* All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Daniel Austin MBCS nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ Function KLG_Execute_Command($cmd, $alt_port = false) { Global $ssh_id, $lg_server, $lg_port, $lg_port2, $lg_type, $lg_login, $lg_ssh, $lg_ssh_user, $lg_ssh_pass, $config; $ssh_id = $fd = -1; if ($lg_ssh) { /* ssh session */ $ssh_id = @ssh2_connect($lg_server,$lg_port); if (!$ssh_id) return $fd; if (!@ssh2_auth_password($ssh_id, $lg_ssh_user, $lg_ssh_pass)) return $fd; $fd = @ssh2_shell($ssh_id, 'xterm', null, 200, 200, SSH2_TERM_UNIT_CHARS); stream_set_blocking($fd, true); } else { /* telnet session */ $fd = @fsockopen($lg_server,$alt_port?$lg_port2:$lg_port,$errno,$errmsg); if ($fd) { KLG_Send_Telnet_Negotiation($fd); @fwrite($fd, "$lg_login\n"); } } if ($fd) { if ($lg_type=="juniper") @fwrite($fd, "set cli screen-length 0\nset cli prompt cli>\n$cmd | no-more\nexit\n"); else @fwrite($fd, "terminal length 0\n$cmd\nquit\n"); } /* return the stream resource back */ return $fd; } Function KLG_Send_Telnet_Negotiation($fd) { /* send negotiation information to $fd socket */ fputs($fd,chr(0xFF).chr(0xFB).chr(0x1F).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFB). chr(0x20).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFB).chr(0x18).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFB). chr(0x27).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFD).chr(0x01).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFB). chr(0x03).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFD).chr(0x03).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFC). chr(0x23).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFC).chr(0x24).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFA). chr(0x1F).chr(0x00).chr(0x50).chr(0x00).chr(0x18).chr(0xFF). chr(0xF0).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFA).chr(0x20).chr(0x00).chr(0x33). chr(0x38).chr(0x34).chr(0x30).chr(0x30).chr(0x2C).chr(0x33). chr(0x38).chr(0x34).chr(0x30).chr(0x30).chr(0xFF).chr(0xF0). chr(0xFF).chr(0xFA).chr(0x27).chr(0x00).chr(0xFF).chr(0xF0). chr(0xFF).chr(0xFA).chr(0x18).chr(0x00).chr(0x58).chr(0x54). chr(0x45).chr(0x52).chr(0x4D).chr(0xFF).chr(0xF0)); usleep(125000); fputs($fd,chr(0xFF).chr(0xFC).chr(0x01).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFC). chr(0x22).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFE).chr(0x05).chr(0xFF).chr(0xFC).chr(0x21)); usleep(125000); return; } Function KLG_Router_Generic_BGP_Command($cmd) { /* run a generic BGP command (output all data after "BGP") */ Global $lg_server, $lg_port, $lg_type, $lg_login, $lg_ssh, $lg_ssh_user, $lg_ssh_pass, $klg_output, $config; $klg_output .= "
		$fd = KLG_Execute_Command($cmd);
		if ($fd)
			$start = 0;
			while ($buf = @fgets($fd, 8192))
				$buf = str_replace("\r","",$buf);
				$buf = str_replace("\n","",$buf);
				if ($start==0)
					if (substr($buf, 0, 4)=="BGP ")
						$start = 1;
						$klg_output .= CleanOutput(htmlentities($buf) . "\n");
				} else {
					$klg_output .= CleanOutput(htmlentities($buf) . "\n");
		$klg_output .= "
\n"; } Function KLG_Router_Generic_Command($cmd) { /* Run a generic command, output raw data */ Global $lg_server, $lg_port2, $lg_type, $lg_login, $lg_ssh, $lg_ssh_user, $lg_ssh_pass, $klg_output, $config; $klg_output .= "
		$fd = KLG_Execute_Command($cmd, true);
		if ($fd)
			if ($lg_type=="juniper")
				while ($buf = @fgets($fd, 8192))
					if (strpos($buf, "cli>") > 0)
			$start = 0;
			while ($buf = @fgets($fd, 8192))
				$buf = str_replace("\r","",$buf);
				$buf = str_replace("\n","",$buf);
				if ($start==0)
