package com.jbidwatcher.util; /* * Copyright (c) 2000-2007, CyberFOX Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Developed by mrs (Morgan Schweers) */ import com.jbidwatcher.util.config.JConfig; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.beans.PersistenceDelegate; import java.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate; public class Currency implements Comparable { public static final String VALUE_REGEX="^(\\s?\\$)?[0-9]+([,.0-9]*)$"; public static final String NAME_REGEX = "(USD|GBP|JPY|CHF|FRF|EUR|CAD|AUD|NTD|TWD|HKD|MYR|SGD|INR|US)"; private static NumberFormat df = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(Locale.US); // We create a lot of these, so minimizing memory usage is good. public static final int NONE=0, US_DOLLAR=1, UK_POUND=2, JP_YEN=3, GER_MARK=4, FR_FRANC=5, CAN_DOLLAR=6; public static final int EURO=7, AU_DOLLAR=8, CH_FRANC=9, NT_DOLLAR=10, TW_DOLLAR=10, HK_DOLLAR=11; public static final int MY_REAL=12, SG_DOLLAR=13, IND_RUPEE=14; private static Currency _noValue = null; /** * @brief This provides a concept of a currency value that is * invalid, not just 'zero' in some arbitrary currency. * * @return A single, consistent, 'Empty Value', which indicates an * invalid currency. */ public static Currency NoValue() { if(_noValue == null) _noValue = new Currency(NONE, 0.0); return _noValue; } protected int mCurrencyType; protected double mValue; private static final char pound = '\u00A3'; private static final Character objPound = '\u00A3'; private static Map sCurrencyMap = new HashMap(); /** * Convert a non-US currency to USD, usually for sorting purposes. * * Takes two values (usd, non-usd) which are believed to be * equivalent, and a currency amount to convert based off the * ratio between the first two. If the USD amount is null or $0, * it looks in a table it keeps around for converting. If that fails, * it just returns the non-USD's value. * * @param usd - A sample US dollar amount. * @param nonusd - A non-US dollar amount that is equivalent to the usd paramter. * @param cvt - The non-USD amount to convert to USD. * * @return - 'cvt' converted by the ratio of usd:nonusd, or by an internal table if * it couldn't figure out the ratio, or just the non-usd's amount as a USD amount if * there wasn't even an entry in the table. */ public static Currency convertToUSD(Currency usd, Currency nonusd, Currency cvt) { if(cvt != null && !cvt.isNull() && cvt.getCurrencyType() != US_DOLLAR) { double multiple; if(usd == null || usd.isNull() || usd.getValue() == 0.0 || nonusd == null || nonusd.isNull() || nonusd.getValue() == 0.0) { if(sCurrencyMap.containsKey(cvt.getCurrencyType())) { multiple = sCurrencyMap.get(cvt.getCurrencyType()); } else { // If we have nothing else to go on, treat it as exactly equal to USD. multiple = 1.0; } } else { multiple = usd.getValue() / nonusd.getValue(); if(multiple != 0.0) sCurrencyMap.put(nonusd.getCurrencyType(), multiple); } return getCurrency(US_DOLLAR, multiple*cvt.getValue()); } return cvt; } /*!@class CurrencyTypeException * * @brief A class to yell about currency type comparison exceptions. * * This is used when comparing two currencies of disparate monies. */ public static class CurrencyTypeException extends Exception { String _associatedString; public CurrencyTypeException(String inString) { _associatedString = inString; } public String toString() { return _associatedString; } } private static final Integer CurDollar = US_DOLLAR; // American Dollar private static final Integer CurPound = UK_POUND; // British Pound private static final Integer CurYen = JP_YEN; // Japanese Yen private static final Integer CurMark = GER_MARK; // German Mark private static final Integer CurFranc = FR_FRANC; // French Franc private static final Integer CurSwiss = CH_FRANC; // Swiss Franc private static final Integer CurCan = CAN_DOLLAR; // Canadian Dollar private static final Integer CurEuro = EURO; // Euro private static final Integer CurAu = AU_DOLLAR; // Australian Dollar private static final Integer CurTaiwan = NT_DOLLAR; // New Taiwanese Dollar private static final Integer CurHK = HK_DOLLAR; // Hong Kong Dollar private static final Integer CurMyr = MY_REAL; // Malaysia Real(?) private static final Integer CurSGD = SG_DOLLAR; // Singapore Dollar private static final Integer CurRupee = IND_RUPEE; // Indian Rupee // The fundamental list of the textual representation for different // currencies, and the Currency type it translates to. private static final Object xlateTable[][] = { { "USD", CurDollar }, { "US $", CurDollar }, { "AU $", CurAu }, { "au$", CurAu }, { "AU", CurAu }, { "AUD", CurAu }, { "US", CurDollar }, { "USD $", CurDollar }, { "$", CurDollar }, { "C", CurCan }, { "C $", CurCan }, { "CAD", CurCan }, { "c$", CurCan }, { "GBP", CurPound }, { objPound.toString(), CurPound }, { "pound", CurPound }, { "\u00A3", CurPound }, { "£", CurPound }, { "Y", CurYen }, { "JPY", CurYen }, { "¥", CurYen }, { "\u00A5", CurYen }, { "DM", CurMark }, { "FRF", CurFranc }, { "fr", CurFranc }, { "CHF", CurSwiss }, { "chf", CurSwiss }, { "dm", CurMark }, { "\u20AC", CurEuro }, { "eur", CurEuro }, { "EUR", CurEuro }, { "Eur", CurEuro }, { "NT$", CurTaiwan }, { "nt$", CurTaiwan }, { "NTD", CurTaiwan }, { "HK$", CurHK }, { "hk$", CurHK }, { "HKD", CurHK }, { "MYR", CurMyr }, { "myr", CurMyr }, { "SGD", CurSGD }, { "sgd", CurSGD }, { "INR", CurRupee }, { "inr", CurRupee } }; /** * @brief Convert from a string containing a recognized symbol into * a currency type. * * @param symbol - The string representation of a currency. * * @return - The integer value associated with the provided * currency, or NONE for unrecognized currencies. */ private int xlateSymbolToType(String symbol) { for (Object[] aXlateTable : xlateTable) { if (symbol.equals(aXlateTable[0])) { return (Integer) aXlateTable[1]; } } return NONE; } private boolean isDigit(char ch) { return(ch>='0' && ch<='9'); } public static boolean isCurrency(String test) { return !getCurrency(test).isNull(); } @NotNull public static Currency getCurrency(String wholeValue) { if(wholeValue == null || wholeValue.length() == 0 || wholeValue.startsWith("UNK")) return NoValue(); return new Currency(wholeValue); } public static Currency getCurrency(int whatType, double startValue) { if(whatType == NONE) return NoValue(); return new Currency(whatType, startValue); } public static Currency getCurrency(String symbol, double startValue) { if(symbol == null || symbol.equalsIgnoreCase("UNK")) return NoValue(); return new Currency(symbol, startValue); } public static Currency getCurrency(String symbol, String startValue) { if(symbol == null || symbol.equalsIgnoreCase("UNK")) return NoValue(); return new Currency(symbol, startValue); } public Currency(String wholeValue) { setValues(wholeValue); } public Currency(int whatType, double startValue) { setValues(whatType, startValue); } public Currency(String symbol, double startValue) { setValues(symbol, startValue); } public Currency(String symbol, String startValue) { setValues(symbol, Double.parseDouble(cleanCommas(startValue))); } // Convert [###.###.]###,## to [###,###,]###.## private static String cleanCommas(String startValue) { int decimalPos = startValue.length()-3; if(decimalPos > 0) { if (startValue.charAt(decimalPos) == '.') { startValue = startValue.replaceAll(",", ""); } else if(startValue.charAt(decimalPos) == ',') { startValue = startValue.replaceAll("\\.", "").replaceAll(",", "."); } } return startValue; } private int checkLengthMatchStart(String value, String currencyName) { String lowVal = value.toLowerCase(); String curNam = currencyName.toLowerCase(); if(lowVal.startsWith(curNam + " ")) { return currencyName.length()+1; } if(lowVal.startsWith(curNam)) { int len = currencyName.length(); while(len < value.length() && !Character.isDigit(value.charAt(len))) len++; return len; } return 0; } /** * @brief Provided an entire string containing a currency prefix and * an amount, extract the two and set this object's value to equal * the result. * * Is there a reason this doesn't use xlateSymbolToType? * BUGBUG -- mrs: 03-January-2003 01:28 * * @param wholeValue - The string containing an entire currency+amount text. */ private void setValues(String wholeValue) { if(wholeValue == null || wholeValue.equals("null")) { setValues(Currency.NONE, 0.0); } else { char firstChar = wholeValue.charAt(0); int eurLen = checkLengthMatchStart(wholeValue, "EUR"); int gbpLen = checkLengthMatchStart(wholeValue, "GBP"); int frfLen = checkLengthMatchStart(wholeValue, "FRF"); int chfLen = checkLengthMatchStart(wholeValue, "CHF"); int cdnLen = checkLengthMatchStart(wholeValue, "CAD"); int ntdLen = checkLengthMatchStart(wholeValue, "NTD"); int audLen = checkLengthMatchStart(wholeValue, "AUD"); int usdLen = checkLengthMatchStart(wholeValue, "USD"); String parseCurrency; String