import base64 import hmac import logging import os.path import random import re import string from binascii import unhexlify from collections import namedtuple from copy import deepcopy from hashlib import sha256 from io import BytesIO from math import ceil from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urljoin, urlparse, urlunparse from streamlink.cache import Cache from streamlink.exceptions import PluginError, StreamError from streamlink.packages.flashmedia import F4V, F4VError from import Box from streamlink.packages.flashmedia.tag import ScriptData, TAG_TYPE_SCRIPT, Tag from import FLVTagConcat from import (SegmentedStreamReader, SegmentedStreamWorker, SegmentedStreamWriter) from import Stream from import StreamIOIterWrapper from streamlink.utils import absolute_url, swfdecompress log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Akamai HD player verification key # Use unhexlify() rather than bytes.fromhex() for compatibility with before # Python 3. However, in Python 3.2 (not 3.3+), unhexlify only accepts a byte # string. AKAMAIHD_PV_KEY = unhexlify( b"BD938D5EE6D9F42016F9C56577B6FDCF415FE4B184932B785AB32BCADC9BB592") # Some streams hosted by Akamai seem to require a hdcore parameter # to function properly. HDCORE_VERSION = "3.1.0" # Fragment URL format FRAGMENT_URL = "{url}{identifier}{quality}Seg{segment}-Frag{fragment}" Fragment = namedtuple("Fragment", "segment fragment duration url") class HDSStreamWriter(SegmentedStreamWriter): def __init__(self, reader, *args, **kwargs): options = kwargs["retries"] = options.get("hds-segment-attempts") kwargs["threads"] = options.get("hds-segment-threads") kwargs["timeout"] = options.get("hds-segment-timeout") SegmentedStreamWriter.__init__(self, reader, *args, **kwargs) duration, tags = None, [] if duration ="duration") tags = [Tag(TAG_TYPE_SCRIPT, timestamp=0,] self.concater = FLVTagConcat(tags=tags, duration=duration, flatten_timestamps=True) def fetch(self, fragment, retries=None): if self.closed or not retries: return try: request_params = params = request_params.pop("params", {}) params.pop("g", None) return self.session.http.get(fragment.url, stream=True, timeout=self.timeout, exception=StreamError, params=params, **request_params) except StreamError as err: log.error(f"Failed to open fragment {fragment.segment}-{fragment.fragment}: {err}") return self.fetch(fragment, retries - 1) def write(self, fragment, res, chunk_size=8192): fd = StreamIOIterWrapper(res.iter_content(chunk_size)) self.convert_fragment(fragment, fd) def convert_fragment(self, fragment, fd): mdat = None try: f4v = F4V(fd, raw_payload=True) # Fast forward to mdat box for box in f4v: if box.type == "mdat": mdat = break except F4VError as err: log.error(f"Failed to parse fragment {fragment.segment}-{fragment.fragment}: {err}") return if not mdat: log.error(f"No MDAT box found in fragment {fragment.segment}-{fragment.fragment}") return try: for chunk in self.concater.iter_chunks(buf=mdat, skip_header=True): self.reader.buffer.write(chunk) if self.closed: break else: log.debug(f"Download of fragment {fragment.segment}-{fragment.fragment} complete") except OSError as err: if "Unknown tag type" in str(err): log.error("Unknown tag type found, this stream is probably encrypted") self.close() return log.error(f"Error reading fragment {fragment.segment}-{fragment.fragment}: {err}") class HDSStreamWorker(SegmentedStreamWorker): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): SegmentedStreamWorker.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.bootstrap = self.current_segment = -1 self.current_fragment = -1 self.first_fragment = 1 self.last_fragment = -1 self.end_fragment = None self.bootstrap_minimal_reload_time = 2.0 self.bootstrap_reload_time = self.bootstrap_minimal_reload_time self.invalid_fragments = set() self.live_edge = self.session.options.get("hds-live-edge") self.update_bootstrap() def update_bootstrap(self): log.debug("Updating bootstrap") if isinstance(self.bootstrap, Box): bootstrap = self.bootstrap else: bootstrap = self.fetch_bootstrap(self.bootstrap) = self.profile = bootstrap.payload.profile self.timestamp = bootstrap.payload.current_media_time self.identifier = bootstrap.payload.movie_identifier