module ofsfcad; % Cylindcrical algebraic decomposition. revision('ofsfcad, "$Id: 3961 2017-03-19 08:24:03Z thomas-sturm $"); copyright('ofsfcad, "(c) 2000-2009 A. Dolzmann, A. Seidl, T. Sturm, 2010-2017 T. Sturm"); % Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without % modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions % are met: % % * Redistributions of source code must retain the relevant % copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following % disclaimer. % * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above % copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following % disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided % with the distribution. % % THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS % "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT % LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR % A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT % OWNERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, % SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT % LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, % DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY % THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT % (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE % OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. % fluid '(ofsf_wd!*); ofsf_wd!* := "/tmp/"; % will be concatenated - use trailing slash switch rlqegen1,rlcadans,rlcadrmwc,rlcadtree2dot,rlcadtree2tgf,rlcadtree2gml,rlcadtree2gmlxml; off1 'rlqegen1; off1 'rlcadans; on1 'rlcadrmwc; off1 'rlcadtree2dot; off1 'rlcadtree2tgf; off1 'rlcadtree2gml; on1 'rlcadtree2gmlxml; struct CadData checked by CadDataP; struct Acell checked by AcellP; struct Atree checked by AtreeP; procedure CadDataP(s); vectorp s and getv(s, 0) eq 'caddata; procedure AcellP(s); pairp s and car s eq 'acell; procedure AtreeP(s); pairp s and car s eq 'atree; asserted procedure ofsf_cadverbosep(): Boolean; % CAD verbose predicate. !*rlverbose and !*rlcadverbose; % rlgcad entry point asserted procedure ofsf_gcad(phi: Formula, prjordl: List, aaplus: List): DottedPair; % Ordered field standard form generic cylindrical algebraic decomposition. % [phi] is a formula, [prjordl] is a list of variables (projection order), % and [aaplus] is a list of SF. Returns a pair [theta . phip], where [theta] % is a list of inequalities and [phip] is a quantifier-free formula. It holds % that $\bigwedge\theta$ implies ([phi] equivalent to [phip])$. begin scalar !*rlqegen; !*rlqegen := t; return ofsf_cad1(phi, prjordl, aaplus) end; % rlcad entry point asserted procedure ofsf_cad(phi: Formula, prjordl: List, aaplus: List): Formula; cdr ofsf_cad1(phi, prjordl, aaplus); asserted procedure ofsf_cad1(phi: Formula, prjordl: List, aaplus: List): DottedPair; % Ordered field standard form cylindrical algebraic decomposition. [phi] is a % formula, [prjordl] is a list of variables (projection order), and [aaplus] % is a list of SF. Returns a pair [theta . phip], where [theta] is a list of % inequalities and [phip] is a quantifier-free formula. It holds that % $\bigwedge\theta$ implies ([phi] equivalent to [phip])$. % Old comment fragment: % If [phi] is closed (and rlcadanuex is switched on) a quantifier-free % formula equivalent to [phi] is returned, otherwise [phi] is returned in % prenex normal form. begin scalar cd; cd := ofsf_cadpreparation(phi, prjordl, aaplus); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then caddata_print cd; if !*rlcadpreponly then << if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ rlcadpreponly is on: Jump into finish."; return ofsf_cadfinish cd >>; ofsf_cadprojection cd; if !*rlcadprojonly then << if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ rlcadprojonly is on: Jump into finish."; return ofsf_cadfinish cd >>; ofsf_cadextension cd; if !*rlcadextonly then << if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ rlcadextonly is on: Jump into finish."; return ofsf_cadfinish cd >>; ofsf_solutionformula cd; return ofsf_cadfinish cd end; % rlcadproj entry point asserted procedure ofsf_cadproj(phi: Formula, prjordl: List): List; cdr ofsf_cadproj1(phi, prjordl); asserted procedure ofsf_cadproj1(phi: Formula, prjordl: List): DottedPair; begin scalar cd, theo, ffl; cd := ofsf_cadpreparation(phi, prjordl, nil); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then caddata_print cd; ofsf_cadprojection cd; % if !*rlverbose then for each f in caddata_theo cd do mathprint rl_prepfof f; ofsf_restorekord cd; theo := for each f in caddata_theo cd collect ofsf_reorder f; ffl := reversip for j := 1 : caddata_r cd collect for each p in caddata_ffj(cd, j) collect reorder p; return theo . ffl end; % rlcadpnum entry point asserted procedure ofsf_cadpnum(phi: Formula, prjordl: List): List; begin scalar cd, dd, resl; scalar !*rlcadtrimtree; cd := ofsf_cadpreparation(phi, prjordl, nil); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then caddata_print cd; ofsf_cadprojection cd; ofsf_cadextension cd; ofsf_restorekord cd; dd := caddata_dd cd; resl := for i := 0 : length caddata_varl cd collect length atree_childrenatlevel(dd, i); return resl end; % rlcadfnum entry point asserted procedure ofsf_cadfnum(pl: List, prjordl: List): List; % [pl] is a list (Fr, ..., F1) of lists of projection factors, [prjordl] is a % list (xr, ..., x1) of variables. Returns a list (#D0, ..., #Dr) of positive % integers: The number of cells on each level of the CAD tree for (Fr, ..., % F1). begin scalar oldorder, w, ff, varl, resl; oldorder := setkorder prjordl; w := for each ffj in pl collect for each f in ffj collect reorder numr simp f; ff := reverse w; varl := reverse prjordl; resl := ofsf_cadfnum1(ff, varl); setkorder oldorder; return resl end; symbolic operator rlcadpnum; procedure rlcadpnum(phi, prjordl); % Number of nodes in a partial CAD tree. 'list . ofsf_cadpnum(rl_simp phi, cdr prjordl); symbolic operator rlcadfnum; procedure rlcadfnum(pl, prjordl); % Number of nodes in the full CAD tree. begin pl := for each ffj in cdr pl collect cdr ffj; return 'list . ofsf_cadfnum(pl, cdr prjordl) end; % TODO: We need a clear concept when is a field [nil] and when ['undefined]. An % example is caddata_theo. This has something to do with switches !*rlqegen and % !*rlqegen1. Understand the switches. asserted procedure ofsf_cadpreparation(phi: Formula, prjordl: List, aaplus: List): CadData; % CAD preparation. [phi] is an ofsf formula. [prjordl] is a list of variables % encoding a desired variable projection order; [prjordl] contains all % variables of [phi] and bound variables are in front of free variables. % [aaplus] is a list of SF; additional polynomials to be added to projection % polynomials. begin scalar w, ophi, varl, qal, oldorder, psi, aa, rvbl, cd; integer r, k, l; if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+++ Preparation Phase"; if !*rlcaddecdeg then << w := ofsf_decdeg0 phi; phi := car w; if !*rlverbose then << ioto_prin2 "+ decrease degrees: "; ioto_prin2t for each x in cdr w join {"(", car x, "^", cdr x, ")"} >> >>; ophi := phi := cl_pnf phi; % [ophi] with old kernel order varl . qal := ofsf_mkvarl phi; % [varl] is (x_r, ..., x_1). % [qal] is ((x_r . Q_r), ..., (x_k+1 . Q_k+1)). if prjordl then << varl := prjordl; qal := for each x in qal collect << w := pop prjordl; w . cdr x >> >>; r := length varl; k := r - length qal; % reordering w.r.t. varl oldorder := setkorder varl; if !