use std::time::Instant; use crate::{cli, hex::ApiKeyCommand, http::HttpClient}; use gleam_core::{ build::Package, config::{DocsPage, PackageConfig}, error::Error, hex, io::HttpClient as _, paths, Result, }; static TOKEN_NAME: &str = concat!(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), " (", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), ")"); pub fn remove(package: String, version: String) -> Result<(), Error> { let config = hexpm::Config::new(); let http = HttpClient::new(); // Start event loop so we can run async functions to call the Hex API let runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().expect("Unable to start Tokio async runtime"); // Get login creds from user let username = cli::ask(" username")?; let password = cli::ask_password(" password")?; // Authenticate with API let request = hexpm::create_api_key_request(&username, &password, TOKEN_NAME, &config); let response = runtime.block_on(http.send(request))?; let token = hexpm::create_api_key_response(response).map_err(Error::hex)?; // Remove docs from API let request = hexpm::remove_docs_request(&package, &version, &token, &config).map_err(Error::hex)?; let response = runtime.block_on(http.send(request))?; hexpm::remove_docs_response(response).map_err(Error::hex)?; // Done! println!( "The docs for {} {} have been removed from HexDocs", package, version ); Ok(()) } pub fn build() -> Result<()> { let config = crate::config::root_config()?; let out = paths::build_docs(&; let mut compiled = crate::build::main()?; let outputs = build_documentation(&config, &mut compiled)?; // Write crate::fs::delete_dir(&out)?; crate::fs::write_outputs_under(&outputs, &out)?; println!( "\nThe documentation for {package} has been rendered to \n./{out}/index.html", package =, out = out.to_string_lossy() ); // We're done! Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn build_documentation( config: &PackageConfig, compiled: &mut Package, ) -> Result, Error> { compiled.attach_doc_and_module_comments(); cli::print_generating_documentation(); let mut pages = vec![DocsPage { title: "README".to_string(), path: "index.html".to_string(), source: paths::readme(), // TODO: support non markdown READMEs. Or a default if there is none. }]; pages.extend(config.documentation.pages.iter().cloned()); let outputs = gleam_core::docs::generate_html(config, compiled.modules.as_slice(), &pages); Ok(outputs) } pub struct PublishCommand { config: PackageConfig, archive: Vec, } impl PublishCommand { pub fn new() -> Result { let config = crate::config::root_config()?; let mut compiled = crate::build::main()?; let outputs = build_documentation(&config, &mut compiled)?; let archive = crate::fs::create_tar_archive(outputs)?; Ok(Self { config, archive }) } pub fn publish() -> Result<()> { Self::new()?.run() } } impl ApiKeyCommand for PublishCommand { fn with_api_key( &mut self, handle: &tokio::runtime::Handle, hex_config: &hexpm::Config, api_key: &str, ) -> Result<()> { let start = Instant::now(); cli::print_publishing_documentation(); handle.block_on(hex::publish_documentation( &, &self.config.version, std::mem::take(&mut self.archive), api_key, hex_config, &HttpClient::new(), ))?; cli::print_published(start.elapsed()); Ok(()) } }