#!/bin/sh # # AnsiWeather 1.18.0 # Copyright (c) 2013-2021, Frederic Cambus # https://github.com/fcambus/ansiweather # # Created: 2013-08-29 # Last Updated: 2021-09-14 # # AnsiWeather is released under the BSD 2-Clause license # See LICENSE file for details # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause # ###[ Configuration options ]################################################### LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL if [ -n "$ANSIWEATHERRC" ] ; then config_file="$ANSIWEATHERRC" elif [ -s "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/ansiweather/config ] ; then config_file="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME"/ansiweather/config elif [ -s "$HOME"/.config/ansiweather/config ] ; then config_file="$HOME"/.config/ansiweather/config else config_file=~/.ansiweatherrc fi get_config() { ret="" if [ -f "$config_file" ] then ret=$(grep "^$1:" "$config_file" | cut -d: -f2-) fi if [ "X$ret" = "X" ] then return 1 else echo "$ret" fi } fetch_cmd=$(get_config "fetch_cmd" || echo "curl -sf") ###[ Parse the command line ]################################################## # Get config options from command line flags while getopts l:u:f:FH:a:s:k:i:w:h:p:d:v option do case "${option}" in l) location=${OPTARG};; u) units=${OPTARG};; f) forecast=${OPTARG};; F) forecast="5";; H) show_feels_like=${OPTARG};; a) ansi=${OPTARG};; s) symbols=${OPTARG};; k) api_key=${OPTARG};; i) show_uvi=${OPTARG};; w) show_wind=${OPTARG};; h) show_humidity=${OPTARG};; p) show_pressure=${OPTARG};; d) show_daylight=${OPTARG};; v) echo "AnsiWeather 1.18.0" && exit 0;; \?) exit 64;; # EX_USAGE esac done ###[ Check if bc and jq are installed ]######################################## jqpath=$(command -v jq) if [ "$jqpath" = "" ] then echo "ERROR: Cannot find jq binary" exit 69 # EX_UNAVAILABLE fi bcpath=$(command -v bc) if [ "$bcpath" = "" ] then echo "ERROR: Cannot find bc binary" exit 69 # EX_UNAVAILABLE fi ###[ Set options that are not set from command line ]########################## # OpenWeatherMap API key [ -z "$api_key" ] && api_key=$(get_config "api_key" || echo "85a4e3c55b73909f42c6a23ec35b7147") # Location: example "Rzeszow,PL" [ -z "$location" ] && location=$(get_config "location" || echo "Rzeszow,PL") # System of Units: "metric" or "imperial" [ -z "$units" ] && units=$(get_config "units" || echo "metric") # Show forecast: How many days, example "5". "0" is standard output [ -z "$forecast" ] && forecast=$(get_config "forecast" || echo 0) # Display ANSI colors: "true" or "false" [ -z "$ansi" ] && ansi=$(get_config "ansi" || echo true) # Display symbols: "true" or "false" (requires a Unicode capable display) [ -z "$symbols" ] && symbols=$(get_config "symbols" || echo false) # Show feels-like: "true" or "false" [ -z "$show_feels_like" ] && show_feels_like=$(get_config "show_feels_like" || echo false) # Show UVI: "true" or "false" [ -z "$show_uvi" ] && show_uvi=$(get_config "show_uvi" || echo true) # Show wind: "true" or "false" [ -z "$show_wind" ] && show_wind=$(get_config "show_wind" || echo true) # Show humidity: "true" or "false" [ -z "$show_humidity" ] && show_humidity=$(get_config "show_humidity" || echo true) # Show pressure: "true" or "false" [ -z "$show_pressure" ] && show_pressure=$(get_config "show_pressure" || echo true) # Show daylight: "true" or "false" [ -z "$show_daylight" ] && show_daylight=$(get_config "show_daylight" || echo false) dateformat=$(get_config "dateformat" || echo "%a %b %d") timeformat=$(get_config "timeformat" || echo "%b %d %r") ###[ Colors and characters ]################################################### background=$(get_config "background" || echo "\033[44m") text=$(get_config "text" || echo "\033[36;1m") data=$(get_config "data" || echo "\033[33;1m") delimiter=$(get_config "delimiter" || echo "\033[35m:") dashes=$(get_config "dashes" || echo "\033[34m-") ###[ Text Labels ]############################################################# greeting_text=$(get_config "greeting_text" || echo "Weather in") wind_text=$(get_config "wind_text" || echo "Wind") feels_like_text=$(get_config "feels_like_text" || echo "Feels like") humidity_text=$(get_config "humidity_text" || echo "Humidity") pressure_text=$(get_config "pressure_text" || echo "Pressure") sunrise_text=$(get_config "sunrise_text" || echo "Sunrise") sunset_text=$(get_config "sunset_text" || echo "Sunset") forecast_text=$(get_config "forecast_text" || echo "forecast") ###[ Unicode Symbols for icons ]############################################### sun=$(get_config "sun" || echo "\033[33;1m\xe2\x98\x80") moon=$(get_config "moon" || echo "\033[36m\xe2\x98\xbd") clouds=$(get_config "clouds" || echo "\033[37;1m\xe2\x98\x81") rain=$(get_config "rain" || echo "\033[37;1m\xe2\x98\x94") fog=$(get_config "fog" || echo "\033[37;1m\xe2\x96\x92") mist=$(get_config "mist" || echo "\033[34m\xe2\x96\x91") haze=$(get_config "haze" || echo "\033[33m\xe2\x96\x91") snow=$(get_config "snow" || echo "\033[37;1m\xe2\x9d\x84") thunderstorm=$(get_config "thunderstorm" || echo "\033[33;1m\xe2\x9a\xa1") ###[ Fetch Weather data ]###################################################### api_cmd=$([ "$forecast" != 0 ] && echo "forecast/daily" || echo "weather") if [ "$location" -gt 0 ] 2> /dev/null then # Location is all numeric weather=$($fetch_cmd "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/$api_cmd?id=$location&units=$units&appid=$api_key") else # Location is a string location=$(echo "$location" | sed "s/ /%20/g") weather=$($fetch_cmd "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/$api_cmd?q=$location&units=$units&appid=$api_key") fi if [ -z "$weather" ] then echo "ERROR: Cannot fetch weather data" exit 75 # EX_TEMPFAIL fi status_code=$(echo "$weather" | jq -r '.cod' 2>/dev/null) if [ "$status_code" != 200 ] then echo "ERROR: Cannot fetch weather data for the given location" exit 69 # EX_UNAVAILABLE fi ###[ Fetch UV data ]########################################################### if [ "$show_uvi" = true ] && [ "$forecast" = 0 ] then lat=$(echo "$weather" | jq -r '.coord.lat') lon=$(echo "$weather" | jq -r '.coord.lon') uvdata=$($fetch_cmd "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/uvi?lat=$lat&lon=$lon&appid=$api_key") uvi=$(echo "$uvdata" | jq -r '.value') fi ###[ Process Weather data ]#################################################### epoch_to_date() { if date -j -r "$1" +"%a %b %d" > /dev/null 2>&1; then # BSD ret=$(date -j -r "$1" +"$dateformat") else # GNU ret=$(date -d "@$1" +"$dateformat") fi echo "$ret" } if [ "$forecast" != 0 ] then city=$(echo "$weather" | jq -r '.city.name') flength=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.list | length') forecast=$([ "$forecast" -gt "$flength" ] && echo "$flength" || echo "$forecast") else city=$(echo "$weather" | jq -r '.name') temperature=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.main.temp' | xargs gprintf "%.0f") humidity=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.main.humidity') feels_like=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.main.feels_like' | xargs printf "%.0f") pressure=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.main.pressure') sky=$(echo "$weather" | jq -r '.weather[0].main') sunrise=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.sys.sunrise') sunset=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.sys.sunset') wind=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.wind.speed') azimuth=$(echo "$weather" | jq '.wind.deg') fi ###[ Process Wind data ]####################################################### set -- $(get_config "wind_directions" || echo "N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNW") if [ "$forecast" = 0 ] then shift "$(echo "scale=0; ($azimuth + 11.25)/22.5 % 16" | bc)" direction=$1 fi ###[ Process Sunrise and Sunset data ]######################################### epoch_to_time() { if date -j -r "$1" +"%r" > /dev/null 2>&1; then # BSD ret=$(date -j -r "$1" +"$timeformat") else # GNU ret=$(date -d "@$1" +"$timeformat") fi echo "$ret" } if [ "$forecast" = 0 ] then if [ -n "$sunrise" ] then sunrise_time=$(epoch_to_time "$sunrise") fi if [ -n "$sunset" ] then sunset_time=$(epoch_to_time "$sunset") fi fi ###[ Set the period ]########################################################## now=$(date +%s) if [ "$forecast" != 0 ] then period="none" else if [ -z "$sunset" ] || [ -z "$sunrise" ] then period="day" elif [ "$now" -ge "$sunset" ] || [ "$now" -le "$sunrise" ] then period="night" else period="day" fi fi ###[ Set the scale ]########################################################### case $units in metric) scale="°C" speed_unit="m/s" pressure_unit="hPa" pressure=$(echo "$pressure" | xargs gprintf "%.0f") ;; imperial) scale="°F" speed_unit="mph" pressure_unit="inHg" if [ "$forecast" = 0 ] then pressure=$(echo "$pressure*0.0295" | bc | xargs gprintf "%.2f") fi ;; esac ###[ Set icons ]############################################################### get_icon() { case $1 in Clear) if [ $period = "night" ] then echo "$moon " else echo "$sun " fi ;; Clouds) echo "$clouds " ;; Rain) echo "$rain " ;; Fog) echo "$fog " ;; Mist) echo "$mist " ;; Haze) echo "$haze " ;; Snow) echo "$snow " ;; Thunderstorm) echo "$thunderstorm " ;; esac } ###[ Display current Weather ]################################################# if [ "$forecast" != 0 ] then output="$background$text $city $forecast_text$text$delimiter " i=0 while [ $i -lt "$forecast" ] do day=$(echo "$weather" | jq ".list[$i]") date=$(epoch_to_date "$(echo "$day" | jq -r '.dt')") low=$(echo "$day" | jq -r '.temp.min' | xargs gprintf "%.0f") high=$(echo "$day" | jq -r '.temp.max' | xargs gprintf "%.0f") icon="" if [ "$symbols" = true ] then sky=$(echo "$day" | jq -r '.weather[0].main') icon=$(get_icon "$sky") fi output="$output$text$date$delimiter $data$high$text/$data$low $scale $icon" if [ $i -lt $((forecast-1)) ] then output="$output$dashes " fi i=$((i + 1)) done else if [ "$symbols" = true ] then icon="$(get_icon "$sky")" fi output="$background$text $greeting_text $city$delimiter$data $temperature $scale $icon" if [ "$show_feels_like" = true ] then output="$output$dashes$text $feels_like_text$delimiter$data $feels_like $scale " fi if [ "$show_uvi" = true ] then output="$output$dashes$text UVI$delimiter$data $uvi " fi if [ "$show_wind" = true ] then output="$output$dashes$text $wind_text$delimiter$data $wind $speed_unit $direction " fi if [ "$show_humidity" = true ] then output="$output$dashes$text $humidity_text$delimiter$data $humidity%% " fi if [ "$show_pressure" = true ] then output="$output$dashes$text $pressure_text$delimiter$data $pressure $pressure_unit " fi if [ "$show_daylight" = true ] then output="$output$dashes$text $sunrise_text$delimiter$data $sunrise_time $dashes$text $sunset_text$delimiter$data $sunset_time " fi fi if [ "$ansi" = true ] then env gprintf "$output\033[0m\n" else env gprintf "$output\n" | sed "s/$(gprintf '\033')\[[0-9;]*m//g" fi