol values # created from C code can inherit through the Symbol prototype. properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_symbol_constructor attributes: "wc" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_symbol_tostring_shared nargs: 0 magic: 0 attributes: "wc" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - key: "valueOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_symbol_tostring_shared nargs: 0 magic: 1 attributes: "wc" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - key: # @@toPrimitive type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.toPrimitive" value: type: function native: duk_bi_symbol_toprimitive nargs: 0 # hint is ignored length: 0 name: "[Symbol.toPrimitive]" attributes: "c" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - key: # @@toStringTag type: symbol variant: wellknown string: "Symbol.toStringTag" value: "Symbol" attributes: "c" es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_SYMBOL_BUILTIN - id: bi_promise_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype native: duk_bi_promise_constructor callable: true constructable: true es6: true nargs: 1 magic: 0 bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_PROMISE_BUILTIN properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "name" value: "Promise" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: 'prototype' value: type: object id: bi_promise_prototype attributes: "" es6: true - key: 'all' value: type: function native: duk_bi_promise_all length: 1 varargs: false attributes: 'wc' es6: true - key: 'race' value: type: function native: duk_bi_promise_race length: 1 varargs: false attributes: 'wc' es6: true - key: 'reject' value: type: function native: duk_bi_promise_reject length: 1 varargs: false attributes: 'wc' es6: true - key: 'resolve' value: type: function native: duk_bi_promise_resolve length: 1 varargs: false attributes: 'wc' es6: true # @@species # 'defer' is obsolete and not implemented: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Promise.jsm/Deferred. # 'accept' is obsolete and not implemented: #https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3238 # 'try': https://github.com/tc39/proposal-promise-try - id: bi_promise_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_PROMISE_BUILTIN properties: - key: 'constructor' value: type: object id: bi_promise_constructor attributes: "wc" es6: true - key: 'catch' value: type: function native: duk_bi_promise_catch length: 1 varargs: false attributes: 'wc' es6: true - key: 'then' value: type: function native: duk_bi_promise_then length: 2 varargs: false attributes: 'wc' es6: true # @@toStringTag # 'chain' is an obsolete variant of .then and not implemented: # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34713965/the-feature-of-method-promise-prototype-chain-in-chrome # 'finally': https://github.com/tc39/proposal-promise-finally # # TypedArray # - id: bi_arraybuffer_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: false native: duk_bi_arraybuffer_constructor callable: true constructable: true typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 1 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_arraybuffer_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "ArrayBuffer" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "isView" value: type: function native: duk_bi_arraybuffer_isview length: 1 varargs: false typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_arraybuffer_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "byteLength" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_typedarray_bytelength_getter # XXX: more lenient than required by spec now getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_arraybuffer_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "slice" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_slice_shared length: 2 varargs: false magic: 2 # magic: 0x01=isView, 0x02=create copy, 0x04=Node.js Buffer special typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@toStringTag # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.toStringTag" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_dataview_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: false native: duk_bi_dataview_constructor callable: true constructable: true typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_dataview_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "DataView" attributes: "c" es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_dataview_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "byteLength" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_typedarray_bytelength_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "byteOffset" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_typedarray_byteoffset_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "buffer" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_typedarray_buffer_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_dataview_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true # Int8/Uint8 get/set calls don't have a little endian argument # but length/nargs must provide it for the shared helper anyway. - key: "getInt8" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "8bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "getUint8" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "8bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "getInt16" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "16bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "getUint16" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "16bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "getInt32" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "32bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "getUint32" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "32bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "getFloat32" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "float" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "getFloat64" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "double" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "setInt8" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "8bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "setUint8" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "8bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "setInt16" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "16bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "setUint16" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "16bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "setInt32" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "32bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "setUint32" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "32bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "setFloat32" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "float" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true - key: "setFloat64" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "double" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: true typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@toStringTag # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.toStringTag" # value: XXX # es6: true # %TypedArray% constructor # Prototype object providing properties shared by all TypedArray # constructors. Callable, but duk_bi_typedarray_constructor() # rejects normal calls with TypeError; not constructable which # rejects constructor calls with TypeError. - id: bi_typedarray_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: false nargs: 0 magic: 0 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 0 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_typedarray_prototype attributes: "" es6: true - key: "name" value: "TypedArray" attributes: "c" es6: true # .from # .of # @@species getter # %TypedArrayPrototype% # Custom prototype object providing properties shared by all TypedArray # instances (reduces built-in object count). The view specific prototypes # (such as Uint8Array.prototype) are still needed so that e.g. instanceof # will work properly. - id: bi_typedarray_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype # no external_prototype (specific views provide it) typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false # Present even when DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT is disabled # to support plain buffers. properties: - key: "byteLength" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_typedarray_bytelength_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "byteOffset" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_typedarray_byteoffset_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "buffer" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_typedarray_buffer_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT # missing without bufferobject support - key: "set" value: type: function native: duk_bi_typedarray_set length: 