module Agda.Interaction.Options.Warnings ( WarningMode (..) , warningSet , warn2Error , defaultWarningSet , allWarnings , usualWarnings , noWarnings , unsolvedWarnings , incompleteMatchWarnings , errorWarnings , defaultWarningMode , WarningModeError(..) , prettyWarningModeError , warningModeUpdate , warningSets , WarningName (..) , warningName2String , string2WarningName , usageWarning ) where import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) ) import Control.DeepSeq import Control.Monad ( guard, when ) import Text.Read ( readMaybe ) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.List ( stripPrefix, intercalate ) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Agda.Utils.Lens import Agda.Utils.List import Agda.Utils.Maybe import Agda.Utils.Impossible -- | A @WarningMode@ has two components: a set of warnings to be displayed -- and a flag stating whether warnings should be turned into fatal errors. data WarningMode = WarningMode { _warningSet :: Set WarningName , _warn2Error :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic) instance NFData WarningMode warningSet :: Lens' (Set WarningName) WarningMode warningSet f o = (\ ws -> o { _warningSet = ws }) <$> f (_warningSet o) warn2Error :: Lens' Bool WarningMode warn2Error f o = (\ ws -> o { _warn2Error = ws }) <$> f (_warn2Error o) -- | The @defaultWarningMode@ is a curated set of warnings covering non-fatal -- errors and disabling style-related ones defaultWarningSet :: String defaultWarningSet = "warn" defaultWarningMode :: WarningMode defaultWarningMode = WarningMode ws False where ws = fst $ fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ lookup defaultWarningSet warningSets -- | Some warnings are errors and cannot be turned off. data WarningModeError = Unknown String | NoNoError String prettyWarningModeError :: WarningModeError -> String prettyWarningModeError = \case Unknown str -> concat [ "Unknown warning flag: ", str, "." ] NoNoError str -> concat [ "You may only turn off benign warnings. The warning " , str ," is a non-fatal error and thus cannot be ignored." ] -- | From user-given directives we compute WarningMode updates type WarningModeUpdate = WarningMode -> WarningMode -- | @warningModeUpdate str@ computes the action of @str@ over the current -- @WarningMode@: it may reset the set of warnings, add or remove a specific -- flag or demand that any warning be turned into an error warningModeUpdate :: String -> Either WarningModeError WarningModeUpdate warningModeUpdate str = case str of "error" -> pure $ set warn2Error True "noerror" -> pure $ set warn2Error False _ | Just ws <- fst <$> lookup str warningSets -> pure $ set warningSet ws _ -> case stripPrefix "no" str of Nothing -> do wname <- maybe (Left (Unknown str)) Right (string2WarningName str) pure (over warningSet $ Set.insert wname) Just str' -> do wname <- maybe (Left (Unknown str')) Right (string2WarningName str') when (wname `elem` errorWarnings) (Left (NoNoError str')) pure (over warningSet $ Set.delete wname) -- | Common sets of warnings warningSets :: [(String, (Set WarningName, String))] warningSets = [ ("all" , (allWarnings, "All of the existing warnings")) , ("warn" , (usualWarnings, "Default warning level")) , ("ignore", (errorWarnings, "Ignore all the benign warnings")) ] noWarnings :: Set WarningName noWarnings = Set.empty unsolvedWarnings :: Set WarningName unsolvedWarnings = Set.fromList [ UnsolvedMetaVariables_ , UnsolvedInteractionMetas_ , UnsolvedConstraints_ ] incompleteMatchWarnings :: Set WarningName incompleteMatchWarnings = Set.fromList [ CoverageIssue_ ] errorWarnings :: Set WarningName errorWarnings = Set.fromList [ CoverageIssue_ , GenericNonFatalError_ , MissingDefinitions_ , NotAllowedInMutual_ , NotStrictlyPositive_ , OverlappingTokensWarning_ , PragmaCompiled_ , SafeFlagPostulate_ , SafeFlagPragma_ , SafeFlagNonTerminating_ , SafeFlagTerminating_ , SafeFlagWithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality_ , SafeFlagNoPositivityCheck_ , SafeFlagPolarity_ , SafeFlagNoUniverseCheck_ , SafeFlagEta_ , SafeFlagInjective_ , SafeFlagNoCoverageCheck_ , TerminationIssue_ , UnsolvedMetaVariables_ , UnsolvedInteractionMetas_ , UnsolvedConstraints_ , InfectiveImport_ , CoInfectiveImport_ , RewriteNonConfluent_ , RewriteMaybeNonConfluent_ , RewriteAmbiguousRules_ , RewriteMissingRule_ , ExeNotFoundWarning_ , ExeNotExecutableWarning_ ] allWarnings :: Set WarningName allWarnings = Set.fromList [minBound..maxBound] usualWarnings :: Set WarningName usualWarnings = allWarnings Set.