/* * TODO: * - support reserved checkout repository - DONE not tested * Add syntax/extension mapping to repository settings - DONE * Issue with TABS display and invalid UTF8 strings on GTK - DONE * - revamp batch jobs. - DONE * Jobs: button to show number of running jobs - DONE * Clicking on Jobs: button displays dialog listing each job (description, time submitted, status (Running, Completed) * and menu to view and delete job details - DONE * Jobs stay in log dir until they are deleted, so old jobs can be viewed in next session - DONE * use "tee" for batch jobs so a permanent record of the job is retained - DONE * have "log" directory for each repository so jobs for different repositories * are listed seperately - DONE * LabelModule: make it work with "standard" cvs - can't because CVS doesn't return correct * info for common "linked" directories * Add ListLocked command for a module. List all files that are checked out. - DONE * Add Directory/File menu maintenance - DONE * Finish Link Directory - DONE * Finish GetAll - DONE (problem with dw_messagebox() under Win32 - removed messagebox) * Finish Copy Repository; delete label files TODO * Remove .label files from checkoutall/undocheckoutall - DONE * When checking out (for lock), undo checkout, check in, update file buttons - DONE * When adding directories, ignore "files to ignore" - DONE * Finish Promote - DONE default promote command: zip %V%.zip %D% %V% version promoting (NOT dir,ver, but ver) %D% !installdirs need !installdirs, !promotecommand * Make to run in background. Need to run it somehow in a native shell script that captures all of the output. - DONE * copy repository to work this way for CVS - copy all files in labelfile from current repository directory to new repository directory cp oldir/file,v newdir/file,v - for each file in label file, get rel - get labels for file - for each label determine if the rel on the label > rel in labelfile - if so, delete label: "rtag -d label" - now all labels are gone, "admin -orel::" - delete label files identified above * LABEL command to include admin/build.conf, and this build.conf should be used when building or promoting or an option to use original settings, or current settings! * Renameinrepository still - DON'T provide rename * ReportMods doesn't work across repositories. Try being in test: test/working projects/latest - DONE * Delete Repository * Add bookmarks - DONE * "flat" display of files - DONE * Add Clear Output on messages pane - DONE * Show Differences should not allow "Working" unless a working file exists - DONE * Use cvs list only if !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.!!last_repository = 'Y' * Determine if dw_exit() should be called! rexxdw.rexx does not use it. * Have a module level exclusion list of directories and files that are NOT to * be included in a label or build. Useful when large binaries are put in the * repository but are not used in the build * Check all callbacks when running "cvs" command in case we have lost access to CVS server; see UpdateCallbak * */ OPTIONS INTERNAL_QUEUES NOEXT_COMMANDS_AS_FUNCS !global.!version = '4.1.1' Numeric Digits 12 Parse Version . vno . If vno < 5.00 Then Call AbortText "You need a version of Regina (Language Level) >= 5.00" Trace 'O' Parse Source os called_as prog If called_as \= 'SUBROUTINE' Then Do Say 'This program MUST be called as a subroutine' Exit 1 End Signal on Halt /* signal on novalue */ --!global.!container_disallows_icons = 1 /* * Parse our arguments... */ !global.!batch_mode = 0 If Arg() > 1 | Left( Arg(1), 2 ) = '-h' Then !global.!batch_mode = 1 Do i = 1 To Arg() If Arg( i ) = '-O' Then !global.!offline = 1 Else Do If !global.!batch_mode Then Queue Arg( i ) End End /* Parse Arg !global.!_args Select When Words( !global.!_args ) > 1 | Left( !global.!_args, 2 ) = '-h' Then !global.!batch_mode = 1 When Word( !global.!_args, 1 ) = '-o' Then Do !global.!offline = 1 !global.!_args = Delword( !global.!_args, 1, 1 ) End Otherwise Nop End */ Call Initialisation /* * Set things here that are need in batch as well as online */ !global.!tempfiles.0 = 0 !global.!mainwindow = '' /* set this here so we know if we have a main window to use */ !global.!color_background = '#eee5de' !global.!validcvstypes = 'local pserver rsh ssh' /* ensure these stay in this order */ !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_name.0 = 0 /* * We can run the administrative functions; label, build and * promote in "batch" mode. So parse the command line and see * if we are running a batch command. */ If !global.!batch_mode Then Call Batch If RxFuncAdd( 'DW_LoadFuncs', 'rexxdw', 'DW_LoadFuncs' ) \= 0 Then Do Say 'No GUI environment available - running in batch mode.' !global.!batch_mode = 1 Queue '-H' Call Batch End Call dw_loadfuncs /* Call RxFuncAdd 'CurlLoadFuncs', 'rexxcurl', 'CurlLoadFuncs' Call CurlLoadFuncs */ Call dw_init !global.!screen_width = dw_screen_width() !global.!screen_height = dw_screen_height() Select When !global.!screen_height > 768 Then !global.!toolbox_size = 32 When !global.!screen_height > 600 Then !global.!toolbox_size = 26 Otherwise !global.!toolbox_size = 20 End /* * We can set our font size for GTK now... */ If !global.!os \= 'OS2' & !global.!os \= 'WIN32' & !global.!os \= 'WIN64' & !global.!os \= 'OSX' Then Do If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 Then Do If !global.!toolbox_size = 32 Then font_size = 10 Else font_size = 8 !global.!fixedfont = 'monospace' font_size !global.!italicfont = 'monospace italic' font_size !global.!boldfont = 'monospace bold italic' font_size !global.!bolditalicfont = 'monospace italic' font_size End Else Do !global.!fixedfont = '-adobe-courier-medium-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1' !global.!italicfont = '-adobe-courier-medium-o-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1' !global.!boldfont = '-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1' !global.!bolditalicfont = '-adobe-courier-bold-o-normal-*-*-120-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1' End End !global.!windowstyle = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_FCF_SYSMENU, !REXXDW.!DW_FCF_TITLEBAR, !REXXDW.!DW_FCF_SHELLPOSITION, !REXXDW.!DW_FCF_TASKLIST, !REXXDW.!DW_FCF_DLGBORDER, !REXXDW.!DW_FCF_SIZEBORDER, !REXXDW.!DW_FCF_MINMAX ) !global.!container_colour = dw_rgb( 255, 245, 225 ) !global.!months = 'January February March April May June July August September October November December' !global.!maxfilebuttons = 21 !global.!maxfileseparators = 8 !global.!buttonheight = 25 !global.!widgetheight = 25 !global.!running_jobs = '' /* * Many dwindows callbacks fire while setting up the windows. * Use this flag to indicate to our callback handlers to only * operate when this has been set to 1. */ !global.!allowcallbacks = 0 /* * Set !!last_repository to zero to allow the user settings file to be written during * initial setup */ !!last_repository = 0 /* * We have to read the users .qocca file to determine how many repositories they have * configured, so we know how many notebook pages to create. */ If Word( Stream( !global.!home'.qocca', 'C', 'FSTAT' ), 8 ) = 'RegularFile' Then Do Call ConvertOldUserSettingsFile End Call ReadUserSettingsFile If Datatype( !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 ) \= 'NUM' Then Do !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 = 0 !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository.0 = 0 End /* * If we don't have a default repository, we have to ask the user to setup one */ If !global.!!number_repositories = 0 | Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) = '!' Then Do If Stream( !global.!user_settings, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do If UserPreferencesCallback( 'junk', 1 ) = 'close' Then Call CleanupAndExit 1 Call WriteUserSettingsFile End If GetNewRepository() = 'close' Then Call CleanupAndExit 1 End Else Do /* * If we have 1 parameter passed, then assume it is a repository name * to open with If Words( !global.!_args ) = 1 Then */ If Arg() = 1 Then Do repno = FindRepository( Arg( 1 ) ) If repno = 0 Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Unknown repository', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Nothing known about "'Arg( 1 )'" repository.' Call dw_exit 0 Exit 1 End Else !!last_repository = repno End End !global.!repfiles_flags.0 = 5 If !global.!container_disallows_icons = 1 Then icon_flag = !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING Else icon_flag = !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_BITMAPORICON !global.!repfiles_flags.1 = dw_or( icon_flag, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!repfiles_flags.2 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!repfiles_flags.3 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!repfiles_flags.4 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!repfiles_flags.5 = dw_or( icon_flag, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!repfiles_titles.0 = 5 !global.!repfiles_titles.1 = '' /* Sts */ !global.!repfiles_titles.2 = 'Revision Date' !global.!repfiles_titles.3 = 'Last Change' !global.!repfiles_titles.4 = 'Revision' !global.!repfiles_titles.5 = 'Reminder' !global.!allfiles_flags.0 = 6 !global.!allfiles_flags.1 = dw_or( icon_flag, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!allfiles_flags.2 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!allfiles_flags.3 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!allfiles_flags.4 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!allfiles_flags.5 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!allfiles_flags.6 = dw_or( icon_flag, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!allfiles_titles.0 = 6 !global.!allfiles_titles.1 = '' /* Sts */ !global.!allfiles_titles.2 = 'Revision Date' !global.!allfiles_titles.3 = 'Last Change' !global.!allfiles_titles.4 = 'Revision' !global.!allfiles_titles.5 = 'Directory' !global.!allfiles_titles.6 = 'Reminder' !global.!nonrepfiles_flags.0 = 3 !global.!nonrepfiles_flags.1 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!nonrepfiles_flags.2 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_ULONG, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!nonrepfiles_flags.3 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!nonrepfiles_titles.0 = 3 !global.!nonrepfiles_titles.1 = 'File Date' !global.!nonrepfiles_titles.2 = 'Size' !global.!nonrepfiles_titles.3 = 'Permissions' !global.!deletedfiles_flags.0 = 1 !global.!deletedfiles_flags.1 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) !global.!deletedfiles_titles.0 = 1 !global.!deletedfiles_titles.1 = 'Revision' !global.!filefiltericons.0 = 6 !global.!filefiltericons.1 = 'fileuptodate' ; !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.1 = 'Up-to-date' !global.!filefiltericons.2 = 'filemodified' ; !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.2 = 'Locally Modified' !global.!filefiltericons.3 = 'fileneedscheckout' ; !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.3 = 'Needs Checkout' !global.!filefiltericons.4 = 'fileneedspatch' ; !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.4 = 'Needs Patch' !global.!filefiltericons.5 = 'fileneedsmerge' ; !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.5 = 'Needs Merge' !global.!filefiltericons.6 = 'fileconflict' ; !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.6 = 'Conflicts' /* * Create the main window now and show it */ Call CreateMainWindow --Call dw_window_set_font !global.!mainwindow, !global.!fixedfont /* MH */ /* * We now know the current repository we are working with; set * the notebook tab to match */ Call dw_notebook_page_set !global.!repnotebook, !global.!repnotebookpage.!!last_repository /* * We can now change the main window title */ Call SetWindowTitle !global.!repfile_sort_order = 0 /* default - name */ !global.!repfile_sort_direction.0 = 'ascending' /* name */ !global.!repfile_sort_direction.1 = 'ascending' /* status */ !global.!repfile_sort_direction.2 = 'ascending' /* date */ !global.!repfile_sort_direction.3 = 'ascending' /* user / locker */ !global.!repfile_sort_direction.4 = 'ascending' /* rev */ !global.!repfile_sort_direction.5 = 'ascending' /* reminder */ !global.!nonrepfile_sort_order = 0 /* default - name */ !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.0 = 'ascending' /* name */ !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.1 = 'ascending' /* date */ !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.2 = 'ascending' /* size */ !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.3 = 'ascending' /* perm */ !global.!allfile_sort_order = 0 /* default - name */ !global.!allfile_sort_direction.0 = 'ascending' /* name */ !global.!allfile_sort_direction.1 = 'ascending' /* status */ !global.!allfile_sort_direction.2 = 'ascending' /* date */ !global.!allfile_sort_direction.3 = 'ascending' /* user / locker */ !global.!allfile_sort_direction.4 = 'ascending' /* rev */ !global.!allfile_sort_direction.5 = 'ascending' /* reminder */ /* * Catch syntax errors from here on. This allows us to remove temporary * files we have created. */ Signal on Syntax /* * Now populate our windows with the details based on the repository we * have selected */ Call DisplayRepository Call PopulateBookmarks /* * Our main loop */ /* * The following is the main event loop for this program. We check the * variable !REXXDW.!HAVE_REXXCALLBACK to determine which mechanism * can be used for callbacks. It is far better to use the mechanism * offered by an interpreter that offers RexxCallBack() in its API. */ If !REXXDW.!HAVE_REXXCALLBACK Then Do Call dw_main End Else Do Forever cmd = dw_main_iteration() If cmd \= '' Then Interpret 'Call' cmd End Return 0 Initialisation: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Various globals */ !global.!crlf = d2c(13)||d2c(10) !global.!offline = 0 !global.!remindertext = '' !global.!select_year = Substr( Date( 'S' ), 1, 4 ) !global.!select_month = Date( 'M' ) !global.!select_mon = Substr( Date( 'S' ), 5, 2 ) !global.!select_day = '' If Value( 'QOCCA_ADMINISTRATOR', , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) = '' Then !global.!superadministrator = 'N' Else !global.!superadministrator = 'Y' Parse Source os . prog Select When os = 'WIN32' | os = 'WIN64' | os = 'OS2' | os = 'OS/2' Then Do !global.!home = Value( 'QOCCA_HOME', , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) If !global.!home = '' Then !global.!home = 'c:\' !global.!ossep = '\' !global.!devnull = '> nul 2>&1' !global.!stderrdevnull = '2> nul' !global.!background_start_window = 'start' !global.!background_start_nowindow = 'start /B' !global.!datadir = '' /*'-D c:\bin'*/ If os = 'WIN32' | os = 'WIN64' Then Do win = Uname( 'S' ) If win = 'WIN95' | win = 'WIN98' | win = 'WINME' Then !global.!background_start_nowindow = 'start /M' imagedir = 'images\win' !global.!os = os !global.!fixedfont = '8.Courier' !global.!italicfont = '8.Courier Italic' !global.!boldfont = '8.Courier Bold' !global.!bolditalicfont = '8.Courier Bold Italic' !global.!shell_ext = '.bat' !global.!shell_rc = '%errorlevel%' !global.!cmddelr = 'qrm -fr' !global.!cmdrename = 'move' !global.!cmdcopy = 'copy' !global.!cmddiff = 'qdiff.exe' !global.!cmdecho = 'qecho.exe -E' !global.!cmdmkdir = 'qmkdir.exe -p' !global.!cmdtee = 'qtee.exe' rexxutil = 'rexxutil' End Else Do !global.!os = 'OS2' imagedir = 'images\os2' !global.!fixedfont = '5.System VIO' !global.!italicfont = '5.System VIO Italic' !global.!boldfont = '5.System VIO Bold' !global.!bolditalicfont = '5.System VIO Bold Italic' !global.!shell_ext = '.cmd' !global.!shell_rc = '%errorlevel%' !global.!cmddelr = 'rm -fr' !global.!cmdrename = 'ren' !global.!cmdcopy = 'copy' !global.!cmddiff = 'diff.exe' !global.!cmdecho = 'echo.exe' !global.!cmdmkdir = 'mkdir.exe -p' !global.!cmdtee = 'tee.exe' rexxutil = 'regutil' End !global.!background_end = '' !global.!shell_command = '' !global.!shell_first_line = '@echo off' !global.!command_prefix = 'call' !global.!symlink = '' !global.!rexxdiff = 'rexxdiff.exe' /*regina.exe -a \qocca\diff.rexx*/ !global.!qocca_command = 'qocca.exe' /*regina \qocca\qocca.rexx*/ Call Value 'CVS_PASSFILE', !global.!home'.cvspass', 'ENVIRONMENT' End When Uname( 'S' ) = 'Darwin' Then -- MacOS X Do !global.!home = Value( 'HOME', , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) !global.!ossep = '/' !global.!devnull = '> /dev/null 2>&1' !global.!stderrdevnull = '2> /dev/null' !global.!cmddelr = 'rm -fr' !global.!cmdrename = 'mv' !global.!cmdcopy = 'cp' !global.!cmddiff = 'diff' !global.!cmdecho = 'echo' !global.!cmdmkdir = 'mkdir -p' !global.!cmdtee = 'tee' !global.!background_start_window = 'xterm -e' -- ??? !global.!background_start_nowindow = '' !global.!background_end = '&' !global.!shell_ext = '.sh' !global.!shell_command = 'sh' !global.!shell_first_line = '#!/bin/sh' !global.!shell_rc = '$?' !global.!command_prefix = 'sh' !global.!symlink = 'ln -sf' -- determine which version of MacOS X we are running; -- < 10.6 (Snow Leopard) "open" does not allow args to be passed -- to an application Address System 'sw_vers -productVersion' With Output Stem osxver. If osxver.1 < 10.6 Then Do _args = '' !global.!rexxdiff_by_env_variable = 1 End Else Do _args = '--args' !global.!rexxdiff_by_env_variable = 0 End !global.!rexxdiff = 'open -n -b org.rexx.app.rexxdiff' _args !global.!qocca_command = 'qocca' /*regina $HOME/qocca/qocca.rexx*/ imagedir = 'images/win' -- ??? !global.!datadir = '' !global.!os = 'OSX' rexxutil = 'regutil' If Right( !global.!home, 1 ) \= '/' Then cvspass = !global.!home'/.cvspass' Else cvspass = !global.!home'.cvspass' Call Value 'CVS_PASSFILE', cvspass, 'ENVIRONMENT' !global.!fixedfont = '10.Monaco' !global.!italicfont = '10.Monaco Italic' !global.!boldfont = '10.Monaco Bold' !global.!bolditalicfont = '10.Monaco Bold Italic' End Otherwise /* Unixy OSes */ Do !global.!home = Value( 'HOME', , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) !global.!ossep = '/' !global.!devnull = '> /dev/null 2>&1' !global.!stderrdevnull = '2> /dev/null' !global.!cmddelr = 'rm -fr' !global.!cmdrename = 'mv' !global.!cmdcopy = 'cp' !global.!cmddiff = 'diff' !global.!cmdecho = 'echo' !global.!cmdmkdir = 'mkdir -p' !global.!cmdtee = 'tee' !global.!background_start_window = 'xterm -e' !global.!background_start_nowindow = '' !global.!background_end = '&' !global.!shell_ext = '.sh' !global.!shell_command = 'sh' !global.!shell_first_line = '#!/bin/sh' !global.!shell_rc = '$?' !global.!command_prefix = 'sh' !global.!symlink = 'ln -sf' !global.!rexxdiff = 'rexxdiff' /*regina -a $HOME/qocca/diff.rexx*/ !global.!qocca_command = 'qocca' /*regina $HOME/qocca/qocca.rexx*/ imagedir = 'images/win' !global.!datadir = '' !global.!os = os rexxutil = 'rexxutil' If Right( !global.!home, 1 ) \= '/' Then cvspass = !global.!home'/.cvspass' Else cvspass = !global.!home'.cvspass' Call Value 'CVS_PASSFILE', cvspass, 'ENVIRONMENT' /* * Setting the font for GTK has to wait until we have * loaded Rexx/DW, so we can get the value of * !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION */ End End /* * Based on the full path to ourselves, find the icons directory */ pos = Lastpos( !global.!ossep, prog ) If pos = 0 Then base = '.' Else base = Substr( prog, 1, pos-1 ) len = Length( base ) If Translate( Right( base, 3 ) ) = 'BIN' Then Do !global.!icondir = Substr( base, 1, len-3 ) || 'share' || !global.!ossep || 'qocca' || !global.!ossep || imagedir || !global.!ossep !global.!helpdir = Substr( base, 1, len-3 ) || 'share' || !global.!ossep || 'qocca' || !global.!ossep || 'help' || !global.!ossep End Else Do !global.!icondir = base || !global.!ossep || imagedir || !global.!ossep !global.!helpdir = base || !global.!ossep || 'help' || !global.!ossep End /* * Based on the full path to ourselves, find the base directory for highlight * Don't do this for Unix platforms */ If os = 'WIN32' | os = 'WIN64' | os = 'OS2' | os = 'OS/2' Then Do If Translate( Right( base, 3 ) ) = 'BIN' Then !global.!datadir = '-D' quote( Substr( base, 1, len-4 ) ) Else !global.!datadir = '-D' quote( base ) End /* * Do we actually have highlight? */ Address System 'highlight --version' With Output Stem junk. Error Stem junk. If rc = 0 Then !global.!have_highlight = 1 Else !global.!have_highlight = 0 !global.!valid_repository_types = 'cvs rcs svn' /* * Load RexxUtil external function package */ /* Call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs', rexxutil, 'SysLoadFuncs' */ Call RxFuncAdd 'sysloadfuncs', rexxutil, 'sysloadfuncs' Call SysLoadFuncs /* * Get username and home values */ user = Value( 'QOCCA_USERNAME', , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) If user = '' Then !global.!user = Userid() Else !global.!user = user If !global.!home = '' Then Call AbortText 'HOME environment value not set. Cannot continue' !global.!home = Changestr( '/', !global.!home, !global.!ossep ) If Right( !global.!home, 1 ) \= !global.!ossep Then !global.!home = !global.!home||!global.!ossep !global.!user_settings = !global.!home'.qocca'||!global.!ossep||'user.settings' /* * If on Windows 32bit only, load w32funcs */ If !global.!os = 'WIN32' Then Do Call RxFuncAdd 'w32loadfuncs','w32util','w32loadfuncs' If w32loadfuncs() \= 0 Then Do Say RxFuncErrmsg() Exit 1 End !global.!loadedw32util = 1 End /* * Load the Rexx/SQL functions for MySQL */ !global.!havesql = 0 /* !global.!havesql = 1 If \!global.!batch_mode & !global.!os \= 'OS2' Then Do If RxFuncAdd( 'SQLLoadFuncs','rexxsql','SQLLoadFuncs' ) \= 0 Then Do Say RxFuncErrmsg() !global.!havesql = 0 End Else Do If sqlloadfuncs() \= 0 Then Exit 1 End End */ /* * Defines the known templates for various compilers */ Call SetCompilerTemplates Return DisplayRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * While setting up our display, don't allow callbacks to be processed */ !global.!allowcallbacks = 0 Call SetCursorWait Call DisplayStatus 'Setting environment...' Call SetRepositoryEnvs /* * We are now pointing to a configuration (and have logged in if necessary) */ Call DisplayStatus 'Reading repository settings...' Call ConnectToRepository !!last_repository Call GetConfigurationFile Call DisplayStatus 'Creating working environment...' Call SetupEnvironment Call GetModulesFromRepository /* * Now we have all the repository information, we can create our tree */ Call GenerateTree Call DisplayRepositoryFiles Call DisplayNonRepositoryFiles Call DisplayDeletedFiles /* * Don't display "all files"; only generate this list when switching pages */ /* * Create/update our toolbars... */ Call AdjustToolbars /* * Blank out the status line */ Call SetCursorNoWait Call DisplayStatus '' !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 /* * Reshow the main window because buttons could have changed */ Call dw_window_show !global.!mainwindow Return AdjustToolbars: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call CreateDirToolbarList Call CreateDirToolbar /* * Now we know the current module (if there is one) */ Call AdjustDirToolbarList Call AdjustDirToolbarButtons /* * Create the file toolbox buttons */ Call CreateFileToolbarList Call CreateFileToolbar /* * Now we know the current files (if there are some) */ Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons Return ConvertOldUserSettingsFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Read the old .qocca file into memory variables */ fn = !global.!home'.qocca' Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines(fn) > 0 Parse Value Linein(fn) With key '=' value If key \= '' Then Do If Left( value, 8 ) = '"!GLOBAL.' Then value = '' If key = '!!last_repository' Then Interpret key '=' value Else Interpret '!GLOBAL.'key '=' value End End Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' !global.!!last_repository_name = !global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository !global.!!number_repositories = !global.!!repository.!!name.0 /* * Delete the .qocca file and create a directory with the same name */ Call SysFileDelete fn Call CreateDirectory fn /* * Now write the new config file and repository details */ Call WriteUserSettingsFile Return ReadUserSettingsFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository fn = !global.!user_settings Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines(fn) > 0 Parse Value Linein(fn) With key '=' value If key \= '' Then Do If Left( value, 8 ) = '"!GLOBAL.' Then value = '' /* If key = '!!last_repository' Then Interpret key '=' value*/ Interpret '!GLOBAL.'key '=' value End End Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' /* * Now read all repository settings files */ dir = !global.!home'.qocca' Call SysFileTree dir||!global.!ossep||'repository.*', 'FILE.', 'FO' /* * If we have repository.* files then rename them to *.repository files * and then read these in */ Do i = 1 To file.0 fn = file.i Parse Var fn . 'repository.' base Address System !global.!cmdrename fn dir||!global.!ossep||base'.repository' With Output Stem junk. Error Stem junk. End Call SysFileTree dir||!global.!ossep||'*.repository', 'FILE.', 'FO' If file.0 > 0 Then Do /* * In case we don't find a match, set the last repository to be 1 */ !!last_repository = 1 If file.0 > 1 Then Call SysStemSort 'FILE.','ascending',!global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, , , 1, 100 Do i = 1 To file.0 fn = file.i Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines(fn) > 0 Parse Value Linein(fn) With key '=' value If key \= '' Then Do If Left( value, 8 ) = '"!GLOBAL.' Then value = '' a = Value( key )'.'Value( i ) Interpret '!GLOBAL'.a '=' value End End Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' /* * Check if this repository was the last one to be opened */ If !global.!!repository.!!name.i = !global.!!last_repository_name Then !!last_repository = i /* * Tidy up new variables and set defaults */ If Left( !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.i, 1 ) = '!' Then !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.i = '' If Left( !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.i, 1 ) = '!' Then !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.i = '-z3' End End !global.!!number_repositories = file.0 Return WriteUserSettingsFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository dir = !global.!home'.qocca' Call CreateDirectory dir /* * Do a quick check that we have access to the variables we are writing; * we don't want to stuff up the .qocca file! */ If \DirectoryExists( Strip( !global.!!tmpdir, 'T', '/' ) ) | Datatype( !!last_repository ) \= 'NUM' | !global.!!user.!!textpager = '!GLOBAL.!!USER.!!TEXTPAGER' Then Return If !!last_repository \= 0 Then Do /* * Write the repositories...if there are any */ If Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) \= '!' Then Do i = 1 To !global.!!number_repositories fn = dir||!global.!ossep||!global.!!repository.!!name.i'.repository' Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!name='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!name.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!path='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!path.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!type='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!type.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!shortpath='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!server='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!server.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!cvsport='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!cvsport.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!username='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!username.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!contype='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!contype.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!password='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!password.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!last_tree_opened='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!working_dir='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!public_cvs='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!public_cvs_dirs='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs_dirs.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!filefilters='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!repository.!!cvs_compression='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.i ) Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' End /* * Write the last repository, ... Call Lineout fn,'!!last_repository='Quote( !!last_repository ) */ End /* * Set the user settings configuration file name */ fn = !global.!user_settings Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' /* * Write the last repository, ... */ Call Lineout fn,'!!last_repository_name='Quote( !global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository ) /* * ... now the user settings... */ Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!style='Quote( !global.!!user.!!style ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!diffprog='Quote( !global.!!user.!!diffprog ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!textpager='Quote( !global.!!user.!!textpager ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!textpager_console='Quote( !global.!!user.!!textpager_console ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!texteditor='Quote( !global.!!user.!!texteditor ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!texteditor_console='Quote( !global.!!user.!!texteditor_console ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!binarypager='Quote( !global.!!user.!!binarypager ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!binarypager_console='Quote( !global.!!user.!!binarypager_console ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!binaryeditor='Quote( !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!binaryeditor_console='Quote( !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor_console ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!preference.!!sort='Quote( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!preference.!!confirm_exit='Quote( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!confirm_exit ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!preference.!!save_position='Quote( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!save_position ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands='Quote( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!preference.!!showmodified='Quote( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!showmodified ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations='Quote( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations_extensions='Quote( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations_extensions ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces='Quote( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces ) Call Lineout fn,'!!tmpdir='Quote( !global.!!tmpdir ) If Datatype( !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.0 ) = 'NUM' Then Do Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.0='Quote( !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.0 ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!filemenu.!!command.0='Quote( !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!command.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.0 Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.'i'='Quote( !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!filemenu.!!command.'i'='Quote( !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!command.i ) End End If Datatype( !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.0 ) = 'NUM' Then Do Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.0='Quote( !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.0 ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!dirmenu.!!command.0='Quote( !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!command.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.0 Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.'i'='Quote( !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!dirmenu.!!command.'i'='Quote( !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!command.i ) End End /* * If not set, then the 0th item is zero. * Set the 0th item of !!bookmark_repository to the same value as the base */ If Datatype( !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 ) \= 'NUM' Then !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 = 0 Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!bookmark.0='Quote( !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!bookmark_repository.0='Quote( !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!bookmark.'i'='Quote( !global.!!user.!!bookmark.i ) Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!bookmark_repository.'i'='Quote( !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository.i ) End Call Lineout fn,'!!user.!!window_pos_size='Quote( !global.!!user.!!window_pos_size ) Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' Return /* * Add bookmarks for the current repository into the bookmark combobox */ PopulateBookmarks: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Clean out the entries currently in the listbox */ count = dw_listbox_count( !global.!bookmarks_cb ) idx = 0 Do i = 1 To count Call dw_listbox_delete !global.!bookmarks_cb, idx End Call dw_window_set_text !global.!bookmarks_cb, '' /* * Add the bookmarks for this repository */ Do i = 1 To !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 If !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository.i = !!last_repository Then Call dw_listbox_append !global.!bookmarks_cb, !global.!!user.!!bookmark.i End Return SelectBookmarkCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, list_idx If list_idx < 0 Then Return 1 text = dw_listbox_get_text( win, list_idx ) Call dw_window_set_text win, text Return 1 SelectBookmarkApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * For the selected bookmark, try and open it */ text = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!bookmarks_cb ) ) openat = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 If !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i = '/'text Then Do openat = i Leave End End If openat \= 0 Then Do /* * Set the current dirname, open the tree and make it current... */ !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = Substr( !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.openat, 2 ) Call OpenTreeAt openat Call SetCursorWait /* * Adjust the directory toolbar */ Call AdjustDirToolbarList Call AdjustDirToolbarButtons /* * Refresh the repository files, non-rep files and deleted files * tabs. DO NOT refresh the all files tab; it takes too long unless * it is the current tab */ Call DisplayRepositoryFiles Call DisplayNonRepositoryFiles Call DisplayDeletedFiles If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Call DisplayAllFiles /* * If this directory is set for reserved checkout, */ Call SetLockedStatusIcon /* * Adjust the file toolbar as well! */ Call FileSelectCallback Call SetCursorNoWait End Return 0 UserPreferencesCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, initial /* * User preferences... * * +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Text Editor: _______________________X Binary Editor: ____________________X | * | Text Pager: _______________________X Binary Viewer: ____________________X | * | Temp dir: _______________________X X Use Windows File Associations: | * | Syntax Theme: _______________________v X Case Sensitive Sorting | * | Diff Program: _______________________X Tab Spaces: _____________________v | * | * +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ * */ title_width = 100 win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Edit User Preferences', !global.!windowstyle ) If initial Then Do /* * We have to create the window icon here because the main window has not * been created yet. */ qoccaicon = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir'qocca' ) End Else qoccaicon = !global.!qoccaicon Call dw_window_set_icon win, qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, 150, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback t1, 'INITIAL', t1 /* * Add a horiz box for two columns of widgets */ data_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, data_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a vertical box for the left column of widgets */ left_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start data_box, left_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 5 /* * Add a vertical box for the right column of widgets */ right_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start data_box, right_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 5 /* * Add the boxes and widgets for the left column... */ /* text editor */ tmpbox = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Text Editor', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 text_editor_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, text_editor_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If Left( !global.!!user.!!texteditor, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!!user.!!texteditor text_editor_entry = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start text_editor_box, text_editor_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect text_editor_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback', 'TEXTEDITOR', t1 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Browse', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start text_editor_box, abutton, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericFileSelector', text_editor_entry, 'Locate text editor', '', 1, !REXXDW.!DW_FILE_OPEN text_editor_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Run in console', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, text_editor_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!!user.!!texteditor_console = 1 Then Call dw_checkbox_set text_editor_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set text_editor_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* text pager */ tmpbox = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Text Viewer', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 text_pager_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, text_pager_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If Left( !global.!!user.!!textpager, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!!user.!!textpager text_pager_entry = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start text_pager_box, text_pager_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect text_pager_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback', 'TEXTPAGER', t1 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Browse', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start text_pager_box, abutton, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericFileSelector', text_pager_entry, 'Locate text viewer', '', 1, !REXXDW.!DW_FILE_OPEN text_pager_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Run in console', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, text_pager_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!!user.!!textpager_console = 1 Then Call dw_checkbox_set text_pager_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set text_pager_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* temp dir */ tmp_dir_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, tmp_dir_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Temp Directory', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmp_dir_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) /* * If this is the first time through, try and find the user's temp directory... */ If initial Then Do oldvalue = GetUserTempDirectory() End Else Do If Left( !global.!!tmpdir, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!!tmpdir End tmp_dir_entry = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmp_dir_box, tmp_dir_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect tmp_dir_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback', 'TMPDIR', t1 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Browse', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmp_dir_box, abutton, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericDirectorySelector', tmp_dir_entry, 'Set Temporary Directory to:' /* diff program */ diff_program_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, diff_program_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Diff Program', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start diff_program_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!!user.!!diffprog, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!!user.!!diffprog diff_program_entry = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start diff_program_box, diff_program_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect diff_program_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback', 'DIFFPROG', t1 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Browse', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start diff_program_box, abutton, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericFileSelector', diff_program_entry, 'Locate diff program', '', 1, !REXXDW.!DW_FILE_OPEN /* empty space */ Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, 0, 0, 10, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* directory menu */ b2 = dw_button_new( 'Maintain Directory Menus', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, b2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ModifyUserMenuCallback', 'DIR' /* * Add the boxes and widgets for the right column... */ /* binary editor */ tmpbox = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Binary Editor', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 binary_editor_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, binary_editor_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If Left( !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor binary_editor_entry = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start binary_editor_box, binary_editor_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect binary_editor_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback', 'BINARYEDITOR', t1 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Browse', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start binary_editor_box, abutton, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericFileSelector', binary_editor_entry, 'Locate binary editor', '', 1, !REXXDW.!DW_FILE_OPEN binary_editor_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Run in console', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, binary_editor_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor_console = 1 Then Call dw_checkbox_set binary_editor_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set binary_editor_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* binary pager */ tmpbox = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Binary Viewer', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 binary_pager_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, binary_pager_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If Left( !global.!!user.!!binarypager, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!!user.!!binarypager binary_pager_entry = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start binary_pager_box, binary_pager_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect binary_pager_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback', 'BINARYPAGER', t1 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Browse', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start binary_pager_box, abutton, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericFileSelector', binary_pager_entry, 'Locate binary viewer', '', 1, !REXXDW.!DW_FILE_OPEN binary_pager_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Run in console', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, binary_pager_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!!user.!!binarypager_console = 1 Then Call dw_checkbox_set binary_pager_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set binary_pager_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* tab spaces spinbutton */ tab_spaces_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, tab_spaces_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Tab Spaces', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tab_spaces_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) sb = dw_spinbutton_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tab_spaces_box, sb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_spinbutton_set_limits sb, 20, 0 If Datatype( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces ) \= 'NUM' Then !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces = 4 Call dw_spinbutton_set_pos sb, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces Call dw_signal_connect sb, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback', 'TABSPACES', t1 /* * Now the user's default syntax highlighter */ If initial Then Do stylebox = '' Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 End Else Do Call DisplayStatus 'Getting syntax highlighting themes...' tmp_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, tmp_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Syntax Theme', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmp_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!!user.!!style, 1 ) = '' Then default_style = '' Else default_style = !global.!!user.!!style stylebox = dw_combobox_new( default_style, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmp_box, stylebox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Address System 'highlight -w' !global.!datadir With Output Stem styles. Error Stem junk. Do i = 1 To styles.0 If Words( styles.i ) = 1 Then Call dw_listbox_append stylebox, Strip( styles.i ) End Call dw_signal_connect stylebox, !REXXDW.!DW_LIST_SELECT_EVENT, 'SelectStyleCallback' Call dw_window_set_text stylebox, default_style /* default value doesn't work in dw_combobox_new */ Call DisplayStatus '' End /* empty space */ Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, 0, 0, 10, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* file menu */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Maintain File Menus', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, b1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ModifyUserMenuCallback', 'FILE' /* -- checkboxes in groupbox - full width-- */ groupbox = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Options', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) num_rows = 3 /* number of widgets + 1 for gaps */ Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, groupbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* 1st row box */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start groupbox, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* left column box */ left_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, left_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* right column box */ right_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, right_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* quick exit - left */ confirm_exit_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Confirmation on Exit', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, confirm_exit_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!confirm_exit = 1 Then Call dw_checkbox_set confirm_exit_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set confirm_exit_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* save position on exit - right */ save_position_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Use saved position on start', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, save_position_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!save_position = '1' Then Call dw_checkbox_set save_position_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set save_position_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* 2nd row box */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start groupbox, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* left column box */ left_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, left_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* sorting - left */ sort_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Case Sensitive Sorting', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, sort_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort = 'sensitive' Then Call dw_checkbox_set sort_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set sort_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* right column box */ right_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, right_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* debug commands - right */ debug_commands_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Debug Repository Commands', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, debug_commands_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call dw_checkbox_set debug_commands_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set debug_commands_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* win32 file associations - full width */ If !global.!os = 'WIN32' Then Do tmpbox = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Use Windows File Associations', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 fa_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'For all files', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, fa_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * On first start of QOCCA, set Windows File Associations to true under WIN32 */ If initial Then Do Call dw_checkbox_set fa_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED End Else Do If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations = 1 Then Call dw_checkbox_set fa_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set fa_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED End fa_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, fa_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Only for:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start fa_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations_extensions, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations_extensions fa_entry = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start fa_box, fa_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect fa_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback', 'FILEASSOC', t1 End /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ Call dw_window_set_gravity win, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, 0, 0, 0, 0 Call dw_window_show win Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, text_editor_entry, text_pager_entry, tmp_dir_entry, binary_editor_entry, binary_pager_entry, fa_cb, fa_entry, sort_cb, stylebox, sb, diff_program_entry, confirm_exit_cb, text_editor_cb, binary_editor_cb, text_pager_cb, binary_pager_cb, save_position_cb, debug_commands_cb Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return 0 SelectStyleCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, list_idx If list_idx < 0 Then Return 1 text = dw_listbox_get_text( win, list_idx ) Call dw_window_set_text win, text Return 1 ModifyUserMenuCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Display the current list of user file menus */ /* * Create a container box with * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Specify the ... Use %F% for the full filename | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Label | Command | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | the | the %F% |^| * | xedit | xedit %F% |v| * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | xyx | | Save | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | | Change | | Delete | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Cancel | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Apply | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * and provide right-click menu with 'Change' and 'Delete' * */ Parse Arg ., type . title_width = 50 flags.0 = 2 flags.1 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) flags.2 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) titles.0 = 2 titles.1 = 'Menu Label' titles.2 = 'Command' title.DIR = 'Maintain Directory Menu' title.FILE = 'Maintain File Menu' help.DIR.1 = 'This dialog allows you to add your own menus to the directory menu.' help.DIR.2 = ' Specify the menu label and command to execute. The fully qualified' help.DIR.3 = ' working directory is available for substitution into your command.' help.DIR.4 = ' Add %D% where you want the directory name to be substituted, and %W% where you want the working directory substituted.' help.DIR.5 = ' User variables can also be substituted; use %xx% where xx is a string. A dialog box will popup asking for the values.' help.DIR.6 = ' Use %%% to specify a percent sign.' help.DIR.0 = 6 help.FILE.1 = 'This dialog allows you to add your own menus to the file menu.' help.FILE.2 = ' Specify the menu label and command to execute. The fully qualified' help.FILE.3 = ' working directory and file name is available for substitution into your command.' help.FILE.4 = ' Add %D% where you want the directory name to be substituted, %W% where you want the working directory substituted, and' help.FILE.5 = ' %F% where you want the file name to be substituted.' help.FILE.6 = ' User variables can also be substituted; use %xx% where xx is a string. A dialog box will popup asking for the values.' help.FILE.7 = ' Use %%% to specify a percent sign.' help.FILE.0 = 7 If type = 'DIR' Then Do If Left( !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.0, 1 ) = '!' Then Do !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.0 = 0 !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!command.0 = 0 End Call SysStemCopy '!global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.', '!global.!current_menu_label.' Call SysStemCopy '!global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!command.', '!global.!current_menu_command.' End Else Do If Left( !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.0, 1 ) = '!' Then Do !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.0 = 0 !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!command.0 = 0 End Call SysStemCopy '!global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.', '!global.!current_menu_label.' Call SysStemCopy '!global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!command.', '!global.!current_menu_command.' End win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, title.type, !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, 200, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE res = -1 Do i = 1 To help.type.0 res = dw_mle_import( t1, help.type.i, res ) End Call dw_window_disable t1 /* * Create our container in the box... */ !global.!usermenucontainer = dw_container_new( 1, !REXXDW.!DW_SINGLE_SELECTION ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, !global.!usermenucontainer, 400, 300, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!usermenucontainer.?firsttime = 1 /* * Use a normal container. */ Call dw_container_setup !global.!usermenucontainer, 'flags.', 'titles.', 0 Call DisplayUserMenu /* * Create edit area */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!usermenu_text = dw_entryfield_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!usermenu_text, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!usermenu_entry = dw_entryfield_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!usermenu_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 ba = dw_button_new( 'Add/Change', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, ba, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 bd = dw_button_new( 'Delete', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, bd, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create Cancel and Apply button */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ Call dw_window_set_gravity win, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, 0, 0, 0, 0 Call dw_window_show win Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'UserMenuApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, type Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect ba, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'UserMenuAddChangeButtonCallback' Call dw_signal_connect bd, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'UserMenuDeleteButtonCallback' /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return 1 DisplayUserMenu: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Delete everything in the container so we can replace the existing data */ If !global.!usermenucontainer.?firsttime = 0 Then Do Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!usermenucontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT Call dw_container_clear !global.!usermenucontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_REDRAW End !global.!usermenucontainer.?firsttime = 0 /* * Add the entries into the container */ containermemory = dw_container_alloc( !global.!usermenucontainer, !global.!current_menu_label.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!current_menu_label.0 Call dw_container_set_item !global.!usermenucontainer, containermemory, 0, i-1, !global.!current_menu_label.i Call dw_container_set_item !global.!usermenucontainer, containermemory, 1, i-1, !global.!current_menu_command.i Call dw_container_set_row_title containermemory, i-1, i End Call dw_container_set_stripe !global.!usermenucontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE, !global.!container_colour Call dw_container_insert !global.!usermenucontainer, containermemory, !global.!current_menu_label.0 Call dw_container_optimize !global.!usermenucontainer /* * Only now can we connect our signals, because dw_set_file() causes the signals to fire!!!... */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!usermenucontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT, 'UserMenuSelectCallback' Return /* * Set our edit are with values from the currently selected item */ UserMenuSelectCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window, ., idx Call dw_window_set_text !global.!usermenu_text, !global.!current_menu_label.idx Call dw_window_set_text !global.!usermenu_entry, !global.!current_menu_command.idx Return 1 /* * Set our edit are with values from the currently selected item */ UserMenuDeleteButtonCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * If we don't have anything in the edit area yet, just return */ label = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!usermenu_text ) ) If label = '' Then Return 0 /* * If we have the label in the array delete it, otherwise ignore the delete */ idx = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!current_menu_label.0 If !global.!current_menu_label.i = label Then Do idx = i Leave End End If idx = 0 Then Return 1 Call SysStemDelete '!global.!current_menu_label.', idx Call SysStemDelete '!global.!current_menu_command.', idx /* * Redisplay the container */ Call DisplayUserMenu Return 1 UserMenuAddChangeButtonCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * If we don't have anything in the edit area yet, just return */ label = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!usermenu_text ) ) If label = '' Then Return 0 /* * If we don't have the label in the array already, add it, otherwise * update the value */ idx = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!current_menu_label.0 If !global.!current_menu_label.i = label Then Do idx = i Leave End End command = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!usermenu_entry ) ) If idx = 0 Then Do Call SysStemInsert '!global.!current_menu_label.', 1+!global.!current_menu_label.0, label Call SysStemInsert '!global.!current_menu_command.', 1+!global.!current_menu_command.0, command End Else Do !global.!current_menu_label.idx = label !global.!current_menu_command.idx = command End /* * Redisplay the container */ Call DisplayUserMenu Return 0 /* * Apply the changes for the menu permanently */ UserMenuApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., win, dialog, type If type = 'DIR' Then Do Call SysStemCopy '!global.!current_menu_label.', '!global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.' Call SysStemCopy '!global.!current_menu_command.', '!global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!command.' End Else Do Call SysStemCopy '!global.!current_menu_label.', '!global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.' Call SysStemCopy '!global.!current_menu_command.', '!global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!command.' End /* * Save the user preferences now */ Call WriteUserSettingsFile Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Destroy the window */ Call dw_window_destroy win Return 0 UserPreferencesApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., win, dialog, text_editor_entry, text_pager_entry, tmp_dir_entry, binary_editor_entry, binary_pager_entry, fa_cb, fa_entry, sort_cb, stylebox, sb, diff_program_entry, confirm_exit_cb, text_editor_cb, binary_editor_cb, text_pager_cb, binary_pager_cb, save_position_cb, debug_commands_cb /* * Validate that all mandatory fields are supplied * If on WIN32 and Windows File Associations checked, then we don't need * editors or pagers */ t_editor = Strip( dw_window_get_text( text_editor_entry ) ) t_pager = Strip( dw_window_get_text( text_pager_entry ) ) b_editor = Strip( dw_window_get_text( binary_editor_entry ) ) b_pager = Strip( dw_window_get_text( binary_pager_entry ) ) diff_prog = Strip( dw_window_get_text( diff_program_entry ) ) If stylebox \= '' Then style = Strip( dw_window_get_text( stylebox ) ) Else style = '' strict_validation = 1 t_tmpdir = Strip( Strip( Changestr( !global.!ossep, dw_window_get_text( tmp_dir_entry ), '/' ) ), 'T', '/' ) If !global.!os = 'WIN32' Then Do fa_ext = Strip( dw_window_get_text( fa_entry ) ) fa = dw_checkbox_get( fa_cb ) If fa Then strict_validation = 0 Else strict_validation = 1 End Select When t_editor = '' & strict_validation Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Validation Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Text Editor field is empty. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When b_editor = '' & strict_validation Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Validation Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Binary Editor field is empty. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When t_pager = '' & strict_validation Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Validation Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Text Viewer field is empty. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When b_pager = '' & strict_validation Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Validation Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Binary Viewer field is empty. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When t_tmpdir = '' | DirectoryExists(t_tmpdir) = 0 Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Validation Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), "Temp Dir is empty or doesn't exist. Please re-enter." Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End Otherwise Nop End /* * Check text editor has %F% */ If Countstr( '%F', t_editor ) \= 1 & strict_validation Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Validation Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Text Editor field does not have mandatory %F% placemarker. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End /* * Append !global.!ossep to !!tmpdir if it doesn't have a trailing slash */ If Right( t_tmpdir, 1 ) \= '/' Then !global.!!tmpdir = t_tmpdir||'/' Else !global.!!tmpdir = t_tmpdir !global.!!user.!!texteditor = t_editor !global.!!user.!!textpager = t_pager !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor = b_editor !global.!!user.!!binarypager = b_pager If dw_checkbox_get( sort_cb ) Then !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort = 'sensitive' Else !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort = 'insensitive' !global.!!user.!!preference.!!confirm_exit = dw_checkbox_get( confirm_exit_cb ) !global.!!user.!!preference.!!save_position = dw_checkbox_get( save_position_cb ) !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = dw_checkbox_get( debug_commands_cb ) If !global.!os = 'WIN32' Then !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations = fa Else !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations = 0 !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces = dw_spinbutton_get_pos( sb ) !global.!!user.!!preference.!!showmodified = 1 !global.!!user.!!style = style !global.!!user.!!diffprog = diff_prog !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations_extensions = fa_ext !global.!!user.!!texteditor_console = dw_checkbox_get( text_editor_cb ) !global.!!user.!!textpager_console = dw_checkbox_get( text_pager_cb ) !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor_console = dw_checkbox_get( binary_editor_cb ) !global.!!user.!!binarypager_console = dw_checkbox_get( binary_pager_cb ) /* * Save the user preferences now */ Call WriteUserSettingsFile Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Destroy the window */ Call dw_window_destroy win Return 0 UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, which, textwin help.initial = 'Specify your preferences below.' help.texteditor = 'Enter the command you wish to execute to Edit a text configuration item, or use the folder icon to select a program.', ' You must also include %F% to specify where filenames are the be included in the command string. You can optionally add %L% and %C% to specify line and column positions when the editor is called from the Build Results window.' help.textpager = 'Enter the command you wish to execute to View a text configuration item, or use the folder icon to select a program.' help.binaryeditor = 'Enter the command you wish to execute to Edit a binary configuration item, or use the folder icon to select a program.' help.binarypager = 'Enter the command you wish to execute to View a binary configuration item, or use the folder icon to select a program.' help.tmpdir = 'Enter a directory where temporary files used by QOCCA can be stored, or use the folder icon to select a directory. This temporary directory should not be a directory that other developers are likely to use.' help.fileassoc = 'Check the button if you want to use the default Windows File Associations for editing and viewing instead of the selected programs.' help.sorting = 'Check the button if you want the order of the files in the files pane to respect case.' help.showmodified = "Check the button if you want QOCCA to execute 'Show Modified' automatically each time a new file list is displayed." help.setcolours = "Click this to specify the foreground and background colours of the 3 major panes." help.filemenus = "Click this to bring up a dialog that allows you to create your own menu items for the File Menu." help.dirmenus = "Click this to bring up a dialog that allows you to create your own menu items for the Directory Menu." help.sytnax = "Select the default theme to use in 'Show Annotations' and 'Show Differences'." help.tabspaces = "Replace TABS in 'Show Annotations' and 'Show Differences' with this many spaces. 0 indicates no substitution." help.diffprog = "Specify the 'diff' program to call for 'Show Differences'. If not specifed, 'rexxdiff ' is used, where %F1% and %F2% are the file names to compare, %T1% and %T2% are the file descriptions." help.fileassoc = "Specify the extensions to apply the default file associations to." Call dw_window_enable textwin Call dw_mle_set_cursor textwin, 0 Call dw_mle_delete textwin Call dw_mle_import textwin, help.which, -1 Call dw_window_disable textwin Return 0 RepositorySettingsCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Project properties... (from build.conf) * * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Admin Users: ______________________ | !admin_users * | Admin Email: ______________________ | !admin_email * | Build Users: _______________________ | !build_users * | Update Users: ______________________ | !update_users * | User mappings: _____________________ | !user_mappings * | Runtime Environments: ______________________ | !runtime_envs * | Platform Targets: __________________ | !platforms * | Files to Ignore: ___________________ | !ignorefiles * | Binary files: __ ___________________ | !binaryfiles * | Version Env Variable _______________ | !versionenvvar * | Build Number Env Variable _______________ | !buildenvvar * | Build Directory: ____________________________ | !builddir * | Log Directory: ____________________________ | !logdir * | User Can Delete: x | !user_can_delete * | Reserved Checkout: x | !reservedcheckout * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Help | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ */ this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) num_platforms = Words( !global.!platforms ) title_width = 130 win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Edit Repository Settings', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 400, 75, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call UserPreferencesHelpFocusCallback t1, 'INITIAL', t1 Call dw_window_disable t1 /* * Add a vertical box for the left column of widgets */ left_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, left_box, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 5 /* * Add the boxes and widgets for the left column... */ /* admin users */ admin_users_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, admin_users_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Admin Users', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start admin_users_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) admin_users_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!admin_users, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start admin_users_box, admin_users_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect admin_users_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'AU', t1 /* admin email */ admin_email_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, admin_email_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Admin Email', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start admin_email_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) admin_email_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!admin_email, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start admin_email_box, admin_email_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect admin_email_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'AE', t1 /* build users */ build_users_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, build_users_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Build Users', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start build_users_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) build_users_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!build_users, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start build_users_box, build_users_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect build_users_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'BU', t1 /* update users */ update_users_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, update_users_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Update Users', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start update_users_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) update_users_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!update_users, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start update_users_box, update_users_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect update_users_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'UU', t1 /* update users */ user_mappings_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, user_mappings_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'User Mappings', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start user_mappings_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) user_mappings_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!user_mappings, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start user_mappings_box, user_mappings_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect user_mappings_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'UM', t1 /* runtime environments */ runtime_environments_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, runtime_environments_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Runtime Environments', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start runtime_environments_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) runtime_environments_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!runtime_envs, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start runtime_environments_box, runtime_environments_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect runtime_environments_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'RE', t1 /* platform targets */ platform_targets_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, platform_targets_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Platform Targets', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start platform_targets_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) platform_targets_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!platforms, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start platform_targets_box, platform_targets_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect platform_targets_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'PT', t1 /* files to ignore */ files_to_ignore_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, files_to_ignore_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Files To Ignore', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start files_to_ignore_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) files_to_ignore_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!ignorefiles, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start files_to_ignore_box, files_to_ignore_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect files_to_ignore_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'IF', t1 /* binary files */ binary_files_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, binary_files_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Binary Files', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start binary_files_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) binary_files_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!binaryfiles, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start binary_files_box, binary_files_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect binary_files_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'BF', t1 /* variable env variable */ version_env_var_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, version_env_var_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Version Env Variable', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start version_env_var_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) version_env_var_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!versionenvvar, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start version_env_var_box, version_env_var_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect version_env_var_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'VE', t1 /* build env variable */ build_env_var_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, build_env_var_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Build Env Variable', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start build_env_var_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) build_env_var_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!buildenvvar, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start build_env_var_box, build_env_var_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect build_env_var_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'BE', t1 /* build dir variable */ build_dir_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, build_dir_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Build Directory', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start build_dir_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) build_dir_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!builddir, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start build_dir_box, build_dir_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect build_dir_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'BD', t1 /* log env variable */ log_dir_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, log_dir_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Log Directory', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start log_dir_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) log_dir_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!logdir, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start log_dir_box, log_dir_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect log_dir_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback', 'LD', t1 /* syntax mapping */ b0 = dw_button_new( 'Edit Syntax Mappings', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, b0, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b0, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'EditSyntaxMappingCallback' /* user can delete */ user_can_delete_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'User Can Delete', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, user_can_delete_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!user_can_delete = 'Y' Then Call dw_checkbox_set user_can_delete_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set user_can_delete_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* reserved checkout */ reserved_checkout_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Reserved Checkout for Repository', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, reserved_checkout_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!reservedcheckout = 'Y' Then Call dw_checkbox_set reserved_checkout_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set reserved_checkout_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 500 height = 590 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, admin_users_entry, admin_email_entry, build_users_entry, update_users_entry, runtime_environments_entry, platform_targets_entry, files_to_ignore_entry, binary_files_entry, version_env_var_entry, build_env_var_entry, build_dir_entry, log_dir_entry, user_can_delete_cb, reserved_checkout_cb, user_mappings_entry Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return 0 RepositorySettingsApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., win, dialog_wait, admin_users_entry, admin_email_entry, build_users_entry, update_users_entry, runtime_environments_entry, platform_targets_entry, files_to_ignore_entry, binary_files_entry, version_env_var_entry, build_env_var_entry, build_dir_entry, log_dir_entry, user_can_delete_cb, reserved_checkout_cb, user_mappings_entry admin_users = Strip( dw_window_get_text( admin_users_entry ) ) admin_email = Strip( dw_window_get_text( admin_email_entry ) ) If Words( admin_users ) \= Words( admin_email ) Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Validation Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), 'There must be an email address for each Admin User.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog_wait, 'retry' Return 0 End /* * No more validation done */ !global.!admin_users = admin_users !global.!admin_email = admin_email !global.!user_mappings = Strip( dw_window_get_text( user_mappings_entry ) ) !global.!build_users = Strip( dw_window_get_text( build_users_entry ) ) !global.!update_users = Strip( dw_window_get_text( update_users_entry ) ) !global.!runtime_envs = Strip( dw_window_get_text( runtime_environments_entry ) ) !global.!platforms = Strip( dw_window_get_text( platform_targets_entry ) ) !global.!ignorefiles = Strip( dw_window_get_text( files_to_ignore_entry ) ) !global.!binaryfiles = Strip( dw_window_get_text( binary_files_entry ) ) !global.!versionenvvar = Strip( dw_window_get_text( version_env_var_entry ) ) !global.!buildenvvar = Strip( dw_window_get_text( build_env_var_entry ) ) !global.!builddir = Strip( dw_window_get_text( build_dir_entry ) ) !global.!logdir = Strip( dw_window_get_text( log_dir_entry ) ) ucd = dw_checkbox_get( user_can_delete_cb ) If ucd Then !global.!user_can_delete = 'Y' Else !global.!user_can_delete = 'N' If dw_checkbox_get( reserved_checkout_cb ) Then !global.!reservedcheckout = 'Y' Else !global.!reservedcheckout = 'N' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog_wait, 'apply' Call dw_window_destroy win Call WriteBuildConf 'Updated repository settings' /* * In case we have changed to/from reserved checkout */ Call SetLockedStatusIcon Return 0 RepositorySettingsHelpFocusCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, which, textwin help.initial = 'Update the repository details below.' help.au = 'Enter the names of all users who are allowed to administer this repository separated by spaces.' help.ae = 'Enter the email address for each admin user. There must be a one-to-one relationship between admin users and their email addresses separated by spaces.' help.bu = 'Enter the names of all users who are allowed to build modules in this repository separated by spaces.' help.uu = 'Enter the names of all users who are allowed to update configuration items in this repository separated by spaces.' help.um = 'Enter the userid mappings in the format: userid=new_userid[,userid=new_userid].' help.re = 'Enter the list of environments to which a module can be promoted (not currently used).' help.pt = 'Enter the platform on which builds are required for this repository.' help.if = 'Enter the list of file extensions that you want to ignore when adding files to the repository.' help.bf = 'Enter the list of file extensions that you QOCCA to consider to be binary.' help.ve = 'Enter the environment variable that you want to be set to the version being built.' help.be = 'Enter the environment variable that you want to be set to the build number being built.' help.bd = "Enter the directory where a build is to be done from. This directory is a relative directory specification from the repository's working directory; generally something as simple as 'build'." help.ld = "Enter the directory where log files from batch jobs are written. This directory is a relative directory specification from the repository's working directory; generally something as simple as 'log'." Call dw_mle_set_cursor textwin, 0 Call dw_mle_delete textwin Call dw_mle_import textwin, help.which, -1 Return 0 EditSyntaxMappingCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Create a container box with * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Syntax | Extensions | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | xml | |^| * | rexx | rexx rexx cmd the |v| * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | xml | | Save | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Apply | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Cancel | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * */ title_width = 50 Address System 'highlight -p' !global.!datadir With Output Stem langs. Error Stem err. If langs.0 = 0 Then Do Do i = 1 To err.0 End Return 0 End flags.0 = 2 flags.1 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) flags.2 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) titles.0 = 2 titles.1 = 'Syntax' titles.2 = 'Extensions' win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Edit Syntax Mappings', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create our container in the box... */ !global.!syntaxcontainer = dw_container_new( 1, !REXXDW.!DW_SINGLE_SELECTION ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, !global.!syntaxcontainer, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!syntaxcontainer.?firsttime = 1 !global.!editsyntax_index = 0 /* * Use a normal container. */ Call dw_container_setup !global.!syntaxcontainer, 'flags.', 'titles.', 0 Call DisplaySyntaxMapping /* * Create edit area */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!editsyntax_text = dw_entryfield_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!editsyntax_text, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_disable !global.!editsyntax_text !global.!editsyntax_entry = dw_entryfield_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!editsyntax_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b0 = dw_button_new( 'Save', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, b0, 50, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create Apply and Cancel buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 500 height = 480 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b0, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'EditSyntaxMappingSaveButtonCallback' Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'EditSyntaxMappingApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Drop !global.!langs. !global.!extensions. Return 0 DisplaySyntaxMapping: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Determine how many items in the container... */ Address System 'highlight -p' !global.!datadir With Output Stem langs. Error Stem err. idx = 0 Do i = 1 To langs.0 Parse Var langs.i . ':' ext . ext = Strip( ext ) If ext \= '' Then Do idx = idx + 1 !global.!langs.idx = ext !global.!langs.0 = idx End End Drop langs.i If !global.!langs.0 > 1 Then Call SysStemSort '!GLOBAL.!LANGS.','ascending', , , , 1, 20 /* * Delete everything in the container so we can replace the existing files */ If !global.!syntaxcontainer.?firsttime = 0 Then Do Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!syntaxcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT Call dw_container_clear !global.!syntaxcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_REDRAW End !global.!syntaxcontainer.?firsttime = 0 /* * Add the entries into the container */ !global.!syntaxcontainermemory = dw_container_alloc( !global.!syntaxcontainer, !global.!langs.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!langs.0 /* * Find our currently set mappings... */ !global.!extensions.i = '' If Left( !global.!syntax.0, 1 ) \= '!' Then Do j = 1 To !global.!syntax.0 If !global.!syntax.j = !global.!langs.i Then Do !global.!extensions.i = !global.!extension.j Leave j End End Call dw_container_set_item !global.!syntaxcontainer, !global.!syntaxcontainermemory, 0, i-1, !global.!langs.i Call dw_container_set_item !global.!syntaxcontainer, !global.!syntaxcontainermemory, 1, i-1, !global.!extensions.i Call dw_container_set_row_title !global.!syntaxcontainermemory, i-1, i End Call dw_container_set_stripe !global.!syntaxcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE, !global.!container_colour Call dw_container_insert !global.!syntaxcontainer, !global.!syntaxcontainermemory, !global.!langs.0 Call dw_container_optimize !global.!syntaxcontainer /* * Only now can we connect our signals, because dw_set_file() causes the signals to fire!!!... */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!syntaxcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT, 'EditSyntaxMappingSelectCallback' Return /* * Set our edit area with values from the currently selected item */ EditSyntaxMappingSelectCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window, ., idx Call dw_window_set_text !global.!editsyntax_text, !global.!langs.idx Call dw_window_set_text !global.!editsyntax_entry, !global.!extensions.idx !global.!editsyntax_index = idx Return 1 EditSyntaxMappingSaveButtonCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * If we don't have anything in the edit area yet, just return */ If !global.!editsyntax_index = 0 Then Return 0 index = !global.!editsyntax_index text = dw_window_get_text( !global.!editsyntax_entry ) !global.!extensions.index = text Call dw_container_set_item !global.!syntaxcontainer, !global.!syntaxcontainermemory, 1, index-1, !global.!extensions.index Return 0 EditSyntaxMappingApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., win, dialog_wait /* * Convert !global.!langs. and !global.!extensions. to !global.!syntax. and !global.!extension. */ idx = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!langs.0 If Strip( !global.!extensions.i ) \= '' Then Do idx = idx + 1 !global.!syntax.idx = Strip( !global.!langs.i ) !global.!extension.idx = Strip( !global.!extensions.i ) End End !global.!syntax.0 = idx !global.!extension.0 = idx Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog_wait, 'apply' Call dw_window_destroy win Call WriteBuildConf 'Updated syntax mappings' Return 0 CreateMainWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Create the main window on the desktop * Check if the user wants the window to be the same as last time and it was maixised... */ mainstyle = !global.!windowstyle maximised = 0 If Words( !global.!!user.!!window_pos_size ) = 4 & !global.!!user.!!preference.!!save_position = 1 Then Do Parse Var !global.!!user.!!window_pos_size xpos ypos !global.!window_width !global.!window_height If !global.!screen_width = !global.!window_width - xpos & !global.!screen_height = !global.!window_height - ypos Then Do mainstyle = dw_or( mainstyle, !REXXDW.!DW_FCF_MAXIMIZE ) maximised = 1 End End lockicon_size = 26 !global.!mainwindow = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'QOCCA', mainstyle ) /* * Generate all images used by QOCCA. We have to do this here because dwindows * under GTK 1.2 NOT using IMLIB, requires a window before an icon can be * loaded */ Call SetCursorWait Call GenerateIcons Call dw_window_set_icon !global.!mainwindow, !global.!qoccaicon /* * ...and a box within the main window. */ !global.!topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!mainwindow, !global.!topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * This box is where the bulk of the windows goes */ !global.!mainbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!topbox, !global.!mainbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * This box is for our bookmarks */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!topbox, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Create our bookmark details */ tmp = dw_button_new( 'Go to bookmark', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'SelectBookmarkApplyCallback' !global.!bookmarks_cb = dw_combobox_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!bookmarks_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!bookmarks_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_LIST_SELECT_EVENT, 'SelectBookmarkCallback' /* * Create our file filters */ !global.!filefilterbuttonapply = dw_button_new( 'Apply Filters', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!filefilterbuttonapply, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!filefilterbuttonapply, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'RefreshFilesCallback' Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, , 5, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 ffvbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, ffvbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!filefiltericons.0 -- !global.!filefilterbutton.i = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.i, 0, !global.!icondir||!global.!filefiltericons.i ) !global.!filefilterbutton.i = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( '', 0, !global.!icondir||!global.!filefiltericons.i ) Call dw_box_pack_start ffvbox, !global.!filefilterbutton.i, 24, 24, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!filefilterbutton.i, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ToggleFileFilterCallback', i End Call DisableFileFilters /* * This box is for the status line. */ !global.!statusbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!topbox, !global.!statusbox, 0, 26, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Create our status areas... */ junk = dw_button_new( 'QOCCA:' !global.!version, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!statusbox, junk, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, 26, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect junk, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'HelpAboutCallback' !global.!systemstatus = dw_status_text_new( 'QOCCA Starting', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!statusbox, !global.!systemstatus, 0, 26, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 lockbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!statusbox, lockbox, lockicon_size, lockicon_size, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!lock_bitmap = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Directory Locked', 0, !global.!icondir'lockdir' ) Call dw_box_pack_start lockbox, !global.!lock_bitmap, lockicon_size, lockicon_size, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_disable !global.!lock_bitmap !global.!jobstatus = dw_button_new( 'Active Jobs: 0', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!statusbox, !global.!jobstatus, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, 26, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!jobstatus, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'JobStatusCallback' /* * Create our directory toolbar boxes... */ !global.!dirtoolbarboxperm = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!mainbox, !global.!dirtoolbarboxperm, !global.!toolbox_size, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Pack the 'Quit' button into the top of the toolbar */ abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Quit QOCCA', 0, !global.!icondir||'quit' ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirtoolbarboxperm, abutton, !global.!toolbox_size, !global.!toolbox_size, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'QuitCallback' Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirtoolbarboxperm, 0, !global.!toolbox_size, 5, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!dirtoolbarbox = 0 !global.!dirtoolbarbutton.0 = 0 /* this ensures that we don't try and delete the buttons */ /* * Create our repository notebook box... */ !global.!repnotebookbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!mainbox, !global.!repnotebookbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create our file toolbar boxes... */ tmp = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!mainbox, tmp, !global.!toolbox_size, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 !global.!filetoolbarboxperm = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmp, !global.!filetoolbarboxperm, !global.!toolbox_size, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Help', 0, !global.!icondir||'help' ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!filetoolbarboxperm, abutton, !global.!toolbox_size, !global.!toolbox_size, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'HelpCallback' Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!filetoolbarboxperm, 0, !global.!toolbox_size, 5, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Clear Messages', 0, !global.!icondir||'clear' ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmp, abutton, !global.!toolbox_size, !global.!toolbox_size, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ClearMessages' !global.!filetoolbarbox = 0 !global.!filetoolbarbutton.0 = 0 /* this ensures that we don't try and delete the buttons */ /* * Create our repository notebook */ !global.!repnotebook = dw_notebook_new( 0, !REXXDW.!DW_TAB_TO_TOP ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!repnotebookbox, !global.!repnotebook, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!repnotebook, !REXXDW.!DW_SWITCH_PAGE_EVENT, 'SwitchRepositoryCallback' /* * For each repository, we need to create the tree, file, and message boxen... */ Do i = 1 To !global.!!number_repositories Call AddRepositoryPage i End /* * Setup callbacks */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!mainwindow, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'QuitCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!mainwindow, !REXXDW.!DW_KEY_PRESS_EVENT, 'TopWindowKeyPressCallback' /* * Create our menus.. */ !global.!mainmenubar = dw_menubar_new( !global.!mainwindow ) /* * If we have more than 1 repository, create a sub-menu with all but our current * repository to enable them to be removed - TODO * How do we recreate this men after removing a repository? */ /* * Add items to the 'File' menu * Note that each menu item MUST have a unique ID, or the callbacks won't work! */ menu = dw_menu_new( 0 ) menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( menu, '~Add Repository', 1011, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'AddRepositoryCallback' /* menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( menu, '~Remove Repository', 1012, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'RemoveRepositoryCallback' */ menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( menu, '~Quit', 1013, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'QuitCallback' /* * Add the 'File' menu to the menubar... */ Call dw_menu_append_item !global.!mainmenubar, '~File', 1010, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, menu /* * Add items to the 'Edit' menu * Note that each menu item MUST have a unique ID, or the callbacks won't work! */ menu = dw_menu_new( 0 ) menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( menu, '~User Preferences', 1021, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'UserPreferencesCallback', 0 /* * Add the 'Edit' menu to the menubar... */ Call dw_menu_append_item !global.!mainmenubar, '~Edit', 1020, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, menu /* * Add items to the 'Help' menu * Note that each menu item MUST have a unique ID, or the callbacks won't work! */ menu = dw_menu_new( 0 ) menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( menu, '~Contents', 1091, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'HelpcontentsCallback' menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( menu, '~About', 1092, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'HelpAboutCallback' /* * Add the 'Help' menu to the menubar... */ Call dw_menu_append_item !global.!mainmenubar, '~Help', 1090, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, menu /* * If we have saved our position and size previously, use these details... */ Select When maximised Then Nop When Words( !global.!!user.!!window_pos_size ) = 4 & !global.!!user.!!preference.!!save_position = 1 & \maximised Then Do Parse Var !global.!!user.!!window_pos_size xpos ypos !global.!window_width !global.!window_height If xpos < 0 Then xpos = 0 If ypos < 0 Then ypos = 0 Call dw_window_set_pos_size !global.!mainwindow, xpos, ypos, !global.!window_width, !global.!window_height End Otherwise Do !global.!window_width = ( !global.!screen_width % 4 ) * 3 !global.!window_height = Max( ( !global.!screen_height % 4 ) * 3, (!global.!maxfilebuttons * !global.!toolbox_size) + (!global.!maxfileseparators * 5) + 90 ) Call dw_window_set_pos_size !global.!mainwindow, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (!global.!window_width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (!global.!window_height % 2), !global.!window_width, !global.!window_height End End /* * Display the main window */ Call dw_window_show !global.!mainwindow Call SetCursorNoWait Return /* * Creates a new repository notebook page and creates the base objects within it. * Doesn't populate the items. */ AddRepositoryPage: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg i /* * Create our notebook page and box to pack... */ !global.!repnotebookpagebox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) !global.!repnotebookpage.i = dw_notebook_page_new( !global.!repnotebook, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_PAGE_TO_BACK ) /* * Pack the box for the notebook page contents into the notebook page and set the * text of the notebook page tab */ Call dw_notebook_pack !global.!repnotebook, !global.!repnotebookpage.i, !global.!repnotebookpagebox.i Call dw_notebook_page_set_text !global.!repnotebook, !global.!repnotebookpage.i, !global.!!repository.!!name.i /* * Create the tree box. don't pack it as it goes into a splitbar */ !global.!treebox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) !global.!tree.i = -1 /* ensures we don't try an destroy this the first time we generate the tree */ /* * Create the box for files and messages. don't pack it as it goes into a splitbar */ !global.!filemessagebox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) /* * Create the first splitbar with tree and file boxen. */ !global.!hsplitbar.i = dw_splitbar_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ, !global.!treebox.i, !global.!filemessagebox.i, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!repnotebookpagebox.i, !global.!hsplitbar.i, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_splitbar_set !global.!hsplitbar.i, 30.0 /* * Create the file box. don't pack it as it goes into a splitbar */ !global.!filebox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) /* * Create the message mle. don't pack it as it goes into a splitbar */ !global.!mle.i = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap !global.!mle.i, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_WORD_WRAP !global.!mle_position.i = -1 /* * Create the second splitbar with file and message boxen. */ !global.!vsplitbar.i = dw_splitbar_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, !global.!filebox.i, !global.!mle.i, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!filemessagebox.i, !global.!vsplitbar.i, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_splitbar_set !global.!vsplitbar.i, 70.0 Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.i, !REXXDW.!DW_READONLY Call dw_window_set_color !global.!mle.i, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE /* * Create our file notebook box... */ !global.!filenotebook.i = dw_notebook_new( 0, !REXXDW.!DW_TAB_TO_TOP ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!filebox.i, !global.!filenotebook.i, 100, 100, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!filenotebook.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SWITCH_PAGE_EVENT, 'SwitchFilesCallback' /* * We need a notebook page for: * repository files * non-repository files * deleted files * all files */ /* * First page */ !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.i = dw_notebook_page_new( !global.!filenotebook.i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_PAGE_TO_BACK ) /* * We need something to pack into the page... */ !global.!repfilescontainerbox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) /* * Now pack the box into the notebook page */ Call dw_notebook_pack !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.i, !global.!repfilescontainerbox.i Call dw_notebook_page_set_text !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.i, "Repository Files" /* * Create our container in the box... */ !global.!repfilescontainer.i = dw_container_new( 2000+i, !REXXDW.!DW_MULTIPLE_SELECTION ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!repfilescontainerbox.i, !global.!repfilescontainer.i, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Use a filesystem container. This has as the first two columns, icon and filename, followed * by our user data. */ Call dw_filesystem_setup !global.!repfilescontainer.i, '!global.!repfiles_flags.', '!global.!repfiles_titles.' /* * Second page... */ !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.i = dw_notebook_page_new( !global.!filenotebook.i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_PAGE_TO_BACK ) /* * We need something to pack into the page... */ !global.!nonrepfilescontainerbox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) /* * Now pack the box into the notebook page */ Call dw_notebook_pack !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.i, !global.!nonrepfilescontainerbox.i Call dw_notebook_page_set_text !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.i, "Non Repository Files" /* * Create our container in the box... */ !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.i = dw_container_new( 3000+i, !REXXDW.!DW_MULTIPLE_SELECTION ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!nonrepfilescontainerbox.i, !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.i, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Use a filesystem container. This has as the first two columns, icon and filename, followed * by our user data. */ Call dw_filesystem_setup !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.i, '!global.!nonrepfiles_flags.', '!global.!nonrepfiles_titles.' /* * Make sure that this list is populated the first time we switch to this * page. */ !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.i.0 = -1 /* * Third page contains deleted files */ !global.!filenotebookpage.?deletedfiles.i = dw_notebook_page_new( !global.!filenotebook.i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_PAGE_TO_BACK ) /* * We need something to pack into the page... */ !global.!deletedfilescontainerbox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) /* * Now pack the box into the notebook page */ Call dw_notebook_pack !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?deletedfiles.i, !global.!deletedfilescontainerbox.i Call dw_notebook_page_set_text !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?deletedfiles.i, "Deleted Files" /* * Create our container in the box... */ !global.!deletedfilescontainer.i = dw_container_new( 4000+i, !REXXDW.!DW_MULTIPLE_SELECTION ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!deletedfilescontainerbox.i, !global.!deletedfilescontainer.i, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Use a filesystem container. This has as the first two columns, icon and filename, followed * by our user data. */ Call dw_filesystem_setup !global.!deletedfilescontainer.i, '!global.!deletedfiles_flags.', '!global.!deletedfiles_titles.' /* * Fourth page */ !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.i = dw_notebook_page_new( !global.!filenotebook.i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_PAGE_TO_BACK ) /* * We need something to pack into the page... */ !global.!allfilescontainerbox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) /* * Now pack the box into the notebook page */ Call dw_notebook_pack !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.i, !global.!allfilescontainerbox.i Call dw_notebook_page_set_text !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.i, "All Files" /* * Create our container in the box... */ !global.!allfilescontainer.i = dw_container_new( 2000+i, !REXXDW.!DW_MULTIPLE_SELECTION ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!allfilescontainerbox.i, !global.!allfilescontainer.i, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Use a filesystem container. This has as the first two columns, icon and filename, followed * by our user data. This page is identical to repfiles!! */ Call dw_filesystem_setup !global.!allfilescontainer.i, '!global.!allfiles_flags.', '!global.!allfiles_titles.' /* * Make sure that this list is populated the first time we switch to this * page. */ !global.!deletedfiles.?filename.i.0 = -1 /* * Set the first page as default */ !global.!filespage.i = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Call dw_notebook_page_set !global.!filenotebook.i, !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.1 Return /* * Project level callbacks... */ AddRepositoryCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If GetNewRepository() \= 'close' Then Do /* * We now have everything in a state that we can connect to and display the * new repository. */ !global.!allowcallbacks = 0 Call AddRepositoryPage !!last_repository Call dw_notebook_page_set !global.!repnotebook, !global.!repnotebookpage.!!last_repository !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Call DisplayRepository End Return 0 RemoveRepositoryCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If GetNewRepository() \= 'close' Then Do /* * We now have everything in a state that we can connect to and display the * new repository. */ !global.!allowcallbacks = 0 Call AddRepositoryPage !!last_repository Call dw_notebook_page_set !global.!repnotebook, !global.!repnotebookpage.!!last_repository !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Call DisplayRepository End Return 0 HelpAboutCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository window_x = !global.!window_width % 2 window_x = 500 window_y = 200 splashwindow = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'About QOCCA', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon splashwindow, !global.!qoccaicon box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start splashwindow, box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE textandimagebox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, textandimagebox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_window_set_color textandimagebox, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE imagebox = dw_bitmap_new_from_file( 100, !global.!icondir'bigqocca' ) Call dw_box_pack_start textandimagebox, imagebox, 64, 64, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 textbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start textandimagebox, textbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_window_set_color textbox, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE /* * Display version details */ t1 = dw_text_new( 'QOCCA', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE t1 = dw_text_new( 'Version' !global.!version, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE t1 = dw_text_new( 'Copyright Mark Hessling 2009', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE t1 = dw_text_new( Copies( '-', 30 ), 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Parse Version ver t1 = dw_text_new( 'Rexx Version:' ver, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE t1 = dw_text_new( 'RexxDW Version:' dw_variable( 'VERSION' ), 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_environment_query 'ver.' t1 = dw_text_new( 'dwindows Version:' ver.8'.'ver.9'.'ver.10 'Built:' ver.2 ver.3, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE t1 = dw_text_new( 'RegUtil Version:' sysutilversion() '('sysversion()')', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE If !global.!os = 'WIN32' Then Do t1 = dw_text_new( 'W32Util Version:' w32version(), 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE End /* * User info */ t1 = dw_text_new( Copies( '-', 30 ), 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE If userid() \= !global.!user Then userdet = userid() 'mapped to:' !global.!user Else userdet = !global.!user t1 = dw_text_new( 'User:' userdet 'Administrator:' !global.!administrator.!!last_repository, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style t1, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE /* * Our OK button */ abutton = dw_button_new( 'OK', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, abutton, window_x, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 1 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', splashwindow Call dw_signal_connect splashwindow, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', splashwindow /* * Display the splash window */ Call dw_window_set_gravity splashwindow, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE Call dw_window_set_pos_size splashwindow, 0, 0, 0, 0 Call dw_window_show splashwindow Return 0 HelpContentsCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call HTMLBrowse !global.!helpdir'index.html', 'QOCCA Help' Return 0 /* * Callback from each file filter button */ ToggleFileFilterCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, idx If !global.!filefilterstatus.!!last_repository.idx = 'off' Then Do !global.!filefilterstatus.!!last_repository.idx = '' bit = '1' status = 'ON' End Else Do !global.!filefilterstatus.!!last_repository.idx = 'off' bit = '0' status = 'OFF' End !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.!!last_repository = Overlay( bit, !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.!!last_repository, idx, 1 ) --Call dw_window_set_bitmap !global.!filefilterbutton.idx, , !global.!icondir||!global.!filefiltericons.idx||!global.!filefilterstatus.!!last_repository.idx Call dw_window_set_tooltip !global.!filefilterbutton.idx, !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.idx '-' status Return /* * Sets the file filter buttons to enabled */ EnableFileFilters: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call dw_window_enable !global.!filefilterbuttonapply If Left( !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.!!last_repository, 1 ) = '!' Then !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.!!last_repository = Copies( '1', !global.!filefiltericons.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!filefiltericons.0 Call dw_window_enable !global.!filefilterbutton.i End Call ShowFileFilters Return /* * Sets the file filter buttons to disabled */ DisableFileFilters: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call dw_window_disable !global.!filefilterbuttonapply Do i = 1 To !global.!filefiltericons.0 -- turn off tooltips Call dw_window_set_tooltip !global.!filefilterbutton.i Call dw_window_disable !global.!filefilterbutton.i End Return /* * Set the appropriate file filter button image */ ShowFileFilters: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If Left( !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.!!last_repository, 1 ) = '!' Then !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.!!last_repository = Copies( '1', !global.!filefiltericons.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!filefiltericons.0 -- set the tooltip to reflect the setting If Substr( !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.!!last_repository, i, 1 ) = '1' Then Do !global.!filefilterstatus.!!last_repository.i = '' status = 'ON' End Else Do !global.!filefilterstatus.!!last_repository.i = 'off' status = 'OFF' End Call dw_window_set_tooltip !global.!filefilterbutton.i, !global.!filefiltericonsdesc.i '-' status End Return /* * Takes the !global.!allfiles. stem and removes any files which don't have the appropriate * file filter turned on */ ApplyFileFiltering: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository keep_idx = '' Do i = 1 To !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 status = Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Do j = 1 To !global.!filefiltericons.0 filter_on = Substr( !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.!!last_repository, j, 1 ) If filter_on = 1 & !global.!filefiltericons.j = status Then Do keep_idx = keep_idx i Leave End End End num_rows = Words( keep_idx ) !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.0 = num_rows Do i = 1 To num_rows idx = Word( keep_idx, i ) newi = Right( i, 4 ) !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.idx ) !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx ) !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.idx ) !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.idx ) !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.idx ) !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx ) !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.idx ) !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.idx ) !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.i = Overlay( newi, !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx ) End Return /* * The callback executed when the user left-clicks on an item in the tree */ DirSelectCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Then Do Parse Arg window, item, text, itemdata, data Call SetCursorWait if trace() = 'F' Then say 'DirSelectCallback: window:' window 'item:' item 'text:' text 'itemdata:' itemdata 'data:' data Parse Var itemdata parent fulldir If fulldir = '' Then !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' Else !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = Substr( fulldir, 2 ) /* * Save the tree item that represents the currently selected directory */ !global.!selected_treeitem.!!last_repository = item /* * Adjust the directory toolbar */ Call AdjustDirToolbarList Call AdjustDirToolbarButtons /* * Refresh the repository files, non-rep files and deleted files * tabs. DO NOT refresh the all files tab; it takes too long unless * it is the current tab */ Call DisplayRepositoryFiles Call DisplayNonRepositoryFiles Call DisplayDeletedFiles If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Call DisplayAllFiles /* * If this directory is set for reserved checkout, */ Call SetLockedStatusIcon /* * Adjust the file toolbar as well! */ Call FileSelectCallback Call SetCursorNoWait End Return 0 /* * The callback executed when the user right-clicks on an item in the tree */ DirMenuCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Then Do Parse Arg window, text, x, y, itemdata if trace() = 'F' Then say 'Dirmenucallback' window ',' text ',' x ',' y ',' itemdata Call DisplayDirMenu x, y End Return 1 /* * The callback executed when the user left-clicks on an item in file listing */ FileSelectCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Then Do Parse Arg arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7 if trace() = 'F' Then say 'FileSelectCallback' arg1','arg2','arg3','arg4','arg5','arg6','arg7 Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Return 0 /* * The callback executed when the user right-clicks on an item in file listing */ FileMenuCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Then Do Parse Arg window, text, x, y, itemdata if trace() = 'F' Then say 'FileMenucallback' window ',' text ',' x ',' y ',' itemdata Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call DisplayFileMenu x, y End Return 0 /* * Sorts the file list based on the column heading clicked */ FileSortCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., column Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then Do !global.!repfile_sort_order = column /* * Toggle the sort order for the column. */ If !global.!repfile_sort_direction.column = 'ascending' Then !global.!repfile_sort_direction.column = 'descending' Else !global.!repfile_sort_direction.column = 'ascending' Call SortFileArray Call DisplayFileArray End When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.!!last_repository Then Do !global.!nonrepfile_sort_order = column /* * Toggle the sort order for the column. */ If !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.column = 'ascending' Then !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.column = 'descending' Else !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.column = 'ascending' Call SortNonrepFileArray Call DisplayNonRepFileArray End When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filespage.?deletedrepfiles Then Do /* Call DisplayDeletedFiles */ End When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Do !global.!allfile_sort_order = column /* * Toggle the sort order for the column. */ If !global.!allfile_sort_direction.column = 'ascending' Then !global.!allfile_sort_direction.column = 'descending' Else !global.!allfile_sort_direction.column = 'ascending' Call SortAllFileArray Call DisplayAllFileArray End Otherwise Nop End Return 0 /* * The callback executed when the user left-clicks on an item in the link tree */ LinkDirSelectCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window, item, text, itemdata, data if trace() = 'F' Then say 'LinkDirSelectCallback: window:' window 'item:' item 'text:' text 'itemdata:' itemdata 'data:' data Parse Var itemdata parent fulldir !global.!linkdir.?linked_dirname = fulldir Return 0 LinkDirApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., win, dialog linked_dirname = !global.!linkdir.?linked_dirname common_dirname = '/'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository /* * Get the last directory component of the current directory */ mycomm = Strip( common_dirname, 'T', '/' ) lp = Lastpos( '/', mycomm ) lastdir = Substr( mycomm, lp ) newdir = linked_dirname || lastdir mytail = mycomm /* * Determine how many common, leading directories there are. This is used to reduce * the number of relative directories we need to go back up to find the linked * directory. * eg: * mycomm = /dir1/apath * newdir = /dir1/fred/apath * * Should result in ln -s ../apath . rather than ../../dir1/apath */ Do i = 1 To Min( Length( mycomm ), Length( newdir ) ) If Substr( mycomm, i, 1 ) = '/' Then last_dir_pos = i If Substr( mycomm, i, 1 ) \= Substr( newdir, i, 1 ) Then Leave End num_common_dirs = Countstr( '/', Substr( mycomm, 1, i ) ) - 1 If num_common_dirs \= 0 Then mytail = Substr( mytail, last_dir_pos ) /* * Add linked_dirname into !linked_dir. stem if it isn't there already, first * checking to ensure its not already in dir. stem (that's an error) */ found = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 If newdir = !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Cannot link!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), 'Cannot link' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'to' quote( linked_dirname ) 'as that directory already contains:' quote( Substr( mytail, 2 ) ) Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository Return 'retry' End End /* * Add !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository into !global.!current_dir. stem if it isn't there already */ found = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!common_dir.0 If !global.!common_dir.i = common_dirname Then Do found = 1 common_idx = i Leave End End If found = 0 Then Do ldi = !global.!common_dir.0+1 !global.!common_dir.0 = ldi !global.!common_dir.ldi = common_dirname common_idx = ldi End /* * See if we already have the linked dir */ found = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!linked_dir.0 If !global.!linked_dir.i = newdir Then Do found = 1 Leave End End If found = 0 Then Do i = !global.!linked_dir.0+1 !global.!linked_dir.0 = i !global.!linked_dir.i = newdir !global.!linked_idx.0 = i !global.!linked_idx.i = common_idx End Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Now symlink the common dir to the linked dirname * eg. Linking /tmfps/common to /tmfps/app/common * cd /tmfps/app * ln -sf ../common . */ Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository||linked_dirname num_dots = Countstr( '/', linked_dirname ) - num_common_dirs linkdir = Copies( '../', num_dots ) || Substr( mytail, 2 ) Address Command !global.!symlink linkdir . End End Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository /* * Update the build.conf file in the repository */ Call WriteBuildConf 'Linking' common_dirname 'to' newdir Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Destroy the window */ Call dw_window_destroy win Call DisplayRepository Return 'apply' /* * The callback executed when the user left-clicks on an item in the moduleselect tree */ SelectDirSelectCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window, item, text, itemdata, data, entry Parse Var itemdata parent fulldir !global.!selecteddir = Substr( fulldir, 2 ) Return 0 SelectDirApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., win, dialog, entry Call dw_window_set_text entry, !global.!selecteddir Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Destroy the window */ Call dw_window_destroy win Return 'apply' /* * This callback handles a user-created menu item. */ UserDirCommandCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Then Do Parse Arg window, idx template = GetUserSubstitutionVariables( !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!command.idx ) If template \= '' Then Do dircmd = Changestr( '%D%', template, GetFullWorkingDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) ) dircmd = Changestr( '%W%', dircmd, !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository ) dircmd = Changestr( '%%%', dircmd, '%' ) /* * Before executing the user supplied command change directory to the current_dirname */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Address System !global.!background_start_nowindow dircmd !global.!background_end Call Directory here End End Return 0 UserFileCommandCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Then Do Parse Arg window, idx template = GetUserSubstitutionVariables( !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!command.idx ) If template \= '' Then Do filecmd = Changestr( '%D%', template, GetFullWorkingDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) ) filecmd = Changestr( '%W%', filecmd, !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository ) filecmd = Changestr( '%%%', filecmd, '%' ) /* * Get all of the currently selected filenames... */ wd = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository current_filenames = '' Do i = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 current_filenames = current_filenames quote( wd || !global.!current_filenames.i ) End filecmd = Changestr( '%F%', filecmd, current_filenames ) /* * Before executing the user supplied command change directory to the current_dirname */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Address System !global.!background_start_nowindow filecmd !global.!background_end Call Directory here End End Return 0 GetUserSubstitutionVariables: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg template /* * Ignore %D% %W% and %F% * Count how many "reserved" variables, and count how many % (must be 2*) * Check if the template contains any substitution variables of the * form %n% where n is 1-9. */ tmp_template = Changestr( '%D%', template, ' ' ) tmp_template = Changestr( '%W%', tmp_template, ' ' ) tmp_template = Changestr( '%F%', tmp_template, ' ' ) tmp_template = Changestr( '%%%', tmp_template, ' ' ) all_perc = Countstr( '%', tmp_template ) If all_perc = 0 Then Return template /* * There are user variables */ If all_perc // 2 = 1 Then Do /* messagebox*/ Return '' End !global.!usermenuvariable.0 = 0 Do Forever Parse Var tmp_template . '%' name '%' tmp_template If name = '' Then Leave /* * We have a variable name, do we already have it ? */ found = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!usermenuvariable.0 If !global.!usermenuvariable.i = name Then Do found = 1 Leave End End If \found Then Do idx = !global.!usermenuvariable.0 + 1 !global.!usermenuvariable.idx = name !global.!usermenuvariable.0 = idx End End /* * Pop up a dialog box with a text field for each variable */ title_width = 130 win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Set variable Values', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a description of the command showing the command */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) tmp = dw_entryfield_new( template, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_disable tmp /* * Add the boxes and widgets for the variables... */ Do i = 1 To !global.!usermenuvariable.0 varnum = !global.!usermenuvariable.i tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( varnum, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) saved_value = GetSavedUserVariable( !global.!usermenuvariable.i ) !global.!usermenuvariable_entry.i = dw_entryfield_new( saved_value, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!usermenuvariable_entry.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 End /* * Create OK */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'OK', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 400 height = ( 2 * !global.!buttonheight ) + ( ( 1 + !global.!usermenuvariable.0 ) * !global.!widgetheight ) Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetUserSubstitutionVariablesApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End If cancel = 'apply' Then Do /* * As we only have an OK, we will apply the stuff now */ Do i = 1 To !global.!usermenuvariable.0 varnum = !global.!usermenuvariable.i template = Changestr( '%'varnum'%', template, !global.!usermenuvalue.i ) End End Else template = '' Drop !global.!usermenuvariable. !global.!usermenuvalue. !global.!usermenuvariable_entry. Return template GetUserSubstitutionVariablesApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., win, dialog_wait /* * Get the values for each variable */ Do i = 1 To !global.!usermenuvariable.0 !global.!usermenuvalue.i = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!usermenuvariable_entry.i ) ) Call SetSavedUserVariable !global.!usermenuvariable.i, !global.!usermenuvalue.i End Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog_wait, 'apply' Call dw_window_destroy win Return 0 GetSavedUserVariable: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg varname Do i = 1 To !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_name.0 If !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_name.i = varname Then Return !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_value.i End Return '' SetSavedUserVariable: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg varname, varvalue found = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_name.0 If !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_name.i = varname Then Do found = 1 !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_value.i = varvalue Leave End End If \found Then Do idx = !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_name.0 + 1 !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_name.idx = varname !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_value.idx = varvalue !global.!usermenu_saved_variable_name.0 = idx End Return SwitchRepositoryCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Then Do Parse Arg window, page, itemdata if trace() = 'F' Then say 'SwitchRepositoryCallback' window ',' page ',' itemdata '|' !global.!allowcallbacks Call DisconnectFromRepository -- find the pageid to switch to. The page arg is not always -- an index; on OS/2 its a pointer Do i = 1 To !global.!!number_repositories If page = !global.!repnotebookpage.i Then Leave End !!last_repository = i Call ConnectToRepository !!last_repository /* * Disable our file filters in case we are switching to a different repository tab */ Call DisableFileFilters /* * If we haven't already loaded the repository details before, do it now * otherwise, re-read the local copy of the build.conf */ If !global.!tree.!!last_repository = -1 Then Call DisplayRepository Else Do Call ReadBuildConf Call SetRepositoryEnvs Call SetupEnvironment Call AdjustToolbars End Call PopulateBookmarks Call SetWindowTitle Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository /* * If this directory is set for reserved checkout, */ Call SetLockedStatusIcon /* * if we are displaying the All FIles tab, then enable the file filters */ If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Call EnableFileFilters End Return 0 SwitchFilesCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!allowcallbacks = 1 Then Do Parse Arg window, page, itemdata if trace() = 'F' Then say 'SwitchFilesCallback' window ',' page ',' itemdata '|' !global.!allowcallbacks /* * page argument is return value from dw_notebook_page_new() */ !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = page /* * Because the valid buttons are different for repository and * non-repository files, we have to adjust them when we switch */ Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons /* * If switching to the "all files" page and we haven't been here before, * go and get all the details - TODO */ If page = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Do Call EnableFileFilters Call DisplayAllFiles End Else Do Call DisableFileFilters End End Return 0 QuitCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!confirm_exit = 1 Then exit = dw_messagebox( 'Exit QOCCA', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'Are you sure you want to exit QOCCA?' ) Else exit = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES If exit = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Do /* * Save the last position and size of the window */ If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!save_position = 1 Then Do Parse Value dw_window_get_pos_size( !global.!mainwindow ) With posx posy sizex sizey !global.!!user.!!window_pos_size = posx posy sizex sizey End /* * Save the user's last settings... */ Call WriteUserSettingsFile /* * Disable any callbacks from now on... */ !global.!allowcallbacks = 0 Call dw_window_destroy !global.!mainwindow Call CleanUpAndExit 0 Call dw_exit 0 Exit 0 End Return 1 /* returning 1 ensures dwindows ignores the event */ /* * Called when any key pressed in the top level window */ TopWindowKeyPressCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window, key, virtual_key, state if trace() = 'F' Then say virtual_key state !REXXDW.!DW_KC_CTRL Select When window = !global.!mainwindow Then Do If (virtual_key = c2d( 'q' ) | virtual_key = 17 ) & state = !REXXDW.!DW_KC_CTRL Then Call QuitCallback End Otherwise Nop End Return 0 ClearMessages: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call dw_window_enable !global.!mle.!!last_repository Call dw_mle_set_cursor !global.!mle.!!last_repository, 0 Call dw_mle_delete !global.!mle.!!last_repository !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository = -1 Return 0 JobStatusCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Create a container box with * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Type | StartDate | StartTime | Comp | Desc | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | build | 03/12/03 | 12:23:45 | Y | Build of..| * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | | View | | Delete | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | OK | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * and provide right-click menu with 'View...' and 'Delete' * */ flags.0 = 5 flags.1 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) flags.2 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_TIME, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) flags.3 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_BITMAPORICON, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) flags.4 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_BITMAPORICON, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) flags.5 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) titles.0 = 5 titles.1 = 'StartDate' titles.2 = 'StartTime' titles.3 = 'Comp' titles.4 = 'Type' titles.5 = 'Description' win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Job Details', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create our container in the box... */ !global.!jobscontainer = dw_container_new( 1, !REXXDW.!DW_MULTIPLE_SELECTION ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, !global.!jobscontainer, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!jobscontainer.?firsttime = 1 /* * Use a normal container. */ Call dw_container_setup !global.!jobscontainer, 'flags.', 'titles.', 0 Call DisplayJobs /* * Create View and Delete buttons... */ buttonbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, buttonbox, 0, !global.!buttonheight+10, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_box_pack_start buttonbox, 0, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b0 = dw_button_new( 'View', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start buttonbox, b0, 50, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 5 Call dw_box_pack_start buttonbox, 0, 50, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b1 = dw_button_new( 'Delete', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start buttonbox, b1, 50, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 5 Call dw_box_pack_start buttonbox, 0, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create OK button */ b2 = dw_button_new( 'OK', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 640 height = 320 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b0, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'JobsButtonCallback', 'view' Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'JobsButtonCallback', 'delete' Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return 1 DisplayJobs: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Determine how many items in the container... */ nativelogdir = FindNativeLogDirectory() If Stream( nativelogdir, 'C','QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then job.0 = 0 Else Call SysFileTree nativelogdir || !global.!ossep'qocca_bg*.desc', 'JOB.', 'FLS' If job.0 > 1 Then Call SysStemSort 'JOB.','descending', , , , 1, 20 Do i = 1 To job.0 fulldescfile = Changestr( '/', Word( job.i, 5 ), !global.!ossep ) len = Length( fulldescfile ) descfile = Substr( fulldescfile, 2+ Length( nativelogdir ) ) Parse Var descfile 1 basefile.i '.desc' 1 . 10 date.i 18 time.i '.desc' date.i = SortedDateToDisplayDate( date.i ) /* * Check if the indicator file exists. If so, then check the return code */ indfile = nativelogdir||!global.!ossep||basefile.i compicon.i = '' If Stream( indfile, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then completed.i = 0 Else Do completed.i = 1 Call Stream indfile, 'C', 'OPEN READ' rcode = Linein( indfile ) If rcode = 0 Then compicon.i = !global.!okicon Else compicon.i = !global.!noicon Call Stream indfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' End /* * Read the description file for details about the job */ Call Stream fulldescfile, 'C', 'OPEN READ' desc.i = Linein( fulldescfile ) type = Linein( fulldescfile ) type.i = type /* determine the icon ... */ If type = 'testbuild' Then type = 'build' pos = Wordpos( type, !global.!jobicons ) If pos = 0 Then typeicon.i = '' Else typeicon.i = !global.!jobicon.pos compiler.i = Linein( fulldescfile ) Call Stream fulldescfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' End /* * Delete everything in the container so we can replace the existing files */ If !global.!jobscontainer.?firsttime = 0 Then Do Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!jobscontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT Call dw_container_clear !global.!jobscontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_REDRAW End !global.!jobscontainer.?firsttime = 0 /* * Add the entries into the container */ containermemory = dw_container_alloc( !global.!jobscontainer, job.0 ) Do i = 1 To job.0 Call dw_container_set_item !global.!jobscontainer, containermemory, 0, i-1, date.i time = Substr( time.i, 1, 2 )':'Substr( time.i, 3, 2 )':'Substr( time.i, 5, 2 ) Call dw_container_set_item !global.!jobscontainer, containermemory, 1, i-1, time If compicon.i \= '' Then Call dw_container_set_item !global.!jobscontainer, containermemory, 2, i-1, compicon.i If typeicon.i \= '' Then Call dw_container_set_item !global.!jobscontainer, containermemory, 3, i-1, typeicon.i Call dw_container_set_item !global.!jobscontainer, containermemory, 4, i-1, desc.i Call dw_container_set_row_title containermemory, i-1, type.i','basefile.i End Call dw_container_set_stripe !global.!jobscontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE, !global.!container_colour Call dw_container_insert !global.!jobscontainer, containermemory, job.0 Call dw_container_optimize !global.!jobscontainer /* * Only now can we connect our signals, because dw_set_file() causes the signals to fire!!!... */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!jobscontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT, 'JobsMenuCallback' Return /* * Create a popup menu with "View" and "Delete" items */ JobsMenuCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window, text, x, y, itemdata /* * Determine which job items are currently selected */ basefiles = '' selected = dw_container_query_start( !global.!jobscontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) Do i = 1 While selected \= '' basefiles = basefiles selected selected = dw_container_query_next( !global.!jobscontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) End basefiles = Strip( basefiles ) /* * Create our popup and display it */ popup = dw_menu_new( 0 ) menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( popup,'View', 1001, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'JobsViewCallback', basefiles menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( popup,'Delete', 1002, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'JobsDeleteCallback', basefiles Call dw_menu_popup popup, !global.!mainwindow, x, y Return 1 /* * Callback for Jobs Buttons */ JobsButtonCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., action /* * Determine which job items are currently selected */ basefiles = '' selected = dw_container_query_start( !global.!jobscontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) Do i = 1 While selected \= '' basefiles = basefiles selected selected = dw_container_query_next( !global.!jobscontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) End basefiles = Strip( basefiles ) /* don't quote filenames */ Select When basefiles = '' Then Nop When action = 'view' & Words( basefiles ) = 1 Then Call JobsViewCallback '', basefiles When action = 'delete' Then Call JobsDeleteCallback '', basefiles Otherwise Nop End Return 1 /* * Only one file allowed for view */ JobsViewCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., type','jobs nativelogdir = FindNativeLogDirectory() /* * Convert the .out file into .html if it doesn't already exist * Read .desc for description... */ html_file = nativelogdir||!global.!ossep||jobs'.html' desc_file = nativelogdir||!global.!ossep||jobs'.desc' out_file = nativelogdir||!global.!ossep||jobs'.out' jobdatetime = Right( jobs, 14 ) jobdate = Date( 'N', Left( jobdatetime, 8 ), 'S' ) jobtime = Substr( jobdatetime, 9, 2 )':'Substr( jobdatetime, 11, 2 )':'Substr( jobdatetime, 13, 2 ) jobdatetime = 'Job started on:' jobdate 'at' jobtime /*If Stream( html_file, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then*/ Do Call Stream desc_file, 'C', 'OPEN READ' jobtitle = Linein( desc_file ) junk = Linein( desc_file ) compiler_type = Linein( desc_file ) Call Stream desc_file, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call Stream out_file, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Call Stream html_file, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout html_file, '' Call Lineout html_file, '' Call Lineout html_file, jobtitle Call Lineout html_file, '' Call Lineout html_file, '' Call Lineout html_file, '' Call Lineout html_file, '' Call Lineout html_file, '


