/* * Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * */ #include "driver_diagnostics.h" #include "shared/source/helpers/debug_helpers.h" namespace NEO { DriverDiagnostics::DriverDiagnostics(cl_diagnostics_verbose_level level) { this->verboseLevel = level; } bool DriverDiagnostics::validFlags(cl_diagnostics_verbose_level flags) const { return !!(verboseLevel & flags); } const char *const DriverDiagnostics::hintFormat[] = { "Performance hint: clCreateBuffer with pointer %p and size %u doesn't meet alignment restrictions. Size should be aligned to %u bytes and pointer should be aligned to %u. Buffer is not sharing the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_BUFFER_DOESNT_MEET_ALIGNMENT_RESTRICTIONS "Performance hint: clCreateBuffer with pointer %p and size %u meets alignment restrictions and buffer will share the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_BUFFER_MEETS_ALIGNMENT_RESTRICTIONS "Performance hint: clCreateBuffer needs to allocate memory for buffer. For subsequent operations the buffer will share the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_BUFFER_NEEDS_ALLOCATE_MEMORY "Performance hint: clCreateImage with pointer %p meets alignment restrictions and image will share the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_IMAGE_MEETS_ALIGNMENT_RESTRICTIONS "Performance hint: Driver calls internal clFlush on the command queue each time 1 command is enqueued.", //DRIVER_CALLS_INTERNAL_CL_FLUSH "Performance hint: Profiling adds overhead on all enqueue commands with events.", //PROFILING_ENABLED "Performance hint: Profiled kernels will be executed with disabled preemption.", //PROFILING_ENABLED_WITH_DISABLED_PREEMPTION "Performance hint: Subbuffer created from buffer %p shares the same memory with buffer.", //SUBBUFFER_SHARES_MEMORY "Performance hint: clSVMAlloc with pointer %p and size %u meets alignment restrictions.", //CL_SVM_ALLOC_MEETS_ALIGNMENT_RESTRICTIONS "Performance hint: clEnqueueReadBuffer call on a buffer %p with pointer %p will require driver to copy the data.Consider using clEnqueueMapBuffer with buffer that shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueReadBuffer call on a buffer %p with pointer %p will not require any data copy as the buffer shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: Pointer %p and size %u passed to clEnqueueReadBuffer doesn't meet alignment restrictions. Size should be aligned to %u bytes and pointer should be aligned to %u. Driver needs to disable L3 caching.", //CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_DOESNT_MEET_ALIGNMENT_RESTRICTIONS "Performance hint: clEnqueueReadBufferRect call on a buffer %p with pointer %p will require driver to copy the data.Consider using clEnqueueMapBuffer with buffer that shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_RECT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueReadBufferRect call on a buffer %p with pointer %p will not require any data copy as the buffer shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_RECT_DOESNT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: Pointer %p and size %u passed to clEnqueueReadBufferRect doesn't meet alignment restrictions. Size should be aligned to %u bytes and pointer should be aligned to %u. Driver needs to disable L3 caching.", //CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_RECT_DOESNT_MEET_ALIGNMENT_RESTRICTIONS "Performance hint: clEnqueueWriteBuffer call on a buffer %p require driver to copy the data. Consider using clEnqueueMapBuffer with buffer that shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueWriteBuffer call on a buffer %p with pointer %p will not require any data copy as the buffer shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueWriteBufferRect call on a buffer %p require driver to copy the data. Consider using clEnqueueMapBuffer with buffer that shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_RECT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueWriteBufferRect call on a buffer %p will not require any data copy as the buffer shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_RECT_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: Pointer %p and size %u passed to clEnqueueReadImage doesn't meet alignment restrictions. Size should be aligned to %u bytes and pointer should be aligned to %u. Driver needs to disable L3 caching.", //CL_ENQUEUE_READ_IMAGE_DOESNT_MEET_ALIGNMENT_RESTRICTIONS "Performance hint: clEnqueueReadImage call on an image %p will not require any data copy as the image shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_READ_IMAGE_DOESNT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueWriteImage call on an image %p require driver to copy the data.", //CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_IMAGE_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueWriteImage call on an image %p will not require any data copy as the image shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_IMAGE_DOESNT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueMapBuffer call on a buffer %p will require driver