from collections import OrderedDict from typing import Any from typing import Callable from typing import Dict from typing import Optional from typing import Sequence from typing import Union import warnings import numpy from optuna import logging from optuna._experimental import experimental from optuna._imports import try_import from optuna._transform import _SearchSpaceTransform from optuna.distributions import BaseDistribution from optuna.samplers import BaseSampler from optuna.samplers import IntersectionSearchSpace from optuna.samplers import RandomSampler from import Study from import StudyDirection from optuna.trial import FrozenTrial from optuna.trial import TrialState with try_import() as _imports: from botorch.acquisition.monte_carlo import qExpectedImprovement from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.monte_carlo import qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement from botorch.acquisition.multi_objective.objective import IdentityMCMultiOutputObjective from botorch.acquisition.objective import ConstrainedMCObjective from botorch.acquisition.objective import GenericMCObjective from import fit_gpytorch_model from botorch.models import SingleTaskGP from botorch.models.transforms.outcome import Standardize from botorch.optim import optimize_acqf from botorch.sampling.samplers import SobolQMCNormalSampler from botorch.utils.multi_objective.box_decompositions import NondominatedPartitioning from botorch.utils.multi_objective.scalarization import get_chebyshev_scalarization from botorch.utils.sampling import sample_simplex from botorch.utils.transforms import normalize from botorch.utils.transforms import unnormalize from gpytorch.mlls import ExactMarginalLogLikelihood import torch _logger = logging.get_logger(__name__) @experimental("2.4.0") def qei_candidates_func( train_x: "torch.Tensor", train_obj: "torch.Tensor", train_con: Optional["torch.Tensor"], bounds: "torch.Tensor", ) -> "torch.Tensor": """Quasi MC-based batch Expected Improvement (qEI). The default value of ``candidates_func`` in :class:`~optuna.integration.BoTorchSampler` with single-objective optimization. Args: train_x: Previous parameter configurations. A ``torch.Tensor`` of shape ``(n_trials, n_params)``. ``n_trials`` is the number of already observed trials and ``n_params`` is the number of parameters. ``n_params`` may be larger than the actual number of parameters if categorical parameters are included in the search space, since these parameters are one-hot encoded. Values are not normalized. train_obj: Previously observed objectives. A ``torch.Tensor`` of shape ``(n_trials, n_objectives)``. ``n_trials`` is identical to that of ``train_x``. ``n_objectives`` is the number of objectives. Observations are not normalized. train_con: Objective constraints. A ``torch.Tensor`` of shape ``(n_trials, n_constraints)``. ``n_trials`` is identical to that of ``train_x``. ``n_constraints`` is the number of constraints. A constraint is violated if strictly larger than 0. If no constraints are involved in the optimization, this argument will be :obj:`None`. bounds: Search space bounds. A ``torch.Tensor`` of shape ``(2, n_params)``. ``n_params`` is identical to that of ``train_x``. The first and the second rows correspond to the lower and upper bounds for each parameter respectively. Returns: Next set of candidates. Usually the return value of BoTorch's ``optimize_acqf``. """ if train_obj.size(-1) != 1: raise ValueError("Objective may only contain single values with qEI.") if train_con is not None: train_y =[train_obj, train_con], dim=-1) is_feas = (train_con <= 0).all(dim=-1) train_obj_feas = train_obj[is_feas] if train_obj_feas.numel() == 0: # TODO(hvy): Do not use 0 as the best observation. _logger.warning( "No objective values are feasible. Using 0 as the best objective in qEI." ) best_f = torch.zeros(()) else: best_f = train_obj_feas.max() constraints = [] n_constraints = train_con.size(1) for i in range(n_constraints): constraints.append(lambda Z, i=i: Z[..., -n_constraints + i]) objective = ConstrainedMCObjective( objective=lambda Z: Z[..., 0], constraints=constraints, ) else: train_y = train_obj best_f = train_obj.max() objective = None # Using the default identity objective. train_x = normalize(train_x, bounds=bounds) model = SingleTaskGP(train_x, train_y, outcome_transform=Standardize(m=train_y.size(-1))) mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model) fit_gpytorch_model(mll) acqf = qExpectedImprovement( model=model, best_f=best_f, sampler=SobolQMCNormalSampler(num_samples=256), objective=objective, ) standard_bounds = torch.zeros_like(bounds) standard_bounds[1] = 1 candidates, _ = optimize_acqf( acq_function=acqf, bounds=standard_bounds, q=1, num_restarts=10, raw_samples=512, options={"batch_limit": 5, "maxiter": 200}, sequential=True, ) candidates = unnormalize(candidates.detach(), bounds=bounds) return candidates @experimental("2.4.0") def qehvi_candidates_func( train_x: "torch.Tensor", train_obj: "torch.Tensor", train_con: Optional["torch.Tensor"], bounds: "torch.Tensor", ) -> "torch.Tensor": """Quasi MC-based batch Expected Hypervolume Improvement (qEHVI). The default value of ``candidates_func`` in :class:`~optuna.integration.BoTorchSampler` with multi-objective optimization when the number of objectives is three or less. .. seealso:: :func:`~optuna.integration.botorch.qei_candidates_func` for argument and return value descriptions. """ n_objectives = train_obj.size(-1) if train_con is not None: train_y =[train_obj, train_con], dim=-1) is_feas = (train_con <= 0).all(dim=-1) train_obj_feas = train_obj[is_feas] constraints = [] n_constraints = train_con.size(1) for i in range(n_constraints): constraints.append(lambda Z, i=i: Z[..., -n_constraints + i]) additional_qehvi_kwargs = { "objective": IdentityMCMultiOutputObjective(outcomes=list(range(n_objectives))), "constraints": constraints, } else: train_y = train_obj train_obj_feas = train_obj additional_qehvi_kwargs = {} train_x = normalize(train_x, bounds=bounds) model = SingleTaskGP(train_x, train_y, outcome_transform=Standardize(m=train_y.shape[-1])) mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model) fit_gpytorch_model(mll) # Approximate box decomposition similar to Ax when the number of objectives is large. # if n_objectives > 2: alpha = 10 ** (-8 + n_objectives) else: alpha = 0.0 ref_point = train_obj.min(dim=0).values - 1e-8 partitioning = NondominatedPartitioning(ref_point=ref_point, Y=train_obj_feas, alpha=alpha) ref_point_list = ref_point.tolist() acqf = qExpectedHypervolumeImprovement( model=model, ref_point=ref_point_list, partitioning=partitioning, sampler=SobolQMCNormalSampler(num_samples=256), **additional_qehvi_kwargs, ) standard_bounds = torch.zeros_like(bounds) standard_bounds[1] = 1 candidates, _ = optimize_acqf( acq_function=acqf, bounds=standard_bounds, q=1, num_restarts=20, raw_samples=1024, options={"batch_limit": 5, "maxiter": 200, "nonnegative": True}, sequential=True, ) candidates = unnormalize(candidates.detach(), bounds=bounds) return candidates @experimental("2.4.0") def qparego_candidates_func( train_x: "torch.Tensor", train_obj: "torch.Tensor", train_con: Optional["torch.Tensor"], bounds: "torch.Tensor", ) -> "torch.Tensor": """Quasi MC-based extended ParEGO (qParEGO) for constrained multi-objective optimization. The default value of ``candidates_func`` in :class:`~optuna.integration.BoTorchSampler` with multi-objective optimization when the number of objectives is larger than three. .. seealso:: :func:`~optuna.integration.botorch.qei_candidates_func` for argument and return value descriptions. """ n_objectives = train_obj.size(-1) weights = sample_simplex(n_objectives).squeeze() scalarization = get_chebyshev_scalarization(weights=weights, Y=train_obj) if train_con is not None: train_y =[train_obj, train_con], dim=-1) constraints = [] n_constraints = train_con.size(1) for i in range(n_constraints): constraints.append(lambda Z, i=i: Z[..., -n_constraints + i]) objective = ConstrainedMCObjective( objective=lambda Z: scalarization(Z[..., :n_objectives]), constraints=constraints, ) else: train_y = train_obj objective = GenericMCObjective(scalarization) train_x = normalize(train_x, bounds=bounds) model = SingleTaskGP(train_x, train_y, outcome_transform=Standardize(m=train_y.size(-1))) mll = ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(model.likelihood, model) fit_gpytorch_model(mll) acqf = qExpectedImprovement( model=model, best_f=objective(train_y).max(), sampler=SobolQMCNormalSampler(num_samples=256), objective=objective, ) standard_bounds = torch.zeros_like(bounds) standard_bounds[1] = 1 candidates, _ = optimize_acqf( acq_function=acqf, bounds=standard_bounds, q=1, num_restarts=20, raw_samples=1024, options={"batch_limit": 5, "maxiter": 200}, sequential=True, ) candidates = unnormalize(candidates.detach(), bounds=bounds) return candidates def _get_default_candidates_func( n_objectives: int, ) -> Callable[ [ "torch.Tensor", "torch.Tensor", Optional["torch.Tensor"], "torch.Tensor", ], "torch.Tensor", ]: if n_objectives > 3: return qparego_candidates_func elif n_objectives > 1: return qehvi_candidates_func else: return qei_candidates_func # TODO(hvy): Allow utilizing GPUs via some parameter, not having to rewrite the callback # functions. @experimental("2.4.0") class BoTorchSampler(BaseSampler): """A sampler that uses BoTorch, a Bayesian optimization library built on top of PyTorch. This sampler allows using BoTorch's optimization algorithms from Optuna to suggest parameter configurations. Parameters are transformed to continuous space and passed to BoTorch, and then transformed back to Optuna's representations. Categorical parameters are one-hot encoded. .. seealso:: See an `example `_ how to use the sampler. .. seealso:: See the `BoTorch `_ homepage for details and for how to implement your own ``candidates_func``. .. note:: An instance of this sampler *should not be used with different studies* when used with constraints. Instead, a new instance should be created for each new study. The reason for this is that the sampler is stateful keeping all the computed constraints. Args: candidates_func: An optional function that suggests the next candidates. It must take the training data, the objectives, the constraints, the search space bounds and return the next candidates. The arguments are of type ``torch.Tensor``. The return value must be a ``torch.Tensor``. However, if ``constraints_func`` is omitted, constraints will be :obj:`None`. For any constraints that failed to compute, the tensor will contain NaN. If omitted, it is determined automatically based on the number of objectives. If the number of objectives is one, Quasi MC-based batch Expected Improvement (qEI) is used. If the number of objectives is either two or three, Quasi MC-based batch Expected Hypervolume Improvement (qEHVI) is used. Otherwise, for larger number of objectives, the faster Quasi MC-based extended ParEGO (qParEGO) is used. The function should assume *maximization* of the objective. .. seealso:: See :func:`optuna.integration.botorch.qei_candidates_func` for an example. constraints_func: An optional function that computes the objective constraints. It must take a :class:`~optuna.trial.FrozenTrial` and return the constraints. The return value must be a sequence of :obj:`float` s. A value strictly larger than 0 means that a constraint is violated. A value equal to or smaller than 0 is considered feasible. If omitted, no constraints will be passed to ``candidates_func`` nor taken into account during suggestion. n_startup_trials: Number of initial trials, that is the number of trials to resort to independent sampling. independent_sampler: An independent sampler to use for the initial trials and for parameters that are conditional. """ def __init__( self, *, candidates_func: Callable[ [ "torch.Tensor", "torch.Tensor", Optional["torch.Tensor"], "torch.Tensor", ], "torch.Tensor", ] = None, constraints_func: Optional[Callable[[FrozenTrial], Sequence[float]]] = None, n_startup_trials: int = 10, independent_sampler: Optional[BaseSampler] = None, ): _imports.check() self._candidates_func = candidates_func self._constraints_func = constraints_func self._independent_sampler = independent_sampler or RandomSampler() self._n_startup_trials = n_startup_trials self._study_id: Optional[int] = None self._search_space = IntersectionSearchSpace() def infer_relative_search_space( self, study: Study, trial: FrozenTrial, ) -> Dict[str, BaseDistribution]: if self._study_id is None: self._study_id = study._study_id if self._study_id != study._study_id: # Note that the check below is meaningless when `InMemoryStorage` is used # because `InMemoryStorage.create_new_study` always returns the same study ID. raise RuntimeError("BoTorchSampler cannot handle