      Call Lineout html_file, '


' Call Lineout html_file, '
' Do While Lines( out_file ) > 0 line = Linein( out_file ) Select When Left( line, 4 ) = Copies( '>', 4 ) Then Do Select When type = 'mods' | type = 'testbuild' Then Do Parse Var line '>>>> ' title ':' . 'qocca_bg_' loc loc = Strip( loc ) If loc = '' Then Call Lineout html_file,'

'Substr( line, 5 )'

                           Else Call Lineout html_file,'
                     Otherwise Nop
                           Call Lineout html_file,'

'Substr( line, 5 )'

                     When type = 'make' | type = 'build' | type = 'testbuild' Then
                           Parse Value ParseCompilerLine( compiler_type, line ) With modifier ',' .
                           If modifier = '' Then
                              Call Lineout html_file, line
                              Call Lineout html_file, ''line''
                     When type = 'copy' Then
                              When Subword( line, 1, 2 ) = 'RCS file:' Then Call Lineout html_file, ''line''
                              When Subword( line, 1, 2 ) = 'Creating directory' Then Call Lineout html_file, ''line''
                              When Subword( line, 1, 2 ) = 'Linking directory' Then Call Lineout html_file, ''line''
                              When Subword( line, 1, 2 ) = 'deleting revision' Then Call Lineout html_file, ''line''
                              Otherwise Call Lineout html_file, line
                     Otherwise Call Lineout html_file, line
      Call Lineout html_file, '
' Call Stream html_file, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call Stream out_file, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Call HTMLBrowse html_file, jobtitle Return 0 HTMLBrowse: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg fn, title -- Create a window, same size as main window with an embedded HTML widget win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, title, !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 -- add box with our action buttons buttonbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, buttonbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 sbutton = dw_button_new( "Stop", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start buttonbox, sbutton, 30, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 bbutton = dw_button_new( "Back", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start buttonbox, bbutton, 30, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 fbutton = dw_button_new( "Forward", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start buttonbox, fbutton, 30, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 htmlbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, htmlbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 html = dw_html_new( 11011 ) Call dw_box_pack_start htmlbox, html, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_html_url html, 'file://'fn Call dw_signal_connect sbutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'HTMLButtonCallback', !REXXDW.!DW_HTML_STOP, html Call dw_signal_connect bbutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'HTMLButtonCallback', !REXXDW.!DW_HTML_GOBACK, html Call dw_signal_connect fbutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'HTMLButtonCallback', !REXXDW.!DW_HTML_GOFORWARD, html /* * Create OK */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'OK', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (!global.!window_width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (!global.!window_height % 2), !global.!window_width, !global.!window_height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return 0 HTMLButtonCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., action, html If !global.!allowcallbacks = 0 Then Return 1 Call dw_html_action html, action Return 0 JobsDeleteCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., jobs If dw_messagebox( 'Delete Jobs?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected jobs?' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_NO Then Return 0 /* * we are going to delete all the files */ exts.mods = '.html .out .desc .currents.html .summary.html .comments.html .differences.html .detail.html' exts.testbuild = '.html .out .desc .currents.html .summary.html .comments.html .differences.html .detail.html' exts.build = '.html .out .desc' exts.promote = '.html .out .desc' exts.copy = '.html .out .desc' exts.make = '.html .out .desc .caller'!global.!shell_ext !global.!shell_ext nativelogdir = FindNativeLogDirectory() Do i = 1 To Words( jobs ) Parse Value Word( jobs, i ) With type ',' basefile type = Translate( type ) Do j = 1 To Words( exts.type ) ext = Word( exts.type, j ) Call SysFileDelete nativelogdir||!global.!ossep||basefile||ext End Call SysFileDelete nativelogdir||!global.!ossep||basefile End /* * Now rebuild the container */ Call DisplayJobs Return 0 EditLabel: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Create a container box with * +-------------------+ * | Revision | File | * ------------+-------+ * | 1.3 | a.txt | * +-------------------+ * | | Edit | | * +-------------------+ * | Apply | * +-------------------+ * | Cancel | * +-------------------+ * */ Parse Arg based_on, lab, labelbasefile flags.0 = 2 flags.1 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) flags.2 = dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_STRING, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_SEPARATOR, !REXXDW.!DW_CFA_HORZSEPARATOR ) titles.0 = 2 titles.1 = 'Revision' titles.2 = 'File' win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Edit Label File', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create our container in the box... */ !global.!editlabelcontainer = dw_container_new( 1, !REXXDW.!DW_SINGLE_SELECTION ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, !global.!editlabelcontainer, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!editlabelcontainer.?firsttime = 1 /* * Use a normal container. */ Call dw_container_setup !global.!editlabelcontainer, 'flags.', 'titles.', 0 Call DisplayLabelFile labelbasefile /* * Create Edit button... */ editbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, editbox, 0, !global.!buttonheight+10, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_box_pack_start editbox, 0, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b0 = dw_button_new( 'Edit', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start editbox, b0, 50, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 5 Call dw_box_pack_start editbox, 0, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create Apply and cancel buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 640 height = 320 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b0, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'EditLabelEditButtonCallback' Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'EditLabelApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, labelbasefile Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return cancel DisplayLabelFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Determine how many items in the container... */ Parse Arg labelbasefile inlabelworkfile = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/'labelbasefile /* * Read the label file */ Call Stream inlabelworkfile, 'C', 'OPEN READ' idx = 0 Do While Lines( inlabelworkfile) > 0 Parse Value Linein( inlabelworkfile ) With rev fn If rev = ';' Then Iterate idx = idx + 1 !global.!editlabel.?rev.idx = rev !global.!editlabel.?file.idx = fn End !global.!editlabel.?rev.0 = idx !global.!editlabel.?file.0 = idx Call Stream inlabelworkfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' /* * Delete everything in the container so we can replace the existing files */ If !global.!editlabelcontainer.?firsttime = 0 Then Do Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!editlabelcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT Call dw_container_clear !global.!editlabelcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_REDRAW End !global.!editlabelcontainer.?firsttime = 0 /* * Add the entries into the container */ !global.!editlabelcontainer.?containermemory = dw_container_alloc( !global.!editlabelcontainer, !global.!editlabel.?rev.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!editlabel.?rev.0 Call dw_container_set_item !global.!editlabelcontainer, !global.!editlabelcontainer.?containermemory, 0, i-1, !global.!editlabel.?rev.i Call dw_container_set_item !global.!editlabelcontainer, !global.!editlabelcontainer.?containermemory, 1, i-1, !global.!editlabel.?file.i Call dw_container_set_row_title !global.!editlabelcontainer.?containermemory, i-1, i','!global.!editlabel.?file.i End Call dw_container_set_stripe !global.!editlabelcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE, !global.!container_colour Call dw_container_insert !global.!editlabelcontainer, !global.!editlabelcontainer.?containermemory, !global.!editlabel.?rev.0 Call dw_container_optimize !global.!editlabelcontainer /* * Only now can we connect our signals, because dw_set_file() causes the signals to fire!!!... */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!editlabelcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT, 'EditLabelMenuCallback' Return EditLabelApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., win, dialog, labelbasefile /* * Write the array to the label working file */ labelworkfile = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/'labelbasefile Call Stream labelworkfile,'C','OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout labelworkfile, '; QOCCA Label File:' labelbasefile 'for' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Do i = 1 To !global.!editlabel.?file.0 Call Lineout labelworkfile, !global.!editlabel.?rev.i !global.!editlabel.?file.i End Call Stream labelworkfile,'C','CLOSE' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Destroy the window */ Call dw_window_destroy win Return 0 /* * Create a popup menu with "Edit" items */ EditLabelMenuCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., ., x, y /* * Determine which config items items are currently selected */ basefiles = '' selected = dw_container_query_start( !global.!editlabelcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) Do i = 1 While selected \= '' basefiles = basefiles selected selected = dw_container_query_next( !global.!editlabelcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) End basefiles = Strip( basefiles ) /* * Create our popup and display it */ popup = dw_menu_new( 0 ) menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( popup,'Edit', 1001, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'EditLabelEditCallback', basefiles Call dw_menu_popup popup, !global.!mainwindow, x, y Return 1 /* * */ EditLabelEditButtonCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Determine which config items are currently selected */ basefiles = '' selected = dw_container_query_start( !global.!editlabelcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) Do i = 1 While selected \= '' basefiles = basefiles selected selected = dw_container_query_next( !global.!editlabelcontainer, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) End basefiles = Strip( basefiles ) /* don't quote this string */ /* * Call the edit callback */ Call EditLabelEditCallback '', basefiles Return 1 EditLabelEditCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., i','fn /* * Get all potential revisions for the file into a combobox... */ newrev = GetFileRevisions( fn, 'Change', 'rev', 'nodate', '' ) If newrev \= '' Then Do !global.!editlabel.?rev.i = newrev /* * Now update the container with the new revision */ Call dw_container_set_item !global.!editlabelcontainer, !global.!editlabelcontainer.?containermemory, 0, i-1, !global.!editlabel.?rev.i End Return 0 /* * Module level callbacks... * All module-level callbacks can be called from a button, or from * a menu item. * The arguments passed to a button callback are: window * The arguments passed to a menu callback are: window, item index * Therefore if you are passing more arguments to the callback, * then those arguments must come after window and item index. */ RefreshModulesCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call DisplayRepository Return 0 DirPropertiesCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got dirproperties' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository /* * If this callback occurs on the project level "directory" then * display repository properties */ If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' Then Do Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Call GetRCSRepository 'N', !!last_repository When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Call GetCVSRepository 'N', !!last_repository End End Else Do Call DisplayDirProperties End Return 0 ShowModifiedStrictCallback: /* RCS */ Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got showmodifiedstrict' Return 0 ShowModifiedCallback: /* RCS */ Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got showmodified' Return 0 /* * This function lists all files that are different between the working * directory and the repository */ ListModifiedCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository oserr. Call SetCursorWait Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then /* TODO */ Do smi = 1 To fullfilename.0 file = RCSFileToFile( Substr(fullfilename.smi,5) ) Address System 'rcsdiff -q' diffflags Substr(fullfilename.smi,5) file !global.!devnull If rc \= 0 Then Call TkItemConfig mclb, smi-1, '-foreground', 'red' End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * We need to turn off cvs compression if talking to a public CVS server as newer versions of CVS * use the "inflation" method which is not compatible with the client version */ If !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then cvs_compression = '' Else cvs_compression = !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' | !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' Then Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' cvs_compression '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q -n update *' Else Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' cvs_compression '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q -n update' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call WriteCVSOutputStemsToLogWindow 'list', '?', 'Files modified in' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) /* * List any reminder files in the current directory recursively */ here = Directory() Call Directory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call SysFileTree '*.qocca.reminder', 'REM.', 'FLS' If rem.0 \= 0 Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Reminders set' Do lmi = 1 To rem.0 Parse Var rem.lmi . . . . fn fn = Translate( fn, '/', !global.!ossep ) wd = Translate( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, '/', !global.!ossep ) Parse Var fn (wd) base 'CVS/' bn '.qocca.reminder' Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'base||bn, 'yellowback' End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Reminders set' End Call Directory( here ) /* * If we have any errors and they indicate that there is a * mismatch between the repository and items listed in * CVS/Entries * then display them in the messages pane, and display a * dialog box requesting confirmation to "cleanup" these * entries. * This "cleaning up" is removing the selected files from * the CVS/Entries file in the user's working directory */ If oserr.0 \= 0 Then Call TidyUpCVSDeletions Drop rem. End Otherwise Nop End Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 /* * This function lists all files that are currently locked out */ ListLockedCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository oserr. Call SetCursorWait Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' | !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then fname_offset = 1 Else fname_offset = Length(!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository)+2 cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' quote(!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem item. Error Stem err. Do i = 1 To item.0 Parse Var item.i 1 . 12 rev 28 user 64 . . 84 type 88 flen 91 . 92 filename +(flen) +1 locks If locks \= '' Then Do filename = Strip( Substr( filename, fname_offset ) ) Queue '('locks')' filename End End Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Files currently locked in' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) End Otherwise Nop End Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 GetLatestAllCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository refresh = 'N' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If dw_messagebox( 'Get Latest?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'Replace all working files in this directory and below with the latest repository version ?' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Do Call SetCursorWait Call DisplayStatus 'Getting list of all files in and under' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'...' Call GetListOfCVSFilesInDirectory !!last_repository, !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 0 Do i = 1 To item.0 Parse Var item.i . rel . . . . flen . Parse Var item.i 92 fn +(flen) +1 . /* * For any files that have changed locally, save a backup * copy in the working directory */ cvs_status = CVSStatus( fn ) If cvs_status = 'Up-to-date' | cvs_status = 'Needs Checkout' Then Do Call SysFileDelete fn End Else Do /* * Split the filename into path and file. Change the filename * only. */ pos = Lastpos( '/', fn ) If pos \= 0 Then Do pos = pos + 1 Parse Var fn fnpath =(pos) fnfile newfn = fnpath'.#'fnfile'.'rel End Else Do newfn = fn End Call SysMoveObject fn, newfn End End Call DisplayStatus 'Getting latest of all files in and under' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'...' Call RunOsCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout -R' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call WriteCVSOutputStemsToLogWindow 'get',, 'Get Latest for' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call CheckForCVSConflicts Drop oserr. osout. Call SetCursorNoWait Call DisplayStatus '' refresh = 'Y' End End Otherwise Nop End If refresh = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshDirectoryIcons /* * No need to display non-repository files at this stage */ Call DisplayRepositoryFiles Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository End Return 0 UpdateAllCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * This file option only valid for CVS */ Call SetCursorWait If !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then Do If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' Then dir = '' Else dir = quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) End Else dir = quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q update -d' dir Call WriteCVSOutputStemsToLogWindow 'update','?' , 'Update All for' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Call CheckForCVSConflicts Drop oserr. osout. Call RefreshDirectoryIcons /* * No need to display non-repository files at this stage */ Call DisplayRepositoryFiles Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 GetAllCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Dialog box to determine which version to get and to where * * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Get Version _Latest___v | * | To: __________________________ X | * +---------------------------------------------------+ */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got getall' title_width = 80 win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Get All', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 300, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_mle_set_cursor t1, 0 Call dw_mle_import t1, 'Select the version of the module to get and the directory in which the module files are to be saved.' , -1 Call dw_window_disable t1 /* version */ module_version_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, module_version_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Get Version', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start module_version_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_box_pack_start module_version_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Parse Value CreateModuleVersionCombobox( module_version_box, 'false', 'Latest', !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 1, 'Latest' ) With module_version_cb boxtopack . Call dw_box_pack_start module_version_box, boxtopack, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* dest dir */ dest_dir_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, dest_dir_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 dest = dw_text_new( 'To', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start dest_dir_box, dest, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style dest, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) dest_dir_entry = dw_entryfield_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start dest_dir_box, dest_dir_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Browse', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start dest_dir_box, abutton, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericDirectorySelector', dest_dir_entry, 'Set Temporary Directory to:' /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 300 height = 200 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetAllApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, module_version_cb, dest_dir_entry Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Return 0 GetAllApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., window, dialog, module_version_cb, dest_dir_entry destdir = dw_window_get_text( dest_dir_entry ) ver = dw_window_get_text( module_version_cb ) Call CreateDirectory destdir /* * Get rid of the dialog */ Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' Call dw_window_destroy window Call SetCursorWait /* * Now get all files for the module into the specified directory */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Getting version' quote( ver ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ If ver = 'Latest' Then Do /* * Get a list of all files in the module with their revision * numbers */ Call GetListOfCVSFilesInDirectory !!last_repository, !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 0 Do i = 1 To item.0 Parse Var item.i . rev . . . . flen . Parse Var item.i 92 fn +(flen) +1 . item.i = rev fn End Do i = 1 To err.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow err.i End End Else Do /* * Get the label file from the repository into the item. stem */ If Countstr( ',', ver ) \= 0 Then Parse Var ver ver_dir ',' rev labelworkfile = ver_dir'/.label-'rev cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q get -p' quote( labelworkfile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem item. Error Stem junk. End /* * We now have a stem; item. with all files and their revision numbers */ dirlen = Length( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Do i = 1 To item.0 Parse Var item.i rev fn /* * Filter out files that are not in the current directory */ If Left( fn, dirlen ) \= !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Then Iterate outfile = destdir||Substr( fn, dirlen+1 ) /* * Need to determine if the directory of the file exists; * if not make it before checking the file out */ outpos = Lastpos( '/', outfile ) outdir = Substr( outfile, 1, outpos-1 ) Call CreateDirectory( outdir ) Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' getting' quote( fn ) 'to' quote( outfile ) Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q checkout -p -r'rev quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stream outfile Error Stem err. Call Stream outfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' Do j = 1 To err.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow err.j End End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Getting version' quote( ver ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) End Otherwise Nop End Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 CheckOutAllCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Checkout and lock every file that is not locked to anyone * DO NOT APPLY TO LABEL FILES */ Call SetCursorWait if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got checkoutall' checkout = 'N' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Checking out all files in' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ), 'default' Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem item. Error Stem err. Do i = 1 To item.0 Parse Var item.i 1 . 12 rev 28 user 64 . . 84 type 88 flen 91 . 92 filename +(flen) +1 locks filename = Strip( filename ) off = Length( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) + 2 basename = Substr( filename, off ) If Left( basename, 7 ) = '.label-' Then Iterate If locks = '' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout' quote( filename ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -l' quote( filename ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' checkout = 'Y' End Else Do Queue filename 'not checked out; locked by' locks End Call WriteStackToLogWindowNoHeaderTrailer 'default' Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Checking out all files in' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ), 'default' End Otherwise Nop End If checkout = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshFilesCallback Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 UndoCheckOutAllCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Undo Checkout and unlock every file that is locked by us */ Call SetCursorWait if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got undocheckoutall' undocheckout = 'N' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Undoing Checkout all files in' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ), 'default' Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem item. Error Stem err. continue = 'N' Do i = 1 To item.0 ignore_this_file = 'N' Parse Var item.i 1 . 12 rev 28 user 64 . . 84 type 88 flen 91 . 92 filename +(flen) +1 locks If Translate( locks ) = Translate( !global.!user ) Then Do filename = Strip( filename ) off = Length( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) + 2 basename = Substr( filename, off ) If Left( basename, 7 ) = '.label-' Then Iterate i If continue = 'N' Then Do cvs_status = CVSStatus( filename ) If cvs_status = 'Locally Modified' | cvs_status = 'Needs Merge' | cvs_status = 'File had conflicts on merge' Then Do Call SetCursorNoWait rcode = dw_messagebox( 'Undo Checkout?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNOCANCEL, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), quote( filename ) 'has been modified locally. Do you want to lose these changes ? Select Yes to lose changes on future files; No to ask this question again; Cancel to quit the action.' ) Select When rcode = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then continue = 'Y' When rcode = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_CANCEL Then Return 0 Otherwise ignore_this_file = 'Y' End End End Call SetCursorWait If ignore_this_file = 'N' Then Do /* * Unlock the file... */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -u' quote( filename ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' /* * Delete the file... */ Call SysFileDelete filename /* * Get the latest... */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout' quote( filename ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' undocheckout = 'Y' Call WriteStackToLogWindowNoHeaderTrailer 'default' Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ End End End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Undoing Checkout all files in' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ), 'default' End Otherwise Nop End If undocheckout = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshFilesCallback Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 CheckInAllCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * This function checks in all files that have been checked out from a * directory and its sub-dirs. * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got checkinall' checkin = 'N' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do dummy = 1 To 1 /* TODO */ Call SysFileTree !global.!current_dirname'/*,v', 'FILE.', 'FLS' If file.0 = 0 Then Do checkin = 'N' End Else Do checkin = 'Y' Parse Value Strip( GetCheckinDetails( 'Y', 'dir', !global.!current_dirname, 'Apply same text for all files') ) With cancel same . If cancel Then Do Leave End If same Then Do num = Queued() ci_lines. = '' Do i = 1 To num Parse Pull line cl_lines.i = line End cl_lines.0 = num End Call TkConfig textwin,'-state','normal' Call TkInsert textwin, 'end', d2c(10)||'Checkin All for' !global.!current_dirname||d2c(10), 'blueforebold' Call TkTcl 'update idletasks' Do j = 1 To file.0 fullfilename = Word(file.j,5) file = RCSFileToFile( fullfilename ) locker = GetRCSLocker(fullfilename) If locker = !global.!user Then Do If same = 1 Then Do i = 1 To cl_lines.0 Queue cl_lines.i End Call RunOsCommand 'LIFO> ci -u' file fullfilename Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Checkin for' fullfilename End Else Call Tkinsert textwin, 'end', d2c(10)||'Checkin ignored for' fullfilename||d2c(10), 'blueforebold' Call TkSee textwin, 'end' End Call TkConfig textwin,'-state','disabled' End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Check if we have any reminder files in the current directory or below * that may be checked in */ continue = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES here = Directory() Call Directory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call SysFileTree '*.qocca.reminder', 'REM.', 'FLS' If rem.0 \= 0 Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Reminders set' Do i = 1 To rem.0 Parse Var rem.i . . . . fn fn = Translate( fn, '/', !global.!ossep ) fn = Changestr( 'CVS/', fn, '' ) fn = Changestr( '.qocca.reminder', fn, '' ) fn = Changestr( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/', fn, '' ) Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' '!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/'fn, 'yellowback' End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Reminders set' continue = dw_messagebox( 'Continue Checkin ?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'You have reminders on files in this directory (see log window). Do you wish to continue the Check In ?' ) End Drop rem. Call Directory( here ) /* * Get the checkin details from a new dialog box * and push the log text onto the stack, and write a * temporary file */ If continue = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Do Parse Value Strip( GetCheckinDetails( 'Y', 'file', !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, '' ) ) With cancel same . If cancel = 'apply' Then Do tmpfile = GenerateTempFile() -- we manage the cleanup ourselves Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Do Queued() Parse Pull line Call Lineout tmpfile,line End Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call SetCursorWait Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -F'tmpfile quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call WriteCVSOutputStemsToLogWindow 'checkin',, 'Checkin All for' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call SysFileDelete tmpfile -- delete our VERY temporary file Call CheckForCVSConflicts Call SetCursorNoWait Drop oserr. osout. checkin = 'Y' End End End Otherwise Nop End If checkin = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshFilesCallback Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Return 0 MakeCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Dialog box to determine make settings * * +-------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +-------------------------------------------+ * | Make Directory __________________ | * | Make Command _________________v | * | Compiler used _________________v | * +-------------------------------------------+ */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got make' title_width = 150 this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) makecommand = Strip( FindMakeCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) ) debugmakecommand = Strip( FindDebugMakeCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) ) custommakecommand = Strip( FindCustomMakeCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) ) makedirectory = FindMakeDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Make Settings', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 400, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call MakeHelpFocusCallback t1, 'INITIAL', t1 /* make directory */ make_dir_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, make_dir_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Make Directory', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start make_dir_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_box_pack_start make_dir_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 make_dir_entry = dw_entryfield_new( makedirectory, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start make_dir_box, make_dir_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect make_dir_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'MakeHelpFocusCallback', 'MD', t1 /* make command(s) */ make_command_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, make_command_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Make Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start make_command_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_box_pack_start make_command_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 make_cb = dw_combobox_new( makecommand, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start make_command_box, make_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If makecommand \= '' Then Call dw_listbox_append make_cb, makecommand If debugmakecommand \= '' Then Call dw_listbox_append make_cb, debugmakecommand If custommakecommand \= '' Then Call dw_listbox_append make_cb, custommakecommand Call dw_signal_connect make_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'MakeHelpFocusCallback', 'MC', t1 /* compiler combobox */ compiler_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, compiler_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Compiler Used', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start compiler_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_box_pack_start compiler_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 compiler_type = FindCompilerType( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) compiler_cb = CreateCompilersCombobox( compiler_box, 'false', compiler_type ) Call dw_box_pack_start compiler_box, compiler_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect compiler_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'MakeHelpFocusCallback', 'CC', t1 /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 450 height = 200 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'MakeApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, make_dir_entry, make_cb, compiler_cb Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Return 0 MakeHelpFocusCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, which, textwin help.initial = 'Select the version to build, and whether you want to do a debug or custom build.' help.md = 'Specify the directory where the make is to be run from. This is relative to the current working directory.' help.mc = 'Select the command line to run to do the make. The configured command line for a non-debug, debug and custom build are available.' help.cc = 'Select the compiler to use. This is used for highlighting errors and warnings in the job report.' Call dw_window_enable textwin Call dw_mle_set_cursor textwin, 0 Call dw_mle_delete textwin Call dw_mle_import textwin, help.which, -1 Call dw_window_disable textwin Return 0 MakeApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, make_dir_entry, make_cb, compiler_cb makedir = dw_window_get_text( make_dir_entry ) makecommand = dw_window_get_text( make_cb ) compiler_name = dw_window_get_text( compiler_cb ) If makedir = '' | makedir = '.' Then makedir = '' Else makedir = !global.!ossep || makedir make_dir = Changestr( '/', !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository || makedir, !global.!ossep ) Call CreateDirectory make_dir /* * Create our description file for job processing */ desc = 'Make of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'using:' quote( makecommand ) 'in' quote( make_dir ) type = 'make' compiler_type = ConvertCompilerNameToAbbrev( compiler_name ) basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() Call CreateDescriptionFile basefile, desc, type, compiler_type outputfile = basefile'.out' runfile = basefile||!global.!shell_ext runfile_caller = basefile'.caller'!global.!shell_ext Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Increment the number of running jobs */ Call IncrementRunningJobs basefile /* * Set the "make" directory and the BUILD and VERSION env vars in this process * so that the child inherits them */ here = Directory() Call Directory( make_dir ) Call Value !global.!buildenvvar, '0', 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value !global.!versionenvvar, 'make', 'ENVIRONMENT' /* * Run the runfile in the background now */ Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow desc 'submitted' /* * Write out the caller native shell file for execution */ Call Stream runfile_caller, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout runfile_caller, !global.!shell_first_line Call Lineout runfile_caller, !global.!command_prefix runfile '>' outputfile '2>&1' Call Lineout runfile_caller, 'exit' Call Stream runfile_caller, 'C', 'CLOSE' /* * Write out the commands to execute to a native shell file for execution */ Call Stream runfile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout runfile, !global.!shell_first_line /* split the make command into multiple lines */ Do Forever Parse Var makecommand mc ';' makecommand mc = Strip( mc ) If mc = '' Then Leave Call Lineout runfile, mc End Call Lineout runfile, !global.!cmdecho !global.!shell_rc '>' basefile Call Lineout runfile, 'exit' Call Stream runfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' /* say .line !global.!background_start_nowindow !global.!shell_command runfile !global.!background_end With Output Append Stream outputfile Error Append Stream outputfile address system 'type' runfile */ Address System !global.!background_start_nowindow !global.!shell_command runfile_caller !global.!background_end Call Directory( here ) Call Value !global.!buildenvvar, '', 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value !global.!versionenvvar, '', 'ENVIRONMENT' Return 0 ReportModuleHistoryCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got reportmodulehistory' /* * Dialog box to determine how and what to show mods... * * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Compare x Ignore whitespace| * | Earlier Version _Latest___v X Strict | * | in _Current__v | * | and | * | Later Version _Working__v x Compare Word Doc | * | in _Current__v | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got reportmodulehistory' tryparent = 1 Call SetCursorWait win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Report Modifications', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE loc = dw_mle_import( t1, 'Select the labeled versions to report modifications made. Comparisons can be done ignoring whitespace or strictly.', -1 ) Call dw_window_disable t1 Call dw_mle_set_cursor t1, loc /* * Add a horiz box with comboboxes on left, radio buttons on right */ data_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, data_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a vertical box for the comboboxes and add the comboboxes */ cb_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start data_box, cb_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * comboboxes for later revision */ cb1_box = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Compare (later revision)', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb_box, cb1_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 cb1_h_box1 = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_box, cb1_h_box1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Version', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_h_box1, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Parse Value CreateModuleVersionCombobox( cb1_box, 'false', 'Working', !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, tryparent, 'Latest' ) With rev1cbox boxtopack realtagstart Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_h_box1, boxtopack, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Module selector... */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_box, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( "of", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 later_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, later_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( "Browse...", 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* MUST create repository combobox here so we can pass handle to ModuleSelector */ rep1cbox = CreateRepositoryCombobox( cb1_box, 'false', 'Current Repository', rev1cbox, realtagstart, '', tryparent ) Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ModuleSelector', later_entry, 'Select Module for Later Version:', rep1cbox /* * Repository selector... */ cb1_h_box2 = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_box, cb1_h_box2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( "in", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_h_box2, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* creation of combobox done above */ Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_h_box2, rep1cbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * comboboxes for earlier revision */ cb2_box = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'with (earlier revision)', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb_box, cb2_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 cb2_h_box1 = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_box, cb2_h_box1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Version', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_h_box1, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Parse Value CreateModuleVersionCombobox( cb2_h_box1, 'false', 'Latest', !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, tryparent, 'Working' ) With rev2cbox boxtopack realtagstart Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_h_box1, boxtopack, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Module selector... */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_box, tmpbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( "of", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 earlier_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, earlier_entry, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( "Browse...", 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* MUST create repository combobox here so we can pass handle to ModuleSelector */ rep2cbox = CreateRepositoryCombobox( cb2_box, 'false', 'Current Repository', rev2cbox, realtagstart, '', tryparent ) Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ModuleSelector', earlier_entry, 'Select Module for Earlier Version:', rep2cbox /* * Repository selector... */ cb2_h_box2 = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_box, cb2_h_box2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( "in", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_h_box2, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* creation of combobox done above */ Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_h_box2, rep2cbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Add a vertical box for the two groups of radio buttons and add the radio buttons */ group_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start data_box, group_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 g1 = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Comparison', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start group_box, g1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 compare_rb1 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Ignore whitespace', 111 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, compare_rb1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 compare_rb2 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Strict', 111 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, compare_rb2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_radiobutton_set compare_rb1, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Call dw_box_pack_start group_box, 0, 10, 10, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 -- show all files showall_compare_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Show All Files', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start group_box, showall_compare_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_checkbox_set showall_compare_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED word_compare_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Compare Word Documents', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start group_box, word_compare_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_checkbox_set word_compare_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ Call dw_window_set_gravity win, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, 0, 0, 0, 0 Call dw_window_show win Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ReportModuleHistoryApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, rev1cbox, rev2cbox, rep1cbox, rep2cbox, compare_rb1, compare_rb2, later_entry, earlier_entry, word_compare_cb, showall_compare_cb Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return 0 LabelCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Do Forever Parse Value GetLabel() With res lab based_on overwrite_label edit_label_file Select When res = 'apply' Then Do If edit_label_file = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Error!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), 'Either new label or based-on label are blank.' Iterate End /* * Validate the label... */ Parse Value ValidLabel( lab ) With status msg If status Then Leave Call dw_messagebox 'Error!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), msg End When res = 'close' Then Return 0 Otherwise Nop End End if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got apply for label ok' /* * generate the label file into our working directory */ Parse Value GenerateLabelFile( '', based_on, lab, overwrite_label ) With new_label_file labelbasefile If new_label_file = 'N' Then Return 0 /* * If the user wants to edit the label file, do it here */ If edit_label_file Then Do If EditLabel( based_on, lab, labelbasefile ) = 'close' Then Return 0 End Call SetCursorWait /* * Apply the actual label now */ Call ApplyLabelFile '', new_label_file, edit_label_file, lab, labelbasefile /* * Refresh the current directory, so the label file shows up in a list of labels */ Call RefreshFilesCallback Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 GetLabel: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Get new label file. * * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Based on ---------------------------------v | * | New Label ---------------------------------v | * | x Overwrite Existing Label | * | x Edit Label File | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Apply | * | Cancel | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * */ title_width = 80 win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Specify Label', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 400, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call GetLabelFocusCallback t1, 'INITIAL', t1 /* * Add a horiz box for the based-on label */ bo_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, bo_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Based on', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start bo_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 bo_cb = dw_combobox_new( 'Latest', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start bo_box, bo_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect bo_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'GetLabelFocusCallback', 'OLDLABEL', t1 Call dw_listbox_append bo_cb, 'Latest' Do i = 1 To !global.!label.0 If Left( !global.!label.idx, 13 ) \= '__testbuild__' Then Call dw_listbox_append bo_cb, !global.!label.i End /* * Add a horiz box for the based-on label */ nl_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, nl_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'New Label', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start nl_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 nl_cb = dw_combobox_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start nl_box, nl_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect nl_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'GetLabelFocusCallback', 'NEWLABEL', t1 Do i = 1 To !global.!label.0 If Left( !global.!label.idx, 13 ) \= '__testbuild__' Then Call dw_listbox_append nl_cb, !global.!label.i End /* * Add checkboxes */ overwrite_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Overwrite Existing Label', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, overwrite_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 edit_label_file_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Edit Label File', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, edit_label_file_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetLabelApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, bo_cb, nl_cb, overwrite_cb, edit_label_file_cb b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ width = 450 height = 250 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Return dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) GetLabelFocusCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, which, textwin help.initial = 'Specify the label to be associated with all configuration item in this directory and below.' help.oldlabel = 'Select an existing label (or latest) from the drop-down box. This will be the basis from which a new label will be generated.' help.newlabel = 'Enter the new label, or select an existing label from the drop-down box. If you re-use a label, you will need to check the Overwrite Existing Label checkbox.' help.overwrite = 'Select this if you wish to overwrite an existing label. Generally it is not good practice to re-use an existing label.' help.editlabel = 'If you wish to change the revision number of any configuration item from the generated list, the check this box. This will display a dialog to enable you to make the required changes.' Call dw_window_enable textwin Call dw_mle_set_cursor textwin, 0 Call dw_mle_delete textwin Call dw_mle_import textwin, help.which, -1 Call dw_window_disable textwin Return 0 BuildCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Dialog box to determine build settings * * +------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +------------------------------------+ * | Version _Latest___v | * | x Debug build x Custom Build | * +------------------------------------+ */ win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Build Settings', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call BuildHelpFocusCallback t1, 'INITIAL', t1 /* * Add a horiz box for the label */ bo_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, bo_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Version to build', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start bo_box, tmp, 100, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 bo_cb = dw_combobox_new( 'Latest', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start bo_box, bo_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect bo_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'BuildHelpFocusCallback', 'LABEL', t1 Call dw_listbox_append bo_cb, 'Latest' Do i = 1 To !global.!label.0 If Left( !global.!label.idx, 13 ) \= '__testbuild__' Then Call dw_listbox_append bo_cb, !global.!label.i End /* * Add checkboxes */ overwrite_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Overwrite Existing Build', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, overwrite_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 g1 = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Build Type', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, g1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 build_rb1 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Normal Build', 111 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, build_rb1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 build_rb2 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Debug Build', 111 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, build_rb2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 build_rb3 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Custom Build', 111 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, build_rb3, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_radiobutton_set build_rb1, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'BuildApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, bo_cb, overwrite_cb, build_rb1, build_rb2, build_rb3 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ Call dw_window_set_gravity win, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, 0, 0, 0, 0 Call dw_window_show win /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Return dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) BuildHelpFocusCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, which, textwin help.initial = 'Select the version to build, and whether you want to do a debug or custom build.' help.label = 'Select the version to build' Call dw_window_enable textwin Call dw_mle_set_cursor textwin, 0 Call dw_mle_delete textwin Call dw_mle_import textwin, help.which, -1 Call dw_window_disable textwin Return 0 BuildApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, label_box, overwrite_cb, build_rb1, build_rb2, build_rb3 lab = dw_window_get_text( label_box ) If dw_checkbox_get( overwrite_cb ) Then overwriteflag = '-o' Else overwriteflag = '' Select When dw_radiobutton_get( build_rb2 ) Then buildflag = '-bdebug' When dw_radiobutton_get( build_rb3 ) Then buildflag = '-bcustom' Otherwise buildflag = '' End /* * Call the command-line build */ desc = 'Build of version' quote( lab ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) type = 'build' compiler_type = FindCompilerType( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() Call CreateDescriptionFile basefile, desc, type, compiler_type outputfile = basefile'.out' cmd = !global.!qocca_command 'build -n'!global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository quote( '-m'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) quote( '-v'lab ) buildflag overwriteflag '-B'basefile Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Increment the number of running jobs */ Call IncrementRunningJobs basefile /* * Run it now */ Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Build of version' quote( lab ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'submitted' Address System !global.!background_start_nowindow cmd !global.!background_end Return 0 PromoteCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Dialog box to determine what to promote * * +-----------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +-----------------------------+ * | Version _Working__v | * | Environment -------v | not implemented * +-----------------------------+ */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got promote' win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Promote', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 400, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_mle_set_cursor t1, 0 Call dw_mle_import t1, 'Select the version to promote', -1 Call dw_window_disable t1 /* * Add a horiz box for the label */ version_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, version_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Version to promote', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start version_box, tmp, 150, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 version_cb = dw_combobox_new( 'Latest', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start version_box, version_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_listbox_append version_cb, 'Latest' Do i = 1 To !global.!label.0 If Left( !global.!label.idx, 13 ) \= '__testbuild__' Then Call dw_listbox_append version_cb, !global.!label.i End /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'PromoteApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, version_cb b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ width = 450 height = 200 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Return dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) PromoteApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, version_cb lab = dw_window_get_text( version_cb ) /* * Call the command-line promote */ desc = 'Promote of version' quote( lab ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) type = 'promote' compiler_type = '.' basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() Call CreateDescriptionFile basefile, desc, type, compiler_type outputfile = basefile'.out' cmd = !global.!qocca_command 'promote -n'!global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository quote( '-m'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) quote( '-v'lab ) '-B'basefile Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Increment the number of running jobs */ Call IncrementRunningJobs basefile /* * Run it now */ Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Promote of version' quote( lab ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'submitted' Address System !global.!background_start_nowindow cmd !global.!background_end Return 0 LinkDirCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got linkdir' Call CreateModuleTree !!last_repository, '!link', 'Link Directory:' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'to:' Return 0 ModuleSelector: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., entry, title, repcombobox rep = dw_window_get_text( repcombobox ) If rep = 'Current Repository' Then repno = !!last_repository Else repno = FindRepository( rep ) Call CreateModuleTree repno, '!select', title, entry Return 0 CreateModuleTree: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repno, type, title, entry type = Translate( type ) selectcallback.!link = 'LinkDirSelectCallback' applycallback.!link = 'LinkDirApplyCallback' selectcallback.!select = 'SelectDirSelectCallback' applycallback.!select = 'SelectDirApplyCallback' Parse Value dw_window_get_pos_size( !global.!tree.!!last_repository ) With . . width height Parse Value dw_window_get_pos_size( !global.!mainwindow ) With x y . . win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, title, !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Generate a tree matching the specified repository tree */ linktreebox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, linktreebox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!linktree = dw_tree_new( 101 ) Call dw_box_pack_start linktreebox, !global.!linktree, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 1 /* * Setup our signals. On a tree, these MUST be done before we populate the tree. */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!linktree, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT, selectcallback.type, entry Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Build the repository tree from the !global.!repdir. stem if we have it * or go and get the modules from the repository */ If !global.!tree.repno = -1 Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Not implemented!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Cannot (yet) display tree of repository not previously selected.' End Else Do idx = DetermineModuleIcon( ) icon = !global.!moduleicon.idx !global.!linktreeparentitem = dw_tree_insert( !global.!linktree, '['!global.!!repository.!!name.repno']', icon, 0, '0' ) Do i = 1 To !global.!repdir.repno.0 mydir = !global.!repdir.repno.i If mydir = '/admin' | mydir = '/CVSROOT' Then Iterate Parse Value DetermineModuleIconAndName( mydir ) With icon currentdir pos = Lastpos( '/', mydir ) parent = Substr( mydir, 1, pos-1 ) parentidx = FindTreeItem( parent ) If parentidx = 0 Then parentitem = !global.!linktreeparentitem Else parentitem = !global.!linktreeitem.parentidx !global.!linktreeitem.i = dw_tree_insert( !global.!linktree, currentdir, icon, parentitem, parentitem !global.!repdir.repno.i ) End End End Otherwise Nop End /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, applycallback.type, win, dialog_wait, entry Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return 0 CopyRepositoryCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Dialog box to determine what to copy where... * * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Version to copy __________v | * | New Directory Base _________ X | * | Overwrite x | * +---------------------------------------------------+ */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got copyrepository' title_width = 100 win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Copy Repository', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 400, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_mle_set_cursor t1, 0 Call dw_mle_import t1, 'Select the labeled version to copy to the new repository.', -1 Call dw_window_disable t1 /* * Add a horiz box for the version */ version_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, version_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Version to copy', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start version_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 version_cb = dw_combobox_new( 'Latest', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start version_box, version_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_listbox_append version_cb, 'Latest' Do i = 1 To !global.!label.0 If Left( !global.!label.idx, 13 ) \= '__testbuild__' Then Call dw_listbox_append version_cb, !global.!label.i End /* dest dir */ dest_dir_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, dest_dir_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'New Base Directory', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start dest_dir_box, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) dest_dir_entry = dw_entryfield_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start dest_dir_box, dest_dir_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Browse', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start dest_dir_box, abutton, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericDirectorySelector', dest_dir_entry, 'Set Temporary Directory to:' /* * Add checkboxes */ overwrite_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Overwrite New Repository', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, overwrite_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'CopyRepositoryApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, version_cb, dest_dir_entry, overwrite_cb b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ width = 450 height = 200 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Return dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) CopyRepositoryApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, version_cb, dest_dir_entry, overwrite_cb lab = dw_window_get_text( version_cb ) destdir = dw_window_get_text( dest_dir_entry ) overwrite = dw_checkbox_get( overwrite_cb ) If overwrite Then overwrite = '-o' Else overwrite = '' /* * Call the command-line copy */ desc = 'Copy of version' quote( lab ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'to' quote( destdir ) type = 'copy' compiler_type = '.' basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() Call CreateDescriptionFile basefile, desc, type, compiler_type outputfile = basefile'.out' cmd = !global.!qocca_command "copy -n"!global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository "-m"!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository "-v"lab '-d'destdir '-B'basefile overwrite Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Increment the number of running jobs */ Call IncrementRunningJobs basefile /* * Run it now */ Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Copy of version' quote( lab ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'to' quote( destdir ) 'submitted' Address System !global.!background_start_nowindow cmd !global.!background_end Return 0 AddBookmarkCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Adds a bookmark */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got addbookmark' /* * Check if the bookmark already exists for this repository */ found = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 If !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository.i = !!last_repository & !global.!!user.!!bookmark.i = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Then Do found = 1 Leave End End If found = 0 Then Do idx = !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 + 1 !global.!!user.!!bookmark.idx = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository.idx = !!last_repository !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 = idx Call PopulateBookmarks Call AdjustDirToolbarList Call AdjustDirToolbarButtons Call WriteUserSettingsFile End Return 0 DeleteBookmarkCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Deletes a bookmark */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got addbookmark' /* * Check if the bookmark exists for this repository */ found = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 If !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository.i = !!last_repository & !global.!!user.!!bookmark.i = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Then Do found = i Leave End End If found \= 0 Then Do Call SysStemDelete !global.!!user.!!bookmark., found Call SysStemDelete !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository., found Call PopulateBookmarks Call AdjustDirToolbarList Call AdjustDirToolbarButtons Call WriteUserSettingsFile End Return 0 /* * File level callbacks... * All file-level callbacks can be called from a button, or from * a menu item. * The arguments passed to a button callback are: window * The arguments passed to a menu callback are: window, item index * Therefore if you are passing more arguments to the callback, * then those arguments must come after window and item index. */ RefreshFilesCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then Call DisplayRepositoryFiles When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.!!last_repository Then Call DisplayNonRepositoryFiles When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?deletedfiles.!!last_repository Then Call DisplayDeletedFiles When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Call DisplayAllFiles Otherwise Nop End Return 0 FilePropertiesCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Display the properties of the selected file * Invalid for multiple selections */ Call DisplayStatus 'Getting file properties...' filepropchange = 'N' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do Call RunOsCommand 'rlog -t' quote( current_filenames.1 ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Properties of' quote( current_filenames.1 ) Call RunOsCommand 'rlog' quote( current_filenames.1 ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'History for'quote( current_filenames.1 ) End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then file = !global.!current_filenames.1 When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?deletedfiles.!!last_repository Then file = !global.!current_deletedfilenames.1 When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then file = !global.!current_filenames.1 Otherwise Nop End -- Get log comments and file properties from CVS Call GetCVSFileProperties file -- Display the contents of osout. and prop. stems in a seperate window filepropchange = ShowFileHistoryWindow( file ) If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository \= !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then filepropchange = 'N' End Otherwise Nop End /* * If the file properties were changed, refresh the current file in case the icon type * has changed, or the file is no checkoutable. */ If filepropchange = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshDirectoryIcons Call RefreshSelectedFiles Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Call DisplayStatus '' Return 0 AddFilesCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got addfiles' /* * Do some validation first... */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' & !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Don't let the user add the selected files/directories if there are * any CVS working files; ie look for CVS/Entries. Only valid for non-rep files */ continue = 1 Do i = 1 To !global.!current_nonrepindexes.0 Call SetCursorNoWait selected = !global.!current_nonrepindexes.i selected_file = Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) filetype = Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) If filetype = 'dir' Then Do /* * The selected directory will never be CVS; we have excluded it already. */ Call SysFileTree selected_file'/Entries', 'ENTRIES.', 'OSF' /* filename only, search subdirs, files only*/ Do j = 1 To entries.0 If Right( entries.j, 12 ) = '/CVS/Entries' Then Do continue = 0 Leave i /* bail out of everything */ End End Drop entries. End End If continue = 0 Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Abort!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'At least 1 directory contains CVS working files in a "CVS" directory; delete these "CVS" directories before continuing.' Return 0 End End Otherwise Nop End Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Get each selected item from the non-repository container, and for each * item, determine if it is a file or directory. * If we added at least one directory, we need to rebuild the tree with the new * directories. * After procesing all the selected items, refresh the non-repository container. */ same = 0 file_added = 0 dir_added = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!current_nonrepindexes.0 Call SetCursorNoWait selected = !global.!current_nonrepindexes.i selected_file = Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) /* * Do not add the file if the file extension is in !global.!ignorefiles */ If IsFileTypeIgnored( selected_file ) Then Iterate i filetype = Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) /* * Get the details for the files/directories to be checked in... */ If same = 0 Then Do Parse Value Strip( GetCheckinDetails( 'Y', 'add', selected_file, 'Same Description for all selected modules?', 'Adding:' ) ) With cancel same . If cancel = 'close' Then Leave /* * What is queued is the log message; ie the stuff that is written with the * CVS commit */ tmpfile = GenerateTempFile() -- we manage the cleanup ourselves Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' num = Queued() ci_lines. = '' Do m = 1 To num Parse Pull line cl_lines.m = line Call Lineout tmpfile, line End cl_lines.0 = num Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Call SetCursorWait If filetype = 'dir' Then Do /* * Add the directories(s) to the repository */ sub_modules. = '' sub_modules.0 = 0 base_modules. = '' base_modules.0 = 0 sub_files. = '' sub_files.0 = 0 Call SysStemInsert 'base_modules.', 1+base_modules.0, selected_file /* get all directories...*/ If Stream( selected_file, 'C','QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then newdir.0 = 0 Else Call SysFileTree selected_file'/*', 'NEWDIR.', 'DLS' Do ndi = 1 To newdir.0 Call SysStemInsert 'sub_modules.', 1+sub_modules.0, Changestr( !global.!ossep, SubWord( newdir.ndi, 5 ), '/' ) End /* get all files...*/ If Stream( selected_file, 'C','QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then newfile.0 = 0 Else Call SysFileTree selected_file'/*', 'NEWFILE.', 'LSF' Do ndi = 1 To newfile.0 Call SysStemInsert 'sub_files.', 1+sub_files.0, Changestr( !global.!ossep, SubWord( newfile.ndi, 5 ), '/' ) End /* * Process all files in each directory recursively... */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO * For each directory in base_modules AND sub_modules, determine * the files in each, and add them... * Also for each directory, need to create new directory and 'RCS' * directory in the repository * The below relies on a CVS directory and Entries, Repository, Root * files in the root working dir for the repository TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * 'cvs add' each base module */ Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Adding Selected Directories' Do k = 1 To base_modules.0 bm = base_modules.k sbm = Changestr( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, bm, '' ) Call WriteStringToLogWindow 'Adding' quote( sbm )'...' Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'add -m"'!global.!addfile_text'"' quote( sbm ) If result = 0 Then Call WriteMessageToLogWindow 'OK' Else Do Call WriteMessageToLogWindow 'ERROR', 'redfore' Do wtfi = 1 To oserr.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'oserr.wtfi, 'redfore' End End End Do k = 1 To sub_modules.0 sm = sub_modules.k ssm = Changestr( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, sm, '' ) Call WriteStringToLogWindow 'Adding' quote( ssm )'...' Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'add -m"'!global.!addfile_text'"' quote( ssm ) If result = 0 Then Call WriteMessageToLogWindow 'OK' Else Do Call WriteMessageToLogWindow 'ERROR', 'redfore' Do wtfi = 1 To oserr.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'oserr.wtfi, 'redfore' End End End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Adding Selected Directories' Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ /* * Now 'cvs commit' the top-level modules */ Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Committing Selected Directories' Do k = 1 To base_modules.0 bm = base_modules.k sbm = Changestr( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, bm, '' ) Call RunOsCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -F'tmpfile quote( sbm ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Commiting' quote( sbm ) Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Committing Selected Directories' Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ /* * For each file to be imported, 'cvs add', 'cvs commit' it * If its a binary file, add '-kb' */ Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Adding Selected Files' Do k = 1 To sub_files.0 sf = sub_files.k /* * Do not add the file if the file extension is in !global.!ignorefiles */ If IsFileTypeIgnored( sf ) Then Iterate k /* * Check if its a binary file... */ iabf = IsBinaryFile( sf ) If iabf Then Do ibf = '-kb' Call WriteStringToLogWindow 'Adding binary file' quote( sf )'...' End Else Do ibf = '' Call WriteStringToLogWindow 'Adding text file' quote( sf )'...' End ssf = Changestr( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, sf, '' ) Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'add' ibf '-m"'!global.!addfile_text'"' quote( ssf ) If result = 0 Then Do Call RunOsCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -F'tmpfile quote( ssf ) If result = 0 Then Do Call WriteMessageToLogWindow 'OK' /* * Update description */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -t-"'!global.!addfile_text'"' quote( ssf ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem junk. Error Stem junk. End Else Do Call WriteMessageToLogWindow 'ERROR', 'redfore' Do wtfi = 1 To oserr.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'oserr.wtfi, 'redfore' End End End Else Do Call WriteMessageToLogWindow 'ERROR', 'redfore' Do wtfi = 1 To oserr.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'oserr.wtfi, 'redfore' End End If iabf Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q admin -kb' quote( ssf ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem junk. Error Stem junk. cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q update' quote( ssf ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem junk. Error Stem junk. End Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* get window updated */ End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Adding Selected Files' dir_added = 1 End Otherwise Nop End End Else Do Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ If same = 0 Then Do Parse Value Strip( GetCheckinDetails( 'Y', 'add', selected_file, 'Same Description for all files', 'Checking in:' ) ) With cancel same . If cancel = 'close' Then Leave num = Queued() ci_lines. = '' Do m = 1 To num Parse Pull line cl_lines.m = line End cl_lines.0 = num End Else Do Do m = 1 To cl_lines.0 Queue cl_lines.m End End basefile = Changestr( current_working_dir, selected_file, '' ) fullfilename = !global.!current_dirname'/RCS/'basefile',v' Call RunOsCommand 'LIFO> ci -u' quote( selected_file ) quote( fullfilename ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Adding new file:' quote( selected_file ) End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * We either have cl_lines. stem from the most recent * GetCheckinDetails() or from the first one if "same" * comment for all files selected */ Do m = 1 To cl_lines.0 Queue cl_lines.m End If filetype = 'binary file' Then kflag = '-kb' Else kflag = '' /* aaf_here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!current_working_dir.!!last_repository */ basefile = Changestr( !global.!current_working_dir.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep, Changestr( '/', selected_file, !global.!ossep ), '' ) abs_wd = Stream( Strip( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, 'T', '/'), 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) basefile = Substr( basefile, Length( abs_wd ) + 2 ) Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'add' kflag '-m"'!global.!addfile_text'"' quote( basefile ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Adding new' filetype':' quote( selected_file ) Call RunOsCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -F'tmpfile quote( basefile ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Commiting new' filetype':' quote( selected_file ) file_added = 1 /* * After an 'add', there should only be one line on the * queue */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -t-"'!global.!addfile_text'"' quote( basefile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Updating Description for new' filetype':' quote( selected_file ) /* Call Directory aaf_here */ End Otherwise Nop End End End /* * If we have added at least one directory, refresh the repository */ If dir_added Then Call DisplayRepository Else Do If file_added Then Do Call DisplayRepositoryFiles Call DisplayNonrepositoryFiles End End Call SysFileDelete tmpfile End When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?deletedfiles.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Get each selected item from the deleted files container, and for each * item "undelete" it * After procesing all the selected items, refresh the deleted files container. */ same = 0 file_added = 0 Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Do i = 1 To !global.!current_deletedindexes.0 selected = !global.!current_deletedindexes.i selected_file = Substr( !global.!deletedfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) Call GetCVSRevisions !!last_repository, selected_file, 'rev' lastrev = '' Do j = 1 To Queued() Parse Pull newrev If j = 1 Then lastrev = newrev End If lastrev \= '' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'update -p -r'lastrev quote( selected_file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stream selected_file Error FIFO '' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'add' quote( selected_file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'ci -m"Undeleted revision' lastrev'"' quote( selected_file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'cvs_status', 'Undelete for' quote( selected_file ) file_added = 1 End End End Otherwise Nop End If file_added Then Do Call DisplayRepositoryFiles Call DisplayDeletedFiles End End Otherwise Nop End Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 /* * View a selected revision of a file. * Only a single file is allowed to be selected to get here, hence we can * use current_filenames.1 */ ViewPriorCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window rev = GetFileRevisions( !global.!current_filenames.1, 'View', 'rev tag', 'date', 'Latest' ) If rev = '' Then Return 0 Return ViewLatestCallback( window, 0, rev ) ViewLatestCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * If the current user has the file checked out, view the checked-out * file, otherwise, check out the file and view it. * Valid for multiple selections only if NO rev arg passed */ Parse Arg window, itemidx, rev files_different = 0 workingfiles. = '' workingfiles.0 = 0 If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository | !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Do If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then doing_repfiles = 1 Else doing_repfiles = 0 Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO - multiple filenames */ locker = GetRCSLocker( current_filenames ) If Translate( locker ) = Translate( !global.!user ) Then Do workingfile = RCSFileToFile( current_filenames ) End Else Do tmpfile = GenerateTempFile( '?????-'Translate( !global.!current_filenames.1, '_', '/' ) ) Address System 'co -p -r'rev current_filenames '>' tmpfile !global.!stderrdevnull workingfile = tmpfile End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If rev \= '' Then Do /* * Only 1 file supported, so can use !global.!current_filenames.1 */ Select When Words( rev ) = 3 Then rev_flag = '-D' When rev = 'Latest' Then Do rev_flag = '' rev = '' End Otherwise rev_flag = '-r' End tmpfile = GenerateTempFile( '?????