// Copyright 2009 The Archiveopteryx Developers #include "scope.h" #include "estring.h" #include "allocator.h" #include "estringlist.h" #include "stderrlogger.h" #include "configuration.h" #include "transaction.h" #include "eventloop.h" #include "database.h" #include "entropy.h" #include "schema.h" #include "granter.h" #include "query.h" #include "event.h" #include "file.h" #include "md5.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include uid_t postgres = 0; class Dispatcher * d; bool report = false; bool silent = false; uint verbosity = 0; EString * db = 0; EString * dbname = 0; EString * dbsocket = 0; EString * dbaddress = 0; EString * dbuser = 0; EString * dbpass = 0; EString * dbowner = 0; EString * dbownerpass = 0; EString * dbpgpass = 0; EString * dbschema = 0; bool privateSchema = false; uint dbport = 0; bool askPass = false; int todo = 0; bool generatedPass = false; bool generatedOwnerPass = false; const char * PGUSER; const char * AOXUSER; const char * AOXGROUP; const char * DBADDRESS; void help(); void error( EString ); EString pgErr( const Query * ); bool exists( const EString & ); void configure(); void findPostgres(); void findPgUser(); void badSocket( EString * ); bool checkSocket( EString * ); void readPassword(); void readPgPass(); void aoxGroup(); void aoxUser(); void database(); void configFile(); void superConfig(); void permissions(); int psql( const EString & ); void checkVersion(); void checkEncoding(); void createUser(); void createSuperuser(); void createDatabase(); void createLang(); void createExtensions(); void createNamespace(); void checkOwnership(); void grantUsage(); void splitPrivileges(); void createSchema(); void upgradeSchema(); void grantPrivileges(); /*! \nodoc */ int main( int ac, char *av[] ) { Scope global; Log * l = new Log; Allocator::addEternal( l, "log object" ); global.setLog( l ); PGUSER = Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::PgUser ); AOXUSER = Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::AoxUser ); AOXGROUP = Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::AoxGroup ); DBADDRESS = Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::DefaultDbAddress ); av++; while ( ac-- > 1 ) { EString s( *av++ ); if ( s == "-?" || s == "-h" || s == "--help" ) { help(); } else if ( s == "-q" ) { silent = true; verbosity = 0; } else if ( s == "-n" ) { report = true; } else if ( s == "-g" || s == "-u" || s == "-p" || s == "-a" || s == "-s" || s == "-d" || s == "-S" ) { if ( ac == 1 ) error( s + " specified with no argument." ); if ( s == "-g" ) { AOXGROUP = *av++; } else if ( s == "-u" ) { AOXUSER = *av++; dbuser = new EString( AOXUSER ); } else if ( s == "-p" ) { PGUSER = *av++; } else if ( s == "-a" ) { dbaddress = new EString( *av++ ); } else if ( s == "-s" ) { dbsocket = new EString( *av++ ); Allocator::addEternal( dbsocket, "DBSOCKET" ); } else if ( s == "-d" ) { dbname = new EString( *av++ ); } else if ( s == "-S" ) { dbschema = new EString( *av++ ); } ac--; } else if ( s == "-t" ) { if ( ac == 1 ) error( s + " specified with no argument." ); EString p( *av++ ); bool ok; dbport = p.number( &ok ); if ( !ok ) error( "Invalid port number " + p ); ac--; } else if ( s == "-P" ) { askPass = true; } else if ( s == "-v" ) { verbosity++; } else { error( "Unrecognised argument: " + s.quoted() ); } } Allocator::addEternal( new StderrLogger( "installer", verbosity ), "log object" ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Archiveopteryx installer version %s\n", Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::Version ) ); if ( getuid() != 0 ) error( "Please run the installer as root." ); if ( verbosity ) { EString d( Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::ConfigDir ) ); printf( "Will read these configuration files:\n" " %s/archiveopteryx.conf\n" " %s/aoxsuper.conf\n", d.cstr(), d.cstr() ); } Configuration::setup( "archiveopteryx.conf" ); EString super( Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::ConfigDir ) ); super.append( "/aoxsuper.conf" ); Configuration::read( super, true ); configure(); findPostgres(); if ( report ) printf( "Reporting what the installer needs to do.\n" ); aoxGroup(); aoxUser(); if ( postgres != 0 ) seteuid( postgres ); EventLoop::setup(); database(); if ( d ) Allocator::addEternal( d, "dispatcher" ); EventLoop::global()->start(); } void help() { fprintf( stderr, " Archiveopteryx installer\n\n" " Synopsis:\n\n" " installer [-n] [-q]\n" " installer [-g group] [-u user] [-p postgres] [-s socket]\n" " [-a address] [-t port] [-d dbname] [-S schema]\n\n" " This program does the following:\n\n" " - Creates a Unix group named aox, and a user named aox.\n" " - Creates Postgres users named aoxsuper and aox.\n" " - Creates a database named archiveopteryx, owned by aoxsuper.\n" " - Loads the database schema and grants limited privileges " "to user aox.\n" " - Generates an initial configuration file.\n" " - Adjusts ownership and permissions if necessary.\n\n" " Options:\n\n" " The -q flag suppresses all normal output.\n\n" " The -n flag causes the program to report what it would do,\n" " but not actually do anything.\n\n" " The \"-g group\" flag allows you to specify a Unix group\n" " other than the default of '%s'.\n\n" " The \"-u user\" flag allows you to specify a Unix username\n" " other than the default of '%s'.\n\n" " The \"-p postgres\" flag allows you to specify the name of\n" " the PostgreSQL superuser. The default is to try postgres and\n" " pgsql in turn.\n\n" " The \"-P\" flag instructs the installer to prompt for and\n" " read the Postgres superuser's password, and be prepared to\n" " use that for authentication (if necessary).\n\n" " The \"-s socket\" flag allows you to specify an alternate\n" " location for the Postgres server's named listening socket.\n\n" " The \"-a address\" flag allows you to specify a different\n" " address for the Postgres server. The default is '%s'.\n\n" " The \"-t port\" flag allows you to specify a different port\n" " for the Postgres server. The default is 5432.\n\n" " The \"-d dbname\" flag allows you to specify a database name to\n" " use. The default is '%s'.\n\n" " The \"-S schema\" flag allows you to specify a schema in the\n" " database where objects are installed. The default is to assume\n" " that objects live in the public schema.\n\n" " The defaults are set at build time in the Jamsettings file.