// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 // or the MIT license // , at your option. // All files in the project carrying such notice may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! Definitions of system bug check codes use shared::ntdef::ULONG; pub const HARDWARE_PROFILE_UNDOCKED_STRING: ULONG = 0x40010001; pub const HARDWARE_PROFILE_DOCKED_STRING: ULONG = 0x40010002; pub const HARDWARE_PROFILE_UNKNOWN_STRING: ULONG = 0x40010003; pub const WINDOWS_NT_BANNER: ULONG = 0x4000007E; pub const WINDOWS_NT_CSD_STRING: ULONG = 0x40000087; pub const WINDOWS_NT_INFO_STRING: ULONG = 0x40000088; pub const WINDOWS_NT_MP_STRING: ULONG = 0x40000089; pub const THREAD_TERMINATE_HELD_MUTEX: ULONG = 0x4000008A; pub const WINDOWS_NT_INFO_STRING_PLURAL: ULONG = 0x4000009D; pub const WINDOWS_NT_RC_STRING: ULONG = 0x4000009E; pub const APC_INDEX_MISMATCH: ULONG = 0x00000001; pub const DEVICE_QUEUE_NOT_BUSY: ULONG = 0x00000002; pub const INVALID_AFFINITY_SET: ULONG = 0x00000003; pub const INVALID_DATA_ACCESS_TRAP: ULONG = 0x00000004; pub const INVALID_PROCESS_ATTACH_ATTEMPT: ULONG = 0x00000005; pub const INVALID_PROCESS_DETACH_ATTEMPT: ULONG = 0x00000006; pub const INVALID_SOFTWARE_INTERRUPT: ULONG = 0x00000007; pub const IRQL_NOT_DISPATCH_LEVEL: ULONG = 0x00000008; pub const IRQL_NOT_GREATER_OR_EQUAL: ULONG = 0x00000009; pub const IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: ULONG = 0x0000000A; pub const NO_EXCEPTION_HANDLING_SUPPORT: ULONG = 0x0000000B; pub const MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS_EXCEEDED: ULONG = 0x0000000C; pub const MUTEX_LEVEL_NUMBER_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x0000000D; pub const NO_USER_MODE_CONTEXT: ULONG = 0x0000000E; pub const SPIN_LOCK_ALREADY_OWNED: ULONG = 0x0000000F; pub const SPIN_LOCK_NOT_OWNED: ULONG = 0x00000010; pub const THREAD_NOT_MUTEX_OWNER: ULONG = 0x00000011; pub const TRAP_CAUSE_UNKNOWN: ULONG = 0x00000012; pub const EMPTY_THREAD_REAPER_LIST: ULONG = 0x00000013; pub const CREATE_DELETE_LOCK_NOT_LOCKED: ULONG = 0x00000014; pub const LAST_CHANCE_CALLED_FROM_KMODE: ULONG = 0x00000015; pub const CID_HANDLE_CREATION: ULONG = 0x00000016; pub const CID_HANDLE_DELETION: ULONG = 0x00000017; pub const REFERENCE_BY_POINTER: ULONG = 0x00000018; pub const BAD_POOL_HEADER: ULONG = 0x00000019; pub const MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: ULONG = 0x0000001A; pub const PFN_SHARE_COUNT: ULONG = 0x0000001B; pub const PFN_REFERENCE_COUNT: ULONG = 0x0000001C; pub const NO_SPIN_LOCK_AVAILABLE: ULONG = 0x0000001D; pub const KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED: ULONG = 0x0000001E; pub const SHARED_RESOURCE_CONV_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000001F; pub const KERNEL_APC_PENDING_DURING_EXIT: ULONG = 0x00000020; pub const QUOTA_UNDERFLOW: ULONG = 0x00000021; pub const FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000022; pub const FAT_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000023; pub const NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000024; pub const NPFS_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000025; pub const CDFS_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000026; pub const RDR_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000027; pub const CORRUPT_ACCESS_TOKEN: ULONG = 0x00000028; pub const SECURITY_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000029; pub const INCONSISTENT_IRP: ULONG = 0x0000002A; pub const PANIC_STACK_SWITCH: ULONG = 0x0000002B; pub const PORT_DRIVER_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x0000002C; pub const SCSI_DISK_DRIVER_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x0000002D; pub const DATA_BUS_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000002E; pub const INSTRUCTION_BUS_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000002F; pub const SET_OF_INVALID_CONTEXT: ULONG = 0x00000030; pub const