#!%TCLSH% # # Search informations (host name, IP address, MAC address, groups, etc.) # # Parameters (form or url): # - q: search query (ip, cidr, or fqdn, or _ for "here") # # History # 2002/07/25 : pda : design # 2003/05/13 : pda/jean : use auth base # 2004/01/14 : pda/jean : add IPv6 # 2004/08/06 : pda/jean : extend network access rights # 2005/02/24 : pda : add case role mail without IP address # 2010/10/17 : pda : add search case for "here" # 2010/12/10 : pda : i18n # 2010/12/25 : pda : use cgi-dispatch # 2013/03/06 : pda/jean : multi-views # 2013/03/13 : pda/jean : generalization to different object types # 2013/20/06 : schplurtz: fix bug # # # Template pages used by this script # set conf(page) search.html # # Next actions # set conf(next) "search" # # Script parameters # set conf(form) { {q 0 1 {}} } # # Netmagis general library # source %LIBNETMAGIS% # ::webapp::cgidebug ; exit ############################################################################## # Utilities ############################################################################## proc display-message {q msg} { global conf set qmsg [::webapp::html-string $msg] set qq [::webapp::html-string $q] set result [::webapp::helem "font" $qmsg "color" "#FF0000"] d urlset "%URLFORM%" $conf(next) {} d result $conf(page) [list \ [list %CRITERE% $qq] \ [list %RESULTAT% $result] \ ] exit 0 } # # Parse a search query, which has the form # [:] # Examples: # 01 # 01:02:03:04:05:06 # www.example.com # host: www # net: lab # # Input: # - dbfd: database access # - q: user query # - _sel, _val, _type: see below # Output: # - return value: empty string or error message # - sel: list of selector procedures (see cgi-search-* procedures) # - val: value to search # - type: detected value type (mac, inet, cidr or string) # # History: # 2013/02/27: pda/jean : attempt to spec # 2013/03/06: pda/jean : design # 2013/06/20: schplurtz : return more accurate search func list # proc parse-query {dbfd q _sel _val _type} { global conf upvar $_sel sel upvar $_val val upvar $_type type set sel "" set val "" set type "" set matchproc * set q [string trim $q] # # Avoid case where the beginning of a MAC address is confused with # an operator # if {$q eq "_"} then { set sel "myaddr" set val "_" set type "" set matchproc myaddr } elseif {[check-mac-syntax $dbfd $q] eq ""} then { set sel "" set val $q set type "mac" set matchproc host } elseif {[check-ip-syntax $dbfd $q "inet"] eq ""} then { set sel "" set val $q set type "inet" set matchproc host set r "" } elseif {[check-ip-syntax $dbfd $q "cidr"] eq ""} then { set sel "" set val $q set type "cidr" set r "" set matchproc cidr ; # cgi-search*cidr not yet implemented } else { # # Check operator and value # if {[regexp {^(([a-z]+):\s*)?(\S+)$} $q dum1 dum2 sel val]} then { # nothing } elseif {[regexp {^\S+$} $q val]} then { set sel "" } else { return [mc "Invalid search query '%s'" $q] } # # Recognize type # if {[check-ip-syntax $dbfd $val "inet"] eq ""} then { set type "inet" set matchproc host } elseif {[check-ip-syntax $dbfd $val "cidr"] eq ""} then { set matchproc [set type "cidr"] } else { set type "string" } } # # Verify operator/type compatibility # if {$sel eq ""} then { set sel [lsort [info procs "cgi-search-*-$matchproc"]] } else { set proc [info procs "cgi-search-*-$sel"] if {$proc eq ""} then { return [mc "Invalid search operator '%s'" $sel] } set sel [list $proc] } return "" } proc display-host {dbfd _trr idview q} { upvar $_trr trr set rrtmpl { allowed-groups {search {q group:%s}} ip {edit {addr %1$s} {idview %2$s}} } array set t $rrtmpl lappend t(ip) {nextprog search} lappend t(ip) [list "nextargs" "q=$q"] set rrtmpl [array get t] lassign [display-rr-masked $dbfd trr $idview $rrtmpl] link desc set title [mc {%1$s is a host in view %2$s} $link [u viewname $idview]] return "$title $desc" } proc display-alias {dbfd _trr idview q} { upvar $_trr trr h mask-next set fqdn "$trr(name).