0', array($data_template_id)); /* pull out all custom templated 'input' values from the template itself * templated items are selected by querying t_value = '' OR t_value = NULL */ $template_input_fields = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT data_input_fields.id, data_input_fields.type_code, data_input_data.value, data_input_data.t_value FROM data_input_fields INNER JOIN data_input_data ON data_input_fields.id = data_input_data.data_input_field_id INNER JOIN data_template_data ON data_template_data.id = data_input_data.data_template_data_id WHERE (data_input_fields.input_output = "in") AND (data_input_data.t_value="" OR data_input_data.t_value IS NULL) AND (data_input_data.data_template_data_id = ?) AND (data_template_data.local_data_template_data_id=0)', array($data_template_data['id'])), 'id', array('type_code', 'value', 't_value')); /* which data_input_fields are templated? */ $dif_ct = 0; $dif_in_str = ''; if (cacti_sizeof($template_input_fields)) { $dif_in_str .= 'AND data_input_fields.id IN ('; foreach ($template_input_fields as $key => $value) { $dif_in_str .= ($dif_ct == 0 ? '':',') . $key; $dif_ct++; } $dif_in_str .= ') '; } /* pull out all templated 'input' values from all related data sources * unfortunately, you can't simply provide the same test as above * all input fields not related to a template ALWAYS are marked with t_value = NULL * so we will verify against the list of data_input_field id's taken from above */ $input_fields = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT data_template_data.id AS data_template_data_id, data_input_fields.id, data_input_fields.type_code, data_input_data.value, data_input_data.t_value FROM data_input_fields INNER JOIN data_input_data ON data_input_fields.id = data_input_data.data_input_field_id INNER JOIN data_template_data ON data_template_data.id = data_input_data.data_template_data_id WHERE (data_input_fields.input_output = 'in') $dif_in_str AND (data_input_data.t_value='' OR data_input_data.t_value IS NULL) AND (data_template_data.local_data_template_data_id=" . $data_template_data['id'] . ')'); $ds_cnt = 0; $did_cnt = 0; $ds_in_str = ''; $did_vals = ''; if (cacti_sizeof($data_sources)) { foreach ($data_sources as $data_source) { if (cacti_sizeof($input_fields)) { foreach ($input_fields as $input_field) { if ($data_source['id'] == $input_field['data_template_data_id'] && isset($template_input_fields[$input_field['id']])) { /* do not push out 'host fields' */ if (!preg_match('/^' . VALID_HOST_FIELDS . '$/i', $input_field['type_code'])) { /* this is not a 'host field', so we should either push out the value if it is templated */ $did_vals .= ($did_cnt == 0 ? '':',') . '(' . $input_field['id'] . ', ' . $data_source['id'] . ', ' . db_qstr($template_input_fields[$input_field['id']]['value']) . ')'; $did_cnt++; } elseif ($template_input_fields[$input_field['id']]['value'] != $input_field['value']) { # templated input field deviates from currenmt data source, so update required $did_vals .= ($did_cnt == 0 ? '':',') . '(' . $input_field['id'] . ', ' . $data_source['id'] . ', ' . db_qstr($template_input_fields[$input_field['id']]['value']) . ')'; $did_cnt++; } } } } /* create large inserts to reduce turns */ $ds_in_str .= ($ds_cnt == 0 ? '(':',') . $data_source['id']; $ds_cnt++; /* per 1000 data source, update rows */ if ($ds_cnt % 1000 == 0) { $ds_in_str .= ')'; push_out_data_source_templates($did_vals, $ds_in_str); $ds_cnt = 0; $did_cnt = 0; $ds_in_str = ''; $did_vals = ''; } } } if ($ds_cnt > 0) { $ds_in_str .= ')'; push_out_data_source_templates($did_vals, $ds_in_str); } } /* push out changed data template fields to related data sources * @parm string $did_vals - data input data fields * @parm string $ds_in_str - all data sources, formatted as SQL 'IN' clause */ function push_out_data_source_templates($did_vals, $ds_in_str) { /* update all templated input fields */ if ($did_vals != '') { db_execute("INSERT INTO data_input_data (data_input_field_id,data_template_data_id,value) VALUES $did_vals ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE value=VALUES(value)"); } } /* push_out_data_source_item - pushes out templated data template item fields to all matching children @arg $data_template_rrd_id - the id of the data template item to push out values for */ function push_out_data_source_item($data_template_rrd_id) { global $struct_data_source_item; /* get information about this data template */ $data_template_rrd = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id = ?', array($data_template_rrd_id)); /* must be a data template */ if (empty($data_template_rrd['data_template_id'])) { return 0; } /* loop through each data source column name (from the above array) */ foreach ($struct_data_source_item as $field_name => $field_array) { /* are we allowed to push out the column? */ if (((empty($data_template_rrd['t_' . $field_name])) || (preg_match('/FORCE:/', $field_name))) && ((isset($data_template_rrd['t_' . $field_name])) && (isset($data_template_rrd[$field_name])))) { db_execute_prepared("UPDATE data_template_rrd SET $field_name = ? WHERE local_data_template_rrd_id = ?", array($data_template_rrd[$field_name], $data_template_rrd['id'])); } } } /* push_out_data_source - pushes out templated data template fields to all matching children @arg $data_template_data_id - the id of the data template to push out values for */ function push_out_data_source($data_template_data_id) { global $struct_data_source; /* get information about this data template */ $data_template_data = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_data WHERE id = ?', array($data_template_data_id)); /* must be a data template */ if (empty($data_template_data['data_template_id'])) { return 0; } /* loop through each data source column name (from the above array) */ foreach ($struct_data_source as $field_name => $field_array) { /* are we allowed to push out the column? */ if (((empty($data_template_data['t_' . $field_name])) || (preg_match('/FORCE:/', $field_name))) && ((isset($data_template_data['t_' . $field_name])) && (isset($data_template_data[$field_name])))) { db_execute_prepared("UPDATE data_template_data SET $field_name = ? WHERE local_data_template_data_id=?", array($data_template_data[$field_name], $data_template_data['id'])); /* update the title cache */ if ($field_name == 'name') { update_data_source_title_cache_from_template($data_template_data['data_template_id']); } } } } /* change_data_template - changes the data template for a particular data source to $data_template_id @arg $local_data_id - the id of the data source to change the data template for @arg $data_template_id - id the of the data template to change to. specify '0' for no @arg $profile - a structure of data source profile attributes data template */ function change_data_template($local_data_id, $data_template_id, $profile = array()) { global $struct_data_source, $struct_data_source_item; /* always update tables to new data template (or no data template) */ db_execute_prepared('UPDATE data_local SET data_template_id = ? WHERE id = ?', array($data_template_id, $local_data_id)); /* get data about the template and the data source */ $data = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ?' , array($local_data_id)); $template_data = (($data_template_id == '0') ? $data : db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id=0 AND data_template_id = ?', array($data_template_id))); /* determine if we are here for the first time, or coming back */ $exists = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT local_data_template_data_id FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($local_data_id)); if (empty($exists)) { $new_save = true; } else { $new_save = false; } /* some basic field values that ALL data sources should have */ $save['id'] = (isset($data['id']) ? $data['id'] : 0); $save['local_data_template_data_id'] = $template_data['id']; $save['local_data_id'] = $local_data_id; $save['data_template_id'] = $data_template_id; /* loop