// // "$Id: fl_symbols.cxx 7903 2010-11-28 21:06:39Z matt $" // // Symbol drawing code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK). // // Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others. // // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // Library General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 // USA. // // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page: // // http://www.fltk.org/str.php // // These are small graphics drawn by the normal label-drawing // code when the string starts with an '@' sign. // Adapted from original code written by: // Written by Mark Overmars // Version 2.1 a // Date: Oct 2, 1992 #include #include #include #include "flstring.h" typedef struct { const char *name; void (*drawit)(Fl_Color); char scalable; char notempty; } SYMBOL; #define MAXSYMBOL 211 /* Maximal number of symbols in table. Only half of them are used. Should be prime. */ static SYMBOL symbols[MAXSYMBOL]; /* The symbols */ static int symbnumb = -1; /* Their number */ static int find(const char *name) { // returns hash entry if it exists, or first empty slot: int pos = name[0] ? ( name[1] ? ( name[2] ? 71*name[0]+31*name[1]+name[2] : 31*name[0]+name[1] ) : name[0] ) : 0; pos %= MAXSYMBOL; int hh2 = name[0] ? ( (name[1]) ? 51*name[0]+3*name[1] : 3*name[0] ) : 1; hh2 %= MAXSYMBOL; if (!hh2) hh2 = 1; for (;;) { if (!symbols[pos].notempty) return pos; if (!strcmp(symbols[pos].name,name)) return pos; pos = (pos + hh2) % MAXSYMBOL; } } static void fl_init_symbols(void); /**************** The routines seen by the user *************************/ /** Adds a symbol to the system. \param[in] name name of symbol (without the "@") \param[in] drawit function to draw symbol \param[in] scalable set to 1 if \p drawit uses scalable vector drawing \returns 1 on success, 0 on failure */ int fl_add_symbol(const char *name, void (*drawit)(Fl_Color), int scalable) { fl_init_symbols(); int pos; if (symbnumb > MAXSYMBOL / 2) return 0; // table is full pos = find(name); symbols[pos].name = name; symbols[pos].drawit = drawit; symbols[pos].notempty = 1; symbols[pos].scalable = scalable; symbnumb++; return 1; } int fl_return_arrow(int x,int y,int w,int h); /** Draw the named symbol in the given rectangle using the given color \param[in] label name of symbol \param[in] x,y position of symbol \param[in] w,h size of symbol \param[in] col color of symbox \returns 1 on success, 0 on failure */ // provided for back compatibility: int fl_draw_symbol(const char *label,int x,int y,int w,int h,Fl_Color col) { const char *p = label; if (*p++ != '@') return 0; fl_init_symbols(); int equalscale = 0; if (*p == '#') {equalscale = 1; p++;} if (*p == '-' && p[1]>='1' && p[1]<='9') { int n = p[1]-'0'; x += n; y += n; w -= 2*n; h -= 2*n; p += 2; } else if (*p == '+' && p[1]>='1' && p[1]<='9') { int n = p[1]-'0'; x -= n; y -= n; w += 2*n; h += 2*n; p += 2; } if (w < 10) {x -= (10-w)/2; w = 10;} if (h < 10) {y -= (10-h)/2; h = 10;} w = (w-1)|1; h = (h-1)|1; char flip_x = 0, flip_y = 0; if (*p=='$') { flip_x = 1; p++; } if (*p=='%') { flip_y = 1; p++; } int rotangle; switch (*p++) { case '0': rotangle = 1000*(p[1]-'0') + 100*(p[2]-'0') + 10*(p[3]-'0'); p += 4; break; case '1': rotangle = 2250; break; case '2': rotangle = 2700; break; case '3': rotangle = 3150; break; case '4': rotangle = 1800; break; case '5': case '6': rotangle = 0; break; case '7': rotangle = 1350; break; case '8': rotangle = 900; break; case '9': rotangle = 450; break; default: rotangle = 0; p--; break; } int pos = find(p); if (!symbols[pos].notempty) return 0; if (symbols[pos].scalable == 3) { // kludge to detect return arrow fl_return_arrow(x,y,w,h); return 1; } fl_push_matrix(); fl_translate(x+w/2,y+h/2); if (symbols[pos].scalable) { if (equalscale) {if (w0; i--, a-=da, r-=dr1) { double ar = a/180.0 * M_PI; vv(cos(ar)*r, sin(ar)*r); } for (i=27; i>=0; a+=da, i--, r-=dr2) { double ar = a/180.0 * M_PI; vv(cos(ar)*r, sin(ar)*r); } if (j&1) { EC; } else { ECP; } } } static void draw_refresh(Fl_Color c) { draw_round_arrow(c); fl_rotate(180.0); draw_round_arrow(c); fl_rotate(-180.0); } static void draw_reload(Fl_Color c) { fl_rotate(-135.0); draw_round_arrow(c, 10); fl_rotate(135.0); } static void draw_undo(Fl_Color c) { fl_translate(0.0, 0.2); fl_scale(1.0, -1.0); draw_round_arrow(c, 6); fl_scale(1.0, -1.0); fl_translate(0.0, -0.2); } static void draw_redo(Fl_Color c) { fl_scale(-1.0, 1.0); draw_undo(c); fl_scale(-1.0, 1.0); } static void fl_init_symbols(void) { static char beenhere; if (beenhere) return; beenhere = 1; symbnumb = 0; fl_add_symbol("", draw_arrow1, 1); fl_add_symbol("->", draw_arrow1, 1); fl_add_symbol(">", draw_arrow2, 1); fl_add_symbol(">>", draw_arrow3, 1); fl_add_symbol(">|", draw_arrowbar, 1); fl_add_symbol(">[]", draw_arrowbox, 1); fl_add_symbol("|>", draw_bararrow, 1); fl_add_symbol("<-", draw_arrow01, 1); fl_add_symbol("<", draw_arrow02, 1); fl_add_symbol("<<", draw_arrow03, 1); fl_add_symbol("|<", draw_0arrowbar, 1); fl_add_symbol("[]<", draw_0arrowbox, 1); fl_add_symbol("<|", draw_0bararrow, 1); fl_add_symbol("<->", draw_doublearrow, 1); fl_add_symbol("-->", draw_arrow, 1); fl_add_symbol("+", draw_plus, 1); fl_add_symbol("->|", draw_arrow1bar, 1); fl_add_symbol("arrow", draw_arrow, 1); fl_add_symbol("returnarrow", 0, 3); fl_add_symbol("square", draw_square, 1); fl_add_symbol("circle", draw_circle, 1); fl_add_symbol("line", draw_line, 1); fl_add_symbol("plus", draw_plus, 1); fl_add_symbol("menu", draw_menu, 1); fl_add_symbol("UpArrow", draw_uparrow, 1); fl_add_symbol("DnArrow", draw_downarrow, 1); fl_add_symbol("||", draw_doublebar, 1); fl_add_symbol("search", draw_search, 1); fl_add_symbol("FLTK", draw_fltk, 1); fl_add_symbol("filenew", draw_filenew, 1); fl_add_symbol("fileopen", draw_fileopen, 1); fl_add_symbol("filesave", draw_filesave, 1); fl_add_symbol("filesaveas", draw_filesaveas, 1); fl_add_symbol("fileprint", draw_fileprint, 1); fl_add_symbol("refresh", draw_refresh, 1); fl_add_symbol("reload", draw_reload, 1); fl_add_symbol("undo", draw_undo, 1); fl_add_symbol("redo", draw_redo, 1); // fl_add_symbol("file", draw_file, 1); } // // End of "$Id: fl_symbols.cxx 7903 2010-11-28 21:06:39Z matt $". //