PHASE0_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000031; pub const PHASE1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000032; pub const UNEXPECTED_INITIALIZATION_CALL: ULONG = 0x00000033; pub const CACHE_MANAGER: ULONG = 0x00000034; pub const NO_MORE_IRP_STACK_LOCATIONS: ULONG = 0x00000035; pub const DEVICE_REFERENCE_COUNT_NOT_ZERO: ULONG = 0x00000036; pub const FLOPPY_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000037; pub const SERIAL_DRIVER_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x00000038; pub const SYSTEM_EXIT_OWNED_MUTEX: ULONG = 0x00000039; pub const SYSTEM_UNWIND_PREVIOUS_USER: ULONG = 0x0000003A; pub const SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION: ULONG = 0x0000003B; pub const INTERRUPT_UNWIND_ATTEMPTED: ULONG = 0x0000003C; pub const INTERRUPT_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED: ULONG = 0x0000003D; pub const MULTIPROCESSOR_CONFIGURATION_NOT_SUPPORTED: ULONG = 0x0000003E; pub const NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES: ULONG = 0x0000003F; pub const TARGET_MDL_TOO_SMALL: ULONG = 0x00000040; pub const MUST_SUCCEED_POOL_EMPTY: ULONG = 0x00000041; pub const ATDISK_DRIVER_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x00000042; pub const NO_SUCH_PARTITION: ULONG = 0x00000043; pub const MULTIPLE_IRP_COMPLETE_REQUESTS: ULONG = 0x00000044; pub const INSUFFICIENT_SYSTEM_MAP_REGS: ULONG = 0x00000045; pub const DEREF_UNKNOWN_LOGON_SESSION: ULONG = 0x00000046; pub const REF_UNKNOWN_LOGON_SESSION: ULONG = 0x00000047; pub const CANCEL_STATE_IN_COMPLETED_IRP: ULONG = 0x00000048; pub const PAGE_FAULT_WITH_INTERRUPTS_OFF: ULONG = 0x00000049; pub const IRQL_GT_ZERO_AT_SYSTEM_SERVICE: ULONG = 0x0000004A; pub const STREAMS_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000004B; pub const FATAL_UNHANDLED_HARD_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000004C; pub const NO_PAGES_AVAILABLE: ULONG = 0x0000004D; pub const PFN_LIST_CORRUPT: ULONG = 0x0000004E; pub const NDIS_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000004F; pub const PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA: ULONG = 0x00000050; pub const PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA_M: ULONG = 0x10000050; pub const REGISTRY_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000051; pub const MAILSLOT_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000052; pub const NO_BOOT_DEVICE: ULONG = 0x00000053; pub const LM_SERVER_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000054; pub const DATA_COHERENCY_EXCEPTION: ULONG = 0x00000055; pub const INSTRUCTION_COHERENCY_EXCEPTION: ULONG = 0x00000056; pub const XNS_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000057; pub const VOLMGRX_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000058; pub const PINBALL_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000059; pub const CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000005A; pub const SET_ENV_VAR_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000005B; pub const HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000005C; pub const UNSUPPORTED_PROCESSOR: ULONG = 0x0000005D; pub const OBJECT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000005E; pub const SECURITY_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000005F; pub const PROCESS_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000060; pub const HAL1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000061; pub const OBJECT1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000062; pub const SECURITY1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000063; pub const SYMBOLIC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000064; pub const MEMORY1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000065; pub const CACHE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000066; pub const CONFIG_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000067; pub const