const std = @import("../../std.zig"); const builtin = @import("builtin"); const mem = std.mem; const assert = std.debug.assert; const fs = std.fs; const elf = std.elf; const native_endian = builtin.cpu.arch.endian(); const NativeTargetInfo = @This(); const Target = std.Target; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const CrossTarget = std.zig.CrossTarget; const windows =; const darwin = std.zig.system.darwin; const linux = std.zig.system.linux; target: Target, dynamic_linker: DynamicLinker = DynamicLinker{}, pub const DynamicLinker = Target.DynamicLinker; pub const DetectError = error{ OutOfMemory, FileSystem, SystemResources, SymLinkLoop, ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, SystemFdQuotaExceeded, DeviceBusy, OSVersionDetectionFail, }; /// Given a `CrossTarget`, which specifies in detail which parts of the target should be detected /// natively, which should be standard or default, and which are provided explicitly, this function /// resolves the native components by detecting the native system, and then resolves standard/default parts /// relative to that. /// Any resources this function allocates are released before returning, and so there is no /// deinitialization method. /// TODO Remove the Allocator requirement from this function. pub fn detect(allocator: Allocator, cross_target: CrossTarget) DetectError!NativeTargetInfo { var os = cross_target.getOsTag().defaultVersionRange(cross_target.getCpuArch()); if (cross_target.os_tag == null) { switch ( { .linux => { const uts = std.os.uname(); const release = mem.sliceTo(&uts.release, 0); // The release field sometimes has a weird format, // `Version.parse` will attempt to find some meaningful interpretation. if (std.builtin.Version.parse(release)) |ver| { os.version_range.linux.range.min = ver; os.version_range.linux.range.max = ver; } else |err| switch (err) { error.Overflow => {}, error.InvalidCharacter => {}, error.InvalidVersion => {}, } }, .solaris => { const uts = std.os.uname(); const release = mem.sliceTo(&uts.release, 0); if (std.builtin.Version.parse(release)) |ver| { os.version_range.semver.min = ver; os.version_range.semver.max = ver; } else |err| switch (err) { error.Overflow => {}, error.InvalidCharacter => {}, error.InvalidVersion => {}, } }, .windows => { const detected_version = windows.detectRuntimeVersion(); = detected_version; = detected_version; }, .macos => try darwin.macos.detect(&os), .freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => { const key = switch ( { .freebsd => "kern.osreldate", .netbsd, .dragonfly => "kern.osrevision", else => unreachable, }; var value: u32 = undefined; var len: usize = @sizeOf(@TypeOf(value)); std.os.sysctlbynameZ(key, &value, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // constant, known good value error.PermissionDenied => unreachable, // only when setting values, error.SystemResources => unreachable, // memory already on the stack error.UnknownName => unreachable, // constant, known good value error.Unexpected => return error.OSVersionDetectionFail, }; switch ( { .freebsd => { // // Major * 100,000 has been convention since FreeBSD 2.2 (1997) // Minor * 1(0),000 summed has been convention since FreeBSD 2.2 (1997) // e.g. 492101 = 4.11-STABLE = 4.(9+2) const major = value / 100_000; const minor1 = value % 100_000 / 10_000; // usually 0 since 5.1 const minor2 = value % 10_000 / 1_000; // 0 before 5.1, minor version since const patch = value % 1_000; os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor1 + minor2, .patch = patch }; os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min; }, .netbsd => { // #define __NetBSD_Version__ MMmmrrpp00 // // M = major version // m = minor version; a minor number of 99 indicates current. // r = 0 (*) // p = patchlevel const major = value / 100_000_000; const minor = value % 100_000_000 / 1_000_000; const patch = value % 10_000 / 100; os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor, .patch = patch }; os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min; }, .dragonfly => { // // flat base10 format: Mmmmpp // M = major // m = minor; odd-numbers indicate current dev branch // p = patch const major = value / 100_000; const minor = value % 100_000 / 100; const patch = value % 100; os.version_range.semver.min = .