multiple studies.") return self._search_space.calculate(study, ordered_dict=True) # type: ignore def sample_relative( self, study: Study, trial: FrozenTrial, search_space: Dict[str, BaseDistribution], ) -> Dict[str, Any]: assert isinstance(search_space, OrderedDict) if len(search_space) == 0: return {} trials = [t for t in study.get_trials(deepcopy=False) if t.state == TrialState.COMPLETE] n_trials = len(trials) if n_trials < self._n_startup_trials: return {} trans = _SearchSpaceTransform(search_space) n_objectives = len(study.directions) values: Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor] = numpy.empty( (n_trials, n_objectives), dtype=numpy.float64 ) params: Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor] con: Optional[Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None bounds: Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor] = trans.bounds params = numpy.empty((n_trials, trans.bounds.shape[0]), dtype=numpy.float64) for trial_idx, trial in enumerate(trials): params[trial_idx] = trans.transform(trial.params) assert len(study.directions) == len(trial.values) for obj_idx, (direction, value) in enumerate(zip(study.directions, trial.values)): assert value is not None if direction == StudyDirection.MINIMIZE: # BoTorch always assumes maximization. value *= -1 values[trial_idx, obj_idx] = value if self._constraints_func is not None: constraints = study._storage.get_trial_system_attrs(trial._trial_id).get( "botorch:constraints" ) if constraints is not None: n_constraints = len(constraints) if con is None: con = numpy.full((n_trials, n_constraints), numpy.nan, dtype=numpy.float64) elif n_constraints != con.shape[1]: raise RuntimeError( f"Expected {con.shape[1]} constraints but received {n_constraints}." ) con[trial_idx] = constraints if self._constraints_func is not None: if con is None: warnings.warn( "`constraints_func` was given but no call to it correctly computed " "constraints. Constraints passed to `candidates_func` will be `None`." ) elif numpy.isnan(con).any(): warnings.warn( "`constraints_func` was given but some calls to it did not correctly compute " "constraints. Constraints passed to `candidates_func` will contain NaN." ) values = torch.from_numpy(values) params = torch.from_numpy(params) if con is not None: con = torch.from_numpy(con) bounds = torch.from_numpy(bounds) if con is not None: if con.dim() == 1: con.unsqueeze_(-1) bounds.transpose_(0, 1) if self._candidates_func is None: self._candidates_func = _get_default_candidates_func(n_objectives=n_objectives) candidates = self._candidates_func(params, values, con, bounds) if not isinstance(candidates, torch.Tensor): raise TypeError("Candidates must be a torch.Tensor.") if candidates.dim() == 2: if candidates.size(0) != 1: raise ValueError( "Candidates batch optimization is not supported and the first dimension must " "have size 1 if candidates is a two-dimensional tensor. Actual: " f"{candidates.size()}." ) # Batch size is one. Get rid of the batch dimension. candidates = candidates.squeeze(0) if candidates.dim() != 1: raise ValueError("Candidates must be one or two-dimensional.") if candidates.size(0) != bounds.size(1): raise ValueError( "Candidates size must match with the given bounds. Actual candidates: " f"{candidates.size(0)}, bounds: {bounds.size(1)}." ) return trans.untransform(candidates.numpy()) def sample_independent( self, study: Study, trial: FrozenTrial, param_name: str, param_distribution: BaseDistribution, ) -> Any: return self._independent_sampler.sample_independent( study, trial, param_name, param_distribution ) def reseed_rng(self) -> None: self._independent_sampler.reseed_rng() def after_trial( self, study: Study, trial: FrozenTrial, state: TrialState, values: Optional[Sequence[float]], ) -> None: if self._constraints_func is not None: constraints = None try: con = self._constraints_func(trial) if not isinstance(con, (tuple, list)): warnings.warn( f"Constraints should be a sequence of floats but got {type(con).__name__}." ) constraints = tuple(con) except Exception: raise finally: assert constraints is None or isinstance(constraints, tuple) study._storage.set_trial_system_attr( trial._trial_id, "botorch:constraints", constraints, ) self._independent_sampler.after_trial(study, trial, state, values)