defmodule Module do @moduledoc ~S''' Provides functions to deal with modules during compilation time. It allows a developer to dynamically add, delete and register attributes, attach documentation and so forth. After a module is compiled, using many of the functions in this module will raise errors, since it is out of their scope to inspect runtime data. Most of the runtime data can be inspected via the [`__info__/1`](`c:Module.__info__/1`) function attached to each compiled module. ## Module attributes Each module can be decorated with one or more attributes. The following ones are currently defined by Elixir: ### `@after_compile` A hook that will be invoked right after the current module is compiled. Accepts a module or a `{module, function_name}`. See the "Compile callbacks" section below. ### `@before_compile` A hook that will be invoked before the module is compiled. Accepts a module or a `{module, function_or_macro_name}` tuple. See the "Compile callbacks" section below. ### `@behaviour` Note the British spelling! Behaviours can be referenced by modules to ensure they implement required specific function signatures defined by `@callback`. For example, you could specify a `URI.Parser` behaviour as follows: defmodule URI.Parser do @doc "Defines a default port" @callback default_port() :: integer @doc "Parses the given URL" @callback parse(uri_info :: URI.t()) :: URI.t() end And then a module may use it as: defmodule URI.HTTP do @behaviour URI.Parser def default_port(), do: 80 def parse(info), do: info end If the behaviour changes or `URI.HTTP` does not implement one of the callbacks, a warning will be raised. For detailed documentation, see the [behaviour typespec documentation]( ### `@impl` To aid in the correct implementation of behaviours, you may optionally declare `@impl` for implemented callbacks of a behaviour. This makes callbacks explicit and can help you to catch errors in your code. The compiler will warn in these cases: * if you mark a function with `@impl` when that function is not a callback. * if you don't mark a function with `@impl` when other functions are marked with `@impl`. If you mark one function with `@impl`, you must mark all other callbacks for that behaviour as `@impl`. `@impl` works on a per-context basis. If you generate a function through a macro and mark it with `@impl`, that won't affect the module where that function is generated in. `@impl` also helps with maintainability by making it clear to other developers that the function is implementing a callback. Using `@impl`, the example above can be rewritten as: defmodule URI.HTTP do @behaviour URI.Parser @impl true def default_port(), do: 80 @impl true def parse(info), do: info end You may pass either `false`, `true`, or a specific behaviour to `@impl`. defmodule Foo do @behaviour Bar @behaviour Baz # Will warn if neither Bar nor Baz specify a callback named bar/0. @impl true def bar(), do: :ok # Will warn if Baz does not specify a callback named baz/0. @impl Baz def baz(), do: :ok end The code is now more readable, as it is now clear which functions are part of your API and which ones are callback implementations. To reinforce this idea, `@impl true` automatically marks the function as `@doc false`, disabling documentation unless `@doc` is explicitly set. ### `@compile` Defines options for module compilation. This is used to configure both Elixir and Erlang compilers, as any other compilation pass added by external tools. For example: defmodule MyModule do @compile {:inline, my_fun: 1} def my_fun(arg) do to_string(arg) end end Multiple uses of `@compile` will accumulate instead of overriding previous ones. See the "Compile options" section below. ### `@deprecated` Provides the deprecation reason for a function. For example: defmodule Keyword do @deprecated "Use Kernel.length/1 instead" def size(keyword) do length(keyword) end end The Mix compiler automatically looks for calls to deprecated modules and emit warnings during compilation. Using the `@deprecated` attribute will also be reflected in the documentation of the given function and macro. You can choose between the `@deprecated` attribute and the documentation metadata to provide hard-deprecations (with warnings) and soft-deprecations (without warnings): This is a soft-deprecation as it simply annotates the documentation as deprecated: @doc deprecated: "Use Kernel.length/1 instead" def size(keyword) This is a hard-deprecation as it emits warnings and annotates the documentation as deprecated: @deprecated "Use Kernel.length/1 instead" def size(keyword) Currently `@deprecated` only supports functions and macros. However you can use the `:deprecated` key in the annotation metadata to annotate the docs of modules, types and callbacks too. We recommend using this feature with care, especially library authors. Deprecating code always pushes the burden towards library users. We also recommend for deprecated functionality to be maintained for long periods of time, even after deprecation, giving developers plenty of time to update (except for cases where keeping the deprecated API is undesired, such as in the presence of security issues). ### `@doc` and `@typedoc` Provides documentation for the entity that follows the attribute. `@doc` is to be used with a function, macro, callback, or macrocallback, while `@typedoc` with a type (public or opaque). Accepts a string (often a heredoc) or `false` where `@doc false` will make the entity invisible to documentation extraction tools like [`ExDoc`]( For example: defmodule MyModule do @typedoc "This type" @typedoc since: "1.1.0" @type t :: term @doc "Hello world" @doc since: "1.1.0" def hello do "world" end @doc """ Sums `a` to `b`. """ def sum(a, b) do a + b end end As can be seen in the example above, `@doc` and `@typedoc` also accept a keyword list that serves as a way to provide arbitrary metadata about the entity. Tools like [`ExDoc`]( and `IEx` may use this information to display annotations. A common use case is `since` that may be used to annotate in which version the function was introduced. As illustrated in the example, it is possible to use these attributes more than once before an entity. However, the compiler will warn if used twice with binaries as that replaces the documentation text from the preceding use. Multiple uses with keyword lists will merge the lists into one. Note that since the compiler also defines some additional metadata, there are a few reserved keys that will be ignored and warned if used. Currently these are: `:opaque` and `:defaults`. Once this module is compiled, this information becomes available via the `Code.fetch_docs/1` function. ### `@dialyzer` Defines warnings to request or suppress when using a version of `:dialyzer` that supports module attributes. Accepts an atom, a tuple, or a list of atoms and tuples. For example: defmodule MyModule do @dialyzer {:nowarn_function, my_fun: 1} def my_fun(arg) do M.not_a_function(arg) end end For the list of supported warnings, see [`:dialyzer` module](`:dialyzer`). Multiple uses of `@dialyzer` will accumulate instead of overriding previous ones. ### `@external_resource` Specifies an external resource for the current module. Sometimes a module embeds information from an external file. This attribute allows the module to annotate which external resources have been used. Tools may use this information to ensure the module is recompiled in case any of the external resources change, see for example: [`mix compile.elixir`]( If the external resource does not exist, the module still has a dependency on it, causing the module to be recompiled as soon as the file is added. ### `@file` Changes the filename used in stacktraces for the function or macro that follows the attribute, such as: defmodule MyModule do @doc "Hello world" @file "hello.ex" def hello do "world" end end ### `@moduledoc` Provides documentation for the current module. defmodule MyModule do @moduledoc """ A very useful module. """ @moduledoc authors: ["Alice", "Bob"] end Accepts a string (often a heredoc) or `false` where `@moduledoc false` will make the module invisible to documentation extraction tools like [`ExDoc`]( Similarly to `@doc` also accepts a keyword list to provide metadata about the module. For more details, see the documentation of `@doc` above. Once this module is compiled, this information becomes available via the `Code.fetch_docs/1` function. ### `@on_definition` A hook that will be invoked when each function