\n\n", AOXGROUP, AOXUSER, DBADDRESS, DBNAME ); exit( 0 ); } void error( EString m ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", m.cstr() ); exit( -1 ); } EString pgErr( const Query * q ) { EString p( "PostgreSQL error: " ); p.append( q->error() ); return p; } bool exists( const EString & f ) { struct stat st; return stat( f.cstr(), &st ) == 0; } void findPostgres() { EString port( fn( dbport ) ); if ( !dbsocket && *dbaddress == "" ) dbsocket = new EString( "/tmp/.s.PGSQL." + port ); if ( dbsocket ) { findPgUser(); if ( checkSocket( dbsocket ) == false ) badSocket( dbsocket ); db = dbsocket; } else { if ( !*PGUSER ) PGUSER = "postgres"; struct passwd * p = getpwnam( PGUSER ); if ( p ) postgres = p->pw_uid; db = dbaddress; } Allocator::addEternal( db, "DB" ); if ( askPass ) readPassword(); else readPgPass(); if ( !silent ) printf( "Connecting to Postgres server %s as%suser %s.\n", db->cstr(), ( postgres != 0 ? " Unix " : " " ), PGUSER ); } void badSocket( EString * sock ) { fprintf( stderr, "Error: Couldn't find the Postgres listening " "socket at '%s'.\n", sock->cstr() ); if ( exists( "/etc/debian_version" ) && exists( "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "(On Debian, perhaps it should be " "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432 instead.)\n" ); } fprintf( stderr, "Please rerun the installer with " "\"-s /path/to/socket.file\".\n" ); exit( -1 ); } bool checkSocket( EString * sock ) { if ( !sock->startsWith( "/" ) ) return false; struct stat st; int n = stat( sock->cstr(), &st ); if ( n < 0 ) { return false; } else if ( S_ISSOCK( st.st_mode ) ) { // This is the normal case. } else if ( S_ISDIR( st.st_mode ) ) { // Postgres users are used to specifying a directory and port // number, and letting psql turn that into a socket path. We // try to cooperate. EString s( "/.s.PGSQL." + fn( dbport ) ); sock->append( s ); if ( !( stat( sock->cstr(), &st ) == 0 && S_ISSOCK( st.st_mode ) ) ) return false; fprintf( stderr, "Using '%s' as the server socket.\n", sock->cstr() ); } else { return false; } // If we were run with "-s /foo/bar/.s.PGSQL.6666", make sure we can // translate that into "psql -h /foo/bar -p 6666". if ( !sock->endsWith( "/.s.PGSQL." + fn( dbport ) ) ) { bool ok = false; EString s = *sock; uint i = sock->length()-1; while ( i > 0 && (*sock)[i] != '/' ) i--; if ( i > 0 && (*sock)[i] == '/' ) { s = sock->mid( i+1 ); if ( s.startsWith( ".s.PGSQL." ) ) { EString port( s.mid( 9 ) ); dbport = port.number( &ok ); } } if ( !ok ) error( "Malformed socket name: " + s.quoted() ); } return true; } void readPassword() { char * s; char passwd[128]; struct termios term; struct termios newt; if ( tcgetattr( 0, &term ) < 0 ) error( "Couldn't get terminal attributes (-" + fn( errno ) + ")." ); newt = term; newt.c_lflag |= ECHONL; newt.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ISIG); if ( tcsetattr( 0, TCSANOW, &newt ) < 0 ) error( "Couldn't set terminal attributes (-" + fn( errno ) + ")." ); printf( "Password: " ); s = fgets( passwd, 128, stdin ); tcsetattr( 0, TCSANOW, &term ); if ( !s ) error( "Couldn't read password" ); dbpgpass = new EString( passwd ); dbpgpass->truncate( dbpgpass->length()-1 ); Allocator::addEternal( dbpgpass, "DBPGPASS" ); } EStringList * splitFields( const EString & s ) { EStringList * l = new EStringList; uint i = 0; EString word; while ( i < s.length() ) { char c = s[i++]; if ( c == ':' || c == '\n' ) { l->append( new EString( word ) ); word.truncate( 0 ); } else { if ( c == '\\' ) c = s[i++]; word.append( c ); } } return l; } void readPgPass() { const char * pgpass = getenv( "PGPASSFILE" ); if ( !pgpass ) return; struct stat st; if ( stat( pgpass, &st ) < 0 || !S_ISREG( st.st_mode ) || ( st.st_mode & (S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO) ) != 0 ) return; File f( pgpass, File::Read ); if ( !f.valid() ) return; EStringList::Iterator line( f.lines() ); while ( line ) { EStringList * fields = splitFields( *line ); if ( fields->count() != 5 ) return; EString host( *fields->shift() ); EString port( *fields->shift() ); EString database( *fields->shift() ); EString username( *fields->shift() ); EString password( *fields->shift() ); if ( ( host == "*" || host == *db || ( host == "localhost" && ( *db == "" || db->startsWith( "/" ) ) ) ) && ( port == "*" || port == fn( dbport ) ) && ( database == "*" || database == "template1" ) && ( username == "*" || username == PGUSER ) ) { dbpgpass = new EString( password ); break; } ++line; } if ( dbpgpass ) { Allocator::addEternal( dbpgpass, "DBPGPASS" ); fprintf( stderr, "Using password from PGPASSFILE='%s'\n", pgpass ); } } void findPgUser() { struct passwd * p = 0; if ( *PGUSER ) { p = getpwnam( PGUSER ); if ( !p ) error( "PostgreSQL superuser " + EString( PGUSER ).quoted() + " does not exist (rerun with -p username)." ); } if ( !p ) { PGUSER = "postgres"; p = getpwnam( PGUSER ); } if ( !p ) { PGUSER = "pgsql"; p = getpwnam( PGUSER ); } if ( !p ) { error( "PostgreSQL superuser unknown (PGUSER not set, and neither " "\"postgres\" nor \"pgsql\" worked). Please re-run the " "installer with \"-p username\"." ); } postgres = p->pw_uid; EString path( getenv( "PATH" ) ); path.append( ":" + EString( p->pw_dir ) + "/bin" ); path.append( ":/usr/local/pgsql/bin" ); setenv( "PATH", path.cstr(), 1 ); } void configure() { Entropy::setup(); if ( !dbname ) { EString t( DBNAME ); if ( Configuration::present( Configuration::DbName ) ) { t = Configuration::text( Configuration::DbName ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Using db-name from the configuration: %s\n", dbname->cstr() ); } dbname = new EString( t ); } Allocator::addEternal( dbname, "DBNAME" ); if ( !dbschema ) { EString t( DBSCHEMA ); if ( Configuration::present( Configuration::DbSchema ) ) { t = Configuration::text( Configuration::DbSchema ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Using db-schema from the configuration: %s\n", dbschema->cstr() ); } dbschema = new EString( t ); } Allocator::addEternal( dbschema, "DBSCHEMA" ); if ( *dbschema != "public" ) ::privateSchema = true; if ( !dbaddress ) { EString t( DBADDRESS ); if ( Configuration::present( Configuration::DbAddress ) ) { t = Configuration::text( Configuration::DbAddress ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Using db-address from the configuration: %s\n", dbaddress->cstr() ); } dbaddress = new EString( t ); } Allocator::addEternal( dbaddress, "DBADDRESS" ); if ( dbport == 