/* XOSD Copyright (c) 2001 Andre Renaud (andre@ignavus.net) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include "bmp_osd.h" #include #include #include static void init(void); static void cleanup(void); static gint timeout_func(gpointer); GeneralPlugin gp = { .handle = NULL, .filename = NULL, .xmms_session = -1, .description = "On Screen Display " XOSD_VERSION, .init = init, .about = NULL, .configure = configure, .cleanup = cleanup, }; struct state { gboolean playing; gboolean paused; gboolean shuffle; gboolean repeat; int pos; int volume; int balance; gchar *title; }; static struct state previous; struct show show; xosd *osd = NULL; static guint timeout_tag; gchar *font; gchar *colour; gint timeout; gint offset; gint h_offset; gint shadow_offset; gint outline_offset; gint pos; gint align; /* * Return plugin structure. */ GeneralPlugin * get_gplugin_info(void) { return &gp; } /* * Initialize plugin. */ static void init(void) { DEBUG("init"); if (osd) { DEBUG("uniniting osd"); xosd_destroy(osd); osd = NULL; } read_config(); #if 0 /* Deadlocks, because it is to early. */ previous.playing = xmms_remote_is_playing(gp.xmms_session); previous.paused = xmms_remote_is_paused(gp.xmms_session); previous.shuffle = xmms_remote_is_shuffle(gp.xmms_session); previous.repeat = xmms_remote_is_repeat(gp.xmms_session); previous.pos = xmms_remote_get_playlist_pos(gp.xmms_session); previous.volume = xmms_remote_get_main_volume(gp.xmms_session); previous.balance = (xmms_remote_get_balance(gp.xmms_session) + 100) / 2; previous.title = NULL; #else memset(&previous, 0, sizeof(struct state)); #endif DEBUG("calling osd init function"); osd = xosd_create(2); apply_config(); DEBUG("osd initialized"); if (osd) timeout_tag = gtk_timeout_add(100, timeout_func, NULL); } /* * Free memory and release resources. */ static void cleanup(void) { DEBUG("cleanup"); if (osd && timeout_tag) gtk_timeout_remove(timeout_tag); timeout_tag = 0; if (font) { g_free(font); font = NULL; } if (colour) { g_free(colour); colour = NULL; } if (previous.title) { g_free(previous.title); previous.title = NULL; } if (osd) { DEBUG("hide"); xosd_hide(osd); DEBUG("uninit"); xosd_destroy(osd); DEBUG("done with osd"); osd = NULL; } } /* * Read configuration and initialize variables. */ void read_config(void) { ConfigFile *cfgfile; DEBUG("read_config"); show.volume = 1; show.balance = 1; show.pause = 1; show.trackname = 1; show.stop = 1; show.repeat = 1; show.shuffle = 1; g_free(colour); g_free(font); colour = NULL; font = NULL; timeout = 3; offset = 50; h_offset = 0; shadow_offset = 1; outline_offset = 0; pos = XOSD_bottom; align = XOSD_left; DEBUG("reading configuration data"); if ((cfgfile = xmms_cfg_open_default_file()) != NULL) { xmms_cfg_read_string(cfgfile, "osd", "font", &font); xmms_cfg_read_string(cfgfile, "osd", "colour", &colour); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "timeout", &timeout); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "offset", &offset); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "h_offset", &h_offset); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "shadow_offset", &shadow_offset); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "outline_offset", &outline_offset); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "pos", &pos); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "align", &align); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_volume", &show.volume); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_balance", &show.balance); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_pause", &show.pause); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_trackname", &show.trackname); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_stop", &show.stop); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_repeat", &show.repeat); xmms_cfg_read_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_shuffle", &show.shuffle); xmms_cfg_free(cfgfile); } DEBUG("getting default font"); if (font == NULL) font = g_strdup(osd_default_font); DEBUG("default colour"); if (colour == NULL) colour = g_strdup("green"); DEBUG("done"); } /* * Write configuration. */ void write_config(void) { ConfigFile *cfgfile; DEBUG("write_config"); if ((cfgfile = xmms_cfg_open_default_file()) != NULL) { xmms_cfg_write_string(cfgfile, "osd", "colour", colour); xmms_cfg_write_string(cfgfile, "osd", "font", font); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "timeout", timeout); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "offset", offset); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "h_offset", h_offset); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "shadow_offset", shadow_offset); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "outline_offset", outline_offset); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "pos", pos); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "align", align); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_volume", show.volume); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_balance", show.balance); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_pause", show.pause); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_trackname", show.trackname); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_stop", show.stop); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_repeat", show.repeat); xmms_cfg_write_int(cfgfile, "osd", "show_shuffle", show.shuffle); xmms_cfg_write_default_file(cfgfile); xmms_cfg_free(cfgfile); } DEBUG("done"); } void