;; -*- scheme -*- (library (core) (export :all) (import :none) (decl-code (.define "LIBSAGITTARIUS_BODY") (.include ;; need this... "shortnames.incl" "gc-incl.inc")) (define-cise-stmt assertion-violation ((_ who msg) `(begin (Sg_AssertionViolation ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) '()))) ((_ who msg irritants) `(begin (Sg_AssertionViolation ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) ,irritants) ))) (define-cise-stmt wrong-type-of-argument-violation ((_ who msg got) `(begin (Sg_WrongTypeOfArgumentViolation ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) ,got '()))) ((_ who msg got irritants) `(begin (Sg_WrongTypeOfArgumentViolation ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) ,got ,irritants)))) (define-cise-stmt throw-i/o-error ((_ type who msg file) `(throw-i/o-error ,type ,who ,msg ,file SG_UNDEF)) ((_ type who msg file ret) `(begin (Sg_IOError ,type ,who (SG_MAKE_STRING ,msg) ,file SG_UNDEF) (return ,ret)))) ;; x=? macro (define-cise-stmt x=? ((_ checker compare name first second rest) `(begin (,checker ,name ,first) (,checker ,name ,second) (cond ((SG_NULLP ,rest) (result (,compare ,first ,second))) ((not (,compare ,first ,second)) (result FALSE)) (else (let ((prev ,second)) (dolist (p ,rest) (,checker ,name p) (unless (,compare prev p) (return #f)) (set! prev p)) (result TRUE))))))) ;; 11.1 base type (define-c-proc boolean? (o) :: :constant SG_BOOLP) (define-c-proc pair? (o) :: :constant (inline PAIRP) SG_PAIRP) (define-c-proc symbol? (o) :: :constant (inline SYMBOLP) SG_SYMBOLP) (define-c-proc number? (o) :: :constant SG_NUMBERP) (define-c-proc char? (o) :: :constant SG_CHARP) (define-c-proc string? (o) :: :constant SG_STRINGP) (define-c-proc vector? (o) :: :constant (inline VECTORP) SG_VECTORP) (define-c-proc procedure? (o) :: :constant SG_PROCEDUREP) (define-c-proc null? (o) :: :constant (inline NULLP) SG_NULLP) ;; 11.5 equivalence predicates ;; defined in compare.c ;;(define-c-proc eq? (a b) :: :constant (inline EQ) SG_EQ) ;;(define-c-proc eqv? (a b) :: :constant (inline EQV) Sg_EqvP) ;;(define-c-proc equal? (a b) :: :constant Sg_EqualP) ;; numerical type predicates (define-c-proc complex? (o) :: :constant SG_NUMBERP) (define-c-proc real? (o) :: :constant SG_REALP) (define-c-proc rational? (o) :: :constant Sg_RationalP) (define-c-proc integer? (o) :: :constant Sg_IntegerP) (define-c-proc real-valued? (o) :: :constant Sg_RealValuedP) (define-c-proc rational-valued? (o) :: :constant Sg_RationalValuedP) (define-c-proc integer-valued? (o) :: :constant Sg_IntegerValuedP) (define-c-proc exact? (o) :: :constant Sg_ExactP) (define-c-proc inexact? (o) :: :constant Sg_InexactP) ;; generic conversions (define-c-proc inexact (z::) :constant Sg_Inexact) (define-c-proc exact (z::) :constant Sg_Exact) ;; arithmetic operations (define-cise-stmt check-real ((_ name o) `(unless (SG_REALP ,o) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "real number" ,o)))) (define-cise-stmt numcmp ((_ op compar) `(loop (cond ((not (,op (,compar arg0 arg1) 0)) (break)) ((SG_NULLP rest) (result TRUE) (break)) (else (set! arg0 arg1) (set! arg1 (SG_CAR rest)) (set! rest (SG_CDR rest))))))) ;; = < > <= >= (define-c-proc = (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) :: :constant (result FALSE) (loop (cond ((not (Sg_NumEq arg0 arg1)) (break)) ((SG_NULLP rest) (result TRUE) (break)) (else (set! arg0 arg1) (set! arg1 (SG_CAR rest)) (set! rest (SG_CDR rest)))))) (define-c-proc < (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) :: :constant (result FALSE) (numcmp < Sg_NumCmp)) (define-c-proc <= (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) :: :constant (result FALSE) (numcmp <= Sg_NumCmp)) (define-c-proc > (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) :: :constant (result FALSE) (numcmp > Sg_NumCmp)) (define-c-proc >= (arg0 arg1 :rest rest) :: :constant (result FALSE) (numcmp >= Sg_NumCmp)) (define-c-proc zero? (n::) :: :constant Sg_ZeroP) (define-c-proc positive? (x::) :: :constant Sg_PositiveP) (define-c-proc negative? (x::) :: :constant Sg_NegativeP) (define-c-proc odd? (x::) :: :constant Sg_OddP) (define-c-proc even? (x::) :: :constant (result (not (Sg_OddP x)))) (define-c-proc finite? (x::) :: Sg_FiniteP) (define-c-proc infinite? (x::) :: Sg_InfiniteP) (define-c-proc nan? (x::) :: Sg_NanP) (define-c-proc max (arg0 :rest rest) :constant (Sg_MinMax arg0 rest NULL (& SG_RESULT))) (define-c-proc min (arg0 :rest rest) :constant (Sg_MinMax arg0 rest (& SG_RESULT) NULL)) ;; arithmetic (define-cise-stmt check-number ((_ name v) `(unless (SG_NUMBERP ,v) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "number" ,v)))) ;; are these arithmetic operation constant? (define-c-proc + (:rest rest) :constant (cond ((not (SG_PAIRP rest)) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0))) ((not (SG_NUMBERP (SG_CAR rest))) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation '+ "number" (SG_CAR rest) rest) (result SG_UNDEF)) ; dummy (else (let ((r (SG_CAR rest))) (dolist (v (SG_CDR rest)) (check-number + v) (set! r (Sg_Add r v))) (result r))))) (define-c-proc * (:rest rest) :constant (cond ((not (SG_PAIRP rest)) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 1))) ((not (SG_NUMBERP (SG_CAR rest))) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation '+ "number" (SG_CAR rest) rest) (result SG_UNDEF)) ; dummy (else (let ((r (SG_CAR rest))) (dolist (v (SG_CDR rest)) (check-number * v) (set! r (Sg_Mul r v))) (result r))))) (define-c-proc - (arg1:: :rest rest) :constant (if (SG_NULLP rest) (result (Sg_Negate arg1)) (begin (dolist (v rest) (check-number - v) (set! arg1 (Sg_Sub arg1 v))) (result arg1)))) (define-c-proc / (arg1:: :rest rest) :constant (if (SG_NULLP rest) (result (Sg_Inverse arg1)) (let ((exact::int (Sg_ExactP arg1))) (dolist (v rest) (check-number / v) ;; if inexact numbers have already appeared, ;; we can skip checking (when exact (set! exact (Sg_ExactP v))) (when (and exact (Sg_ZeroP v)) (assertion-violation '/ "undefined for 0" (Sg_Cons arg1 rest))) (set! arg1 (Sg_Div arg1 v))) (result arg1)))) ;; base arithmetic (define-c-proc abs (x::) :constant Sg_Abs) (define-c-proc numerator (x::) :constant Sg_Numerator) (define-c-proc denominator (x::) :constant Sg_Denominator) (define-cise-stmt check-real-valued ((_ name n) `(unless (Sg_RealValuedP ,n) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "real number" ,n)))) (define-c-proc floor (x::) :constant (check-real-valued floor x) (result (Sg_Round x SG_ROUND_FLOOR))) (define-c-proc ceiling (x::) :constant (check-real-valued ceiling x) (result (Sg_Round x SG_ROUND_CEIL))) (define-c-proc truncate (x::) :constant (check-real-valued truncate x) (result (Sg_Round x SG_ROUND_TRUNC))) (define-c-proc round (x::) :constant (check-real-valued round x) (result (Sg_Round x SG_ROUND_ROUND))) (define-cise-stmt check-finite ((_ name n) `(unless (Sg_FiniteP ,n) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "finite" ,n)))) (define-cise-stmt check-not-nan ((_ name n) `(when (Sg_NanP ,n) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "non nan" ,n)))) (define-cise-stmt check-not-zero ((_ name n) `(when (Sg_ZeroP ,n) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "not zero" ,n)))) (define-cise-stmt check-integer-arith-argument ((_ name x y) `(begin (check-finite ,name ,x) (check-not-nan ,name ,x) (check-not-zero ,name ,y)))) (define-c-proc div (x:: y::) :constant (check-integer-arith-argument div x y) (result (Sg_IntegerDiv x y))) (define-c-proc mod (x:: y::) :constant (check-integer-arith-argument mod x y) (result (Sg_IntegerMod x y))) (define-c-proc div0 (x:: y::) :constant (check-integer-arith-argument div0 x y) (result (Sg_IntegerDiv0 x y))) (define-c-proc mod0 (x:: y::) :constant (check-integer-arith-argument mod0 x y) (result (Sg_IntegerMod0 x y))) ;; takes 2. r6rs implementation is in scmlib.scm (define-c-proc %gcd (x:: y::) :constant Sg_Gcd) (define-c-proc exp (x::) :constant Sg_Exp) (define-c-proc expt (x:: y::) :constant Sg_Expt) (define-c-proc log (x:: :optional base::) :constant (if (SG_UNBOUNDP base) (if (== x (SG_MAKE_INT 0)) (assertion-violation 'log "undefined for 0" x) (result (Sg_Log x))) (result (Sg_Div (Sg_Log x) (Sg_Log base))))) (define-c-proc make-rectangular (a:: b::) :constant (unless (SG_REALP a) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-rectangular "real number required" a (SG_LIST2 a b))) (unless (SG_REALP b) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-rectangular "real number required" b (SG_LIST2 a b))) (result (Sg_MakeComplex a b))) (define-c-proc make-polar (r:: t::) :constant (unless (SG_REALP r) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-polar "real number required" r (SG_LIST2 r t))) (unless (SG_REALP t) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-polar "real number required" t (SG_LIST2 r t))) (result (Sg_MakeComplexPolar r t))) (define-c-proc real-part (r::) :constant (cond ((SG_COMPLEXP r) (result (-> (SG_COMPLEX r) real))) ((SG_REALP r) (result r)) (else ;; never happen (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'real-part "number required" r)))) (define-c-proc imag-part (r::) :constant (cond ((SG_COMPLEXP r) (result (-> (SG_COMPLEX r) imag))) ((SG_REALP r) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'imag-part "number required" r)))) (define-c-proc magnitude (n::) :constant Sg_Magnitude) (define-c-proc angle (n::) :constant Sg_Angle) (define-c-proc sin (n::) :constant Sg_Sin) (define-c-proc cos (n::) :constant Sg_Cos) (define-c-proc tan (n::) :constant Sg_Tan) (define-c-proc asin (n::) :constant Sg_Asin) (define-c-proc acos (n::) :constant Sg_Acos) (define-c-proc atan (n:: :optional n2::) :constant (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP n2) (result (Sg_Atan n))) (else (check-real-valued atan n) (check-real-valued atan n2) (result (Sg_Atan2 n n2))))) (define-c-proc sqrt (n::) :constant Sg_Sqrt) (define-c-proc exact-integer-sqrt (n::) :constant (when (or (Sg_NegativeP n) (not (SG_EXACT_INTP n))) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'exact-integer-sqrt "non-negative exact integer required" n)) (result (Sg_ExactIntegerSqrt n))) (define-c-proc rationalize (x:: e::) :constant (check-real rationalize x) (check-real rationalize e) (result (Sg_Rationalize x e))) ;; r5rs compatible (define-c-proc quotient (n1:: n2::) :constant (when (SG_EQ n2 (SG_MAKE_INT 0)) (assertion-violation 'quotient "attempt to calculate a quotient by zero" (SG_LIST2 n1 n2))) (result (Sg_Quotient n1 n2 NULL))) (define-c-proc remainder (n1:: n2::) :constant (result (Sg_Modulo n1 n2 TRUE))) (define-c-proc modulo (n1:: n2::) :constant (result (Sg_Modulo n1 n2 FALSE))) (define-c-proc integer-length (n::) :: :constant Sg_IntegerLength) ;; numerical input and output (define-c-proc number->string (z:: :optional (radix:: 10) precision) :constant ;; ignore precision (result (Sg_NumberToString z (cast int radix) FALSE))) (define-c-proc string->number (s:: :optional (radix:: 10)) :constant (result (Sg_StringToNumber s (cast int radix) FALSE))) ;; 11.8 booleans (define-c-proc not (arg0) :: :constant (inline NOT) SG_FALSEP) (define-cise-stmt check-boolean ((_ name b) `(unless (SG_BOOLP ,b) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "boolean" ,b)))) (define-c-proc boolean=? (b1 b2 :rest rest) :: :constant (x=? check-boolean SG_EQ boolean=? b1 b2 rest)) ;; 11.9 pairs and lists (define-c-proc cons (o1 o2) :no-side-effect (inline CONS) Sg_Cons) (define-c-proc car (o::) :constant (inline CAR) (setter set-car!) SG_CAR) (define-c-proc cdr (o::) :constant (inline CDR) (setter set-cdr!) SG_CDR) "#define CXR_SETTER(PRE, pre, tail) \ SgObject cell = Sg_C##tail##r(obj); \ if (!SG_PAIRP(cell)) \ Sg_Error(UC(\"can't set c\" #pre #tail \"r of %S\"), obj); \ SG_SET_C##PRE##R(cell, value);" (define-c-proc caar (o::) :constant (inline CAAR) (setter (obj value) :: (CXR_SETTER A a a)) Sg_Caar) (define-c-proc cadr (o::) :constant (inline CADR) (setter (obj value) :: (CXR_SETTER A a d)) Sg_Cadr) (define-c-proc cdar (o::) :constant (inline CDAR) (setter (obj value) :: (CXR_SETTER D d a)) Sg_Cdar) (define-c-proc cddr (o::) :constant (inline CDDR) (setter (obj value) :: (CXR_SETTER D d d)) Sg_Cddr) ;; moved from (core base) ;; Why did I do this... "#define CXXR_SETTER(PRE, pre, tail) \ SgObject cell = Sg_C##pre##r(Sg_C##tail##r(obj)); \ if (!SG_PAIRP(cell)) \ Sg_Error(UC(\"can't set c\" #pre #tail \"r of %S\"), obj); \ SG_SET_C##PRE##R(cell, value);" (define-c-proc caaar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A a a)) (result (Sg_Car (Sg_Caar o)))) (define-c-proc caadr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A a d)) (result (Sg_Car (Sg_Cadr o)))) (define-c-proc cadar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A d a)) (result (Sg_Car (Sg_Cdar o)))) (define-c-proc caddr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A d d)) (result (Sg_Car (Sg_Cddr o)))) (define-c-proc cdaar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D a a)) (result (Sg_Cdr (Sg_Caar o)))) (define-c-proc cdadr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D a d)) (result (Sg_Cdr (Sg_Cadr o)))) (define-c-proc cddar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D d a)) (result (Sg_Cdr (Sg_Cdar o)))) (define-c-proc cdddr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D d d)) (result (Sg_Cdr (Sg_Cddr o)))) (define-c-proc caaaar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A a aa)) (result (Sg_Caar (Sg_Caar o)))) (define-c-proc caaadr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A a ad)) (result (Sg_Caar (Sg_Cadr o)))) (define-c-proc caadar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A a da)) (result (Sg_Caar (Sg_Cdar o)))) (define-c-proc caaddr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A a dd)) (result (Sg_Caar (Sg_Cddr o)))) (define-c-proc cadaar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A d aa)) (result (Sg_Cadr (Sg_Caar o)))) (define-c-proc cadadr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A d ad)) (result (Sg_Cadr (Sg_Cadr o)))) (define-c-proc caddar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A d da)) (result (Sg_Cadr (Sg_Cdar o)))) (define-c-proc cadddr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER A d dd)) (result (Sg_Cadr (Sg_Cddr o)))) (define-c-proc cdaaar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D a aa)) (result (Sg_Cdar (Sg_Caar o)))) (define-c-proc cdaadr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D a ad)) (result (Sg_Cdar (Sg_Cadr o)))) (define-c-proc cdadar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D a da)) (result (Sg_Cdar (Sg_Cdar o)))) (define-c-proc cdaddr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D a dd)) (result (Sg_Cdar (Sg_Cddr o)))) (define-c-proc cddaar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D d aa)) (result (Sg_Cddr (Sg_Caar o)))) (define-c-proc cddadr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D d ad)) (result (Sg_Cddr (Sg_Cadr o)))) (define-c-proc cdddar (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D d da)) (result (Sg_Cddr (Sg_Cdar o)))) (define-c-proc cddddr (o) :constant (setter (obj value) :: (CXXR_SETTER D d dd)) (result (Sg_Cddr (Sg_Cddr o)))) (define-c-proc list? (arg0) :: :constant SG_PROPER_LISTP) (define-c-proc list (:rest rest) :no-side-effect (inline LIST) (result rest)) (define-c-proc length (lst) :: :constant Sg_Length) ;; are these transparent? (define-c-proc append (:rest lst) :no-side-effect (inline APPEND) Sg_Append) (define-c-proc reverse (lst) :no-side-effect Sg_Reverse) (define-c-proc list-tail (lst k:: :optional fallback) :constant Sg_ListTail) ;; from where should we expose this? (define-c-proc list-set! (lst k:: v) (let ((p (Sg_ListTail lst k SG_FALSE))) (if (SG_PAIRP p) (SG_SET_CAR p v) (assertion-violation 'list-set! "index out of bound" (SG_LIST2 lst (SG_MAKE_INT k)))))) (define-c-proc list-ref (lst k:: :optional fallback) :constant (setter list-set!) Sg_ListRef) ;; list miscs (define-c-proc last-pair (lst) :constant Sg_LastPair) ;; 11.10 symbols (define-c-proc symbol->string (z::) :constant SG_SYMBOL_NAME) (define-cise-stmt check-symbol ((_ name s) `(unless (SG_SYMBOLP ,s) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "symbol" ,s)))) (define-c-proc symbol=? (s1:: s2:: :rest rest) :: :constant (x=? check-symbol SG_EQ symbol=? s1 s2 rest)) (define-c-proc string->symbol (z::) :constant Sg_Intern) ;; 11.11 characters (define-cise-stmt check-char ((_ name c) `(unless (SG_CHARP ,c) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "char" ,c)))) (define-c-proc char->integer (c::) :constant SG_MAKE_INT) (define-c-proc integer->char (ch::) :constant (unless (or (and (<= 0 ch) (<= ch #xD7FF)) (and (<= #xE000 ch) (<= ch #x10FFFF))) (assertion-violation 'integer->char "code point out of range" (SG_MAKE_INT ch))) (result (SG_MAKE_CHAR ch))) (define-c-proc char=? (c1 c2 :rest rest) :: :constant (x=? check-char SG_EQ char=? c1 c2 rest)) (define-cise-stmt char<>=? ((_ compare name first second rest) `(begin (check-char ,name ,first) (check-char ,name ,second) (cond ((SG_NULLP ,rest) (result (,compare ,first ,second))) ((not (,compare ,first ,second)) (result FALSE)) (else (let ((prev ,second)) (dolist (p ,rest) (check-char ,name p) (unless (,compare prev p) (return #f)) (set! prev p)) (result TRUE))))))) (define-c-proc char :constant (char<>=? < char? (c1 c2 :rest rest) :: :constant (char<>=? > char>? c1 c2 rest)) (define-c-proc char<=? (c1 c2 :rest rest) :: :constant (char<>=? <= char<=? c1 c2 rest)) (define-c-proc char>=? (c1 c2 :rest rest) :: :constant (char<>=? >= char>=? c1 c2 rest)) ;; 11.12 strings (define-cise-stmt check-string ((_ name s) `(unless (SG_STRINGP ,s) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "string" ,s)))) (define-c-proc make-string (k:: :optional (c:: #\space)) Sg_ReserveString) (define-c-proc string (:rest rest) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_ListToString rest 0 -1))) (define-c-proc string-length (s::) :: :constant SG_STRING_SIZE) (define-c-proc string-ref (s:: k:: :optional fallback) :constant (setter string-set!) (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP fallback) (result (SG_MAKE_CHAR (Sg_StringRef s k)))) ((and (<= 0 k) (< k (SG_STRING_SIZE s))) (result (SG_MAKE_CHAR (Sg_StringRef s k)))) (else (result fallback)))) ;; string compares (define-c-proc string=? (s1:: s2:: :rest rest) :: :constant (x=? check-string Sg_StringEqual string=? s1 s2 rest)) (define-cise-stmt string-compare ((_ compare value name first second rest) `(begin (cond ((SG_NULLP ,rest) (result (,compare (Sg_StringCompare ,first ,second) ,value))) ((not (,compare (Sg_StringCompare ,first ,second) ,value)) (result FALSE)) (else (let ((prev ,second)) (dolist (p ,rest) (check-string ,name p) (unless (,compare (Sg_StringCompare prev p) ,value) (return #f)) (set! prev p)) (result TRUE))))))) (define-c-proc string s2:: :rest rest) :: :constant (string-compare == -1 string? (s1:: s2:: :rest rest) :: :constant (string-compare == 1 string>? s1 s2 rest)) (define-c-proc string<=? (s1:: s2:: :rest rest) :: :constant (string-compare <= 0 string<=? s1 s2 rest)) (define-c-proc string>=? (s1:: s2:: :rest rest) :: :constant (string-compare >= 0 string>=? s1 s2 rest)) (define-c-proc substring (s:: start:: end::) :no-side-effect (when (< start 0) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'substring "non negative exact integer" (SG_MAKE_INT start) (SG_LIST3 s (SG_MAKE_INT start) (SG_MAKE_INT end)))) (when (< end 0) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'substring "non negative exact integer" (SG_MAKE_INT end) (SG_LIST3 s (SG_MAKE_INT start) (SG_MAKE_INT end)))) (when (< end start) (assertion-violation 'substring "end index is smaller than start index" (SG_LIST3 s (SG_MAKE_INT start) (SG_MAKE_INT end)))) (when (< (SG_STRING_SIZE s) end) (assertion-violation 'substring "end index out of bounds" (SG_LIST3 s (SG_MAKE_INT start) (SG_MAKE_INT end)))) (result (Sg_Substring s start end))) (define-c-proc string-append (:rest rest) :no-side-effect Sg_StringAppend) ;; we take start+end as optional arguments for srfi-13 (define-c-proc string->list (s:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect Sg_StringToList) (define-c-proc list->string (o:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect Sg_ListToString) ;; we take start+end as optional arguments for srfi-13 (define-c-proc string-copy (s:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect Sg_Substring) ;; 11.13 vectors (define-c-proc make-vector (size:: :optional fill) :no-side-effect (when (SG_UNBOUNDP fill) (set! fill SG_UNDEF)) (result (Sg_MakeVector size fill))) (define-c-proc vector (:rest rest) :no-side-effect (inline VECTOR) (result (Sg_ListToVector rest 0 -1))) (define-c-proc vector-length (vec::) :: :constant (inline VEC_LEN) (result (SG_VECTOR_SIZE vec))) (define-c-proc vector-ref (vec:: i:: :optional fallback) :constant (setter vector-set!) (cond ((or (< i 0) (>= i (SG_VECTOR_SIZE vec))) (when (SG_UNBOUNDP fallback) (assertion-violation 'vector-ref "index out of range" (SG_MAKE_INT i))) (result fallback)) (else (result (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT vec i))))) (define-c-proc vector-set! (vec:: i:: obj) :: (when (SG_LITERAL_VECTORP vec) (assertion-violation 'vector-set "attempt to modify immutable vector" (SG_LIST1 vec))) (cond ((or (< i 0) (>= i (SG_VECTOR_SIZE vec))) (assertion-violation 'vector-ref "index out of range" (SG_MAKE_INT i))) (else (set! (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT vec i) obj)))) (define-c-proc vector->list (vec:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect Sg_VectorToList) (define-c-proc list->vector (lst :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect (unless (SG_LISTP lst) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'list->vector "propert list" lst)) (result (Sg_ListToVector lst start end))) (define-c-proc vector-fill! (vec:: fill :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :: Sg_VectorFill) ;; 11.14 errors and violations (define-c-proc assertion-violation (who message :rest irritants) :: Sg_AssertionViolation) (define-c-proc error (who message :rest irritants) :: (let ((condi SG_FALSE)) (if (SG_FALSEP who) (set! condi (Sg_Condition (SG_LIST2 (Sg_MakeError message) (Sg_MakeIrritantsCondition irritants)))) (set! condi (Sg_Condition (SG_LIST3 (Sg_MakeError message) (Sg_MakeWhoCondition who) (Sg_MakeIrritantsCondition irritants))))) (Sg_Raise condi FALSE))) ;; we might remove this (define-c-proc scheme-error (who msg :rest irritant) :: (Sg_Error (UC "%S %A %S") who msg irritant)) (define-c-proc syntax-error (form :rest irritant) :: Sg_SyntaxError) ;; 11.15 control features ;; is apply constant? I think it's depending on the given procedure... (define-c-proc apply (proc:: arg1 :rest rest) :no-side-effect (inline APPLY) ;; can we consider this no-side-effect? (let ((head::SgObject '()) (tail::SgObject '())) (cond ((SG_NULLP rest) (result (Sg_VMApply proc arg1))) (else (set! head (Sg_Cons arg1 '())) (set! tail head) (dopairs (cp rest) (when (SG_NULLP (SG_CDR cp)) (SG_APPEND head tail (SG_CAR cp)) (break)) (unless (SG_PAIRP (SG_CDR cp)) (assertion-violation 'apply "improper list not allowed" rest)) (SG_APPEND1 head tail (SG_CAR cp))) (result (Sg_VMApply