FILE_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000068; pub const IO1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000069; pub const LPC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000006A; pub const PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000006B; pub const REFMON_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000006C; pub const SESSION1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000006D; pub const BOOTPROC_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000006E; pub const VSL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000006F; pub const SOFT_RESTART_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000070; pub const ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTERS_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000072; pub const CONFIG_LIST_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000073; pub const BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO: ULONG = 0x00000074; pub const CANNOT_WRITE_CONFIGURATION: ULONG = 0x00000075; pub const PROCESS_HAS_LOCKED_PAGES: ULONG = 0x00000076; pub const KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000077; pub const PHASE0_EXCEPTION: ULONG = 0x00000078; pub const MISMATCHED_HAL: ULONG = 0x00000079; pub const KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000007A; pub const INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE: ULONG = 0x0000007B; pub const BUGCODE_NDIS_DRIVER: ULONG = 0x0000007C; pub const INSTALL_MORE_MEMORY: ULONG = 0x0000007D; pub const SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED: ULONG = 0x0000007E; pub const SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M: ULONG = 0x1000007E; pub const UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP: ULONG = 0x0000007F; pub const UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP_M: ULONG = 0x1000007F; pub const NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000080; pub const SPIN_LOCK_INIT_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000081; pub const DFS_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000082; pub const OFS_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000083; pub const RECOM_DRIVER: ULONG = 0x00000084; pub const SETUP_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000085; pub const AUDIT_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000086; pub const MBR_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH: ULONG = 0x0000008B; pub const KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED: ULONG = 0x0000008E; pub const KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M: ULONG = 0x1000008E; pub const PP0_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000008F; pub const PP1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x00000090; pub const WIN32K_INIT_OR_RIT_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000091; pub const UP_DRIVER_ON_MP_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000092; pub const INVALID_KERNEL_HANDLE: ULONG = 0x00000093; pub const KERNEL_STACK_LOCKED_AT_EXIT: ULONG = 0x00000094; pub const PNP_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000095; pub const INVALID_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM: ULONG = 0x00000096; pub const BOUND_IMAGE_UNSUPPORTED: ULONG = 0x00000097; pub const END_OF_NT_EVALUATION_PERIOD: ULONG = 0x00000098; pub const INVALID_REGION_OR_SEGMENT: ULONG = 0x00000099; pub const SYSTEM_LICENSE_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x0000009A; pub const UDFS_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x0000009B; pub const MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION: ULONG = 0x0000009C; pub const USER_MODE_HEALTH_MONITOR: ULONG = 0x0000009E; pub const DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x0000009F; pub const INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR: ULONG = 0x000000A0; pub const PCI_BUS_DRIVER_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x000000A1; pub