# Copyright David Abrahams 2004. Distributed under the Boost # Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) # Support for docutils ReStructuredText processing. import type ; import scanner ; import generators ; import os ; import common ; import toolset ; import path ; import feature : feature ; import property ; import errors ; .initialized = ; type.register ReST : rst ; class rst-scanner : common-scanner { rule __init__ ( paths * ) { common-scanner.__init__ . $(paths) ; } rule pattern ( ) { return "^[ ]*\\.\\.[ ]+include::[ ]+([^ ]+)" "^[ ]*\\.\\.[ ]+image::[ ]+([^ ]+)" "^[ ]*\\.\\.[ ]+figure::[ ]+([^ ]+)" ; } } scanner.register rst-scanner : include ; type.set-scanner ReST : rst-scanner ; generators.register-standard docutils.html : ReST : HTML ; rule init ( docutils-dir ? : tools-dir ? ) { docutils-dir ?= [ modules.peek : DOCUTILS_DIR ] ; tools-dir ?= $(docutils-dir)/tools ; if ! $(.initialized) { .initialized = true ; if $(docutils-dir) { .docutils-dir = $(docutils-dir) ; .tools-dir = $(tools-dir:R="") ; .setup = [ common.prepend-path-variable-command PYTHONPATH : $(.docutils-dir) $(.docutils-dir)/extras ] ; RST2XXX = [ common.find-tool rst2html ] ; } else { RST2XXX_PY = [ common.find-tool rst2html.py ] ; } } } rule html ( target : source : properties * ) { if ! [ on $(target) return $(RST2XXX) ] { local python-cmd = [ property.select : $(properties) ] ; if ! $(.tools-dir) && ! $(RST2XXX_PY) { errors.user-error "The docutils module is used, but not configured. " : "" : "Please modify your user-config.jam or project-config.jam to contain:" : "" : " using docutils : ;" : "" : "On Ubuntu, 'docutils-common' package will create /usr/share/docutils." : "Other flavours of Linux likely have docutils as package as well." : "On Windows, you can install from http://docutils.sourceforge.net/." ; } if $(RST2XXX_PY) { if $(RST2XXX_PY:D) { # If we have a path to the rst2html.py script, we need to use # the python interpreter to load it up. RST2XXX on $(target) = $(python-cmd:G=:E="python") $(RST2XXX_PY) ; } else { # Otherwise, bare rst2html.py, we can just exec that directly. # This work for both Nix, and the standard Windows Python installs. RST2XXX on $(target) = $(RST2XXX_PY) ; } } else { RST2XXX on $(target) = $(python-cmd:G=:E="python") $(.tools-dir)/rst2html.py ; } } } feature docutils : : free ; feature docutils-html : : free ; feature docutils-cmd : : free ; toolset.flags docutils COMMON-FLAGS : ; toolset.flags docutils HTML-FLAGS : ; toolset.flags docutils RST2XXX : ; actions html { $(.setup) "$(RST2XXX)" $(COMMON-FLAGS) $(HTML-FLAGS) $(>) $(<) }