/** * Takes a token stream from the lexer, and parses it into an abstract syntax tree. * * Specification: C11 * * Copyright: Copyright (C) 1999-2021 by The D Language Foundation, All Rights Reserved * Authors: $(LINK2 http://www.digitalmars.com, Walter Bright) * License: $(LINK2 http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt, Boost License 1.0) * Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/dlang/dmd/blob/master/src/dmd/cparse.d, _cparse.d) * Documentation: https://dlang.org/phobos/dmd_cparse.html * Coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/dlang/dmd/src/master/src/dmd/cparse.d */ module dmd.cparse; import core.stdc.stdio; import core.stdc.string; import dmd.astenums; import dmd.globals; import dmd.id; import dmd.identifier; import dmd.lexer; import dmd.parse; import dmd.errors; import dmd.root.filename; import dmd.root.outbuffer; import dmd.root.rmem; import dmd.root.rootobject; import dmd.root.string; import dmd.tokens; /*********************************************************** */ final class CParser(AST) : Parser!AST { AST.Dsymbols* symbols; // symbols declared in current scope bool addFuncName; /// add declaration of __func__ to function symbol table extern (D) this(TARGET)(AST.Module _module, const(char)[] input, bool doDocComment, const ref TARGET target) { super(_module, input, doDocComment); //printf("CParser.this()\n"); mod = _module; linkage = LINK.c; Ccompile = true; // Configure sizes for C `long`, `long double`, `wchar_t` this.longsize = target.longsize; this.long_doublesize = target.long_doublesize; this.wchar_tsize = target.wchar_tsize; // C `char` is always unsigned in ImportC } /******************************************** * Parse translation unit. * C11 6.9 * translation-unit: * external-declaration * translation-unit external-declaration * * external-declaration: * function-definition * declaration * Returns: * array of Dsymbols that were declared */ override AST.Dsymbols* parseModule() { //printf("cparseTranslationUnit()\n"); symbols = new AST.Dsymbols(); while (1) { if (token.value == TOK.endOfFile) { // wrap the symbols in `extern (C) { symbols }` auto wrap = new AST.Dsymbols(); auto ld = new AST.LinkDeclaration(token.loc, LINK.c, symbols); wrap.push(ld); return wrap; } cparseDeclaration(LVL.global); } } /******************************************************************************/ /********************************* Statement Parser ***************************/ //{ /********************** * C11 6.8 * statement: * labeled-statement * compound-statement * expression-statement * selection-statement * iteration-statement * jump-statement * * Params: * flags = PSxxxx * endPtr = store location of closing brace * pEndloc = if { ... statements ... }, store location of closing brace, otherwise loc of last token of statement * Returns: * parsed statement */ AST.Statement cparseStatement(int flags, const(char)** endPtr = null, Loc* pEndloc = null) { AST.Statement s; const loc = token.loc; //printf("cparseStatement()\n"); auto symbolsSave = symbols; if (!(flags & (ParseStatementFlags.scope_ | ParseStatementFlags.curlyScope))) symbols = new AST.Dsymbols(); switch (token.value) { case TOK.identifier: /* A leading identifier can be a declaration, label, or expression. * A quick check of the next token can disambiguate most cases. */ switch (peekNext()) { case TOK.colon: { // It's a label auto ident = token.ident; nextToken(); // advance to `:` nextToken(); // advance past `:` if (token.value == TOK.rightCurly) s = null; else if (token.value == TOK.leftCurly) s = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.curly | ParseStatementFlags.scope_); else s = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.semiOk); s = new AST.LabelStatement(loc, ident, s); break; } case TOK.dot: case TOK.arrow: case TOK.plusPlus: case TOK.minusMinus: case TOK.leftBracket: case TOK.question: case TOK.assign: case TOK.addAssign: case TOK.minAssign: case TOK.mulAssign: case TOK.divAssign: case TOK.modAssign: case TOK.andAssign: case TOK.orAssign: case TOK.xorAssign: case TOK.leftShiftAssign: case TOK.rightShiftAssign: goto Lexp; case TOK.leftParenthesis: { /* If tokens look like a function call, assume it is one, * As any type-name won't be resolved until semantic, this * could be rewritten later. */ auto tk = &token; if (isFunctionCall(tk)) goto Lexp; goto default; } default: { /* If tokens look like a declaration, assume it is one */ auto tk = &token; if (isCDeclaration(tk)) goto Ldeclaration; goto Lexp; } } break; case TOK.int32Literal: case TOK.uns32Literal: case TOK.int64Literal: case TOK.uns64Literal: case TOK.int128Literal: case TOK.uns128Literal: case TOK.float32Literal: case TOK.float64Literal: case TOK.float80Literal: case TOK.imaginary32Literal: case TOK.imaginary64Literal: case TOK.imaginary80Literal: case TOK.leftParenthesis: case TOK.and: case TOK.mul: case TOK.min: case TOK.add: case TOK.tilde: case TOK.not: case TOK.plusPlus: case TOK.minusMinus: case TOK.sizeof_: Lexp: auto exp = cparseExpression(); if (token.value == TOK.identifier && exp.op == TOK.identifier) { error("found `%s` when expecting `;` or `=`, did you mean `%s %s = %s`?", peek(&token).toChars(), exp.toChars(), token.toChars(), peek(peek(&token)).toChars()); nextToken(); } else check(TOK.semicolon, "statement"); s = new AST.ExpStatement(loc, exp); break; // type-specifiers case TOK.void_: case TOK.char_: case TOK.int16: case TOK.int32: case TOK.int64: case TOK.float32: case TOK.float64: case TOK.signed: case TOK.unsigned: case TOK._Bool: //case TOK._Imaginary: case TOK._Complex: case TOK.struct_: case TOK.union_: case TOK.enum_: // storage-class-specifiers case TOK.typedef_: case TOK.extern_: case TOK.static_: case TOK._Thread_local: case TOK.auto_: case TOK.register: // function-specifiers case TOK.inline: case TOK._Noreturn: // type-qualifiers case TOK.const_: case TOK.volatile: case TOK.restrict: // alignment-specifier case TOK._Alignas: // atomic-type-specifier or type_qualifier case TOK._Atomic: Ldeclaration: { cparseDeclaration(LVL.local); if (symbols.length > 1) { auto as = new AST.Statements(); as.reserve(symbols.length); foreach (d; (*symbols)[]) { s = new AST.ExpStatement(loc, d); as.push(s); } s = new AST.CompoundDeclarationStatement(loc, as); symbols.setDim(0); } else if (symbols.length == 1) { auto d = (*symbols)[0]; s = new AST.ExpStatement(loc, d); symbols.setDim(0); } else s = new AST.ExpStatement(loc, cast(AST.Expression)null); if (flags & ParseStatementFlags.scope_) s = new AST.ScopeStatement(loc, s, token.loc); break; } case TOK._Static_assert: // _Static_assert ( constant-expression, string-literal ) ; s = new AST.StaticAssertStatement(cparseStaticAssert()); break; case TOK.leftCurly: { /* C11 6.8.2 * compound-statement: * { block-item-list (opt) } * * block-item-list: * block-item * block-item-list block-item * * block-item: * declaration * statement */ nextToken(); auto statements = new AST.Statements(); while (token.value != TOK.rightCurly && token.value != TOK.endOfFile) { statements.push(cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.semi | ParseStatementFlags.curlyScope)); } if (endPtr) *endPtr = token.ptr; endloc = token.loc; if (pEndloc) { *pEndloc = token.loc; pEndloc = null; // don't set it again } s = new AST.CompoundStatement(loc, statements); if (flags & (ParseStatementFlags.scope_ | ParseStatementFlags.curlyScope)) s = new AST.ScopeStatement(loc, s, token.loc); check(TOK.rightCurly, "compound statement"); break; } case TOK.while_: { nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); auto condition = cparseExpression(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); Loc endloc; auto _body = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.scope_, null, &endloc); s = new AST.WhileStatement(loc, condition, _body, endloc, null); break; } case TOK.semicolon: /* C11 6.8.3 null statement */ nextToken(); s = new AST.ExpStatement(loc, cast(AST.Expression)null); break; case TOK.do_: { nextToken(); auto _body = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.scope_); check(TOK.while_); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); auto condition = cparseExpression(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); check(TOK.semicolon, "terminating `;` required after do-while statement"); s = new AST.DoStatement(loc, _body, condition, token.loc); break; } case TOK.for_: { AST.Statement _init; AST.Expression condition; AST.Expression increment; nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); if (token.value == TOK.semicolon) { _init = null; nextToken(); } else { _init = cparseStatement(0); } if (token.value == TOK.semicolon) { condition = null; nextToken(); } else { condition = cparseExpression(); check(TOK.semicolon, "`for` condition"); } if (token.value == TOK.rightParenthesis) { increment = null; nextToken(); } else { increment = cparseExpression(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); } Loc endloc; auto _body = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.scope_, null, &endloc); s = new AST.ForStatement(loc, _init, condition, increment, _body, endloc); break; } case TOK.if_: { nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); auto condition = cparseExpression(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); auto ifbody = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.scope_); AST.Statement elsebody; if (token.value == TOK.else_) { nextToken(); elsebody = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.scope_); } else elsebody = null; if (condition && ifbody) s = new AST.IfStatement(loc, null, condition, ifbody, elsebody, token.loc); else s = null; // don't propagate parsing errors break; } case TOK.else_: error("found `else` without a corresponding `if` statement"); goto Lerror; case TOK.switch_: { nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); auto condition = cparseExpression(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); auto _body = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.scope_); s = new AST.SwitchStatement(loc, condition, _body, false); break; } case TOK.case_: { nextToken(); auto exp = cparseAssignExp(); check(TOK.colon); if (flags & ParseStatementFlags.curlyScope) { auto statements = new AST.Statements(); while (token.value != TOK.case_ && token.value != TOK.default_ && token.value != TOK.endOfFile && token.value != TOK.rightCurly) { auto cur = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.semi | ParseStatementFlags.curlyScope); statements.push(cur); // https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21739 // Stop at the last break s.t. the following non-case statements are // not merged into the current case. This can happen for // case 1: ... break; // debug { case 2: ... } if (cur && cur.isBreakStatement()) break; } s = new AST.CompoundStatement(loc, statements); } else { s = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.semi); } s = new AST.ScopeStatement(loc, s, token.loc); s = new AST.CaseStatement(loc, exp, s); break; } case TOK.default_: { nextToken(); check(TOK.colon); if (flags & ParseStatementFlags.curlyScope) { auto statements = new AST.Statements(); while (token.value != TOK.case_ && token.value != TOK.default_ && token.value != TOK.endOfFile && token.value != TOK.rightCurly) { statements.push(cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.semi | ParseStatementFlags.curlyScope)); } s = new AST.CompoundStatement(loc, statements); } else s = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.semi); s = new AST.ScopeStatement(loc, s, token.loc); s = new AST.DefaultStatement(loc, s); break; } case TOK.return_: { /* return ; * return expression ; */ nextToken(); auto exp = token.value == TOK.semicolon ? null : cparseExpression(); check(TOK.semicolon, "`return` statement"); s = new AST.ReturnStatement(loc, exp); break; } case TOK.break_: nextToken(); check(TOK.semicolon, "`break` statement"); s = new AST.BreakStatement(loc, null); break; case TOK.continue_: nextToken(); check(TOK.semicolon, "`continue` statement"); s = new AST.ContinueStatement(loc, null); break; case TOK.goto_: { Identifier ident; nextToken(); if (token.value != TOK.identifier) { error("identifier expected following `goto`"); ident = null; } else { ident = token.ident; nextToken(); } s = new AST.GotoStatement(loc, ident); check(TOK.semicolon, "`goto` statement"); break; } case TOK.asm_: s = parseAsm(); break; default: error("found `%s` instead of statement", token.toChars()); goto Lerror; Lerror: panic(); if (token.value == TOK.semicolon) nextToken(); s = null; break; } if (pEndloc) *pEndloc = prevloc; symbols = symbolsSave; return s; } //} /*******************************************************************************/ /********************************* Expression Parser ***************************/ //{ /************** * C11 6.5.17 * expression: * assignment-expression * expression , assignment-expression */ AST.Expression cparseExpression() { auto loc = token.loc; //printf("cparseExpression() loc = %d\n", loc.linnum); auto e = cparseAssignExp(); while (token.value == TOK.comma) { nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.CommaExp(loc, e, e2, false); loc = token.loc; } return e; } /********************* * C11 6.5.1 * primary-expression: * identifier * constant * string-literal * ( expression ) * generic-selection */ AST.Expression cparsePrimaryExp() { AST.Expression e; const loc = token.loc; //printf("parsePrimaryExp(): loc = %d\n", loc.linnum); switch (token.value) { case TOK.identifier: if (token.ident is Id.__func__) { addFuncName = true; // implicitly declare __func__ } e = new AST.IdentifierExp(loc, token.ident); nextToken(); break; case TOK.int32Literal: e = new AST.IntegerExp(loc, token.intvalue, AST.Type.tint32); nextToken(); break; case TOK.uns32Literal: e = new AST.IntegerExp(loc, token.unsvalue, AST.Type.tuns32); nextToken(); break; case TOK.int64Literal: e = new AST.IntegerExp(loc, token.intvalue, AST.Type.tint64); nextToken(); break; case TOK.uns64Literal: e = new AST.IntegerExp(loc, token.unsvalue, AST.Type.tuns64); nextToken(); break; case TOK.float32Literal: e = new AST.RealExp(loc, token.floatvalue, AST.Type.tfloat32); nextToken(); break; case TOK.float64Literal: e = new AST.RealExp(loc, token.floatvalue, AST.Type.tfloat64); nextToken(); break; case TOK.float80Literal: e = new AST.RealExp(loc, token.floatvalue, AST.Type.tfloat80); nextToken(); break; case TOK.imaginary32Literal: e = new AST.RealExp(loc, token.floatvalue, AST.Type.timaginary32); nextToken(); break; case TOK.imaginary64Literal: e = new AST.RealExp(loc, token.floatvalue, AST.Type.timaginary64); nextToken(); break; case TOK.imaginary80Literal: e = new AST.RealExp(loc, token.floatvalue, AST.Type.timaginary80); nextToken(); break; case TOK.string_: { // cat adjacent strings auto s = token.ustring; auto len = token.len; auto postfix = token.postfix; while (1) { nextToken(); if (token.value == TOK.string_) { if (token.postfix) { if (token.postfix != postfix) error("mismatched string literal postfixes `'%c'` and `'%c'`", postfix, token.postfix); postfix = token.postfix; } const len1 = len; const len2 = token.len; len = len1 + len2; auto s2 = cast(char*)mem.xmalloc_noscan(len * char.sizeof); memcpy(s2, s, len1 * char.sizeof); memcpy(s2 + len1, token.ustring, len2 * char.sizeof); s = s2; } else break; } e = new AST.StringExp(loc, s[0 .. len], len, 1, postfix); break; } case TOK.leftParenthesis: nextToken(); e = cparseExpression(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); break; case TOK._Generic: e = cparseGenericSelection(); break; default: error("expression expected, not `%s`", token.toChars()); // Anything for e, as long as it's not NULL e = new AST.IntegerExp(loc, 0, AST.Type.tint32); nextToken(); break; } return e; } /********************************* * C11 6.5.2 * postfix-expression: * primary-expression * postfix-expression [ expression ] * postfix-expression ( argument-expression-list (opt) ) * postfix-expression . identifier * postfix-expression -> identifier * postfix-expression ++ * postfix-expression -- * ( type-name ) { initializer-list } * ( type-name ) { initializer-list , } * * argument-expression-list: * assignment-expression * argument-expression-list , assignment-expression */ private AST.Expression cparsePostfixExp(AST.Expression e) { e = cparsePrimaryExp(); return cparsePostfixOperators(e); } /******************************** * C11 6.5.2 * Parse a series of operators for a postfix expression after already parsing * a primary-expression or compound literal expression. * Params: * e = parsed primary or compound literal expression * Returns: * parsed postfix expression */ private AST.Expression cparsePostfixOperators(AST.Expression e) { while (1) { const loc = token.loc; switch (token.value) { case TOK.dot: case TOK.arrow: nextToken(); if (token.value == TOK.identifier) { Identifier id = token.ident; e = new AST.DotIdExp(loc, e, id); break; } error("identifier expected following `.`, not `%s`", token.toChars()); break; case TOK.plusPlus: e = new AST.PostExp(TOK.plusPlus, loc, e); break; case TOK.minusMinus: e = new AST.PostExp(TOK.minusMinus, loc, e); break; case TOK.leftParenthesis: e = new AST.CallExp(loc, e, cparseArguments()); continue; case TOK.leftBracket: { // array dereferences: // array[index] AST.Expression index; auto arguments = new AST.Expressions(); inBrackets++; nextToken(); index = cparseAssignExp(); arguments.push(index); check(TOK.rightBracket); inBrackets--; e = new AST.ArrayExp(loc, e, arguments); continue; } default: return e; } nextToken(); } } /************************ * C11 6.5.3 * unary-expression: * postfix-expression * ++ unary-expression * -- unary-expression * unary-operator cast-expression * sizeof unary-expression * sizeof ( type-name ) * _Alignof ( type-name ) * * unary-operator: * & * + - ~ ! */ private AST.Expression cparseUnaryExp() { AST.Expression e; const loc = token.loc; switch (token.value) { case TOK.plusPlus: nextToken(); // Parse `++` as an unary operator so that cast expressions only give // an error for being non-lvalues. e = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.PreExp(TOK.prePlusPlus, loc, e); break; case TOK.minusMinus: nextToken(); // Parse `--` as an unary operator, same as prefix increment. e = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.PreExp(TOK.preMinusMinus, loc, e); break; case TOK.and: nextToken(); e = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.AddrExp(loc, e); break; case TOK.mul: nextToken(); e = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.PtrExp(loc, e); break; case TOK.min: nextToken(); e = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.NegExp(loc, e); break; case TOK.add: nextToken(); e = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.UAddExp(loc, e); break; case TOK.not: nextToken(); e = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.NotExp(loc, e); break; case TOK.tilde: nextToken(); e = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.ComExp(loc, e); break; case TOK.sizeof_: { nextToken(); if (token.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) { auto tk = peek(&token); if (isTypeName(tk)) { /* Expression may be either be requesting the sizeof a type-name * or a compound literal, which requires checking whether * the next token is leftCurly */ nextToken(); auto t = cparseTypeName(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); if (token.value == TOK.leftCurly) { // ( type-name ) { initializer-list } auto ci = cparseInitializer(); e = new AST.CompoundLiteralExp(loc, t, ci); e = cparsePostfixOperators(e); } else { // ( type-name ) e = new AST.TypeExp(loc, t); } e = new AST.DotIdExp(loc, e, Id.__sizeof); break; } } e = cparseUnaryExp(); e = new AST.DotIdExp(loc, e, Id.__sizeof); break; } case TOK._Alignof: { nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); auto t = cparseTypeName(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); e = new AST.TypeExp(loc, t); e = new AST.DotIdExp(loc, e, Id.__xalignof); break; } default: e = cparsePostfixExp(e); break; } assert(e); return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.4 * cast-expression * unary-expression * ( type-name ) cast-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseCastExp() { if (token.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) { // If ( type-name ) auto pt = &token; if (isCastExpression(pt)) { // Expression may be either a cast or a compound literal, which // requires checking whether the next token is leftCurly const loc = token.loc; nextToken(); auto t = cparseTypeName(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); if (token.value == TOK.leftCurly) { // C11 ( type-name ) { initializer-list } auto ci = cparseInitializer(); auto ce = new AST.CompoundLiteralExp(loc, t, ci); return cparsePostfixOperators(ce); } else { // ( type-name ) cast-expression auto ce = cparseCastExp(); return new AST.CastExp(loc, ce, t); } } } return cparseUnaryExp(); } /************** * C11 6.5.5 * multiplicative-expression * cast-expression * multiplicative-expression * cast-expression * multiplicative-expression / cast-expression * multiplicative-expression % cast-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseMulExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseCastExp(); while (1) { switch (token.value) { case TOK.mul: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.MulExp(loc, e, e2); continue; case TOK.div: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.DivExp(loc, e, e2); continue; case TOK.mod: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseCastExp(); e = new AST.ModExp(loc, e, e2); continue; default: break; } break; } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.6 * additive-expression * multiplicative-expression * additive-expression + multiplicative-expression * additive-expression - multiplicative-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseAddExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseMulExp(); while (1) { switch (token.value) { case TOK.add: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseMulExp(); e = new AST.AddExp(loc, e, e2); continue; case