* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
* Applied Mathematics, Norway.
* Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
* SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
* P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
* 0314 Oslo, Norway.
* This file is part of SISL.
* SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with SISL. If not, see
* .
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* License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
* file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
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* This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
* written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
#include "sisl-copyright.h"
* $Id: s1880.c,v 1.2 2001-03-19 15:58:55 afr Exp $
#define S1880
#include "sislP.h"
s1880(int ipar1,int ipar2,int *jpt,SISLIntpt **vpoint,int *jlist,SISLIntlist **vlist,
int *jpar,double **gpar1,double **gpar2,int *jcrv,SISLIntcurve ***wcrv,int *jstat)
void s1880(ipar1,ipar2,jpt,vpoint,jlist,vlist,jpar,gpar1,gpar2,jcrv,
int ipar1;
int ipar2;
int *jpt;
SISLIntpt **vpoint;
int *jlist;
SISLIntlist **vlist;
int *jpar;
double **gpar1;
double **gpar2;
int *jcrv;
SISLIntcurve ***wcrv;
int *jstat;
* PURPOSE : Transform intersection points and curves from internal
* format in the recursive part of intersection routines
* to output format.
* INPUT : ipar1 - Number of parameter directions of first object.
* ipar2 - Number of parameter directions of second object.
* vpoint - Array containing intersection points on the
* internal format.
* vlist - Array representing intersection curves on the
* internal format.
* INPUT/OUTPUT : jpt - Number of intersection point in the vpoint array.
* jlist - Number of lists representing intersection curves
* in the array vlist.
* OUTPUT : jpar - Number of single intersection points.
* gpar1 - Parameter values of the single intersection points
* in the parameter area of the first object.
* gpar2 - Parameter values of the single intersection points
* in the parameter area of the second object.
* jcrv - Number of intersection curves.
* wcrv - Array containing description of intersection curves.
* jstat - status messages
* > 0 : warning
* = 0 : ok
* < 0 : error
* CALLS : newIntcurve - Create a new instance of Intcurve.
* freeIntpt - Free space occupied by intersection point.
* WRITTEN BY : Vibeke Skytt, SI, 88-05.
int kpos = 0; /* Position of error. */
int ki,kj,kk; /* Counters. */
int kpoint; /* Number of points in an intersection list. */
int klst; /* Kind of intersection list. (See SISLIntlist). */
int ktype; /* Kind of intersection curve. (See SISLIntcurve). */
int kpt; /* Used to find number of single intersection points.*/
double *spar1,*spar2; /* Values of points belonging to an intersection
curve in the parameter area of the objects
involved in the intersection. */
double *stpar1,*stpar2,*stpar3; /* Pointers used to travers arrays
containing parameter values. */
SISLIntcurve **ucrv; /* Pointer used to traverse *wcrv array. */
SISLIntlist **ulst; /* Pointer used to traverse vlist array. */
SISLIntpt *qpt; /* Pointer to an intersection point. */
SISLIntpt **upt; /* Pointer used to travers vpoint array. */
/* Initiate output arrays. */
*gpar1 = *gpar2 = SISL_NULL; *wcrv = SISL_NULL;
/* Allocate space for intersection curve array. */
*jcrv = *jlist;
*wcrv = newarray(*jlist,SISLIntcurve*);
if ((*jcrv) > 0 && *wcrv == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
/* Transfer curve-information from vlist array to wcrv array. */
ucrv = *wcrv;
ulst = vlist;
kpt = 0;
for (ki=0; ki<(*jlist); ki++)
qpt = (*ulst) -> pfirst;
/* Allocate space for arrays containing parameter vlaues of points
in intersection curves. */
kpoint = (*ulst) -> inumb;
if (kpoint == 0) goto err137;
spar1 = newarray(ipar1*kpoint,double);
spar2 = newarray(ipar2*kpoint,double);
if ((ipar1 > 0 && spar1 == SISL_NULL) ||
(ipar2 > 0 && spar2 == SISL_NULL)) goto err101;
/* Collect parameter values of the points in this intersection list
and distribute values to the objects in the intersection. */
kj = 0;
stpar1 = spar1;
stpar2 = spar2;
while (qpt != SISL_NULL && qpt -> ipar != -1)
stpar3 = qpt -> epar;
for (kk=0; kk ipar = -1;
qpt = qpt -> pcurve;
/* Find kind of intersection curve. */
klst = (*ulst) -> itype;
if (klst == 0) ktype = 4;
else if (klst == 1) ktype = 2;
else if (klst == 2) ktype = 5;
else if (klst == 3) ktype = 6;
else if (klst == 4) ktype = 7;
else if (klst == 5) ktype = 8;
else goto err146;
/* Create new intersection curve. */
*ucrv = newIntcurve(kj,ipar1,ipar2,spar1,spar2,ktype);
if (*ucrv == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
kpt += kj;
/* Find number of single intersection points. */
kpt = *jpt - kpt;
/* Create arrays to keep parameter values of intersection points. */
*gpar1 = newarray(ipar1*kpt,double);
*gpar2 = newarray(ipar2*kpt,double);
if ((ipar1*kpt > 0 && *gpar1 == SISL_NULL)
|| (ipar2*kpt > 0 && *gpar2 == SISL_NULL)) goto err101;
/* Copy parameters of single intersection points into output-arrays. */
kj = 0;
upt = vpoint;
stpar1 = *gpar1;
stpar2 = *gpar2;
for (ki=0; ki<(*jpt); ki++)
qpt = *upt;
if (qpt != SISL_NULL)
if (qpt -> ipar != -1)
stpar3 = qpt -> epar;
for (kk=0; kk 0)
if ((*gpar1 = increasearray(*gpar1,kj*ipar1,double)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
if (*gpar1 != SISL_NULL) freearray(*gpar1);
*gpar1 = SISL_NULL;
if (kj*ipar2 > 0)
if ((*gpar2 = increasearray(*gpar2,kj*ipar2,double)) == SISL_NULL) goto err101;
if (*gpar2 != SISL_NULL) freearray(*gpar2);
*gpar2 = SISL_NULL;
/* Intersections copied to output format. */
*jpt = 0;
*jstat = 0;
goto out;
/* Error in space allocation. */
err101: *jstat = -101;
goto out;
/* Error in data-strucuture. Expected intersection point not found. */
err137: *jstat = -137;
goto out;
/* Unknown kind of intersection type. */
err146: *jstat = -146;
goto out;
out: return;