-'Translate( !global.!current_filenames.1, '_', '/' ) ) cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q checkout -p' rev_flag||rev quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stream tmpfile Error Stem junk. workingfiles.0 = 1 workingfiles.1 = tmpfile End Else Do /* * Save the !global.!current_filenames. array and then for each element in * the array set !global.!current_filenames. array to the single element */ Call SysStemCopy '!global.!current_filenames.', 'save_current_filenames.' Do vi = 1 To save_current_filenames.0 !global.!current_filenames.1 = save_current_filenames.vi !global.!current_filenames.0 = 1 workingfile = CVSFileToWorkingFile( !global.!current_filenames.1, !!last_repository ) wfi = workingfiles.0 + 1 workingfiles.wfi = workingfile workingfiles.0 = wfi If Stream( workingfile, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then file_checked_out = 1 Else file_checked_out = 0 Select When !global.!offline Then Nop When file_checked_out = 0 Then Do Call GetLatestCallback End Otherwise Do cvs_status = CVSStatus( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If cvs_status = 'Needs Patch' | cvs_status = 'Needs Merge' Then Do answer = dw_messagebox( 'Refresh ?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNOCANCEL, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'The working copy of' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) 'is out of date. Do you want it refreshed before viewing ?' ) Select When answer = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Call UpdateCallback window When answer = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_CANCEL Then Return 0 Otherwise Nop End End End End End Call SysStemCopy 'save_current_filenames.', '!global.!current_filenames.' Drop save_current_filenames. End End Otherwise Return 'N' End End Else Do Do i = 1 To !global.!current_nonrepindexes.0 selected = !global.!current_nonrepindexes.i workingfiles.i = Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) End workingfiles.0 = !global.!current_nonrepindexes.0 End /* * We now change to the current directory... */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository /* * If using win32 file associations, run the files directly using the w32funcs * function; w32executestem() * Those files that have no association should be run with the configured text or * binary pager. * For non-win32 platform, execute text or binary pager as appropriate for each file */ Select When !global.!os = 'WIN32' & !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations = 1 Then Do Do i = 1 To workingfiles.0 workingfiles.i = quote( Changestr( '/', workingfiles.i, !global.!ossep ) ) End Call w32executestem 'workingfiles.', 'results.' End When !global.!os = 'WIN32' Then Do /* * Determine if each file is to be executed by file associations... */ idx = 0 Do i = 1 To workingfiles.0 If UseFileAssociation( workingfiles.i ) Then Do idx = idx + 1 wf.idx = quote( Changestr( '/', workingfiles.i, !global.!ossep ) ) idx.idx = i End End wf.0 = idx If wf.0 \= 0 Then Call w32executestem 'wf.', 'res.' /* * Apply the results of execution by file association back into the * results. stem */ results. = 0 Do i = 1 To wf.0 idx = idx.i results.idx = res.i End End Otherwise Do results. = 0 results.0 = workingfiles.0 End End /* * We are now using either text pager or binary pager for those files that * have a corresponding results.x = 0 */ /* * Check if files to be viewed are all binary or all text... */ binary_files = 0 text_files = 0 text_workingfiles = '' binary_workingfiles = '' Do i = 1 To workingfiles.0 If results.i = 0 Then Do If IsBinaryFile( workingfiles.i ) Then Do binary_workingfiles = binary_workingfiles quote( workingfiles.i ) End Else Do text_workingfiles = text_workingfiles quote( workingfiles.i ) End End End /* * Do we have any files left to view ? */ If text_workingfiles \= '' Then Do If Strip( !global.!!user.!!textpager ) = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'No viewer', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'You do not have a text viewer configured. Cannot view selected files.' End Else Do If !global.!!user.!!textpager_console Then sw = !global.!background_start_window Else sw = !global.!background_start_nowindow cmd = sw !global.!!user.!!textpager text_workingfiles !global.!background_end If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd End End If binary_workingfiles \= '' Then Do If Strip( !global.!!user.!!binarypager ) = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'No viewer', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'You do not have a binary viewer configured. Cannot view selected files.' End Else Do If !global.!!user.!!binarypager_console Then sw = !global.!background_start_window Else sw = !global.!background_start_nowindow cmd = sw !global.!!user.!!binarypager binary_workingfiles !global.!background_end If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd End End Drop text_workingfiles binary_workingfiles workingfiles. results. idx. wf. res. /* * Change back to the working directory... */ Call Directory here /* * In case we checked out a different revision, refresh the files */ If files_different = 1 Then Call RefreshSelectedFiles Return 0 EditLatestCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window workingfiles. = '' workingfiles.0 = 0 this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository | !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Do If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then doing_repfiles = 1 Else doing_repfiles = 0 Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO - current_filenames. array processing */ locker = GetRCSLocker( !global.!current_filenames ) workingfile = RCSFileToFile( ?current.?current_filenames ) Select When locker = '' Then Call FileCommand 'checkout lock' When Translate( locker ) = Translate( !global.!user ) Then Nop Otherwise Do Call TkMessageBox '-message', 'You cannot edit a file locked by' locker,'-type','ok' Return End End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Save the !global.!current_filenames. array and then for each element in * the array set ?current.?current_filenames. array to the single element */ Call SysStemCopy '!global.!current_filenames.', 'save_current_filenames.' Do ei = 1 To save_current_filenames.0 !global.!current_filenames.1 = save_current_filenames.ei !global.!current_filenames.0 = 1 workingfile = CVSFileToWorkingFile( !global.!current_filenames.1, !!last_repository ) ignorefile = 0 If Stream( workingfile, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then file_checked_out = 1 Else file_checked_out = 0 /* * If the file is a binary file, or we are in a reserved checkout directory * if not already checked out (and it can be checked out) check it out first */ checkout_first = 0 If !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'Y' | !global.!reservedcheckout = 'Y' Then checkout_first = 1 idx = !global.!current_indexes.ei If doing_repfiles Then ft = !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx Else ft = !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx If Substr( ft, 5, 6 ) = 'binary' Then checkout_first = 1 If checkout_first Then Do /* * Check the lock status... */ If doing_repfiles Then ffn = !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx Else ffn = !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx locker = GetCVSLocker( Substr( ffn, 5 ) ) Select When locker = '' Then Call CheckoutCallback When Translate( locker ) = Translate( !global.!user ) Then Nop Otherwise Do Call dw_messagebox 'File locked.', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'You cannot edit the file. It is locked by' locker'.' ignorefile = 1 /* don't edit this one */ End End End Else Do Select When !global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Nop When file_checked_out = 0 Then Do Call GetLatestCallback End Otherwise Do cvs_status = CVSStatus( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If cvs_status = 'Needs Patch' | cvs_status = 'Needs Merge' Then Do answer = dw_messagebox( 'Refresh ?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNOCANCEL, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'The working copy of' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) 'is out of date. Do you want it refreshed before editing ?' ) Select When answer = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Call UpdateCallback window When answer = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_CANCEL Then Return 0 Otherwise Nop End End End End End /* * Add the current file into the list of working files... */ If ignorefile = 0 Then Do wfi = workingfiles.0 + 1 workingfiles.wfi = workingfile workingfiles.0 = wfi End End Call SysStemCopy 'save_current_filenames.', '!global.!current_filenames.' Drop save_current_filenames. End Otherwise Return 0 End End Else Do Do i = 1 To !global.!current_nonrepindexes.0 selected = !global.!current_nonrepindexes.i workingfiles.i = Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) End workingfiles.0 = !global.!current_nonrepindexes.0 End /* * We now change to the current directory... */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository /* * If using win32 file associations, run the files directly using the w32funcs * function; w32executestem() * Those files that have no association should be run with the configured text or * binary editor. * For non-win32 platform, execute text or binary editor as appropriate for each file */ Select When !global.!os = 'WIN32' & !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations = 1 Then Do Do i = 1 To workingfiles.0 workingfiles.i = quote( Changestr( '/', workingfiles.i, !global.!ossep ) ) End Call w32executestem 'workingfiles.', 'results.' End When !global.!os = 'WIN32' Then Do /* * Determine if each file is to be executed by file associations... */ idx = 0 Do i = 1 To workingfiles.0 If UseFileAssociation( workingfiles.i ) Then Do idx = idx + 1 wf.idx = quote( Changestr( '/', workingfiles.i, !global.!ossep ) ) idx.idx = i End End wf.0 = idx If wf.0 \= 0 Then Call w32executestem 'wf.', 'res.' /* * Apply the results of execution by file association back into the * results. stem */ results. = 0 Do i = 1 To wf.0 idx = idx.i results.idx = res.i End End Otherwise Do results. = 0 results.0 = workingfiles.0 End End /* * We are now using either text editor or binary editor for those files that * have a corresponding results.x = 0 */ /* * Check if files to be edited are all binary or all text... */ binary_files = 0 text_files = 0 text_workingfiles = '' binary_workingfiles = '' Do i = 1 To workingfiles.0 If results.i = 0 Then Do If IsBinaryFile( workingfiles.i ) Then Do binary_workingfiles = binary_workingfiles quote( workingfiles.i ) End Else Do text_workingfiles = text_workingfiles quote( workingfiles.i ) End End End /* * Do we have any files left to edit ? */ If text_workingfiles \= '' Then Do If Strip( !global.!!user.!!texteditor ) = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'No editor', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'You do not have a text editor configured. Cannot edit selected files.' End Else Do v_editor = !global.!!user.!!texteditor v_editor = Changestr( "%L%", v_editor, '1' ) v_editor = Changestr( "%C%", v_editor, '1' ) v_editor = Changestr( "%F%", v_editor, text_workingfiles ) If !global.!!user.!!texteditor_console Then sw = !global.!background_start_window Else sw = !global.!background_start_nowindow cmd = sw v_editor !global.!background_end If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd End End If binary_workingfiles \= '' Then Do If Strip( !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor ) = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'No editor', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'You do not have a binary editor configured. Cannot edit selected files.' End Else Do If !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor_console Then sw = !global.!background_start_window Else sw = !global.!background_start_nowindow cmd = sw !global.!!user.!!binaryeditor binary_workingfiles !global.!background_end If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd End End Drop text_workingfiles binary_workingfiles workingfiles. results. idx. wf. res. /* * Change back to the working directory... */ Call Directory here Return 0 /* * Called when double-clicking a file or prressing Enter in file list */ FileDoubleClickCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., index Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Set the "selected" rep indexes to the index passed in as a parameter */ !global.!current_repindexes.0 = 1 !global.!current_repindexes.1 = index End When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Set the "selected" norep indexes to the index passed in as a parameter */ !global.!current_nonrepindexes.0 = 1 !global.!current_nonrepindexes.1 = index End Otherwise Nop End Call ViewLatestCallback Return 0 /* * Called from 'Get Latest' file menu * If we have a working file, check if it is locally modified. Warn if so. * If no working file, just get latest. * Refresh directory icons * Valid for multiple files. */ GetLatestCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository checkout = 'N' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Do i = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 /* * If the file being obtained has been locally modified, ask the * user if they want to blow away any changes they have made * Not applicable if we are saving the file to a new filename * Always use "checkout -p" because this ignores CVS stickiness! */ file = !global.!current_filenames.i cvs_status = CVSStatus( file ) If cvs_status \= '' & cvs_status \= 'Up-to-date' & cvs_status \= 'Needs Checkout' Then Do blowaway = dw_messagebox( 'Get Latest?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNOCANCEL, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), quote( file ) 'has been modified locally. Do you want to lose these changes and retrieve the latest copy from the repository ?' ) Select When blowaway = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Do Call SysFileDelete file cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout' quote( file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Get Latest of' quote( file ) checkout = 'Y' End When blowaway = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_NO Then Do Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Get Latest of' quote( file ) 'abandoned' End Otherwise Leave /* cancel */ End End Else Do Call RunOsCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout' quote( file ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Get Latest of' quote( file ) checkout = 'Y' End End End Otherwise Nop End If checkout = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshDirectoryIcons Call RefreshSelectedFiles Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Return 0 /* * This function is called from the filemenu; update command * Valid for multiple selections * This command only valid for CVS */ UpdateCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository current_filenames = '' Do i = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 current_filenames = current_filenames quote( !global.!current_filenames.i ) End Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'update -d' current_filenames If result \= 0 Then Do Call NotifyNoConnection Call RefreshFilesCallback Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Else Do Call WriteCVSOutputStemsToLogWindow 'update',, 'Update for' current_filenames If !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Call CheckForCVSConflicts Call RefreshSelectedFiles End Drop oserr. osout. current_filenames Return 0 CheckOutLatestCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Return 0 GetPriorCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Dialog box to ask user for file revision to work on * Only one file allowed to be selected for this option * * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | File Revision: _____Latest___v | * | To: __________________________ X | * +---------------------------------------------------+ */ this_file = !global.!current_filenames.1 win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Select File Revision for:' this_file, !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon gf = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, gf, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 t2 = dw_text_new( 'Select the revision of the file to Get.', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, t2, 250, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 boxtopack = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, boxtopack, 250, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Parse Value CreateFileRevisionCombobox( boxtopack, 'false', 'Latest', this_file, '', 'rev tag', 'date' ) With revcbox . /* * Now the destination box */ db = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, db, 250, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 thisdir = GetFullWorkingDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) oldfile = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository || this_file oldfile = Changestr( '/', oldfile, !global.!ossep ) thisfile = Substr( oldfile, Length( thisdir ) + 2 ) t1 = dw_entryfield_new( oldfile, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start db, t1, 250-20, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Select Destination', 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start db, abutton, 20, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericFileSelector', t1, 'Get file to:', thisdir, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_FILE_SAVE /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, b1, 250, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetFileRevisionsAndDestinationApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, revcbox, t1 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, b2, 250, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ width = 400 height = 160 Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Parse Value dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) With cancel rev newfile if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got rev' cancel rev ':' newfile /* * If the user is asking to overwrite an existing file in their working directory, * confirm this. */ If newfile = oldfile Then files_different = 0 Else files_different = 1 If files_different = 0 & Stream( newfile, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then Do proceed = dw_messagebox( 'Overwrite File?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'Are you sure you want to overwrite the working file?' ) If proceed = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then newfile = oldfile Else Return 0 End If rev \= '' Then Do Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If Left( rev, 5 ) = 'Date:' Then rev = Date( 'N', Substr( rev, 6 ) , 'S' ) If rev \= '' & rev \= 'Latest' Then Do If Words( rev ) \= 1 Then relflag = '-D'Translate( rev, '-', ' ' ) Else relflag = '-r'rev End Else relflag = '' If Stream( thisdir, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Directory non-existent', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'The directory to which you are saving the file does not exist. Cancelling action.' -- Return 0 End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout -p' relflag quote( this_file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Replace Stream newfile Error FIFO '' Call Stream newfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Get Revision for' quote( this_file ) 'to' newfile End End Otherwise Nop End End If files_different = 0 Then Call RefreshSelectedFiles Return 0 CheckOutCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository checkout = 'N' this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'Y' | !global.!reservedcheckout = 'Y' Then is_reserved_dir = 1 Else is_reserved_dir = 0 Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * It is possible the list of files contains files we cannot checkout so * do a check for each file */ Do i = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 selected = !global.!current_indexes.i file = !global.!current_filenames.i If CanFileBeCheckedOutForLock( selected, is_reserved_dir ) Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout' quote( file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -l' quote( file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' checkout = 'Y' End Else Do Queue 'Unable to checkout' quote( file ) End Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Check out and lock for' quote( file ) End End Otherwise Nop End If checkout = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshDirectoryIcons Call RefreshSelectedFiles Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Return 0 /* * This function is called from the filemenu; undocheckout * Valid for multiple selections */ UndoCheckOutCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository undocheckout = 'N' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Do i = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 file = !global.!current_filenames.i cvs_status = CVSStatus( file ) If cvs_status = 'Locally Modified' | cvs_status = 'Needs Merge' | cvs_status = 'File had conflicts on merge' Then Do If dw_messagebox( 'Undo Checkout?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), quote( file ) 'has been modified locally. Do you want to lose these changes ?' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Do /* * Unlock the file... */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -u' quote( file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' /* * Delete the file... */ Call SysFileDelete file /* * Get the latest... */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout' quote( file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Undo Check Out for' quote( file ) undocheckout = 'Y' End Else Do Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Undo Check Out for' quote( file ) 'abandoned' End End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -u' quote( file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Undo Check Out for' quote( file ) undocheckout = 'Y' End End End Otherwise Nop End If undocheckout = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshDirectoryIcons Call RefreshSelectedFiles Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Return 0 /* * This function is called from the filemenu; checkin * Valid for multiple selections */ CheckinCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository same = 0 If !global.!current_filenames.0 > 1 Then dialog_type = 'dir' Else dialog_type = 'file' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do cii = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 file = RCSFileToFile( !global.!current_filenames.cii ) If Stream( file, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then AbortText( 'Unknown file:' quote( file ) ) /* * Check if the working file is not writeable * If so, popup a dialog box asking if the * user want to checkin anyway */ If Stream( file, 'C', 'WRITABLE' ) \= 1 Then Do If TkMessageBox( '-message', 'The file you are checking in:' quote( file ) 'is not writeable. This may indicate that you are attempting to check in the wrong file. Are you sure you want to do this ?','-title', 'Checkin?', '-type', 'yesno', '-icon', 'warning') = 'yes' Then checkin = 'Y' Else checkin = 'N' End Else checkin = 'Y' /* * Check if the working file is later than the repository * file date * If so, popup a dialog box asking if the * user want to checkin anyway * etc.... */ If checkin = 'Y' Then Do /* * Get the checkin details from a new dialog box * and push the log text onto the stack */ Parse Value GetCheckinDetails( 'Y', dialog_type, file, 'Apply same text for all files', 'Checking in:' ) With cancel . If cancel = 'close' Then Do checkin = 'N' End Else Do Call RunOsCommand 'LIFO> ci -u' quote( file ) quote( current_filenames.cii ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Checkin for' quote( current_filenames.cii ) End End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do tmpfile = GenerateTempFile() -- we delete it ourselves Do cii = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 file = CVSFileToWorkingFile( !global.!current_filenames.cii, !!last_repository ) If Stream( file, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then AbortText( 'Unknown file:' file ) /* * Check if the working file is not writeable * If so, popup a dialog box asking if the * user want to checkin anyway */ If Stream( file, 'C', 'WRITABLE' ) \= 1 Then Do If dw_messagebox( 'Check in?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'The file you are checking in:' quote( file ) 'is not writeable. This may indicate that you are attempting to check in the wrong file. Are you sure you want to do this ?' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then checkin = 'Y' Else checkin = 'N' End Else checkin = 'Y' /* * Ask for checkin comments for each fle unless we say we want the same comments for each file... */ If checkin = 'Y' Then Do /* * if we haven't said we want the same text for all files * checked in, Get the checkin details from a new dialog box * and push the log text onto the stack, and write a * temporary file */ If \same Then Do Parse Value Strip( GetCheckinDetails( 'Y', dialog_type, file, 'Apply same text for all files', 'Checking in:' ) ) With cancel same . If cancel = 'close' Then Do checkin = 'N' End Else Do Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Do Queued() Parse Pull line Call Lineout tmpfile,line End Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' End End If checkin = 'Y' Then Do -- checkin could have been set to N just above Call SetCursorWait Call RunOsCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -F 'tmpfile quote( !global.!current_filenames.cii ) Call WriteCVSOutputStemsToLogWindow 'checkin',, 'Checkin for' quote( !global.!current_filenames.cii ) Call CheckForCVSConflicts Call SetCursorNoWait Drop oserr. osout. End End End Call SysFileDelete tmpfile End Otherwise Nop End If checkin = 'Y' Then Do Call RefreshDirectoryIcons Call RefreshSelectedFiles Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons End Return 0 /* * Get the reminder details from a new dialog box * and write it to the reminder file */ SetReminderCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository reminder_file = CVSFileToReminderFile( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) /* * If we have a reminder file already, read the text into !global.!reminder_text */ refresh = 'N' If Stream( reminder_file, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then Do !global.!remindertext = '' Call Stream reminder_file, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines( reminder_file ) > 0 !global.!remindertext = !global.!remindertext||Linein( reminder_file )||!global.!crlf End Call Stream reminder_file, 'C', 'CLOSE' extra_text = '' End Else Do If !global.!remindertext = '' Then extra_text = '' Else extra_text = '[*** Copied from previous reminder ***]'!global.!crlf End Parse Value Strip( GetCheckinDetails( 'Y', 'remind', !global.!current_filenames.1, extra_text, 'Setting reminder for:' ) ) With cancel same . If cancel = 'close' Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Reminder set for' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) 'cancelled.' End Else Do Call Stream reminder_file, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Charout reminder_file, !global.!remindertext Call Stream reminder_file, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Reminder set for' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) refresh = 'Y' End If refresh = 'Y' Then Call RefreshSelectedFiles Return 0 /* * This function is called from the filemenu; unremind command * Invalid for multiple selections * This command only valid for CVS */ DeleteReminderCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Simpy delete the reminder file if there is one... */ refresh = 'N' reminder_file = CVSFileToReminderFile( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If Stream( reminder_file, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'No reminder was set for' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) End Else Do If dw_messagebox( 'Delete Reminder?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'Are you sure you want to delete the reminder for' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 )'!' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Do Call SysFileDelete reminder_file Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Reminder deleted for' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) refresh = 'Y' End End If refresh = 'Y' Then Call RefreshSelectedFiles Return 0 /* * This function is called from the filemenu; showdifferences command * Not valid for multiple selections. Therefore current_filenames.0 MUST be 1 */ ShowDifferencesCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Dialog box to determine how and what to show differences for... * * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Compare X Ignore whitespace | * | Revision _Working__v x Strict | * | in _Current__v | * | and | * | Revision _Latest___v x Output in log window | * | in _Current__v X Visual output | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ */ text_height = 50 tag_types = 'tag rev' Call SetCursorWait /* * Check if working file exists */ workingfile = CVSFileToWorkingFile( !global.!current_filenames.1, !!last_repository ) If Stream( workingfile, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then working_file_exists = 1 Else working_file_exists = 0 /* * Create the dialog box... */ win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Show differences', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP loc = dw_mle_import( t1, 'Select the revisions of the file to compare. Comparisons can be done ignoring whitespace or strictly. Results can be displayed in the Messages Pane or in a graphical display tool.', -1 ) Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_mle_set_cursor t1, loc Call dw_window_disable t1 /* * Add a horiz box with comboboxes on left, radio buttons on right */ data_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, data_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a vertical box for the comboboxes and add the comboboxes */ cb_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start data_box, cb_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * comboboxes for later revision */ cb1_box = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Compare (later revision)', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb_box, cb1_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 cb1_h_box1 = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_box, cb1_h_box1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( "Revision ", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_h_box1, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) boxtopack = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_h_box1, boxtopack, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 If working_file_exists Then Parse Value CreateFileRevisionCombobox( boxtopack, 'false', 'Working', !global.!current_filenames.1, 'Latest', tag_types, 'date' ) With rev1cbox realtagstart Else Parse Value CreateFileRevisionCombobox( boxtopack, 'false', 'Latest', !global.!current_filenames.1, '', tag_types, 'date' ) With rev1cbox realtagstart cb1_h_box2 = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_box, cb1_h_box2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( "in ", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_h_box2, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) rep1cbox = CreateRepositoryCombobox( cb1_box, 'false', 'Current Repository', rev1cbox, realtagstart, !global.!current_filenames.1, tag_types ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb1_h_box2, rep1cbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 cb2_box = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'with (earlier revision)', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb_box, cb2_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 cb2_h_box1 = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_box, cb2_h_box1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( "Revision ", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_h_box1, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) boxtopack = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_h_box1, boxtopack, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 If working_file_exists Then Parse Value CreateFileRevisionCombobox( boxtopack, 'false', 'Latest', !global.!current_filenames.1, 'Working', tag_types, 'date' ) With rev2cbox realtagstart Else Parse Value CreateFileRevisionCombobox( boxtopack, 'false', 'Latest', !global.!current_filenames.1, '', tag_types, 'date' ) With rev2cbox realtagstart cb2_h_box2 = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_box, cb2_h_box2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 tmp = dw_text_new( "in ", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_h_box2, tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) rep2cbox = CreateRepositoryCombobox( cb2_box, 'false', 'Current Repository', rev2cbox, realtagstart, !global.!current_filenames.1, tag_types ) Call dw_box_pack_start cb2_h_box2, rep2cbox, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Add a vertical box for the two groups of radio buttons and add the radio buttons */ group_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start data_box, group_box, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 g1 = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Comparison', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start group_box, g1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 compare_rb1 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Ignore whitespace', 111 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, compare_rb1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 compare_rb2 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Strict', 111 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, compare_rb2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_radiobutton_set compare_rb1, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED g2 = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Output to', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start group_box, g2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 output_rb1 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Log window', 222 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g2, output_rb1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 output_rb2 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Visual', 222 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g2, output_rb2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_radiobutton_set output_rb2, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ Call dw_window_set_gravity win, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, 0, 0, 0, 0 Call dw_window_show win Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ShowDifferencesApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, rev1cbox, rev2cbox, rep1cbox, rep2cbox, compare_rb1, compare_rb2, output_rb1, output_rb2 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ /* Parse Value dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) With cancel ':' rev1 ':' rev2 ':' rep1 ':' rep2 ':' rep1_idx ':' rep2_idx ':' difftype ':' outputtype*/ if trace() = 'F' Then say cancel rev1 rev2 rep1 rep2 rep1_idx rep2_idx difftype outputtype cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End /* * If we selected 'Cancel' return now If cancel = 'close' Then Return 0 */ Return 0 ShowAnnotationsCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * +-----------------------------------------------------------------+-+ * + Rel | User | Date | Line| contents | | * +------------------------------------------------------------------+-+ * + | | | | |^| * + | | | | |v| * +------------------------------------------------------------------+ + * + Line:___________ |< >| | * +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ + */ /* * Get the revision of the file to show */ Call SetCursorWait Call DisplayStatus 'Preparing annotations...' rev = GetFileRevisions( !global.!current_filenames.1, 'Show Annotations', 'rev tag', 'date', 'Latest' ) If rev = '' Then Return 0 /* * Read the file into a stem, parse all lines of the stem to determine the * width of all of the text boxes... */ Select When Words( rev ) = 3 Then rev_flag = '-D'rev When rev = 'Latest' Then rev_flag = '' Otherwise rev_flag = '-r'rev End If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q annotate' rev_flag quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) '| iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem file. Error Stem err. End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q annotate' rev_flag quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem file. Error Stem err. End If file.0 = 0 Then Do Return 0 End /* * If there is a valid syntax for the file's extension, use this */ pos = Lastpos( '.', !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If pos \= 0 & !global.!have_highlight Then Do syntax = FindSyntax( Substr( !global.!current_filenames.1, pos+1 ) ) If syntax = '' Then syntax_flags = '' Else syntax_flags = '-S' syntax End Else syntax_flags = '' /* * If we can use syntax highlighting, then do so */ If syntax_flags \= '' Then Do tmpfile = GenerateTempFile( '??shan??' ) Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' !global.!showannotations.!have_syntax = 1 End Else !global.!showannotations.!have_syntax = 0 max_rel = 0 max_user = 0 max_date = 9 max_line = 0 max_numb = 4 /* length of header label */ /* * Do some calculation of maximum widths of the columns and copy the * local stem into a global one so that the callbacks can see the data * Date is fixed length, and the linenumber will be the length of file.0 */ If Length( file.0 ) > max_numb Then max_numb = Length( file.0 ) Do i = 1 To file.0 Parse Var file.i rel '(' user date '): ' line !global.!showannotations.1.i = Strip( rel ) !global.!showannotations.2.i = Strip( user ) !global.!showannotations.3.i = Strip( date ) !global.!showannotations.4.i = Right( i, max_numb ) If syntax_flags = '' Then !global.!showannotations.5.i = line Else Call Lineout tmpfile, line /* Else Call Lineout tmpfile,dw_convert('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', line )*/ /* Else Call Lineout tmpfile,Changestr( ' ', line, ' ')*/ /* WARNING **: Invalid UTF8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text() */ If Length( !global.!showannotations.1.i ) > max_rel Then max_rel = Length( !global.!showannotations.1.i ) If Length( !global.!showannotations.2.i ) > max_user Then max_user = Length( !global.!showannotations.2.i ) If Length( line ) > max_line Then max_line = Length( line ) End !global.!showannotations.1.0 = file.0 !global.!showannotations.2.0 = file.0 !global.!showannotations.3.0 = file.0 !global.!showannotations.4.0 = file.0 !global.!showannotations.5.0 = file.0 !global.!showannotations.!max_width.1 = max_rel !global.!showannotations.!max_width.2 = max_user !global.!showannotations.!max_width.3 = max_date !global.!showannotations.!max_width.4 = max_numb !global.!showannotations.!max_width.5 = max_line Drop file. /* * Close the temporary file if we are processing syntax */ If syntax_flags \= '' Then Do Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call DisplayStatus 'Syntax highlighting...' Parse Value GetHighlightedLines( tmpfile, syntax_flags, '!GLOBAL.!SHOWANNOTATIONS.5.' ) With !global.!showannotations.!default_fore !global.!showannotations.!default_back Call SysFileDelete tmpfile Drop high. End Else Do !global.!showannotations.!default_fore = !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK !global.!showannotations.!default_back = !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE End title.1 = 'Rel' title.2 = 'User' title.3 = 'Date' title.4 = 'Line' title.5 = 'File Contents' /* * Build our window and all the boxes */ scrollbarwidth = 14 scrollbarheight = 14 scrollbarspace = !global.!widgetheight - scrollbarheight win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Annotations for' !global.!current_filenames.1'('rev')', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 depth = dw_color_depth_get() /* * Work out font sizing */ junk = dw_render_new( 0 ) Call dw_window_set_font junk, !global.!fixedfont Parse Value dw_font_text_extents_get( junk, , "g(" ) With font_width font_height Call dw_window_destroy junk font_width = ( font_width / 2 ) % 1 -- ensure font is whole number !global.!showannotations.!font_width = font_width !global.!showannotations.!font_height = font_height !global.!showannotations.!current_row = 0 !global.!showannotations.!current_col = 0 spinbutton_title_width = 70 spinbutton_width = (max_rel*font_width) + (max_user*font_width) + (max_date*font_width) + (max_numb*font_width) - 40 tophbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, tophbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * A vertical box for the fixed width render boxes and the line number spinbutton */ fixedbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start tophbox, fixedbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * A horizontal box for the fixed width columns */ hbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start fixedbox, hbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Columns for fixed columns... */ Do i = 1 To 4 /* * Pack some empty space before the column */ Call dw_box_pack_start hbox, 0, 5, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) !global.!showannotations.!pixmap_width.i = !global.!showannotations.!max_width.i*font_width Call dw_box_pack_start hbox, box, !global.!showannotations.!pixmap_width.i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 header = dw_text_new( title.i, i ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, header, !global.!showannotations.!pixmap_width.i, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style header, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.i = dw_render_new( i+10 ) Call dw_window_set_font !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.i, !global.!fixedfont Call dw_box_pack_start box, !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.i, !global.!showannotations.!pixmap_width.i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 End /* * Spinbutton */ spinbuttonbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start fixedbox, spinbuttonbox, spinbutton_width+spinbutton_title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 linebutton = dw_button_new( 'Goto Line:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start spinbuttonbox, linebutton, spinbutton_title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 sb = dw_spinbutton_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start spinbuttonbox, sb, spinbutton_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_spinbutton_set_limits sb, !global.!showannotations.5.0, 1 Call dw_spinbutton_set_pos sb, 1 /* * Build our boxes for the file contents */ hbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start tophbox, hbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 vertbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start hbox, vertbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 header = dw_text_new( title.5, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start vertbox, header, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style header, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) !global.!showannotations.!pixmap_width.5 = !global.!showannotations.!max_width.5*font_width /* create render box for filedetails pixmap */ !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.5 = dw_render_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start vertbox, !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.5, font_width, font_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_font !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.5, !global.!fixedfont /* create horizonal scrollbar */ !global.!showannotations.!hbar = dw_scrollbar_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start vertbox, !global.!showannotations.!hbar, 0, scrollbarheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_box_pack_start vertbox, 0, 0, scrollbarspace, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 vscrollbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start hbox, vscrollbox, scrollbarwidth, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* Pack an area of empty space above the scrollbar */ Call dw_box_pack_start vscrollbox, 0, scrollbarwidth, scrollbarspace+scrollbarheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!showannotations.!vbar = dw_scrollbar_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start vscrollbox, !global.!showannotations.!vbar, scrollbarwidth, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* Pack an area of empty space below the scrollbar */ Call dw_box_pack_start vscrollbox, 0, scrollbarwidth, scrollbarspace+scrollbarheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create default pixmaps and connect our signals */ Do i = 1 To 5 !global.!showannotations.!pixmap.i = dw_pixmap_new( !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.i, font_width, font_height, depth ) Call dw_signal_connect !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.i, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPOSE_EVENT, 'ShowAnnotationsExposeCallback', i Call dw_signal_connect !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.i, !REXXDW.!DW_CONFIGURE_EVENT, 'ShowAnnotationsConfigureCallback', i End Call dw_signal_connect !global.!showannotations.!hbar, !REXXDW.!DW_VALUE_CHANGED_EVENT, 'ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!showannotations.!vbar, !REXXDW.!DW_VALUE_CHANGED_EVENT, 'ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback' -- connect keypress to toplevel window Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_KEY_PRESS_EVENT, 'ShowAnnotationsKeyPressCallback', win /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Done button */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'OK', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 400, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect linebutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'ShowAnnotationsGotoLineCallback', sb /* * Set the Goto Line button be the default for ENTER */ Call dw_window_click_default sb, linebutton /* * Reset status */ Call SetCursorNoWait Call DisplayStatus '' /* * Display the window */ width = (!global.!screen_width % 3) * 2 height = (!global.!screen_height % 3) * 2 Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Call dw_dialog_wait dialog_wait Drop !global.!showannotations.!rel. !global.!showannotations.!user. !global.!showannotations.!date. !global.!showannotations.!line. Return 0 ShowAnnotationsGotoLineCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, line_sb lineno = dw_spinbutton_get_pos( line_sb ) - 1 lineno = lineno - (!global.!showannotations.!rows % 2) If lineno < 0 Then lineno = 0 Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, lineno Return 0 ShowAnnotationsConfigureCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, width, height, box if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got ShowAnnotationsConfigureCallback' win width height box depth = dw_color_depth_get() !global.!showannotations.!rows = height % !global.!showannotations.!font_height !global.!showannotations.!height = height /* Destroy the old pixmap */ Call dw_pixmap_destroy !global.!showannotations.!pixmap.box If box = 5 Then Do !global.!showannotations.!viewport_cols = width % !global.!showannotations.!font_width !global.!showannotations.!viewport_width = width End /* Create new pixmap with the current sizes */ !global.!showannotations.!pixmap.box = dw_pixmap_new( !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.box, !global.!showannotations.!pixmap_width.box, !global.!showannotations.!height, depth ) /* Update scrollbar ranges with new values if its the file contents box */ If box = 5 Then Do Call dw_scrollbar_set_range !global.!showannotations.!hbar, !global.!showannotations.!max_width.5, !global.!showannotations.!viewport_cols Call dw_scrollbar_set_range !global.!showannotations.!vbar, !global.!showannotations.5.0, !global.!showannotations.!rows End /* Redraw the window */ Call DisplayAnnotations box Return 0 ShowAnnotationsExposeCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, junk, junk, junk, junk, box if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got ShowAnnotationsExposeCallback' box pixmap = !global.!showannotations.!pixmap.box If box = 5 Then x = !global.!showannotations.!current_col * !global.!showannotations.!font_width Else x = 0 Parse Value dw_window_get_pos_size( win ) With . . width height Call dw_pixmap_bitblt win, , 0, 0, width, height, , pixmap, x, 0 Call dw_flush Return 0 ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, value If win = !global.!showannotations.!vbar Then Do !global.!showannotations.!current_row = value Call dw_scrollbar_set_pos !global.!showannotations.!vbar, value End Else Do !global.!showannotations.!current_col = value Call dw_scrollbar_set_pos !global.!showannotations.!hbar, value End Do i = 1 To 5 Call DisplayAnnotations i End Return 0 /* * Handle keypress events for ShowAnnotations * Trap those that adjust the vertical position of the file; PgUp, PgDn, Up, Down * Return 1 to indicate we have handled the key, otherwise return 0 to pass on to * the focus window; in this case the spinbutton where the linenumber can be specified. */ ShowAnnotationsKeyPressCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg window, key, virtual_key, state, topwin max_rows = !global.!showannotations.1.0 rcode = 0 Select When window = topwin Then Do Select When virtual_key = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_PRIOR Then Do pos = Max( 0, !global.!showannotations.!current_row - !global.!showannotations.!rows ) Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, pos Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, pos rcode = 1 End When virtual_key = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_NEXT Then Do pos = Min( max_rows - !global.!showannotations.!rows, !global.!showannotations.!current_row + !global.!showannotations.!rows ) If pos > 0 Then Do Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, pos Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, pos End rcode = 1 End When virtual_key = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_UP Then Do pos = Max( 0, !global.!showannotations.!current_row - 1 ) Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, pos Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, pos rcode = 1 End When virtual_key = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_DOWN Then Do pos = Min( max_rows - !global.!showannotations.!rows, !global.!showannotations.!current_row + 1 ) If pos > 0 Then Do Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, pos Call ShowAnnotationsValueChangedCallback !global.!showannotations.!vbar, pos End rcode = 1 End Otherwise Nop End End Otherwise Nop End Return rcode DisplayAnnotations: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg box if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got displayannotations' box If box = 5 Then Call dw_color_foreground_set !global.!showannotations.!default_back Else Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_draw_rect 0, !global.!showannotations.!pixmap.box, !REXXDW.!DW_FILL, 0, 0, !global.!showannotations.!pixmap_width.box, !global.!showannotations.!height Call dw_color_background_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK Do i = 1 To !global.!showannotations.!rows+1 While(i+!global.!showannotations.!current_row) < !global.!showannotations.box.0 + 1 y = (i-1)*!global.!showannotations.!font_height fileline = i + !global.!showannotations.!current_row If !global.!showannotations.!have_syntax & box = 5 Then Call WriteAnnotationsTextLine y, !global.!showannotations.box.fileline Else Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!showannotations.!pixmap.box, 0, y, !global.!showannotations.box.fileline End Call ShowAnnotationsExposeCallback !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.box, 0, 0, 0, 0, box Return WriteAnnotationsTextLine: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg y, fileline /* * Start each line with the default colour and font */ Call dw_color_background_set !global.!showannotations.!default_back Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 Then Call dw_window_set_font !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.5, !global.!fixedfont /* * Now split the line up at each */ x = 0 Do Forever If Left( fileline, 13 ) = '' fragment '' fileline Call dw_color_foreground_set !global.!syntax.!color.class If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 2 Then Call dw_window_set_font !global.!showannotations.!pixmapbox.5, !global.!syntax.!font.class End Else Do Parse Var fileline fragment '' file1 !global.!stderrdevnull Call Stream file1, 'C', 'CLOSE' End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.rep1_idx = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Save the current value of CVS_RSH because we have to put it * back to the saved value after we check out the files... */ save_rsh = Value( 'CVS_RSH', , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) /* * Checkout rev1... */ Select When rev1 = 'Working' Then Do If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 Then Do file1 = GenerateTempFile( tmptmp1 ) Address System 'cat' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) '| iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8' With Output Stream file1 Error Stem junk. Call Stream file1, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Else file1 = CVSFileToWorkingFile( !global.!current_filenames.1, rep1_idx ) End When rev1 = 'Latest' Then Do file1 = GenerateTempFile( tmptmp1 ) Call SetCVSEnvVars rep1_idx If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rep1_idx '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rep1_idx 'checkout -p' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) '| iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stream file1 Error Stem junk. End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rep1_idx '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rep1_idx 'checkout -p' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stream file1 Error Stem junk. End Call Stream file1, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Otherwise Do file1 = GenerateTempFile( tmptmp1 ) Call SetCVSEnvVars rep1_idx If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rep1_idx '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rep1_idx 'checkout -p' rev1_val quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) '| iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stream file1 Error Stem junk. End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rep1_idx '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rep1_idx 'checkout -p' rev1_val quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stream file1 Error Stem junk. End Call Stream file1, 'C', 'CLOSE' End End /* * Put back CVS_RSH value saved above... */ Call Value 'CVS_RSH', save_rsh, 'ENVIRONMENT' End Otherwise Nop End /* * get file 2 */ If Left( rev2, 5 ) = 'Date:' Then Do rev2 = SubWord( rev2, 2 ) rev2_val = '-D'Translate( rev2, '-', ' ' ) End Else rev2_val = '-r'rev2 label2 = rep2':' !global.!current_filenames.1'('rev2')' tmptmp2 = Translate( Changestr( ':', label2, '-???' ), '_', '/' ) Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.rep2_idx = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ If rev2 = 'Latest' Then Do Address System 'co -p' quote( current_filenames.1 ) '>' file2 !global.!stderrdevnull End Else Do Address System 'co -p'rev2 quote( current_filenames.1 ) '>' file2 !global.!stderrdevnull End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.rep2_idx = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Save the current value of CVS_RSH because we have to put it * back to the saved value after we check out the files... */ save_rsh = Value( 'CVS_RSH', , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) /* * Checkout rev2... */ Select When rev2 = 'Working' Then Do If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 Then Do file2 = GenerateTempFile( tmptmp2 ) Address System 'cat' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) '| iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8' With Output Stream file2 Error Stem junk. Call Stream file2, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Else file2 = CVSFileToWorkingFile( !global.!current_filenames.1, rep2_idx ) End When rev2 = 'Latest' Then Do file2 = GenerateTempFile( tmptmp2 ) Call SetCVSEnvVars rep2_idx If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rep2_idx '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rep2_idx 'checkout -p' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) '| iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stream file2 Error Stem junk. End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rep2_idx '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rep2_idx 'checkout -p' quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stream file2 Error Stem junk. End Call Stream file2, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Otherwise Do file2 = GenerateTempFile( tmptmp2 ) Call SetCVSEnvVars rep2_idx If !REXXDW.!GTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 1 Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rep2_idx '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rep2_idx 'checkout -p' rev2_val quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) '| iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stream file2 Error Stem junk. End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rep2_idx '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rep2_idx 'checkout -p' rev2_val quote( !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stream file2 Error Stem junk. End Call Stream file2, 'C', 'CLOSE' End End /* * Put back CVS_RSH value saved above... */ Call Value 'CVS_RSH', save_rsh, 'ENVIRONMENT' End Otherwise Nop End file1 = Changestr( '/', file1, !global.!ossep ) file2 = Changestr( '/', file2, !global.!ossep ) /* * Win32 .doc differences... */ If !global.!os = 'WIN32' & Translate( Right( !global.!current_filenames.1, 4 ) ) = '.DOC' Then Do /* * check if either of the files to be compared is the working copy, and if so * whether that file is currently open in Word with changes that haven't been made * If this is the case, inform the user we can save the file before the comparison * Irrespective of the answer, copy the working file to a temporary file before the * comparison i done */ If rev1 = 'Working' Then Do If CheckIfFileChangedInWord( file1 ) Then Do Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 End -- copy the working file to the temporary file wfile1 = Changestr( '/', GenerateTempFile( tmptmp1 ), !global.!ossep ) Address System !global.!cmdcopy quote( file1 ) quote( wfile1 ) !global.!devnull file1 = wfile1 End If rev2 = 'Working' Then Do If CheckIfFileChangedInWord( file2 ) Then Do Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 End -- copy the working file to the temporary file wfile2 = Changestr( '/', GenerateTempFile( tmptmp2 ), !global.!ossep ) Address System !global.!cmdcopy quote( file2 ) quote( wfile2 ) !global.!devnull file2 = wfile2 End file1 = ConvertWordDocumentToText( file1, 0 ) If file1 = '' Then Do Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 End Call AddTempFileForCleanup file1 file2 = ConvertWordDocumentToText( file2, 0 ) If file2 = '' Then Do Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 End Call AddTempFileForCleanup file2 End /* * Do the diff now... */ If outputtype = 'logwindow' Then Do Call RunOsCommand !global.!cmddiff diffflags quote( file1 ) quote( file2 ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Differences between' label1 'and' label2 End Else Do /* * If there is a valid syntax for the file's extension, use this */ pos = Lastpos( '.', !global.!current_filenames.1 ) If pos \= 0 Then Do syntax = FindSyntax( Substr( !global.!current_filenames.1, pos+1 ) ) If syntax = '' Then syntax_flags = '' Else syntax_flags = '-S'syntax /* * Now if the user has a default theme, use it */ If Left( !global.!!user.!!style, 1 ) \= '!' & !global.!!user.!!style \= '' & syntax_flags \= '' Then syntax_flags = syntax_flags '-s'!global.!!user.!!style End Else syntax_flags = '' If Left( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces, 1 ) = '!' | !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces = 0 Then tabspaces_flag = '' Else tabspaces_flag = '-c'!global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces /* * Call the external differences program */ If !global.!!user.!!diffprog = '' | Left( !global.!!user.!!diffprog, 1 ) = '!' Then Do If !global.!os = 'OSX' & !global.!rexxdiff_by_env_variable = 1 Then Do /* * MacOS X leopard does not allow arguments to be passed to an application started with "open" * command, so we have to set env variables for our args. rexxdiff, then will check for * these set env variables. */ Call Value 'REXXDIFF_ARG1', '-f'file1, 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value 'REXXDIFF_ARG2', '-F'file2, 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value 'REXXDIFF_ARG3', '-t'label1, 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value 'REXXDIFF_ARG4', '-T'label2, 'ENVIRONMENT' i = 4 If syntax_flags \= '' Then Do j = 1 To Words( syntax_flags ) flag = Word( syntax_flags, j ) i = i + 1 Call Value 'REXXDIFF_ARG'i, flag, 'ENVIRONMENT' End If tabspaces_flag \= '' Then Do i = i + 1 Call Value 'REXXDIFF_ARG'i, tabspaces_flag, 'ENVIRONMENT' End If diffflags \= '' Then Do i = i + 1 Call Value 'REXXDIFF_ARG'i, diffflags, 'ENVIRONMENT' End Call Value 'REXXDIFF_ARGS', i, 'ENVIRONMENT' diffcmd = !global.!rexxdiff End Else Do diffcmd = !global.!rexxdiff '-f'quote( file1 ) '-F'quote( file2 ) '-t'quote( label1 ) '-T'quote( label2 ) syntax_flags tabspaces_flag diffflags End End Else Do diffcmd = Changestr( '%F1%', !global.!!user.!!diffprog, file1 ) diffcmd = Changestr( '%F2%', diffcmd, file2 ) diffcmd = Changestr( '%T1%', diffcmd, label1 ) diffcmd = Changestr( '%T2%', diffcmd, label2 ) End cmd = !global.!background_start_nowindow diffcmd !global.!background_end If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd End Call SetCursorNoWait Return 0 /* * Determines if the supplied files are currently open in word */ IsWordOpen: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository app = w32CreateObject("Word.Application") num = w32GetProperty( app, 'Documents.Count' ) Call w32ReleaseObject app Return num -- will return the number of files open; 0 if no files open or we just started word /* * Determines if the supplied file is currently open in word and if there are unsaved changes */ CheckIfFileChangedInWord: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg fn cancel = 0 app = w32CreateObject("Word.Application") documents = w32getproperty( app, 'Documents' ) Call w32ReleaseObject app Do Forever odoc = w32olenext( documents ) If odoc = 0 Then Leave fp = w32getproperty( odoc, 'FullName' ) If Translate( fn ) = Translate( fp ) & w32getproperty( odoc, 'Saved' ) = 0 Then Do -- document is open and has unsaved changes, ask if the file is to be saved rcode = dw_messagebox( 'Save file?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNOCANCEL, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), quote( fn ) 'has not been saved. Do you want the file saved before the comparison? Select Yes to have the file saved; No to compare without saving; Cancel to quit the action.' ) Select When rcode = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_NO Then Nop When rcode = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_CANCEL Then cancel = 1 Otherwise Do -- save the file Call w32CallProc odoc, 'Save' End End End Call w32ReleaseObject odoc End Return cancel /* * Opens a Word Document and saves it as a text file for Show Differences */ ConvertWordDocumentToText: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg docfile, batch /* * Get the version of Word */ app = w32CreateObject("Word.Application") ver = w32GetProperty( app, 'Version' ) Call w32ReleaseObject app wrd = w32CreateObject("Word.Basic") Call w32CallProc wrd, "FileOpen", 's', docfile If rc \= 0 Then Do If \batch Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Conversion Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), 'Unable to convert Word document:' docfile 'to text.' End Call w32CallProc wrd, "FileClose" Call w32ReleaseObject wrd Return '' End out = docfile'.txt' Select When ver = '11.0removeme' Then Call w32CallProc wrd, "FileSaveAs", , out, 2, 0, , 0, , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 Otherwise Call w32CallProc wrd, "FileSaveAs", 'si' , out, 2 End If rc \= 0 Then Do If \batch Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Conversion Error', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), 'Unable to convert Word document to text.' W32OLEGetError() End Call w32CallProc wrd, "FileClose" Call w32ReleaseObject wrd Return '' End Call w32CallProc wrd, "FileClose" Call w32ReleaseObject wrd /* * When there are tables in the word document, the columns are separated by LF characters. These are treated as separate lines * by the Rexx interpreter, but are treated as embedded charcaters by the qdiff.exe. We need to ensure all single LF are converted to CRLF. * Simply read the file into memory, and write it out again. */ Call Stream out, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do i = 1 While Lines( out ) > 0 line.i = Linein( out ) line.0 = i End Call Stream out, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call Stream out, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Do i = 1 To line.0 Call Lineout out, line.i End Call Stream out, 'C', 'CLOSE' Drop line. Return out ReportModuleHistoryApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, rev1cbox, rev2cbox, rep1cbox, rep2cbox, compare_rb1, compare_rb2, later_entry, earlier_entry, word_compare_cb, showall_compare_cb rev1 = dw_window_get_text( rev1cbox ) rev2 = dw_window_get_text( rev2cbox ) rep1 = dw_window_get_text( rep1cbox ) rep2 = dw_window_get_text( rep2cbox ) mod1 = dw_window_get_text( later_entry ) mod2 = dw_window_get_text( earlier_entry ) wc = dw_checkbox_get( word_compare_cb ) sa = dw_checkbox_get( showall_compare_cb ) If dw_radiobutton_get( compare_rb1 ) Then diffflags = '-w' Else diffflags = '' If rep1 = 'Current Repository' Then rep1 = !global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository If rep2 = 'Current Repository' Then rep2 = !global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository If comp = 'ignorewhitespace' Then diffflags = '-w' Else diffflags = '' If wc = 1 Then wcflag = '-W' Else wcflag = '' If sa = 1 Then saflag = '-A' Else saflag = '' desc = 'Report differences between' rep1':'mod1'('rev1')' 'and' rep2':'mod2'('rev2')' type = 'mods' compiler_type = '.' /* * Create the basefile and the job description file */ basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() Call CreateDescriptionFile basefile, desc, type, compiler_type cmd = !global.!qocca_command 'mods -n'rep1 '-N'rep2 quote( '-m'mod1 ) quote( '-M'mod2 ) quote( '-v'rev1 ) quote( '-V'rev2 ) '-B'basefile '-p' diffflags wcflag saflag outputfile = basefile'.out' basedir = Changestr( !global.!ossep, !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository || !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, '/' ) /* * Increment the active jobs */ Call IncrementRunningJobs basefile /* * Run it now, redirecting output to the outputfile */ Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow desc 'submitted' Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' Command to run:' cmd Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow desc 'submitted' Address System !global.!background_start_nowindow cmd !global.!background_end Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' Return 0 GenericCloseCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., window, dialog Call dw_window_destroy window If dialog \= '' Then Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'close' Return 0 FilePropertiesApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository !det. Parse Arg button, window, dialog, file_type_combo, desc_entry, fn, old_type, old_desc, locks_cb /* * If we are an administrator and the description has changed, update it in the * repository. */ filepropchange = 'N' If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do new_desc = dw_window_get_text( desc_entry ) idx = dw_listbox_selected( file_type_combo ) new_type = dw_listbox_get_text( file_type_combo, idx ) if trace() = 'F' Then say new_type':'old_type Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If locks_cb = 'LOCKS_CB' Then unlock = 0 Else Do unlock = dw_checkbox_get( locks_cb ) End /* * CVS can't run admin with no working file... */ If new_desc \= old_desc | new_type \= old_type | unlock Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout' quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem junk. Error Stem junk. Call RefreshDirectoryIcons End If new_desc \= old_desc Then Do Queue new_desc cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -t' quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Input FIFO '' Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Updating module description for' quote( fn ) filepropchange = 'Y' End If new_type \= old_type Then Do comment = 'Changing file type for' quote( fn ) 'to' new_type If new_type = 'Binary' Then new_type = 'b' Else new_type = 'kv' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -k'new_type quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', comment filepropchange = 'Y' End If unlock Then Do Parse Var !det.!lock . ':' rev cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'admin -u'Strip( rev ) quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Unlocking module:' quote( fn ) filepropchange = 'Y' End End Otherwise Nop End End if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got filepropertiesdone for' window Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' filepropchange Return 0 GetLabelApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, bo_box, nl_box, overwrite_cb, edit_label_file_cb based_on = dw_window_get_text( bo_box ) lab = dw_window_get_text( nl_box ) overwrite_label = dw_checkbox_get( overwrite_cb ) edit_label_file = dw_checkbox_get( edit_label_file_cb ) Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' lab based_on overwrite_label edit_label_file Return 0 /* * End of callbacks */ DisplayDirProperties: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Directory properties... (from build.conf) * * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ * | UNIX | W32 | OS/2 | BeOS | Amiga | | * |------+-----+------+------+-------+---------------------------| * | Make Directory: ________________________________ | !dir.!makedirectory.this_dir.!platform * | Make Command: ________________________________ | !dir.!makecommand.this_dir.!platform * | Debug Make Command: ________________________________ | !dir.!debugmakecommand.this_dir.!platform * | Custom Make Command: ________________________________ | !dir.!custommakecommand.this_dir.!platform * | Build Command: ________________________________ | !dir.!buildcommand.this_dir.!platform * | Debug Build Command: ________________________________ | !dir.!debugbuildcommand.this_dir.!platform * | Custom Build Command: ________________________________ | !dir.!custombuildcommand.this_dir.!platform * | Promote Command: ________________________________ | !dir.!promotecommand.this_dir.!platform * | Install Script: ________________________________ | !dir.!installcommand.this_dir.!platform * | Install Dirs: ________________________________ | !dir.!installdirs.this_dir.!platform * | Default Compiler: _______________________________v | !dir.!compiler.this_dir.!platform * | Email Template: ________________________________ | !dir.!emailer.this_dir.!platform * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Reserved Checkout: X | !dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Cancel | * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ * | Apply | * +--------------------------------------------------------------+ * * On success, updates build.conf * */ /* * If our current platform is not already in the list of platforms, add it now so we can create * an empty page */ If Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) = 0 Then !global.!platforms = !global.!platforms !global.!os num_platforms = Words( !global.!platforms ) this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Edit Directory Properties for:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Add a disabled MLE with instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 400, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call DirpropertiesHelpFocusCallback t1, 'INITIAL', t1 /* * Add a notebook */ !global.!dirnotebookbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, !global.!dirnotebookbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create our repository notebook */ !global.!dirnotebook = dw_notebook_new( 0, !REXXDW.!DW_TAB_TO_TOP ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookbox, !global.!dirnotebook, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirnotebook, !REXXDW.!DW_SWITCH_PAGE_EVENT, 'SwitchDirectoryCallback' /* * For each platform, we need to create a notebook tab page */ Do i = 1 To num_platforms Call AddDirectoryPage i, t1, this_dir End /* * Create reserved checkout checkbox */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!dirproperties.?rc_cb = dw_checkbox_new( 'Reserved Checkout', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?rc_cb, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'Y' Then Call dw_checkbox_set !global.!dirproperties.?rc_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set !global.!dirproperties.?rc_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Save us passing this to the callbacks */ !global.!dirproperties.?this_dir = this_dir /* * Display the window */ width = 500 height = 520 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return 0 AddDirectoryPage: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg i, t1, this_dir title_width = 150 /* * Create our notebook page and box to pack... */ !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) !global.!dirnotebookpage.i = dw_notebook_page_new( !global.!dirnotebook, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_PAGE_TO_BACK ) /* * Pack the box for the notebook page contents into the notebook page and set the * text of the notebook page tab */ Call dw_notebook_pack !global.!dirnotebook, !global.!dirnotebookpage.i, !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i Call dw_notebook_page_set_text !global.!dirnotebook, !global.!dirnotebookpage.i, Word( !global.!platforms, i ) /* * Add the boxes and widgets for the left column... */ /* make directory */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Make Directory', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!makedirectory.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!makedirectory.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?md.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?md.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?md.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'MD', t1 /* make command */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Make Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!makecommand.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!makecommand.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?mc.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?mc.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?mc.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'MC', t1 /* debug make command */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Debug Make Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!debugmakecommand.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!debugmakecommand.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?dmc.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?dmc.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?dmc.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'DMC', t1 -- custom make command tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Custom Make Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!custommakecommand.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!custommakecommand.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?cmc.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?cmc.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?cmc.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'DMC', t1 /* build command */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Build Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!buildcommand.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!buildcommand.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?bc.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?bc.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?bc.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'BC', t1 /* debug build command */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Debug Build Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!debugbuildcommand.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!debugbuildcommand.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?dbc.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?dbc.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?dbc.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'DBC', t1 -- custom build command tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Custom Build Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!custombuildcommand.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!custombuildcommand.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?cbc.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?cbc.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?cbc.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'DBC', t1 /* promote directory */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Promote Directory', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!promotedirectory.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!promotedirectory.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?pd.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?pd.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?pd.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'PD', t1 /* promote command */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Promote Command', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!promotecommand.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!promotecommand.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?pc.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?pc.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?pc.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'PC', t1 /* install command */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Install Script', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!installcommand.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!installcommand.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?is.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?is.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?is.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'IS', t1 /* install directories */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Install Directories', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!installdirs.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!installdirs.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?id.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?id.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?id.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'ID', t1 /* default compiler */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Default Compiler', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!compiler.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!compiler.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?dc.i = CreateCompilersCombobox( tmpbox, 'false', oldvalue ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?dc.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* email template */ tmpbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirnotebookpagebox.i, tmpbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 tmp = dw_text_new( 'Email Template', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, tmp, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If Left( !global.!dir.!emailer.this_dir.i, 1 ) = '!' Then oldvalue = '' Else oldvalue = !global.!dir.!emailer.this_dir.i !global.!dirproperties.?em.i = dw_entryfield_new( oldvalue, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start tmpbox, !global.!dirproperties.?em.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect !global.!dirproperties.?em.i, !REXXDW.!DW_SET_FOCUS_EVENT, 'DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback', 'EM', t1 /* * Set the tab for the current platform to be the default */ platform_index = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) Call dw_notebook_page_set !global.!dirnotebook, platform_index-1 Return 0 DirPropertiesApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., window, dialog num_platforms = Words( !global.!platforms ) this_dir = !global.!dirproperties.?this_dir /* * We have valid responses, get the new values for all platforms... */ Do i = 1 To num_platforms !global.!dir.!makedirectory.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?md.i ) !global.!dir.!makecommand.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?mc.i ) !global.!dir.!debugmakecommand.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?dmc.i ) !global.!dir.!custommakecommand.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?cmc.i ) !global.!dir.!buildcommand.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?bc.i ) !global.!dir.!debugbuildcommand.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?dbc.i ) !global.!dir.!custombuildcommand.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?cbc.i ) !global.!dir.!promotedirectory.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?pd.i ) !global.!dir.!promotecommand.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?pc.i ) !global.!dir.!installcommand.