{ File: HIToolbox/HITheme.h Contains: HIToolbox HITheme interfaces. Version: HIToolbox-624~3 Copyright: © 1994-2008 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on the World Wide Web: http://bugs.freepascal.org } { Pascal Translation: Peter N Lewis, , 2004 } { Pascal Translation Updated: Peter N Lewis, , August 2005 } { Pascal Translation Updated: Jonas Maebe, , October 2009 } { Pascal Translation Updated: Jonas Maebe, , October 2012 } { Modified for use with Free Pascal Version 308 Please report any bugs to } {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE} {$mode macpas} {$modeswitch cblocks} {$packenum 1} {$macro on} {$inline on} {$calling mwpascal} unit HITheme; interface {$setc UNIVERSAL_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0400} {$setc GAP_INTERFACES_VERSION := $0308} {$ifc not defined USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS} {$setc USE_CFSTR_CONSTANT_MACROS := TRUE} {$endc} {$ifc defined CPUPOWERPC and defined CPUI386} {$error Conflicting initial definitions for CPUPOWERPC and CPUI386} {$endc} {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN} {$error Conflicting initial definitions for FPC_BIG_ENDIAN and FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN} {$endc} {$ifc not defined __ppc__ and defined CPUPOWERPC32} {$setc __ppc__ := 1} {$elsec} {$setc __ppc__ := 0} {$endc} {$ifc not defined __ppc64__ and defined CPUPOWERPC64} {$setc __ppc64__ := 1} {$elsec} {$setc __ppc64__ := 0} {$endc} {$ifc not defined __i386__ and defined CPUI386} {$setc __i386__ := 1} {$elsec} {$setc __i386__ := 0} {$endc} {$ifc not defined __x86_64__ and defined CPUX86_64} {$setc __x86_64__ := 1} {$elsec} {$setc __x86_64__ := 0} {$endc} {$ifc not defined __arm__ and defined CPUARM} {$setc __arm__ := 1} {$elsec} {$setc __arm__ := 0} {$endc} {$ifc not defined __arm64__ and defined CPUAARCH64} {$setc __arm64__ := 1} {$elsec} {$setc __arm64__ := 0} {$endc} {$ifc defined cpu64} {$setc __LP64__ := 1} {$elsec} {$setc __LP64__ := 0} {$endc} {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__ and defined __i386__ and __i386__} {$error Conflicting definitions for __ppc__ and __i386__} {$endc} {$ifc defined __ppc__ and __ppc__} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED := FALSE} {$elifc defined __ppc64__ and __ppc64__} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED := FALSE} {$elifc defined __i386__ and __i386__} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE} {$ifc defined iphonesim} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR := TRUE} {$elsec} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR := FALSE} {$endc} {$setc TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED := FALSE} {$elifc defined __x86_64__ and __x86_64__} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE} {$ifc defined iphonesim} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR := TRUE} {$elsec} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR := FALSE} {$endc} {$setc TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED := FALSE} {$elifc defined __arm__ and __arm__} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED := TRUE} {$elifc defined __arm64__ and __arm64__} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_PPC64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_X86_64 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_ARM64 := TRUE} {$ifc defined ios} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED := TRUE} {$elsec} {$setc TARGET_OS_MAC := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_OS_IPHONE := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED := FALSE} {$endc} {$setc TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR := FALSE} {$elsec} {$error __ppc__ nor __ppc64__ nor __i386__ nor __x86_64__ nor __arm__ nor __arm64__ is defined.} {$endc} {$ifc defined __LP64__ and __LP64__ } {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := TRUE} {$elsec} {$setc TARGET_CPU_64 := FALSE} {$endc} {$ifc defined FPC_BIG_ENDIAN} {$setc TARGET_RT_BIG_ENDIAN := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_RT_LITTLE_ENDIAN := FALSE} {$elifc defined FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN} {$setc TARGET_RT_BIG_ENDIAN := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_RT_LITTLE_ENDIAN := TRUE} {$elsec} {$error Neither FPC_BIG_ENDIAN nor FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN are defined.} {$endc} {$setc ACCESSOR_CALLS_ARE_FUNCTIONS := TRUE} {$setc CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON := FALSE} {$setc OLDROUTINENAMES := FALSE} {$setc OPAQUE_TOOLBOX_STRUCTS := TRUE} {$setc OPAQUE_UPP_TYPES := TRUE} {$setc OTCARBONAPPLICATION := TRUE} {$setc OTKERNEL := FALSE} {$setc PM_USE_SESSION_APIS := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OS8 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_API_MAC_OSX := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_CARBON := TRUE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_68K := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_MIPS := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_CPU_SPARC := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_UNIX := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_OS_WIN32 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_68881 := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_CFM := FALSE} {$setc TARGET_RT_MAC_MACHO := TRUE} {$setc TYPED_FUNCTION_POINTERS := TRUE} {$setc TYPE_BOOL := FALSE} {$setc TYPE_EXTENDED := FALSE} {$setc TYPE_LONGLONG := TRUE} uses MacTypes,CFBase,CGBase,Appearance,HIShape,HIGeometry,Drag,CFDate,CGContext,MacWindows,Controls,CTFont; {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE} {$ifc TARGET_OS_MAC} {$ALIGN MAC68K} { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { HIThemeOrientation information } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } const { * The passed context has an origin at the top left. This is the * default of a context passed to you by HIToolbox. } kHIThemeOrientationNormal = 0; { * The passed context has an origin at the bottom left. This is the * default for a context you create. } kHIThemeOrientationInverted = 1; type HIThemeOrientation = UInt32; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Splitter types } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } const { * Draw the splitter with its normal appearance. } kHIThemeSplitterAdornmentNone = 0; { * Draw the splitter with its metal appearance. } kHIThemeSplitterAdornmentMetal = 1; type HIThemeSplitterAdornment = UInt32; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Window Grow Box } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } const { * The grow box corner for a window that has no scroll bars. } kHIThemeGrowBoxKindNormal = 0; { * The grow box corner for a window that has no grow box. This sounds * paradoxical, but this type of grow box, formerly known as the * "NoGrowBox" is used to fill in the corner left blank by the * intersection of a horizontal and a vertical scroll bar. } kHIThemeGrowBoxKindNone = 1; type HIThemeGrowBoxKind = UInt32; const { * Draw the grow box for normal windows. } kHIThemeGrowBoxSizeNormal = 0; { * Draw the smaller grow box for utility or floating windows. } kHIThemeGrowBoxSizeSmall = 1; type HIThemeGrowBoxSize = UInt32; const { * The group box is drawn with the primary variant. } kHIThemeGroupBoxKindPrimary = 0; { * The group box is drawn with the secondary variant. } kHIThemeGroupBoxKindSecondary = 1; { * The group box is drawn with the primary variant. This group box * draws opaque. This does not match the Mac OS X 10.3 appearance * 100%, as the boxes should be transparent, but draws this way for * the sake of compatibility. Please update to use the newer * transparent variant. } kHIThemeGroupBoxKindPrimaryOpaque = 3; { * The group box is drawn with the secondary variant. This group box * draws opaque. This does not match the Mac OS X 10.3 appearance * 100%, as the boxes should be transparent, but draws this way for * the sake of compatibility. Please update to use the newer * transparent variant. } kHIThemeGroupBoxKindSecondaryOpaque = 4; type HIThemeGroupBoxKind = UInt32; const { * A header drawn above window content that has no top border of its * own. (i.e. the same as the status bar in an icon view Finder * window). } kHIThemeHeaderKindWindow = 0; { * A header drawn above window content that has a top border of its * own. (i.e. the same as the status bar in an list view Finder * window). } kHIThemeHeaderKindList = 1; type HIThemeHeaderKind = UInt32; const { * The default sized square text field (like Edit Text). } kHIThemeFrameTextFieldSquare = 0; kHIThemeFrameListBox = 1; { * The standard sized round text field, as typically used for search * fields. Available on Mac OS X 10.3 and later. } kHIThemeFrameTextFieldRound = 1000; { * The small size round text field, as typically used for search * fields. Available on Mac OS X 10.3 and later. } kHIThemeFrameTextFieldRoundSmall = 1001; { * The mini size round text field, as typically used for search * fields. Available on Mac OS X 10.3 and later. } kHIThemeFrameTextFieldRoundMini = 1002; type HIThemeFrameKind = UInt32; const { * Indicates that a menu title should be drawn in a condensed * appearance. This constant is used in the * HIThemeMenuTitleDrawInfo.attributes field. } kHIThemeMenuTitleDrawCondensed = 1 shl 0; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { DrawInfo } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { * HIScrollBarTrackInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to scroll bar drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIScrollBarTrackInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeTrackEnableState for the scroll bar to be drawn. } enableState: SInt8 {ThemeTrackEnableState}; { * The ThemeTrackPressState for the scroll bar to be drawn. } pressState: SInt8 {ThemeTrackPressState}; { * The view range size. } viewsize: CGFloat; end; HIScrollBarTrackInfoPtr = ^HIScrollBarTrackInfo; { * HIThemeTrackDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to track drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3, but based on legacy TrackDrawInfo. } type HIThemeTrackDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { current version is 0 } { * The ThemeTrackKind of the track being drawn or measured. } kind: ThemeTrackKind; { what kind of track this info is for } { * An HIRect describing the bounds of the track being drawn or * measured. } bounds: HIRect; { track basis rectangle } { * The minimum allowable value for the track being drawn or measured. } min: SInt32; { min track value } { * The maximum allowable value for the track being drawn or measured. } max: SInt32; { max track value } { * The value for the track being drawn or measured. } value: SInt32; { current thumb value } { * Leave this reserved field set to 0. } reserved: UInt32; { * A set of ThemeTrackAttributes for the track to be drawn or * measured. } attributes: ThemeTrackAttributes; { various track attributes } { * A ThemeTrackEnableState describing the state of the track to be * drawn or measured. } enableState: SInt8 {ThemeTrackEnableState}; { enable state } { * Leave this reserved field set to 0. } filler1: UInt8; case SInt16 of 0: ( scrollbar: ScrollBarTrackInfo; ); 1: ( slider: SliderTrackInfo; ); 2: ( progress: ProgressTrackInfo; ); end; HIThemeTrackDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; { * HIThemeAnimationTimeInfo * * Summary: * Time parameters passed to button drawing and measuring theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeAnimationTimeInfo = record { * The CFAbsoluteTime of the beginning of the animation of the * button. This only applies to buttons that animate -- currently * only kThemePushButton. All other buttons will ignore this field. * If there is to be no animation, set this field to 0. } start: CFAbsoluteTime; { * The CFAbsoluteTime of the current animation frame of the button. * This only applies to buttons that animate -- currently only * kThemePushButton. All other buttons will ignore this field. If * there is to be no animation, set this field to 0. } current: CFAbsoluteTime; end; HIThemeAnimationTimeInfoPtr = ^HIThemeAnimationTimeInfo; { * HIThemeAnimationFrameInfo * * Summary: * Frame parameters passed to button drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeAnimationFrameInfo = record { * The index of the frame of the animation to draw. If the index is * greater that the maximum number of animation frames, it will be * modded to calculate which frame to draw. } index: UInt32; end; HIThemeAnimationFrameInfoPtr = ^HIThemeAnimationFrameInfo; { * HIThemeButtonDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to button drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeButtonDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState of the button being drawn or measured. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * A ThemeButtonKind indicating the type of button to be drawn. } kind: ThemeButtonKind; { * The ThemeButtonValue of the button being drawn or measured. } value: ThemeButtonValue; { * The ThemeButtonAdornment(s) with which the button is being drawn * or measured. } adornment: ThemeButtonAdornment; case SInt16 of 0: ( time: HIThemeAnimationTimeInfo; ); 1: ( frame: HIThemeAnimationFrameInfo; ); end; HIThemeButtonDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeButtonDrawInfo; { * HIThemeSplitterDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to splitter drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeSplitterDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState of the splitter being drawn or measured. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * The HIThemeSplitterAdornments of the splitter being drawn or * measured. } adornment: HIThemeSplitterAdornment; end; HIThemeSplitterDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeSplitterDrawInfo; const { * No tab adornments are to be drawn. } kHIThemeTabAdornmentNone = 0; { * A focus ring is to be drawn around the tab. } kHIThemeTabAdornmentFocus = 1 shl 2; { to match button focus adornment } { * If available, a leading separator is to be drawn on the tab, * either to the left or above, depending on orientation. Note that * tabs overlap and if the separators are drawn over top each other, * the shadows multiply undesirably. New in Mac OS X 10.4. } kHIThemeTabAdornmentLeadingSeparator = 1 shl 3; { * If available, a right separator is to be drawn on the tab, either * to the right or below, depending on the orientation. Note that * tabs overlap and if the separators are drawn over top each other, * the shadows multiply undesirably. New in Mac OS X 10.4. } kHIThemeTabAdornmentTrailingSeparator = 1 shl 4; type HIThemeTabAdornment = UInt32; { * Summary: * These values are similar to kControlSize constants for * convenience. } const { * The tabs are normal (large) sized. } kHIThemeTabSizeNormal = 0; { * The tabs are drawn as the small variant. } kHIThemeTabSizeSmall = 1; { * The tabs are drawn as the mini variant. } kHIThemeTabSizeMini = 3; type HIThemeTabSize = UInt32; { * Summary: * Available values for HIThemeTabPosition. These are positions of * the tabs within the tab control. New in Mac OS X 10.4. } const { * The first position of a tab control. Left or top tab. } kHIThemeTabPositionFirst = 0; { * A middle tab. } kHIThemeTabPositionMiddle = 1; { * The last position of a tab control. Right or bottom tab. } kHIThemeTabPositionLast = 2; { * The only position of a tab control. It is simultaneously first and * last. You know, only. There is only one tab. It looks pretty much * like a button. Please don't use this if you can avoid it. It's * ugly. } kHIThemeTabPositionOnly = 3; type HIThemeTabPosition = UInt32; { * Summary: * Available values for HIThemeTabKind. } const kHIThemeTabKindNormal = 0; type HIThemeTabKind = UInt32; { * HIThemeTabDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to tab drawing and measuring theme APIs. * * Discussion: * In Mac OS X 10.4, added kind and position fields. } type HIThemeTabDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 1. } version: UInt32; { * A ThemeTabStyle describing the style of the tab to be drawn. } style: ThemeTabStyle; { * A ThemeTabDirection describing the side on which the tab is being * drawn. } direction: ThemeTabDirection; { * An HIThemeTabSize indicating what size of tab to draw. } size: HIThemeTabSize; { * An HIThemeTabAdornment describing any additional adornments that * are to be drawn on the tab. } adornment: HIThemeTabAdornment; { various tab attributes } { * An HIThemeTabKind indicating what kind of tab to draw. } kind: HIThemeTabKind; { * The HIThemeTabPositions of the tab to be drawn or measured. } position: HIThemeTabPosition; end; HIThemeTabDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeTabDrawInfo; { * HIThemeTabDrawInfoVersionZero * * Summary: * This structure is left here as a reference to the previous * version of the tab drawing parameters. Please use the current * version. * * Discussion: * Shipped with Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeTabDrawInfoVersionZero = record version: UInt32; style: ThemeTabStyle; direction: ThemeTabDirection; size: HIThemeTabSize; adornment: HIThemeTabAdornment; { various tab attributes } end; { * Summary: * Values for HIThemeTabPaneAdornment. } const kHIThemeTabPaneAdornmentNormal = 0; type HIThemeTabPaneAdornment = UInt32; { * HIThemeTabPaneDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to tab pane drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * In Mac OS X 10.4, added kind and adornment fields. } type HIThemeTabPaneDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 1. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the tab pane to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * A ThemeTabDirection describing on which side of the pane the tabs * will be drawn. } direction: ThemeTabDirection; { * An HIThemeTabSize indicating what size of tab pane to draw. } size: HIThemeTabSize; { * An HIThemeTabKind indicating what kind of tab to draw this pane * for. } kind: HIThemeTabKind; { * An HIThemeTabPaneAdornment describing any additional adornments * that are to be drawn on the tab pane. } adornment: HIThemeTabPaneAdornment; end; { * HIThemeTabPaneDrawInfoVersionZero * * Summary: * This structure is left here as a reference to the previous * version of the tab pane drawing parameters. Please use the * current version. * * Discussion: * Shipped with Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeTabPaneDrawInfoVersionZero = record version: UInt32; state: ThemeDrawState; direction: ThemeTabDirection; size: HIThemeTabSize; end; const { * Available in Mac OS X 10.3 and later. Valid fields for this * version are version and menuType. } kHIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionZero = 0; { * Available in Mac OS X 10.5 and later. Valid fields for this * version are all those in the zero version as well as the * menuDirection field. } kHIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionOne = 1001; { * HIThemeMenuDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to menu drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3; revised in Mac OS X 10.5. } type HIThemeMenuDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Use * kHIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionZero or kHIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionOne. } version: UInt32; { * A ThemeMenuType indicating which type of menu is to be drawn. } menuType: ThemeMenuType; { * Must be zero. } reserved1: UNSIGNEDLONG; { * Must be zero. } reserved2: CGFloat; { * kHIMenuRightDirection or kHIMenuLeftDirection as declared in * . Only interpreted if the version is * kHIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionOne and the menu type is hierarchical. } menuDirection: UInt32; { * Must be zero. } reserved3: CGFloat; { * Must be zero. } reserved4: CGFloat; end; HIThemeMenuDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeMenuDrawInfo; { * HIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionZero * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to menu drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionZero = record { * The version of this data structure. Always 0. } version: UInt32; { * A ThemeMenuType indicating which type of menu is to be drawn. } menuType: ThemeMenuType; end; HIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionZeroPtr = ^HIThemeMenuDrawInfoVersionZero; { * HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to menu item drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * A ThemeMenuItemType indicating what type of menu item is to be * drawn. } itemType: ThemeMenuItemType; { * The ThemeMenuState of the menu item to be drawn. } state: ThemeMenuState; end; HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo; { * HIThemeFrameDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to frame drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeFrameDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The HIThemeFrameKind of the frame to be drawn. } kind: HIThemeFrameKind; { * The ThemeDrawState of the frame to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * A Boolean indicating whether the frame is to be drawn with focus * or without. } isFocused: Boolean; end; HIThemeFrameDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeFrameDrawInfo; { * HIThemeGroupBoxDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to group box drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeGroupBoxDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the group box to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * An HIThemeGroupBoxKind indicating which type of group box is to be * drawn. } kind: HIThemeGroupBoxKind; end; HIThemeGroupBoxDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeGroupBoxDrawInfo; { * HIThemeGrabberDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to grabber drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeGrabberDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the grabber to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; end; HIThemeGrabberDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeGrabberDrawInfo; { * HIThemePlacardDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to placard drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemePlacardDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the placard to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; end; HIThemePlacardDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemePlacardDrawInfo; { * HIThemeHeaderDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to header drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeHeaderDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the header to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * The HIThemeHeaderKind for the header to be drawn. } kind: HIThemeHeaderKind; end; HIThemeHeaderDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeHeaderDrawInfo; { * HIThemeMenuBarDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to HIThemeDrawMenuBarBackground. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeMenuBarDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeMenuBarState for the menu bar to be drawn. } state: ThemeMenuBarState; { * The attributes of the menu bar to be drawn. } attributes: OptionBits; end; HIThemeMenuBarDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeMenuBarDrawInfo; { * HIThemeMenuTitleDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to HIThemeDrawMenuTitle. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeMenuTitleDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeMenuState for the menu title to be drawn. } state: ThemeMenuState; { * The attributes of the menu title to be drawn. Must be either 0 or * kHIThemeMenuTitleDrawCondensed. } attributes: OptionBits; { * The border space between the menu title rect and the menu title * text when the menu title spacing is being condensed. This field is * only observed by the Appearance Manager when the attributes field * contains kHIThemeMenuTitleDrawCondensed. The valid values for this * field range from the value returned by GetThemeMenuTitleExtra( * &extra, false ) to the value returned by GetThemeMenuTitleExtra( * &extra, true ). You may pass 0 in this field to use the minimum * condensed title extra. } condensedTitleExtra: CGFloat; end; HIThemeMenuTitleDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeMenuTitleDrawInfo; { * HIThemeTickMarkDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to tick mark drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeTickMarkDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the tick mark to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; end; HIThemeTickMarkDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeTickMarkDrawInfo; { * HIThemeWindowDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to window drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3, but based on legacy ThemeWindowMetrics. } type HIThemeWindowDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * A ThemeDrawState which describes the state of the window to be * drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * A ThemeWindowType specifying the type of window to be drawn. } windowType: ThemeWindowType; { * The ThemeWindowAttributes describing the window to be drawn. } attributes: ThemeWindowAttributes; { * The height of the title of the window. } titleHeight: CGFloat; { * The width of the title of the window. } titleWidth: CGFloat; end; HIThemeWindowDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeWindowDrawInfo; { * HIThemeWindowWidgetDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to window widget drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3, but based on legacy ThemeWindowMetrics. } type HIThemeWindowWidgetDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * A ThemeDrawState which describes the state of the widget to be * drawn. } widgetState: ThemeDrawState; { * A ThemeTitleBarWidget specifying the type of window widget to be * drawn. } widgetType: ThemeTitleBarWidget; { * A ThemeDrawState which describes the state of the window for which * the widget is to be drawn. } windowState: ThemeDrawState; { * A ThemeWindowType specifying the type of window to be drawn. } windowType: ThemeWindowType; { * The ThemeWindowAttributes describing the window to be drawn. } attributes: ThemeWindowAttributes; { * The height of the title of the window. } titleHeight: CGFloat; { * The width of the title of the window. } titleWidth: CGFloat; end; HIThemeWindowWidgetDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeWindowWidgetDrawInfo; { * HIThemeSeparatorDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to separator drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeSeparatorDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the separator to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; end; HIThemeSeparatorDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeSeparatorDrawInfo; { * HIThemeScrollBarDelimitersDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to