or macro in the current module is defined. Useful when annotating functions. Accepts a module or a `{module, function_name}` tuple. See the "Compile callbacks" section below. ### `@on_load` A hook that will be invoked whenever the module is loaded. Accepts the function name (as an atom) of a function in the current module or `{function_name, 0}` tuple where `function_name` is the name of a function in the current module. The function must have an arity of 0 (no arguments). If the function does not return `:ok`, the loading of the module will be aborted. For example: defmodule MyModule do @on_load :load_check def load_check do if some_condition() do :ok else :abort end end def some_condition do false end end Modules compiled with HiPE would not call this hook. ### `@vsn` Specify the module version. Accepts any valid Elixir value, for example: defmodule MyModule do @vsn "1.0" end ### Struct attributes * `@derive` - derives an implementation for the given protocol for the struct defined in the current module * `@enforce_keys` - ensures the given keys are always set when building the struct defined in the current module See `Kernel.defstruct/1` for more information on building and using structs. ### Typespec attributes The following attributes are part of typespecs and are also built-in in Elixir: * `@type` - defines a type to be used in `@spec` * `@typep` - defines a private type to be used in `@spec` * `@opaque` - defines an opaque type to be used in `@spec` * `@spec` - provides a specification for a function * `@callback` - provides a specification for a behaviour callback * `@macrocallback` - provides a specification for a macro behaviour callback * `@optional_callbacks` - specifies which behaviour callbacks and macro behaviour callbacks are optional * `@impl` - declares an implementation of a callback function or macro For detailed documentation, see the [typespec documentation]( ### Custom attributes In addition to the built-in attributes outlined above, custom attributes may also be added. Custom attributes are expressed using the `@/1` operator followed by a valid variable name. The value given to the custom attribute must be a valid Elixir value: defmodule MyModule do @custom_attr [some: "stuff"] end For more advanced options available when defining custom attributes, see `register_attribute/3`. ## Compile callbacks There are three callbacks that are invoked when functions are defined, as well as before and immediately after the module bytecode is generated. ### `@after_compile` A hook that will be invoked right after the current module is compiled. Accepts a module or a `{module, function_name}` tuple. The function must take two arguments: the module environment and its bytecode. When just a module is provided, the function is assumed to be `__after_compile__/2`. Callbacks will run in the order they are registered. #### Example defmodule MyModule do @after_compile __MODULE__ def __after_compile__(env, _bytecode) do IO.inspect(env) end end ### `@before_compile` A hook that will be invoked before the module is compiled. Accepts a module or a `{module, function_or_macro_name}` tuple. The function/macro must take one argument: the module environment. If it's a macro, its returned value will be injected at the end of the module definition before the compilation starts. When just a module is provided, the function/macro is assumed to be `__before_compile__/1`. Callbacks will run in the order they are registered. Any overridable definition will be made concrete before the first callback runs. A definition may be made overridable again in another before compile callback and it will be made concrete one last time after all callbacks run. *Note*: unlike `@after_compile`, the callback function/macro must be placed in a separate module (because when the callback is invoked, the current module does not yet exist). #### Example defmodule A do defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do quote do def hello, do: "world" end end end defmodule B do @before_compile A end B.hello() #=> "world" ### `@on_definition` A hook that will be invoked when each function or macro in the current module is defined. Useful when annotating functions. Accepts a module or a `{module, function_name}` tuple. The function must take 6 arguments: * the module environment * the kind of the function/macro: `:def`, `:defp`, `:defmacro`, or `:defmacrop` * the function/macro name * the list of quoted arguments * the list of quoted guards * the quoted function body If the function/macro being defined has multiple clauses, the hook will be called for each clause. Unlike other hooks, `@on_definition` will only invoke functions and never macros. This is to avoid `@on_definition` callbacks from redefining functions that have just been defined in favor of more explicit approaches. When just a module is provided, the function is assumed to be `__on_definition__/6`. #### Example defmodule Hooks do def on_def(_env, kind, name, args, guards, body) do IO.puts("Defining #{kind} named #{name} with args:") IO.inspect(args) IO.puts("and guards") IO.inspect(guards) IO.puts("and body") IO.puts(Macro.to_string(body)) end end defmodule MyModule do @on_definition {Hooks, :on_def} def hello(arg) when is_binary(arg) or is_list(arg) do "Hello" <> to_string(arg) end def hello(_) do :ok end end ## Compile options The `@compile` attribute accepts different options that are used by both Elixir and Erlang compilers. Some of the common use cases are documented below: * `@compile :debug_info` - includes `:debug_info` regardless of the corresponding setting in `Code.get_compiler_option/1` * `@compile {:debug_info, false}` - disables `:debug_info` regardless of the corresponding setting in `Code.get_compiler_option/1` * `@compile {:inline, some_fun: 2, other_fun: 3}` - inlines the given name/arity pairs. Inlining is applied locally, calls from another module are not affected by this option * `@compile {:autoload, false}` - disables automatic loading of modules after compilation. Instead, the module will be loaded after it is dispatched to * `@compile {:no_warn_undefined, Mod}` or `@compile {:no_warn_undefined, {Mod, fun, arity}}` - does not warn if the given module or the given `` are not defined ''' @typep definition :: {atom, arity} @typep def_kind :: :def | :defp | :defmacro | :defmacrop @extra_error_msg_defines? "Use Kernel.function_exported?/3 and Kernel.macro_exported?/3 " <> "to check for public functions and macros instead" @extra_error_msg_definitions_in "Use the Module.__info__/1 callback to get public functions and macros instead" @doc """ Provides runtime information about functions, macros, and other information defined by the module. Each module gets an `__info__/1` function when it's compiled. The function takes one of the following items: * `:attributes` - a keyword list with all persisted attributes * `:compile` - a list with compiler metadata * `:functions` - a keyword list of public functions and their arities * `:macros` - a keyword list of public macros and their arities * `:md5` - the MD5 of the module * `:module` - the module atom name """ @callback __info__(:attributes) :: keyword() @callback __info__(:compile) :: [term()] @callback __info__(:functions) :: keyword() @callback __info__(:macros) :: keyword() @callback __info__(:md5) :: binary() @callback __info__(:module) :: module() @doc """ Returns information about module attributes used by Elixir. See the "Module attributes" section in the module documentation for more information on each attribute. ## Examples iex> map = Module.reserved_attributes() iex> Map.has_key?(map, :moduledoc) true iex> Map.has_key?