proc head)))))) ;; call/cc (define-c-proc call/cc (proc::) Sg_VMCallCC) (define-c-proc call-with-current-continuation (proc::) Sg_VMCallCC) (define-c-proc values (:rest rest) :constant (inline VALUES) Sg_Values) (define-c-proc dynamic-wind (before thunk after) Sg_VMDynamicWind) ;; standard libraries ;; 1 Unicode ;; 1.1 characters (define-cise-stmt check-char ((_ name c) `(unless (SG_CHARP ,c) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "character" ,c)))) ;; these can be constant since we always return the same value ;; however no guarantee that unicode spec itself gets changed ;; so just as it is for now. ;; remember unicode 1.1 to unicode 2.0, this may happen in future... (define-c-proc char-upcase (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharUpCase) (define-c-proc char-downcase (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharDownCase) (define-c-proc char-titlecase (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharTitleCase) (define-c-proc char-foldcase (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharFoldCase) (define-c-proc char-general-category (c::) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_CategroyToSymbol (Sg_CharGeneralCategory c)))) (define-c-proc char-alphabetic? (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharAlphabeticP) (define-c-proc char-numeric? (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharNumericP) (define-c-proc char-whitespace? (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_Ucs4WhiteSpaceP) (define-c-proc char-upper-case? (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharUpperCaseP) (define-c-proc char-lower-case? (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharLowerCaseP) (define-c-proc char-title-case? (c::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_CharTitleCaseP) ;; 1.2 strings ;; for SRFI-13 ;; these will allocate new string so not constant (define-c-proc string-upcase (s:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_StringUpCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring s start end)))) (define-c-proc string-downcase (s:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_StringDownCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring s start end)))) (define-c-proc string-titlecase (s:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_StringTitleCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring s start end) FALSE))) (define-c-proc string-foldcase (s:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_StringFoldCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring s start end)))) ;; TODO Should we also add start end to these? (define-c-proc string-normalize-nfd (s::) :no-side-effect Sg_StringNormalizeNfd) (define-c-proc string-normalize-nfkd (s::) :no-side-effect Sg_StringNormalizeNfkd) (define-c-proc string-normalize-nfc (s::) :no-side-effect Sg_StringNormalizeNfc) (define-c-proc string-normalize-nfkc (s::) :no-side-effect Sg_StringNormalizeNfkc) ;; 2 Bytevectors ;; 2.2 general operations (define-c-proc native-endianness () :no-side-effect Sg_NativeEndianness) (define-c-proc bytevector=? (bv1:: bv2::) :: :constant Sg_ByteVectorEqP) (define-c-proc bytevector-copy (src:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect Sg_ByteVectorCopy) (define-cise-stmt check-non-negative-fixnum ((_ name n) `(when (< ,n 0) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "non negative exact integer" (SG_MAKE_INT ,n))))) (define-c-proc bytevector-copy! (src:: sstart:: dst:: dstart:: k::) :: (check-non-negative-fixnum bytevector-copy! sstart) (check-non-negative-fixnum bytevector-copy! dstart) (Sg_ByteVectorCopyX src sstart dst dstart k)) (define-c-proc make-bytevector (len:: :optional (fill:: 0)) :no-side-effect (check-non-negative-fixnum make-bytevector len) (result (Sg_MakeByteVector len (cast int fill)))) (define-c-proc bytevector? (o) :: :constant SG_BVECTORP) (define-c-proc bytevector-length (bv::) :: :constant SG_BVECTOR_SIZE) (define-c-proc bytevector-fill! (bv:: fill:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :: (Sg_ByteVectorFill bv (cast int fill) start end)) ;; 2.3 operations on bytes and octets (define-c-proc u8-list->bytevector (lst) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_ListToByteVector lst 8 FALSE))) (define-c-proc bytevector->u8-list (lst) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_ByteVectorToList lst 8 FALSE))) (define-cise-stmt bv-check-index ((_ name bv index) `(unless (and (> (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE ,bv) ,index) (>= ,index 0)) (assertion-violation ',name "index out of range" (SG_LIST2 ,bv (SG_MAKE_INT ,index))))) ((_ name bv index offset) `(let ((len::long (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE ,bv))) (unless (and (> len ,offset) (< ,index (- len ,offset))) (assertion-violation ',name "index out of range" (SG_LIST2 ,bv (SG_MAKE_INT ,index))))))) (define-cise-stmt bv-check-literal ((_ name bv) `(when (SG_LITERAL_BVECTORP ,bv) (assertion-violation ',name "attempt to modify literal bytevector" ,bv)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u8-ref (bv:: index::) :: :constant (setter bytevector-u8-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-u8-ref bv index) (result (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv index))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u8-set! (bv:: index:: value::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-u8-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-u8-set! bv index) (unless (SG_IS_OCTET value) (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u8-set! "value out of range. must be 0 <= value <= 255" (SG_MAKE_INT value))) (set! (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv index) (cast uint8_t value))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s8-ref (bv:: index::) :: :constant (setter bytevector-s8-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-s8-ref bv index) (result (cast int8_t (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv index)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s8-set! (bv:: index:: value::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-s8-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-s8-set! bv index) (unless (SG_IS_BYTE value) (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s8-set! "value out of range. must be -128 <= value <= 127" (SG_MAKE_INT value))) (set! (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv index) (cast uint8_t value))) (define-cise-stmt bv-check-align ((_ name index align) `(unless (== (% ,index ,align) 0) (assertion-violation ',name "index not aligned" (SG_MAKE_INT ,index))))) (define-cise-stmt bv-check-value ((_ name value min max) (let ((v (gensym "cise__"))) `(let ((,v :: long ,value)) (unless (and (<= ,min ,v) (<= ,v ,max)) (assertion-violation ',name "value out of range" (SG_MAKE_INT ,v))))))) ;; 2.5 operations on 16-bit integers ;; u16 (define-c-proc bytevector-u16-native-ref (bv:: index::) :: :constant (setter bytevector-u16-native-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-u16-native-ref bv index 1) (bv-check-align bytevector-u16-native-ref index 2) (result (Sg_ByteVectorU16NativeRef bv index))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u16-native-set! (bv:: index:: value::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-u16-native-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-u16-native-set! bv index 1) (bv-check-value bytevector-u16-native-set! value 0 #xFFFF) (Sg_ByteVectorU16NativeSet bv index value)) (define-c-proc bytevector-u16-ref (bv:: index:: endian::) :: :constant ;;(setter bytevector-u16-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-u16-ref bv index 1) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (result (Sg_ByteVectorU16BigRef bv index))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (result (Sg_ByteVectorU16LittleRef bv index))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u16-ref "unsupported endianness" endian)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u16-set! (bv:: index:: value:: endian::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-u16-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-u16-set! bv index 1) (bv-check-value bytevector-u16-set! value 0 #xFFFF) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (Sg_ByteVectorU16BigSet bv index value)) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (Sg_ByteVectorU16LittleSet bv index value)) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u16-set! "unsupported endianness" endian)))) ;; s16 (define-c-proc bytevector-s16-native-ref (bv:: index::) :: :constant (setter bytevector-s16-native-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-s16-native-ref bv index 1) (bv-check-align bytevector-s16-native-ref index 2) (result (Sg_ByteVectorS16NativeRef bv index))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s16-native-set! (bv:: index:: value::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-s16-native-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-s16-native-set! bv index 1) (bv-check-value bytevector-s16-native-set! value #x-8000 #x7FFF) (Sg_ByteVectorS16NativeSet bv index value)) (define-c-proc bytevector-s16-ref (bv:: index:: endian::) :: :constant ;;(setter bytevector-s16-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-s16-ref bv index 1) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (result (Sg_ByteVectorS16BigRef bv index))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (result (Sg_ByteVectorS16LittleRef bv index))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s16-ref "unsupported endianness" endian)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s16-set! (bv:: index:: value:: endian::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-s16-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-s16-set! bv index 1) (bv-check-value bytevector-s16-set! value #x-8000 #x7FFF) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (Sg_ByteVectorS16BigSet bv index value)) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (Sg_ByteVectorS16LittleSet bv index value)) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s16-set! "unsupported endianness" endian)))) ;; 2.6 operations on 32-bit integers ;; u32 (define-c-proc bytevector-u32-native-ref (bv:: index::) :constant (setter bytevector-u32-native-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-u32-native-ref bv index 3) (bv-check-align bytevector-u32-native-ref index 4) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU32 (Sg_ByteVectorU32NativeRef bv index)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u32-native-set! (bv:: index:: v::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-u32-native-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-u32-native-set! bv index 3) (let ((value::uint32_t 0)) (cond ((SG_INTP v) (bv-check-value bytevector-u32-native-set! (SG_INT_VALUE v) 0 UINT32_MAX) (set! value (cast uint32_t (SG_INT_VALUE v)))) ((SG_BIGNUMP v) (set! value (Sg_BignumToU32 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-u32-native-set! "exact integer" v))) (Sg_ByteVectorU32NativeSet bv index value))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u32-ref (bv:: index:: endian::) :constant ;;(setter bytevector-u32-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-u32-ref bv index 3) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU32 (Sg_ByteVectorU32BigRef bv index)))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU32 (Sg_ByteVectorU32LittleRef bv index)))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u32-ref "unsupported