0 ) { if ( Configuration::present( Configuration::DbPort ) ) { dbport = Configuration::scalar( Configuration::DbPort ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Using db-port from the configuration: %d\n", dbport ); } else { dbport = 5432; } } if ( !dbuser ) { EString t( AOXUSER ); if ( Configuration::present( Configuration::DbUser ) ) { t = Configuration::text( Configuration::DbUser ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Using db-user from the configuration: %s\n", dbuser->cstr() ); } dbuser = new EString( t ); } Allocator::addEternal( dbuser, "AOXUSER" ); dbpass = new EString( DBPASS ); if ( Configuration::present( Configuration::DbPassword ) ) { *dbpass = Configuration::text( Configuration::DbPassword ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Using db-password from the configuration\n" ); } else if ( dbpass->isEmpty() ) { EString p( "(database user password here)" ); if ( !report ) { p = MD5::hash( Entropy::asString( 16 ) ).hex(); generatedPass = true; } dbpass->append( p ); } Allocator::addEternal( dbpass, "DBPASS" ); dbowner = new EString( DBOWNER ); if ( Configuration::present( Configuration::DbOwner ) ) { *dbowner = Configuration::text( Configuration::DbOwner ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Using db-owner from the configuration: %s\n", dbowner->cstr() ); } Allocator::addEternal( dbowner, "DBOWNER" ); dbownerpass = new EString( DBOWNERPASS ); if ( Configuration::present( Configuration::DbOwnerPassword ) ) { *dbownerpass = Configuration::text( Configuration::DbOwnerPassword ); if ( verbosity ) printf( "Using db-owner-password from the configuration\n" ); } else if ( dbownerpass->isEmpty() ) { EString p( "(database owner password here)" ); if ( !report ) { p = MD5::hash( Entropy::asString( 16 ) ).hex(); generatedOwnerPass = true; } dbownerpass->append( p ); } Allocator::addEternal( dbownerpass, "DBOWNERPASS" ); } void aoxGroup() { struct group * g = getgrnam( AOXGROUP ); if ( g ) return; if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Create a group named '%s' (e.g. \"groupadd %s\").\n", AOXGROUP, AOXGROUP ); return; } EString cmd; if ( exists( "/usr/sbin/groupadd" ) ) { cmd.append( "/usr/sbin/groupadd " ); cmd.append( AOXGROUP ); } else if ( exists( "/usr/sbin/pw" ) ) { cmd.append( "/usr/sbin/pw groupadd " ); cmd.append( AOXGROUP ); } int status = 0; if ( !cmd.isEmpty() ) { if ( !silent ) printf( "Creating the '%s' group.\n", AOXGROUP ); status = system( cmd.cstr() ); } if ( cmd.isEmpty() || WEXITSTATUS( status ) != 0 || getgrnam( AOXGROUP ) == 0 ) { EString s; if ( cmd.isEmpty() ) s.append( "Don't know how to create group " ); else s.append( "Couldn't create group " ); s.append( "'" ); s.append( AOXGROUP ); s.append( "'. " ); s.append( "Please create it by hand and re-run the installer.\n" ); if ( !cmd.isEmpty() ) s.append( "The command which failed was " + cmd.quoted() ); error( s ); } } void aoxUser() { struct passwd * p = getpwnam( AOXUSER ); if ( p ) return; if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Create a user named '%s' in the '%s' group " "(e.g. \"useradd -g %s %s\").\n", AOXUSER, AOXGROUP, AOXGROUP, AOXUSER ); return; } EString cmd; if ( exists( "/usr/sbin/useradd" ) ) { cmd.append( "/usr/sbin/useradd -g " ); cmd.append( AOXGROUP ); cmd.append( " " ); cmd.append( AOXUSER ); } else if ( exists( "/usr/sbin/pw" ) ) { cmd.append( "/usr/sbin/pw useradd " ); cmd.append( AOXUSER ); cmd.append( " -g " ); cmd.append( AOXGROUP ); } int status = 0; if ( !cmd.isEmpty() ) { if ( !silent ) printf( "Creating the '%s' user.\n", AOXUSER ); status = system( cmd.cstr() ); } if ( cmd.isEmpty() || WEXITSTATUS( status ) != 0 || getpwnam( AOXUSER ) == 0 ) { EString s; if ( cmd.isEmpty() ) s.append( "Don't know how to create user " ); else s.append( "Couldn't create user " ); s.append( "'" ); s.append( AOXUSER ); s.append( "'. " ); s.append( "Please create it by hand and re-run the installer.\n" ); s.append( "The new user does not need a valid login shell or " "password.\n" ); if ( !cmd.isEmpty() ) s.append( "The command which failed was " + cmd.quoted() ); error( s ); } } enum DbState { CheckVersion, CheckEncoding, CreateUser, CreateSuperuser, CreateDatabase, CreateLang, CreateExtensions, CreateNamespace, CheckOwnership, GrantUsage, SplitPrivileges, CreateSchema, UpgradeSchema, GrantPrivileges, Done }; class Dispatcher : public EventHandler { public: DbState state; Query * q; Query * u; Query * w; Query * ssa; Query * ssp; Granter * g; Transaction * t; bool databaseExists; bool namespaceExists; bool mailstoreExists; bool failed; EString owner; Dispatcher() : state( CheckVersion ), q( 0 ), u( 0 ), w( 0 ), ssa( 0 ), ssp( 0 ), g( 0 ), t( 0 ), databaseExists( false ), namespaceExists( false ), mailstoreExists( false ), failed( false ) {} void execute() { database(); } void error( const EString &s ) { d->failed = true; fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", s.cstr() ); } void nextState() { d->q = d->u = d->w = 0; state = (DbState)(state + 1); } }; void connectToDb( const EString & dbname ) { Configuration::setup( "" ); Configuration::add( "db-max-handles = 1" ); Configuration::add( "db-name = " + dbname.quoted() ); Configuration::add( "db-schema = " + dbschema->quoted() ); Configuration::add( "db-user = " + dbuser->quoted() ); Configuration::add( "db-address = " + db->quoted() ); if ( !db->startsWith( "/" ) ) Configuration::add( "db-port = " + fn( dbport ) ); EString pass; if ( dbpgpass ) pass = *dbpgpass; Database::setup( 1, PGUSER, pass ); } void database() { if ( !d ) { connectToDb( "template1" ); d = new Dispatcher; } DbState last; do { last = d->state; switch ( d->state ) { case CheckVersion: checkVersion(); break; case CheckEncoding: checkEncoding(); break; case CreateUser: createUser(); break; case CreateSuperuser: createSuperuser(); break; case CreateDatabase: createDatabase(); break; case CreateLang: createLang(); break; case CreateExtensions: createExtensions(); break; case CreateNamespace: createNamespace(); break; case CheckOwnership: checkOwnership(); break; case GrantUsage: grantUsage(); break; case SplitPrivileges: splitPrivileges(); break; case CreateSchema: createSchema(); break; case UpgradeSchema: upgradeSchema(); break; case GrantPrivileges: grantPrivileges(); break; case Done: break; } if ( d->failed ) { EventLoop::shutdown(); return; } } while ( last != d->state && d->state != Done ); if ( d->state == Done ) configFile(); } void checkVersion() { // We could use Postgres::version() instead of issuing a query here, // but it's not worth it. We have to check that we can issue queries // anyway. if ( !d->q ) { d->q = new Query( "show server_version_num", d ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->q->done() ) return; Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( d->q->failed() || !r ) { d->error( "Couldn't check Postgres server version. " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } EString v = r->getEString( "server_version_num" ); bool ok = true; uint version = v.number( &ok ); if ( !ok || version < 90100 ) { d->error( "Archiveopteryx requires PostgreSQL 9.1.0 or higher " "(found only " + v + ")." ); return; } d->nextState(); } void checkEncoding() { if ( !d->q ) { d->owner = *dbowner; d->q = new Query( "select usename::text, " "pg_encoding_to_char(encoding)::text as encoding " "from pg_database d join pg_user u " "on (d.datdba=u.usesysid) where datname=$1", d ); d->q->bind( 1, *dbname ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->q->done() ) return; if ( d->q->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't check encoding for database " + dbname->quoted( '\'' ) + ". " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( r ) { d->databaseExists = true; bool warning = false; d->owner = r->getEString( "usename" ); EString encoding( r->getEString( "encoding" ) ); if ( encoding != "UNICODE" && encoding != "UTF8" ) { // If someone is using SQL_ASCII, it's probably... us. if ( encoding == "SQL_ASCII" ) warning = true; fprintf( stderr, " - Database %s exists, but it has encoding " "%s instead of UTF8/UNICODE.\n" " (That will need to be fixed by hand.)\n", dbname->quoted().cstr(), encoding.cstr() ); if ( !warning ) { d->failed = true; return; } } } d->nextState(); } void createUser() { if ( !d->q ) { d->q = new Query( "select usename::text from pg_catalog.pg_user " "where usename=$1", d ); d->q->bind( 1, *dbuser ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; if ( d->q->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't check user " + *dbuser + ". " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( !r ) { EString create( "create user " + *dbuser + " with encrypted " "password " + dbpass->quoted( '\'' ) ); if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Create a PostgreSQL user named '%s'.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s -d template1 -qc \"%s\"\n\n", dbuser->cstr(), PGUSER, PSQL, create.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Creating the '%s' PostgreSQL user.\n", dbuser->cstr() ); d->u = new Query( create, d ); d->u->execute(); } } else { if ( generatedPass ) *dbpass = "(database user password here)"; } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't create database user " + dbuser->quoted() + " (" + pgErr( d->u ) + ").\nPlease create it by hand " "and re-run the installer." ); return; } } d->nextState(); } void createSuperuser() { if ( !d->q ) { d->q = new Query( "select usename::text from pg_catalog.pg_user " "where usename=$1", d ); d->q->bind( 1, *dbowner ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; if ( d->q->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't check user " + *dbowner + ". " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( !r ) { EString create( "create user " + *dbowner + " with encrypted " "password " + dbownerpass->quoted( '\'' ) ); if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Create a PostgreSQL user named '%s'.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s -d template1 -qc \"%s\"\n\n", dbowner->cstr(), PGUSER, PSQL, create.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Creating the '%s' PostgreSQL user.\n", dbowner->cstr() ); d->u = new Query( create, d ); d->u->execute(); } } else { if ( generatedOwnerPass ) *dbownerpass = "(database owner password here)"; } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't create database user " + dbuser->quoted() + " (" + pgErr( d->u ) + ").\nPlease create it by hand " "and re-run the installer." ); return; } } d->nextState(); } // If the database does not exist (the common case), we create it, add // plpgsql, create a namespace (if one is specified), create database // objects and grant privileges. If the database DOES exist, we don't // need to create it, but we check everything else. void createDatabase() { if ( d->databaseExists ) { d->nextState(); return; } if ( !d->u ) { EString create( "create database " + *dbname + " with owner " + *dbowner + " encoding 'UNICODE'" ); if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Create a database named '%s'.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s -d template1 -qc \"%s\"\n\n", dbname->cstr(), PGUSER, PSQL, create.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Creating the '%s' database.\n", dbname->cstr() ); d->u = new Query( create, d ); d->u->execute(); } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't create database " + dbname->quoted() + "(" + pgErr( d->u ) + ").\nPlease create it by " "hand and re-run the installer." ); return; } } d->nextState(); } // We must connect to the database for the next few tests, but we can do // so only if it existed before, or we just created it. Otherwise we'll // just report what we would have done and carry on. void createLang() { if ( !d->databaseExists && report ) { todo++; printf( " - Add PL/PgSQL to the '%s' database.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "createlang plpgsql %s\n\n", dbname->cstr(), PGUSER, dbname->cstr() ); d->nextState(); return; } if ( !d->q ) { Database::disconnect(); connectToDb( *dbname ); d->q = new Query( "select lanname::text from pg_catalog.pg_language " "where lanname='plpgsql'", d ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; if ( d->q->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't check for plpgsql. " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( !r ) { EString create( "create language plpgsql" ); if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Add PL/PgSQL to the '%s' database.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "createlang plpgsql %s\n\n", dbname->cstr(), PGUSER, dbname->cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Adding PL/PgSQL to the '%s' database.\n", dbname->cstr() ); d->u = new Query( create, d ); d->u->execute(); } } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't add PL/PgSQL to the " + dbname->quoted() + "database (" + pgErr( d->u ) + ").