\\ Set.fromList [ UnknownFixityInMixfixDecl_ , CoverageNoExactSplit_ , ShadowingInTelescope_ ] -- | The @WarningName@ data enumeration is meant to have a one-to-one correspondance -- to existing warnings in the codebase. data WarningName = -- Parser Warnings OverlappingTokensWarning_ | UnsupportedAttribute_ | MultipleAttributes_ -- Library Warnings | LibUnknownField_ -- Nicifer Warnings | EmptyAbstract_ | EmptyConstructor_ | EmptyField_ | EmptyGeneralize_ | EmptyInstance_ | EmptyMacro_ | EmptyMutual_ | EmptyPostulate_ | EmptyPrimitive_ | EmptyPrivate_ | EmptyRewritePragma_ | EmptyWhere_ | InvalidCatchallPragma_ | InvalidConstructor_ | InvalidConstructorBlock_ | InvalidCoverageCheckPragma_ | InvalidNoPositivityCheckPragma_ | InvalidNoUniverseCheckPragma_ | InvalidRecordDirective_ | InvalidTerminationCheckPragma_ | MissingDefinitions_ | NotAllowedInMutual_ | OpenPublicAbstract_ | OpenPublicPrivate_ | PolarityPragmasButNotPostulates_ | PragmaCompiled_ | PragmaNoTerminationCheck_ | ShadowingInTelescope_ | UnknownFixityInMixfixDecl_ | UnknownNamesInFixityDecl_ | UnknownNamesInPolarityPragmas_ | UselessAbstract_ | UselessInstance_ | UselessPrivate_ -- Scope and Type Checking Warnings | AbsurdPatternRequiresNoRHS_ | AsPatternShadowsConstructorOrPatternSynonym_ | CantGeneralizeOverSorts_ | ClashesViaRenaming_ -- issue #4154 | CoverageIssue_ | CoverageNoExactSplit_ | DeprecationWarning_ | DuplicateUsing_ | FixityInRenamingModule_ | GenericNonFatalError_ | GenericUseless_ | GenericWarning_ | IllformedAsClause_ | InstanceArgWithExplicitArg_ | InstanceWithExplicitArg_ | InstanceNoOutputTypeName_ | InversionDepthReached_ | ModuleDoesntExport_ | NoGuardednessFlag_ | NotInScope_ | NotStrictlyPositive_ | OldBuiltin_ | PragmaCompileErased_ | RewriteMaybeNonConfluent_ | RewriteNonConfluent_ | RewriteAmbiguousRules_ | RewriteMissingRule_ | SafeFlagEta_ | SafeFlagInjective_ | SafeFlagNoCoverageCheck_ | SafeFlagNonTerminating_ | SafeFlagNoPositivityCheck_ | SafeFlagNoUniverseCheck_ | SafeFlagPolarity_ | SafeFlagPostulate_ | SafeFlagPragma_ | SafeFlagTerminating_ | SafeFlagWithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality_ | TerminationIssue_ | UnreachableClauses_ | UnsolvedConstraints_ | UnsolvedInteractionMetas_ | UnsolvedMetaVariables_ | UselessHiding_ | UselessInline_ | UselessPatternDeclarationForRecord_ | UselessPublic_ | UserWarning_ | WithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality_ | WrongInstanceDeclaration_ -- Checking consistency of options | CoInfectiveImport_ | InfectiveImport_ -- Record field warnings | DuplicateFieldsWarning_ | TooManyFieldsWarning_ -- System call warnings | ExeNotFoundWarning_ | ExeNotExecutableWarning_ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded, Generic) instance NFData WarningName -- | The flag corresponding to a warning is precisely the name of the constructor -- minus the trailing underscore. -- sorry string2WarningName :: String -> Maybe WarningName string2WarningName = readMaybe . (++ "_") warningName2String :: WarningName -> String warningName2String = initWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ . show -- | @warningUsage@ generated using @warningNameDescription@ usageWarning :: String usageWarning = intercalate "\n" [ "The -W or --warning option can be used to disable or enable\ \ different warnings. The flag -W error (or --warning=error)\ \ can be used to turn all warnings into errors, while -W noerror\ \ turns this off again." , "" , "A group of warnings can be enabled by -W group, where group