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?is.i ) !global.!dir.!installdirs.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?id.i ) !global.!dir.!compiler.this_dir.i = ConvertCompilerNameToAbbrev( dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?dc.i ) ) !global.!dir.!emailer.this_dir.i = dw_window_get_text( !global.!dirproperties.?em.i ) End !global.!dir.!makedirectory.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!makecommand.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!debugmakecommand.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!custommakecommand.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!buildcommand.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!debugbuildcommand.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!custombuildcommand.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!promotedirectory.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!promotecommand.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!installcommand.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!installdirs.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!compiler.this_dir.0 = num_platforms !global.!dir.!emailer.this_dir.0 = num_platforms /* * If the reserved checkout item has changed, we want to update the directory tree */ If dw_checkbox_get( !global.!dirproperties.?rc_cb ) Then !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'Y' Else !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'N' If Wordpos( this_dir, !global.!targets ) = 0 Then !global.!targets = !global.!targets this_dir /* * Write the new build.conf */ Call WriteBuildConf 'Added make and/or install details for' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository /* * Change the icon for the directory in the tree */ Parse Value dw_tree_item_get_data( !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !global.!selected_treeitem.!!last_repository ) With parentitem mydir mydir = Strip( mydir, 'B', '"' ) Parse Value DetermineModuleIconAndName( mydir ) With icon currentdir Call dw_tree_item_change !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !global.!selected_treeitem.!!last_repository, currentdir, icon /* * In case our directory has changed to/from reserved checkout */ Call SetLockedStatusIcon /* * We will also update the directory toolbar buttons... */ Call AdjustDirToolbarList Call AdjustDirToolbarButtons /* * ...and the file toolbar buttons... */ Call AdjustFileToolbarList Call AdjustFileToolbarButtons /* * Close the window and dialog and return */ Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' Return 0 DirPropertiesHelpFocusCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, which, textwin help.initial = 'For each platform that is to be a buildable target, enter the details below.' help.md = "Enter the directory where a make is to be done from. This directory is a relative directory specification from the module directory; generally something as simple as 'make'." help.mc = "Enter the command used to make the module on this platform. This is the command executed when the 'Make' command is selected. Multiple commands can be separated by ';' on UNIX or '&&' on Win32. Leaving this empty will prevent this module from being a target of a make." help.dmc = "Enter the command used to do a debug make of the module on this platform. This is the command executed when the 'Debug Make' command is selected. Multiple commands can be separated by ';' on UNIX or '&&' on Win32." help.cmc = "Enter the command used to do a custom make of the module on this platform. This is the command executed when the 'Custom Make' command is selected. Multiple commands can be separated by ';' on UNIX or '&&' on Win32." help.bc = "Enter the command used to build the module on this platform. This is the command executed when the 'Build' command is selected. Multiple commands can be separated by ';' on UNIX or '&&' on Win32. Leaving this empty will prevent this module from being a target of a build." help.dbc = "Enter the command used to do a debug build of the module on this platform. This is the command executed when the 'Debug Build' command is selected. Multiple commands can be separated by ';' on UNIX or '&&' on Win32." help.cbc = "Enter the command used to do a custom build of the module on this platform. This is the command executed when the 'Custom Build' command is selected. Multiple commands can be separated by ';' on UNIX or '&&' on Win32." help.pc = "Enter the command used to promote the module on this platform. This is the command executed when the 'Promote' command is selected. Multiple commands can be separated by ';' on UNIX or '&&' on Win32. Leaving this empty will prevent this module from being a target of a promote. Specify %V% as the substitution token for the version, and %D% for the install directories." help.is = 'Enter the name and path of the installation script to be run when installing on this platform. The file should be specified relative to the directory you are configuring; eg. install/install.sh.', ' Leaving this empty will prevent this directory being a target of an install.' help.id = 'Enter the directories (relative to the module directory) that are to be included in a promote.' help.dc = 'From the drop down box, select the compiler to be used as the default compiler for this target.' help.em = "Enter the command used to email (via SMTP) various users of the repository. Indicate where the filename in the command appears with %F%, a recipient by %R%, and subject by %S%." help.rc = "Check this button if you want all files in this directory subject to reserved checkout." Call dw_window_enable textwin Call dw_mle_set_cursor textwin, 0 Call dw_mle_delete textwin Call dw_mle_import textwin, help.which, -1 Call dw_window_disable textwin Return 0 AbortText: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg msg Say msg If RxFuncQuery( 'DW_DropFuncs' ) = 0 Then Call dw_DropFuncs /* * Cleanup OLE */ If !global.!loadedw32util = 1 Then Do Call w32olecleanup Call w32dropfuncs End Exit 1 novalue: say 'got a novalue' Exit 1 ParseCompilerLine: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg compiler_type, line /* * Check if the line is a warning... */ f = '' l = '' c = '' m = '' If Datatype( !global.!compiler_template.??warning.compiler_type.0 ) \= 'NUM' Then Return '' Do i = 1 To !global.!compiler_template.??warning.compiler_type.0 tmp = !global.!compiler_template.??warning.compiler_type.i If tmp \= '' Then Do Interpret 'Parse Var line' tmp /* * Only matters if message and filename are not empty */ If m \= '' & f \= '' Then Do modifier = 'warning' Return modifier','f','l','c','m End End End /* * Check if the line is an error... */ Do i = 1 To !global.!compiler_template.??error.compiler_type.0 tmp = !global.!compiler_template.??error.compiler_type.i If tmp \= '' Then Do Interpret 'Parse Var line' tmp /* * Only matters if message and filename are not empty */ If m \= '' & f \= '' Then Do modifier = 'error' Return modifier','f','l','c','m End End End Return '' /* * List of compilers; their names, and templates for warnings and errors. * Only the parameters 'm' and 'f' are significant */ SetCompilerTemplates: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_TYPES = 'NONE GCC VC WCCWIN32 WCCQNX JAVAC DELPHI4 CSHARP' !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_NAME.NONE = 'None' !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_NAME.GCC = 'GNU C/C++' !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_NAME.VC = 'Microsoft Visual C++' !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_NAME.WCCWIN32 = 'Watcom C++ on Win32' !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_NAME.WCCQNX = 'Watcom C++ on QNX' !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_NAME.JAVAC = 'Java Compiler' !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_NAME.DELPHI4 = 'Borland Delphi 4' !global.!compiler_template.??COMPILER_NAME.CSHARP = 'C#' !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.NONE.0 = 0 !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.GCC.0 = 2 !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.GCC.1 = "f ':' l ':' c ': warning:' m" !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.GCC.2 = "f ':' l ': warning:' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.NONE.0 = 0 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.GCC.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.GCC.1 = "f ':' l ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.VC.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.VC.1 = "f '(' l ') : warning' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.VC.0 = 2 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.VC.1 = "f '(' l ') : error' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.VC.2 = "f '(' l ') : fatal error' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.WCCWIN32.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.WCCWIN32.1 = "f '(' l '): Warning!' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.WCCWIN32.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.WCCWIN32.1 = "f '(' l '): Error!' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.WCCQNX.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.WCCQNX.1 = "f '(' l '): Warning!' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.WCCQNX.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.WCCQNX.1 = "f '(' l '): Error!' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.JAVAC.0 = 0 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.JAVAC.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.JAVAC.1 = "f ':' l ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.DELPHI4.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.DELPHI4.1 = "f '(' l ') Warning:' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.DELPHI4.0 = 2 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.DELPHI4.1 = "f '(' l ') Error:' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.DELPHI4.2 = "f '(' l ') Fatal:' m" !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.CSHARP.0 = 1 !global.!compiler_template.??WARNING.CSHARP.1 = ". '[compile]' f '(' l ',' c '): warning' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.CSHARP.0 = 2 !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.CSHARP.1 = ". '[compile]' f '(' l ',' c '): error' . ':' m" !global.!compiler_template.??ERROR.CSHARP.2 = ". '[compile] error ' f ':' m" Return FindRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repository If Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) = '!' Then Return 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!!number_repositories If !global.!!repository.!!name.i = repository Then Return i End Return 0 SetRepositoryEnvs: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Call SetCVSEnvVars !!last_repository Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository /* * While we're here, we will check to see if there is a toplevel; ie in * !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository a CVS directory and the * appropriate admin files. If not create the missing stuff. */ cvsdir = Directory()||!global.!ossep'CVS' If Stream( cvsdir, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do Call CreateDirectory( cvsdir ) End cvsentries = cvsdir||!global.!ossep'Entries' If Stream( cvsentries, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do Call Stream cvsentries, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout cvsentries, 'D' Call Stream cvsentries, 'C', 'CLOSE' End cvsroot = cvsdir||!global.!ossep'Root' If Stream( cvsroot, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do Call Stream cvsroot, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout cvsroot, !global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository Call Stream cvsroot, 'C', 'CLOSE' End cvsrepository = cvsdir||!global.!ossep'Repository' If Stream( cvsrepository, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do Call Stream cvsrepository, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout cvsrepository,'.' Call Stream cvsrepository, 'C', 'CLOSE' End End Otherwise Nop End Return /* * Sets environment variables for CVS. DO NOT Expose !!last_repository */ SetCVSEnvVars: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repno /*Call Value 'CVSROOT', !global.!!repository.!!path.repno, 'ENVIRONMENT'*/ If !global.!!repository.!!contype.repno = 'rsh' Then Call Value 'CVS_RSH', 'rsh', 'ENVIRONMENT' Else Do If Datatype( !global.!!repository.!!cvsport.repno ) = 'NUM' Then Do If !global.!!repository.!!cvsport.repno = 2401 Then cvs_rsh = 'ssh' Else cvs_rsh = 'sshcvs' End Else cvs_rsh = 'ssh' Call Value 'CVS_PORT', !global.!!repository.!!cvsport.repno, 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value 'CVS_RSH', cvs_rsh, 'ENVIRONMENT' End Return ConnectToRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg newrepno Return DisconnectFromRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Return /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * This function reads the configuration file. The configuration * file consists of lines of the form: * keyword = value * which are simply interpreted. * Blank lines and comment lines (starting with ';') are ignored * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ GetConfigurationFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Check out for readonly, the build.conf from the admin directory. Then * read the contents of build.conf into global variables. */ !global.!working_conf = Translate( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository'admin'!global.!ossep'build.conf', !global.!ossep, '/' ) _root = !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do Call CreateDirectory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository'admin' rcsfile = _root'/admin/RCS/build.conf,v' Address System 'co -f' rcsfile !global.!working_conf !global.!devnull If rc \= 0 Then AbortText('Unable to check out configuration file:' rcsfile) /* * Now have build.conf in !global.!working_conf file */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do !global.!offline.!!last_repository = 0 /* * Check global ?offline flag (set from -o command line option) */ If \!global.!offline Then Do /* * Try and checkout admin/build.conf */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q checkout admin/build.conf' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. If rc \= 0 Then Do If !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do /* * If there is no admin/build.conf, we still need to work * somehow ?? TODO */ dir = Translate( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository'admin', '/', !global.!ossep ) Call CreateDirectory dir Call CreateDummyBuildConf 'N' End Else Do Call NotifyNoConnection End End End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'hg' Then Do !global.!offline.!!last_repository = 0 /* * Check global ?offline flag (set from -o command line option) */ If \!global.!offline Then Do /* * Try and checkout admin/build.conf */ cmd = 'hg' '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q checkout admin/build.conf' say .line todo cmd If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. If rc \= 0 Then Do /* * If there is no admin/build.conf, we still need to work * somehow ?? TODO */ dir = Translate( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository'admin', '/', !global.!ossep ) Call CreateDirectory dir Call CreateDummyBuildConf 'N' End End End Otherwise Do If !global.!batch_mode Then Call AbortText 'Cannot handle repository of type:' !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository Else Call AbortText 'Cannot handle repository of type:' !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository End End Call ReadBuildConf Return NotifyNoConnection: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository oserr. /* * We are connecting to a cvs repository that is under * our control. ie. it has an admin/build.conf, * otherwise its an error */ If \!global.!batch_mode Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Connection failed' Do i = 1 To oserr.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'oserr.i, 'redfore' End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Connection failed' Call dw_messagebox 'No connection', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Unable to contact' quote( !global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository ) 'repository. Working offline.' End Else Do Do i = 1 To oserr.0 Say oserr.i End AbortText( 'Unable to contact' quote( !global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository ) 'repository.' ) End !global.!offline.!!last_repository = 1 Return ReadBuildConf: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Set !targets to the empty string to simplify processing later */ !global.!working_conf = Translate( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository'admin'!global.!ossep'build.conf', !global.!ossep, '/' ) !global.!targets = '' If !global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Read the config items from the "offline" file */ Call Stream !global.!working_conf'.offline', 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines( !global.!working_conf'.offline' ) > 0 line = Linein( !global.!working_conf'.offline' ) If Length( Strip( line ) ) = 0 | Substr( line, 1, 1 ) = ';' Then Nop Else Do Parse Var line keyword '=' val Interpret '!GLOBAL.'keyword '=' val End End Call Stream !global.!working_conf'.offline', 'C', 'CLOSE' End Else Do /* * Read the config items from the stack (if there are lines in the stack * or from !global.!working_conf) and write the "offline" file */ Call Stream !global.!working_conf'.offline', 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' /* If Queued() = 0 Then conf_from_file = 1 Else conf_from_file = 0 If conf_from_file Then */ Do If Stream( !global.!working_conf, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Call AbortText 'Problem accessing locally checked out build.conf file:' !global.!working_conf Call Stream !global.!working_conf, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines( !global.!working_conf) > 0 line = Linein( !global.!working_conf ) If Length( Strip( line ) ) = 0 | Substr( line, 1, 1 ) = ';' Then Nop Else Do Parse Var line keyword '=' val Interpret '!GLOBAL.'keyword '=' val Call Lineout !global.!working_conf'.offline', line End End Call Stream !global.!working_conf, 'C', 'CLOSE' End /* Else Do Do Queued() Parse Pull line If Length( Strip( line ) ) = 0 | Substr( line, 1, 1 ) = ';' Then Nop Else Do Parse Var line keyword '=' val Interpret '!GLOBAL.'keyword '=' val Call Lineout !global.!working_conf'.offline', line End End End */ Call Stream !global.!working_conf'.offline', 'C', 'CLOSE' End /* * One validation check to ensure we have set up the build.conf file * properly */ If Left( !global.!admin_users, 1 ) = '!' Then Do Say 'This repository has not been correctly configured. Aborted.' Call CleanupAndExit 1 End Return /* * Determine what permissions the user has. We translate any users here from the "real" userid to * the equivalent as specified in the repository properties. */ SetupEnvironment: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Translate user here if appropriate */ !global.!user = TranslateUser( !global.!user, !global.!user_mappings ) If Wordpos( Translate( !global.!user ), Translate( !global.!admin_users ) ) = 0 Then !global.!administrator.!!last_repository='N' Else !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' If Wordpos( Translate( !global.!user ), Translate( !global.!build_users ) ) = 0 Then !global.!build_user.!!last_repository='N' Else !global.!build_user.!!last_repository = 'Y' If Wordpos( Translate( !global.!user ), Translate( !global.!update_users ) ) = 0 Then !global.!update_user.!!last_repository='N' Else !global.!update_user.!!last_repository = 'Y' Return TranslateUser: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. Parse Arg current, mappings If Left( mappings, 1 ) = '!' | Strip( mappings ) = '' Then Return current Do Forever Parse Var mappings from '=' to ',' mappings If Strip( Translate( from ) ) = Strip( Translate( current ) ) Then Do new = Strip( to ) Leave End If mappings = '' Then Do new = current Leave End End Return new GetModulesFromRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Say what's happening... */ Call SetCursorWait If !global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Call DisplayStatus 'Reading modules from working directory...' Else Call DisplayStatus 'Reading modules from repository...' /* * Do some basic validation - this to go in a function that SetRepository() * calls!!! */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do Call SysFileTree _root||!global.!ossep'RCS', '!GLOBAL.!REPDIR.!!LAST_REPOSITORY.', 'DTS' If !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 == 0 Then Call AbortText 'No RCS files under:' _root End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do offline_directory_file = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository||'admin/offline.dir.'!global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository say .line offline_directory_file Select When !global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Do /* * When working offline, get the "repository" details from * the working directory's CVS/Entries files. Ensure that * the CVS/Repository items match the current repository. */ Call Stream offline_directory_file, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do i = 1 While Lines( offline_directory_file ) > 0 !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i = Linein( offline_directory_file ) End i = i - 1 !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 = i End When !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.!!last_repository = 'Y' & Strip( !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs_dirs.!!last_repository ) \= '' Then Do /* * For each root directory, do an rdiff to build up the full tree */ idx = 0 Call Stream offline_directory_file, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Do j = 1 To Words( !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs_dirs.!!last_repository ) dir = Word( !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs_dirs.!!last_repository, j ) cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'rdiff -s -D 1/1/2037' dir If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. Do i = 1 To err.0 Parse Var err.i . 'Diffing' line line = '/'Strip( line ) If line \= '/.' & line \= '/' Then Do If line = '/CVSROOT' & !global.!superadministrator \= 'Y' Then Nop Else Do idx = idx + 1 !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.idx = line Call Lineout offline_directory_file, line End End Else Do Queue err.i End End End !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 = idx If Queued() \= 0 Then Do Call WriteStackToLogWindow 'default', 'Getting modules' End Drop out. err. End Otherwise Do /* * Read the list of directories in the repository, ignoring . * This doesn't use CVSROOT/modules!! * While we are doing this, write a file into the admin directory for this * repository's working directory for running in offline mode */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'rdiff -s -D 1/1/2037 .' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem out. Error FIFO '' idx = 0 Call Stream offline_directory_file, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Do i = 1 To Queued() Parse Pull . 'Diffing' line line = '/'Strip( line ) If line \= '/.' & line \= '/' Then Do If line = '/CVSROOT' & !global.!superadministrator \= 'Y' Then Nop Else Do idx = idx + 1 !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.idx = line Call Lineout offline_directory_file, line End End End !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 = idx Drop out. End End Call Stream offline_directory_file, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call SysStemSort '!global.!repdir.!!last_repository.','ascending' ,!global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, , , 1, 100 End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'hg' Then Do /* * Read the list of files from the repository. * Get directories from filenames */ cmd = 'hg status -qA --cwd' !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. idx = 0 Do i = 1 To Queued() Parse Pull status line If status = '?' Then Iterate pos = LastPos( '/', line ) If pos = 0 Then Iterate dir = '/'Left( line, pos - 1 ) -- do we already have the directory? found = 0 Do j = 1 To idx If !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.j = dir Then Do found = 1 Leave End End If found = 0 Then Do idx = idx + 1 !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.idx = dir say .line added dir End End !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 = idx say .line count idx Drop out. Call SysStemSort '!global.!repdir.!!last_repository.','ascending' ,!global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, , , 1, 100 End Otherwise Call AbortText 'Cannot handle repository of type:' !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository End Call SetCursorNoWait Call DisplayStatus '' Return GenerateTree: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * If the tree has already been created, destroy it first */ If !global.!tree.!!last_repository \= -1 Then Call dw_window_destroy( !global.!tree.!!last_repository ) !global.!tree.!!last_repository = dw_tree_new( 201 ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!treebox.!!last_repository, !global.!tree.!!last_repository, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 1 /*Call dw_window_set_font !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !global.!fixedfont *//* MH */ /* * Setup our signals. On a tree, these MUST be done before we populate the tree. */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT, 'DirSelectCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT, 'DirMenuCallback' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ drive = '' Do i = 1 To !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 Parse Var !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i . . . fn fn = Changestr(_root,fn,'') /* MH */ If Substr(fn,2,1) = ':' Then Do drive = Substr(fn,1,2) fn = Substr(fn,3) End fn = Translate(fn,' ','/') dir = '' Do j = 1 To Words(fn) If Word(fn,j) \= 'RCS' Then Do dir = dir'/'Word(fn,j) imagetype = DetermineImageType( dir, !!last_repository ) Call TkTreeAddNode my_treewin, dir, '-image', imagetype, '-tags', 'dir' End End End If Left( !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository, 9 ) = '!GLOBAL.!!' Then Do !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository = _root End openat = !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Add the repository name as the root */ idx = DetermineModuleIcon( ) icon = !global.!moduleicon.idx !global.!treeparentitem.!!last_repository = dw_tree_insert( !global.!tree.!!last_repository, '['!global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository']', icon, 0, '0' ) If Left( !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository, 1 ) = '!' Then Do !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository = '.'_root End openat = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 mydir = !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i If Wordpos( Translate( !global.!user ), Translate( !global.!admin_users ) ) = 0 & mydir = '/admin' Then Iterate Parse Value DetermineModuleIconAndName( mydir ) With icon currentdir pos = Lastpos( '/', mydir ) parent = Substr( mydir, 1, pos-1 ) parentidx = FindTreeItem( parent ) If parentidx = 0 Then parentitem = !global.!treeparentitem.!!last_repository Else parentitem = !global.!treeitem.!!last_repository.parentidx !global.!treeitem.!!last_repository.i = dw_tree_insert( !global.!tree.!!last_repository, currentdir, icon, parentitem, parentitem !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i ) /* * Is this tree item the one we last opened ? */ If !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i = '/'!global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository Then openat = i End /* * Expand the tree and all its parents at the last directory, if * there was one */ If openat = 0 Then Do /* * Set the current_dirname */ !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' /* * Set the parent tree item as the selected item */ Call dw_tree_item_select !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !global.!treeparentitem.!!last_repository !global.!selected_treeitem.!!last_repository = !global.!treeparentitem.!!last_repository End Else Do /* * Set the current_dirname */ !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = Substr( !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.openat, 2 ) /* * Open the tree at the index */ Call OpenTreeAt openat End End -- TODO the following code is identical to the CVS code above When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'hg' Then Do /* * Add the repository name as the root */ idx = DetermineModuleIcon( ) icon = !global.!moduleicon.idx !global.!treeparentitem.!!last_repository = dw_tree_insert( !global.!tree.!!last_repository, '['!global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository']', icon, 0, '0' ) If Left( !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository, 1 ) = '!' Then Do !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository = '.'_root End openat = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 mydir = !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i If Wordpos( Translate( !global.!user ), Translate( !global.!admin_users ) ) = 0 & mydir = '/admin' Then Iterate Parse Value DetermineModuleIconAndName( mydir ) With icon currentdir pos = Lastpos( '/', mydir ) parent = Substr( mydir, 1, pos-1 ) parentidx = FindTreeItem( parent ) If parentidx = 0 Then parentitem = !global.!treeparentitem.!!last_repository Else parentitem = !global.!treeitem.!!last_repository.parentidx !global.!treeitem.!!last_repository.i = dw_tree_insert( !global.!tree.!!last_repository, currentdir, icon, parentitem, parentitem !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i ) /* * Is this tree item the one we last opened ? */ If !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i = '/'!global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository Then openat = i End /* * Expand the tree and all its parents at the last directory, if * there was one */ If openat = 0 Then Do /* * Set the current_dirname */ !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' /* * Set the parent tree item as the selected item */ Call dw_tree_item_select !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !global.!treeparentitem.!!last_repository !global.!selected_treeitem.!!last_repository = !global.!treeparentitem.!!last_repository End Else Do /* * Set the current_dirname */ !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = Substr( !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.openat, 2 ) /* * Open the tree at the index */ Call OpenTreeAt openat End End Otherwise Nop End Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* * Prepend the root dir */ !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = _root||!global.!ossep||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository !global.!current_working_dir.!!last_repository = FindWorkingDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) End Otherwise Do /* !global.!current_working_dir.!!last_repository = FindWorkingDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) */ End End Call SetLockedStatusIcon Return OpenTreeAt: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg openat parentitem = !global.!treeitem.!!last_repository.openat /* * GTK 2.0 at least requires that tree items are expanded from the top down. * So we have to determine all of the tree items for the child and all * its parents, and expand them in reverse order. */ parentids = parentitem Do Forever Parse Value dw_tree_item_get_data( !global.!tree.!!last_repository, parentitem ) With parentitem . If parentitem = 0 Then Leave parentids = parentitem parentids End /* * Open the tree items... */ Do i = 1 To Words( parentids ) parentitem = Word( parentids, i ) Call dw_tree_item_expand !global.!tree.!!last_repository, parentitem End /* * Set this tree item as the selected item */ Call dw_tree_item_select !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !global.!treeitem.!!last_repository.openat !global.!selected_treeitem.!!last_repository = !global.!treeitem.!!last_repository.openat Return DisplayRepositoryFiles: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call DisplayStatus 'Reading files for current directory...' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do mydir = drive||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep'RCS' here = Directory() Call Directory mydir Call SysFileTree '*,v', 'ITEM.', 'FL' Do i = 1 To item.0 newi = Right(i,4) Parse Var item.i 1 filedate 20 . . filename ',v' . !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.i = newi||Strip( filedate ) /* TODO - convert to time_t */ !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.i = newi||mydir||!global.!ossep||filename||',v' !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i = newi||GetRCSLocker( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) ) !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i = newi||filename End !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 Drop item. Call Directory here Call DetermineRCSStatusIcons Call SortFileArray Call DisplayFileArray !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository = Changestr( _root||!global.!ossep, !global.!current_dirname, '' ) End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If !global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Do entries = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep'CVS/Entries' Call Stream entries, 'C', 'OPEN READ' item_idx = 0 label_idx = 0 Do While Lines( entries ) > 0 line = Linein( entries ) If Left( line, 1 ) \= 'D' Then Do Parse Var line '/' filename '/' rev '/' date '/' . If Left( filename, 7 ) = '.label-' Then Do label_idx = label_idx + 1 Parse Var filename '.label-' !global.!label.label_idx End Else Do If Datatype( Word( date, 3 ) ) \= 'NUM' Then Do filedate = '*Unknown*' End Else Do /* * Get date/time in Thu Aug 8 10:58:48 2002 format (localtime) * and convert to time_t */ Parse Var date . mon day time year filedate = Right( DateTimeToTime_T( day mon year, time, 'N', 1 ), 12, '0' ) End item_idx = item_idx + 1 newi = Right( item_idx, 4 ) !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||rev !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||'*Unknown*' !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||filedate !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||filename !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep||filename !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||'fileunknown' type = IsBinaryFile( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep||filename ) !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi || DetermineFileType( type, !global.!user, '' ) !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi'blank' End End End item.0 = item_ !global.!label.0 = label_idx Call Stream entries, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Else Do /* * Returns all files in item. stem */ Call GetListOfCVSFilesInDirectory !!last_repository, !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 1 -- log errors in red if there were any Call dw_mle_freeze !global.!mle.!!last_repository Do wtfi = 1 To err.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'err.wtfi, 'redfore' End Call dw_mle_thaw !global.!mle.!!last_repository item_idx = 0 label_idx = 0 If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' | !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then fname_offset = 1 Else fname_offset = Length(!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository)+2 Do i = 1 To item.0 If Left( item.i, 1 ) = '?' Then Iterate -- some platforms return unknown files in stdout Parse Var item.i 1 . 12 rev 28 user 64 filedate 75 filetime 84 type 88 flen 91 rem Parse Var item.i 92 filename +(flen) +1 locks add_file = 1 /* * If the file is a label, then add it to the list of labels... */ If Left( Substr( filename, fname_offset ), 7 ) = '.label-' Then Do label_idx = label_idx + 1 Parse Var filename . '.label-' !global.!label.label_idx /* * ...and if we are a repository admin, then add the labels into the file list */ If !global.!superadministrator = 'N' Then add_file = 0 End If add_file Then Do item_idx = item_idx + 1 newi = Right( item_idx, 4 ) /* * MUST set filenames before setting the remainder of the attributes */ !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Strip( filename ) !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Strip( Substr( filename, fname_offset ) ) filedate = Strip( filedate ) filetime = Strip( filetime ) /* * Ensure that we don't attempt to get the CVS status for each * individual file; it is too slow. We do this in bulk later... */ Call SetCVSFileDetails 'BULK', item_idx, newi, 'arg not used', filedate, filetime, type, rev, user, locks !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi End End End !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!label.0 = label_idx Drop item. /* * We now need to determine the CVS status of all files in the current * directory, because the above call to SetCVSFileDetails() does NOT get * the status for each file as it has to do this with a server call for * each file and this can be very slow! */ Call DetermineCVSStatusIcons Call SortFileArray Call DisplayFileArray !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'hg' Then Do /* * Returns all files in item. stem */ Call GetListOfHGFilesInDirectory !!last_repository, !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 1 -- log errors in red if there were any Call dw_mle_freeze !global.!mle.!!last_repository Do wtfi = 1 To err.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'err.wtfi, 'redfore' End Call dw_mle_thaw !global.!mle.!!last_repository item_idx = 0 label_idx = 0 If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' | !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then fname_offset = 1 Else fname_offset = Length(!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository)+2 Do i = 1 To item.0 locks = '' Parse Var item.i filename '%rev%' rev '%status%' status '%date%' date offset '%author%' user '%filetype%' filetype '%end%' add_file = 1 /* * If the file is a label, then add it to the list of labels... */ If Left( Substr( filename, fname_offset ), 7 ) = '.label-' Then Do label_idx = label_idx + 1 Parse Var filename . '.label-' !global.!label.label_idx /* * ...and if we are a repository admin, then add the labels into the file list */ If !global.!superadministrator = 'N' Then add_file = 0 End If add_file Then Do say .line filename rev status date offset user filetype filedate = date + offset item_idx = item_idx + 1 newi = Right( item_idx, 4 ) /* * MUST set filenames before setting the remainder of the attributes */ !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Strip( filename ) !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Strip( Substr( filename, fname_offset ) ) filedate = Strip( filedate ) filetime = Strip( filetime ) filetype = Strip( filetype ) /* * TODO how to get filestatus; ie is it binary or text???? */ Call SetHGFileDetails 'BULK', item_idx, newi, 'arg not used', filedate, filetime, filetype, status, rev, user, locks -- !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi End End say .line 'item_idx:' item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!label.0 = label_idx Drop item. /* * We now need to determine the HG status of all files in the current * directory, because the above call to SetHGFileDetails() does NOT get * the status for each file as it has to do this with a server call for * each file and this can be very slow! */ -- Call DetermineHGStatusIcons Call SortFileArray Call DisplayFileArray !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository End Otherwise Nop End Call DisplayStatus '' Return 0 DisplayNonrepositoryFiles: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then repdir = '.' Else repdir = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository */ repdir = Stream( Strip( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, 'T', '/' ), 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) || !global.!ossep lenwd = Length( repdir ) If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' Then repdir = Left( repdir, Length( repdir ) - 1 ) Else repdir = repdir || !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository lenrepdir = Length( repdir ) if trace() = 'F' Then say repdir If Stream( repdir, 'C','QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then newfile.0 = 0 Else Call SysFileTree repdir'/*', 'NEWFILE.', 'DL' /* * Limit the list to those directories that are NOT already in the repository... */ idx = 0 Do i = 1 To newfile.0 Parse Var newfile.i date time size perm dir /* * Determine if "dir" is in the repository */ If Countstr( !global.!ossep, dir ) \= 0 Then dir = Translate( dir, '/', !global.!ossep ) If FindTreeItem( '/'Substr( dir, 1 + lenwd ) ) \= 0 Then Iterate dirname = Substr( dir, 2 + lenrepdir ) /* * For CVS ignore the CVS directory */ If !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' & dirname = 'CVS' Then Iterate idx = idx + 1 fidx = Right( idx, 4 ) !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||dir !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||dirname date = Changestr( '-', date, '' ) /* date now in 'S' format */ date = Right( DateTimeToTime_T( date, time, 'S', 0 ), 12, '0' ) !global.!nonrepfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||date !global.!nonrepfiles.?filesize.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||Right( size, 12 ) !global.!nonrepfiles.?fileperm.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||perm !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||'dir' End /* * List files... */ If Stream( repdir, 'C','QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then newfile.0 = 0 Else Call SysFileTree repdir'/*', 'NEWFILE.', 'FL' Do i = 1 To newfile.0 Parse Var newfile.i date time size perm file /* * Determine if "file" is in the repository */ If Countstr( !global.!ossep, file ) \= 0 Then file = Translate( file, '/', !global.!ossep ) If FileIsInRepository( Substr( file, 1 + lenwd ) ) Then Iterate filename = Substr( file, 2 + lenrepdir ) /* * Check if the file is a regular file */ If Length( perm ) = 10 & Left( perm, 1 ) \= '-' Then Iterate /* If Word( Stream( file, 'C', 'FSTAT' ), 8 ) \= 'RegularFile' Then Iterate */ /* * Now ignore some other files... */ /* * Ignore files in the !ignorefiles list */ If IsFileTypeIgnored( file ) Then Iterate If Left( filename, 7 ) = '.label-' Then Iterate If Left( file, 16 ) = 'admin/build.conf' Then Iterate If Left( file, 24 ) = 'admin/build.conf.offline' Then Iterate If Left( file, 17 ) = 'admin/offline.dir' Then Iterate /* * Now add the files... */ idx = idx + 1 fidx = Right( idx, 4 ) !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||file !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||filename date = Changestr( '-', date, '' ) /* date now in 'S' format */ date = Right( DateTimeToTime_T( date, time, 'S', 0 ), 12, '0' ) !global.!nonrepfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||date !global.!nonrepfiles.?filesize.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||Right( size, 12 ) !global.!nonrepfiles.?fileperm.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||perm !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||'file' If IsBinaryFile( file ) Then !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||'binary file' Else !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx = fidx||'text file' End !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 = idx !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 = idx !global.!nonrepfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.0 = idx !global.!nonrepfiles.?filesize.!!last_repository.0 = idx !global.!nonrepfiles.?fileperm.!!last_repository.0 = idx !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.0 = idx /* * Now sort an display the list of non-rep files. */ Call SortNonrepFileArray Call DisplayNonRepFileArray Return /* * Populates the "All Files" tab based on the currently selected filter */ DisplayAllFiles: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call SetCursorWait Call DisplayStatus 'Reading files for current directory and below...' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do mydir = drive||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep'RCS' here = Directory() Call Directory mydir Call SysFileTree '*,v', 'ITEM.', 'FLS' Do i = 1 To item.0 newi = Right(i,4) Parse Var item.i 1 filedate 20 . . filename ',v' . !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.i = newi||Strip( filedate ) /* TODO - convert to time_t */ !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.i = newi||mydir||!global.!ossep||filename||',v' !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i = newi||GetRCSLocker( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) ) pos = Lastpos( '/', filename ) !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i = newi||Substr( filename, pos + 1 ) If pos = 0 Then !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.i = newi Else !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.i = newi||Left( filename, pos ) End !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.0 = item.0 Drop item. Call Directory here Call DetermineRCSStatusIcons Call SortFileArray Call DisplayFileArray !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository = Changestr( _root||!global.!ossep, !global.!current_dirname, '' ) End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If !global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Do /* TODO */ entries = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep'CVS/Entries' Call Stream entries, 'C', 'OPEN READ' item_idx = 0 label_idx = 0 Do While Lines( entries ) > 0 line = Linein( entries ) If Left( line, 1 ) \= 'D' Then Do Parse Var line '/' filename '/' rev '/' date '/' . If Left( filename, 7 ) = '.label-' Then Do label_idx = label_idx + 1 Parse Var filename '.label-' !global.!label.label_idx End Else Do If Datatype( Word( date, 3 ) ) \= 'NUM' Then Do filedate = '*Unknown*' End Else Do /* * Get date/time in Thu Aug 8 10:58:48 2002 format (localtime) * and convert to time_t */ Parse Var date . mon day time year filedate = Right( DateTimeToTime_T( day mon year, time, 'N', 1 ), 12, '0' ) End item_idx = item_idx + 1 newi = Right( item_idx, 4 ) !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||rev !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||'*Unknown*' !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||filedate pos = Lastpos( '/', filename ) !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Substr( filename, pos + 1 ) If pos = 0 Then !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi Else !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Left( filename, pos ) !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep||filename !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||'fileunknown' type = IsBinaryFile( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository||!global.!ossep||filename ) !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi || DetermineFileType( type, !global.!user, '' ) !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi'blank' End End End item.0 = item_ !global.!label.0 = label_idx Call Stream entries, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Else Do /* * Returns all files in item. stem */ Call GetListOfCVSFilesInDirectory !!last_repository, !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 0 item_idx = 0 label_idx = 0 If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' | !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then fname_offset = 1 Else fname_offset = Length(!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository)+2 Do i = 1 To item.0 Parse Var item.i 1 . 12 rev 28 user 64 filedate 75 filetime 84 type 88 flen 91 rem Parse Var item.i 92 filename +(flen) +1 locks add_file = 1 /* * If the file is a label, then add it to the list of labels... */ If Left( Substr( filename, fname_offset ), 7 ) = '.label-' Then Do label_idx = label_idx + 1 Parse Var filename . '.label-' !global.!label.label_idx /* * ...and if we are a repository admin, then add the labels into the file list */ If !global.!superadministrator = 'N' Then add_file = 0 End /* * If filename starts with "CVSROOT/" and NOT administrator, then * don't add the file * Same for "admin/" */ If Left( filename, 8) = 'CVSROOT/' & !global.!superadministrator \= 'Y' Then add_file = 0 If Wordpos( Translate( !global.!user ), Translate( !global.!admin_users ) ) = 0 & Left( filename, 6) = 'admin/' Then add_file = 0 If add_file Then Do item_idx = item_idx + 1 newi = Right( item_idx, 4 ) /* * MUST set filenames before setting the remainder of the attributes */ !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Strip( filename ) _fn = Strip( Substr( filename, fname_offset ) ) pos = Lastpos( '/', _fn ) !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Substr( _fn, pos + 1 ) If pos = 0 Then !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi Else !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Left( _fn, pos ) filedate = Strip( filedate ) filetime = Strip( filetime ) /* * Ensure that we don't attempt to get the CVS status for each * individual file; it is too slow. We do this in bulk later... */ Call SetCVSAllFileDetails 'BULK', item_idx, newi, 'arg not used', filedate, filetime, type, rev, user, locks End End End !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!label.0 = label_idx Drop item. /* * We now need to determine the CVS status of all files in the current * directory, because the above call to SetCVSFileDetails() does NOT get * the status for each file as it has to do this with a server call for * each file and this can be very slow! */ Call DetermineCVSStatusIconsAll /* * Now we have all of the CVS statii for each file, go and filter them based on the file filters * for the current repository. */ Call ApplyFileFiltering Call SortAllFileArray Call DisplayAllFileArray !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.!!last_repository = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository End Otherwise Nop End Call ShowFileFilters Call SetCursorNoWait Call DisplayStatus '' Return 0 DisplayNonRepFileArray: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository moduleicon_idx = Wordpos( 'modulecheckedout', !global.!moduleicons ) binaryfileicon_idx = Wordpos( 'binary', !global.!fileicons ) textfileicon_idx = Wordpos( 'text', !global.!fileicons ) /* * Delete everything in the container so we can replace the existing files */ Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_ENTER_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_COLUMN_CLICK_EVENT Call dw_container_clear !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_REDRAW /* * Add the files into the container */ !global.!nonrepfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository = dw_container_alloc( !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 Select When Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) = 'text file' Then icon = !global.!fileicon.textfileicon_idx When Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) = 'binary file' Then icon = !global.!fileicon.binaryfileicon_idx Otherwise icon = !global.!moduleicon.moduleicon_idx End date = Time_tDateToDisplayDate( Strip( Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) ) ) If Length( Word( date, 1 ) ) = 1 Then date = ' 'date Call dw_filesystem_set_file !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!nonrepfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), icon Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!nonrepfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 0, i-1, date Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!nonrepfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 1, i-1, Strip( Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?filesize.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) ) Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!nonrepfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 2, i-1, Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?fileperm.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_container_set_row_title !global.!nonrepfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, i End Call dw_container_set_stripe !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE, !global.!container_colour Call dw_container_insert !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!nonrepfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 Call dw_container_optimize !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository /* * Only now can we setup our signals */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT, 'FileSelectCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_ENTER_EVENT, 'FileDoubleClickCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT, 'FileMenuCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_COLUMN_CLICK_EVENT, 'FileSortCallback' Return /* * Populate the deleted file tab */ DisplayDeletedFiles: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If !global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Do /* what to do if offline ? */ item_idx = 0 End Else Do /* * Just get name, version and type initially */ If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then dir = 'Attic' Else dir = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/Attic' If !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then cvscmd = 'rlog' Else cvscmd = 'log' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository cvscmd '-hbN' quote( dir ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem log. Error Stem err. item_idx = 0 Do i = 1 To log.0 Select When Left( log.i, 13 ) = 'Working file:' Then filename = Subword( log.i, 3 ) When Left( log.i, 5 ) = 'head:' Then rev = Word( log.i, 2 ) When Left( log.i, 21 ) = 'keyword substitution:' Then type = Word( log.i, 3 ) When Left( log.i, 10 ) = Copies( '=', 10 ) Then Do item_idx = item_idx + 1 item.item_idx = Left( 'Exp', 11 ) || Left( rev, 16 ) || Left( 'unknown user', 36 ) || '2000/01/01 00:00:00 ' || Left( type, 4 ) || Right( Length( filename ), 3 ) filename newi = Right( item_idx, 4 ) !global.!deletedfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Strip( rev ) !global.!deletedfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||Strip( filename ) !global.!deletedfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.item_idx = newi||!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/'Strip( filename ) End Otherwise Nop End End Drop log. End !global.!deletedfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!deletedfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx !global.!deletedfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 = item_idx End Otherwise Nop End /* * Now display the list. */ /* * Delete everything in the container so we can replace the existing files */ Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_COLUMN_CLICK_EVENT Call dw_container_clear !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_REDRAW /* * Add the files into the container */ moduleicon_idx = Wordpos( 'deletefromrepository', !global.!moduleicons ) icon = !global.!moduleicon.moduleicon_idx !global.!deletedfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository = dw_container_alloc( !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!deletedfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!deletedfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 Call dw_filesystem_set_file !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!deletedfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, Substr( !global.!deletedfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), icon Call dw_container_set_row_title !global.!deletedfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, i Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!deletedfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 0, i-1, Substr( !global.!deletedfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) End Call dw_container_set_stripe !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE, !global.!container_colour Call dw_container_insert !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!deletedfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, !global.!deletedfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.0 Call dw_container_optimize !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository /* * Only now can we setup our signals */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT, 'FileSelectCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT, 'FileMenuCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_COLUMN_CLICK_EVENT, 'FileSortCallback' Return 0 /* * Gets a list of all files in a CVS directory; one file per line in a format * we can parse. Works on current repository, and current directory only * Ignore files in CVSROOT if NOT administrator */ GetListOfCVSFilesInDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository item. err. Parse Arg repno, dirname, local If \local Then lenroot = Length( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.repno ) Select When !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.repno \= 'Y' Then Do /* * We are using "unenhanced" CVS ie no "list" command * TODO */ /* If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then dir = '.' Else dir = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository */ If dirname = '.' Then dir = '' Else dir = quote( dirname ) /* * Get the header information and latest revision from the repository * This gets all files in the current directory and below. */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno '-q log -bN -d 1/1/2037' dir If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. rcode = rc item_idx = 0 /* * Force the number of dir levels to be more than we can ever have * working on local files only */ If local Then dir_levels = 999999 Else dir_levels = 999999 Do i = 1 To Queued() Parse Pull log Select When Left( log, 9 ) = 'RCS file:' Then Do in_rev = 0 filename = Subword( log, 3 ) num_slashes = Countstr( '/', filename ) If num_slashes > dir_levels Then Do ignore_file = 1 Iterate i End len = Length( filename ) /* * If the file is in the Attic, ignore this as well */ lastslashpos = Lastpos( '/', filename ) tmpf = Substr( filename, 1, lastslashpos ) If Right( tmpf, 6 ) = 'Attic/' Then Do ignore_file = 1 Iterate i End ignore_file = 0 If local Then dir_levels = num_slashes filename = Left( filename, len - 2 ) If local Then Do /* * For local listing, only get the filename... */ If dirname = '.' Then filename = Substr( filename, lastslashpos + 1 ) Else filename = dirname||Substr( filename, lastslashpos ) End Else Do /* * For recursive listing, get the path (minus root) and filename... */ filename = Substr( filename, lenroot+2 ) End End When Left( log, 21 ) = 'keyword substitution:' & ignore_file = 0 Then type = Word( log, 3 ) When Left( log, 20 ) = Copies( '-', 20 ) & ignore_file = 0 Then Do in_rev = 1 End When Left( log, 9 ) = 'revision ' & in_rev = 1 Then Do Parse Var log 'revision' rev End When Left( log, 6 ) = 'date: ' & in_rev = 1 Then Do Parse Var log 'date: ' date time ';' 'author: ' author ';' . in_rev = 0 End When Left( log, 10 ) = Copies( '=', 10 ) & ignore_file = 0 Then Do item_idx = item_idx + 1 /* still need to add locks TODO */ item.item_idx = Left( 'Exp', 11 ) || Left( rev, 16 ) || Left( author, 36 ) || Strip( date ) Strip( time ) Left( type, 4 ) || Right( Length( filename ), 3 ) filename End Otherwise Nop End End item.0 = item_idx End Otherwise Do If local Then local_flag = '-l' Else local_flag = '' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno '-q list' local_flag quote( dirname ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem item. Error Stem err. rcode = rc End End Return rcode /* * Gets a list of all files in a HG repository; one file per line in a format * we can parse. Works on current repository. */ GetListOfHGFilesInDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository item. err. Parse Arg repno, dirname, local -- get the list of repository files; it will always return all files recursively cwd = '--cwd' !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository cmd = 'hg status -qA' cwd If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. If rc \= 0 Then Return rc say .line queued() dirname -- determine file types for all files If local = 1 Then glob = '*' Else glob = '**' bf = 'binary file' cmd = "hg annotate -f 'glob:"glob"'" cwd||dirname "| grep '"bf"'" If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. idx = 0 annotate.0 = 0 Do i = 1 to out.0 Parse var out.i fn ':' text If text = bf Then Do idx = idx + 1 annotate.idx = fn annotate.0 = idx End end -- don't check for rc \= 0 because if there are no binary file you will get a rc = 1 say .line annotate.0 -- for each file get the log details say .line !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository dirname local item_idx = 0 If dirname = '.' Then dirname = '' Else dirname = dirname'/' lendir = Length( dirname ) Do Queued() add_file = 0 Parse Pull status fn If local = 1 Then Do -- limit files to current directory If dirname = '' Then Do If Countstr( '/', fn ) = 0 Then add_file = 1 End Else Do Parse Var fn mydir +(lendir) myfn If mydir = dirname & Countstr( '/', myfn ) = 0 Then add_file = 1 End End Else Do say .line TODO End If add_file Then Do cmd = "hg log -l1 --template '%rev% {rev} %status%" status " %date% {date|hgdate} %author% {author} %filetype%\\n'" cwd fn -- suppress logging these commands; it happens for each file so can take a while -- If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. If rc \= 0 Then Return rc -- now find out if the current file is a binary file -- This is not foolproof. If a text file has a line with 'binary file' then it will -- match as a binary file filetype = 't' Do i = 1 To annotate.0 If annotate.i = fn Then Do filetype = 'b' Leave i End End item_idx = item_idx + 1 item.item_idx = fn out.1 filetype '%end%' item.0 = item_idx End End Return rcode QuoteAndBlankBang: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg str If Left( str, 1 ) = '!' Then str = '' Return Quote( str ) Quote: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg str If Countstr( '"', str ) = 0 Then Return '"'str'"' Else Return "'"str"'" EscapeQuotes: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg str Return Changestr( '"', str, '\"' ) CleanupAndExit: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg exit_code Call DeleteTempFiles If RxFuncQuery( 'DW_DropFuncs' ) = 0 Then Call dw_DropFuncs /* * Cleanup OLE */ If !global.!loadedw32util = 1 Then Do Call w32olecleanup Call w32dropfuncs End Exit exit_code DeleteTempFiles: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Remove temporary files */ Do i = 1 To !global.!tempfiles.0 Call SysFileDelete !global.!tempfiles.i End Return Syntax: Say 'Syntax error at line:' sigl 'in directory:' Directory() Say '>>>' Sourceline( sigl ) Say Errortext( rc ) If Countstr( '.', Condition( 'E' ) ) \= 0 Then Say Condition( 'D' ) Call DeleteTempFiles If RxFuncQuery( 'DW_DropFuncs' ) = 0 Then Call dw_DropFuncs /* * Cleanup OLE */ If !global.!loadedw32util = 1 Then Do Call w32olecleanup Call w32dropfuncs End Exit 1 GenerateIcons: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * The icon for QOCCA */ !global.!qoccaicon = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir'qocca' ) If !global.!qoccaicon = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Could not find icon:' quote( 'qocca' ) 'in' !global.!icondir /* * ... and other miscellaneous Icons */ !global.!noicon = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir'no' ) If !global.!noicon = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Could not find icon:' quote( 'no' ) 'in' !global.!icondir !global.!okicon = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir'ok' ) If !global.!okicon = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Could not find icon:' quote( 'ok' ) 'in' !global.!icondir /* * The icons for modules... */ !global.!moduleicons = 'modulenotcheckedout modulebuildablenotcheckedout modulecheckedout modulebuildablecheckedout modulelinkednotcheckedout modulelinkedbuildablenotcheckedout modulelinkedcheckedout modulelinkedbuildablecheckedout deletefromrepository' Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!moduleicons ) modname = Word( !global.!moduleicons, i ) !global.!moduleicon.i = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir||modname) If !global.!moduleicon.i = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Could not find icon:' quote( modname ) 'in' !global.!icondir End /* * Icons for file status - these may be icons or text depending of capabilities of GUI containers */ !global.!statusicons = 'fileconflict filemodified fileneedscheckout fileneedsmerge fileneedspatch fileuptodate fileunknown setreminder blank deletefromrepository' statustext = 'Conflict Locally.Modified Needs.Checkout Needs.Merge Needs.Patch Up-to-date *Unknown* Reminder No.Lock Delete' Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!statusicons ) modname = Word( !global.!statusicons, i ) If !global.!container_disallows_icons = 1 Then Do !global.!statusicon.i = Changestr( '.', Word( statustext,i ), ' ' ) End Else Do !global.!statusicon.i = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir||modname ) End End /* * Icons for file type */ !global.!fileicons = 'binary binarylocked binarylockedother text textlocked textlockedother fileunknown' Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!fileicons ) modname = Word( !global.!fileicons, i ) !global.!fileicon.i = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir||modname ) If !global.!fileicon.i = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Could not find icon:' quote( modname ) 'in' !global.!icondir End /* * Icons for Job Status */ !global.!jobicons = 'build make copy mods promote' Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!jobicons ) modname = Word( !global.!jobicons, i ) !global.!jobicon.i = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir||modname ) If !global.!jobicon.i = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Could not find icon:' quote( modname ) 'in' !global.!icondir End Return DetermineModuleIcon: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir /* * On input 'dir' will be of the form: * CVS - /dir1/dir2 * HG - /dir1/dir2 * RVS - ?? */ this_dir = Substr( dir, 2 ) /* strip leading '/' */ this_dir_upper = Translate( this_dir ) /* * Check if the module has been checked out... */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * If the CVS directory in the working directory * doesn't exist, then we haven't checked out anything */ wd = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository||Substr( dir, 2 )'/CVS' If DirectoryExists( wd ) = 1 Then type = 'checkedout' Else type = 'notcheckedout' End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'hg' Then Do -- can there be any other status other than 'checkedout' ? type = 'checkedout' End Otherwise Nop End /* * Check if the module is linked... */ linked = '' Do i = 1 to !global.!common_dir.0 If dir = !global.!common_dir.i Then Do linked = 'linked' Leave End End Do i = 1 to !global.!linked_dir.0 If dir = !global.!linked_dir.i Then Do linked = 'linked' Leave End End /* * Check if the module is buildable... */ If FindBuildCommand( this_dir ) = '' Then buildable = '' Else buildable = 'buildable' say Wordpos( 'module'linked||buildable||type, !global.!moduleicons ) 'module'linked||buildable||type Return Wordpos( 'module'linked||buildable||type, !global.!moduleicons ) /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Utility functions * -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * From the current directory, determine the directory icon and change it */ RefreshDirectoryIcons: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Start with the current directory and change the icon of all ancestors */ parentitem = !global.!selected_treeitem.!!last_repository Do Forever thisitem = parentitem Parse Value dw_tree_item_get_data( !global.!tree.!!last_repository, parentitem ) With parentitem mydir mydir = Strip( mydir, 'B', '"' ) Parse Value DetermineModuleIconAndName( mydir ) With icon currentdir If parentitem = 0 Then currentdir = '['!global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository']' Call dw_tree_item_change !global.!tree.!!last_repository, thisitem, currentdir, icon If parentitem = 0 Then Leave End /* * Now we have to change all the children */ thisdir = '/'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/' len = Length( thisdir ) Do i = 1 To !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 If Left( !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i, len ) = thisdir Then Do Parse Value DetermineModuleIconAndName( !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i ) With icon currentdir Call dw_tree_item_change !global.!tree.!!last_repository, !global.!treeitem.!!last_repository.i, currentdir, icon End End End Otherwise Nop End Return DetermineModuleIconAndName: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg mydir idx = DetermineModuleIcon( mydir ) icon = !global.!moduleicon.idx pos = Lastpos( '/', mydir ) currentdir = Substr( mydir, pos+1 ) /* * Is this directory linked ? If so, append the directory we are linked to. */ Do j = 1 To !global.!linked_dir.0 If !global.!linked_dir.j = mydir Then Do commonidx = !global.!linked_idx.j currentdir = Substr( !global.!linked_dir.j, pos+1 ) '->' !global.!common_dir.commonidx Leave End End Return icon currentdir CreateDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir /*dir = Changestr( '/', dir, !global.!ossep )*/ If DirectoryExists( dir ) = 0 Then Address System !global.!cmdmkdir dir With Output Stem junk. Error Stem junk. Return /* * If no template passed, the caller assumes responsibility for deleteing the file */ GenerateTempFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg template If template = '' Then Do tmpfile = SysTempFileName( !global.!!tmpdir'?????' ) End Else Do tmpfile = SysTempFileName( !global.!!tmpdir||template ) Call AddTempFileForCleanup tmpfile End Return tmpfile AddTempFileForCleanup: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg tmpfile idx = !global.!tempfiles.0 + 1 !global.!tempfiles.idx = tmpfile !global.!tempfiles.0 = idx Return DirectoryExists: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir If Right( dir, 1 ) = '/' Then dir = Strip( dir, 'T', '/' ) fstat = Stream( dir, 'C', 'FSTAT' ) ftype = Word( fstat, 8 ) rcode = 0 Select When ftype = 'Directory' Then rcode = 1 When ftype = 'SymbolicLink' Then Do -- get the canonical name (which resolves symbolic links) ... link = Stream( dir, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) fstat = Stream( link, 'C', 'FSTAT' ) -- ... and if that's a directory ... If Word( fstat, 8 ) = 'Directory' Then rcode = 1 Else rcode = 0 End Otherwise rcode = 0 End Return rcode DirToVariable: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir Return Translate( Translate( dir ), '___', '\/ ' ) WorkingDirectoryExists: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir Return DirectoryExists( GetFullWorkingDirectory( dir ) ) GetFullWorkingDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do current_fullworkingdir = Changestr( '/', !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository||dir, !global.!ossep ) End Otherwise Nop End Return current_fullworkingdir CreateDirToolbarList: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository !global.!dirpopup_offline. = 'D' /* disable all dirpopup menu items */ /* * Start our index counter... */ i = 0 i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Refresh Modules'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='refreshmodules'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' /* * A repository administrator can see the properties... */ i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Properties'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='dirproperties'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='List Modified'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='listmodified'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='List Locked'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='listlocked'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Get Latest All'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='getlatestall';!global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' If !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Update All'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='updateall'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' End Else Do i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Update All'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='updateall'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='disabled' End i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Get All...'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='getall'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Check Out All'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='checkoutall'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Undo Check Out All'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='undocheckoutall'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Check In All'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='checkinall'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Make'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='make'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal'; !global.!dirpopup_offline.i='N' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Report Module History'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='reportmodulehistory'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Label'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='label'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Build'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='build'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Promote';!global.!dirpopup_command.i='promote'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Link Directory'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='linkdir'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' If !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Copy Repository'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='copyrepository'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' End i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Add Bookmark'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='addbookmark'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' i = i + 1;!global.!dirpopup_type.i='command'; !global.!dirpopup_label.i='Delete Bookmark'; !global.!dirpopup_command.i='deletebookmark'; !global.!dirpopup_state.i='normal' !global.!dirpopup_type.0 = i !global.!dirpopup_command.0 = i Return CreateDirToolbar: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Destroy the button box and recreate it */ redraw = 0 If !global.!dirtoolbarbox \= 0 Then Do Call dw_window_destroy !global.!dirtoolbarbox redraw = 1 End !global.!dirtoolbarbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirtoolbarboxperm, !global.!dirtoolbarbox, !global.!toolbox_size, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Now we have set up the items appropriate for our repository type and user, * display the buttons... */ Do i = 1 To !global.!dirpopup_type.0 Select When !global.!dirpopup_type.i = 'separator' Then Do Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirtoolbarbox, 0, !global.!toolbox_size, 5, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 End When !global.!dirpopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( !global.!dirpopup_label.i, 0, !global.!icondir||!global.!dirpopup_command.i ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirtoolbarbox, abutton, !global.!toolbox_size, !global.!toolbox_size, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, !global.!dirpopup_command.i||'Callback' If !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' Then Call dw_window_disable abutton !global.!dirtoolbarbutton.i = abutton End Otherwise Nop End End !global.!dirtoolbarbutton.0 = !global.!dirpopup_type.0 /* * Pack a tiny spacing in the bottom that is expandable so that OS/2 * packs buttons to the top */ Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!dirtoolbarbox, 0, !global.!toolbox_size, 1, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * We might have changed the packing, so we need to redraw the top-level window... */ Call dw_window_redraw !global.!mainwindow Return DisplayDirMenu: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg x, y /* * Now we have set up the items appropriate for our repository type and user, * determine which items to add to the menu * CAN ONLY BE CALLED FROM signal handler */ /* * Create the directory popup each time we get here, because dw_menu_popup() * destroys it. */ !global.!dirpopup = dw_menu_new( 0 ) last_item_is_separator = 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!dirpopup_type.0 Select When !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' Then Nop When !global.!dirpopup_type.i = 'separator' Then Do If last_item_is_separator = 0 Then menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( !global.!dirpopup, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_SEPARATOR, 5000+i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) last_item_is_separator = 1 End When !global.!dirpopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( !global.!dirpopup, !global.!dirpopup_label.i, 5000+i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, !global.!dirpopup_command.i||'Callback', i last_item_is_separator = 0 End Otherwise Nop End End !global.!dirtoolbarbutton.0 = !global.!dirpopup_type.0 /* * If the user has specified configurable menu items, add them at the * bottom. We don't add them into the !global.!dirpopup... stems */ If Datatype( !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.0 ) = 'NUM' Then Do If last_item_is_separator = 0 Then Call dw_menu_append_item !global.!dirpopup, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_SEPARATOR, 5500, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.0 menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( !global.!dirpopup, !global.!!user.!!dirmenu.!!label.i, 5500+i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'UserDirCommandCallback', i End End Call dw_menu_popup !global.!dirpopup, !global.!mainwindow, x, y Return AdjustDirToolbarList: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Adjust the availability of menu items depending on various conditions... * TODO disable most commands if no currently selected module * TODO only change the 'disabled'/'normal' flag, another function to * change the button status */ if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!offline.!!last_repository !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository this_buildcommand = FindBuildCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) this_promotecommand = FindPromoteCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) this_makecommand = FindMakeCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) wde = WorkingDirectoryExists( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Do i = 1 To !global.!dirpopup_command.0 Select When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'dirproperties' Then Do If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' | !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'normal' Else !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' End When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'promote' & this_promotecommand = '' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'addmodules' & wde = 0 Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'updateall' & wde = 0 Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'listmodified' & wde = 0 Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'checkoutall' | !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'undocheckoutall' Then Do this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'Y' | !global.!reservedcheckout = 'Y' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'normal' Else !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' End When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'checkinall' & wde = 0 Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'checkinall' & !global.!update_user.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!offline.!!last_repository & !global.!dirpopup_offline.i = 'D' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'build' & this_buildcommand = '' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'build' & !global.!build_user.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'label' & !global.!build_user.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'promote' & !global.!build_user.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'make' & this_makecommand = '' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'linkdir' | !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'copyrepository' Then Do Select /* * Only an administrator can link or copy... */ When !global.!administrator.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * If on CVS, only valid if local connection */ If !global.!!repository.!!contype.!!last_repository = 'local' Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'normal' Else !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' End Otherwise !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'normal' End End When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'addbookmark' Then Do found = 0 Do j = 1 To !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 If !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository.j = !!last_repository & !global.!!user.!!bookmark.j = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Then Do found = 1 Leave End End If found = 1 Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' Else !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'normal' End When !global.!dirpopup_command.i = 'deletebookmark' Then Do found = 0 Do j = 1 To !global.!!user.!!bookmark.0 If !global.!!user.!!bookmark_repository.j = !!last_repository & !global.!!user.!!bookmark.j = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Then Do found = 1 Leave End End If found = 1 Then !