TOK.min: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseMulExp(); e = new AST.MinExp(loc, e, e2); continue; default: break; } break; } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.7 * shift-expression * additive-expression * shift-expression << additive-expression * shift-expression >> additive-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseShiftExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseAddExp(); while (1) { switch (token.value) { case TOK.leftShift: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAddExp(); e = new AST.ShlExp(loc, e, e2); continue; case TOK.rightShift: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAddExp(); e = new AST.ShrExp(loc, e, e2); continue; default: break; } break; } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.8 * relational-expression * shift-expression * relational-expression < shift-expression * relational-expression > shift-expression * relational-expression <= shift-expression * relational-expression >= shift-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseRelationalExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseShiftExp(); TOK op = token.value; switch (op) { case TOK.lessThan: case TOK.lessOrEqual: case TOK.greaterThan: case TOK.greaterOrEqual: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseShiftExp(); e = new AST.CmpExp(op, loc, e, e2); break; default: break; } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.9 * equality-expression * relational-expression * equality-expression == relational-expression * equality-expression != relational-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseEqualityExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseRelationalExp(); const TOK op = token.value; switch (op) { case TOK.equal: case TOK.notEqual: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseRelationalExp(); e = new AST.EqualExp(op, loc, e, e2); break; default: break; } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.10 * AND-expression * equality-expression * AND-expression & equality-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseAndExp() { Loc loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseEqualityExp(); while (token.value == TOK.and) { nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseEqualityExp(); e = new AST.AndExp(loc, e, e2); loc = token.loc; } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.11 * exclusive-OR-expression * AND-expression * exclusive-OR-expression ^ AND-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseXorExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseAndExp(); while (token.value == TOK.xor) { nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAndExp(); e = new AST.XorExp(loc, e, e2); } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.12 * inclusive-OR-expression * exclusive-OR-expression * inclusive-OR-expression | exclusive-OR-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseOrExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseXorExp(); while (token.value == TOK.or) { nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseXorExp(); e = new AST.OrExp(loc, e, e2); } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.13 * logical-AND-expression * inclusive-OR-expression * logical-AND-expression && inclusive-OR-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseAndAndExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseOrExp(); while (token.value == TOK.andAnd) { nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseOrExp(); e = new AST.LogicalExp(loc, TOK.andAnd, e, e2); } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.14 * logical-OR-expression * logical-AND-expression * logical-OR-expression || logical-AND-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseOrOrExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseAndAndExp(); while (token.value == TOK.orOr) { nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAndAndExp(); e = new AST.LogicalExp(loc, TOK.orOr, e, e2); } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.15 * conditional-expression: * logical-OR-expression * logical-OR-expression ? expression : conditional-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseCondExp() { const loc = token.loc; auto e = cparseOrOrExp(); if (token.value == TOK.question) { nextToken(); auto e1 = cparseExpression(); check(TOK.colon); auto e2 = cparseCondExp(); e = new AST.CondExp(loc, e, e1, e2); } return e; } /************** * C11 6.5.16 * assignment-expression: * conditional-expression * unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression * * assignment-operator: * = *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= ^= |= */ AST.Expression cparseAssignExp() { AST.Expression e; e = cparseCondExp(); // constrain it to being unary-expression in semantic pass if (e is null) return e; const loc = token.loc; switch (token.value) { case TOK.assign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.AssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.addAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.AddAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.minAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.MinAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.mulAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.MulAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.divAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.DivAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.modAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.ModAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.andAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.AndAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.orAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.OrAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.xorAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.XorAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.leftShiftAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.ShlAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; case TOK.rightShiftAssign: nextToken(); auto e2 = cparseAssignExp(); e = new AST.ShrAssignExp(loc, e, e2); break; default: break; } return e; } /*********************** * C11 * _Generic ( assignment-expression, generic-assoc-list ) * * generic-assoc-list: * generic-association * generic-assoc-list generic-association * * generic-association: * type-name : assignment-expression * default : assignment-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseGenericSelection() { const loc = token.loc; nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); auto cntlExp = cparseAssignExp(); check(TOK.comma); auto types = new AST.Types(); auto exps = new AST.Expressions(); bool sawDefault; while (1) { AST.Type t; if (token.value == TOK.default_) { nextToken(); if (sawDefault) error("only one `default` allowed in generic-assoc-list"); sawDefault = true; t = null; } else t = cparseTypeName(); types.push(t); check(TOK.colon); auto e = cparseAssignExp(); exps.push(e); if (token.value == TOK.rightParenthesis || token.value == TOK.endOfFile) break; check(TOK.comma); } check(TOK.rightParenthesis); return new AST.GenericExp(loc, cntlExp, types, exps); } /*********************** * C11 6.6 Constant expressions * constant-expression: * conditional-expression */ private AST.Expression cparseConstantExp() { return cparseAssignExp(); } //} /********************************************************************************/ /********************************* Declaration Parser ***************************/ //{ /************************************* * C11 6.7 * declaration: * declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list (opt) ; * static_assert-declaration * * init-declarator-list: * init-declarator * init-declarator-list , init-declarator * * init-declarator: * declarator * declarator = initializer * * Params: * level = declaration context */ void cparseDeclaration(LVL level) { //printf("cparseDeclaration(level = %d)\n", level); if (token.value == TOK._Static_assert) { auto s = cparseStaticAssert(); symbols.push(s); return; } auto symbolsSave = symbols; Specifier specifier; auto tspec = cparseDeclarationSpecifiers(level, specifier); /* If a declarator does not follow, it is unnamed */ if (token.value == TOK.semicolon && tspec) { nextToken(); auto tt = tspec.isTypeTag(); if (!tt || !tt.id) return; // legal but meaningless empty declaration, ignore it /* `struct tag;` and `struct tag { ... };` * always result in a declaration in the current scope */ auto stag = (tt.tok == TOK.struct_) ? new AST.StructDeclaration(tt.loc, tt.id, false) : (tt.tok == TOK.union_) ? new AST.UnionDeclaration(tt.loc, tt.id) : new AST.EnumDeclaration(tt.loc, tt.id, AST.Type.tint32); stag.members = tt.members; if (!symbols) symbols = new AST.Dsymbols(); auto stags = applySpecifier(stag, specifier); symbols.push(stags); if (tt.tok == TOK.enum_) { if (!tt.members) error(tt.loc, "`enum %s` has no members", stag.toChars()); } return; } if (tspec && specifier.mod & MOD.xconst) { tspec = toConst(tspec); specifier.mod = MOD.xnone; // 'used' it } bool first = true; while (1) { Identifier id; AST.Expression asmname; auto dt = cparseDeclarator(DTR.xdirect, tspec, id); if (!dt) { panic(); nextToken(); break; // error recovery } /* GNU Extensions * init-declarator: * declarator simple-asm-expr (opt) gnu-attributes (opt) * declarator simple-asm-expr (opt) gnu-attributes (opt) = initializer */ switch (token.value) { case TOK.assign: case TOK.comma: case TOK.semicolon: case TOK.asm_: case TOK.__attribute__: /* This is a data definition, there cannot now be a * function definition. */ first = false; if (token.value == TOK.asm_) asmname = cparseSimpleAsmExpr(); if (token.value == TOK.