					if (strpos($buf, ">")>0)
						$start = 1;
				} else {
					if ($lg_type != "juniper")
						if (strpos($buf, "uccess")>0)
							@fwrite($fd, "quit\n");
						if (strpos($buf, ">")>0)
							@fwrite($fd, "quit\n");
					if (substr($buf, -4, 4) == "exit")
					$klg_output .= CleanOutput(htmlentities($buf) . "\n");
		$klg_output .= "
\n"; } Function KLG_Router_Juniper_BGP_Formatted_Command($cmd) { /* Run a BGP command, format the output (JunOS) */ Global $lg_server, $lg_port, $lg_login, $lg_ssh, $lg_ssh_user, $lg_ssh_pass, $klg_output, $config; $klg_output .= "
		$fd = KLG_Execute_Command($cmd);
		if ($fd)
			$start = 0;
			$bestpath = 0;
			while ($buf = @fgets($fd, 8192))
				$buf = str_replace("\r","",$buf);
				$buf = str_replace("\n","",$buf);
				if ($start==0)
					if (strpos($buf, $cmd)>0)
						$start = 1;
						@fwrite($fd, "exit\n");
				} else {
					if (strpos($buf, "Preference")>0)
						if ((strpos($buf, "*BGP")>0 || strpos($buf, "*Static")) && ($bestpath==0))
							/* bestpath */
							$bestpath = 1;
							$klg_output .= "";
							$klg_output .= CleanOutput(htmlentities($buf) . "\n");
						if ((strpos($buf, "BGP")>0 || strpos($buf, "Static")) && ($bestpath==1))
							/* end of bestpath, got a new bestpath */
							$bestpath = 0;
							$klg_output .= "";
							$klg_output .= CleanOutput(htmlentities($buf) . "\n");
					if ((strpos($buf, "announced)")>0) && ($bestpath==1))
						/* new prefix, reset bestpath variable */
						$bestpath = 0;
						$klg_output .= "";
					if (strpos($buf, "AS path: ")>0)
						/* do AS path translation */
						$tmpout = "";
						$tmp = substr($buf, strpos($buf, ":")+2, strlen($buf));
						$asnums = preg_split("/ /", $tmp);
						for ($i=0; $i0)
						/* do community lookups */
						$tmpout = "";
						$tmp = substr($buf, strpos($buf, ":")+2, strlen($buf));
						$comms = preg_split("/ /", $tmp);
						for ($i=0; $i";
		$fd = KLG_Execute_Command($cmd);
		if ($fd)
			$start = 0;
			while ($buf = @fgets($fd, 8192))
				$buf = str_replace("\r","",$buf);
				$buf = str_replace("\n","",$buf);
				if ($start==0)
					if (substr($buf, 0, 4)=="BGP " || substr($buf, 0, 1)=="%")
						$start = 1;
						$klg_output .= CleanOutput(htmlentities($buf) . "\n");
				} else {
					if (strpos($buf, "Community: ")>0)
						/* community entry */
						$tmp = substr($buf, 0, strpos($buf, ":")+2);
						$tmp2 = substr($buf, strpos($buf, ":")+2, strlen($buf));
						$comms = preg_split("/ /", $tmp2);
						for ($i=0; $i";
						$tmp2 = substr($buf, strpos($buf, "best #"), strlen($buf));
						$bestpath = substr($tmp2, strpos($tmp2, "#")+1, strlen($tmp2));
						$bestpath = substr($bestpath, 0, strpos($bestpath, ","));
						settype($bestpath, "integer");
						$tmp .= substr($tmp2, 0, strpos($tmp2, ","));
						$tmp .= "";
						$tmp .= substr($tmp2, strpos($tmp2, ","), strlen($tmp2));
						$buf = $tmp;
						$count = 0;
					if ((substr($buf, 0, 2)=="  ") && (substr($buf, 2, 1)!=" ") && 
						(substr($buf, 2, 1)!="A") && (substr($buf, 2, 1)!="N") && 
						((strpos($buf, ".")<1 && strpos($buf, "2001:")<1 && strpos(strtolower($buf), "3ffe:")<1) || (strpos($buf,")")>0)))
						if ($count==$bestpath)
							$tmpout = "";
						} else {
							if ($showingbestpath==1)
								$tmpout = "";
							} else {
								$tmpout = "";
						if (strpos($buf, ",")>0)
							$tmp = substr($buf, 2, strpos($buf, ",")-2);
							$tmpleft = substr($buf, strpos($buf, ","), strlen($buf));
						} else {
							$tmp = substr($buf, 2, strlen($buf));
							$tmpleft = "";
						$asnums = preg_split("/ /", $tmp);
						$tmpout .= "  ";
						for ($i=0; $i