valuePortion; if(wholeValue.startsWith("US $")) { parseCurrency = "US $"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(4); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("USD $")) { // In case eBay ever corrects to the RIGHT currency code for USD. parseCurrency = "USD $"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(5); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("AU $")) { parseCurrency = "AU $"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(4); } else if(usdLen != 0) { parseCurrency = "USD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(usdLen); } else if(eurLen != 0) { parseCurrency = "EUR"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(eurLen); } else if(gbpLen != 0) { parseCurrency = "GBP"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(gbpLen); } else if(frfLen != 0) { parseCurrency = "FRF"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(frfLen); } else if(chfLen != 0) { parseCurrency = "CHF"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(chfLen); } else if(cdnLen != 0) { parseCurrency = "CAD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(cdnLen); } else if(ntdLen != 0) { parseCurrency = "NTD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(ntdLen); } else if(audLen != 0) { parseCurrency = "AUD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(audLen); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("NT$")) { parseCurrency = "NTD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(3); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("SGD")) { parseCurrency = "SGD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(3); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("sgd")) { parseCurrency = "SGD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(3); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("INR")) { parseCurrency = "INR"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(3); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("inr")) { parseCurrency = "INR"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(3); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("nt$")) { parseCurrency = "NTD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(3); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("au$")) { parseCurrency = "AUD"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(3); } else if(wholeValue.startsWith("C $")) { parseCurrency = "C $"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(3); } else if(wholeValue.charAt(0) == pound) { parseCurrency = "GBP"; valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(1); } else { if(!isDigit(firstChar) && firstChar != '$') { int semiIndex = wholeValue.indexOf(";"); if(semiIndex == -1) { semiIndex = wholeValue.indexOf(" "); } if(semiIndex != -1) { parseCurrency = wholeValue.substring(0, semiIndex); valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(parseCurrency.length()+1); } else { parseCurrency = "$"; valuePortion = wholeValue; } } else { parseCurrency = "$"; if(isDigit(firstChar)) { valuePortion = wholeValue; } else { valuePortion = wholeValue.substring(1); } } } // Kill off non-digit characters. while(valuePortion.length() != 0 && !Character.isDigit(valuePortion.charAt(0))) valuePortion = valuePortion.substring(1); // If anything's left, try and parse it. if(valuePortion.length() != 0) { double actualValue; try { String cvt = cleanCommas(valuePortion); actualValue = df.parse(cvt).doubleValue(); } catch(java.text.ParseException e) { JConfig.log().handleException("currency parse!", e); actualValue = 0.0; } setValues(parseCurrency, actualValue); } else { setValues(null); } } } /** * @brief If it's set as two seperate entries, then we use the MUCH * cleaner xlateSymbolToType function. * * This should be the basic method that setValues works also. * * @param symbol - The string form of a currency symbol. * @param startValue - The amount associated with the currency. */ private void setValues(String symbol, double startValue) { setValues(xlateSymbolToType(symbol), startValue); } /** * @brief The underlying setter that assigns the currency and amounts. * * @param whatType - The Currency type to set to. * @param startValue - The amount represented. */ private void setValues(int whatType, double startValue) { mCurrencyType = whatType; mValue = startValue; df.setMinimumFractionDigits(2); df.