*rlverbose then ioto_prin2t {"+ Kernel order set to ", varl}; varl := reverse varl; % reversip would affect kernel order % [varl] is now (x_1, ..., x_r). qal := reversip qal; % [qal] is now ((x_k+1 . Q_k+1), ..., (x_r . Q_r)). phi := ofsf_reorder phi; psi := cl_matrix phi; % phi = Q_k+1 x_k+1 ... Q_r x_r psi. aa := for each f in cl_terml phi collect f; if aaplus then << if !*rlverbose then ioto_prin2t {"+++ Adding ", length aaplus, " projection polynomials."}; aaplus := for each f in aaplus collect reorder f >>; rvbl := reversip ofsf_cadvbl phi; l := (if cdr rvbl then k + length car cdr rvbl else 0); cd := caddata_mkblank(); caddata_putphi(cd, phi); caddata_putk(cd, k); caddata_putr(cd, r); caddata_putvarl(cd, varl); caddata_putqal(cd, qal); caddata_putpsi(cd, psi); caddata_putoldorder(cd, oldorder); caddata_putophi(cd, ophi); caddata_puttheo(cd, nil); caddata_putl(cd, l); caddata_putaa(cd, aa); caddata_putaaplus(cd, aaplus); return cd end; asserted procedure ofsf_cadprojection(cd: CadData): Any; begin scalar r, ff; r := caddata_r cd; if !*rlverbose then << ioto_tprin2t {"+++ Projection Phase"}; ioto_prin2t {"+ projection order: ", reverse caddata_varl cd} >>; ofsf_cadprojection1 cd; % [caddata_ff] and [caddata_hh] are computed here. ff := caddata_ff cd; if !*rlverbose then if !*rlcadprojonly then for i := 1 : r do << ioto_tprin2t {"+ projection factors of level ", r-i+1, ":"}; mathprint('list . for each f in getv(ff, r-i+1) collect prepf f) >> else << % ioto_tprin2t {"+ (#F1,...,#Fr)=", % for each ffi in ffl collect length ffi}; ioto_tprin2 "+ number of projection factors of level r,...,1: "; for i := 0 : r - 2 do ioto_prin2 {length getv(ff, r-i), ","}; ioto_prin2t length getv(ff, 1) >>; return nil end; asserted procedure ofsf_cadextension(cd: CadData): Any; begin scalar dd; integer r; if !*rlverbose then << ioto_tprin2t "+++ Extension Phase"; ioto_tprin2t "+ Building partial CAD tree..." >>; dd := ofsf_partialtree cd; if !*rlverbose then << r := caddata_r cd; ioto_tprin2 "+ number of partial CAD tree nodes of level 0,...,r: "; for i := 0 : r - 1 do ioto_prin2 {length atree_childrenatlevel(dd, i), ","}; ioto_prin2t length atree_childrenatlevel(dd, r) >>; if !*rlcadtree2dot then atree_2dot(dd, lto_sconcat {ofsf_wd!*, ""}); if !*rlcadtree2tgf then atree_2dot(dd, lto_sconcat {ofsf_wd!*, "cadtree.tgf"}); if !*rlcadtree2gml then atree_2gml(dd, lto_sconcat {ofsf_wd!*, "cadtree.gml"}); caddata_putdd(cd, dd); % if !*rlverbose then << % ioto_tprin2t {"+ CAD tree:"}; % atree_print dd % >>; return nil end; asserted procedure ofsf_cadfinish(cd: CadData): DottedPair; % Returns a pair [(theo . phip)], where [phip] is [caddata_phiprime cd] if a % quantifier-free formula equivalent to [phi] was computed. If such a formula % was not computed, the input formula [phi] is returned. begin scalar w, theo, phiprime; if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t {"+++ Finish Phase"}; if !*rlqegen1 then << w := for j := 1 : min2(1, caddata_k cd) join for each f in caddata_ffj(cd, j) collect ofsf_0mk2('neq, f); caddata_puttheo(cd, append(w, caddata_theo cd)) >>; ofsf_restorekord cd; theo := for each f in caddata_theo cd collect ofsf_reorder f; if !*rlqegen then theo := ofsf_thsimpl theo; phiprime := caddata_phiprime cd; if phiprime neq 'undefined then return theo . cl_simpl(ofsf_reorder phiprime, theo, -1); return theo . caddata_ophi cd end; asserted procedure ofsf_mkvarl(f: Formula): DottedPair; % Make variable list. [f] is a prenex formula. Returns a dotted pair [(vl . % qal)], where [vl] is a list of all variables in [f] and [qal] is a list of % dotted pairs [x . Q], where [x] is a kernel and [Q] the corresponding % quantifier. The first pair in [qal] corresponds to the innermost variable % with its quantifier. begin scalar vl, qal; vl := cl_fvarl1 f; % list of free variables while rl_quap rl_op f do << qal := (rl_var f . rl_op f) . qal; vl := rl_var f . vl; f := rl_mat f >>; return vl . qal end; asserted procedure ofsf_restorekord(cd: CadData): Any; % Restore the current kernel order to the old kernel order stored in [cd]. begin scalar oldorder; oldorder := caddata_oldorder cd; if oldorder neq 'undefined then setkorder oldorder; if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ Kernel order was restored."; return nil end; % TODO: Move the following procedure to a right place. asserted procedure ofsf_reorderl(fl: FormulaL): FormulaL; % Reorder formula list. Reorders all polynomials occurring in [fl] % w.r.t. the current kernel order. for each f in fl collect ofsf_reorder f; % TODO: Move the following procedure to a right place. asserted procedure ofsf_reorder(f: Formula): Formula; % Reorder formula. Reorders all polynomials occurring in [f] w.r.t. the % current kernel order. cl_apply2ats(f, function(lambda(atf); ofsf_0mk2(ofsf_op atf, reorder ofsf_arg2l atf))); % Andreas' cell. % Constructors and access functions for data type Acell plus the code for % decomposing the cylinder over a given Acell. %DS % ::= (..., , ...) % ::= (..., , ...) % ::= ( . ( . . . . nil)) (an alist) % ::= List of natural numbers % ::= List of ANU's % ::= "quantifier-free formula" % ::= "tag list" % IDX is an integer, the index of the cell. Cells representing points have odd % indices, cells representing intervals have even indices. asserted procedure acell_mk(idx: Integer, sp: AnuList, tv: Id, desc: QfFormula, tl: List): Acell; % Acell make. [tv] is ['true], ['false], or [nil]; [tl] is a tag list. % {'acell, index, sample point, truth value, description, tag list} {'acell, idx, sp, tv, desc, tl}; asserted procedure acell_getidx(c: Acell): Any; % Get index. nth(c, 2); asserted procedure acell_getsp(c: Acell): AnuList; % Get sample point. nth(c, 3); asserted procedure acell_gettv(c: Acell): Id; % Get truth value. nth(c, 4); asserted procedure acell_getdesc(c: Acell): QfFormula; % Get description. nth(c, 5); asserted procedure acell_gettl(c: Acell): List; % Get tag list. nth(c, 6); asserted procedure acell_sri(c: Acell): Any; % Symbolic root information. atsoc('root, tl) or atsoc('between, tl) or atsoc('below, tl) or atsoc('above, tl) or atsoc('arbitrary, tl) where tl=acell_gettl c; asserted procedure acell_putsp(c: Acell, sp: AnuList): Any; % Put sample point. nth(c, 3) := sp; asserted procedure acell_puttv(c: Acell, tv: Id): Any; % Put truth value. nth(c, 4) := tv; asserted procedure acell_putdesc(c: Acell, desc: QfFormula): Any; % Put description. nth(c, 5) := desc; asserted procedure acell_puttl(c: Acell, tl: List): Any; % Put tag list. nth(c, 6) := tl; asserted procedure acell_addtagip(c: Acell, tg: Any): Any; % Add tag in place. nth(c, 6) := tg . nth(c, 6); asserted procedure acell_tvasstring(c: Acell): String; begin scalar tv; tv := acell_gettv c; if tv eq 'true then return "T"; if tv eq 'false then return "F"; return "?" end; asserted procedure acell_med(c: Acell): Rational; % Middle point of the interval of the sample point's last coordinate. iv_med anu_iv car acell_getsp c; asserted procedure acell_sortfn(c1: Acell, c2: Acell): Boolean; rat_leq(acell_med c1, acell_med c2); % module cadtree; asserted procedure ofsf_cadfnum1(ff: List, varl: List): List; % Full CAD num subroutine. [ff] is a list (F1, ..., Fr) of lists