separator drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeScrollBarDelimitersDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the separator to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * A ThemeWindowType specifying the type of window for which to draw * the delimiters. } windowType: ThemeWindowType; { * The ThemeWindowAttributes of the window for which the scroll bar * delimters are to be drawn. } attributes: ThemeWindowAttributes; end; HIThemeScrollBarDelimitersDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeScrollBarDelimitersDrawInfo; { * HIThemeChasingArrowsDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to chasing arrows drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeChasingArrowsDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the chasing arrows to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * A UInt32 used to calculate which frame of the chasing arrow * animation is to be drawn. } index: UInt32; end; HIThemeChasingArrowsDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeChasingArrowsDrawInfo; { * HIThemePopupArrowDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to popup arrow drawing and measuring * theme APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemePopupArrowDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the popup arrow to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * A ThemeArrowOrientation for the orientation of the popup arrow to * be drawn. } orientation: ThemeArrowOrientation; { * A ThemePopupArrowSize for the size of the popup arrow to be drawn. } size: ThemePopupArrowSize; end; HIThemePopupArrowDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemePopupArrowDrawInfo; { * HIThemeGrowBoxDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to grow box drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3. } type HIThemeGrowBoxDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the grow box to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * A ThemeGrowBoxKind indicating in which kind of grow box to draw. } kind: HIThemeGrowBoxKind; { * A ThemeGrowDirection indicating in which direction the window will * grow. } direction: ThemeGrowDirection; { * An HIThemeGrowBoxSize describing the size of the grow box to draw. } size: HIThemeGrowBoxSize; end; HIThemeGrowBoxDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeGrowBoxDrawInfo; { * HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3, but based on legacy TrackDrawInfo. } type HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState of the background to be drawn. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * The ThemeBackgroundKind with which to fill the background. } kind: ThemeBackgroundKind; end; HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo; { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Buttons } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { * HIThemeDrawButton() * * Summary: * Draw a themed button. * * Discussion: * This generic button drawing theme primitive draws not just a push * button, but all of the kinds of buttons described by * ThemeButtonKind. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * The HIRect in which to draw. Note that this API may draw * outside of its bounds. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeButtonDrawInfo describing the button that will be * drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * outLabelRect: * A pointer to an HIRect into which to put the bounds of the * label rect. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawButton( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation; outLabelRect: HIRectPtr { can be NULL } ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawButton'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetButtonShape() * * Summary: * Get a shape of a themed button. * * Discussion: * This API was mistakenly named as a "Get" API. It behaves as * "Copy" API. THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RELEASING THE RETURNED * SHAPE. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * An HIRect indicating where the button would be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeButtonDrawInfo describing the button that would be * drawn. * * outShape: * A pointer to an HIShapeRef which will be set to the shape of * the button that would be drawn. It needs to be released by the * caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetButtonShape( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo; var outShape: HIShapeRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetButtonShape'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetButtonContentBounds() * * Summary: * Get the bounds of a themed button's content. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * An HIRect indicating where the button would be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeButtonDrawInfo describing the button that would be * drawn. * * outBounds: * A pointer to an HIRect in which will be returned the rectangle * of the button content bounds. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetButtonContentBounds( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo; var outBounds: HIRect ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetButtonContentBounds'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetButtonBackgroundBounds() * * Summary: * Get the bounds of the background of a themed button. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * An HIRect indicating where the button would be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeButtonDrawInfo describing the button that would be * drawn. * * outBounds: * A pointer to an HIRect in which will be returned the rectangle * of the button background bounds. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetButtonBackgroundBounds( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo; var outBounds: HIRect ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetButtonBackgroundBounds'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawChasingArrows() * * Summary: * Draw themed chasing arrows. * * Discussion: * Draw a frame from the chasing arrows animation. The animation * frame is based on a modulo value calculated from the index. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * An HIRect indicating where the chasing arrows are to be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeChasingArrowsDrawInfo describing the chasing arrows * to be drawn or measured. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawChasingArrows( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeChasingArrowsDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawChasingArrows'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawPopupArrow() * * Summary: * Draws a themed popup arrow. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemePopupArrowDrawInfo describing the popup arrow to be * drawn or measured. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawPopupArrow( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemePopupArrowDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawPopupArrow'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Menus } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { * HIThemeDrawMenuBarBackground() * * Summary: * Draws the menu bar background for a given area. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeMenuBarDrawInfo of the menu bar to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawMenuBarBackground( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeMenuBarDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawMenuBarBackground'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawMenuTitle() * * Summary: * Draws the menu title background for a menu. * * Discussion: * This API draws the background of a menu title. It does not draw * the menu title text; it is the caller's responsibility to draw * the text after this API has returned. The text should be drawn * into the bounds returned in the outLabelRect parameter; the * caller should ensure that the text is not drawn outside of those * bounds, either by truncating or clipping the text. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inMenuBarRect: * An HIRect indicating the bounds of the whole menu bar for which * the menu title is to be drawn. * * inTitleRect: * An HIRect for the bounds of the menu title to be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeMenuTitleDrawInfo of the menu title to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * outLabelRect: * On exit, contains the bounds in which the menu title text * should be drawn. May be NULL if you don't need this information. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawMenuTitle( const (*var*) inMenuBarRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inTitleRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeMenuTitleDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation; outLabelRect: HIRectPtr { can be NULL } ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawMenuTitle'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawMenuBackground() * * Summary: * Draws the theme menu background in a rectangle. This API may * draw outside of the specified rectangle. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inMenuRect: * An HIRect indicating the bounds of the whole menu for which the * background is to be drawn. * * inMenuDrawInfo: * An HIThemeMenuDrawInfo describing the menu to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawMenuBackground( const (*var*) inMenuRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inMenuDrawInfo: HIThemeMenuDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawMenuBackground'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawMenuItem() * * Summary: * Draws a themed menu item. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inMenuRect: * An HIRect indicating the bounds of the whole menu for which the * menu item is to be drawn. * * inItemRect: * An HIRect for the bounds of the menu item to be drawn. * * inItemDrawInfo: * An HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo describing the drawing * characteristics of the menu item to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * outContentRect: * An HIRect that will be filled with the rectangle describing * where the menu item content is to be drawn. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawMenuItem( const (*var*) inMenuRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inItemRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inItemDrawInfo: HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation; var outContentRect: HIRect ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawMenuItem'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawMenuSeparator() * * Summary: * Draws a themed menu separator. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inMenuRect: * An HIRect indicating the bounds of the whole menu for which the * menu separator is to be drawn. * * inItemRect: * An HIRect for the bounds of the menu separator to be drawn. * * inItemDrawInfo: * An HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo describing the drawing * characteristics of the menu item to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawMenuSeparator( const (*var*) inMenuRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inItemRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inItemDrawInfo: HIThemeMenuItemDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawMenuSeparator'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetMenuBackgroundShape() * * Summary: * Gets the shape of the background for a themed menu. * * Discussion: * This shape can extend outside of the bounds of the specified * rectangle. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inMenuRect: * An HIRect indicating the bounds of the menu for which the menu * background is to be retrieved. * * inMenuDrawInfo: * An HIThemeMenuDrawInfo describing the menu to be measured. * * outShape: * A valid HIShape that will be cleared and filled with the shape * of the menu background. It needs to be released by the caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetMenuBackgroundShape( const (*var*) inMenuRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inMenuDrawInfo: HIThemeMenuDrawInfo; var outShape: HIShapeRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetMenuBackgroundShape'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Segments } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { * Summary: * Available values for HIThemeSegmentPosition. These are positions * of the segments within the segmented view. } const { * The first position of a segmented view. } kHIThemeSegmentPositionFirst = 0; { * A middle segment. } kHIThemeSegmentPositionMiddle = 1; { * The last position of a segmented view. } kHIThemeSegmentPositionLast = 2; { * The only position of a segmented view. It is simultaneously first * and last. You know, only. There is only one segment. It looks * pretty much like a button. Please don't use this if you can avoid * it. It's ugly. } kHIThemeSegmentPositionOnly = 3; type HIThemeSegmentPosition = UInt32; { * Summary: * Available values for HIThemeSegmentKind available on Mac OS X * 10.4 a later. } const { * The segment to use on non-textured windows. Do not use on textured * windows. } kHIThemeSegmentKindNormal = 0; { * The textured segment. Use on textured windows. } kHIThemeSegmentKindTextured = 1; { * This is a synonym for kHIThemeSegmentKindTextured for code * compatibility. Please use kHIThemeSegmentKindTextured instead. } kHIThemeSegmentKindInset = kHIThemeSegmentKindTextured; type HIThemeSegmentKind = UInt32; { * Summary: * Available values for HIThemeSegmentSize. } const { * The normally sized segment. } kHIThemeSegmentSizeNormal = 0; { * The small segment. Not available as textured. } kHIThemeSegmentSizeSmall = 1; { * The mini segment. Not available as textured. } kHIThemeSegmentSizeMini = 3; type HIThemeSegmentSize = UInt32; const { * No segment adornments are to be drawn. } kHIThemeSegmentAdornmentNone = 0; { * A focus ring is to be drawn around the segment. } kHIThemeSegmentAdornmentFocus = 1 shl 2; { to match button focus adornment } { * If available, a leading separator is to be drawn on the segment. * Note that segments overlap and if the separators are drawn over * top each other, the shadows multiply undesirably. } kHIThemeSegmentAdornmentLeadingSeparator = 1 shl 3; { * If available, a trailing separator is to be drawn on the segment. * Note that segments overlap and if the separators are drawn over * top each other, the shadows multiply undesirably. } kHIThemeSegmentAdornmentTrailingSeparator = 1 shl 4; type HIThemeSegmentAdornment = UInt32; { * HIThemeSegmentDrawInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to segment drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.4. } type HIThemeSegmentDrawInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 0. } version: UInt32; { * The ThemeDrawState for the segment to be drawn or measured. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * The ThemeButtonValue of the segment to be drawn or measured. } value: ThemeButtonValue; size: HIThemeSegmentSize; { * The HIThemeSegmentKind of the segment to be drawn or measured. } kind: HIThemeSegmentKind; { * The HIThemeSegmentPositions of the segment to be drawn or measured. } position: HIThemeSegmentPosition; { * The HIThemeSegmentAdornment of the segment to be drawn or measured. } adornment: HIThemeSegmentAdornment; end; HIThemeSegmentDrawInfoPtr = ^HIThemeSegmentDrawInfo; { * HIThemeDrawSegment() * * Summary: * Draw a piece of a segmented view. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.4. Please note that segments can draw a * separator outside of the specified bounds and the adornments of * the individual segments must coordinate their drawing of * separators (with the adornment field of the passed in * HIThemeSegmentDrawInfo) to avoid overdrawing. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * The bounds of the segment to be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * A HIThemeSegmentDrawInfo describing the segment to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.4 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawSegment( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeSegmentDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawSegment'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER *) { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Tabs } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { * HIThemeDrawTabPane() * * Summary: * Draws a themed tab pane. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw the pane. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeTabPaneDrawInfo of the tab pane to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawTabPane( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTabPaneDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawTabPane'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawTab() * * Summary: * Draw a themed tab. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTabDrawInfo describing the tab to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * outLabelRect: * An HIRect into which to put the bounds of the label rect. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawTab( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTabDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation; outLabelRect: HIRectPtr { can be NULL } ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawTab'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTabPaneDrawShape() * * Summary: * Gets the shape of the draw area relative to the full bounds of * the tab+pane. * * Discussion: * This API was mistakenly named as a "Get" API. It behaves as * "Copy" API. THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RELEASING THE RETURNED * SHAPE. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * An HIRect indicating the entire tabs area for which the tab * pane shape is to be retrieved. * * inDirection: * A ThemeTabDirection describing on which side of the pane the * tabs would be drawn. * * inTabSize: * An HIThemeTabSize indicating the size of tab pane that would be * drawn. * * outShape: * A pointer to an HIShapeRef which will be set to the shape of * the draw area. It needs to be released by the caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTabPaneDrawShape( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; inDirection: ThemeTabDirection; inTabSize: HIThemeTabSize; var outShape: HIShapeRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTabPaneDrawShape'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTabPaneContentShape() * * Summary: * Gets the shape of the content area relative to the full bounds of * the tab+pane. * * Discussion: * This API was mistakenly named as a "Get" API. It behaves as * "Copy" API. THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RELEASING THE RETURNED * SHAPE. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * An HIRect indicating the entire tabs area for which the tab * content shape is to be retrieved. * * inDirection: * A ThemeTabDirection describing on which side of the pane the * tabs would be drawn. * * inTabSize: * An HIThemeTabSize indicating what size of tab pane that would * be drawn. * * outShape: * A pointer to an HIShapeRef which will be set to the shape of * the draw content. It needs to be released by the caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTabPaneContentShape( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; inDirection: ThemeTabDirection; inTabSize: HIThemeTabSize; var outShape: HIShapeRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTabPaneContentShape'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTabDrawShape() * * Summary: * Gets the shape of the tab drawing area relative to the full * bounds of the tab+pane. * * Discussion: * This API was mistakenly named as a "Get" API. It behaves as * "Copy" API. THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RELEASING THE RETURNED * SHAPE. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * An HIRect indicating the entire tab+pane area for which the tab * shape is to be retrieved. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTabDrawInfo describing the tab that would be drawn. * * outShape: * A pointer to an HIShapeRef which will be set to the shape of * the tab drawing area. It needs to be released by the caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTabDrawShape( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTabDrawInfo; var outShape: HIShapeRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTabDrawShape'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTabShape() * * Summary: * Gets the shape for a themed tab. * * Discussion: * This API was mistakenly named as a "Get" API. It behaves as * "Copy" API. THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RELEASING THE RETURNED * SHAPE. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * An HIRect indicating the entire tabs area for which the tab * shape is to be retrieved. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTabDrawInfo describing the tab that would be drawn. * * outShape: * A pointer to an HIShapeRef which will be set to the shape of * the tab. It needs to be released by the caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTabShape( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTabDrawInfo; var outShape: HIShapeRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTabShape'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Text } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } const { * Don't truncate the measured or drawn text. } kHIThemeTextTruncationNone = 0; { * During measure or draw, if the text will not fit within the * available bounds, truncate the text in the middle of the last * visible line. } kHIThemeTextTruncationMiddle = 1; { * During measure or draw, if the text will not fit within the * available bounds, truncate the text at the end of the last visible * line. } kHIThemeTextTruncationEnd = 2; kHIThemeTextTruncationDefault = 3; type HIThemeTextTruncation = UInt32; const { * The text will be drawn flush with the left side of the bounding * box. } kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushLeft = 0; { * The text will be centered within the bounding box. } kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushCenter = 1; { * The text will be drawn flush with the right side of the bounding * box. } kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushRight = 2; kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlushDefault = 3; type HIThemeTextHorizontalFlush = UInt32; const { * Draw the text vertically flush with the top of the box } kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushTop = 0; { * Vertically center the text } kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushCenter = 1; { * Draw the text vertically flush with the bottom of the box } kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushBottom = 2; kHIThemeTextVerticalFlushDefault = 3; type HIThemeTextVerticalFlush = UInt32; const kHIThemeTextBoxOptionNone = 0; { * Is the text strongly vertical? This option bit is not correctly * respected and will have no effect if used. } kHIThemeTextBoxOptionStronglyVertical = 1 shl 1; { * Draw the text with an engraved look, suitable for use on the Mac * OS X 10.5 dark window backgrounds or on the bodies of some * controls. } kHIThemeTextBoxOptionEngraved = 1 shl 2; { * By default, HIThemeDrawTextBox will clip the text to the rectangle * specified by the inBounds parameter. With some fonts or styles, * text may draw outside of the drawing rectangle and will be * clipped. If this bit is set, HIThemeDrawTextBox will not clip * drawing to its inBounds parameter. Available in Mac OS X 10.4 and * later. } kHIThemeTextBoxOptionDontClip = 1 shl 18; type HIThemeTextBoxOptions = OptionBits; const { * Available in Mac OS X 10.3 and later. Valid fields for this * version are version, state, fontID, horizontalFlushness, * verticalFlushness, options, truncationPosition, truncationMaxLines * and truncationHappened. } kHIThemeTextInfoVersionZero = 0; { * Available in Mac OS X 10.5 and later. Valid fields for this * version are all those in the zero version as well as the font * field. } kHIThemeTextInfoVersionOne = 1; { * HIThemeTextInfo * * Summary: * Drawing parameters passed to text drawing and measuring theme * APIs. * * Discussion: * New in Mac OS X 10.3, this structure is used for measuring and * drawing text with the HIThemeGetTextDimensions and * HIThemeDrawTextBox APIs. If truncationPosition is * kHIThemeTextTruncationNone, the other fields with the truncation * prefix are ignored. } type HIThemeTextInfo = record { * The version of this data structure. Currently, it is always 1. } version: UInt32; { * The theme draw state in which to draw the string. } state: ThemeDrawState; { * The font in which to draw the string. } fontID: ThemeFontID; { * The horizontal flushness of the text. One of the * kHIThemeTextHorizontalFlush[Left/Center/Right] constants. When * this structure is used for HIThemeGetTextDimensions, this field * has no effect on the returned dimensions. However, providing the * same flushness that will be used with a subsequent draw will * trigger a performance optimization. } horizontalFlushness: HIThemeTextHorizontalFlush; { * The vertical flushness of the text. One of the * kHIThemeTextVerticalFlush[Top/Center/Bottom] constants. When this * paramblock is used for HIThemeGetTextDimensions, this field has no * effect on the returned dimensions. However, providing the same * flushness that will be used with a subsequent draw will trigger a * performance optimization. } verticalFlushness: HIThemeTextVerticalFlush; { * Currently, the only option available is for strongly vertical text * with the kThemeTextBoxOptionStronglyVertical option bit. } options: HIThemeTextBoxOptions; { * Specifies where truncation should occur. If this field is * kHIThemeTextTruncationNone, no truncation will occur, and all * fields with the truncation prefix will be ignored. } truncationPosition: HIThemeTextTruncation; { * The maximum number of lines to measure or draw before truncation * occurs. Ignored if truncationPosition is * kHIThemeTextTruncationNone. } truncationMaxLines: UInt32; { * On output, if the text has been truncated, this is set to true. If * the text fit completely within the parameters specified and the * text was not truncated, this is set to false. } truncationHappened: Boolean; filler1: UInt8; { * If fontID is kThemeSpecifiedFont and the version is 1, this * CTFontRef will be used for measuring and rendering of the string. * If the fontID is anything other than kThemeSpecifiedFont or the * version is not 1, this field is ignored. } font: CTFontRef; end; HIThemeTextInfoPtr = ^HIThemeTextInfo; { * HIThemeGetTextDimensions() * * Summary: * Get text dimensions of a string * * Discussion: * This allows you to get various dimension characteristics of a * string bound to certain criteria that you specify. It allows you * to get the absolute bounds of a string laid out in a single line, * or the bounds of a string constrained to a given width. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inString: * A CFStringRef containing the unicode characters you wish to * measure. You MUST NOT pass in a CFStringRef that was allocated * with any of the "NoCopy" CFString creation APIs; a string * created with a "NoCopy" API has transient storage which is * incompatible with HIThemeGetTextDimensions's caches. * * In Mac OS X 10.5 and later, this API may also be passed a * CFAttributedStringRef. * * inWidth: * The width to constrain the text before wrapping. If inWidth is * 0, the text will not wrap and will be laid out as a single * line, unless it contains embedded carriage return or linefeed * characters; CR/LF will cause the text to wrap and the resulting * measurements will include space for multiple lines of text. If * inWidth is not 0, the text will wrap at the given width and the * measurements will be returned from the multi-line layout. * * * To force single-line layout even in the presence of embedded * CR/LF characters, pass FLT_MAX for inWidth, * kHIThemeTextTruncationEnd for inTextInfo.truncationPosition, * and 1 for inTextInfo.truncationMaxLines. * * inTextInfo: * The HIThemeTextInfo parameter block specifying additional * options for flushness and truncation. The truncationHappened * field is the only field that will be written to by this API * (and the reason for inTextInfo not being const). * * outWidth: * On output, will contain the width of the string. This width may * be smaller than the constrain inWidth parameter if the text has * wrapped. It will return the true bounding width of the layout. * Can be NULL. * * outHeight: * On output, will contain the height of the string. Can be NULL. * * outBaseline: * On output, will contain the baseline of the string. This is the * delta from the top of the text to the baseline of the first * line. Can be NULL. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTextDimensions( inString: CFStringRef; inWidth: CGFloat; var inTextInfo: HIThemeTextInfo; outWidth: CGFloatPtr { can be NULL }; outHeight: CGFloatPtr { can be NULL }; outBaseline: CGFloatPtr { can be NULL } ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTextDimensions'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawTextBox() * * Summary: * Draw the string into the given bounding box * * Discussion: * Draw the string into the bounding box given. You can specify * options such as truncation and justification as well as * determining whether the text was truncated when it was drawn. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inString: * A CFStringRef containing the unicode characters you wish to * render. You MUST NOT pass in a CFStringRef that was allocated * with any of the "NoCopy" CFString creation APIs; a string * created with a "NoCopy" API has transient storage which is * incompatible with HIThemeDrawTextBox's caches. * * In Mac OS X 10.5 and later, this API may also be passed a * CFAttributedStringRef. * * inBounds: * The HIRect that bounds where the text is to be drawn * * inTextInfo: * The HIThemeTextInfo parameter block specifying additional * options for truncation and flushness. You can control the * number of lines drawn by specifying a truncation of * kHIThemeTextTruncationMiddle or kHIThemeTextTruncationEnd for * the truncationPosition field and then specifying a maximum * number of lines to draw before truncation occurs in the * truncationMaxLines field. The truncationHappened field is the * only field that will be written to by this API (and the reason * for inTextInfo not being const). * * inContext: * The CGContextRef into which to draw the text. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawTextBox( inString: CFStringRef; const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; var inTextInfo: HIThemeTextInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawTextBox'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetUIFontType() * * Summary: * Returns the CTFontUIFontType for a ThemeFontID * * Discussion: * It is possible to create a CTFontRef that represents a * ThemeFontID by using this API in conjunction with * CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage. * * Suggested usage: * CTFontRef font = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage( * HIThemeGetUIFontType( inFontID ), 0, NULL ); * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inFontID: * The ThemeFontID to map to a CTFontUIFontType. * * Result: * The CTFontUIFontType that represents the ThemeFontID or * kCTFontNoFontType if there is an error. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.5 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetUIFontType( inFontID: ThemeFontID ): CTFontUIFontType; external name '_HIThemeGetUIFontType'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5_AND_LATER *) { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Tracks } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { * HIThemeDrawTrack() * * Summary: * Draw a themed track item. * * Discussion: * Used to draw any tracked element including sliders and scroll * bars. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track that will be drawn. * * inGhostRect: * An HIRect describing the location of the ghost indicator to be * drawn. Generally, this should be NULL and the control using * this primitive should support live feeback. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawTrack( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; {const} inGhostRect: HIRectPtr { can be NULL }; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawTrack'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawTrackTickMarks() * * Summary: * Draws the tick marks for a slider track. * * Discussion: * This primitive only draws evenly distributed tick marks. * Internally, it calls HIThemeDrawTickMark to do the actual tick * mark drawing, and any custom (non-even distribution) drawing of * tick marks should be done with HIThemeDrawTickMark. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track tick marks that * will be drawn. * * inNumTicks: * A value indicating the number of tick marks to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawTrackTickMarks( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; inNumTicks: ItemCount; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawTrackTickMarks'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawTickMark() * * Summary: * Draws a single tick mark. * * Discussion: * This primitive draws a single tick mark and can be used to draw * custom tick marks that are not easily drawn by * HIThemeDrawTrackTickMarks, which only draws evenly distributed * tick marks. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeTickMarkDrawInfo of the tick mark to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawTickMark( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTickMarkDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawTickMark'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTrackThumbShape() * * Summary: * Get the thumb shape of a themed track. * * Discussion: * This API was mistakenly named as a "Get" API. It behaves as * "Copy" API. THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RELEASING THE RETURNED * SHAPE. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track to be measured. * * outThumbShape: * A pointer to an HIShapeRef which will be set to the shape of * the themed track's thumb. It needs to be released by the caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTrackThumbShape( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; var outThumbShape: HIShapeRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTrackThumbShape'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeHitTestTrack() * * Summary: * Hit test the themed track. * * Discussion: * Returns true if the track was hit and fills in outPartHit. * Otherwise, returns false. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTabDrawInfo describing the tab that will be drawn. * * inMousePoint: * An HIPoint which will be location basis for the test. * * outPartHit: * A pointer to a ControlPartCode that will be filled with the * part hit by the incoming point. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeHitTestTrack( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; const (*var*) inMousePoint: HIPoint; var outPartHit: ControlPartCode ): Boolean; external name '_HIThemeHitTestTrack'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTrackBounds() * * Summary: * Gets the track bounds of a themed track. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track that will be drawn. * * outBounds: * A pointer to an HIRect in which will be returned the rectangle * of the track bounds. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTrackBounds( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; var outBounds: HIRect ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTrackBounds'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTrackPartBounds() * * Summary: * Returns measurements for the bounds of the a track part, * according to the specifics of that track as specified in the * incoming draw info record. * * Discussion: * HIThemeGetTrackPartBounds allows you to get the boundaries of * individual pieces of a track's theme layout. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track to be measured. * * inPartCode: * A ControlPartCode describing which part to measure. A list of * available ControlPartCodes can be retrieved using * HIThemeGetTrackParts. * * outPartBounds: * The bounds of the specified part relative to the start * rectangle specified in inDrawInfo. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTrackPartBounds( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; inPartCode: ControlPartCode; var outPartBounds: HIRect ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTrackPartBounds'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTrackParts() * * Summary: * Counts the number of parts that make up a track. Optionally * returns an array of ControlPartCodes that describe each of the * counted parts. * * Discussion: * HIThemeGetTrackParts allows you to count the number of parts that * make up a track. This is useful if you need to iterate through * the parts of a track and get information about them, i.e. using * HIThemeGetTrackPartBounds. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track to be measured. * * outNumberOfParts: * A pointer to a UInt32 in which to return the number of counted * parts. * * inMaxParts: * The maximum number of ControlPartCodes that can be copied into * the supplied ioPartsBuffer. This value is ignored if * ioPartsBuffer is NULL. * * ioPartsBuffer: * An pointer to an array into which HIThemeGetTrackPartBounds * will copy ControlPartCodes that describe each of the counted * parts. This pointer can be NULL if you are just counting parts. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTrackParts( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; var outNumberOfParts: UInt32; inMaxParts: UInt32; ioPartsBuffer: ControlPartCodePtr { can be NULL } ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTrackParts'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTrackDragRect() * * Summary: * Get the rectangle of the drag area of a themed track. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track to be measured. * * outDragRect: * A pointer to an HIRect in which will be returned the rectangle * of the drag area of the track. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTrackDragRect( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; var outDragRect: HIRect ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTrackDragRect'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTrackThumbPositionFromOffset() * * Summary: * Get the track's relative thumb position based on the offset. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track to be measured. * * inThumbOffset: * An HIPoint describing the position of the thumb as an offset * from the track bounds. * * outRelativePosition: * On output, the track-relative position calculated from the * thumb offset. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTrackThumbPositionFromOffset( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; const (*var*) inThumbOffset: HIPoint; var outRelativePosition: CGFloat ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTrackThumbPositionFromOffset'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTrackThumbPositionFromBounds() * * Summary: * Get the themed track thumb position from its bounds. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * A pointer to an HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track to be * measured. * * inThumbBounds: * The bounds of the thumb from which the postion is to be * calculated. * * outRelativePosition: * On output, the track-relative position calculated from the * thumb location. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTrackThumbPositionFromBounds( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; const (*var*) inThumbBounds: HIRect; var outRelativePosition: CGFloat ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTrackThumbPositionFromBounds'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTrackLiveValue() * * Summary: * Get the themed track live value. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeTrackDrawInfo describing the track to be measured. * * inRelativePosition: * An HIPoint describing the position of the thumb as an offset * from the track bounds. * * outValue: * On output, the track value as calculated from the relative * postion of the thumb. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTrackLiveValue( const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeTrackDrawInfo; inRelativePosition: CGFloat; var outValue: SInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTrackLiveValue'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetScrollBarTrackRect() * * Summary: * Gets the rectangle of the tracking area of a themed scroll bar. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * An HIRect indicating the area in which the scroll bar would be * drawn. * * inTrackInfo: * An HIScrollBarTrackInfo for the scroll bar that would be drawn. * Currently, only the pressState and enableState fields are used. * * inIsHoriz: * A Boolean where true means that the scroll bar would be * horizontal and false means that the scroll bar would be * vertical. * * outTrackBounds: * A pointer to an HIRect in which will be returned the rectangle * of the track area of the scroll bar. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetScrollBarTrackRect( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inTrackInfo: HIScrollBarTrackInfo; inIsHoriz: Boolean; var outTrackBounds: HIRect ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetScrollBarTrackRect'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeHitTestScrollBarArrows() * * Summary: * Hit test the theme scroll bar arrows to determine where the hit * occurred. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inScrollBarBounds: * An HIRect indicating the bounds of the scroll bar that will be * hit tested. * * inTrackInfo: * An HIScrollBarTrackInfo for the scroll bar to be drawn. * Currently, only the version, pressState and enableState fields * are used. * * inIsHoriz: * A Boolean where true means that the scroll bar is to be * horizontal and false means that the scroll bar is to be * vertical. * * inPtHit: * An HIPoint indicating where the control was hit and which will * be used for hit testing. * * outTrackBounds: * A pointer to an HIRect in which will be returned the rectangle * of the track area of the scroll bar. Can be NULL. * * outPartCode: * A pointer to a ControlPartCode in which the part code of the * hit part will be returned. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeHitTestScrollBarArrows( const (*var*) inScrollBarBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inTrackInfo: HIScrollBarTrackInfo; inIsHoriz: Boolean; const (*var*) inPtHit: HIPoint; outTrackBounds: HIRectPtr { can be NULL }; var outPartCode: ControlPartCode ): Boolean; external name '_HIThemeHitTestScrollBarArrows'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawScrollBarDelimiters() * * Summary: * Draw themed scroll bar delimiters. * * Discussion: * Draws the grow lines delimiting the scroll bar areas. Does not * draw the size box. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inContRect: * An HIRect indicating the rectangle of the content area of the * window to be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeScrollBarDelimitersDrawInfo of the delimiters to be * drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawScrollBarDelimiters( const (*var*) inContRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeScrollBarDelimitersDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawScrollBarDelimiters'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Windows } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { * HIThemeDrawWindowFrame() * * Summary: * Draws a themed window frame. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inContRect: * An HIRect indicating the rectangle of the content area of the * window to be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeWindowDrawInfo of the window frame to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * outTitleRect: * A pointer to an HIRect into which to put the bounds of the * title rect. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawWindowFrame( const (*var*) inContRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeWindowDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation; outTitleRect: HIRectPtr { can be NULL } ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawWindowFrame'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawTitleBarWidget() * * Summary: * Draws the requested theme title bar widget. * * Discussion: * HIThemeDrawTitleBarWidget renders the requested theme title bar * widget in the proper location of a window. A common * misconception when using this API is that the client must specify * the exact location of the widget in the window. The widget will * locate itself in the window based relative to the content rect * passed in content rectangle -- the contRect parameter. Another * common problem is to ignore the window's attributes. The * attributes must be set up properly to describe the window for * which the widget is to be drawn. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inContRect: * A rectangle describing the window's content area. The widget * is drawn relative to the content rectangle of the window, so * this parameter does not describe the actual widget bounds, it * describes the window's content rectangle. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeWindowWidgetDrawInfo of the window widget to be * drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawTitleBarWidget( const (*var*) inContRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeWindowWidgetDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawTitleBarWidget'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawGrowBox() * * Summary: * Draws a theme grow box. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inOrigin: * The origin from which to draw the grow box. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeGrowBoxDrawInfo describing the grow box to be drawn * or measured. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawGrowBox( const (*var*) inOrigin: HIPoint; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeGrowBoxDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawGrowBox'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetGrowBoxBounds() * * Summary: * Gets the bounds for a grow box. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inOrigin: * The origin from which to draw the grow box. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeGrowBoxDrawInfo describing the grow box to be * measured. The state field is ignored. * * outBounds: * A pointer to an HIRect in which will be returned the rectangle * of the standalone grow box bounds. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetGrowBoxBounds( const (*var*) inOrigin: HIPoint; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeGrowBoxDrawInfo; var outBounds: HIRect ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetGrowBoxBounds'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetWindowShape() * * Summary: * Obtains the specified window shape. * * Discussion: * This API was mistakenly named as a "Get" API. It behaves as * "Copy" API. THE CALLER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RELEASING THE RETURNED * SHAPE. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inContRect: * An HIRect indicating the rectangle of the content area of the * window that would be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeWindowDrawInfo of the window frame to be measured. * * inWinRegion: * A WindowRegionCode indicating the desired region for which to * return the shape. * * outShape: * A pointer to an HIShapeRef which will be set to the shape of * the requested window region. It needs to be released by the * caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetWindowShape( const (*var*) inContRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeWindowDrawInfo; inWinRegion: WindowRegionCode; var outShape: HIShapeRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetWindowShape'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetWindowRegionHit() * * Summary: * Get the window region hit in a themed window. * * Discussion: * Not that this call does not return a region, but a region code. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inContRect: * An HIRect indicating the rectangle of the content area of the * window that would be drawn. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeWindowDrawInfo of the window frame to be measured. * * inPoint: * An HIPoint against which the test will occur. * * outRegionHit: * The output WindowRegionCode of hit window region. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetWindowRegionHit( const (*var*) inContRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeWindowDrawInfo; const (*var*) inPoint: HIPoint; var outRegionHit: WindowRegionCode ): Boolean; external name '_HIThemeGetWindowRegionHit'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { Miscellaneous } { -------------------------------------------------------------------------- } { * HIThemeDrawFrame() * * Summary: * Draws a variety of frames. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeFrameDrawInfo describing the frame to be drawn or * measured. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawFrame( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeFrameDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawFrame'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawGroupBox() * * Summary: * Draws a themed primary group box. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeGroupBoxDrawInfo describing the group box to be drawn * or measured. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawGroupBox( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeGroupBoxDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawGroupBox'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawGenericWell() * * Summary: * Draws a themed generic well. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeButtonDrawInfo that describes attributes of the well * to be drawn. Set the kThemeAdornmentDefault bit of the * adornment field of this structure to also draw the center of * the well. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawGenericWell( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeButtonDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawGenericWell'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawPaneSplitter() * * Summary: * Draws a themed pane splitter. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeSplitterDrawInfo of the pane splitter to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawPaneSplitter( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeSplitterDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawPaneSplitter'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawGrabber() * * Summary: * Draws a themed grabber. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeGrabberDrawInfo of the grabber to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawGrabber( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeGrabberDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawGrabber'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawPlacard() * * Summary: * Draws a themed placard. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemePlacardDrawInfo of the placard to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawPlacard( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemePlacardDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawPlacard'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawHeader() * * Summary: * Draws a themed window header in the specified rectangle. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeHeaderDrawInfo of the window frame to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawHeader( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeHeaderDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawHeader'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawFocusRect() * * Summary: * Draws a themed focus rectangle in the specified rectangle. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inHasFocus: * Pass in true to draw focus. Passing false effectively makes * this API a no-op. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawFocusRect( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; inHasFocus: Boolean; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawFocusRect'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) const { * Draw the visual focus only, and not any of the draw operations * that form its shape. } kHIThemeFocusRingOnly = 0; { * Draw the visual focus above the results of the draw operations * that form its shape. } kHIThemeFocusRingAbove = 1; { * Draw the visual focus below the results of the draw operations * that form its shape. } kHIThemeFocusRingBelow = 2; type HIThemeFocusRing = UInt32; { * HIThemeBeginFocus() * * Summary: * Begin focus drawing. * * Discussion: * Call HIThemeBeginFocus to begin focus drawing. All drawing * operations in the specified context after this call will be drawn * with a visual representation of focus. Currently, this is a * theme-tinted halo resembling a glow. Note that nothing will be * drawn in the specified context until HIThemeEndFocus is called. A * call to HIThemeBeginFocus must always be paired with an * HIThemeEndFocus call. Nesting these calls will not crash but the * results will be odd and is definitely not recommended. * HIThemeBegin/EndFocus is designed to replace * DrawThemeFocusRegion. For efficiency, clipping the context to the * bounds that will be drawn into is highly desirable. * HIThemeBeginFocus may do some allocations that are affected by * the size of the context's clip at the time it is called -- so an * extremely large clip or an unset clip may cause a large, * inefficient allocation. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inContext: * The CG context in which the focus is to be drawn. * * inRing: * An HIThemeFocusRing indicating which type of focus is to be * drawn. * * inReserved: * Always pass NULL for this parameter. * * Result: * A result code indicating success or failure. Don't call * HIThemeEndFocus on the context if HIThemeBeginFocus fails. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.5 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeBeginFocus( inContext: CGContextRef; inRing: HIThemeFocusRing; inReserved: UnivPtr ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeBeginFocus'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeEndFocus() * * Summary: * End focus drawing. * * Discussion: * See HIThemeBeginFocus for focus drawing details. Calling * HIThemeEndFocus indicates that the drawing operations to be * focused are complete. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inContext: * The CG context in which the focus is to be drawn. This needs to * be the same context passed to the HIThemeBeginFocus call with * which this call to HIThemeEndFocus is paired. * * Result: * A result code indicating success or failure. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.5 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeEndFocus( inContext: CGContextRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeEndFocus'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawSeparator() * * Summary: * Draw a themed separator element. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inRect: * The HIRect in which to draw. * * inDrawInfo: * The HIThemeSeparatorDrawInfo of the window frame to be drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawSeparator( const (*var*) inRect: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeSeparatorDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawSeparator'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeSetFill() * * Summary: * Set the context fill color to that specified by the requested * brush. * * Discussion: * Note that this call does not actually draw anything. It sets the * passed context's fill color to that of the specified theme brush. * Subsequent fills in the context will be with the color specified * by the theme brush. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBrush: * The ThemeBrush describing the requested fill color. * * inInfo: * Not used. Should always be NULL. * * inContext: * The CG context for which the fill color is to be set. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.4 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeSetFill( inBrush: ThemeBrush; inInfo: UnivPtr; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeSetFill'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeSetStroke() * * Summary: * Set the context stroke color to that specified by the requested * brush. * * Discussion: * Note that this call does not actually draw anything. It sets the * passed context's stroke color to that of the specified theme * brush. Subsequent strokes in the context will be with the color * specified by the theme brush. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBrush: * The ThemeBrush describing the requested stroke color. * * inInfo: * Not used. Should always be NULL. * * inContext: * The CG context for which the stroke color is to be set. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.4 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeSetStroke( inBrush: ThemeBrush; inInfo: UnivPtr; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeSetStroke'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeSetTextFill() * * Summary: * Set the context text fill color to that specified by the * requested brush. * * Discussion: * Note that this call does not actually draw anything. It sets the * passed context's text fill color to that of the specified * ThemeTextColor. Subsequent text drawing in the context will be * with the color specified by the ThemeTextColor. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inColor: * A ThemeTextColor describing the requested text fill color. * * inInfo: * Not used. Should always be NULL. * * inContext: * The CG context for which the fill color is to be set. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.4 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeSetTextFill( inColor: ThemeTextColor; inInfo: UnivPtr; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeSetTextFill'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeApplyBackground() * * Summary: * Apply a themed background for a rectangle. * * Discussion: * Note that this call does not actually draw anything. It sets the * passed context's fill color to the requested theme background. * Subsequent fills in the context will fill with the theme * background. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * An HIRect enclosing the whole background. This rectangle is * used to calculate the pattern phase (if there is one) of the * background as it is set up in the context. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo describing the background. * * inContext: * The CG context for which the background is to be set. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeApplyBackground( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeApplyBackground'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeDrawBackground() * * Summary: * Draw a themed background for a rectangle. * * Discussion: * Currently, this call only works with kThemeBackgroundMetal. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBounds: * An HIRect indicating the bounds to fill with the background. * For backgrounds that need pattern continuity, such as * kThemeBackgroundMetal, this rectangle is the full bounds of the * rectangle for which the filling is to occur. If drawing a * sub-rectangle of that background, set the clip and draw the * full rectangle. This routine has been optimized to not perform * calculations on the non-clip part of the drawing bounds. * * inDrawInfo: * An HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo describing the background to be * drawn. * * inContext: * The CG context in which the drawing is to be done. * * inOrientation: * An HIThemeOrientation that describes the orientation of the * passed in context. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.3 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.3 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeDrawBackground( const (*var*) inBounds: HIRect; const (*var*) inDrawInfo: HIThemeBackgroundDrawInfo; inContext: CGContextRef; inOrientation: HIThemeOrientation ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeDrawBackground'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeBrushCreateCGColor() * * Summary: * Create a CGColor for a ThemeBrush. * * Discussion: * Color is an ambiguous term. The color may be a pattern. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBrush: * The ThemeBrush describing the requested color. * * outColor: * A pointer to a CGColorRef that will be set to the newly created * CGColor. * * Result: * An operating system result code. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.4 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available in CarbonLib 1.x, is available on Mac OS X version 10.4 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeBrushCreateCGColor( inBrush: ThemeBrush; var outColor: CGColorRef ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeBrushCreateCGColor'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4_AND_LATER *) { * HIThemeGetTextColorForThemeBrush() * * Summary: * Returns an appropriate ThemeTextColor that matches a ThemeBrush. * * Discussion: * Creates a ThemeTextColor for use with HIThemeSetTextFill. * ThemeTextColors are currently availabe for these theme brushes: * * * kThemeBrushDialogBackgroundActive/Inactive * * kThemeBrushAlertBackgroundActive/Inactive * * kThemeBrushModelessDialogBackgroundActive/Inactive *
kThemeBrushNotificationWindowBackground * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inBrush: * The ThemeBrush describing the requested color. * * inWindowIsActive: * Whether the text color should indicate an active or inactive * state. * * outColor: * A pointer to a ThemeTextColor that will be set to the matched * color. * * Result: * An operating system result code. themeNoAppropriateBrushErr will * be returned if no matching ThemeTextColor exists. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.5 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: not available * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function HIThemeGetTextColorForThemeBrush( inBrush: ThemeBrush; inWindowIsActive: Boolean; var outColor: ThemeTextColor ): OSStatus; external name '_HIThemeGetTextColorForThemeBrush'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_5_AND_LATER *) { The following routines were in Appearance.h prior to 10.6 } { * GetThemeMenuSeparatorHeight() * * Summary: * Returns the height of a menu item separator, in points. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * outHeight: * On exit, contains the height of a menu item separator, in * points. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppearanceLib 1.0 and later } function GetThemeMenuSeparatorHeight( var outHeight: SInt16 ): OSStatus; external name '_GetThemeMenuSeparatorHeight'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER *) { * GetThemeMenuItemExtra() * * Summary: * Returns the extra width and height required for a menu item * beyond the height of the text. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inItemType: * The type of menu item. These are defined in Appearance.h. * * outHeight: * Extra height, in points, for this item type. * * outWidth: * Extra width, in points, for this item type. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppearanceLib 1.0 and later } function GetThemeMenuItemExtra( inItemType: ThemeMenuItemType; var outHeight: SInt16; var outWidth: SInt16 ): OSStatus; external name '_GetThemeMenuItemExtra'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER *) { * GetThemeMenuTitleExtra() * * Summary: * Returns the extra width for a menu title, in points. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * outWidth: * On exit, contains the extra menu title width, in points. * * inIsSquished: * Indicates whether the menu title is being drawn with a * condensed appearance. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: in AppearanceLib 1.0 and later } function GetThemeMenuTitleExtra( var outWidth: SInt16; inIsSquished: Boolean ): OSStatus; external name '_GetThemeMenuTitleExtra'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER *) { The ThemeMetric values are defined in Appearance.h } { * Summary: * Theme metrics allow you to find out sizes of things in the * current environment, such as how wide a scroll bar is, etc. * * Discussion: * ThemeMetrics } const { * The width (or height if horizontal) of a scroll bar. } kThemeMetricScrollBarWidth = 0; { * The width (or height if horizontal) of a small scroll bar. } kThemeMetricSmallScrollBarWidth = 1; { * The height of the non-label part of a check box control. } kThemeMetricCheckBoxHeight = 2; { * The height of the non-label part of a radio button control. } kThemeMetricRadioButtonHeight = 3; { * The amount of white space surrounding the text Rect of the text * inside of an Edit Text control. If you select all of the text in * an Edit Text control, you can see the white space. The metric is * the number of pixels, per side, that the text Rect is outset to * create the whitespace Rect. } kThemeMetricEditTextWhitespace = 4; { * The thickness of the Edit Text frame that surrounds the whitespace * Rect (that is surrounding the text Rect). The metric is the number * of pixels, per side, that the frame Rect is outset from the * whitespace Rect. } kThemeMetricEditTextFrameOutset = 5; { * The number of pixels that the list box frame is outset from the * content of the list box. } kThemeMetricListBoxFrameOutset = 6; { * Describes how far outside of the input rect DrawThemeFocusRect and * HIThemeDrawFocusRect APIs will draw the focus. } kThemeMetricFocusRectOutset = 7; { * The thickness of the frame drawn by DrawThemeGenericWell. } kThemeMetricImageWellThickness = 8; { * The number of pixels a scrollbar should overlap (actually * underlap) any bounding box which surrounds it and scrollable * content. This also includes the window frame when a scrolbar is * along an edge of the window. } kThemeMetricScrollBarOverlap = 9; { * The height of the large tab of a tab control. } kThemeMetricLargeTabHeight = 10; { * The width of the caps (end pieces) of the large tabs of a tab * control. } kThemeMetricLargeTabCapsWidth = 11; { * The amount to add to the tab height (kThemeMetricLargeTabHeight) * to find out the rectangle height to use with the various Tab * drawing primitives. This amount is also the amount that each tab * overlaps the tab pane. } kThemeMetricTabFrameOverlap = 12; { * If less than zero, this indicates that the text should be centered * on each tab. If greater than zero, the