apply_config(void) { DEBUG("apply_config"); if (osd) { if (xosd_set_font(osd, font) == -1) DEBUG("invalid font %s", font); xosd_set_colour(osd, colour); xosd_set_timeout(osd, timeout); xosd_set_shadow_offset(osd, shadow_offset); xosd_set_outline_offset(osd, outline_offset); xosd_set_pos(osd, pos); xosd_set_align(osd, align); xosd_set_vertical_offset(osd, offset); xosd_set_horizontal_offset(osd, h_offset); } DEBUG("done"); } /* * Convert hexcode to ASCII. */ static void replace_hexcodes(gchar * text) { gchar *head, *tail; int conv_underscore, c; ConfigFile *cfgfile; DEBUG("replace_hexcodes"); if ((cfgfile = xmms_cfg_open_default_file()) != NULL) { xmms_cfg_read_boolean(cfgfile, "xmms", "convert_underscore", &conv_underscore); xmms_cfg_free(cfgfile); } for (head = tail = text; *head; head++, tail++) { /* replace underscors with spaces if necessary */ if (conv_underscore && *head == '_') { *tail = ' '; continue; } /* replace hex with character if necessary */ if (*head == '%' && isxdigit(head[1]) && isxdigit(head[2])) { sscanf(head + 1, "%2x", &c); *tail = (char) c; head += 2; continue; } *tail = *head; } *tail = '\0'; } /* * Callback funtion to handle delayed display. */ static gint timeout_func(gpointer data) { struct state current; char *text = NULL; gboolean songchange, showtext, withtime = FALSE; gint playlist_length; DEBUG("timeout func"); if (!osd) return FALSE; GDK_THREADS_ENTER(); current.playing = xmms_remote_is_playing(gp.xmms_session); current.paused = xmms_remote_is_paused(gp.xmms_session); current.shuffle = xmms_remote_is_shuffle(gp.xmms_session); current.repeat = xmms_remote_is_repeat(gp.xmms_session); current.pos = xmms_remote_get_playlist_pos(gp.xmms_session); current.volume = xmms_remote_get_main_volume(gp.xmms_session); current.balance = (xmms_remote_get_balance(gp.xmms_session) + 100) / 2; /* Get the current title only if the playlist is not empty. Otherwise * it'll crash. Don't forget to free the title! */ playlist_length = xmms_remote_get_playlist_length(gp.xmms_session); current.title = playlist_length ? xmms_remote_get_playlist_title(gp.xmms_session, current.pos) : NULL; /* Check for song change. Deleting a song from the playlist only changed the * name, but not the position, so compare also by (still hexencoded) name. */ songchange = (previous.pos != current.pos) || (previous.title == NULL && current.title != NULL) || (previous.title != NULL && current.title == NULL) || (previous.title != NULL && current.title != NULL && (g_strcasecmp(previous.title, current.title) != 0)); /* Possible show something when either song or state changed. */ showtext = songchange || ((current.playing != previous.playing) || (current.paused != previous.paused)); /* Determine right text depending on state and state/title change. * +---+ +---+ * | | | | * +->PLAY<---->STOP<-+ * ^ ^ * | | * +-->PAUSE--+ */ if (!current.playing) { /* {PLAY,PAUSE,STOP} -> STOP */ text = "Stopped"; showtext &= show.stop; } else if (current.paused) { /* PLAY -> PAUSE */ text = "Paused"; showtext &= show.pause; withtime = TRUE; } else if (previous.paused && !current.paused && !songchange) { /* PAUSE -SameSong-> PLAY */ text = "Unpaused"; showtext &= show.pause; withtime = TRUE; } else { /* {PLAY,STOP} -> PLAY <-OtherSong- PAUSE */ text = "Playing"; showtext &= show.trackname; } /* Decide what to display, in decreasing priority. */ if (showtext) { xosd_display(osd, 0, XOSD_string, text); if (show.trackname && (current.title != NULL)) { int len; char *title; gint playlist_time; len = 13 + strlen(current.title) + (withtime ? 11 : 0); title = malloc(len); playlist_time = withtime ? xmms_remote_get_output_time(gp.xmms_session) : 0; snprintf(title, len, withtime ? "%i/%i: %s (%i:%02i)" : "%i/%i: %s", current.pos + 1, playlist_length, current.title, playlist_time / 1000 / 60, playlist_time / 1000 % 60); replace_hexcodes(title); xosd_display(osd, 1, XOSD_string, title); free(title); } else xosd_display(osd, 1, XOSD_string, ""); } else if (current.volume != previous.volume && show.volume) { DEBUG("V: %d->%d\n", previous.volume, current.volume); /* xmms returns -1 during a title change. skip this and try again later. */ if ((previous.volume == -1) || (current.volume == -1)) goto skip; xosd_display(osd, 0, XOSD_string, "Volume"); xosd_display(osd, 1, XOSD_percentage, current.volume); } else if (current.balance != previous.balance && show.balance) { DEBUG("B: %d->%d\n", previous.balance, current.balance); /* FIXME: Same as above might happen, but with what values? */ xosd_display(osd, 0, XOSD_string, "Balance"); xosd_display(osd, 1, XOSD_slider, current.balance); } else if (current.repeat != previous.repeat && show.repeat) { xosd_display(osd, 0, XOSD_string, "Repeat"); xosd_display(osd, 1, XOSD_string, current.repeat ? "On" : "Off"); } else if (current.shuffle != previous.shuffle && show.shuffle) { xosd_display(osd, 0, XOSD_string, "Shuffle"); xosd_display(osd, 1, XOSD_string, current.shuffle ? "On" : "Off"); } skip: /* copy current state (including title) for future comparison. Free old * title first. */ if (previous.title) g_free(previous.title); previous = current; GDK_THREADS_LEAVE(); return TRUE; } /* vim: tabstop=8 shiftwidth=8 noexpandtab */