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'normal' Else !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'disabled' End Otherwise !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'normal' End End Return AdjustDirToolbarButtons: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Based on the status of each dir command, enable or disable the button */ Do i = 1 To !global.!dirpopup_command.0 If !global.!dirpopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do If !global.!dirpopup_state.i = 'normal' Then Call dw_window_enable !global.!dirtoolbarbutton.i Else Call dw_window_disable !global.!dirtoolbarbutton.i End End Return CreateFileToolbarList: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Create the popup menu for the file * * Meaning of "initial_state" flags... * * 'D' means menu option is disabled if the condition below is true * 'N' means menu option is enabled if the condition below is true * * Word(1): option is enabled if file is locked by current user * Word(2): option is enabled if file is locked by another user * Word(3): option is enabled if file is not locked by anyone * Word(4): option is enabled if multiple files selected * Word(5): option is enabled if running in online mode * Word(6): option is enabled if working file exists * Word(7): option is enabled if in non-repository files tab */ /* * If you add more buttons, then change these lines at the top of the program: !global.!maxfilebuttons = 19 !global.!maxfileseparators = 7 */ i = 0 i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Refresh Files'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='refreshfiles'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N N N N N' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Properties'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='fileproperties'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N D D N D' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Add Files'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='addfiles'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N N D N N' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='View'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='viewlatest'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N N N N N' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Edit'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='editlatest'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N D N N N N N' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='View...'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='viewprior'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N D D D D' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Get Latest'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='getlatest'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N N D N D' If !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Update'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='update'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='D D N N D N D' End i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Get...'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='getprior'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N D D N D' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Check Out'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='checkout'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N D D N D N D' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Undo Check Out'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='undocheckout'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N D D N D D D' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Check In'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='checkin'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N D D N D D D' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Show Differences...'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='showdifferences'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N D D N D' If !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Show Annotations...'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='showannotations'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N D D N D' End i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Delete'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='deletefromrepository'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N N D N D' /*i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Rename'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='renameinrepository';!global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N D D N D' */ i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='separator'; i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Set Reminder'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='setreminder'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N D N D D' i = i + 1;!global.!filepopup_type.i='command'; !global.!filepopup_label.i='Delete Reminder'; !global.!filepopup_command.i='deletereminder'; !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i='N N N D N D D' !global.!filepopup_type.0 = i !global.!filepopup_command.0 = i Return CreateFileToolbar: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Destroy the button box and recreate it */ redraw = 0 If !global.!filetoolbarbox \= 0 Then Do Call dw_window_destroy !global.!filetoolbarbox redraw = 1 End !global.!filetoolbarbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!filetoolbarboxperm, !global.!filetoolbarbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Now we have set up the items appropriate for our repository type and user, build the * buttons and menu... */ Do i = 1 To !global.!filepopup_type.0 Select When !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'separator' Then Do Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!filetoolbarbox, 0, !global.!toolbox_size, 5, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 End When !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( !global.!filepopup_label.i, 0, !global.!icondir||!global.!filepopup_command.i ) Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!filetoolbarbox, abutton, !global.!toolbox_size, !global.!toolbox_size, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, !global.!filepopup_command.i||'Callback' If !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Then Call dw_window_disable abutton !global.!filetoolbarbutton.i = abutton End Otherwise Nop End End !global.!filetoolbarbutton.0 = !global.!filepopup_type.0 /* * Pack a tiny spacing in the bottom that is expandable so that OS/2 * packs buttons to the top */ Call dw_box_pack_start !global.!filetoolbarbox, 0, !global.!toolbox_size, 1, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * We might have changed the packing, so we need to redraw the top-level window... */ Call dw_window_redraw !global.!mainwindow Return DisplayFileMenu: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg x, y /* * Now we have set up the items appropriate for the selected files * determine which items to add to the menu * CAN ONLY BE CALLED FROM signal handler */ /* * Create the directory popup each time we get here, because dw_menu_popup() * destroys it. */ last_item_is_separator = 0 !global.!filepopup = dw_menu_new( 0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!filepopup_type.0 if trace() = 'F' Then say 'state' !global.!filepopup_command.i !global.!filepopup_state.i Select When !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Then Nop When !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'separator' Then Do If last_item_is_separator = 0 Then menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( !global.!filepopup, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_SEPARATOR, 6000+i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) last_item_is_separator = 1 End When !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( !global.!filepopup, !global.!filepopup_label.i, 6000+i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, !global.!filepopup_command.i||'Callback', i last_item_is_separator = 0 End Otherwise Nop End End !global.!filetoolbarbutton.0 = !global.!filepopup_type.0 /* * If the user has specified configurable menu items, add them at the * bottom. We don't add them into the !global.!filepopup... stems */ If Datatype( !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.0 ) = 'NUM' Then Do If last_item_is_separator = 0 Then Call dw_menu_append_item !global.!filepopup, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_SEPARATOR, 5500, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 Do i = 1 To !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.0 menuitem = dw_menu_append_item( !global.!filepopup, !global.!!user.!!filemenu.!!label.i, 6500+i, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_END, !REXXDW.!DW_MENU_NOT_CHECKABLE, 0 ) Call dw_signal_connect menuitem, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'UserFileCommandCallback', i End End Call dw_menu_popup !global.!filepopup, !global.!mainwindow, x, y Return /* * Must be called by item-select event on the repository file container * This is so that the toolbar buttons are updated to enabled/disabled */ AdjustFileToolbarList: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * This function is called when the repository files and the non-repository * files page is displayed. We need to do vastly different things for each * page. */ Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository | !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Do If !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then Do doing_repfiles = 1 container = !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository End Else Do doing_repfiles = 0 container = !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository End /* * Determine which repository items are currently selected */ current_indexes = '' selected = dw_container_query_start( container, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) Do i = 1 While selected \= '' current_indexes = current_indexes selected If doing_repfiles Then !global.!current_filenames.i = Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) Else !global.!current_filenames.i = Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) !global.!current_indexes.i = selected if trace() = 'F' Then say 'selected' selected !global.!current_filenames.i !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.selected selected = dw_container_query_next( container, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) End !global.!current_filenames.0 = i-1 !global.!current_indexes.0 = i-1 afpi = Word( current_indexes, 1 ) changes = '' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If doing_repfiles Then Do filetype = !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.afpi user = !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.afpi End Else Do filetype = !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.afpi user = !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.afpi End If !global.!current_filenames.0 = 1 & Substr( filetype, 5,6 ) = 'binary' Then Do /* * We have 1 file and it is a binary file; prepare to change the * menu significantly. */ is_binary_file = 1 Parse Var user . 5 . '(' locker ')' End Else is_binary_file = 0 If !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'Y' | !global.!reservedcheckout = 'Y' Then Do is_reserved_file = 1 Parse Var user . 5 . '(' locker ')' End Else is_reserved_file = 0 if trace() = 'F' Then say 'is_binary_file' is_binary_file 'is_reserved_file' is_reserved_file 'type' !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.afpi /* * Do some preliminary checks for multiple files that involve binary files. * If multiple files are selected and there is a mix between binary * and text, then everything is disabled (except Get Latest) */ number_text_files = 0 number_binary_files = 0 Do j = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 k = Word( current_indexes, j ) If Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.k, 5, 6 ) = 'binary' Then number_binary_files = number_binary_files + 1 Else number_text_files = number_text_files + 1 End if trace() = 'F' Then say 'number_text_files' number_text_files 'number_binary_files' number_binary_files Do i = 1 To !global.!filepopup_type.0 If !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do /* * Now do the checks... */ If !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'refreshfiles' Then Do /* * Refresh is always available */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End If !global.!current_filenames.0 = 0 Then Do /* * If no files selected, set everything to disabled */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled no files selected' Iterate End If !global.!offline.!!last_repository & Word( !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i, 5 ) = 'D' Then Do /* * Offline mode is very restrictive... */ if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled offline' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End If Word( !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i, 6 ) = 'D' Then /* * If the working file(s) don't exist, you can't do much! */ Do j = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 If Stream( CVSFileToWorkingFile( !global.!current_filenames.j, !!last_repository ), 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled no working file' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate i End End If Word( !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i, 4 ) = 'D' Then Do /* * If the number of selected files is more * than 1 and Word(!global.!filepopup_initial_state.i,4) = 'D', then disable * it. */ If !global.!current_filenames.0 \= 1 Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled only valid for single file' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End End /* * Now tests for individual commands... */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Select When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'fileproperties' Then /* * Allow file properties */ Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' Iterate End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'addfiles' Then /* * We are on the repository files page; * disable "addfiles" */ Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'editlatest' Then Do /* * If a binary file or a file in a reserved * checkout directory, and someone else * has the lock, then no go */ If (is_binary_file | is_reserved_file) & locker \= '' & Translate( locker ) \= Translate( !global.!user ) Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled binary file locked by other' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'update' Then Do Select When Stream( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do /* * The working directory doesn't exist; disable update */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled update - no working dir' Iterate End Otherwise Nop End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'undocheckout' Then Do If is_binary_file | is_reserved_file Then Do /* * We have 1 file and it is a binary file; or * in a reserved checkout directory, * its disabled is we don't own the lock */ If Translate( locker ) \= Translate( !global.!user ) Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled binary file not locked by me' Iterate End End Else Do /* * Text files don't use this */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled text file' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'checkout' Then Do numcanbecheckedout = 0 Do k = 1 To !global.!current_indexes.0 If CanFileBeCheckedOutForLock( !global.!current_indexes.k, is_reserved_file ) Then numcanbecheckedout = numcanbecheckedout + 1 End If numcanbecheckedout \= !global.!current_indexes.0 Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled all binary files cannot be checked out' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'checkin' Then Do /* * If the user is not allowed to checkin, disable that. */ If !global.!update_user.!!last_repository = 'N' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled user cant update' Iterate End /* * If a binary file or a file in a reserved * checkout directory, and we don't hold * the lock, no go */ If (is_binary_file | is_reserved_file) & Translate( locker ) \= Translate( !global.!user ) Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled binary file we arent locker' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'showdifferences' Then Do /* * This is invalid for binary files, except for Word .doc * files */ If is_binary_file Then Do If !global.!os = 'WIN32' & Translate( Right( !global.!current_filenames.1, 4 ) ) = '.DOC' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' End Else Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled binary file' End Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'showannotations' Then Do /* * This is invalid for binary files */ If is_binary_file Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled binary file' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'deletefromrepository' Then /* * If the user is not allowed to delete, then delete * is unavailable */ Do If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal - we are administrator' Iterate End If !global.!update_user.!!last_repository = 'N' Then Do /* * If you aren't an update user, you can't delete */ if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled we arent an update user' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End If !global.!user_can_delete = 'Y' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal - we are allowed delete' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled we arent allowed to delete or not admin' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' End Otherwise /* * If we get here, we allow the button/menu item */ Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End End End End End Otherwise /* not CVS */ Do this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!current_filenames.0 = 1 & Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.afpi, 5,6 ) = 'binary' Then Do /* * We have 1 file and it is a binary file; prepare to change the * menu significantly. */ is_binary_file = 1 Parse Var !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.afpi . 5 . '(' locker ')' End Else is_binary_file = 0 If !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'Y' | !global.!reservedcheckout = 'Y' Then Do is_reserved_file = 1 Parse Var !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.afpi . 5 . '(' locker ')' End Else is_reserved_file = 0 if trace() = 'F' Then say 'is_binary_file' is_binary_file 'is_reserved_file' is_reserved_file 'type' !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.afpi /* * Do some preliminary checks for multiple files that involve binary files. * If multiple files are selected and there is a mix between binary * and text, then everything is disabled (except Get Latest) */ number_text_files = 0 number_binary_files = 0 Do j = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 afpi = Word( current_indexes, j ) If Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.afpi, 5, 6 ) = 'binary' Then number_binary_files = number_binary_files + 1 Else number_text_files = number_text_files + 1 End if trace() = 'F' Then say 'number_text_files' number_text_files 'number_binary_files' number_binary_files Do i = 1 To !global.!filepopup_type.0 If !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do /* * Now do the checks... */ If !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'refreshfiles' Then Do /* * Refresh is always available */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End If !global.!current_filenames.0 = 0 Then Do /* * If no files selected, set everything to disabled */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled no files selected' Iterate End If !global.!offline.!!last_repository & Word( !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i, 5 ) = 'D' Then Do /* * Offline mode is very restrictive... */ if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled offline' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End If Word( !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i, 6 ) = 'D' Then /* * If the working file(s) don't exist, you can't do much! */ Do j = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 If Stream( CVSFileToWorkingFile( !global.!current_filenames.j, !!last_repository ), 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled no working file' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate i End End If Word( !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i, 4 ) = 'D' Then Do /* * If the number of selected files is more * than 1 and Word(!global.!filepopup_initial_state.i,4) = 'D', then disable * it. */ If !global.!current_filenames.0 \= 1 Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled only valid for single file' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End End /* * Now tests for individual commands... */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Select When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'fileproperties' Then /* * Allow file properties */ Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' Iterate End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'addfiles' Then /* * We are on the repository files page; * disable "addfiles" */ Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'editlatest' Then Do /* * If a binary file or a file in a reserved * checkout directory, and someone else * has the lock, then no go */ If locker \= '' & Translate( locker ) \= Translate( !global.!user ) Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled file locked by other' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'update' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled update invalid command' Iterate End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'undocheckout' Then Do /* * We have 1 file and it is a binary file; or * in a reserved checkout directory, * its disabled is we don't own the lock */ If Translate( locker ) \= Translate( !global.!user ) Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled file not locked by me' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'checkout' Then Do /* * We have 1 file and it is a binary file or * we are in a reserved directory, checkout * is only valid if its not locked */ If locker \= '' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled file checked out already' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'checkin' Then Do /* * If the user is not allowed to checkin, disable that. */ If !global.!update_user.!!last_repository = 'N' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled user cant update' Iterate End /* * If a binary file or a file in a reserved * checkout directory, and we don't hold * the lock, no go */ If Translate( locker ) \= Translate( !global.!user ) Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled binary file we arent locker' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'showdifferences' Then Do /* * This is invalid for binary files, except for Word .doc * files */ If is_binary_file Then Do If !global.!os = 'WIN32' & Translate( Right( !global.!current_filenames.1, 4 ) ) = '.DOC' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' End Else Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled binary file' End Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'showannotations' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'deletefromrepository' Then /* * If the user is not allowed to delete, then delete * is unavailable */ Do If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal - we are administrator' Iterate End If !global.!user_can_delete = 'Y' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal - we are allowed delete' Iterate End if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'disabled we arent allowed to delete or not admin' !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' End Otherwise /* * If we get here, we allow the button/menu item */ Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!filepopup_command.i 'normal' End End End End End End End When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?nonrepfiles.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Determine which non-repository items are currently selected */ current_indexes = '' selected = dw_container_query_start( !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) Do i = 1 While selected \= '' current_indexes = current_indexes selected !global.!current_nonrepfilenames.i = Substr( !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) !global.!current_nonrepindexes.i = selected if trace() = 'F' Then say 'selected' selected !global.!current_nonrepfilenames.i !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.selected selected = dw_container_query_next( !global.!nonrepfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) End !global.!current_nonrepfilenames.0 = i-1 !global.!current_nonrepindexes.0 = i-1 Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Do i = 1 To !global.!filepopup_type.0 If !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do /* * Refresh is always available */ If !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'refreshfiles' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End /* * If no files selected, set everything to disabled */ If !global.!current_nonrepfilenames.0 = 0 Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End /* * If multiple files selected, and multiples disallowed; disable */ If !global.!current_nonrepfilenames.0 \= 1 & Word( !global.!filepopup_initial_state.i, 4 ) = 'D' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End /* * Limit add to update users... */ If !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'addfiles' & !global.!update_user.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End /* * To get here at least 1 file is selected * therefore allow refresh, view, edit, delete, rename */ If !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'viewlatest' | !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'editlatest' | !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'deletefromrepository' /*| !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'renameinrepository' */ Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End /* * Disable everything else */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' End End End Otherwise Nop End End When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?deletedfiles.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Determine which deleted items are currently selected */ current_indexes = '' selected = dw_container_query_start( !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) Do i = 1 While selected \= '' current_indexes = current_indexes selected !global.!current_deletedfilenames.i = Substr( !global.!deletedfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.selected, 5 ) !global.!current_deletedindexes.i = selected selected = dw_container_query_next( !global.!deletedfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_CRA_SELECTED ) End !global.!current_deletedfilenames.0 = i-1 !global.!current_deletedindexes.0 = i-1 afpi = Word( current_indexes, 1 ) changes = '' Do i = 1 To !global.!filepopup_type.0 If !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do /* * Now do the checks... */ If !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'refreshfiles' Then Do /* * Refresh is always available */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End If !global.!current_deletedfilenames.0 = 0 Then Do /* * If no files selected, set everything to disabled */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Iterate End /* * Now tests for individual commands... */ !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' Select When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'fileproperties' & !global.!current_deletedfilenames.0 = 1 Then /* * Allow file properties */ Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End When !global.!filepopup_command.i = 'addfiles' Then /* * We are on the deleted files page; * enable "addfiles" if qdmin or user_can_delete */ Do If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End If !global.!user_can_delete = 'Y' Then Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Iterate End !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' End Otherwise /* * If we get here, we disallow the button/menu item */ Do !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'disabled' End End End End End Otherwise Nop End Return AdjustFileToolbarButtons: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Based on the status of each dir command, enable or disable the button */ Do i = 1 To !global.!filepopup_command.0 If !global.!filepopup_type.i = 'command' Then Do If !global.!filepopup_state.i = 'normal' Then Call dw_window_enable !global.!filetoolbarbutton.i Else Call dw_window_disable !global.!filetoolbarbutton.i End End Return SortFileArray: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Sort into current sort order * All field arrays have a 4 digit prefix which is the current sort order; * equivalent to the current tail value * Filename Date * ...1a file ...120001112 * ...2b file ...220001110 * ...3c file ...320001111 * * Sort on date column ... * Date * ...220001110 * ...320001111 * ...120001112 * * Copy Filename stem to tmpfilename. * Copy locker stem to tmplocker. * Drop Filename stem * Do i = 1 To date.0 * idx = Strip(Left(date.i,4)) * newi = Right(i,4) * * date.i = newi||Substr(date.i,5) <-- i * * !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i = newi||Substr(tmpfilename.idx,5) <-- idx * locker.i = newi||Substr(tmplocker.idx,5) <-- idx * End * Drop tmpfilename. * Drop tmplocker. * */ /* * Split each file up into the bits we need */ /* * If there are no files or only 1, there is no need to sort * anything */ If !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 > 1 Then Do Select When !global.!repfile_sort_order = 0 Then /* name */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!repfile_sort_direction.0, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!repfile_sort_order = 1 Then /* status */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!repfile_sort_direction.1, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!repfile_sort_order = 2 Then /* date */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!repfile_sort_direction.2, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!repfile_sort_order = 3 Then /* user / locker */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!repfile_sort_direction.3, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!repfile_sort_order = 4 Then /* rev */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!repfile_sort_direction.4, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!repfile_sort_order = 5 Then /* reminder */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!repfile_sort_direction.5, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository. End Otherwise Nop End End Return SortNonrepFileArray: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Sort into current sort order * All field arrays have a 4 digit prefix which is the current sort order; * equivalent to the current tail value * Filename Date * ...1a file ...120001112 * ...2b file ...220001110 * ...3c file ...320001111 * * Sort on date column ... * Date * ...220001110 * ...320001111 * ...120001112 * * Copy Filename stem to tmpfilename. * Copy locker stem to tmplocker. * Drop Filename stem * Do i = 1 To date.0 * idx = Strip(Left(date.i,4)) * newi = Right(i,4) * * date.i = newi||Substr(date.i,5) <-- i * * !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i = newi||Substr(tmpfilename.idx,5) <-- idx * locker.i = newi||Substr(tmplocker.idx,5) <-- idx * End * Drop tmpfilename. * Drop tmplocker. * */ /* * Split each file up into the bits we need */ /* * If there are no files or only 1, there is no need to sort * anything */ if trace() = 'F' Then say '!global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0' !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 if trace() = 'F' Then say '!global.!nonrepfile_sort_order' !global.!nonrepfile_sort_order If !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 > 1 Then Do Select When !global.!nonrepfile_sort_order = 0 Then /* name */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.0, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filesize.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?fileperm.!!last_repository. End When !global.!nonrepfile_sort_order = 1 Then /* date */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.1, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filesize.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?fileperm.!!last_repository. End When !global.!nonrepfile_sort_order = 2 Then /* size */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.2, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filesize.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?fileperm.!!last_repository. End When !global.!nonrepfile_sort_order = 3 Then /* perm */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!nonrepfile_sort_direction.3, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!nonrepfiles.?fileperm.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!nonrepfiles.?filesize.!!last_repository. End Otherwise Nop End End Return SortAllFileArray: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Sort into current sort order * All field arrays have a 4 digit prefix which is the current sort order; * equivalent to the current tail value * Filename Date * ...1a file ...120001112 * ...2b file ...220001110 * ...3c file ...320001111 * * Sort on date column ... * Date * ...220001110 * ...320001111 * ...120001112 * * Copy Filename stem to tmpfilename. * Copy locker stem to tmplocker. * Drop Filename stem * Do i = 1 To date.0 * idx = Strip(Left(date.i,4)) * newi = Right(i,4) * * date.i = newi||Substr(date.i,5) <-- i * * !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i = newi||Substr(tmpfilename.idx,5) <-- idx * locker.i = newi||Substr(tmplocker.idx,5) <-- idx * End * Drop tmpfilename. * Drop tmplocker. * */ /* * Split each file up into the bits we need */ /* * If there are no files or only 1, there is no need to sort * anything */ If !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 > 1 Then Do Select When !global.!allfile_sort_order = 0 Then /* name */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!allfile_sort_direction.0, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!allfile_sort_order = 1 Then /* status */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!allfile_sort_direction.1, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!allfile_sort_order = 2 Then /* date */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!allfile_sort_direction.2, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!allfile_sort_order = 3 Then /* user / locker */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!allfile_sort_direction.3, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!allfile_sort_order = 4 Then /* rev */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!allfile_sort_direction.4, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!allfile_sort_order = 5 Then /* filepath */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!allfile_sort_direction.5, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository. End When !global.!allfile_sort_order = 6 Then /* reminder */ Do Call RegMultiStemSort !global.!allfile_sort_direction.6, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!sort, 5, , , !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository., , !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository. End Otherwise Nop End End Return /* * This function gets the status of all files in the current directory from the * repository. It is done this way so that we have 1 call to the repository for all * files in the directory, rather than a call to the repository for each file. * This approach only works for CVS */ DetermineCVSStatusIcons: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* sm_proc. = 1 sm_proc.0 = !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 */ If \!global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Set all files to 'needs checkout' by default * ...and all reminders to blank */ Do smi = 1 To !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi, 4 )'fileneedscheckout' !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || DetermineReminderIcon( Strip( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smi, 5 ) ) ) End /* * Get the repository status for all files in the current * directory, then match the files up with our array */ If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then dir = '.' Else dir = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q status -l' quote( dir ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem junk. Do Queued() Parse Pull line If Left( line, 5 ) = 'File:' Then Do Parse Var line 'File: ' sm_fn 'Status: ' status -- special test for 'Locally Removed'; remove 'no file' prefix If status = 'Locally Removed' Then Parse Var sm_fn . . sm_fn If dir = '.' Then sm_ff = Strip( Translate( sm_fn, '', ' ' ) ) /* don't use !global.!ossep */ Else sm_ff = dir'/'Strip( Translate( sm_fn, '', ' ' ) ) /* don't use !global.!ossep */ icon = GetCVSStatusIcon( status ) Do smj = 1 To !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 file = Strip( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smj, 5 ) ) If file = sm_ff Then Do !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smj = Left( !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smj, 4 ) || icon Leave End End End End End /* * With CVS we have the concept of a "reminder". In the working * folder CVS directory is a file; Reminders, containing a list * of files for which you want reminders. For each file in this * list, that we haven't already processed above, determine if * it has a reminder and set the background (only) to yellow */ /* Do smi = 1 to sm_proc.0 If sm_proc.smi Then Do !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || DetermineReminderIcon( Strip( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smi, 5 ) ) ) End End Drop sm_proc. */ Return /* * This function gets the status of all files in the current directory from the * repository. It is done this way so that we have 1 call to the repository for all * files in the directory, rather than a call to the repository for each file. * This approach only works for CVS */ DetermineCVSStatusIconsAll: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* sm_proc. = 1 sm_proc.0 = !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 */ If \!global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Set all files to 'needs checkout' by default * ...and all reminders to blank */ Do smi = 1 To !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi, 4 )'fileneedscheckout' !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || DetermineReminderIcon( Strip( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smi, 5 ) ) ) End /* * Get the repository status for all files in the current * directory, then match the files up with our array */ If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' | !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then Do dir = '' status_dir = '' len = Length( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/' ) End Else Do dir = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository status_dir = quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) len = Length( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/' ) End cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q status' status_dir If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem junk. Do Queued() processfile = 0 Parse Pull line Select When Left( line, 5 ) = 'File:' Then Do Parse Var line 'File: ' sm_fn ' Status: ' status End When Countstr( 'Repository revision:', line ) = 1 Then Do Parse Var line . ' ' . ' ' fullfn ',v' processfile = 1 End Otherwise Nop End If processfile Then Do sm_ff = Substr( fullfn, len + 1 ) /* If dir \= '' Then sm_ff = dir'/'Strip( sm_fn ) -- don't use !global.!ossep */ icon = GetCVSStatusIcon( status ) --say .line status fullfn icon sm_ff Do smj = 1 To !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 file = Strip( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smj, 5 ) ) If file = sm_ff Then Do !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smj = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smj, 4 ) || icon Leave End End End End End /* * With CVS we have the concept of a "reminder". In the working * folder CVS directory is a file; Reminders, containing a list * of files for which you want reminders. For each file in this * list, that we haven't already processed above, determine if * it has a reminder and set the background (only) to yellow */ /* Do smi = 1 to sm_proc.0 If sm_proc.smi Then Do !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || DetermineReminderIcon( Strip( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smi, 5 ) ) ) End End Drop sm_proc. */ Return /* * This function gets the status of all files in the current directory from the * repository. It is done this way so that we have 1 call to the repository for all * files in the directory, rather than a call to the repository for each file. * This approach only works for HG */ DetermineHGStatusIcons: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* sm_proc. = 1 sm_proc.0 = !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 */ /* * Set all files to 'needs checkout' by default * ...and all reminders to blank */ Do smi = 1 To !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 icon = GetHGStatusIcon( status ) say .line icon !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || icon !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || DetermineReminderIcon( Strip( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smi, 5 ) ) ) End Return /* * This function gets the status of all files in the current directory from the * repository. It is done this way so that we have 1 call to the repository for all * files in the directory, rather than a call to the repository for each file. * This approach only works for HG */ DetermineHGStatusIconsAll: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* sm_proc. = 1 sm_proc.0 = !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 */ If \!global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Do /* * Set all files to 'needs checkout' by default * ...and all reminders to blank */ Do smi = 1 To !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.0 !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi, 4 )'fileneedscheckout' !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || DetermineReminderIcon( Strip( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smi, 5 ) ) ) End /* * Get the repository status for all files in the current * directory, then match the files up with our array */ If !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '.' | !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = '' Then Do dir = '' status_dir = '' len = Length( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/' ) End Else Do dir = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository status_dir = quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) len = Length( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/' ) End cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q status' status_dir If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem junk. Do Queued() processfile = 0 Parse Pull line Select When Left( line, 5 ) = 'File:' Then Do Parse Var line 'File: ' sm_fn ' Status: ' status End When Countstr( 'Repository revision:', line ) = 1 Then Do Parse Var line . ' ' . ' ' fullfn ',v' processfile = 1 End Otherwise Nop End If processfile Then Do sm_ff = Substr( fullfn, len + 1 ) /* If dir \= '' Then sm_ff = dir'/'Strip( sm_fn ) -- don't use !global.!ossep */ icon = GetHGStatusIcon( status ) --say .line status fullfn icon sm_ff Do smj = 1 To !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 file = Strip( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smj, 5 ) ) If file = sm_ff Then Do !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smj = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smj, 4 ) || icon Leave End End End End End /* * With HG we have the concept of a "reminder". In the working * folder HG directory is a file; Reminders, containing a list * of files for which you want reminders. For each file in this * list, that we haven't already processed above, determine if * it has a reminder and set the background (only) to yellow */ /* Do smi = 1 to sm_proc.0 If sm_proc.smi Then Do !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || DetermineReminderIcon( Strip( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.smi, 5 ) ) ) End End Drop sm_proc. */ Return DisplayFileArray: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Delete everything in the container so we can replace the existing files */ Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_ENTER_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_COLUMN_CLICK_EVENT Call dw_container_clear !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_REDRAW /* * Add the files into the container */ !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository = dw_container_alloc( !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 Call SetRepFileRow i, 'initial' End Call dw_container_set_stripe !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE, !global.!container_colour Call dw_container_insert !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 Call dw_container_optimize !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository /* * Only now can we connect our signals, because dw_set_file() causes the signals to fire!!!... */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT, 'FileSelectCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_ENTER_EVENT, 'FileDoubleClickCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT, 'FileMenuCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_COLUMN_CLICK_EVENT, 'FileSortCallback' Return DisplayAllFileArray: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Delete everything in the container so we can replace the existing files */ Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_ENTER_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT Call dw_signal_disconnect !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_COLUMN_CLICK_EVENT Call dw_container_clear !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_REDRAW /* * Add the files into the container */ !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository = dw_container_alloc( !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 ) Do i = 1 To !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 Call SetAllRepFileRow i, 'initial' End Call dw_container_set_stripe !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE, !global.!container_colour Call dw_container_insert !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 Call dw_container_optimize !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository /* * Only now can we connect our signals, because dw_set_file() causes the signals to fire!!!... */ Call dw_signal_connect !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_SELECT_EVENT, 'FileSelectCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_ENTER_EVENT, 'FileDoubleClickCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_ITEM_CONTEXT_EVENT, 'FileMenuCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_COLUMN_CLICK_EVENT, 'FileSortCallback' Return /* * Determine the CVS file icons based on the CVS repository status */ GetCVSStatusIcon: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg status status = Strip( status ) Select When status = 'Up-to-date' Then sm_fore = 'fileuptodate' When status = 'Needs Patch' Then sm_fore = 'fileneedspatch' When status = 'Needs Merge' Then sm_fore = 'fileneedsmerge' When status = 'Needs Checkout' | status = '' Then sm_fore = 'fileneedscheckout' When status = 'Locally Modified' Then sm_fore = 'filemodified' When status = 'Locally Removed' Then sm_fore = 'deletefromrepository' When status = 'File had conflicts on merge' Then sm_fore = 'fileconflict' When status = 'Unresolved Conflict' Then sm_fore = 'fileconflict' When Word( status, 1 ) = 'Needs' Then sm_fore = 'red' Otherwise sm_fore = 'grey' End Return sm_fore /* * Determine the HG file icons based on the HG repository status */ GetHGStatusIcon: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg status status = Strip( status ) Select When status = 'C' Then sm_fore = 'fileuptodate' -- When status = 'Needs Patch' Then sm_fore = 'fileneedspatch' -- When status = 'Needs Merge' Then sm_fore = 'fileneedsmerge' When status = '!' Then sm_fore = 'fileneedscheckout' When status = 'M' Then sm_fore = 'filemodified' When status = 'R' Then sm_fore = 'deletefromrepository' -- When status = 'File had conflicts on merge' Then sm_fore = 'fileconflict' -- When status = 'Unresolved Conflict' Then sm_fore = 'fileconflict' -- When Word( status, 1 ) = 'Needs' Then sm_fore = 'red' Otherwise sm_fore = 'fileunknown' End Return sm_fore /* * Determines the icon to display in the 'Type' column. */ DetermineFileType: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg type, user, locks type = Strip( type ) user = Strip( user ) locks = Strip( locks ) icon = '' Select When type = 'b' Then icon = 'binary' When type = '?' Then icon = 'fileunknown' Otherwise icon = 'text' End If locks \= '' Then Do If Translate( user ) = Translate( locks ) Then icon = icon'locked' Else icon = icon'lockedother' End say .line icon type Return icon CVSFileToWorkingFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse arg rfile, idx Return Changestr( '/', !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.idx||rfile, !global.!ossep ) CVSFileToReminderFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse arg rfile rfile = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository||rfile pos = Lastpos( '/', rfile ) rfile = Insert( 'CVS/', rfile, pos ) Return Changestr( '/', rfile'.qocca.reminder', !global.!ossep ) CVSStatus: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg file cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'status' quote( file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem lines. Error Stem junk. If rc \= 0 Then Return '' equalline = 0 status = '' Do i = 1 To lines.0 Select When equalline = 1 Then Do equalline = 0 Parse Var lines.i 'File:' . 'Status:' status Leave End Otherwise Do If lines.i = Copies( '=', 67 ) Then equalline = 1 End End End Return Strip( status ) TidyUpCVSDeletions: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository oserr. fidx = 0 didx = 0 Do tui = 1 To oserr.0 /* * Check if file is deleted from repository */ If Right( oserr.tui, 30 ) = 'is no longer in the repository' Then Do Parse Var oserr.tui 'cvs' . ':' fn 'is no longer in the repository' . fn = Strip( fn ) If fn \= '' Then Do fidx = fidx + 1 deleted_file.fidx = fn Iterate End End If Right( oserr.tui, 29 ) = 'is not (any longer) pertinent' Then Do Parse Var oserr.tui 'cvs' . ': warning:' fn 'is not (any longer) pertinent' . fn = Strip( fn ) If fn \= '' Then Do fidx = fidx + 1 deleted_file.fidx = fn Iterate End End /* * Check if directory is deleted from repository */ Parse Var oserr.tui 'cvs' . ': cannot open directory' dn ': No such' junk . dn = Strip( dn ) If dn \= '' & junk \= '' Then Do didx = didx + 1 deleted_dir.didx = dn End End If fidx = 0 & didx = 0 Then Return /* * We have at least one deleted file or directory, display a dialog box confirming the tidy up * and display the details of the files moved in the log pane */ deleted_file.0 = fidx deleted_dir.0 = didx If deleted_file.0 \= 0 Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Files removed from repository in' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Do tui = 1 To deleted_file.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'deleted_file.tui, 'redfore' End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Files removed from repository in' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) End If deleted_dir.0 \= 0 Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Directories removed from repository' Do tui = 1 To deleted_dir.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'deleted_dir.tui, 'redfore' End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Directories removed from repository' End If dw_messagebox( 'Cleanup?', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_QUESTION ), 'The files and/or directories listed in the messages pane have been removed from the repository. Do you want your working area cleaned up ?' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_YES Then Do /* * Delete the file entries from the appropriate CVS/Entries file */ if trace() = 'F' Then say 'cleaning up' Do tui = 1 To deleted_file.0 pos = Lastpos( '/', deleted_file.tui ) entries_fn = Left( deleted_file.tui, pos-1 ) || '/CVS/Entries' deleted_fn = Substr( deleted_file.tui, pos+1 ) entries.0 = 0 Call RegStemRead entries_fn, 'entries.' Call Stream entries_fn, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Do idx = 1 To entries.0 If Left( entries.idx, 1 ) = '/' Then Do Parse Var entries.idx '/' filename '/' . If filename \= deleted_fn Then Call Lineout entries_fn,entries.idx End Else Call Lineout entries_fn,entries.idx End Call Stream entries_fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' Drop entries. End /* * Delete the directory entries from the appropriate CVS/Entries file */ Do tui = 1 To deleted_dir.0 pos = Lastpos( '/', deleted_dir.tui ) entries_dn = Left( deleted_dir.tui, pos-1 ) entries_dn = Changestr( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/', entries_dn, '' ) entries_dn = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository || entries_dn || '/CVS/Entries' deleted_dn = Substr( deleted_dir.tui, pos+1 ) entries.0 = 0 Call RegStemRead entries_dn, 'entries.' Call Stream entries_dn, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Do idx = 1 To entries.0 If Left( entries.idx, 1 ) = 'D' Then Do Parse Var entries.idx 'D/' dirname '/' . If dirname \= deleted_dn Then Call Lineout entries_dn,entries.idx End Else Call Lineout entries_dn,entries.idx End Call Stream entries_dn, 'C', 'CLOSE' Drop entries. End End Drop deleted_file. Drop deleted_dir. Return Time_tDateToDisplayDate: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg time_t date = Date( 'N', time_t, 'T' ) Return date ' ' Time( 'N', time_t, 'T' ) SortedDateToDisplayDate: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg date Return Substr( date, 7, 2 )'-'Substr( date, 5, 2 )'-'Substr( date, 1, 4 ) /* * Convert a date and time to a combined time_t, allowing for UTC if required */ DateTimeToTime_T: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg day, time, fmt, in_utc If in_utc Then to = Time( 'O' ) / 1000000 Else to = 0 day_t = Date( 'T', day, fmt ) + (Time('O') / 1000000) -- always adjust date to localtime time_t = Time( 'T', time, 'N' ) today_t = Date( 'T', Date(), 'N' ) Return (time_t - today_t) + day_t + to /* * Tests if the filename passsed as an argument has an extension in the * configured list of extensions to ignore */ IsFileTypeIgnored: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg fn Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!ignorefiles ) ext = '.'Word( !global.!ignorefiles, i ) len = Length( ext ) If Right( fn, len ) = ext Then Return 1 End Return 0 UseFileAssociation: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg fn pos = Lastpos( '.', fn ) ext = Substr( fn, pos + 1 ) If Wordpos( ext, !global.!!user.!!preference.!!windowsfileassociations_extensions ) = 0 Then Return 0 Else Return 1 /* * Tests if the given filename is binary; ie there is at least one * nul character in the first 1024 characters. */ IsBinaryFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg fn If Stream( fn, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Return 0 /* * If the repository's list of binary file extensions match our file... */ pos = Lastpos( '.', fn ) ext = Translate( Substr( fn, pos+1 ) ) If Wordpos( ext, Translate( !global.!binaryfiles ) ) \= 0 Then Return 1 /* * Not listed so check contents */ size = Stream( fn, 'C', 'QUERY SIZE' ) numchars = Min( size, 1024 ) Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN READ' file_block = Charin( fn, 1, numchars ) test_block = Translate( file_block, '#', '00'x ) If file_block \== test_block Then binary = 1 Else binary = 0 Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' Return binary /* * Determines if the specified file is in the repository * Does not require a working file */ IsFileInRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg fn found = 0 Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q co -p' quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. If err.0 = 0 Then found = 1 End Otherwise Nop End Return found /* * Determines if the module is in the repository */ IsModuleInRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg fn, repno fn = Strip( fn ) found = 0 Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno 'rdiff -s -D 1/1/2037' fn If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Error Stem err. Output Stem junk. Do i = 1 To err.0 Parse Var err.i . 'Diffing' line If Strip( line ) = fn Then Do Drop err. junk. found = 1 Leave End End End Otherwise Nop End Return found /* * Checks if a particular file can be checked out for locking */ CanFileBeCheckedOutForLock: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg i, dir_reserved If dir_reserved | Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.i, 5, 6 ) = 'binary' Then Do Parse Var !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i . 5 . '(' locker ')' If Strip( locker ) = '' Then Return 1 End Return 0 GetCVSLocker: /* MUST NOT BE A PROCEDURE */ Parse Arg fn locks = '' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem item. Error Stem err. If item.0 = 1 Then Do Parse Var item.1 . 88 flen 91 . 92 . +(flen) +1 locks End Return locks SendEmail: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg emailcommand, buildout, admin_email, subject If emailcommand = '' Then Return If Countstr( '%F%', emailcommand ) = 0 | Countstr( '%R%', emailcommand ) = 0 | Countstr( '%S%', emailcommand ) = 0 Then Do Say 'Malformed email command template:' emailcommand Return End se_cmd = Changestr( '%F%', emailcommand, buildout ) se_cmd = Changestr( '%S%', se_cmd, subject ) Do i = 1 To Words( admin_email ) Address System Changestr( '%R%', se_cmd, Word( admin_email, i) ) End Return FileIsInRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg file Do i = 1 To !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.0 If file = Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Then Return 1 End Return 0 /* * Determine the index of the supplied directory in the list of directories * in the repository */ FindTreeItem: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg item Do i = 1 To !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.0 If !global.!repdir.!!last_repository.i = item Then Return i End Return 0 /* Return RegStemSearch( item, '!global.!repdir.!!last_repository.', 1, 'CES' ) */ /* * Generic window for obtaining textual comments */ GetCheckinDetails: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg want_text_win, type, file, question, title if trace() = 'F' Then say 'want_text_win' want_text_win 'type' type 'file' file 'question' question _version = '' same = 0 win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, title file, !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon gf = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, gf, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If want_text_win = 'Y' Then Do Select When type = 'add' Then Do text_height = 20 junk = dw_text_new( 'Module Description:', 0 ) Call dw_window_set_style junk, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER , !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER Call dw_box_pack_start gf, junk, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, text_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If Left( !global.!addfile_text, 1 ) = '!' Then !global.!addfile_text = '' t1 = dw_entryfield_new( !global.!addfile_text, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, t1, 400, text_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 End When type = 'remind' Then Do text_height = 300 t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, t1, 400, text_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_editable t1, !REXXDW.!DW_EDITABLE loc = dw_mle_import( t1, question||!global.!remindertext, -1 ) Call dw_mle_set_cursor t1, loc End Otherwise /* checkin */ Do text_height = 300 t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, t1, 400, text_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_editable t1, !REXXDW.!DW_EDITABLE If !global.!checkin_text \= '!GLOBAL.!CHECKIN_TEXT' Then Do loc = dw_mle_import( t1, !global.!checkin_text, -1 ) Call dw_mle_set_cursor t1, loc End End End End Call dw_window_default win, t1 cb_height = 0 If type = 'dir' | type = 'delete' | type = 'add' Then Do cb_height = 20 cb = dw_checkbox_new( question, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, cb, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, cb_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 End Else cb = 0 /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, b1, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, b2, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ Call dw_window_set_gravity win, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE, !REXXDW.!DW_GRAV_CENTRE Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, 0, 0, 0, 0 Call dw_window_show win Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetCheckinDetailsApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, t1, cb, want_text_win, type Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Parse Value dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) With cancel same /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return cancel same GetFileRevisions: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Dialog box to ask user for file revision to work on * Only one file allowed to be selected for this option * * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +---------------------------------------------------+ * | ____________Latest______________________________v | * +---------------------------------------------------+ */ Parse Arg this_file, prompt, types, allow_date, default Call SetCursorWait win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Select File Revision for:' prompt, !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon gf = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, gf, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 t2 = dw_text_new( 'Select the revision of the file to' prompt'.', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, t2, 250, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 boxtopack = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, boxtopack, 250, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Parse Value CreateFileRevisionCombobox( boxtopack, 'false', default, this_file, '', types, allow_date ) With revcbox . /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, b1, 250, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetFileRevisionsApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, revcbox b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start gf, b2, 250, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ width = 400 height = 160 Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Parse Value dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) With cancel rev if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got rev' cancel rev Return rev CreateFileRevisionCombobox: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg boxtopack, editable, default_value, filename, extra_revisions, types, allow_date realtagstart = 0 /* * Create generic combobox for file revisions */ revcbox = dw_combobox_new( default_value, 0 ) If default_value \= '' Then Do Call dw_listbox_append revcbox, default_value realtagstart = realtagstart + 1 End Call dw_box_pack_start boxtopack, revcbox, 150, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Add any special revisions first... */ Do i = 1 To Words( extra_revisions ) Call dw_listbox_append revcbox, Word( extra_revisions, i ) realtagstart = realtagstart + 1 End /* * Now find the existing revisions for the file and add them to the combobox */ Call PopulateFileRevisionCombobox revcbox, !!last_repository, filename, types /* * Create and pack our date selector */ If allow_date = 'date' Then Do abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( 'Select Date', 0, !global.!icondir||'dateselector' ) Call dw_box_pack_start boxtopack, abutton, 20, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetFileRevisionsDateSelector', revcbox End /* If editable = 'false' Then Call dw_window_disable revcbox */ Return revcbox realtagstart PopulateFileRevisionCombobox: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg revcbox, repno, filename, types /* * Let the user know whats happening... */ Call SetCursorWait Call DisplayStatus 'Getting revision details for' filename Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ Address System 'rlog' quote( filename ) With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. gotrev = 0 Do Queued() Select When gotrev = 1 Then Do Parse Pull 'revision' newrev . If newrev \= '' Then Do Call TkComboboxListInsert revcbox, 'end', newrev End gotrev = 0 End Otherwise Do Parse Pull line If line = Copies( '-', 28 ) Then gotrev = 1 End End End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do Call GetCVSRevisions repno, filename, types idx = 0 Do Queued() idx = idx + 1 Parse Pull text.idx End text.0 = idx Call dw_listbox_list_append revcbox, 'text.' Drop text. End Otherwise End Call SetCursorNoWait Call DisplayStatus '' /* * Save the repository number for the combobox */ !global.!repository_combobox.revcbox = repno Return CreateModuleVersionCombobox: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, editable, default_value, dirname, tryparent, extra_versions, associated_cb realtagstart = 0 /* * Let the user know whats happening... */ Call SetCursorWait Call DisplayStatus 'Getting version details for' dirname /* * Create a box to pack the combobox and button for date selection */ boxtopack = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) /* * Create generic combobox for module versions */ revcbox = dw_combobox_new( default_value, 0 ) If default_value \= '' Then Do Call dw_listbox_append revcbox, default_value realtagstart = realtagstart + 1 End Call dw_box_pack_start boxtopack, revcbox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Add any special versions first... */ Do i = 1 To Words( extra_versions ) Call dw_listbox_append revcbox, Word( extra_versions, i ) realtagstart = realtagstart + 1 End /* * Now find label files for this module and add them to the combobox */ Call PopulateModuleRevisionCombobox revcbox, !!last_repository, tryparent Call SetCursorNoWait Call DisplayStatus '' Return revcbox boxtopack realtagstart PopulateModuleRevisionCombobox: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg revcbox, repno, tryparent Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'rcs' Then Do Call SysFileTree !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/.label-*,v', 'LABELFILE.', 'FLS' End When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do /* * NOTE We can't use ?label. stem here, as we need to traverse up the * directory tree, and we only have the current directory labels. */ cdir = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Do Forever cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno '-q list -l' quote( cdir ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. Do Queued() Parse Pull line . . . . . . . '/.label-' lab If lab \= '' Then Do Call dw_listbox_append revcbox, cdir','lab End End If Countstr( '/', cdir ) = 0 | tryparent = 0 Then Leave Parse Var cdir cdir '/' . End End Otherwise Nop End /* * Save the repository number for the combobox */ !global.!repository_combobox.revcbox = repno Return CreateRepositoryCombobox: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Create generic combobox for repositories */ Parse Arg win, editable, default_value, associated_cb, realtagstart, filename, types repcbox = dw_combobox_new( default_value, 0 ) If default_value \= '' Then Do Call dw_listbox_append repcbox, default_value Call dw_listbox_select repcbox, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_LB_SELECTED End /* * Now insert all repositories into the combobox */ Do i = 1 To !global.!!number_repositories Call dw_listbox_append repcbox, !global.!!repository.!!name.i End /* * If we have a parameter for an associated listbox, we need to set up a signal to * repopulate the associated listbox data */ If associated_cb \= '' Then Do Call dw_signal_connect repcbox, !REXXDW.!DW_LIST_SELECT_EVENT, 'RepositoryComboboxCallback', associated_cb, realtagstart, filename, types End Return repcbox RepositoryComboboxCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, list_idx, associated_cb, realtagstart, filename, types /* * Get the selected repository from the combobox */ text = dw_listbox_get_text( win, list_idx ) Call dw_window_set_text win, text /* * Convert this repository into an index... */ repno = FindRepository( text ) If repno = !global.!repository_combobox.associated_cb Then Return 1 If repno = 0 Then repno = !!last_repository /* * Now repopulate the associated_cb */ count = dw_listbox_count( associated_cb ) /* Do i = count-1 To realtagstart-1 By -1 Call dw_listbox_delete associated_cb, i End */ idx = realtagstart - 1 Do i = realtagstart To count Call dw_listbox_delete associated_cb, idx End If filename = '' Then Call PopulateModuleRevisionCombobox associated_cb, repno, types Else Call PopulateFileRevisionCombobox associated_cb, repno, filename, types Return 1 /* indicate we have handled the event */ CreateCompilersCombobox: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg win, editable, default_abbrev default_value = '' /* * If supplied, find the name of the default abbrev */ Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_types ) tmp = Word( !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_types, i ) If tmp = default_abbrev Then Do default_value = !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_name.tmp Leave End End repcbox = dw_combobox_new( default_value, 0 ) If default_value \= '' Then Call dw_listbox_append repcbox, default_value /* * Now insert all compilers into the combobox */ Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_types ) tmp = Word( !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_types, i ) Call dw_listbox_append repcbox, !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_name.tmp End Return repcbox ConvertCompilerNameToAbbrev: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg compiler_name compiler_type = '*unknown*' Do idx = 1 To Words( !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_types ) tmp = Word( !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_types, idx ) If !global.!compiler_template.??compiler_name.tmp = compiler_name Then Do compiler_type = tmp Leave End End Return compiler_type /* * Find all revisions for the supplied file, and queue them onto the stack */ GetCVSRevisions: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repno, this_file, types /* * Use another stack as stems are inefficient under Regina (as at 3.3) */ sessionq = RxQueue( 'G' ) tmpq = RxQueue( 'C' ) If !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then cvscmd = 'log' Else cvscmd = 'rlog' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno cvscmd quote( this_file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO tmpq Error Stem oserr. osout.0 = 0 If oserr.0 \= 0 Then Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Getting revisions' this_file If Wordpos( 'rev', types ) \= 0 Then getrev = 1 Else getrev = 0 If Wordpos( 'tag', types ) \= 0 Then gettag = 1 Else gettag = 0 gotrev = 0 gottag = 0 revs = '' need_pull = 1 Call RxQueue 'S', tmpq num_queued = Queued() num_pulled = 0 If num_queued \= 0 Then Do Forever If need_pull Then Do Parse Pull rcsrev num_pulled = num_pulled + 1 End Select When gotrev = 1 Then Do need_pull = 1 Parse Var rcsrev 'revision' newrev . If newrev \= '' Then Do Parse Pull rcsrev num_pulled = num_pulled + 1 need_pull = 0 If Countstr( 'state: dead;', rcsrev ) \= 1 Then Do Call RxQueue 'S', sessionq Queue newrev Call RxQueue 'S', tmpq End End gotrev = 0 End When gottag = 1 Then Do If SubWord( rcsrev, 1, 2 ) = 'keyword substitution:' & gettag Then gottag = 0 Else Do Parse Var rcsrev newtag ':' . Call RxQueue 'S', sessionq Queue Strip( newtag, 'L', '09'x ) Call RxQueue 'S', tmpq End need_pull = 1 End Otherwise Do If rcsrev = Copies( '-', 28 ) & getrev Then gotrev = 1 If SubWord( rcsrev, 1, 2 ) = 'symbolic names:' & gettag Then gottag = 1 need_pull = 1 End End If num_pulled >= num_queued Then Leave End Call RxQueue 'D', tmpq Call RxQueue 'S', sessionq /* probably redundant as RxQueue 'D' sets SESSION queue */ Return SelectDate: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository topwin = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Select Date', !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon topwin, !global.!qoccaicon box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start topwin, box, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 datebox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, datebox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 today = Date( 'S' ) day = Substr( today, 7, 2 ) mon = Substr( today, 5, 2 ) year = Substr( today, 1, 4 ) /* * If we have dw_calendar_new(), use it... */ If dw_queryfunction( 'dw_calendar_new' ) = 0 Then Do date = dw_calendar_new( 100 ) Call dw_box_pack_start datebox, date, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_calendar_set_date date, today window_x = 189 window_y = 242 End Else Do /* * Add our spin buttons */ day_sb = dw_spinbutton_new( day, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start datebox, day_sb, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_spinbutton_set_limits day_sb, 31, 1 Call dw_spinbutton_set_pos day_sb, day month_cb = dw_combobox_new( Word( !global.!months, mon ), 1 ) Call dw_box_pack_start datebox, month_cb, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Do i = 1 To 12 Call dw_listbox_append month_cb, Word( !global.!months, i ) End Call dw_listbox_select month_cb, mon-1, !REXXDW.!DW_LB_SELECTED year_sb = dw_spinbutton_new( year, 2 ) Call dw_box_pack_start datebox, year_sb, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_spinbutton_set_limits year_sb, 2099, 1990 Call dw_spinbutton_set_pos year_sb, year window_x = 300 window_y = 130 End /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 If dw_queryfunction( 'dw_calendar_new' ) = 0 Then Do Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'CalendarSelectorApplyCallback', topwin, dialog_wait, date End Else Do Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'DateSelectorApplyCallback', topwin, dialog_wait, day_sb, month_cb, year_sb End b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, b2, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', topwin, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect topwin, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', topwin, dialog_wait /* * Display the splash window */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size topwin, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (window_x % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (window_y % 2), window_x, window_y Call dw_window_show topwin Parse Value dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) With cancel newdate Return newdate RunOSCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. oserr. Parse Arg ro_cmd If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands ro_cmd Address System ro_cmd With Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. Return rc DebugCommands: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg cmd Say 'Executing:' cmd 'from line:' .sigl If !global.!batch_mode = 1 Then Say 'Executing:' cmd 'from line:' .sigl Else Do Call WriteMessageToLogWindow 'Executing:' cmd Call dw_main_sleep 15 End Return /* * Displays text in the status area */ DisplayStatus: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg msg Call dw_window_set_text !global.!systemstatus, msg Call dw_main_sleep 10 Return /* * Write the contents of the stems to the log window */ WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. oserr. Parse Arg conv, msg Call dw_mle_freeze !global.!mle.!!last_repository Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow msg Do wtfi = 1 To osout.0 mod_colour = DetermineLineColour( conv, osout.wtfi ) Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'osout.wtfi, mod_colour End Do wtfi = 1 To oserr.0 Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'oserr.wtfi, 'redfore' End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow msg Call dw_mle_thaw !global.!mle.!!last_repository Drop osout. oserr. Return /* * Write the output from some CVS commands that list actions on files */ WriteCVSOutputStemsToLogWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. oserr. Parse Arg command, ignore, msg Call dw_mle_freeze !global.!mle.!!last_repository Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow msg ignorelen = Length( ignore ) Do i = 1 To osout.0 If ignorelen = 0 | Left( osout.i, ignorelen ) \= ignore Then Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'CVSStatusLine( command osout.i ) End Do i = 1 To oserr.0 If ignorelen = 0 | Left( oserr.i, ignorelen ) \= ignore Then Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'oserr.i End Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow msg Call dw_mle_thaw !global.!mle.!!last_repository Return /* * Write the contents of the stems to the screen */ WriteOutputStemsToConsole: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. oserr. Parse Arg conv, msg Say msg '- Started at:' Date() Time() Do wtfi = 1 To osout.0 Say ' 'osout.wtfi End Do wtfi = 1 To oserr.0 Say ' 'oserr.wtfi End Say msg '- Finished at:' Date() Time() Drop osout. oserr. Return WriteStackToLogWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg conv, msg Call dw_mle_freeze !global.!mle.!!last_repository Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow msg Call WriteStackToLogWindowNoHeaderTrailer conv Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow msg Call dw_mle_thaw !global.!mle.!!last_repository Return WriteStackToLogWindowNoHeaderTrailer: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg conv Do Queued() Parse Pull history_line mod_colour = DetermineLineColour( conv, history_line ) Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'history_line, mod_colour End Return WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg msg, modifier If modifier = '' Then modifier = 'blueforebold' Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_EDITABLE !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository = dw_mle_import( !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !global.!crlf||msg '- Started at:' Date() Time()||!global.!crlf, !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository ) Parse Value dw_mle_get_size( !global.!mle.!!last_repository ) With bytes lines Call dw_mle_set_visible !global.!mle.!!last_repository, lines Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_READONLY Return WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg msg, modifier If modifier = '' Then modifier = 'blackforebold' Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_EDITABLE !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository = dw_mle_import( !global.!mle.!!last_repository, msg '- Finished at:' Date() Time()||!global.!crlf, !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository ) Parse Value dw_mle_get_size( !global.!mle.!!last_repository ) With bytes lines Call dw_mle_set_visible !global.!mle.!!last_repository, lines Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_READONLY Return WriteMessageToLogWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. oserr. Parse Arg msg, modifier If modifier = '' Then modifier = 'blackfore' Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_EDITABLE !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository = dw_mle_import( !global.!mle.!!last_repository, msg||!global.!crlf, !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository ) Parse Value dw_mle_get_size( !global.!mle.!!last_repository ) With bytes lines Call dw_mle_set_visible !global.!mle.!!last_repository, lines Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_READONLY Return WriteStringToLogWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. oserr. Parse Arg msg, modifier If modifier = '' Then modifier = 'blackfore' Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_EDITABLE !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository = dw_mle_import( !global.!mle.!!last_repository, msg, !global.!mle_position.!!last_repository ) Parse Value dw_mle_get_size( !global.!mle.!!last_repository ) With bytes lines Call dw_mle_set_visible !global.!mle.!!last_repository, lines Call dw_mle_set_editable !global.!mle.!!last_repository, !REXXDW.!DW_READONLY Return /* * Ensure that these still return colours, or you will have to change all calls that * expect a colour returned */ DetermineLineColour: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. oserr. Parse Arg conv, str Select When conv = 'cvs_status' Then mod_colour = DetermineCVSStatusLineColour( str ) Otherwise mod_colour = 'blackfore' End Return mod_colour DetermineCVSStatusLineColour: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. oserr. Parse Arg action . Select When action = 'U' Then mod_colour = 'greenfore' /* New working file */ When action = 'P' Then mod_colour = 'greenfore' /* Working file patched */ When action = 'M' Then mod_colour = 'redfore' /* Local file modified */ When action = 'C' Then mod_colour = 'cyan' /* Conflict in file */ Otherwise mod_colour = 'blackfore' End Return mod_colour CVSStatusLine: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg command action rem actions = 'UPMC' If command = 'update' Then Do desc.U = 'New working file:' desc.P = 'Working file patched:' End Else Do desc.P = 'New working file:' desc.U = 'Working file patched:' End desc.M = 'Local file modified:' desc.C = 'Conflict in file:' If Pos( action, actions ) \= 0 Then Return Left( desc.action, 21 ) rem Else Return action rem CheckForCVSConflicts: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository oserr. /* * We now have errors in oserr. stem; see if there are any conflicts * and if so, display a messagebox * This only works if RunOSCommand() is called, and obviously only for CVS */ had_conflicts = 0 Do i = 1 To oserr.0 If Countstr( 'cvs update: conflicts found', oserr.i ) \= 0 | Countstr( 'warning: conflicts during merge', oserr.i ) \= 0 | Countstr( 'had a conflict and has not been modified', oserr.i ) \= 0 Then Do had_conflicts = 1 Leave End End If had_conflicts Then Call dw_messagebox 'Conflicts found!