\nPlease do it by " "hand and re-run the installer." ); return; } } d->nextState(); } // We need the citext extension. void createExtensions() { if ( !d->databaseExists && report ) { todo++; printf( " - Add the citext extension to the '%s' database.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "psql %s -c 'create extension citext'\n\n", dbname->cstr(), PGUSER, dbname->cstr() ); d->nextState(); return; } if ( !d->q ) { Database::disconnect(); connectToDb( *dbname ); d->q = new Query( "select extname::text from pg_catalog.pg_extension " "where extname='citext'", d ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; if ( d->q->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't check for citext. " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( !r ) { EString create( "create extension citext" ); if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Add citext to the '%s' database.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "psql %s -c 'create extension citext'\n\n", dbname->cstr(), PGUSER, dbname->cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Adding citext to the '%s' database.\n", dbname->cstr() ); d->u = new Query( create, d ); d->u->execute(); } } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't add citext to the " + dbname->quoted() + "database (" + pgErr( d->u ) + ").\nPlease do it by " "hand and re-run the installer." ); return; } } d->nextState(); } // If the user specified a schema with -S, we need to check if it // exists and create it if it doesn't. // // We call our arrangement of database objects a schema (cf. schema.pg), // but now we're adding support for Postgres schemata; so there's some // confusion between the two terms here. I try to refer to the latter // as namespaces in the code, but commands still refer to "schema". void createNamespace() { if ( !privateSchema ) { d->namespaceExists = true; d->nextState(); return; } EString create( "create schema " + *dbschema + " authorization " + *dbowner ); if ( !d->databaseExists && report ) { todo++; printf( " - Create a schema named '%s'.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s -d %s -qc \"%s\"\n\n", dbschema->cstr(), PGUSER, PSQL, dbname->cstr(), create.cstr() ); d->nextState(); return; } if ( !d->q ) { d->q = new Query( "select nspname::text from pg_catalog.pg_namespace " "where nspname=$1", d ); d->q->bind( 1, *dbschema ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; if ( d->q->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't check schema " + *dbschema + ". " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( !r ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Create a schema named '%s'.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s -d template1 -qc \"%s\"\n\n", dbschema->cstr(), PGUSER, PSQL, create.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Creating the '%s' schema.\n", dbschema->cstr() ); d->u = new Query( create, d ); d->u->execute(); } } else { d->namespaceExists = true; } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't create schema " + dbschema->quoted() + " " "in database " + dbname->quoted() + "(" + pgErr( d->u ) + ").\nPlease create it by hand and " "re-run the installer." ); return; } } d->nextState(); } // Before we create database objects, we check ownership: if a schema // was specified, the dbowner should be its owner; if not, it should // own the database we're installing into. void checkOwnership() { // If we just created either database or schema, the owner is // already set correctly, and we don't need to do anything. if ( !( d->databaseExists && d->namespaceExists ) ) { d->nextState(); return; } // If a schema is specified, check its owner and decide what to do. // We could do the same for the database if a schema is not given, // but checkEncoding() already set d->owner, which we can use. if ( !d->q && !d->u ) { if ( privateSchema ) { d->q = new Query( "select usename::text " "from pg_namespace n join pg_user u on " "(n.nspowner=u.usesysid) where nspname=$1", d ); d->q->bind( 1, *dbschema ); d->q->execute(); } else if ( d->owner != *dbowner ) { EString alter( "alter database " + *dbname + " owner to " + *dbowner ); if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Alter owner of database '%s' from '%s' to '%s'.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s -d template1 -qc \"%s\"\n\n", dbname->cstr(), d->owner.cstr(), dbowner->cstr(), PGUSER, PSQL, alter.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Altering ownership of database '%s' to '%s'.\n", dbname->cstr(), dbowner->cstr() ); d->u = new Query( alter, d ); d->u->execute(); } } } if ( d->q && !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( d->q->failed() || !r ) { d->error( "Couldn't check ownership of schema " + *dbschema + ". " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } EString owner( r->getEString( "usename" ) ); if ( owner != *dbowner ) { EString alter( "alter schema " + *dbschema + " owner to " + *dbowner ); if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Alter owner of schema '%s' from '%s' to '%s'.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s -d %s -qc \"%s\"\n\n", dbschema->cstr(), owner.cstr(), dbowner->cstr(), PGUSER, PSQL, dbname->cstr(), alter.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Altering ownership of schema '%s' to '%s'.\n", dbschema->cstr(), dbowner->cstr() ); d->u = new Query( alter, d ); d->u->execute(); } } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { EString s( "Couldn't alter owner of " ); if ( privateSchema ) s.append( "schema " + dbschema->quoted( '\'' ) ); else s.append( "database " + dbname->quoted( '\'' ) ); s.append( " to " + dbowner->quoted( '\'' ) ); s.append( " (" ); s.append( pgErr( d->u ) ); s.append( ").\n" ); d->error( s + "Please set the owner by hand and re-run the " "installer." ); return; } } d->nextState(); } void grantUsage() { if ( !privateSchema ) { d->nextState(); return; } EString grant( "grant usage on schema " + *dbschema + " to " + *dbuser ); if ( !d->q ) { d->q = new Query( "select has_schema_privilege($1,nspname,'usage') as has_usage " "from pg_catalog.pg_namespace where nspname=$2", d ); d->q->bind( 1, *dbuser ); d->q->bind( 2, *dbschema ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; if ( d->q->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't check usage privileges for schema " + dbschema->quoted( '\'' ) + ". " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( !r || !r->getBoolean( "has_usage" ) ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Grant usage on schema '%s' to user '%s'.