* @package Mapi_Utils */ /** * Utility functions for dealing with Microsoft MAPI Timezone format. * * Copyright 2009-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org/) * * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you * did not receive this file, see http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21. * * Code dealing with searching for a timezone identifier from an AS timezone * blob inspired by code in the Tine20 Project (http://tine20.org). * * @license http://www.horde.org/licenses/lgpl21 LGPL 2.1 * @copyright 2009-2017 Horde LLC (http://www.horde.org) * @author Michael J Rubinsky * @package Mapi_Utils */ class Horde_Mapi_Timezone { /** * Date to use as start date when iterating through offsets looking for a * transition. * * @var Horde_Date */ protected $_startDate; /** * Convert a timezone from the MAPI base64 structure to a TZ offset * hash. * * @param base64 encoded timezone structure defined by MS as: *
     *      typedef struct TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION {
     *        LONG Bias;
     *        WCHAR StandardName[32];
     *        SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
     *        LONG StandardBias;
     *        WCHAR DaylightName[32];
     *        SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
     *        LONG DaylightBias;};
* * With the SYSTEMTIME format being: *
     * typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {
     *     WORD wYear;
     *     WORD wMonth;
     *     WORD wDayOfWeek;
     *     WORD wDay; (Used as week number)
     *     WORD wHour;
     *     WORD wMinute;
     *     WORD wSecond;
     *     WORD wMilliseconds;
* * See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms724950%28VS.85%29.aspx * and: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms725481%28VS.85%29.aspx * * @return array Hash of offset information */ public static function getOffsetsFromSyncTZ($data) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.5', '>=')) { $format = 'lbias/Z64stdname/vstdyear/vstdmonth/vstdday/vstdweek/vstdhour/vstdminute/vstdsecond/vstdmillis/' . 'lstdbias/Z64dstname/vdstyear/vdstmonth/vdstday/vdstweek/vdsthour/vdstminute/vdstsecond/vdstmillis/' . 'ldstbias'; } else { $format = 'lbias/a64stdname/vstdyear/vstdmonth/vstdday/vstdweek/vstdhour/vstdminute/vstdsecond/vstdmillis/' . 'lstdbias/a64dstname/vdstyear/vdstmonth/vdstday/vdstweek/vdsthour/vdstminute/vdstsecond/vdstmillis/' . 'ldstbias'; } $tz = unpack($format, base64_decode($data)); $tz['timezone'] = $tz['bias']; $tz['timezonedst'] = $tz['dstbias']; if (!Horde_Mapi::isLittleEndian()) { $tz['bias'] = Horde_Mapi::chbo($tz['bias']); $tz['stdbias'] = Horde_Mapi::chbo($tz['stdbias']); $tz['dstbias'] = Horde_Mapi::chbo($tz['dstbias']); } return $tz; } /** * Build an MAPI TZ blob given a TZ Offset hash. * * @param array $offsets A TZ offset hash * * @return string A base64_encoded MAPI Timezone structure suitable * for transmitting via wbxml. */ public static function getSyncTZFromOffsets(array $offsets) { if (!Horde_Mapi::isLittleEndian()) { $offsets['bias'] = Horde_Mapi::chbo($offsets['bias']); $offsets['stdbias'] = Horde_Mapi::chbo($offsets['stdbias']); $offsets['dstbias'] = Horde_Mapi::chbo($offsets['dstbias']); } $packed = pack('la64vvvvvvvvla64vvvvvvvvl', $offsets['bias'], '', 0, $offsets['stdmonth'], $offsets['stdday'], $offsets['stdweek'], $offsets['stdhour'], $offsets['stdminute'], $offsets['stdsecond'], $offsets['stdmillis'], $offsets['stdbias'], '', 0, $offsets['dstmonth'], $offsets['dstday'], $offsets['dstweek'], $offsets['dsthour'], $offsets['dstminute'], $offsets['dstsecond'], $offsets['dstmillis'], $offsets['dstbias']); return base64_encode($packed); } /** * Create a offset hash suitable for use in ActiveSync transactions * * @param Horde_Date $date A date object representing the date to base the * the tz data on. * * @return array An offset hash. */ public static function getOffsetsFromDate(Horde_Date $date) { $offsets = array( 'bias' => 0, 'stdname' => '', 'stdyear' => 0, 'stdmonth' => 0, 'stdday' => 0, 'stdweek' => 0, 'stdhour' => 0, 'stdminute' => 0, 'stdsecond' => 0, 'stdmillis' => 0, 'stdbias' => 0, 'dstname' => '', 'dstyear' => 0, 'dstmonth' => 0, 'dstday' => 0, 'dstweek' => 0, 'dsthour' => 0, 'dstminute' => 0, 'dstsecond' => 0, 'dstmillis' => 0, 'dstbias' => 0 ); $timezone = $date->toDateTime()->getTimezone(); // If transition parsing failed, we won't have a multi-element array. $transitions = self::_getTransitions($timezone, $date); if (!empty($transitions)) { list($std, $dst) = self::_getTransitions($timezone, $date); } if (!empty($std)) { $offsets['bias'] = $std['offset'] / 60 * -1; if ($dst) { $offsets = self::_generateOffsetsForTransition($offsets, $std, 'std'); $offsets = self::_generateOffsetsForTransition($offsets, $dst, 'dst'); $offsets['stdhour'] += $dst['offset'] / 3600; $offsets['dsthour'] += $std['offset'] / 3600; $offsets['dstbias'] = ($dst['offset'] - $std['offset']) / 60 * -1; } } return $offsets; } /** * Get the transition data for moving from DST to STD time. * * @param DateTimeZone $timezone The timezone to get the transition for * @param Horde_Date $date The date to start from. Really only the * year we are interested in is needed. * * @return array An array containing the the STD and DST transitions */ protected static function _getTransitions(DateTimeZone $timezone, Horde_Date $date) { $std = $dst = array(); $transitions = $timezone->getTransitions( mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, 1, $date->year - 1), mktime(24, 0, 0, 12, 31, $date->year) ); if ($transitions === false) { return array(); } foreach ($transitions as $i => $transition) { try { $d = new Horde_Date($transition['time']); $d->setTimezone('UTC'); } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } if (($d->format('Y') == $date->format('Y')) && isset($transitions[$i + 1])) { $next = new Horde_Date($transitions[$i + 1]['ts']); if ($d->format('Y') == $next->format('Y')) { $dst = $transition['isdst'] ? $transition : $transitions[$i + 1]; $std = $transition['isdst'] ? $transitions[$i + 1] : $transition; } else { $dst = $transition['isdst'] ? $transition: null; $std = $transition['isdst'] ? null : $transition; } break; } elseif ($i == count($transitions) - 1) { $std = $transition; } } return array($std, $dst); } /** * Calculate the offsets for the specified transition * * @param array $offsets A TZ offset hash * @param array $transition A transition hash * @param string $type Transition type - dst or std * * @return array A populated offset hash */ protected static function _generateOffsetsForTransition(array $offsets, array $transition, $type) { // We can't use Horde_Date directly here, since it is unable to // properly convert to UTC from local ON the exact hour of a std -> dst // transition. This is due to a conversion to DateTime in the localtime // zone internally before the timezone change is applied $transitionDate = new DateTime($transition['time']); $transitionDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC')); $transitionDate = new Horde_Date($transitionDate); $offsets[$type . 'month'] = $transitionDate->format('n'); $offsets[$type . 'day'] = $transitionDate->format('w'); $offsets[$type . 'minute'] = (int)$transitionDate->format('i'); $offsets[$type . 'hour'] = (int)$transitionDate->format('H'); for ($i = 5; $i > 0; $i--) { if (self::_isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($transition['ts'], $i)) { $offsets[$type . 'week'] = $i; break; } } return $offsets; } /** * Attempt to guess the timezone identifier from the $offsets array. * * Since it's impossible to know exactly which olson timezone name a * specific set of offsets represent (multiple timezone names may be * described by the same offsets for any given year) we allow passing an * expected timezone. If this matches one of the timezones that matches the * offsets, we return that. Otherwise, we attempt to get the full timezone * name from Horde_Date and if that fails, return the abbreviated timezone * name of the first timezone that matches the provided offsets. * * @param array|string $offsets The timezone to check. Either an array * of offsets or an activesynz tz blob. * @param string $expectedTimezone The expected timezone. If not empty, and * present in the results, will return. * * @return string The timezone identifier. */ public function getTimezone($offsets, $expectedTimezone = null) { $timezones = $this->getListOfTimezones($offsets, $expectedTimezone); if (isset($timezones[$expectedTimezone])) { return $expectedTimezone; } else { return Horde_Date::getTimezoneAlias(current($timezones)); } } /** * Get the list of timezone identifiers that match the given offsets, having * a preference for $expectedTimezone if it's present in the results. * * @param array|string $offsets Either an offset array, or a AS timezone * structure. * @param string $expectedTimezone The expected timezone. * * @return array An array of timezone identifiers */ public function getListOfTimezones($offsets, $expectedTimezone = null) { if (is_string($offsets)) { $offsets = self::getOffsetsFromSyncTZ($offsets); } $this->_setDefaultStartDate($offsets); $timezones = array(); foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $timezoneIdentifier) { $timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezoneIdentifier); if (false !