\par \section{Driver programs for the {\tt ZV object}} \label{section:ZV:drivers} \par %======================================================================= \begin{enumerate} %----------------------------------------------------------------------- \item \begin{verbatim} testIO msglvl msgFile inFile outFile \end{verbatim} This driver program tests the {\tt ZV} IO methods, and is useful for translating between the formatted {\tt *.zvf} and binary {\tt *.zvb} files. \par \begin{itemize} \item The {\tt msglvl} parameter determines the amount of output. Use {\tt msglvl = 1} for just timing output. \item The {\tt msgFile} parameter determines the message file --- if {\tt msgFile} is {\tt stdout}, then the message file is {\it stdout}, otherwise a file is opened with {\it append} status to receive any output data. \item The {\tt inFile} parameter is the name of the file from which to read in the object. {\tt inFile} must be of the form {\tt *.zvf} for a formatted file or {\tt *.zvb} for a binary file. \item The {\tt outFile} parameter is the name of the file to which to write out the object. If {\tt outfile} is of the form {\tt *.zvf}, the object is written to a formatted file. If {\tt outfile} is of the form {\tt *.zvb}, the object is written to a binary file. When {\tt outFile} is {\it not} {\tt "none"}, the object is written to the file in a human readable format. When {\tt outFile} is {\tt "none"}, the object is not written out. \end{itemize} %----------------------------------------------------------------------- \end{enumerate}