{ .major = major, .minor = minor, .patch = patch }; os.version_range.semver.max = os.version_range.semver.min; }, else => unreachable, } }, .openbsd => { const mib: [2]c_int = [_]c_int{ std.os.CTL.KERN, std.os.KERN.OSRELEASE, }; var buf: [64]u8 = undefined; var len: usize = buf.len; std.os.sysctl(&mib, &buf, &len, null, 0) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NameTooLong => unreachable, // constant, known good value error.PermissionDenied => unreachable, // only when setting values, error.SystemResources => unreachable, // memory already on the stack error.UnknownName => unreachable, // constant, known good value error.Unexpected => return error.OSVersionDetectionFail, }; if (std.builtin.Version.parse(buf[0 .. len - 1])) |ver| { os.version_range.semver.min = ver; os.version_range.semver.max = ver; } else |_| { return error.OSVersionDetectionFail; } }, else => { // Unimplemented, fall back to default version range. }, } } if (cross_target.os_version_min) |min| switch (min) { .none => {}, .semver => |semver| switch (cross_target.getOsTag()) { .linux => os.version_range.linux.range.min = semver, else => os.version_range.semver.min = semver, }, .windows => |win_ver| = win_ver, }; if (cross_target.os_version_max) |max| switch (max) { .none => {}, .semver => |semver| switch (cross_target.getOsTag()) { .linux => os.version_range.linux.range.max = semver, else => os.version_range.semver.max = semver, }, .windows => |win_ver| = win_ver, }; if (cross_target.glibc_version) |glibc| { assert(cross_target.isGnuLibC()); os.version_range.linux.glibc = glibc; } // Until is implemented (support detecting the // native CPU architecture as being different than the current target), we use this: const cpu_arch = cross_target.getCpuArch(); var cpu = switch (cross_target.cpu_model) { .native => detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(cpu_arch, os, cross_target), .baseline => Target.Cpu.baseline(cpu_arch), .determined_by_cpu_arch => if (cross_target.cpu_arch == null) detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(cpu_arch, os, cross_target) else Target.Cpu.baseline(cpu_arch), .explicit => |model| model.toCpu(cpu_arch), } orelse backup_cpu_detection: { break :backup_cpu_detection Target.Cpu.baseline(cpu_arch); }; var result = try detectAbiAndDynamicLinker(allocator, cpu, os, cross_target); // For x86, we need to populate some CPU feature flags depending on architecture // and mode: // * 16bit_mode => if the abi is code16 // * 32bit_mode => if the arch is i386 // However, the "mode" flags can be used as overrides, so if the user explicitly // sets one of them, that takes precedence. switch (cpu_arch) { .i386 => { if (!std.Target.x86.featureSetHasAny(cross_target.cpu_features_add, .{ .@"16bit_mode", .@"32bit_mode", })) { switch ( { .code16 => @enumToInt(std.Target.x86.Feature.@"16bit_mode"), ), else => @enumToInt(std.Target.x86.Feature.@"32bit_mode"), ), } } }, .arm, .armeb => { // XXX What do we do if the target has the noarm feature? // What do we do if the user specifies +thumb_mode? }, .thumb, .thumbeb => { @enumToInt(std.Target.arm.Feature.thumb_mode), ); }, else => {}, } cross_target.updateCpuFeatures(&; return result; } /// First we attempt to use the executable's own binary. If it is dynamically /// linked, then it should answer both the C ABI question and the dynamic linker question. /// If it is statically linked, then we try /usr/bin/env. If that does not provide the answer, then /// we fall back to the defaults. /// TODO Remove the Allocator requirement from this function. fn detectAbiAndDynamicLinker( allocator: Allocator, cpu: Target.Cpu, os: Target.Os, cross_target: CrossTarget, ) DetectError!NativeTargetInfo { const native_target_has_ld = comptime; const is_linux = == .linux; const have_all_info = cross_target.dynamic_linker.get() != null and cross_target.abi != null and (!is_linux or cross_target.abi.?.isGnu()); const os_is_non_native = cross_target.os_tag != null; if (!native_target_has_ld or have_all_info or os_is_non_native) { return defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu, os, cross_target); } if (cross_target.abi) |abi| { if (abi.isMusl()) { // musl implies static linking. return defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu, os, cross_target); } } // The current target's ABI cannot be relied on for this. For example, we may build the zig // compiler for target riscv64-linux-musl and provide a tarball for users to download. // A user could then run that zig compiler on riscv64-linux-gnu. This use case is well-defined // and supported by Zig. But that means that we must detect the system ABI here rather than // relying on ``. const all_abis = comptime blk: { assert(@enumToInt(Target.Abi.none) == 0); const fields = std.meta.fields(Target.Abi)[1..]; var array: [fields.len]Target.Abi = undefined; inline for (fields) |field, i| { array[i] = @field(Target.Abi,; } break :blk array; }; var ld_info_list_buffer: [all_abis.len]LdInfo = undefined; var ld_info_list_len: usize = 0; for (all_abis) |abi| { // This may be a nonsensical parameter. We detect this with error.UnknownDynamicLinkerPath and // skip adding it to `ld_info_list`. const target: Target = .{ .cpu = cpu, .os = os, .abi = abi, }; const ld = target.standardDynamicLinkerPath(); if (ld.get() == null) continue; ld_info_list_buffer[ld_info_list_len] = .{ .ld = ld, .abi = abi, }; ld_info_list_len += 1; } const ld_info_list = ld_info_list_buffer[0..ld_info_list_len]; // Best case scenario: the executable is dynamically linked, and we can iterate // over our own shared objects and find a dynamic linker. self_exe: { const lib_paths = try std.process.getSelfExeSharedLibPaths(allocator); defer { for (lib_paths) |lib_path| {; }; } var found_ld_info: LdInfo = undefined; var found_ld_path: [:0]const u8 = undefined; // Look for dynamic linker. // This is O(N^M) but typical case here is N=2 and M=10. find_ld: for (lib_paths) |lib_path| { for (ld_info_list) |ld_info| { const standard_ld_basename = fs.path.basename(ld_info.ld.get().?); if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, lib_path, standard_ld_basename)) { found_ld_info = ld_info; found_ld_path = lib_path; break :find_ld; } } } else break :self_exe; // Look for glibc version. var os_adjusted = os; if ( == .linux and found_ld_info.abi.isGnu() and cross_target.glibc_version == null) { for (lib_paths) |lib_path| { if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, lib_path, glibc_so_basename)) { os_adjusted.version_range.linux.glibc = glibcVerFromSO(lib_path) catch |err| switch (err) { error.UnrecognizedGnuLibCFileName => continue, error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion => continue, error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable => continue, else => |e| return e, }; break; } } } var result: NativeTargetInfo = .{ .target = .{ .cpu = cpu, .os = os_adjusted, .abi = cross_target.abi orelse found_ld_info.abi, }, .dynamic_linker = if (cross_target.dynamic_linker.get() == null) DynamicLinker.init(found_ld_path) else cross_target.dynamic_linker, }; return result; } const env_file = std.fs.openFileAbsoluteZ("/usr/bin/env", .{}) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NoSpaceLeft => unreachable, error.NameTooLong => unreachable, error.PathAlreadyExists => unreachable, error.SharingViolation => unreachable, error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, error.BadPathName => unreachable, error.PipeBusy => unreachable, error.FileLocksNotSupported => unreachable, error.WouldBlock => unreachable, error.FileBusy => unreachable, // opened without write permissions error.IsDir, error.NotDir, error.AccessDenied, error.NoDevice, error.FileNotFound, error.FileTooBig, error.Unexpected, => return defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu, os, cross_target), else => |e| return e, }; defer env_file.close(); // If Zig is statically linked, such as via distributed binary static builds, the