/* * GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK * * Authors: Jean Le Feuvre, Cyril Concolato, Romain Bouqueau * Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2005-2012 * All rights reserved * * This file is part of GPAC / mp4-to-ts (mp42ts) application * * GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING #include #endif #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_SENG #include #endif #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_TTXT #include #endif #ifdef GPAC_DISABLE_MPEG2TS_MUX #error "Cannot compile MP42TS if GPAC is not built with MPEG2-TS Muxing support" #endif #define MP42TS_PRINT_TIME_MS 500 /*refresh printed info every CLOCK_REFRESH ms*/ #define MP42TS_VIDEO_FREQ 1000 /*meant to send AVC IDR only every CLOCK_REFRESH ms*/ #define GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER s32 temi_id_1 = -1; s32 temi_id_2 = -1; u32 temi_url_insertion_delay = 1000; u32 temi_offset = 0; Bool temi_disable_loop = GF_FALSE; Double temi_period=0; Bool request_temi_toggle = GF_FALSE; Bool temi_on = GF_TRUE; Bool temi_single_toggle = GF_FALSE; u64 temi_period_last_dts = 0; FILE *logfile = NULL; //no longer supported for filters #define GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER static void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "mp42ts [options]\n" "\n" "Inputs:\n" "-src filename[:OPTS] specifies an input file used for a TS service\n" " * currently only supports ISO files and SDP files\n" " * can be used several times, once for each program\n" "By default each source is a program in a TS. \n" "Source options are colon-separated list of options, as follows:\n" "ID=N specifies the program ID for this source.\n" " All sources with the same ID will be added to the same program\n" "name=STR program name, as used in DVB service description table\n" "provider=STR provider name, as used in DVB service description table\n" "disc the first packet of each stream will have the discontinuity marker set\n" "pmt=N sets version number of the PMT\n" "\n" "-prog filename same as -src filename\n" "\n" "Destinations:\n" "Several destinations may be specified as follows, at least one is mandatory\n" "-dst-udp UDP_address:port (multicast or unicast)\n" "-dst-rtp RTP_address:port\n" "-dst-file filename\n" "The following parameters may be specified when -dst-file is used\n" "-segment-dir dir server local directory to store segments (ends with a '/')\n" "-segment-duration dur segment duration in seconds\n" "-segment-manifest file m3u8 file basename\n" "-segment-http-prefix p client address for accessing server segments\n" "-segment-number n number of segments to list in the manifest\n" "\n" "Basic options:\n" "-rate R specifies target rate in kbps of the multiplex (optional)\n" "-real-time specifies the muxer will work in real-time mode\n" " * if not specified, the muxer will generate the TS as quickly as possible\n" " * automatically set for SDP or BT input\n" "-pcr-init V sets initial value V for PCR - if not set, random value is used\n" "-pcr-offset V offsets all timestamps from PCR by V, in 90kHz. Default value is computed based on input media.\n" "-psi-rate V sets PSI refresh rate V in ms (default 100ms).\n" " * If 0, PSI data is only send once at the beginning or before each IDR when -rap option is set.\n" " * This should be set to 0 for DASH streams.\n" "-time n request the muxer to stop after n ms\n" "-single-au forces 1 PES = 1 AU (disabled by default)\n" "-multi-au forces 1 PES = N AU for all streams (disabled by default).\n" " By default, audio streams pack N AUs in one PES but video and systems data use 1 AU per PES.\n" "-rap forces RAP/IDR to be aligned with PES start for video streams (disabled by default)\n" " in this mode, PAT, PMT and PCR will be inserted before the first TS packet of the RAP PES\n" "-flush-rap same as -rap but flushes all other streams (sends remaining PES packets) before inserting PAT/PMT\n" "-nb-pack N specifies to pack up to N TS packets together before sending on network or writing to file\n" "-pcr-ms N sets max interval in ms between 2 PCR. Default is 100 ms or at each PES header\n" "-force-pcr-only allows sending PCR-only packets to enforce the requested PCR rate - STILL EXPERIMENTAL.\n" "-ttl N specifies Time-To-Live for multicast. Default is 1.\n" "-ifce IPIFCE specifies default IP interface to use. Default is IF_ANY.\n" "-temi [URL] Inserts TEMI time codes in adaptation field. URL is optional, and can be a number for external timeline IDs\n" "-temi-delay DelayMS Specifies delay between two TEMI url descriptors (default is 1000)\n" "-temi-offset OffsetMS Specifies an offset in ms to add to TEMI (by default TEMI starts at 0)\n" "-temi-noloop Do not restart the TEMI timeline at the end of the source\n" "-temi2 ID Inserts a secondary TEMI time codes in adaptation field of the audio PID if any. ID shall be set to the desired external timeline IDs\n" "-insert-ntp Inserts NTP timestamp in TEMI timeline descriptor\n" "-sdt-rate MS Gives the SDT carrousel rate in milliseconds. If 0 (default), SDT is not sent\n" "\n" "MPEG-4/T-DMB options:\n" "-bifs-src filename update file: must be either an .sdp or a .bt file\n" "-audio url may be mp3/udp or aac/http (shoutcast/icecast)\n" "-video url shall be a raw h264 frame\n" "-mpeg4-carousel n carousel period in ms\n" "-mpeg4 or -4on2 forces usage of MPEG-4 signaling (IOD and SL Config)\n" "-4over2 same as -4on2 and uses PMT to carry OD Updates\n" "-bifs-pes carries BIFS over PES instead of sections\n" "-bifs-pes-ex carries BIFS over PES without writing timestamps in SL\n" "\n" "Misc options\n" #ifdef GPAC_MEMORY_TRACKING "-mem-track enables memory tracker\n" "-mem-track-stack enables memory tracker stack dumping\n" #endif "-h or -help print this screen\n" "-hc print libgpac options\n" "\n" "GPAC version %s\n" "(c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2018 - Licence LGPL v2\n" "GPAC Configuration: " GPAC_CONFIGURATION "\n" "Features: %s %s\n\n", gf_gpac_version(), gf_enabled_features(), gf_disabled_features() ); } #define MAX_MUX_SRC_PROG 100 typedef struct { #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM GF_ISOFile *mp4; #endif u32 nb_streams, pcr_idx; GF_ESInterface streams[40]; GF_Descriptor *iod; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_SENG GF_SceneEngine *seng; #endif GF_Thread *th; char *bifs_src_name; u32 rate; Bool repeat; u32 mpeg4_signaling; Bool audio_configured; u64 samples_done, samples_count; u32 nb_real_streams; Bool real_time; GF_List *od_updates; u32 max_sample_size; char program_name[20]; char provider_name[20]; u32 ID; Bool is_not_program_declaration; Bool set_disc; u32 pmt_version; Double last_ntp; } M2TSSource; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM typedef struct { GF_ISOFile *mp4; u32 track, sample_number, sample_count; u32 mstype, mtype; GF_ISOSample *sample; /*refresh rate for images*/ u32 image_repeat_ms, nb_repeat_last; void *dsi; u32 dsi_size; void *dsi_and_rap; Bool loop; Bool is_repeat; s64 ts_offset, cts_dts_shift; M2TSSource *source; const char *temi_url; u32 last_temi_url, timeline_id; Bool insert_ntp; } GF_ESIMP4; #endif typedef struct { u32 carousel_period, ts_delta; u16 aggregate_on_stream; Bool adjust_carousel_time; Bool discard; Bool rap; Bool critical; Bool vers_inc; } GF_ESIStream; typedef struct { u32 size; char *data; } GF_SimpleDataDescriptor; //TODO: find a clean way to save this data #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER static u32 audio_OD_stream_id = (u32)-1; #endif #define AUDIO_OD_ESID 100 #define AUDIO_DATA_ESID 101 #define VIDEO_DATA_ESID 105 /*output types*/ enum { GF_MP42TS_FILE, /*open mpeg2ts file*/ GF_MP42TS_UDP, /*open udp socket*/ GF_MP42TS_RTP, /*open rtp socket*/ #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER GF_MP42TS_HTTP, /*open http downloader*/ #endif }; static u32 format_af_descriptor(char *af_data, u32 timeline_id, u64 timecode, u32 timescale, u64 ntp, const char *temi_url, u32 *last_url_time) { u32 res; u32 len; u32 last_time=0; GF_BitStream *bs = gf_bs_new(af_data, 188, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE); if (ntp) { last_time = 1000*(ntp>>32); last_time += 1000*(ntp&0xFFFFFFFF)/0xFFFFFFFF; } else if (timescale) { last_time = (u32) (1000*timecode/timescale); } if (temi_url && (!*last_url_time || (last_time - *last_url_time + 1 >= temi_url_insertion_delay)) ) { *last_url_time = last_time + 1; len = 0; gf_bs_write_int(bs, GF_M2TS_AFDESC_LOCATION_DESCRIPTOR, 8); gf_bs_write_int(bs, len, 8); gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 1); //force_reload gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 1); //is_announcement gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 1); //splicing_flag gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 1); //use_base_temi_url gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0xFF, 5); //reserved gf_bs_write_int(bs, timeline_id, 7); //timeline_id if (temi_url) { char *url = (char *)temi_url; if (!strnicmp(temi_url, "http://", 7)) { gf_bs_write_int(bs, 1, 8); //url_scheme url = (char *) temi_url + 7; } else if (!strnicmp(temi_url, "https://", 8)) { gf_bs_write_int(bs, 2, 8); //url_scheme url = (char *) temi_url + 8; } else { gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 8); //url_scheme } gf_bs_write_u8(bs, (u32) strlen(url)); //url_path_len gf_bs_write_data(bs, url, (u32) strlen(url) ); //url gf_bs_write_u8(bs, 0); //nb_addons } //rewrite len len = (u32) gf_bs_get_position(bs) - 2; af_data[1] = len; } if (timescale || ntp) { Bool use64 = (timecode > 0xFFFFFFFFUL) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE; len = 3; //3 bytes flags if (timescale) len += 4 + (use64 ? 