#!/usr/local/bin/perl # postfix-policyd-spf-perl # http://www.openspf.org/Software # version 2.010 # # (C) 2007-2008,2012 Scott Kitterman # (C) 2012 Allison Randal # (C) 2007 Julian Mehnle # (C) 2003-2004 Meng Weng Wong # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. use version; our $VERSION = qv('2.010'); use strict; use IO::Handle; use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock); use NetAddr::IP; use Mail::SPF; use Sys::Hostname::Long 'hostname_long'; # ---------------------------------------------------------- # configuration # ---------------------------------------------------------- my $resolver = Net::DNS::Resolver->new( retrans => 5, # Net::DNS::Resolver default: 5 retry => 2, # Net::DNS::Resolver default: 4 # Makes for a total timeout for UDP queries of 5s * 2 = 10s. ); # query_rr_type_all will query both type TXT and type SPF. This upstream # default is changed due to there being essentiall no type SPF deployment. my $spf_server = Mail::SPF::Server->new( dns_resolver => $resolver, query_rr_types => Mail::SPF::Server->query_rr_type_txt, default_authority_explanation => 'Please see http://www.openspf.net/Why?s=%{_scope};id=%{S};ip=%{C};r=%{R}' ); # Adding more handlers is easy: my @HANDLERS = ( { name => 'exempt_localhost', code => \&exempt_localhost }, { name => 'exempt_relay', code => \&exempt_relay }, { name => 'sender_policy_framework', code => \&sender_policy_framework } ); my $VERBOSE = 0; my $DEFAULT_RESPONSE = 'DUNNO'; # # Syslogging options for verbose mode and for fatal errors. # NOTE: comment out the $syslog_socktype line if syslogging does not # work on your system. # my $syslog_socktype = 'unix'; # inet, unix, stream, console my $syslog_facility = 'mail'; my $syslog_options = 'pid'; my $syslog_ident = 'postfix/policy-spf'; use constant localhost_addresses => map( NetAddr::IP->new($_), qw( ::ffff: ::1 ) ); # Does Postfix ever say "client_address=::ffff:"? use constant relay_addresses => map( NetAddr::IP->new($_), qw( ) ); # add addresses to qw ( ) above separated by spaces using CIDR notation. # Fully qualified hostname, if available, for use in authentication results # headers now provided by the localhost and whitelist checks. my $host = hostname_long; my %results_cache; # by message instance # ---------------------------------------------------------- # initialization # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # Log an error and abort. # sub fatal_exit { syslog(err => "fatal_exit: @_"); syslog(warning => "fatal_exit: @_"); syslog(info => "fatal_exit: @_"); die("fatal: @_"); } # # Unbuffer standard output. # STDOUT->autoflush(1); # # This process runs as a daemon, so it can't log to a terminal. Use # syslog so that people can actually see our messages. # setlogsock($syslog_socktype); openlog($syslog_ident, $syslog_options, $syslog_facility); # ---------------------------------------------------------- # main # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # Receive a bunch of attributes, evaluate the policy, send the result. # my %attr; while () { chomp; if (/=/) { my ($key, $value) =split (/=/, $_, 2); $attr{$key} = $value; next; } elsif (length) { syslog(warning => sprintf("warning: ignoring garbage: %.100s", $_)); next; } if ($VERBOSE) { for (sort keys %attr) { syslog(debug => "Attribute: %s=%s", $_ || '', $attr{$_} || ''); } }; my $message_instance = $attr{instance}; my $cache = defined($message_instance) ? $results_cache{$message_instance} ||= {} : {}; my $action = $DEFAULT_RESPONSE; foreach my $handler (@HANDLERS) { my $handler_name = $handler->{name}; my $handler_code = $handler->{code}; my $response = $handler_code->(attr => \%attr, cache => $cache); if ($VERBOSE) { syslog(debug => "handler %s: %s", $handler_name || '', $response || ''); }; # Pick whatever response is not 'DUNNO' if ($response and $response !~ /^DUNNO/i) { if ($VERBOSE) { syslog(info => "handler %s: is decisive.", $handler_name || ''); } $action = $response; last; } } syslog(info => "Policy action=%s", $action || ''); STDOUT->print("action=$action\n\n"); %attr = (); } # ---------------------------------------------------------- # handler: localhost exemption # ---------------------------------------------------------- sub exempt_localhost { my %options = @_; my $attr = $options{attr}; if ($attr->{client_address} ne '') { my $client_address = NetAddr::IP->new($attr->{client_address}); return "PREPEND Authentication-Results: $host; none (SPF not checked for localhost)" if grep($_->contains($client_address), localhost_addresses); }; return 'DUNNO'; } # ---------------------------------------------------------- # handler: relay exemption # ---------------------------------------------------------- sub exempt_relay { my %options = @_; my $attr = $options{attr}; if ($attr->{client_address} ne '') { my $client_address = NetAddr::IP->new($attr->{client_address}); return "PREPEND Authentication-Results: $host; none (SPF not checked for whitelisted relay)" if grep($_->contains($client_address), relay_addresses); }; return 'DUNNO'; } # ---------------------------------------------------------- # handler: SPF # ---------------------------------------------------------- sub sender_policy_framework { my %options = @_; my $attr = $options{attr}; my $cache = $options{cache}; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Always do HELO check first. If no HELO policy, it's only one lookup. # This avoids the need to do any MAIL FROM processing for null sender. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $helo_result = $cache->{helo_result}; if (not defined($helo_result)) { # No HELO result has been cached from earlier checks on this message. my $helo_request = eval { Mail::SPF::Request->new( scope => 'helo', identity => $attr->{helo_name}, ip_address => $attr->{client_address} ); }; if ($@) { # An unexpected error occurred during request creation, # probably due to invalid input data! my $errmsg = $@; $errmsg = $errmsg->text if UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'Mail::SPF::Exception'); if ($VERBOSE) { syslog( info => "HELO check failed - Mail::SPF->new(%s, %s, %s) failed: %s", $attr->{client_address} || '', $attr->{sender} || '', $attr->{helo_name} || '', $errmsg || '' ); }; return; } $helo_result = $cache->{helo_result} = $spf_server->process($helo_request); } my $helo_result_code = $helo_result->code; # 'pass', 'fail', etc. my $helo_local_exp = nullchomp($helo_result->local_explanation); my $helo_authority_exp = nullchomp($helo_result->authority_explanation) if $helo_result->is_code('fail'); my $helo_spf_header = $helo_result->received_spf_header; if ($VERBOSE) { syslog( info => "SPF %s: HELO/EHLO: %s, IP Address: %s, Recipient: %s", $helo_result || '', $attr->{helo_name} || '', $attr->{client_address} || '', $attr->{recipient} || '' ); }; # Reject on HELO fail. Defer on HELO temperror if message would otherwise # be accepted. Use the HELO result and return for null sender. if ($helo_result->is_code('fail')) { if ($VERBOSE) { syslog( info => "SPF %s: HELO/EHLO: %s", $helo_result || '', $attr->{helo_name} || '' ); }; return "550 $helo_authority_exp"; } elsif ($helo_result->is_code('temperror')) { if ($VERBOSE) { syslog( info => "SPF %s: HELO/EHLO: %s", $helo_result || '', $attr->{helo_name} || '' ); }; return "DEFER_IF_PERMIT SPF-Result=$helo_local_exp"; } elsif ($attr->{sender} eq '') { if ($VERBOSE) { syslog( info => "SPF %s: HELO/EHLO (Null Sender): %s", $helo_result || '', $attr->{helo_name} || '' ); }; return "PREPEND $helo_spf_header" unless $cache->{added_spf_header}++; } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do MAIL FROM check (as HELO did not give a definitive result) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- my $mfrom_result = $cache->{mfrom_result}; if (not defined($mfrom_result)) { # No MAIL FROM result has been cached from earlier checks on this message. my $mfrom_request = eval { Mail::SPF::Request->new( scope => 'mfrom', identity => $attr->{sender}, ip_address => $attr->{client_address}, helo_identity => $attr->{helo_name} # for %{h} macro expansion ); }; if ($@) { # An unexpected error occurred during request creation, # probably due to invalid input data! my $errmsg = $@; $errmsg = $errmsg->text if UNIVERSAL::isa($@, 'Mail::SPF::Exception'); if ($VERBOSE) { syslog( info => "Mail From (sender) check failed - Mail::SPF->new(%s, %s, %s) failed: %s", $attr->{client_address} || '', $attr->{sender} || '', $attr->{helo_name} || '', $errmsg || '' ); }; return; } $mfrom_result = $cache->{mfrom_result} = $spf_server->process($mfrom_request); } my $mfrom_result_code = $mfrom_result->code; # 'pass', 'fail', etc. my $mfrom_local_exp = nullchomp($mfrom_result->local_explanation); my $mfrom_authority_exp = nullchomp($mfrom_result->authority_explanation) if $mfrom_result->is_code('fail'); my $mfrom_spf_header = $mfrom_result->received_spf_header; if ($VERBOSE) { syslog( info => "SPF %s: Envelope-from: %s, IP Address: %s, Recipient: %s", $mfrom_result || '', $attr->{sender} || '', $attr->{client_address} || '', $attr->{recipient} || '' ); }; # Same approach as HELO.... if ($VERBOSE) { syslog( info => "SPF %s: Envelope-from: %s", $mfrom_result || '', $attr->{sender} || '' ); }; if ($mfrom_result->is_code('fail')) { return "550 $mfrom_authority_exp"; } elsif ($mfrom_result->is_code('temperror')) { return "DEFER_IF_PERMIT SPF-Result=$mfrom_local_exp"; } else { return "PREPEND $mfrom_spf_header" unless $cache->{added_spf_header}++; } return; } # ---------------------------------------------------------- # utility, string cleaning # ---------------------------------------------------------- sub nullchomp { my $value = shift; # Remove one or more null characters from the # end of the input. $value =~ s/\0+$//; return $value; }