(map, :doc) true """ @doc since: "1.12.0" def reserved_attributes() do %{ after_compile: %{ doc: "A hook that will be invoked right after the current module is compiled." }, before_compile: %{ doc: "A hook that will be invoked before the module is compiled." }, behaviour: %{ doc: "Specifies that the current module implements a given behaviour." }, on_definition: %{ doc: "A hook that will be invoked when each function or macro in the current module is defined." }, impl: %{ doc: "Declares an implementation of a callback function or macro." }, compile: %{ doc: "Defines options for module compilation." }, deprecated: %{ doc: "Provides the deprecation reason for a function." }, moduledoc: %{ doc: "Provides documentation for the current module." }, doc: %{ doc: "Provides documentation for a function/macro/callback." }, typedoc: %{ doc: "Provides documentation for a type." }, dialyzer: %{ doc: "Defines Dialyzer warnings to request or suppress." }, external_resource: %{ doc: "Specifies an external resource for the current module." }, file: %{ doc: "Changes the filename used in stacktraces for the function or macro that follows the attribute." }, on_load: %{ doc: "A hook that will be invoked whenever the module is loaded." }, vsn: %{ doc: "Specify the module version." }, type: %{ doc: "Defines a type to be used in `@spec`." }, typep: %{ doc: "Defines a private type to be used in `@spec`." }, opaque: %{ doc: "Defines an opaque type to be used in `@spec`." }, spec: %{ doc: "Provides a specification for a function." }, callback: %{ doc: "Provides a specification for a behaviour callback." }, macrocallback: %{ doc: "Provides a specification for a macro behaviour callback." }, optional_callbacks: %{ doc: "Specifies which behaviour callbacks and macro behaviour callbacks are optional." }, derive: %{ doc: "Derives an implementation for the given protocol for the struct defined in the current module." }, enforce_keys: %{ doc: "Ensures the given keys are always set when building the struct defined in the current module." } } end @doc """ Checks if a module is open. A module is "open" if it is currently being defined and its attributes and functions can be modified. """ @spec open?(module) :: boolean def open?(module) when is_atom(module) do :elixir_module.is_open(module) end @doc """ Evaluates the quoted contents in the given module's context. A list of environment options can also be given as argument. See `Code.eval_string/3` for more information. Raises an error if the module was already compiled. ## Examples defmodule Foo do contents = quote do def sum(a, b), do: a + b end Module.eval_quoted(__MODULE__, contents) end Foo.sum(1, 2) #=> 3 For convenience, you can pass any `Macro.Env` struct, such as `__ENV__/0`, as the first argument or as options. Both the module and all options will be automatically extracted from the environment: defmodule Foo do contents = quote do def sum(a, b), do: a + b end Module.eval_quoted(__ENV__, contents) end Foo.sum(1, 2) #=> 3 Note that if you pass a `Macro.Env` struct as first argument while also passing `opts`, they will be merged with `opts` having precedence. """ @spec eval_quoted(module | Macro.Env.t(), Macro.t(), list, keyword | Macro.Env.t()) :: term def eval_quoted(module_or_env, quoted, binding \\ [], opts \\ []) def eval_quoted(%Macro.Env{} = env, quoted, binding, opts) when is_list(binding) and is_list(opts) do validated_eval_quoted(env.module, quoted, binding, struct!(env, opts)) end def eval_quoted(module, quoted, binding, %Macro.Env{} = env) when is_atom(module) and is_list(binding) do validated_eval_quoted(module, quoted, binding, env) end def eval_quoted(module, quoted, binding, opts) when is_atom(module) and is_list(binding) and is_list(opts) do validated_eval_quoted(module, quoted, binding, opts) end defp validated_eval_quoted(module, quoted, binding, env_or_opts) do assert_not_compiled!({:eval_quoted, 4}, module) :elixir_def.reset_last(module) env = :elixir.env_for_eval(env_or_opts) {value, binding, _env} = :elixir.eval_quoted(quoted, binding, %{env | module: module}) {value, binding} end @doc """ Creates a module with the given name and defined by the given quoted expressions. The line where the module is defined and its file **must** be passed as options. It returns a tuple of shape `{:module, module, binary, term}` where `module` is the module name, `binary` is the module bytecode and `term` is the result of the last expression in `quoted`. Similar to `Kernel.defmodule/2`, the binary will only be written to disk as a `.beam` file if `Module.create/3` is invoked in a file that is currently being compiled. ## Examples contents = quote do def world, do: true end Module.create(Hello, contents, Macro.Env.location(__ENV__)) #=> true ## Differences from `defmodule` `Module.create/3` works similarly to `Kernel.defmodule/2` and return the same results. While one could also use `defmodule` to define modules dynamically, this function is preferred when the module body is given by a quoted expression. Another important distinction is that `Module.create/3` allows you to control the environment variables used when defining the module, while `Kernel.defmodule/2` automatically uses the environment it is invoked at. """ @spec create(module, Macro.t(), Macro.Env.t() | keyword) :: {:module, module, binary, term} def create(module, quoted, opts) def create(module, quoted, %Macro.Env{} = env) when is_atom(module) do create(module, quoted, Map.to_list(env)) end def create(module, quoted, opts) when is_atom(module) and is_list(opts) do unless Keyword.has_key?(opts, :file) do raise ArgumentError, "expected :file to be given as option" end next = :elixir_module.next_counter(nil) line = Keyword.get(opts, :line, 0) quoted = :elixir_quote.linify_with_context_counter(line, {module, next}, quoted) :elixir_module.compile(module, quoted, [], :elixir.env_for_eval(opts)) end @doc """ Concatenates a list of aliases and returns a new alias. It handles binaries and atoms. ## Examples iex> Module.concat([Foo, Bar]) Foo.Bar iex> Module.concat([Foo, "Bar"]) Foo.Bar """ @spec concat([binary | atom]) :: atom def concat(list) when is_list(list) do :elixir_aliases.concat(list) end @doc """ Concatenates two aliases and returns a new alias. It handles binaries and atoms. ## Examples iex> Module.concat(Foo, Bar) Foo.Bar iex> Module.concat(Foo, "Bar") Foo.Bar """ @spec concat(binary | atom, binary | atom) :: atom def concat(left, right) when (is_binary(left) or is_atom(left)) and (is_binary(right) or is_atom(right)) do :elixir_aliases.concat([left, right]) end @doc """ Concatenates a list of aliases and returns a new alias only if the alias was already referenced. If the alias was not referenced yet, fails with `ArgumentError`. It handles binaries and atoms. ## Examples iex> Module.safe_concat([List, Chars]) List.Chars """ @spec safe_concat([binary | atom]) :: atom def safe_concat(list) when is_list(list) do :elixir_aliases.safe_concat(list) end @doc """ Concatenates two aliases and returns a new alias only if the alias was already referenced. If the alias was not referenced yet, fails with `ArgumentError`. It handles binaries and atoms. ## Examples iex> Module.safe_concat(List, Chars) List.Chars """ @spec safe_concat(binary | atom, binary | atom) :: atom def safe_concat(left, right) when (is_binary(left) or is_atom(left)) and (is_binary(right) or is_atom(right)) do :elixir_aliases.safe_concat([left, right]) end # Build signatures to be stored in docs defp build_signature(args, env) do {reverse_args, counters} = simplify_args(args, %{}, [], env) expand_keys(reverse_args, counters, []) end defp simplify_args([arg | args], counters, acc, env) do {arg, counters} = simplify_arg(arg, counters, env) simplify_args(args, counters, [arg | acc], env) end defp simplify_args([], counters, reverse_args, _env) do {reverse_args, counters} end defp simplify_arg({:\\, _, [left, right]}, counters, env) do {left, counters} = simplify_arg(left, counters, env) right = Macro.prewalk(right, fn {:@, _, _} = attr -> Macro.expand_once(attr, env) other -> other end) {{:\\, [], [left, right]}, counters} end # If the variable is being used explicitly for naming, # we always give it a higher priority (nil) even if it # starts with underscore. defp simplify_arg({:=, _, [{var, _, atom}, _]}, counters, _env) when is_atom(atom) do {simplify_var(var, nil), counters} end defp simplify_arg({:=, _, [_, {var, _, atom}]}, counters, _env) when is_atom(atom) do {simplify_var(var, nil), counters} end # If we have only the variable as argument, it also gets # higher priority. However, if the variable starts with an # underscore, we give it a secondary context (Elixir) with # lower priority. defp simplify_arg({var, _, atom}, counters, _env) when is_atom(atom) do {simplify_var(var, Elixir), counters} end defp simplify_arg({:%, _, [left, _]}, counters, env) do case Macro.expand_once(left, env) do module when is_atom(module) -> autogenerated_key(counters, simplify_module_name(module)) _ -> autogenerated_key(counters, :struct) end end defp simplify_arg({:%{}, _, _}, counters, _env) do autogenerated_key(counters, :map) end defp simplify_arg({:@, _, _} = attr, counters, env) do simplify_arg(Macro.expand_once(attr, env), counters, env) end defp simplify_arg(other, counters, _env) when is_integer(other), do: autogenerated_key(counters, :int) defp simplify_arg(other, counters, _env) when is_boolean(other), do: autogenerated_key(counters, :bool) defp simplify_arg(other, counters, _env) when is_atom(other), do: autogenerated_key(counters, :atom) defp simplify_arg(other, counters, _env) when is_list(other), do: autogenerated_key(counters, :list) defp simplify_arg(other, counters, _env) when is_float(other), do: autogenerated_key(counters, :float) defp simplify_arg(other, counters, _env) when is_binary(other), do: autogenerated_key(counters, :binary) defp simplify_arg(_, counters, _env), do: autogenerated_key(counters, :arg) defp simplify_var(var, guess_priority) do case Atom.to_string(var) do "_" -> {:_, [], guess_priority} "_" <> rest -> {String.to_atom(rest), [], guess_priority} _ -> {var, [], nil} end end defp simplify_module_name(module) when is_atom(module) do try do split(module) rescue ArgumentError -> module else module_name -> String.to_atom(Macro.underscore(List.last(module_name))) end end defp autogenerated_key(counters, key) do case counters do %{^key => :once} -> {key, %{counters | key => 2}} %{^key => value} -> {key, %{counters | key => value + 1}} %{} -> {key, Map.put(counters, key, :once)} end end defp expand_keys([{:\\, meta, [key, default]} | keys], counters, acc) when is_atom(key) do {var, counters} = expand_key(key, counters) expand_keys(keys, counters, [{:\\, meta, [var, default]} | acc]) end defp expand_keys([key | keys], counters, acc) when is_atom(key) do {var, counters} = expand_key(key, counters) expand_keys(keys, counters, [var | acc]) end defp expand_keys([arg | args], counters, acc) do expand_keys(args, counters, [arg | acc]) end defp expand_keys([], _counters, acc) do acc end defp expand_key(key, counters) do case counters do %{^key => count} when is_integer(count) and count >= 1 -> {{:"#{key}#{count}", [], Elixir}, Map.put(counters, key, count - 1)} _ -> {{key, [], Elixir}, counters} end end # Merge defp merge_signatures([h1 | t1], [h2 | t2], i) do [merge_signature(h1, h2, i) | merge_signatures(t1, t2, i + 1)] end defp merge_signatures([], [], _) do [] end defp merge_signature({:\\, meta, [left, right]}, newer, i) do {:\\, meta, [merge_signature(left, newer, i), right]} end defp merge_signature(older, {:\\, _, [left, _]}, i) do merge_signature(older, left, i) end # The older signature, when given, always have higher precedence defp merge_signature({_, _, nil} = older, _newer, _), do: older defp merge_signature(_older, {_, _, nil} = newer, _), do: newer # Both are a guess, so check if they are the same guess defp merge_signature({var, _, _} = older, {var, _, _}, _), do: older # Otherwise, returns a generic guess defp merge_signature({_, meta, _}, _newer, i), do: {:"arg#{i}", meta, Elixir} @doc """ Checks if the module defines the given function or macro. Use `defines?/3` to assert for a specific type. This function can only be used on modules that have not yet been compiled. Use `Kernel.function_exported?/3` and `Kernel.macro_exported?/3` to check for public functions and macros respectively in compiled modules. Note that `defines?` returns false for functions and macros that have been defined but then marked as overridable and no other implementation has been provided. You can check the overridable status by calling `overridable?/2`. ## Examples defmodule Example do Module.defines?(__MODULE__, {:version, 0}) #=> false def version, do: 1 Module.defines?(__MODULE__, {:version, 0}) #=> true end """ @spec defines?(module, definition) :: boolean def defines?(module, {name, arity} = tuple) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(name) and is_integer(arity) and arity >= 0 and arity <= 255 do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module, @extra_error_msg_defines?) {set, _bag} = data_tables_for(module) :ets.member(set, {:def, tuple}) end @doc """ Checks if the module defines a function or macro of the given `kind`. `kind` can be any of `:def`, `:defp`, `:defmacro`, or `:defmacrop`. This function can only be used on modules that have not yet been compiled. Use `Kernel.function_exported?/3` and `Kernel.macro_exported?/3` to check for public functions and macros respectively in compiled modules. ## Examples defmodule Example do Module.defines?(__MODULE__, {:version, 0}, :def) #=> false def version, do: 1 Module.defines?(__MODULE__, {:version, 0}, :def) #=> true end """ @spec defines?(module, definition, def_kind) :: boolean def defines?(module, {name, arity} = tuple, def_kind) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(name) and is_integer(arity) and arity >= 0 and arity <= 255 and def_kind in [:def, :defp, :defmacro, :defmacrop] do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module, @extra_error_msg_defines?) {set, _bag} = data_tables_for(module) case :ets.lookup(set, {:def, tuple}) do [{_, ^def_kind, _, _, _, _}] -> true _ -> false end end @doc """ Checks if the current module defines the given type (private, opaque or not). This function is only available for modules being compiled. """ @doc since: "1.7.0" @spec defines_type?(module, definition) :: boolean def defines_type?(module, definition) do Kernel.Typespec.defines_type?(module, definition) end @doc """ Copies the given spec as a callback. Returns `true` if there is such a spec and it was copied as a callback. If the function associated to the spec has documentation defined prior to invoking this function, the docs are copied too. """ @doc since: "1.7.0" @spec spec_to_callback(module, definition) :: boolean def spec_to_callback(module, definition) do Kernel.Typespec.spec_to_callback(module, definition) end @doc """ Returns all module attributes names defined in `module`. This function can only be used on modules that have not yet been compiled. ## Examples defmodule Example do @foo 1 Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :bar, accumulate: true) :foo in Module.attributes_in(__MODULE__) #=> true :bar in Module.attributes_in(__MODULE__) #=> true end """ @doc since: "1.13.0" @spec attributes_in(module) :: [atom] def attributes_in(module) when is_atom(module) do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module) {set, _} = data_tables_for(module), [{{:"$1", :_, :_}, [{:is_atom, :"$1"}], [:"$1"]}]) end @doc """ Returns all overridable definitions in `module`. Note a definition is included even if it was was already overridden. You can use `defines?/2` to see if a definition exists or one is pending. This function can only be used on modules that have not yet been compiled. ## Examples defmodule Example do def foo, do: 1 def bar, do: 2 defoverridable foo: 1, bar: 1 def foo, do: 3 [:bar, :foo] = Module.overridables_in(__MODULE__) |> Enum.sort() end """ @doc since: "1.13.0" @spec overridables_in(module) :: [atom] def overridables_in(module) when is_atom(module) do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module) :elixir_overridable.overridables_for(module) end @doc """ Returns all functions and macros defined in `module`. It returns a list with all defined functions and macros, public and private, in the shape of `[{name, arity}, ...]`. This function can only be used on modules that have not yet been compiled. Use the `c:Module.__info__/1` callback to get the public functions and macros in compiled modules. ## Examples defmodule Example do def version, do: 1 defmacrop test(arg), do: arg Module.definitions_in(__MODULE__) #=> [{:version, 0}, {:test, 1}] end """ @spec definitions_in(module) :: [definition] def definitions_in(module) when is_atom(module) do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module, @extra_error_msg_definitions_in) {_, bag} = data_tables_for(module) bag_lookup_element(bag, :defs, 2) end @doc """ Returns all functions defined in `module`, according to its kind. This function can only be used on modules that have not yet been compiled. Use the `c:Module.