8 : 4); if (ntp) len += 8; //write timeline descriptor gf_bs_write_int(bs, GF_M2TS_AFDESC_TIMELINE_DESCRIPTOR, 8); gf_bs_write_int(bs, len, 8); gf_bs_write_int(bs, timescale ? (use64 ? 2 : 1) : 0, 2); //has_timestamp gf_bs_write_int(bs, ntp ? 1 : 0, 1); //has_ntp gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 1); //has_ptp gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 2); //has_timecode gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 1); //force_reload gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 1); //paused gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0, 1); //discontinuity gf_bs_write_int(bs, 0xFF, 7); //reserved gf_bs_write_int(bs, timeline_id, 8); //timeline_id if (timescale) { gf_bs_write_u32(bs, timescale); //timescale if (use64) gf_bs_write_u64(bs, timecode); //timestamp else gf_bs_write_u32(bs, (u32) timecode); //timestamp } if (ntp) { gf_bs_write_u64(bs, ntp); //ntp } } res = (u32) gf_bs_get_position(bs); gf_bs_del(bs); return res; } #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM static GF_Err mp4_input_ctrl(GF_ESInterface *ifce, u32 act_type, void *param) { char af_data[188]; GF_ESIMP4 *priv = (GF_ESIMP4 *)ifce->input_udta; if (!priv) return GF_BAD_PARAM; switch (act_type) { case GF_ESI_INPUT_DATA_FLUSH: { GF_ESIPacket pck; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_TTXT GF_List *cues = NULL; #endif if (!priv->sample) priv->sample = gf_isom_get_sample(priv->mp4, priv->track, priv->sample_number+1, NULL); if (!priv->sample) { return GF_IO_ERR; } memset(&pck, 0, sizeof(GF_ESIPacket)); pck.flags = GF_ESI_DATA_AU_START | GF_ESI_DATA_HAS_CTS; if (priv->sample->IsRAP) pck.sap_type = priv->sample->IsRAP; pck.cts = priv->sample->DTS + priv->ts_offset; if (priv->is_repeat) pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_REPEAT; if (priv->timeline_id) { Bool deactivate_temi=GF_FALSE; u64 ntp=0; u64 tc = priv->sample->DTS + priv->sample->CTS_Offset + priv->cts_dts_shift; Bool insert_temi=GF_FALSE; if (temi_disable_loop) { tc += priv->ts_offset; } if (temi_offset) { tc += ((u64) temi_offset) * ifce->timescale / 1000; } if (priv->insert_ntp) { u32 sec, frac; gf_net_get_ntp(&sec, &frac); ntp = sec; ntp <<= 32; ntp |= frac; } if (!temi_period) { //toggle temi at RAP POINTS ONLY if (request_temi_toggle && priv->sample->IsRAP) { temi_on = !temi_on; if (!temi_on) { deactivate_temi = GF_TRUE; } fprintf(stderr, "Turning TEMI %st at DTS "LLU" (%g sec)\n", temi_on ? "on" : "off" , priv->sample->DTS, ((Double)priv->sample->DTS)/ifce->timescale); request_temi_toggle = GF_FALSE; } insert_temi = temi_on; } else { if (!temi_on) { if (priv->sample->IsRAP && ((priv->sample->DTS - temi_period_last_dts) >= temi_period * ifce->timescale)) { temi_on = GF_TRUE; temi_period_last_dts = priv->sample->DTS; fprintf(stderr, "Turning TEMI on at DTS "LLU" (%g sec)\n", priv->sample->DTS, ((Double)priv->sample->DTS)/ifce->timescale); } } else { if (!temi_single_toggle && priv->sample->IsRAP && ((priv->sample->DTS - temi_period_last_dts) >= temi_period * ifce->timescale)) { temi_on = GF_FALSE; temi_period_last_dts = priv->sample->DTS; fprintf(stderr, "Turning TEMI off at DTS "LLU" (%g sec)\n", priv->sample->DTS, ((Double)priv->sample->DTS)/ifce->timescale); deactivate_temi = GF_TRUE; } } insert_temi = temi_on; } if (insert_temi) { pck.mpeg2_af_descriptors_size = format_af_descriptor(af_data, priv->timeline_id - 1, tc, ifce->timescale, ntp, priv->temi_url, &priv->last_temi_url); pck.mpeg2_af_descriptors = af_data; } else if (deactivate_temi) { pck.mpeg2_af_descriptors_size = format_af_descriptor(af_data, priv->timeline_id - 1, 0, 0, 0, "", &priv->last_temi_url); pck.mpeg2_af_descriptors = af_data; } } if (priv->nb_repeat_last) { pck.cts += priv->nb_repeat_last*ifce->timescale * priv->image_repeat_ms / 1000; } pck.dts = pck.cts; if (priv->cts_dts_shift) { pck.cts += + priv->cts_dts_shift; pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_HAS_DTS; } if (priv->sample->CTS_Offset) { pck.cts += priv->sample->CTS_Offset; pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_HAS_DTS; } if (priv->sample->IsRAP && priv->dsi && priv->dsi_size) { pck.data = (char*)priv->dsi; pck.data_len = priv->dsi_size; ifce->output_ctrl(ifce, GF_ESI_OUTPUT_DATA_DISPATCH, &pck); pck.flags &= ~GF_ESI_DATA_AU_START; } pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_AU_END; pck.data = priv->sample->data; pck.data_len = priv->sample->dataLength; pck.duration = gf_isom_get_sample_duration(priv->mp4, priv->track, priv->sample_number+1); #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_TTXT if (priv->mtype==GF_ISOM_MEDIA_TEXT && priv->mstype==GF_ISOM_SUBTYPE_WVTT) { u64 start; GF_WebVTTCue *cue; GF_List *gf_webvtt_parse_iso_cues(GF_ISOSample *iso_sample, u64 start); start = (priv->sample->DTS * 1000) / ifce->timescale; cues = gf_webvtt_parse_iso_cues(priv->sample, start); if (gf_list_count(cues)>1) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[MPEG-2 TS Muxer] More than one cue in sample\n")); } cue = (GF_WebVTTCue *)gf_list_get(cues, 0); if (cue) { pck.data = cue->text; pck.data_len = (u32)strlen(cue->text)+1; } else { pck.data = NULL; pck.data_len = 0; } } #endif ifce->output_ctrl(ifce, GF_ESI_OUTPUT_DATA_DISPATCH, &pck); GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_CONTAINER, ("[MPEG-2 TS Muxer] Track %d: sample %d CTS %d\n", priv->track, priv->sample_number+1, pck.cts)); #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_VTT if (cues) { while (gf_list_count(cues)) { GF_WebVTTCue *cue = (GF_WebVTTCue *)gf_list_get(cues, 0); gf_list_rem(cues, 0); gf_webvtt_cue_del(cue); } gf_list_del(cues); cues = NULL; } #endif gf_isom_sample_del(&priv->sample); priv->sample_number++; if (!priv->source->real_time && !priv->is_repeat) { priv->source->samples_done++; gf_set_progress("MPEG-2 TS Muxing", priv->source->samples_done, priv->source->samples_count); } if (priv->sample_number==priv->sample_count) { if (priv->loop) { Double scale; u64 duration; /*increment ts offset*/ scale = gf_isom_get_media_timescale(priv->mp4, priv->track); scale /= gf_isom_get_timescale(priv->mp4); duration = (u64) (gf_isom_get_duration(priv->mp4) * scale); priv->ts_offset += duration; priv->sample_number = 0; priv->is_repeat = (priv->sample_count==1) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE; } else if (priv->image_repeat_ms && priv->source->nb_real_streams) { priv->nb_repeat_last++; priv->sample_number--; priv->is_repeat = GF_TRUE; } else { if (!(ifce->caps & GF_ESI_STREAM_IS_OVER)) { ifce->caps |= GF_ESI_STREAM_IS_OVER; if (priv->sample_count>1) { assert(priv->source->nb_real_streams); priv->source->nb_real_streams--; } } } } } return GF_OK; case GF_ESI_INPUT_DESTROY: if (priv->dsi) gf_free(priv->dsi); if (ifce->decoder_config) { gf_free(ifce->decoder_config); ifce->decoder_config = NULL; } gf_free(priv); ifce->input_udta = NULL; return GF_OK; default: return GF_BAD_PARAM; } } static void fill_isom_es_ifce(M2TSSource *source, GF_ESInterface *ifce, GF_ISOFile *mp4, u32 track_num, u32 bifs_use_pes, Bool compute_max_size) { GF_ESIMP4 *priv; char *_lan; GF_ESD *esd; Bool is_hevc=GF_FALSE; u64 avg_rate, duration; s32 ref_count; s64 mediaOffset; GF_SAFEALLOC(priv, GF_ESIMP4); if (!priv) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_APP, ("Failed to allocate MP4 input handler\n")); return; } priv->mp4 = mp4; priv->track = track_num; priv->mtype = gf_isom_get_media_type(priv->mp4, priv->track); priv->mstype = gf_isom_get_media_subtype(priv->mp4, priv->track, 1); priv->loop = source->real_time ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE; priv->sample_count = gf_isom_get_sample_count(mp4, track_num); source->samples_count += priv->sample_count; if (priv->sample_count>1) source->nb_real_streams++; priv->source = source; memset(ifce, 0, sizeof(GF_ESInterface)); ifce->stream_id = gf_isom_get_track_id(mp4, track_num); esd = gf_media_map_esd(mp4, track_num, 0); if (esd) { ifce->stream_type = esd->decoderConfig->streamType; ifce->object_type_indication = esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication; if (esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo && esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength) { switch (esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication) { case GF_CODECID_AAC_MPEG4: case GF_CODECID_AAC_MPEG2_MP: case GF_CODECID_AAC_MPEG2_LCP: case GF_CODECID_AAC_MPEG2_SSRP: case GF_CODECID_MPEG4_PART2: ifce->decoder_config = (char *)gf_malloc(sizeof(char)*esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength); ifce->decoder_config_size = esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength; memcpy(ifce->decoder_config, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength); if (esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication == GF_CODECID_MPEG4_PART2) { priv->dsi = (char *)gf_malloc(sizeof(char)*esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength); priv->dsi_size = esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength; memcpy(priv->dsi, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength); } break; case GF_CODECID_HEVC: case GF_CODECID_LHVC: is_hevc=GF_TRUE; case GF_CODECID_AVC: case GF_CODECID_SVC: case GF_CODECID_MVC: gf_isom_set_nalu_extract_mode(mp4, track_num, GF_ISOM_NALU_EXTRACT_LAYER_ONLY | GF_ISOM_NALU_EXTRACT_INBAND_PS_FLAG | GF_ISOM_NALU_EXTRACT_ANNEXB_FLAG | GF_ISOM_NALU_EXTRACT_VDRD_FLAG); break; case GF_CODECID_WEBVTT: ifce->decoder_config = (char *)gf_malloc(sizeof(char)*esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength); ifce->decoder_config_size = esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength; memcpy(ifce->decoder_config, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data, esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength); break; } } gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *)esd); } gf_isom_get_media_language(mp4, track_num, &_lan); if (!