through the 'templated field names' to find to the rest... */ foreach ($struct_data_source as $field_name => $field_array) { /* handle the data source profile */ if ($field_name == 'rrd_step' && cacti_sizeof($profile)) { $save[$field_name] = $profile['step']; } elseif ((isset($data[$field_name])) || (isset($template_data[$field_name]))) { if ((!empty($template_data['t_' . $field_name])) && ($new_save == false)) { $save[$field_name] = $data[$field_name]; } else { $save[$field_name] = $template_data[$field_name]; } } } /* these fields should never be overwritten by the template */ $save['data_source_path'] = (isset($data['data_source_path']) ? $data['data_source_path']:'');; $data_template_data_id = sql_save($save, 'data_template_data'); $data_rrds_list = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($local_data_id)); $template_rrds_list = (($data_template_id == '0') ? $data_rrds_list : db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_id=0 AND data_template_id = ?', array($data_template_id))); if (cacti_sizeof($data_rrds_list)) { /* this data source already has 'child' items */ } else { /* this data source does NOT have 'child' items; loop through each item in the template and write it exactly to each item */ if (cacti_sizeof($template_rrds_list)) { foreach ($template_rrds_list as $template_rrd) { unset($save); $save['id'] = 0; $save['local_data_template_rrd_id'] = $template_rrd['id']; $save['local_data_id'] = $local_data_id; $save['data_template_id'] = $template_rrd['data_template_id']; foreach ($struct_data_source_item as $field_name => $field_array) { /* handle the data source profile */ if ($field_name == 'rrd_heartbeat' && cacti_sizeof($profile)) { $save[$field_name] = $profile['heartbeat']; } else { $save[$field_name] = $template_rrd[$field_name]; } } sql_save($save, 'data_template_rrd'); } } } /* make sure to copy down script data (data_input_data) as well */ $data_input_data = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT data_input_field_id, t_value, value FROM data_input_data WHERE data_template_data_id = ?', array($template_data['id'])); /* this section is before most everthing else so we can determine if this is a new save, by checking the status of the 'local_data_template_data_id' column */ if (cacti_sizeof($data_input_data)) { foreach ($data_input_data as $item) { /* always propagate on a new save, only propagate templated fields thereafter */ if (($new_save == true) || (empty($item['t_value']))) { db_execute_prepared('REPLACE INTO data_input_data (data_input_field_id, data_template_data_id, t_value, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', array($item['data_input_field_id'], $data_template_data_id, $item['t_value'], $item['value'])); } } } } /* push_out_graph - pushes out templated graph template fields to all matching children @arg $graph_template_graph_id - the id of the graph template to push out values for */ function push_out_graph($graph_template_graph_id) { global $struct_graph; /* get information about this graph template */ $graph_template_graph = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE id = ?', array($graph_template_graph_id)); /* must be a graph template */ if ($graph_template_graph['graph_template_id'] == 0) { return 0; } /* don't push out if you have no graphs */ $has_graphs = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM graph_local WHERE graph_template_id = ?', array($graph_template_graph['graph_template_id'])); if ($has_graphs == 0) { return 0; } /* loop through each graph column name (from the above array) */ foreach ($struct_graph as $field_name => $field_array) { /* are we allowed to push out the column? */ if (isset($graph_template_graph['t_' . $field_name]) && empty($graph_template_graph['t_' . $field_name])) { if ($field_array['method'] != 'spacer') { db_execute_prepared("UPDATE graph_templates_graph SET $field_name = ? WHERE local_graph_template_graph_id = ?", array($graph_template_graph[$field_name], $graph_template_graph['id'])); } /* update the title cache */ if ($field_name == 'title') { update_graph_title_cache_from_template($graph_template_graph['graph_template_id']); } } } } /* push_out_graph_input - pushes out the value of a graph input to a single child item. this function differs from other push_out_* functions in that it does not push out the value of this element to all attached children. instead, it obtains the current value of the graph input based on other graph items and pushes out the 'active' value @arg $graph_template_input_id - the id of the graph input to push out values for @arg $graph_template_item_id - the id the graph template item to push out @arg $session_members - when looking for the 'active' value of the graph input, ignore these graph template items. typically you want to ignore all items that were just selected and have yet to be saved to the database. this is because these items most likely contain incorrect data */ function push_out_graph_input($graph_template_input_id, $graph_template_item_id, $session_members) { $graph_input = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT graph_template_id, column_name FROM graph_template_input WHERE id = ?', array($graph_template_input_id)); $graph_input_items = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT graph_template_item_id FROM graph_template_input_defs WHERE graph_template_input_id = ?', array($graph_template_input_id)); $i = 0; if (cacti_sizeof($graph_input_items)) { foreach ($graph_input_items as $item) { $include_items[$i] = $item['graph_template_item_id']; $i++; } } /* we always want to make sure to stay within the same graph item input, so make a list of each item included in this input to be included in the sql query */ if (isset($include_items)) { $sql_include_items = 'AND ' . array_to_sql_or($include_items, 'local_graph_template_item_id'); } else { $sql_include_items = 'AND 0=1'; } if (cacti_sizeof($session_members) == 0) { $values_to_apply = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT local_graph_id,' . $graph_input['column_name'] . ' FROM graph_templates_item WHERE graph_template_id=' . $graph_input['graph_template_id'] . " $sql_include_items AND local_graph_id>0 GROUP BY local_graph_id"); } else { $i = 0; foreach ($session_members as $item_id => $item_id) { $new_session_members[$i] = $item_id; $i++; } $values_to_apply = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT local_graph_id,' . $graph_input['column_name'] . ' FROM graph_templates_item WHERE graph_template_id=' . $graph_input['graph_template_id'] . ' AND local_graph_id>0 AND !(' . array_to_sql_or($new_session_members, 'local_graph_template_item_id') . ") $sql_include_items GROUP BY local_graph_id"); } if (cacti_sizeof($values_to_apply)) { foreach ($values_to_apply as $value) { /* this is just an extra check that i threw in to prevent users' graphs from getting really messed up */ if (!