__info__/1` callback to get the public functions and macros in compiled modules. ## Examples defmodule Example do def version, do: 1 Module.definitions_in(__MODULE__, :def) #=> [{:version, 0}] Module.definitions_in(__MODULE__, :defp) #=> [] end """ @spec definitions_in(module, def_kind) :: [definition] def definitions_in(module, kind) when is_atom(module) and kind in [:def, :defp, :defmacro, :defmacrop] do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module, @extra_error_msg_definitions_in) {set, _} = data_tables_for(module), [{{{:def, :"$1"}, kind, :_, :_, :_, :_}, [], [:"$1"]}]) end @doc """ Returns the definition for the given name-arity pair. It returns a tuple with the `version`, the `kind`, the definition `metadata`, and a list with each clause. Each clause is a four-element tuple with metadata, the arguments, the guards, and the clause AST. The clauses are returned in the Elixir AST but a subset that has already been expanded and normalized. This makes it useful for analyzing code but it cannot be reinjected into the module as it will have lost some of its original context. Given this AST representation is mostly internal, it is versioned and it may change at any time. Therefore, **use this API with caution**. ## Options * `:nillify_clauses` (since v1.13.0) - returns `nil` instead of returning the clauses. This is useful when there is only an interest in fetching the kind and metadata """ @spec get_definition(module, definition, keyword) :: {:v1, def_kind, meta :: keyword, [{meta :: keyword, arguments :: [Macro.t()], guards :: [Macro.t()], Macro.t()}] | nil} @doc since: "1.12.0" def get_definition(module, {name, arity}, options \\ []) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(name) and is_integer(arity) and is_list(options) do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module, "") {set, bag} = data_tables_for(module) case :ets.lookup(set, {:def, {name, arity}}) do [{_key, kind, meta, _, _, _}] -> clauses = if options[:nillify_clauses], do: nil, else: bag_lookup_element(bag, {:clauses, {name, arity}}, 2) {:v1, kind, meta, clauses} [] -> nil end end @doc """ Deletes a definition from a module. It returns true if the definition exists and it was removed, otherwise it returns false. """ @doc since: "1.12.0" @spec delete_definition(module, definition) :: boolean() def delete_definition(module, {name, arity}) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(name) and is_integer(arity) do assert_not_readonly!(__ENV__.function, module) case :elixir_def.take_definition(module, {name, arity}) do false -> false _ -> :elixir_locals.yank({name, arity}, module) true end end @doc """ Makes the given functions in `module` overridable. An overridable function is lazily defined, allowing a developer to customize it. See `Kernel.defoverridable/1` for more information and documentation. Once a function or a macro is marked as overridable, it will no longer be listed under `definitions_in/1` or return true when given to `defines?/2` until another implementation is given. """ @spec make_overridable(module, [definition]) :: :ok def make_overridable(module, tuples) when is_atom(module) and is_list(tuples) do assert_not_readonly!(__ENV__.function, module) func = fn {function_name, arity} = tuple when is_atom(function_name) and is_integer(arity) and arity >= 0 and arity <= 255 -> case :elixir_def.take_definition(module, tuple) do false -> raise ArgumentError, "cannot make function #{function_name}/#{arity} " <> "overridable because it was not defined" clause -> neighbours = :elixir_locals.yank(tuple, module) :elixir_overridable.record_overridable(module, tuple, clause, neighbours) end other -> raise ArgumentError, "each element in tuple list has to be a " <> "{function_name :: atom, arity :: 0..255} tuple, got: #{inspect(other)}" end :lists.foreach(func, tuples) end @spec make_overridable(module, module) :: :ok def make_overridable(module, behaviour) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(behaviour) do case check_module_for_overridable(module, behaviour) do :ok -> :ok {:error, error_explanation} -> raise ArgumentError, "cannot pass module #{inspect(behaviour)} as argument " <> "to defoverridable/1 because #{error_explanation}" end behaviour_callbacks = for callback <- behaviour_info(behaviour, :callbacks) do {pair, _kind} = normalize_macro_or_function_callback(callback) pair end tuples = for definition <- definitions_in(module), definition in behaviour_callbacks, do: definition make_overridable(module, tuples) end defp check_module_for_overridable(module, behaviour) do {_, bag} = data_tables_for(module) behaviour_definitions = bag_lookup_element(bag, {:accumulate, :behaviour}, 2) cond do not Code.ensure_loaded?(behaviour) -> {:error, "it was not defined"} not function_exported?(behaviour, :behaviour_info, 1) -> {:error, "it does not define any callbacks"} behaviour not in behaviour_definitions -> error_message = "its corresponding behaviour is missing. Did you forget to " <> "add @behaviour #{inspect(behaviour)}?" {:error, error_message} true -> :ok end end defp normalize_macro_or_function_callback({function_name, arity}) do case :erlang.atom_to_list(function_name) do # Macros are always provided one extra argument in behaviour_info/1 'MACRO-' ++ tail -> {{:erlang.list_to_atom(tail), arity - 1}, :defmacro} _ -> {{function_name, arity}, :def} end end defp behaviour_info(module, key) do case module.behaviour_info(key) do list when is_list(list) -> list :undefined -> [] end end @doc """ Returns `true` if `tuple` in `module` was marked as overridable at some point. Note `overridable?/2` returns true even if the definition was already overridden. You can use `defines?/2` to see if a definition exists or one is pending. """ @spec overridable?(module, definition) :: boolean def overridable?(module, {function_name, arity} = tuple) when is_atom(function_name) and is_integer(arity) and arity >= 0 and arity <= 255 do :elixir_overridable.overridable_for(module, tuple) != :not_overridable end @doc """ Puts a module attribute with `key` and `value` in the given `module`. ## Examples defmodule MyModule do Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :custom_threshold_for_lib, 10) end """ @spec put_attribute(module, atom, term) :: :ok def put_attribute(module, key, value) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(key) do __put_attribute__(module, key, value, nil) end @doc """ Gets the given attribute from a module. If the attribute was marked with `accumulate` with `Module.register_attribute/3`, a list is always returned. `nil` is returned if the attribute has not been marked with `accumulate` and has not been set to any value. The `@` macro compiles to a call to this function. For example, the following code: @foo Expands to something akin to: Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :foo) This function can only be used on modules that have not yet been compiled. Use the `c:Module.__info__/1` callback to get all persisted attributes, or `Code.fetch_docs/1` to retrieve all documentation related attributes in compiled modules. ## Examples defmodule Foo do Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :value, 1) Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :value) #=> 1 Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :value, :default) #=> 1 Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :not_found, :default) #=> :default Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :value, accumulate: true) Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :value, 1) Module.get_attribute(__MODULE__, :value) #=> [1] end """ @spec get_attribute(module, atom, term) :: term def get_attribute(module, key, default \\ nil) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(key) do case __get_attribute__(module, key, nil) do nil -> default value -> value end end @doc """ Checks if the given attribute has been defined. An attribute is defined if it has been registered with `register_attribute/3` or assigned a value. If an attribute has been deleted with `delete_attribute/2` it is no longer considered defined. This function can only be used on modules that have not yet been compiled. ## Examples defmodule MyModule do @value 1 Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :other_value) Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :another_value, 1) Module.has_attribute?(__MODULE__, :value) #=> true Module.has_attribute?(__MODULE__, :other_value) #=> true Module.has_attribute?(__MODULE__, :another_value) #=> true Module.has_attribute?(__MODULE__, :undefined) #=> false Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :value) Module.has_attribute?(__MODULE__, :value) #=> false end """ @doc since: "1.10.0" @spec has_attribute?(module, atom) :: boolean def has_attribute?