_lan || !strcmp(_lan, "und")) { ifce->lang = 0; } else { ifce->lang = GF_4CC(_lan[0],_lan[1],_lan[2],' '); } if (_lan) { gf_free(_lan); } ifce->timescale = gf_isom_get_media_timescale(mp4, track_num); ifce->duration = gf_isom_get_media_timescale(mp4, track_num); avg_rate = gf_isom_get_media_data_size(mp4, track_num); if (!avg_rate) return; avg_rate *= ifce->timescale * 8; if (0!=(duration=gf_isom_get_media_duration(mp4, track_num))) avg_rate /= duration; ifce->bit_rate = (u32) avg_rate; ifce->duration = (Double) (s64) gf_isom_get_media_duration(mp4, track_num); ifce->duration /= ifce->timescale; GF_SAFEALLOC(ifce->sl_config, GF_SLConfig); if (!ifce->sl_config) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_APP, ("Failed to allocate interface SLConfig\n")); return; } ifce->sl_config->tag = GF_ODF_SLC_TAG; ifce->sl_config->useAccessUnitStartFlag = 1; ifce->sl_config->useAccessUnitEndFlag = 1; ifce->sl_config->useRandomAccessPointFlag = 1; ifce->sl_config->useTimestampsFlag = 1; ifce->sl_config->timestampLength = 33; ifce->sl_config->timestampResolution = ifce->timescale; /*test mode in which time stamps are 90khz and not coded but copied over from PES header*/ if (bifs_use_pes==2) { ifce->sl_config->timestampLength = 0; ifce->sl_config->timestampResolution = 90000; } #ifdef GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_WRITE fprintf(stderr, "Warning: GPAC was compiled without ISOM Write support, can't set SL Config!\n"); #else gf_isom_set_extraction_slc(mp4, track_num, 1, ifce->sl_config); #endif ifce->input_ctrl = mp4_input_ctrl; if (priv != ifce->input_udta) { if (ifce->input_udta) gf_free(ifce->input_udta); ifce->input_udta = priv; } if (! gf_isom_get_edit_list_type(mp4, track_num, &mediaOffset)) { priv->ts_offset = mediaOffset; } if (gf_isom_has_time_offset(mp4, track_num)==2) { priv->cts_dts_shift = gf_isom_get_cts_to_dts_shift(mp4, track_num); } ifce->depends_on_stream = 0; ref_count = gf_isom_get_reference_count(mp4, track_num, GF_ISOM_REF_SCAL); if (ref_count > 0) { gf_isom_get_reference_ID(mp4, track_num, GF_ISOM_REF_SCAL, (u32) ref_count, &ifce->depends_on_stream); } else if (is_hevc) { ref_count = gf_isom_get_reference_count(mp4, track_num, GF_ISOM_REF_BASE); if (ref_count > 0) { gf_isom_get_reference_ID(mp4, track_num, GF_ISOM_REF_BASE, (u32) ref_count, &ifce->depends_on_stream); } } if (compute_max_size) { u32 i; for (i=0; i < priv->sample_count; i++) { u32 s = gf_isom_get_sample_size(mp4, track_num, i+1); if (s>source->max_sample_size) source->max_sample_size = s; } } } #endif //GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_SENG static GF_Err seng_input_ctrl(GF_ESInterface *ifce, u32 act_type, void *param) { if (act_type==GF_ESI_INPUT_DESTROY) { //TODO: free my data if (ifce->input_udta) gf_free(ifce->input_udta); ifce->input_udta = NULL; return GF_OK; } return GF_OK; } #endif #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING typedef struct { /*RTP channel*/ GF_RTPChannel *rtp_ch; /*depacketizer*/ GF_RTPDepacketizer *depacketizer; GF_ESIPacket pck; GF_ESInterface *ifce; Bool cat_dsi, is_264; void *dsi_and_rap; u32 avc_dsi_size; Bool use_carousel; u32 au_sn; s64 ts_offset; Bool rtcp_init; M2TSSource *source; u32 min_dts_inc; u64 prev_cts; u64 prev_dts; } GF_ESIRTP; static GF_Err rtp_input_ctrl(GF_ESInterface *ifce, u32 act_type, void *param) { u32 size, PayloadStart; GF_Err e; GF_RTPHeader hdr; char buffer[8000]; GF_ESIRTP *rtp = (GF_ESIRTP*)ifce->input_udta; if (!ifce->input_udta) return GF_BAD_PARAM; switch (act_type) { case GF_ESI_INPUT_DATA_FLUSH: /*flush rtcp channel*/ while (1) { Bool has_sr = GF_FALSE; size = gf_rtp_read_rtcp(rtp->rtp_ch, buffer, 8000); if (!size) break; e = gf_rtp_decode_rtcp(rtp->rtp_ch, buffer, size, &has_sr); if (e == GF_EOS) ifce->caps |= GF_ESI_STREAM_IS_OVER; if (has_sr && !rtp->rtcp_init) { Double time = rtp->rtp_ch->last_SR_NTP_sec; time += ((Double)rtp->rtp_ch->last_SR_NTP_frac)/0xFFFFFFFF; if (!rtp->source->last_ntp) { rtp->source->last_ntp = time; } if (time >= rtp->source->last_ntp) { time -= rtp->source->last_ntp; } else { time = 0; } rtp->ts_offset = rtp->rtp_ch->last_SR_rtp_time; rtp->ts_offset -= (s64) (time * rtp->rtp_ch->TimeScale); rtp->rtcp_init = GF_TRUE; } } /*flush rtp channel*/ while (1) { size = gf_rtp_read_rtp(rtp->rtp_ch, buffer, 8000); if (!size) break; e = gf_rtp_decode_rtp(rtp->rtp_ch, buffer, size, &hdr, &PayloadStart); if (e) return e; gf_rtp_depacketizer_process(rtp->depacketizer, &hdr, buffer + PayloadStart, size - PayloadStart); } return GF_OK; case GF_ESI_INPUT_DESTROY: gf_rtp_depacketizer_del(rtp->depacketizer); if (rtp->dsi_and_rap) gf_free(rtp->dsi_and_rap); gf_rtp_del(rtp->rtp_ch); gf_free(rtp); if (ifce->decoder_config) { gf_free(ifce->decoder_config); ifce->decoder_config = NULL; } ifce->input_udta = NULL; return GF_OK; } return GF_OK; } static void rtp_sl_packet_cbk(void *udta, char *payload, u32 size, GF_SLHeader *hdr, GF_Err e) { GF_ESIRTP *rtp = (GF_ESIRTP*)udta; /*sync not found yet, cannot start (since we don't support PCR discontinuities yet ...)*/ if (!rtp->rtcp_init) return; /*try to compute a DTS*/ if (hdr->accessUnitStartFlag && !hdr->decodingTimeStampFlag) { if (!rtp->prev_cts) { rtp->prev_cts = rtp->prev_dts = hdr->compositionTimeStamp; } if (hdr->compositionTimeStamp > rtp->prev_cts) { u32 diff = (u32) (hdr->compositionTimeStamp - rtp->prev_cts); if (!rtp->min_dts_inc || (rtp->min_dts_inc > diff)) { rtp->min_dts_inc = diff; rtp->prev_dts = hdr->compositionTimeStamp - diff; } } hdr->decodingTimeStampFlag = 1; hdr->decodingTimeStamp = rtp->prev_dts + rtp->min_dts_inc; rtp->prev_dts += rtp->min_dts_inc; if (hdr->compositionTimeStamp < hdr->decodingTimeStamp) { hdr->decodingTimeStamp = hdr->compositionTimeStamp; } } rtp->pck.data = payload; rtp->pck.data_len = size; rtp->pck.dts = hdr->decodingTimeStamp + rtp->ts_offset; rtp->pck.cts = hdr->compositionTimeStamp + rtp->ts_offset; rtp->pck.flags = 0; if (hdr->compositionTimeStampFlag) rtp->pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_HAS_CTS; if (hdr->decodingTimeStampFlag) rtp->pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_HAS_DTS; if (hdr->accessUnitStartFlag) rtp->pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_AU_START; if (hdr->accessUnitEndFlag) rtp->pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_AU_END; if (hdr->randomAccessPointFlag) rtp->pck.sap_type = 1; if (rtp->use_carousel) { if ((hdr->AU_sequenceNumber==rtp->au_sn) && hdr->randomAccessPointFlag) rtp->pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_REPEAT; rtp->au_sn = hdr->AU_sequenceNumber; } if (rtp->is_264) { if (!payload) return; /*send a NALU delim: copy over NAL ref idc*/ if (hdr->accessUnitStartFlag) { char sc[6]; sc[0] = sc[1] = sc[2] = 0; sc[3] = 1; sc[4] = (payload[4] & 0x60) | GF_AVC_NALU_ACCESS_UNIT; sc[5] = 0xF0 /*7 "all supported NALUs" (=111) + rbsp trailing (10000)*/; rtp->pck.data = sc; rtp->pck.data_len = 6; rtp->ifce->output_ctrl(rtp->ifce, GF_ESI_OUTPUT_DATA_DISPATCH, &rtp->pck); rtp->pck.flags &= ~GF_ESI_DATA_AU_START; /*since we don't inspect the RTP content, we can only concatenate SPS and PPS indicated in SDP*/ if (hdr->randomAccessPointFlag && rtp->dsi_and_rap) { rtp->pck.data = (char*)rtp->dsi_and_rap; rtp->pck.data_len = rtp->avc_dsi_size; rtp->ifce->output_ctrl(rtp->ifce, GF_ESI_OUTPUT_DATA_DISPATCH, &rtp->pck); } rtp->pck.data = payload; rtp->pck.data_len = size; } rtp->ifce->output_ctrl(rtp->ifce, GF_ESI_OUTPUT_DATA_DISPATCH, &rtp->pck); } else { if (rtp->cat_dsi && hdr->randomAccessPointFlag && hdr->accessUnitStartFlag) { if (rtp->dsi_and_rap) gf_free(rtp->dsi_and_rap); rtp->pck.data_len = size + rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.configSize; rtp->dsi_and_rap = gf_malloc(sizeof(char)*(rtp->pck.data_len)); memcpy(rtp->dsi_and_rap, rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.config, rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.configSize); memcpy((char *) rtp->dsi_and_rap + rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.configSize, payload, size); rtp->pck.data = (char*)rtp->dsi_and_rap; } rtp->ifce->output_ctrl(rtp->ifce, GF_ESI_OUTPUT_DATA_DISPATCH, &rtp->pck); } } static void fill_rtp_es_ifce(GF_ESInterface *ifce, GF_SDPMedia *media, GF_SDPInfo *sdp, M2TSSource *source) { u32 i; GF_Err e; GF_X_Attribute*att; GF_ESIRTP *rtp; GF_RTPMap*map; GF_SDPConnection *conn; GF_RTSPTransport trans; /*check connection*/ conn = sdp->c_connection; if (!conn) conn = (GF_SDPConnection*)gf_list_get(media->Connections, 0); /*check payload type*/ map = (GF_RTPMap*)gf_list_get(media->RTPMaps, 0); GF_SAFEALLOC(rtp, GF_ESIRTP); if (!rtp) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_APP, ("Failed