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'There were conflicts as a result of this command. See the messages pane for details.' Return SetRepFileRow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg i, initial_flag this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) fn = Substr( filename.j, 5 ) if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i':'!global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.i Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do line = '{ 'type'}' '{ 'fn'}' '{ 'Substr( filedate.j, 5 )'}' '{ 'Substr(user.j,5)'}' /* TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do icon = Wordpos( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicons ) statustype = Wordpos( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!statusicons ) /* * Convert the date stored in CVS to localtime */ date = Strip( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) ) Select When date = 0 | date = '*Unknown*' Then date = '* unknown *' When Datatype( date ) = 'NUM' Then Do date = Time_tDateToDisplayDate( date ) If Length( Word( date, 1 ) ) = 1 Then date = ' 'date End Otherwise Nop End iconname = Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) reminder = Wordpos( iconname, !global.!statusicons ) If initial_flag = 'initial' Then Do Call dw_filesystem_set_file !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicon.icon Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 0, i-1, !global.!statusicon.statustype Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 1, i-1, date Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 2, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 3, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 4, i-1, !global.!statusicon.reminder End Else Do Call dw_filesystem_change_file !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicon.icon Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 0, i-1, !global.!statusicon.statustype Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 1, i-1, date Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 2, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 3, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 4, i-1, !global.!statusicon.reminder End Call dw_container_set_row_title !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, i End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'hg' Then Do icon = Wordpos( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicons ) statustype = Wordpos( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!statusicons ) date = Strip( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) ) date = Time_tDateToDisplayDate( date ) If Length( Word( date, 1 ) ) = 1 Then date = ' 'date iconname = Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) reminder = Wordpos( iconname, !global.!statusicons ) If initial_flag = 'initial' Then Do Call dw_filesystem_set_file !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicon.icon Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 0, i-1, !global.!statusicon.statustype Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 1, i-1, date Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 2, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 3, i-1, Right( Format( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.i, 5 ),10,0 ), 10, ' ' ) Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 4, i-1, !global.!statusicon.reminder End Else Do Call dw_filesystem_change_file !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicon.icon Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 0, i-1, !global.!statusicon.statustype Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 1, i-1, date Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 2, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 3, i-1, Substr( !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!repfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 4, i-1, !global.!statusicon.reminder End Call dw_container_set_row_title !global.!repfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, i End Otherwise Nop End Return /* * For each item in !global.!current_filenames. check if any of its status details have changed */ RefreshSelectedFiles: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Do i = 1 To !global.!current_filenames.0 idx = !global.!current_indexes.i Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then fn = !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then fn = !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx Otherwise fn = !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx End Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Call RefreshRCSFileRow idx, Substr( fn, 5 ) When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Call RefreshCVSFileRow idx, Substr( fn, 5 ) Otherwise Nop End Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then Call SetRepFileRow idx, '' When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Call SetAllRepFileRow idx, '' Otherwise Nop End End Return SetAllRepFileRow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg i, initial_flag this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) fn = Substr( filename.j, 5 ) if trace() = 'F' Then say !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i':'!global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.i Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do line = '{ 'type'}' '{ 'fn'}' '{ 'Substr( filedate.j, 5 )'}' '{ 'Substr(user.j,5)'}' /* TODO */ End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do icon = Wordpos( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicons ) statustype = Wordpos( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!statusicons ) /* * Convert the date stored in CVS to localtime */ date = Strip( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) ) Select When date = 0 | date = '*Unknown*' Then date = '* unknown *' When Datatype( date ) = 'NUM' Then Do date = Time_tDateToDisplayDate( date ) If Length( Word( date, 1 ) ) = 1 Then date = ' 'date End Otherwise Nop End iconname = Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) reminder = Wordpos( iconname, !global.!statusicons ) If initial_flag = 'initial' Then Do Call dw_filesystem_set_file !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicon.icon Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 0, i-1, !global.!statusicon.statustype Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 1, i-1, date Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 2, i-1, Substr( !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 3, i-1, Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 4, i-1, Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_set_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, 5, i-1, !global.!statusicon.reminder End Else Do Call dw_filesystem_change_file !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, i-1, Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filename.!!last_repository.i, 5 ), !global.!fileicon.icon Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 0, i-1, !global.!statusicon.statustype Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 1, i-1, date Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 2, i-1, Substr( !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 3, i-1, Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 4, i-1, Substr( !global.!allfiles.?filepath.!!last_repository.i, 5 ) Call dw_filesystem_change_item !global.!allfilescontainer.!!last_repository, 5, i-1, !global.!statusicon.reminder End Call dw_container_set_row_title !global.!allfilescontainermemory.!!last_repository, i-1, i End Otherwise Nop End Return SetWindowTitle: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call dw_window_set_text !global.!mainwindow, 'QOCCA:' !global.!!repository.!!name.!!last_repository'('!global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository') Working:' !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository Return RefreshRCSFileRow: /* TODO */ Parse Arg i,fullfilename newi = Right( i, 4 ) filedate.i = newi||Stream(fullfilename,'C','QUERY TIMESTAMP') user.i = newi||GetRCSLocker(fullfilename) Return /* * For an individual file, determine all new file details for displaying */ RefreshCVSFileRow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg idx, fullfilename If !global.!offline.!!last_repository Then Return /* * Work out how to get file details for an individual file... */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then Do If !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then logcmd = 'log' Else logcmd = 'rlog' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q' logcmd '-bN' quote( fullfilename ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem log. Error Stem err. Do i = 1 To log.0 Select When Left( log.i, 21 ) = 'keyword substitution:' Then type = Word( log.i, 3 ) When Left( log.i, 20 ) = Copies( '-', 20 ) Then Do tmpidx = i + 1 Parse Var log.tmpidx 'revision' rev tmpidx = tmpidx + 1 Parse Var log.tmpidx 'date: ' date time ';' 'author: ' author ';' 'state: ' state ';' . /* still need to add locks TODO */ item.1 = Left( state, 11 ) || Left( rev, 16 ) || Left( author, 36 ) || Strip( date ) Strip( time ) Left( type, 4 ) || Right( Length( fullfilename ), 3 ) fullfilename Leave i End Otherwise Nop End End End Otherwise Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list -l' quote( fullfilename ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem item. Error Stem junk. End End newi = Right( idx, 4 ) Parse Var item.1 1 . 12 rev 28 user 64 filedate 75 filetime 84 type 88 flen 91 . Parse Var item.1 92 filename +(flen) +1 locks filetime = Strip( filetime ) filedate = Strip( filedate ) type = Strip( type ) Select When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?repfiles.!!last_repository Then Call SetCVSFileDetails 'INDIVIDUAL', idx, newi, fullfilename, filedate, filetime, type, rev, user, locks When !global.!filespage.!!last_repository = !global.!filenotebookpage.?allfiles.!!last_repository Then Call SetCVSAllFileDetails 'INDIVIDUAL', idx, newi, fullfilename, filedate, filetime, type, rev, user, locks Otherwise Nop End if trace() = 'F' Then say 'refreshcvsfilerow:' fullfilename':'!global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.i Return /* * For an individual CVS file, determine its new status etc for displaying */ SetCVSFileDetails: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg action, idx, newi, fullfilename, filedate, filetime, filetype, rev, user, locks !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(rev) If locks = '' Then !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(user) Else !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(user) '('locks')' Select When filedate = 'dummy' & filetime = 'timestamp' Then filedate = 0 When filetype = '?' Then Nop Otherwise Do filetime = Strip( filetime ) filedate = Right( DateTimeToTime_T( Changestr( '/', filedate, '' ), filetime, 'S', 1 ), 12, 0 ) End End !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.idx = newi || filedate !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx = newi || DetermineFileType( filetype, !global.!user, locks ) If action = 'INDIVIDUAL' Then !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.idx = newi||DetermineCVSStatus( idx, fullfilename ) !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.idx = newi||DetermineReminderIcon( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx, 5 ) ) Return /* * For an individual file, determine its new status etc for displaying */ SetCVSAllFileDetails: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg action, idx, newi, fullfilename, filedate, filetime, filetype, rev, user, locks !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(rev) If locks = '' Then !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(user) Else !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(user) '('locks')' Select When filedate = 'dummy' & filetime = 'timestamp' Then filedate = 0 When filetype = '?' Then Nop Otherwise Do filetime = Strip( filetime ) filedate = Right( DateTimeToTime_T( Changestr( '/', filedate, '' ), filetime, 'S', 1 ), 12, 0 ) End End !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.idx = newi || filedate !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx = newi || DetermineFileType( filetype, !global.!user, locks ) If action = 'INDIVIDUAL' Then !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.idx = newi||DetermineCVSStatus( idx, fullfilename ) Else !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.idx = newi||'fileunknown' !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.idx = newi||DetermineReminderIcon( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx, 5 ) ) Return /* * For an individual HG file, determine its new status etc for displaying */ SetHGFileDetails: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg action, idx, newi, fullfilename, filedate, filetime, filetype, status, rev, user, locks !global.!repfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Right( Strip( rev ), 20, '0' ) icon = GetHGStatusIcon( status ) say .line icon !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.idx = Left( !global.!repfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.idx, 4 ) || icon If locks = '' Then !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(user) Else !global.!repfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(user) '('locks')' /* Select When filedate = 'dummy' & filetime = 'timestamp' Then filedate = 0 When filetype = '?' Then Nop Otherwise Do filetime = Strip( filetime ) filedate = Right( DateTimeToTime_T( Changestr( '/', filedate, '' ), filetime, 'S', 1 ), 12, 0 ) End End */ !global.!repfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.idx = newi || filedate say .line filetype !global.!repfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx = newi || DetermineFileType( filetype, !global.!user, locks ) !global.!repfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.idx = newi||DetermineReminderIcon( Substr( !global.!repfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx, 5 ) ) Return /* * For an individual file, determine its new status etc for displaying */ SetHGAllFileDetails: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg action, idx, newi, fullfilename, filedate, filetime, filetype, status, rev, user, locks !global.!allfiles.?filerev.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(rev) If locks = '' Then !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(user) Else !global.!allfiles.?user.!!last_repository.idx = newi||Strip(user) '('locks')' icon = GetHGStatusIcon( status ) say .line icon !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi = Left( !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.smi, 4 ) || icon !global.!allfiles.?filedate.!!last_repository.idx = newi || filedate !global.!allfiles.?filetype.!!last_repository.idx = newi || DetermineFileType( filetype, !global.!user, locks ) If action = 'INDIVIDUAL' Then !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.idx = newi||DetermineHGStatus( idx, fullfilename ) Else !global.!allfiles.?filestatus.!!last_repository.idx = newi||'fileunknown' !global.!allfiles.?filereminder.!!last_repository.idx = newi||DetermineReminderIcon( Substr( !global.!allfiles.?fullfilename.!!last_repository.idx, 5 ) ) Return DetermineReminderIcon: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg file If Stream( CVSFileToReminderFile( file ), 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then icon = 'setreminder' Else icon = 'blank' Return icon DetermineCVSStatus: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ., filename cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q status -l' quote( filename ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem sm_status. Error Stem junk. status = '' Do i = 1 To sm_status.0 If Left( sm_status.i, 5 ) = 'File:' Then Parse Var sm_status.i . 'Status: ' status End icon = GetCVSStatusIcon( status ) Return icon GetCVSFileproperties: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. Parse Arg file osout.0 = 0 If !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.!!last_repository \= 'Y' Then logcmd = 'log' Else logcmd = 'rlog' Call RunOsCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository logcmd quote( file ) prop.0 = 0 cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q status' quote( file ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem prop. Error Stem junk. Return ShowFileHistoryWindow: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. /* * +-Repository Details------------------------------------+ | File Name: /opt/cvs/ffews/sfs/sdfsdf,v | | Revision: 1.3 +-------------------------+| | File Type: Binary | |^|| | Revisions: 3 | |v|| | Description: +-------------------------+| | This file is a file.... | +-Working File Details----------------------------------+ | Status: Up-to-date (or Unknown) | | Revision: 1.1 | | Date: 28 July 2002 15:03:34 | +-Revision History--------------------------------------+ | Revision: 1.3 |^| | Date: 28 July 2002 15:03:34 Author: mark | | | Line of changes | | | The next description line | | | Revision: 1.2 | | | Date: 28 July 2002 15:03:34 Author: mark | | | Changes |v| +-------------------------------------------------------+ */ Parse Arg fn Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Call DetermineCVSHistoryDetails fn reminder_file = Stream( CVSFileToReminderFile( !global.!current_filenames.1 ), 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) /* * Parse revision history output into !det.!rh_text. array */ Call GetCVSRevisionHistory End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do End Otherwise Nop End If reminder_file = '' Then rem_height = 0 Else rem_height = 50 + !global.!widgetheight filepropchange = 'N' title_width = 120 rd_height = !global.!widgetheight * 8 wd_height = rem_height + (!global.!widgetheight * 4) win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Properties of' fn, !global.!windowstyle ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, !global.!qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Create the group boxen and pack them */ rd_box = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Repository Details', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, rd_box, 0, rd_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 wfd_box = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Working File Details', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, wfd_box, 0, wd_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 rh_box = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ, 'Revision History', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, rh_box, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * Create the repository details */ file_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start rd_box, file_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color file_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE file_lab = dw_text_new( 'FileName:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start file_box, file_lab, title_width , !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color file_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font file_lab, !global.!boldfont Call dw_window_set_style file_lab, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) file_lab_data = dw_text_new( !det.!rcs_file, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start file_box, file_lab_data, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color file_lab_data, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_style file_lab_data, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) /* * The rev, file type, revisions and locks lines need to be aligned with the labels box, * so we need another HORZ box */ com_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start rd_box, com_box, 0, 4*!global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 left_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start com_box, left_box, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 rev_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, rev_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color rev_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE rev_lab = dw_text_new( 'Revision:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start rev_box, rev_lab, title_width , !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color rev_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font rev_lab, !global.!boldfont Call dw_window_set_style rev_lab, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) rev_lab_data = dw_text_new( !det.!head, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start rev_box, rev_lab_data, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color rev_lab_data, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_style rev_lab_data, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) filetype_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, filetype_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color filetype_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE filetype_lab = dw_text_new( 'File Type:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start filetype_box, filetype_lab, title_width , !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color filetype_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font filetype_lab, !global.!boldfont Call dw_window_set_style filetype_lab, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do If !det.!type = 'Text' Then type_lab_other = 'Binary' Else type_lab_other = 'Text' type_lab_data = dw_combobox_new( !det.!type, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start filetype_box, type_lab_data, 70, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_listbox_append type_lab_data, !det.!type Call dw_listbox_append type_lab_data, type_lab_other Call dw_listbox_select type_lab_data, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_LB_SELECTED End Else Do type_lab_data = dw_text_new( !det.!type, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start filetype_box, type_lab_data, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color type_lab_data, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_style type_lab_data, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) End revs_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, revs_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color revs_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE revs_lab = dw_text_new( 'Revisions:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start revs_box, revs_lab, title_width , !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color revs_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font revs_lab, !global.!boldfont Call dw_window_set_style revs_lab, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) revs_lab_data = dw_text_new( !det.!total_revisions, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start revs_box, revs_lab_data, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color revs_lab_data, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_style revs_lab_data, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) locks_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start left_box, locks_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color locks_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE locks_lab = dw_text_new( 'Locked by:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start locks_box, locks_lab, title_width , !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color locks_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font locks_lab, !global.!boldfont Call dw_window_set_style locks_lab, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) locks_lab_data = dw_text_new( !det.!lock, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start locks_box, locks_lab_data, 50, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color locks_lab_data, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_style locks_lab_data, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) /* * Only an administrator on CVS can unlock */ If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' & !det.!lock \= '' & !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do abox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start locks_box, abox, 0 , !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color abox, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE tmp = dw_text_new( 'Unlock:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start abox, tmp, 65 , !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color tmp, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font tmp, !global.!boldfont Call dw_window_set_style tmp, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) locks_cb = dw_checkbox_new( '', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start abox, locks_cb, !global.!widgetheight, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_checkbox_set locks_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED Call dw_window_set_color locks_cb, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_box_pack_start locks_box, 0, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 End /* * A box for labels... */ right_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) lb = dw_listbox_new( 673, !REXXDW.!DW_LB_SINGLE_SELECTION ) maxlen = 0 Do i = !det.!tag_start For !det.!num_tags Parse Value dw_font_text_extents_get( lb, 0, osout.i ) With mywidth myheight mywidth = mywidth % 1 -- ensure width is a whole number If mywidth > maxlen Then maxlen = mywidth End len = maxlen + 20 Call dw_box_pack_start com_box, right_box, len, 4*!global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_box_pack_start right_box, lb, len, 4*!global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Do i = !det.!tag_start For !det.!num_tags Call dw_listbox_append lb, osout.i End /* * Add the description and labels headings */ desc_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start rd_box, desc_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color desc_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE desc_lab = dw_text_new( 'Description:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start desc_box, desc_lab, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color desc_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font desc_lab, !global.!boldfont Call dw_window_set_style desc_lab, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_LEFT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) labels_lab = dw_text_new( 'Labels ', 0 ) Call dw_window_set_font labels_lab, !global.!boldfont Call dw_box_pack_start desc_box, labels_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_SIZE_AUTO, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style labels_lab, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_CENTER, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Call dw_window_set_color labels_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE /* * Add the description entryfield */ If !det.!num_desc_lines > 0 Then Do idx = !det.!desc_start !det.!desc = osout.idx End Else Do !det.!desc = '*** None ***' End desc_entry = dw_entryfield_new( !det.!desc, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start rd_box, desc_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Only an administrator on CVS can change the description */ If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' & !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Nop Else Call dw_window_disable desc_entry /* * Create the Working File Details */ status_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start wfd_box, status_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color status_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE status_lab = dw_text_new( 'Status:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start status_box, status_lab, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color status_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font status_lab, !global.!boldfont status_lab_data = dw_text_new( !det.!wf_status, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start status_box, status_lab_data, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color status_lab_data, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE /* * If we have a working file, display details about it... */ If prop.0 \= 0 Then Do rev_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start wfd_box, rev_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color rev_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE rev_lab = dw_text_new( 'Revision:', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start rev_box, rev_lab, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color rev_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font rev_lab, !global.!boldfont rev_lab_data = dw_text_new( !det.!wf_rev, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start rev_box, rev_lab_data, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color rev_lab_data, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE date_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start wfd_box, date_box, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color date_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE date_lab = dw_text_new( 'Date:', 0) Call dw_box_pack_start date_box, date_lab, title_width, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color date_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font date_lab, !global.!boldfont date_lab_data = dw_text_new( !det.!wf_date, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start date_box, date_lab_data, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color date_lab_data, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE End /* * If we have a reminder for this file, display the reminder text in a text box */ If reminder_file \= '' Then Do rem_box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start wfd_box, rem_box, 0, rem_height, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color rem_box, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE rem_lab = dw_text_new( 'Reminder Text:', 0) Call dw_box_pack_start rem_box, rem_lab, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_color rem_lab, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_window_set_font rem_lab, !global.!boldfont t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start rem_box, t1, 0, rem_height-!global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP Call dw_window_set_color t1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK, !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_mle_set_cursor t1, 0 Call dw_mle_delete t1 pos = -1 Call Stream reminder_file, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines( reminder_file ) > 0 pos = dw_mle_import( t1, Linein( reminder_file ), pos ) End Call Stream reminder_file, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call dw_window_disable t1 End /* * Create the revision history Details */ depth = dw_color_depth_get() scrollbarwidth = 14 !det.!rh_rows = 50 !det.!rh_cols = 100 !det.!current_row=0 !det.!current_col=0 /* create box for filecontents and horz scrollbar */ textboxA = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start rh_box, textboxA, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* create render box for filecontents pixmap */ !det.!t2 = dw_render_new( 0 ) Call dw_window_set_font !det.!t2, !global.!fixedfont Parse Value dw_font_text_extents_get( !det.!t2, 0, 'g(' ) With font_width font_height !det.!font_width = (font_width / 2) % 1 -- ensure font width is a whole number !det.!font_height = font_height Call dw_box_pack_start textboxA, !det.!t2, 10, 10, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* create horizonal scrollbar */ !det.!hscrollbar = dw_scrollbar_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start textboxA, !det.!hscrollbar, 100, scrollbarwidth, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* create vertical scrollbar */ vscrollbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) !det.!vscrollbar = dw_scrollbar_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start vscrollbox, !det.!vscrollbar, scrollbarwidth, 100, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* Pack an area of empty space 14x14 pixels */ Call dw_box_pack_start vscrollbox, 0, scrollbarwidth, scrollbarwidth, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_box_pack_start rh_box, vscrollbox, scrollbarwidth, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 pixmap_width = !det.!font_width * !det.!rh_cols pixmap_height = !det.!font_height*!det.!rh_rows !global.!det.!pixmap = dw_pixmap_new( !det.!t2, pixmap_width, pixmap_height, depth ) Call dw_draw_rect 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !REXXDW.!DW_FILL, 0, 0, pixmap_width, pixmap_height Call dw_signal_connect !det.!t2, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPOSE_EVENT, 'RevisionHistoryExposeCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !det.!t2, !REXXDW.!DW_CONFIGURE_EVENT, 'RevisionHistoryConfigureCallback', !global.!det.!pixmap Call dw_signal_connect !det.!hscrollbar, !REXXDW.!DW_VALUE_CHANGED_EVENT, 'RevisionHistoryValueChangedCallback' Call dw_signal_connect !det.!vscrollbar, !REXXDW.!DW_VALUE_CHANGED_EVENT, 'RevisionHistoryValueChangedCallback' If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do Call dw_signal_connect !det.!t2, !REXXDW.!DW_BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT, 'RevisionHistoryChangeLogMessageCallback', fn End Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_KEY_PRESS_EVENT, 'RevisionHistoryKeypressCallback' /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new() Call dw_scrollbar_set_range !det.!hscrollbar, !det.!rh_max_cols, !det.!rh_cols Call dw_scrollbar_set_pos !det.!hscrollbar, 0 Call dw_scrollbar_set_range !det.!vscrollbar, !det.!rh_max_rows, !det.!rh_rows Call dw_scrollbar_set_pos !det.!vscrollbar, 0 /* * Draw the first page... */ Call DrawRevisionHistory 1, 0 If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do /* * Create Apply button */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Now we know all of the widgets, we can pass these to the callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'FilePropertiesApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, type_lab_data, desc_entry, fn, !det.!type, !det.!desc, locks_cb buttontext = 'Cancel' End Else buttontext = 'OK' /* * Create OK button */ b1 = dw_button_new( buttontext, 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 0, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Set our signals now that we have al of the widget details to pass */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ width = (!global.!screen_width % 3 ) * 2 height = (!global.!screen_height % 3 ) * 2 Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Parse Value dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) With cancel update_flag If cancel \= 'apply' Then update_flag = 'N' Drop osout. prop. Return update_flag /* * Using the output from 'cvs rlog' and 'cvs status' generate the !det. array */ DetermineCVSHistoryDetails: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. Parse Arg fn !det.!num_tags = 0 !det.!tag_start = 0 !det.!tag_width = 0 !det.!num_desc_lines = 0 !det.!desc_width = 0 !det.!desc_start = 0 !det.!revision_width = 50 !det.!revisions_start = 0 !det.!lock = '' in_desc = 0 in_revisions = 0 in_tags = 0 in_locks = 0 tab = D2c( 9 ) Do i = 1 To osout.0 Select When in_revisions Then Do Select When osout.i = Copies( '=', 77 ) Then Leave i When osout.i = Copies( '-', 28 ) Then Nop When Countstr( 'date:', osout.i ) = 1 & Countstr( 'author:', osout.i ) = 1 Then Nop Otherwise Do If Length( osout.i ) > !det.!revision_width Then !det.!revision_width = Length( osout.i ) End End End When osout.i = Copies( '-', 28 ) Then Do !det.!revisions_start = i+1 in_revisions = 1 in_desc = 0 End When in_desc Then Do !det.!num_desc_lines = !det.!num_desc_lines + 1 If Length( osout.i) > !det.!desc_width Then !det.!desc_width = Length( osout.i ) End When Left( osout.i, 9 ) = 'RCS file:' Then Parse Var osout.i . ': ' !det.!rcs_file When Left( osout.i, 5 ) = 'head:' Then Parse Var osout.i . ': ' !det.!head When Left( osout.i, 6 ) = 'locks:' Then in_locks = 1 When Left( osout.i, 15 ) = 'symbolic names:' Then Do in_tags = 1 in_locks = 0 End When Left( osout.i, 1 ) == tab & in_locks Then Do Parse Var osout.i (tab) !det.!lock End When Left( osout.i, 1 ) == tab & in_tags Then Do If !det.!tag_start = 0 Then !det.!tag_start = i !det.!num_tags = !det.!num_tags + 1 osout.i = Substr( osout.i, 2 ) /* remove leading tab */ If Length( osout.i ) > !det.!tag_width Then !det.!tag_width = Length( osout.i ) End When Left( osout.i, 7 ) = 'keyword' Then Do Parse Var osout.i . ': ' type If type = 'b' Then !det.!type = 'Binary' Else !det.!type = 'Text' End When Left( osout.i, 5 ) = 'total' Then Parse Var osout.i . ': ' !det.!total_revisions ';' . When Left( osout.i, 12 ) = 'description:' Then Do in_desc = 1 !det.!desc_start = i+1 End Otherwise Nop End End /* * Parse the output from cvs status */ !det.!wf_status = 'Unknown' Do i = 1 To prop.0 Select When Countstr( 'File:', prop.i ) = 1 & Countstr( 'Status:', prop.i ) = 1 Then Parse Var prop.i . ':' . 'Status: ' !det.!wf_status When Countstr( 'Working revision:', prop.i ) = 1 Then Do Parse Var prop.i . ':' !det.!wf_rev !det.!wf_date If !det.!wf_rev = 'No' Then Do !det.!wf_rev = '' !det.!wf_date = '' End End Otherwise Nop End End /* * Date/time returned by CVS is in UTC, so we need to convert * to localtime. Unfortunately, CVS does not return the working file * date/time if running off the server, so we find it ourselves */ utc_offset_secs = Time('O') / 1000000 Parse Var !det.!wf_date . mon day time year If Strip( !det.!wf_date ) = '' | Datatype( mon ) \= 'NUM' Then Do Parse Value Stream( fn, 'C', 'QUERY TIMESTAMP' ) With year '-' mon '-' day time If Datatype( year ) = 'NUM' Then date_data = Date( 'N', year||mon||day, 'S' ) time Else date_data = '*** unknown ***' End Else Do revdate = day mon year time = Time( 'S', time, 'N' ) + utc_offset_secs date = Date( 'B', revdate, 'N' ) If time > 24 * 60 * 60 Then Do time = time - (24 * 60 * 60) date = date + 1 End If time < 0 Then Do time = time + (24 * 60 * 60) date = date - 1 End date_data = Date( 'N', date, 'B' ) Time( 'N', time, 'S' ) End !det.!wf_date = date_data Return /* * Converts data in osout. array and creates the !det.!rh* arrays */ GetCVSRevisionHistory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. !det. background = !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE utc_offset_secs = Time('O') / 1000000 idx = 1 max_len = 80 /* * Get "seashell" color for alternate backgrounds */ seashell = !global.!container_colour Do i = !det.!revisions_start To osout.0 Select When osout.i = Copies( '=', 77 ) Then Leave When ( Words( osout.i ) = 2 | Words( osout.i) = 5 ) & Word( osout.i, 1 ) = 'revision' & Strip( Translate( Word( osout.i, 2 ), ' ', '.0123456789' ) ) = '' Then Do save_revision = Word( osout.i, 2 ) End When osout.i = Copies( '-', 28 ) Then Do !det.!rh_text.idx = '' !det.!rh_type.idx = 'line' !det.!rh_back.idx = background If background = !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Then background = seashell Else background = !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE idx = idx + 1 /* increment our line counter */ End When Countstr( 'date:', osout.i ) = 1 & Countstr( 'author:', osout.i ) = 1 Then Do Parse Var osout.i 'date: ' revdate ';' . 'author: ' author ';' . 'state:' state ';' . /* * Date/time returned by CVS is is UTC, so we need to convert * to localtime. */ time = Time( 'S', Word( revdate, 2 ), 'N' ) + utc_offset_secs date = Date( 'B', Changestr( '/', Word( revdate, 1 ), '' ), 'S' ) If time > 24 * 60 * 60 Then Do time = time - (24 * 60 * 60) date = date + 1 End If time < 0 Then Do time = time + (24 * 60 * 60) date = date - 1 End !det.!rh_text.idx = save_revision author Strip( state ) Date( 'N', date, 'B' ) Time( 'N', time, 'S' ) !det.!rh_type.idx = 'header' !det.!rh_back.idx = background idx = idx + 1 End Otherwise Do If Length( osout.i ) > max_len Then max_len = Length( osout.i ) !det.!rh_text.idx = osout.i !det.!rh_back.idx = background !det.!rh_type.idx = 'line' idx = idx + 1 End End End lines = idx - 1 !det.!rh_text.0 = lines !det.!rh_back.0 = lines !det.!rh_type.0 = lines !det.!rh_max_rows = lines !det.!rh_max_cols = max_len Return RevisionHistoryExposeCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. Parse Arg win, x, y, width, height width = dw_pixmap_width(!global.!det.!pixmap) height = dw_pixmap_height(!global.!det.!pixmap) if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got expose' Call dw_pixmap_bitblt win, , 0, 0, width, height, , !global.!det.!pixmap, 0, 0 Call dw_flush parse value dw_window_get_preferred_size( !det.!vscrollbar ) with w h say .line w h return 1 RevisionHistoryValueChangedCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. Parse Arg hwnd, value If hwnd = !det.!vscrollbar Then !det.!current_row = value Else !det.!current_col = value if trace() = 'F' Then say 'valuechange' value Call DrawRevisionHistory !det.!current_row, !det.!current_col Return 1 RevisionHistoryKeypressCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. Parse Arg win, char, virtualkey, state, data if trace() = 'F' Then Say 'got keypress' '('char')' '('virtualkey')' '('state')' data retcode = 1 Select When virtualkey = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_PRIOR Then Do sb = !det.!vscrollbar current = dw_scrollbar_get_pos( sb ) value = Max( 0, current - !det.!rh_rows ) key = 'PRIOR' End When virtualkey = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_NEXT Then Do sb = !det.!vscrollbar current = dw_scrollbar_get_pos( sb ) value = Min( !det.!rh_max_rows - !det.!rh_rows, current + !det.!rh_rows ) key = 'NEXT' End When virtualkey = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_UP Then Do sb = !det.!vscrollbar current = dw_scrollbar_get_pos( sb ) value = Max( 0, current - 1 ) key = 'UP' End When virtualkey = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_DOWN Then Do sb = !det.!vscrollbar current = dw_scrollbar_get_pos( sb ) value = Min( !det.!rh_max_rows - !det.!rh_rows, current + 1 ) key = 'DOWN' End /* When virtualkey = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_LEFT Then Do sb = !det.!hscrollbar current = dw_scrollbar_get_pos( sb ) value = Max( 0, current - 1 ) key = 'LEFT' End When virtualkey = !REXXDW.!DW_VK_RIGHT Then Do sb = !det.!hscrollbar current = dw_scrollbar_get_pos( sb ) if trace() = 'F' Then say !det.!rh_max_cols !det.!rh_cols current + 1 value = Min( !det.!rh_max_cols - !det.!rh_cols, current + 1 ) key = 'RIGHT' End */ Otherwise Do sb = '' retcode = 0 End End If sb \= '' Then Do if trace() = 'F' Then say 'key' key 'sb' sb 'current' current 'value' value Call dw_scrollbar_set_pos sb, value End Return retcode /* * Called when left mouse button pressed on Revision History window */ RevisionHistoryChangeLogMessageCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. Parse Arg win, x, y, ., file -- disconnect our signal Call dw_signal_disconnect win, !REXXDW.!DW_BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT -- determine the line in the revision history fileline = !det.!rh_text.firstline + y % !det.!font_height If !det.!rh_type.fileline = 'header' Then Do Parse Var !det.!rh_text.fileline rev author state date save_checkin_text = !global.!checkin_text text = '' crlf = '' Do i = fileline To !det.!rh_text.0 If Strip( !det.!rh_text.i ) = '' Then Leave If i \= fileline Then Do text = text || crlf || !det.!rh_text.i crlf = !global.!crlf End End !global.!checkin_text = text Parse Value GetCheckinDetails( 'Y', 'checkin', file, , 'Checkin comments: Rev:' rev 'for' ) With cancel . If cancel = 'close' Then Do !global.!checkin_text = save_checkin_text End Else Do Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do text = EscapeQuotes( !global.!checkin_text ) If !global.!os \= 'UNIX' Then Do text = Changestr( !global.!crlf, text, ' ' ) End cmd = 'cvs admin -m'rev':"'text'"' quote( file ) Call RunOsCommand cmd Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Modify log comments for' quote( file ) -- get file properties and display Call GetCVSFileProperties file Call DetermineCVSHistoryDetails file -- Parse revision history output into !det.!rh_text. array Call GetCVSRevisionHistory Call DrawRevisionHistory !det.!current_row, !det.!current_col End Otherwise Nop End End End -- restore the mouse capture for the render window Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_BUTTON_RELEASE_EVENT, 'RevisionHistoryChangeLogMessageCallback', file Return 0 RevisionHistoryConfigureCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. Parse Arg win, width, height, data depth = dw_color_depth_get() !det.!rh_rows = height % !det.!font_height !det.!rh_cols = width % !det.!font_width if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got configure' !det.!rh_rows !det.!rh_cols 'MAX' !det.!rh_max_rows !det.!rh_max_cols If !det.!rh_rows > !det.!rh_max_rows Then !det.!rh_max_rows = !det.!rh_rows If !det.!rh_cols > !det.!rh_max_cols Then !det.!rh_max_cols = !det.!rh_cols /* Destroy the old pixmaps */ Call dw_pixmap_destroy !global.!det.!pixmap /* Create new pixmaps with the current sizes */ !global.!det.!pixmap = dw_pixmap_new( !det.!t2, width, height, depth) /* Update scrollbar ranges with new values */ Call dw_scrollbar_set_range !det.!hscrollbar, !det.!rh_max_cols, !det.!rh_cols Call dw_scrollbar_set_range !det.!vscrollbar, !det.!rh_max_rows, !det.!rh_rows /* Redraw the window */ Call DrawRevisionHistory !det.!current_row, !det.!current_col return 1 DrawRevisionHistory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository osout. prop. !det. Parse Arg row, col if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got drawrevisionhistory' Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE Call dw_draw_rect , !global.!det.!pixmap, !REXXDW.!DW_FILL, 0, 0, dw_pixmap_width(!global.!det.!pixmap), dw_pixmap_height(!global.!det.!pixmap) !det.!rh_text.firstline = row + 1 -- save the line number of the first line in the displayed pixmap Do i = 1 To !det.!rh_rows+1 While (i+row) < !det.!rh_text.0+1 fileline = i + row /* work out the pixel in y direction where text is to start */ y = (i-1)*!det.!font_height /* change the background of the window (by drawing a filled rectangle) */ Call dw_color_foreground_set !det.!rh_back.fileline Call dw_draw_rect 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !REXXDW.!DW_FILL, 0, y, dw_pixmap_width(!global.!det.!pixmap), !det.!font_height /* set the background colour for drawing the text */ Call dw_color_background_set !det.!rh_back.fileline /* set the foreground colour */ If !det.!rh_type.fileline = 'header' Then Do Parse Var !det.!rh_text.fileline rev author state date x = 0 Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLUE Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !det.!font_width * x, y, 'Revision: ' x = x + Length( 'Revision: ' ) Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !det.!font_width * x, y, rev x = x + Length( rev ) + 1 Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLUE Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !det.!font_width * x, y, 'Date: ' x = x + Length( 'Date: ' ) Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !det.!font_width * x, y, date x = x + Length( date ) + 1 Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLUE Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !det.!font_width * x, y, 'Author: ' x = x + Length( 'Author: ' ) Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !det.!font_width * x, y, author If state = 'dead' Then Do x = x + Length( author ) + 1 Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_RED Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, !det.!font_width * x, y, '*** Dead Revision ***' End End Else Do Call dw_color_foreground_set !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK Call dw_draw_text 0, !global.!det.!pixmap, 0, y, Substr( !det.!rh_text.fileline , col+1 ) End End Call RevisionHistoryExposeCallback !det.!t2 Return FindSyntax: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg ext If Left( !global.!syntax.0, 1 ) \= '!' Then Do Do i = 1 To !global.!extension.0 If Wordpos( ext, !global.!extension.i ) \= 0 Then Return !global.!syntax.i End End Return '' GetHighlightedLines: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg fn, syntax_flags, line_stem If Left( !global.!!user.!!style, 1 ) = '!' | !global.!!user.!!style = '' Then style = '' Else style = '-s' !global.!!user.!!style If Left( !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces, 1 ) = '!' | !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces = 0 Then tabspaces_flag = '' Else tabspaces_flag = '-t' !global.!!user.!!preference.!!tabspaces --Say .line 'highlight' !global.!datadir '-l -I' syntax_flags style tabspaces_flag '-i' fn Address System 'highlight' !global.!datadir '-l -I' syntax_flags style tabspaces_flag '-i' fn With Output Stem high. Error Stem junk. If rc \= 0 Then Return !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_BLACK !REXXDW.!DW_CLR_WHITE if trace() = 'F' Then say 'got' high.0 'lines from highlight' 'with' junk.0 'errors' /* * Clean up the formatting, so that each line starts with * and each line ends with */ classes = '' state = 'head' Do i = 1 To high.0 Select When Strip( high.i ) = '' Then Nop /* ignore blank lines */ When Left( high.i, 5 ) = '
 tag */
            Parse Var high.i . '>' high.i
            i = i - 1
      When state = 'head' Then
               When Word( high.i, 1 ) = 'pre.hl' Then
                     Parse Var high.i . 'color:#' default_fore ';' . 'background-color:#' default_back ';' .
               When Left( Word( high.i, 1 ), 1 ) = '.' Then
                     Parse Var high.i '.hl.' class '{' . 'color:#' class_color ';' fontstuff '}' .
                     class = Strip( Strip( class ), 'B', '	' )
                     classes = classes class
                     If class_color = '' Then class_color = default_fore
                     redx = Substr( class_color, 1, 2 )
                     greenx = Substr( class_color, 3, 2 )
                     bluex = Substr( class_color, 5, 2 )
                     !global.!syntax.!color.class = dw_rgb( x2d( redx), x2d( greenx ), x2d( bluex ) )
                        When Countstr( 'bold', fontstuff ) \= 0 & Countstr( 'italic', fontstuff ) \= 0 Then !global.!syntax.!font.class = !global.!bolditalicfont
                        When Countstr( 'bold', fontstuff ) \= 0 Then !global.!syntax.!font.class = !global.!boldfont
                        When Countstr( 'italic', fontstuff ) \= 0 Then !global.!syntax.!font.class = !global.!italicfont
                        Otherwise !global.!syntax.!font.class = !global.!fixedfont
if trace() = 'F' Then say x2d(redx) x2d(greenx) x2d(bluex) !global.!syntax.!color.class
               Otherwise Nop
      When state = 'file' Then
            If Left( high.i, 6 ) = '
' Then Leave /* If Right( high.i, 7 ) \= '
' Then Do next = i + 1 If Left( high.next, 7 ) = '
' Then Do high.i = high.i'
' high.next = Substr( high.next, 8 ) End End */ /* * Parse Line number out of line */ Parse Var high.i . 'class="hl line">' lno '' line lno = Strip( lno ) /* * Remove any spaning code that doesn't change any characters */ Do j = 1 To Words( classes ) class = Word( classes, j ) line = Changestr( '', line, '' ) End fn.lno = line fn.0 = lno End Otherwise Nop End End Do i = 1 To Words( classes ) class = Word( classes, i ) if trace() = 'F' Then Say 'color for' class 'is' !global.!syntax.!color.class if trace() = 'F' Then Say 'font for' class 'is' !global.!syntax.!font.class End /* * Calculate the default foreground color... */ redx = Substr( default_fore, 1, 2 ) greenx = Substr( default_fore, 3, 2 ) bluex = Substr( default_fore, 5, 2 ) default_fore = dw_rgb( x2d( redx), x2d( greenx ), x2d( bluex ) ) /* * Calculate the default background color... */ redx = Substr( default_back, 1, 2 ) greenx = Substr( default_back, 3, 2 ) bluex = Substr( default_back, 5, 2 ) default_back = dw_rgb( x2d( redx), x2d( greenx ), x2d( bluex ) ) if trace() = 'F' Then say 'default' default_fore default_back Call SysStemCopy 'fn.', line_stem Drop fn. Return default_fore default_back ConvertHTMLMnemonics: Procedure Parse Arg fragment fragment = Changestr( '<', fragment, '<' ) fragment = Changestr( '>', fragment, '>' ) fragment = Changestr( '&', fragment, '&' ) fragment = Changestr( '"', fragment, '"' ) str = fragment Do Forever Parse Var str . '&#' num ';' str If Datatype( num ) = 'NUM' Then Do char = D2c( num ) fragment = Changestr( '&#'num';', fragment, char ) End If Strip( str ) = '' Then Leave End Return fragment ConvertToHTMLMnemonics: Procedure Parse Arg fragment fragment = Changestr( '&', fragment, '&' ) fragment = Changestr( '<', fragment, '<' ) fragment = Changestr( '>', fragment, '>' ) fragment = Changestr( '"', fragment, '"' ) Return fragment BackSlashEscape: Procedure Parse Arg str Return Changestr( '\', str, '\\' ) FindWorkingDir: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg workingdir If Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) = '!' Then Return 0 workingdir = WorkingDirToInternal( workingdir ) Do i = 1 To !global.!!number_repositories If WorkingDirToInternal( !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.i ) = workingdir Then Return i End Return 0 WorkingDirToInternal: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg workingdir wd = Changestr( !global.!ossep, workingdir, '/' ) wd = lower( wd ) If Right( wd, 1 ) \= '/' Then wd = wd'/' Return wd FindMakeCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!makecommand.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!makecommand.this_dir.pos FindDebugMakeCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!debugmakecommand.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!debugmakecommand.this_dir.pos FindCustomMakeCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!custommakecommand.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!custommakecommand.this_dir.pos FindBuildCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!buildcommand.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!buildcommand.this_dir.pos FindDebugBuildCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!debugbuildcommand.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!debugbuildcommand.this_dir.pos FindCustomBuildCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!custombuildcommand.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!custombuildcommand.this_dir.pos FindPromoteCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!promotecommand.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!promotecommand.this_dir.pos FindCompilerType: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!compiler.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!compiler.this_dir.pos FindMakeDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!makedirectory.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!makedirectory.this_dir.pos FindPromoteDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!promotedirectory.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!promotedirectory.this_dir.pos FindNativeMakeDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir makedir = FindMakeDirectory( dir ) If makedir = '.' Then makedir = '' Else makedir = '/'makedir native_make_dir = Changestr( '/', !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository || dir || makedir, !global.!ossep ) Return native_make_dir FindNativeBuildDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir, lab native_working_dir = Changestr( '/', !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, !global.!ossep ) build_dir = native_working_dir || !global.!builddir || !global.!ossep || Changestr( '/', dir, !global.!ossep ) || !global.!ossep || lab Return build_dir FindNativePromoteDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir, lab native_working_dir = Changestr( '/', !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, !global.!ossep ) promote_dir = native_working_dir || !global.!builddir || !global.!ossep || Changestr( '/', dir, !global.!ossep ) || !global.!ossep || lab Return promote_dir FindNativeLogDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Return Changestr( '/', !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository||!global.!logdir, !global.!ossep ) FindEmailCommand: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg dir this_dir = DirToVariable( dir ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) If pos = 0 | Left( !global.!dir.!emailer.this_dir.pos, 1 ) = '!' Then Return '' Return !global.!dir.!emailer.this_dir.pos ValidLabel: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg lab /* * Can't use 'Working' or 'Latest' */ If lab = 'Working' | lab = 'Latest' Then Return 0 "You cannot use 'Latest' or 'Working' as labels. Please use another value." Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * CVS labels can't have '$,.:;@' in them */ test_lab = Translate( lab, '######', '$,.:;@' ) If lab \= test_lab Then Return 0 'The label supplied:' lab 'must not contain special characters: "$,.:;@"' End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do End Otherwise Nop End Return 1 /* * Called when the user first starts QOCCA and they don't have a repository, * or when they want to add another repository to their accessable list */ GetNewRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'Open Repository', !global.!windowstyle ) /* * We have to create the window icon here because the main window may not have * been created yet. */ qoccaicon = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir'qocca' ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Groupbox for radio buttons */ g1 = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Select Repository Type', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, g1, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * radio buttons */ reptype_rb1 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'CVS (Concurrent Versions System)', 111 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, reptype_rb1, 200, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 reptype_rb2 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'RCS (Revision Control System)', 222 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, reptype_rb2, 200, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 reptype_rb3 = dw_radiobutton_new( 'HG (Mercurial)', 333 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, reptype_rb3, 200, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 reptype_rbx = dw_radiobutton_new( 'Select from file...', 444 ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, reptype_rbx, 200, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 Call dw_radiobutton_set reptype_rbx, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED /* * Add Browse button and entry */ filebox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, filebox, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 2 file_entry = dw_entryfield_new( "", 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start filebox, file_entry, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( "Browse...", 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start filebox, abutton, 25, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericFileSelector', file_entry, 'Select Repository file:', '', 0, !REXXDW.!DW_FILE_OPEN, 'repository' /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 200, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetNewRepositoryApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, file_entry, reptype_rb1, reptype_rb2, reptype_rb3, reptype_rbx b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 200, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Display the window */ width = 240 height = 260 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ Parse Value dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) With res type fn /* * If we are to close, go back now */ If res = 'close' Then Return res /* * If it is a file selection, pre-process the file and then continue with a normal * type selection... */ If type = 'file' Then Do /* * Check the file is valid, then read the contents and set variables * as appropriate */ If Stream( fn, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid file', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), 'File selected does not exist.' Return 'close' End Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN READ' If Charin( fn, 1, 2 ) \= '!!' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid file', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), 'File does not contain valid QOCCA repository settings.' Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' Return 'close' End Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' /* * Set repno to 1 + last repository */ !global.!!number_repositories = !global.!!number_repositories + 1 repno = !global.!!number_repositories Call Stream fn, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines( fn ) > 0 Parse Value Linein(fn) With key '=' value If key \= '' Then Do If Left( value, 8 ) = '"!GLOBAL.' Then value = '' a = Value( key )'.'Value( repno ) Interpret '!GLOBAL'.a '=' value End End Call Stream fn, 'C', 'CLOSE' /* * Now set the repository type */ type = !global.!!repository.!!type.repno End Else repno = 0 Select When type = 'rcs' Then res = GetRCSRepository( 'Y', repno ) When type = 'cvs' Then res = GetCVSRepository( 'Y', repno ) When type = 'hg' Then res = GetHGRepository( 'Y', repno ) Otherwise Nop End If res \= 'close' Then Call WriteUserSettingsFile Return res GetNewRepositoryApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, file_entry, reptype_rb1, reptype_rb2, reptype_rb3, reptype_rbx fn = '' Select When dw_radiobutton_get( reptype_rb1 ) Then type = 'cvs' When dw_radiobutton_get( reptype_rb2 ) Then type = 'rcs' When dw_radiobutton_get( reptype_rb3 ) Then type = 'hg' When dw_radiobutton_get( reptype_rbx ) Then Do type = 'file' fn = Strip( dw_window_get_text( file_entry ) ) End Otherwise type = '' End Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' type fn Return 0 /* * Called when the user is adding a new repository to their available list * and when displaying repository properties. */ GetCVSRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg newrep, repno /* * For CVS repositories, display: * * +----------------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +----------------------------------------------------------+ * | Edit Repository Settings | * +----------------------------------------------------------+ * | o Local | * | o CVS Password Server | * | o RSH Authentication | * | o SSH Authentication | * | | * | Name: ___________________________ | * | Server: ___________________________ | * | Port: ___________________________ | * | Path: ___________________________ | * | User: ___________________________ | * | Password: ___________________________ | * | Public CVS: x | * | Enhanced CVS: x | * | Working Dir: ___________________________ Browse... | * +----------------------------------------------------------+ */ cvstype.1 = 'Local repository' cvstype.2 = 'CVS Password Server' cvstype.3 = 'RSH Authentication' cvstype.4 = 'SSH Authentication' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.1 = 'Repository Name:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.1 = '' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.2 = 'Server:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.2 = '' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.3 = 'Port:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.3 = '' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.4 = 'Path:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.4 = '' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.5 = 'User:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.5 = '' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.6 = 'Password:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.6 = 'password' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.7 = 'Public CVS:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.7 = 'check' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.8 = 'Enhanced CVS:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.8 = 'check' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.9 = 'CVS Compression:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.9 = '' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.10 = 'Public CVS Modules:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.10 = '' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.12 = 'Working Dir:' ; !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.12 = 'dirbrowse(Select Working Directory)' !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.0 = 12 If repno = 0 Then Do default. = '' default.0 = 1 End Else Do default.1 = !global.!!repository.!!name.repno default.2 = !global.!!repository.!!server.repno default.3 = !global.!!repository.!!cvsport.repno default.4 = !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.repno default.5 = !global.!!repository.!!username.repno default.6 = !global.!!repository.!!password.repno default.7 = !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.repno default.8 = !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.repno default.9 = !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno default.10 = !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs_dirs.repno default.12 = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.repno Do i = 1 To !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.0 If Left( default.i, 1 ) = '!' Then default.i = '' End End win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'CVS Repository Details', !global.!windowstyle ) /* * We have to create the window icon here because the main window may not have * been created yet. */ qoccaicon = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir'qocca' ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * MLE for entry instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 400, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP inst = 'Select the type of CVS authentication you will be using, the server that contains the repository, the full path to the repository on that server, and the username used to connect.' Call dw_mle_import t1, inst, -1 Call dw_window_disable t1 /* * Groupbox for radio buttons */ g1 = dw_groupbox_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT, 'Select CVS Connection Method', !REXXDW.!DW_FONT_BOLD ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, g1, 120, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 /* * radio buttons */ Do i = 1 To 4 cvstype_rb.i = dw_radiobutton_new( cvstype.i, 100*i ) Call dw_box_pack_start g1, cvstype_rb.i, 100, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 2 End If repno = 0 Then idx = 1 Else idx = Wordpos( !global.!!repository.!!contype.repno, !global.!validcvstypes ) Call dw_radiobutton_set cvstype_rb.idx, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED /* * If we are an administrator for this repository, add a button to enable * editing of the repository (only if not adding a repository) */ If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' & newrep \= 'Y' Then Do b1 = dw_button_new( 'Edit Repository Settings', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 200, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsCallback' End /* * Now the individual entry fields */ Do i = 1 To !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.0 box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, box, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!getcvsrepository.?text.i = dw_text_new( !global.!getcvsrepository.?title.i, i ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, !global.!getcvsrepository.?text.i, 120, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style !global.!getcvsrepository.?text.i, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Select When !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.i = 'password' Then Do !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.i = dw_entryfield_password_new( default.i, 0 ) End When !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.i = 'check' Then Do !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.i = dw_checkbox_new( '', 0 ) If default.i = 'Y' Then Call dw_checkbox_set !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.i, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.i, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED End Otherwise Do !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.i = dw_entryfield_new( default.i, 0 ) End End Call dw_box_pack_start box, !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * If browse button required... */ If Left( !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.i, 9 ) = 'dirbrowse' Then Do Parse Var !global.!getcvsrepository.?type.i . '(' title ')' abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( title, 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, abutton, 25, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericDirectorySelector', !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.i, title':' End End /* * Set the default field to put the cursor in to start with */ If repno = 0 | newrep \= 'Y' Then default_idx = 1 Else default_idx = 5 Call dw_window_default win, !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.default_idx /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 200, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 200, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 425 height = 600 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetCVSRepositoryApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, newrep, repno, cvstype_rb.1, cvstype_rb.2, cvstype_rb.3, cvstype_rb.4 Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return cancel GetCVSRepositoryApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, newrep, repno, cvstype_rb1, cvstype_rb2, cvstype_rb3, cvstype_rb4 Select When dw_radiobutton_get( cvstype_rb1 ) Then contype = Word( !global.!validcvstypes, 1 ) When dw_radiobutton_get( cvstype_rb2 ) Then contype = Word( !global.!validcvstypes, 2 ) When dw_radiobutton_get( cvstype_rb3 ) Then contype = Word( !global.!validcvstypes, 3 ) When dw_radiobutton_get( cvstype_rb4 ) Then contype = Word( !global.!validcvstypes, 4 ) Otherwise type = '' End /* * Get the contents of the entry fields */ name = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.1 ) ) server = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.2 ) ) port = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.3 ) ) path = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.4 ) ) user = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.5 ) ) password = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.6 ) ) If dw_checkbox_get( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.7 ) Then public_cvs = 'Y' Else public_cvs = 'N' If dw_checkbox_get( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.8 ) Then enhanced_cvs = 'Y' Else enhanced_cvs = 'N' cvs_compression = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.9 ) ) public_cvs_dirs = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.10 ) ) working_dir = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!getcvsrepository.?entry.12 ) ) /* * Validate that all mandatory fields are supplied * x means not required, o means required * contype name server path user password working_dir * local o x o x x o * pserver o o o o o o * rsh o o o o x o * ssh o o o o x o */ t_working_dir = Strip( Strip( Changestr( !global.!ossep, working_dir, '/' ) ), 'T', '/' ) Select When Words( name ) \= 1 Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Name field is empty or contains spaces. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When type = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'No CVS connection type selected. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When server = '' & contype \= 'local' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Server field is empty. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When path = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Path field is empty. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When user = '' & contype \= 'local' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'User field is empty. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When password = '' & contype = 'pserver' Then Do If dw_messagebox( 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Password field is empty. Continue with blank password?' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_NO Then Do Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End End When working_dir = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Working Dir is empty please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When Stream( t_working_dir, C, 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' & Word( Stream( t_working_dir, 'C', 'FSTAT' ), 8 ) \= 'Directory' Then Do /* * Stream exists, but its not a directory */ Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Working Dir specified is not a directory. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When Stream( t_working_dir, C, 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do /* * Stream doesn't exist */ If dw_messagebox( 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Working Dir specified does not exist. Do you want to create it?' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_NO Then Do Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End End Otherwise Nop End /* * Validate that name and working_dir are unique */ working_dir = WorkingDirToInternal( working_dir ) If Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) \= '!' & newrep = 'Y' Then Do foundrep = FindRepository( name ) If foundrep \= 0 & foundrep \= repno Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Name is already used. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End foundwd = FindWorkingDir( working_dir ) If foundwd \= 0 & foundwd \= repno Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Working Dir is already used. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End End /* * Validate cvsport if supplied */ If port = '' | Left( port, 1 ) = '!' Then port = 2401 /* * If CVS pserver, we need to Call 'cvs login' to save the password * The method employed below allows 'cvs login' to take the password * from an environment variable rather than prompting the user. */ If contype = 'pserver' Then Do fullpath = ':pserver:'user'@'server':'path Call Value 'CVS_PASS', password, 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value 'CVS_PORT', port, 'ENVIRONMENT' rcode = RunOsCommand( 'cvs' '-d' quote( fullpath ) 'login' ) Call Value 'CVS_PASS', '', 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value 'CVS_PORT', '', 'ENVIRONMENT' If rcode \= 0 Then Do If !global.!mainwindow = '' Then Call WriteOutputStemsToConsole 'default', 'Results of cvs login to' fullpath Else Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Results of cvs login to' fullpath /* * Got an error logging in. Display a message box and * ask for the password again. */ Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Invalid password. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End End /* * All validation done now, so add the new repository */ /* * Create the working directory if it doesn't exist */ Call CreateDirectory Translate( working_dir, '/', !global.!ossep ) if trace() = 'F' Then say contype name server user path password working_dir If repno = 0 Then Do If !global.!!number_repositories = 0 | Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) = '!' Then !global.!!number_repositories = 1 Else !global.!!number_repositories = !global.!!number_repositories + 1 idx = !global.!!number_repositories End Else idx = repno !global.!!repository.!!type.idx = 'cvs' Select When contype = 'local' Then !global.!!repository.!!path.idx = ':local:'path When contype = 'pserver' Then !global.!!repository.!!path.idx = fullpath Otherwise !global.!!repository.!!path.idx = ':ext:'user'@'server':'path End !global.!!repository.!!contype.idx = contype !global.!!repository.!!username.idx = user !global.!!repository.!!password.idx = password !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.idx = path !global.!!repository.!!server.idx = server !global.!!repository.!!cvsport.idx = port !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.idx = public_cvs !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.idx = enhanced_cvs !global.!!repository.!!name.idx = name !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.idx = working_dir !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.idx = '' !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs_dirs.idx = public_cvs_dirs !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.idx = cvs_compression !!last_repository = idx Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Save the user's settings now if this is an update of details */ If newrep \= 'Y' Then Call WriteUserSettingsFile Return 0 /* * Called when the user is adding a new repository to their available list * and when displaying repository properties. */ GetHGRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg newrep, repno /* * For HG repositories, display: * * +----------------------------------------------------------+ * | Text | * | | * +----------------------------------------------------------+ * | Edit Repository Settings | * +----------------------------------------------------------+ * | Name: ___________________________ | * | URL: ___________________________ | * | User: ___________________________ | * | Password: ___________________________ | * | Working Dir: ___________________________ Browse... | * +----------------------------------------------------------+ */ !global.!gethgrepository.?title.1 = 'Repository Name:' ; !global.!gethgrepository.?type.1 = '' !global.!gethgrepository.?title.2 = 'URL:' ; !global.!gethgrepository.?type.2 = '' !global.!gethgrepository.?title.3 = 'User:' ; !global.!gethgrepository.?type.3 = '' !global.!gethgrepository.?title.4 = 'Password:' ; !global.!gethgrepository.?type.4 = 'password' !global.!gethgrepository.?title.5 = 'Working Dir:' ; !global.!gethgrepository.?type.5 = 'dirbrowse(Select Working Directory)' !global.!gethgrepository.?title.0 = 5 If repno = 0 Then Do default. = '' default.0 = 1 End Else Do default.1 = !global.!!repository.!!name.repno default.2 = !global.!!repository.!!url.repno default.3 = !global.!!repository.!!username.repno default.4 = !global.!!repository.!!password.repno default.5 = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.repno Do i = 1 To !global.!gethgrepository.?title.0 If Left( default.i, 1 ) = '!' Then default.i = '' End End win = dw_window_new( !REXXDW.!DW_DESKTOP, 'HG Repository Details', !global.!windowstyle ) /* * We have to create the window icon here because the main window may not have * been created yet. */ qoccaicon = dw_icon_load_from_file( !global.!icondir'qocca' ) Call dw_window_set_icon win, qoccaicon topbox = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_VERT ) Call dw_box_pack_start win, topbox, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * MLE for entry instructions */ t1 = dw_mle_new( 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, t1, 400, 50, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_mle_set_word_wrap t1, !REXXDW.!DW_WORD_WRAP inst = 'Select the URL that contains the repository and the username used to connect.' Call dw_mle_import t1, inst, -1 Call dw_window_disable t1 /* * If we are an administrator for this repository, add a button to enable * editing of the repository (only if not adding a repository) */ If !global.!administrator.!!last_repository = 'Y' & newrep \= 'Y' Then Do b1 = dw_button_new( 'Edit Repository Settings', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 200, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'RepositorySettingsCallback' End /* * Now the individual entry fields */ Do i = 1 To !global.!gethgrepository.?title.0 box = dw_box_new( !REXXDW.!DW_HORZ ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, box, 0, 0, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_VERT, 0 !global.!gethgrepository.?text.i = dw_text_new( !global.!gethgrepository.?title.i, i ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, !global.!gethgrepository.?text.i, 120, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_window_set_style !global.!gethgrepository.?text.i, dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER) , dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_DT_RIGHT, !REXXDW.!DW_DT_VCENTER ) Select When !global.!gethgrepository.?type.i = 'password' Then Do !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.i = dw_entryfield_password_new( default.i, 0 ) End When !global.!gethgrepository.?type.i = 'check' Then Do !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.i = dw_checkbox_new( '', 0 ) If default.i = 'Y' Then Call dw_checkbox_set !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.i, !REXXDW.!DW_CHECKED Else Call dw_checkbox_set !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.i, !REXXDW.!DW_UNCHECKED End Otherwise Do !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.i = dw_entryfield_new( default.i, 0 ) End End Call dw_box_pack_start box, !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.i, 0, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * If browse button required... */ If Left( !global.!gethgrepository.?type.i, 9 ) = 'dirbrowse' Then Do Parse Var !global.!gethgrepository.?type.i . '(' title ')' abutton = dw_bitmapbutton_new_from_file( title, 0, !global.!icondir||'modulecheckedout' ) Call dw_box_pack_start box, abutton, 25, !global.!widgetheight, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 Call dw_signal_connect abutton, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericDirectorySelector', !