endianness" endian)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u32-set! (bv:: index:: v:: endian::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-u32-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-u32-set! bv index 3) (let ((value::uint32_t 0)) (cond ((SG_INTP v) ;; for 64 bit environment fixnum can be more than 32 bits (bv-check-value bytevector-u32-set! (SG_INT_VALUE v) 0 UINT32_MAX) (set! value (cast uint32_t (SG_INT_VALUE v)))) ((SG_BIGNUMP v) (set! value (Sg_BignumToU32 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-u32-set! "exact integer" v))) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (Sg_ByteVectorU32BigSet bv index value)) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (Sg_ByteVectorU32LittleSet bv index value)) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u32-set! "unsupported endianness" endian))))) ;; s32 (define-c-proc bytevector-s32-native-ref (bv:: index::) :constant (setter bytevector-s32-native-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-s32-native-ref bv index 3) (bv-check-align bytevector-s32-native-ref index 4) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS32 (Sg_ByteVectorS32NativeRef bv index)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s32-native-set! (bv:: index:: v::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-s32-native-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-s32-native-set! bv index 3) (let ((value::int32_t 0)) (cond ((SG_INTP v) (bv-check-value bytevector-s32-native-set! (SG_INT_VALUE v) INT32_MIN INT32_MAX) (set! value (cast int32_t (SG_INT_VALUE v)))) ((SG_BIGNUMP v) (set! value (Sg_BignumToS32 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-s32-native-set! "exact integer" v))) (Sg_ByteVectorS32NativeSet bv index value))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s32-ref (bv:: index:: endian::) :constant ;;(setter bytevector-s32-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-s32-ref bv index 3) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS32 (Sg_ByteVectorS32BigRef bv index)))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS32 (Sg_ByteVectorS32LittleRef bv index)))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s32-ref "unsupported endianness" endian)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s32-set! (bv:: index:: v:: endian::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-s32-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-s32-set! bv index 3) (let ((value::int32_t 0)) (cond ((SG_INTP v) (bv-check-value bytevector-s32-set! (SG_INT_VALUE v) INT32_MIN INT32_MAX) (set! value (cast int32_t (SG_INT_VALUE v)))) ((SG_BIGNUMP v) (set! value (Sg_BignumToS32 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-s32-set! "exact integer" v))) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (Sg_ByteVectorS32BigSet bv index value)) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (Sg_ByteVectorS32LittleSet bv index value)) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s32-set! "unsupported endianness" endian))))) ;; 2.7 operations on 64-bit integers ;; u64 (define-c-proc bytevector-u64-native-ref (bv:: index::) :constant (setter bytevector-u64-native-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-u64-native-ref bv index 7) (bv-check-align bytevector-u64-native-ref index 8) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU64 (Sg_ByteVectorU64NativeRef bv index)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u64-native-set! (bv:: index:: v::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-u64-native-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-u64-native-set! bv index 7) (let ((value::uint64_t 0)) (cond ((SG_INTP v) ;; we don't have to check the limit value ;; unless we would get 128 bit environment... (when (< (SG_INT_VALUE v) 0) (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u64-native-set! "value out of range" v)) (set! value (cast uint64_t (SG_INT_VALUE v)))) ((SG_BIGNUMP v) (set! value (Sg_BignumToU64 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-u64-native-set! "exact integer" v))) (Sg_ByteVectorU64NativeSet bv index value))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u64-ref (bv:: index:: endian::) :constant ;;(setter bytevector-u64-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-u64-ref bv index 7) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU64 (Sg_ByteVectorU64BigRef bv index)))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromU64 (Sg_ByteVectorU64LittleRef bv index)))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u64-ref "unsupported endianness" endian)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-u64-set! (bv:: index:: v:: endian::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-u64-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-u64-set! bv index 7) (let ((value::uint64_t 0)) (cond ((SG_INTP v) (when (< (SG_INT_VALUE v) 0) (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u64-set! "value out of range" v)) (set! value (cast uint64_t (SG_INT_VALUE v)))) ((SG_BIGNUMP v) (set! value (Sg_BignumToU64 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-u64-set! "exact integer" v))) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (Sg_ByteVectorU64BigSet bv index value)) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (Sg_ByteVectorU64LittleSet bv index value)) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-u64-set! "unsupported endianness" endian))))) ;; s64 (define-c-proc bytevector-s64-native-ref (bv:: index::) :constant (setter bytevector-s64-native-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-s64-native-ref bv index 7) (bv-check-align bytevector-s64-native-ref index 8) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS64 (Sg_ByteVectorS64NativeRef bv index)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s64-native-set! (bv:: index:: v::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-s64-native-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-s64-native-set! bv index 7) (let ((value::int64_t 0)) (cond ((SG_INTP v) (when (or (< (SG_INT_VALUE v) SG_INT_MIN) (> (SG_INT_VALUE v) SG_INT_MAX)) (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s64-native-set! "value out of range" v)) (set! value (cast int64_t (SG_INT_VALUE v)))) ((SG_BIGNUMP v) (set! value (Sg_BignumToS64 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-s64-native-set! "exact integer" v))) (Sg_ByteVectorS64NativeSet bv index value))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s64-ref (bv:: index:: endian::) :constant ;;(setter bytevector-s64-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-s64-ref bv index 7) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS64 (Sg_ByteVectorS64BigRef bv index)))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS64 (Sg_ByteVectorS64LittleRef bv index)))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s64-ref "unsupported endianness" endian)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-s64-set! (bv:: index:: v:: endian::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-s64-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-s64-set! bv index 7) (let ((value::int64_t 0)) (cond ((SG_INTP v) (when (or (< (SG_INT_VALUE v) SG_INT_MIN) (> (SG_INT_VALUE v) SG_INT_MAX)) (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s64-set! "value out of range" v)) (set! value (cast int64_t (SG_INT_VALUE v)))) ((SG_BIGNUMP v) (set! value (Sg_BignumToS64 v SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL))) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bytevector-s64-set! "exact integer" v))) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (Sg_ByteVectorS64BigSet bv index value)) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (Sg_ByteVectorS64LittleSet bv index value)) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-s64-set! "unsupported endianness" endian))))) ;; 2.8 operations on ieee-754 representations ;; ieee-single (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref (bv:: index::) :constant (setter bytevector-ieee-single-native-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref bv index 3) (bv-check-align bytevector-ieee-single-native-ref index 4) (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleNativeRef bv index)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-single-ref (bv:: index:: endian::) :constant ;;(setter bytevector-ieee-single-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-single-ref bv index 3) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleBigRef bv index)))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleLittleRef bv index)))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-ieee-single-ref "unsupported endianness" endian)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! (bv:: index:: v::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! bv index 3) (bv-check-align bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! index 4) (check-real bytevector-ieee-single-native-set! v) (let ((value::double (Sg_GetDouble v))) (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleNativeSet bv index (cast float value)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-single-set! (bv:: index:: v:: endian::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-ieee-single-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-single-set! bv index 3) (check-real bytevector-ieee-single-set! v) (let ((value::double (Sg_GetDouble v))) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleBigSet bv index (cast float value))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (Sg_ByteVectorIEEESingleLittleSet bv index (cast float value))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-ieee-single-set! "unsupported endianness" endian))))) ;; ieee-double (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref (bv:: index::) :constant (setter bytevector-ieee-double-native-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref bv index 7) (bv-check-align bytevector-ieee-double-native-ref index 8) (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleNativeRef bv index)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-double-ref (bv:: index:: endian::) :constant ;;(setter bytevector-ieee-double-set!) (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-double-ref bv index 7) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleBigRef bv index)))) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (result (Sg_MakeFlonum (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleLittleRef bv index)))) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-ieee-double-ref "unsupported endianness" endian)))) (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! (bv:: index:: v::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! bv index 7) (bv-check-align bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! index 8) (check-real bytevector-ieee-double-native-set! v) (let ((value::double (Sg_GetDouble v))) (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleNativeSet bv index value))) (define-c-proc bytevector-ieee-double-set! (bv:: index:: v:: endian::) :: (bv-check-literal bytevector-ieee-double-set! bv) (bv-check-index bytevector-ieee-double-set! bv index 7) (check-real bytevector-ieee-double-set! v) (let ((value::double (Sg_GetDouble v))) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleBigSet bv index value)) ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (Sg_ByteVectorIEEEDoubleLittleSet bv index value)) (else (assertion-violation 'bytevector-ieee-double-set! "unsupported endianness" endian))))) ;; 2.9 operations on strings ;; converter ;; utf8 <-> string (define-cise-expr utf8-tail? ((_ b) `(and (<= #x80 ,b) (<= ,b #xbf)))) (define-cfn check-utf8-3bytes (bv i::long) ::int :static (let ((first::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv i)) (second::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 1))) (third::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 2)))) (cond ((not (utf8-tail? third)) (return FALSE)) ((not (or (and (== #xe0 first) (<= #xa0 second) (<= second #xbf)) (and (== #xed first) (<= #x80 second) (<= second #x9f)) (and (<= #xe1 first) (<= first #xec) (utf8-tail? second)) (and (or (== #xee first) (== #xef first)) (utf8-tail? second)))) (return FALSE)) (else (return TRUE))))) (define-cfn check-utf8-4bytes (bv i::long) ::int :static (let ((first::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv i)) (second::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 1))) (third::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 2))) (forth::int (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 3)))) (cond ((or (not (utf8-tail? third)) (not (utf8-tail? forth))) (return FALSE)) ((not (or (and (== #xf0 first) (<= #x90 second) (<= second #xbf)) (and (== #xf4 first) (<= #x80 second) (<= second #x8f)) (and (<= #xf1 first) (<= first #xf3) (utf8-tail? second)))) (return FALSE)) (else (return TRUE))))) (define-c-proc utf8->string (bv:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect (let ((s) (count::long 0) (size::long (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE bv)) (i::long start)) (SG_CHECK_START_END start end size) (while (< i end) (post++ count) (let ((f::uint8_t (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv i))) (+= i (?: (< f #x80) 1 (?: (and (<= #xc2 f) (<= f #xdf) (utf8-tail? (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENT bv (+ i 1)))) 2 (?: (and (<= #xe0 f) (<= f #xef) (check-utf8-3bytes bv i)) 3 ;; the last one is error replacing so 1 (?: (and (<= #xf0 f) (<= f #xf4) (check-utf8-4bytes bv i)) 4 1))))))) (set! s (Sg_ReserveString count 0)) (Sg_ConvertUtf8BufferToUcs4 (Sg_MakeUtf8Codec) (+ (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) start) size (SG_STRING_VALUE s) count NULL SG_REPLACE_ERROR FALSE) (result s))) (define-c-proc string->utf8 (s:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect (let ((bv) (count::long 0) (size::long (SG_STRING_SIZE s))) (SG_CHECK_START_END start end size) (dotimes (i (- end start) long) (let ((ucs4::SgChar (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT s (+ i start)))) (+= count (?: (< ucs4 #x80) 1 (?: (< ucs4 #x800) 2 (?: (< ucs4 #x10000) 3 ;; the last one is error replacing so 2 (?: (< ucs4 #x200000) 4 2))))))) (set! bv (Sg_MakeByteVector count 0)) (set! count 0) (dotimes (i (- end start) long) (+= count (Sg_ConvertUcs4ToUtf8 (SG_STRING_VALUE_AT s (+ i start)) (+ (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) count) SG_REPLACE_ERROR))) (result bv))) ;; utf16 <-> string (define-c-proc utf16->string (bv:: endian:: :optional mandatory) :no-side-effect (let ((endianness::SgEndianness NO_BOM) (skipBOM::int FALSE)) (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mandatory) (set! endianness (Sg_Utf16CheckBOM bv)) (when (not (== endianness NO_BOM)) (set! skipBOM TRUE))) (when (or (and (not (SG_UNBOUNDP mandatory)) (not (SG_FALSEP mandatory))) (== endianness NO_BOM)) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (set! endianness UTF_16LE)) ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (set! endianness UTF_16BE)) (else (assertion-violation 'utf16->string "endianness should be little or big" endian)))) (let ((skipSize::int 0) (codec SG_UNDEF) (trans::SgTranscoder)) (when skipBOM (set! skipSize 2)) (set! codec (Sg_MakeUtf16Codec endianness)) (Sg_InitTranscoder (& trans) codec E_NONE SG_REPLACE_ERROR) ;; TODO guard (result (Sg_ByteVectorToString bv (& trans) skipSize -1))))) (define-c-proc string->utf16 (s:: :optional endian::) :no-side-effect (let ((endianness::SgEndianness UTF_16BE) (trans::SgTranscoder)) (if (not (SG_UNBOUNDP endian)) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (set! endianness UTF_16LE)) ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (set! endianness UTF_16BE)) (else (assertion-violation 'string->utf16 "endianness should be little or big" endian)))) (Sg_InitTranscoder (& trans) (Sg_MakeUtf16Codec endianness) E_NONE SG_REPLACE_ERROR) (result (Sg_StringToByteVector s (& trans) 0 -1)))) (define-c-proc string->utf32 (s:: :optional endian::) :no-side-effect (let ((endianness::SgEndianness UTF_32BE) (trans::SgTranscoder)) (if (not (SG_UNBOUNDP endian)) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (set! endianness UTF_32LE)) ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (set! endianness UTF_32BE)) (else (assertion-violation 'string->utf32 "endianness should be little or big" endian)))) (Sg_InitTranscoder (& trans) (Sg_MakeUtf32Codec endianness) E_NONE SG_REPLACE_ERROR) (result (Sg_StringToByteVector s (& trans) 0 -1)))) (define-c-proc utf32->string (bv:: endian:: :optional mandatory) :no-side-effect (let ((endianness::SgEndianness NO_BOM) (skipBOM::int FALSE)) (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mandatory) (set! endianness (Sg_Utf32CheckBOM bv)) (if (not (== endianness NO_BOM)) (set! skipBOM TRUE))) (when (or (and (not (SG_UNBOUNDP mandatory)) (not (SG_FALSEP mandatory))) (== endianness NO_BOM)) (cond ((SG_EQ endian 'little) (set! endianness UTF_32LE)) ((SG_EQ endian 'big) (set! endianness UTF_32BE)) (else (assertion-violation 'utf32->string "endianness should be little or big" endian)))) (let ((skipSize::int 0) (codec SG_UNDEF) (trans::SgTranscoder)) (if skipBOM (set! skipSize 4)) (set! codec (Sg_MakeUtf32Codec endianness)) (Sg_InitTranscoder (& trans) codec E_NONE SG_REPLACE_ERROR) ;; TODO guard (result (Sg_ByteVectorToString bv (& trans) skipSize -1))))) ;; 3 List utilities (define-c-proc memq (arg0 arg1) :constant Sg_Memq) (define-c-proc memv (arg0 arg1) :constant Sg_Memv) (define-c-proc assq (obj alist) :constant Sg_Assq) (define-c-proc assv (obj alist) :constant Sg_Assv) (define-c-proc cons* (:rest rest) :no-side-effect (let ((h '()) (t '())) (when (SG_PAIRP rest) (dopairs (cp rest) (unless (SG_PAIRP (SG_CDR cp)) (if (SG_NULLP h) (set! h (SG_CAR cp)) (SG_SET_CDR t (SG_CAR cp))) (break)) (SG_APPEND1 h t (SG_CAR cp)))) (result h))) ;; 7 Exceptions and conditions ;; 7.1 exceptions ;; these are moved to Scheme ;; (define-c-proc with-exception-handler (handler thunk) ;; Sg_VMWithExceptionHandler) ;; ;; (define-c-proc raise (c) ;; (result (Sg_Raise c FALSE))) ;; ;; (define-c-proc raise-continuable (c) ;; (result (Sg_Raise c TRUE))) ;; 8 I/O ;; 8.2 port i/o ;; 8.2.3 buffer modes (define-c-proc buffer-mode? (o) :: :constant (result (or (SG_EQ o 'none) (SG_EQ o 'line) (SG_EQ o 'block)))) ;; 8.2.4 transcoders (define-c-proc latin-1-codec () :no-side-effect Sg_MakeLatin1Codec) (define-c-proc utf-8-codec () :no-side-effect Sg_MakeUtf8Codec) (define-c-proc utf-16-codec () :no-side-effect (result (Sg_MakeUtf16Codec UTF_16CHECK_BOM))) (define-c-proc native-eol-style () :no-side-effect (let ((style::SgEolStyle (Sg_NativeEol))) (cond ((== style LF) (result 'lf)) ((== style CR) (result 'cr)) ((== style LS) (result 'ls)) ((== style NEL) (result 'nel)) ((== style CRNEL) (result 'crnel)) ((== style CRLF) (result 'crlf)) ((== style E_NONE) (result 'none)) (else ;; all plat form should return eol style by Sg_NativeEol. ;; so this never happen. just dummy (assertion-violation 'native-eol-style "platform native eol style not found" '()))))) (define-c-proc make-transcoder (c:: :optional eol mode::) :no-side-effect (unless (or (SG_UNBOUNDP eol) (SG_SYMBOLP eol)) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-transcoder "symbol" eol)) (let ((style::SgEolStyle (Sg_NativeEol)) (handling::SgErrorHandlingMode SG_REPLACE_ERROR)) (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP eol)) ;; do nothing ((SG_EQ eol 'lf) (set! style LF)) ((SG_EQ eol 'cr) (set! style CR)) ((SG_EQ eol 'ls) (set! style LS)) ((SG_EQ eol 'nel) (set! style NEL)) ((SG_EQ eol 'crnel) (set! style CRNEL)) ((SG_EQ eol 'crlf) (set! style CRLF)) ((SG_EQ eol 'none) (set! style E_NONE)) (else (assertion-violation 'make-transcoder "invalid eol-style" eol))) (cond ((or (SG_UNBOUNDP mode) (SG_EQ mode 'replace))) ;; do nothing ((SG_EQ mode 'raise) (set! handling SG_RAISE_ERROR)) ((SG_EQ mode 'ignore) (set! handling SG_IGNORE_ERROR)) (else (assertion-violation 'make-transcoder "invalid error-handling-mode" mode))) (result (Sg_MakeTranscoder c style handling)))) (define-c-proc native-transcoder () :no-side-effect Sg_MakeNativeTranscoder) (define-c-proc transcoder-codec (t::) :no-side-effect SG_TRANSCODER_CODEC) (define-c-proc transcoder-eol-style (t::) :no-side-effect (let ((style::SgEolStyle (SG_TRANSCODER_EOL_STYLE t))) (cond ((== style LF) (result 'lf)) ((== style CR) (result 'cr)) ((== style LS) (result 'ls)) ((== style NEL) (result 'nel)) ((== style CRNEL) (result 'crnel)) ((== style CRLF) (result 'crlf)) ((== style E_NONE) (result 'none)) (else ;; never happen (assertion-violation 'transcoder-eol-style "transcoder had unknown eol-style. this must be a bug, please report it" '()))))) (define-c-proc transcoder-error-handling-mode (t::) :no-side-effect (let ((mode::SgErrorHandlingMode (SG_TRANSCODER_MODE t))) (cond ((SG_EQ mode SG_REPLACE_ERROR) (result SG_SYMBOL_REPLACE)) ((SG_EQ mode SG_IGNORE_ERROR) (result SG_SYMBOL_IGNORE)) ((SG_EQ mode SG_RAISE_ERROR) (result SG_SYMBOL_RAISE)) (else (assertion-violation 'transcoder-error-handling-mode "transcoder had unknown error-handling-mode. this must be a bug, please report it" '()))))) (define-c-proc bytevector->string (b:: t:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect Sg_ByteVectorToString) (define-c-proc string->bytevector (s:: t:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :no-side-effect Sg_StringToByteVector) ;; 8.2.5 end-of-file object (define-c-proc eof-object () :no-side-effect (result SG_EOF)) (define-c-proc eof-object? (o) :: :constant SG_EOFP) ;; 8.2.6 input port and output port ;; check utility for opened port (define-cise-stmt check-port-open ((_ name p) `(when (Sg_PortClosedP ,p) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "opened port" ,p)))) (define-cise-stmt check-binary-port ((_ name p) `(unless (SG_BINARY_PORTP ,p) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "binary-port" ,p)))) (define-c-proc port? (obj) :: :constant SG_PORTP) (define-c-proc port-transcoder (p::) :no-side-effect Sg_PortTranscoder) (define-c-proc textual-port? (p) :: :constant SG_TEXTUAL_PORTP) (define-c-proc binary-port? (p) :: :constant SG_BINARY_PORTP) (define-c-proc transcoded-port (p:: t::) (check-binary-port transcoded-port p) (check-port-open transcoded-port p) (Sg_PseudoClosePort p) (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort p t))) (define-c-proc port-has-port-position? (p::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_HasPortPosition) (define-c-proc port-has-set-port-position!? (p::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_HasSetPortPosition) (define-c-proc port-position (p::) :no-side-effect (check-port-open port-position p) (result (Sg_MakeIntegerFromS64 (Sg_PortPosition p)))) (define-c-proc set-port-position! (p:: off:: :optional (whence:: 'begin)) :: (check-port-open set-port-position! p) (let ((w::SgWhence SG_BEGIN)) (cond ((SG_EQ whence 'begin) (when (Sg_NegativeP off) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'set-port-position! "non negative number" off (SG_LIST3 p off whence))) (set! w SG_BEGIN)) ((SG_EQ whence 'current) (set! w SG_CURRENT)) ((SG_EQ whence 'end) (set! w SG_END)) (else (assertion-violation 'set-port-position! "unknown