#if defined(_MSC_VER) /* MSVC Compiler */ #pragma warning ( disable : 4305 ) #pragma warning ( disable : 4786 ) #endif #include "qwt3d_extglwidget.h" using namespace std; using namespace Qwt3D; /** Standard mouse button Function. Prepares the call to mouseMoveEvent \see mouseMoveEvent() */ void ExtGLWidget::mousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { lastMouseMovePosition_ = e->pos(); mpressed_ = true; } /** Standard mouse button Function. Completes the call to mouseMoveEvent \see mouseMoveEvent() */ void ExtGLWidget::mouseReleaseEvent( QMouseEvent* ) { mpressed_ = false; } /** Standard mouse button Function \see assignMouse() */ void ExtGLWidget::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { if (!mpressed_ || !mouseEnabled()) { e->ignore(); return; } #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 MouseState bstate = e->state(); #else MouseState bstate(e->buttons(),e->modifiers()); #endif QPoint diff = e->pos() - lastMouseMovePosition_; setRotationMouse(bstate, 3, diff); setScaleMouse(bstate, 5, diff); setShiftMouse(bstate, 2, diff); lastMouseMovePosition_ = e->pos(); } void ExtGLWidget::setRotationMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff) { // Rotation double w = max(1,width()); double h = max(1,height()); double relx = accel*360 * diff.x() / w; double relyz = accel*360 * diff.y() / h; double new_xrot = xRotation(); double new_yrot = yRotation(); double new_zrot = zRotation(); if ( bstate == xrot_mstate_ ) new_xrot = round(xRotation() + relyz) % 360; if ( bstate == yrot_mstate_ ) new_yrot = round(yRotation() + relx) % 360; if ( bstate == zrot_mstate_ ) new_zrot = round(zRotation() + relx) % 360; setRotation(new_xrot, new_yrot, new_zrot); } void ExtGLWidget::setScaleMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff) { // Scale double w = max(1,width()); double h = max(1,height()); double relx = diff.x() * accel / w; relx = exp(relx) - 1; double relyz = diff.y() * accel / h; relyz = exp(relyz) - 1; double new_xscale = xScale(); double new_yscale = yScale(); double new_zscale = zScale(); if ( bstate == xscale_mstate_) new_xscale = max(0.0,xScale() + relx); if ( bstate == yscale_mstate_) new_yscale = max(0.0,yScale() - relyz); if ( bstate == zscale_mstate_) new_zscale = max(0.0,zScale() - relyz); setScale(new_xscale, new_yscale, new_zscale); if ( bstate == zoom_mstate_) setZoom(max(0.0,zoom() - relyz)); } void ExtGLWidget::setShiftMouse(MouseState bstate, double accel, QPoint diff) { // Shift double w = max(1,width()); double h = max(1,height()); double relx = diff.x() * accel / w; double relyz = diff.y() * accel / h; double new_xshift = xViewportShift(); double new_yshift = yViewportShift(); if ( bstate == xshift_mstate_) new_xshift = xViewportShift() + relx; if ( bstate == yshift_mstate_) new_yshift = yViewportShift() - relyz; setViewportShift(new_xshift, new_yshift); } /** Standard wheel Function - zoom (wheel only) or z-scale (shift+wheel) */ void ExtGLWidget::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e ) { if (!mouseEnabled()) return; double accel = 0.05; double step = accel * e->delta() / WHEEL_DELTA ; step = exp(step)-1; #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 if ( e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton ) #else if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier ) #endif setScale(xScale(),yScale(), max(0.0,zScale() + step)); else setZoom(max(0.0,zoom() + step )); } /** Sets the key/mousebutton combination for data/coordinatesystem moves inside the widget\n\n default behaviour:\n \verbatim rotate around x axis: Qt::LeftButton rotate around y axis: Qt::LeftButton | Qt::ShiftButton rotate around z axis: Qt::LeftButton scale x: Qt::LeftButton | Qt::AltButton scale y: Qt::LeftButton | Qt::AltButton scale z: Qt::LeftButton | Qt::AltButton | Qt::ShiftButton zoom: Qt::LeftButton | Qt::AltButton | Qt::ControlButton shifting along x: Qt::LeftButton | Qt::ControlButton shifting along y: Qt::LeftButton | Qt::ControlButton \endverbatim mouseMoveEvent() evaluates this function - if overridden, their usefulness becomes somehow limited */ void ExtGLWidget::assignMouse(MouseState xrot, MouseState yrot, MouseState zrot, MouseState xscale, MouseState yscale, MouseState zscale, MouseState zoom, MouseState xshift, MouseState yshift) { xrot_mstate_ = xrot; yrot_mstate_ = yrot; zrot_mstate_ = zrot; xscale_mstate_ = xscale; yscale_mstate_ = yscale; zscale_mstate_ = zscale; zoom_mstate_ = zoom; xshift_mstate_ = xshift; yshift_mstate_ = yshift; } /** The function has no effect if you derive from ExtGLWidget and overrides the mouse Function too careless. In this case check first against mouseEnabled() in your version of mouseMoveEvent() and wheelEvent(). A more fine grained input control can be achieved by combining assignMouse() with enableMouse(). */ void ExtGLWidget::enableMouse(bool val) {mouse_input_enabled_ = val;} /** \see enableMouse() */ void ExtGLWidget::disableMouse(bool val) {mouse_input_enabled_ = !val;} bool ExtGLWidget::mouseEnabled() const {return mouse_input_enabled_;} void ExtGLWidget::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) { if (!keyboardEnabled()) { e->ignore(); return; } #if QT_VERSION < 0x040000 int bstate = e->state() & Qt::KeyButtonMask; // filter kbd modifier only KeyboardState keyseq = bstate + e->key(); #else KeyboardState keyseq(e->key(), e->modifiers()); #endif setRotationKeyboard(keyseq, kbd_rot_speed_); setScaleKeyboard(keyseq, kbd_scale_speed_); setShiftKeyboard(keyseq, kbd_shift_speed_); } void ExtGLWidget::setRotationKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed) { // Rotation double w = max(1,width()); double h = max(1,height()); double relx = speed*360 / w; double relyz = speed*360 / h; double new_xrot = xRotation(); double new_yrot = yRotation(); double new_zrot = zRotation(); if ( kseq == xrot_kstate_[0] ) new_xrot = round(xRotation() + relyz) % 360; if ( kseq == xrot_kstate_[1] ) new_xrot = round(xRotation() - relyz) % 360; if ( kseq == yrot_kstate_[0] ) new_yrot = round(yRotation() + relx) % 360; if ( kseq == yrot_kstate_[1] ) new_yrot = round(yRotation() - relx) % 360; if ( kseq == zrot_kstate_[0] ) new_zrot = round(zRotation() + relx) % 360; if ( kseq == zrot_kstate_[1] ) new_zrot = round(zRotation() - relx) % 360; setRotation(new_xrot, new_yrot, new_zrot); } void ExtGLWidget::setScaleKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed) { // Scale double w = max(1,width()); double h = max(1,height()); double relx = speed / w; relx = exp(relx) - 1; double relyz = speed / h; relyz = exp(relyz) - 1; double new_xscale = xScale(); double new_yscale = yScale(); double new_zscale = zScale(); if ( kseq == xscale_kstate_[0]) new_xscale = max(0.0,xScale() + relx); if ( kseq == xscale_kstate_[1]) new_xscale = max(0.0,xScale() - relx); if ( kseq == yscale_kstate_[0]) new_yscale = max(0.0,yScale() - relyz); if ( kseq == yscale_kstate_[1]) new_yscale = max(0.0,yScale() + relyz); if ( kseq == zscale_kstate_[0]) new_zscale = max(0.0,zScale() - relyz); if ( kseq == zscale_kstate_[1]) new_zscale = max(0.0,zScale() + relyz); setScale(new_xscale, new_yscale, new_zscale); if ( kseq == zoom_kstate_[0]) setZoom(max(0.0,zoom() - relyz)); if ( kseq == zoom_kstate_[1]) setZoom(max(0.0,zoom() + relyz)); } void ExtGLWidget::setShiftKeyboard(KeyboardState kseq, double speed) { // Shift double w = max(1,width()); double h = max(1,height()); double relx = speed / w; double relyz = speed / h; double new_xshift = xViewportShift(); double new_yshift = yViewportShift(); if ( kseq == xshift_kstate_[0]) new_xshift = xViewportShift() + relx; if ( kseq == xshift_kstate_[1]) new_xshift = xViewportShift() - relx; if ( kseq == yshift_kstate_[0]) new_yshift = yViewportShift() - relyz; if ( kseq == yshift_kstate_[1]) new_yshift = yViewportShift() + relyz; setViewportShift(new_xshift, new_yshift); } /** Sets the keybutton combination for data/coordinatesystem moves inside the widget\n\n default behaviour:\n \verbatim rotate around x axis: [Key_Down, Key_Up] rotate around y axis: SHIFT+[Key_Right, Key_Left] rotate around z axis: [Key_Right, Key_Left] scale x: ALT+[Key_Right, Key_Left] scale y: ALT+[Key_Up, Key_Down] scale z: ALT+SHIFT[Key_Down, Key_Up] zoom: ALT+CTRL+[Key_Down, Key_Up] shifting along x: CTRL+[Key_Right, Key_Left] shifting along z: CTRL+[Key_Down, Key_Up] \endverbatim */ void ExtGLWidget::assignKeyboard(KeyboardState xrot_n, KeyboardState xrot_p ,KeyboardState yrot_n, KeyboardState yrot_p ,KeyboardState zrot_n, KeyboardState zrot_p ,KeyboardState xscale_n, KeyboardState xscale_p ,KeyboardState yscale_n, KeyboardState yscale_p ,KeyboardState zscale_n, KeyboardState zscale_p ,KeyboardState zoom_n, KeyboardState zoom_p ,KeyboardState xshift_n, KeyboardState xshift_p ,KeyboardState yshift_n, KeyboardState yshift_p) { xrot_kstate_[0] = xrot_n; yrot_kstate_[0] = yrot_n; zrot_kstate_[0] = zrot_n; xrot_kstate_[1] = xrot_p; yrot_kstate_[1] = yrot_p; zrot_kstate_[1] = zrot_p; xscale_kstate_[0] = xscale_n; yscale_kstate_[0] = yscale_n; zscale_kstate_[0] = zscale_n; xscale_kstate_[1] = xscale_p; yscale_kstate_[1] = yscale_p; zscale_kstate_[1] = zscale_p; zoom_kstate_[0] = zoom_n; xshift_kstate_[0] = xshift_n; yshift_kstate_[0] = yshift_n; zoom_kstate_[1] = zoom_p; xshift_kstate_[1] = xshift_p; yshift_kstate_[1] = yshift_p; } /** The function has no effect if you derive from ExtGLWidget and overrides the keyboard Functions too careless. In this case check first against keyboardEnabled() in your version of keyPressEvent() A more fine grained input control can be achieved by combining assignKeyboard() with enableKeyboard(). */ void ExtGLWidget::enableKeyboard(bool val) {kbd_input_enabled_ = val;} /** \see enableKeyboard() */ void ExtGLWidget::disableKeyboard(bool val) {kbd_input_enabled_ = !val;} bool ExtGLWidget::keyboardEnabled() const {return kbd_input_enabled_;} /** Values < 0 are ignored. Default is (3,5,5) */ void ExtGLWidget::setKeySpeed(double rot, double scale, double shift) { if (rot > 0) kbd_rot_speed_ = rot; if (scale > 0) kbd_scale_speed_ = scale; if (shift > 0) kbd_shift_speed_ = shift; } void ExtGLWidget::keySpeed(double& rot, double& scale, double& shift) const { rot = kbd_rot_speed_; scale = kbd_scale_speed_; shift = kbd_shift_speed_; }