$trr(domain)" set idalias [rr-cname-by-view trr $idview] if {! [read-rr-by-id $dbfd $idalias trra]} then { d error [mc {Cannot read host-id %s} $idalias] } set rrtmpl { allowed-groups {search {q group:%s}} ip {edit {addr %1$s} {idview %2$s}} } # Display aliased host lassign [display-rr-masked $dbfd trra $idview $rrtmpl] link desc set title [mc {%1$s is an alias of host %2$s in view %3$s} $fqdn $link [u viewname $idview]] return "$title $desc" } proc display-all-mx {dbfd _trr idview q} { upvar $_trr trr h mask-next set fqdn "$trr(name).$trr(domain)" set lmx [rr-mx-by-view trr $idview] set rrtmpl { allowed-groups {search {q group:%s}} ip {edit {addr %1$s} {idview %2$s}} } set lfound {} foreach mx $lmx { lassign $mx prio idtarget if {! [read-rr-by-id $dbfd $idtarget trrt]} then { d error [mc {Cannot read MX with id %s} $idtarget] } # Display MX target host lassign [display-rr-masked $dbfd trrt $idview $rrtmpl] link desc set title [mc {%1$s is a MX (priority %2$s) to host %3$s in view %4$s} $fqdn $prio $link [u viewname $idview]] lappend lfound "$title $desc" } return $lfound } proc display-mailrole {dbfd _trr idview q} { upvar $_trr trr h mask-next set fqdn "$trr(name).$trr(domain)" lassign [rr-mailrole-by-view trr $idview] idheb idviewheb if {! [read-rr-by-id $dbfd $idheb trrh]} then { d error [mc {Cannot read host-id %s} $idheb] } set rrtmpl { allowed-groups {search {q group:%s}} ip {edit {addr %1$s} {idview %2$s}} } # Display aliased host lassign [display-rr-masked $dbfd trrh $idviewheb $rrtmpl] link desc set title [mc {%1$s in view %2$s is a mail address hosted by %3$s in view %4$s} $fqdn [u viewname $idview] $link [u viewname $idviewheb]] return "$title $desc" } ############################################################################## # Search cases ############################################################################## proc cgi-search-100-myaddr {dbfd q val type} { global env set lfound {} if {[info exists env(REMOTE_ADDR)] && $val eq "_"} then { set val $env(REMOTE_ADDR) foreach idview [u myviewids] { if {[read-rr-by-ip $dbfd $val $idview trr]} then { lappend lfound [display-host $dbfd trr $idview $q] } } if {[llength $lfound] == 0} then { lappend lfound [mc "Searched address: %s" $val] } } return $lfound } proc cgi-search-150-host {dbfd q val type} { set lfound {} switch $type { mac { # # Attempt to search for the host. It if exists, trr will # be filled. If it does not exists, trr will not be created. # We don't test result, since existence of trr(idrr) will # suffice for next steps. # if {[read-rr-by-mac $dbfd $val trr]} then { set lhost {} foreach idview [u myviewids] { if {[llength [rr-ip-by-view trr $idview]] > 0} then { lappend lhost $idview break } } foreach idview $lhost { lappend lfound [display-host $dbfd trr $idview $q] } } } inet { # # Attempt to search for the host. It if exists, trr will # be filled. If it does not exists, trr will not be created. # We don't test result, since existence of trr(idrr) will # suffice for next steps. # foreach idview [u myviewids] { if {[read-rr-by-ip $dbfd $val $idview trr]} then { lappend lfound [display-host $dbfd trr $idview $q] } } } cidr { } string { if {[regexp {^[^.]+\..