const MEMORY_IMAGE_CORRUPT: ULONG = 0x000000A2; pub const ACPI_DRIVER_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x000000A3; pub const CNSS_FILE_SYSTEM_FILTER: ULONG = 0x000000A4; pub const ACPI_BIOS_ERROR: ULONG = 0x000000A5; pub const FP_EMULATION_ERROR: ULONG = 0x000000A6; pub const BAD_EXHANDLE: ULONG = 0x000000A7; pub const BOOTING_IN_SAFEMODE_MINIMAL: ULONG = 0x000000A8; pub const BOOTING_IN_SAFEMODE_NETWORK: ULONG = 0x000000A9; pub const BOOTING_IN_SAFEMODE_DSREPAIR: ULONG = 0x000000AA; pub const SESSION_HAS_VALID_POOL_ON_EXIT: ULONG = 0x000000AB; pub const HAL_MEMORY_ALLOCATION: ULONG = 0x000000AC; pub const VIDEO_DRIVER_DEBUG_REPORT_REQUEST: ULONG = 0x400000AD; pub const BGI_DETECTED_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x000000B1; pub const VIDEO_DRIVER_INIT_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x000000B4; pub const BOOTLOG_LOADED: ULONG = 0x000000B5; pub const BOOTLOG_NOT_LOADED: ULONG = 0x000000B6; pub const BOOTLOG_ENABLED: ULONG = 0x000000B7; pub const ATTEMPTED_SWITCH_FROM_DPC: ULONG = 0x000000B8; pub const CHIPSET_DETECTED_ERROR: ULONG = 0x000000B9; pub const SESSION_HAS_VALID_VIEWS_ON_EXIT: ULONG = 0x000000BA; pub const NETWORK_BOOT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x000000BB; pub const NETWORK_BOOT_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS: ULONG = 0x000000BC; pub const INVALID_HIBERNATED_STATE: ULONG = 0x000000BD; pub const ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY: ULONG = 0x000000BE; pub const MUTEX_ALREADY_OWNED: ULONG = 0x000000BF; pub const PCI_CONFIG_SPACE_ACCESS_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x000000C0; pub const SPECIAL_POOL_DETECTED_MEMORY_CORRUPTION: ULONG = 0x000000C1; pub const BAD_POOL_CALLER: ULONG = 0x000000C2; pub const SYSTEM_IMAGE_BAD_SIGNATURE: ULONG = 0x000000C3; pub const DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x000000C4; pub const DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL: ULONG = 0x000000C5; pub const DRIVER_CAUGHT_MODIFYING_FREED_POOL: ULONG = 0x000000C6; pub const TIMER_OR_DPC_INVALID: ULONG = 0x000000C7; pub const IRQL_UNEXPECTED_VALUE: ULONG = 0x000000C8; pub const DRIVER_VERIFIER_IOMANAGER_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x000000C9; pub const PNP_DETECTED_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x000000CA; pub const DRIVER_LEFT_LOCKED_PAGES_IN_PROCESS: ULONG = 0x000000CB; pub const PAGE_FAULT_IN_FREED_SPECIAL_POOL: ULONG = 0x000000CC; pub const PAGE_FAULT_BEYOND_END_OF_ALLOCATION: ULONG = 0x000000CD; pub const DRIVER_UNLOADED_WITHOUT_CANCELLING_PENDING_OPERATIONS: ULONG = 0x000000CE; pub const TERMINAL_SERVER_DRIVER_MADE_INCORRECT_MEMORY_REFERENCE: ULONG = 0x000000CF; pub const DRIVER_CORRUPTED_MMPOOL: ULONG = 0x000000D0; pub const DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: ULONG = 0x000000D1; pub const BUGCODE_ID_DRIVER: ULONG = 0x000000D2; pub const DRIVER_PORTION_MUST_BE_NONPAGED: ULONG = 0x000000D3; pub const SYSTEM_SCAN_AT_RAISED_IRQL_CAUGHT_IMPROPER_DRIVER_UNLOAD: ULONG = 0x000000D4; pub const DRIVER_PAGE_FAULT_IN_FREED_SPECIAL_POOL: ULONG = 0x000000D5; pub const DRIVER_PAGE_FAULT_BEYOND_END_OF_ALLOCATION: ULONG = 0x000000D6; pub const DRIVER_PAGE_FAULT_BEYOND_END_OF_ALLOCATION_M: ULONG = 0x100000D6; pub const DRIVER_UNMAPPING_INVALID_VIEW: ULONG = 0x000000D7; pub const DRIVER_USED_EXCESSIVE_PTES: ULONG = 0x000000D8; pub const LOCKED_PAGES_TRACKER_CORRUPTION: ULONG = 0x000000D9; pub const SYSTEM_PTE_MISUSE: ULONG = 0x000000DA; pub const DRIVER_CORRUPTED_SYSPTES: ULONG = 0x000000DB; pub const DRIVER_INVALID_STACK_ACCESS: ULONG = 0x000000DC; pub const POOL_CORRUPTION_IN_FILE_AREA: ULONG = 0x000000DE; pub const IMPERSONATING_WORKER_THREAD: ULONG = 0x000000DF; pub const ACPI_BIOS_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x000000E0; pub const WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_AT_BAD_IRQL: ULONG = 