import argparse import glob import HTMLParser import logging import os import re import sys import urllib2 # Import compare-locales parser from parent folder. script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) compare_locales_path = os.path.join(script_path, '../../../../third_party/python/compare-locales') sys.path.insert(0, compare_locales_path) from compare_locales import parser # Configure logging format and level logging.basicConfig(format=' [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) # License header to use when creating new properties files. DEFAULT_HEADER = ('# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the ' 'Mozilla Public\n# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL ' 'was not distributed with this\n# file, You can obtain ' 'one at\n') # Base url to retrieve properties files on central, that will be parsed for # localization notes. CENTRAL_BASE_URL = ('' 'mozilla-central/raw-file/tip/' 'devtools/client/locales/en-US/') # HTML parser to translate HTML entities in dtd files. HTML_PARSER = HTMLParser.HTMLParser() # Cache to store properties files retrieved over the network. central_prop_cache = {} # Cache the parsed entities from the existing DTD files. dtd_entities_cache = {} # Retrieve the content of the current version of a properties file for the # provided filename, from devtools/client on mozilla central. Will return an # empty array if the file can't be retrieved or read. def get_central_prop_content(prop_filename): if prop_filename in central_prop_cache: return central_prop_cache[prop_filename] url = CENTRAL_BASE_URL + prop_filename'loading localization file from central: {%s}' % url) try: central_prop_cache[prop_filename] = urllib2.urlopen(url).readlines() except: logging.error('failed to load properties file from central: {%s}' % url) central_prop_cache[prop_filename] = [] return central_prop_cache[prop_filename] # Retrieve the current en-US localization notes for the provided prop_name. def get_localization_note(prop_name, prop_filename): prop_content = get_central_prop_content(prop_filename) comment_buffer = [] for i, line in enumerate(prop_content): # Remove line breaks. line = line.strip('\n').strip('\r') if line.startswith('#'): # Comment line, add to the current comment buffer. comment_buffer.append(line) elif'(^|\n)' + re.escape(prop_name) + '\s*=', line): # Property found, the current comment buffer is the localization # note. break; else: # No match, not a comment, reinitialize the comment buffer. comment_buffer = [] return '\n'.join(comment_buffer) # Retrieve the parsed DTD entities for a provided path. Results are cached by # dtd path. def get_dtd_entities(dtd_path): if dtd_path in dtd_entities_cache: return dtd_entities_cache[dtd_path] dtd_parser = parser.getParser('.dtd') dtd_parser.readFile(dtd_path) dtd_entities_cache[dtd_path] = dtd_parser.parse() return dtd_entities_cache[dtd_path] # Extract the value of an entity in a dtd file. def get_translation_from_dtd(dtd_path, entity_name): entities, map = get_dtd_entities(dtd_path) if entity_name not in map: # Bail out if translation is missing. return key = map[entity_name] entity = entities[key] translation = HTML_PARSER.unescape(entity.val) return translation.encode('utf-8') # Extract the header and file wide comments for the provided properties file # filename. def get_properties_header(prop_filename): prop_content = get_central_prop_content(prop_filename) # if the file content is empty, return the default license header. if len(prop_content) == 0: return DEFAULT_HEADER header_buffer = [] for i, line in enumerate(prop_content): # remove line breaks. line = line.strip('\n').strip('\r') # regexp matching keys extracted form is_entity_line ='^(\s*)' '((?:[#!].*?\n\s*)*)' '([^#!\s\n][^=:\n]*?)\s*[:=][ \t]*', line) is_loc_note ='^(\s*)' '\#\s*LOCALIZATION NOTE\s*\([^)]+\)', line) if is_entity_line or is_loc_note: # header finished, break the loop. break else: # header line, add to the current buffer. header_buffer.append(line) # concatenate the current buffer and return. return '\n'.join(header_buffer) # Create a new properties file at the provided path. def create_properties_file(prop_path):'creating new *.properties file: {%s}' % prop_path) prop_filename = os.path.basename(prop_path) header = get_properties_header(prop_filename) prop_file = open(prop_path, 'w+') prop_file.write(header) prop_file.close() # Migrate a single string entry for a dtd to a properties file. def migrate_string(dtd_path, prop_path, dtd_name, prop_name): if not os.path.isfile(dtd_path): logging.error('dtd file can not be found at: {%s}' % dtd_path) return translation = get_translation_from_dtd(dtd_path, dtd_name) if not translation: logging.error('translation could not be found for: {%s} in {%s}' % (dtd_name, dtd_path)) return # Create properties file if missing. if not os.path.isfile(prop_path): create_properties_file(prop_path) if not os.path.isfile(prop_path): logging.error('could not create new properties file at: {%s}' % prop_path) return prop_line = prop_name + '=' + translation + '\n' # Skip the string if it already exists in the destination file. prop_file_content = open(prop_path, 'r').read() if prop_line in prop_file_content: logging.warning('string already migrated, skipping: {%s}' % prop_name) return # Skip the string and log an error if an existing entry is found, but with # a different value. if'(^|\n)' + re.escape(prop_name) + '\s*=', prop_file_content): logging.error('existing string found, skipping: {%s}' % prop_name) return prop_filename = os.path.basename(prop_path)'migrating {%s} in {%s}' % (prop_name, prop_filename)) with open(prop_path, 'a') as prop_file: localization_note = get_localization_note(prop_name, prop_filename) if len(localization_note): prop_file.write('\n' + localization_note) else: logging.warning('localization notes could not be found for: {%s}' % prop_name) prop_file.write('\n' + prop_line) # Apply the migration instructions in the provided configuration file. def migrate_conf(conf_path, l10n_path): f = open(conf_path, 'r') lines = f.readlines() f.close() for i, line in enumerate(lines): # Remove line breaks. line = line.strip('\n').strip('\r') # Skip invalid lines. if ' = ' not in line: continue # Expected syntax: ${prop_path}:${prop_name} = ${dtd_path}:${dtd_name}. prop_info, dtd_info = line.split(' = ') prop_path, prop_name = prop_info.split(':') dtd_path, dtd_name = dtd_info.split(':') dtd_path = os.path.join(l10n_path, dtd_path) prop_path = os.path.join(l10n_path, prop_path) migrate_string(dtd_path, prop_path, dtd_name, prop_name) def main(): # Read command line arguments. arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Migrate devtools localized strings.') arg_parser.add_argument('path', type=str, help='path to l10n repository') arg_parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str, help='path to configuration file or folder') args = arg_parser.parse_args() # Retrieve path to devtools localization files in l10n repository. devtools_l10n_path = os.path.join(args.path, 'devtools/client/') if not os.path.exists(devtools_l10n_path): logging.error('l10n path is invalid: {%s}' % devtools_l10n_path) exit()'l10n path is valid: {%s}' % devtools_l10n_path) # Retrieve configuration files to apply. if os.path.isdir(args.config): conf_files = glob.glob(args.config + '*') elif os.path.isfile(args.config): conf_files = [args.config] else: logging.error('config path is invalid: {%s}' % args.config) exit() # Perform migration for each configuration file. for conf_file in conf_files:'performing migration for config file: {%s}' % conf_file) migrate_conf(conf_file, devtools_l10n_path) if __name__ == '__main__': main()