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); } /** * @brief Get the full, storable textual name for the currency type * of this object. * * @return A string containing a full ISO currency name. */ public String fullCurrencyName() { switch(mCurrencyType) { case US_DOLLAR: return("USD"); case AU_DOLLAR: return("AUD"); case NT_DOLLAR: return("NTD"); case HK_DOLLAR: return("HKD"); case MY_REAL: return("MYR"); case SG_DOLLAR: return("SGD"); case IND_RUPEE: return("INR"); case UK_POUND: return("GBP"); case JP_YEN: return("JPY"); case GER_MARK: return("DM"); case FR_FRANC: return("FRF"); case CH_FRANC: return("CHF"); case CAN_DOLLAR: return("CAD"); case EURO: return("EUR"); default: return("UNK"); } } public double getValue() { return mValue; } public String fullCurrency() { return fullCurrencyName() + " " + getValueString(); } /** * @brief Add two currencies and return a new currency containing * the result of the two added together. * * @param addValue - The currency value/amount to add. It must be * of the same currency type as 'this'. * * @return A new currency object containing the sum of the two * amounts provided, with the same currency type as them. * * @throws CurrencyTypeException if the two objects are of different currencies. */ public Currency add(Currency addValue) throws CurrencyTypeException { if(addValue == null) throw new CurrencyTypeException("Cannot add null Currency."); if(addValue.getCurrencyType() == mCurrencyType) { return new Currency(mCurrencyType, mValue + addValue.getValue()); } // If only one currency is known, return the result as the known currency. if (mCurrencyType == NONE) return new Currency(addValue.getCurrencyType(), mValue + addValue.getValue()); if (addValue.getCurrencyType() == NONE) return new Currency(mCurrencyType, mValue + addValue.getValue()); throw new CurrencyTypeException("Cannot add " + fullCurrencyName() + " to " + addValue.fullCurrencyName() + "."); } /** * @brief Subtract two currencies and return a new currency containing * the result of the passed value subtracted from this objects value. * * @param subValue - The currency value/amount to subtract. It must be * of the same currency type as 'this'. * * @return A new currency object containing the difference of the two * amounts provided, with the same currency type as them. * * @throws CurrencyTypeException if the two objects are of different currencies. */ public Currency subtract(Currency subValue) throws CurrencyTypeException { if(subValue == null) throw new CurrencyTypeException("Cannot subtract null Currency."); if(subValue.getCurrencyType() == mCurrencyType) { return new Currency(mCurrencyType, mValue - subValue.getValue()); } // If only one currency is known, return the result as the known currency. if(mCurrencyType == NONE) return new Currency(subValue.getCurrencyType(), mValue - subValue.getValue()); if(subValue.getCurrencyType() == NONE) return new Currency(mCurrencyType, mValue - subValue.getValue()); throw new CurrencyTypeException("Cannot subtract " + fullCurrencyName() + " from " + subValue.fullCurrencyName() + "."); } public int getCurrencyType() { return mCurrencyType; } public String getCurrencySymbol() { switch(mCurrencyType) { case US_DOLLAR: return("$"); case NT_DOLLAR: return("nt$"); case HK_DOLLAR: return("hk$"); case MY_REAL: return("myr"); case SG_DOLLAR: return("sgd"); case IND_RUPEE: return("Rs."); case UK_POUND: return(objPound.toString()); case JP_YEN: return("\u00A5"); // HACKHACK case FR_FRANC: return("fr"); case CH_FRANC: return("chf"); case GER_MARK: return("dm"); case CAN_DOLLAR: return("c$"); case AU_DOLLAR: return("au$"); case EURO: return("\u20AC"); default: return("unk"); } } /** * @brief Format the currency and amount as appropriate for the * current locale. * * This is kind of interesting, because it will display in one * fashion, but when it snipes or bids, it's all against the * US sites, so it's all operating in US forms at that point. * * @return A nicely formatted, locale-correct money value, prefixed * with the best currency symbol for the currency type. */ public String toString() { if(isNull()) { return("null"); } else { String cvtToString = getCurrencySymbol(); cvtToString += df.format(mValue); return(cvtToString); } } /** * @brief Format the amount as appropriate for the current locale. * * This is kind of interesting, because it will display in one * fashion, but when it snipes or bids, it's all against the * US sites, so it's all operating in US forms