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"""Test converted models layer by layer """ import argparse import logging import os import warnings import numpy as np import cv2 import mxnet as mx logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def read_image(img_path, image_dims=None, mean=None): """ Reads an image from file path or URL, optionally resizing to given image dimensions and subtracting mean. :param img_path: path to file, or url to download :param image_dims: image dimensions to resize to, or None :param mean: mean file to subtract, or None :return: loaded image, in RGB format """ import urllib filename = img_path.split("/")[-1] if img_path.startswith('http'): urllib.urlretrieve(img_path, filename) img = cv2.imread(filename) else: img = cv2.imread(img_path) img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) if image_dims is not None: img = cv2.resize(img, image_dims) # resize to image_dims to fit model img = np.rollaxis(img, 2) # change to (c, h, w) order img = img[np.newaxis, :] # extend to (n, c, h, w) if mean is not None: mean = np.array(mean) if mean.shape == (3,): mean = mean[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis] # extend to (n, c, 1, 1) img = img.astype(np.float32) - mean # subtract mean return img def _ch_dev(arg_params, aux_params, ctx): """ Changes device of given mxnet arguments :param arg_params: arguments :param aux_params: auxiliary parameters :param ctx: new device context :return: arguments and auxiliary parameters on new device """ new_args = dict() new_auxs = dict() for k, v in arg_params.items(): new_args[k] = v.as_in_context(ctx) for k, v in aux_params.items(): new_auxs[k] = v.as_in_context(ctx) return new_args, new_auxs def convert_and_compare_caffe_to_mxnet(image_url, gpu, caffe_prototxt_path, caffe_model_path, caffe_mean, mean_diff_allowed, max_diff_allowed): """ Run the layer comparison on a caffe model, given its prototxt, weights and mean. The comparison is done by inferring on a given image using both caffe and mxnet model :param image_url: image file or url to run inference on :param gpu: gpu to use, -1 for cpu :param caffe_prototxt_path: path to caffe prototxt :param caffe_model_path: path to caffe weights :param caffe_mean: path to caffe mean file """ import caffe from caffe_proto_utils import read_network_dag, process_network_proto, read_caffe_mean from convert_model import convert_model if isinstance(caffe_mean, str): caffe_mean = read_caffe_mean(caffe_mean) elif caffe_mean is None: pass elif len(caffe_mean) == 3: # swap channels from Caffe BGR to RGB caffe_mean = caffe_mean[::-1] # get caffe root location, this is needed to run the upgrade network utility, so we only need # to support parsing of latest caffe caffe_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(caffe.__path__[0])) caffe_prototxt_path = process_network_proto(caffe_root, caffe_prototxt_path) _, layer_name_to_record, top_to_layers = read_network_dag(caffe_prototxt_path) caffe.set_mode_cpu() caffe_net = caffe.Net(caffe_prototxt_path, caffe_model_path, caffe.TEST) image_dims = tuple(caffe_net.blobs['data'].shape)[2:4] logging.info('getting image %s', image_url) img_rgb = read_image(image_url, image_dims, caffe_mean) img_bgr = img_rgb[:, ::-1, :, :] caffe_net.blobs['data'].reshape(*img_bgr.shape) caffe_net.blobs['data'].data[...] = img_bgr _ = caffe_net.forward() # read sym and add all outputs sym, arg_params, aux_params, _ = convert_model(caffe_prototxt_path, caffe_model_path) sym = sym.get_internals() # now mxnet if gpu < 0: ctx = mx.cpu(0) else: ctx = mx.gpu(gpu) arg_params, aux_params = _ch_dev(arg_params, aux_params, ctx) arg_params["data"] = mx.nd.array(img_rgb, ctx) arg_params["prob_label"] = mx.nd.empty((1,), ctx) exe = sym.bind(ctx, arg_params, args_grad=None, grad_req="null", aux_states=aux_params) exe.forward(is_train=False) compare_layers_from_nets(caffe_net, arg_params, aux_params, exe, layer_name_to_record, top_to_layers, mean_diff_allowed, max_diff_allowed) def _bfs(root_node, process_node): """ Implementation of Breadth-first search (BFS) on caffe network DAG :param root_node: root node of caffe network DAG :param process_node: function to run on each node """ from collections import deque seen_nodes = set() next_nodes = deque() seen_nodes.add(root_node) next_nodes.append(root_node) while next_nodes: current_node = next_nodes.popleft() # process current node process_node(current_node) for child_node in current_node.children: if child_node not in seen_nodes: seen_nodes.add(child_node) next_nodes.append(child_node) def compare_layers_from_nets(caffe_net, arg_params, aux_params, exe, layer_name_to_record, top_to_layers, mean_diff_allowed, max_diff_allowed): """ Compare layer by layer of a caffe network with mxnet network :param caffe_net: loaded caffe network :param arg_params: arguments :param aux_params: auxiliary parameters :param exe: mxnet model :param layer_name_to_record: map between caffe layer and information record :param top_to_layers: map between caffe blob name to layers which outputs it (including inplace) :param mean_diff_allowed: mean difference allowed between caffe blob and mxnet blob :param max_diff_allowed: max difference allowed between caffe blob and mxnet blob """ import re log_format = ' {0:<40} {1:<40} {2:<8} {3:>10} {4:>10} {5:<1}' compare_layers_from_nets.is_first_convolution = True def _compare_blob(caf_blob, mx_blob, caf_name, mx_name, blob_type, note): diff = np.abs(mx_blob - caf_blob) diff_mean = diff.mean() diff_max = diff.max() logging.info(log_format.format(caf_name, mx_name, blob_type, '%4.5f' % diff_mean, '%4.5f' % diff_max, note)) assert diff_mean < mean_diff_allowed assert diff_max < max_diff_allowed def _process_layer_parameters(layer): logging.debug('processing layer %s of type %s', layer.name, layer.type) normalized_layer_name = re.sub('[-/]', '_', layer.name) # handle weight and bias of convolution and fully-connected layers if layer.name in caffe_net.params and layer.type in ['Convolution', 'InnerProduct', 'Deconvolution']: has_bias = len(caffe_net.params[layer.name]) > 1 mx_name_weight = '{}_weight'.format(normalized_layer_name) mx_beta = arg_params[mx_name_weight].asnumpy() # first convolution should change from BGR to RGB if layer.type == 'Convolution' and compare_layers_from_nets.is_first_convolution: compare_layers_from_nets.is_first_convolution = False # if RGB or RGBA if mx_beta.shape[1] == 3 or mx_beta.shape[1] == 4: # Swapping BGR of caffe into RGB in mxnet mx_beta[:, [0, 2], :, :] = mx_beta[:, [2, 0], :, :] caf_beta = caffe_net.params[layer.name][0].data _compare_blob(caf_beta, mx_beta, layer.name, mx_name_weight, 'weight', '') if has_bias: mx_name_bias = '{}_bias'.format(normalized_layer_name) mx_gamma = arg_params[mx_name_bias].asnumpy() caf_gamma = caffe_net.params[layer.name][1].data _compare_blob(caf_gamma, mx_gamma, layer.name, mx_name_bias, 'bias', '') elif layer.name in caffe_net.params and layer.type == 'Scale': if 'scale' in normalized_layer_name: bn_name = normalized_layer_name.replace('scale', 'bn') elif 'sc' in normalized_layer_name: bn_name = normalized_layer_name.replace('sc', 'bn') else: assert False, 'Unknown name convention for bn/scale' beta_name = '{}_beta'.format(bn_name) gamma_name = '{}_gamma'.format(bn_name) mx_beta = arg_params[beta_name].asnumpy() caf_beta = caffe_net.params[layer.name][1].data _compare_blob(caf_beta, mx_beta, layer.name, beta_name, 'mov_mean', '') mx_gamma = arg_params[gamma_name].asnumpy() caf_gamma = caffe_net.params[layer.name][0].data _compare_blob(caf_gamma, mx_gamma, layer.name, gamma_name, 'mov_var', '') elif layer.name in caffe_net.params and layer.type == 