// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // This is a package for testing comment placement by go/printer. // package main import "fmt" // fmt const c0 = 0 // zero const ( c1 = iota // c1 c2 // c2 ) // Alignment of comments in declarations> const ( _ T = iota // comment _ // comment _ // comment _ = iota + 10 _ // comments _ = 10 // comment _ T = 20 // comment ) const ( _____ = iota // foo _ // bar _ = 0 // bal _ // bat ) const ( _ T = iota // comment _ // comment _ // comment _ = iota + 10 _ // comment _ = 10 _ = 20 // comment _ T = 0 // comment ) // The SZ struct; it is empty. type SZ struct{} // The S0 struct; no field is exported. type S0 struct { int x, y, z int // 3 unexported fields } // The S1 struct; some fields are not exported. type S1 struct { S0 A, B, C float // 3 exported fields D, b, c int // 2 unexported fields } // The S2 struct; all fields are exported. type S2 struct { S1 A, B, C float // 3 exported fields } // The IZ interface; it is empty. type SZ interface{} // The I0 interface; no method is exported. type I0 interface { f(x int) int // unexported method } // The I1 interface; some methods are not exported. type I1 interface { I0 F(x float) float // exported methods g(x int) int // unexported method } // The I2 interface; all methods are exported. type I2 interface { I0 F(x float) float // exported method G(x float) float // exported method } // The S3 struct; all comments except for the last one must appear in the export. type S3 struct { // lead comment for F1 F1 int // line comment for F1 // lead comment for F2 F2 int // line comment for F2 f3 int // f3 is not exported } // This comment group should be separated // with a newline from the next comment // group. // This comment should NOT be associated with the next declaration. var x int // x var () // This comment SHOULD be associated with f0. func f0() { const pi = 3.14 // pi var s1 struct{} /* an empty struct */ /* foo */ // a struct constructor // -------------------- var s2 struct{} = struct{}{} x := pi } // // This comment should be associated with f1, with one blank line before the comment. // func f1() { f0() /* 1 */ // 2 /* 3 */ /* 4 */ f0() } func _() { // this comment should be properly indented } func _(x int) int { if x < 0 { // the tab printed before this comment's // must not affect the remaining lines return -x // this statement should be properly indented } if x < 0 { /* the tab printed before this comment's /* must not affect the remaining lines */ return -x // this statement should be properly indented } return x } func typeswitch(x interface{}) { switch v := x.(type) { case bool, int, float: case string: default: } switch x.(type) { } switch v0, ok := x.(int); v := x.(type) { } switch v0, ok := x.(int); x.(type) { case byte: // this comment should be on the same line as the keyword // this comment should be normally indented _ = 0 case bool, int, float: // this comment should be indented case string: default: // this comment should be indented } // this comment should not be indented } // // Indentation of comments after possibly indented multi-line constructs // (test cases for issue 3147). // func _() { s := 1 + 2 // should be indented like s } func _() { s := 1 + 2 // comment // should be indented like s } func _() { s := 1 + 2 // comment // should be indented like s _ = 0 } func _() { s := 1 + 2 // should be indented like s _ = 0 } func _() { s := 1 + 2 // should be indented like s } func _() { s := 1 + 2 // comment // should be indented like s } func _() { s := 1 + 2 // comment // should be indented like s _ = 0 } func _() { s := 1 + 2 // should be indented like s _ = 0 } // Test case from issue 3147. func f() { templateText := "a" + // A "b" + // B "c" // C // should be aligned with f() f() } // Modified test case from issue 3147. func f() { templateText := "a" + // A "b" + // B "c" // C // may not be aligned with f() (source is not aligned) f() } // // Test cases for alignment of lines in general comments. // func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } func _() { /* freestanding comment aligned line */ } // Issue 9751. func _() { /*a string b string*/ /*A string Z string*/ /*a string b string c string*/ { /*a string b string*/ /*a string b