+$} $val]} then { # # Name and domain # set msg [check-fqdn-syntax $dbfd $val name domain iddom] if {$msg ne ""} then { display-message $val $msg } set ldom [list $iddom] } else { set msg [check-name-syntax $val] if {$msg ne ""} then { display-message $val $msg } set ldom [u myiddom] set name $val } foreach iddom $ldom { foreach idview [u myviewids] { if {[read-rr-by-name $dbfd $name $iddom $idview trr]} then { if {[llength [rr-ip-by-view trr $idview]] > 0} then { lappend lfound [display-host $dbfd trr $idview $q] } if {[rr-cname-by-view trr $idview] ne ""} then { lappend lfound [display-alias $dbfd trr $idview $q] } if {[rr-mx-by-view trr $idview] ne ""} then { foreach l [display-all-mx $dbfd trr $idview $q] { lappend lfound $l } } } } } } default { d error [mc "Internal error: unknown type"] } } return $lfound } proc cgi-search-160-mailrole {dbfd q val type} { set lfound {} switch $type { string { if {[regexp {^[^.]+\..+$} $val]} then { # # Name and domain # set msg [check-fqdn-syntax $dbfd $val name domain iddom] if {$msg ne ""} then { display-message $val $msg } set ldom [list $iddom] } else { set msg [check-name-syntax $val] if {$msg ne ""} then { display-message $val $msg } set ldom [u myiddom] set name $val } foreach iddom $ldom { foreach idview [u myviewids] { if {[read-rr-by-name $dbfd $name $iddom $idview trr]} then { set rm [rr-mailrole-by-view trr $idview] if {[llength $rm] > 0} then { lappend lfound [display-mailrole $dbfd trr $idview $q] } } } } } mac - inet - cidr { d error [mc "Invalid search query '%s'" $q] } default { d error [mc "Internal error: unknown type"] } } return $lfound } proc cgi-search-400-group {dbfd q val type} { set lfound {} set idgrp [u groupid $val] if {$idgrp ne ""} then { # # Get all login names for this group # set lcor {} set sql "SELECT login FROM global.nmuser WHERE idgrp = $idgrp ORDER BY login" pg_select $dbfd $sql tab { lappend lcor $tab(login) } h mask-next set link [h mask-link $val] set title [mc "%s is a Netmagis group" $link] # members of the group if {[llength $lcor] == 0} then { set desc [mc "Empty group (no user)"] } else { set desc "" foreach login $lcor { set n [read-user $dbfd $login tabuid msg] if {$n != 1} then { d error $msg } append desc "\n

\n" append desc [display-user tabuid] } } set desc [h mask-text $desc] lappend lfound "$title\n$desc" } return $lfound } ############################################################################## # Display empty page ############################################################################## d cgi-register {q {}} {} { # # Not an error, strictly speaking, but treated as an error. # display-message "" "" } ############################################################################## # Display given address (or my current IP address) ############################################################################## d cgi-register {q .+} {} { global conf global env # # Parse query, check consistancy and deduce search cases # set msg [parse-query $dbfd $q sel val type] if {$msg ne ""} then { display-message $q $msg } # # Loop through all possible search cases # set lfound {} foreach s $sel { set lfound [concat $lfound [$s $dbfd $q $val $type]] } # # Did we find something? # if {[llength $lfound] == 0} then { display-message $val [mc "String '%s' not found" $val] } # # Join all HTML lines in lfound # set html "" foreach f $lfound { append html [::webapp::helem "li" $f] append html "\n" } set result [::webapp::helem "ul" $html] # # Cosmetic clean-up # if {$q eq "_"} then { set q "" } else { set q [::webapp::post-string $q] } # # End of script: output page and close database # d urlset "%URLFORM%" $conf(next) {} d result $conf(page) [list \ [list %CRITERE% $q] \ [list %RESULTAT% $result] \ ] } d cgi-dispatch "dns" ""