(($graph_input['column_name'] == 'task_item_id') && (empty($value[$graph_input['column_name']])))) { db_execute('UPDATE graph_templates_item SET ' . $graph_input['column_name'] . "=" . db_qstr($value[$graph_input['column_name']]) . " WHERE local_graph_id=" . $value['local_graph_id'] . " AND local_graph_template_item_id=$graph_template_item_id"); } } } } /* push_out_graph_item - pushes out templated graph template item fields to all matching children. if the graph template item is part of a graph input, the field will not be pushed out @arg $graph_template_item_id - the id of the graph template item to push out values for */ function push_out_graph_item($graph_template_item_id, $local_graph_id = 0) { global $struct_graph_item; /* get information about this graph template */ $graph_template_item = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_item WHERE id = ?', array($graph_template_item_id)); /* must be a graph template */ if ($graph_template_item['graph_template_id'] == 0) { return 0; } /* don't push out if you have no graphs */ $has_graphs = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT COUNT(id) FROM graph_local WHERE graph_template_id = ?', array($graph_template_item['graph_template_id'])); if ($has_graphs == 0) { return 0; } /* find out if any graphs actual contain this item */ $exists = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT id FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_template_item_id = ?', array($graph_template_item_id)); if (!cacti_sizeof($exists)) { /* if not, reapply the template to push out the new item */ $attached_graphs = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT local_graph_id FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND local_graph_id>0', array($graph_template_item['graph_template_id'])); if (cacti_sizeof($attached_graphs)) { foreach ($attached_graphs as $item) { change_graph_template($item['local_graph_id'], $graph_template_item['graph_template_id'], true); } } } /* this is trickier with graph_items than with the actual graph... we have to make sure not to overwrite any items covered in the 'graph item inputs'. the same thing applies to graphs, but is easier to detect there (t_* columns). */ $graph_item_inputs = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT graph_template_input.column_name, graph_template_input_defs.graph_template_item_id FROM (graph_template_input, graph_template_input_defs) WHERE graph_template_input.graph_template_id = ? AND graph_template_input.id=graph_template_input_defs.graph_template_input_id AND graph_template_input_defs.graph_template_item_id = ?', array($graph_template_item['graph_template_id'], $graph_template_item_id)); $graph_item_inputs = array_rekey($graph_item_inputs, 'column_name', 'graph_template_item_id'); /* loop through each graph item column name (from the above array) */ foreach ($struct_graph_item as $field_name => $field_array) { /* are we allowed to push out the column? */ if ($local_graph_id == 0) { if (!isset($graph_item_inputs[$field_name])) { db_execute_prepared("UPDATE graph_templates_item SET $field_name = ? WHERE local_graph_template_item_id = ?", array($graph_template_item[$field_name], $graph_template_item['id'])); } } else { if (!isset($graph_item_inputs[$field_name])) { db_execute_prepared("UPDATE graph_templates_item SET $field_name = ? WHERE local_graph_template_item_id = ? AND local_graph_id = ?", array($graph_template_item[$field_name], $graph_template_item['id'], $local_graph_id)); } } } } function update_graph_data_source_output_type($local_graph_id, $output_type_id) { $graph_local = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_local WHERE id = ?', array($local_graph_id)); $task_items = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT task_item_id) AS items FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_id = ?', array($local_graph_id)); if ($task_items != '') { $local_data_id = db_fetch_cell("SELECT DISTINCT local_data_id FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id IN($task_items)"); } else { $local_data_id = 0; } if ($local_data_id > 0) { $data = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT id, data_input_id, data_template_id, name, local_data_id FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($local_data_id)); /* get each INPUT field for this data input source */ $output_type_field_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT id FROM data_input_fields WHERE data_input_id = ? AND input_output = "in" AND type_code="output_type" ORDER BY sequence', array($data['data_input_id'])); $snmp_query_graph_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT value FROM data_input_data WHERE data_template_data_id = ? AND data_input_field_id = ?', array($data['id'], $output_type_field_id)); if ($snmp_query_graph_id != $output_type_id && $output_type_id > 0) { db_execute_prepared('UPDATE data_input_data SET value = ? WHERE data_template_data_id = ? AND data_input_field_id = ?', array($output_type_id, $data['id'], $output_type_field_id)); db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_local SET snmp_query_graph_id = ? WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND id = ?', array($output_type_id, $graph_local['graph_template_id'], $local_graph_id)); push_out_host($graph_local['host_id'], $local_data_id); } } } /** * graph_template_has_override * * This function determines if a Graph Template has fields that * allow changing of their values at create time. Data that * is considered for override includes data in: * * Data Input Fields * Data Template Data Fields * Graph Template Fields * * @param $graph_template_id * * @return boolean override allowed */ function graph_template_has_override($graph_template_id) { $graph_template = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND local_graph_id = 0', array($graph_template_id)); // Check the Graph Template first for adherence if (cacti_sizeof($graph_template)) { foreach($graph_template as $field => $value) { if (substr($field, 0, 2) == 't_') { if ($value == 'on') { return true; } } } } // Next let's check it's source Data Templates $data_templates = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT DISTINCT dtd.* FROM data_template_data AS dtd INNER JOIN data_template_rrd AS dtr ON dtd.data_template_id = dtr.data_template_id INNER JOIN graph_templates_item AS gti ON dtr.id = gti.task_item_id WHERE gti.graph_template_id = ? AND dtd.local_data_id = 0 AND dtr.local_data_id = 0 AND gti.hash != ""', array($graph_template_id)); if (cacti_sizeof($data_templates)) { foreach($data_templates as $dtd) { foreach($dtd as $field => $value) { if (substr($field, 0, 2) == 't_') { if ($value == 'on') { return true; } } } // Lastly check the data input fields $input_fields = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT dif.data_input_id, did.t_value, did.value, dtd.name FROM data_template_data AS dtd INNER JOIN data_template AS dt ON dt.id = dtd.data_template_id INNER JOIN data_input_data AS did ON did.data_template_data_id = dtd.id INNER JOIN data_input_fields AS dif ON dif.id = did.data_input_field_id WHERE dt.hash != "" AND dtd.id = ? AND dtd.local_data_id = 0 AND dif.input_output = "in" AND did.t_value = "on"', array($dtd['id'])); if (cacti_sizeof($input_fields)) { return true; } } } return false; } function parse_graph_template_id($value) { if (strpos($value, '_') !== false) { $template_parts = explode('_', $value); if (is_numeric($template_parts[0]) && is_numeric($template_parts[1])) { return array('graph_template_id' => $template_parts[0], 'output_type_id' => $template_parts[1]); } else { cacti_log('ERROR: Unable to parse graph_template_id with value ' . $value, false, 'WEBUI'); exit; } } else { return array('graph_template_id' => $value); } } function resequence_graphs($graph_template_id, $local_graph_id = 0) { $template_items = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_item WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND local_graph_id = 0 ORDER BY sequence', array($graph_template_id)); if (cacti_sizeof($template_items)) { foreach($template_items as $item) { if ($local_graph_id == -1) { db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_templates_item SET sequence = ? WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND local_graph_template_item_id = ?', array($item['sequence'], $graph_template_id, $item['id'])); } elseif ($local_graph_id == 0) { db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_templates_item SET sequence = ? WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND local_graph_id > 0 AND local_graph_template_item_id = ?', array($item['sequence'], $graph_template_id, $item['id'])); } else { db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_templates_item SET sequence = ? WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND local_graph_id = ? AND local_graph_template_item_id = ?', array($item['sequence'], $graph_template_id, $local_graph_id, $item['id'])); } } } } /* retemplate_graphs - reapply the graph template