\n" " As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s -d %s -qc \"%s\"\n\n", dbschema->cstr(), dbuser->cstr(), PGUSER, PSQL, dbname->cstr(), grant.cstr() ); } else { d->u = new Query( grant, d ); d->u->execute(); } } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't grant usage on schema " + dbschema->quoted( '\'' ) + " to user " + dbuser->quoted( '\'' ) + " (" + pgErr( d->u ) + ").\nPlease grant it by hand and re-run the " "installer." ); return; } } d->nextState(); } // Archiveopteryx 2.10 introduced the privilege-separation scheme still // in use, where aoxsuper owns the database objects and has all rights, // while servers connects as user aox, which has only selected rights. // In earlier versions, the oryx user owned everything. This function // is responsible for doing the one-time conversion to the new scheme. void splitPrivileges() { if ( !( d->databaseExists && d->namespaceExists ) ) { d->nextState(); return; } if ( !d->q ) { d->q = new Query( "select tableowner::text from pg_catalog.pg_tables " "where tablename=$1 and schemaname=$2", d ); d->q->bind( 1, "messages" ); d->q->bind( 2, *dbschema ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; if ( d->q->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't check ownership of messages table. " + pgErr( d->q ) ); return; } EString owner( *dbowner ); Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( r ) owner = r->getEString( "tableowner" ); // If the messages table is owned by the user that the servers // connect as, that's bad. But we have to be careful, because // people may have dbuser and dbowner set to the same user. if ( owner == *dbuser && *dbuser != *dbowner ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Alter the owner of all database objects " "to '%s'.\n\n", dbowner->cstr() ); } else { d->q = new Query( "create function exec(text) returns int " "language 'plpgsql' as " "$$begin execute $1;return 0;end;$$", d ); d->q->execute(); d->u = new Query( "select " "exec('ALTER TABLE '||c.relname||' OWNER TO '||$1) " "from pg_catalog.pg_class c join " "pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on (n.oid=c.relnamespace) " "where n.nspname='public' and c.relkind='r' and " "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)", d ); d->u->bind( 1, *dbowner ); d->u->execute(); // We have at least one unlinked sequence (bodypart_ids) // whose ownership would not have been altered by the // query above. d->w = new Query( "select " "exec('ALTER TABLE '||c.relname||' OWNER TO '||$1) " "from pg_catalog.pg_class c join " "pg_catalog.pg_namespace n on (n.oid=c.relnamespace) " "where n.nspname='public' and c.relkind='S' and " "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)", d ); d->w->bind( 1, *dbowner ); d->w->execute(); d->q = new Query( "drop function exec(text)", d ); d->q->execute(); } } else if ( owner != *dbowner ) { d->error( "The messages table is not owned by user " + dbuser->quoted( '\'' ) + " or by user " + dbowner->quoted( '\'' ) + ".\n" "This configuration is unsupported. Please contact " "info@aox.org for help." ); return; } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() || !d->w->done() || !d->q->done() ) return; Query * q = 0; if ( d->u->failed() ) q = d->u; else if ( d->w->failed() ) q = d->w; else if ( d->q->failed() ) q = d->q; if ( q ) { d->error( "Couldn't alter ownership of objects in the database " + dbname->quoted( '\'' ) + ". " + pgErr( q ) ); return; } } d->nextState(); } // At this point, we know that the aox/aoxsuper users exist, that the // aox database exists, that any given schema exists, that PL/PgSQL is // available, and that the database/schema have the right ownership. void createSchema() { // This is what we need to feed to psql to create the schema. EString cmd( "\\set ON_ERROR_STOP\n" "SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION " + *dbowner + ";\n" "SET client_min_messages TO 'ERROR';\n" ); if ( privateSchema ) cmd.append( "SET search_path TO " + dbschema->quoted( '\'' ) + ";\n" ); cmd.append( "\\i " LIBDIR "/schema.pg\n" "\\i " LIBDIR "/flag-names\n" "\\i " LIBDIR "/field-names\n" "\\i " LIBDIR "/downgrades\n" ); // And this function decides whether we need to invoke psql at all, // based on whether we can find the "mailstore" table. if ( report && !( d->databaseExists && d->namespaceExists ) ) { todo++; printf( " - Load the database schema.\n " "As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s %s -f - <cstr(), cmd.cstr() ); d->nextState(); return; } if ( !d->q ) { d->ssa = new Query( "set session authorization " + *dbowner, d ); d->ssa->execute(); if ( privateSchema ) { d->ssp = new Query( "set search_path to " + dbschema->quoted( '\'' ), d ); d->ssp->execute(); } d->q = new Query( "select tablename::text from pg_catalog.pg_tables " "where tablename=$1 and schemaname=$2", d ); d->q->bind( 1, "mailstore" ); d->q->bind( 2, *dbschema ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->ssa->done() || ( d->ssp && !d->ssp->done() ) || !d->q->done() ) return; EString s; Query * q = 0; if ( d->ssa->failed() ) { q = d->ssa; s.append( "authenticate as user " ); s.append( dbowner->quoted( '\'' ) ); } else if ( d->ssp && d->ssp->failed() ) { q = d->ssp; s.append( "set search_path to " ); s.append( dbschema->quoted( '\'' ) ); } else if ( d->q->failed() ) { q = d->q; s.append( "query database " ); s.append( dbname->quoted( '\'' ) ); } if ( q ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - May need to load the database schema.\n" " (Couldn't %s to make sure it's needed. %s.)\n\n", s.cstr(), pgErr( q ).cstr() ); } else { d->error( "Couldn't " + s + " to see if the schema needs " "to be loaded. " + pgErr( q ) ); } d->state = Done; return; } Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( !r ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Load the database schema.\n " "As user %s, run:\n\n" "%s %s -f - <cstr(), cmd.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Loading the database schema.