of % polynomials. Returns a list of positive integers of length r+1. begin scalar hh, w; hh := for each ffj in ff collect for each f in ffj collect 'dummytag . f; w := ofsf_fulltree(lto_list2vector(nil . hh), varl); return for i := 0 : length varl collect length atree_childrenatlevel(w, i) end; asserted procedure ofsf_fulltree(hh: Atom, varl: List): Atree; % [hh] is a vector [nil, F_1, ..., F_r], where the elements are Alists of % tag . SF. begin scalar basecell; basecell := acell_mk(0, nil, nil, nil, nil); % the only cell of R^0 return ofsf_ftoc(basecell, hh, varl) end; asserted procedure ofsf_ftoc(basecell: Acell, hh: Atom, varl: List): Atree; % Full CAD tree over cell. [basecell] is a cell in R^{j-1}, [hh] is a vector % [nil, F_1, ..., F_r], where the elements are Alists of tag . SF, [varl] is % (x_1, ..., x_r). Returns an Atree over the basecell. Intuition: Recursively % find for a cell C in R^j and recursively build a full CAD tree that has C % as its root. Each cell has a sample point, but no truth value. begin scalar sp, xj, cell, treel, iri, ncbuffer, res; integer r, k, j; sp := acell_getsp basecell; j := length sp + 1; if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 {"(", j - 1}; r := length varl; k := r; % This is not needed. ofsf_nextcell would need it only for fulldimonly and gen1. % (1) Non-recursion Case: j = r + 1. [basecell] is a leaf. if eqn(j - 1, r) then << if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 ")"; return atree_mk basecell >>; xj := nth(varl, j); iri := ofsf_iriprepare(getv(hh, j), xj, sp, varl); ncbuffer := ncb_init(); % (2) Recursion Case: 1 <= j <= r assert(1 <= j and j <= r); while cell := ofsf_nextcell(ncbuffer, sp, iri, xj, j, k) do push(ofsf_ftoc(cell, hh, varl), treel); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 ")"; res := atree_mk basecell; atree_setchildl(res, treel); return res end; asserted procedure ofsf_partialtree(cd: CadData): Atree; begin scalar basecell; % basecell := acell_mk(0, nil, nil, 'true, nil); % the only cell of R^0 basecell := acell_mk(0, nil, nil, nil, nil); % the only cell of R^0 return ofsf_ptoc(basecell, cl_nnf caddata_psi cd, cd) end; asserted procedure ofsf_ptoc(basecell: Acell, psi: QfFormula, cd: CadData): Atree; % Partial CAD tree over cell. [basecell] is a cell in R^{j-1}. Returns a % partial tree over [basecell]. Intuition: Recursively find for a cell C in % R^j a partial CAD tree that has C as its root. If j > k, then C has a truth % value. begin scalar sp, varl, xj, cell, tree, treel, qj, neutral, iri, ncbuffer, res, tv; integer j, r, k; sp := acell_getsp basecell; j := length sp + 1; if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 {"(", j - 1}; r := caddata_r cd; varl := caddata_varl cd; % (1) Non-recursion Case: j = r + 1. [basecell] is a leaf. if eqn(j - 1, r) then << acell_puttv(basecell, ofsf_evalqff(psi, sp, varl)); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 ")"; return atree_mk basecell >>; % (2) Recursion Case: 1 <= j <= r assert(1 <= j and j <= r); if !*rlcadte then << % trial evaluation psi := ofsf_trialeval(psi, sp); if psi memq '(true false) then << acell_puttv(basecell, psi); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 ":T)"; return atree_mk basecell >> >>; k := caddata_k cd; xj := nth(varl, j); iri := ofsf_iriprepare(caddata_hhj(cd, j), xj, sp, varl); ncbuffer := ncb_init(); if (1 <= j and j <= k) then << % (2a) Subcase: 1 <= j <= k while cell := ofsf_nextcell(ncbuffer, sp, iri, xj, j, k) do if ofsf_iswhitecell(cell, cd) then << if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 {"(", j, ":W)"} >> else push(ofsf_ptoc(cell, psi, cd), treel); if null treel then % TODO: Understand why this is an error! rederr "GCAD: stack full of white cells occured."; % This sort should not be needed from correctness point of view. % TODO: Verify this to be 100% sure! treel := sort(treel, function atree_sortfn); res := atree_mk basecell; atree_setchildl(res, treel); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 ")"; return ofsf_pbfvs(res, treel) >>; % (2b) Subcase: k < j <= r qj := cdr nth(caddata_qal cd, j - k); neutral := if qj eq 'all then 'true else 'false; tv := neutral; while (tv eq neutral) and (cell := ofsf_nextcell(ncbuffer, sp, iri, xj, j, k)) do << tree := ofsf_ptoc(cell, psi, cd); push(tree, treel); tv := acell_gettv atree_rootcell tree >>; acell_puttv(basecell, tv); res := atree_mk basecell; if !*rlcadans then << % To add answers we need to isolate all remaining roots: while (cell := ofsf_nextcell(ncbuffer, sp, iri, xj, j, k)) do push(atree_mk cell, treel); treel := sort(treel, function atree_sortfn); ofsf_addanswers(basecell, treel, j, cd); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 ")"; atree_setchildl(res, treel); return res >>; if not !*rlcadtrimtree then << treel := sort(treel, function atree_sortfn); atree_setchildl(res, treel) >>; if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 ")"; return res end; asserted procedure ofsf_iswhitecell(cell: Acell, cd: CadData): Boolean; % Is white cell. begin scalar theta, sp; if (caddata_theo cd eq 'undefined) or (not !*rlcadrmwc) then return nil; theta := rl_smkn('and, caddata_theo cd); sp := acell_getsp cell; theta := ofsf_trialeval(theta, sp); if theta eq 'false then return t; return nil end; asserted procedure ofsf_trialeval(psi: QfFormula, sp: AnuList): QfFormula; cl_simpl(cl_apply2ats1(psi, function(lambda(atf, sp); ofsf_0mk2(ofsf_op atf, ofsf_trialevalsgnf(ofsf_arg2l atf, sp))), {sp}), nil, -1); asserted procedure ofsf_pbfvs(btr: Atree, treel: List): Atree; % Propagate truth value below free variable space. begin scalar tv, c, w; if not !*rlcadpbfvs then return btr; assert(not null treel); w := pop treel; tv := acell_gettv atree_rootcell w; if tv neq 'true and tv neq 'false then return btr; c := t; while c and treel do << w := pop treel; if tv neq acell_gettv atree_rootcell w then c := nil >>; if c then << acell_puttv(atree_rootcell btr, tv); if !*rlcadtrimtree then atree_setchildl(btr, nil) >>; return btr end; asserted procedure ofsf_addanswers(basecell: Acell, treel: List, j: Integer, cd: CadData): Any; % Add root info and answers to cells. [treel] is a non-empty list of Atrees. begin integer k, l; k := caddata_k cd; l := caddata_l cd; if k+1 <= j and j <= l then << ofsf_addrootinfo(treel, getv(caddata_hhtags cd, j)); % The following is a propagation of an answer to lower levels. % TODO: Rewrite this in a proper way. % if j = l then % for each tt in treel do % if acell_gettv atree_rootcell tt eq 'true then % acell_addtagip(atree_rootcell tt, 'answers . {nil}); % acell_addtagip(basecell, % 'answers . for each tt in treel join % if acell_gettv atree_rootcell tt eq 'true then % for each a in cdr atsoc('answers, acell_gettl atree_rootcell tt) collect % acell_sri atree_rootcell tt . a) >> end; asserted procedure ofsf_addrootinfo(treel: List, hhtags: List): Any; % Add root information. [treel] is a non-empty list of Atrees. The argument % is changed in-place. We add the "symbolic root information" to the root % labels of these trees. We assume that cells, which have a 0-dim last % component, have inherited their tags from the appropriate projection % factors. begin scalar rnl, rtg, ltg; % [treel] has to consist of an odd number of elements. assert(not evenp length treel); % If there is only one cell, then it is already tagged with 'arbitrary. if null cdr treel then return nil; % There are at least 3 cells. % [rnl] (root number list) is an Alist of dotted pairs [tag . num]. rnl := for each tag in hhtags collect tag . 