__attribute__) { cparseGnuAttributes(specifier); if (token.value == TOK.leftCurly) { error("attributes should be specified before the function definition"); auto t = &token; if (skipBraces(t)) { token = *t; return; } } } break; default: break; } if (specifier.alignExps && dt.isTypeFunction()) error("no alignment-specifier for function declaration"); // C11 6.7.5-2 if (specifier.alignExps && specifier.scw == SCW.xregister) error("no alignment-specifier for `register` storage class"); // C11 6.7.5-2 /* C11 6.9.1 Function Definitions * function-definition: * declaration-specifiers declarator declaration-list (opt) compound-statement * * declaration-list: * declaration * declaration-list declaration */ auto t = &token; if (first && // first declarator id && dt.isTypeFunction() && // function type not inherited from a typedef isDeclarationList(t) && // optional declaration-list level == LVL.global && // function definitions only at global scope t.value == TOK.leftCurly) // start of compound-statement { auto s = cparseFunctionDefinition(id, dt.isTypeFunction(), specifier); symbols = symbolsSave; symbols.push(s); return; } AST.Dsymbol s = null; symbols = symbolsSave; if (!symbols) symbols = new AST.Dsymbols; // lazilly create it if (level != LVL.global && !tspec && !specifier.scw && !specifier.mod) error("declaration-specifier-seq required"); else if (specifier.scw == SCW.xtypedef) { if (token.value == TOK.assign) error("no initializer for typedef declaration"); if (specifier.alignExps) error("no alignment-specifier for typedef declaration"); // C11 6.7.5-2 bool isalias = true; if (auto ts = dt.isTypeStruct()) { if (ts.sym.isAnonymous()) { // This is a typedef for an anonymous struct-or-union. // Directly set the ident for the struct-or-union. ts.sym.ident = id; isalias = false; } } else if (auto te = dt.isTypeEnum()) { if (te.sym.isAnonymous()) { // This is a typedef for an anonymous enum. te.sym.ident = id; isalias = false; } } if (isalias) s = new AST.AliasDeclaration(token.loc, id, dt); } else if (id) { if (level == LVL.prototype) break; // declared later as Parameter, not VarDeclaration if (dt.ty == AST.Tvoid) error("`void` has no value"); AST.Initializer initializer; bool hasInitializer; if (token.value == TOK.assign) { nextToken(); hasInitializer = true; initializer = cparseInitializer(); } // declare the symbol assert(id); if (dt.isTypeFunction()) { if (hasInitializer) error("no initializer for function declaration"); if (specifier.scw & SCW.x_Thread_local) error("functions cannot be `_Thread_local`"); // C11 6.7.1-4 auto fd = new AST.FuncDeclaration(token.loc, Loc.initial, id, specifiersToSTC(level, specifier), dt, specifier.noreturn); s = fd; } else { // Give non-extern variables an implicit void initializer // if one has not been explicitly set. if (!hasInitializer && !(specifier.scw & SCW.xextern)) initializer = new AST.VoidInitializer(token.loc); s = new AST.VarDeclaration(token.loc, dt, id, initializer, specifiersToSTC(level, specifier)); } } if (s !is null) { s = applySpecifier(s, specifier); if (level == LVL.local) { // Wrap the declaration in `extern (C) { declaration }` // Necessary for function pointers, but harmless to apply to all. auto decls = new AST.Dsymbols(1); (*decls)[0] = s; s = new AST.LinkDeclaration(s.loc, linkage, decls); } // Saw `asm("name")` in the function, type, or variable definition. // This maps directly to `pragma(mangle, "name")` if (asmname) { auto args = new AST.Expressions(1); (*args)[0] = asmname; auto decls = new AST.Dsymbols(1); (*decls)[0] = s; s = new AST.PragmaDeclaration(asmname.loc, Id.mangle, args, decls); } symbols.push(s); } first = false; switch (token.value) { case TOK.identifier: error("missing comma"); goto default; case TOK.semicolon: nextToken(); return; case TOK.comma: nextToken(); break; default: error("`=`, `;` or `,` expected"); while (token.value != TOK.semicolon && token.value != TOK.endOfFile) nextToken(); nextToken(); return; } } } /*************************************** * C11 Function Definitions * function-definition * declaration-specifiers declarator declaration-list (opt) compound-statement * * declaration-list: * declaration * declaration-list declaration * * It's already been parsed up to the declaration-list (opt). * Pick it up from there. * Params: * id = function identifier * ft = function type * specifier = function specifiers * Returns: * Dsymbol for the function */ AST.Dsymbol cparseFunctionDefinition(Identifier id, AST.TypeFunction ft, ref Specifier specifier) { if (token.value != TOK.leftCurly) // if not start of a compound-statement { // Do declaration-list do { cparseDeclaration(LVL.parameter); } while (token.value != TOK.leftCurly); /* Since there were declarations, the parameter-list must have been * an identifier-list. */ auto pl = ft.parameterList; pl.hasIdentifierList = true; // semantic needs to know to adjust parameter types if (pl.varargs != AST.VarArg.none) error("function identifier-list cannot end with `...`"); auto plLength = pl.length; if (symbols.length != plLength) error("%d identifiers does not match %d declarations", cast(int)plLength, cast(int)symbols.length); /* Transfer the types and storage classes from symbols[] to pl[] */ foreach (i; 0 .. plLength) { auto p = pl[i]; // yes, quadratic // Convert typedef-identifier to identifier if (p.type) { if (auto t = p.type.isTypeIdentifier()) { p.ident = t.ident; p.type = null; } } if (p.type || !(p.storageClass & STC.parameter)) error("storage class and type are not allowed in identifier-list"); foreach (s; (*symbols)[]) // yes, quadratic { auto d = s.isDeclaration(); if (d && p.ident == d.ident && d.type) { p.type = d.type; p.storageClass = d.storage_class; d.type = null; // don't reuse break; } } if (!p.type) error("no declaration for identifier `%s`", p.ident.toChars()); } } addFuncName = false; // gets set to true if somebody references __func__ in this function const locFunc = token.loc; auto body = cparseStatement(ParseStatementFlags.curly); // don't start a new scope; continue with parameter scope auto fd = new AST.FuncDeclaration(locFunc, prevloc, id, specifiersToSTC(LVL.global, specifier), ft, specifier.noreturn); if (addFuncName) { auto s = createFuncName(locFunc, id); body = new AST.CompoundStatement(locFunc, s, body); } fd.fbody = body; // TODO add `symbols` to the function's local symbol table `sc2` in FuncDeclaration::semantic3() return fd; } /*************************************** * C11 Initialization * initializer: * assignment-expression * { initializer-list } * { initializer-list , } * * initializer-list: * designation (opt) initializer * initializer-list , designation (opt) initializer * * designation: * designator-list = * * designator-list: * designator * designator-list designator * * designator: * [ constant-expression ] * . identifier * Returns: * initializer */ AST.Initializer cparseInitializer() { if (token.value != TOK.leftCurly) { auto ae = cparseAssignExp(); // assignment-expression return new AST.ExpInitializer(token.loc, ae); } nextToken(); const loc = token.loc; /* Collect one or more `designation (opt) initializer` * into ci.initializerList, but lazily create ci */ AST.CInitializer ci; while (1) { /* There can be 0 or more designators preceding an initializer. * Collect them in desigInit */ AST.DesigInit desigInit; while (1) { if (token.value == TOK.leftBracket) // [ constant-expression ] { nextToken(); auto e = cparseConstantExp(); check(TOK.rightBracket); if (!desigInit.designatorList) desigInit.designatorList = new AST.Designators; desigInit.designatorList.push(AST.Designator(e)); } else if (token.value == TOK.dot) // . identifier { nextToken(); if (token.value != TOK.identifier) { error("identifier expected following `.` designator"); break; } if (!desigInit.designatorList) desigInit.designatorList = new AST.Designators; desigInit.designatorList.push(AST.Designator(token.ident)); nextToken(); } else { if (desigInit.designatorList) check(TOK.assign); break; } } desigInit.initializer = cparseInitializer(); if (!ci) ci = new AST.CInitializer(loc); ci.initializerList.push(desigInit); if (token.value == TOK.comma) { nextToken(); if (token.value != TOK.rightCurly) continue; } break; } check(TOK.rightCurly); //printf("ci: %s\n", ci.toChars()); return ci; } /************************************* * C11 6.7 * declaration-specifier: * storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers (opt) * type-specifier declaration-specifiers (opt) * type-qualifier declaration-specifiers (opt) * function-specifier declaration-specifiers (opt) * alignment-specifier declaration-specifiers (opt) * Params: * level = declaration context * specifier = specifiers in and out * Returns: * resulting type, null if not specified */ private AST.Type cparseDeclarationSpecifiers(LVL level, ref Specifier specifier) { enum TKW : uint { xnone = 0, xchar = 1, xsigned = 2, xunsigned = 4, xshort = 8, xint = 0x10, xlong = 0x20, xllong = 0x40, xfloat = 0x80, xdouble = 0x100, xldouble = 0x200, xtag = 0x400, xident = 0x800, xvoid = 0x1000, xbool = 0x4000, ximaginary = 0x8000, xcomplex = 0x10000, x_Atomic = 0x20000, } AST.Type t; Loc loc; //printf("parseDeclarationSpecifiers()\n"); TKW tkw; SCW scw = specifier.scw & SCW.xtypedef; MOD mod; Identifier id; Identifier previd; Lwhile: while (1) { //printf("token %s\n", token.toChars()); TKW tkwx; SCW scwx; MOD modx; switch (token.value) { // Storage class specifiers case TOK.static_: scwx = SCW.xstatic; break; case TOK.extern_: scwx = SCW.xextern; break; case TOK.auto_: scwx = SCW.xauto; break; case TOK.register: scwx = SCW.xregister; break; case TOK.typedef_: scwx = SCW.xtypedef; break; case TOK.inline: scwx = SCW.xinline; break; case TOK._Noreturn: scwx = SCW.x_Noreturn; break; case TOK._Thread_local: scwx = SCW.x_Thread_local; break; // Type qualifiers case TOK.const_: modx = MOD.xconst; break; case TOK.volatile: modx = MOD.xvolatile; break; case TOK.restrict: modx = MOD.xrestrict; break; // Type specifiers case TOK.char_: tkwx = TKW.xchar; break; case TOK.signed: tkwx = TKW.xsigned; break; case TOK.unsigned: tkwx = TKW.xunsigned; break; case TOK.int16: tkwx = TKW.xshort; break; case TOK.int32: tkwx = TKW.xint; break; case TOK.int64: tkwx = TKW.xlong; break; case TOK.float32: tkwx = TKW.xfloat; break; case TOK.float64: tkwx = TKW.xdouble; break; case TOK.void_: tkwx = TKW.xvoid; break; case TOK._Bool: tkwx = TKW.xbool; break; case TOK._Imaginary: tkwx = TKW.ximaginary; break; case TOK._Complex: tkwx = TKW.xcomplex; break; case TOK.identifier: tkwx = TKW.xident; id = token.ident; break; case TOK.struct_: case TOK.union_: { const structOrUnion = token.value; const sloc = token.loc; nextToken(); /* GNU Extensions * struct-or-union-specifier: * struct-or-union gnu-attributes (opt) identifier (opt) { struct-declaration-list } gnu-attributes (opt) * struct-or-union gnu-attribute (opt) identifier */ if (token.value == TOK.__attribute__) cparseGnuAttributes(specifier); t = cparseStruct(sloc, structOrUnion, symbols); tkwx = TKW.xtag; break; } case TOK.enum_: t = cparseEnum(symbols); tkwx = TKW.xtag; break; case TOK._Atomic: { // C11 // type-specifier if followed by `( type-name )` auto tk = peek(&token); if (tk.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) { tk = peek(tk); if (isTypeName(tk) && tk.value == TOK.rightParenthesis) { nextToken(); t = cparseTypeName(); // TODO - implement the "atomic" part of t tkwx = TKW.x_Atomic; break; } } // C11 6.7.3 type-qualifier if not modx = MOD.x_Atomic; break; } case TOK._Alignas: { /* C11 6.7.5 * _Alignas ( type-name ) * _Alignas ( constant-expression ) */ if (level & (LVL.parameter | LVL.prototype)) error("no alignment-specifier for parameters"); // C11 6.7.5-2 nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); AST.Expression exp; auto tk = &token; if (isTypeName(tk)) // _Alignas ( type-name ) { auto talign = cparseTypeName(); /* Convert type to expression: `talign.alignof` */ auto e = new AST.TypeExp(loc, talign); exp = new AST.DotIdExp(loc, e, Id.__xalignof); } else // _Alignas ( constant-expression ) { exp = cparseConstantExp(); } if (!specifier.alignExps) specifier.alignExps = new AST.Expressions(0); specifier.alignExps.push(exp); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); break; } case TOK.