as it currently exists to all graphs using that template. This is important when you have graphs that have multiple versions of a template. @arg $graph_template_id - the graph template id to retemplate @arg $local_graph_id - optional local graph id */ function retemplate_graphs($graph_template_id, $local_graph_id = 0) { if ($local_graph_id == 0) { $graphs = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT id FROM graph_local WHERE graph_template_id = ?', array($graph_template_id)); } else { $graphs = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT id FROM graph_local WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND id = ?', array($graph_template_id, $local_graph_id)); } if (cacti_sizeof($graphs)) { foreach($graphs as $graph) { change_graph_template($graph['id'], $graph_template_id, true); } } } /* change_graph_template - changes the graph template for a particular graph to $graph_template_id @arg $local_graph_id - the id of the graph to change the graph template for @arg $graph_template_id - id the of the graph template to change to. specify '0' for no graph template @arg $force - (true) if the target graph template has more or less graph items than the current graph, remove or add the items from the current graph to make them equal. (false) leave the graph item count alone */ function change_graph_template($local_graph_id, $graph_template_id, $force = true) { global $struct_graph, $struct_graph_item; $template_data = parse_graph_template_id($graph_template_id); $graph_template_id = $template_data['graph_template_id']; if (isset($template_data['output_type_id'])) { $output_type_id = $template_data['output_type_id']; } else { $output_type_id = 0; } /* get information about both the graph and the graph template we're using */ $graph_list = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = ?', array($local_graph_id)); $snmp_query_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT snmp_query_id FROM graph_local WHERE id = ?', array($local_graph_id)); /* always update tables to new graph template (or no graph template) */ db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_local SET graph_template_id = ? WHERE id = ?', array($graph_template_id, $local_graph_id)); if ($force) { $changed = true; } elseif ($output_type_id > 0) { $changed = true; } else if (cacti_sizeof($graph_list) && $graph_template_id != $graph_list['graph_template_id']) { $changed = false; } else { $changed = true; } if ($graph_template_id == 0) { $template_graph_list = $graph_list; } else { $template_graph_list = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = 0 AND graph_template_id = ?', array($graph_template_id)); } /* determine if we are here for the first time, or coming back */ $exists = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT local_graph_template_graph_id FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = ?', array($local_graph_id)); if (!$exists) { $new_save = true; } else { $new_save = false; } /* some basic field values that ALL graphs should have */ $save['id'] = (isset($graph_list['id']) ? $graph_list['id'] : 0); $save['local_graph_template_graph_id'] = $template_graph_list['id']; $save['local_graph_id'] = $local_graph_id; $save['graph_template_id'] = $graph_template_id; /* loop through the 'templated field names' to find the rest... */ foreach ($struct_graph as $field_name => $field_array) { $value_type = "t_$field_name"; if ($field_array['method'] != 'spacer') { if ((!empty($template_graph_list[$value_type])) && ($new_save == false)) { $save[$field_name] = $graph_list[$field_name]; } else { $save[$field_name] = $template_graph_list[$field_name]; } } } sql_save($save, 'graph_templates_graph'); $graph_items_list = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_id = ? ORDER BY sequence', array($local_graph_id)); if ($graph_template_id == 0) { $template_items_list = $graph_items_list; } else { $template_items_list = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_id=0 AND graph_template_id = ? ORDER BY sequence', array($graph_template_id)); } $graph_template_inputs = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT gti.column_name, gtid.graph_template_item_id FROM graph_template_input AS gti INNER JOIN graph_template_input_defs AS gtid ON gti.id=gtid.graph_template_input_id AND gti.graph_template_id = ?', array($graph_template_id)); $cols = db_get_table_column_types('graph_templates_item'); $k=0; if (cacti_sizeof($template_items_list)) { foreach ($template_items_list as $template_item) { unset($save); $save['local_graph_template_item_id'] = $template_item['id']; $save['local_graph_id'] = $local_graph_id; $save['graph_template_id'] = $template_item['graph_template_id']; $save['sequence'] = $template_item['sequence']; /* go through the existing graph_items and look for the matching local_graph_template_item_id */ $found = false; if (cacti_sizeof($graph_items_list) && $new_save == false) { foreach($graph_items_list as $item) { if ($item['local_graph_template_item_id'] == $template_item['id']) { $found_item = $item; $found = true; break; } } } if ($found) { foreach($found_item as $column => $value) { switch($column) { case 'local_graph_id': case 'hash': case 'local_graph_template_item_id': case 'graph_template_id': case 'sequence': break; default: if (strstr($cols[$column]['type'], 'int') !== false || strstr($cols[$column]['type'], 'float') !== false || strstr($cols[$column]['type'], 'decimal') !== false || strstr($cols[$column]['type'], 'double') !== false) { if (!empty($value)) { $save[$column] = $value; } else { $save[$column] = 0; } } else { $save[$column] = $value; } break; } } } else { /* no graph item at this position, tack it on */ $save['id'] = 0; /* attempt to discover the task_item_id */ $local_data_ids = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT local_data_id) AS ids FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT task_item_id FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_id = ?)', array($local_graph_id)); $data_source_name = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT data_source_name FROM data_template_rrd WHERE id = ?', array($template_item['task_item_id'])); if ($data_source_name != '' && $local_data_ids != '') { $task_item_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT DISTINCT id FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_id IN (' . $local_data_ids . ') AND data_source_name = ? LIMIT 1', array($data_source_name)); if (!empty($task_item_id)) { $save['task_item_id'] = $task_item_id; } else { $save['task_item_id'] = 0; } } else { $save['task_item_id'] = 0; } foreach($template_item as $column => $value) { switch($column) { case 'id': case 'hash': case 'local_graph_id': case 'local_graph_template_item_id': case 'graph_template_id': case 'sequence': case 'task_item_id': break; default: if (strstr($cols[$column]['type'], 'int') !== false || strstr($cols[$column]['type'], 'float') !== false || strstr($cols[$column]['type'], 'decimal') !== false || strstr($cols[$column]['type'], 'double') !