text should be justified * (according to the system script direction) and the amount is the * offset from the appropriate edge at which the text should start * drawing. } kThemeMetricTabIndentOrStyle = 13; { * The amount of space that every tab's drawing rectangle overlaps * the one on either side of it. } kThemeMetricTabOverlap = 14; { * The height of the small tab of a tab control. This includes the * pixels that overlap the tab pane and/or tab pane bar. } kThemeMetricSmallTabHeight = 15; { * The width of the caps (end pieces) of the small tabs of a tab * control. } kThemeMetricSmallTabCapsWidth = 16; { * The height of the push button control. } kThemeMetricPushButtonHeight = 19; { * The height of the list header field of the data browser control. } kThemeMetricListHeaderHeight = 20; { * The height of a disclosure triangle control. This triangle is the * not the center of the disclosure button, but its own control. } kThemeMetricDisclosureTriangleHeight = 25; { * The width of a disclosure triangle control. } kThemeMetricDisclosureTriangleWidth = 26; { * The height of a little arrows control. } kThemeMetricLittleArrowsHeight = 27; { * The width of a little arrows control. } kThemeMetricLittleArrowsWidth = 28; { * The height of a popup button control. } kThemeMetricPopupButtonHeight = 30; { * The height of a small popup button control. } kThemeMetricSmallPopupButtonHeight = 31; { * The height of the large progress bar, not including its shadow. } kThemeMetricLargeProgressBarThickness = 32; { * This metric is not used. } kThemeMetricPullDownHeight = 33; { * This metric is not used. } kThemeMetricSmallPullDownHeight = 34; { * The height of the window grow box control. } kThemeMetricResizeControlHeight = 38; { * The height of the small grow box control, such as on utility * windows. } kThemeMetricSmallResizeControlHeight = 39; { * The height of the horizontal slider control. } kThemeMetricHSliderHeight = 41; { * The height of the tick marks for a horizontal slider control. } kThemeMetricHSliderTickHeight = 42; { * The width of the vertical slider control. } kThemeMetricVSliderWidth = 45; { * The width of the tick marks for a vertical slider control. } kThemeMetricVSliderTickWidth = 46; { * The height of the title bar widgets (grow, close, and zoom boxes) * for a document window. } kThemeMetricTitleBarControlsHeight = 49; { * The width of the non-label part of a check box control. } kThemeMetricCheckBoxWidth = 50; { * The width of the non-label part of a radio button control. } kThemeMetricRadioButtonWidth = 52; { * The height of the normal bar, not including its shadow. } kThemeMetricNormalProgressBarThickness = 58; { * The number of pixels of shadow depth drawn below the progress bar. } kThemeMetricProgressBarShadowOutset = 59; { * The number of pixels of shadow depth drawn below the small * progress bar. } kThemeMetricSmallProgressBarShadowOutset = 60; { * The number of pixels that the content of a primary group box is * from the bounds of the control. } kThemeMetricPrimaryGroupBoxContentInset = 61; { * The number of pixels that the content of a secondary group box is * from the bounds of the control. } kThemeMetricSecondaryGroupBoxContentInset = 62; { * Width allocated to draw the mark character in a menu. } kThemeMetricMenuMarkColumnWidth = 63; { * Width allocated for the mark character in a menu item when the * menu has kMenuAttrExcludesMarkColumn. } kThemeMetricMenuExcludedMarkColumnWidth = 64; { * Indent into the interior of the mark column at which the mark * character is drawn. } kThemeMetricMenuMarkIndent = 65; { * Whitespace at the leading edge of menu item text. } kThemeMetricMenuTextLeadingEdgeMargin = 66; { * Whitespace at the trailing edge of menu item text. } kThemeMetricMenuTextTrailingEdgeMargin = 67; { * Width per indent level (set by SetMenuItemIndent) of a menu item. } kThemeMetricMenuIndentWidth = 68; { * Whitespace at the trailing edge of a menu icon (if the item also * has text). } kThemeMetricMenuIconTrailingEdgeMargin = 69; { * Discussion: * The following metrics are only available in OS X. } const { * The height of a disclosure button. } kThemeMetricDisclosureButtonHeight = 17; { * The height and the width of the round button control. } kThemeMetricRoundButtonSize = 18; { * The height of the non-label part of a small check box control. } kThemeMetricSmallCheckBoxHeight = 21; { * The width of a disclosure button. } kThemeMetricDisclosureButtonWidth = 22; { * The height of a small disclosure button. } kThemeMetricSmallDisclosureButtonHeight = 23; { * The width of a small disclosure button. } kThemeMetricSmallDisclosureButtonWidth = 24; { * The height (or width if vertical) of a pane splitter. } kThemeMetricPaneSplitterHeight = 29; { * The height of the small push button control. } kThemeMetricSmallPushButtonHeight = 35; { * The height of the non-label part of a small radio button control. } kThemeMetricSmallRadioButtonHeight = 36; { * The height of the relevance indicator control. } kThemeMetricRelevanceIndicatorHeight = 37; { * The height and the width of the large round button control. } kThemeMetricLargeRoundButtonSize = 40; { * The height of the small, horizontal slider control. } kThemeMetricSmallHSliderHeight = 43; { * The height of the tick marks for a small, horizontal slider * control. } kThemeMetricSmallHSliderTickHeight = 44; { * The width of the small, vertical slider control. } kThemeMetricSmallVSliderWidth = 47; { * The width of the tick marks for a small, vertical slider control. } kThemeMetricSmallVSliderTickWidth = 48; { * The width of the non-label part of a small check box control. } kThemeMetricSmallCheckBoxWidth = 51; { * The width of the non-label part of a small radio button control. } kThemeMetricSmallRadioButtonWidth = 53; { * The minimum width of the thumb of a small, horizontal slider * control. } kThemeMetricSmallHSliderMinThumbWidth = 54; { * The minimum width of the thumb of a small, vertical slider control. } kThemeMetricSmallVSliderMinThumbHeight = 55; { * The offset of the tick marks from the appropriate side of a small * horizontal slider control. } kThemeMetricSmallHSliderTickOffset = 56; { * The offset of the tick marks from the appropriate side of a small * vertical slider control. } kThemeMetricSmallVSliderTickOffset = 57; { * Discussion: * The following metrics are only available in Mac OS X 10.3 and * later. } const kThemeMetricComboBoxLargeBottomShadowOffset = 70; kThemeMetricComboBoxLargeRightShadowOffset = 71; kThemeMetricComboBoxSmallBottomShadowOffset = 72; kThemeMetricComboBoxSmallRightShadowOffset = 73; kThemeMetricComboBoxLargeDisclosureWidth = 74; kThemeMetricComboBoxSmallDisclosureWidth = 75; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldContentInsetLeft = 76; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldContentInsetRight = 77; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldContentInsetBottom = 78; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldContentInsetTop = 79; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldContentHeight = 80; kThemeMetricComboBoxMiniBottomShadowOffset = 81; kThemeMetricComboBoxMiniDisclosureWidth = 82; kThemeMetricComboBoxMiniRightShadowOffset = 83; kThemeMetricLittleArrowsMiniHeight = 84; kThemeMetricLittleArrowsMiniWidth = 85; kThemeMetricLittleArrowsSmallHeight = 86; kThemeMetricLittleArrowsSmallWidth = 87; kThemeMetricMiniCheckBoxHeight = 88; kThemeMetricMiniCheckBoxWidth = 89; kThemeMetricMiniDisclosureButtonHeight = 90; kThemeMetricMiniDisclosureButtonWidth = 91; kThemeMetricMiniHSliderHeight = 92; kThemeMetricMiniHSliderMinThumbWidth = 93; kThemeMetricMiniHSliderTickHeight = 94; kThemeMetricMiniHSliderTickOffset = 95; kThemeMetricMiniPopupButtonHeight = 96; kThemeMetricMiniPullDownHeight = 97; kThemeMetricMiniPushButtonHeight = 98; kThemeMetricMiniRadioButtonHeight = 99; kThemeMetricMiniRadioButtonWidth = 100; kThemeMetricMiniTabCapsWidth = 101; kThemeMetricMiniTabFrameOverlap = 102; kThemeMetricMiniTabHeight = 103; kThemeMetricMiniTabOverlap = 104; kThemeMetricMiniVSliderMinThumbHeight = 105; kThemeMetricMiniVSliderTickOffset = 106; kThemeMetricMiniVSliderTickWidth = 107; kThemeMetricMiniVSliderWidth = 108; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldContentInsetWithIconLeft = 109; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldContentInsetWithIconRight = 110; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldMiniContentHeight = 111; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldMiniContentInsetBottom = 112; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldMiniContentInsetLeft = 113; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldMiniContentInsetRight = 114; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldMiniContentInsetTop = 115; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldMiniContentInsetWithIconLeft = 116; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldMiniContentInsetWithIconRight = 117; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldSmallContentHeight = 118; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldSmallContentInsetBottom = 119; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldSmallContentInsetLeft = 120; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldSmallContentInsetRight = 121; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldSmallContentInsetTop = 122; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldSmallContentInsetWithIconLeft = 123; kThemeMetricRoundTextFieldSmallContentInsetWithIconRight = 124; kThemeMetricSmallTabFrameOverlap = 125; kThemeMetricSmallTabOverlap = 126; { * The height of a small pane splitter. Should only be used in a * window with thick borders, like a metal window. } kThemeMetricSmallPaneSplitterHeight = 127; { * Discussion: * The following metrics are only available in Mac OS X 10.4 and * later. } const { * The horizontal start offset for the first tick mark on a * horizontal slider. } kThemeMetricHSliderTickOffset = 128; { * The vertical start offset for the first tick mark on a vertical * slider. } kThemeMetricVSliderTickOffset = 129; { * The minimum thumb height for a thumb on a slider. } kThemeMetricSliderMinThumbHeight = 130; kThemeMetricSliderMinThumbWidth = 131; { * The minimum thumb height for a thumb on a scroll bar. } kThemeMetricScrollBarMinThumbHeight = 132; { * The minimum thumb width for a thumb on a scroll bar. } kThemeMetricScrollBarMinThumbWidth = 133; { * The minimum thumb height for a thumb on a small scroll bar. } kThemeMetricSmallScrollBarMinThumbHeight = 134; { * The minimum thumb width for a thumb on a small scroll bar. } kThemeMetricSmallScrollBarMinThumbWidth = 135; { * The height of the round-ended button. (For example, the Kind * button in a Finder Search query.) } kThemeMetricButtonRoundedHeight = 136; { * The height of the inset round-ended button. (For example, the * Servers button in a Finder Search query.) } kThemeMetricButtonRoundedRecessedHeight = 137; { * Discussion: * The following metrics are only available in Mac OS X 10.5 and * later. } const { * This metric refers to the appearance of the separator control. * That separator is drawn with the HIThemeDrawSeparator theme * primitive. This metric is the height of a horizontal separator or * the width of a vertical separator. } kThemeMetricSeparatorSize = 138; { * The height of the push button control variant that is designed to * be used in a textured window. } kThemeMetricTexturedPushButtonHeight = 139; { * The height of the small push button control variant that is * designed to be used in a textured window. } kThemeMetricTexturedSmallPushButtonHeight = 140; type ThemeMetric = UInt32; { * GetThemeMetric() * * Summary: * Returns a measurement in points for a specified type of user * interface element. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * inMetric: * The metric to retrieve. * * outMetric: * The size of the specified user interface element, in points. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function GetThemeMetric( inMetric: ThemeMetric; var outMetric: SInt32 ): OSStatus; external name '_GetThemeMetric'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_0_AND_LATER *) { * CopyThemeIdentifier() * * Summary: * Retrieves a string identifying the current theme variant, which * may be Aqua or Graphite. * * Mac OS X threading: * Not thread safe * * Parameters: * * outIdentifier: * On exit, contains the theme variant identifier. This string * must be released by the caller. * * Availability: * Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later in Carbon.framework * CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.4 and later * Non-Carbon CFM: not available } function CopyThemeIdentifier( var outIdentifier: CFStringRef ): OSStatus; external name '_CopyThemeIdentifier'; (* AVAILABLE_MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_1_AND_LATER *) {ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ} { Obsolete symbolic names } {ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ} const kThemeMetricCheckBoxGlyphHeight = kThemeMetricCheckBoxHeight; kThemeMetricRadioButtonGlyphHeight = kThemeMetricRadioButtonHeight; kThemeMetricDisclosureButtonSize = kThemeMetricDisclosureButtonHeight; kThemeMetricBestListHeaderHeight = kThemeMetricListHeaderHeight; kThemeMetricSmallProgressBarThickness = kThemeMetricNormalProgressBarThickness; { obsolete } kThemeMetricProgressBarThickness = kThemeMetricLargeProgressBarThickness; { obsolete } {$endc} {TARGET_OS_MAC} {$ifc not defined MACOSALLINCLUDE or not MACOSALLINCLUDE} end. {$endc} {not MACOSALLINCLUDE}