{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. A file in Amiga system run time library. Copyright (c) 1998 by Nils Sjoholm member of the Amiga RTL development team. See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} {$PACKRECORDS 2} unit inputevent; INTERFACE uses exec, utility, timer; const //------ constants //--- InputEvent.ie_Class IECLASS_NULL = $00; // A NOP input event IECLASS_RAWKEY = $01; // A raw keycode from the keyboard device IECLASS_RAWMOUSE = $02; // The raw mouse report from the game port device IECLASS_EVENT = $03; // A private console event IECLASS_POINTERPOS = $04; // A Pointer Position report IECLASS_TIMER = $06; // A timer event IECLASS_GADGETDOWN = $07; // select button pressed down over a Gadget (address in ie_EventAddress) IECLASS_GADGETUP = $08; // select button released over the same Gadget (address in ie_EventAddress) IECLASS_REQUESTER = $09; // some Requester activity has taken place. See Codes REQCLEAR and REQSET IECLASS_MENULIST = $0A; // this is a Menu Number transmission (Menu number is in ie_Code) IECLASS_CLOSEWINDOW = $0B; // User has selected the active Window's Close Gadget IECLASS_SIZEWINDOW = $0C; // this Window has a new size IECLASS_REFRESHWINDOW = $0D; // the Window pointed to by ie_EventAddress needs to be refreshed IECLASS_NEWPREFS = $0E; // new preferences are available IECLASS_DISKREMOVED = $0F; // the disk has been removed IECLASS_DISKINSERTED = $10; // the disk has been inserted IECLASS_ACTIVEWINDOW = $11; // the window is about to be been made active IECLASS_INACTIVEWINDOW = $12; // the window is about to be made inactive IECLASS_NEWPOINTERPOS = $13; // extended-function pointer position report (V36) IECLASS_MENUHELP = $14; // Help key report during Menu session (V36) IECLASS_CHANGEWINDOW = $15; // the Window has been modified with move, size, zoom, or change (V36) IECLASS_RESERVED = $16; // reserved IECLASS_MOUSEWHEEL = $17; // the mousewheel report from the gameport (V51) IECLASS_EXTENDEDRAWKEY = $18; // A 16bit raw keycode from the keyboard device (V51), see below for subclasses. IECLASS_MAX = $18; //the last class // --- InputEvent.ie_SubClass --- // IECLASS_NEWPOINTERPOS // like IECLASS_POINTERPOS IESUBCLASS_COMPATIBLE = $00; IESUBCLASS_PIXEL = $01; // ie_EventAddress points to struct IEPointerPixel IESUBCLASS_TABLET = $02; // ie_EventAddress points to struct IEPointerTablet // IECLASS_EXTENDED_RAWKEY IESUBCLASS_AMIGA_RAWKEY = $00; IESUBCLASS_SET1_RAWKEY = $01; IESUBCLASS_HID_CONSUMER_DOWN_RAWKEY = $02; IESUBCLASS_HID_CONSUMER_UP_RAWKEY = $03; type // pointed to by ie_EventAddress for IECLASS_NEWPOINTERPOS and IESUBCLASS_PIXEL. // You specify a screen and pixel coordinates in that screen at which you'd like the mouse to be positioned. // Intuition will try to oblige, but there will be restrictions to positioning the pointer over offscreen pixels. // // IEQUALIFIER_RELATIVEMOUSE is supported for IESUBCLASS_PIXEL. PIEPointerPixel = ^TIEPointerPixel; TIEPointerPixel = record iepp_Screen: Pointer; // (PScreen) pointer to an open screen iepp_Position : record x, y: SmallInt; end; end; // pointed to by ie_EventAddress for IECLASS_NEWPOINTERPOS and IESUBCLASS_TABLET. // // You specify a range of values and a value within the range independently for each of X and Y (the minimum value of the ranges is always normalized to 0). // // Intuition will position the mouse proportionally within its natural mouse position rectangle limits. // // IEQUALIFIER_RELATIVEMOUSE is not supported for IESUBCLASS_TABLET. PIEPointerTablet = ^TIEPointerTablet; TIEPointerTablet = record iept_Range: record // 0 is min, these are max x, y: Word; end; iept_Value: record // between 0 AND iept_Range x, y: Word; end; iept_Pressure: Word; // -128 to 127 (unused, set to 0) end; // The ie_EventAddress of an IECLASS_NEWPOINTERPOS event of subclass IESUBCLASS_NEWTABLET points at an IENewTablet structure. // IEQUALIFIER_RELATIVEMOUSE is not supported for IESUBCLASS_NEWTABLET. PIENewTablet = ^TIENewTablet; TIENewTablet = record { Pointer to a hook you wish to be called back through, in order to handle scaling. You will be provided with the width and height you are expected to scale your tablet to, perhaps based on some user preferences. If nil, the tablet's specified range will be mapped directly to that width and height for you, and you will not be called back.