__attribute__: { /* GNU Extensions * declaration-specifiers: * gnu-attributes declaration-specifiers (opt) */ cparseGnuAttributes(specifier); break; } default: break Lwhile; } if (tkwx) { if (tkw & TKW.xlong && tkwx & TKW.xlong) { tkw &= ~TKW.xlong; tkwx = TKW.xllong; } if (tkw && tkwx & TKW.xident) { // 2nd identifier can't be a typedef break Lwhile; // leave parser on the identifier for the following declarator } else if (tkwx & TKW.xident) { // 1st identifier, save it for TypeIdentifier previd = id; } if (tkw & TKW.xident && tkwx || // typedef-name followed by type-specifier tkw & tkwx) // duplicate type-specifiers { error("illegal combination of type specifiers"); tkwx = TKW.init; } tkw |= tkwx; if (!(tkwx & TKW.xtag)) // if parser already advanced nextToken(); continue; } if (modx) { mod |= modx; nextToken(); continue; } if (scwx) { if (scw & scwx) error("duplicate storage class"); scw |= scwx; const scw2 = scw & (SCW.xstatic | SCW.xextern | SCW.xauto | SCW.xregister | SCW.xtypedef); if (scw2 & (scw2 - 1) || scw & (SCW.xauto | SCW.xregister) && scw & (SCW.xinline | SCW.x_Noreturn)) { error("conflicting storage class"); scw &= ~scwx; } if (level & (LVL.parameter | LVL.prototype) && scw & ~SCW.xregister) { error("only `register` storage class allowed for function parameters"); scw &= ~scwx; } if (level == LVL.global && scw & (SCW.xauto | SCW.xregister)) { error("`auto` and `register` storage class not allowed for global"); scw &= ~scwx; } nextToken(); continue; } } specifier.scw = scw; specifier.mod = mod; // Convert TKW bits to type t switch (tkw) { case TKW.xnone: t = null; break; case TKW.xchar: t = AST.Type.tchar; break; case TKW.xsigned | TKW.xchar: t = AST.Type.tint8; break; case TKW.xunsigned | TKW.xchar: t = AST.Type.tuns8; break; case TKW.xshort: case TKW.xsigned | TKW.xshort: case TKW.xsigned | TKW.xshort | TKW.xint: case TKW.xshort | TKW.xint: t = AST.Type.tint16; break; case TKW.xunsigned | TKW.xshort | TKW.xint: case TKW.xunsigned | TKW.xshort: t = AST.Type.tuns16; break; case TKW.xint: case TKW.xsigned: case TKW.xsigned | TKW.xint: t = AST.Type.tint32; break; case TKW.xunsigned: case TKW.xunsigned | TKW.xint: t = AST.Type.tuns32; break; case TKW.xlong: case TKW.xsigned | TKW.xlong: case TKW.xsigned | TKW.xlong | TKW.xint: case TKW.xlong | TKW.xint: t = longsize == 4 ? AST.Type.tint32 : AST.Type.tint64; break; case TKW.xunsigned | TKW.xlong | TKW.xint: case TKW.xunsigned | TKW.xlong: t = longsize == 4 ? AST.Type.tuns32 : AST.Type.tuns64; break; case TKW.xllong: case TKW.xsigned | TKW.xllong: case TKW.xsigned | TKW.xllong | TKW.xint: case TKW.xllong | TKW.xint: t = AST.Type.tint64; break; case TKW.xunsigned | TKW.xllong | TKW.xint: case TKW.xunsigned | TKW.xllong: t = AST.Type.tuns64; break; case TKW.xvoid: t = AST.Type.tvoid; break; case TKW.xbool: t = AST.Type.tbool; break; case TKW.xfloat: t = AST.Type.tfloat32; break; case TKW.xdouble: t = AST.Type.tfloat64; break; case TKW.xlong | TKW.xdouble: t = realType(RTFlags.realfloat); break; case TKW.ximaginary | TKW.xfloat: t = AST.Type.timaginary32; break; case TKW.ximaginary | TKW.xdouble: t = AST.Type.timaginary64; break; case TKW.ximaginary | TKW.xlong | TKW.xdouble: t = realType(RTFlags.imaginary); break; case TKW.xcomplex | TKW.xfloat: t = AST.Type.tcomplex32; break; case TKW.xcomplex | TKW.xdouble: t = AST.Type.tcomplex64; break; case TKW.xcomplex | TKW.xlong | TKW.xdouble: t = realType(RTFlags.complex); break; case TKW.xident: t = new AST.TypeIdentifier(loc, previd); break; case TKW.xtag: break; // t is already set default: error("illegal type combination"); t = AST.Type.terror; break; } return t; } /******************************** * C11 6.7.6 * Parse a declarator (including function definitions). * declarator: * pointer (opt) direct-declarator * * direct-declarator : * identifier * ( declarator ) * direct-declarator [ type-qualifier-list (opt) assignment-expression (opt) ] * direct-declarator [ static type-qualifier-list (opt) assignment-expression ] * direct-declarator [ type-qualifier-list static assignment-expression (opt) ] * direct-declarator [ type-qualifier-list (opt) * ] * direct-declarator ( parameter-type-list ) * direct-declarator ( identifier-list (opt) ) * * pointer : * * type-qualifier-list (opt) * * type-qualifier-list (opt) pointer * * type-qualifier-list : * type-qualifier * type-qualifier-list type-qualifier * * parameter-type-list : * parameter-list * parameter-list , ... * * parameter-list : * parameter-declaration * parameter-list , parameter-declaration * * parameter-declaration : * declaration-specifiers declarator * declaration-specifiers abstract-declarator (opt) * * identifier-list : * identifier * identifier-list , identifier * * Params: * declarator = declarator kind * t = base type to start with * pident = set to Identifier if there is one, null if not * storageClass = any storage classes seen so far that apply to a function * Returns: * type declared. If a TypeFunction is returned, this.symbols is the * symbol table for the parameter-type-list, which will contain any * declared struct, union or enum tags. */ private AST.Type cparseDeclarator(DTR declarator, AST.Type t, out Identifier pident, StorageClass storageClass = 0) { //printf("cparseDeclarator(%d)\n", declarator); AST.Types constTypes; // all the Types that will need `const` applied to them constTypes.setDim(0); AST.Type parseDecl(AST.Type t) { AST.Type ts; while (1) { switch (token.value) { case TOK.identifier: // identifier //printf("identifier %s\n", token.ident.toChars()); if (declarator == DTR.xabstract) error("identifier not allowed in abstract-declarator"); pident = token.ident; ts = t; nextToken(); break; case TOK.leftParenthesis: // ( declarator ) /* like: T (*fp)(); * T ((*fp))(); */ nextToken(); ts = parseDecl(t); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); break; case TOK.mul: // pointer t = new AST.TypePointer(t); nextToken(); // add post fixes const/volatile/restrict/_Atomic const mod = cparseTypeQualifierList(); if (mod & MOD.xconst) constTypes.push(t); continue; default: if (declarator == DTR.xdirect) { error("identifier or `(` expected"); // ) panic(); } ts = t; break; } break; } // parse DeclaratorSuffixes while (1) { /* Insert tx -> t into * ts -> ... -> t * so that * ts -> ... -> tx -> t */ static void insertTx(ref AST.Type ts, AST.Type tx, AST.Type t) { AST.Type* pt; for (pt = &ts; *pt != t; pt = &(cast(AST.TypeNext)*pt).next) { } *pt = tx; } switch (token.value) { case TOK.leftBracket: { // post [] syntax, pick up any leading type qualifiers, `static` and `*` AST.Type ta; nextToken(); auto mod = cparseTypeQualifierList(); // const/volatile/restrict/_Atomic bool isStatic; bool isVLA; if (token.value == TOK.static_) { isStatic = true; // `static` nextToken(); if (!mod) // type qualifiers after `static` mod = cparseTypeQualifierList(); } else if (token.value == TOK.mul) { if (peekNext() == TOK.rightBracket) { isVLA = true; // `*` nextToken(); } } if (isStatic || token.value != TOK.rightBracket) { //printf("It's a static array\n"); AST.Expression e = cparseAssignExp(); // [ expression ] ta = new AST.TypeSArray(t, e); } else { // An array of unknown size, fake it with a DArray ta = new AST.TypeDArray(t); // [] } check(TOK.rightBracket); // Issue errors for unsupported types. if (isVLA) // C11 { error("variable length arrays are not supported"); } if (isStatic) // C11 { error("static array parameters are not supported"); } if (declarator != DTR.xparameter) { /* C11 '*' can only be used with function prototype scope. */ if (isVLA) error("variable length array used outside of function prototype"); /* C11 type qualifiers and 'static' shall only appear * in a declaration of a function parameter with an array type. */ if (isStatic || mod) error("static or type qualifier used outside of function prototype"); } if (ts.isTypeSArray() || ts.isTypeDArray()) { /* C11 type qualifiers and 'static' shall only appear * in the outermost array type derivation. */ if (isStatic || mod) error("static or type qualifier used in non-outermost array type derivation"); /* C11 the element type shall not be an incomplete or * function type. */ if (ta.isTypeDArray() && !isVLA) error("array type has incomplete element type `%s`", ta.toChars()); } // Apply type qualifiers to the constructed type. if (mod & MOD.xconst) // ignore the other bits ta = toConst(ta); insertTx(ts, ta, t); // ts -> ... -> ta -> t continue; } case TOK.leftParenthesis: { // New symbol table for parameter-list auto symbolsSave = this.symbols; this.symbols = null; auto parameterList = cparseParameterList(); AST.Type tf = new AST.TypeFunction(parameterList, t, linkage, 0); // tf = tf.addSTC(storageClass); // TODO insertTx(ts, tf, t); // ts -> ... -> tf -> t if (ts != tf) this.symbols = symbolsSave; break; } default: break; } break; } return ts; } t = parseDecl(t); /* Because const is transitive, cannot assemble types from * fragments. Instead, types to be annotated with const are put * in constTypes[], and a bottom up scan of t is done to apply * const */ if (constTypes.length) { AST.Type constApply(AST.Type t) { if (t.nextOf()) { auto tn = cast(AST.TypeNext)t; // t.nextOf() should return a ref instead of this tn.next = constApply(tn.next); } foreach (tc; constTypes[]) { if (tc is t) { return toConst(t); } } return t; } t = constApply(t); } //printf("result: %s\n", t.toChars()); return t; } /****************************** * C11 6.7.3 * type-qualifier: * const * restrict * volatile * _Atomic */ MOD cparseTypeQualifierList() { MOD mod; while (1) { switch (token.value) { case TOK.const_: mod |= MOD.xconst; break; case TOK.volatile: mod |= MOD.xvolatile; break; case TOK.restrict: mod |= MOD.xrestrict; break; case TOK._Atomic: mod |= MOD.x_Atomic; break; default: return mod; } nextToken(); } } /*********************************** * C11 6.7.7 */ AST.Type cparseTypeName() { Specifier specifier; auto tspec = cparseSpecifierQualifierList(LVL.global, specifier); Identifier id; return cparseDeclarator(DTR.xabstract, tspec, id); } /*********************************** * C11 * specifier-qualifier-list: * type-specifier specifier-qualifier-list (opt) * type-qualifier specifier-qualifier-list (opt) * Params: * level = declaration context * specifier = specifiers in and out * Returns: * resulting type, null if not specified */ AST.Type cparseSpecifierQualifierList(LVL level, ref Specifier specifier) { auto t = cparseDeclarationSpecifiers(level, specifier); if (specifier.scw) error("storage class not allowed in specifier-qualified-list"); return t; } /*********************************** * C11 * ( parameter-type-list ) * ( identifier-list (opt) ) */ AST.ParameterList cparseParameterList() { auto parameters = new AST.Parameters(); AST.VarArg varargs = AST.VarArg.none; StorageClass varargsStc; check(TOK.leftParenthesis); if (token.value == TOK.void_ && peekNext() == TOK.rightParenthesis) { nextToken(); nextToken(); return AST.ParameterList(parameters, varargs, varargsStc); } /* The check for identifier-list comes later, * when doing the trailing declaration-list (opt) */ while (1) { if (token.value == TOK.rightParenthesis) break; if (token.value == TOK.dotDotDot) { varargs = AST.VarArg.variadic; // C-style variadics nextToken(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); return AST.ParameterList(parameters, varargs, varargsStc); } Specifier specifier; auto tspec = cparseDeclarationSpecifiers(LVL.prototype, specifier); Identifier id; auto t = cparseDeclarator(DTR.xparameter, tspec, id); if (specifier.mod & MOD.xconst) t = toConst(t); auto param = new AST.Parameter(STC.parameter, t, id, null, null); parameters.push(param); if (token.value == TOK.rightParenthesis) break; check(TOK.comma); } nextToken(); return AST.ParameterList(parameters, varargs, varargsStc); } /*********************************** * C11 6.7.10 * _Static_assert ( constant-expression , string-literal ) ; */ private AST.StaticAssert cparseStaticAssert() { const loc = token.loc; //printf("cparseStaticAssert()\n"); nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); auto exp = cparseConstantExp(); check(TOK.comma); if (token.value != TOK.string_) error("string literal expected"); auto msg = cparsePrimaryExp(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); check(TOK.semicolon); return new AST.StaticAssert(loc, exp, msg); } /************************* * Collect argument list. * Parser is on opening parenthesis. * Returns: * the arguments */ private AST.Expressions* cparseArguments() { nextToken(); auto arguments = new AST.Expressions(); while (token.value != TOK.rightParenthesis && token.value != TOK.endOfFile) { auto arg = cparseAssignExp(); arguments.push(arg); if (token.value != TOK.comma) break; nextToken(); // consume comma } check(TOK.rightParenthesis); return arguments; } /************************* * __declspec parser * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/cpp/declspec * decl-specifier: * __declspec ( extended-decl-modifier-seq ) * * extended-decl-modifier-seq: * extended-decl-modifier (opt) * extended-decl-modifier extended-decl-modifier-seq * * extended-decl-modifier: * dllimport * dllexport */ private void cparseDeclspec() { /* Check for dllexport, dllimport * Ignore the rest */ bool dllimport; // TODO implement bool dllexport; // TODO implement nextToken(); // move past __declspec check(TOK.leftParenthesis); while (1) { if (token.value == TOK.rightParenthesis) { nextToken(); break; } else if (token.value == TOK.endOfFile) break; else if (token.value == TOK.identifier) { if (token.ident == Id.dllimport) { dllimport = true; nextToken(); } else if (token.ident == Id.dllexport) { dllexport = true; nextToken(); } else { nextToken(); if (token.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) cparseParens(); } } else { error("extended-decl-modifier expected"); } break; } } /************************* * Simple asm parser * https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Asm-Labels.html * simple-asm-expr: * asm ( asm-string-literal ) * * asm-string-literal: * string-literal */ private AST.Expression cparseSimpleAsmExpr() { nextToken(); // move past asm check(TOK.leftParenthesis); if (token.value != TOK.string_) error("string literal expected"); auto label = cparsePrimaryExp(); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); return label; } /************************* * __attribute__ parser * https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Attribute-Syntax.html * gnu-attributes: * gnu-attributes gnu-attribute-specifier * * gnu-attribute-specifier: * __attribute__ (( gnu-attribute-list )) * * gnu-attribute-list: * gnu-attribute (opt) * gnu-attribute-list , gnu-attribute * * Params: * specifier = filled in with the attribute(s) */ private void cparseGnuAttributes(ref Specifier specifier) { while (token.value == TOK.__attribute__) { nextToken(); // move past __attribute__ check(TOK.leftParenthesis); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); if (token.value != TOK.rightParenthesis) { while (1) { cparseGnuAttribute(specifier); if (token.value != TOK.comma) break; nextToken(); } } check(TOK.rightParenthesis); check(TOK.rightParenthesis); } } /************************* * Parse a single GNU attribute * gnu-attribute: * gnu-attribute-name * gnu-attribute-name ( identifier ) * gnu-attribute-name ( identifier , expression-list ) * gnu-attribute-name ( expression-list (opt) ) * * gnu-attribute-name: * keyword * identifier * * expression-list: * constant-expression * expression-list , constant-expression * * Params: * specifier = filled in with the attribute(s) */ private void cparseGnuAttribute(ref Specifier specifier) { /* Check for dllimport, dllexport, vector_size(bytes) * Ignore the rest */ bool dllimport; // TODO implement bool dllexport; // TODO implement if (!isGnuAttributeName()) return; if (token.value == TOK.identifier) { if (token.ident == Id.dllimport) { dllimport = true; nextToken(); } else if (token.ident == Id.dllexport) { dllexport = true; nextToken(); } else if (token.ident == Id.noreturn) { specifier.noreturn = true; nextToken(); } else if (token.ident == Id.vector_size) { nextToken(); check(TOK.leftParenthesis); cparseConstantExp(); // TODO implement check(TOK.rightParenthesis); } else { nextToken(); if (token.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) cparseParens(); } } else { nextToken(); if (token.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) cparseParens(); } } /************************* * See if match for GNU attribute name, which may be any identifier, * storage-class-specifier, type-specifier, or type-qualifier. * Returns: * true if a valid GNU attribute name */ private bool isGnuAttributeName() { switch (token.value) { case TOK.identifier: case TOK.static_: case TOK.unsigned: case TOK.int64: case TOK.const_: case TOK.extern_: case TOK.register: case TOK.typedef_: case TOK.int16: case TOK.inline: case TOK._Noreturn: case TOK.volatile: case TOK.signed: case TOK.auto_: case TOK.restrict: case TOK._Complex: case TOK._Thread_local: case TOK.int32: case TOK.char_: case TOK.float32: case TOK.float64: case TOK.void_: case TOK._Bool: case TOK._Atomic: return true; default: return false; } } /*************************** * Like skipParens(), but consume the tokens. */ private void cparseParens() { check(TOK.leftParenthesis); int parens = 1; while (1) { switch (token.value) { case TOK.leftParenthesis: ++parens; break; case TOK.rightParenthesis: --parens; if (parens < 0) { error("extra right parenthesis"); return; } if (parens == 0) { nextToken(); return; } break; case TOK.endOfFile: error("end of file found before right parenthesis"); return; default: break; } nextToken(); } } //} /******************************************************************************/ /***************************** Struct & Enum Parser ***************************/ //{ /************************************* * C11 * enum-specifier: * enum identifier (opt) { enumerator-list } * enum identifier (opt) { enumerator-list , } * enum identifier * * enumerator-list: * enumerator * enumerator-list , enumerator * * enumerator: * enumeration-constant * enumeration-constant = constant-expression * * enumeration-constant: * identifier * * Params: * symbols = symbols to add enum declaration to * Returns: * type of the enum */ private AST.Type cparseEnum(ref AST.Dsymbols* symbols) { const loc = token.loc; nextToken(); /* GNU Extensions * enum-specifier: * enum gnu-attributes (opt) identifier (opt) { enumerator-list } gnu-attributes (opt) * enum gnu-attributes (opt) identifier (opt) { enumerator-list , } gnu-attributes (opt) * enum gnu-attributes (opt) identifier */ Specifier specifier; if (token.value == TOK.__attribute__) cparseGnuAttributes(specifier); Identifier tag; if (token.value == TOK.identifier) { tag = token.ident; nextToken(); } AST.Dsymbols* members; if (token.value == TOK.leftCurly) { nextToken(); members = new AST.Dsymbols(); if (token.value == TOK.rightCurly) // C11 { if (tag) error("no members for `enum %s`", tag.toChars()); else error("no members for anonymous enum"); } while (token.value == TOK.identifier) { auto ident = token.ident; // enumeration-constant nextToken(); auto mloc = token.loc; AST.Expression value; if (token.value == TOK.assign) { nextToken(); value = cparseConstantExp(); // TODO C11 value must fit into an int } auto em = new AST.EnumMember(mloc, ident, value, null, 0, null, null); members.push(em); if (token.value == TOK.comma) { nextToken(); continue; } break; } check(TOK.rightCurly); /* GNU Extensions * Parse the postfix gnu-attributes (opt) */ if (token.value == TOK.__attribute__) cparseGnuAttributes(specifier); } else if (!tag) error("missing `identifier` after `enum`"); /* Need semantic information to determine if this is a declaration, * redeclaration, or reference to existing declaration. * Defer to the semantic() pass with a TypeTag. */ return new AST.TypeTag(loc, TOK.enum_, tag, members); } /************************************* * C11 * Parse struct and union specifiers. * Parser is advanced to the tag identifier or brace. * struct-or-union-specifier: * struct-or-union identifier (opt) { struct-declaration-list } * struct-or-union identifier * * struct-or-union: * struct * union * * struct-declaration-list: * struct-declaration * struct-declaration-list struct-declaration * * Params: * loc = location of `struct` or `union` * structOrUnion = TOK.struct_ or TOK.union_ * symbols = symbols to add struct-or-union declaration to * Returns: * type of the struct */ private AST.Type cparseStruct(Loc loc, TOK structOrUnion, ref AST.Dsymbols* symbols) { Identifier tag; if (token.value == TOK.identifier) { tag = token.ident; nextToken(); } AST.Dsymbols* members; if (token.value == TOK.leftCurly) { nextToken(); auto symbolsSave = symbols; symbols = new AST.Dsymbols(); while (token.value != TOK.rightCurly) { cparseStructDeclaration(); if (token.value == TOK.endOfFile) break; } members = symbols; // `members` will be non-null even with 0 members symbols = symbolsSave; check(TOK.rightCurly); if ((*members).length == 0) // C11 /* TODO: not strict enough, should really be contains "no named members", * not just "no members". * I.e. an unnamed bit field, _Static_assert, etc, are not named members, * but will pass this check. * Be careful to detect named members that come anonymous structs. * Correctly doing this will likely mean moving it to typesem.d. */ error("empty struct-declaration-list for `%s %s`", Token.toChars(structOrUnion), tag ? tag.toChars() : "Anonymous".ptr); } else if (!tag) error("missing tag `identifier` after `%s`", Token.toChars(structOrUnion)); /* Need semantic information to determine if this is a declaration, * redeclaration, or reference to existing declaration. * Defer to the semantic() pass with a TypeTag. */ return new AST.TypeTag(loc, structOrUnion, tag, members); } /************************************* * C11 * Parse a struct declaration member. * struct-declaration: * specifier-qualifier-list struct-declarator-list (opt) ; * static_assert-declaration * * struct-declarator-list: * struct-declarator * struct-declarator-list , struct-declarator * * struct-declarator: * declarator * declarator (opt) : constant-expression */ void cparseStructDeclaration() { //printf("cparseStructDeclaration()\n"); if (token.value == TOK._Static_assert) { auto s = cparseStaticAssert(); symbols.push(s); return; } auto symbolsSave = symbols; Specifier specifier; auto tspec = cparseSpecifierQualifierList(LVL.member, specifier); /* If a declarator does not follow, it is unnamed */ if (token.value == TOK.semicolon && tspec) { nextToken(); auto tt = tspec.isTypeTag(); if (!tt) return; // legal but meaningless empty declaration /* If anonymous struct declaration * struct { ... members ... }; * C11 */ if (!tt.id && tt.members) { /* members of anonymous struct are considered members of * the containing struct */ auto ad = new AST.AnonDeclaration(tt.loc, tt.tok == TOK.union_, tt.members); if (!symbols) symbols = new AST.Dsymbols(); auto s = applySpecifier(ad, specifier); symbols.push(s); return; } if (!tt.id && !tt.members) return; // already gave error in cparseStruct() /* `struct tag;` and `struct tag { ... };` * always result in a declaration in the current scope */ // TODO: merge in specifier auto stag = (tt.tok == TOK.struct_) ? new AST.StructDeclaration(tt.loc, tt.id, false) : new AST.UnionDeclaration(tt.loc, tt.id); stag.members = tt.members; if (!symbols) symbols = new AST.Dsymbols(); auto s = applySpecifier(stag, specifier); symbols.push(s); return; } while (1) { Identifier id; AST.Type dt; if (token.value == TOK.colon) { // C11 unnamed bit-field id = Identifier.generateAnonymousId("BitField"); dt = tspec; } else dt = cparseDeclarator(DTR.xdirect, tspec, id); if (!dt) { panic(); nextToken(); break; // error recovery } AST.Expression width; if (token.value == TOK.colon) { // C11 bit-field nextToken(); width = cparseConstantExp(); } if (specifier.mod & MOD.xconst) dt = toConst(dt); /* GNU Extensions * struct-declarator: * declarator gnu-attributes (opt) * declarator (opt) : constant-expression gnu-attributes (opt) */ if (token.value == TOK.__attribute__) cparseGnuAttributes(specifier); AST.Dsymbol s = null; symbols = symbolsSave; if (!symbols) symbols = new AST.Dsymbols; // lazilly create it if (!tspec && !specifier.scw && !specifier.mod) error("specifier-qualifier-list required"); else if (width) { if (specifier.alignExps) error("no alignment-specifier for bit field declaration"); // C11 6.7.5-2 s = new AST.BitFieldDeclaration(width.loc, dt, id, width); } else if (id) { if (dt.ty == AST.Tvoid) error("`void` has no value"); // declare the symbol // Give member variables an implicit void initializer auto initializer = new AST.VoidInitializer(token.loc); s = new AST.VarDeclaration(token.loc, dt, id, initializer, specifiersToSTC(LVL.member, specifier)); s = applySpecifier(s, specifier); } if (s !is null) symbols.push(s); switch (token.value) { case TOK.identifier: error("missing comma"); goto default; case TOK.semicolon: nextToken(); return; case TOK.comma: nextToken(); break; default: error("`;` or `,` expected"); while (token.value != TOK.semicolon && token.value != TOK.endOfFile) nextToken(); nextToken(); return; } } } //} /******************************************************************************/ /********************************* Lookahead Parser ***************************/ //{ /************************************ * Determine if the scanner is sitting on the start of a declaration. * Params: * t = current token of the scanner * needId = flag with additional requirements for a declaration * endtok = ending token * pt = will be set ending token (if not null) * Returns: * true at start of a declaration */ private bool isCDeclaration(ref Token* pt) { //printf("isCDeclaration()\n"); auto t = pt; if (!isDeclarationSpecifiers(t)) return false; while (1) { if (t.value == TOK.semicolon) { t = peek(t); pt = t; return true; } if (!isCDeclarator(t, DTR.xdirect)) return false; if (t.value == TOK.asm_) { t = peek(t); if (t.value != TOK.leftParenthesis || !skipParens(t, &t)) return false; } if (t.value == TOK.__attribute__) { t = peek(t); if (t.value != TOK.leftParenthesis || !skipParens(t, &t)) return false; } if (t.value == TOK.assign) { t = peek(t); if (!isInitializer(t)) return false; } switch (t.value) { case TOK.comma: t = peek(t); break; case TOK.semicolon: t = peek(t); pt = t; return true; default: return false; } } } /******************************** * See if match for initializer. * Params: * pt = starting token, updated to one past end of initializer if true * Returns: * true if initializer */ private bool isInitializer(ref Token* pt) { //printf("isInitializer()\n"); auto t = pt; if (t.value == TOK.leftCurly) { if (!skipBraces(t)) return false; pt = t; return true; } // skip over assignment-expression, ending before comma or semiColon or EOF if (!isAssignmentExpression(t)) return false; pt = t; return true; } /******************************** * See if match for: * postfix-expression ( argument-expression-list(opt) ) * Params: * pt = starting token, updated to one past end of initializer if true * Returns: * true if function call */ private bool isFunctionCall(ref Token* pt) { //printf("isFunctionCall()\n"); auto t = pt; if (!isPrimaryExpression(t)) return false; if (t.value != TOK.leftParenthesis) return false; t = peek(t); while (1) { if (!isAssignmentExpression(t)) return false; if (t.value == TOK.comma) { t = peek(t); continue; } if (t.value == TOK.rightParenthesis) { t = peek(t); break; } return false; } if (t.value != TOK.semicolon) return false; pt = t; return true; } /******************************** * See if match for assignment-expression. * Params: * pt = starting token, updated to one past end of assignment-expression if true * Returns: * true if assignment-expression */ private bool isAssignmentExpression(ref Token* pt) { //printf("isAssignmentExpression()\n"); auto t = pt; /* This doesn't actually check for grammar matching an * assignment-expression. It just matches ( ) [ ] looking for * an ending token that would terminate one. */ bool any; while (1) { switch (t.value) { case TOK.comma: case TOK.semicolon: case TOK.rightParenthesis: case TOK.rightBracket: case TOK.endOfFile: if (!any) return false; break; case TOK.leftParenthesis: if (!skipParens(t, &t)) return false; continue; case TOK.leftBracket: if (!skipBrackets(t)) return false; continue; default: any = true; // assume token was part of an a-e t = peek(t); continue; } pt = t; return true; } } /******************************** * See if match for constant-expression. * Params: * pt = starting token, updated to one past end of constant-expression if true * Returns: * true if constant-expression */ private bool isConstantExpression(ref Token* pt) { return isAssignmentExpression(pt); } /******************************** * See if match for declaration-specifiers. * No errors are diagnosed. * Params: * pt = starting token, updated to one past end of declaration-specifiers if true * Returns: * true if declaration-specifiers */ private bool isDeclarationSpecifiers(ref Token* pt) { //printf("isDeclarationSpecifiers()\n"); auto t = pt; bool any; while (1) { switch (t.value) { // type-specifiers case TOK.void_: case TOK.char_: case TOK.int16: case TOK.int32: case TOK.int64: case TOK.float32: case TOK.float64: case TOK.signed: case TOK.unsigned: case TOK._Bool: //case TOK._Imaginary: case TOK._Complex: case TOK.identifier: // typedef-name t = peek(t); any = true; break; case TOK.struct_: case TOK.union_: case TOK.enum_: t = peek(t); if (t.value == TOK.identifier) { t = peek(t); if (t.value == TOK.leftCurly) { if (!skipBraces(t)) return false; } } else if (t.value == TOK.leftCurly) { if (!skipBraces(t)) return false; } else return false; any = true; continue; // storage-class-specifiers case TOK.typedef_: case TOK.extern_: case TOK.static_: case TOK._Thread_local: case TOK.auto_: case TOK.register: // function-specifiers case TOK.inline: case TOK._Noreturn: // type-qualifiers case TOK.const_: case TOK.volatile: case TOK.restrict: t = peek(t); any = true; continue; case TOK._Alignas: // alignment-specifier case TOK.__declspec: // decl-specifier case TOK.__attribute__: // attribute-specifier t = peek(t); if (!skipParens(t, &t)) return false; any = true; continue; // either atomic-type-specifier or type_qualifier case TOK._Atomic: // TODO _Atomic ( type-name ) t = peek(t); if (t.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) // maybe atomic-type-specifier { auto tsave = t; t = peek(t); if (!isTypeName(t) || t.value != TOK.rightParenthesis) { // it's a type-qualifier t = tsave; // back up parser any = true; continue; } t = peek(t); // move past right parenthesis of atomic-type-specifier } any = true; continue; default: break; } break; } if (any) { pt = t; return true; } return false; } /************************************** * See if declaration-list is present. * Returns: * true if declaration-list is present, even an empty one */ bool isDeclarationList(ref Token* pt) { auto t = pt; while (1) { if (t.value == TOK.leftCurly) { pt = t; return true; } if (!isCDeclaration(t)) return false; } } /******************************************* * Skip braces. * Params: * pt = enters on left brace, set to token past right bracket on true * Returns: * true if successful */ private bool skipBraces(ref Token* pt) { auto t = pt; if (t.value != TOK.leftCurly) return false; int braces = 0; while (1) { switch (t.value) { case TOK.leftCurly: ++braces; t = peek(t); continue; case TOK.rightCurly: --braces; if (braces == 0) { pt = peek(t); return true; } if (braces < 0) return false; t = peek(t); continue; case TOK.endOfFile: return false; default: t = peek(t); continue; } } } /******************************************* * Skip brackets. * Params: * pt = enters on left bracket, set to token past right bracket on true * Returns: * true if successful */ private bool skipBrackets(ref Token* pt) { auto t = pt; if (t.value != TOK.leftBracket) return false; int brackets = 0; while (1) { switch (t.value) { case TOK.leftBracket: ++brackets; t = peek(t); continue; case TOK.rightBracket: --brackets; if (brackets == 0) { pt = peek(t); return true; } if (brackets < 0) return false; t = peek(t); continue; case TOK.endOfFile: return false; default: t = peek(t); continue; } } } /********************************* * Check to see if tokens starting with *pt form a declarator. * Params: * pt = pointer to starting token, updated to point past declarator if true is returned * declarator = declarator kind * Returns: * true if it does */ private bool isCDeclarator(ref Token* pt, DTR declarator) { auto t = pt; while (1) { if (t.value == TOK.mul) // pointer { t = peek(t); if (!isTypeQualifierList(t)) return false; } else break; } if (t.value == TOK.identifier) { if (declarator == DTR.xabstract) return false; t = peek(t); } else if (t.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) { t = peek(t); if (!isCDeclarator(t, declarator)) return false; if (t.value != TOK.rightParenthesis) return false; t = peek(t); } else if (declarator == DTR.xdirect) { return false; } while (1) { if (t.value == TOK.leftBracket) { if (!skipBrackets(t)) return false; } else if (t.