at that point. * * @return A nicely formatted, locale-correct money value, prefixed * with the best currency symbol for the currency type. */ public String getValueString() { if(isNull()) { return("null"); } else { return df.format(mValue); } } /** * @brief Implementing equals means I should implement hashCode(). * * @return - The hash code of the string consisting of the full * currency named followed by the value as a string. Null/invalid * currency entries return 0. */ public int hashCode() { if(isNull()) return 0; String tmp = fullCurrencyName() + getValueString(); return tmp.hashCode(); } /** * @brief Must be able to compare currency values for equality. * * @param inValue - The value to compare against. * * @return True if the two values are the same, or the currency and * amount are the same. False otherwise, including false if it is * an entirely different class. Differing currencies are always * unequal. */ public boolean equals(Object inValue) { // Be careful not to compare with null. if(inValue == null) return false; // Shortcut for this.equals(this) if(inValue == this) return true; // Is it this class even? if(!(inValue instanceof Currency)) return false; // Okay, now cast it because it's safe. Currency otherValue = (Currency) inValue; boolean sameCurrency = (otherValue.getCurrencyType() == mCurrencyType); boolean sameValue = ((int) (otherValue.getValue() * 1000)) == ((int) (mValue * 1000)); return(sameCurrency && sameValue); } /** * @brief Determine if (this < otherValue). * * This only works for items of the same currency type. * * @param otherValue - The value to compare against. * * @return - True if this amount is less than the otherValue amount * and both currency types are equal. If the otherValue is null, * the same object as this (this.less(this)), or this amount is * actually less, then it returns false. * * @throws CurrencyTypeException if you try to compare different currencies. */ public boolean less(Currency otherValue) throws CurrencyTypeException { // Be careful if(otherValue == null) return false; // Shortcut if(otherValue == this) return false; boolean sameCurrency = (otherValue.getCurrencyType() == mCurrencyType); if(!sameCurrency) { throw new CurrencyTypeException("Cannot compare different currencies."); } boolean lowerValue = ((int) (otherValue.getValue() * 1000)), (double) (int) (mValue * 1000)) == 1; return(lowerValue); } /** * @brief Utility function to check if this is a purely invalid currency. * * It should probably check against the invalid currency object first... * * @return True if this is a 'null currency' object. */ public boolean isNull() { return(mValue == 0.0 && mCurrencyType == NONE); } /** * @brief The comparable interface defines this, and so I'm * comparing using the well defined set of rules for Comparables. * * Defined with 'equals' and less', but both should be special cases * of this, since some checks are duplicated. * * @param o - The object to compare against. * * @return -1 if o's class is Currency, it's the same currency type, * and the amount of this is less than o's amount. * 0 if o's class is Currency, it's the same currency type, * and the amount of this is the same as o's amount. * 1 if o's class is Currency, it's the same currency type, * and the amount of this is greater than o's amount. * * @throws ClassCastException if you try to compareTo non-Currency classes. */ public int compareTo(Object o) { // We are always greater than null if(o == null) return 1; // We are always equal to ourselves if(o == this) return 0; // This is an incorrect usage and should be caught. if(!(o instanceof Currency)) throw new ClassCastException("Currency cannot compareTo different classes!"); // Okay, now cast it because it's safe. Currency otherValue = (Currency) o; if(otherValue.isNull()) return 1; if(isNull()) return -1; try { if(less(otherValue)) return -1; } catch(ClassCastException e) { /* This should be impossible */ throw new ClassCastException("Currency cannot compareTo different classes!\n" + e); } catch (CurrencyTypeException e) { // Can't re-throw (or not catch!) because Object.compareTo doesn't throw CurrencyTypeException! throw new ClassCastException("Currency cannot compareTo different currencies!\n" + e); } if(equals(otherValue)) return 0; return 1; } public static PersistenceDelegate getDelegate() { return new DefaultPersistenceDelegate(new String[]{"mCurrencyType", "mValue"}); } }