== false) { if (!empty($value)) { $save[$column] = $value; } else { $save[$column] = 0; } } else { $save[$column] = $value; } break; } } } sql_save($save, 'graph_templates_item'); } } /* if there are more graph items than there are items in the template, delete the difference */ /* we have probably modified 'graph_templates_item' so we need to recalculate the number of items before checking them */ $graph_items_list = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT * FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_id = ? ORDER BY sequence', array($local_graph_id)); if ($new_save == false && cacti_sizeof($graph_items_list) > cacti_sizeof($template_items_list)) { foreach($template_items_list as $item) { $ids[] = $item['id']; } db_execute('DELETE FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_template_item_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ') AND local_graph_id = ' . $local_graph_id); } if ($new_save == false) { resequence_graphs($graph_template_id, $local_graph_id); } /* handle changes in data template if there are any */ if ($new_save == false && $changed && $snmp_query_id > 0) { update_graph_data_source_output_type($local_graph_id, $output_type_id); } return true; } /* graph_to_graph_template - converts a graph to a graph template @arg $local_graph_id - the id of the graph to be converted @arg $graph_title - the graph title to use for the new graph template. the variable will be substituted for the current graph title */ function graph_to_graph_template($local_graph_id, $graph_title) { /* create a new graph template entry */ $title_template = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT title FROM graph_templates_graph WHERE local_graph_id = ?', array($local_graph_id)); $title = str_replace('', $title_template, $graph_title); db_execute_prepared('INSERT INTO graph_templates (id, name, hash) VALUES (0, ?, ?)', array($title, get_hash_graph_template(0))); $graph_template_id = db_fetch_insert_id(); /* update graph to point to the new template */ db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_templates_graph SET local_graph_id=0, local_graph_template_graph_id=0, graph_template_id = ? WHERE local_graph_id = ?', array($graph_template_id, $local_graph_id)); db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_templates_item SET local_graph_id=0, local_graph_template_item_id=0, graph_template_id = ?, task_item_id=0 WHERE local_graph_id = ?', array($graph_template_id, $local_graph_id)); /* create hashes for the graph template items */ $items = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT id FROM graph_templates_item WHERE graph_template_id = ? AND local_graph_id=0', array($graph_template_id)); for ($j=0; $j will be substituted for the current data source title */ function data_source_to_data_template($local_data_id, $data_source_title) { /* create a new graph template entry */ $title_template = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($local_data_id)); $title = str_replace('', $title_template, $data_source_title); db_execute('INSERT INTO data_template (id,name,hash) VALUES (0, ?, ?)', array($title, get_hash_data_template(0))); $data_template_id = db_fetch_insert_id(); /* update graph to point to the new template */ db_execute_prepared('UPDATE data_template_data SET local_data_id=0, local_data_template_data_id=0, data_template_id = ? WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($data_template_id, $local_data_id)); db_execute_prepared('UPDATE data_template_rrd SET local_data_id=0, local_data_template_rrd_id=0, data_template_id = ? WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($data_template_id, $local_data_id)); /* create hashes for the data template items */ $items = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT id FROM data_template_rrd WHERE data_template_id = ? AND local_data_id=0', array($data_template_id)); for ($j=0; $j 0) { $save['snmp_query_id'] = $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id']; } if (isset($snmp_query_array['snmp_query_graph_id']) && $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_graph_id'] > 0) { $save['snmp_query_graph_id'] = $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_graph_id']; } if (isset($snmp_query_array['snmp_index']) && $snmp_query_array['snmp_index'] != '') { $save['snmp_index'] = $snmp_query_array['snmp_index']; } } $cache_array['local_graph_id'] = sql_save($save, 'graph_local'); /* apply graph items */ change_graph_template($cache_array['local_graph_id'], $graph_template_id, true); /* perform graph replacement based upon suggested values */ if (cacti_sizeof($snmp_query_array)) { api_reapply_suggested_graph_title($cache_array['local_graph_id']); } /* suggested values: graph, passed from parent */ if (isset($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['graph_template'])) { foreach ($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['graph_template'] as $field_name => $field_value) { db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_templates_graph SET ' . $field_name . ' = ? WHERE local_graph_id= ?', array($field_value, $cache_array['local_graph_id'])); } } /* suggested values: graph item, passed from parent */ if (isset($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['graph_template_item'])) { foreach ($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['graph_template_item'] as $graph_template_item_id => $field_array) { foreach ($field_array as $field_name => $field_value) { $graph_item_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT id FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_template_item_id = ? AND local_graph_id = ?', array($graph_template_item_id, $cache_array['local_graph_id'])); db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_templates_item SET ' . $field_name . ' = ? WHERE id = ?', array($field_value, $graph_item_id)); } } } update_graph_title_cache($cache_array['local_graph_id']); /* create each data source, but don't duplicate */ $data_templates = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT dt.id, dt.name, dtr.data_source_name FROM data_template AS dt INNER JOIN data_template_rrd AS dtr ON dtr.data_template_id=dt.id INNER JOIN graph_templates_item AS gti ON gti.task_item_id=dtr.id WHERE dtr.local_data_id=0 AND gti.local_graph_id=0 AND gti.graph_template_id = ? GROUP BY dt.id ORDER BY dt.name', array($graph_template_id)); if (cacti_sizeof($data_templates)) { foreach ($data_templates as $data_template) { /* check if the data source already exists */ $previous_data_source = data_source_exists($graph_template_id, $host_id, $data_template, $snmp_query_array); if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Data Source previous ' . ($previous_data_source ? 'exists':'does not exist'), false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Data Source keys "' . implode(', ', array_keys($previous_data_source)) . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Data Source values "' . implode(', ', array_values($previous_data_source)) . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if (cacti_sizeof($previous_data_source)) { $use_previous_data = create_graph_custom_data_compatible($suggested_vals, $previous_data_source); } else { $use_previous_data = false; } if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on' && $use_previous_data) { cacti_log('Existing Data Source compatible', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if (cacti_sizeof($previous_data_source) && $use_previous_data) { $cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']] = $previous_data_source['id']; } else { // Save the data source unset($save); $save['id'] = 0; $save['data_template_id'] = $data_template['id']; $save['host_id'] = $host_id; if (cacti_sizeof($snmp_query_array)) { if (isset($snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id']) && $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'] > 0) { $save['snmp_query_id'] = $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id']; } if (isset($snmp_query_array['snmp_index']) && $snmp_query_array['snmp_index'] != '') { $save['snmp_index'] = $snmp_query_array['snmp_index']; } } $cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']] = sql_save($save, 'data_local'); // Determine the data source profile to use if (isset($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['data_template'][$data_template['id']]['data_source_profile_id'])) { $profile_id = $suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['data_template'][$data_template['id']]['data_source_profile_id']; /* validate the data source profile */ $profile = array(); if ($profile_id != 0) { $profile = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_source_profiles WHERE id = ?', array($profile_id)); } /* default to the default profile if the one given is invalid */ if (!cacti_sizeof($profile)) { $profile = db_fetch_row('SELECT * FROM data_source_profiles ORDER BY `default` DESC