(module, key) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(key) do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module) {set, _bag} = data_tables_for(module) :ets.member(set, key) end @doc """ Deletes the module attribute that matches the given key. It returns the deleted attribute value (or `nil` if nothing was set). ## Examples defmodule MyModule do Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :custom_threshold_for_lib, 10) Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :custom_threshold_for_lib) end """ @spec delete_attribute(module, atom) :: term def delete_attribute(module, key) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(key) do assert_not_readonly!(__ENV__.function, module) {set, bag} = data_tables_for(module) case :ets.lookup(set, key) do [{_, _, :accumulate}] -> reverse_values(:ets.take(bag, {:accumulate, key}), []) [{_, value, _}] -> :ets.delete(set, key) value [] -> nil end end defp reverse_values([{_, value} | tail], acc), do: reverse_values(tail, [value | acc]) defp reverse_values([], acc), do: acc @doc """ Registers an attribute. By registering an attribute, a developer is able to customize how Elixir will store and accumulate the attribute values. ## Options When registering an attribute, two options can be given: * `:accumulate` - several calls to the same attribute will accumulate instead of overriding the previous one. New attributes are always added to the top of the accumulated list. * `:persist` - the attribute will be persisted in the Erlang Abstract Format. Useful when interfacing with Erlang libraries. By default, both options are `false`. ## Examples defmodule MyModule do Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :custom_threshold_for_lib, accumulate: true) @custom_threshold_for_lib 10 @custom_threshold_for_lib 20 @custom_threshold_for_lib #=> [20, 10] end """ @spec register_attribute(module, atom, [{:accumulate, boolean}, {:persist, boolean}]) :: :ok def register_attribute(module, attribute, options) when is_atom(module) and is_atom(attribute) and is_list(options) do assert_not_readonly!(__ENV__.function, module) {set, bag} = data_tables_for(module) if Keyword.get(options, :persist) do :ets.insert(bag, {:persisted_attributes, attribute}) end if Keyword.get(options, :accumulate) do :ets.insert_new(set, {attribute, [], :accumulate}) || :ets.update_element(set, attribute, {3, :accumulate}) else :ets.insert_new(bag, {:warn_attributes, attribute}) :ets.insert_new(set, {attribute, nil, :unset}) end :ok end @doc """ Splits the given module name into binary parts. `module` has to be an Elixir module, as `split/1` won't work with Erlang-style modules (for example, `split(:lists)` raises an error). `split/1` also supports splitting the string representation of Elixir modules (that is, the result of calling `Atom.to_string/1` with the module name). ## Examples iex> Module.split(Very.Long.Module.Name.And.Even.Longer) ["Very", "Long", "Module", "Name", "And", "Even", "Longer"] iex> Module.split("Elixir.String.Chars") ["String", "Chars"] """ @spec split(module | String.t()) :: [String.t(), ...] def split(module) def split(module) when is_atom(module) do split(Atom.to_string(module), _original = module) end def split(module) when is_binary(module) do split(module, _original = module) end defp split("Elixir." <> name, _original) do String.split(name, ".") end defp split(_module, original) do raise ArgumentError, "expected an Elixir module, got: #{inspect(original)}" end @doc false @deprecated "Use @doc instead" def add_doc(module, line, kind, {name, arity}, signature \\ [], doc) do assert_not_compiled!(__ENV__.function, module) if kind in [:defp, :defmacrop, :typep] do if doc, do: {:error, :private_doc}, else: :ok else {set, _bag} = data_tables_for(module) compile_doc(set, nil, line, kind, name, arity, signature, nil, doc, %{}, __ENV__, false) :ok end end @doc false # Used internally to compile documentation. # This function is private and must be used only internally. def compile_definition_attributes(env, kind, name, args, _guards, body) do %{module: module} = env {set, bag} = data_tables_for(module) {arity, defaults} = args_count(args, 0, 0) context = Keyword.get(:ets.lookup_element(set, {:def, {name, arity}}, 3), :context) impl = compile_impl(set, bag, context, name, env, kind, arity, defaults) doc_meta = compile_doc_meta(set, bag, name, arity, defaults) {line, doc} = get_doc_info(set, env) compile_doc(set, context, line, kind, name, arity, args, body, doc, doc_meta, env, impl) :ok end defp compile_doc(_table, _ctx, line, kind, name, arity, _args, _body, doc, _meta, env, _impl) when kind in [:defp, :defmacrop] do if doc do message = "#{kind} #{name}/#{arity} is private, " <> "@doc attribute is always discarded for private functions/macros/types" IO.warn(message, Macro.Env.stacktrace(%{env | line: line})) end end defp compile_doc(table, ctx, line, kind, name, arity, args, body, doc, doc_meta, env, impl) do key = {doc_key(kind), name, arity} signature = build_signature(args, env) case :ets.lookup(table, key) do [] -> doc = if is_nil(doc) && impl, do: false, else: doc :ets.insert(table, {key, ctx, line, signature, doc, doc_meta}) [{_, current_ctx, current_line, current_sign, current_doc, current_doc_meta}] -> if is_binary(current_doc) and is_binary(doc) and body != nil and is_nil(current_ctx) do message = ~s''' redefining @doc attribute previously set at line #{current_line}. Please remove the duplicate docs. If instead you want to override a \ previously defined @doc, attach the @doc attribute to a function head \ (the function signature not followed by any do-block). For example: @doc """ new docs """ def #{name}(...) ''' IO.warn(message, Macro.Env.stacktrace(%{env | line: line})) end signature = merge_signatures(current_sign, signature, 1) doc = if is_nil(doc), do: current_doc, else: doc doc = if is_nil(doc) && impl, do: false, else: doc doc_meta = Map.merge(current_doc_meta, doc_meta) :ets.insert(table, {key, ctx, current_line, signature, doc, doc_meta}) end end defp doc_key(:def), do: :function defp doc_key(:defmacro), do: :macro defp compile_doc_meta(set, bag, name, arity, defaults) do doc_meta = compile_deprecated(%{}, set, bag, name, arity, defaults) doc_meta = get_doc_meta(doc_meta, set) add_defaults_count(doc_meta, defaults) end defp get_doc_meta(existing_meta, set) do case :ets.take(set, {:doc, :meta}) do [{{:doc, :meta}, metadata, _}] -> Map.merge(existing_meta, metadata) [] -> existing_meta end end defp compile_deprecated(doc_meta, set, bag, name, arity, defaults) do case :ets.take(set, :deprecated) do [{:deprecated, reason, _}] when is_binary(reason) -> :ets.insert(bag, deprecated_reasons(defaults, name, arity, reason)) Map.put(doc_meta, :deprecated, reason) _ -> doc_meta end end defp add_defaults_count(doc_meta, 0), do: doc_meta defp add_defaults_count(doc_meta, n), do: Map.put(doc_meta, :defaults, n) defp deprecated_reasons(0, name, arity, reason) do [deprecated_reason(name, arity, reason)] end defp deprecated_reasons(defaults, name, arity, reason) do [ deprecated_reason(name, arity - defaults, reason) | deprecated_reasons(defaults - 1, name, arity, reason) ] end defp deprecated_reason(name, arity, reason), do: {:deprecated, {{name, arity}, reason}} defp compile_impl(set, bag, context, name, env, kind, arity, defaults) do %{line: line, file: file} = env case :ets.take(set, :impl) do [{:impl, value, _}] -> impl = {{name, arity}, context, defaults, kind, line, file, value} :ets.insert(bag, {:impls, impl}) value [] -> false end end defp args_count([{:\\, _, _} | tail], total, defaults) do args_count(tail, total + 1, defaults + 1) end defp args_count([_head | tail], total, defaults) do args_count(tail, total + 1, defaults) end defp args_count([], total, defaults), do: {total, defaults} @doc false def check_behaviours_and_impls(env, _set, bag, all_definitions) do behaviours = bag_lookup_element(bag, {:accumulate, :behaviour}, 2) impls = bag_lookup_element(bag, :impls, 2) callbacks = check_behaviours(env, behaviours) pending_callbacks = if impls != [] do {non_implemented_callbacks, contexts} = check_impls(env, behaviours, callbacks, impls) warn_missing_impls(env, non_implemented_callbacks, contexts, all_definitions) non_implemented_callbacks else callbacks end check_callbacks(env, pending_callbacks, all_definitions) :ok end defp check_behaviours(env, behaviours) do Enum.reduce(behaviours, %{}, fn behaviour, acc -> cond do not Code.ensure_loaded?(behaviour) -> message = "@behaviour #{inspect(behaviour)} does not exist (in module #{inspect(env.module)})" IO.warn(message, Macro.Env.stacktrace(env)) acc not function_exported?