self.time_scale = bootstrap.payload.time_scale self.segmentruntable = bootstrap.payload.segment_run_table_entries[0] self.fragmentruntable = bootstrap.payload.fragment_run_table_entries[0] self.first_fragment, last_fragment = self.fragment_count() fragment_duration = self.fragment_duration(last_fragment) if last_fragment != self.last_fragment: bootstrap_changed = True self.last_fragment = last_fragment else: bootstrap_changed = False if self.current_fragment < 0: if current_fragment = last_fragment # Less likely to hit edge if we don't start with last fragment, # default buffer is 10 sec. fragment_buffer = int(ceil(self.live_edge / fragment_duration)) current_fragment = max(self.first_fragment, current_fragment - (fragment_buffer - 1)) log.debug(f"Live edge buffer {self.live_edge} sec is {fragment_buffer} fragments") # Make sure we don't have a duration set when it's a # live stream since it will just confuse players anyway. self.writer.concater.duration = None else: current_fragment = self.first_fragment self.current_fragment = current_fragment log.debug(f"Current timestamp: {self.timestamp / self.time_scale}") log.debug(f"Current segment: {self.current_segment}") log.debug(f"Current fragment: {self.current_fragment}") log.debug(f"First fragment: {self.first_fragment}") log.debug(f"Last fragment: {self.last_fragment}") log.debug(f"End fragment: {self.end_fragment}") self.bootstrap_reload_time = fragment_duration if and not bootstrap_changed: log.debug("Bootstrap not changed, shortening timer") self.bootstrap_reload_time /= 2 self.bootstrap_reload_time = max(self.bootstrap_reload_time, self.bootstrap_minimal_reload_time) def fetch_bootstrap(self, url): res = self.session.http.get(url, exception=StreamError, ** return Box.deserialize(BytesIO(res.content)) def fragment_url(self, segment, fragment): url = absolute_url(, return FRAGMENT_URL.format(url=url, segment=segment, fragment=fragment, identifier="", quality="") def fragment_count(self): table = self.fragmentruntable.payload.fragment_run_entry_table first_fragment, end_fragment = None, None for i, fragmentrun in enumerate(table): if fragmentrun.discontinuity_indicator is not None: if fragmentrun.discontinuity_indicator == 0: break elif fragmentrun.discontinuity_indicator > 0: continue if first_fragment is None: first_fragment = fragmentrun.first_fragment end_fragment = fragmentrun.first_fragment fragment_duration = fragmentrun.first_fragment_timestamp + fragmentrun.fragment_duration if self.timestamp > fragment_duration: offset = (self.timestamp - fragment_duration) / fragmentrun.fragment_duration end_fragment += int(offset) if first_fragment is None: first_fragment = 1 if end_fragment is None: end_fragment = 1 return first_fragment, end_fragment def fragment_duration(self, fragment): fragment_duration = 0 table = self.fragmentruntable.payload.fragment_run_entry_table time_scale = self.fragmentruntable.payload.time_scale for i, fragmentrun in enumerate(table): if fragmentrun.discontinuity_indicator is not None: self.invalid_fragments.add(fragmentrun.first_fragment) # Check for the last fragment of the stream if fragmentrun.discontinuity_indicator == 0: if i > 0: prev = table[i - 1] self.end_fragment = prev.first_fragment break elif fragmentrun.discontinuity_indicator > 0: continue if fragment >= fragmentrun.first_fragment: fragment_duration = fragmentrun.fragment_duration / time_scale return fragment_duration def segment_from_fragment(self, fragment): table = self.segmentruntable.payload.segment_run_entry_table for segment, start, end in self.iter_segment_table(table): if start - 1 <= fragment <= end: return segment else: segment = 1 return segment def iter_segment_table(self, table): # If the first segment in the table starts at the beginning we # can go from there, otherwise we start from the end and use the # total fragment count to figure out where the last segment ends. if table[0].first_segment == 1: prev_frag = self.first_fragment - 1 for segmentrun in table: start = prev_frag + 1 end = prev_frag + segmentrun.fragments_per_segment yield segmentrun.first_segment, start, end prev_frag = end else: prev_frag = self.last_fragment + 1 for segmentrun in reversed(table): start = prev_frag - segmentrun.fragments_per_segment end = prev_frag - 1 yield segmentrun.first_segment, start, end prev_frag = start def valid_fragment(self, fragment): return fragment not in self.invalid_fragments def iter_segments(self): while not self.closed: fragments = range(self.current_fragment, self.last_fragment + 1) fragments = filter(self.valid_fragment, fragments) for fragment in fragments: self.current_fragment = fragment + 1 self.current_segment = self.segment_from_fragment(fragment) fragment_duration = int(self.fragment_duration(fragment) * 1000) fragment_url = self.fragment_url(self.current_segment, fragment) fragment = Fragment(self.current_segment, fragment, fragment_duration, fragment_url) log.debug(f"Adding fragment {fragment.segment}-{fragment.fragment} to queue") yield fragment # End of stream stream_end = self.end_fragment and fragment.fragment >= self.end_fragment if self.closed or stream_end: return if self.wait(self.bootstrap_reload_time): try: self.update_bootstrap() except StreamError as err: log.warning(f"Failed to update bootstrap: {err}") class HDSStreamReader(SegmentedStreamReader): __worker__ = HDSStreamWorker __writer__ = HDSStreamWriter def __init__(self, stream, *args, **kwargs): SegmentedStreamReader.__init__(self, stream, *args, **kwargs) class HDSStream(Stream): """ Implements the Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming protocol *Attributes:* - :attr:`baseurl` Base URL - :attr:`url` Base path of the stream, joined with the base URL when fetching fragments - :attr:`bootstrap` Either a URL pointing to the bootstrap or a bootstrap :class:`Box` object used for initial information about the stream - :attr:`metadata` Either `None` or a :class:`ScriptData` object that contains metadata about the stream, such as height, width and bitrate """ __shortname__ = "hds" def __init__(self, session, baseurl, url, bootstrap, metadata=None, timeout=60, **request_params): Stream.__init__(self, session) self.baseurl = baseurl self.url = url self.bootstrap = bootstrap self.metadata = metadata self.timeout = timeout # Deep copy request params to make it mutable self.request_params = deepcopy(request_params) parsed = urlparse(self.url) if parsed.query: params = parse_qsl(parsed.query) if params: if not self.request_params.get("params"): self.request_params["params"] = {} self.request_params["params"].update(params) self.url = urlunparse( (parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, parsed.path, None, None, None) ) def __repr__(self): return ("").format(self.baseurl, self.url, self.bootstrap, self.metadata, self.timeout) def __json__(self): if isinstance(self.bootstrap, Box): bootstrap = base64.b64encode(self.bootstrap.serialize()) else: bootstrap = self.bootstrap if isinstance(self.metadata, ScriptData): metadata = self.metadata.__dict__ else: metadata = self.metadata return dict(type=HDSStream.shortname(), baseurl=self.baseurl, url=self.url, bootstrap=bootstrap, metadata=metadata, params=self.request_params.get("params", {}), headers=self.request_params.get("headers", {})) def open(self): reader = HDSStreamReader(self) return reader @classmethod def parse_manifest(cls, session, url, timeout=60, pvswf=None, is_akamai=False, **request_params): """Parses a HDS manifest and returns its substreams. :param url: The URL to the manifest. :param timeout: How long to wait for data to be returned from from the stream before raising an error. :param is_akamai: force adding of the akamai parameters :param pvswf: URL of player SWF for Akamai HD player verification. """ # private argument, should only be used in recursive calls raise_for_drm = request_params.pop("raise_for_drm", False) if not request_params: request_params = {} request_params["headers"] = request_params.get("headers", {}) request_params["params"] = request_params.get("params", {}) # These params are reserved for internal use request_params.pop("exception", None) request_params.pop("stream", None) request_params.pop("timeout", None) request_params.pop("url", None) if "akamaihd" in url or is_akamai: request_params["params"]["hdcore"] = HDCORE_VERSION request_params["params"]["g"] = cls.cache_buster_string(12) res = session.http.get(url, exception=IOError, **request_params) manifest = session.http.xml(res, "manifest XML", ignore_ns=True, exception=IOError) if manifest.findtext("drmAdditionalHeader"): log.debug(f"Omitting HDS stream protected by DRM: {url}") if raise_for_drm: raise PluginError("{} is protected by DRM".format(url)) log.warning("Some or all streams are unavailable as they are protected by DRM") return {} parsed = urlparse(url) baseurl = manifest.findtext("baseURL") baseheight = manifest.findtext("height") bootstraps = {} streams = {} if not baseurl: baseurl = urljoin(url, os.path.dirname(parsed.path)) if not baseurl.endswith("/"): baseurl += "/" for bootstrap in manifest.findall("bootstrapInfo"): name = bootstrap.attrib.get("id") or "_global" url = bootstrap.attrib.get("url") if url: box = absolute_url(baseurl, url) else: data = base64.b64decode(bytes(bootstrap.text, "utf8")) box = Box.deserialize(BytesIO(data)) bootstraps[name] = box pvtoken = manifest.findtext("pv-2.0") if pvtoken: if not pvswf: raise OSError("This manifest requires the 'pvswf' parameter " "to verify the SWF") params = cls._pv_params(session, pvswf, pvtoken, **request_params) request_params["params"].update(params) child_drm = False for media in manifest.findall("media"): url = media.attrib.get("url") bootstrapid = media.attrib.get("bootstrapInfoId", "_global") href = media.attrib.get("href") if url and bootstrapid: bootstrap = bootstraps.get(bootstrapid) if not bootstrap: continue bitrate = media.attrib.get("bitrate") streamid = media.attrib.get("streamId") height = media.attrib.get("height") if height: quality = height + "p" elif bitrate: quality = bitrate + "k" elif streamid: quality = streamid elif baseheight: quality = baseheight + "p" else: quality = "live" metadata = media.findtext("metadata") if metadata: metadata = base64.b64decode(bytes(metadata, "utf8")) metadata = ScriptData.deserialize(BytesIO(metadata)) else: metadata = None stream = HDSStream(session, baseurl, url, bootstrap, metadata=metadata, timeout=timeout, **request_params) streams[quality] = stream elif href: url = absolute_url(baseurl, href) try: child_streams = cls.parse_manifest(session, url, timeout=timeout, is_akamai=is_akamai, raise_for_drm=True, **request_params) except PluginError: child_drm = True child_streams = {} for name, stream in child_streams.items(): # Override stream name if bitrate is available in parent # manifest but not the child one. bitrate = media.attrib.get("bitrate") if bitrate and not re.match(r"^(\d+)k$", name): name = bitrate + "k" streams[name] = stream if child_drm: log.warning("Some or all streams are unavailable as they are protected by DRM") return streams @classmethod def _pv_params(cls, session, pvswf, pv, **request_params): """Returns any parameters needed for Akamai HD player verification. Algorithm originally documented by KSV, source: """ try: data, hdntl = pv.split(";") except ValueError: data = pv hdntl = "" cache = Cache(filename="stream.json") key = "akamaihd-player:" + pvswf cached = cache.get(key) request_params = deepcopy(request_params) headers = request_params.pop("headers", {}) if cached: headers["If-Modified-Since"] = cached["modified"] swf = session.http.get(pvswf, headers=headers, **request_params) if cached and swf.status_code == 304: # Server says not modified hash = cached["hash"] else: # Calculate SHA-256 hash of the uncompressed SWF file, base-64 # encoded hash = sha256() hash.update(swfdecompress(swf.content)) hash = base64.b64encode(hash.digest()).decode("ascii") modified = swf.headers.get("Last-Modified", "") # Only save in cache if a valid date is given if len(modified) < 40: cache.set(key, dict(hash=hash, modified=modified)) msg = "st=0~exp=9999999999~acl=*~data={0}!{1}".format(data, hash) auth =, msg.encode("ascii"), sha256) pvtoken = "{0}~hmac={1}".format(msg, auth.hexdigest()) # The "hdntl" parameter can be accepted as a cookie or passed in the # query string, but the "pvtoken" parameter can only be in the query # string params = [("pvtoken", pvtoken)] params.extend(parse_qsl(hdntl, keep_blank_values=True)) return params @staticmethod def cache_buster_string(length): return "".join([random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for i in range(length)])