LIMIT 1'); } } else { $profile_id = 0; $profile = array(); } change_data_template($cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']], $data_template['id'], $profile); $data_template_data_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT id FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']])); // Set suggested names and custom data if (cacti_sizeof($snmp_query_array)) { $data_input_field = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT dif.id, dif.type_code FROM snmp_query AS sq INNER JOIN data_input AS di ON sq.data_input_id=di.id INNER JOIN data_input_fields AS dif ON di.id=dif.data_input_id WHERE (dif.type_code="index_type" OR dif.type_code="index_value" OR dif.type_code="output_type") AND sq.id = ?', array($snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'])), 'type_code', 'id'); $snmp_cache_value = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT field_value FROM host_snmp_cache WHERE host_id = ? AND snmp_query_id = ? AND field_name = ? AND snmp_index = ?', array($host_id, $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'], $snmp_query_array['snmp_index_on'], $snmp_query_array['snmp_index'])); /* save the value to index on (ie. ifindex, ifip, etc) */ db_execute_prepared('REPLACE INTO data_input_data (data_input_field_id, data_template_data_id, t_value, value) VALUES (?, ?, "", ?)', array($data_input_field['index_type'], $data_template_data_id, $snmp_query_array['snmp_index_on'])); /* save the actual value (ie. 3,, etc) */ db_execute_prepared('REPLACE INTO data_input_data (data_input_field_id,data_template_data_id,t_value,value) VALUES (?, ?, "", ?)', array($data_input_field['index_value'], $data_template_data_id, $snmp_cache_value)); /* set the expected output type (ie. bytes, errors, packets) */ db_execute_prepared('REPLACE INTO data_input_data (data_input_field_id,data_template_data_id,t_value,value) VALUES (?, ?, "", ?)', array($data_input_field['output_type'], $data_template_data_id, $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_graph_id'])); api_reapply_suggested_data_source_data($cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']]); /* now that we have put data into the 'data_input_data' table, update the snmp cache for ds's */ update_data_source_data_query_cache($cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']]); } /* suggested values: data source, passed from parent */ if (isset($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['data_template'][$data_template['id']])) { foreach ($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['data_template'][$data_template['id']] as $field_name => $field_value) { db_execute_prepared("UPDATE data_template_data SET $field_name = ? WHERE local_data_id = ?", array($field_value, $cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']])); } } /* suggested values: data source item, passed from parent */ if (isset($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['data_template_item'])) { foreach ($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['data_template_item'] as $data_template_item_id => $field_array) { foreach ($field_array as $field_name => $field_value) { $data_source_item_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT id FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_template_rrd_id = ? AND local_data_id = ?', array($data_template_item_id, $cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']])); db_execute_prepared("UPDATE data_template_rrd SET $field_name = ? WHERE id = ?", array($field_value, $data_source_item_id)); } } } /* suggested values: custom data, passed from parent */ if (isset($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['custom_data'][$data_template['id']])) { foreach ($suggested_vals[$graph_template_id]['custom_data'][$data_template['id']] as $data_input_field_id => $field_value) { db_execute_prepared('REPLACE INTO data_input_data (data_input_field_id, data_template_data_id, t_value, value) VALUES (?, ?, "", ?)', array($data_input_field_id, $data_template_data_id, $field_value)); } } update_data_source_title_cache($cache_array['local_data_id'][$data_template['id']]); } } } /* connect the dots: graph -> data source(s) */ $template_item_list = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT gti.id, dtr.id AS data_template_rrd_id, dtr.data_template_id FROM graph_templates_item AS gti INNER JOIN data_template_rrd AS dtr ON gti.task_item_id=dtr.id WHERE gti.graph_template_id = ? AND local_graph_id=0 AND task_item_id>0', array($graph_template_id)); /* loop through each item affected and update column data */ if (cacti_sizeof($template_item_list)) { foreach ($template_item_list as $template_item) { if (isset($cache_array['local_data_id'][$template_item['data_template_id']])) { $local_data_id = $cache_array['local_data_id'][$template_item['data_template_id']]; $graph_template_item_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT id FROM graph_templates_item WHERE local_graph_template_item_id = ? AND local_graph_id = ?', array( $template_item['id'], $cache_array['local_graph_id'])); $data_template_rrd_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT id FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_template_rrd_id = ? AND local_data_id = ?', array($template_item['data_template_rrd_id'], $local_data_id)); if (!empty($data_template_rrd_id)) { db_execute_prepared('UPDATE graph_templates_item SET task_item_id = ? WHERE id = ?', array($data_template_rrd_id, $graph_template_item_id)); } } } } /* this will not work until the ds->graph dots are connected */ if (cacti_sizeof($snmp_query_array)) { if (isset($cache_array['local_graph_id'])) { update_graph_data_query_cache($cache_array['local_graph_id']); } } /* now that we have the id of the new host, we may plugin postprocessing code */ if (isset($cache_array['local_graph_id'])) { $save['id'] = $cache_array['local_graph_id']; $save['graph_template_id'] = $graph_template_id; // attention: unset! if (cacti_sizeof($snmp_query_array)) { $save['snmp_query_id'] = $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id']; $save['snmp_index'] = $snmp_query_array['snmp_index']; $save['snmp_query_graph_id'] = $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_graph_id']; } else { $save['snmp_query_id'] = 0; $save['snmp_index'] = 0; $save['snmp_query_graph_id'] = 0; } /* provide automation services */ automation_hook_graph_create_tree($save); api_plugin_hook_function('create_complete_graph_from_template', $save); } return $cache_array; } /* create_graph_custom_data_compatible - checks to see if this graphs data sources have custom data source properties. If so, then you must duplicate the Data Source and not use the existing one. @arg $sugested_vals - any additional information to be included in the new graphs or data sources must be included in the array. data is to be included in the following format: $values['cg'][graph_template_id]['graph_template'][field_name] = $value // graph template $values['cg'][graph_template_id]['graph_template_item'][graph_template_item_id][field_name] = $value // graph template item $values['cg'][data_template_id]['data_template'][field_name] = $value // data template $values['cg'][data_template_id]['data_template_item'][data_template_item_id][field_name] = $value // data template item $values['sg'][data_query_id][graph_template_id]['graph_template'][field_name] = $value // graph template (w/ data query) $values['sg'][data_query_id][graph_template_id]['graph_template_item'][graph_template_item_id][field_name] = $value // graph template item (w/ data query) $values['sg'][data_query_id][data_template_id]['data_template'][field_name] = $value // data template (w/ data query) $values['sg'][data_query_id][data_template_id]['data_template_item'][data_template_item_id][field_name] = $value // data template item (w/ data query) @arg $previous_data_source - the previous data source if this data source id duplicate. */ function create_graph_custom_data_compatible($suggested_vals, $previous_data_source) { $compatible = true; if (!cacti_sizeof($suggested_vals)) { return $compatible; } foreach($suggested_vals as $template => $items) { if (cacti_sizeof($items)) { foreach($items as $type => $item) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Type: "' . $type . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Item Keys: "' . implode('", "', array_keys($item)) . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } foreach($item as $key => $values) { if ($type == 'data_template') { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Element Key1: "' . $key . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if (is_array($values)) { foreach($values as $vkey => $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Sub Element Key: "' . $vkey . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Item Sub Element Value: "' . $vvalue . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } $previous_value = db_fetch_cell_prepared("SELECT `$vkey` FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ? AND `$vkey` = ?", array($previous_data_source['id'], $vvalue)); if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Previous Sub Element Value: "' . $previous_value . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if ($previous_value != $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Not Compatible', false, 'DSTRACE'); } return false; } } } } elseif ($type == 'data_template_item') { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Element Key2: "' . $key . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if (is_array($values)) { foreach($values as $vkey => $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Sub Element Key: "' . $vkey . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Item Sub Element Value: "' . $vvalue . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } $previous_value = db_fetch_cell_prepared("SELECT `$vkey` FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_id = ? AND `$vkey` = ?", array($previous_data_source['id'], $vvalue)); if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Previous Sub Element Value: "' . $previous_value . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if ($previous_value != $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Not Compatible', false, 'DSTRACE'); } return false; } } } } elseif ($type == 'custom_data') { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Element Key3: "' . $key . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if (is_array($values)) { foreach($values as $vkey => $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Sub Element Key: "' . $vkey . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Item Sub Element Value: "' . $vvalue . '"'); } $data_template_data_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT id FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($previous_data_source['id'])); $previous_value = db_fetch_cell_prepared("SELECT value FROM data_input_data WHERE data_template_data_id = ? AND data_input_field_id = ? AND value = ?", array($data_template_data_id, $vkey, $vvalue)); if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Previous Sub Element Value: "' . $previous_value . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if ($previous_value != $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Not Compatible', false, 'DSTRACE'); } return false; } } } } elseif (is_numeric($type)) { if (cacti_sizeof($item)) { foreach($item as $ftype => $fitem) { if ($ftype == 'data_template') { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Element Key4: "' . $key . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if (is_array($fitem)) { foreach($fitem as $vkey => $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Sub Element Key: "' . $vkey . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Item Sub Element Value: "' . $vvalue . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } $previous_value = db_fetch_cell_prepared("SELECT `$vkey` FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ? AND `$vkey` = ?", array($previous_data_source['id'], $vvalue)); if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Previous Sub Element Value: "' . $previous_value . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if ($previous_value != $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Not Compatible', false, 'DSTRACE'); } return false; } } } } elseif ($ftype == 'data_template_item') { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Element Key5: "' . $key . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if (is_array($fitem)) { foreach($fitem as $vkey => $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Sub Element Key: "' . $vkey . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Item Sub Element Value: "' . $vvalue . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } $previous_value = db_fetch_cell_prepared("SELECT `$vkey` FROM data_template_rrd WHERE local_data_id = ? AND `$vkey` = ?", array($previous_data_source['id'], $vvalue)); if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Previous Sub Element Value: "' . $previous_value . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if ($previous_value != $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Not Compatible', false, 'DSTRACE'); } return false; } } } } elseif ($ftype == 'custom_data') { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Element Key6: "' . $key . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if (is_array($fitem)) { foreach($fitem as $vkey => $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Item Sub Element Key: "' . $vkey . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); cacti_log('Item Sub Element Value: "' . $vvalue . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } $data_template_data_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT id FROM data_template_data WHERE local_data_id = ?', array($previous_data_source['id'])); $previous_value = db_fetch_cell_prepared("SELECT value FROM data_input_data WHERE data_template_data_id = ? AND data_input_field_id = ? AND value = ?", array($data_template_data_id, $vkey, $vvalue)); if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Previous Sub Element Value: "' . $previous_value . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } if ($previous_value != $vvalue) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Not Compatible', false, 'DSTRACE'); } return false; } } } } } } } } } } } return $compatible; } function create_save_graph($host_id, $form_type, $form_id1, $form_array2, $values) { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number($form_id1); /* ==================================================== */ if ($form_type == 'cg') { $graph_template_id = $form_id1; } elseif ($form_type == 'sg') { foreach ($form_array2 as $form_id2 => $form_array3) { /* ================= input validation ================= */ input_validate_input_number($form_id2); /* ==================================================== */ $snmp_index_array = $form_array3; $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'] = $form_id1; $snmp_query_array['snmp_index_on'] = get_best_data_query_index_type($host_id, $form_id1); $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_graph_id'] = $form_id2; } $graph_template_id = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT graph_template_id FROM snmp_query_graph WHERE id = ?', array($snmp_query_array['snmp_query_graph_id'])); } if ($form_type == 'cg') { $snmp_query_array = array(); if (isset($values['cg'][$graph_template_id])) { $params1 = $values['cg'][$graph_template_id]; } else { $params1 = array(); } if (isset($values['cg'])) { $params2 = $values['cg']; } else { $params2 = array(); } if (test_data_sources($graph_template_id, $host_id, 0, '', $params1)) { $return_array = create_complete_graph_from_template($graph_template_id, $host_id, $snmp_query_array, $params2); if ($return_array !