is\ \ one of the following:" , "" , untable (fmap (fst &&& snd . snd) warningSets) , "Individual benign warnings can be turned on and off by -W Name and\ \ -W noName, respectively, where Name comes from the following\ \ list (warnings marked with 'd' are turned on by default, and 'b'\ \ stands for \"benign warning\"):" , "" , untable $ forMaybe [minBound..maxBound] $ \ w -> let wnd = warningNameDescription w in ( warningName2String w , (if w `Set.member` usualWarnings then "d" else " ") ++ (if not (w `Set.member` errorWarnings) then "b" else " ") ++ " " ++ wnd ) <$ guard (not $ null wnd) ] where untable :: [(String, String)] -> String untable rows = let len = maximum (map (length . fst) rows) in unlines $ flip map rows $ \ (hdr, cnt) -> concat [ hdr, replicate (1 + len - length hdr) ' ', cnt ] -- | @WarningName@ descriptions used for generating usage information -- Leave String empty to skip that name. warningNameDescription :: WarningName -> String warningNameDescription = \case -- Parser Warnings OverlappingTokensWarning_ -> "Multi-line comments spanning one or more literate text blocks." UnsupportedAttribute_ -> "Unsupported attributes." MultipleAttributes_ -> "Multiple attributes." -- Library Warnings LibUnknownField_ -> "Unknown field in library file." -- Nicifer Warnings EmptyAbstract_ -> "Empty `abstract' blocks." EmptyConstructor_ -> "Empty `constructor' blocks." EmptyField_ -> "Empty `field` blocks." EmptyGeneralize_ -> "Empty `variable' blocks." EmptyInstance_ -> "Empty `instance' blocks." EmptyMacro_ -> "Empty `macro' blocks." EmptyMutual_ -> "Empty `mutual' blocks." EmptyPostulate_ -> "Empty `postulate' blocks." EmptyPrimitive_ -> "Empty `primitive' blocks." EmptyPrivate_ -> "Empty `private' blocks." EmptyRewritePragma_ -> "Empty `REWRITE' pragmas." EmptyWhere_ -> "Empty `where' blocks." InvalidCatchallPragma_ -> "`CATCHALL' pragmas before a non-function clause." InvalidConstructor_ -> "`constructor' blocks may only contain type signatures for constructors." InvalidConstructorBlock_ -> "No `constructor' blocks outside of `interleaved mutual' blocks." InvalidCoverageCheckPragma_ -> "Coverage checking pragmas before non-function or `mutual' blocks." InvalidNoPositivityCheckPragma_ -> "No positivity checking pragmas before non-`data', `record' or `mutual' blocks." InvalidNoUniverseCheckPragma_ -> "No universe checking pragmas before non-`data' or `record' declaration." InvalidRecordDirective_ -> "No record directive outside of record definition / below field declarations." InvalidTerminationCheckPragma_ -> "Termination checking pragmas before non-function or `mutual' blocks." MissingDefinitions_ -> "Declarations not associated to a definition." NotAllowedInMutual_ -> "Declarations not allowed in a mutual block." OpenPublicAbstract_ -> "'open public' directive in an 'abstract' block." OpenPublicPrivate_ -> "'open public' directive in a 'private' block." PolarityPragmasButNotPostulates_ -> "Polarity pragmas for non-postulates." PragmaCompiled_ -> "'COMPILE' pragmas not allowed in safe mode." PragmaNoTerminationCheck_ -> "`NO_TERMINATION_CHECK' pragmas are deprecated" ShadowingInTelescope_ -> "Repeated variable name in telescope." UnknownFixityInMixfixDecl_ -> "Mixfix names without an associated fixity declaration." UnknownNamesInFixityDecl_ -> "Names not declared in the same scope as their syntax or fixity declaration." UnknownNamesInPolarityPragmas_ -> "Names not declared in the same scope as their polarity pragmas." UselessAbstract_ -> "`abstract' blocks where they have no effect." UselessHiding_ -> "Names in `hiding' directive that are anyway not imported." UselessInline_ -> "`INLINE' pragmas where they have no effect." UselessInstance_ -> "`instance' blocks where they have no effect." UselessPrivate_ -> "`private' blocks where they have no effect." UselessPublic_ -> "`public' blocks where they have no effect." UselessPatternDeclarationForRecord_ -> "`pattern' attributes where they have no effect." -- Scope and Type Checking Warnings AbsurdPatternRequiresNoRHS_ -> "A clause with an absurd pattern does not need a Right Hand Side." AsPatternShadowsConstructorOrPatternSynonym_ -> "@-patterns that shadow constructors or pattern synonyms." CantGeneralizeOverSorts_ -> "Attempt to generalize over sort metas in 'variable' declaration." ClashesViaRenaming_ -> "Clashes introduced by `renaming'." -- issue #4154 CoverageIssue_ -> "Failed coverage checks." CoverageNoExactSplit_ -> "Failed exact split checks." DeprecationWarning_ -> "Feature deprecation." GenericNonFatalError_ -> "" GenericUseless_ -> "Useless code." GenericWarning_ -> "" IllformedAsClause_ -> "Illformed `as'-clauses in `import' statements." InstanceNoOutputTypeName_ -> "instance arguments whose type does not end in a named or variable type are never considered by instance search." InstanceArgWithExplicitArg_ -> "instance arguments with explicit arguments are never considered by instance search." InstanceWithExplicitArg_ -> "`instance` declarations with explicit arguments are never considered by instance search." InversionDepthReached_ -> "Inversions of pattern-matching failed due to exhausted inversion depth." NoGuardednessFlag_ -> "Coinductive record but no --guardedness flag." ModuleDoesntExport_ -> "Imported name is not actually exported." DuplicateUsing_ -> "Repeated names in using directive." FixityInRenamingModule_ -> "Found fixity annotation in renaming directive for module." NotInScope_ -> "Out of scope name." NotStrictlyPositive_ -> "Failed strict positivity checks." OldBuiltin_ -> "Deprecated `BUILTIN' pragmas." PragmaCompileErased_ -> "`COMPILE' pragma targeting an erased symbol." RewriteMaybeNonConfluent_ -> "Failed local confluence check while computing overlap." RewriteNonConfluent_ -> "Failed local confluence check while joining critical pairs." RewriteAmbiguousRules_ -> "Failed global confluence check because of overlapping rules." RewriteMissingRule_ -> "Failed global confluence check because of missing rule." SafeFlagEta_ -> "`ETA' pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagInjective_ -> "`INJECTIVE' pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagNoCoverageCheck_ -> "`NON_COVERING` pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagNonTerminating_ -> "`NON_TERMINATING' pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagNoPositivityCheck_ -> "`NO_POSITIVITY_CHECK' pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagNoUniverseCheck_ -> "`NO_UNIVERSE_CHECK' pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagPolarity_ -> "`POLARITY' pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagPostulate_ -> "`postulate' blocks with the safe flag." SafeFlagPragma_ -> "Unsafe `OPTIONS' pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagTerminating_ -> "`TERMINATING' pragmas with the safe flag." SafeFlagWithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality_ -> "`primEraseEquality' used with the safe and without-K flags." TerminationIssue_ -> "Failed termination checks." UnreachableClauses_ -> "Unreachable function clauses." UnsolvedConstraints_ -> "Unsolved constraints." UnsolvedInteractionMetas_ -> "Unsolved interaction meta variables." UnsolvedMetaVariables_ -> "Unsolved meta variables." UserWarning_ -> "User-defined warning added using one of the 'WARNING_ON_*' pragmas." WithoutKFlagPrimEraseEquality_ -> "`primEraseEquality' usages with the without-K flags." WrongInstanceDeclaration_ -> "Terms marked as eligible for instance search should end with a name." -- Checking consistency of options CoInfectiveImport_ -> "Importing a file not using e.g. `--safe' from one which does." InfectiveImport_ -> "Importing a file using e.g. `--cubical' into one which doesn't." -- Record field warnings DuplicateFieldsWarning_ -> "Record expression with duplicate field names." TooManyFieldsWarning_ -> "Record expression with invalid field names." -- System call warnings ExeNotFoundWarning_ -> "Trusted executable cannot be found." ExeNotExecutableWarning_ -> "Trusted executable does not have permission to execute."