(behaviour, :behaviour_info, 1) -> message = "module #{inspect(behaviour)} is not a behaviour (in module #{inspect(env.module)})" IO.warn(message, Macro.Env.stacktrace(env)) acc true -> :elixir_env.trace({:require, [], behaviour, []}, env) optional_callbacks = behaviour_info(behaviour, :optional_callbacks) callbacks = behaviour_info(behaviour, :callbacks) Enum.reduce(callbacks, acc, &add_callback(&1, behaviour, env, optional_callbacks, &2)) end end) end defp add_callback(original, behaviour, env, optional_callbacks, acc) do {callback, kind} = normalize_macro_or_function_callback(original) case acc do %{^callback => {_kind, conflict, _optional?}} -> message = if conflict == behaviour do "the behavior #{inspect(conflict)} has been declared twice " <> "(conflict in #{format_definition(kind, callback)} in module #{inspect(env.module)})" else "conflicting behaviours found. #{format_definition(kind, callback)} is required by " <> "#{inspect(conflict)} and #{inspect(behaviour)} (in module #{inspect(env.module)})" end IO.warn(message, Macro.Env.stacktrace(env)) %{} -> :ok end Map.put(acc, callback, {kind, behaviour, original in optional_callbacks}) end defp check_callbacks(env, callbacks, all_definitions) do for {callback, {kind, behaviour, optional?}} <- callbacks do case :lists.keyfind(callback, 1, all_definitions) do false when not optional? -> message = format_callback(callback, kind, behaviour) <> " is not implemented (in module #{inspect(env.module)})" IO.warn(message, Macro.Env.stacktrace(env)) {_, wrong_kind, _, _} when kind != wrong_kind -> message = format_callback(callback, kind, behaviour) <> " was implemented as \"#{wrong_kind}\" but should have been \"#{kind}\" " <> "(in module #{inspect(env.module)})" IO.warn(message, Macro.Env.stacktrace(env)) _ -> :ok end end :ok end defp format_callback(callback, kind, module) do protocol_or_behaviour = if protocol?(module), do: "protocol ", else: "behaviour " format_definition(kind, callback) <> " required by " <> protocol_or_behaviour <> inspect(module) end defp protocol?(module) do Code.ensure_loaded?(module) and function_exported?(module, :__protocol__, 1) and module.__protocol__(:module) == module end defp check_impls(env, behaviours, callbacks, impls) do acc = {callbacks, %{}} Enum.reduce(impls, acc, fn {fa, context, defaults, kind, line, file, value}, acc -> case impl_behaviours(fa, defaults, kind, value, behaviours, callbacks) do {:ok, impl_behaviours} -> Enum.reduce(impl_behaviours, acc, fn {fa, behaviour}, {callbacks, contexts} -> callbacks = Map.delete(callbacks, fa) contexts = Map.update(contexts, behaviour, [context], &[context | &1]) {callbacks, contexts} end) {:error, message} -> formatted = format_impl_warning(fa, kind, message) IO.warn(formatted, Macro.Env.stacktrace(%{env | line: line, file: file})) acc end end) end defp impl_behaviours({function, arity}, defaults, kind, value, behaviours, callbacks) do impls = for n <- arity..(arity - defaults), do: {function, n} impl_behaviours(impls, kind, value, behaviours, callbacks) end defp impl_behaviours(_, kind, _, _, _) when kind in [:defp, :defmacrop] do {:error, :private_function} end defp impl_behaviours(_, _, value, [], _) do {:error, {:no_behaviours, value}} end defp impl_behaviours(impls, _, false, _, callbacks) do case callbacks_for_impls(impls, callbacks) do [] -> {:ok, []} [impl | _] -> {:error, {:impl_not_defined, impl}} end end defp impl_behaviours(impls, _, true, _, callbacks) do case callbacks_for_impls(impls, callbacks) do [] -> {:error, {:impl_defined, callbacks}} impls -> {:ok, impls} end end defp impl_behaviours(impls, _, behaviour, behaviours, callbacks) do filtered = behaviour_callbacks_for_impls(impls, behaviour, callbacks) cond do filtered != [] -> {:ok, filtered} behaviour not in behaviours -> {:error, {:behaviour_not_declared, behaviour}} true -> {:error, {:behaviour_not_defined, behaviour, callbacks}} end end defp behaviour_callbacks_for_impls([], _behaviour, _callbacks) do [] end defp behaviour_callbacks_for_impls([fa | tail], behaviour, callbacks) do case callbacks[fa] do {_, ^behaviour, _} -> [{fa, behaviour} | behaviour_callbacks_for_impls(tail, behaviour, callbacks)] _ -> behaviour_callbacks_for_impls(tail, behaviour, callbacks) end end defp callbacks_for_impls([], _) do [] end defp callbacks_for_impls([fa | tail], callbacks) do case callbacks[fa] do {_, behaviour, _} -> [{fa, behaviour} | callbacks_for_impls(tail, callbacks)] nil -> callbacks_for_impls(tail, callbacks) end end defp format_impl_warning(fa, kind, :private_function) do "#{format_definition(kind, fa)} is private, @impl attribute is always discarded for private functions/macros" end defp format_impl_warning(fa, kind, {:no_behaviours, value}) do "got \"@impl #{inspect(value)}\" for #{format_definition(kind, fa)} but no behaviour was declared" end defp format_impl_warning(_, kind, {:impl_not_defined, {fa, behaviour}}) do "got \"@impl false\" for #{format_definition(kind, fa)} " <> "but it is a callback specified in #{inspect(behaviour)}" end defp format_impl_warning(fa, kind, {:impl_defined, callbacks}) do "got \"@impl true\" for #{format_definition(kind, fa)} " <> "but no behaviour specifies such callback#{known_callbacks(callbacks)}" end defp format_impl_warning(fa, kind, {:behaviour_not_declared, behaviour}) do "got \"@impl #{inspect(behaviour)}\" for #{format_definition(kind, fa)} " <> "but this behaviour was not declared with @behaviour" end defp format_impl_warning(fa, kind, {:behaviour_not_defined, behaviour, callbacks}) do "got \"@impl #{inspect(behaviour)}\" for #{format_definition(kind, fa)} " <> "but this behaviour does not specify such callback#{known_callbacks(callbacks)}" end defp warn_missing_impls(_env, callbacks, _contexts, _defs) when map_size(callbacks) == 0 do :ok end defp warn_missing_impls(env, non_implemented_callbacks, contexts, defs) do for {pair, kind, meta, _clauses} <- defs, kind in [:def, :defmacro] do with {:ok, {_, behaviour, _}} <- Map.fetch(non_implemented_callbacks, pair), true <- missing_impl_in_context?(meta, behaviour, contexts) do message = "module attribute @impl was not set for #{format_definition(kind, pair)} " <> "callback (specified in #{inspect(behaviour)}). " <> "This either means you forgot to add the \"@impl true\" annotation before the " <> "definition or that you are accidentally overriding this callback" IO.warn(message, Macro.Env.stacktrace(%{env | line: :elixir_utils.get_line(meta)})) end end :ok end defp missing_impl_in_context?(meta, behaviour, contexts) do case contexts do %{^behaviour => known} -> Keyword.get(meta, :context) in known %{} -> not Keyword.has_key?(meta, :context) end end defp format_definition(kind, {name, arity}) do format_definition(kind) <> " #{name}/#{arity}" end defp format_definition(:defmacro), do: "macro" defp format_definition(:defmacrop), do: "macro" defp format_definition(:def), do: "function" defp format_definition(:defp), do: "function" defp known_callbacks(callbacks) when map_size(callbacks) == 0 do ". There are no known callbacks, please specify the proper @behaviour " <> "and make sure it defines callbacks" end defp known_callbacks(callbacks) do formatted_callbacks = for {{name, arity}, {kind, module, _}} <- callbacks do "\n * " <> Exception.format_mfa(module, name, arity) <> " (#{format_definition(kind)})" end ". The known callbacks are:\n#{formatted_callbacks}\n" end @doc false # Used internally by Kernel's @. # This function is private and must be used only internally. def __get_attribute__(module, key, line) when is_atom(key) do assert_not_compiled!( {:get_attribute, 2}, module, "Use the Module.__info__/1 callback or Code.fetch_docs/1 instead" ) {set, bag} = data_tables_for(module) case :ets.lookup(set, key) do [{_, _, :accumulate}] -> :lists.reverse(bag_lookup_element(bag, {:accumulate, key}, 2)) [{_, val, line}] when is_integer(line) -> :ets.update_element(set, key, {3, :used}) val [{_, val, _}] -> val [] when is_integer(line) -> # TODO: Consider raising instead of warning on v2.0 as it usually cascades error_message = "undefined module attribute @#{key}, " <> "please remove access to @#{key} or explicitly set it before access" IO.warn(error_message, attribute_stack(module, line)) nil [] -> nil end end @doc false # Used internally by Kernel's @. # This function is private and must be used only internally. def __put_attribute__(module, key, value, line) when is_atom(key) do assert_not_readonly!