== false) { debug_log_insert('new_graphs', __esc('Created: %s', get_graph_title($return_array['local_graph_id']))); /* lastly push host-specific information to our data sources */ if (cacti_sizeof($return_array['local_data_id'])) { # we expect at least one data source associated foreach($return_array['local_data_id'] as $item) { push_out_host($host_id, $item); } } else { debug_log_insert('new_graphs', __('ERROR: No Data Source associated. Check Template')); } } else { debug_log_insert('new_graphs', __('ERROR: Whitelist Validation Failed. Check Data Input Method')); } } else { $name = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM graph_templates WHERE id = ?', array($graph_template_id)); debug_log_insert('new_graphs', __('Graph Not created for ' . $name . ' due to bad data')); } } elseif ($form_type == 'sg') { foreach ($snmp_index_array as $snmp_index => $true) { $snmp_query_array['snmp_index'] = decode_data_query_index($snmp_index, $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'], $host_id); if (test_data_sources($graph_template_id, $host_id, $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'], $snmp_query_array['snmp_index'])) { $return_array = create_complete_graph_from_template($graph_template_id, $host_id, $snmp_query_array, $values['sg'][$snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id']]); if ($return_array !== false) { debug_log_insert('new_graphs', __esc('Created: %s', get_graph_title($return_array['local_graph_id']))); /* lastly push host-specific information to our data sources */ if (cacti_sizeof($return_array['local_data_id'])) { # we expect at least one data source associated foreach($return_array['local_data_id'] as $item) { push_out_host($host_id, $item); } } else { debug_log_insert('new_graphs', __('ERROR: No Data Source associated. Check Template')); } } else { debug_log_insert('new_graphs', __('ERROR: Whitelist Validation Failed. Check Data Input Method')); } } else { $name = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT name FROM snmp_query WHERE id = ?', array($snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'])); debug_log_insert('new_graphs', __('NOTE: Graph not added for Data Query ' . $name . ' and index ' . $snmp_query_array['snmp_index'] . ' due to Data Source verification failure.')); } } } } function data_source_exists($graph_template_id, $host_id, &$data_template, &$snmp_query_array) { if (cacti_sizeof($snmp_query_array)) { $input_fields = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT snmp_field_name ORDER BY snmp_field_name) AS input_fields FROM snmp_query_graph_rrd WHERE snmp_query_graph_id = ?', array($snmp_query_array['snmp_query_graph_id'])); $find_data_source_names = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT data_source_name ORDER BY data_source_name) AS data_source_names FROM data_template_rrd AS dtr INNER JOIN snmp_query_graph_rrd AS sqgr ON sqgr.data_template_id = dtr.data_template_id WHERE dtr.data_template_id = ? AND dtr.local_data_id = 0', array($data_template['id'])); // Interfaces are a special case where we can change from 32 to 64 bits on the fly if (strpos($input_fields, 'ifHCInOctets,ifHCOutOctets') !== false || strpos($input_fields, 'ifInOctets,ifOutOctets') !== false) { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Data Source Exists Special Case "' . $input_fields . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } $case_where = "AND input_fields LIKE ?"; $case_array = array( $host_id, $data_template['id'], $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'], $snmp_query_array['snmp_index'], '%' . $input_fields . '%', $find_data_source_names ); } else { if (read_config_option('data_source_trace') == 'on') { cacti_log('Data Source Exists NOT Special Case "' . $input_fields . '"', false, 'DSTRACE'); } $case_where = "AND input_fields = ?"; $case_array = array( $host_id, $data_template['id'], $snmp_query_array['snmp_query_id'], $snmp_query_array['snmp_index'], $input_fields, $find_data_source_names ); } return db_fetch_row_prepared("SELECT dl.*, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT snmp_field_name ORDER BY snmp_field_name) AS input_fields, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT data_source_name ORDER BY data_source_name) AS data_source_names FROM data_local AS dl INNER JOIN data_template_data AS dtd ON dl.id = dtd.local_data_id INNER JOIN data_template_rrd AS dtr ON dtd.local_data_id = dtr.local_data_id INNER JOIN data_input_fields AS dif ON dif.data_input_id = dtd.data_input_id INNER JOIN snmp_query_graph_rrd AS sqgr ON sqgr.data_template_id = dtd.data_template_id WHERE input_output = 'in' AND type_code = 'output_type' AND dl.host_id = ? AND dl.data_template_id = ? AND dl.snmp_query_id = ? AND dl.snmp_index = ? GROUP BY dtd.local_data_id HAVING local_data_id IS NOT NULL $case_where AND data_source_names = ?", $case_array ); } else { /* create each data source, but don't duplicate */ $data_source = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT dl.* FROM data_template AS dt INNER JOIN data_local AS dl ON dl.data_template_id=dt.id INNER JOIN data_template_rrd AS dtr ON dtr.data_template_id=dt.id INNER JOIN graph_templates_item AS gti ON gti.task_item_id=dtr.id WHERE dtr.local_data_id > 0 AND dl.host_id = ? AND dl.data_template_id = ? AND dtr.data_source_name = ? AND gti.local_graph_id > 0 AND gti.graph_template_id = ? GROUP BY dt.id ORDER BY dt.name', array($host_id, $data_template['id'], $data_template['data_source_name'], $graph_template_id)); return $data_source; } } function verify_data_input($hash, $input_string) { $input = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_input WHERE hash = ?', array($hash)); if ($input['input_string'] == $input_string) { $input['status'] = true; return $input; } else { $input['status'] = false; return $input; } } function verify_data_input_whitelist($hash, $input_string) { global $config; if (!isset($config['input_whitelist'])) { return true; } elseif (isset($config['input_whitelist']) && !file_exists($config['input_whitelist'])) { return true; } $whitelist = json_decode(file_get_contents($config['input_whitelist']), true); if (isset($whitelist[$hash])) { if ($input_string == $whitelist[$hash]) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return -1; } } function graph_template_whitelist_check($graph_template_id) { global $config; static $data_input_whitelist = null; static $notified = array(); // no whitelist file defined, everything whitelisted if (!isset($config['input_whitelist'])) { return true; } // whitelist is configured but does not exist, means nothing whitelisted if (!file_exists($config['input_whitelist'])) { return false; } // load whitelist, but only once within process execution if ($data_input_whitelist == null) { $data_input_whitelist = json_decode(file_get_contents($config['input_whitelist']), true); if ($data_input_whitelist === null) { cacti_log('ERROR: Failed to parse input whitelist file: ' . $config['input_whitelist']); return true; } } $valid = true; $data_input_ids = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT DISTINCT dtd.data_input_id FROM data_template_rrd AS dtr INNER JOIN data_template_data AS dtd ON dtr.data_template_id=dtd.data_template_id INNER JOIN graph_templates_item AS gti ON gti.task_item_id=dtr.id WHERE gti.graph_template_id = ? AND gti.local_graph_id = 0', array($graph_template_id)); if (cacti_sizeof($data_input_ids)) { foreach ($data_input_ids as $dii) { $found = false; $data_input = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT * FROM data_input WHERE id = ?', array($dii['data_input_id'])); if (isset($data_input_whitelist[$data_input['hash']])) { $found = true; if ($data_input_whitelist[$data_input['hash']] != $data_input['input_string']) { $valid = false; } } if (!$found && !isset($notified[$dii['data_input_id']])) { cacti_log('WARNING: Data input script not found in input whitelist file: ' . $config['input_whitelist']); $notified[$dii['data_input_id']] = true; } } } return $valid; }