filesystem->has($this->path); } /** * Read the file. * * @return string|false file contents */ public function read() { return $this->filesystem->read($this->path); } /** * Read the file as a stream. * * @return resource|false file stream */ public function readStream() { return $this->filesystem->readStream($this->path); } /** * Write the new file. * * @param string $content * * @return bool success boolean */ public function write($content) { return $this->filesystem->write($this->path, $content); } /** * Write the new file using a stream. * * @param resource $resource * * @return bool success boolean */ public function writeStream($resource) { return $this->filesystem->writeStream($this->path, $resource); } /** * Update the file contents. * * @param string $content * * @return bool success boolean */ public function update($content) { return $this->filesystem->update($this->path, $content); } /** * Update the file contents with a stream. * * @param resource $resource * * @return bool success boolean */ public function updateStream($resource) { return $this->filesystem->updateStream($this->path, $resource); } /** * Create the file or update if exists. * * @param string $content * * @return bool success boolean */ public function put($content) { return $this->filesystem->put($this->path, $content); } /** * Create the file or update if exists using a stream. * * @param resource $resource * * @return bool success boolean */ public function putStream($resource) { return $this->filesystem->putStream($this->path, $resource); } /** * Rename the file. * * @param string $newpath * * @return bool success boolean */ public function rename($newpath) { if ($this->filesystem->rename($this->path, $newpath)) { $this->path = $newpath; return true; } return false; } /** * Copy the file. * * @param string $newpath * * @return File|false new file or false */ public function copy($newpath) { if ($this->filesystem->copy($this->path, $newpath)) { return new File($this->filesystem, $newpath); } return false; } /** * Get the file's timestamp. * * @return string|false The timestamp or false on failure. */ public function getTimestamp() { return $this->filesystem->getTimestamp($this->path); } /** * Get the file's mimetype. * * @return string|false The file mime-type or false on failure. */ public function getMimetype() { return $this->filesystem->getMimetype($this->path); } /** * Get the file's visibility. * * @return string|false The visibility (public|private) or false on failure. */ public function getVisibility() { return $this->filesystem->getVisibility($this->path); } /** * Get the file's metadata. * * @return array|false The file metadata or false on failure. */ public function getMetadata() { return $this->filesystem->getMetadata($this->path); } /** * Get the file size. * * @return int|false The file size or false on failure. */ public function getSize() { return $this->filesystem->getSize($this->path); } /** * Delete the file. * * @return bool success boolean */ public function delete() { return $this->filesystem->delete($this->path); } }