// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2010, 2011 Raoul Bourquin // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later #include "asyexporterimpvisitor.h" #include "../misc/goniometry.h" #include "../objects/circle_imp.h" #include "../objects/cubic_imp.h" #include "../objects/bezier_imp.h" #include "../objects/curve_imp.h" #include "../objects/line_imp.h" #include "../objects/locus_imp.h" #include "../objects/object_drawer.h" #include "../objects/object_holder.h" #include "../objects/object_imp.h" #include "../objects/other_imp.h" #include "../objects/point_imp.h" #include "../objects/polygon_imp.h" #include "../objects/text_imp.h" void AsyExporterImpVisitor::newLine() { mstream << "\n"; } QString AsyExporterImpVisitor::emitPenColor( const QColor& c ) { QString pencolor(QLatin1String("")); // Asymptote definition of pen color pencolor = "rgb(" + QString::number(c.red()/255.0) + ',' + QString::number(c.green()/255.0) + ',' + QString::number(c.blue()/255.0) + ')'; return pencolor; } QString AsyExporterImpVisitor::emitPenStyle( const Qt::PenStyle& style ) { QString penstyle(QLatin1String("")); // Asymptote definition of pen (line) style // TODO: Needs finetuning of Asymptote linestyle parameters if ( style == Qt::SolidLine ) { penstyle = QStringLiteral("solid"); } else if ( style == Qt::DashLine ) { penstyle = QStringLiteral("dashed"); } else if ( style == Qt::DotLine ) { penstyle = QStringLiteral("dotted"); } else if ( style == Qt::DashDotLine ) { penstyle = QStringLiteral("dashdotted"); } else if ( style == Qt::DashDotDotLine ) { penstyle = QStringLiteral("longdashdotted"); } return penstyle; } QString AsyExporterImpVisitor::emitPenSize( const int width ) { // In this function we map the logical (integer) linewidth of Kig // to real line widths that can be used in Asymptote. // Default mapping is currently: asy_width = kig_width / 2.0 QString pensize(QLatin1String("")); if ( width < 0 ) { // Nothing specified, use asymptote default pensize = QStringLiteral("linewidth(0.5)"); } else { // Asymptote definition of pen size pensize = "linewidth(" + QString::number(width/2.0) + ')'; } return pensize; } QString AsyExporterImpVisitor::emitPen( const QColor& c, const int width, const Qt::PenStyle& style ) { QString pen(QLatin1String("")); // Asymptote definition of a pen pen = emitPenColor(c) + '+' + emitPenSize(width) + '+' + emitPenStyle(style); return pen; } QString AsyExporterImpVisitor::emitCoord( const Coordinate& c ) { QString ret(QLatin1String("")); ret = '(' + QString::number(c.x) + ',' + QString::number(c.y) + ')'; return ret; } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::emitLine( const Coordinate& a, const Coordinate& b, const int width, const Qt::PenStyle s, bool vector ) { mstream << "path line = " << emitCoord( a ) << "--" << emitCoord( b ) << ";"; newLine(); if ( vector == true ) { mstream << "draw(line, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), width, s ) << ", Arrow );"; } else { mstream << "draw(line, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), width, s ) << " );"; } newLine(); } double AsyExporterImpVisitor::dimRealToCoord( int dim ) { QRect qr( 0, 0, dim, dim ); Rect r = mw.screenInfo().fromScreen( qr ); return fabs( r.width() ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( ObjectHolder* obj ) { if ( ! obj->drawer()->shown() ) return; mcurobj = obj; obj->imp()->visit( this ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::plotGenericCurve( const CurveImp* imp ) { std::vector< std::vector< Coordinate > > coordlist; coordlist.push_back( std::vector< Coordinate >() ); uint curid = 0; Coordinate c; Coordinate prev = Coordinate::invalidCoord(); for ( double i = 0.0; i <= 1.0; i += 0.0001 ) { c = imp->getPoint( i, mw.document() ); if ( !c.valid() ) { if ( coordlist[curid].size() > 0 ) { coordlist.push_back( std::vector< Coordinate >() ); ++curid; prev = Coordinate::invalidCoord(); } continue; } if ( ! ( ( fabs( c.x ) <= 10000 ) && ( fabs( c.y ) <= 10000 ) ) ) continue; // if there's too much distance between this coordinate and the previous // one, then it's another piece of curve not joined with the rest if ( prev.valid() && ( c.distance( prev ) > 50.0 ) ) { coordlist.push_back( std::vector< Coordinate >() ); ++curid; } coordlist[curid].push_back( c ); prev = c; } // special case for ellipse if ( const ConicImp* conic = dynamic_cast< const ConicImp* >( imp ) ) { // if ellipse, close its path // THSI IS WRONG, think of ellipse arcs!! if ( conic->conicType() == 1 && coordlist.size() == 1 && coordlist[0].size() > 1 ) { coordlist[0].push_back( coordlist[0][0] ); } } for ( uint i = 0; i < coordlist.size(); ++i ) { uint s = coordlist[i].size(); // there's no point in draw curves empty or with only one point if ( s <= 1 ) continue; uint linelength = 13; QString tmp; mstream << "path curve = "; for ( uint j = 0; j < s; ++j ) { tmp = emitCoord( coordlist[i][j] ); // Avoid too long lines in the output file if(linelength + tmp.length() > maxlinelength) { linelength = tmp.length(); newLine(); } else { linelength += tmp.length(); } mstream << tmp; if ( j < s-1 ) { linelength += 2; mstream << "--"; } else { mstream << ";"; newLine(); linelength = 0; } } mstream << "draw(curve, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << " );"; newLine(); } } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const LineImp* imp ) { Coordinate a = imp->data().a; Coordinate b = imp->data().b; calcBorderPoints( a, b, msr ); emitLine( a, b, mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const PointImp* imp ) { mstream << "pair point = " << emitCoord( imp->coordinate() ) << ";"; newLine(); // The factor of 6 is necessary to get the asymptote default dot size // which is 6*asy_default_linewidth where asy_default_linewidth = 0.5 int width = mcurobj->drawer()->width(); if ( width == -1 ) width = 6; mstream << "dot(point, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), width, mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << ");"; newLine(); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const TextImp* imp ) { // FIXME: support multiline texts... mstream << "pair anchor = " << emitCoord( imp->coordinate() ) << ";"; newLine(); mstream << "Label l = Label(\"" << imp->text() << "\", " << emitPenColor( mcurobj-> drawer()->color() ) << ");"; newLine(); if ( imp->hasFrame() ) { mstream << "draw(l, box, anchor, textboxmargin);"; } else { mstream << "draw(l, anchor);"; } newLine(); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const AngleImp* imp ) { const Coordinate center = imp->point(); // TODO: How to choose radius size? const double radius = 0.5; double startangle = imp->startAngle(); double endangle = startangle + imp->angle(); startangle = Goniometry::convert( startangle, Goniometry::Rad, Goniometry::Deg ); endangle = Goniometry::convert( endangle, Goniometry::Rad, Goniometry::Deg ); mstream << "path a = Arc(" << emitCoord(center) << ", " << radius << ", " << startangle << ", " << endangle << " );"; newLine(); mstream << "draw(a, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << ", Arrow );"; newLine(); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const VectorImp* imp ) { Coordinate a = imp->data().a; Coordinate b = imp->data().b; emitLine( a, b, mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style(), true ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const LocusImp* imp ) { plotGenericCurve( imp ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const CircleImp* imp ) { mstream << "pair center = " << emitCoord( imp->center() ) << ";"; newLine(); mstream << "real radius = " << imp->radius() << ";"; newLine(); mstream << "path circle = Circle(center, radius);"; newLine(); mstream << "draw(circle, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << " );"; newLine(); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const ConicImp* imp ) { plotGenericCurve( imp ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const CubicImp* imp ) { // FIXME: cubic are not drawn correctly with plotGenericCurve plotGenericCurve( imp ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const SegmentImp* imp ) { Coordinate a = imp->data().a; Coordinate b = imp->data().b; emitLine( a, b, mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const RayImp* imp ) { Coordinate a = imp->data().a; Coordinate b = imp->data().b; calcRayBorderPoints( a, b, msr ); emitLine( a, b, mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const ArcImp* imp ) { const Coordinate center = imp->center(); const double radius = imp->radius(); double startangle = imp->startAngle(); double endangle = startangle + imp->angle(); startangle = Goniometry::convert( startangle, Goniometry::Rad, Goniometry::Deg ); endangle = Goniometry::convert( endangle, Goniometry::Rad, Goniometry::Deg ); mstream << "path arc = Arc(" << emitCoord(center) << ", " << radius << ", " << startangle << ", " << endangle << " );"; newLine(); mstream << "draw(arc, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << " );"; newLine(); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit( const FilledPolygonImp* imp ) { uint linelength = 15; QString tmp; mstream << "path polygon = "; std::vector pts = imp->points(); for ( uint i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++ ) { tmp = emitCoord( pts[i] ); tmp.append("--"); if ( linelength + tmp.length() > maxlinelength ) { newLine(); linelength = tmp.length(); } else { linelength += tmp.length(); } mstream << tmp; } mstream << "cycle;"; newLine(); mstream << "fill(polygon, " << emitPenColor( mcurobj->drawer()->color() ) << "+opacity(0.5) );"; newLine(); mstream << "draw(polygon, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << " );"; newLine(); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit(const ClosedPolygonalImp* imp) { uint linelength = 15; QString tmp; mstream << "path polygon = "; std::vector pts = imp->points(); for ( uint i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++ ) { tmp = emitCoord( pts[i] ); tmp.append("--"); if ( linelength + tmp.length() > maxlinelength ) { newLine(); linelength = tmp.length(); } else { linelength += tmp.length(); } mstream << tmp; } mstream << "cycle;"; newLine(); mstream << "draw(polygon, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << " );"; newLine(); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit(const OpenPolygonalImp* imp) { uint linelength = 15; QString tmp; mstream << "path polygon = "; std::vector pts = imp->points(); for ( uint i = 0; i < pts.size(); i++ ) { tmp = emitCoord( pts[i] ); if ( linelength + tmp.length() > maxlinelength ) { newLine(); linelength = tmp.length(); } else { linelength += tmp.length(); } mstream << tmp; if ( i < pts.size()-1 ) { linelength += 2; mstream << "--"; } else { linelength += 1; mstream << ";"; } } newLine(); mstream << "draw(polygon, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << " );"; newLine(); } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit ( const BezierImp* imp ) { std::vector pts = imp->points(); switch ( pts.size() ) { case 3: // Formula for cubic control points // CP1 = QP0 + 2/3 *(QP1-QP0) // CP2 = CP1 + 1/3 *(QP2-QP0) mstream << "pair cp1 = " << emitCoord(pts.at(0)) << " +2/3*(" << emitCoord(pts.at(1)) << "-" << emitCoord(pts.at(0)) << ");"; newLine(); mstream << "pair cp2 = cp1 +1/3*(" << emitCoord(pts.at(2)) << "-" << emitCoord(pts.at(0)) << ");"; newLine(); mstream << "path bezier = "; mstream << emitCoord( pts.at(0) ); mstream << " .. controls cp1 and cp2 .. "; mstream << emitCoord( pts.at(2) ); mstream << ";"; newLine(); mstream << "draw(bezier, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << " );"; newLine(); break; case 4: mstream << "path bezier = "; mstream << emitCoord( pts.at(0) ); mstream << " .. controls "; mstream << emitCoord( pts.at(1) ); mstream << " and "; mstream << emitCoord( pts.at(2) ); mstream << " .. "; mstream << emitCoord( pts.at(3) ); mstream << ";"; newLine(); mstream << "draw(bezier, " << emitPen( mcurobj->drawer()->color(), mcurobj->drawer()->width(), mcurobj->drawer()->style() ) << " );"; newLine(); break; default: plotGenericCurve ( imp ); break; } } void AsyExporterImpVisitor::visit ( const RationalBezierImp* imp ) { plotGenericCurve ( imp ); }