0; % Add info to the second cell from the left. rtg := ofsf_addrootinfo0dim(atree_rootcell cadr treel, rnl, hhtags); % Add info to the leftmost cell. acell_puttl(atree_rootcell car treel, {'below, rtg}); treel := cddr treel; ltg := rtg; while cdr treel do << % There are at least 3 cells. rtg := ofsf_addrootinfo0dim(atree_rootcell cadr treel, rnl, hhtags); acell_puttl(atree_rootcell car treel, {'between, ltg, rtg}); treel := cddr treel; ltg := rtg >>; acell_puttl(atree_rootcell car treel, {'above, ltg}) end; asserted procedure ofsf_addrootinfo0dim(cell: Acell, rnl: Alist, hhtags: List): Any; % Add root info to a cell with 0-dim last component in-place. Returns the % added info. begin scalar tl, ri; tl := acell_gettl cell; ofsf_rnlinc(rnl, tl); ri := 'root . for each tag in intersection(hhtags, tl) collect tag . cdr atsoc(tag, rnl); % acell_addtagip(cell, ri); acell_puttl(cell, ri); return ri end; asserted procedure ofsf_rnlinc(rnl: Alist, tl: List): Any; % Increment those elements in [rnl] whose car is in [tl]. This is done % in-place. for each rn in rnl do if memq(car rn, tl) then cdr rn := cdr rn + 1; asserted procedure ofsf_iriprepare(hhj: Alist, xj: Kernel, sp: AnuList, varl: List): Iri; % Prepare polynomials for incremental root isolation. [hhj] is an Alist of % tag . SF, [xj] is a variable, [sp] is a sample point. Returns an Iri data % structure, which can be used to incrementally isolate the roots of [hhj]. begin scalar w; w := for each pr in hhj collect aex_fromsf cdr pr . {car pr}; w := for each tae in w collect ofsf_subsp(car tae, sp, varl) . cdr tae; w := for each tae in w collect aex_mklcnt aex_reduce car tae . cdr tae; w := for each tae in w join if not aex_simplenumberp car tae then {aex_reduce aex_sqfree(car tae, xj) . cdr tae}; % w := tglist2set w; % Make the elements of [w] pairwise prime. w := aex_tgpairwiseprime(w, xj); return iri_init(w, xj) end; asserted procedure aex_tgpairwiseprime(tael: TgAexList, x: Kernel): TgAexList; % Pairwise prime with tags. [tael] is transformed to another TgAexList, which % has the same real roots, but no two polynomials have a common root. This is % achieved by systematically dividing the gcd of all pairs of polynomials in % [tael], and adding the gcd as a "new" polynomial, which inherits tags from % the polynomials it divides. begin scalar pprestlist; if null tael or null cdr tael then return tael; pprestlist := aex_tgpairwiseprime(cdr tael, x); return aex_tgpairwiseprime1(car tael . pprestlist, x) end; asserted procedure aex_tgpairwiseprime1(tael: TgAexList, x: Kernel): TgAexList; begin scalar tae1, tae2, taelnew, g, tg; integer d1, deg; tae1 := pop tael; d1 := aex_deg(car tae1, x); while tael and not eqn(d1, 0) do << tae2 := pop tael; g := aex_gcd(tag_o tae1, tag_o tae2, x); deg := aex_deg(g, x); if deg > 0 then << tae1 := tag_mktag(aex_quot(tag_o tae1, g, x), tag_t tae1); tae2 := tag_mktag(aex_quot(tag_o tae2, g, x), tag_t tae2); tg := tag_mktag(g, union(tag_t tae1, tag_t tae2)); d1 := d1 - deg; push(tg, taelnew) >>; if aex_deg(tag_o tae2, x) > 0 then push(tae2, taelnew) >>; taelnew := reversip taelnew; if not eqn(d1, 0) then push(tae1, taelnew); return append(taelnew, tael) end; % CadData asserted procedure caddata_mkblank(): CadData; % Blank caddata. Undefined entries have the value ['undefined]. begin scalar cd; cd := mkvect(18); putv(cd,0, 'caddata); putv(cd,1, 'undefined); % [phi] is a ofsf formula in prenex normal form; the input formula for % which a CAD is to be constructed. putv(cd,2, 'undefined); % [k] is an integer; the number of free variables in [phi]. putv(cd,3, 'undefined); % [r] is an integer; the number of all variables in [phi]. putv(cd,4, 'undefined); % [varl] is a list of kernels; all variables in [phi]. This list also % determines the projection order: The last variable is projected first, % the first variable is projected last. putv(cd,5, 'undefined); % [qal] is a list of dotted pairs [(x . Q)], where [x] is a variable and % [Q] is a quantifier; quantifier prefix of [phi]. putv(cd,6, 'undefined); % [psi] is a quantifier-free ofsf formula; matrix of [phi]. putv(cd,7, 'undefined); % [ff] is a vector of lists of SF; projection polynomials. putv(cd,8, 'undefined); % [dd] is an Atree. putv(cd,9, 'undefined); % [phiprime] is a quantifier-free ofsf formula; the result equivalent to % [phi]. putv(cd,10,'undefined); % [oldorder] is a list of kernels; the old kernel ordering. putv(cd,11,'undefined); % [ophi] is an ofsf formula; the original input formula using [oldorder]. % [jj] was here putv(cd,13,'undefined); % [theo] is a list of negated atoms. putv(cd,14,'undefined); % [hh] is a vector of alists; tagged projection polynomials; An element of % some alist here is a pair id . SF. The first compoment is a tag uniquely % identifying the given projection polynomial. putv(cd,15,'undefined); % [l] is an integer; the number of free variables plus the number of % variables in the outermost quantifier block of [phi]; if there is no % quantifier, [l] is zero putv(cd,16,'undefined); % [hhtags] is a vector of lists of ids; tags of all projection polynomials putv(cd,17,'undefined); % [aa] is list of SF; all polynomials occurring in [phi]. putv(cd,18,'undefined); % [aaplus] is list of SF; polynomials to be added to the projection set % before computing the projection. return cd end; % access functions procedure caddata_phi(cd); getv(cd,1); procedure caddata_k(cd); getv(cd,2); procedure caddata_r(cd); getv(cd,3); procedure caddata_varl(cd); getv(cd,4); procedure caddata_qal(cd); getv(cd,5); procedure caddata_psi(cd); getv(cd,6); procedure caddata_ff(cd); getv(cd,7); procedure caddata_ffl(cd); cdr vector2list getv(cd,7); % [caddata_ff cd] as list. procedure caddata_ffj(cd,j); getv(getv(cd,7),j); procedure caddata_dd(cd); getv(cd,8); procedure caddata_phiprime(cd); getv(cd,9); procedure caddata_oldorder(cd); getv(cd,10); procedure caddata_ophi(cd); getv(cd,11); % [jj] was here procedure caddata_theo(cd); getv(cd,13); procedure caddata_hh(cd); getv(cd,14); procedure caddata_hhj(cd,j); getv(getv(cd,14),j); procedure caddata_l(cd); getv(cd,15); procedure caddata_hhtags(cd); getv(cd,16); procedure caddata_aa(cd); getv(cd,17); procedure caddata_aaplus(cd); getv(cd,18); procedure caddata_bvl(cd); % bound variable list for i := caddata_k cd + 1 : caddata_r cd collect nth(caddata_varl cd, i); procedure caddata_fvl(cd); % free variable list for i := 1 : caddata_k cd collect nth(caddata_varl cd, i); procedure caddata_putphi(cd,phi); putv(cd,1,phi); procedure caddata_putk(cd,k); putv(cd,2,k); procedure caddata_putr(cd,r); putv(cd,3,r); procedure caddata_putvarl(cd,varl); putv(cd,4,varl); procedure caddata_putqal(cd,qal); putv(cd,5,qal); procedure caddata_putpsi(cd,psi); putv(cd,6,psi); procedure caddata_putff(cd,ff); putv(cd,7,ff); procedure caddata_putdd(cd,dd); putv(cd,8,dd); procedure caddata_putphiprime(cd,phiprime); putv(cd,9,phiprime); procedure caddata_putoldorder(cd,oldorder); putv(cd,10,oldorder); procedure caddata_putophi(cd,phi); putv(cd,11,phi); % [jj] was here procedure caddata_puttheo(cd,theo); putv(cd,13,theo); procedure caddata_puthh(cd,hh); putv(cd,14,hh); procedure caddata_putl(cd,l); putv(cd,15,l); procedure caddata_puthhtags(cd,hhtags); putv(cd,16,hhtags); procedure caddata_putaa(cd,aa); putv(cd,17,aa); procedure caddata_putaaplus(cd,aaplus); putv(cd,18,aaplus); asserted procedure caddata_print(cd: CadData): Any; begin ioto_prin2t "+ BEGIN caddata_print"; if !