whence" whence))) (Sg_SetPortPosition p (Sg_GetIntegerS64Clamp off SG_CLAMP_NONE NULL) w))) (define-c-proc close-port (p::) :: (Sg_ClosePort p)) ;; 8.2.7 input port (define-cise-stmt check-input-port ((_ name p) `(unless (SG_INPUT_PORTP ,p) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "input port" ,p)))) (define-c-proc input-port? (obj) :: :constant SG_INPUT_PORTP) (define-c-proc port-eof? (p::) :: :no-side-effect (if (SG_BINARY_PORTP p) (let ((ch::int (Sg_Peekb p))) (result (== ch EOF))) (let ((ch::SgChar (Sg_Peekc p))) (result (== ch EOF))))) (define-c-proc open-file-input-port (file:: :optional (option #f) mode:: (transcoder:: #f)) ;; we can ignore option (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mode) (set! mode 'block)) (let ((fo (Sg_OpenFile file SG_READ)) (bufferMode::int SG_BUFFER_MODE_BLOCK)) (unless (SG_FILEP fo) (Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-input-port fo file SG_UNDEF)) ;; we only support 'block or none for now. (if (SG_EQ mode 'none) (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_NONE)) (if (SG_FALSEP transcoder) (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputPort fo bufferMode)) (let ((in (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputPort fo bufferMode))) (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort in transcoder)))))) (define-c-proc open-bytevector-input-port (bv:: :optional (t:: #f) (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) (let ((bp (Sg_MakeByteVectorInputPort bv start end))) (if (SG_FALSEP t) (result bp) (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort bp t))))) (define-c-proc open-string-input-port (s:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) (result (Sg_MakeStringInputPort s start end))) (define-c-proc standard-input-port () Sg_StandardInputPort) (define-c-proc current-input-port (:optional p::) (let ((vm::SgVM* (Sg_VM))) (if (SG_UNBOUNDP p) (result (-> vm currentInputPort)) (begin (check-input-port current-input-port p) (set! (-> vm currentInputPort) p) (result SG_UNDEF))))) (define-cise-stmt check-procedure-or-false ((_ name proc) `(unless (or (SG_FALSEP ,proc) (SG_PROCEDUREP ,proc)) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "procedure or #f" ,proc)))) (define-c-proc make-custom-binary-input-port (id:: read:: getter setter close :optional (ready #f)) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input-port getter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input-port setter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input-port close) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input-port ready) (result (Sg_MakeCustomBinaryPort id SG_INPUT_PORT read SG_FALSE getter setter close ready))) (define-c-proc make-custom-textual-input-port (id:: read:: getter setter close :optional (ready #f)) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input-port getter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input-port setter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input-port close) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input-port ready) (result (Sg_MakeCustomTextualPort id SG_INPUT_PORT read SG_FALSE getter setter close ready))) ;; 8.2.8 binary input (decl-code (.include )) ;; we don't know what would happen in custom port ;; so if it's custom port we lock it. (define-cise-stmt binary-port-read-u8-op ((_ p safe) (let ((unsafe (string->symbol (format "~aUnsafe" safe)))) `(let ((b::int)) (if (SG_CUSTOM_PORTP ,p) (set! b (,safe ,p)) (set! b (,unsafe ,p))) (if (== EOF b) (result SG_EOF) (result (SG_MAKE_INT b))))))) (define-cise-stmt binary-port-write-u8-op ((_ p b safe) (let ((unsafe (string->symbol (format "~aUnsafe" safe)))) `(if (SG_CUSTOM_PORTP ,p) (,safe ,p ,b) (,unsafe ,p ,b))))) (define-c-proc get-u8 (p:: :optional (reckless #f)) (check-port-open get-u8 p) (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port get-u8 p)) (check-input-port get-u8 p) (binary-port-read-u8-op p Sg_Getb)) (define-c-proc lookahead-u8 (p:: :optional (reckless #f)) (check-port-open lookahead-u8 p) (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port lookahead-u8 p)) (check-input-port lookahead-u8 p) (binary-port-read-u8-op p Sg_Peekb)) (define-cise-stmt check-fixnum-range ((_ name t start end start-op end-op) `(unless (and (,start-op ,start ,t) (,end-op ,t ,end)) (assertion-violation ',name "out of range" (SG_MAKE_INT ,t)))) ((_ name t range op) `(unless (,op ,t ,range) (assertion-violation ',name "out of range" (SG_MAKE_INT ,t))))) (define-cise-stmt read-to-buffer ((_ port result buf start count read) (let ((i (gensym)) (r (gensym)) (c (gensym)) (t (gensym))) `(let ((,(string->symbol (format "~a::int64_t" i)) ,start) (,(string->symbol (format "~a::int64_t" r)) 0) (,(string->symbol (format "~a::int64_t" c)) ,count) (,(string->symbol (format "~a::int" t)) (Sg_ReadOncePortP ,port))) (for (() (not (== ,c 0)) ()) (set! ,r (,read ,port (+ ,buf ,i) ,c)) (set! ,result (+ ,r ,result)) ;; (when (< ,r ,c) (break)) (when (== ,r 0) (break)) (when ,t (break)) (set! ,c (- ,c ,r)) (set! ,i (+ ,i ,r))))))) (define-c-proc get-bytevector-n (p:: count:: :optional (reckless #f)) (check-port-open get-bytevector-n p) (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port get-bytevector-n p)) (check-input-port get-bytevector-n p) (check-non-negative-fixnum get-bytevector-n count) (if (== count 0) (result (Sg_MakeByteVector 0 0)) (let ((buf (Sg_MakeByteVector count 0)) (res::int64_t 0)) ;; (Sg_Readb p (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS buf) count) (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p) (read-to-buffer p res (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS buf) 0 count Sg_ReadbUnsafe) (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p) (cond ((== res 0) (result SG_EOF)) (else (unless (== count res) (set! (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE buf) res)) (result buf)))))) (define-c-proc get-bytevector-n! (p:: bv:: start:: count:: :optional (reckless #f)) (check-port-open get-bytevector-n! p) (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port get-bytevector-n p)) (check-input-port get-bytevector-n! p) (check-non-negative-fixnum get-bytevector-n! start) (check-non-negative-fixnum get-bytevector-n! count) (check-fixnum-range get-bytevector-n! (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE bv)(+ start count)>=) (if (== count 0) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0)) (let ((res::int64_t 0)) ;; (Sg_Readb p (+ (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) start) count) (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p) (read-to-buffer p res (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) start count Sg_ReadbUnsafe) (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p) (if (== res 0) (result SG_EOF) (result (SG_MAKE_INT res)))))) ;; TODO this allocates memory twice. (define-c-proc get-bytevector-some (p:: :optional (reckless #f)) (check-port-open get-bytevector-some p) (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port get-bytevector-n p)) (check-input-port get-bytevector-some p) (let ((buf (Sg_MakeByteVector 512 0)) ;; some (res::int64_t 0)) ;; (Sg_Readb p (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS buf) 512) (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p) (read-to-buffer p res (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS buf) 0 512 Sg_ReadbUnsafe) (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p) (cond ((== res 0) (result SG_EOF)) (else (unless (== res 512) (set! (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE buf) res)) (result buf))))) (define-c-proc get-bytevector-all (p:: :optional (reckless #f)) (check-port-open get-bytevector-all p) (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port get-bytevector-n p)) (check-input-port get-bytevector-all p) ;; TODO we need to get the rest size to reduce memory allocation. ;; but for now I implement like this (let ((buf::uint8_t* NULL) (res::int64_t (Sg_ReadbAll p (& buf)))) (if (== res 0) (result SG_EOF) (let ((r (Sg_MakeByteVectorFromU8Array buf res))) (set! buf NULL) ; gc friendliness (result r))))) ;; 8.2.9 textual port (define-cise-stmt check-textual-port ((_ name p) `(unless (SG_TEXTUAL_PORTP ,p) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "textual-port" ,p)))) (define-cise-expr string-port? ((_ p) `(SG_STRING_PORTP ,p))) ;; If it's transcoded port there is always a chance to read more then ;; one byte and if that happens in multi thread script it would not ;; read a char properly. in case of the we need lock ;; custom port is the same reason as binary port. ;; so only string port which is buffering and it always put one char ;; in one operation. (define-cise-stmt string-port-read-char-op ((_ p safe) (let ((unsafe (string->symbol (format "~aUnsafe" safe)))) `(let ((c::SgChar)) (if (string-port? ,p) (set! c (,unsafe ,p)) (set! c (,safe ,p))) (if (== c EOF) (result SG_EOF) (result (SG_MAKE_CHAR c))))))) (define-cise-stmt string-port-write-char-op ((_ p c safe) (let ((unsafe (string->symbol (format "~aUnsafe" safe)))) `(if (string-port? ,p) (,unsafe ,p ,c) (,safe ,p ,c))))) (define-c-proc get-char (p::) (check-port-open get-char p) (check-textual-port get-char p) (check-input-port get-char p) (string-port-read-char-op p Sg_Getc)) (define-c-proc lookahead-char (p::) (check-port-open lookahead-char p) (check-textual-port lookahead-char p) (check-input-port lookahead-char p) (string-port-read-char-op p Sg_Peekc)) (define-c-proc get-string-n (p:: count::) (check-port-open get-string-n p) (check-textual-port get-string-n p) (check-input-port get-string-n p) (check-non-negative-fixnum get-string-n count) (if (== count 0) (result (Sg_MakeEmptyString)) (let ((ch::SgChar (Sg_Peekc p))) (if (== ch EOF) (result SG_EOF) (let* ((buf::SgString* (Sg_ReserveString count 0)) (len::int64_t 0)) ;; (Sg_Reads p (SG_STRING_VALUE buf) count) (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p) (read-to-buffer p len (SG_STRING_VALUE buf) 0 count Sg_ReadsUnsafe) (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p) (if (== len count) (result buf) (result (Sg_Substring buf 0 len)))))))) (define-c-proc get-string-n! (p:: s:: start:: count::) (check-port-open get-string-n! p) (check-textual-port get-string-n! p) (check-input-port get-string-n! p) (check-non-negative-fixnum get-string-n! start) (check-non-negative-fixnum get-string-n! count) (check-fixnum-range get-string-n! (SG_STRING_SIZE s) (+ start count) >=) ;; string must not be literal (when (SG_IMMUTABLE_STRINGP s) (assertion-violation 'get-string-n! "attempt to modify an immutable string" s)) (if (== count 0) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0)) (let ((ch::SgChar (Sg_Peekc p))) (if (== ch EOF) (result SG_EOF) (let ((len::int64_t 0)) ;; (Sg_Reads p (+ (SG_STRING_VALUE s) start) count) (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p) (read-to-buffer p len (SG_STRING_VALUE s) start count Sg_ReadsUnsafe) (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p) (result (SG_MAKE_INT len))))))) (define-c-proc get-string-all (p::) (check-port-open get-string-all p) (check-textual-port get-string-all p) (check-input-port get-string-all p) (let ((ch::SgChar (Sg_Peekc p))) (cond ((== ch EOF) (result SG_EOF)) (else (SG_PORT_LOCK_READ p) ;; TODO how much should we allocate as default size? (let ((buf (Sg_ReserveString 1024 0)) (out SG_FALSE) (firstP::int TRUE)) ;; to avoid unnecessary allocation (loop (let ((len::int64_t (Sg_ReadsUnsafe p (SG_STRING_VALUE buf) 1024))) ;; ok if len is less, then read everything (cond ((== len 0) (when firstP (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p) (return SG_EOF)) (break)) ((< len 1024) (when firstP (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p) (return (Sg_Substring buf 0 len))) (Sg_Writes out (SG_STRING_VALUE buf) len) (break)) (else (if firstP (set! out (Sg_MakeStringOutputPort -1))) (Sg_PutsUnsafe out buf))) (set! firstP FALSE))) (SG_PORT_UNLOCK_READ p) (result (Sg_GetStringFromStringPort out))))))) (define-c-proc get-line (p::) (check-port-open get-line p) (check-textual-port get-line p) (check-input-port get-line p) (result (Sg_ReadLine p LF))) (define-c-proc get-datum (p::) (check-port-open get-dutum p) (check-textual-port get-datum p) (check-input-port get-dutum p) ;; TODO should get-datum read shared-object too? (let ((ctx::SgReadContext SG_STATIC_READ_CONTEXT)) (result (Sg_ReadWithContext p (& ctx))))) ;; 8.2.10 output port (define-cise-stmt check-output-port ((_ name p) `(unless (SG_OUTPUT_PORTP ,p) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation ',name "output port" ,p)))) (define-c-proc output-port? (obj) :: :constant SG_OUTPUT_PORTP) (define-c-proc flush-output-port (:optional (p:: (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) :: Sg_FlushPort) (define-c-proc output-port-buffer-mode (p::) (if (SG_BUFFERED_PORTP p) (cond ((SG_EQ (-> (SG_BUFFERED_PORT p) mode) SG_BUFFER_MODE_NONE) (result 'none)) ((SG_EQ (-> (SG_BUFFERED_PORT p) mode) SG_BUFFER_MODE_LINE) (result 'line)) ((SG_EQ (-> (SG_BUFFERED_PORT p) mode) SG_BUFFER_MODE_BLOCK) (result 'block)) (else (assertion-violation 'output-port-buffer-mode "port has invalid buffer mode. may be bug?" p))) (result 'none))) (define-cfn get-open-flags (option oflags::int file exists?::int rappend::int*) ::int :static (let ((opt (Sg_SlotRefUsingClass (Sg_ClassOf option) option 'members))) (if (and exists? (SG_NULLP opt)) (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-output-port "file already exists" file 0) (let ((no-create?::int (not (SG_FALSEP (Sg_Memq 'no-create opt)))) (no-truncate?::int (not (SG_FALSEP (Sg_Memq 'no-truncate opt)))) (no-fail?::int (not (SG_FALSEP (Sg_Memq 'no-fail opt)))) (append?::int (not (SG_FALSEP (Sg_Memq 'append opt)))) (open-flags::int oflags)) (cond ((and no-create? no-truncate?) (when (not exists?) (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-output-port "file-options no-create: file not exist" file 0))) (no-create? (if exists? (set! open-flags (logior SG_TRUNCATE open-flags)) (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-output-port "file-options no-create: file not exist" file 0))) ((and no-fail? no-truncate?) (when (not exists?) (set! open-flags (logior SG_TRUNCATE open-flags)))) (no-fail? ;; no-truncate (set! open-flags (logior SG_TRUNCATE open-flags))) (no-truncate? (cond ((and exists? (not append?)) (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-output-port "file-options no-truncate: file already exist" file 0)) ((not append?) (set! open-flags (logior SG_TRUNCATE open-flags)))))) (when append? (set! (pointer rappend) append?)) (return open-flags))) ;; dummy (return 0))) (define-c-proc open-file-output-port (file:: :optional (option #f) mode:: (transcoder:: #f)) (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mode) (set! mode 'block)) (let ((fo SG_UNDEF) (isFileExist::int (Sg_FileExistP file)) (openFlags::int (logior SG_WRITE SG_CREATE)) (bufferMode::int SG_BUFFER_MODE_BLOCK)) (cond ((SG_EQ mode 'none) (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_NONE)) ((SG_EQ mode 'line) (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_LINE))) (cond ((SG_FALSEP option) (if isFileExist (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-output-port "file already exists" file)) (set! fo (Sg_OpenFile file openFlags)) (unless (SG_FILEP fo) (Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-output-port fo file SG_UNDEF)) (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryOutputPort fo bufferMode))) (else ;; this is basically depending on the non-compiled Scheme code ;; not so good... (unless (Sg_RecordP option) (assertion-violation 'open-file-output-port "invalid file options" option)) (let ((append?::int 0)) (set! openFlags (get-open-flags option openFlags file isFileExist (& append?))) (set! fo (Sg_OpenFile file openFlags)) (unless (SG_FILEP fo) (Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-output-port fo file SG_UNDEF)) (when append? (Sg_FileSeek fo 0 SG_END)) (if (SG_FALSEP transcoder) (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryOutputPort fo bufferMode)) (let ((out (Sg_MakeFileBinaryOutputPort fo bufferMode))) (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort out transcoder))))))))) (define-c-proc standard-output-port () Sg_StandardOutputPort) (define-c-proc standard-error-port () Sg_StandardErrorPort) (define-c-proc current-output-port (:optional p) (let ((vm::SgVM* (Sg_VM))) (if (SG_UNBOUNDP p) (result (-> vm currentOutputPort)) (begin (check-output-port current-output-port p) (set! (-> vm currentOutputPort) p) (result SG_UNDEF))))) (define-c-proc current-error-port (:optional p) (let ((vm::SgVM* (Sg_VM))) (if (SG_UNBOUNDP p) (result (-> vm currentErrorPort)) (begin (check-output-port current-error-port p) (set! (-> vm currentErrorPort) p) (result SG_UNDEF))))) (define-c-proc make-custom-binary-output-port (id:: write:: getter setter close) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-output-port getter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-output-port setter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-output-port close) (result (Sg_MakeCustomBinaryPort id SG_OUTPUT_PORT SG_FALSE write getter setter close SG_FALSE))) (define-c-proc make-custom-textual-output-port (id:: write:: getter setter close) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-output-port getter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-output-port setter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-output-port close) (result (Sg_MakeCustomTextualPort id SG_OUTPUT_PORT SG_FALSE write getter setter close SG_FALSE))) ;; 8.2.11 binary output (define-c-proc put-u8 (p:: octet:: :optional (reckless #f)) :: (check-port-open put-u8 p) (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port put-u8 p)) (check-output-port put-u8 p) (check-fixnum-range put-u8 octet 0 255 <= <=) (binary-port-write-u8-op p octet Sg_Putb)) (define-c-proc put-bytevector (p:: bv:: :optional (start:: 0) (count:: (SG_MAKE_INT (- (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE bv) start))) (reckless #f)) :: (check-port-open put-bytevector p) (when (SG_FALSEP reckless) (check-binary-port put-bytevector p)) (check-output-port put-bytevector p) (check-non-negative-fixnum put-bytevector start) (check-non-negative-fixnum put-bytevector count) (unless (<= (+ count start) (SG_BVECTOR_SIZE bv)) (assertion-violation 'put-bytevector "invalid range")) (Sg_Writeb p (SG_BVECTOR_ELEMENTS bv) start count)) ;; 8.2.13 textual output (define-c-proc put-char (p:: ch::) :: (check-port-open put-char p) (check-output-port put-char p) (check-textual-port put-char p) (string-port-write-char-op p ch Sg_Putc)) (define-c-proc put-string (p:: s:: :optional (start:: 0) (count:: (SG_MAKE_INT (- (SG_STRING_SIZE s) start)))) :: (check-port-open put-string p) (check-output-port put-string p) (check-textual-port put-string p) (check-non-negative-fixnum put-string start) (check-non-negative-fixnum put-string count) (unless (<= (+ count start) (SG_STRING_SIZE s)) (assertion-violation 'put-string "invalid range")) (Sg_Writes p (+ (SG_STRING_VALUE s) start) count)) (define-c-proc put-datum (p:: datum) :: (check-port-open put-datum p) (check-output-port put-datum p) (check-textual-port put-datum p) (Sg_Write datum p SG_WRITE_WRITE)) ;; 8.2.13 input output ports (define-c-proc open-file-input/output-port (file:: :optional (option #f) mode:: (transcoder:: #f)) (when (SG_UNBOUNDP mode) (set! mode 'block)) (let ((fo SG_UNDEF) (isFileExist::int (Sg_FileExistP file)) (openFlags::int (logior SG_READ (logior SG_WRITE SG_CREATE))) (bufferMode::int SG_BUFFER_MODE_BLOCK)) (cond ((SG_EQ mode 'none) (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_NONE)) ((SG_EQ mode 'line) (set! bufferMode SG_BUFFER_MODE_LINE))) (cond ((SG_FALSEP option) (if isFileExist (throw-i/o-error SG_IO_FILE_ALREADY_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-input/output-port "file already exists" file)) (set! fo (Sg_OpenFile file openFlags)) (unless (SG_FILEP fo) (Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-input/output-port fo file SG_UNDEF)) (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputOutputPort fo bufferMode))) (else (unless (Sg_RecordP option) (assertion-violation 'open-file-output-port "invalid file options" option)) (let ((append?::int 0)) (set! openFlags (get-open-flags option openFlags file isFileExist (& append?))) (set! fo (Sg_OpenFile file openFlags)) (unless (SG_FILEP fo) (Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILE_NOT_EXIST_ERROR 'open-file-input/output-port fo file SG_UNDEF)) (when append? (Sg_FileSeek fo 0 SG_END)) (if (SG_FALSEP transcoder) (result (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputOutputPort fo bufferMode)) (let ((out (Sg_MakeFileBinaryInputOutputPort fo bufferMode))) (result (Sg_MakeTranscodedPort out transcoder))))))))) (define-c-proc make-custom-binary-input/output-port (id:: read:: write:: getter setter close :optional (ready #f)) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input/output-port getter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input/output-port setter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input/output-port close) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-binary-input/output-port ready) (result (Sg_MakeCustomBinaryPort id SG_IN_OUT_PORT read write getter setter close ready))) (define-c-proc make-custom-textual-input/output-port (id:: read:: write:: getter setter close :optional (ready #f)) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input/output-port getter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input/output-port setter) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input/output-port close) (check-procedure-or-false make-custom-textual-input/output-port ready) (result (Sg_MakeCustomTextualPort id SG_IN_OUT_PORT read write getter setter close ready))) ;; 8.3 simple i/o (define-c-proc close-input-port (p::) :: (unless (SG_INPUT_PORTP p) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'close-input-port "input port" p)) (Sg_ClosePort p)) (define-c-proc close-output-port (p::) :: (unless (SG_OUTPUT_PORTP p) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'close-output-port "output port" p)) (Sg_ClosePort p)) (define-c-proc read-char (:optional (p:: (Sg_CurrentInputPort))) (check-port-open read-char p) (check-input-port read-char p) (check-textual-port read-char p) (string-port-read-char-op p Sg_Getc)) (define-c-proc peek-char (:optional (p:: (Sg_CurrentInputPort))) (check-port-open peek-char p) (check-input-port peek-char p) (check-textual-port peek-char p) (string-port-read-char-op p Sg_Peekc)) (define-c-proc read (:optional (p:: (Sg_CurrentInputPort)) :key (source-info?:: #f) (read-shared?:: #f)) (check-port-open read p) (check-input-port read p) (let ((ctx::SgReadContext SG_STATIC_READ_CONTEXT)) (when source-info? (set! (ref ctx flags) SG_READ_SOURCE_INFO)) (when read-shared? (set! (ref ctx graph) (Sg_MakeHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQ 1))) (result (Sg_ReadWithContext p (& ctx))))) (define-c-proc write-char (ch:: :optional (p:: (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) :: (check-port-open write-char