== ($matchingTransition = $this->_checkTimezone($timezone, $offsets))) { if ($timezoneIdentifier == $expectedTimezone) { $timezones = array($timezoneIdentifier => $matchingTransition['abbr']); break; } else { $timezones[$timezoneIdentifier] = $matchingTransition['abbr']; } } } if (empty($timezones)) { throw new Horde_Mapi_Exception('No timezone found for the given offsets'); } return $timezones; } /** * Set default value for $_startDate. * * Tries to guess the correct startDate depending on object property. Falls * back to current date. * * @param array $offsets Offsets may be avaluated for a given start year */ protected function _setDefaultStartDate(array $offsets = null) { if (!empty($this->_startDate)) { return; } if (!empty($offsets['stdyear'])) { $this->_startDate = new Horde_Date($offsets['stdyear'] . '-01-01'); } else { $start = new Horde_Date(time()); $start->year--; $this->_startDate = $start; } } /** * Check if the given timezone matches the offsets and also evaluate the * daylight saving time transitions for this timezone if necessary. * * @param DateTimeZone $timezone The timezone to check. * @param array $offsets The offsets to check. * * @return array|boolean An array of transition data or false if timezone * does not match offset. */ protected function _checkTimezone(DateTimeZone $timezone, array $offsets) { list($std, $dst) = $this->_getTransitions($timezone, $this->_startDate); if ($this->_checkTransition($std, $dst, $offsets)) { return $std; } return false; } /** * Check if the given standardTransition and daylightTransition match to the * given offsets. * * @param array $std The Standard transition date. * @param array $dst The DST transition date. * @param array $offsets The offsets to check. * * @return boolean */ protected function _checkTransition(array $std, array $dst, array $offsets) { if (empty($std) || empty($offsets)) { return false; } $standardOffset = ($offsets['bias'] + $offsets['stdbias']) * 60 * -1; // check each condition in a single if statement and break the chain // when one condition is not met - for performance reasons if ($standardOffset == $std['offset']) { if ((empty($offsets['dstmonth']) && (empty($dst) || empty($dst['isdst']))) || (empty($dst) && !empty($offsets['dstmonth']))) { // Offset contains DST, but no dst to compare return true; } $daylightOffset = ($offsets['bias'] + $offsets['dstbias']) * 60 * -1; // the milestone is sending a positive value for daylightBias while it should send a negative value $daylightOffsetMilestone = ($offsets['dstbias'] + ($offsets['dstbias'] * -1) ) * 60 * -1; if ($daylightOffset == $dst['offset'] || $daylightOffsetMilestone == $dst['offset']) { $standardParsed = new DateTime($std['time']); $daylightParsed = new DateTime($dst['time']); if ($standardParsed->format('n') == $offsets['stdmonth'] && $daylightParsed->format('n') == $offsets['dstmonth'] && $standardParsed->format('w') == $offsets['stdday'] && $daylightParsed->format('w') == $offsets['dstday']) { return self::_isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($dst['ts'], $offsets['dstweek']) && self::_isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($std['ts'], $offsets['stdweek']); } } } return false; } /** * Test if the weekday of the given timestamp is the nth occurence of this * weekday within its month, where '5' indicates the last occurrence even if * there is less than five occurrences. * * @param integer $timestamp The timestamp to check. * @param integer $occurence 1 to 5, where 5 indicates the final occurrence * during the month if that day of the week does * not occur 5 times * @return boolean */ protected static function _isNthOcurrenceOfWeekdayInMonth($timestamp, $occurence) { $original = new Horde_Date($timestamp); $original->setTimezone('UTC'); if ($occurence == 5) { $modified = $original->add(array('mday' => 7)); return $modified->month > $original->month; } else { $modified = $original->sub(array('mday' => 7 * $occurence)); $modified2 = $original->sub(array('mday' => 7 * ($occurence - 1))); return $modified->month < $original->month && $modified2->month == $original->month; } } }