/* IV.h */ #include "../cfiles.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* --------------------------------------------------------- IV -- integer vector object size -- size of the vector maxsize -- maximum size of the vector owned -- owner flag when == 1, storage pointed to by entries has been allocated here and can be free'd. when == 0, storage pointed to by entries has not been allocated here and cannot be free'd. vec -- pointer to base address --------------------------------------------------------- */ typedef struct _IV IV ; struct _IV { int size ; int maxsize ; int owned ; int *vec ; } ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- methods found in basics.c ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ----------------------- constructor method created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------- */ IV * IV_new ( void ) ; /* ----------------------- set the default fields created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------- */ void IV_setDefaultFields ( IV *iv ) ; /* ----------------------- clear the data fields created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------- */ void IV_clearData ( IV *iv ) ; /* ----------------------- destructor created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------- */ void IV_free ( IV *iv ) ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- methods found in init.c ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* --------------------------------------------- simplest initialization method if entries != NULL the object does not own the entries, it just points to the entries base address else if size > 0 the object will own the entries, it allocates a vector of size int's. else nothing happens endif created -- 96aug28, cca --------------------------------------------- */ void IV_init ( IV *iv, int size, int *entries ) ; /* ------------------------- basic initializion method created -- 95oct06, cca ------------------------- */ void IV_init1 ( IV *iv, int Maxsize ) ; /* ------------------------- total initializion method created -- 95oct06, cca ------------------------- */ void IV_init2 ( IV *iv, int size, int maxsize, int owned, int *vec ) ; /* ---------------------------------- set the maximum size of the vector created -- 96dec08, cca ---------------------------------- */ void IV_setMaxsize ( IV *iv, int newmaxsize ) ; /* -------------------------- set the size of the vector created -- 96dec08, cca -------------------------- */ void IV_setSize ( IV *iv, int newsize ) ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- methods found in instance.c -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------- return value is 0 if the entries are not owned by the object otherwise the return value is the number of entries at the base storage of the vector created -- 96jun22, cca modified -- 96aug28, cca --------------------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_owned ( IV *iv ) ; /* ---------------------------------- return the vector size and entries created -- 95oct06, cca ---------------------------------- */ int IV_size ( IV *iv ) ; /* ------------------------------------- return the maximum size of the vector created -- 95dec08, cca ------------------------------------- */ int IV_maxsize ( IV *iv ) ; /* ------------------------------------------------ return the loc'th entry of a vector. note: if loc is out of range then -1 is returned created -- 96jun29, cca ------------------------------------------------ */ int IV_entry ( IV *iv, int loc ) ; /* ---------------------------------------------- return a pointer to the object's entries array created -- 95oct06, cca ---------------------------------------------- */ int * IV_entries ( IV *iv ) ; /* -------------------------------------------- fill *psize with the vector's size and *pentries with the address of the vector created -- 95oct06, cca -------------------------------------------- */ void IV_sizeAndEntries ( IV *iv, int *psize, int **pentries ) ; /* -------------------------- set the size of the vector created -- 96jun22, cca -------------------------- */ void IV_setSize ( IV *iv, int Size ) ; /* --------------------------- set and entry in the vector created -- 96jul14, cca --------------------------- */ void IV_setEntry ( IV *iv, int location, int value ) ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- methods found in util.c ---------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------- shift the base of the entries and adjust the dimensions note: this is a dangerous operation because the iv->vec does not point to the base of the entries any longer, and thus if the object owns its entries and it is called to resize them or to free them, malloc and free will choke. USE WITH CAUTION! created -- 96aug25, cca modified -- 96aug28, cca structure changed ----------------------------------------------------------- */ void IV_shiftBase ( IV *iv, int offset ) ; /* --------------------------- push an entry onto the list created -- 95oct06, cca modified -- 95aug28, cca structure has changed --------------------------- */ void IV_push ( IV *iv, int val ) ; /* --------------------------- minimum and maximum entries created -- 95oct06, cca --------------------------- */ int IV_min ( IV *iv ) ; int IV_max ( IV *iv ) ; int IV_sum ( IV *iv ) ; /* ------------------------------------------------------- sort each index list into ascending or descending order created -- 95oct06, cca ------------------------------------------------------- */ void IV_sortUp ( IV *iv ) ; void IV_sortDown ( IV *iv ) ; /* ----------------------- ramp the entries created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------- */ void IV_ramp ( IV *iv, int base, int incr ) ; /* ----------------------- shuffle the list created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------- */ void IV_shuffle ( IV *iv, int seed ) ; /* ---------------------------------------------- return the number of bytes taken by the object created -- 95oct06, cca ---------------------------------------------- */ int IV_sizeOf ( IV *iv ) ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- keep entries that are tagged, move others to end and adjust size created -- 95oct06, cca ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void IV_filterKeep ( IV *iv, int tags[], int keepTag ) ; /* --------------------------------------------------------- move purge entries that are tagged to end and adjust size created -- 95oct06, cca --------------------------------------------------------- */ void IV_filterPurge ( IV *iv, int tags[], int purgeTag ) ; /* -------------------------------------------- iterator : return the pointer to the head of the vector created -- 95oct06, cca -------------------------------------------- */ int * IV_first ( IV *iv ) ; /* ----------------------------------------------------- iterator : return the pointer to the next location in the vector created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------------------------------------- */ int * IV_next ( IV *iv, int *pi ) ; /* -------------------------- fill a vector with a value created -- 96jun22, cca -------------------------- */ void IV_fill ( IV *iv, int value ) ; /* -------------------------------------- copy entries from iv2 into iv1. note: this is a "mapped" copy, iv1 and iv2 need not be the same size. created -- 96aug31, cca -------------------------------------- */ void IV_copy ( IV *iv1, IV *iv2 ) ; /* -------------------------------------------------- increment the loc'th location of the vector by one and return the new value created -- 96dec18, cca -------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_increment ( IV *iv, int loc ) ; /* -------------------------------------------------- decrement the loc'th location of the vector by one and return the new value created -- 96dec18, cca -------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_decrement ( IV *iv, int loc ) ; /* ------------------------------------------------------------ return the first location in the vector that contains value. if value is not present, -1 is returned. cost is linear in the size of the vector created -- 96jan15, cca ------------------------------------------------------------ */ int IV_findValue ( IV *iv, int value ) ; /* --------------------------------------------------------------- return a location in the vector that contains value. the entries in the vector are assumed to be in ascending order. if value is not present, -1 is returned. cost is logarithmic in the size of the vector created -- 96jan15, cca --------------------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_findValueAscending ( IV *iv, int value ) ; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- return a location in the vector that contains value. the entries in the vector are assumed to be in descending order. if value is not present, -1 is returned. cost is logarithmic in the size of the vector created -- 96jan15, cca ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_findValueDescending ( IV *iv, int value ) ; /* --------------------------------------------------- purpose -- return invlistIV, an IV object that contains the inverse map, i.e., invlist[list[ii]] = ii. other entries of invlist[] are -1. all entris in listIV must be nonnegative created -- 98aug12, cca --------------------------------------------------- */ IV * IV_inverseMap ( IV *listIV ) ; /* ----------------------------------------------------------- purpose -- return an IV object that contains the locations of all instances of target in listIV. this is used when listIV is a map from [0,n) to a finite set (like processors) and we want to find all entries that are mapped to a specific processor. created -- 98aug12, cca ----------------------------------------------------------- */ IV * IV_targetEntries ( IV *listIV, int target ) ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- methods found in IO.c -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* ---------------------------------------------- purpose -- to read in an IV object from a file input -- fn -- filename, must be *.ivb or *.ivf return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure created -- 95oct06, cca ---------------------------------------------- */ int IV_readFromFile ( IV *iv, char *fn ) ; /* ----------------------------------------------------- purpose -- to read an IV object from a formatted file return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_readFromFormattedFile ( IV *iv, FILE *fp ) ; /* --------------------------------------------------- purpose -- to read an IV object from a binary file return value -- 1 if success, 0 if failure created -- 95oct06, cca --------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_readFromBinaryFile ( IV *iv, FILE *fp ) ; /* ------------------------------------------- purpose -- to write an IV object to a file input -- fn -- filename *.ivb -- binary *.ivf -- formatted anything else -- for human eye return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise created -- 95oct06, cca ------------------------------------------- */ int IV_writeToFile ( IV *iv, char *fn ) ; /* ----------------------------------------------------- purpose -- to write an IV object to a formatted file return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise created -- 95oct06, cca ----------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_writeToFormattedFile ( IV *iv, FILE *fp ) ; /* -------------------------------------------------- purpose -- to write an IV object to a binary file return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise created -- 95oct06, cca -------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_writeToBinaryFile ( IV *iv, FILE *fp ) ; /* ------------------------------------------------- purpose -- to write an IV object for a human eye return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise created -- 95oct06, cca ------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_writeForHumanEye ( IV *iv, FILE *fp ) ; /* --------------------------------------------------------- purpose -- to write out the statistics for the IV object return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise created -- 95oct06, cca --------------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_writeStats ( IV *iv, FILE *fp ) ; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- purpose -- to write out an integer vector with eighty column lines input -- fp -- file pointer, must be formatted and write access column -- present column pierr -- pointer to int to hold return value, should be 1 if any print was successful, if fprintf() failed, then ierr = -1 return value -- present column created -- 96jun22, cca ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_fp80 ( IV *iv, FILE *fp, int column, int *pierr ) ; /* --------------------------------------------------- purpose -- to write the IV object for a matlab file return value -- 1 if success, 0 otherwise created -- 98oct22, cca --------------------------------------------------- */ int IV_writeForMatlab ( IV *iv, char *name, FILE *fp ) ; /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/