(__ENV__.function, module) {set, bag} = data_tables_for(module) value = preprocess_attribute(key, value) put_attribute(module, key, value, line, set, bag) :ok end # If any of the doc attributes are called with a keyword list that # will become documentation metadata. Multiple calls will be merged # into the same map overriding duplicate keys. defp put_attribute(module, key, {_, metadata}, line, set, _bag) when key in [:doc, :typedoc, :moduledoc] and is_list(metadata) do metadata_map = preprocess_doc_meta(metadata, module, line, %{}) case :ets.insert_new(set, {{key, :meta}, metadata_map, line}) do true -> :ok false -> current_metadata = :ets.lookup_element(set, {key, :meta}, 2) :ets.update_element(set, {key, :meta}, {2, Map.merge(current_metadata, metadata_map)}) end end # Optimize some attributes by avoiding writing to the attributes key # in the bag table since we handle them internally. defp put_attribute(module, key, value, line, set, _bag) when key in [:doc, :typedoc, :moduledoc, :impl, :deprecated] do try do :ets.lookup_element(set, key, 3) catch :error, :badarg -> :ok else unread_line when is_integer(line) and is_integer(unread_line) -> message = "redefining @#{key} attribute previously set at line #{unread_line}" IO.warn(message, attribute_stack(module, line)) _ -> :ok end :ets.insert(set, {key, value, line}) end defp put_attribute(_module, :on_load, value, line, set, bag) do try do :ets.lookup_element(set, :on_load, 3) catch :error, :badarg -> :ets.insert(set, {:on_load, value, line}) :ets.insert(bag, {:warn_attributes, :on_load}) else _ -> raise ArgumentError, "the @on_load attribute can only be set once per module" end end defp put_attribute(_module, key, value, line, set, bag) do try do :ets.lookup_element(set, key, 3) catch :error, :badarg -> :ets.insert(set, {key, value, line}) :ets.insert(bag, {:warn_attributes, key}) else :accumulate -> :ets.insert(bag, {{:accumulate, key}, value}) _ -> :ets.insert(set, {key, value, line}) end end defp attribute_stack(module, line) do file = String.to_charlist(Path.relative_to_cwd(:elixir_module.file(module))) [{module, :__MODULE__, 0, file: file, line: line}] end ## Helpers defp preprocess_attribute(key, value) when key in [:moduledoc, :typedoc, :doc] do case value do {line, doc} when is_integer(line) and (is_binary(doc) or doc == false or is_nil(doc)) -> value {line, [{key, _} | _]} when is_integer(line) and is_atom(key) -> value {line, doc} when is_integer(line) -> raise ArgumentError, "@#{key} is a built-in module attribute for documentation. It should be either " <> "false, nil, a string, or a keyword list, got: #{inspect(doc)}" _other -> raise ArgumentError, "@#{key} is a built-in module attribute for documentation. When set dynamically, " <> "it should be {line, doc} (where \"doc\" is either false, nil, a string, or a keyword list), " <> "got: #{inspect(value)}" end end defp preprocess_attribute(:behaviour, value) do if is_atom(value) do Code.ensure_compiled(value) value else raise ArgumentError, "@behaviour expects a module, got: #{inspect(value)}" end end defp preprocess_attribute(:on_load, value) do case value do _ when is_atom(value) -> {value, 0} {atom, 0} = tuple when is_atom(atom) -> tuple _ -> raise ArgumentError, "@on_load is a built-in module attribute that annotates a function to be invoked " <> "when the module is loaded. It should be an atom or a {atom, 0} tuple, " <> "got: #{inspect(value)}" end end defp preprocess_attribute(:impl, value) do if is_boolean(value) or (is_atom(value) and value != nil) do value else raise ArgumentError, "@impl is a built-in module attribute that marks the next definition " <> "as a callback implementation. It should be a module or a boolean, " <> "got: #{inspect(value)}" end end defp preprocess_attribute(:before_compile, atom) when is_atom(atom), do: {atom, :__before_compile__} defp preprocess_attribute(:after_compile, atom) when is_atom(atom), do: {atom, :__after_compile__} defp preprocess_attribute(:on_definition, atom) when is_atom(atom), do: {atom, :__on_definition__} defp preprocess_attribute(key, _value) when key in [:type, :typep, :opaque, :spec, :callback, :macrocallback] do raise ArgumentError, "attributes type, typep, opaque, spec, callback, and macrocallback " <> "must be set directly via the @ notation" end defp preprocess_attribute(:external_resource, value) when not is_binary(value) do raise ArgumentError, "@external_resource is a built-in module attribute used for specifying file " <> "dependencies. It should be a string path to a file, got: #{inspect(value)}" end defp preprocess_attribute(:deprecated, value) when not is_binary(value) do raise ArgumentError, "@deprecated is a built-in module attribute that annotates a definition as deprecated. " <> "It should be a string with the reason for the deprecation, got: #{inspect(value)}" end defp preprocess_attribute(:file, value) do case value do _ when is_binary(value) -> value {file, line} when is_binary(file) and is_integer(line) -> value _ -> raise ArgumentError, "@file is a built-in module attribute that annotates the file and line the next " <> "definition comes from. It should be a string or {string, line} tuple as value, " <> "got: #{inspect(value)}" end end defp preprocess_attribute(:dialyzer, value) do # From :lists.foreach( fn attr -> if not valid_dialyzer_attribute?(attr) do raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for @dialyzer attribute: #{inspect(attr)}" end end, List.wrap(value) ) value end defp preprocess_attribute(_key, value) do value end defp valid_dialyzer_attribute?({key, fun_arities}) when is_atom(key) do (key == :nowarn_function or valid_dialyzer_attribute?(key)) and :lists.all( fn {fun, arity} when is_atom(fun) and is_integer(arity) -> true _ -> false end, List.wrap(fun_arities) ) end defp valid_dialyzer_attribute?(attr) do :lists.member( attr, [:no_return, :no_unused, :no_improper_lists, :no_fun_app] ++ [:no_match, :no_opaque, :no_fail_call, :no_contracts] ++ [:no_behaviours, :no_undefined_callbacks, :unmatched_returns] ++ [:error_handling, :race_conditions, :no_missing_calls] ++ [:specdiffs, :overspecs, :underspecs, :unknown, :no_underspecs] ) end defp preprocess_doc_meta([], _module, _line, map), do: map defp preprocess_doc_meta([{key, _} | tail], module, line, map) when key in [:opaque, :defaults] do message = "ignoring reserved documentation metadata key: #{inspect(key)}" IO.warn(message, attribute_stack(module, line)) preprocess_doc_meta(tail, module, line, map) end defp preprocess_doc_meta([{key, value} | tail], module, line, map) when is_atom(key) do validate_doc_meta(key, value) preprocess_doc_meta(tail, module, line, Map.put(map, key, value)) end defp validate_doc_meta(:since, value) when not is_binary(value) do raise ArgumentError, ":since is a built-in documentation metadata key. It should be a string representing " <> "the version in which the documented entity was added, got: #{inspect(value)}" end defp validate_doc_meta(:deprecated, value) when not is_binary(value) do raise ArgumentError, ":deprecated is a built-in documentation metadata key. It should be a string " <> "representing the replacement for the deprecated entity, got: #{inspect(value)}" end defp validate_doc_meta(:delegate_to, value) do case value do {m, f, a} when is_atom(m) and is_atom(f) and is_integer(a) and a >= 0 -> :ok _ -> raise ArgumentError, ":delegate_to is a built-in documentation metadata key. It should be a three-element " <> "tuple in the form of {module, function, arity}, got: #{inspect(value)}" end end defp validate_doc_meta(_, _), do: :ok defp get_doc_info(table, env) do case :ets.take(table, :doc) do [{:doc, {_, _} = pair, _}] -> pair [] -> {env.line, nil} end end defp data_tables_for(module) do :elixir_module.data_tables(module) end defp bag_lookup_element(table, key, pos) do :ets.lookup_element(table, key, pos) catch :error, :badarg -> [] end defp assert_not_compiled!(function_name_arity, module, extra_msg \\ "") do open?(module) || raise ArgumentError, assert_not_compiled_message(function_name_arity, module, extra_msg) end defp assert_not_readonly!({function_name, arity}, module) do case :elixir_module.mode(module) do :all -> :ok :readonly -> raise ArgumentError, "could not call Module.#{function_name}/#{arity} because the module " <> "#{inspect(module)} is in read-only mode (@after_compile)" :closed -> raise ArgumentError, assert_not_compiled_message({function_name, arity}, module, "") end end defp assert_not_compiled_message({function_name, arity}, module, extra_msg) do mfa = "Module.#{function_name}/#{arity}" "could not call #{mfa} because the module #{inspect(module)} is already compiled" <> case extra_msg do "" -> "" _ -> ". " <> extra_msg end end end