p) (check-output-port write-char p) (check-textual-port write-char p) (string-port-write-char-op p ch Sg_Putc)) (define-c-proc newline (:optional (p:: (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) :: (check-port-open newline p) (check-output-port newline p) (check-textual-port newline p) (string-port-write-char-op p #\linefeed Sg_Putc)) (define-c-proc display (o :optional (p:: (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) :: (check-port-open display p) (check-output-port display p) (Sg_Write o p SG_WRITE_DISPLAY)) (define-c-proc write (o :optional (p:: (Sg_CurrentOutputPort))) :: (check-port-open write p) (check-output-port write p) (Sg_Write o p SG_WRITE_WRITE)) ;; 9 file system ;; the same string can return the different value... (define-c-proc file-exists? (filename::) :: :no-side-effect Sg_FileExistP) (define-c-proc delete-file (filename::) :: (let ((r::int (Sg_DeleteFile filename))) (unless (== r 0) (Sg_IOError SG_IO_FILENAME_ERROR 'delete-file (Sg_GetLastErrorMessageWithErrorCode r) filename SG_UNDEF)))) (define-c-proc exit (:optional obj) :: ;; TODO thread (if (SG_UNBOUNDP obj) (Sg_Exit EXIT_SUCCESS) (cond ((SG_INTP obj) (Sg_Exit (cast int (SG_INT_VALUE obj)))) ((SG_TRUEP obj) (Sg_Exit EXIT_SUCCESS)) (else (Sg_Exit EXIT_FAILURE))))) ;; 11 Arithmetic ;; 11.2 fixnum (moved to fixnums.stub) ;; 11.3 flonums (moved to flonums.stub) ;; 11.4 exact bitwise arithmetic (define-c-proc bitwise-not (ei::) :constant (unless (Sg_ExactP ei) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'bitwise-not "exact integer required" ei)) (result (Sg_LogNot ei))) (define-cise-stmt logop ((_ fn x y rest) `(let ((r (,fn ,x ,y))) (for-each (lambda (v) (set! r (,fn r v))) ,rest) (result r)))) (define-c-proc bitwise-and (:optional ei:: ei2:: :rest rest) :constant (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP ei) (result (SG_MAKE_INT -1))) ((SG_NULLP rest) (if (SG_UNBOUNDP ei2) (result ei) (result (Sg_LogAnd ei ei2)))) (else (set! ei (Sg_LogAnd ei ei2)) (logop Sg_LogAnd ei (SG_CAR rest) (SG_CDR rest))))) (define-c-proc bitwise-ior (:optional ei:: ei2:: :rest rest) :constant (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP ei) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0))) ((SG_NULLP rest) (if (SG_UNBOUNDP ei2) (result ei) (result (Sg_LogIor ei ei2)))) (else (set! ei (Sg_LogIor ei ei2)) (logop Sg_LogIor ei (SG_CAR rest) (SG_CDR rest))))) (define-c-proc bitwise-xor (:optional ei:: ei2:: :rest rest) :constant (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP ei) (result (SG_MAKE_INT 0))) ((SG_NULLP rest) (if (SG_UNBOUNDP ei2) (result ei) (result (Sg_LogXor ei ei2)))) (else (set! ei (Sg_LogXor ei ei2)) (logop Sg_LogXor ei (SG_CAR rest) (SG_CDR rest))))) (define-cise-expr logif ((_ n1 n2 n3) `(Sg_LogIor (Sg_LogAnd ,n1 ,n2) (Sg_LogAnd (Sg_LogNot ,n1) ,n3)))) (define-c-proc bitwise-if (ei1:: ei2:: ei3::) :constant (result (logif ei1 ei2 ei3))) (define-c-proc bitwise-bit-count (ei::) :: :constant Sg_BitCount) (define-c-proc bitwise-length (ei::) :: :constant Sg_BitSize) (define-c-proc bitwise-first-bit-set (ei::) :: :constant Sg_FirstBitSet) (define-c-proc bitwise-bit-set? (ei1:: ei2::) :: :constant Sg_BitSetP) (define-c-proc bitwise-copy-bit (ei1:: ei2:: ei3::) :constant (let ((mask (Sg_Ash (SG_MAKE_INT 1) ei2))) (result (logif mask (Sg_Ash ei3 ei2) ei1)))) (define-c-proc bitwise-bit-field (ei1:: ei2:: ei3::) :constant (when (< ei2 0) (assertion-violation 'bitwise-bit-field "2nd parameter (start) must be non-negative" (SG_MAKE_INT ei2))) (when (< ei3 0) (assertion-violation 'bitwise-bit-field "3rd parameter (end) must be non-negative" (SG_MAKE_INT ei3))) (when (> ei2 ei3) (assertion-violation 'bitwise-bit-field "2nd parameter must be less than or equal to 3rd parameter" (SG_LIST3 ei1 (SG_MAKE_INT ei2) (SG_MAKE_INT ei3)))) (let ((mask (Sg_LogNot (Sg_Ash (SG_MAKE_INT -1) ei3)))) (result (Sg_Ash (Sg_LogAnd ei1 mask) (- 0 ei2))))) (define-c-proc bitwise-copy-bit-field (ei1:: ei2:: ei3:: ei4::) :constant (let ((to ei1) (start::long ei2) (end::long ei3) (from ei4) (mask1 (Sg_Ash (SG_MAKE_INT -1) start)) (mask2 (Sg_LogNot (Sg_Ash (SG_MAKE_INT -1) end))) (mask (Sg_LogAnd mask1 mask2))) (result (logif mask (Sg_Ash from start) to)))) (define-c-proc bitwise-arithmetic-shift (ei1:: ei2::) :constant Sg_Ash) (define-c-proc bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left (ei1:: ei2::) :constant Sg_Ash) (define-c-proc bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right (ei1:: ei2::) :constant (result (Sg_Ash ei1 (- 0 ei2)))) ;; 12 syntax-case ;; 12.5 identifier predicates (define-c-proc identifier? (id) :: :constant SG_IDENTIFIERP) ;; free-identifier=? and bound-identifier=? are moved to Scheme ;; 13 Hashtables ;; 13.1 constructors (define-cfn retrieve-weakness (weakness) ::SgWeakness :static (cond ((SG_EQ weakness 'key) (return SG_WEAK_KEY)) ((SG_EQ weakness 'value) (return SG_WEAK_VALUE)) ((SG_EQ weakness 'both) (return SG_WEAK_BOTH)) ;; NB: we don't support ephemerals (else (assertion-violation 'make-hashtable "weakness must be one of 'key, 'value or 'both" weakness) ;; dummy (return -1)))) (define-c-proc make-eq-hashtable (:optional (k? #f) (weakness #f)) :no-side-effect (let ((k::long -1)) (cond ((SG_INTP k?) (set! k (SG_INT_VALUE k?))) ((SG_FALSEP k?) (set! k 200)) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-eq-hashtable "#f or fixnum" k?))) (when (< k 0) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-eq-hashtable "non negative exact integer" k?)) (if (SG_FALSEP weakness) (result (Sg_MakeHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQ k)) (let ((w::SgWeakness (retrieve-weakness weakness))) (result (Sg_MakeWeakHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQ w k SG_UNDEF)))))) (define-c-proc make-eqv-hashtable (:optional (k? #f) (weakness #f)) :no-side-effect (let ((k::long -1)) (cond ((SG_INTP k?) (set! k (SG_INT_VALUE k?))) ((SG_FALSEP k?) (set! k 200)) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-eqv-hashtable "#f or fixnum" k?))) (when (< k 0) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-eqv-hashtable "non negative exact integer" (SG_MAKE_INT k))) (if (SG_FALSEP weakness) (result (Sg_MakeHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQV k)) (let ((w::SgWeakness (retrieve-weakness weakness))) (result (Sg_MakeWeakHashTableSimple SG_HASH_EQV w k SG_UNDEF)))))) (define-c-proc make-hashtable (hasher:: equiv:: :optional (k? #f) (weakness #f)) :no-side-effect (let ((k::long -1)) (cond ((SG_INTP k?) (set! k (SG_INT_VALUE k?))) ((SG_FALSEP k?) (set! k 200)) (else (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-hashtable "#f or fixnum" k?))) (when (< k 0) (wrong-type-of-argument-violation 'make-hashtable "non negative exact integer" (SG_MAKE_INT k))) (if (SG_FALSEP weakness) (result (Sg_MakeHashTable hasher equiv k)) (let ((w::SgWeakness (retrieve-weakness weakness))) (result (Sg_MakeWeakHashTable hasher equiv w k SG_UNDEF)))))) ;; 13.2 procedures (define-c-proc hashtable? (o) :: :constant SG_HASHTABLE_P) (define-c-proc hashtable-size (ht::) :: Sg_HashTableSize) (define-c-proc hashtable-ref (ht:: key :optional (fallback #f)) :no-side-effect (setter hashtable-set!) (result (Sg_HashTableRef ht key fallback))) (define-cise-stmt check-mutable-hashtable ((_ name t) `(when (SG_IMMUTABLE_HASHTABLE_P ,t) (assertion-violation ',name "attemp to modify an immutable hashtable" ,t)))) (define-c-proc hashtable-set! (ht:: key value) :: (check-mutable-hashtable hashtable-set! ht) (Sg_HashTableSet ht key value 0)) (define-c-proc hashtable-delete! (ht:: key) :: (check-mutable-hashtable hashtable-set! ht) (Sg_HashTableDelete ht key)) (define-c-proc hashtable-contains? (ht:: key) :: :no-side-effect (result (!= (Sg_HashTableRef ht key NULL) NULL))) (define-c-proc hashtable-copy (ht:: :optional (mutableP:: #f)) (result (Sg_HashTableCopy ht mutableP))) (define-c-proc hashtable-clear! (ht:: :optional (k:: -1)) :: (check-mutable-hashtable hashtable-clear! ht) (Sg_HashCoreClear (SG_HASHTABLE_CORE ht) k)) (define-c-proc hashtable-keys (ht::) :no-side-effect (let ((itr::SgHashIter) (r (Sg_MakeVector (-> (SG_HASHTABLE_CORE ht) entryCount) SG_UNDEF)) (v) (i::int 0)) (Sg_HashIterInit ht (& itr)) (while (!= (Sg_HashIterNext (& itr) (& v) NULL) NULL) (set! (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT r (post++ i)) v)) (result r))) (define-c-proc hashtable-entries (ht::) :no-side-effect (let ((itr::SgHashIter) (rk (Sg_MakeVector (-> (SG_HASHTABLE_CORE ht) entryCount) SG_UNDEF)) (rv (Sg_MakeVector (-> (SG_HASHTABLE_CORE ht) entryCount) SG_UNDEF)) (v) (k) (i::int 0)) (Sg_HashIterInit ht (& itr)) (while (!= (Sg_HashIterNext (& itr) (& k) (& v)) NULL) (set! (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT rk i) k) (set! (SG_VECTOR_ELEMENT rv (post++ i)) v)) (result (Sg_Values2 rk rv)))) ;; 13.3 inspection (define-c-proc hashtable-mutable? (ht::) :: :constant (result (not (SG_IMMUTABLE_HASHTABLE_P ht)))) ;; 13.4 ;; defined in compare.c ;; (define-c-proc equal-hash (o) :: :no-side-effect Sg_EqualHash) ;; for srfi-13 we need to take bound as an argument (define-c-proc string-hash (o:: :optional bound (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :: :no-side-effect (let ((modulo::long 0)) (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP bound) (set! modulo (cast uint32_t SG_INT_MAX))) ((SG_INTP bound) (set! modulo (SG_INT_VALUE bound))) ((SG_BIGNUMP bound) (set! modulo (Sg_BignumToUI (SG_BIGNUM bound) SG_CLAMP_BOTH NULL)))) (when (== modulo 0) (assertion-violation 'string-hash "argument out of domain" bound)) (result (Sg_StringHash (Sg_MaybeSubstring o start end) modulo)))) (define-c-proc string-ci-hash (o:: :optional bound (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :: :no-side-effect (let ((modulo::long 0)) (cond ((SG_UNBOUNDP bound) (set! modulo (cast uint32_t SG_INT_MAX))) ((SG_INTP bound) (set! modulo (SG_INT_VALUE bound))) ((SG_BIGNUMP bound) (set! modulo (Sg_BignumToUI (SG_BIGNUM bound) SG_CLAMP_BOTH NULL)))) (when (== modulo 0) (assertion-violation 'string-hash "argument out of domain" bound)) (result (Sg_StringHash (Sg_StringFoldCase (Sg_MaybeSubstring o start end)) modulo)))) (define-c-proc symbol-hash (o:: :optional ignore) :no-side-effect (result (Sg_MakeIntegerU (Sg_EqHash o 0)))) ;; 15 composit library ;; 16 eval (define-c-proc eval (sexp env) Sg_VMEval) (define-c-proc environment (:rest spec) (result (Sg_VMEnvironment (Sg_MakeEvalLibrary) spec))) ;; 17 mutable pairs (define-c-proc set-car! (o:: v) :: (inline SET_CAR) (when (Sg_ConstantLiteralP o) (assertion-violation 'set-car "attempt to modify constant literal" o)) (SG_SET_CAR o v)) (define-c-proc set-cdr! (o:: v) :: (inline SET_CDR) (when (Sg_ConstantLiteralP o) (assertion-violation 'set-cdr "attempt to modify constant literal" o)) (SG_SET_CDR o v)) ;; 18 mutable strings (define-c-proc string-set! (s:: k:: c::) :: Sg_StringSet) ;; we take start and end as optional arguments for srfi-13 (define-c-proc string-fill! (s:: c:: :optional (start:: 0) (end:: -1)) :: (when (SG_IMMUTABLE_STRINGP s) (assertion-violation 'string-set! "attempted to modify an immutable string" s)) (Sg_StringFill s c start end)) ;; record (define-c-proc %record? (o) :: :constant Sg_RecordP) ;; conditions (define-c-proc condition (:rest components) Sg_Condition) (define-c-proc simple-conditions (obj) Sg_SimpleConditions) (define-c-proc compound-condition-component (obj) Sg_CompoundConditionComponent) (define-c-proc compound-condition? (obj) :: :constant Sg_CompoundConditionP) (define-c-proc simple-condition? (obj) :: :constant Sg_SimpleConditionP) (define-c-proc condition? (obj) :: :constant Sg_ConditionP) )