0x000000E1; pub const MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH: ULONG = 0x000000E2; pub const RESOURCE_NOT_OWNED: ULONG = 0x000000E3; pub const WORKER_INVALID: ULONG = 0x000000E4; pub const POWER_FAILURE_SIMULATE: ULONG = 0x000000E5; pub const DRIVER_VERIFIER_DMA_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x000000E6; pub const INVALID_FLOATING_POINT_STATE: ULONG = 0x000000E7; pub const INVALID_CANCEL_OF_FILE_OPEN: ULONG = 0x000000E8; pub const ACTIVE_EX_WORKER_THREAD_TERMINATION: ULONG = 0x000000E9; pub const SAVER_UNSPECIFIED: ULONG = 0x0000F000; pub const SAVER_BLANKSCREEN: ULONG = 0x0000F002; pub const SAVER_INPUT: ULONG = 0x0000F003; pub const SAVER_WATCHDOG: ULONG = 0x0000F004; pub const SAVER_STARTNOTVISIBLE: ULONG = 0x0000F005; pub const SAVER_NAVIGATIONMODEL: ULONG = 0x0000F006; pub const SAVER_OUTOFMEMORY: ULONG = 0x0000F007; pub const SAVER_GRAPHICS: ULONG = 0x0000F008; pub const SAVER_NAVSERVERTIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x0000F009; pub const SAVER_CHROMEPROCESSCRASH: ULONG = 0x0000F00A; pub const SAVER_NOTIFICATIONDISMISSAL: ULONG = 0x0000F00B; pub const SAVER_SPEECHDISMISSAL: ULONG = 0x0000F00C; pub const SAVER_CALLDISMISSAL: ULONG = 0x0000F00D; pub const SAVER_APPBARDISMISSAL: ULONG = 0x0000F00E; pub const SAVER_RILADAPTATIONCRASH: ULONG = 0x0000F00F; pub const SAVER_APPLISTUNREACHABLE: ULONG = 0x0000F010; pub const SAVER_REPORTNOTIFICATIONFAILURE: ULONG = 0x0000F011; pub const SAVER_UNEXPECTEDSHUTDOWN: ULONG = 0x0000F012; pub const SAVER_RPCFAILURE: ULONG = 0x0000F013; pub const SAVER_AUXILIARYFULLDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000F014; pub const SAVER_ACCOUNTPROVSVCINITFAILURE: ULONG = 0x0000F015; pub const SAVER_MTBFCOMMANDTIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x00000315; pub const SAVER_MTBFCOMMANDHANG: ULONG = 0x0000F101; pub const SAVER_MTBFPASSBUGCHECK: ULONG = 0x0000F102; pub const SAVER_MTBFIOERROR: ULONG = 0x0000F103; pub const SAVER_RENDERTHREADHANG: ULONG = 0x0000F200; pub const SAVER_RENDERMOBILEUIOOM: ULONG = 0x0000F201; pub const SAVER_DEVICEUPDATEUNSPECIFIED: ULONG = 0x0000F300; pub const SAVER_AUDIODRIVERHANG: ULONG = 0x0000F400; pub const SAVER_BATTERYPULLOUT: ULONG = 0x0000F500; pub const SAVER_MEDIACORETESTHANG: ULONG = 0x0000F600; pub const SAVER_RESOURCEMANAGEMENT: ULONG = 0x0000F700; pub const SAVER_CAPTURESERVICE: ULONG = 0x0000F800; pub const SAVER_WAITFORSHELLREADY: ULONG = 0x0000F900; pub const SAVER_NONRESPONSIVEPROCESS: ULONG = 0x00000194; pub const SAVER_SICKAPPLICATION: ULONG = 0x00008866; pub const THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER: ULONG = 0x000000EA; pub const THREAD_STUCK_IN_DEVICE_DRIVER_M: ULONG = 0x100000EA; pub const DIRTY_MAPPED_PAGES_CONGESTION: ULONG = 0x000000EB; pub const SESSION_HAS_VALID_SPECIAL_POOL_ON_EXIT: ULONG = 0x000000EC; pub const UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME: ULONG = 0x000000ED; pub const CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED: ULONG = 0x000000EF; pub const STORAGE_MINIPORT_ERROR: ULONG = 0x000000F0; pub const SCSI_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x000000F1; pub const HARDWARE_INTERRUPT_STORM: ULONG = 0x000000F2; pub const DISORDERLY_SHUTDOWN: ULONG = 0x000000F3; pub const CRITICAL_OBJECT_TERMINATION: ULONG = 0x000000F4; pub const FLTMGR_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x000000F5; pub const PCI_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x000000F6; pub const DRIVER_OVERRAN_STACK_BUFFER: ULONG = 0x000000F7; pub const RAMDISK_BOOT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x000000F8; pub const DRIVER_RETURNED_STATUS_REPARSE_FOR_VOLUME_OPEN: ULONG = 0x000000F9; pub const HTTP_DRIVER_CORRUPTED: ULONG = 0x000000FA; pub const RECURSIVE_MACHINE_CHECK: ULONG = 0x000000FB; pub const ATTEMPTED_EXECUTE_OF_NOEXECUTE_MEMORY: ULONG = 0x000000FC; pub const DIRTY_NOWRITE_PAGES_CONGESTION: ULONG = 0x000000FD; pub const