/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* */ /* This file is part of the program and library */ /* SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs */ /* */ /* Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum */ /* fuer Informationstechnik Berlin */ /* */ /* SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License */ /* along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org. */ /* */ /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /**@file scip_message.c * @ingroup OTHER_CFILES * @brief public methods for message handling * @author Tobias Achterberg * @author Timo Berthold * @author Gerald Gamrath * @author Leona Gottwald * @author Stefan Heinz * @author Gregor Hendel * @author Thorsten Koch * @author Alexander Martin * @author Marc Pfetsch * @author Michael Winkler * @author Kati Wolter * * @todo check all SCIP_STAGE_* switches, and include the new stages TRANSFORMED and INITSOLVE */ /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/ #include "nlpi/nlpi.h" #include "scip/debug.h" #include "scip/pub_message.h" #include "scip/scip_message.h" #include "scip/struct_scip.h" #include "scip/struct_set.h" #include "scip/struct_stat.h" /** installs the given message handler, such that all messages are passed to this handler. A messages handler can be * created via SCIPmessagehdlrCreate(). * * @return \ref SCIP_OKAY is returned if everything worked. Otherwise a suitable error code is passed. See \ref * SCIP_Retcode "SCIP_RETCODE" for a complete list of error codes. * * @pre this method can be called in one of the following stages of the SCIP solving process: * - \ref SCIP_STAGE_INIT * - \ref SCIP_STAGE_PROBLEM * * @note The currently installed messages handler gets freed if this SCIP instance is its last user (w.r.t. capture/release). */ SCIP_RETCODE SCIPsetMessagehdlr( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR* messagehdlr /**< message handler to install, or NULL to suppress all output */ ) { int i; SCIP_CALL( SCIPcheckStage(scip, "SCIPsetMessagehdlr", TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE) ); assert(scip != NULL); assert(scip->set != NULL); assert(scip->set->nlpis != NULL || scip->set->nnlpis == 0); /* update message handler in NLP solver interfaces */ for( i = 0; i < scip->set->nnlpis; ++i ) { assert(scip->set->nlpis[i] != NULL); SCIP_CALL( SCIPnlpiSetMessageHdlr(scip->set->nlpis[i], messagehdlr) ); } SCIPmessagehdlrCapture(messagehdlr); SCIP_CALL( SCIPmessagehdlrRelease(&scip->messagehdlr) ); assert(scip->messagehdlr == NULL); scip->messagehdlr = messagehdlr; return SCIP_OKAY; } /** returns the currently installed message handler * * @return the currently installed message handler, or NULL if messages are currently suppressed */ SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR* SCIPgetMessagehdlr( SCIP* scip /**< SCIP data structure */ ) { return scip->messagehdlr; } /** sets the log file name for the currently installed message handler */ void SCIPsetMessagehdlrLogfile( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ const char* filename /**< name of log file, or NULL (no log) */ ) { if( scip->messagehdlr != NULL ) { SCIPmessagehdlrSetLogfile(scip->messagehdlr, filename); } } /** sets the currently installed message handler to be quiet (or not) */ void SCIPsetMessagehdlrQuiet( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ SCIP_Bool quiet /**< should screen messages be suppressed? */ ) { if( scip->messagehdlr != NULL ) { SCIPmessagehdlrSetQuiet(scip->messagehdlr, quiet); } } /** prints a warning message via the message handler */ void SCIPwarningMessage( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ const char* formatstr, /**< format string like in printf() function */ ... /**< format arguments line in printf() function */ ) { va_list ap; assert(scip != NULL); va_start(ap, formatstr); /*lint !e838*/ SCIPmessageVFPrintWarning(scip->messagehdlr, formatstr, ap); va_end(ap); } /** prints a debug message */ void SCIPprintDebugMessage( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ const char* sourcefile, /**< name of the source file that called the function */ int sourceline, /**< line in the source file where the function was called */ const char* formatstr, /**< format string like in printf() function */ ... /**< format arguments line in printf() function */ ) { int subscipdepth = 0; va_list ap; assert( sourcefile != NULL ); assert( scip != NULL ); if ( scip->stat != NULL ) subscipdepth = scip->stat->subscipdepth; if ( subscipdepth > 0 ) SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(scip->messagehdlr, NULL, "%d: [%s:%d] debug: ", subscipdepth, sourcefile, sourceline); else SCIPmessageFPrintInfo(scip->messagehdlr, NULL, "[%s:%d] debug: ", sourcefile, sourceline); va_start(ap, formatstr); /*lint !e838*/ SCIPmessageVFPrintInfo(scip->messagehdlr, NULL, formatstr, ap); va_end(ap); } /** prints a debug message without precode */ void SCIPdebugMessagePrint( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ const char* formatstr, /**< format string like in printf() function */ ... /**< format arguments line in printf() function */ ) { va_list ap; assert( scip != NULL ); va_start(ap, formatstr); /*lint !e838*/ SCIPmessageVFPrintInfo(scip->messagehdlr, NULL, formatstr, ap); va_end(ap); } /** prints a dialog message that requests user interaction or is a direct response to a user interactive command */ void SCIPdialogMessage( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ FILE* file, /**< file stream to print into, or NULL for stdout */ const char* formatstr, /**< format string like in printf() function */ ... /**< format arguments line in printf() function */ ) { va_list ap; assert(scip != NULL); va_start(ap, formatstr); /*lint !e838*/ SCIPmessageVFPrintDialog(scip->messagehdlr, file, formatstr, ap); va_end(ap); } /** prints a message */ void SCIPinfoMessage( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ FILE* file, /**< file stream to print into, or NULL for stdout */ const char* formatstr, /**< format string like in printf() function */ ... /**< format arguments line in printf() function */ ) { va_list ap; assert(scip != NULL); va_start(ap, formatstr); /*lint !e838*/ SCIPmessageVFPrintInfo(scip->messagehdlr, file, formatstr, ap); va_end(ap); } /** prints a message depending on the verbosity level */ void SCIPverbMessage( SCIP* scip, /**< SCIP data structure */ SCIP_VERBLEVEL msgverblevel, /**< verbosity level of this message */ FILE* file, /**< file stream to print into, or NULL for stdout */ const char* formatstr, /**< format string like in printf() function */ ... /**< format arguments line in printf() function */ ) { va_list ap; assert(scip != NULL); assert(scip->set != NULL); va_start(ap, formatstr); /*lint !e838*/ SCIPmessageVFPrintVerbInfo(scip->messagehdlr, scip->set->disp_verblevel, msgverblevel, file, formatstr, ap); va_end(ap); } /** returns the current message verbosity level * * @return message verbosity level of SCIP * * @see \ref SCIP_VerbLevel "SCIP_VERBLEVEL" for a list of all verbosity levels */ SCIP_VERBLEVEL SCIPgetVerbLevel( SCIP* scip /**< SCIP data structure */ ) { assert(scip != NULL); assert(scip->set != NULL); return scip->set->disp_verblevel; }