to allocate RTP input handler\n")); return; } memset(ifce, 0, sizeof(GF_ESInterface)); rtp->rtp_ch = gf_rtp_new(); i=0; while ((att = (GF_X_Attribute*)gf_list_enum(media->Attributes, &i))) { if (!stricmp(att->Name, "mpeg4-esid") && att->Value) ifce->stream_id = atoi(att->Value); } memset(&trans, 0, sizeof(GF_RTSPTransport)); trans.Profile = media->Profile; trans.source = conn ? conn->host : sdp->o_address; trans.IsUnicast = gf_sk_is_multicast_address(trans.source) ? GF_FALSE : GF_TRUE; if (!trans.IsUnicast) { trans.port_first = media->PortNumber; trans.port_last = media->PortNumber + 1; trans.TTL = conn ? conn->TTL : 0; } else { trans.client_port_first = media->PortNumber; trans.client_port_last = media->PortNumber + 1; } if (gf_rtp_setup_transport(rtp->rtp_ch, &trans, NULL) != GF_OK) { gf_rtp_del(rtp->rtp_ch); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize RTP transport\n"); return; } /*setup depacketizer*/ rtp->depacketizer = gf_rtp_depacketizer_new(media, rtp_sl_packet_cbk, rtp); if (!rtp->depacketizer) { gf_rtp_del(rtp->rtp_ch); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create RTP depacketizer\n"); return; } /*setup channel*/ gf_rtp_setup_payload(rtp->rtp_ch, map->PayloadType, map->ClockRate); ifce->input_udta = rtp; ifce->input_ctrl = rtp_input_ctrl; rtp->ifce = ifce; rtp->source = source; ifce->object_type_indication = rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.CodecID; ifce->stream_type = rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.StreamType; ifce->timescale = gf_rtp_get_clockrate(rtp->rtp_ch); if (rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.config) { switch (ifce->object_type_indication) { case GF_CODECID_MPEG4_PART2: rtp->cat_dsi = GF_TRUE; break; case GF_CODECID_AVC: case GF_CODECID_SVC: case GF_CODECID_MVC: rtp->is_264 = GF_TRUE; rtp->depacketizer->flags |= GF_RTP_AVC_USE_ANNEX_B; { #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_AV_PARSERS GF_AVCConfig *avccfg = gf_odf_avc_cfg_read(rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.config, rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.configSize); if (avccfg) { GF_AVCConfigSlot *slc; u32 i; GF_BitStream *bs; bs = gf_bs_new(NULL, 0, GF_BITSTREAM_WRITE); for (i=0; isequenceParameterSets); i++) { slc = (GF_AVCConfigSlot*)gf_list_get(avccfg->sequenceParameterSets, i); gf_bs_write_u32(bs, 1); gf_bs_write_data(bs, slc->data, slc->size); } for (i=0; ipictureParameterSets); i++) { slc = (GF_AVCConfigSlot*)gf_list_get(avccfg->pictureParameterSets, i); gf_bs_write_u32(bs, 1); gf_bs_write_data(bs, slc->data, slc->size); } gf_bs_get_content(bs, (char **) &rtp->dsi_and_rap, &rtp->avc_dsi_size); gf_bs_del(bs); } gf_odf_avc_cfg_del(avccfg); #endif } break; case GF_CODECID_AAC_MPEG4: ifce->decoder_config = (char*)gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.configSize); ifce->decoder_config_size = rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.configSize; memcpy(ifce->decoder_config, rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.config, rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.configSize); break; } } if (rtp->depacketizer->sl_map.StreamStateIndication) { rtp->use_carousel = GF_TRUE; rtp->au_sn=0; } gf_rtp_depacketizer_reset(rtp->depacketizer, GF_TRUE); e = gf_rtp_initialize(rtp->rtp_ch, 0x100000ul, GF_FALSE, 0, 10, 200, NULL); if (e!=GF_OK) { gf_rtp_del(rtp->rtp_ch); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize RTP channel: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); return; } fprintf(stderr, "RTP interface initialized\n"); } #endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING*/ #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_SENG static GF_Err void_input_ctrl(GF_ESInterface *ifce, u32 act_type, void *param) { return GF_OK; } #endif /*AAC import features*/ #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER void *audio_prog = NULL; static void SampleCallBack(void *calling_object, u16 ESID, char *data, u32 size, u64 ts); #define DONT_USE_TERMINAL_MODULE_API #include "../../modules/aac_in/aac_in.c" AACReader *aac_reader = NULL; u64 audio_discontinuity_offset = 0; /*create an OD codec and encode the descriptor*/ static GF_Err encode_audio_desc(GF_ESD *esd, GF_SimpleDataDescriptor *audio_desc) { GF_Err e; GF_ODCodec *odc = gf_odf_codec_new(); GF_ODUpdate *od_com = (GF_ODUpdate*)gf_odf_com_new(GF_ODF_OD_UPDATE_TAG); GF_ObjectDescriptor *od = (GF_ObjectDescriptor*)gf_odf_desc_new(GF_ODF_OD_TAG); assert( esd ); assert( audio_desc ); gf_list_add(od->ESDescriptors, esd); od->objectDescriptorID = AUDIO_DATA_ESID; gf_list_add(od_com->objectDescriptors, od); e = gf_odf_codec_add_com(odc, (GF_ODCom*)od_com); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Audio input error add the command to be encoded\n"); return e; } e = gf_odf_codec_encode(odc, 0); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Audio input error encoding the descriptor\n"); return e; } e = gf_odf_codec_get_au(odc, &audio_desc->data, &audio_desc->size); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Audio input error getting the descriptor\n"); return e; } e = gf_odf_com_del((GF_ODCom**)&od_com); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Audio input error deleting the command\n"); return e; } gf_odf_codec_del(odc); return GF_OK; } #endif static void SampleCallBack(void *calling_object, u16 ESID, char *data, u32 size, u64 ts) { u32 i; //fprintf(stderr, "update: ESID=%d - size=%d - ts="LLD"\n", ESID, size, ts); if (calling_object) { M2TSSource *source = (M2TSSource *)calling_object; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER if (ESID == AUDIO_DATA_ESID) { if (audio_OD_stream_id != (u32)-1) { /*this is the first time we get some audio data. Therefore we are sure we can retrieve the audio descriptor. Then we'll send it by calling this callback recursively so that a player gets the audio descriptor before audio data. Hack: the descriptor is carried thru the input_udta, you shall delete it*/ GF_SimpleDataDescriptor *audio_desc = source->streams[audio_OD_stream_id].input_udta; if (audio_desc && !audio_desc->data) /*intended for HTTP/AAC: an empty descriptor was set (vs already filled for RTP/UDP MP3)*/ { /*get the audio descriptor and encode it*/ GF_ESD *esd = AAC_GetESD(aac_reader); assert(esd->slConfig->timestampResolution); esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitStartFlag = 1; esd->slConfig->useAccessUnitEndFlag = 1; esd->slConfig->useTimestampsFlag = 1; esd->slConfig->timestampLength = 33; /*audio stream, all samples are RAPs*/ esd->slConfig->useRandomAccessPointFlag = 0; esd->slConfig->hasRandomAccessUnitsOnlyFlag = 1; for (i=0; inb_streams; i++) { if (source->streams[i].stream_id == AUDIO_DATA_ESID) { GF_Err e; source->streams[i].timescale = esd->slConfig->timestampResolution; e = gf_m2ts_program_stream_update_ts_scale(&source->streams[i], esd->slConfig->timestampResolution); if (e != GF_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed updating TS program timescale\n"); } else if (!source->streams[i].sl_config) source->streams[i].sl_config = (GF_SLConfig *)gf_odf_desc_new(GF_ODF_SLC_TAG); memcpy(source->streams[i].sl_config, esd->slConfig, sizeof(GF_SLConfig)); break; } } esd->ESID = AUDIO_DATA_ESID; assert(audio_OD_stream_id != (u32)-1); encode_audio_desc(esd, audio_desc); /*build the ESI*/ { /*audio OD descriptor: rap=1 and vers_inc=0*/ GF_SAFEALLOC(source->streams[audio_OD_stream_id].input_udta, GF_ESIStream); if (!source->streams[audio_OD_stream_id].input_udta) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_APP, ("Failed to allocate aac input handler\n")); return; } ((GF_ESIStream*)source->streams[audio_OD_stream_id].input_udta)->rap = 1; /*we have the descriptor; now call this callback recursively so that a player gets the audio descriptor before audio data.*/ source->repeat = 1; SampleCallBack(source, AUDIO_OD_ESID, audio_desc->data, audio_desc->size, 0/*gf_m2ts_get_sys_clock(muxer)*/); source->repeat = 0; /*clean*/ gf_free(audio_desc->data); gf_free(audio_desc); gf_free(source->streams[audio_OD_stream_id].input_udta); source->streams[audio_OD_stream_id].input_udta = NULL; } } } /*update the timescale if needed*/ else if (!source->audio_configured) { GF_ESD *esd = AAC_GetESD(aac_reader); assert(esd->slConfig->timestampResolution); for (i=0; inb_streams; i++) { if (source->streams[i].stream_id == AUDIO_DATA_ESID) { GF_Err e; source->streams[i].timescale = esd->slConfig->timestampResolution; source->streams[i].decoder_config = esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data; source->streams[i].decoder_config_size = esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength; esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->data = NULL; esd->decoderConfig->decoderSpecificInfo->dataLength = 0; e = gf_m2ts_program_stream_update_ts_scale(&source->streams[i], esd->slConfig->timestampResolution); if (!e) source->audio_configured = 1; break; } } gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *)esd); } /*overwrite timing as it is flushed to 0 on discontinuities*/ ts += audio_discontinuity_offset; } #endif i=0; while (inb_streams) { if (source->streams[i].output_ctrl==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "MULTIPLEX NOT YET CREATED\n"); return; } if (source->streams[i].stream_id == ESID) { GF_ESIStream *priv = (GF_ESIStream *)source->streams[i].input_udta; GF_ESIPacket