BUGCODE_USB_DRIVER: ULONG = 0x000000FE; pub const BC_BLUETOOTH_VERIFIER_FAULT: ULONG = 0x00000BFE; pub const BC_BTHMINI_VERIFIER_FAULT: ULONG = 0x00000BFF; pub const RESERVE_QUEUE_OVERFLOW: ULONG = 0x000000FF; pub const LOADER_BLOCK_MISMATCH: ULONG = 0x00000100; pub const CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x00000101; pub const DPC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x00000102; pub const MUP_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000103; pub const AGP_INVALID_ACCESS: ULONG = 0x00000104; pub const AGP_GART_CORRUPTION: ULONG = 0x00000105; pub const AGP_ILLEGALLY_REPROGRAMMED: ULONG = 0x00000106; pub const KERNEL_EXPAND_STACK_ACTIVE: ULONG = 0x00000107; pub const THIRD_PARTY_FILE_SYSTEM_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000108; pub const CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION: ULONG = 0x00000109; pub const APP_TAGGING_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000010A; pub const DFSC_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x0000010B; pub const FSRTL_EXTRA_CREATE_PARAMETER_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x0000010C; pub const WDF_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x0000010D; pub const VIDEO_MEMORY_MANAGEMENT_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x0000010E; pub const DRIVER_INVALID_CRUNTIME_PARAMETER: ULONG = 0x00000110; pub const RECURSIVE_NMI: ULONG = 0x00000111; pub const MSRPC_STATE_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x00000112; pub const VIDEO_DXGKRNL_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000113; pub const VIDEO_SHADOW_DRIVER_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000114; pub const AGP_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x00000115; pub const VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000116; pub const VIDEO_TDR_TIMEOUT_DETECTED: ULONG = 0x00000117; pub const NTHV_GUEST_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000118; pub const VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000119; pub const EM_INITIALIZATION_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000011A; pub const DRIVER_RETURNED_HOLDING_CANCEL_LOCK: ULONG = 0x0000011B; pub const ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_CM_PROTECTED_STORAGE: ULONG = 0x0000011C; pub const EVENT_TRACING_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000011D; pub const TOO_MANY_RECURSIVE_FAULTS: ULONG = 0x0000011E; pub const INVALID_DRIVER_HANDLE: ULONG = 0x0000011F; pub const BITLOCKER_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000120; pub const DRIVER_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x00000121; pub const WHEA_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000122; pub const CRYPTO_SELF_TEST_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000123; pub const WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000124; pub const NMR_INVALID_STATE: ULONG = 0x00000125; pub const NETIO_INVALID_POOL_CALLER: ULONG = 0x00000126; pub const PAGE_NOT_ZERO: ULONG = 0x00000127; pub const WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WITH_BAD_IO_PRIORITY: ULONG = 0x00000128; pub const WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WITH_BAD_PAGING_IO_PRIORITY: ULONG = 0x00000129; pub const MUI_NO_VALID_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE: ULONG = 0x0000012A; pub const FAULTY_HARDWARE_CORRUPTED_PAGE: ULONG = 0x0000012B; pub const EXFAT_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x0000012C; pub const VOLSNAP_OVERLAPPED_TABLE_ACCESS: ULONG = 0x0000012D; pub const INVALID_MDL_RANGE: ULONG = 0x0000012E; pub const VHD_BOOT_INITIALIZATION_FAILED: ULONG = 0x0000012F; pub const DYNAMIC_ADD_PROCESSOR_MISMATCH: ULONG = 0x00000130; pub const INVALID_EXTENDED_PROCESSOR_STATE: ULONG = 0x00000131; pub const RESOURCE_OWNER_POINTER_INVALID: ULONG = 0x00000132; pub const DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x00000133; pub