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.i, title':' End End /* * Set the default field to put the cursor in to start with */ If repno = 0 | newrep \= 'Y' Then default_idx = 1 Else default_idx = 5 Call dw_window_default win, !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.default_idx /* * Create Cancel and Apply buttons */ b1 = dw_button_new( 'Apply', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b1, 200, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 b2 = dw_button_new( 'Cancel', 0 ) Call dw_box_pack_start topbox, b2, 200, !global.!buttonheight, !REXXDW.!DW_EXPAND_HORZ, !REXXDW.!DW_DONT_EXPAND_VERT, 0 /* * Display the window */ width = 425 height = 600 /* text_height + cb_height + 80 */ Call dw_window_set_pos_size win, (!global.!screen_width % 2) - (width % 2), (!global.!screen_height % 2) - (height % 2), width, height Call dw_window_show win Call dw_main_sleep 10 Do Forever /* * Create a dialog for the window */ dialog_wait = dw_dialog_new( ) /* * We now have everything setup, we can connect the destroying of the top-level window * to the 'close' callback */ Call dw_signal_connect b1, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GetHGRepositoryApplyCallback', win, dialog_wait, newrep, repno Call dw_signal_connect b2, !REXXDW.!DW_CLICKED_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait Call dw_signal_connect win, !REXXDW.!DW_DELETE_EVENT, 'GenericCloseCallback', win, dialog_wait /* * Wait for the dialog to come back */ cancel = dw_dialog_wait( dialog_wait ) /* * All successful processing done in the 'applycallback', so simply get * out of the loop if we don't have any validation issues */ If cancel \= 'retry' Then Leave End Return cancel GetHGRepositoryApplyCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg button, window, dialog, newrep, repno /* * Get the contents of the entry fields */ name = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.1 ) ) url = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.2 ) ) user = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.3 ) ) password = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.4 ) ) working_dir = Strip( dw_window_get_text( !global.!gethgrepository.?entry.5 ) ) /* * Validate that all mandatory fields are supplied * x means not required, o means required * name url user password working_dir * o o x x o */ t_working_dir = Strip( Strip( Changestr( !global.!ossep, working_dir, '/' ) ), 'T', '/' ) Select When Words( name ) \= 1 Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Name field is empty or contains spaces. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When url = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'URL field is empty. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When working_dir = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Working Dir is empty please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When Stream( t_working_dir, C, 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' & Word( Stream( t_working_dir, 'C', 'FSTAT' ), 8 ) \= 'Directory' Then Do /* * Stream exists, but its not a directory */ Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Working Dir specified is not a directory. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End When Stream( t_working_dir, C, 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then Do /* * Stream doesn't exist */ If dw_messagebox( 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_YESNO, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Working Dir specified does not exist. Do you want to create it?' ) = !REXXDW.!DW_MB_RETURN_NO Then Do Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End End Otherwise Nop End /* * Validate that name and working_dir are unique */ working_dir = WorkingDirToInternal( working_dir ) If Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) \= '!' & newrep = 'Y' Then Do foundrep = FindRepository( name ) If foundrep \= 0 & foundrep \= repno Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Name is already used. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End foundwd = FindWorkingDir( working_dir ) If foundwd \= 0 & foundwd \= repno Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Invalid entry', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Working Dir is already used. Please re-enter.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End End /* * Clone the repository in the working directory. * Save the username and password in .hgrc */ rcode = RunOsCommand( 'hg' 'clone' quote( url ) working_dir ) If rcode \= 0 Then Do If !global.!mainwindow = '' Then Call WriteOutputStemsToConsole 'default', 'Results of "hg clone" to' working_dir Else Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Results of "hg clone" to' working_dir /* * Got an error cloning. Display a message box and * ask for the password again. */ Call dw_messagebox 'Clone failed', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Check all details and try again.' Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'retry' Return 0 End /* * Update INI file */ Parse Var url prot ':' other '//' server '/' . base = prot':'other'//'server'/' inifn = Value( 'HOME', , 'ENVIRONMENT' )'/.hgrc' basename = Lower( Changestr( ' ', name, '' ) ) trace i Call SysIni inifn, 'auth', basename'.prefix',base Call SysIni inifn, 'auth', basename'.username',user Call SysIni inifn, 'auth', basename'.password',password trace o /* * All validation done now, so add the new repository */ if trace() = 'F' Then say name url user path password working_dir If repno = 0 Then Do If !global.!!number_repositories = 0 | Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) = '!' Then !global.!!number_repositories = 1 Else !global.!!number_repositories = !global.!!number_repositories + 1 idx = !global.!!number_repositories End Else idx = repno !global.!!repository.!!type.idx = 'hg' !global.!!repository.!!username.idx = user !global.!!repository.!!password.idx = password !global.!!repository.!!url.idx = url !global.!!repository.!!name.idx = name !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.idx = working_dir !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.idx = '' !!last_repository = idx Call dw_window_destroy window Call dw_dialog_dismiss dialog, 'apply' /* * Save the user's settings now if this is an update of details */ If newrep \= 'Y' Then Call WriteUserSettingsFile Return 0 /* * Generates a job base file, and creates a description file * Uses the repository's log directory. If it doesn't exist, create it */ GenerateJobBaseFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository nativelogdir = FindNativeLogDirectory() Call CreateDirectory nativelogdir bfn = Changestr( '/', nativelogdir||!global.!ossep||'qocca_bg_'||Date('S')||Changestr(':', Time(), '' ), !global.!ossep ) Return bfn CreateDescriptionFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg basefile, desc, type, compiler_type /* * Write the contents of the description file */ nativedesc = basefile'.desc' Call Stream nativedesc, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout nativedesc, desc Call Lineout nativedesc, type Call Lineout nativedesc, compiler_type Call Stream nativedesc, 'C', 'CLOSE' Return /* * Check if any pending background events have completed */ CheckEventsCallback: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository done_events = '' /* * Disconnect our timer - IncrementRunningJobs reinstigates it if necessary */ Call dw_timer_disconnect !global.!event_timer Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!running_jobs ) event_file = Word( !global.!running_jobs, i ) If Stream( event_file, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then Do /* * As soon as the event has completed, add the word index of this * event into the list of running jobs to delete */ done_events = i done_events End End /* * Remove the events that have completed. We do this by going through a * variable with indexes in it rather than at the time we are looping through * the array, as that would stuff up the looping, and the indexes are put in * in reverse order */ Do i = 1 to Words( done_events ) done_event = Word( done_events, i ) !global.!running_jobs = Delword( !global.!running_jobs, done_event ) End Call SetJobsButtonTitle /* return 0 here to ensure that timer is NOT re-armed */ Return 0 IncrementRunningJobs: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg nativefile !global.!running_jobs = !global.!running_jobs nativefile Call SetJobsButtonTitle Return SetJobsButtonTitle: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call dw_window_set_text !global.!jobstatus, 'Active Jobs:' Words( !global.!running_jobs ) /* * If we have any outstanding jobs, wake up and check them in 5 seconds */ If Words( !global.!running_jobs ) > 0 Then !global.!event_timer = dw_timer_connect( 5000, 'CheckEventsCallback' ) Return WriteBuildConf: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg msg If msg = '' Then msg = 'new version' /* * Check out the build.conf file for update, write the new contents, * check the new version in */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ rcsfile = _root'/admin/RCS/build.conf,v' Address System 'co -l -f' rcsfile !global.!working_conf !global.!devnull If rc \= 0 Then Do Call TkMessageBox '-message', 'Unable to check out configuration file:' rcsfile, '-title', 'Error', '-type', 'ok', '-icon', 'error' Return End Call UpdateBuildConf Address System 'ci -q -u -m"'msg'"' !global.!working_conf rcsfile !global.!devnull If rc \= 0 Then Do Call TkMessageBox '-message', 'Unable to check in configuration file:' rcsfile, '-title', 'Error', '-type', 'ok', '-icon', 'error' Return End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout admin/build.conf' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. If rc \= 0 Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Error!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Unable to check out configuration file:' !global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository'/admin/build.conf' Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Checking out admin/build.conf' Return End Call UpdateBuildConf cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -m "'msg'" admin/build.conf' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem osout. Error Stem oserr. If rc \= 0 Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Error!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), 'Unable to check in configuration file:' !global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository'/admin/build.conf' Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Checking in admin/build.conf' Return End End Otherwise Nop End Return UpdateBuildConf: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Write the repositories... */ Call Stream !global.!working_conf, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; indicates if this repository requires reserved checkouts for all files' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!reservedcheckout='QuoteAndBlankBang( !global.!reservedcheckout ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the list of users that can do admin functions on this repository' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!admin_users='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!admin_users) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the list of admin users email addresses' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!admin_email='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!admin_email) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the list of users that can build on this repository' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!build_users='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!build_users) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the list of users that can update files in this repository. ie CheckOut for RCS, CheckIn for CVS' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!update_users='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!update_users) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the user mappings for this repository.' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!user_mappings='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!user_mappings) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; can a user delete from the repository' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!user_can_delete='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!user_can_delete) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the list of platforms on which this repository can be built' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!platforms='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!platforms) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the list of directories under the root of this repository that can be worked on' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!targets='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!targets) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the list of environments that can be promoted to' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!runtime_envs='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!runtime_envs) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; this specifies file extensions to ignore when adding new files' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!ignorefiles='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!ignorefiles) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; this specifies file extensions that are binary' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!binaryfiles='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!binaryfiles) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; this specifies the environment variable that is set to the version being built' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!versionenvvar='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!versionenvvar) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; this specifies the environment variable that is set to the build number being built' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!buildenvvar='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!buildenvvar) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; this specifies the directory where builds are done' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!builddir='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!builddir) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; this specifies the directory where logs are written' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!logdir='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!logdir) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the directories that are common to multiple modules' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!common_dir.0='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!common_dir.0) Do i = 1 To !global.!common_dir.0 Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!common_dir.'i'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!common_dir.i) End Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; the directories that are linked to common directories' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!linked_dir.0='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!linked_dir.0) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!linked_idx.0='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!linked_idx.0) Do i = 1 To !global.!linked_dir.0 Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!linked_dir.'i'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!linked_dir.i) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!linked_idx.'i'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!linked_idx.i) End Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!targets ) target = Word( !global.!targets, i ) If Left( !global.!dir.!makecommand.target.0, 1 ) \= '!' Then Do j = 0 To !global.!dir.!makecommand.target.0 If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; directory where a make is to be run from - relative path' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!makedirectory.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!makedirectory.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; if this value is non-blank, then this directory can be made under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!makecommand.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!makecommand.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; if this value is non-blank, then this directory can be debug made under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!debugmakecommand.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!debugmakecommand.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; if this value is non-blank, then this directory can be custom made under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!custommakecommand.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!custommakecommand.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; if this value is non-blank, then this directory can be built under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!buildcommand.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!buildcommand.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; if this value is non-blank, then this directory can be debug built under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!debugbuildcommand.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!debugbuildcommand.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; if this value is non-blank, then this directory can be custom built under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!custombuildcommand.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!custombuildcommand.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; directory where a promote is to be run from - relative path' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!promotedirectory.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!promotedirectory.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; if this value is non-blank, then this directory can be promoted under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!promotecommand.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!promotecommand.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; if this value is non-blank, then this directory can be installed under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!installcommand.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!installcommand.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; directories to be included in promote under' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!installdirs.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!installdirs.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; default compiler for' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!compiler.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!compiler.target.j) If j \= 0 Then Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; email template for' Word( !global.!platforms, j ) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!emailer.'target'.'j'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!emailer.target.j) End Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; indicates if all files in this directory are subject to reserved checkout' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!dir.!reservedcheckout.'target'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.target) End Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'; syntax theme to file extension mappings' Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!syntax.0='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!syntax.0) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!extension.0='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!extension.0) If Left( !global.!syntax.0, 1 ) \= '!' Then Do i = 1 To !global.!syntax.0 Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!syntax.'i'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!syntax.i) Call Lineout !global.!working_conf,'!extension.'i'='QuoteAndBlankBang(!global.!extension.i) End Call Stream !global.!working_conf, 'C', 'CLOSE' Return /* * For public_cvs = Y, we have to create a dummy build.conf so the rest of * QOCCA can run */ CreateDummyBuildConf: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg reservedcheckout !global.!reservedcheckout=reservedcheckout !global.!admin_users=!global.!user !global.!admin_email=!global.!user !global.!build_users=!global.!user !global.!update_users=!global.!user !global.!user_can_delete="Y" !global.!platforms=!global.!os !global.!targets="" !global.!runtime_envs="" !global.!ignorefiles="" !global.!binaryfiles="" !global.!versionenvvar="VERSION" !global.!buildenvvar="BUILD" !global.!builddir="build" !global.!logdir="log" !global.!common_dir.0="0" !global.!linked_dir.0="0" !global.!linked_idx.0="0" !global.!syntax.0="0" !global.!extension.0="0" Call UpdateBuildConf Return /* * Determines where temporary files are saved */ GetUserTempDirectory: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository envs = 'TEMP TMP TMPDIR' Do i = 1 To Words( envs ) tmpdir = Value( Word( envs, i ), , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) If tmpdir \= '' Then Return tmpdir End /* * To get here we don't have a TEMP env variable, so depending on the platform, * set it to a know value. */ If !global.!os = 'UNIX' Then tmpdir = Value( 'HOME', , 'ENVIRONMENT' ) Else tmpdir = !global.!home'temp' Return tmpdir SetLockedStatusIcon: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!dir.!reservedcheckout.this_dir = 'Y' | !global.!reservedcheckout = 'Y' Then Call dw_window_enable !global.!lock_bitmap Else Call dw_window_disable !global.!lock_bitmap Return /* * Batch commands... */ LabelModule: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository /* * Called from batch only */ Parse Arg batch, lab, overwrite_label /* * Check if module exists first. */ If IsModuleInRepository( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, !!last_repository ) = 0 Then Call Aborttext 'Cannot label: nothing known about module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Parse Value GenerateLabelFile( batch, 'Latest', lab, overwrite_label ) With new_label_file labelbasefile retcode = ApplyLabelFile( batch, new_label_file, 0, lab, labelbasefile ) Return retcode GenerateLabelFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg batch, based_on, lab, overwrite_label labelbasefile = '.label-'lab /* * Ensure label does not contain special characters... */ test_chars = '$,.:;@' test_lab = Translate( lab, Copies( '#', Length( test_lab ) ), test_chars ) If lab \= test_lab Then Do msg = 'The label supplied:' lab 'must not contain special characters:' quote( test_chars ) If batch = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Error!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_ERROR ), msg Return 'N' End Else Do Call Aborttext msg End End new_label_file = 1 Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If batch = '' Then Call SetCursorWait new_rev = '1.1' labelworkfile = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/'labelbasefile /* * If the working directory doesn't exist, we need to check it out so * we can add the new label file. */ If DirectoryExists( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/CVS' ) = 0 Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout -l' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd End /* * Check if !global.!current_dirname'label.'ver already exists */ rem = '' If !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do root = !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q rlog -hbN' quote( labelworkfile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. fn = '' Do Queued() Parse Pull Line Select When Left( line, 9 ) = 'RCS file:' Then Do Parse Var line (root) fn ',v' End When Left( line, 5 ) = 'head:' Then Do Parse Var line . ': ' maj '.' min End Otherwise Nop End End End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' quote( labelworkfile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. fn = '' If out.0 \= 0 Then Parse Var out.1 . maj '.' min . . . . . fn End If batch = '' Then Call SetCursorNoWait Select When fn = labelworkfile & overwrite_label Then Do new_label_file = 0 If Datatype( min ) = 'NUM' Then new_rev = Strip( maj )'.'min+1 /* * In case this label file was created by someone else and we don't have * a copy of it in our working directory, we need to get the latest * version. */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q get' quote( labelworkfile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem junk. Error Stem junk. End When fn = labelworkfile Then Do msg = "Label file exists and you didn't say to overwrite it." If batch = '' Then Do Call dw_messagebox 'Warning!', dw_or( !REXXDW.!DW_MB_OK, !REXXDW.!DW_MB_WARNING ), msg Return 'N' End Else Do Call Aborttext msg End End Otherwise Nop End If batch = '' Then Call SetCursorWait Call Stream labelworkfile,'C','OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout labelworkfile, '; QOCCA Label File:' labelbasefile 'for' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository If based_on = 'Latest' Then Do /* * If based on 'Latest', then get latest revision of files from repository */ If !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then Do root = !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q rlog -hbN' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. Do Queued() Parse Pull Line Select When Left( line, 9 ) = 'RCS file:' Then Do Parse Var line (root) fn ',v' End When Left( line, 5 ) = 'head:' Then Do Parse Var line . ': ' maj '.' min /* * If the label file exists, don't include it here; we do this later * with the correct version of the file */ If fn \= labelworkfile Then Call Lineout labelworkfile,rel fn End Otherwise Nop End End End Else Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. Do Queued() Parse Pull 1 . 12 rel 28 . 88 flen 91 . 92 fn +(flen) +1 . rel = Strip( rel ) fn = Strip( fn ) /* * If the label file exists, don't include it here; we do this later * with the correct version of the file */ If fn \= labelworkfile Then Call Lineout labelworkfile,rel fn End End End Else Do /* * If based on a previous label, then 'copy' this label file to our working one */ oldlabelbasefile = '.label-'based_on oldlabelworkfile = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/'oldlabelbasefile /* * make sure we have the latest copy from the repository... */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q get -p' quote( oldlabelworkfile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem junk. Do Queued() Parse Pull rel fn If rel \= ';' Then Do /* * If the label file exists, don't include it here; we do this later * with the correct version of the file */ If fn \= labelworkfile Then Call Lineout labelworkfile,rel fn End End End /* * Fudge the inclusion of the label file itself into this version's label * file. */ Call Lineout labelworkfile, new_rev labelworkfile Call Stream labelworkfile,'C','CLOSE' If batch = '' Then Call SetCursorNoWait End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ labelworkfile = !global.!current_dirname || !global.!ossep || labelbasefile labelrcsfile = !global.!current_dirname || !global.!ossep || 'RCS' || !global.!ossep || labelbasefile || ',v' se = Stream( labelrcsfile, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) Select When se = '' Then Nop When se \= '' & overwrite_label Then Do Call SysFileDelete labelworkfile Call SysFileDelete labelrcsfile End Otherwise Do msg = "Label file exists and you didn't say to overwrite it." If batch = '' Then Do Call TkMessageBox '-message', msg, '-title', 'Warning!', '-type', 'ok', '-icon', 'warning' Return 'N' End Else Do Call Aborttext msg End End End Call Stream labelworkfile,'C','OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout labelworkfile, '; QOCCA Label File:' labelbasefile 'for' !global.!current_dirname If Stream( !global.!current_dirname, 'C','QUERY EXISTS' ) = '' Then rcsfile.0 = 0 Else Call SysFileTree !global.!current_dirname||!global.!ossep'*,v', 'RCSFILE.', 'FLS' Do i = 1 To rcsfile.0 cmd = 'rlog -h' Word(rcsfile.i,5) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Error Stem err. Do Queued() Parse Pull Line Select When Left( line, 9 ) = 'RCS file:' Then Do Parse Var line . 'RCS file:' fn ',v' End When Left( line, 5 ) = 'head:' Then Do Parse Var line . 'head:' ver Call Lineout labelworkfile, Left(Strip(ver),10) Strip(fn) End Otherwise Nop End End End /* * Fudge the inclusion of the label file itself into this version's label * file. */ Call Lineout labelworkfile, Left('1.1',10) labelrcsfile Call Stream labelworkfile,'C','CLOSE' End Otherwise Nop End Return new_label_file labelbasefile ApplyLabelFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg batch, new_label_file, edit_label_file, lab, labelbasefile retcode = 0 /* * Change to the working directory */ here = Directory() Call Directory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Add the label file to the repository */ cvs_tag = Changestr( ' ', Changestr( '/', !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, '_'), '-' ) || '_' || lab If batch = '' Then Do If new_label_file Then Do Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'add' '-m"QOCCA label file for:' lab'"' quote( labelbasefile ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Addition of label file' quote( labelbasefile ) End Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -m"Addition of label file"' quote( labelbasefile ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Committing label file' quote( labelbasefile ) /* * If we edited the label file, we need to rtag each individual file... */ If edit_label_file Then Do Call WriteMessageHeaderToLogWindow 'Tagging with label:' quote( cvs_tag ) Call Stream labelbasefile, 'C', 'OPEN READ' Do While Lines( labelbasefile ) > 0 Parse Value Linein( labelbasefile ) With rev fn If rev = ';' Then Iterate Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'rev fn cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q rtag -F -l -r'rev quote( cvs_tag ) quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output FIFO '' Error FIFO '' Do Queued() Parse Pull line Call WriteMessageToLogWindow ' 'line End End Call Stream labelbasefile, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call WriteMessageTrailerToLogWindow 'Tagging with label:' quote( cvs_tag ) End Else Do Call RunOSCommand 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q rtag -F -R' quote( cvs_tag ) quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call WriteOutputStemsToLogWindow 'default', 'Tagging with label:' quote( cvs_tag ) End End Else Do If new_label_file Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'add' '-m"QOCCA label file for:' lab'"' quote( labelbasefile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd End retcode = rc cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -m"Addition of label file"' quote( labelbasefile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd retcode = rc /* * In batch mode only the latest revision of a module can be labeled, so rtag * of the directory is possible */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q rtag -F -R' quote( cvs_tag ) quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd retcode = rc End End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do /* TODO */ textmsg = 'Label file for:' lab Address System 'ci -q -u -t-"'textmsg'"' labelworkfile labelrcsfile End Otherwise Nop End /* * Change directory back to the root working dir */ Call Directory( here ) Return retcode /* * Run in batch mode * Only the "build user(s)" can do this - in build.conf */ Batch: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository _arg.0 = Queued() Do i = 1 To _arg.0 Parse Pull _arg.i End cmd = Translate( _arg.1 ) !global.!validcmds = 'init label mods build promote copy add export' /* * mods - report module differences (batch or user) */ !global.!validargs.mods = '-n -N -m -M -v -V -p -w -B -T -W -A' !global.!vars.mods = 'repository earlier_repository _current_dirname _earlier_dirname newlab oldlab noprogress ignorewhitespace _basefile _trace_flag _wc_flag _sa_flag' !global.!opt.mods = 'Repository EarlierRepository Module EarlierModule Version EarlierVersion NoProgress IgnoreWhitespace BaseFile TraceFlag WordCompareFlag ShowAllCompareFlag' !global.!desc.mods.1 = 'Name of Repository for Later Version' !global.!desc.mods.2 = 'Name of Repository for Earlier Version' !global.!desc.mods.3 = 'Module for Later Version; eg mytop/myproj' !global.!desc.mods.4 = 'Module for Earlier Version; eg mytop/myproj' !global.!desc.mods.5 = 'Later Version string; eg Latest or Working or mytop/myproj,1_3_2' !global.!desc.mods.6 = 'Earlier Version string; eg Latest or Working or mytop/myproj,1_3_1' !global.!desc.mods.7 = 'Indicates no progress dots displayed' !global.!desc.mods.8 = 'Ignore whitespace in file comparisons' !global.!desc.mods.9 = 'Base file (internal use only)' !global.!desc.mods.10 = 'Trace flag (no value: minimal tracing, value: VERY verbose tracing)' !global.!desc.mods.11 = 'Indicates if Word documents are compared' !global.!desc.mods.12 = 'Indicates if All files are to be reported or just those that differ' !global.!desc.mods.0 = 12 !global.!mandatory.mods = '0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0' !global.!valuereq.mods = '1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0' /* * label - label a module (batch or user) */ !global.!validargs.label = '-n -m -v -o -B -T' !global.!vars.label = 'repository _current_dirname lab overwrite _basefile _trace_flag' !global.!opt.label = 'Repository Module Version OverwriteLabel BaseFile TraceFlag' !global.!desc.label.1 = 'Name of Repository' !global.!desc.label.2 = 'Module to label; eg mytop/myproj' !global.!desc.label.3 = 'Version string; eg 1_3_2' !global.!desc.label.4 = 'Flag to indicate that existing Version file to be overwritten' !global.!desc.label.5 = 'Base file (internal use only)' !global.!desc.label.6 = 'Trace flag (no value: minimal tracing, value: VERY verbose tracing)' !global.!desc.label.0 = 6 !global.!mandatory.label = '0 1 1 0 0 0' !global.!valuereq.label = '1 1 1 0 1 0' /* * build - build a module with configured build command (batch or user) */ !global.!validargs.build = '-n -m -v -b -o -C -c -t -B -T -w' !global.!vars.build = 'repository _current_dirname lab buildtype overwritebuild dontcheckout continuecheckout testbuild _basefile _trace_flag _working_dir' !global.!opt.build = 'Repository Module Version BuildType OverwriteBuild DontCheckout ContinueCheckout TestBuild BaseFile TraceFlag WorkingDir' !global.!desc.build.1 = 'Name of Repository' !global.!desc.build.2 = 'Module to build: eg mytop/myproj' !global.!desc.build.3 = 'Version string (must have been labelled); eg 1_3_2' !global.!desc.build.4 = 'Type of build to perform: "debug" or "custom"' !global.!desc.build.5 = 'Flag to indicate that existing build to be overwritten' !global.!desc.build.6 = 'Flag to indicate to not checkout files (previous build was done for module/version)' !global.!desc.build.7 = 'Flag to indicate to continue checking out files that have been checked out (previous checkout failed)' !global.!desc.build.8 = 'Flag to indicate that current build is a test build' !global.!desc.build.9 = 'Base file (internal use only)' !global.!desc.build.10 = 'Trace flag (no value: minimal tracing, value: VERY verbose tracing)' !global.!desc.build.11 = 'Working Directory (override dir in repository file)' !global.!desc.build.0 = 11 !global.!mandatory.build = '0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' !global.!valuereq.build = '1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1' /* * promote - promote a module with configured promote command (batch or user) */ !global.!validargs.promote = '-n -m -v -e -B -T' !global.!vars.promote = 'repository _current_dirname lab env _basefile _trace_flag' !global.!opt.promote = 'Repository Module Version Environment BaseFile TraceFlag' !global.!desc.promote.1 = 'Name of Repository' !global.!desc.promote.2 = 'Module to promote: eg mytop/myproj' !global.!desc.promote.3 = 'Version string (must have been built)' !global.!desc.promote.4 = 'Environment to promote to' !global.!desc.promote.5 = 'Base file (internal use only)' !global.!desc.promote.6 = 'Trace flag (no value: minimal tracing, value: VERY verbose tracing)' !global.!desc.promote.0 = 6 !global.!mandatory.promote = '0 1 1 0 0 0' !global.!valuereq.promote = '1 1 1 1 1 0' /* * copy - copy a module as a new repository (batch or user) */ !global.!validargs.copy = '-n -m -d -v -o -B -T' !global.!vars.copy = 'repository _current_dirname new_dirname lab overwrite _basefile _trace_flag' !global.!opt.copy = 'Repository Module NewDirectory Version Overwrite BaseFile TraceFlag' !global.!desc.copy.1 = 'Name of current Repository' !global.!desc.copy.2 = 'Module to copy: eg mytop/myproj' !global.!desc.copy.3 = 'Directory for new repository' !global.!desc.copy.4 = 'Version string (must have been labeled)' !global.!desc.copy.5 = 'Flag to indicate that existing directory to be overwritten' !global.!desc.copy.6 = 'Base file (internal use only)' !global.!desc.copy.7 = 'Trace flag (no value: minimal tracing, value: VERY verbose tracing)' !global.!desc.copy.0 = 7 !global.!mandatory.copy = '0 1 1 1 0 0 0' !global.!valuereq.copy = '1 1 1 1 0 1 0' /* * init - initialise a new repository (batch only) */ !global.!validargs.init = '-r -t -u -p -m -e -T' !global.!vars.init = 'repository _sourcecontrol _username _password _module _extraadminuser _trace_flag' !global.!opt.init = 'Repository SourceControl UserName Password InitialModule ExtraAdminUser TraceFlag' !global.!desc.init.1 = 'Location of repository to initialise' !global.!desc.init.2 = 'Type of repository: cvs, rcs' !global.!desc.init.3 = 'Username to connect to repository (if required)' !global.!desc.init.4 = 'Password to connect to repository (if required)' !global.!desc.init.5 = 'Initial Module to create under Repository Root' !global.!desc.init.6 = 'Extra Admin User' !global.!desc.init.7 = 'Trace flag (no value: minimal tracing, "I" or "R": VERY verbose tracing)' !global.!desc.init.0 = 7 !global.!mandatory.init = '1 1 0 0 0 0 0' !global.!valuereq.init = '1 1 1 1 1 1 0' /* * add - add a new repository to a user's profile (.qocca file) (batch only) */ !global.!validargs.add = '-n -t -c -e -s -r -u -p -w -d -T' !global.!vars.add = '_name _sourcecontrol _cvstype _enhanced _server repository _username _password _working _tmpdir _trace_flag' !global.!opt.add = 'Name SourceControl CVSType EnhancedCVS Server Repository UserName Password WorkingDir TmpDir TraceFlag' !global.!desc.add.1 = 'Name of repository to add' !global.!desc.add.2 = 'Type of repository: cvs, rcs' !global.!desc.add.3 = 'Connection type for CVS. One of:' !global.!validcvstypes !global.!desc.add.4 = 'Specifies the CVS repository supports "enhanced CVS"' !global.!desc.add.5 = 'Server where repository is located' !global.!desc.add.6 = 'Location of repository to add' !global.!desc.add.7 = 'Username' !global.!desc.add.8 = 'Password' !global.!desc.add.9 = 'Working Directory' !global.!desc.add.10 = 'Temporary Directory' !global.!desc.add.11 = 'Trace flag (no value: minimal tracing, value: VERY verbose tracing)' !global.!desc.add.0 = 11 !global.!mandatory.add = '1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0' !global.!valuereq.add = '1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0' /* * export - export a module to a location (batch) */ !global.!validargs.export = '-n -m -v -T -w' !global.!vars.export = 'repository _current_dirname lab _trace_flag _working_dir' !global.!opt.export = 'Repository Module Version TraceFlag WorkingDir' !global.!desc.export.1 = 'Name of Repository' !global.!desc.export.2 = 'Module to build: eg mytop/myproj' !global.!desc.export.3 = 'Version string (must have been labelled); eg 1_3_2' !global.!desc.export.4 = 'Trace flag (no value: minimal tracing, value: VERY verbose tracing)' !global.!desc.export.5 = 'Working Directory (override dir in repository file)' !global.!desc.export.0 = 5 !global.!mandatory.export = '0 1 1 0 1' !global.!valuereq.export = '1 1 1 0 1' retcode = 0 /* * Display version and usage if only arg is "-h" */ If cmd = '-H' Then Do Say 'This is QOCCA Version:' !global.!version Call Usage End If Wordpos( cmd, Translate( !global.!validcmds ) ) = 0 Then Do Say 'Invalid batch command:' _arg.1'. Must be one of' !global.!validcmds Call Usage End Do i = 2 To _arg.0 Do j = 1 To Words( !global.!validargs.cmd ) If Substr( _arg.i, 1, 2 ) = Word( !global.!validargs.cmd, j ) Then Do optval = Strip( Substr( _arg.i, 3 ) ) optvar = Word( !global.!vars.cmd, j ) Interpret optvar '= optval' Leave j End End End error = 0 Do i = 1 To Words( !global.!vars.cmd ) Select When Translate( Value( Word( !global.!vars.cmd, i ) ) ) = Translate( Word( !global.!vars.cmd, i ) ) & Word( !global.!mandatory.cmd, i ) = 1 Then Do Say 'Mandatory parameter' Word( !global.!validargs.cmd, i ) 'not supplied' error = 1 End When Word( !global.!valuereq.cmd, i ) = 1 & Value( Word( !global.!vars.cmd, i ) ) = '' Then Do Say 'No value supplied for parameter' Word( !global.!validargs.cmd, i ) error = 1 End Otherwise Nop End End If error = 1 Then Call Usage cmd /* * Lets start the verbose tracing from here if required... */ Select When _trace_flag = '' Then _trace_flag = 'R' When _trace_flag = '_TRACE_FLAG' Then _trace_flag = 'O' When Translate( _trace_flag ) = 'I' | Translate( _trace_flag ) = 'R' | Translate( _trace_flag ) = 'L' Then Do Trace Value _trace_flag End Otherwise Do Say 'Invalid Trace Flag:' _trace_flag'. Must be one of "L", "I" or "R"' Call Usage End End /* * Get the details from the user's preferences file */ Call ReadUserSettingsFile /* * INIT and ADD commands do not require a user to have a .qocca profile file; all * other batch commands do! */ Select When cmd = 'INIT' Then Do If Wordpos( _sourcecontrol, !global.!valid_repository_types ) = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Invalid repository type:' quote( _sourcecontrol ) 'specified. Must be one of:' !global.!valid_repository_types /* If Left( !global.!!tmpdir, 1 ) = '!' Then Do !global.!!tmpdir = !global.!home||SysTempFileName( 'dir?????' )|| !global.!ossep Call SysMkdir !global.!!tmpdir End */ End When cmd = 'ADD' Then Do If Wordpos( _sourcecontrol, !global.!valid_repository_types ) = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Invalid repository type:' quote( _sourcecontrol ) 'specified. Must be one of:' !global.!valid_repository_types If _sourcecontrol = 'cvs' Then Do If Wordpos( _cvstype, !global.!validcvstypes ) = 0 Then Call AbortText 'Invalid CVS type:' quote( _cvstype ) 'specified. Must be one of:' !global.!validcvstypes End If FindRepository( _name ) \= 0 Then Call AbortText 'You already have a repository of that name in your profile' If Stream( _working, C, 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' & Word( Stream( _working, 'C', 'FSTAT' ), 8 ) \= 'Directory' Then Call AbortText 'The working directory specified:' quote( _working ) 'is not a directory' _working = WorkingDirToInternal( _working ) If FindWorkingDir( _working ) \= 0 Then Call AbortText 'You already have that working directory in your profile' If DirectoryExists( _tmpdir ) = 0 Then Call AbortText 'The temp directory specified:' quote( _tmpdir ) 'does not exist' !global.!!tmpdir = WorkingDirToInternal( _tmpdir ) End Otherwise Do If repository = 'REPOSITORY' Then Do repno = !!last_repository repository = !global.!!repository.!!name.repno End Else Do repno = FindRepository( repository ) If repno = 0 Then Do Call AbortText 'Could not find any reference to "'repository'" in your user profile.' End Else Do !!last_repository = repno End End /* * All generic parameters are now valid, check we are the "build user", * and then Call the appropriate function... * Can't do this if running "init". */ Call SetRepositoryEnvs Call ConnectToRepository !!last_repository Call GetConfigurationFile Call SetupEnvironment /* * If not build user, abort */ If !global.!build_user = 'N' Then Do Call AbortText 'You are not a build user for this repository. Rack off!!' End If cmd = 'BUILD' | cmd = 'EXPORT' Then Do If _working_dir \= '_WORKING_DIR' Then Do !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository = _working_dir End End /* * Ensure we are in the "correct" directory */ native_working_dir = Changestr( '/', !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository, !global.!ossep ) here = Directory() Call Directory native_working_dir End End /* * If run direct from batch set our basefile here */ If _basefile = '_BASEFILE' Then batch = 1 Else batch = 0 /* * Set !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository to the value of the arg, * as existing code expects it set * It doesn't matter if _current_dirname is not a valid arg, as it won't be * used for those commands that don't expect it as an argument. */ !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository = _current_dirname /* * Execute the code for each of the batch commands... */ Select When cmd = 'INIT' Then /* batch only */ Do Call InitRepository repository, _sourcecontrol, _username, _password, _module, _extraadminuser End When cmd = 'LABEL' Then Do If batch Then _basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() If overwrite = '' Then overwrite_label = 1 Else overwrite_label = 0 retcode = LabelModule( 'batch', lab, overwrite_label ) End When cmd = 'MODS' Then Do /* * If no -M specified, then use _current_dirname * This check MUST be done BEFORE the test for no -n or no -N */ If _earlier_dirname = '_EARLIER_DIRNAME' Then _earlier_dirname = _current_dirname /* * If no -n specified, then use !!last_repository (we have already validated this above) * If no -N specified, then use same value for -n */ If earlier_repository = 'EARLIER_REPOSITORY' Then Do earlier_repostitory = repository earlier_repno = repno !global.!current_dirname.repno = _earlier_dirname End Else Do earlier_repno = FindRepository( earlier_repository ) If earlier_repno = 0 Then Do Call AbortText 'Could not find any reference to "'earlier_repository'" in your user profile.' End !global.!current_dirname.earlier_repno = _earlier_dirname End If IsModuleInRepository( _current_dirname, repno ) = 0 Then Call Aborttext 'Later Module:' _current_dirname 'does not exist.' If earlier_repno \= repno Then Do If IsModuleInRepository( _earlier_dirname, earlier_repno ) = 0 Then Call Aborttext 'Earlier Module:' _earlier_dirname 'does not exist.' End If batch Then _basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() retcode = ModsReport( repno, earlier_repno, newlab, oldlab, noprogress, ignorewhitespace, _basefile, batch, _current_dirname, _earlier_dirname, _wc_flag, _sa_flag ) /* * Write the return code to the indicator file... */ Call Stream _basefile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout _basefile,retcode Call Stream _basefile, 'C', 'CLOSE' End When cmd = 'COPY' Then Do If batch Then _basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() retcode = CopyRepository( repository, new_dirname, lab, overwrite, _basefile, batch ) /* * Write the return code to the indicator file... */ Call Stream _basefile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout _basefile,retcode Call Stream _basefile, 'C', 'CLOSE' End When cmd = 'BUILD' Then Do If batch Then _basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() retcode = RunBuild( repository, lab, buildtype, overwritebuild, testbuild, _basefile, batch, dontcheckout, continuecheckout ) /* * Write the return code to the indicator file... */ Call Stream _basefile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout _basefile,retcode Call Stream _basefile, 'C', 'CLOSE' End When cmd = 'PROMOTE' Then Do If batch Then _basefile = GenerateJobBaseFile() retcode = RunPromote( repository, lab, _basefile, batch ) /* * Write the return code to the indicator file... */ Call Stream _basefile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout _basefile,retcode Call Stream _basefile, 'C', 'CLOSE' End When cmd = 'ADD' Then Do /* * Set the new repository details in the array, and write out the new * .qocca */ /* * If CVS pserver, we need to Call 'cvs login' to save the password * The method employed below allows 'cvs login' to take the password * from an environment variable rather than prompting the user. */ If _cvstype = 'pserver' Then Do /* ( If no username/password supplied there must be an existing * password in .cvspass for this repository */ fullpath = ':pserver:'_username'@'_server':'repository If _password = '_PASSWORD' Then Nop Else Do Call Value 'CVS_PASS', _password, 'ENVIRONMENT' cmd = 'cvs -q -d' fullpath 'login' If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd If rc \= 0 Then Call AbortText 'An error occured logging onto the repository at:' fullpath Call Value 'CVS_PASS', '', 'ENVIRONMENT' End End If !global.!!number_repositories = 0 | Left( !global.!!number_repositories, 1 ) = '!' Then !global.!!number_repositories = 1 Else !global.!!number_repositories = !global.!!number_repositories + 1 idx = !global.!!number_repositories !global.!!repository.!!type.idx = _sourcecontrol If !global.!!repository.!!type.idx = 'cvs' Then Do Select When _cvstype = 'local' Then !global.!!repository.!!path.idx = ':local:'repository When _cvstype = 'pserver' Then !global.!!repository.!!path.idx = fullpath Otherwise !global.!!repository.!!path.idx = ':ext:'user'@'server':'repository End !global.!!repository.!!contype.idx = _cvstype !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.idx = 'Y' !global.!!repository.!!cvsport.idx = '2401' End Else Do !global.!!repository.!!contype.idx = '' !global.!!repository.!!path.idx = repository !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.idx = '' !global.!!repository.!!cvsport.idx = '' End !global.!!repository.!!username.idx = _username !global.!!repository.!!password.idx = '' !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.idx = repository !global.!!repository.!!server.idx = _server !global.!!repository.!!name.idx = _name !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.idx = _working !global.!!repository.!!last_tree_opened.idx = '' !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs.idx = '' !global.!!repository.!!public_cvs_dirs.idx = '' !global.!!repository.!!filefilters.idx = '' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.idx = '-z3' /* * Create the working directory if it dowsn't exist */ Call CreateDirectory _working /* * Ensure that WriteUserSettingsFile() actually works */ !!last_repository = idx !global.!!user.!!textpager = 'more' Call WriteUserSettingsFile End When cmd = 'EXPORT' Then Do Call Time 'R' /* * If not exporting Latest, check if it has been labeled */ If lab \= 'Latest' Then Do If IsFileInRepository( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/.label-'lab ) = 0 Then Do Call AbortText '"ERROR: Module:' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'does not have a label of:' lab'"' Return 1 End End build_dir = !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository /* * Ensure the specified working directory is not the same as the project's * working directory */ If Stream( build_dir, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) = Stream( native_working_dir, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) Then Do Call AbortText '"ERROR: Specified working directory:' quote( native_working_dir ) "cannot be the same as the project's working directory of:" quote( build_dir ) Return 1 End /* * Create the working directory if necessary */ Address System !global.!cmdmkdir quote( native_working_dir ) /* * ... and change to it */ Call Directory( native_working_dir ) outputfile = Changestr( '/', native_working_dir||!global.!ossep||'qocca_bg_'||Date('S')||Changestr(':', Time(), '' ), !global.!ossep ) || '.out' /* * Export the directory tree * Due to an annoying feature of CVS, we can't export to a local * directory pointed to by the -d switch, so we have to check out * each file seperately to the correct directory */ If lab = 'Latest' Then Do /* * Get a list of all files in the module with their revision * numbers */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. /* TODO don't use cvs list!!! */ Do i = 1 To out.0 Parse Var out.i . rev . . . . flen . Parse Var out.i 92 fn +(flen) +1 . out.i = rev fn End End Otherwise Nop End End Else Do /* * Read the label file from the repository into a stem */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q checkout -p' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/.label-'lab ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem junk. End Otherwise Nop End End dirlen = Length( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) /* * If the OS can handle symlinks, then check if the common dirs are in the out. stem * and check these out first. Then we can create local symlinks and not have to checkout * all the linked files. * We then ignore the files we checked out previously */ ignore. = 0 If !global.!symlink \= '' Then Do Do j = 1 To !global.!common_dir.0 dir = Substr( !global.!common_dir.j, 2 ) || '/' len = Length( dir ) Do i = 1 To out.0 If Strip( out.i) = '' | Left( out.i, 1 ) = ';' Then Iterate i Parse Var out.i rev fn If Left( fn, len ) = dir Then Do have_common_dir.j = 1 ignore.i = 1 -- this ensures we don't check this file out again below Call CheckoutAFile rev, fn, build_dir, dirlen, batch, outputfile, continuecheckout End End End /* * Now for all files check if they are in the linked directories * that we have checked out above and set their ignore flag */ Do i = 1 To out.0 If Strip( out.i) = '' | Left( out.i, 1 ) = ';' Then Iterate i Parse Var out.i rev fn Do j = 1 To !global.!linked_dir.0 ld = Substr( !global.!linked_dir.j, 2 ) || '/' len = Length( ld ) If ld = Left( fn, len ) Then Do idx = !global.!linked_idx.j If have_common_dir.idx = 1 Then Do ignore.i = 1 End End End End /* * Now create symbolic links so any updated files get * checked out into the common area */ tmpdir = Directory() /* * We now need to go through the linked directories and setup all of the * symbolic links to the common dirs */ Do j = 1 To !global.!linked_dir.0 common_idx = !global.!linked_idx.j If have_common_dir.common_idx = 1 Then Do Call Directory tmpdir /* * Work out how to get the correct relative path for linking */ pos = Lastpos( '/', !global.!linked_dir.j ) linked_dirname = Substr( !global.!linked_dir.j, 1, pos - 1 ) /* eg /test/dir1/dir2 */ common_dirname = !global.!common_dir.common_idx /* /common */ mycomm = common_dirname newdir = linked_dirname Do i = 1 To Min( Length( mycomm ), Length( newdir ) ) If Substr( mycomm, i, 1 ) = '/' Then last_dir_pos = i If Substr( mycomm, i, 1 ) \= Substr( newdir, i, 1 ) Then Leave End rel_linked = Substr( newdir, last_dir_pos + 1 ) rel_common = Substr( mycomm, last_dir_pos + 1 ) /* * Now symlink the common dir to the linked dirname * eg. Linking /tmfps/common to /tmfps/app/common * cd /tmfps/app * ln -sf ../common . */ Say '"Linking directory' quote( build_dir'/'rel_common ) 'to current directory:' quote( build_dir'/'rel_linked )'"' /* * Create (it doesn't exist) and change directory to linked dir */ Call CreateDirectory build_dir'/'rel_linked Call Directory build_dir'/'rel_linked cmd = !global.!symlink quote( '../'rel_common ) '.' Address Command cmd End End Call Directory tmpdir End /* * We now have a stem; out. with all files and their revision numbers */ checkedout_dirs.0 = 0 Do i = 1 To out.0 If Strip( out.i) = '' | Left( out.i, 1 ) = ';' Then Iterate i /* * If we have our ignore flag set, ignore the entry */ If ignore.i = 1 Then Iterate i Parse Var out.i rev fn /* * Determine if we have already checked out this directory. */ outfile = build_dir||Substr( fn, dirlen+1 ) outpos = Lastpos( '/', outfile ) outdir = Substr( outfile, 1, outpos-1 ) found = 0 Do j = 1 To checkedout_dirs.0 If outdir = checkedout_dirs.j Then Do found = 1 Leave End End If found = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Checking out files for directory:' outdir'"' j = 1 + checkedout_dirs.0 checkedout_dirs.j = outdir checkedout_dirs.0 = j End rc = CheckoutAFile( rev, fn, build_dir, dirlen, batch, outputfile, continuecheckout ) If rc \= 0 Then Do Return rc End End -- remove the outputfile; we don't need it Call SysFileDelete outputfile et = Time( 'E' ) Parse Var et et '.' . If et = '' Then et = 0 hr = et % 3600 et = et // 3600 mi = et % 60 se = et // 60 Say '">>>>Completed successfully at' Date() Time() 'Elapsed:' Right( hr, 2, 0 )':'Right( mi, 2, 0 )':'Right( se, 2, 0)'"' End Otherwise Do Say 'This batch command has not been implemented yet.' End End Call Directory here Call CleanupAndExit retcode Return /* shouldn't get here! as CleanupAndExit() exits */ /* * Called from batch, so use Runner etc to log details */ CopyRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repository, new_dirname, lab, overwrite, _basefile, batch outputfile = _basefile'.out' retcode = 0 /* * If called from batch, create our description file so we can see * the job in the GUI QOCCA and use "tee" so the output goes to the ".out" file * for later viewing */ If batch Then Do desc = 'Copy of version' quote( lab ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'to' quote( new_dirname ) type = 'copy' compiler_type = '.' Call CreateDescriptionFile _basefile, desc, type, compiler_type End /* * Validate the parameters... */ here = Directory() If DirectoryExists( new_dirname ) = 1 & overwrite = 'OVERWRITE' Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The new directory:' new_dirname 'already exists and you did not request it be overwritten."' Return 1 End Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Getting label file for:' lab'"' cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/.label-'lab If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. If out.0 \= 1 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The supplied module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'does not have a label of:' lab'."' Return 1 End /* * Checkout the label file into the stack, and for each * CI, export it to a temporary directory */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout -p' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/.label-'lab If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stem label. Error Stem err. If label.0 = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: No configuration items found in label file for version:' lab 'for module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'."' Do i = 1 To err.0 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR:' err.i'"' End Return 1 End /* * Clean up the working directory and the new dir... */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Cleaning up working directory and new repository."' cvs_tag = Changestr( '/', !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, '_') || '_' || lab Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmddelr working_dir Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdmkdir working_dir Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmddelr new_dirname /* * Create the new CVS repository */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Creating the new repository."' Call Runner batch, outputfile, 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d' new_dirname 'init' /* * Copy repository files from old repository to new repository... * Don't copy files that are in linked directories; copy the originals * instead and create the links */ linked_dirs = '' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Copying repository files..."' Do i = 1 To label.0 Parse Var label.i ver fn If ver = ';' Then Iterate i /* * For each file, copy the CVS repository file from one * directory to another */ wrkfn = Changestr( '/', fn , !global.!ossep ) wkpos = Lastpos( !global.!ossep, wrkfn ) wkdir = Substr( wrkfn, 1, wkpos-1 ) new_repdir = new_dirname'/'wkdir old_repdir = !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/'wkdir old_fn = !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/'fn',v' /* * Is the directory linked ? */ Do j = 1 To !global.!linked_dir.0 If !global.!linked_dir.j = '/'wkdir Then Do If Wordpos( j, linked_dirs ) = 0 Then Do linked_dirs = linked_dirs j End Iterate i End End If DirectoryExists( new_repdir ) = 0 Then Do /* * Create the directory in the repository if it doesn't exist */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Creating directory in repository:' new_repdir'"' Call CreateDirectory new_repdir End /* * Copy the file into the repository directory */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Copying:' old_fn 'to' new_repdir'"' retcode = Runner( batch, outputfile, 'cp' quote( old_fn ) quote( new_repdir ) ) If retcode \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: Copying' fn'"' Return 1 End End /* * Find the original directories that were linked into this part of the repository * and copy all the files to the new repository. * Then symbolically link the "common" directories into the copied directories */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Copying linked directories and linking directories..."' tmpdir = Directory() Call Directory new_dirname Do i = 1 To Words( linked_dirs ) idx = Word( linked_dirs, i ) common_idx = !global.!linked_idx.idx /* * If we haven't copied the common directory into the destination, * do it now */ full_common = new_dirname || !global.!common_dir.common_idx If DirectoryExists( full_common ) = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Creating directory in repository:' full_common'"' Call CreateDirectory full_common Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository || !global.!common_dir.common_idx Address System 'tar cf - * .??* | (cd' quote( full_common )'; tar xvf -)' /* Address System 'cp -pR' quote( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository || !global.!common_dir.common_idx )'/$*' quote( full_common ) */ End /* * Work out how to get the correct relative path for linking */ pos = Lastpos( '/', !global.!linked_dir.idx ) linked_dirname = Substr( !global.!linked_dir.idx, 1, pos - 1 ) /* eg /test/dir1/dir2 */ common_dirname = !global.!common_dir.common_idx /* /common */ /* * Get the last directory component of the current directory */ mycomm = Strip( common_dirname, 'T', '/' ) lp = Lastpos( '/', mycomm ) lastdir = Substr( mycomm, lp ) newdir = linked_dirname || lastdir mytail = mycomm /* * Determine how many common, leading directories there are. This is used to reduce * the number of relative directories we need to go back up to find the linked * directory. * eg: * mycomm = /dir1/apath * newdir = /dir1/fred/apath * * Should result in ln -s ../apath . rather than ../../dir1/apath */ Do j = 1 To Min( Length( mycomm ), Length( newdir ) ) If Substr( mycomm, j, 1 ) = '/' Then last_dir_pos = j If Substr( mycomm, j, 1 ) \= Substr( newdir, j, 1 ) Then Leave End num_common_dirs = Countstr( '/', Substr( mycomm, 1, j ) ) - 1 If num_common_dirs \= 0 Then mytail = Substr( mytail, last_dir_pos ) /* * Now symlink the common dir to the linked dirname * eg. Linking /tmfps/common to /tmfps/app/common * cd /tmfps/app * ln -sf ../common . */ Call Directory new_dirname||linked_dirname num_dots = Countstr( '/', linked_dirname ) - num_common_dirs linkdir = Copies( '../', num_dots ) || Substr( mytail, 2 ) Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Linking directory' quote( linkdir ) 'to current directory:' quote( new_dirname||linked_dirname )'"' Address Command !global.!symlink quote( linkdir ) . /* Call Directory new_dirname dest = Substr( !global.!linked_dir.idx, 2 ) pos = Lastpos( '/', dest ) dest = Substr( dest, 1, pos - 1 ) Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Linking directory' quote( Substr( !global.!common_dir.common_idx, 2 ) ) 'to' quote( dest )'"' Address Command !global.!symlink quote( Substr( !global.!common_dir.common_idx, 2 ) ) quote( dest ) */ End Call Directory tmpdir /* * Copy admin/build.conf from old repository and put it * in the new one... */ new_repdir = new_dirname'/admin' Call CreateDirectory new_repdir old_fn = !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.!!last_repository'/admin/build.conf,v' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Copying admin repository files..."' retcode = Runner( batch, outputfile, 'cp' quote( old_fn ) quote( new_repdir ) ) working_dir = !global.!!tmpdir || 'tmpdir_' || Random( 1, 5000 ) Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Changing to temporary working directory:' working_dir'"' Call CreateDirectory working_dir Call Directory( working_dir ) /* * Checkout the complete copied repository now, so we can work on the individual files */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Checking out repository..."' Call Runner batch, outputfile, 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d:local:'new_dirname 'checkout' '.' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Removing recent revisions..."' file_labels = '' Do i = 1 To label.0 Parse Var label.i ver fn If ver = ';' Then Iterate i /* * Get the label information out of the file in the repository */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d:local:'new_dirname 'rlog -h' quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem head. Error Stem err. If rc \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: Obtaining labels for' fn'"' Do j = 1 To err.0 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"'err.j'"' End Return 1 End idx = 0 Do j = 1 To head.0 If Strip( head.j) \= '' & Left( head.j, 1 ) = ' ' Then Do idx = idx + 1 tag.idx = head.j End End tag.0 = idx /* * For each label find the revision */ Do j = 1 To tag.0 Parse var tag.j ' ' lab ':' rev rev = Strip( rev ) If Datatype( ver ) \= 'NUM' Then Do /* * All numeric versions are > the labeled revision */ If Datatype( rev ) = 'NUM' Then Do If Wordpos( lab, file_labels ) = 0 Then file_labels = file_labels lab Call Runner batch, outputfile, 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d:local:'new_dirname 'rtag -d' lab quote( fn ) End End Else Do If Datatype( rev ) = 'NUM' Then Do If rev > ver Then Do If Wordpos( lab, file_labels ) = 0 Then file_labels = file_labels lab Call Runner batch, outputfile, 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d:local:'new_dirname 'rtag -d' lab quote( fn ) End End End End /* * All tags for the file after out rev have gone, delete the revisions */ If ver = '' Then ver = '1.1' Call Runner batch, outputfile, 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d:local:'new_dirname 'admin -o'ver'::' quote( fn ) End /* * For each label, delete the label file... TODO */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Deleting label files..."' Do j = 1 To Words( file_labels ) say 'deleting label:' Word( file_labels, j ) End /* * Can't label it as the repository hasn't been set up yet * in the user's .qocca - should we? */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Manual intervention required..."' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"If using cvs pserver, you will need to add' new_dirname 'as another repository for cvs pserver to watch."' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Under Linux, this is done by changing /etc/xinted.d/cvspserver"' /* * Remove working directory */ Call Directory here Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmddelr working_dir Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Copy complete at' Date() Time()'"' End Otherwise Nop End Return 0 InitRepository: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repository, _sourcecontrol, _username, _password, _module, _extraadminuser Select When _sourcecontrol = 'cvs' Then Do !global.!!tmpdir = !global.!home || 'tmpdir_' || Random( 1, 5000 ) Call CreateDirectory !global.!!tmpdir Call Value 'CVSROOT', ':local:'repository, 'ENVIRONMENT' Address System !global.!cmdmkdir repository Address System 'cvs -d :local:'repository 'init' If rc \= 0 Then Call AbortText 'Cannot initialise the CVS repository for' repository Call Directory repository /* * Change to the repository root and create the admin directory and the initial * module directory. The initial module is so that an initial checkout can be * done by the client. */ Call SysMkdir 'admin' If _module \= '_MODULE' Then Call SysMkdir _module /* * As this is assumed to run on a Unix box (running :local:) * then this should be safe... */ Address System 'chmod 775 admin' Address System 'chmod 775 .' If _module \= '_MODULE' Then Address System 'chmod 775' _module /* * Create the default build.conf file */ Call Directory !global.!!tmpdir Address System 'cvs -d :local:'repository 'get .' Call Directory !global.!!tmpdir || !global.!ossep || 'admin' tmpfile = 'build.conf' If _extraadminuser = '_EXTRAADMINUSER' Then users = !global.!user Else users = !global.!user _extraadminuser Call BuildFirstBuildConf tmpfile, users Address System 'cvs -d :local:'repository 'add' tmpfile Address System 'cvs -d :local:'repository 'commit -m"Creation of build.conf"' tmpfile /* * Create build.no with number = 0 */ tmpfile = 'build.no' Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout tmpfile, '0' Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' Address System 'cvs -d :local:'repository 'add' tmpfile Address System 'cvs -d :local:'repository 'commit -m"Creation of build.no"' tmpfile /* * Checkout the admin directory Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository Address System 'cvs -d :local:'repository 'get admin' */ Call Directory !global.!home Address System !global.!cmddelr !global.!!tmpdir End Otherwise Nop End Return /* * TODO - look at consolidating this and CreateDummyBuildConf */ BuildFirstBuildConf: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg tmpfile, users Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!admin_users="'users'"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!admin_email="'users'"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!build_users="'users'"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!update_users="'users'"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!platforms="'!global.!os'"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!common_dir.0="0"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!linked_dir.0="0"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!linked_idx.0="0"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!reservedcheckout="N"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!versionenvvar="VERSION"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!buildenvvar="BUILD"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!builddir="build"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!logdir="log"' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!runtime_envs=""' Call Lineout tmpfile, '!ignorefiles=""' Call Stream tmpfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' Return /* * Run a command with output going to the specified 'outputfile' * For a command run in batch the output also goes to 'stdout' */ Runner: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg batch, outputfile, cmd If batch Then Do Address System cmd '2>&1 |' !global.!cmdtee '-a' outputfile retcode = rc End Else Do Address System cmd With Output Append Stream outputfile Error Append Stream outputfile retcode = rc End Return retcode /* * Write the specified text to the specified 'outputfile' * For a batch echo, also 'say' it */ Echo: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg batch, outputfile, str Call Stream outputfile, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE APPEND' Call Lineout outputfile,str Call Stream outputfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' If batch Then Say str Return 0 ModsReport: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repno, earlier_repno, newlab, oldlab, noprogress, ignorewhitespace, _basefile, batch, _latest_dirname, _earlier_dirname, _wc_flag, _sa_flag If _wc_flag = '_WC_FLAG' Then _wc_flag = 0 Else _wc_flag = 1 If _sa_flag = '_SA_FLAG' Then _sa_flag = 0 Else _sa_flag = 1 /* * - Check if both newlab and oldlab labels exist for the module in the repository * - Compare the label files for each label */ new_heading = !global.!!repository.!!name.repno':'_latest_dirname'('newlab')' old_heading = !global.!!repository.!!name.earlier_repno':'_earlier_dirname'('oldlab')' diffs = old_heading 'and' new_heading If batch Then Do /* * Called from batch, create our description file so we can see * the job in the GUI QOCCA and use "tee" so the output goes to the ".out" file * for later viewing */ report_desc = 'Report differences between:' diffs type = 'mods' compiler_type = '.' Call CreateDescriptionFile _basefile, report_desc, type, compiler_type End outputfile = _basefile'.out' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Reading label files from repository..."' if trace() = 'F' Then say repno earlier_repno newlab oldlab noprogress ignorewhitespace basefile dirlen = Length( _latest_dirname ) earlier_dirlen = Length( _earlier_dirname ) /* * Both repository types must be the same... */ If !global.!!repository.!!type.repno \= !global.!!repository.!!type.earlier_repno Then Call AbortText 'The repository types are different;' !global.!!repository.!!name.repno 'is' !global.!!repository.!!type.repno',' !global.!!repository.!!name.earlier_repno 'is' !global.!!repository.!!type.earlier_repno Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Check value of label for "earlier" version... */ /* * First check if label is "Latest". If so, get the list of files from the * repository, not the label file */ Select When oldlab = 'Latest' Then Do /* * We need to be in the working_dir for earlier_repno */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.earlier_repno olddir = _earlier_dirname If GetListOfCVSFilesInDirectory( earlier_repno, _earlier_dirname, 0 ) \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: Getting Latest file list from:' !global.!!repository.!!name.earlier_repno' Command:' cmd'"' Do i = 1 To err.0 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '" 'err.i'"' End Call Directory here Return 1 End Do i = 1 To item.0 Parse Var item.i . rev . . . . flen . Parse Var item.i 92 fn +(flen) +1 . oldfile.i = rev fn End oldfile.0 = item.0 Drop item. Call Directory here End When oldlab = 'Working' Then Do offset = Length( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.earlier_repno||!global.!ossep ) + 1 olddir = _earlier_dirname /* * We need to be in the working_dir for earlier_repno */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.earlier_repno cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.earlier_repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.earlier_repno '-q status' quote( _earlier_dirname ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. If rc \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: Getting Working file list from working directory for:' _earlier_dirname 'in repository' !global.!!repository.!!name.earlier_repno'"' Do i = 1 To err.0 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho err.i End Call Directory here Return 1 End idx = 0 Do i = 1 To out.0 Parse Var out.i . 'Status:' stat If stat \= '' Then Do i_off = i + 2 Parse Var out.i_off . 'Working revision:' rev . i_off = i_off + 1 Parse Var out.i_off . 'Repository revision:' rep_rev fn If Datatype( Changestr( '.', rep_rev, '' ) ) = 'NUM' Then Do idx = idx + 1 If stat = 'Locally Modified' Then rev = rev'+' oldfile.idx = Substr( fn, offset ) oldfile.idx = rev Left( oldfile.idx, Length( oldfile.idx ) - 2 ) End End End Call Directory here oldfile.0 = idx End Otherwise /* explicit version */ Do Parse Var oldlab olddir ',' oldlab oldlabelfile = olddir || '/.label-' || oldlab /* * We need to be in the working_dir for earlier_repno */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.earlier_repno cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.earlier_repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.earlier_repno '-q get -p' quote( oldlabelfile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem oldfile. Error Stem junk. If oldfile.0 = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The Earlier Version:' oldlab 'has not been labeled"' Call Directory here Return 1 End Call Directory here End End /* * Check value of label for "later" version... */ /* * First check if label is "Latest". If so, get the list of files from the * repository, not the label file */ Select When newlab = 'Latest' Then Do /* * We need to be in the working_dir for repno */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.repno newdir = _latest_dirname If GetListOfCVSFilesInDirectory( repno, _latest_dirname, 0 ) \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: Getting Latest file list from:' !global.!!repository.!!name.repno' Command:' cmd'"' Do i = 1 To err.0 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '" 'err.i'"' End Call Directory here Return 1 End Do i = 1 To item.0 Parse Var item.i . rev . . . . flen . Parse Var item.i 92 fn +(flen) +1 . newfile.i = rev fn End newfile.0 = item.0 Drop item. Call Directory here End When newlab = 'Working' Then Do offset = Length( !global.!!repository.!!shortpath.repno||!global.!ossep ) + 1 newdir = _latest_dirname /* * We need to be in the working_dir for repno */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.repno cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno '-q status' quote( _latest_dirname ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. If rc \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: Getting Working file list from working directory for:' _latest_dirname 'in repository' !global.!!repository.!!name.repno'"' Do i = 1 To err.0 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho err.i End Call Directory here Return 1 End idx = 0 Do i = 1 To out.0 Parse Var out.i . 'Status:' stat If stat \= '' Then Do i_off = i + 2 Parse Var out.i_off . 'Working revision:' rev . i_off = i_off + 1 Parse Var out.i_off . 'Repository revision:' rep_rev fn If Datatype( Changestr( '.', rep_rev, '' ) ) = 'NUM' Then Do idx = idx + 1 If stat = 'Locally Modified' Then rev = rev'+' newfile.idx = Substr( fn, offset ) newfile.idx = rev Left( newfile.idx, Length( newfile.idx ) - 2 ) End End End Call Directory here newfile.0 = idx End Otherwise /* explicit version */ Do Parse Var newlab newdir ',' newlab newlabelfile = newdir || '/.label-' || newlab /* * We need to be in the working_dir for repno */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.repno cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno '-q get -p' quote( newlabelfile ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem newfile. Error Stem junk. If newfile.0 = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The Later Version:' newlab 'has not been labeled"' Call Directory here Return 1 End Call Directory here End End End Otherwise Nop End Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Sorting label files..."' /* * Remove comments and other junk from (earlier) label file and sort it */ idx = 0 Do i = 1 To oldfile.0 rev = Word( oldfile.i, 1 ) mod = Subword( oldfile.i, 2 ) /* * Support old label files that had the ,v files listed. Strip the ,v if it exists */ If Right( mod, 2 ) = ',v' Then mod = Changestr( ',v', mod, '' ) /* * Only include non-comment lines and modules that have the * same leading directory as the specified module (this is for * reporting on a label done at a higher level than where we are ) */ If rev \= ';' & Left( mod, earlier_dirlen ) = _earlier_dirname Then Do idx = idx + 1 /* oldfile.idx = Left( rev, 10 ) mod */ oldfile.idx = Left( rev, 10 ) Substr( mod, earlier_dirlen+2 ) End End oldfile.0 = idx Call SysStemSort 'oldfile.', 'ascending', 'sensitive', , , 12, 250 /* * Remove comments and other junk from (later) label file and sort it */ idx = 0 Do i = 1 To newfile.0 rev = Word( newfile.i, 1 ) mod = Subword( newfile.i, 2 ) /* * Support old label files that had the ,v files listed. Strip the ,v if it exists */ If Right( mod, 2 ) = ',v' Then mod = Changestr( ',v', mod, '' ) /* * Only include non-comment lines and modules that have the * same leading directory as the specified module (this is for * reporting on a label done at a higher level than where we are ) */ If rev \= ';' & Left( mod, dirlen ) = _latest_dirname Then Do idx = idx + 1 /* newfile.idx = Left( rev, 10 ) mod */ newfile.idx = Left( rev, 10 ) Substr( mod, dirlen+2 ) End End newfile.0 = idx Call SysStemSort 'newfile.', 'ascending', 'sensitive', , , 12, 250 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Comparing label files..."' old_file = Strip( SubWord( oldfile.1, 2 ) ) old_rev = Strip( Word( oldfile.1, 1 ) ) new_file = Strip( SubWord( newfile.1, 2 ) ) new_rev = Strip( Word( newfile.1, 1 ) ) old_idx = 1 new_idx = 1 comb_idx = 0 eof = Copies('z', 10) Do Forever Select When old_file > new_file Then /* added in new */ Do comb_idx = comb_idx + 1 comb.comb_idx = '-' new_rev new_file If new_idx = newfile.0 Then new_file = eof Else Do new_idx = new_idx + 1 new_file = Strip( SubWord( newfile.new_idx, 2 ) ) new_rev = Strip( Word( newfile.new_idx, 1 ) ) End End When old_file < new_file Then /* deleted in new */ Do comb_idx = comb_idx + 1 comb.comb_idx = old_rev '-' old_file If old_idx = oldfile.0 Then old_file = eof Else Do old_idx = old_idx + 1 old_file = Strip( SubWord( oldfile.old_idx, 2 ) ) old_rev = Strip( Word( oldfile.old_idx, 1 ) ) End End Otherwise /* same file */ Do comb_idx = comb_idx + 1 comb.comb_idx = old_rev new_rev old_file If old_idx = oldfile.0 Then old_file = eof Else Do old_idx = old_idx + 1 old_file = Strip( SubWord( oldfile.old_idx, 2 ) ) old_rev = Strip( Word( oldfile.old_idx, 1 ) ) End If new_idx = newfile.0 Then new_file = eof Else Do new_idx = new_idx + 1 new_file = Strip( SubWord( newfile.new_idx, 2 ) ) new_rev = Strip( Word( newfile.new_idx, 1 ) ) End End End If old_file = eof & new_file = eof Then Leave End comb.0 = comb_idx color_changed = '#87ceeb' color_deleted = '#ff7800' color_added = '#2eee57' /* * Write the reports */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Writing report files..."' jobdatetime = Right( _basefile, 14 ) jobdate = Date( 'N', Left( jobdatetime, 8 ), 'S' ) jobtime = Substr( jobdatetime, 9, 2 )':'Substr( jobdatetime, 11, 2 )':'Substr( jobdatetime, 13, 2 ) jobdatetime = 'Job started on:' jobdate 'at' jobtime rbasefile = '.'Substr( _basefile, Lastpos( !global.!ossep, _basefile ) ) If _sa_flag Then Do detail = _basefile'.detail.html' Call Stream detail, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout detail, 'Details of Differences between:' diffs'' Call Lineout detail, '

