function testRB2 %testRB2: test the RBio toolbox. UFget is required. % Note that UFget requires the Nov 25, 2006, revision of the UF_Index.mat file, % or later, to access all the Problems used by this test. % % Example: % testRB2 % % See also UFget, RBread, RBreade, testRB1. % Copyright 2006, Timothy A. Davis Problem = UFget ('Meszaros/farm') ; % disp (Problem) ; A = RBread ('farm.rb') ; if (~isequal (A, Problem.A)) error ('test failure: farm.rb') ; end % fprintf ('mtype: %s\n', RBtype (A)) ; mtype = RBtype (A) ; if (any (mtype ~= 'ira')) error ('test failure: farm.rb') ; end Problem = UFget ('HB/bcsstk01') ; % disp (Problem) ; A = RBread ('bcsstk01.rb') ; if (~isequal (A, Problem.A)) error ('test failure: bcsstk01.rb') ; end % fprintf ('mtype: %s\n', RBtype (A)) ; mtype = RBtype (A) ; if (any (mtype ~= 'rsa')) error ('test failure: bcsstk01.rb') ; end Problem = UFget ('HB/lap_25') ; % disp (Problem) ; A = RBread ('lap_25.rb') ; if (~isequal (A, Problem.A)) error ('test failure: lap_25.rb') ; end A = RBreade ('lap_25.pse') ; if (~isequal (A, Problem.A)) error ('test failure: lap_25.pse') ; end % fprintf ('mtype: %s\n', RBtype (A)) ; mtype = RBtype (A) ; if (any (mtype ~= 'psa')) error ('test failure: bcsstk01.rb') ; end Problem = UFget ('HB/west0479') ; % disp (Problem) ; [A Z] = RBread ('west0479.rb') ; if (~isequal (A, Problem.A)) error ('test failure: west0479.rb') ; end if (~isequal (Z, Problem.Zeros)) error ('test failure: west0479.rb') ; end [A Z] = RBread ('west0479.rua') ; if (~isequal (A, Problem.A)) error ('test failure: west0479.rua') ; end if (~isequal (Z, Problem.Zeros)) error ('test failure: west0479.rua') ; end % fprintf ('mtype: %s\n', RBtype (A)) ; mtype = RBtype (A) ; if (any (mtype ~= 'rua')) error ('test failure: west0479.rua') ; end fprintf ('RB test 2: passed\n') ;