/** * \file * The main entry point for the mono executable * * The main entry point does a few things: * * * It probes whether the executable has a bundle appended * at the end, and if so, registers the various bundled * resources with Mono and executes the contained bundle * * * Parses the MONO_ENV_OPTIONS variable to treat the * contents of the variable as command line arguments for * the mono runtime * * * Launches Mono, by calling mono_main. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "mini.h" #include "mini-runtime.h" #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H # include #endif #ifdef HOST_WIN32 # include #else # ifndef BUILDVER_INCLUDED # include "buildver-boehm.h" # endif #endif /* * If the MONO_ENV_OPTIONS environment variable is set, it uses this as a * source of command line arguments that are passed to Mono before the * command line arguments specified in the command line. */ static int mono_main_with_options (int argc, char *argv []) { mono_parse_env_options (&argc, &argv); return mono_main (argc, argv); } /* * The Mono executable can initialize itself from a payload attached * at the end of the main program. The payload contains the * main assembly, one or more managed assemblies, configuration * files and other assets that are used instead of launching a * program from the command line. * * The startup sequence probes for a magical signature at the end of * the executable, if the 16 characters "xmonkeysloveplay" are found, * the code expects the 64-bits just before it to contain an offset * within the executable with a directory of assets. * * All pointers in the file format are encoded as little-endian values * * The format of the file is thus: * * Location Content * -------- ------- * lenght-16 Optional "xmonkeysloveplay", indicating that a * bundled payload is contained in the executable. * length-24 pointer to the directory in the file, address DIR * * DIR 32-bit value with the number of entries in the directory * DIR+4 First directory entry. * * Each directory entry is made up of: * 4-bytes uint32_t containing the size of a string (STR) * STRING UTF8 encoded and \0 terminated string * 8-bytes uint64_t offset in the file with the payload associated with STRING * 4-bytes uint32_t size of the asset * * The following are the known directory entries, without the quotes: * "assembly:NAME" An assembly with the name NAME, assembly is in the payload * "config:NAME" A configuration file (usually file.dll.config) in the payload that is * loaded as the config file for an assembly * "systemconfig:" Treats as a Mono system configuration, payload contains the config file. * "options:" The payload contains command line options to initialize Mono, as if you had set them on MONO_ENV_OPTIONS * "config_dir:DIR" Configures the MONO_PATH to point to point to DIR * "machineconfig:" The payload contains the machine.config file to use at runtime * "env:" Sets the environment variable to the value encoded in the payload * payload contains: 1-byte lenght for the \0 terminated variable, * followed by the value. * "library:NAME" Bundled dynamic library NAME, payload contains the dynamic library */ #define STREAM_INT(x) GUINT32_TO_LE((*(uint32_t*)x)) #define STREAM_LONG(x) GUINT64_TO_LE((*(uint64_t*)x)) /** * Loads a chunk of data from the file pointed to by the * @fd starting at the file offset @offset for @size bytes * and returns an allocated version of that string, or NULL * on error. */ static char * load_from_region (int fd, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) { char *buffer; off_t loc; int status; do { loc = lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET); } while (loc == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (loc == -1) return NULL; buffer = g_malloc (size + 1); if (buffer == NULL) return NULL; buffer [size] = 0; do { status = read (fd, buffer, size); } while (status == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (status == -1){ g_free (buffer); return NULL; } return buffer; } /* Did we initialize the temporary directory for dynamic libraries */ static int bundle_save_library_initialized; /* List of bundled libraries we unpacked */ static GSList *bundle_library_paths; /* Directory where we unpacked dynamic libraries */ static char *bundled_dylibrary_directory; static void delete_bundled_libraries (void) { GSList *list; for (list = bundle_library_paths; list != NULL; list = list->next){ unlink (list->data); } rmdir (bundled_dylibrary_directory); } static void bundle_save_library_initialize (void) { bundle_save_library_initialized = 1; char *path = g_build_filename (g_get_tmp_dir (), "mono-bundle-XXXXXX", NULL); bundled_dylibrary_directory = g_mkdtemp (path); g_free (path); if (bundled_dylibrary_directory == NULL) return; atexit (delete_bundled_libraries); } static void save_library (int fd, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size, const char *destfname) { MonoDl *lib; char *file, *buffer, *err, *internal_path; if (!bundle_save_library_initialized) bundle_save_library_initialize (); file = g_build_filename (bundled_dylibrary_directory, destfname, NULL); buffer = load_from_region (fd, offset, size); g_file_set_contents (file, buffer, size, NULL); lib = mono_dl_open (file, MONO_DL_LAZY, &err); if (lib == NULL){ fprintf (stderr, "Error loading shared library: %s %s\n", file, err); exit (1); } // Register the name with "." as this is how it will be found when embedded internal_path = g_build_filename (".", destfname, NULL); mono_loader_register_module (internal_path, lib); g_free (internal_path); bundle_library_paths = g_slist_append (bundle_library_paths, file); g_free (buffer); } static gboolean probe_embedded (const char *program, int *ref_argc, char **ref_argv []) { MonoBundledAssembly last = { NULL, 0, 0 }; char sigbuffer [16+sizeof (uint64_t)]; gboolean status = FALSE; uint64_t directory_location; off_t sigstart, baseline = 0; uint64_t directory_size; char *directory, *p; int items, i; unsigned char *mapaddress = NULL; void *maphandle = NULL; GArray *assemblies; char *entry_point = NULL; char **new_argv; int j; int fd = open (program, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return FALSE; if ((sigstart = lseek (fd, -24, SEEK_END)) == -1) goto doclose; if (read (fd, sigbuffer, sizeof (sigbuffer)) == -1) goto doclose; if (memcmp (sigbuffer+sizeof(uint64_t), "xmonkeysloveplay", 16) != 0) goto doclose; directory_location = GUINT64_FROM_LE ((*(uint64_t *) &sigbuffer [0])); if (lseek (fd, directory_location, SEEK_SET) == -1) goto doclose; directory_size = sigstart-directory_location; directory = g_malloc (directory_size); if (directory == NULL) goto doclose; if (read (fd, directory, directory_size) == -1) goto dofree; items = STREAM_INT (directory); p = directory+4; assemblies = g_array_new (0, 0, sizeof (MonoBundledAssembly*)); for (i = 0; i < items; i++){ char *kind; int strsize = STREAM_INT (p); uint64_t offset, item_size; kind = p+4; p += 4 + strsize; offset = STREAM_LONG(p); p += 8; item_size = STREAM_INT (p); p += 4; if (mapaddress == NULL){ mapaddress = mono_file_map (directory_location-offset, MONO_MMAP_READ | MONO_MMAP_PRIVATE, fd, offset, &maphandle); if (mapaddress == NULL){ perror ("Error mapping file"); exit (1); } baseline = offset; } if (strncmp (kind, "assembly:", strlen ("assembly:")) == 0){ char *aname = kind + strlen ("assembly:"); MonoBundledAssembly mba = { aname, mapaddress + offset - baseline, item_size }, *ptr; ptr = g_new (MonoBundledAssembly, 1); memcpy (ptr, &mba, sizeof (MonoBundledAssembly)); g_array_append_val (assemblies, ptr); if (entry_point == NULL) entry_point = aname; } else if (strncmp (kind, "config:", strlen ("config:")) == 0){ char *config = kind + strlen ("config:"); char *aname = g_strdup (config); aname [strlen(aname)-strlen(".config")] = 0; mono_register_config_for_assembly (aname, load_from_region (fd, offset, item_size)); } else if (strncmp (kind, "systemconfig:", strlen ("systemconfig:")) == 0){ mono_config_parse_memory (load_from_region (fd, offset, item_size)); } else if (strncmp (kind, "options:", strlen ("options:")) == 0){ mono_parse_options_from (load_from_region (fd, offset, item_size), ref_argc, ref_argv); } else if (strncmp (kind, "config_dir:", strlen ("config_dir:")) == 0){ mono_set_dirs (getenv ("MONO_PATH"), load_from_region (fd, offset, item_size)); } else if (strncmp (kind, "machineconfig:", strlen ("machineconfig:")) == 0) { mono_register_machine_config (load_from_region (fd, offset, item_size)); } else if (strncmp (kind, "env:", strlen ("env:")) == 0){ char *data = load_from_region (fd, offset, item_size); uint8_t count = *data++; char *value = data + count + 1; g_setenv (data, value, FALSE); } else if (strncmp (kind, "library:", strlen ("library:")) == 0){ save_library (fd, offset, item_size, kind + strlen ("library:")); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Unknown stream on embedded package: %s\n", kind); exit (1); } } g_array_append_val (assemblies, last); mono_register_bundled_assemblies ((const MonoBundledAssembly **) assemblies->data); new_argv = g_new (char *, (*ref_argc)+1); new_argv [0] = (*ref_argv)[0]; new_argv [1] = entry_point; for (j = 1; j < *ref_argc; j++) new_argv [j+1] = (*ref_argv)[j]; *ref_argv = new_argv; (*ref_argc)++; return TRUE; dofree: g_free (directory); doclose: if (!status) close (fd); return status; } #ifdef HOST_WIN32 #include int main (void) { TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; int argc; gunichar2** argvw; gchar** argv; int i; DWORD count; argvw = CommandLineToArgvW (GetCommandLine (), &argc); argv = g_new0 (gchar*, argc + 1); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) argv [i] = g_utf16_to_utf8 (argvw [i], -1, NULL, NULL, NULL); argv [argc] = NULL; LocalFree (argvw); if ((count = GetModuleFileName (NULL, szFileName, MAX_PATH)) != 0){ char *entry = g_utf16_to_utf8 (szFileName, count, NULL, NULL, NULL); probe_embedded (entry, &argc, &argv); } return mono_main_with_options (argc, argv); } #else int main (int argc, char* argv[]) { mono_build_date = build_date; probe_embedded (argv [0], &argc, &argv); return mono_main_with_options (argc, argv); } #endif