} ient_CallBack : pHook; { Post-scaling coordinates and fractional coordinates. DO NOT FILL THESE IN AT THE TIME THE EVENT IS WRITTEN! Your driver will be called back and provided information about the width and height of the area to scale the tablet into. It should scale the tablet coordinates (perhaps based on some preferences controlling aspect ratio, etc.) and place the scaled result into these fields. The ient_ScaledX and ient_ScaledY fields are in screen-pixel resolution, but the origin ([0,0]-point) is not defined. The ient_ScaledXFraction and ient_ScaledYFraction fields represent sub-pixel position information, and should be scaled to fill a Word fraction.} ient_ScaledX, ient_ScaledY, ient_ScaledXFraction, ient_ScaledYFraction: Word; // Current tablet coordinates along each axis: ient_TabletX, ient_TabletY: LongWord; // Tablet range along each axis. For example, if ient_TabletX can take values 0-999, ient_RangeX should be 1000. ient_RangeX, ient_RangeY: LongWord; // Pointer to tag-list of additional tablet attributes. See intuition for the tag values. ient_TagList: PTagItem; end; const //--- InputEvent.ie_Code // IECLASS_RAWKEY IECODE_UP_PREFIX = $80; IECODE_KEY_CODE_FIRST = $00; IECODE_KEY_CODE_LAST = $77; IECODE_COMM_CODE_FIRST = $78; IECODE_COMM_CODE_LAST = $7F; // IECLASS_ANSI IECODE_C0_FIRST = $00; IECODE_C0_LAST = $1F; IECODE_ASCII_FIRST = $20; IECODE_ASCII_LAST = $7E; IECODE_ASCII_DEL = $7F; IECODE_C1_FIRST = $80; IECODE_C1_LAST = $9F; IECODE_LATIN1_FIRST = $A0; IECODE_LATIN1_LAST = $FF; // IECLASS_RAWMOUSE IECODE_LBUTTON = $68; // also uses IECODE_UP_PREFIX IECODE_RBUTTON = $69; IECODE_MBUTTON = $6A; IECODE_4TH_BUTTON = $7E; // also called 'side' IECODE_5TH_BUTTON = $78; // also called 'extra' IECODE_NOBUTTON = $FF; // IECLASS_EVENT (V36) IECODE_NEWACTIVE = $01; // new active input window IECODE_NEWSIZE = $02; // resize of window IECODE_REFRESH = $03; // refresh of window // IECLASS_REQUESTER Codes IECODE_REQSET = $01; // broadcast when the first Requester (not subsequent ones) opens in the Window IECODE_REQCLEAR = $00; // broadcast when the last Requester clears out of the Window //--- InputEvent.ie_Qualifier IEQUALIFIER_LSHIFT = $0001; IEQUALIFIER_RSHIFT = $0002; IEQUALIFIER_CAPSLOCK = $0004; IEQUALIFIER_CONTROL = $0008; IEQUALIFIER_LALT = $0010; IEQUALIFIER_RALT = $0020; IEQUALIFIER_LCOMMAND = $0040; IEQUALIFIER_RCOMMAND = $0080; IEQUALIFIER_NUMERICPAD = $0100; IEQUALIFIER_REPEAT = $0200; IEQUALIFIER_INTERRUPT = $0400; IEQUALIFIER_MULTIBROADCAST = $0800; IEQUALIFIER_MIDBUTTON = $1000; IEQUALIFIER_RBUTTON = $2000; IEQUALIFIER_LEFTBUTTON = $4000; IEQUALIFIER_RELATIVEMOUSE = $8000; IEQUALIFIERB_LSHIFT = 0; IEQUALIFIERB_RSHIFT = 1; IEQUALIFIERB_CAPSLOCK = 2; IEQUALIFIERB_CONTROL = 3; IEQUALIFIERB_LALT = 4; IEQUALIFIERB_RALT = 5; IEQUALIFIERB_LCOMMAND = 6; IEQUALIFIERB_RCOMMAND = 7; IEQUALIFIERB_NUMERICPAD = 8; IEQUALIFIERB_REPEAT = 9; IEQUALIFIERB_INTERRUPT = 10; IEQUALIFIERB_MULTIBROADCAST = 11; IEQUALIFIERB_MIDBUTTON = 12; IEQUALIFIERB_RBUTTON = 13; IEQUALIFIERB_LEFTBUTTON = 14; IEQUALIFIERB_RELATIVEMOUSE = 15; //------ InputEvent type PInputEvent = ^TInputEvent; TInputEvent = record ie_NextEvent: PInputEvent; ie_Class: Byte; ie_SubClass: Byte; ie_Code: Word; ie_Qualifier: Word; ie_position: record case longint of 0:(ie_xy: record ie_x: SmallInt; ie_y: SmallInt; end); 1:(ie_addr: APTR); 2:(ie_dead: record ie_prev1DownCode : Byte; ie_prev1DownQual : Byte; ie_prev2DownCode : Byte; ie_prev2DownQual : Byte; end); end; ie_TimeStamp: TTimeVal; end; //----- ExtendedDeadKey PExtendedDeadKey = ^TExtendedDeadKey; TExtendedDeadKey = record Reserved: LongWord; Prev1DownClass: Word; Prev1DownCode: Word; Prev1DownQual: Word; Prev2DownClass: Word; Prev2DownCode: Word; Prev2DownQual: Word; end; implementation end.