/* * Sylpheed -- a GTK+ based, lightweight, and fast e-mail client * Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Hiroyuki Yamamoto & The Claws Mail Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ /* (alfons) - based on a contribution by Satoshi Nagayasu; revised for colorful * menu and more Sylpheed integration. The idea to put the code in a separate * file is just that it make it easier to allow "user changeable" label colors. */ #include "defs.h" #include #include #include #include #include "colorlabel.h" #include "utils.h" #include "gtkutils.h" #include "prefs_common.h" static gchar *labels[COLORLABELS] = { N_("Orange"), N_("Red") , N_("Pink"), N_("Sky blue"), N_("Blue"), N_("Green"), N_("Brown"), N_("Grey"), N_("Light brown"), N_("Dark red"), N_("Dark pink"), N_("Steel blue"), N_("Gold"), N_("Bright green"), N_("Magenta") }; static GdkColor default_colors[COLORLABELS] = { { 0, 0xffff, (0x99 << 8), 0x0 }, { 0, 0xffff, 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0, 0xffff, (0x66 << 8), 0xffff }, { 0, 0x0, (0xcc << 8), 0xffff }, { 0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xffff }, { 0, 0x0, (0x99 << 8), 0x0 }, { 0, (0x66 << 8), (0x33 << 8), (0x33 << 8) }, { 0, (0xaa << 8), (0xaa << 8), (0xaa << 8) }, { 0, (0xc0 << 8), (0x72 << 8), (0x54 << 8) }, { 0, (0xc0 << 8), 0x0, 0x0 }, { 0, (0xcc << 8), (0x10 << 8), (0x74 << 8) }, { 0, (0x50 << 8), (0x94 << 8), (0xcd << 8) }, { 0, 0xffff, (0xd5 << 8), 0x0 }, { 0, 0x0, (0xd8 << 8), 0x0 }, { 0, (0xc0 << 8), (0x60 << 8), (0xc0 << 8) } }; typedef enum LabelColorChangeFlags_ { LCCF_COLOR = 1 << 0, LCCF_LABEL = 1 << 1, LCCF_ALL = LCCF_COLOR | LCCF_LABEL } LabelColorChangeFlags; /* XXX: if you add colors, make sure you also check the procmsg.h. * color indices are stored as 3 bits; that explains the max. of 7 colors */ static struct { LabelColorChangeFlags changed; /* color here is initialized from default_colors[] at startup */ GdkColor color; /* XXX: note that the label member is supposed to be dynamically * allocated and freed */ gchar *label; GtkWidget *widget; } label_colors[NUM_MENUS][COLORLABELS] = { { { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }}, { { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }, { LCCF_ALL, { 0 }, NULL, NULL }} }; #define LABEL_COLOR_WIDTH 28 #define LABEL_COLOR_HEIGHT 16 #define LABEL_COLORS_ELEMS (sizeof label_colors[0] / sizeof label_colors[0][0]) #define G_RETURN_VAL_IF_INVALID_COLOR(color, val) \ do if ((color) < 0 || (color) >= LABEL_COLORS_ELEMS) { \ return val; \ } while(0) #define INTCOLOR_TO_GDKCOLOR(intcolor, gdkcolor) \ gdkcolor.red = ((intcolor >> 16UL) & 0xFFUL) << 8UL; \ gdkcolor.green = ((intcolor >> 8UL) & 0xFFUL) << 8UL; \ gdkcolor.blue = ((intcolor) & 0xFFUL) << 8UL; static void colorlabel_recreate (gint); static void colorlabel_recreate_label (gint); void colorlabel_update_colortable_from_prefs(void) { gint i, c; for (i = 0; i < NUM_MENUS; i++) { for (c = 0; c < COLORLABELS; c++) { INTCOLOR_TO_GDKCOLOR(prefs_common.custom_colorlabel[c].color, label_colors[i][c].color); g_free(label_colors[i][c].label); label_colors[i][c].label = g_strdup(prefs_common.custom_colorlabel[c].label); } } } gint colorlabel_get_color_count(void) { return LABEL_COLORS_ELEMS; } GdkColor colorlabel_get_color(gint color_index) { GdkColor invalid = { 0 }; G_RETURN_VAL_IF_INVALID_COLOR(color_index, invalid); return label_colors[0][color_index].color; } GdkColor colorlabel_get_default_color(gint color_index) { GdkColor invalid = { 0 }; G_RETURN_VAL_IF_INVALID_COLOR(color_index, invalid); return default_colors[color_index]; } gchar *colorlabel_get_color_default_text(gint color_index) { G_RETURN_VAL_IF_INVALID_COLOR(color_index, NULL); return labels[color_index]; } static gboolean colorlabel_drawing_area_expose_event_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *expose, gpointer data) { cairo_t *cr; GdkWindow *drawable = gtk_widget_get_window(widget); GtkAllocation allocation; gulong c = (gulong) GPOINTER_TO_INT(data); GdkColor color; INTCOLOR_TO_GDKCOLOR(c, color) gdk_colormap_alloc_color(gtk_widget_get_colormap(widget), &color, FALSE, TRUE); cr = gdk_cairo_create(drawable); gtk_widget_get_allocation(widget, &allocation); cairo_set_source_rgb(cr, 0., 0., 0.); cairo_rectangle(cr, 0, 0, allocation.width - 1, allocation.height - 1); cairo_stroke(cr); gdk_cairo_set_source_color(cr, &color); cairo_rectangle(cr, 1, 1, allocation.width - 2, allocation.height - 2); cairo_fill(cr); cairo_destroy(cr); return FALSE; } static GtkWidget *colorlabel_create_color_widget(GdkColor color) { GtkWidget *widget; widget = gtk_drawing_area_new(); gtk_widget_set_size_request(widget, LABEL_COLOR_WIDTH - 2, LABEL_COLOR_HEIGHT - 4); #define CL(x) (((gulong) (x) >> (gulong) 8) & 0xFFUL) #define CR(r, g, b) ((CL(r) << (gulong) 16) | \ (CL(g) << (gulong) 8) | \ (CL(b))) g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(widget), "expose_event", G_CALLBACK (colorlabel_drawing_area_expose_event_cb), GINT_TO_POINTER ((gint)CR(color.red, color.green, color.blue))); return widget; } /* XXX: colorlabel_recreate_XXX are there to make sure everything * is initialized ok, without having to call a global _xxx_init_ * function */ static void colorlabel_recreate_color(gint color) { GtkWidget *widget; int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_MENUS; i++) { if (!