const DRIVE_EXTENDER: ULONG = 0x00000134; pub const REGISTRY_FILTER_DRIVER_EXCEPTION: ULONG = 0x00000135; pub const VHD_BOOT_HOST_VOLUME_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE: ULONG = 0x00000136; pub const WIN32K_HANDLE_MANAGER: ULONG = 0x00000137; pub const GPIO_CONTROLLER_DRIVER_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000138; pub const KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000139; pub const KERNEL_MODE_HEAP_CORRUPTION: ULONG = 0x0000013A; pub const PASSIVE_INTERRUPT_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000013B; pub const INVALID_IO_BOOST_STATE: ULONG = 0x0000013C; pub const CRITICAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x0000013D; pub const ERRATA_WORKAROUND_UNSUCCESSFUL: ULONG = 0x0000013E; pub const STORAGE_DEVICE_ABNORMALITY_DETECTED: ULONG = 0x00000140; pub const VIDEO_ENGINE_TIMEOUT_DETECTED: ULONG = 0x00000141; pub const VIDEO_TDR_APPLICATION_BLOCKED: ULONG = 0x00000142; pub const PROCESSOR_DRIVER_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x00000143; pub const BUGCODE_USB3_DRIVER: ULONG = 0x00000144; pub const SECURE_BOOT_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x00000145; pub const NDIS_NET_BUFFER_LIST_INFO_ILLEGALLY_TRANSFERRED: ULONG = 0x00000146; pub const ABNORMAL_RESET_DETECTED: ULONG = 0x00000147; pub const IO_OBJECT_INVALID: ULONG = 0x00000148; pub const REFS_FILE_SYSTEM: ULONG = 0x00000149; pub const KERNEL_WMI_INTERNAL: ULONG = 0x0000014A; pub const SOC_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x0000014B; pub const FATAL_ABNORMAL_RESET_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000014C; pub const EXCEPTION_SCOPE_INVALID: ULONG = 0x0000014D; pub const SOC_CRITICAL_DEVICE_REMOVED: ULONG = 0x0000014E; pub const PDC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x0000014F; pub const TCPIP_AOAC_NIC_ACTIVE_REFERENCE_LEAK: ULONG = 0x00000150; pub const UNSUPPORTED_INSTRUCTION_MODE: ULONG = 0x00000151; pub const INVALID_PUSH_LOCK_FLAGS: ULONG = 0x00000152; pub const KERNEL_LOCK_ENTRY_LEAKED_ON_THREAD_TERMINATION: ULONG = 0x00000153; pub const UNEXPECTED_STORE_EXCEPTION: ULONG = 0x00000154; pub const OS_DATA_TAMPERING: ULONG = 0x00000155; pub const WINSOCK_DETECTED_HUNG_CLOSESOCKET_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000156; pub const KERNEL_THREAD_PRIORITY_FLOOR_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x00000157; pub const ILLEGAL_IOMMU_PAGE_FAULT: ULONG = 0x00000158; pub const HAL_ILLEGAL_IOMMU_PAGE_FAULT: ULONG = 0x00000159; pub const SDBUS_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000015A; pub const WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WITH_SYSTEM_PAGE_PRIORITY_ACTIVE: ULONG = 0x0000015B; pub const PDC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000015C; pub const SOC_SUBSYSTEM_FAILURE_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000015D; pub const BUGCODE_NDIS_DRIVER_LIVE_DUMP: ULONG = 0x0000015E; pub const CONNECTED_STANDBY_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000015F; pub const WIN32K_ATOMIC_CHECK_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000160; pub const LIVE_SYSTEM_DUMP: ULONG = 0x00000161; pub const KERNEL_AUTO_BOOST_INVALID_LOCK_RELEASE: ULONG = 0x00000162; pub const WORKER_THREAD_TEST_CONDITION: ULONG = 0x00000163; pub const WIN32K_CRITICAL_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000164; pub const CLUSTER_CSV_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000165; pub const CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CALL_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000166; pub const CLUSTER_CSV_SNAPSHOT_DEVICE_INFO_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000167; pub const CLUSTER_CSV_STATE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000168; pub const CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_ARRIVAL_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000169; pub const CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_REMOVAL_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000016A; pub const CLUSTER_CSV_CLUSTER_WATCHDOG_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000016B; pub const INVALID_RUNDOWN_PROTECTION_FLAGS: ULONG = 0x0000016C; pub const INVALID_SLOT_ALLOCATOR_FLAGS: ULONG = 0x0000016D; pub const ERESOURCE_INVALID_RELEASE: ULONG = 0x0000016E; pub const CLUSTER_CSV_STATE_TRANSITION_INTERVAL_TIMEOUT_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000016F; pub const CLUSTER_CSV_CLUSSVC_DISCONNECT_WATCHDOG: ULONG = 0x00000170; pub const CRYPTO_LIBRARY_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000171; pub const COREMSGCALL_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000173; pub const COREMSG_INTERNAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000174; pub const PREVIOUS_FATAL_ABNORMAL_RESET_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000175; pub const ELAM_DRIVER_DETECTED_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000178; pub const PDC_LOCK_WATCHDOG_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000017C; pub const PDC_UNEXPECTED_REVOCATION_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000017D; pub const WVR_LIVEDUMP_REPLICATION_IOCONTEXT_TIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x00000180; pub const WVR_LIVEDUMP_STATE_TRANSITION_TIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x00000181; pub const WVR_LIVEDUMP_RECOVERY_IOCONTEXT_TIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x00000182; pub const WVR_LIVEDUMP_APP_IO_TIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x00000183; pub const WVR_LIVEDUMP_MANUALLY_INITIATED: ULONG = 0x00000184; pub const WVR_LIVEDUMP_STATE_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000185; pub const WVR_LIVEDUMP_CRITICAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00000186; pub const VIDEO_DWMINIT_TIMEOUT_FALLBACK_BDD: ULONG = 0x00000187; pub const CLUSTER_CSVFS_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000188; pub const BAD_OBJECT_HEADER: ULONG = 0x00000189; pub const SILO_CORRUPT: ULONG = 0x0000018A; pub const SECURE_KERNEL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000018B; pub const HYPERGUARD_VIOLATION: ULONG = 0x0000018C; pub const WIN32K_CRITICAL_FAILURE_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000190; pub const PF_DETECTED_CORRUPTION: ULONG = 0x00000191; pub const KERNEL_AUTO_BOOST_LOCK_ACQUISITION_WITH_RAISED_IRQL: ULONG = 0x00000192; pub const VIDEO_DXGKRNL_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000193; pub const KERNEL_STORAGE_SLOT_IN_USE: ULONG = 0x00000199; pub const SMB_SERVER_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000195; pub const LOADER_ROLLBACK_DETECTED: ULONG = 0x00000196; pub const WIN32K_SECURITY_FAILURE: ULONG = 0x00000197; pub const UFX_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x00000198; pub const WORKER_THREAD_RETURNED_WHILE_ATTACHED_TO_SILO: ULONG = 0x0000019A; pub const TTM_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0x0000019B; pub const WIN32K_POWER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT: ULONG = 0x0000019C; pub const CLUSTER_SVHDX_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x0000019D; pub const DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x000001C4; pub const IO_THREADPOOL_DEADLOCK_LIVEDUMP: ULONG = 0x000001C5; pub const XBOX_CORRUPTED_IMAGE: ULONG = 0x00000357; pub const XBOX_INVERTED_FUNCTION_TABLE_OVERFLOW: ULONG = 0x00000358; pub const XBOX_CORRUPTED_IMAGE_BASE: ULONG = 0x00000359; pub const XBOX_360_SYSTEM_CRASH: ULONG = 0x00000360; pub const XBOX_360_SYSTEM_CRASH_RESERVED: ULONG = 0x00000420; pub const HYPERVISOR_ERROR: ULONG = 0x00020001; pub const WINLOGON_FATAL_ERROR: ULONG = 0xC000021A; pub const MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH1: ULONG = 0xDEADDEAD; pub const BUGCHECK_CONTEXT_MODIFIER: ULONG = 0x80000000;