pck; memset(&pck, 0, sizeof(GF_ESIPacket)); pck.data = data; pck.data_len = size; pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_HAS_CTS; pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_HAS_DTS; pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_AU_START; pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_AU_END; if (ts) pck.cts = pck.dts = ts; if (priv->rap) pck.sap_type = 1; if (source->repeat || !priv->vers_inc) { pck.flags |= GF_ESI_DATA_REPEAT; fprintf(stderr, "RAP carousel from scene engine sent: ESID=%d - size=%d - ts="LLD"\n", ESID, size, ts); } else { if (ESID != AUDIO_DATA_ESID && ESID != VIDEO_DATA_ESID) /*don't log A/V inputs*/ fprintf(stderr, "Update from scene engine sent: ESID=%d - size=%d - ts="LLD"\n", ESID, size, ts); } source->streams[i].output_ctrl(&source->streams[i], GF_ESI_OUTPUT_DATA_DISPATCH, &pck); return; } i++; } } return; } //static gf_seng_callback * SampleCallBack = &mySampleCallBack; static volatile Bool run = 1; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_SENG static GF_ESIStream * set_broadcast_params(M2TSSource *source, u16 esid, u32 period, u32 ts_delta, u16 aggregate_on_stream, Bool adjust_carousel_time, Bool force_rap, Bool aggregate_au, Bool discard_pending, Bool signal_rap, Bool signal_critical, Bool version_inc) { u32 i=0; GF_ESIStream *priv=NULL; GF_ESInterface *esi=NULL; /*locate our stream*/ if (esid) { while (inb_streams) { if (source->streams[i].stream_id == esid) { priv = (GF_ESIStream *)source->streams[i].input_udta; esi = &source->streams[i]; break; } else { i++; } } /*TODO: stream not found*/ } /*TODO - set/reset the ESID for the parsers*/ if (!priv) return NULL; /*TODO - if discard is set, abort current carousel*/ if (discard_pending) { } /*remember RAP flag*/ priv->rap = signal_rap; priv->critical = signal_critical; priv->vers_inc = version_inc; priv->ts_delta = ts_delta; priv->adjust_carousel_time = adjust_carousel_time; /*change stream aggregation mode*/ if ((aggregate_on_stream != (u16)-1) && (priv->aggregate_on_stream != aggregate_on_stream)) { gf_seng_enable_aggregation(source->seng, esid, aggregate_on_stream); priv->aggregate_on_stream = aggregate_on_stream; } /*change stream aggregation mode*/ if (priv->aggregate_on_stream==esi->stream_id) { if (priv->aggregate_on_stream && (period!=(u32)-1) && (esi->repeat_rate != period)) { esi->repeat_rate = period; } } else { esi->repeat_rate = 0; } return priv; } #endif #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_SENG static u32 seng_output(void *param) { GF_Err e; u64 last_src_modif, mod_time; M2TSSource *source = (M2TSSource *)param; GF_SceneEngine *seng = source->seng; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER GF_SimpleDataDescriptor *audio_desc; #endif Bool update_context=0; Bool force_rap, adjust_carousel_time, discard_pending, signal_rap, signal_critical, version_inc, aggregate_au; u32 period, ts_delta; u16 es_id, aggregate_on_stream; e = GF_OK; gf_sleep(2000); /*TODO: events instead? What are we waiting for?*/ gf_seng_encode_context(seng, SampleCallBack); last_src_modif = source->bifs_src_name ? gf_file_modification_time(source->bifs_src_name) : 0; /*send the audio descriptor*/ #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER if (source->mpeg4_signaling==GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_FULL && audio_OD_stream_id!=(u32)-1) { audio_desc = source->streams[audio_OD_stream_id].input_udta; if (audio_desc && audio_desc->data) /*RTP/UDP + MP3 case*/ { assert(audio_OD_stream_id != (u32)-1); assert(!aac_reader); /*incompatible with AAC*/ source->repeat = 1; SampleCallBack(source, AUDIO_OD_ESID, audio_desc->data, audio_desc->size, 0/*gf_m2ts_get_sys_clock(muxer)*/); source->repeat = 0; gf_free(audio_desc->data); gf_free(audio_desc); source->streams[audio_OD_stream_id].input_udta = NULL; } } #endif while (run) { if (!gf_prompt_has_input()) { if (source->bifs_src_name) { mod_time = gf_file_modification_time(source->bifs_src_name); if (mod_time != last_src_modif) { FILE *srcf; char flag_buf[201], *flag; fprintf(stderr, "Update file modified - processing\n"); last_src_modif = mod_time; srcf = gf_fopen(source->bifs_src_name, "rt"); if (!srcf) continue; /*checks if we have a broadcast config*/ if (!fgets(flag_buf, 200, srcf)) flag_buf[0] = '\0'; gf_fclose(srcf); aggregate_au = force_rap = adjust_carousel_time = discard_pending = signal_rap = signal_critical = 0; version_inc = 1; period = -1; aggregate_on_stream = -1; ts_delta = 0; es_id = 0; /*find our keyword*/ flag = strstr(flag_buf, "gpac_broadcast_config "); if (flag) { flag += strlen("gpac_broadcast_config "); /*move to next word*/ while (flag && (flag[0]==' ')) flag++; while (1) { char *sep = strchr(flag, ' '); if (sep) sep[0] = 0; if (!strnicmp(flag, "esid=", 5)) { /*ESID on which the update is applied*/ es_id = atoi(flag+5); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "period=", 7)) { /*TODO: target period carousel for ESID ??? (ESID/carousel)*/ period = atoi(flag+7); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "ts=", 3)) { /*TODO: */ ts_delta = atoi(flag+3); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "carousel=", 9)) { /*TODO: why? => sends the update on carousel id specified by this argument*/ aggregate_on_stream = atoi(flag+9); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "restamp=", 8)) { /*CTS is updated when carouselled*/ adjust_carousel_time = atoi(flag+8); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "discard=", 8)) { /*when we receive several updates during a single carousel period, this attribute specifies whether the current update discard pending ones*/ discard_pending = atoi(flag+8); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "aggregate=", 10)) { /*Boolean*/ aggregate_au = atoi(flag+10); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "force_rap=", 10)) { /*TODO: */ force_rap = atoi(flag+10); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "rap=", 4)) { /*TODO: */ signal_rap = atoi(flag+4); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "critical=", 9)) { /*TODO: */ signal_critical = atoi(flag+9); } else if (!strnicmp(flag, "vers_inc=", 9)) { /*Boolean to increment m2ts section version number*/ version_inc = atoi(flag+9); } if (sep) { sep[0] = ' '; flag = sep+1; } else { break; } } set_broadcast_params(source, es_id, period, ts_delta, aggregate_on_stream, adjust_carousel_time, force_rap, aggregate_au, discard_pending, signal_rap, signal_critical, version_inc); } e = gf_seng_encode_from_file(seng, es_id, aggregate_au ? 0 : 1, source->bifs_src_name, SampleCallBack); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Processing command failed: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); } else gf_seng_aggregate_context(seng, 0); update_context=1; } } if (update_context) { source->repeat = 1; e = gf_seng_encode_context(seng, SampleCallBack); source->repeat = 0; update_context = 0; } gf_sleep(10); } else { /*gf_prompt_has_input()*/ char c = gf_prompt_get_char(); switch (c) { case 'u': { GF_Err e; char szCom[8192]; fprintf(stderr, "Enter command to send:\n"); fflush(stdin); szCom[0] = 0; if (1 > scanf("%[^\t\n]", szCom)) { fprintf(stderr, "No command has been properly entered, aborting.\n"); break; } e = gf_seng_encode_from_string(seng, 0, 0, szCom, SampleCallBack); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Processing command failed: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); } update_context=1; } break; case 'p': { char rad[GF_MAX_PATH]; fprintf(stderr, "Enter output file name - \"std\" for stderr: "); if (1 > scanf("%s", rad)) { fprintf(stderr, "No outfile name has been entered, aborting.\n"); break; } e = gf_seng_save_context(seng, !strcmp(rad, "std") ? NULL : rad); fprintf(stderr, "Dump done (%s)\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); } break; case 'q': { run = 0; } } e = GF_OK; } } return e ? 1 : 0; } void fill_seng_es_ifce(GF_ESInterface *ifce, u32 i, GF_SceneEngine *seng, u32 period) { GF_Err e = GF_OK; u32 len; GF_ESIStream *stream; char *config_buffer = NULL; memset(ifce, 0, sizeof(GF_ESInterface)); e = gf_seng_get_stream_config(seng, i, (u16*) &(ifce->stream_id), &config_buffer, &len, (u32*) &(ifce->stream_type), (u32*) &(ifce->object_type_indication), &(ifce->timescale)); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set the stream config for stream %d to %d: %s\n", ifce->stream_id, period, gf_error_to_string(e)); } ifce->repeat_rate = period; GF_SAFEALLOC(stream, GF_ESIStream); if (!stream) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_APP, ("Failed to allocate SENG input handler\n")); return; } stream->rap = 1; if (ifce->input_udta) gf_free(ifce->input_udta); ifce->input_udta = stream; //fprintf(stderr, "Caroussel period: %d\n", period); // e = gf_seng_set_carousel_time(seng, ifce->stream_id, period); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set carousel time on stream %d to %d: %s\n", ifce->stream_id, period, gf_error_to_string(e)); } ifce->input_ctrl = seng_input_ctrl; } #endif static Bool open_source(M2TSSource *source, char *src, u32 carousel_rate, u32 mpeg4_signaling, char *update, char *audio_input_ip, u16 audio_input_port, char *video_buffer, Bool force_real_time, u32 bifs_use_pes, const char *temi_url, Bool compute_max_size, Bool insert_ntp) { #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING GF_SDPInfo *sdp; #endif memset(source, 0, sizeof(M2TSSource)); source->mpeg4_signaling = mpeg4_signaling; /*open ISO file*/ #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM if (gf_isom_probe_file(src)) { u32 i; u32 nb_tracks; Bool has_bifs_od = 0; Bool temi_assigned = 0; u32 first_audio = 0; u32 first_other = 0; s64 min_offset = 0; u32 min_offset_timescale = 0; source->mp4 = gf_isom_open(src, GF_ISOM_OPEN_READ, 0); if (!source->mp4) return GF_FALSE; source->nb_streams = 0; source->real_time = force_real_time; /*on MPEG-2 TS, carry 3GPP timed text as MPEG-4 Part17*/ gf_isom_text_set_streaming_mode(source->mp4, 1); nb_tracks = gf_isom_get_track_count(source->mp4); for (i=0; imp4, i+1) == GF_ISOM_MEDIA_HINT) continue; fill_isom_es_ifce(source, &source->streams[i], source->mp4, i+1, bifs_use_pes, compute_max_size); if (!source->streams[i].input_udta) continue; if (min_offset > ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[i].input_udta)->ts_offset) { min_offset = ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[i].input_udta)->ts_offset; min_offset_timescale = source->streams[i].timescale; } switch(source->streams[i].stream_type) { case GF_STREAM_OD: has_bifs_od = 1; source->streams[i].repeat_rate = carousel_rate; break; case GF_STREAM_SCENE: has_bifs_od = 1; source->streams[i].repeat_rate = carousel_rate; break; case GF_STREAM_VISUAL: /*turn on image repeat*/ switch (source->streams[i].object_type_indication) { case GF_CODECID_JPEG: case GF_CODECID_PNG: ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[i].input_udta)->image_repeat_ms = carousel_rate; break; default: check_deps = 1; if (gf_isom_get_sample_count(source->mp4, i+1)>1) { /*get first visual stream as PCR*/ if (!source->pcr_idx) { source->pcr_idx = i+1; if ((temi_id_1>=0) || (temi_id_2>=0)) { temi_assigned = GF_TRUE; ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[i].input_udta)->timeline_id = (u32) ( (temi_id_1>=0) ? temi_id_1 + 1 : temi_id_2 + 1 ); ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[i].input_udta)->insert_ntp = insert_ntp; if (temi_url && (temi_id_1>=0)) ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[i].input_udta)->temi_url = temi_url; if (temi_id_1>=0) temi_id_1 = -1; else temi_id_2 = -1; } } } break; } break; case GF_STREAM_AUDIO: if (!first_audio) first_audio = i+1; check_deps = 1; break; default: /*log not supported stream type: %s*/ break; } source->nb_streams++; if (gf_isom_get_sample_count(source->mp4, i+1)>1) first_other = i+1; if (check_deps) { u32 k; Bool found_dep = 0; for (k=0; kmp4, k+1) != GF_ISOM_MEDIA_OD) continue; /*this stream is not refered to by any OD, send as regular PES*/ if (gf_isom_has_track_reference(source->mp4, k+1, GF_ISOM_REF_OD, gf_isom_get_track_id(source->mp4, i+1) )==1) { found_dep = 1; break; } } if (!found_dep) { source->streams[i].caps |= GF_ESI_STREAM_WITHOUT_MPEG4_SYSTEMS; } } } if (has_bifs_od && !source->mpeg4_signaling) source->mpeg4_signaling = GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_FULL; if ( !temi_assigned && first_audio && ((temi_id_1>=0) || (temi_id_2>=0) ) ) { ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[first_audio-1].input_udta)->timeline_id = (u32) ( (temi_id_1>=0) ? temi_id_1 + 1 : temi_id_2 + 1 ); ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[first_audio-1].input_udta)->insert_ntp = insert_ntp; if (temi_url && (temi_id_1>=0) ) ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[first_audio-1].input_udta)->temi_url = temi_url; if (temi_id_1>=0) temi_id_1 = -1; else temi_id_2 = -1; } /*if no visual PCR found, use first audio*/ if (!source->pcr_idx) source->pcr_idx = first_audio; if (!source->pcr_idx) source->pcr_idx = first_other; if (source->pcr_idx) { GF_ESIMP4 *priv; source->pcr_idx-=1; priv = source->streams[source->pcr_idx].input_udta; gf_isom_set_default_sync_track(source->mp4, priv->track); } if (min_offset < 0) { for (i=0; inb_streams; i++) { Double scale = source->streams[i].timescale; scale /= min_offset_timescale; ((GF_ESIMP4 *)source->streams[i].input_udta)->ts_offset += (s64) (-min_offset * scale); } } source->iod = gf_isom_get_root_od(source->mp4); if (source->iod) { GF_ObjectDescriptor*iod = (GF_ObjectDescriptor*)source->iod; if (gf_list_count( ((GF_ObjectDescriptor*)source->iod)->ESDescriptors) == 0) { gf_odf_desc_del(source->iod); source->iod = NULL; } else { fprintf(stderr, "IOD found for program %s\n", src); /*if using 4over2, get rid of OD tracks*/ if (source->mpeg4_signaling==GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_SCENE) { for (i=0; iESDescriptors); i++) { u32 track_num, k; GF_M2TSDescriptor *oddesc; GF_ISOSample *sample; GF_ESD *esd = gf_list_get(iod->ESDescriptors, i); if (esd->decoderConfig->streamType!=GF_STREAM_OD) continue; track_num = gf_isom_get_track_by_id(source->mp4, esd->ESID); if (gf_isom_get_sample_count(source->mp4, track_num)>1) continue; sample = gf_isom_get_sample(source->mp4, track_num, 1, NULL); if (sample->dataLength >= 255-2) { gf_isom_sample_del(&sample); continue; } /*rewrite ESD dependencies*/ for (k=0; kESDescriptors); k++) { GF_ESD *dep_esd = gf_list_get(iod->ESDescriptors, k); if (dep_esd->dependsOnESID==esd->ESID) dep_esd->dependsOnESID = esd->dependsOnESID; } for (k=0; knb_streams; k++) { if (source->streams[k].stream_id==esd->ESID) { source->streams[k].stream_type = 0; break; } } if (!source->od_updates) source->od_updates = gf_list_new(); GF_SAFEALLOC(oddesc, GF_M2TSDescriptor); oddesc->data_len = sample->dataLength; oddesc->data = sample->data; oddesc->tag = GF_M2TS_MPEG4_ODUPDATE_DESCRIPTOR; sample->data = NULL; gf_isom_sample_del(&sample); gf_list_add(source->od_updates, oddesc); gf_list_rem(iod->ESDescriptors, i); i--; gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *) esd); source->samples_count--; } } } } return 1; } #endif #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING /*open SDP file*/ if (strstr(src, ".sdp")) { GF_X_Attribute *att; char *sdp_buf; u32 sdp_size, i; GF_Err e; e = gf_file_load_data(src, (u8 **) &sdp_buf, &sdp_size); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", src); return 0; } sdp = gf_sdp_info_new(); e = gf_sdp_info_parse(sdp, sdp_buf, sdp_size); gf_free(sdp_buf); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s : %s\n", src, gf_error_to_string(e)); gf_sdp_info_del(sdp); return 0; } i=0; while ((att = (GF_X_Attribute*)gf_list_enum(sdp->Attributes, &i))) { char buf[2000]; u32 size; char *buf64; u32 size64; char *iod_str; if (strcmp(att->Name, "mpeg4-iod") ) continue; iod_str = att->Value + 1; if (strnicmp(iod_str, "data:application/mpeg4-iod;base64", strlen("data:application/mpeg4-iod;base64"))) continue; buf64 = strstr(iod_str, ","); if (!buf64) break; buf64 += 1; size64 = (u32) strlen(buf64) - 1; size = gf_base64_decode(buf64, size64, buf, 2000); gf_odf_desc_read(buf, size, &source->iod); break; } source->nb_streams = gf_list_count(sdp->media_desc); for (i=0; inb_streams; i++) { GF_SDPMedia *media = gf_list_get(sdp->media_desc, i); fill_rtp_es_ifce(&source->streams[i], media, sdp, source); switch(source->streams[i].stream_type) { case GF_STREAM_OD: case GF_STREAM_SCENE: source->mpeg4_signaling = GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_FULL; source->streams[i].repeat_rate = carousel_rate; break; } if (!source->pcr_idx && (source->streams[i].stream_type == GF_STREAM_VISUAL)) { source->pcr_idx = i+1; } } if (source->pcr_idx) source->pcr_idx-=1; gf_sdp_info_del(sdp); return 2; } else #endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING*/ #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_SENG if (strstr(src, ".bt")) //open .bt file { u32 i; u32 load_type=0; source->seng = gf_seng_init(source, src, load_type, NULL, (load_type == GF_SM_LOAD_DIMS) ? 1 : 0); if (!source->seng) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create scene engine\n"); exit(1); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Scene engine created.\n"); } assert( source ); assert( source->seng); source->iod = gf_seng_get_iod(source->seng); if (! source->iod) { fprintf(stderr, __FILE__": No IOD\n"); } source->nb_streams = gf_seng_get_stream_count(source->seng); source->rate = carousel_rate; source->mpeg4_signaling = GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_FULL; for (i=0; inb_streams; i++) { fill_seng_es_ifce(&source->streams[i], i, source->seng, source->rate); //fprintf(stderr, "Fill interface\n"); if (!source->pcr_idx && (source->streams[i].stream_type == GF_STREAM_AUDIO)) { source->pcr_idx = i+1; } } #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER /*when an audio input is present, declare it and store OD + ESD_U*/ if (audio_input_ip) { /*add the audio program*/ source->pcr_idx = source->nb_streams; source->streams[source->nb_streams].stream_type = GF_STREAM_AUDIO; /*hack: http urls are not decomposed therefore audio_input_port remains null*/ if (audio_input_port) { /*UDP/RTP*/ source->streams[source->nb_streams].object_type_indication = GF_CODECID_MPEG_AUDIO; } else { /*HTTP*/ aac_reader->oti = source->streams[source->nb_streams].object_type_indication = GF_CODECID_AAC_MPEG4; } source->streams[source->nb_streams].input_ctrl = void_input_ctrl; source->streams[source->nb_streams].stream_id = AUDIO_DATA_ESID; source->streams[source->nb_streams].timescale = 1000; GF_SAFEALLOC(source->streams[source->nb_streams].input_udta, GF_ESIStream); if (!source->streams[source->nb_streams].input_udta) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_APP, ("Failed to allocate audio input handler\n")); return 0; } ((GF_ESIStream*)source->streams[source->nb_streams].input_udta)->vers_inc = 1; /*increment version number at every audio update*/ assert( source ); //assert( source->iod); if (source->iod && ((source->iod->tag!