(label_colors[i][color].changed & LCCF_COLOR)) continue; widget = colorlabel_create_color_widget(label_colors[i][color].color); cm_return_if_fail(widget); if (label_colors[i][color].widget) gtk_widget_destroy(label_colors[i][color].widget); label_colors[i][color].widget = widget; label_colors[i][color].changed &= ~LCCF_COLOR; } } static void colorlabel_recreate_label(gint color) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_MENUS; i++) { if (!(label_colors[i][color].changed & LCCF_LABEL)) continue; if (label_colors[i][color].label == NULL) label_colors[i][color].label = g_strdup(gettext(labels[color])); label_colors[i][color].changed &= ~LCCF_LABEL; } } /* XXX: call this function everytime when you're doing important * stuff with the label_colors[] array */ static void colorlabel_recreate(gint color) { colorlabel_recreate_label(color); colorlabel_recreate_color(color); } static void colorlabel_recreate_all(void) { gint n; for ( n = 0; n < LABEL_COLORS_ELEMS; n++) colorlabel_recreate(n); } /* colorlabel_create_check_color_menu_item() - creates a color * menu item with a check box */ GtkWidget *colorlabel_create_check_color_menu_item(gint color_index, gboolean force, gint menu_index) { GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *item; gchar *accel; G_RETURN_VAL_IF_INVALID_COLOR(color_index, NULL); item = gtk_check_menu_item_new(); if (force) { label_colors[menu_index][color_index].changed |= LCCF_COLOR; label_colors[menu_index][color_index].changed |= LCCF_LABEL; } colorlabel_recreate(color_index); /* XXX: gnome-core::panel::menu.c is a great example of * how to create pixmap menus */ label = gtk_label_new(label_colors[menu_index][color_index].label); gtk_widget_show(label); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(hbox); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(item), hbox); vbox = gtk_vbox_new(TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(vbox); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), 1); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), label_colors[menu_index][color_index].widget); gtk_widget_show(label_colors[menu_index][color_index].widget); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 4); if (color_index < 9) { accel = gtk_accelerator_get_label(GDK_KEY_1+color_index, GDK_CONTROL_MASK); label = gtk_label_new(accel); gtk_widget_show(label); gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 1, 0.5); g_free(accel); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 4); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(item), "accel_label", label); } else { label = gtk_label_new(""); gtk_widget_show(label); gtk_misc_set_alignment(GTK_MISC(label), 1, 0.5); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, TRUE, TRUE, 4); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(item), "accel_label", label); } return item; } /* colorlabel_create_color_menu() - creates a color menu without * checkitems, probably for use in combo items */ GtkWidget *colorlabel_create_color_menu(void) { GtkWidget *label; GtkWidget *item; GtkWidget *menu; gint i; colorlabel_recreate_all(); /* create the menu items. each item has its color code attached */ menu = gtk_menu_new(); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(menu), "label_color_menu", menu); item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(_("None")); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), item); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(item), "color", GUINT_TO_POINTER(0)); gtk_widget_show(item); item = gtk_separator_menu_item_new(); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), item); gtk_widget_show(item); /* and the color items */ for (i = 0; i < LABEL_COLORS_ELEMS; i++) { GtkWidget *hbox; GtkWidget *vbox; GtkWidget *widget; item = gtk_menu_item_new(); g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(item), "color", GUINT_TO_POINTER(i + 1)); label = gtk_label_new(label_colors[0][i].label); gtk_widget_show(label); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show(hbox); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(item), hbox); vbox = gtk_vbox_new(TRUE, 0); gtk_widget_show(vbox); gtk_container_set_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(vbox), 1); widget = colorlabel_create_color_widget(label_colors[0][i].color); gtk_widget_show(widget); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(vbox), widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), label, FALSE, FALSE, 4); gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), item); gtk_widget_show(item); } gtk_widget_show(menu); return menu; } guint colorlabel_get_color_menu_active_item(GtkWidget *menu) { GtkWidget *menuitem; guint color; menuitem = gtk_menu_get_active(GTK_MENU(menu)); color = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (g_object_get_data(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "color")); return color; }