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) { if (!skipParens(t, &t)) return false; } else break; } pt = t; return true; } /*************************** * Is this the start of a type-qualifier-list? * (Can be empty.) * Params: * pt = first token; updated with past end of type-qualifier-list if true * Returns: * true if start of type-qualifier-list */ private bool isTypeQualifierList(ref Token* pt) { auto t = pt; while (1) { switch (t.value) { case TOK.const_: case TOK.restrict: case TOK.volatile: case TOK._Atomic: t = peek(t); continue; default: break; } break; } pt = t; return true; } /*************************** * Is this the start of a type-name? * Params: * pt = first token; updated with past end of type-name if true * Returns: * true if start of type-name */ private bool isTypeName(ref Token* pt) { auto t = pt; //printf("isTypeName() %s\n", t.toChars()); if (!isSpecifierQualifierList(t)) return false; if (!isCDeclarator(t, DTR.xabstract)) return false; if (t.value != TOK.rightParenthesis) return false; pt = t; return true; } /*************************** * Is this the start of a specifier-qualifier-list? * Params: * pt = first token; updated with past end of specifier-qualifier-list if true * Returns: * true if start of specifier-qualifier-list */ private bool isSpecifierQualifierList(ref Token* pt) { auto t = pt; bool result; while (1) { switch (t.value) { // Type Qualifiers case TOK.const_: case TOK.restrict: case TOK.volatile: // Type Specifiers case TOK.char_: case TOK.signed: case TOK.unsigned: case TOK.int16: case TOK.int32: case TOK.int64: case TOK.float32: case TOK.float64: case TOK.void_: case TOK._Bool: //case TOK._Imaginary: // ? missing in Spec case TOK._Complex: // typedef-name case TOK.identifier: // will not know until semantic if typedef t = peek(t); break; // struct-or-union-specifier // enum-specifier case TOK.struct_: case TOK.union_: case TOK.enum_: t = peek(t); if (t.value == TOK.identifier) { t = peek(t); if (t.value == TOK.leftCurly) { if (!skipBraces(t)) return false; } } else if (t.value == TOK.leftCurly) { if (!skipBraces(t)) return false; } else return false; break; // atomic-type-specifier case TOK._Atomic: t = peek(t); if (t.value != TOK.leftParenthesis || !skipParens(t, &t)) return false; break; default: if (result) pt = t; return result; } result = true; } } /************************************ * Looking at the leading left parenthesis, and determine if it is * either of the following: * ( type-name ) cast-expression * ( type-name ) { initializer-list } * as opposed to: * ( expression ) * Params: * pt = starting token, updated to one past end of constant-expression if true * afterParenType = true if already seen ( type-name ) * Returns: * true if matches ( type-name ) ... */ private bool isCastExpression(ref Token* pt, bool afterParenType = false) { auto t = pt; switch (t.value) { case TOK.leftParenthesis: auto tk = peek(t); // move past left parenthesis if (!isTypeName(tk) || tk.value != TOK.rightParenthesis) { if (afterParenType) goto default; // could be ( type-name ) ( unary-expression ) return false; } tk = peek(tk); // move past right parenthesis if (tk.value == TOK.leftCurly) { // ( type-name ) { initializer-list } if (!isInitializer(tk)) return false; t = tk; break; } if (!isCastExpression(tk, true)) { if (afterParenType) // could be ( type-name ) ( unary-expression ) goto default; // where unary-expression also matched type-name return false; } // ( type-name ) cast-expression t = tk; break; default: if (!afterParenType || !isUnaryExpression(t, afterParenType)) return false; // if we've already seen ( type-name ), then this is a cast break; } pt = t; return true; } /******************************** * See if match for unary-expression. * Params: * pt = starting token, updated to one past end of constant-expression if true * afterParenType = true if already seen ( type-name ) of a cast-expression * Returns: * true if unary-expression */ private bool isUnaryExpression(ref Token* pt, bool afterParenType = false) { auto t = pt; switch (t.value) { case TOK.plusPlus: case TOK.minusMinus: t = peek(t); if (!isUnaryExpression(t, afterParenType)) return false; break; case TOK.and: case TOK.mul: case TOK.min: case TOK.add: case TOK.not: case TOK.tilde: t = peek(t); if (!isCastExpression(t, afterParenType)) return false; break; case TOK.sizeof_: t = peek(t); if (t.value == TOK.leftParenthesis) { auto tk = peek(t); if (isTypeName(tk)) { if (tk.value != TOK.rightParenthesis) return false; t = peek(tk); break; } } if (!isUnaryExpression(t, afterParenType)) return false; break; case TOK._Alignof: t = peek(t); if (t.value != TOK.leftParenthesis) return false; t = peek(t); if (!isTypeName(t) || t.value != TOK.rightParenthesis) return false; break; default: // Compound literals are handled by cast and sizeof expressions, // so be content with just seeing a primary expression. if (!isPrimaryExpression(t)) return false; break; } pt = t; return true; } /******************************** * See if match for primary-expression. * Params: * pt = starting token, updated to one past end of constant-expression if true * Returns: * true if primary-expression */ private bool isPrimaryExpression(ref Token* pt) { auto t = pt; switch (t.value) { case TOK.identifier: case TOK.int32Literal: case TOK.uns32Literal: case TOK.int64Literal: case TOK.uns64Literal: case TOK.float32Literal: case TOK.float64Literal: case TOK.float80Literal: case TOK.imaginary32Literal: case TOK.imaginary64Literal: case TOK.imaginary80Literal: case TOK.string_: t = peek(t); break; case TOK.leftParenthesis: // ( expression ) if (!skipParens(t, &t)) return false; break; case TOK._Generic: t = peek(t); if (!skipParens(t, &t)) return false; break; default: return false; } pt = t; return true; } //} /******************************************************************************/ /********************************* More ***************************************/ //{ /************** * Declaration context */ enum LVL { global = 1, /// global parameter = 2, /// function parameter (declarations for function identifier-list) prototype = 4, /// function prototype local = 8, /// local member = 0x10, /// struct member } /// Types of declarator to parse enum DTR { xdirect = 1, /// C11 6.7.6 direct-declarator xabstract = 2, /// C11 6.7.7 abstract-declarator xparameter = 3, /// parameter declarator may be either direct or abstract } /// C11 6.7.1 Storage-class specifiers enum SCW : uint { xnone = 0, xtypedef = 1, xextern = 2, xstatic = 4, x_Thread_local = 8, xauto = 0x10, xregister = 0x20, // C11 6.7.4 Function specifiers xinline = 0x40, x_Noreturn = 0x80, } /// C11 6.7.3 Type qualifiers enum MOD : uint { xnone = 0, xconst = 1, xvolatile = 2, xrestrict = 4, x_Atomic = 8, } /********************************** * Aggregate for all the various specifiers */ struct Specifier { bool noreturn; /// noreturn attribute SCW scw; /// storage-class specifiers MOD mod; /// type qualifiers AST.Expressions* alignExps; /// alignment } /*********************** * Convert from C specifiers to D storage class * Params: * level = declaration context * specifier = specifiers, context, etc. * Returns: * corresponding D storage class */ StorageClass specifiersToSTC(LVL level, const ref Specifier specifier) { StorageClass stc; if (specifier.scw & SCW.x_Thread_local) { if (level == LVL.global) { if (specifier.scw & SCW.xextern) stc = AST.STC.extern_; } else if (level == LVL.local) { if (specifier.scw & SCW.xextern) stc = AST.STC.extern_; else if (specifier.scw & SCW.xstatic) stc = AST.STC.static_; } else if (level == LVL.member) { if (specifier.scw & SCW.xextern) stc = AST.STC.extern_; else if (specifier.scw & SCW.xstatic) stc = AST.STC.static_; } } else { if (level == LVL.global) { if (specifier.scw & SCW.xextern) stc = AST.STC.extern_ | AST.STC.gshared; else stc = AST.STC.gshared; } else if (level == LVL.local) { if (specifier.scw & SCW.xextern) stc = AST.STC.extern_ | AST.STC.gshared; else if (specifier.scw & SCW.xstatic) stc = AST.STC.gshared; } else if (level == LVL.member) { if (specifier.scw & SCW.xextern) stc = AST.STC.extern_ | AST.STC.gshared; else if (specifier.scw & SCW.xstatic) stc = AST.STC.gshared; } } return stc; } /*********************** * Return suitable D float type for C `long double` * Params: * flags = kind of float to return (real, imaginary, complex). * Returns: * corresponding D type */ private AST.Type realType(RTFlags flags) { if (long_doublesize == AST.Type.tfloat80.size()) { // On GDC and LDC, D `real` types map to C `long double`, so never // return a double type when real.sizeof == double.sizeof. final switch (flags) { case RTFlags.realfloat: return AST.Type.tfloat80; case RTFlags.imaginary: return AST.Type.timaginary80; case RTFlags.complex: return AST.Type.tcomplex80; } } else { final switch (flags) { case RTFlags.realfloat: return long_doublesize == 8 ? AST.Type.tfloat64 : AST.Type.tfloat80; case RTFlags.imaginary: return long_doublesize == 8 ? AST.Type.timaginary64 : AST.Type.timaginary80; case RTFlags.complex: return long_doublesize == 8 ? AST.Type.tcomplex64 : AST.Type.tcomplex80; } } } /************** * Flags for realType */ private enum RTFlags { realfloat, imaginary, complex, } /******************** * C11 Create declaration to predefine __func__ * `static const char __func__[] = " function-name ";` * Params: * loc = location for this declaration * id = identifier of function * Returns: * statement representing the declaration of __func__ */ private AST.Statement createFuncName(Loc loc, Identifier id) { const fn = id.toString(); // function-name auto efn = new AST.StringExp(loc, fn, fn.length, 1, 'c'); auto ifn = new AST.ExpInitializer(loc, efn); auto lenfn = new AST.IntegerExp(loc, fn.length + 1, AST.Type.tuns32); // +1 for terminating 0 auto tfn = new AST.TypeSArray(AST.Type.tchar, lenfn); efn.type = tfn.immutableOf(); efn.committed = 1; auto sfn = new AST.VarDeclaration(loc, tfn, Id.__func__, ifn, STC.gshared | STC.immutable_); auto e = new AST.DeclarationExp(loc, sfn); return new AST.ExpStatement(loc, e); } /************************ * After encountering an error, scan forward until a right brace or ; is found * or the end of the file. */ void panic() { while (token.value != TOK.rightCurly && token.value != TOK.semicolon && token.value != TOK.endOfFile) nextToken(); } /************************** * Apply `const` to a type. * Params: * t = type to add const to * Returns: * resulting type */ private AST.Type toConst(AST.Type t) { // `const` is always applied to the return type, not the // type function itself. if (auto tf = t.isTypeFunction()) tf.next = tf.next.addSTC(STC.const_); else t = t.addSTC(STC.const_); return t; } /*************************** * Apply specifier to a Dsymbol. * Params: * s = Dsymbol * specifier = specifiers to apply * Returns: * Dsymbol with specifiers applied */ private AST.Dsymbol applySpecifier(AST.Dsymbol s, ref Specifier specifier) { if (specifier.alignExps) { // Wrap declaration in an AlignDeclaration auto decls = new AST.Dsymbols(1); (*decls)[0] = s; s = new AST.AlignDeclaration(s.loc, specifier.alignExps, decls); } return s; } //} }