*rlcadverbose then caddata_printall cd else caddata_printsome cd; ioto_prin2t "+ END caddata_print" end; asserted procedure caddata_printall(cd: CadData): Any; begin % if caddata_phi cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"phi := ", caddata_phi cd}; % if caddata_k cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"k := ", caddata_k cd}; % if caddata_r cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"r := ", caddata_r cd}; % if caddata_varl cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"varl := ", caddata_varl cd}; % if caddata_qal cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"qal := ", caddata_qal cd}; % if caddata_psi cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"psi := ", caddata_psi cd}; % if caddata_ff cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"ff := ", caddata_ff cd}; % if caddata_dd cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"dd := ", caddata_dd cd}; % if caddata_phiprime cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"phiprime := ", caddata_phiprime cd}; % if caddata_oldorder cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"oldorder := ", caddata_oldorder cd}; % if caddata_ophi cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"ophi := ", caddata_ophi cd}; % if caddata_theo cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"theo := ", caddata_theo cd}; % if caddata_hh cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"hh := ", caddata_hh cd}; % if caddata_l cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"l := ", caddata_l cd}; % if caddata_hhtags cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"hhtags := ", caddata_hhtags cd}; % if caddata_aa cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"aa := ", caddata_aa cd}; % if caddata_aaplu cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"aaplus := ", caddata_aaplus cd} end; asserted procedure caddata_printsome(cd: CadData): Any; begin if caddata_k cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"k := ", caddata_k cd}; if caddata_r cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"r := ", caddata_r cd}; if caddata_varl cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"varl := ", caddata_varl cd}; if caddata_qal cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"qal := ", caddata_qal cd}; if caddata_oldorder cd neq 'undefined then ioto_prin2t{"oldorder := ", caddata_oldorder cd} end; asserted procedure ofsf_printcadswitches(): Any; % Prints the status of all switches relevant to CAD. << ioto_tprin2 "+ begin CAD relevant switches"; % ioto_tprin2 "+ verbose switches:"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlverbose; ioto_prin2 "rlverbose;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadverbose; ioto_prin2 "rlcadverbose;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlanuexverbose; ioto_prin2 "rlanuexverbose;"; % ioto_tprin2 "+ preparation phase switches:"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcaddecdeg; ioto_prin2 "rlcaddecdeg;"; % ioto_tprin2 "+ projection phase switches:"; % ioto_tprin2 "+ extension phase switches"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadte; ioto_prin2 "rlcadte;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadpbfvs; ioto_prin2 "rlcadpbfvs;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadtrimtree; ioto_prin2 "rlcadtrimtree;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadfasteval; ioto_prin2 "rlcadfasteval;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadfulldimonly; ioto_prin2 "rlcadfulldimonly;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadans; ioto_prin2 "rlcadans;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadtree2dot; ioto_prin2 "rlcadtree2dot;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadrmwc; ioto_prin2 "rlcadrmwc;"; % ioto_tprin2 "+ solution formula construction phase switches:"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadrawformula; ioto_prin2 "rlcadrawformula;"; % ioto_tprin2 "+ general switches:"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadpreponly; ioto_prin2 "rlcadpreponly;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadprojonly; ioto_prin2 "rlcadprojonly;"; ofsf_cadswitchprint !*rlcadextonly; ioto_prin2 "rlcadextonly;"; ioto_tprin2 "+ end CAD relevant switches" >>; asserted procedure ofsf_cadswitchprint(b: Boolean): Any; % Print a single switch. if b then ioto_tprin2 "on " else ioto_tprin2 "off "; % root isolation % New Cell Buffer asserted procedure ncb_init(): List; % New cell buffer init. NcBuffer holds exactly one element. The lement is % either [nil], ['finished], or an Acell. {nil}; asserted procedure ncb_get(ncb: List): ExtraBoolean; % New cell buffer get. Return the single element and reset it to [nil]. begin scalar w; w := car ncb; % car ncb := if w eq 'finished then 'finished else nil; car ncb := nil; return w end; asserted procedure ncb_put(w: Any, ncb: List): List; % New cell buffer put. << assert(null car ncb); car ncb := w; ncb >>; asserted procedure ofsf_nextcell(ncbuffer: List, sp: AnuList, iri: Iri, xj: Kernel, j: Integer, k: Integer): ExtraBoolean; % Returns either a new Acell or nil. Caveat: [j = length sp + 1], i.e., [j] % is the level of the newly generated cell. begin scalar cell, tgroot, root, w; integer cind; cell := ncb_get ncbuffer; if cell eq 'finished then << ncb_put('finished, ncbuffer); return nil >>; if cell then % parameter space has indices j = 1, ..., k if !*rlcadfulldimonly and j > k then << % we are in quantified space if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 {"(", j, ":F)"} >> else if !*rlqegen1 and k neq 0 and eqn(j, 1) then << % there are parameters and we are in the base phase, i.e., the first variable % originally this condition was [j <= min2(1, k)] if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 {"(", j, ":G)"} >> else return cell; % There is no cell left, we need to get a root to get the next two cells. tgroot := iri_nextroot iri; cind := 2*(length iri_rootl iri); if tgroot then << root := tag_o tgroot; % Store the 0-dim cell into the [ncbuffer]: ncb_put(acell_mk(cind - 1, root . sp, nil, nil, tag_t tgroot), ncbuffer); w := iv_lb anu_iv root; % Return the full-dim cell with a rational sample point: return acell_mk(cind - 2, anu_fromrat(xj, w) . sp, nil, nil, nil) >>; % There is no cell and no root left. ncb_put('finished, ncbuffer); if null iri_rootl iri then % If there was no root, make a cell with 0 as the sample point. return acell_mk(0, anu_fromrat(xj, rat_0()) . sp, nil, nil, 'arbitrary); % Search rootlist for the maximum of all right bounds and make a cell. w := rat_mapmax for each tanu in iri_rootl iri collect iv_rb anu_iv tag_o tanu; return acell_mk(cind, anu_fromrat(xj, w) . sp, nil, nil, nil) end; asserted procedure ofsf_subsp(ae: Aex, sp: AnuList, varl: List): Aex; % Substitute sample point. [sp] is a sample point of length j-1, [varl] is % [x_1, ..., x_{j-1}] or a longer list. Returns a univariate Aex. begin scalar x, anu; sp := reverse sp; while sp do << x := pop varl; anu := pop sp; ae := aex_bind(ae, x, anu) >>; return ae end; asserted procedure ofsf_subsp!