Details of Differences

' Call Lineout detail, '


' Call Lineout detail, '


' Call Lineout detail, '


' Call Lineout detail, '
' Call Lineout detail, '
' Call Lineout detail, '' Call Lineout detail, '
File ChangedFile AddedFile Deleted

' Call Lineout detail, '

' Call Lineout detail, '' Call Lineout detail, '' Call Lineout detail, '' Call Lineout detail, '' End summary = _basefile'.summary.html' Call Stream summary, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout summary, 'Summary of Differences between:' diffs'' Call Lineout summary, '

Summary of Differences

' Call Lineout summary, '


' Call Lineout summary, '


' Call Lineout summary, '


' Call Lineout summary, '
' Call Lineout summary, '
' Call Lineout summary, '' Call Lineout summary, '
File ChangedFile AddedFile Deleted

' Call Lineout summary, '

' Call Lineout summary, '' Call Lineout summary, '' Call Lineout summary, '' Call Lineout summary, '' If _sa_flag Then Do currents = _basefile'.currents.html' Call Stream currents, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout currents, 'Current Revisions between:' diffs'' Call Lineout currents, '

Current Revisions

' Call Lineout currents, '


' Call Lineout currents, '


' Call Lineout currents, '
' Call Lineout currents, '
' Call Lineout currents, '' Call Lineout currents, '
File ChangedFile AddedFile Deleted

' Call Lineout currents, '

' Call Lineout currents, '' Call Lineout currents, '' Call Lineout currents, '' End differences_item = 0 differences = _basefile'.differences.html' rdifferences = '.'Substr( differences, Lastpos( !global.!ossep, differences ) ) Call Stream differences, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout differences, 'Detailed Differences between:' diffs'' Call Lineout differences, '' Call Lineout differences, '

Detailed Differences

' Call Lineout differences, '


' Call Lineout differences, '


' Call Lineout differences, '


' Call Lineout differences, '

' comments_item = 0 comments = _basefile'.comments.html' rcomments = '.'Substr( comments, Lastpos( !global.!ossep, comments ) ) Call Stream comments, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout comments, 'Detailed Comments between:' diffs'' Call Lineout comments, '' Call Lineout comments, '

Detailed Comments

' Call Lineout comments, '


' Call Lineout comments, '


' Call Lineout comments, '


' Call Lineout comments, '
If comparing between the "Working" version and the "Latest" version, no comments are produced.
' Call Lineout comments, '

' Call Lineout comments, '

' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>> Summary report: ' summary'"' If _sa_flag Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>> Detail report: ' detail'"' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>> Current Revisions report: ' currents'"' End Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>> Differences report: ' differences'"' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>> Comments report: ' comments'"' If ignorewhitespace = '' Then diffflags = '-bw' Else diffflags = '' If !global.!!repository.!!enhanced_cvs.!!last_repository = 'Y' Then logcmd = 'rlog' Else logcmd = 'log' Do i = 1 To comb.0 oldrev = Word( comb.i, 1 ) newrev = Word( comb.i, 2 ) fn = SubWord( comb.i, 3 ) _latest_fn = _latest_dirname'/'fn _earlier_fn = _earlier_dirname'/'fn /* * We need to get the description of the file now so it can be added to the * details report filename */ state = 'start' fn_desc = '' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do If _sa_flag | oldrev \= newrev Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno '-q' logcmd '-t' quote( _latest_fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' Do Queued() Parse Pull line Select When state = 'start' Then Do If Left( line, 12 ) = 'description:' Then state = 'desc' End When state = 'desc' Then Do If Left( line, 10 ) = Copies( '=', 10 ) Then state = 'done' Else fn_desc = fn_desc'
'line End Otherwise Nop End End End End Otherwise Nop End If _sa_flag Then Do Call Lineout currents, '' End If oldrev = newrev Then Do If _sa_flag Then Do Call Lineout detail, '' End End Else Do Select When oldrev = '-' Then color = color_added When newrev = '-' Then color = color_deleted Otherwise color = color_changed End row = '' If _sa_flag Then Do Call Lineout detail, row End Call Lineout summary, row End If oldrev \= newrev & oldrev \= '-' & newrev \= '-' Then Do /* * When changes exist, display a star */ If noprogress \= '' Then Call Charout ,'*' /* * Write differences lines... */ Call Lineout differences, '' If Right( newrev, 1 ) = '+' Then nrev = '' Else nrev = '-r'newrev /* * We need to get each rev of each file from the * appropriate repository to a temp file and do a diff * on these files. This is the only way to compare between * files in different repositories */ /* * For working file, get the full path */ If oldlab = 'Working' Then earlier_tmpfile = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.earlier_repno || _earlier_fn Else Do earlier_tmpfile = GenerateTempFile() /* we manage this ourselves */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do /* * We need to be in the working_dir for earlier_repno */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.earlier_repno cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.earlier_repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.earlier_repno '-q get -r'oldrev '-p' quote( _earlier_fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stream earlier_tmpfile Call Directory here End Otherwise Nop End End /* * We are already in the working_dir for repno */ If newlab = 'Working' Then tmpfile = !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.repno || _latest_fn Else Do tmpfile = GenerateTempFile() /* we manage this ourselves */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do /* * We need to be in the working_dir for repno */ here = Directory() Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.repno cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.repno '-q get' nrev '-p' quote( _latest_fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stream tmpfile Call Directory here End Otherwise Nop End End /* * Write out a heading for the file being diff'ed, similar to the * header that cvs diff produces */ differences_item = differences_item + 1 Call Lineout differences, '
' Call Lineout differences, '[INDEX][TOP][PREV][NEXT][COMMENTS]
' Call Lineout differences, ''fn '(' '-r'oldrev '-r'newrev ')
' /* * Win32 .doc differences... */ If !global.!os = 'WIN32' & Translate( Right( fn, 4 ) ) = '.DOC' & _wc_flag Then Do -- deal with earlier file... If oldlab = 'Working' Then Do -- copy the working file to the temporary file earlier_tmpfile1 = GenerateTempFile() -- we delete this ourselves Address System !global.!cmdcopy quote( earlier_tmpfile ) quote( earlier_tmpfile1 ) !global.!devnull End Else earlier_tmpfile1 = earlier_tmpfile file1 = ConvertWordDocumentToText( earlier_tmpfile1, 1 ) If file1 = '' Then Queue 'Unable to convert Word document:' fn 'Revision:' oldrev 'to text' Else Call AddTempFileForCleanup file1 -- deal with later file... If newlab = 'Working' Then Do -- copy the working file to the temporary file tmpfile2 = GenerateTempFile() -- we delete this ourselves Address System !global.!cmdcopy quote( tmpfile ) quote( tmpfile2 ) !global.!devnull End Else tmpfile2 = tmpfile file2 = ConvertWordDocumentToText( tmpfile2, 1 ) If file2 = '' Then Queue 'Unable to convert Word document:' fn 'Revision:' newrev 'to text' Else Call AddTempFileForCleanup file2 /* * Run the diff with output to stack if both files converted OK */ If file1 \= '' & file2 \= '' Then Address Command !global.!cmddiff diffflags quote( file1 ) quote( file2 ) With Output FIFO '' -- cleanup the copies of the Word documents If oldlab = 'Working' Then Call SysFileDelete earler_tmpfile1 If newlab = 'Working' Then Call SysFileDelete tmpfile2 End Else Do /* * Run the diff with output to stack */ Address Command !global.!cmddiff diffflags quote( earlier_tmpfile ) quote( tmpfile ) With Output FIFO '' End -- cleanup our temporary files If newlab \= 'Working' Then Call SysFileDelete tmpfile If oldlab \= 'Working' Then Call SysFileDelete earlier_tmpfile Call Lineout differences, '
         Do Queued()
            Parse Pull line
            Call Lineout differences, ConvertToHTMLMnemonics( line )
         Call Lineout differences, '
' /* * Write comments lines... */ Call Lineout comments, '' Call Lineout comments, '
' Call Lineout comments, '' Call Lineout comments, ' ' Call Lineout comments, ' ' Call Lineout comments, '' /* * Don't try and generate comments if we are comparing Latest and Working */ If newlab = 'Working' & oldlab = 'Latest' Then Nop Else Do raw_oldrev = Strip( oldrev, 'T', '+' ) raw_newrev = Strip( newrev, 'T', '+' ) If Datatype( raw_oldrev ) \= 'NUM' Then Do comp_revold = 0 End Else comp_revold = raw_oldrev If Datatype( raw_newrev ) \= 'NUM' Then comp_revnew = 0 Else comp_revnew = raw_newrev Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do /* * We need to convert a CVS version number into a "real" number: * 1.10 is less than 1.9 otherwise * We assume that we never have more than 10000 releases per version */ Parse Var comp_revold maj '.' min num_comp_revold = (maj*10000)+min Parse Var comp_revnew maj '.' min num_comp_revnew = (maj*10000)+min End Otherwise Nop End /* * Determine which repository has the latest revision so we can use that one * to get the version history */ If num_comp_revnew > num_comp_revold Then Do rlog_repno = repno rlog_fn = _latest_fn later_rev = raw_newrev earlier_rev = raw_oldrev End Else Do rlog_repno = earlier_repno rlog_fn = _earlier_fn later_rev = raw_oldrev earlier_rev = raw_newrev End /* * If the revision numbers are the same, there will be no comments */ If num_comp_revnew \= num_comp_revold Then Do Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.repno = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Do rlog for whichever repository has the later revision * taking into account trailing + */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.rlog_repno '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.rlog_repno '-q' logcmd quote( rlog_fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output FIFO '' state = 'start' Do Queued() Parse Pull line Select When state = 'done' Then Nop -- don't leave; keep pulling all lines off stack When state = 'start' & Word( line, 1 ) = 'revision' & Word( line, 2 ) >= raw_oldrev & Word( line, 2 ) <= raw_newrev Then Do state = 'dateline' rev = Word( line, 2 ) End When state = 'more' & Word( line, 1 ) = 'revision' & Word( line, 2 ) <= raw_oldrev Then state = 'done' When state = 'more' & Word( line, 1 ) = 'revision' Then Do state = 'dateline' rev = Word( line, 2 ) End When state = 'dateline' Then Do Parse Var line 'date: ' yyyy '/' mm '/' dd filetime ';' . 'author:' user ';' . filedate_t = DateTimeToTime_T( yyyy||mm||dd, filetime, 'S', 1 ) Call Lineout comments, '' state = 'in' comment = '' End When state = 'in' & Left( line, 20 ) = Copies( '-', 20 ) Then Do Call Lineout comments, '' state = 'more' End When state = 'in' Then Do If comment = '' Then comment = ConvertToHTMLMnemonics( line ) Else comment = comment'
'ConvertToHTMLMnemonics( line ) End Otherwise Nop End End End Otherwise Nop End End End Call Lineout comments, '
' Call Lineout comments, ' ' fn '(' '-r'oldrev '-r'newrev ')' Call Lineout comments, ' ' Call Lineout comments, ' [INDEX][TOP][PREV][NEXT][DIFFS]' Call Lineout comments, '
' rev 'Date:' Time_tDateToDisplayDate( filedate_t ) 'Author:' user '
' comment '
' End Else Do /* * When no changes, just display a dot */ If noprogress \= '' Then Call Charout ,'.' End End If _sa_flag Then Do Call Lineout detail, '

End of report
' Call Stream detail, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call Lineout currents, '

End of report
' Call Stream currents, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Call Lineout summary, '

End of report
' Call Stream summary, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call Lineout differences, '
End of report
' Call Stream differences, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call Lineout comments, '
End of report
' Call Stream comments, 'C', 'CLOSE' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '.' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Completed successfully at' Date() Time()'"' Return 0 RunBuild: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repository, lab, buildtype, overwritebuild, testbuild, _basefile, batch, dontcheckout, continuecheckout outputfile = _basefile'.out' retcode = 0 Call Time 'R' /* * Check that testbuild is for "Latest" version only */ If testbuild \= 'TESTBUILD' & lab \= 'Latest' Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: TestBuild can only be done with Latest version."' Return 1 End /* * If this is a TestBuild, then we need to do the following: * - check if there is an existing "__testbuild__" label and if so, do a "Report Module History" between "__testbuild__" and "Latest" * - do a build of ourselves without the -t flag * - if the build worked, re-label "__testbuild__" and send simple "success" to admin * - if build failed, send output and report module details to admin */ If testbuild \= 'TESTBUILD' Then Do /* * If called from batch, create our description file so we can see * the job in the GUI QOCCA and use "tee" so the output goes to the ".out" file * for later viewing */ If batch Then Do desc = 'Test Build of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) type = 'testbuild' compiler_type = FindCompilerType( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call CreateDescriptionFile _basefile, desc, type, compiler_type End If IsFileInRepository( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/.label-__testbuild__'!global.!os'__' ) Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Running Report Modules History between Latest and __testbuild__'!global.!os'__..."' /* * Following command MUST be run without Runner so that output goes to current outputfile */ Address System !global.!qocca_command 'mods -n'repository '-m'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '-vLatest -V'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository',__testbuild__'!global.!os'__' '-B'_basefile '-p -w' first_testbuild = 0 End Else first_testbuild = 1 Select When buildtype = 'debug' Then buildtype = '-bdebug' When buildtype = 'custom' Then buildtype = '-bcustom' Otherwise buildtype = '' End Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Building Latest of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'..."' /* * Following command MUST be run without Runner so that output goes to current outputfile */ Address System !global.!qocca_command 'build -n'repository '-m'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '-v'lab '-B'_basefile buildtype retcode = rc emailcommand = FindEmailCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If retcode = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Build Successful; Creating new __testbuild__'!global.!os'__ label..."' /* * Following command MUST be run without Runner so that output goes to current outputfile */ Address System !global.!qocca_command 'label -n'repository '-m'!global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '-v__testbuild__'!global.!os'__' '-o' '-B'_basefile If rc = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Label Successful!; Sending results to Administrators..."' Call SendEmail emailcommand, outputfile, !global.!admin_email, 'Test Build of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '- Successful!!' End Else Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Label Failed!; Sending results to Administrators..."' Call SendEmail emailcommand, outputfile, !global.!admin_email, 'Test Build of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '- Failed!!' End End Else Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Build Failed!; Sending results to Administrators..."' Call SendEmail emailcommand, outputfile, !global.!admin_email, 'Test Build of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '- Failed!!' /* If first_testbuild = 0 Then Do Call SendEmail emailcommand, _basefile'.summary.html', !global.!admin_email, 'Test Build of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '- Summary' Call SendEmail emailcommand, _basefile'.detail.html', !global.!admin_email, 'Test Build of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '- Detail' Call SendEmail emailcommand, _basefile'.differences.html', !global.!admin_email, 'Test Build of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '- Differences' Call SendEmail emailcommand, _basefile'.comments.html', !global.!admin_email, 'Test Build of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository '- Comments' End */ End /* Call SysFileDelete _basefile'.summary.html' Call SysFileDelete _basefile'.detail' Call SysFileDelete _basefile'.differences' Call SysFileDelete _basefile'.comments' */ End Else Do /* * Check that the supplied module is valid and "buildable" */ Select When buildtype = 'debug' Then buildcommand = FindDebugBuildCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) When buildtype = 'custom' Then buildcommand = FindCustomBuildCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Otherwise buildcommand = FindBuildCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) End If buildcommand = '' Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The supplied module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'is not buildable."' Return 1 End If Left( buildcommand, 1 ) = '!' Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The supplied module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'is not valid."' Return 1 End /* * If not building Latest, check if it has been labeled */ If lab \= 'Latest' Then Do If IsFileInRepository( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/.label-'lab ) = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: Module:' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) 'does not have a label of:' lab'"' Return 1 End End /* * Check if the build directory exists... */ build_dir = FindNativeBuildDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, lab ) Select When continuecheckout \= 'CONTINUECHECKOUT' Then Do If DirectoryExists( build_dir ) = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The supplied version:' lab 'for module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'has not been checked out."' Return 1 End End When DirectoryExists( build_dir ) = 0 & dontcheckout \= 'DONTCHECKOUT' & lab \= 'Latest' Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The supplied version:' lab 'for module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'has not been checked out and requested it not be checked out."' Return 1 End When DirectoryExists( build_dir ) = 1 & dontcheckout = 'DONTCHECKOUT' & overwritebuild = 'OVERWRITEBUILD' & lab \= 'Latest' Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The supplied version:' lab 'for module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'has already been built and you did not request it be overwritten."' Return 1 End Otherwise Nop End /* * Check if another build for the same version is already running */ lock_file = build_dir || !global.!ossep || '.build.lck' If Stream( lock_file, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then Do line = Linein( lock_file ) Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: Another build is likely in progress since' line 'for module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'."' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: If not, delete' lock_file'"' Return 1 End If dontcheckout = 'DONTCHECKOUT' Then Do /* * Export the directory tree * Due to an annoying feature of CVS, we can't export to a local * directory pointed to by the -d switch, so we have to check out * each file seperately to the correct directory */ If lab = 'Latest' Then Do /* * Get a list of all files in the module with their revision * numbers */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q list' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem err. /* TODO don't use cvs list!!! */ Do i = 1 To out.0 Parse Var out.i . rev . . . . flen . Parse Var out.i 92 fn +(flen) +1 . out.i = rev fn End End Otherwise Nop End End Else Do /* * Read the label file from the repository into a stem */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository '-q checkout -p' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository'/.label-'lab ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd With Output Stem out. Error Stem junk. End Otherwise Nop End End /* * Get rid any existing files and re-make the directory tree */ If continuecheckout = 'CONTINUECHECKOUT' Then Do If overwritebuild \= 'OVERWRITEBUILD' Then Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Cleaning up previous build"' Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmddelr quote( build_dir ) Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdmkdir quote( build_dir ) Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Checking out all files for version' lab 'of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'to' build_dir'"' End Else Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Continuing checking out all files for version' lab 'of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'to' build_dir'"' End /* * Write the lock file */ Call Stream lock_file, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout lock_file, 'Build started at:' Date() Time() Call Stream lock_file, 'C', 'CLOSE' !global.!build_lock_file = lock_file dirlen = Length( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) /* * If the OS can handle symlinks, then check if the common dirs are in the out. stem * and check these out first. Then we can create local symlinks and not have to checkout * all the linked files. * We then ignore the files we checked out previously */ ignore. = 0 If !global.!symlink \= '' Then Do Do j = 1 To !global.!common_dir.0 dir = Substr( !global.!common_dir.j, 2 ) || '/' len = Length( dir ) Do i = 1 To out.0 If Strip( out.i) = '' | Left( out.i, 1 ) = ';' Then Iterate i Parse Var out.i rev fn If Left( fn, len ) = dir Then Do have_common_dir.j = 1 ignore.i = 1 Call CheckoutAFile rev, fn, build_dir, dirlen, batch, outputfile, continuecheckout End End End /* * Now for all files check if they are in the linked directories * that we have checked out above and set their ignore flag */ Do i = 1 To out.0 If Strip( out.i) = '' | Left( out.i, 1 ) = ';' Then Iterate i Parse Var out.i rev fn Do j = 1 To !global.!linked_dir.0 ld = Substr( !global.!linked_dir.j, 2 ) || '/' len = Length( ld ) If ld = Left( fn, len ) Then Do idx = !global.!linked_idx.j If have_common_dir.idx = 1 Then ignore.i = 1 End End End End /* * We now have a stem; out. with all files and their revision numbers */ Do i = 1 To out.0 If Strip( out.i) = '' | Left( out.i, 1 ) = ';' Then Iterate i /* * If we have our ignore flag set, ignore the entry */ If ignore.i = 1 Then Iterate i Parse Var out.i rev fn rc = CheckoutAFile( rev, fn, build_dir, dirlen, batch, outputfile, continuecheckout ) If rc \= 0 Then Do /* * Delete the lock file */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmddelr quote( lock_file ) Drop !global.!build_lock_file Return rc End End If !global.!symlink \= '' Then Do tmpdir = Directory() /* * We now need to go through the linked directories and setup all of the * symbolic links to the common dirs */ Do j = 1 To !global.!linked_dir.0 common_idx = !global.!linked_idx.j If have_common_dir.idx = 1 Then Do Call Directory tmpdir /* * Work out how to get the correct relative path for linking */ pos = Lastpos( '/', !global.!linked_dir.j ) linked_dirname = Substr( !global.!linked_dir.j, 1, pos - 1 ) /* eg /test/dir1/dir2 */ common_dirname = !global.!common_dir.common_idx /* /common */ mycomm = common_dirname newdir = linked_dirname Do i = 1 To Min( Length( mycomm ), Length( newdir ) ) If Substr( mycomm, i, 1 ) = '/' Then last_dir_pos = i If Substr( mycomm, i, 1 ) \= Substr( newdir, i, 1 ) Then Leave End rel_linked = Substr( newdir, last_dir_pos + 1 ) rel_common = Substr( mycomm, last_dir_pos + 1 ) /* * Now symlink the common dir to the linked dirname * eg. Linking /tmfps/common to /tmfps/app/common * cd /tmfps/app * ln -sf ../common . */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Linking directory' quote( build_dir'/'rel_common ) 'to current directory:' quote( build_dir'/'rel_linked )'"' /* * Change directory to linked dir */ Call Directory build_dir'/'rel_linked Address Command !global.!symlink quote( '../'rel_common ) . End End Call Directory tmpdir End End /* * Change to the working directory to update build number ... */ Call Directory !global.!!repository.!!working_dir.!!last_repository /* * Increment the build number */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Getting current build number."' bnf = 'admin/build.no' Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do retcode = Runner( batch, outputfile, 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout' bnf ) End Otherwise Nop End If retcode \= 0 Then build_no = 1 Else Do Call Stream bnf, 'C', 'OPEN READ' build_no = Linein( bnf ) build_no = build_no + 1 Call Stream bnf, 'C', 'CLOSE' End Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Incrementing build number to:' build_no'"' /* * Check build number back in with history */ Call Stream bnf, 'C', 'OPEN WRITE REPLACE' Call Lineout bnf, build_no Call Stream bnf, 'C', 'CLOSE' msg = 'Build' build_no 'for version' lab 'of' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'rcs' Then Do End When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do If build_no = 1 Then Do cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'add' bnf If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address System cmd End Call Runner batch, outputfile, 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'commit -m"'msg'"' bnf End Otherwise Nop End /* * If called from batch, create our description file so we can see * the job in the GUI QOCCA and use "tee" so the output goes to the ".out" file * for later viewing */ If batch Then Do desc = 'Build ('build_no') of version' quote( lab ) 'of' quote( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) type = 'build' compiler_type = FindCompilerType( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) Call CreateDescriptionFile _basefile, desc, type, compiler_type End /* * Change to the build directory (top level for the module)... * and then to the "make" directory */ Call Directory build_dir make_dir = FindMakeDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If make_dir \= '' Then Call Directory make_dir /* * Should be able to build now! */ /* * Set the BUILD and VERSION environment variables here */ Call Value !global.!buildenvvar, build_no, 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value !global.!versionenvvar, lab, 'ENVIRONMENT' /* * Split the "build" command into multiple, and run them... */ Do Forever Parse Var buildcommand mc ';' buildcommand mc = Strip( mc ) If mc = '' Then Leave Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Executing command:' mc'"' retcode = Runner( batch, outputfile, mc ) If retcode \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Failed!"' /* * Delete the lock file */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmddelr quote( lock_file ) Drop !global.!build_lock_file Return retcode End End et = Time( 'E' ) Parse Var et et '.' . hr = et % 3600 et = et // 3600 mi = et % 60 se = et // 60 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Completed successfully at' Date() Time() 'Elapsed:' Right( hr, 2, 0 )':'Right( mi, 2, 0 )':'Right( se, 2, 0)'"' Call Value !global.!buildenvvar, '', 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value !global.!versionenvvar, '', 'ENVIRONMENT' End /* * Delete the lock file */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmddelr quote( lock_file ) Drop !global.!build_lock_file Return retcode CheckoutAFile: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg rev, fn, build_dir, dirlen, batch, outputfile, continuecheckout outfile = build_dir||Substr( fn, dirlen+1 ) /* * If we are continuing our checkout then return here if the file already exists */ If continuecheckout \= 'CONTINUECHECKOUT' & Stream( outfile, 'C', 'QUERY EXISTS' ) \= '' Then Return 0 /* * Need to determine if the directory of the file exists; * if not make it before checking the file out */ outpos = Lastpos( '/', outfile ) outdir = Substr( outfile, 1, outpos-1 ) If DirectoryExists( outdir ) = 0 Then Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Checking out files for directory:' outdir'"' Call CreateDirectory( outdir ) /* * We don't need to checkout label files */ If Left( Substr( outfile, outpos ), 8 ) = '/.label-' Then Return 0 /* * Get our file */ Select When !global.!!repository.!!type.!!last_repository = 'cvs' Then Do /* * Need to run cvs checkout with -p flag to avoid cvs stickiness * Problem is though that file permissions are lost */ cmd = 'cvs' !global.!!repository.!!cvs_compression.!!last_repository '-d'!global.!!repository.!!path.!!last_repository 'checkout -p -r'rev quote( fn ) If !global.!!user.!!preference.!!debug_commands = 1 Then Call DebugCommands cmd Address Command cmd With Output Stream outfile Error Stem err. If rc \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Error getting revision' rev 'of' fn 'to' outfile'"' Do i = 1 To err.0 Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho err.i End -- Return rc End Call Stream outfile, 'C', 'CLOSE' If !global.!cmdrename = 'mv' Then Do -- fix permissions for some files on Unixy platforms files = 'config.guess config.sub configure install-sh' Do i = 1 To Words( files ) file = Word( files, i ) len = Length( file ) If Right( outfile, len ) = file Then Address System 'chmod u+x' outfile End End End Otherwise Nop End Return 0 RunPromote: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg repository, lab, _basefile, batch outputfile = _basefile'.out' retcode = 0 /* * Check that the supplied module is valid and "promotable" */ promotecommand = FindPromoteCommand( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If promotecommand = '' | Left( promotecommand, 1 ) = '!' Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The supplied module:' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'is not valid or promotable."' End /* * If env supplied it must be in !global.!runtime_envs If !global.!runtime_envs = '' | Left( !global.!runtime_envs, 1 ) = '!' Then Nop Else Do If Wordpos( env, !global.!runtime_envs ) = 0 Then Do Call AbortText 'The supplied environment:' env 'is not a valid. Must be one of:' !global.!runtime_envs End End */ /* * Check if the build directory exists... */ build_dir = FindNativeBuildDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, lab ) If DirectoryExists( build_dir ) = 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"ERROR: The supplied version:' lab 'for module' !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository 'has not been built."' End /* * Change to promote directory */ build_dir = FindNativeBuildDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository, lab ) Call Directory build_dir promote_dir = FindPromoteDirectory( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) If promote_dir \= '' Then Call Directory promote_dir /* * Should be able to promote now! */ Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Changing to promote directory:' promote_dir'"' /* * Get the !install_script, copy to build_dir - TODO */ this_dir = DirToVariable( !global.!current_dirname.!!last_repository ) pos = Wordpos( !global.!os, !global.!platforms ) /* * Make our substitutions now... */ promotecommand = Changestr( '%D%', promotecommand, !global.!dir.!installdirs.this_dir.pos ) promotecommand = Changestr( '%V%', promotecommand, lab ) /* * Set the BUILD and VERSION environment variables here */ Call Value !global.!buildenvvar, build_no, 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value !global.!versionenvvar, lab, 'ENVIRONMENT' /* * Split the "promote" command into multiple, and run them... */ Do Forever Parse Var promotecommand mc ';' promotecommand mc = Strip( mc ) If mc = '' Then Leave Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Executing command:' mc'"' retcode = Runner( batch, outputfile, mc ) If retcode \= 0 Then Do Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '"Failed!"' Return retcode End End Call Runner batch, outputfile, !global.!cmdecho '">>>>Completed successfully at' Date() Time()'"' Call Value !global.!buildenvvar, '', 'ENVIRONMENT' Call Value !global.!versionenvvar, '', 'ENVIRONMENT' Return retcode /* * Turn mouse cursor to hourglass */ SetCursorWait: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call dw_window_set_pointer !global.!mainwindow, !REXXDW.!DW_POINTER_CLOCK Call dw_main_sleep 10 Return /* * Turn mouse cursor to arrow */ SetCursorNoWait: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Call dw_window_set_pointer !global.!mainwindow, !REXXDW.!DW_POINTER_ARROW Call dw_main_sleep 10 Return Usage: Procedure Expose !REXXDW. !global. !!last_repository Parse Arg cmd Say 'Usage:' Say 'qocca ['Translate( !global.!validcmds, '|', ' ' ) '[options] ]' If cmd = '' Then validcmds = !global.!validcmds Else validcmds = cmd Do i = 1 To Words( validcmds ) Say '-- options for' Word( validcmds, i )':' cmd = Translate( Word( validcmds, i ) ) Do j = 1 To Words( !global.!validargs.cmd ) Select When Word( !global.!mandatory.cmd, j ) = 0 & Word( !global.!valuereq.cmd, j ) = 1 Then str = ' ' Left( '['Word( !global.!validargs.cmd, j )||Word( !global.!opt.cmd, j )']', 20 ) '->' !global.!desc.cmd.j When Word( !global.!mandatory.cmd, j ) = 0 & Word( !global.!valuereq.cmd, j ) = 0 Then str = ' ' Left( '['Word( !global.!validargs.cmd, j )']', 20 ) '->' !global.!desc.cmd.j When Word( !global.!mandatory.cmd, j ) = 1 & Word( !global.!valuereq.cmd, j ) = 1 Then str = ' ' Left( Word( !global.!validargs.cmd, j )||Word( !global.!opt.cmd, j ), 20 ) '->' !global.!desc.cmd.j When Word( !global.!mandatory.cmd, j ) = 1 & Word( !global.!valuereq.cmd, j ) = 0 Then str = ' ' Left( Word( !global.!validargs.cmd, j ), 20 ) '->' !global.!desc.cmd.j Otherwise Nop End Say str End End Exit 1 Halt: If Left( !global.!build_lock_file, 1 ) \= '!' Then Address System !global.!cmddelr quote( !global.!build_lock_file ) Say Say 'User cancelled process!' Exit 1