set(IGRAPH_VERSION "@PACKAGE_VERSION_BASE@") @PACKAGE_INIT@ include("${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/igraph-targets.cmake") # Check whether C++ support is enabled; this is needed to ensure that programs # that are dependent on igraph will get linked with the C++ linker and not the # "plain" C linker get_property(LANGUAGES GLOBAL PROPERTY ENABLED_LANGUAGES) if("CXX" IN_LIST LANGUAGES) # This is okay else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Please enable C++ support in your project if you are linking to igraph.") endif() # Turn on CMP0012 because the following if() conditionals will use "ON" and # "OFF" verbatim and they must be evaluated as booleans cmake_policy(PUSH) cmake_policy(SET CMP0012 NEW) if(@IGRAPH_OPENMP_SUPPORT@) find_package(OpenMP) endif() cmake_policy(POP) check_required_components(igraph)