to make a copy as buffer is not sharing the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_MAP_BUFFER_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueMapBuffer call on a buffer %p will not require any data copy as buffer shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_MAP_BUFFER_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueMapImage call on an image %p will require driver to make a copy, as image is not sharing the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_MAP_IMAGE_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueMapImage call on an image %p will not require any data copy as image shares the same physical memory with CPU.", //CL_ENQUEUE_MAP_IMAGE_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueUnmapMemObject call with pointer %p will not require any data copy.", //CL_ENQUEUE_UNMAP_MEM_OBJ_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueUnmapMemObject call with pointer %p will require driver to copy the data to memory object %p.", //CL_ENQUEUE_UNMAP_MEM_OBJ_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: clEnqueueSVMMap call with pointer %p will not require any data copy.", //CL_ENQUEUE_SVM_MAP_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA "Performance hint: Printf detected in kernel %s, it may cause overhead.", //PRINTF_DETECTED_IN_KERNEL "Performance hint: Null local workgroup size detected ( kernel name: %s ); following sizes will be used for execution : { %u, %u, %u }.", //NULL_LOCAL_WORKGROUP_SIZE "Performance hint: Local workgroup sizes { %u, %u, %u } selected for this workload ( kernel name: %s ) may not be optimal, consider using following local workgroup size: { %u, %u, %u }.", //BAD_LOCAL_WORKGROUP_SIZE "Performance hint: Kernel %s register pressure is too high, spill fills will be generated, additional surface needs to be allocated of size %u, consider simplifying your kernel.", //REGISTER_PRESSURE_TOO_HIGH "Performance hint: Kernel %s private memory usage is too high and exhausts register space, additional surface needs to be allocated of size %u, consider reducing amount of private memory used, avoid using private memory arrays.", //PRIVATE_MEMORY_USAGE_TOO_HIGH "Performance hint: Kernel %s submission requires coherency with CPU; this will impact performance.", //KERNEL_REQUIRES_COHERENCY "Performance hint: Kernel %s requires aux translation on argument [%u] = \"%s\"", //KERNEL_ARGUMENT_AUX_TRANSLATION "Performance hint: Kernel %s requires aux translation for allocation with pointer %p and size %u", //KERNEL_ALLOCATION_AUX_TRANSLATION "Performance hint: Buffer %p will use compressed memory.", //BUFFER_IS_COMPRESSED "Performance hint: Buffer %p will not use compressed memory.", //BUFFER_IS_NOT_COMPRESSED "Performance hint: Image %p will use compressed memory.", //IMAGE_IS_COMPRESSED "Performance hint: Image %p will not use compressed memory."}; //IMAGE_IS_NOT_COMPRESSED PerformanceHints DriverDiagnostics::obtainHintForTransferOperation(cl_command_type commandType, bool transferRequired) { PerformanceHints hint; switch (commandType) { case CL_COMMAND_MAP_BUFFER: hint = transferRequired ? CL_ENQUEUE_MAP_BUFFER_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA : CL_ENQUEUE_MAP_BUFFER_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA; break; case CL_COMMAND_MAP_IMAGE: hint = transferRequired ? CL_ENQUEUE_MAP_IMAGE_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA : CL_ENQUEUE_MAP_IMAGE_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA; break; case CL_COMMAND_UNMAP_MEM_OBJECT: hint = transferRequired ? CL_ENQUEUE_UNMAP_MEM_OBJ_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA : CL_ENQUEUE_UNMAP_MEM_OBJ_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA; break; case CL_COMMAND_WRITE_BUFFER: hint = transferRequired ? CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA : CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA; break; case CL_COMMAND_READ_BUFFER: hint = transferRequired ? CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA : CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA; break; case CL_COMMAND_WRITE_BUFFER_RECT: hint = transferRequired ? CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_RECT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA : CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_BUFFER_RECT_DOESNT_REQUIRE_COPY_DATA; break; case CL_COMMAND_READ_BUFFER_RECT: hint = transferRequired ? CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_RECT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA : CL_ENQUEUE_READ_BUFFER_RECT_DOESNT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA; break; case CL_COMMAND_WRITE_IMAGE: hint = transferRequired ? CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_IMAGE_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA : CL_ENQUEUE_WRITE_IMAGE_DOESNT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA; break; case CL_COMMAND_READ_IMAGE: UNRECOVERABLE_IF(transferRequired) hint = CL_ENQUEUE_READ_IMAGE_DOESNT_REQUIRES_COPY_DATA; break; default: UNRECOVERABLE_IF(true); } return hint; } } // namespace NEO