*(ae: Aex, sp: AnuList): Aex; % In Aex, each Anu is bound to the main variable of its defining polynomial. % Hence, no variable list is required. begin scalar anu; sp := reverse sp; while sp do << anu := pop sp; ae := aex_bind(ae, aex_mvar anu_dp anu, anu) >>; return ae end; % Tag % This module implements the datatype Tag(Alpha). An element of this datatype is % a pair of an object (of type Alpha) and a set of tags. asserted procedure tag_mktag(a: Any, tag: Any): DottedPair; % Tag [a] with [tag]. a . tag; asserted procedure tag_o(ti: DottedPair): Any; % Object of a tagged item. car ti; asserted procedure tag_t(ti: DottedPair): List; % Tag of a tagged item. cdr ti; % asserted procedure tag_add(te: DottedPair, a: Any): DottedPair; % % Add a tag to a tagged object. % if member(a, tag_t te) then % te % else % tag_o te . (a . tag_t te); % asserted procedure tglist2set(lte: List): List; % % List to set for tagged elements. [lte] is List of tagged elements. Returns % % a list of tagged elements such that no element occurs twice. % tgunion(lte, {}); % asserted procedure tgunion(st1: List, st2: List): List; % % Union of tagged elements. [st1] and [st2] are sets of tagged elements. % % Returns a set of tagged elements. % << % if st1 then % for each t1 in st1 do % st2 := tgunion1(t1, st2); % st2 % >>; % asserted procedure tgunion1(te: DottedPair, ste: List): List; % % Union of tagged elements subroutine. [te] is a tagged element, [ste] is a % % set of tagged elements. % if null ste then % {te} % else if tag_o te = tag_o car ste then % tag_(tag_o te, union(tag_t te, tag_t car ste)) . cdr ste % else % car ste . tgunion1(te, cdr ste); % Atree %DS % ::= {'atree, , } % is an Acell % is a list of Atrees asserted procedure atree_mk(c: Acell): Atree; % New tree. The new tree is rooted at Acell [c]. {'atree, c, nil}; asserted procedure atree_rootcell(tt: Atree): Any; nth(tt, 2); asserted procedure atree_childl(tt: Atree): List; nth(tt, 3); asserted procedure atree_childrenatlevel(tt: Atree, n: Integer): List; % Returns the list of Acells with distance exactly [n] from the root of [tt]. if eqn(n, 0) then {atree_rootcell tt} else for each child in atree_childl tt join atree_childrenatlevel(child, n-1); asserted procedure atree_getleaves(tt: Atree): List; % Returns the list of all Acells that are leaves of [tt]. if null atree_childl tt then {atree_rootcell tt} else for each c in atree_childl tt join atree_getleaves c; asserted procedure atree_setchildl(tt: Atree, cl: List): Any; nth(tt, 3) := cl; % asserted procedure atree_addtochildlip(tt: Atree, cl: List): Any; % nth(tt, 3) := nconc(cl, nth(tt, 3)); asserted procedure atree_sortfn(t1: Atree, t2: Atree): Any; % Sort function. [t1], [t2] are trees of Acells. acell_sortfn(atree_rootcell t1, atree_rootcell t2); asserted procedure atree_celll(tt: Atree): List; % Returns the list of all Acells in [tt]. if null atree_childl tt then {atree_rootcell tt} else for each child in atree_childl tt join atree_celll child; asserted procedure atree_celltvl(tt: Atree): List; % Truth value cells. Returns a list of Acells, which have assigned a truth % value to them. if acell_gettv atree_rootcell tt neq nil then {atree_rootcell tt} else for each child in atree_childl tt join atree_celltvl child; % Atree print procedures asserted procedure atree_print(tt: Atree): Any; for each e in atree_print1(tt, 0) do ioto_tprin2t e; asserted procedure atree_print1(tt: Atree, d: Integer): List; begin scalar childl, rootlabel, w; childl := atree_childl tt; rootlabel := atree_rootcell tt; if null childl then return {{acell_tvasstring rootlabel}}; w := for each s in childl join for each l in atree_print1(s, d+1) collect (" " . " " . l); caar w := acell_tvasstring rootlabel; cadar w := "---"; return w end; asserted procedure atree_print1raw(tt: Atree, d: Integer): List; % Returns a list of strings. begin scalar childl, w; childl := atree_childl tt; if null childl then return {{d}}; w := for each s in childl join for each l in atree_print1raw(s, d+1) collect (" " . l); caar w := d; return w end; asserted procedure atree_printlin(tt: Atree, d: Integer): Any; % Print linear. if null atree_childl tt then ioto_prin2 {"(", d, ")"} else << ioto_prin2 {"(", d}; for each c in atree_childl tt do atree_printlin(c, d+1); ioto_prin2 ")" >>; % Atree to DOT asserted procedure atree_2dot(tt: Atree, filename: String): Any; % Output tree in dot format. begin out filename; ioto_prin2t("digraph cadtree {"); atree_2dot1(tt,nil); ioto_prin2t("}"); shut filename end; asserted procedure atree_2dot1(tt: Atree, idx: Any): Any; begin scalar childlist, idxl, w; integer i, n; % Print basecell: atree_2dotprinnode idx; atree_2dotnodetail atree_rootcell tt; i := 1; childlist := atree_childl tt; n := length childlist; while i <= n do << idxl := append(idx, {i}); atree_2dotprinnode idx; ioto_prin2 "->"; atree_2dotprinnode idxl; ioto_prin2t ""; w := pop childlist; atree_2dot1(w, idxl); i := i+1 >> end; asserted procedure atree_2dotprinnode(idxl: List): Any; % Print node. [idxl] is a list of integers. << ioto_prin2 "C"; for each e in idxl do ioto_prin2 e >>; asserted procedure atree_2dotnodetail(c: Acell): Any; % Print node detail. begin scalar tv; tv := acell_gettv c; if tv eq 'true then ioto_prin2t(" [label=T shape=circle style=filled color=green]") else if tv eq 'false then ioto_prin2t(" [label=F shape=circle style=filled color=red]") else ioto_prin2t(" [label=""-"" shape=circle style=filled color=grey]") end; % Atree to TGF (Trivial Graph Format) asserted procedure atree_2tgf(tt: Atree, filename: String): Any; % Atree to tgf. Outputs the atree [tt] to file [filename] in tgf (Trivial % Graph Format) syntax. begin out filename; atree_2tgf_nodes(tt, 1); ioto_prin2t "#"; atree_2tgf_edges(tt, 1); shut filename end; asserted procedure atree_2tgf_nodes(tt: Atree, number: Integer): Integer; begin scalar childlist; ioto_prin2 number; acell_prin atree_rootcell tt; childlist := atree_childl tt; for each child in childlist do number := atree_2tgf_nodes(child, number + 1); return number end; asserted procedure atree_2tgf_edges(tt: Atree, number: Integer): Integer; begin scalar childlist, mynumber; mynumber := number; childlist := atree_childl tt; for each child in childlist do << ioto_prin2t {mynumber, " ", number + 1}; number := atree_2tgf_edges(child, number + 1) >>; return number end; asserted procedure acell_prin(c: Acell): Any; begin scalar tmp, tv; ioto_prin2 " """; ioto_prin2 {"idx: ", acell_getidx c}; tmp := acell_gettv c; tv := if tmp eq 'true then "T" else if tmp eq 'false then "F" else "?"; ioto_prin2 {", tv: ", tv}; ioto_prin2 {", desc: ", acell_getdesc c, ", tl: ", acell_gettl c}; ioto_prin2t """" end; % Atree to GML (Graph Modelling Language) asserted procedure atree_2gml(tt: Atree, filename: String): Any; % Atree to gml. Outputs the Atree [tt] to file [filename] in gml (Graph % Modelling Language) syntax. begin out filename; ioto_prin2t("Creator ""REDLOG"""); ioto_prin2t("graph ["); ioto_prin2t("label ""Graph generated by REDLOG."""); ioto_prin2t("directed 1"); atree_2gml_nodes(tt, 1); atree_2gml_edges(tt, 1); ioto_prin2t("]"); shut filename end; asserted procedure atree_2gml_nodes(tt: Atree, number: Integer): Integer; begin scalar childlist; if !