\n" ); if ( psql( cmd ) < 0 ) d->failed = true; } } else { d->mailstoreExists = true; } } d->nextState(); } // If the schema already exists, we might need to upgrade it to the // latest version. void upgradeSchema() { if ( !d->mailstoreExists ) { d->nextState(); return; } if ( !d->q ) { d->q = new Query( "select revision from mailstore", d ); d->q->execute(); } if ( !d->u ) { if ( !d->q->done() ) return; // This query may fail even if the pg_class query for mailstore // above succeeded, because we (aoxsuper) may not have rights to // the schema or the mailstore table. Row * r = d->q->nextRow(); if ( d->q->failed() || !r ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - May need to upgrade the database schema.\n" " (Couldn't query mailstore table to make sure " "it's needed.)\n\n" ); } else { EString s( "Couldn't query database " ); s.append( dbname->quoted( '\'' ) ); s.append( " to see if the schema needs to be upgraded." ); if ( d->q->failed() ) { s.append( " " ); s.append( pgErr( d->q ) ); } d->error( s ); } d->state = Done; return; } uint revision = r->getInt( "revision" ); if ( revision > Database::currentRevision() ) { EString v( Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::Version ) ); fprintf( stderr, "The schema in database '%s' (revision #%d) " "is newer than this version of Archiveopteryx (%s) " "recognises (up to #%d).\n", dbname->cstr(), revision, v.cstr(), Database::currentRevision() ); d->failed = true; return; } else if ( revision < Database::currentRevision() ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Upgrade the database schema.\n " "(Try \"aox upgrade schema -n\" to see " "what would happen).\n\n" ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Upgrading the database schema.\n" ); Schema * s = new Schema( d, true, true ); d->u = s->result(); s->execute(); } } } if ( d->u ) { if ( !d->u->done() ) return; if ( d->u->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't upgrade Archiveopteryx schema in database " + dbname->quoted( '\'' ) + " (" + pgErr( d->u ) + ").\n" "Please run \"aox upgrade schema -n\" by hand.\n" ); return; } } d->nextState(); } // Make sure the aox user has exactly those privileges it needs. void grantPrivileges() { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Grant privileges to user '%s'.\n " "(Run \"aox grant privileges -n %s\" to see " "what would happen).\n\n", dbuser->cstr(), dbuser->cstr() ); d->nextState(); return; } if ( !d->t ) { if ( !silent ) printf( "Granting database privileges.\n" ); d->t = new Transaction( d ); d->g = new Granter( *dbuser, d->t ); d->g->execute(); } d->t->commit(); if ( !d->t->done() ) return; if ( d->t->failed() ) { d->error( "Couldn't grant privileges to user " + dbuser->quoted( '\'' ) + " (PostgreSQL error: " + d->t->error() + ").\nPlease run \"aox grant " "privileges -n\" by hand.\n" ); return; } d->nextState(); } void configFile() { setreuid( 0, 0 ); EString p( *dbpass ); if ( p.contains( " " ) ) p = "'" + p + "'"; EString cf( Configuration::configFile() ); EString v( Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::Version ) ); EString intro( "# Archiveopteryx configuration. See archiveopteryx.conf(5) or\n" "# http://aox.org/conf/ for details and other variables.\n" "# Automatically generated while installing Archiveopteryx " + v + ".\n\n" ); EString dbhost( "db-address = " + *dbaddress + "\n" ); if ( dbaddress->startsWith( "/" ) ) dbhost.append( "# " ); dbhost.append( "db-port = " + fn( dbport ) + "\n" ); EString name( "db-name = " + *dbname + "\n" ); EString schema; if ( privateSchema ) { schema.append( "db-schema = " ); schema.append( *dbschema ); schema.append( "\n" ); } EString cfg( dbhost + name + schema + "db-user = " + *dbuser + "\n" "db-password = " + p + "\n\n" ); EString other( "# Uncomment the next line to log more (or set it to debug for even more).\n" "# log-level = info\n" "\n" "# Specify the hostname if Archiveopteryx gets it wrong at runtime.\n" "# (We suggest not using the name \"localhost\".)\n" "# hostname = fully.qualified.hostname\n" "\n" "# If soft-bounce is set, configuration problems will not cause mail\n" "# loss. Instead, the mail will be queued by the MTA. Uncomment the\n" "# following when you are confident that mail delivery works.\n" "# soft-bounce = disabled\n" "\n" "# Change the following to accept LMTP connections on an address\n" "# other than the default localhost.\n" "# lmtp-address =\n" "# lmtp-port = 2026\n" "\n" "# Uncomment the following to support subaddressing: foo+bar@example.org\n" "# use-subaddressing = true\n" "\n" "# Uncomment the following to keep a filesystem copy of all messages\n" "# that couldn't be parsed and delivered into the database.\n" "# message-copy = errors\n" "# message-copy-directory = /usr/local/archiveopteryx/messages\n" "\n" "# Uncomment the following ONLY if necessary for debugging.\n" "# security = off\n" "# use-tls = false\n" "\n" "# Uncomment the next line to use your own TLS certificate.\n" "# tls-certificate = /usr/local/archiveopteryx/...\n" "\n" "# Uncomment the following to reject all plaintext passwords.\n" "# allow-plaintext-passwords = never\n" "# Uncomment the following to require TLS to read or send mail.\n" "# allow-plaintext-access = never\n" "\n" "# There are almost a hundred other configuration variables.\n" "# The ones above are only what many people will want to change during\n" "# installation. There are full lists at http://aox.org/conf/ and in\n" "# the archiveopteryx.conf manual page.\n" ); if ( exists( cf ) && generatedPass ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not overwriting existing %s!\n\n" "%s should contain:\n\n%s\n", cf.cstr(), cf.cstr(), cfg.cstr() ); } else if ( !exists( cf ) ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Generate a default configuration file.\n" " %s should contain:\n\n%s\n", cf.cstr(), cfg.cstr() ); } else { File f( cf, File::Write, 0600 ); if ( !f.valid() ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not open %s for writing.\n", cf.cstr() ); fprintf( stderr, "%s should contain:\n\n%s\n\n", cf.cstr(), cfg.cstr() ); exit( -1 ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Generating default %s\n", cf.cstr() ); f.write( intro ); f.write( cfg ); f.write( other ); } } } superConfig(); } void superConfig() { EString p( *dbownerpass ); if ( p.contains( " " ) ) p = "'" + p + "'"; EString cf( Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::ConfigDir ) ); cf.append( "/aoxsuper.conf" ); EString v( Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::Version ) ); EString intro( "# Archiveopteryx configuration. See aoxsuper.conf(5) " "for details.