above // trick won't work. The next thing we fall back to is the same thing, but for /usr/bin/env. // Since that path is hard-coded into the shebang line of many portable scripts, it's a // reasonably reliable path to check for. return abiAndDynamicLinkerFromFile(env_file, cpu, os, ld_info_list, cross_target) catch |err| switch (err) { error.FileSystem, error.SystemResources, error.SymLinkLoop, error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, => |e| return e, error.UnableToReadElfFile, error.InvalidElfClass, error.InvalidElfVersion, error.InvalidElfEndian, error.InvalidElfFile, error.InvalidElfMagic, error.Unexpected, error.UnexpectedEndOfFile, error.NameTooLong, // Finally, we fall back on the standard path. => defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu, os, cross_target), }; } const glibc_so_basename = ""; fn glibcVerFromSO(so_path: [:0]const u8) !std.builtin.Version { var link_buf: [std.os.PATH_MAX]u8 = undefined; const link_name = std.os.readlinkZ(so_path.ptr, &link_buf) catch |err| switch (err) { error.AccessDenied => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable, error.FileSystem => return error.FileSystem, error.SymLinkLoop => return error.SymLinkLoop, error.NameTooLong => unreachable, error.NotLink => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable, error.FileNotFound => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable, error.SystemResources => return error.SystemResources, error.NotDir => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable, error.Unexpected => return error.GnuLibCVersionUnavailable, error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, // Windows only error.BadPathName => unreachable, // Windows only error.UnsupportedReparsePointType => unreachable, // Windows only }; return glibcVerFromLinkName(link_name, "libc-"); } fn glibcVerFromLinkName(link_name: []const u8, prefix: []const u8) !std.builtin.Version { // example: "" // example: "" // example: "" const suffix = ".so"; if (!mem.startsWith(u8, link_name, prefix) or !mem.endsWith(u8, link_name, suffix)) { return error.UnrecognizedGnuLibCFileName; } // chop off "libc-" and ".so" const link_name_chopped = link_name[prefix.len .. link_name.len - suffix.len]; return std.builtin.Version.parse(link_name_chopped) catch |err| switch (err) { error.Overflow => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion, error.InvalidCharacter => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion, error.InvalidVersion => return error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion, }; } pub const AbiAndDynamicLinkerFromFileError = error{ FileSystem, SystemResources, SymLinkLoop, ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, SystemFdQuotaExceeded, UnableToReadElfFile, InvalidElfClass, InvalidElfVersion, InvalidElfEndian, InvalidElfFile, InvalidElfMagic, Unexpected, UnexpectedEndOfFile, NameTooLong, }; pub fn abiAndDynamicLinkerFromFile( file: fs.File, cpu: Target.Cpu, os: Target.Os, ld_info_list: []const LdInfo, cross_target: CrossTarget, ) AbiAndDynamicLinkerFromFileError!NativeTargetInfo { var hdr_buf: [@sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr)]u8 align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Ehdr)) = undefined; _ = try preadMin(file, &hdr_buf, 0, hdr_buf.len); const hdr32 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf32_Ehdr, &hdr_buf); const hdr64 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf64_Ehdr, &hdr_buf); if (!mem.eql(u8, hdr32.e_ident[0..4], "\x7fELF")) return error.InvalidElfMagic; const elf_endian: std.builtin.Endian = switch (hdr32.e_ident[elf.EI_DATA]) { elf.ELFDATA2LSB => .Little, elf.ELFDATA2MSB => .Big, else => return error.InvalidElfEndian, }; const need_bswap = elf_endian != native_endian; if (hdr32.e_ident[elf.EI_VERSION] != 1) return error.InvalidElfVersion; const is_64 = switch (hdr32.e_ident[elf.EI_CLASS]) { elf.ELFCLASS32 => false, elf.ELFCLASS64 => true, else => return error.InvalidElfClass, }; var phoff = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_phoff, hdr64.e_phoff); const phentsize = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_phentsize, hdr64.e_phentsize); const phnum = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_phnum, hdr64.e_phnum); var result: NativeTargetInfo = .