2 varargs: false typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - key: "subarray" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_slice_shared length: 2 varargs: false magic: 1 # magic: 0x01=isView, 0x02=create copy, 0x04=Node.js Buffer special typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT #- key: # @@iterator # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.iterator" # value: XXX # es6: true # present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT #- key: # @@toStringTag # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.toStringTag" # value: XXX # es6: true # present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT - id: bi_int8array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "int8" shift: 0 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_int8array_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Int8Array" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 1 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_int8array_prototype internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype class: Object typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_int8array_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 1 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - id: bi_uint8array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "uint8" shift: 0 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_uint8array_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Uint8Array" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 1 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true # Duktape custom: allocate a plain buffer, return value is always # a freshly allocated fixed plain buffer. - key: "allocPlain" value: type: function native: duk_bi_uint8array_allocplain length: 1 varargs: false duktape: true # Duktape custom: get plain buffer underlying a buffer object. - key: "plainOf" value: type: function native: duk_bi_uint8array_plainof length: 1 varargs: false duktape: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_uint8array_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true # Present even when DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT is disabled # to support plain buffers. properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_uint8array_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT # missing without bufferobject support - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 1 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - id: bi_uint8clampedarray_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "uint8clamped" shift: 0 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_uint8clampedarray_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Uint8ClampedArray" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 1 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_uint8clampedarray_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_uint8clampedarray_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 1 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - id: bi_int16array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "int16" shift: 1 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_int16array_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Int16Array" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 2 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_int16array_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_int16array_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 2 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - id: bi_uint16array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "uint16" shift: 1 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_uint16array_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Uint16Array" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 2 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_uint16array_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_uint16array_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 2 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - id: bi_int32array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "int32" shift: 2 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_int32array_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Int32Array" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 4 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_int32array_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_int32array_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 4 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - id: bi_uint32array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "uint32" shift: 2 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_uint32array_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Uint32Array" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 4 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_uint32array_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_uint32array_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 4 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - id: bi_float32array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "float32" shift: 2 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_float32array_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Float32Array" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 4 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_float32array_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_float32array_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 4 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - id: bi_float64array_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_constructor varargs: false native: duk_bi_typedarray_constructor callable: true constructable: true magic: type: typedarray_constructor elem: "float64" shift: 3 typedarray: true es6: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 3 attributes: "c" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_float64array_prototype attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "name" value: "Float64Array" attributes: "c" es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 8 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true #- key: # @@species # type: symbol # variant: wellknown # string: "Symbol.species" # value: XXX # es6: true - id: bi_float64array_prototype class: Object internal_prototype: bi_typedarray_prototype typedarray: true es6: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_float64array_constructor attributes: "wc" typedarray: true es6: true - key: "BYTES_PER_ELEMENT" value: 8 attributes: "" typedarray: true es6: true # # Node.js Buffer # - id: bi_nodejs_buffer_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype varargs: false native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_constructor callable: true constructable: true nodejs_buffer: true bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "length" value: 2 attributes: "c" nodejs_buffer: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_nodejs_buffer_prototype attributes: "" nodejs_buffer: true - key: "name" value: "Buffer" attributes: "c" nodejs_buffer: true - key: "concat" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_concat length: 2 varargs: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "isEncoding" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_is_encoding length: 1 varargs: nodejs_buffer: true - key: "isBuffer" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_is_buffer length: 1 varargs: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "byteLength" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_byte_length length: 2 varargs: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "compare" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_compare_shared length: 2 varargs: false magic: 3 # magic: 0x02=static call + 0x01=compare = 0x03 nodejs_buffer: true - id: bi_nodejs_buffer_prototype internal_prototype: bi_uint8array_prototype class: Object nodejs_buffer: true bidx: true present_if: DUK_USE_BUFFEROBJECT_SUPPORT properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_nodejs_buffer_constructor attributes: "wc" nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readUInt8" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "8bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readInt8" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "8bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readUInt16LE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "16bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readUInt16BE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "16bit" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readInt16LE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "16bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readInt16BE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "16bit" signed: true bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readUInt32LE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "32bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readUInt32BE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "32bit" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readInt32LE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "32bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readInt32BE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "32bit" signed: true bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readFloatLE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "float" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readFloatBE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "float" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readDoubleLE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "double" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readDoubleBE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 2 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "double" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readUIntLE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "varint" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readUIntBE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "varint" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readIntLE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "varint" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "readIntBE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_readfield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_readfield elem: "varint" signed: true bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeUInt8" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "8bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeInt8" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "8bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeUInt16LE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "16bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeUInt16BE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "16bit" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeInt16LE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "16bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeInt16BE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "16bit" signed: true bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeUInt32LE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "32bit" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeUInt32BE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "32bit" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeInt32LE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "32bit" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeInt32BE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "32bit" signed: true bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeFloatLE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "float" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeFloatBE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "float" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeDoubleLE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "double" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeDoubleBE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 3 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "double" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeUIntLE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 4 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "varint" signed: false bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeUIntBE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 4 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "varint" signed: false bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeIntLE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 4 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "varint" signed: true bigendian: false typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "writeIntBE" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_writefield length: 4 varargs: false magic: type: buffer_writefield elem: "varint" signed: true bigendian: true typedarray: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "toString" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_tostring length: 3 varargs: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "toJSON" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_tojson length: 0 varargs: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "fill" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_fill length: 3 varargs: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "equals" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_compare_shared length: 1 varargs: false magic: 0 # magic = 0: equals nodejs_buffer: true - key: "compare" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_compare_shared length: 1 varargs: false magic: 1 # magic = 1: compare nodejs_buffer: true - key: "copy" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_copy length: 4 varargs: false nodejs_buffer: true - key: "slice" value: type: function native: duk_bi_buffer_slice_shared length: 2 varargs: false magic: 5 # magic: 0x01=isView, 0x02=create copy, 0x04=Node.js Buffer special nodejs_buffer: true - key: "write" value: type: function native: duk_bi_nodejs_buffer_write length: 4 varargs: false nodejs_buffer: true # # CBOR # - id: bi_cbor class: Object internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype bidx: false present_if: DUK_USE_CBOR_BUILTIN properties: - key: "encode" value: type: function native: duk_bi_cbor_encode length: 1 attributes: "wc" - key: "decode" value: type: function native: duk_bi_cbor_decode length: 1 attributes: "wc" # # Encoding API # - id: bi_textencoder_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype nargs: 0 native: duk_bi_textencoder_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: false encoding_api: true present_if: DUK_USE_ENCODING_BUILTINS properties: - key: "length" value: 0 attributes: "c" encoding_api: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_textencoder_prototype attributes: "" encoding_api: true - key: "name" value: "TextEncoder" attributes: "c" encoding_api: true - id: bi_textencoder_prototype internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype class: Object bidx: false encoding_api: true present_if: DUK_USE_ENCODING_BUILTINS properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_textencoder_constructor attributes: "wc" encoding_api: true - key: "encoding" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_textencoder_prototype_encoding_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 attributes: "ec" encoding_api: true - key: "encode" value: type: function native: duk_bi_textencoder_prototype_encode length: 0 nargs: 1 attributes: "wec" encoding_api: true - id: bi_textdecoder_constructor class: Function internal_prototype: bi_function_prototype nargs: 2 native: duk_bi_textdecoder_constructor callable: true constructable: true bidx: false encoding_api: true present_if: DUK_USE_ENCODING_BUILTINS properties: - key: "length" value: 0 attributes: "c" encoding_api: true - key: "prototype" value: type: object id: bi_textdecoder_prototype attributes: "" encoding_api: true - key: "name" value: "TextDecoder" attributes: "c" encoding_api: true - id: bi_textdecoder_prototype internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype class: Object bidx: false encoding_api: true present_if: DUK_USE_ENCODING_BUILTINS properties: - key: "constructor" value: type: object id: bi_textdecoder_constructor attributes: "wc" encoding_api: true - key: "encoding" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_textdecoder_prototype_shared_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 0 # 0=encoding attributes: "ec" encoding_api: true - key: "fatal" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_textdecoder_prototype_shared_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 1 # 1=fatal attributes: "ec" encoding_api: true - key: "ignoreBOM" value: type: accessor getter: duk_bi_textdecoder_prototype_shared_getter getter_nargs: 0 getter_magic: 2 # 2=ignoreBOM attributes: "ec" encoding_api: true - key: "decode" value: type: function native: duk_bi_textdecoder_prototype_decode length: 0 nargs: 2 attributes: "wec" encoding_api: true - id: bi_performance internal_prototype: bi_object_prototype class: Object bidx: false performance_api: true present_if: DUK_USE_PERFORMANCE_BUILTIN properties: # Firefox and Chrome: data property with 'wec' attributes, # inherited from PerformancePrototype. Use own data property # for now. - key: "now" value: type: function native: duk_bi_performance_now length: 0 nargs: 0 attributes: "wec" performance_api: true # Missing until semantics decided. #- key: "timeOrigin" # value: # type: accessor # getter: duk_bi_performance_timeorigin_getter # getter_nargs: 0 # getter_magic: 0 # attributes: "ec" # check # performance_api: true