=GF_ODF_IOD_TAG) || (mpeg4_signaling != GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_SCENE))) { /*create the descriptor*/ GF_ESD *esd; GF_SimpleDataDescriptor *audio_desc; GF_SAFEALLOC(audio_desc, GF_SimpleDataDescriptor); if (audio_input_port) { /*UDP/RTP*/ esd = gf_odf_desc_esd_new(0); esd->decoderConfig->streamType = source->streams[source->nb_streams].stream_type; esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication = source->streams[source->nb_streams].object_type_indication; } else { /*HTTP*/ esd = AAC_GetESD(aac_reader); /*in case of AAC, we have to wait the first ADTS chunk*/ } assert( esd ); esd->ESID = source->streams[source->nb_streams].stream_id; if (esd->slConfig->timestampResolution) /*in case of AAC, we have to wait the first ADTS chunk*/ encode_audio_desc(esd, audio_desc); else gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *)esd); /*find the audio OD stream and attach its descriptor*/ for (i=0; inb_streams; i++) { if (source->streams[i].stream_id == AUDIO_OD_ESID) { if (source->streams[i].input_udta) gf_free(source->streams[i].input_udta); source->streams[i].input_udta = (void*)audio_desc; /*Hack: the real input_udta type (for our SampleCallBack function) is GF_ESIStream*/ audio_OD_stream_id = i; break; } } if (audio_OD_stream_id == (u32)-1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not find an audio OD stream with ESID=100 in '%s'\n", src); return 0; } } else { source->mpeg4_signaling = GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_SCENE; } source->nb_streams++; } #endif /*when an audio input is present, declare it and store OD + ESD_U*/ if (video_buffer) { /*add the video program*/ source->streams[source->nb_streams].stream_type = GF_STREAM_VISUAL; source->streams[source->nb_streams].object_type_indication = GF_CODECID_AVC; source->streams[source->nb_streams].input_ctrl = void_input_ctrl; source->streams[source->nb_streams].stream_id = VIDEO_DATA_ESID; source->streams[source->nb_streams].timescale = 1000; GF_SAFEALLOC(source->streams[source->nb_streams].input_udta, GF_ESIStream); if (!source->streams[source->nb_streams].input_udta) { GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_APP, ("Failed to allocate video input handler\n")); return 0; } ((GF_ESIStream*)source->streams[source->nb_streams].input_udta)->vers_inc = 1; /*increment version number at every video update*/ assert(source); if (source->iod && ((source->iod->tag!=GF_ODF_IOD_TAG) || (mpeg4_signaling != GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_SCENE))) { assert(0); /*TODO*/ #if 0 /*create the descriptor*/ GF_ESD *esd; GF_SimpleDataDescriptor *video_desc; GF_SAFEALLOC(video_desc, GF_SimpleDataDescriptor); esd = gf_odf_desc_esd_new(0); esd->decoderConfig->streamType = source->streams[source->nb_streams].stream_type; esd->decoderConfig->objectTypeIndication = source->streams[source->nb_streams].object_type_indication; esd->ESID = source->streams[source->nb_streams].stream_id; /*find the audio OD stream and attach its descriptor*/ for (i=0; inb_streams; i++) { if (source->streams[i].stream_id == 103/*TODO: VIDEO_OD_ESID*/) { if (source->streams[i].input_udta) gf_free(source->streams[i].input_udta); source->streams[i].input_udta = (void*)video_desc; audio_OD_stream_id = i; break; } } if (audio_OD_stream_id == (u32)-1) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: could not find an audio OD stream with ESID=100 in '%s'\n", src); return 0; } #endif } else { assert (source->mpeg4_signaling == GF_M2TS_MPEG4_SIGNALING_SCENE); } source->nb_streams++; } if (!source->pcr_idx) source->pcr_idx=1; source->th = gf_th_new("Carousel"); source->bifs_src_name = update; gf_th_run(source->th, seng_output, source); return 1; } else #endif { FILE *f = gf_fopen(src, "rt"); if (f) { gf_fclose(f); fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s - not a supported input media, skipping.\n", src); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s - no such file.\n", src); } return 0; } } #ifdef GPAC_MEMORY_TRACKING GF_MemTrackerType mem_track = GF_MemTrackerNone; #endif /*macro to keep retro compatibility with '=' and spaces in parse_args*/ #define CHECK_PARAM(param) (!strnicmp(arg, param, strlen(param)) \ && ( ((arg[strlen(param)] == '=') && (next_arg = arg+strlen(param)+1)) \ || ((strlen(arg) == strlen(param)) && ++i && (i0xFF) { fprintf(stderr, "TEMI external timeline IDs shall be in the range [0x80, 0xFF], but %d was specified\n", temi_id); return GF_BAD_PARAM; } } if (!temi_id) { *temi_url = next_arg; if (strlen(next_arg) > 150) { fprintf(stderr, "URLs longer than 150 bytes are not currently supported\n"); return GF_NOT_SUPPORTED; } temi_id_1 = 0; } else { temi_id_1 = temi_id; *temi_url = NULL; } } } else if (CHECK_PARAM("-temi2")) { u32 temi_id = 0; if (next_arg[0]=='-') { fprintf(stderr, "No ID for secondary external TEMI timeline specified\n"); return GF_BAD_PARAM; } if (sscanf(next_arg, "%d", &temi_id) == 1) { if (temi_id < 0x80 || temi_id>0xFF) { fprintf(stderr, "TEMI external timeline IDs shall be in the range [0x80, 0xFF], but %d was specified\n", temi_id); return GF_BAD_PARAM; } temi_id_2 = temi_id; } else { fprintf(stderr, "No ID for secondary external TEMI timeline specified\n"); return GF_BAD_PARAM; } } else if (CHECK_PARAM("-temi-delay")) { temi_url_insertion_delay = atoi(next_arg); } else if (CHECK_PARAM("-temi-offset")) { temi_offset = atoi(next_arg); } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-temi-noloop")) { temi_disable_loop = 1; } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-temi-off")) { temi_on = GF_FALSE; } else if (CHECK_PARAM("-temi-period")) { temi_period = atof(next_arg); if (temi_period<0) { temi_period *= -1; temi_single_toggle = GF_TRUE; } } else if (!stricmp(arg, "-insert-ntp")) { insert_ntp = GF_TRUE; } else if (CHECK_PARAM("-dst-udp")) { char *sep = strchr(next_arg, ':'); dst_found = 1; *real_time=1; if (sep) { *output_port = atoi(sep+1); sep[0]=0; *udp_out = gf_strdup(next_arg); sep[0]=':'; } else { *udp_out = gf_strdup(next_arg); } } else if (CHECK_PARAM("-dst-rtp")) { char *sep = strchr(next_arg, ':'); dst_found = 1; *real_time=1; if (sep) { *output_port = atoi(sep+1); sep[0]=0; *rtp_out = gf_strdup(next_arg); sep[0]=':'; } else { *rtp_out = gf_strdup(next_arg); } } else if (CHECK_PARAM("-src")) { //second pass arguments } else if (CHECK_PARAM("-prog")) { //second pass arguments } else { u32 res = gf_sys_is_gpac_arg(arg); if (!res) { error_msg = "unknown option"; goto error; } else if (res==2) { if (!strchr(arg, '=')) i++; } } } if (*real_time) force_real_time = 1; rate_found = 1; /*second pass: open sources*/ for (i=1; i=0) gf_m2ts_mux_set_initial_pcr(muxer, (u64) pcr_init_val); gf_m2ts_mux_set_pcr_max_interval(muxer, pcr_ms); gf_m2ts_mux_enable_pcr_only_packets(muxer, enable_forced_pcr); if (ts_out != NULL) { if (segment_duration) { strcpy(segment_prefix, ts_out); if (segment_dir) { if (strchr("\\/", segment_name[strlen(segment_name)-1])) { sprintf(segment_name, "%s%s_%d.ts", segment_dir, segment_prefix, segment_index); } else { sprintf(segment_name, "%s/%s_%d.ts", segment_dir, segment_prefix, segment_index); } } else { sprintf(segment_name, "%s_%d.ts", segment_prefix, segment_index); } ts_out = gf_strdup(segment_name); if (!segment_manifest) { sprintf(segment_manifest_default, "%s.m3u8", segment_prefix); segment_manifest = segment_manifest_default; } //write_manifest(segment_manifest, segment_dir, segment_duration, segment_prefix, segment_http_prefix, segment_index, 0, 0); } if (!strcmp(ts_out, "stdout") || !strcmp(ts_out, "-") ) { ts_output_file = stdout; is_stdout = GF_TRUE; } else { ts_output_file = gf_fopen(ts_out, "wb"); is_stdout = GF_FALSE; } if (!ts_output_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", ts_out); goto exit; } } if (udp_out != NULL) { ts_output_udp_sk = gf_sk_new(GF_SOCK_TYPE_UDP); if (gf_sk_is_multicast_address((char *)udp_out)) { e = gf_sk_setup_multicast(ts_output_udp_sk, (char *)udp_out, output_port, ttl, 0, (char *) ip_ifce); } else { e = gf_sk_bind(ts_output_udp_sk, ip_ifce, output_port, (char *)udp_out, output_port, GF_SOCK_REUSE_PORT); } if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing UDP socket: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); goto exit; } } #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING if (rtp_out != NULL) { ts_output_rtp = gf_rtp_new(); gf_rtp_set_ports(ts_output_rtp, output_port); memset(&tr, 0, sizeof(GF_RTSPTransport)); tr.IsUnicast = gf_sk_is_multicast_address((char *)rtp_out) ? 