*rlcadtree2gmlxml then atree_2gml_node_xml(tt, number) else atree_2gml_node(tt, number); childlist := atree_childl tt; for each child in childlist do number := atree_2gml_nodes(child, number + 1); return number end; asserted procedure atree_2gml_node_xml(tt: Atree, number: Integer): Any; begin scalar nat, c, tv, color; nat := !*nat; off1 'nat; c := atree_rootcell tt; tv := acell_gettv c; color := if tv eq 'true then "#00FF00" else if tv eq 'false then "#FF0000" else "#C0C0C0"; ioto_prin2t "node ["; ioto_prin2t {"id ", number}; ioto_prin2t "label """; ioto_prin2t ""; ioto_prin2t {"", tv, ""}; ioto_prin2t {"", acell_getidx c, ""}; ioto_prin2t ""; for each anu in reverse acell_getsp c do << ioto_prin2t ""; ioto_prin2t {"", aex_mvar anu_dp anu, ""}; ioto_prin2t ""; mathprint prepsq aex_ex anu_dp anu; ioto_prin2t ""; ioto_prin2t ""; mathprint prepsq iv_lb anu_iv anu; ioto_prin2t ""; ioto_prin2t ""; mathprint prepsq iv_rb anu_iv anu; ioto_prin2t ""; ioto_prin2t ""; mathprint anu_evalfR anu; ioto_prin2t ""; ioto_prin2t "" >>; ioto_prin2t ""; ioto_prin2t {"", acell_getdesc c, ""}; ioto_prin2t {"", acell_gettl c, ""}; ioto_prin2t ""; ioto_prin2t """"; % color and shape ioto_prin2t "graphics ["; ioto_prin2t {"fill """, color, """"}; if evenp acell_getidx c then % even index denotes a full-dimensional cell ioto_prin2t "type ""ellipse""" else ioto_prin2t "type ""rectangle"""; ioto_prin2t "]"; ioto_prin2t "]"; if nat then on1 'nat end; asserted procedure atree_2gml_node(tt: Atree, number: Integer): Any; begin scalar c, tv, anul, varl, n, color, tpl; ioto_prin2t "node ["; ioto_prin2t {"id ", number}; c := atree_rootcell tt; ioto_prin2t "label """; ioto_prin2t {"idx = ", acell_getidx c}; anul := for each anu in reverse acell_getsp c collect anu_evalfR anu; varl := for each anu in reverse acell_getsp c collect aex_mvar anu_dp anu; mathprint {'equal, 'list . varl, 'list . anul}; % ioto_prin2t {"desc = ", acell_getdesc c}; mathprint {'equal, 'tl, 'list . acell_gettl c}; ioto_prin2t """"; % color and shape tv := acell_gettv c; color := if tv eq 'true then "#00FF00" else if tv eq 'false then "#FF0000" else "#C0C0C0"; ioto_prin2t "graphics ["; ioto_prin2t {"fill """, color, """"}; if evenp acell_getidx c then % even index denotes a full-dimensional cell ioto_prin2t "type ""ellipse""" else ioto_prin2t "type ""rectangle"""; ioto_prin2t "]"; ioto_prin2t "]" end; asserted procedure atree_2gml_edges(tt: Atree, number: Integer): Integer; begin scalar childlist, mynumber; mynumber := number; childlist := atree_childl tt; for each child in childlist do << atree_2gml_edge(mynumber, number + 1); number := atree_2gml_edges(child, number + 1) >>; return number end; asserted procedure atree_2gml_edge(efrom: Integer, eto: Integer): Any; begin ioto_prin2t "edge ["; ioto_prin2t {"source ", efrom}; ioto_prin2t {"target ", eto}; ioto_prin2t "]" end; asserted procedure atree_deleteFalseLeaves(tt: Atree): Atree; % Prune [tt] by removing all leaves of maximal depth that are [false]. begin scalar w; if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2 "+ deleting false leaves ..."; w := atree_deleteFalseLeaves1(tt, 0, atree_depth tt); if !*rlverbose then ioto_prin2t " done"; return w end; asserted procedure atree_deleteFalseLeaves1(tt: Atree, n: Integer, dpth: Integer): ExtraBoolean; % Returns a pruned sub-Atree, possibly [nil]. begin scalar r, cl, ntt, w; r := atree_rootcell tt; if eqn(n, dpth) and acell_gettv r eq 'false then return nil; cl := for each c in atree_childl tt join << w := atree_deleteFalseLeaves1(c, n+1, dpth); if w then {w} >>; ntt := atree_mk r; atree_setchildl(ntt, cl); return ntt end; asserted procedure atree_depth(tt: Atree): Integer; atree_depth1(tt, 0); asserted procedure atree_depth1(tt: Atree, n: Integer): Integer; begin integer d; scalar cl; cl := atree_childl tt; if null cl then return n; for each c in cl do d := max2(d, atree_depth1(c, n+1)); return d end; % CAD solution formula % Andreas' solution formula construction for the decision case. That is, the % solution formula is either [true] or [false]. asserted procedure ofsf_solutionformula_old(cd: CadData): Any; % old version which looks only at cells of level ddk begin scalar ffl, dd, k, ddk, ffk, phiprime, cellstogo; if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+++ Solution Formula Construction Phase"; ffl := caddata_ffl cd; dd := caddata_dd cd; k := caddata_k cd; if k eq 0 then << caddata_putphiprime(cd, acell_gettv atree_rootcell dd); return nil >>; ddk := atree_childrenatlevel(dd, k); % ffk := nth(ffl, k); ffk := for i := 1 : k join nth(ffl, i); % acdecl = (D_k,...,D_0). ffl = (F_1,...,Fr) if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t {"+ generating signatures for ", length ffk, " polynomials in ", length ddk, " cells"}; cellstogo := length ddk; % for verbose output for each cell in ddk do << acell_putdesc(cell, ofsf_signature(ffk, acell_getsp cell)); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2 {"[", cellstogo, % "idx",acell_getidx cell," ", (if acell_gettv cell eq 'true then " tt" else " ff"), % acell_getdesc cell, "] "}; cellstogo := cellstogo-1 >>; phiprime := ofsf_sfchong(ffk, ddk); if phiprime eq 'ssfcfailed then << if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ Solution formula construction ssfc failed."; return nil >> else << if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ Solution formula construction ssfc successful."; if !*rlcadrawformula then caddata_putphiprime(cd,phiprime) else caddata_putphiprime(cd,rl_dnf phiprime) >>; return nil end; asserted procedure ofsf_sfchong(ffk, ddk): Any; % Solution formula construction by Hong90. Signatures are already calculated. begin scalar wwt, wwf, wwc; wwt := ofsf_signaturesbytv(ddk, 'true); wwf := ofsf_signaturesbytv(ddk, 'false); wwc := intersection(wwt, wwf); if null wwc then return rl_smkn('or, for each sig in wwt collect ofsf_sigbasedfo(ffk, sig)); return 'ssfcfailed end; asserted procedure ofsf_solutionformula(cd: CadData): Any; % Solution formula construction. [cd] is changed in place. begin scalar dd, yy, w, yyi, ffl, k, fflk, phiprime; if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+++ Simple Solution Formula Construction Phase"; dd := caddata_dd cd; if memq(acell_gettv atree_rootcell dd, '(true false)) then << if !*rlverbose and !*rlcadans then ioto_prin2t {"+ ANSWERS (for decision problem): ", cdr atsoc('answers, acell_gettl atree_rootcell dd)}; caddata_putphiprime(cd, acell_gettv atree_rootcell dd); return nil >>; yy := atree_celltvl dd; if !*rlverbose and !*rlcadans then << % verbose output for QE with answers % ioto_prin2t "+ Cells with defined truth value:"; % for each cell in yy do % ioto_prin2t {cell}; w := for each cell in yy join if acell_gettv cell eq 'true then {atsoc('answers, acell_gettl cell)}; for each c in lto_list2set w do ioto_prin2t {"+ ANSWERS: ", c} >>; yyi := lto_list2set for each cell in yy collect length acell_getsp cell; if !*rlverbose then ioto_prin2t {"+ levels to be considered: ", yyi}; ffl := caddata_ffl cd; fflk := for each i in yyi join append(nth(ffl, i), nil); k := caddata_k cd; phiprime := ofsf_solutionformula1(dd, fflk, yy, k); if phiprime eq 'ssfcfailed then << if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ SSFC failed, trying all possible projection factors."; yyi := for i := 1 : k collect i; if !