'BatchNorm': mean_name = '{}_moving_mean'.format(normalized_layer_name) var_name = '{}_moving_var'.format(normalized_layer_name) caf_rescale_factor = caffe_net.params[layer.name][2].data mx_mean = aux_params[mean_name].asnumpy() caf_mean = caffe_net.params[layer.name][0].data / caf_rescale_factor _compare_blob(caf_mean, mx_mean, layer.name, mean_name, 'mean', '') mx_var = aux_params[var_name].asnumpy() caf_var = caffe_net.params[layer.name][1].data / caf_rescale_factor _compare_blob(caf_var, mx_var, layer.name, var_name, 'var', 'expect 1e-04 change due to cudnn eps') elif layer.type in ['Input', 'Pooling', 'ReLU', 'Eltwise', 'Softmax', 'LRN', 'Concat', 'Dropout', 'Crop']: # no parameters to check for these layers pass else: warnings.warn('No handling for layer %s of type %s, should we ignore it?', layer.name, layer.type) def _process_layer_output(caffe_blob_name): logging.debug('processing blob %s', caffe_blob_name) # skip blobs not originating from actual layers, e.g. artificial split layers added by caffe if caffe_blob_name not in top_to_layers: return caf_blob = caffe_net.blobs[caffe_blob_name].data # data should change from BGR to RGB if caffe_blob_name == 'data': # if RGB or RGBA if caf_blob.shape[1] == 3 or caf_blob.shape[1] == 4: # Swapping BGR of caffe into RGB in mxnet caf_blob[:, [0, 2], :, :] = caf_blob[:, [2, 0], :, :] mx_name = 'data' else: # get last layer name which outputs this blob name last_layer_name = top_to_layers[caffe_blob_name][-1] normalized_last_layer_name = re.sub('[-/]', '_', last_layer_name) mx_name = '{}_output'.format(normalized_last_layer_name) if 'scale' in mx_name: mx_name = mx_name.replace('scale', 'bn') elif 'sc' in mx_name: mx_name = mx_name.replace('sc', 'bn') if mx_name not in exe.output_dict: logging.error('mxnet blob %s is missing, time to extend the compare tool..', mx_name) return mx_blob = exe.output_dict[mx_name].asnumpy() _compare_blob(caf_blob, mx_blob, caffe_blob_name, mx_name, 'output', '') return # check layer parameters logging.info('\n***** Network Parameters '.ljust(140, '*')) logging.info(log_format.format('CAFFE', 'MXNET', 'Type', 'Mean(diff)', 'Max(diff)', 'Note')) first_layer_name = layer_name_to_record.keys()[0] _bfs(layer_name_to_record[first_layer_name], _process_layer_parameters) # check layer output logging.info('\n***** Network Outputs '.ljust(140, '*')) logging.info(log_format.format('CAFFE', 'MXNET', 'Type', 'Mean(diff)', 'Max(diff)', 'Note')) for caffe_blob_name in caffe_net.blobs.keys(): _process_layer_output(caffe_blob_name) def main(): """Entrypoint for compare_layers""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Tool for testing caffe to mxnet conversion layer by layer') parser.add_argument('--image_url', type=str, default='https://github.com/dmlc/web-data/raw/master/mxnet/doc/'\ 'tutorials/python/predict_image/cat.jpg', help='input image to test inference, can be either file path or url') parser.add_argument('--caffe_prototxt_path', type=str, default='./model.prototxt', help='path to caffe prototxt') parser.add_argument('--caffe_model_path', type=str, default='./model.caffemodel', help='path to caffe weights') parser.add_argument('--caffe_mean', type=str, default='./model_mean.binaryproto', help='path to caffe mean file') parser.add_argument('--mean_diff_allowed', type=int, default=1e-03, help='mean difference allowed between caffe blob and mxnet blob') parser.add_argument('--max_diff_allowed', type=int, default=1e-01, help='max difference allowed between caffe blob and mxnet blob') parser.add_argument('--gpu', type=int, default=-1, help='the gpu id used for predict') args = parser.parse_args() convert_and_compare_caffe_to_mxnet(args.image_url, args.gpu, args.caffe_prototxt_path, args.caffe_model_path, args.caffe_mean, args.mean_diff_allowed, args.max_diff_allowed) if __name__ == '__main__': main()