0 : 1; tr.Profile="RTP/AVP"; tr.destination = (char *)rtp_out; tr.source = ""; tr.IsRecord = 0; tr.Append = 0; tr.SSRC = rand(); tr.port_first = output_port; tr.port_last = output_port+1; if (tr.IsUnicast) { tr.client_port_first = output_port; tr.client_port_last = output_port+1; } else { tr.source = (char *)rtp_out; tr.TTL = ttl; } e = gf_rtp_setup_transport(ts_output_rtp, &tr, (char *)ts_out); if (e != GF_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot setup RTP transport info : %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); goto exit; } e = gf_rtp_initialize(ts_output_rtp, 0, 1, 1500, 0, 0, (char *) ip_ifce); if (e != GF_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot initialize RTP sockets : %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); goto exit; } memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(GF_RTPHeader)); hdr.Version = 2; hdr.PayloadType = 33; /*MP2T*/ hdr.SSRC = tr.SSRC; hdr.Marker = 0; } #endif /*GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING*/ /************************************/ /* create streaming audio input */ /************************************/ if (audio_input_ip) switch(audio_input_type) { case GF_MP42TS_UDP: audio_input_udp_sk = gf_sk_new(GF_SOCK_TYPE_UDP); if (gf_sk_is_multicast_address((char *)audio_input_ip)) { e = gf_sk_setup_multicast(audio_input_udp_sk, (char *)audio_input_ip, audio_input_port, 32, 0, NULL); } else { e = gf_sk_bind(audio_input_udp_sk, NULL, audio_input_port, (char *)audio_input_ip, audio_input_port, GF_SOCK_REUSE_PORT); } if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error initializing UDP socket for %s:%d : %s\n", audio_input_ip, audio_input_port, gf_error_to_string(e)); goto exit; } gf_sk_set_buffer_size(audio_input_udp_sk, 0, GF_M2TS_UDP_BUFFER_SIZE); gf_sk_set_block_mode(audio_input_udp_sk, 0); /*allocate data buffer*/ audio_input_buffer = (char*)gf_malloc(audio_input_buffer_length); assert(audio_input_buffer); break; case GF_MP42TS_RTP: /*TODO: not implemented*/ assert(0); break; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER case GF_MP42TS_HTTP: audio_prog = (void*)&sources[nb_sources-1]; aac_download_file(aac_reader, audio_input_ip); break; #endif case GF_MP42TS_FILE: assert(0); /*audio live input is restricted to realtime/streaming*/ break; default: assert(0); } if (!nb_sources) { fprintf(stderr, "No program to mux, quitting.\n"); } for (i=0; iiod = sources[i].iod; if (sources[i].od_updates) { program->loop_descriptors = sources[i].od_updates; sources[i].od_updates = NULL; } } else { program = gf_m2ts_mux_program_find(muxer, sources[i].ID); } if (!program) continue; for (j=0; jstart_pes_at_rap = 1; } cur_pid += sources[i].nb_streams; while (cur_pid % 10) cur_pid ++; if (sources[i].program_name[0] || sources[i].provider_name[0] ) gf_m2ts_mux_program_set_name(program, sources[i].program_name, sources[i].provider_name); } muxer->flush_pes_at_rap = (split_rap == 2) ? GF_TRUE : GF_FALSE; if (sdt_refresh_rate) { gf_m2ts_mux_enable_sdt(muxer, sdt_refresh_rate); } gf_m2ts_mux_update_config(muxer, 1); if (nb_pck_pack>1) { ts_pack_buffer = gf_malloc(sizeof(char) * 188 * nb_pck_pack); } /*****************/ /* main loop */ /*****************/ last_print_time = gf_sys_clock(); while (run) { u32 status; /*check for some audio input from the network*/ if (audio_input_ip) { u32 read; switch (audio_input_type) { case GF_MP42TS_UDP: case GF_MP42TS_RTP: /*e =*/ gf_sk_receive(audio_input_udp_sk, audio_input_buffer, audio_input_buffer_length, &read); if (read) { SampleCallBack((void*)&sources[nb_sources-1], AUDIO_DATA_ESID, audio_input_buffer, read, gf_m2ts_get_sys_clock(muxer)); } break; #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_PLAYER case GF_MP42TS_HTTP: /*nothing to do: AAC_OnLiveData is called automatically*/ /*check we're still alive*/ if (gf_dm_is_thread_dead(aac_reader->dnload)) { GF_ESD *esd; aac_download_file(aac_reader, audio_input_ip); esd = AAC_GetESD(aac_reader); if (!esd) break; assert(esd->slConfig->timestampResolution); /*if we don't have this value we won't be able to adjust the timestamps within the MPEG2-TS*/ if (esd->slConfig->timestampResolution) audio_discontinuity_offset = gf_m2ts_get_sys_clock(muxer) * (u64)esd->slConfig->timestampResolution / 1000; gf_odf_desc_del((GF_Descriptor *)esd); } break; #endif default: assert(0); } } /*flush all packets*/ nb_pck_in_pack=0; while ((ts_pck = gf_m2ts_mux_process(muxer, &status, &usec_till_next)) != NULL) { if (ts_pack_buffer) { memcpy(ts_pack_buffer + 188 * nb_pck_in_pack, ts_pck, 188); nb_pck_in_pack++; if (nb_pck_in_pack < nb_pck_pack) continue; ts_pck = (const char *) ts_pack_buffer; } else { nb_pck_in_pack = 1; } call_flush: if (ts_output_file != NULL) { gf_fwrite(ts_pck, 1, 188 * nb_pck_in_pack, ts_output_file); if (segment_duration && (muxer->time.sec > prev_seg_time.sec + segment_duration)) { prev_seg_time = muxer->time; gf_fclose(ts_output_file); segment_index++; if (segment_dir) { if (strchr("\\/", segment_name[strlen(segment_name)-1])) { sprintf(segment_name, "%s%s_%d.ts", segment_dir, segment_prefix, segment_index); } else { sprintf(segment_name, "%s/%s_%d.ts", segment_dir, segment_prefix, segment_index); } } else { sprintf(segment_name, "%s_%d.ts", segment_prefix, segment_index); } ts_output_file = gf_fopen(segment_name, "wb"); if (!ts_output_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening %s\n", segment_name); goto exit; } /* delete the oldest segment */ if (segment_number && ((s32) (segment_index - segment_number - 1) >= 0)) { char old_segment_name[GF_MAX_PATH]; if (segment_dir) { if (strchr("\\/", segment_name[strlen(segment_name)-1])) { sprintf(old_segment_name, "%s%s_%d.ts", segment_dir, segment_prefix, segment_index - segment_number - 1); } else { sprintf(old_segment_name, "%s/%s_%d.ts", segment_dir, segment_prefix, segment_index - segment_number - 1); } } else { sprintf(old_segment_name, "%s_%d.ts", segment_prefix, segment_index - segment_number - 1); } gf_delete_file(old_segment_name); } write_manifest(segment_manifest, segment_dir, segment_duration, segment_prefix, segment_http_prefix, // (segment_index >= segment_number/2 ? segment_index - segment_number/2 : 0), segment_index >1 ? segment_index-1 : 0, 0); ( (segment_index > segment_number ) ? segment_index - segment_number : 0), segment_index >1 ? segment_index-1 : 0, 0); } } if (ts_output_udp_sk != NULL) { e = gf_sk_send(ts_output_udp_sk, (char*)ts_pck, 188 * nb_pck_in_pack); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %s sending UDP packet\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); } } #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING if (ts_output_rtp != NULL) { u32 ts; hdr.SequenceNumber++; /*muxer clock at 90k*/ ts = muxer->time.sec*90000 + muxer->time.nanosec*9/100000; /*FIXME - better discontinuity check*/ hdr.Marker = (ts < hdr.TimeStamp) ? 1 : 0; hdr.TimeStamp = ts; e = gf_rtp_send_packet(ts_output_rtp, &hdr, (char*)ts_pck, 188 * nb_pck_in_pack, 0); if (e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error %s sending RTP packet\n", gf_error_to_string(e)); } } #endif nb_pck_in_pack = 0; if (status>=GF_M2TS_STATE_PADDING) { break; } } if (nb_pck_in_pack) { ts_pck = (const char *) ts_pack_buffer; goto call_flush; } /*push video*/ { u32 now=gf_sys_clock(); if (now/MP42TS_VIDEO_FREQ != last_video_time/MP42TS_VIDEO_FREQ) { /*should use carrousel behaviour instead of being pushed manually*/ if (video_buffer) SampleCallBack((void*)&sources[nb_sources-1], VIDEO_DATA_ESID, video_buffer, video_buffer_size, gf_m2ts_get_sys_clock(muxer)+1000/*try buffering due to VLC msg*/); last_video_time = now; } } if (real_time) { /*refresh every MP42TS_PRINT_TIME_MS ms*/ u32 now=gf_sys_clock(); if (now > last_print_time + MP42TS_PRINT_TIME_MS) { last_print_time = now; fprintf(stderr, "M2TS: time % 6d - TS time % 6d - bitrate % 8d\r", gf_m2ts_get_sys_clock(muxer), gf_m2ts_get_ts_clock(muxer), muxer->average_birate_kbps); if (gf_prompt_has_input()) { char c = gf_prompt_get_char(); if (c=='q') break; else if (c=='t') request_temi_toggle = GF_TRUE; } } if (status == GF_M2TS_STATE_IDLE) { #if 0 /*wait till next packet is ready to be sent*/ if (usec_till_next>1000) { //fprintf(stderr, "%d usec till next packet\n", usec_till_next); gf_sleep(usec_till_next / 1000); } #else //we don't have enough precision on usec counting and we end up eating one core on most machines, so let's just sleep //one second whenever we are idle - it's maybe too much but the muxer will catchup afterwards gf_sleep(1); #endif } } if (run_time) { if (gf_m2ts_get_ts_clock(muxer) > run_time) { fprintf(stderr, "Stopping multiplex at %d ms (requested runtime %d ms)\n", gf_m2ts_get_ts_clock(muxer), run_time); break; } } if (status==GF_M2TS_STATE_EOS) { break; } } { u64 bits = muxer->tot_pck_sent*8*188; u64 dur_ms = gf_m2ts_get_ts_clock(muxer); if (!dur_ms) dur_ms = 1; fprintf(stderr, "Done muxing - %.02f sec - %sbitrate %d kbps "LLD" packets written\n", ((Double) dur_ms)/1000.0,mux_rate ? "" : "average ", (u32) (bits/dur_ms), muxer->tot_pck_sent); fprintf(stderr, " Padding: "LLD" packets (%g kbps) - "LLD" PES padded bytes (%g kbps)\n", muxer->tot_pad_sent, (Double) (muxer->tot_pad_sent*188*8.0/dur_ms) , muxer->tot_pes_pad_bytes, (Double) (muxer->tot_pes_pad_bytes*8.0/dur_ms) ); } exit: if (ts_pack_buffer) gf_free(ts_pack_buffer); run = 0; if (segment_duration) { write_manifest(segment_manifest, segment_dir, segment_duration, segment_prefix, segment_http_prefix, segment_index - segment_number, segment_index, 1); } if (ts_output_file && !is_stdout) gf_fclose(ts_output_file); if (ts_output_udp_sk) gf_sk_del(ts_output_udp_sk); #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING if (ts_output_rtp) gf_rtp_del(ts_output_rtp); #endif if (ts_out) gf_free(ts_out); if (audio_input_udp_sk) gf_sk_del(audio_input_udp_sk); if (audio_input_buffer) gf_free (audio_input_buffer); if (video_buffer) gf_free(video_buffer); if (udp_out) gf_free(udp_out); #ifndef GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING if (rtp_out) gf_free(rtp_out); #endif if (muxer) gf_m2ts_mux_del(muxer); for (i=0; i