\n" "# Automatically generated while installing Archiveopteryx " + v + ".\n\n" ); EString cfg( "# Security note: Anyone who can read this password can do\n" "# anything to the database, including delete all mail.\n" "db-owner = " + *dbowner + "\n" "db-owner-password = " + p + "\n" ); if ( exists( cf ) && generatedOwnerPass ) { fprintf( stderr, "Not overwriting existing %s!\n\n" "%s should contain:\n\n%s\n", cf.cstr(), cf.cstr(), cfg.cstr() ); } else if ( !exists( cf ) ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Generate the privileged configuration file.\n" " %s should contain:\n\n%s\n", cf.cstr(), cfg.cstr() ); } else { File f( cf, File::Write, 0400 ); if ( !f.valid() ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not open %s for writing.\n\n", cf.cstr() ); fprintf( stderr, "%s should contain:\n\n%s\n", cf.cstr(), cfg.cstr() ); exit( -1 ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Generating default %s\n", cf.cstr() ); f.write( intro ); f.write( cfg ); } } } permissions(); } void permissions() { int n = 0; struct stat st; struct passwd * p = getpwnam( AOXUSER ); struct group * g = getgrnam( AOXGROUP ); // This should never happen, but I'm feeling paranoid. if ( !report && !( p && g ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "getpwnam(AOXUSER)/getgrnam(AOXGROUP) failed " "in non-reporting mode.\n" ); exit( -1 ); } EString cf( Configuration::configFile() ); // If archiveopteryx.conf doesn't exist, or has the wrong ownership // or permissions: n = stat( cf.cstr(), &st ); if ( n != 0 || !p || !g || st.st_uid != p->pw_uid || (gid_t)st.st_gid != (gid_t)g->gr_gid || ( st.st_mode & 0777 ) != 0600 ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Set permissions and ownership on %s.\n\n" "chmod 0600 %s\n" "chown %s:%s %s\n\n", cf.cstr(), cf.cstr(), AOXUSER, AOXGROUP, cf.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Setting ownership and permissions on %s\n", cf.cstr() ); if ( chmod( cf.cstr(), 0600 ) < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Could not \"chmod 0600 %s\" (-%d).\n", cf.cstr(), errno ); if ( chown( cf.cstr(), p->pw_uid, g->gr_gid ) < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Could not \"chown %s:%s %s\" (-%d).\n", AOXUSER, AOXGROUP, cf.cstr(), errno ); } } EString scf( Configuration::compiledIn( Configuration::ConfigDir ) ); scf.append( "/aoxsuper.conf" ); // If aoxsuper.conf doesn't exist, or has the wrong ownership or // permissions: n = stat( scf.cstr(), &st ); if ( n != 0 || st.st_uid != 0 || (gid_t)st.st_gid != (gid_t)0 || ( st.st_mode & 0777 ) != 0400 ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Set permissions and ownership on %s.\n\n" "chmod 0400 %s\n" "chown root:root %s\n\n", scf.cstr(), scf.cstr(), scf.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Setting ownership and permissions on %s\n", scf.cstr() ); if ( chmod( scf.cstr(), 0400 ) < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Could not \"chmod 0400 %s\" (-%d).\n", scf.cstr(), errno ); if ( chown( scf.cstr(), 0, 0 ) < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Could not \"chown root:root %s\" (-%d).\n", scf.cstr(), errno ); } } EString mcd( Configuration::text( Configuration::MessageCopyDir ) ); // If the message-copy-directory exists and has the wrong ownership // or permissions: if ( stat( mcd.cstr(), &st ) == 0 && ( !( p && g ) || ( st.st_uid != p->pw_uid || (gid_t)st.st_gid != (gid_t)g->gr_gid || ( st.st_mode & S_IRWXU ) != S_IRWXU ) ) ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Set permissions and ownership on %s.\n\n" "chmod 0700 %s\n" "chown %s:%s %s\n\n", mcd.cstr(), mcd.cstr(), AOXUSER, AOXGROUP, mcd.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Setting ownership and permissions on %s\n", mcd.cstr() ); if ( chmod( mcd.cstr(), 0700 ) < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Could not \"chmod 0700 %s\" (-%d).\n", mcd.cstr(), errno ); if ( chown( mcd.cstr(), p->pw_uid, g->gr_gid ) < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Could not \"chown %s:%s %s\" (-%d).\n", AOXUSER, AOXGROUP, mcd.cstr(), errno ); } } EString jd( Configuration::text( Configuration::JailDir ) ); // If the jail directory exists and has the wrong ownership or // permissions (i.e. we own it or have any rights to it): if ( stat( jd.cstr(), &st ) == 0 && ( ( st.st_uid != 0 && !( p && st.st_uid != p->pw_uid ) ) || ( st.st_gid != 0 && !( g && (gid_t)st.st_gid != (gid_t)g->gr_gid ) ) || ( st.st_mode & S_IRWXO ) != 1 ) ) { if ( report ) { todo++; printf( " - Set permissions and ownership on %s.\n\n" "chmod 0701 %s\n" "chown root:root %s\n\n", jd.cstr(), jd.cstr(), jd.cstr() ); } else { if ( !silent ) printf( "Setting ownership and permissions on %s\n", jd.cstr() ); if ( chmod( jd.cstr(), 0701 ) < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Could not \"chmod 0701 %s\" (-%d).\n", jd.cstr(), errno ); if ( chown( jd.cstr(), 0, 0 ) < 0 ) fprintf( stderr, "Could not \"chown root:root %s\" (%d).\n", jd.cstr(), errno ); } } if ( report && todo == 0 ) printf( "(Nothing.)\n" ); else if ( !silent ) printf( "Done.\n" ); EventLoop::shutdown(); } int psql( const EString &cmd ) { int n; int fd[2]; pid_t pid = -1; EString host( *dbaddress ); EString port( fn( dbport ) ); if ( dbsocket ) { EString s( ".s.PGSQL." + port ); uint l = dbsocket->length() - s.length(); host = dbsocket->mid( 0, l-1 ); } n = pipe( fd ); if ( n == 0 ) pid = fork(); if ( n == 0 && pid == 0 ) { if ( ( postgres != 0 && setreuid( postgres, postgres ) < 0 ) || dup2( fd[0], 0 ) < 0 || close( fd[1] ) < 0 || close( fd[0] ) < 0 ) exit( -1 ); if ( silent ) if ( close( 1 ) < 0 || open( "/dev/null", 0 ) != 1 ) exit( -1 ); execlp( PSQL, PSQL, "-h", host.cstr(), "-p", port.cstr(), "-U", PGUSER, dbname->cstr(), "-f", "-", (const char *) 0 ); exit( -1 ); } else { int status = 0; if ( pid > 0 ) { int ignore = write( fd[1], cmd.cstr(), cmd.length() ); ignore = ignore; (void)close( fd[1] ); waitpid( pid, &status, 0 ); } if ( pid < 0 || ( WIFEXITED( status ) && WEXITSTATUS( status ) != 0 ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't execute psql.\n" ); if ( WEXITSTATUS( status ) == 255 ) fprintf( stderr, "(No psql in PATH=%s)\n", getenv( "PATH" ) ); fprintf( stderr, "Please re-run the installer after " "doing the following as user %s:\n\n" "%s -h %s -p %s %s -f - <cstr(), cmd.cstr() ); return -1; } } return 0; }