{ .target = .{ .cpu = cpu, .os = os, .abi = cross_target.abi orelse Target.Abi.default(cpu.arch, os), }, .dynamic_linker = cross_target.dynamic_linker, }; var rpath_offset: ?u64 = null; // Found inside PT_DYNAMIC const look_for_ld = cross_target.dynamic_linker.get() == null; var ph_buf: [16 * @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr)]u8 align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr)) = undefined; if (phentsize > @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr)) return error.InvalidElfFile; var ph_i: u16 = 0; while (ph_i < phnum) { // Reserve some bytes so that we can deref the 64-bit struct fields // even when the ELF file is 32-bits. const ph_reserve: usize = @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr) - @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr); const ph_read_byte_len = try preadMin(file, ph_buf[0 .. ph_buf.len - ph_reserve], phoff, phentsize); var ph_buf_i: usize = 0; while (ph_buf_i < ph_read_byte_len and ph_i < phnum) : ({ ph_i += 1; phoff += phentsize; ph_buf_i += phentsize; }) { const ph32 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf32_Phdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf32_Phdr), &ph_buf[ph_buf_i])); const ph64 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf64_Phdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Phdr), &ph_buf[ph_buf_i])); const p_type = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_type, ph64.p_type); switch (p_type) { elf.PT_INTERP => if (look_for_ld) { const p_offset = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_offset, ph64.p_offset); const p_filesz = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_filesz, ph64.p_filesz); if (p_filesz > result.dynamic_linker.buffer.len) return error.NameTooLong; const filesz = @intCast(usize, p_filesz); _ = try preadMin(file, result.dynamic_linker.buffer[0..filesz], p_offset, filesz); // PT_INTERP includes a null byte in filesz. const len = filesz - 1; // dynamic_linker.max_byte is "max", not "len". // We know it will fit in u8 because we check against dynamic_linker.buffer.len above. result.dynamic_linker.max_byte = @intCast(u8, len - 1); // Use it to determine ABI. const full_ld_path = result.dynamic_linker.buffer[0..len]; for (ld_info_list) |ld_info| { const standard_ld_basename = fs.path.basename(ld_info.ld.get().?); if (std.mem.endsWith(u8, full_ld_path, standard_ld_basename)) { = ld_info.abi; break; } } }, // We only need this for detecting glibc version. elf.PT_DYNAMIC => if ( == .linux and and cross_target.glibc_version == null) { var dyn_off = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_offset, ph64.p_offset); const p_filesz = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, ph32.p_filesz, ph64.p_filesz); const dyn_size: usize = if (is_64) @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn) else @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Dyn); const dyn_num = p_filesz / dyn_size; var dyn_buf: [16 * @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn)]u8 align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn)) = undefined; var dyn_i: usize = 0; dyn: while (dyn_i < dyn_num) { // Reserve some bytes so that we can deref the 64-bit struct fields // even when the ELF file is 32-bits. const dyn_reserve: usize = @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn) - @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Dyn); const dyn_read_byte_len = try preadMin( file, dyn_buf[0 .. dyn_buf.len - dyn_reserve], dyn_off, dyn_size, ); var dyn_buf_i: usize = 0; while (dyn_buf_i < dyn_read_byte_len and dyn_i < dyn_num) : ({ dyn_i += 1; dyn_off += dyn_size; dyn_buf_i += dyn_size; }) { const dyn32 = @ptrCast( *elf.Elf32_Dyn, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf32_Dyn), &dyn_buf[dyn_buf_i]), ); const dyn64 = @ptrCast( *elf.Elf64_Dyn, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Dyn), &dyn_buf[dyn_buf_i]), ); const tag = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, dyn32.d_tag, dyn64.d_tag); const val = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, dyn32.d_val, dyn64.d_val); if (tag == elf.DT_RUNPATH) { rpath_offset = val; break :dyn; } } } }, else => continue, } } } if ( == .linux and and cross_target.glibc_version == null) { if (rpath_offset) |rpoff| { const shstrndx = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_shstrndx, hdr64.e_shstrndx); var shoff = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_shoff, hdr64.e_shoff); const shentsize = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_shentsize, hdr64.e_shentsize); const str_section_off = shoff + @as(u64, shentsize) * @as(u64, shstrndx); var sh_buf: [16 * @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr)]u8 align(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr)) = undefined; if (sh_buf.len < shentsize) return error.InvalidElfFile; _ = try preadMin(file, &sh_buf, str_section_off, shentsize); const shstr32 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf32_Shdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), &sh_buf)); const shstr64 = @ptrCast(*elf.Elf64_Shdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), &sh_buf)); const shstrtab_off = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, shstr32.sh_offset, shstr64.sh_offset); const shstrtab_size = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, shstr32.sh_size, shstr64.sh_size); var strtab_buf: [4096:0]u8 = undefined; const shstrtab_len = std.math.min(shstrtab_size, strtab_buf.len); const shstrtab_read_len = try preadMin(file, &strtab_buf, shstrtab_off, shstrtab_len); const shstrtab = strtab_buf[0..shstrtab_read_len]; const shnum = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, hdr32.e_shnum, hdr64.e_shnum); var sh_i: u16 = 0; const dynstr: ?struct { offset: u64, size: u64 } = find_dyn_str: while (sh_i < shnum) { // Reserve some bytes so that we can deref the 64-bit struct fields // even when the ELF file is 32-bits. const sh_reserve: usize = @sizeOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr) - @sizeOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr); const sh_read_byte_len = try preadMin( file, sh_buf[0 .. sh_buf.len - sh_reserve], shoff, shentsize, ); var sh_buf_i: usize = 0; while (sh_buf_i < sh_read_byte_len and sh_i < shnum) : ({ sh_i += 1; shoff += shentsize; sh_buf_i += shentsize; }) { const sh32 = @ptrCast( *elf.Elf32_Shdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf32_Shdr), &sh_buf[sh_buf_i]), ); const sh64 = @ptrCast( *elf.Elf64_Shdr, @alignCast(@alignOf(elf.Elf64_Shdr), &sh_buf[sh_buf_i]), ); const sh_name_off = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, sh32.sh_name, sh64.sh_name); // TODO this pointer cast should not be necessary const sh_name = mem.sliceTo(std.meta.assumeSentinel(shstrtab[sh_name_off..].ptr, 0), 0); if (mem.eql(u8, sh_name, ".dynstr")) { break :find_dyn_str .{ .offset = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, sh32.sh_offset, sh64.sh_offset), .size = elfInt(is_64, need_bswap, sh32.sh_size, sh64.sh_size), }; } } } else null; if (dynstr) |ds| { const strtab_len = std.math.min(ds.size, strtab_buf.len); const strtab_read_len = try preadMin(file, &strtab_buf, ds.offset, strtab_len); const strtab = strtab_buf[0..strtab_read_len]; // TODO this pointer cast should not be necessary const rpoff_usize = std.math.cast(usize, rpoff) catch |err| switch (err) { error.Overflow => return error.InvalidElfFile, }; const rpath_list = mem.sliceTo(std.meta.assumeSentinel(strtab[rpoff_usize..].ptr, 0), 0); var it = mem.tokenize(u8, rpath_list, ":"); while ( |rpath| { var dir = fs.cwd().openDir(rpath, .