*rlverbose then ioto_prin2t {"+ Levels to be considered: ", yyi}; fflk := for each i in yyi join append(nth(ffl, i), nil); phiprime := ofsf_solutionformula1(dd, fflk, yy, k) >>; if phiprime eq 'ssfcfailed then << if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ SSFC failed."; return nil >>; if !*rlverbose then ioto_tprin2t "+ SSFC succeded."; if !*rlcadrawformula then caddata_putphiprime(cd, phiprime) else caddata_putphiprime(cd, rl_dnf phiprime); return nil end; asserted procedure ofsf_solutionformula1(dd: Atree, ffk: List, yy: List, k: Integer): Any; begin integer cellstogo; if !*rlverbose then << ioto_tprin2t {"+ Generating signatures for ", length ffk, " polynomials and ", length yy, " cells."}; ioto_tprin2t {"+ Number of cells on level ", k, " is ", length atree_childrenatlevel(dd, k), "."}; cellstogo := length yy; % for verbose output >>; for each cell in yy do << acell_putdesc(cell, ofsf_signature4(ffk, acell_getsp cell)); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then << ioto_prin2 {"[", cellstogo, " ", "sig", acell_getdesc cell, " ", (if acell_gettv cell eq 'true then "true" else "false"), "] "}; cellstogo := cellstogo - 1 >> >>; return ofsf_ssfc2(ffk, yy) end; asserted procedure ofsf_ssfc2(ffk: List, yy: List): Any; % Solution formula construction by Hong90. Signatures are already calculated. begin scalar wwt, wwf, wwc; wwt := ofsf_signaturesbytv(yy, 'true); wwf := ofsf_signaturesbytv(yy, 'false); wwc := ofsf_compsig(wwt, wwf); if null wwc then return rl_smkn('or, for each sig in wwt collect ofsf_sigbasedfo(ffk,sig)); if ofsf_cadverbosep() then ioto_prin2t {"+ SSFC failed because of these compatible signatures: ", wwc}; return 'ssfcfailed end; asserted procedure ofsf_compsig(ww1: List, ww2: List): ExtraBoolean; % Compatible signatures. [ww1] and [ww2] are lists of signatures. All % signatures have same length. Returns [nil], if there are no compatible % signatures and (w1, w2), if [w1] from [ww1] is compatible with [w2] from [ww2]. begin scalar ww2copy, retvalue, w1, w2; if null ww1 then return nil; while ww1 and not retvalue do << w1 := pop ww1; ww2copy := ww2; while ww2copy and not retvalue do << w2 := pop ww2copy; if ofsf_compsig1(w1, w2) then retvalue := {w1, w2} >> >>; return retvalue end; asserted procedure ofsf_compsig1(w1: List, w2: List): Boolean; % Compatible signatures subroutine. [w1], [w2] are signature lists of the % same length. begin scalar c, s1, s2; if null w1 then return t; c := t; while w1 and c do << s1 := pop w1; s2 := pop w2; if s1 neq s2 and not (s1 equal "?") and not (s2 equal "?") then c := nil >>; return c end; asserted procedure ofsf_sigbasedfo(ffk: List, sigl: List): QfFormula; % Signature based formula. [ffk] is a list of SF, [sig] is a signature % (can include "?"). begin scalar sig, fo; for each f in ffk do << sig := pop sigl; if not (sig equal "?") then push(ofsf_signofpolyfo(f, sig), fo) >>; return rl_smkn('and, fo) end; asserted procedure ofsf_signofpolyfo(f: SF, s: Integer): QfFormula; % [s] is in {-1, 0, 1}. if eqn(s, -1) then ofsf_0mk2('lessp, f) else if eqn(s, 0) then ofsf_0mk2('equal, f) else if eqn(s, 1) then ofsf_0mk2('greaterp, f); asserted procedure ofsf_evalqff(f: QfFormula, sp: AnuList, varl: List): Id; % Evaluate quantifier-free formula at sample point. Returns ['true] or % ['false], i.e., the truth value of f(x_1,...,x_r) at point [sp]. % WARNING: This and essentially all underlying procedures assume that the % variables in [varl] are reversed, i.e., if we want the truth value of % f(x_1,...,x_r) at sample point (a_1,...,a_r), then we call [ofsf_evalqff(f, % {a_1,...,a_r}, {x_r,...,x_1})]. if !*rlcadfasteval then ofsf_evalqff!-fast(f, sp, varl) else cl_simpl(cl_apply2ats1(f, function ofsf_subsignat, {sp, varl}), nil, -1); asserted procedure ofsf_evalsignf(f: SF, sp: AnuList, varl: List): SF; % Algebraic number evaluate sign of standard form at sample point. numr simp aex_sgn ofsf_subsp(aex_fromsf f, sp, varl); asserted procedure ofsf_trialevalsgnf(f: SF, sp: AnuList): SF; % Trial evaluation of sign of a SF at a sample point. The sample point needs % not to provide a number for each variable. << f := ofsf_subsp!*(aex_fromsf f, sp); if aex_simplenumberp f then numr simp aex_sgn f else numr aex_ex f >>; asserted procedure ofsf_sgnf4(f: SF, sp: AnuList): Any; << f := ofsf_subsp!*(aex_fromsf f, sp); if aex_simplenumberp f then aex_sgn f else "?" >>; asserted procedure ofsf_subsignat(at: QfFormula, sp: AnuList, varl: List): QfFormula; % Substitute sign in atomic formula. Returns an OFSF atomic formula. Returns % [at] with the left-hand side $f$ replaced by the sign of $f([sp])$, or a % simpler version of f under the context of sp. ofsf_0mk2(ofsf_op at, ofsf_evalsignf(ofsf_arg2l at, sp, varl)); asserted procedure ofsf_evalqff!-fast(f: QfFormula, sp: AnuList, varl: List): Id; % Evaluate quantifier-free formula at sample point fast. [f] is a % quantifier-free OFSF formula in NNF; Returns ['true] or ['false]. Returns % the truth value of $f(x_1,\ldots,x_r)$ at point [sp]. if cl_atfp f then ofsf_simplat1(ofsf_subsignat(f, sp, varl), nil) else ofsf_evalqff!-fast1(f, sp, varl); asserted procedure ofsf_evalqff!-fast1(f: QfFormula, sp: AnuList, varl: List): Id; % Evaluate quantifier-free formula at sample point fastly subroutine. [f] is % a quantifier-free OFSF formula in NNF; [sp] is a sample point; [varl] is a % LIST of identifiers. Returns ['true] or ['false]. Returns the truth value % of $f(x_1,\ldots,x_r)$ at point [sp]. if rl_tvalp f then f else ofsf_evalqff!-gand(rl_op f, rl_argn f, sp, varl); asserted procedure ofsf_evalqff!-gand(gand, argl, sp: AnuList, varl: List): Id; % Evaluate quantifier-free formula at sample point generic and. [gand] is one % of [and], [or]; [argl] is a list of formulas; [sp] is a sample point; [varl] % is a LIST of identifiers. Returns ['true] or ['false]. Returns the truth % value of $([gand] . [argl])(x_1,\ldots,x_r)$ at point [sp]. begin scalar gfalse,arg,cargl,c; gfalse := cl_cflip('false,gand eq 'and); c := t; while argl and c do << arg := car argl; argl := cdr argl; if cl_atfp arg then (if ofsf_simplat1(ofsf_subsignat(arg,sp,varl),nil) eq gfalse then c := nil) else cargl := arg . cargl >>; if not c then return gfalse; c := t; while cargl and c do << arg := car cargl; cargl := cdr cargl; if ofsf_evalqff!-fast1(arg,sp,varl) eq gfalse then c := nil >>; if not c then return gfalse; return cl_flip gfalse end; asserted procedure ofsf_signature(fk: List, sp: AnuList): List; % Signature. [fk] is a list of standard forms in variables x_1, ..., x_k). % [sp] is a sample point, i.e., a list (a_1, ..., a_l) of algebraic numbers % with l <= k). Returns a list (sgn_1, ..., sgn_k) of elements from {-1, 0, % 1}. for each f in fk collect aex_sgn ofsf_subsp!*(aex_fromsf f, sp); asserted procedure ofsf_signature4(fk: List, sp: AnuList): List; % Signature. [fk] is a list of standard forms in variables x_1, ..., x_k). % [sp] is a sample point, i.e., a list (a_1, ..., a_l) of algebraic numbers % with l <= k). Returns a list (sgn_1, ..., sgn_k) of elements from {-1, 0, % 1}. for each f in fk collect ofsf_sgnf4(f, sp); asserted procedure ofsf_signaturesbytv(ddk: List, tv: Id): List; % Signatures by truth value. [ddk] is a list of Acells. for each c in ddk join if acell_gettv c eq tv then {acell_getdesc c}; endmodule; % ofsfcad end; % of file