string*/ /*a string b string c string*/ } { /*a string b string*/ /*a string b string*/ /*a string b string c string*/ } /* */ /* */ /* * line */ } /* * line * of * stars */ /* another line * of * stars */ /* and another line * of * stars */ /* a line of * stars */ /* and another line of * stars */ /* a line of stars */ /* and another line of */ /* a line of stars */ /* and another line of */ /* aligned in middle here not here */ /* blank line in middle: with no leading spaces on blank line. */ /* aligned in middle here not here */ /* blank line in middle: with no leading spaces on blank line. */ func _() { /* * line * of * stars */ /* aligned in middle here not here */ /* blank line in middle: with no leading spaces on blank line. */ } // Some interesting interspersed comments. // See below for more common cases. func _( /* this */ x /* is */ /* an */ int) { } func _( /* no params - extra blank before and after comment */ ) {} func _(a, b int /* params - no extra blank after comment */) {} func _() { f( /* no args - extra blank before and after comment */ ) } func _() { f(a, b /* args - no extra blank after comment */) } func _() { f( /* no args - extra blank before and after comment */ ) f(a, b /* args - no extra blank after comment */) } func ( /* comment1 */ T /* comment2 */) _() {} func _() { /* "short-ish one-line functions with comments are formatted as multi-line functions */ } func _() { x := 0; /* comment */ y = x /* comment */ } func _() { _ = 0 /* closing curly brace should be on new line */ } func _() { _ = []int{0, 1 /* don't introduce a newline after this comment - was issue 1365 */} } // Test cases from issue 1542: // Comments must not be placed before commas and cause invalid programs. func _() { var a = []int{1, 2 /*jasldf*/} _ = a } func _() { var a = []int{1, 2}/*jasldf */ _ = a } func _() { var a = []int{1, 2}// jasldf _ = a } // Comments immediately adjacent to punctuation followed by a newline // remain after the punctuation (looks better and permits alignment of // comments). func _() { _ = T{ 1, // comment after comma 2, /* comment after comma */ 3, // comment after comma } _ = T{ 1, // comment after comma 2, /* comment after comma */ 3, // comment after comma } _ = T{ /* comment before literal */ 1, 2, /* comment before comma - ok to move after comma */ 3, /* comment before comma - ok to move after comma */ } for i = 0; // comment after semicolon i < 9; /* comment after semicolon */ i++ { // comment after opening curly brace } // TODO(gri) the last comment in this example should be aligned */ for i = 0; // comment after semicolon i < 9; /* comment before semicolon - ok to move after semicolon */ i++ /* comment before opening curly brace */ { } } // If there is no newline following punctuation, commas move before the punctuation. // This way, commas interspersed in lists stay with the respective expression. func f(x /* comment */, y int, z int /* comment */, u, v, w int /* comment */) { f(x /* comment */, y) f(x, /* comment */ y) f( x, /* comment */ ) } func g( x int, /* comment */ ) { } type _ struct { a, b /* comment */, c int } type _ struct { a, b /* comment */, c int } func _() { for a /* comment */, b := range x { } } // Print line directives correctly. // The following is a legal line directive. //line foo:1 func _() { _ = 0 // The following is a legal line directive. It must not be indented: //line foo:2 _ = 1 // The following is not a legal line directive (it doesn't start in column 1): //line foo:2 _ = 2 // The following is not a legal line directive (negative line number): //line foo:-3 _ = 3 } // Line comments with tabs func _() { var finput *bufio.Reader // input file var stderr *bufio.Writer var ftable *bufio.Writer // y.go file var foutput *bufio.Writer // y.output file var oflag string // -o [y.go] - y.go file var vflag string // -v [y.output] - y.output file var lflag bool // -l - disable line directives } // Trailing white space in comments should be trimmed func _() { // This comment has 4 blanks following that should be trimmed: /* Each line of this comment has blanks or tabs following that should be trimmed: line 2: line 3: */ } /* This comment is the last entry in this file. It must be printed and should be followed by a newline */