{}) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NameTooLong => unreachable, error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, error.BadPathName => unreachable, error.DeviceBusy => unreachable, error.FileNotFound, error.NotDir, error.AccessDenied, error.NoDevice, => continue, error.ProcessFdQuotaExceeded, error.SystemFdQuotaExceeded, error.SystemResources, error.SymLinkLoop, error.Unexpected, => |e| return e, }; defer dir.close(); var link_buf: [std.os.PATH_MAX]u8 = undefined; const link_name = std.os.readlinkatZ( dir.fd, glibc_so_basename, &link_buf, ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NameTooLong => unreachable, error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, // Windows only error.BadPathName => unreachable, // Windows only error.UnsupportedReparsePointType => unreachable, // Windows only error.AccessDenied, error.FileNotFound, error.NotLink, error.NotDir, => continue, error.SystemResources, error.FileSystem, error.SymLinkLoop, error.Unexpected, => |e| return e, }; = glibcVerFromLinkName( link_name, "libc-", ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.UnrecognizedGnuLibCFileName, error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion, => continue, }; break; } } } else if (result.dynamic_linker.get()) |dl_path| glibc_ver: { // There is no DT_RUNPATH but we can try to see if the information is // present in the symlink data for the dynamic linker path. var link_buf: [std.os.PATH_MAX]u8 = undefined; const link_name = std.os.readlink(dl_path, &link_buf) catch |err| switch (err) { error.NameTooLong => unreachable, error.InvalidUtf8 => unreachable, // Windows only error.BadPathName => unreachable, // Windows only error.UnsupportedReparsePointType => unreachable, // Windows only error.AccessDenied, error.FileNotFound, error.NotLink, error.NotDir, => break :glibc_ver, error.SystemResources, error.FileSystem, error.SymLinkLoop, error.Unexpected, => |e| return e, }; = glibcVerFromLinkName( fs.path.basename(link_name), "ld-", ) catch |err| switch (err) { error.UnrecognizedGnuLibCFileName, error.InvalidGnuLibCVersion, => break :glibc_ver, }; } } return result; } fn preadMin(file: fs.File, buf: []u8, offset: u64, min_read_len: usize) !usize { var i: usize = 0; while (i < min_read_len) { const len = file.pread(buf[i..], offset + i) catch |err| switch (err) { error.OperationAborted => unreachable, // Windows-only error.WouldBlock => unreachable, // Did not request blocking mode error.NotOpenForReading => unreachable, error.SystemResources => return error.SystemResources, error.IsDir => return error.UnableToReadElfFile, error.BrokenPipe => return error.UnableToReadElfFile, error.Unseekable => return error.UnableToReadElfFile, error.ConnectionResetByPeer => return error.UnableToReadElfFile, error.ConnectionTimedOut => return error.UnableToReadElfFile, error.Unexpected => return error.Unexpected, error.InputOutput => return error.FileSystem, error.AccessDenied => return error.Unexpected, }; if (len == 0) return error.UnexpectedEndOfFile; i += len; } return i; } fn defaultAbiAndDynamicLinker(cpu: Target.Cpu, os: Target.Os, cross_target: CrossTarget) !NativeTargetInfo { const target: Target = .{ .cpu = cpu, .os = os, .abi = cross_target.abi orelse Target.Abi.default(cpu.arch, os), }; return NativeTargetInfo{ .target = target, .dynamic_linker = if (cross_target.dynamic_linker.get() == null) target.standardDynamicLinkerPath() else cross_target.dynamic_linker, }; } pub const LdInfo = struct { ld: DynamicLinker, abi: Target.Abi, }; pub fn elfInt(is_64: bool, need_bswap: bool, int_32: anytype, int_64: anytype) @TypeOf(int_64) { if (is_64) { if (need_bswap) { return @byteSwap(@TypeOf(int_64), int_64); } else { return int_64; } } else { if (need_bswap) { return @byteSwap(@TypeOf(int_32), int_32); } else { return int_32; } } } fn detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(cpu_arch: Target.Cpu.Arch, os: Target.Os, cross_target: CrossTarget) ?Target.Cpu { // Here we switch on a comptime value rather than `cpu_arch`. This is valid because `cpu_arch`, // although it is a runtime value, is guaranteed to be one of the architectures in the set // of the respective switch prong. switch (builtin.cpu.arch) { .x86_64, .i386 => { return @import("x86.zig").detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(cpu_arch, os, cross_target); }, else => {}, } switch (builtin.os.tag) { .linux => return linux.detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(), .macos => return darwin.macos.detectNativeCpuAndFeatures(), else => {}, } // This architecture does not have CPU model & feature detection yet. // See return null; } pub const Executor = union(enum) { native, rosetta, qemu: []const u8, wine: []const u8, wasmtime: []const u8, darling: []const u8, bad_dl: []const u8, bad_os_or_cpu, }; pub const GetExternalExecutorOptions = struct { allow_darling: bool = true, allow_qemu: bool = true, allow_rosetta: bool = true, allow_wasmtime: bool = true, allow_wine: bool = true, qemu_fixes_dl: bool = false, link_libc: bool = false, }; /// Return whether or not the given host target is capable of executing natively executables /// of the other target. pub fn getExternalExecutor( host: NativeTargetInfo, candidate: NativeTargetInfo, options: GetExternalExecutorOptions, ) Executor { const os_match = ==; const cpu_ok = cpu_ok: { if ( == break :cpu_ok true; if ( == .x86_64 and == .i386) break :cpu_ok true; if ( == .aarch64 and == .arm) break :cpu_ok true; if ( == .aarch64_be and == .armeb) break :cpu_ok true; // TODO additionally detect incompatible CPU features. // Note that in some cases the OS kernel will emulate missing CPU features // when an illegal instruction is encountered. break :cpu_ok false; }; var bad_result: Executor = .bad_os_or_cpu; if (os_match and cpu_ok) native: { if (options.link_libc) { if (candidate.dynamic_linker.get()) |candidate_dl| { fs.cwd().access(candidate_dl, .{}) catch { bad_result = .{ .bad_dl = candidate_dl }; break :native; }; } } return .native; } // If the OS match and OS is macOS and CPU is arm64, we can use Rosetta 2 // to emulate the foreign architecture. if (options.allow_rosetta and os_match and == .macos and == .aarch64) { switch ( { .x86_64 => return .rosetta, else => return bad_result, } } // If the OS matches, we can use QEMU to emulate a foreign architecture. if (options.allow_qemu and os_match and (!cpu_ok or options.qemu_fixes_dl)) { return switch ( { .aarch64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-aarch64" }, .aarch64_be => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-aarch64_be" }, .arm => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-arm" }, .armeb => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-armeb" }, .hexagon => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-hexagon" }, .i386 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-i386" }, .m68k => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-m68k" }, .mips => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips" }, .mipsel => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mipsel" }, .mips64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips64" }, .mips64el => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-mips64el" }, .powerpc => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc" }, .powerpc64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc64" }, .powerpc64le => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-ppc64le" }, .riscv32 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-riscv32" }, .riscv64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-riscv64" }, .s390x => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-s390x" }, .sparc => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-sparc" }, .x86_64 => Executor{ .qemu = "qemu-x86_64" }, else => return bad_result, }; } switch ( { .windows => { if (options.allow_wine) { switch ( { 32 => return Executor{ .wine = "wine" }, 64 => return Executor{ .wine = "wine64" }, else => return bad_result, } } return bad_result; }, .wasi => { if (options.allow_wasmtime) { switch ( { 32 => return Executor{ .wasmtime = "wasmtime" }, else => return bad_result, } } return bad_result; }, .macos => { if (options.allow_darling) { // This check can be loosened once darling adds a QEMU-based emulation // layer for non-host architectures: // if ( != builtin.cpu.arch) { return bad_result; } return Executor{ .darling = "darling" }; } return bad_result; }, else => return bad_result, } }