TIMETRA-BGP-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, IpAddress, Unsigned32, Gauge32, Counter32, Integer32, Counter64 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, RowStatus, DisplayString, TruthValue, TimeStamp, TestAndIncr FROM SNMPv2-TC bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix, bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen, bgp4PathAttrPeer FROM BGP4-MIB timetraSRMIBModules, tmnxSRObjs, tmnxSRNotifyPrefix, tmnxSRConfs FROM TIMETRA-GLOBAL-MIB TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, TmnxBgpPreference, TmnxBgpLocalPreference,TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, TmnxVRtrID, TmnxAdminState, TmnxOperState, TNamedItem, TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, TNamedItemOrEmpty, TmnxBGPFamilyType, TmnxEnabledDisabled FROM TIMETRA-TC-MIB TFilterLogId FROM TIMETRA-FILTER-MIB InetAddress, InetAddressType, InetAutonomousSystemNumber FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB vRtrID FROM TIMETRA-VRTR-MIB ; -- -- -- timetraBgpMIBModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201102010000Z" ORGANIZATION "Alcatel-Lucent" CONTACT-INFO "Alcatel-Lucent SROS Support Web: http://support.alcatel-lucent.com " DESCRIPTION "This document is the SNMP MIB module for Alcatel-Lucent's implementation of BGP. Copyright 2003-2012 Alcatel-Lucent. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the foregoing copyright notice is included. This SNMP MIB module (Specification) embodies Alcatel-Lucent's proprietary intellectual property. Alcatel-Lucent retains all title and ownership in the Specification, including any revisions. Alcatel-Lucent grants all interested parties a non-exclusive license to use and distribute an unmodified copy of this Specification in connection with management of Alcatel-Lucent products, and without fee, provided this copyright notice and license appear on all copies. This Specification is supplied 'as is', and Alcatel-Lucent makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification. There is one BGP instance per virtual router. Each BGP instance can have a number of peer groups. The MIB objects here are organized in to four groups: - global objects (nothing there for now) - per-instance objects - per-peer-group objects - per-peer objects The value of most BGP configuration objects can be defaulted at three levels: at the per-peer level, at the peer group level, and at the BGP instance level. The per-peer object values are set: - first by the peer object value, if set; - second, if not set then by the peer-group object value, if that is set; - third, if not set, by the instance object value. " REVISION "1102010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 9.0 1 Feb 2011 00:00 0.0 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0902280000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 7.0 28 Feb 2009 00:00 7.0 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0807010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.1 01 Jul 2008 00:00 6.1 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0801010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 6.0 01 Jan 2008 00:00 6.0 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0701010000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 5.0 01 Jan 2007 00:00 5.0 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0603150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 4.0 15 Mar 2006 00:00 4.0 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0508310000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 3.0 31 Aug 2005 00:00 3.0 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0501240000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.1 24 Jan 2005 00:00 2.1 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0401150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 2.0 15 Jan 2004 00:00 2.0 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "0308150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.2 15 Aug 2003 00:00 1.2 release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB." REVISION "200301200000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 1.0 20 Jan 2003 00:00 1.0 Release of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB" REVISION "200106130000Z" DESCRIPTION "Rev 0.1 13 Jun 2001 00:00 Iinitial version of the TIMETRA-BGP-MIB" ::= { timetraSRMIBModules 14 } tBgpObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRObjs 14 } tBgpNotificationsPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRNotifyPrefix 14 } tBgpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tBgpNotificationsPrefix 0 } tmnxBgpConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxSRConfs 14 } tBgpGlobalObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tBgpObjects 1 } tBgpInstanceObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tBgpObjects 2 } tBgpPeerGroupObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tBgpObjects 3 } tBgpPeerObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tBgpObjects 4 } tBgpInstanceConfederationObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tBgpObjects 5 } tBgpPeeringPolicyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tBgpObjects 6 } tBgpNotificationObjs OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tBgpObjects 7 } -- -- textual conventions -- BgpConnectRetryTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a time interval in seconds for a 'ConnectRetry' timer. default is 120 seconds." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval" SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535) BgpHoldTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a time interval in seconds for Hold Timer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerHoldTime" SYNTAX INTEGER (0 | 3..65535) BgpKeepAliveTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a time interval in seconds for the Keep Alive timer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerKeepAlive" SYNTAX INTEGER (0 | 1..21845) BgpMinASOriginationTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a time interval in seconds for the minimum AS Origination Time. Suggested default is 15 seconds." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval" SYNTAX INTEGER (2..255) BgpLoopDetect ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines how the peer session should deal with loop detection in the AS path. drop: Send a Notification to remote peer and drop session ignore: Ignore routes with loops in the the AS Path but maintain peering off: Turn off loop detection " SYNTAX INTEGER { drop(1), ignore(2), off(3), discardRoute(4) } BgpMinRouteAdvertisement ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Determines the minimal interval (in seconds) at with a given path attribute can be advertised to a peer. " SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255) BgpMEDSource ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The source of the Multi Exit Discriminator in the advertisement" REFERENCE "" SYNTAX INTEGER { igpCost(1), metricVal(2), noMedOut(3) } BgpMEDValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "a Multi Exit Discriminator value." REFERENCE "RFC 1771" SYNTAX Unsigned32 -- the full range, 0..2^32-1 BgpTimeToLive ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time To Live (TTL) value for IP packet header. " SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255) BgpMultiPath ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BGP Multipath max-path value. one means disabled, no multipath." SYNTAX INTEGER (1..32) BgpPeerGroupName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the name of a Peer Group." SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(1..32)) BgpPeerGroupNameOrEmpty ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the name of a Peer Group." SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..32)) BgpPrefixLimit ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BGP prefix learning count limit. zero means no prefix learning limit." SYNTAX Unsigned32 BgpPeerType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "the type of BGP peer, internal or external." SYNTAX INTEGER { noType(1), internal(2), external(3) } BgpPeerState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BGP peer connection state." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB, OBJECT-TYPE bgpPeerState" SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(1), connect(2), active(3), opensent(4), openconfirm(5), established(6) } BgpPeerEvent ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BGP peer events. The event 'none' implies that the peer is in initialization phase. The event 'start' implies that BGP operation has started on this peer. The event 'stop' implies that BGP operation has stopped on this peer. The event 'open' implies that BGP transport has initialized a connection open action to the peer. The event 'close' implies that BGP transport has closed the connection to the peer. The event 'openFail' implies that open connection attempt of BGP transport has failed. The event 'error' implies that BGP transport experienced a fatal error. The event 'connectionRetry' implies that the connection retry timer expired. The event 'holdTime' implies that the hold timer expired. The event 'keepAlive' implies that the keep alive timer expired. The event 'receiveOpen' implies that a BGP OPEN message was received. The event 'receiveKeepAlive' implies that a BGP KEEPALIVE was received. The event 'receiveUpdate ' implies that a BGP UPDATE was received. The event 'receiveNotify' implies that a BGP NOTIFY was received. The event 'startPassive' implies that BGP is waiting passive to hear from the other end. The event 'parseError' implies that there was a bad message received from the peer. The event 'outOfMemory' implies that there is not enough memory in the system for this peer entity. The event 'rtmLimitExceeded' implies that the route table max limit has exceeded. The event 'maxPrefixLimitExceeded' implies that the max prefixes allowed has been exceeded. The event 'maxPrefixLimitExceededLogged' implies that the max prefixes allowed has been exceeded but the peering is not dropped. The event 'outOfProtectedNHIndex' implies that protected next hop indexes has been exceeded. The event 'outOfNHIndex' implies that next hop indexes has been exceeded. The event 'labelAllocFailed' implies that label allocation failed. The event 'lspIdAllocFailed' implies that LSP Id allocation failed. The event 'peeringDownInCollisionResolution' implies that bgp peering is brought down due to collision resolution process. The event 'peeringDownInAdminShutdown' implies that bgp peering is brought down due to a shutdown of BGP peer, group or protocol. The event 'peeringDownInAdminReset' implies that bgp peering is brought down due to a clear of BGP peer, group or protocol. The event 'peeringDownInConfigChange' implies that bgp peering is brought down due to a configuration change which requires reestablishment." SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), start(1), stop(2), open(3), close(4), openFail(5), error(6), connectionRetry(7), holdTime(8), keepAlive(9), receiveOpen(10), receiveKeepAlive(11), receiveUpdate(12), receiveNotify(13), startPassive(14), parseError(15), outOfMemory(16), rtmLimitExceeded(17), maxPrefixLimitExceeded(18), maxPrefixLimitExceededLogged(19), outOfProtectedNHIndex(20), outOfNHIndex(21), labelAllocFailed(22), lspIdAllocFailed(23), peeringDownInCollisionResolution(24), peeringDownInAdminShutdown(25), peeringDownInAdminReset(26), peeringDownInConfigChange(27) } BgpOperState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BgpOperState data type is an enumerated integer that describes the values used to identify the current operational state of functional modules. In addition to the four states that are also a part of TmnxOperState, we have a fifth state 'disabled' which indicates that the operational state is down and requires user intervention." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (1), inService (2), outOfService (3), transition (4), disabled (5) } TmnxIpFamily ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxIpFamily specifies the types of routing information to be distributed by this peer group of BGP. BGP was initially designed for the distribution of IPv4 routing information. Multi-protocol extensions and the use of a VPN-IPv4, VPN-IPv6, MVPN-IPv4 and L2-VPN addresses have been added to extend its ability to carry overlapping routing information. A 'vpnIpv4 (2)' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. 'ipv6 (3)', 'mcastIpv4 (4)', 'l2vpn (6)' and 'mcastVpnIpv4 (12)' are multi-protocol extensions to BGP. A 'vpnIpv6 (5)' address is a 24-byte value consisting of the 8-byte RD, and 16 bytes for the IPv6 address. When both IPv4 and IPv6 VPRN services are enabled, the PE router uses the same RD for both address families. A 'l2vpn (6)' address is a 12-byte Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-ID) value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte value. A 'mvpnIpv4 (7)' address is variable size value consisting of the 1-byte route type, 1-byte length and variable size route type specific. Route type defines encoding for the route type specific field. Length indicates the length in octets of the route type specific field. A 'mdtSafi (8)' address is a 16-byte value consisting of 12-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte group address. A 'mspw (9)' address is a dynamic multi-segment psuedowire address. A 'flowIpv4 (10)' address is a variable size value consisting of 1 or 2-byte NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information) length followed by a variable length NLRI value. A 'routeTarget (11)' address is a variable size value consisting of zero length or 12 byte (ipv4) or 24 byte (ipv6) NLRI (Network Layer Rechability Information) length followed by a variable length NLRI value." SYNTAX BITS { unused (0), ipv4 (1), vpnIpv4 (2), ipv6 (3), mcastIpv4 (4), vpnIpv6 (5), l2vpn (6), mvpnIpv4 (7), mdtSafi (8), mspw (9), flowIpv4 (10), routeTarget (11), mcastVpnIpv4 (12) } TmnxVpnCapability ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxVpnCapability specifies the route negotiation types a BGP peer is capable of using." SYNTAX BITS { routeRefresh (0), mpBGP (1), orfExtendCommSend (2), orfExtendCommRecv (3), asn4Byte (4) } TmnxAdvLabelAddressFamily ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxAdvLabelAddressFamily specifies the address family for the advertisement label." SYNTAX BITS { none (0), ipv6 (1), ipv4 (2) } TmnxAddPathAddressFamily ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxAddPathAddressFamily specifies the address family for BGP ADD-PATH." SYNTAX BITS { none (0), ipv4 (1), vpnIpv4 (2), ipv6 (3), vpnIpv6 (4) } TmnxAddPathSendLimit ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxAddPathSendLimit specifies the number of paths that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers per prefix. A value of -1 indicates the maximum limit." SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..16) TmnxBgpFlowRouteExtCommAction ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of TmnxBgpFlowRouteExtCommAction specifies the extended community action." SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown (0), rateLimit (1), sampleLog (2), redirectToVrf (3), nextEntry (4), markDscp (5), redirectToIp (6), redirectToIf (7) } -- -- global objects -- -- -- per-BGP-instance objects -- tBgpInstanceTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceTableLastChanged specifies the last timestamp when an entry in the tBgpPeerGroupTable was last changed." ::= { tBgpInstanceObjects 1 } tBgpInstanceTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpInstanceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tBgpInstanceTable consists of information about each running instance of BGP." ::= { tBgpInstanceObjects 2 } tBgpInstanceEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpInstanceEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpInstanceTable. each entry represents an instance of BGP running on the virtual router." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex } ::= { tBgpInstanceTable 1 } TBgpInstanceEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpInstanceIndex TmnxVRtrID, tBgpInstanceRowStatus RowStatus, tBgpInstanceShutdown TruthValue, tBgpInstanceDescription DisplayString, tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED INTEGER, tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnore TruthValue, tBgpInstanceBgpId IpAddress, tBgpInstanceConnectRetry BgpConnectRetryTime, tBgpInstanceHoldTime BgpHoldTime, tBgpInstanceKeepAlive BgpKeepAliveTime, tBgpInstanceMinASOrigination BgpMinASOriginationTime, tBgpInstanceDampening TruthValue, tBgpInstanceLocalAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpInstanceLocalPreference TmnxBgpLocalPreference, tBgpInstanceLoopDetect BgpLoopDetect, tBgpInstanceMinRouteAdvertisement BgpMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpInstanceMultipath BgpMultiPath, tBgpInstanceNoAggregatorID TruthValue, tBgpInstancePreference TmnxBgpPreference, tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateAS TruthValue, tBgpInstanceLastChanged TimeStamp, tBgpInstanceMultihop BgpTimeToLive, tBgpInstanceMEDSource BgpMEDSource, tBgpInstanceMEDValue BgpMEDValue, tBgpInstanceConfederationAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceOperStatus BgpOperState, tBgpInstanceLocalASPrivate TruthValue, tBgpInstanceMd5Auth TruthValue, tBgpInstanceMd5AuthKey OCTET STRING, tBgpInstanceClusterId IpAddress, tBgpInstanceDisableClientReflect TruthValue, tBgpInstanceIBgpMultipath TruthValue, tBgpInstanceFamily TmnxIpFamily, tBgpInstanceGracefulRestart TruthValue, tBgpInstanceGRPathSelectDefer Unsigned32, tBgpInstanceGRRestartTime Unsigned32, tBgpInstanceGRStaleRoute Unsigned32, tBgpInstanceGRAdminState TmnxAdminState, tBgpInstanceGROperState TmnxOperState, tBgpInstanceVpnApplyImport TruthValue, tBgpInstanceVpnApplyExport TruthValue, tBgpInstanceIgpShortcut BITS, tBgpInstanceDisallowIgp TruthValue, tBgpInstanceOrf TruthValue, tBgpInstanceExtCommsOrf TruthValue, tBgpInstanceExtCommsSendOrf TruthValue, tBgpInstanceExtCommsRecvOrf TruthValue, tBgpInstanceAllowInterAsVpn TruthValue, tBgpInstancePurgeTimer Unsigned32, tBgpInstanceLocalAS4Byte InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpInstanceConfederationAS4Byte InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpInstanceDisable4ByteASN TruthValue, tBgpInstanceMultipathEiBgpState TmnxEnabledDisabled, tBgpInstanceHoldTimeIsStrict TruthValue, tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnoreFamily TmnxIpFamily, tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateASLmtd TruthValue, tBgpInstancePMTUDiscovery TruthValue, tBgpInstanceDisableRtTblInstall TruthValue, tBgpInstanceNHResUseBgpRoutes TruthValue } tBgpInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceIndex specifies the index for the tBgpInstanceTable." ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 1 } tBgpInstanceRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceRowStatus specifies the row status for this BGP instance for the virtual router. It is used to create and delete row entries in this table. In order for an attempt to 'destroy' this row entry to succeed, the value of tBgpInstanceShutdown must be 'true' and the value of vRtrBgpStatus must be 'delete'. In order for an attempt to 'create' this row entry, the value of vRtrBgpStatus must be 'create'." ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 2 } tBgpInstanceShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceShutdown specifies whether or not this BGP instance is disabled or shutdown. When the value of this object is 'false', the BGP instance is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 3 } tBgpInstanceDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDescription specifies the textual description of this BGP instance." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 4 } tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { off(1), zero(2), infinity(3), on(4) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED specifies if the Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) path attribute is used in the BGP route selection process. When the value of tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED is 'zero' or 'infinity', the MED attribute is always used in the route selection process regardless of the peer AS that advertised the route. A value of 'off' specifies that only the MEDs of routes that have the same peer ASs are compared. A value of 'zero' specifies that a value of zero is used in the MED comparison, this in effect makes these routes the most desirable. A value of 'infinity' specifies that a value of infinity (2^32-1) is used in the MED comparison, this in effect makes these routes the least desirable. The value of 'on' specifies that the Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) path attributes of the two routes are compared if both the routes have MEDs whether or not they are from the same neighbor-AS. The original BGP RFC was unclear what to do if a route had no MED attribute. This was clarified in the Internet-Draft, sec (Breaking Ties) specifies that if a route has no MED metric it is assigned the highest possible value (2^32-1 since it is a 32-bit number) which is the least preferable." DEFVAL { off } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 5 } tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnore OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This object was obsoleted in release 8.0. It is replaced with the object tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnoreFamily." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 6 } tBgpInstanceBgpId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceBgpId specifies the BGP instance id. This object is required to be set before the instance can be activated." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 7 } tBgpInstanceConnectRetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpConnectRetryTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceConnectRetry specifies the value (in seconds) for the BGP Connect Retry timer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval" DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 8 } tBgpInstanceHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpHoldTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceHoldTime specifies the value (in seconds) for BGP Hold Time." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerHoldTime" DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 9 } tBgpInstanceKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpKeepAliveTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceKeepAlive specifies the value (in seconds) for BGP Keepalive timer. A keepalive message is sent every time this timer expires." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerKeepAlive" DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 10 } tBgpInstanceMinASOrigination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinASOriginationTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMinASOrigination specifies the minimal interval (in seconds) at which a given path attribute can be advertised to a peer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval" DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 11 } tBgpInstanceDampening OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDampening specifies if route dampening is applied to learned routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 12 } tBgpInstanceLocalAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceLocalAS specifies the autonomous system number to be advertised for peers under this instance. This object was obsoleted in release 7.0. It is replaced with the 4-byte AS number defined by tBgpInstanceLocalAS4Byte." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 13 } tBgpInstanceLocalPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpLocalPreference MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceLocalPreference specifies the default value for the Local Preference attribute. This value is used if the BGP route arrives from a BGP peer without the Local Preference attribute set. It is overridden by any value set via a route policy." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 14 } tBgpInstanceLoopDetect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpLoopDetect MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceLoopDetect determines how the peer session should deal with loop detection in the AS Path." DEFVAL { ignore } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 15 } tBgpInstanceMinRouteAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinRouteAdvertisement UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMinRouteAdvertisement specifies the minimum interval at which a given path attribute is advertised to a peer." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 16 } tBgpInstanceMultipath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMultiPath UNITS "number-of-hops" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMultipath specifies if BGP multipath is enabled or disabled for this instance. A value of '1' would disable BGP multipath. Any other value would specify the number of hops for BGP Multipath." DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 17 } tBgpInstanceNoAggregatorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceNoAggregatorID specifies if different routers in the same AS create aggregate routes containing different AS paths. A value of 'true' would enable setting the router ID to 0 in the aggregator path attribute when BGP is aggregating routes. A value of 'false' would disable setting the router ID to 0 in the aggregator path attribute when BGP is aggregating routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 18 } tBgpInstancePreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpPreference (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePreference specifies the route preference for routes learned via the peer." DEFVAL { 170 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 19 } tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateAS specifies if private AS numbers should be stripped from the AS Path before advertising them to BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 20 } tBgpInstanceLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value tBgpInstanceLastChanged indicates when an entry in tBgpInstanceTable was last changed." ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 21 } tBgpInstanceMultihop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpTimeToLive UNITS "TTL hops" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMultihop specifies the TTL used in IP packet header for BGP advertisements. Default TTL values for EBGP peer is 1, and MAX_TTL for IBGP peers. Default value if not set is no_type - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 22 } tBgpInstanceMEDSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMEDSource specifies the source of the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) value for this peer." DEFVAL { noMedOut } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 23 } tBgpInstanceMEDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMEDValue specifies the value of MED when tBgpInstanceMEDSource is 'metricVal'. If the value of tBgpInstanceMEDSource is not 'metricVal', this object is ignored." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 24 } tBgpInstanceConfederationAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceConfederationAS specifies the confederation AS for this BGP instance. A value of '0' means no confederation AS. This object was obsoleted in release 7.0. It is replaced with the 4-byte AS number defined by tBgpInstanceConfederationAS4Byte." ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 25 } tBgpInstanceImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceImportPolicy1 specifies import policy number 1 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy1." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 30 } tBgpInstanceImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceImportPolicy2 specifies import policy number 2 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy2." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 31 } tBgpInstanceImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceImportPolicy3 specifies import policy number 3 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy3." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 32 } tBgpInstanceImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceImportPolicy4 specifies import policy number 4 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy4." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 33 } tBgpInstanceImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceImportPolicy5 specifies import policy number 5 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy5." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 34 } tBgpInstanceExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceExportPolicy1 specifies export policy number 1 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy1." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 35 } tBgpInstanceExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceExportPolicy2 specifies export policy number 2 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy2." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 36 } tBgpInstanceExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceExportPolicy3 specifies export policy number 3 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy3." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 37 } tBgpInstanceExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceExportPolicy4 specifies export policy number 4 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy4." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 38 } tBgpInstanceExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceExportPolicy5 specifies export policy number 5 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy5." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 39 } tBgpInstanceOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceOperStatus indicates the operational status of the BGP instance for the virtual router. A value of 'inService(2)' means the bgp instance is fully functional. A value of 'outOfService(3)' means the bgp instance is down. A value of 'transition(4)' means the bgp instance is performing a transition from state inService(2) to outOfService(3) or vice-versa. A value of 'disabled(5)' means the BGP instance needs to be restarted by the user." ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 40 } tBgpInstanceLocalASPrivate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceLocalASPrivate specifies if the local autonomous system number is hidden in paths learned from peering." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 41 } tBgpInstanceMd5Auth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMd5Auth specifies if the authentication using MD5 message based digest protocol is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 42 } tBgpInstanceMd5AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMd5AuthKey specifies the authentication key to be used between BGP peers neighbors before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol. Authentication can be configured globally and applied to all BGP peers or per group or per peer. The most specific value is used. The authentication key can be any combination of letters or numbers. Note that the string may contain embedded nulls." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 43 } tBgpInstanceClusterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of tBgpInstanceClusterId specifies the cluster ID for a route reflector server. A value of indicates that no cluster ID has been assigned to the BGP instance." DEFVAL {'00000000'H } -- ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 44 } tBgpInstanceDisableClientReflect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDisableClientReflect specifies if reflection of routes by the route reflector to all client peers within its cluster is enabled or disabled. A value of 'false' means reflection of routes to all client peers is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 45 } tBgpInstanceIBgpMultipath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceIBgpMultipath specifies if load sharing is enabled among multiple IBGP paths. A value of 'false' disables IBGP Multipath." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 46 } tBgpInstanceFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceFamily specifies the types of routing information to be distributed by this instance of BGP. BGP was initially designed for the distribution of IPv4 routing information. Multi-protocol extensions and the use of a VPN-IPv4, VPN-IPv6, MVPN-IPv4 and L2-VPN addresses have been added to extend its ability to carry overlapping routing information. A 'vpnIpv4 (2)' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. 'ipv6 (3)', 'mcastIpv4 (4)', 'l2vpn (6)' and 'mcastVpnIpv4 (12)' are multi-protocol extensions to BGP. A 'vpnIpv6 (5)' address is a 24-byte value consisting of the 8-byte RD, and 16 bytes for the IPv6 address. When both IPv4 and IPv6 VPRN services are enabled, the PE router uses the same RD for both address families. A 'l2vpn (6)' address is a 12-byte Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-ID) value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte value. A 'mvpnIpv4 (7)' address is variable size value consisting of the 1-byte route type, 1-byte length and variable size route type specific. Route type defines encoding for the route type specific field. Length indicates the length in octets of the route type specific field. A 'mdtSafi (8)' address is a 16-byte value consisting of 12-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte group address. A 'mspw (9)' address is a dynamic multi-segment psuedowire address. A 'flowIpv4 (10)' address is a variable size value consisting of 1 or 2-byte NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information) length followed by a variable length NLRI value. A 'routeTarget (11)' address is a variable size value consisting of zero length or 12 byte (ipv4) or 24 byte (ipv6) NLRI (Network Layer Rechability Information) length followed by a variable length NLRI value." DEFVAL { {ipv4} } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 47 } tBgpInstanceGracefulRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceGracefulRestart specifies whether or not graceful restart capabilities are enabled on this instance of BGP. When the value is set to 'false' graceful restart is disabled and any previous configuration of other graceful restart parameters is removed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 48 } tBgpInstanceGRPathSelectDefer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceGRPathSelectDefer specifies the time limit in seconds for restarting BGP instance to defer path selection logic." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 49 } tBgpInstanceGRRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceGRRestartTime specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that a graceful restart should take." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 50 } tBgpInstanceGRStaleRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceGRStaleRoute specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that stale routes should be maintained after a graceful restart is initiated. This value should be at least as large as the value of tBgpInstanceGRRestartTime." DEFVAL { 360 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 51 } tBgpInstanceGRAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceGRAdminState specifies the desired administrative state of the graceful restart capabilities for this instance of the BGP protocol. When the value is 'outOfService' the graceful restart capabilities are disabled but the graceful restart configuration parameters are retained." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 52 } tBgpInstanceGROperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceGROperState indicates the operational status of the graceful restart capabilities for this instance of the BGP protocol." ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 53 } tBgpInstanceVpnApplyImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceVpnApplyImport specifies if the base instance BGP import route policies are applied to VPN-IPv4 routes. When the value is 'false' the application of the base instance BGP import route policies to VPN-IPv4 routes is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 54 } tBgpInstanceVpnApplyExport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceVpnApplyExport specifies if the base instance BGP export route policies are applied to VPN-IPv4 routes. When the value is 'false' the application of the base instance BGP export route policies to VPN-IPv4 routes is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 55 } tBgpInstanceIgpShortcut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { te(0), ldp(1), ip(2), mpls(3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bits of tBgpInstanceIgpShortcut identify the Layer-2 tunneling mechanisms used for IGP shortcuts. If a bit is set, the corresponding tunneling mechanism will be used to resolve paths to BGP next-hops. The tunneling mechanisms represented by each bit are: te(0) - RSVP Traffic Engineering ldp(1) - LDP /32 Route Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) ip(2) - IP (IP-in-IP or GRE) mpls(3)- MPLS Evaluation of tunnel preference is based on the following order, in descending priority: 1. Traffic Engineered Shortcut (RSVP-TE) 2. LDP /32 Route FEC Shortcut 3. IP Shortcut (IP-in-IP or GRE) 4. Actual IGP Next-Hop. The 'mpls' option instructs BGP to first attempt to resolve the BGP next-hop to an RSVP LSP. If no RSVP LSP exists or the existing ones are down, BGP automatically searches for the LDP LSP with a FEC prefix corresponding to the same /32 prefix in the tunnel table and resolves the BGP next-hop to it." DEFVAL { { } } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 56 } tBgpInstanceDisallowIgp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDisallowIgp specifies if IGP next-hop to the BGP next-hop is used as the next-hop of the last resort. A value of 'true', disallows the IGP next-hop to the BGP next-hop from being used as the next-hop of the last resort. This is used to prevent routing loops. A value of 'false' reverts the IGP shortcut next-hop evaluation process to the default of allowing IGP next-hops as the next-hop of the last resort." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 57 } tBgpInstanceOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceOrf specifies if outbound route filtering capability is enabled or disabled for the BGP instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 58 } tBgpInstanceExtCommsOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceExtCommsOrf specifies if outbound route filtering capability is based on extended communities for the BGP instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 59 } tBgpInstanceExtCommsSendOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceExtCommsSendOrf specifies if outbound route filter advertisement to the neighbors in this BGP instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 60 } tBgpInstanceExtCommsRecvOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceExtCommsRecvOrf specifies if outbound route filter for this BGP instance is accepted from the neighbors is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 61 } tBgpInstanceAllowInterAsVpn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceAllowInterAsVpn specifies whether VPNs can exchange routes across autonomous system boundaries, providing model B connectivity. When the value is 'true', ASBRs can advertise VPRN routes to their peers in other autonomous systems, and when it is 'false', they cannot." DEFVAL {false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 62 } tBgpInstancePurgeTimer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..60) UNITS "minutes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePurgeTimer specifies the maximum time, in minutes, before stale routes are purged." DEFVAL { 10 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 63 } tBgpInstanceLocalAS4Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceLocalAS4Byte specifies the autonomous system number to be advertised to this peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 64 } tBgpInstanceConfederationAS4Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceConfederationAS4Byte indicates the confederation AS for this BGP instance. A value of zero indicates that no confederation AS has been assigned." ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 65 } tBgpInstanceDisable4ByteASN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDisable4ByteASN specifies whether or not 4-byte ASN capability will be advertised by this peer. When the value of tBgpInstanceDisable4ByteASN is set to false, 4-byte ASN support will be negotiated with the associated remote peers. When the value of tBgpInstanceDisable4ByteASN is set to true, 4-byte ASN capability will not be advertised by this peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 66 } tBgpInstanceMultipathEiBgpState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxEnabledDisabled MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMultipathEiBgpState specifies whether eiBGP load balancing is enabled or not. When the value of this object is set to 'enabled', eiBGP load balancing is enabled which allows the routes to be sent through multiple paths using iBGP or eBGP paths." DEFVAL { disabled } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 67 } tBgpInstanceHoldTimeIsStrict OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceHoldTimeIsStrict specifies whether or not tBgpInstanceHoldTime has to be strictly enforced. When the value of tBgpInstanceHoldTimeIsStrict is true, BGP will not negotiate a hold time lower than the configured value for tBgpInstanceHoldTime. This object is obsoleted in release 10.0. Desired functionality of strict enforcement of hold time can be achieved by configuring the value of tBgpInstanceMinHoldTime." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 68 } tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnoreFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnoreFamily specifies address families for which the AS path is used to determine the best BGP route. If this option is present, the AS paths of incoming routes are not used in the route selection process for the given families. A 'vpnIpv4 (2)' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. 'ipv6 (3)', 'mcastIpv4 (4)', and 'l2vpn (6)' are multi-protocol extensions to BGP. A 'vpnIpv6 (5)' address is a 24-byte value consisting of the 8-byte RD, and 16 bytes for the IPv6 address. When both IPv4 and IPv6 VPRN services are enabled, the PE router uses the same RD for both address families. A 'mvpnIpv4 (7)' address is variable size value consisting of the 1-byte route type, 1-byte length and variable size route type specific. Route type defines encoding for the route type specific field. Length indicates the length in octets of the route type specific field." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 69 } tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateASLmtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateASLmtd specifies whether BGP will remove the private AS numbers. When the value of tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateASLmtd is true, BGP will remove private AS numbers from the AS Path." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 70 } tBgpInstancePMTUDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePMTUDiscovery specifies whether path MTU discovery is enabled for this BGP instance. When the value is set to 'true', path MTU discovery is enabled for this BGP instance. When the value is set to 'false', path MTU discovery is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 71 } tBgpInstanceDisableRtTblInstall OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDisableRtTblInstall specifies whether to disable the installation of all (labeled and unlabeled) IPv4 and IPv6 BGP routes into RTM (Routing Table Manager) and the FIB (Forwarding Information Base) on the base router instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 72 } tBgpInstanceNHResUseBgpRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceNHResUseBgpRoutes specifies whether to use BGP routes to resolve BGP nexthop for IPv4 and IPv6 families on this router instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceEntry 73 } -- -- Peer Group objects -- tBgpPeerGroupTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupTableLastChanged specifies the last timestamp when an entry in the tBgpPeerGroupTable was last changed." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupObjects 1 } tBgpPeerGroupTableSpinlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestAndIncr MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupTableSpinlock specifies voluntary serialization control for tBgpPeerGroupTable. It is mainly used to coordinate changes to tBgpPeerGroupInheritance." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupObjects 2 } tBgpPeerGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerGroupTable is the list of configured BGP Peer Groups. The table entries are indexed by the Peer Group Name." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupObjects 3 } tBgpPeerGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeerGroupTable. An entry can be created using the row status object, tBgpPeerGroupRowStatus. When created, all objects are initialized to their default values. Before the Peer entry can be used, tBgpPeerGroupRowStatus must be set to 'active(1)'. The Peer entry can be removed by setting tBgpPeerRowStatus to 'destroy(6)'." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerGroupName } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupTable 1 } TBgpPeerGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerGroupName BgpPeerGroupName, tBgpPeerGroupRowStatus RowStatus, tBgpPeerGroupShutdown TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupDescription DisplayString, tBgpPeerGroupConnectRetry BgpConnectRetryTime, tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime BgpHoldTime, tBgpPeerGroupKeepAlive BgpKeepAliveTime, tBgpPeerGroupMinASOrigination BgpMinASOriginationTime, tBgpPeerGroupDampening TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAddress IpAddress, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpPeerGroupLocalPreference TmnxBgpLocalPreference, tBgpPeerGroupLoopDetect BgpLoopDetect, tBgpPeerGroupMinRouteAdvertisement BgpMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix BgpPrefixLimit, tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource BgpMEDSource, tBgpPeerGroupMEDValue BgpMEDValue, tBgpPeerGroupMultihop BgpTimeToLive, tBgpPeerGroupNextHopSelf TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupNoAggregatorID TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupPassive TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpPeerGroupPeerType BgpPeerType, tBgpPeerGroupPreference TmnxBgpPreference, tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateAS TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupLastChanged TimeStamp, tBgpPeerGroupInheritance Counter64, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupOperStatus BgpOperState, tBgpPeerGroupLocalASPrivate TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupMd5Auth TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupMd5AuthKey OCTET STRING, tBgpPeerGroupClusterId IpAddress, tBgpPeerGroupDisableClientReflect TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupGracefulRestart TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupGRRestartTime Unsigned32, tBgpPeerGroupGRStaleRoute Unsigned32, tBgpPeerGroupGRAdminState TmnxAdminState, tBgpPeerGroupGROperState TmnxOperState, tBgpPeerGroupFamily TmnxIpFamily, tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyImport TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyExport TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupASOverride TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsSendOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsRecvOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupDynamicPeerGroup TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS4Byte InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS4Byte InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpPeerGroupDisable4ByteASN TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupHoldTimeIsStrict TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateASLmtd TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupPMTUDiscovery TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixLogOnly TruthValue, tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixThreshold Unsigned32, tBgpPeerGroupDisableCapNego TruthValue } tBgpPeerGroupName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerGroupName MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupName specifies the name of the Peer Group for the entry." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 1 } tBgpPeerGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupRowStatus specifies the row status for this BGP instance for the virtual router. It is used to create and delete row entries in this table. In order for an attempt to 'destroy' this row entry to succeed, the value of tBgpPeerGroupShutdown must be 'true'." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 2 } tBgpPeerGroupShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupShutdown controls whether or not to advertise peers in this group or not. A value of 'false(2)' means no shutdown, so advertise peers under this group. A value of 'true(1)' means this entry is shutdown, so do not advertise peers in this group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 3 } tBgpPeerGroupDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupDescription specifies a user provided description string for this Peer Group. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 4 } tBgpPeerGroupConnectRetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpConnectRetryTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupConnectRetry specifies the value (in seconds) of the BGP Connect Retry timer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval" DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 5 } tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpHoldTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime specifies the value (in seconds) of the BGP Hold Time." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerHoldTime" DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 6 } tBgpPeerGroupKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpKeepAliveTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupKeepAlive specifies the value of the BGP Keepalive timer. A keepalive message is sent every time this timer expires." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerKeepAlive" DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 7 } tBgpPeerGroupMinASOrigination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinASOriginationTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMinASOrigination specifies the minimal interval (in seconds) at which a given path attribute can be advertised to a peer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval" DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 8 } tBgpPeerGroupDampening OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupDampening specifies if route dampening is applied to learned routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 9 } tBgpPeerGroupLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupLocalAddress specifies the local IP address to be used by peers in this group if not configured for the peer as advertisement source address. If set to, then use a (non- Peer Group Local Address, or a (non- global Local Address. If both are zero then find the local address by querying the closest interface to the peer address from the routing table." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } -- ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 10 } tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS specifies the autonomous system number to be advertised for peers under this group. This object was obsoleted in release 7.0. It is replaced with the 4-byte AS number defined by tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS4Byte." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 11 } tBgpPeerGroupLocalPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpLocalPreference MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupLocalPreference specifies the default value for the Local Preference attribute. This value is used if the BGP route arrives from a BGP peer without the Local Preference attribute set. It is overridden by any value set via a route policy." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 12 } tBgpPeerGroupLoopDetect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpLoopDetect MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupLoopDetect determines how the peer session should deal with loop detection in the AS Path." DEFVAL { ignore } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 13 } tBgpPeerGroupMinRouteAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinRouteAdvertisement UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMinRouteAdvertisement specifies the minimum interval at which a given path attribute is advertised to a peer." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 14 } tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPrefixLimit UNITS "number of routes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix specifies the maximum number of routes that can be learned from this peer. A value of zero specifies there is no limit to the number of routes learned. The tBgpMaxNgPrefixThreshReached notification is sent when the number of routes exceeds a percentage of this limit as specified by tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixThreshold. When the number of routes exceeds this limit, then BGP peering will be disabled and the tBgpMaxNgPrefix100 notification will be sent." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 15 } tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource specifies the source of the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) value for peers in this group." DEFVAL { noMedOut } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 16 } tBgpPeerGroupMEDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMEDValue specifies the value of MED when tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource is 'metricVal'. If the value of tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource is not 'metricVal', this object is ignored." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 17 } tBgpPeerGroupMultihop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpTimeToLive UNITS "TTL hops" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMultihop specifies the TTL used in IP packet header for BGP advertisements. Default TTL values for EBGP peer is 1, and MAX_TTL for IBGP peers. Default value if not set is no_type - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 18 } tBgpPeerGroupNextHopSelf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupNextHopSelf specifies if routes advertised to EBGP peers in this group have NEXTHOP path attribute set to this router's physical interface. When false, third party routes are advertised." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 20 } tBgpPeerGroupNoAggregatorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupNoAggregatorID specifies if different routers in the same AS create aggregate routes containing different AS paths. A value of 'true' would enable setting the router ID to 0 in the aggregator path attribute when BGP is aggregating routes. A value of 'false' would disable setting the router ID to 0 in the aggregator path attribute when BGP is aggregating routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 21 } tBgpPeerGroupPassive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPassive specifies if the peers in this group will not attempt to connect to the far end peer or just wait for the far end peer to connect." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 22 } tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS specifies the Autonomous System number for the remote peer. This object was obsoleted in release 7.0. It is replaced with the 4-byte AS number defined by tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS4Byte." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 23 } tBgpPeerGroupPeerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPeerType specifies the type of peer - noType(1), internal(2) and external(3). Default value if not set is noType - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { noType } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 24 } tBgpPeerGroupPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpPreference (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPreference specifies the route preference for routes learned via the peer." DEFVAL { 170 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 25 } tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateAS specifies if private AS numbers should be stripped from the AS Path before advertising them to BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 26 } tBgpPeerGroupLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value tBgpPeerGroupLastChanged indicates when an entry in tBgpPeerGroupTable was last changed." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 27 } tBgpPeerGroupInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupInheritance specifies if the group entry in this row, should inherit the operational value of an object, or use the administratively set value. this object is a bit-mask, with the following positions: tBgpPeerGroupShutdown 0x04 tBgpPeerGroupConnectRetry 0x10 tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime 0x20 tBgpPeerGroupKeepAlive 0x40 tBgpPeerGroupMinASOrigination 0x80 tBgpPeerGroupDampening 0x100 tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS4Byte 0x400 tBgpPeerGroupLocalPreference 0x800 tBgpPeerGroupLoopDetect 0x1000 tBgpPeerGroupMinRouteAdvertisement 0x2000 tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource 0x8000 tBgpPeerGroupMEDValue 0x10000 tBgpPeerGroupMultihop 0x20000 tBgpPeerGroupNoAggregatorID 0x100000 tBgpPeerGroupPreference 0x1000000 tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateAS 0x2000000 tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy1 0x8000000 tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy1 0x100000000 tBgpPeerGroupLocalASPrivate 0x2000000000 tBgpPeerGroupMd5Auth 0x4000000000 tBgpPeerGroupMd5AuthKey 0x8000000000 tBgpPeerGroupClusterId 0x10000000000 tBgpPeerGroupDisableClientReflect 0x20000000000 tBgpPeerGroupGracefulRestart 0x40000000000 tBgpPeerGroupGRRestartTime 0x80000000000 tBgpPeerGroupGRStaleRoute 0x100000000000 tBgpPeerGroupGRAdminState 0x200000000000 tBgpPeerGroupFamily 0x400000000000 tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyImport 0x800000000000 tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyExport 0x1000000000000 tBgpPeerGroupOrf 0x4000000000000 tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsOrf 0x8000000000000 tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsSendOrf 0x10000000000000 tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsRecvOrf 0x20000000000000 tBgpPeerGroupDisable4ByteASN 0x80000000000000 tBgpPeerGroupHoldTimeIsStrict 0x100000000000000 tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateASLmtd 0x200000000000000 tBgpPeerGroupPMTUDiscovery 0x400000000000000 These named bits correspond to the names of objects in this table, but all import and export policy objects are represented by the same tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy1/tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy1 bit. When the bit for an object is set to one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value is. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the object's administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding object in tBgpInstanceTable." DEFVAL { 0 } -- by default inherit everything from tBgpInstanceTable ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 28 } tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy1 specifies import policy number 1 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy1." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 30 } tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy2 specifies import policy number 2 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy2." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 31 } tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy3 specifies import policy number 3 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy3." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 32 } tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy4 specifies import policy number 4 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy4." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 33 } tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy5 specifies import policy number 5 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy5." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 34 } tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy1 specifies export policy number 1 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy1." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 35 } tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy2 specifies export policy number 2 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy2." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 36 } tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy3 specifies export policy number 3 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy3." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 37 } tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy4 specifies export policy number 4 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy4." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 38 } tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy5 specifies export policy number 5 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy5." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 39 } tBgpPeerGroupOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupOperStatus indicates the operational status of this BGP Group for the virtual router. A value of 'inService(2)' means the bgp group is fully functional. A value of 'outOfService(3)' means the bgp group is down. A value of 'transition(4)' means the bgp group is performing a transition from state inService(2) to outOfService(3) or vice-versa. A value of 'disabled(5)' means the BGP group needs to be restarted by the user." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 40 } tBgpPeerGroupLocalASPrivate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupLocalASPrivate specifies if the local autonomous system number is hidden in paths learned from peering." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 41 } tBgpPeerGroupMd5Auth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMd5Auth specifies if the authentication using MD5 message based digest protocol is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 42 } tBgpPeerGroupMd5AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMd5AuthKey specifies the authentication key to be used between BGP peers neighbors before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol. Authentication can be configured globally and applied to all BGP peers or per group or per peer. The most specific value is used. The authentication key can be any combination of letters or numbers. Note that the string may contain embedded nulls." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 43 } tBgpPeerGroupClusterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of tBgpPeerGroupClusterId specifies the cluster ID for a route reflector server. A value of indicates that no cluster ID has been assigned to the BGP group." DEFVAL {'00000000'H } -- ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 44 } tBgpPeerGroupDisableClientReflect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupDisableClientReflect specifies if reflection of routes by the route reflector to all client peers within its cluster is enabled or disabled. A value of 'false' means reflection of routes to all client peers is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 45 } tBgpPeerGroupGracefulRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupGracefulRestart specifies whether or not graceful restart capabilities are enabled on this instance of BGP. When the value is set to 'false' graceful restart is disabled and any previous configuration of other graceful restart parameters is removed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 46 } tBgpPeerGroupGRRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupGRRestartTime specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that a graceful restart should take." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 47 } tBgpPeerGroupGRStaleRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupGRStaleRoute specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that stale routes should be maintained after a graceful restart is initiated. This value should be at least as large as the value of tBgpPeerGroupGRRestartTime." DEFVAL { 360 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 48 } tBgpPeerGroupGRAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupGRAdminState specifies the desired administrative state of the graceful restart capabilities for this peer group of the BGP protocol. When the value is 'outOfService' the graceful restart capabilities are disabled but the graceful restart configuration parameters are retained." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 49 } tBgpPeerGroupGROperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupGROperState indicates the operational status of the graceful restart capabilities for this peer group of the BGP protocol." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 50 } tBgpPeerGroupFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupFamily specifies the types of routing information to be distributed by this peer group of BGP. BGP was initially designed for the distribution of IPv4 routing information. Multi-protocol extensions and the use of a VPN-IPv4, VPN-IPv6, MVPN-IPv4 and L2-VPN addresses have been added to extend its ability to carry overlapping routing information. A 'vpnIpv4 (2)' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. 'ipv6 (3)', 'mcastIpv4 (4)', 'l2vpn (6)' and 'mcastVpnIpv4 (12)' are multi-protocol extensions to BGP. A 'vpnIpv6 (5)' address is a 24-byte value consisting of the 8-byte RD, and 16 bytes for the IPv6 address. When both IPv4 and IPv6 VPRN services are enabled, the PE router uses the same RD for both address families. A 'l2vpn (6)' address is a 12-byte Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-ID) value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte value. A 'mvpnIpv4 (7)' address is variable size value consisting of the 1-byte route type, 1-byte length and variable size route type specific. Route type defines encoding for the route type specific field. Length indicates the length in octets of the route type specific field." DEFVAL { {ipv4} } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 51 } tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyImport specifies if the BGP import route policies are applied to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group. When the value is 'false' the application of the base instance BGP import route policies to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 52 } tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyExport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyExport specifies if the BGP export route policies are applied to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group. When the value is 'false' the application of the BGP export route policies to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 53 } tBgpPeerGroupASOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupASOverride specifies if the service provider BGP will override the customer AS number in the ASPATH with its own AS number. A value of 'true' means the service provider BGP will override the customer AS number in the ASPATH with its own AS number. Without this feature there could be scenarios where multiple CE locations belonging to the same AS will not be able to communicate due to a potential loop detection." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 54 } tBgpPeerGroupOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupOrf specifies if outbound route filtering capability is enabled or disabled for the BGP group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 55 } tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsOrf specifies if outbound route filtering capability is based on extended communities for the BGP group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 56 } tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsSendOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsSendOrf specifies if outbound route filter advertisement to the neighbors in this BGP group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 57 } tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsRecvOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsRecvOrf specifies if outbound route filter for this BGP group is accepted from the neighbors is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 58 } tBgpPeerGroupDynamicPeerGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupDynamicPeerGroup specifies wheter or not this peer group is dedicated to containing dynamicly created peers. A value for this object can only be set during row creation. When set to TRUE it will not be possible to configure bgp peers in this group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 59 } tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS4Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS4Byte specifies the autonomous system number to be advertised to this peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 60 } tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS4Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS4Byte specifies the autonomous system number for the remote peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 61 } tBgpPeerGroupDisable4ByteASN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupDisable4ByteASN specifies whether or not 4-byte ASN capability will be advertised by this peer. When the value of tBgpPeerGroupDisable4ByteASN is set to false, 4-byte ASN support will be negotiated with the associated remote peers. When the value of tBgpPeerGroupDisable4ByteASN is set to true, 4-byte ASN capability will not be advertised by this peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 62 } tBgpPeerGroupHoldTimeIsStrict OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupHoldTimeIsStrict specifies whether or not tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime has to be strictly enforced. When the value of tBgpPeerGroupHoldTimeIsStrict is true, this BGP peer group will not negotiate a hold time lower than the configured value for tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime. This object is obsoleted in release 10.0. Desired functionality of strict enforcement of hold time can be achieved by configuring the value of tBgpPGMinHoldTime." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 63 } tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateASLmtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateASLmtd specifies whether BGP will remove the private AS numbers for this group. When the value of tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateASLmtd is true, BGP will remove private AS numbers from the AS Path for this group. When the value of tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateAS is changed, the value of tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateASLmtd is reset to its default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to its default value. This object can be reset by resetting appropriate inheritance bit of tBgpPeerGroupInheritance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 64 } tBgpPeerGroupPMTUDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPMTUDiscovery specifies whether path MTU discovery is enabled for this group. When the value is set to 'true', path MTU discovery is enabled for this group. When the value is set to 'false', path MTU discovery is disabled for this group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 65 } tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixLogOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixLogOnly specifies whether BGP peering will be disabled when tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix is exceeded. When the value is set to 'true', BGP peering will be enabled. When the value is set to 'false', BGP peering will be disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 66 } tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixThreshold specifies a percentage of tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 67 } tBgpPeerGroupDisableCapNego OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupDisableCapNego specifies whether capability negotiation is disabled for this group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupEntry 68 } -- -- BGP Peer Group Send Orf Route Target Table -- tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the route targets to be advertised to the peers if ORF is enabled for this peer group." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupObjects 4 } tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetTable. Each entry represents a route target to be advertised to the peers in this group." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerGroupName, IMPLIED tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTarget } ::= { tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetTable 1 } TBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTarget TNamedItem, tBgpPGSendOrfRTRowStatus RowStatus } tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetTable. The value of tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTarget specifies the extended community name to be advertised to the peer." ::= { tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetEntry 1 } tBgpPGSendOrfRTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus for the Send Orf Route target entry." ::= { tBgpPGSendOrfRouteTargetEntry 2 } -- -- BGP Peer Group Params Table -- tBgpPeerGroupParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the attributes configured for the BGP instance." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupObjects 5 } tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tBgpPeerGroupParamsTable. Each entry maintains the attributes configured for BGP instance." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerGroupName } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsTable 1 } TBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPGParamsInheritance Counter64, tBgpPGDisableFEFailover TruthValue, tBgpPGDisableComms TruthValue, tBgpPGDisableExtComms TruthValue, tBgpPGDefaultOriginate TruthValue, tBgpPGAdvertiseInactiveRts TruthValue, tBgpPGMinTTLValue Unsigned32, tBgpPGTTLLogId TFilterLogId, tBgpPGLocalAddressType InetAddressType, tBgpPGLocalAddress InetAddress, tBgpPGPeerTracking TruthValue, tBgpPGAuthKeyChain TNamedItemOrEmpty, tBgpPGBfdEnabled TruthValue, tBgpPGEnableAddPath TruthValue, tBgpPGRecvAddPath TmnxAddPathAddressFamily, tBgpPGIpv4AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpPGVpnIpv4AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpPGIpv6AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpPGVpnIpv6AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpPGFlowspecValidate TruthValue, tBgpPGUpdatedErrorHandling TruthValue, tBgpPGDefaultRouteTarget TruthValue, tBgpPGAigp TruthValue, tBgpPGMinHoldTime BgpHoldTime, tBgpPGRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs TruthValue } tBgpPGParamsInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGParamsInheritance specifies if the peer entry in this row, should inherit the operational value of an object, or use the administratively set value. this object is a bit-mask, with the following positions: tBgpPGDisableFEFailover 0x0000000000000002 tBgpPGDisableComms 0x0000000000000004 tBgpPGDisableExtComms 0x0000000000000008 tBgpPGDefaultOriginate 0x0000000000000010 tBgpPGAdvertiseInactiveRts 0x0000000000000020 tBgpPGPeerTracking 0x0000000000000400 tBgpPGAuthKeyChain 0x0000000000000800 tBgpPGBfdEnabled 0x0000000000001000 tBgpPGEnableAddPath 0x0000000000002000 tBgpPGRecvAddPath 0x0000000000004000 tBgpPGIpv4AddPathLimit 0x0000000000008000 tBgpPGVpnIpv4AddPathLimit 0x0000000000010000 tBgpPGIpv6AddPathLimit 0x0000000000020000 tBgpPGVpnIpv6AddPathLimit 0x0000000000040000 tBgpPGFlowspecValidate 0x0000000000080000 tBgpPGRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs 0x0000000001000000 When the bit for an object is set to one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value is. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the object's administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding object in tBgpInstanceTable. By default all of these attributes should be inherited from the tBgpInstanceParamsTable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 1 } tBgpPGDisableFEFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGDisableFEFailover controls whether the router should drop an external BGP session immediately when the local interface goes down, or whether the BGP session should be kept up until the holdtime expires. Setting the value to 'true' causes the external BGP session to go down immediately when the local interface goes down." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 2 } tBgpPGDisableComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGDisableComms enables or disables sending of community attribute to the peer for non-external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 3 } tBgpPGDisableExtComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGDisableExtComms enables or disables sending of community attribute to the peers for external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 4 } tBgpPGDefaultOriginate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGDefaultOriginate enables or disables the sending of default routes to the peer, making it independent of the route policies." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 5 } tBgpPGAdvertiseInactiveRts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGAdvertiseInactiveRts enables or disables advertising of inactive BGP routes to other BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 6 } tBgpPGMinTTLValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGMinTTLValue specifies the minimum TTL value for an incoming BGP packet. If tBgpPGMinTTLValue is set to zero (0), the TTL Security feature is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 7 } tBgpPGTTLLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGTTLLogId specifies the filter log to use for packets that fail TTL security check. The value zero indicates that logging is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 8 } tBgpPGLocalAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGLocalAddressType specifies the address type of the peer group local address. tBgpPGLocalAddressType can be either unknown, ipv4 or ipv6." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 9 } tBgpPGLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGLocalAddress specifies the address of the peer group local address. If the tBgpPGLocalAddressType is set to ipv4, then the local address is an ipv4 address, if the tBgpPGLocalAddressType is set to ipv6, the local address of the peer group is an ipv6 address. If local address is not set, tBgpPGLocalAddressType is set to unknown and tBgpPGLocalAddress returns a null string." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 10 } tBgpPGPeerTracking OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGPeerTracking specifies whether tracking of BGP peers on this peer group is enabled. The default value of 'false' indicates that peer tracking on this group is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 11 } tBgpPGAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGAuthKeyChain specifies the keychain which will be used to sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream. The keychain name is defined by tmnxKeyChainName and is the index for TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB::tmnxKeyChainTable" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 12 } tBgpPGBfdEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGBfdEnabled specifies whether Bi-directional Forwarding Detection is enabled on this peer group. When the value is 'true', BFD sessions can be established and BFD can be used as a signalling mechanism." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 13 } tBgpPGEnableAddPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGEnableAddPath specifies whether the BGP ADD-PATH send capability is enabled on this BGP group. ADD-PATH allows a BGP router to advertise multiple distinct paths for the same prefix/NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information). This capability provides a number of potential benifits like reduced routing churn, faster convergence, better loadsharing etc. When the value of tBgpPGEnableAddPath is set to 'true', the BGP ADD-PATH send limit objects tBgpPGIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpPGVpnIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpPGIpv6AddPathLimit and tBgpPGVpnIpv6AddPathLimit represent their current assigned values. The default value of tBgpPGEnableAddPath is 'false', which means the values of the BGP ADD-PATH send limit objects are inherited from from BGP instance level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 14 } tBgpPGRecvAddPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathAddressFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGRecvAddPath specifies the address families which are enabled to receive BGP ADD-PATH on this peer group. ADD-PATH allows a BGP router to receive multiple distinct paths for the same prefix/NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information)." DEFVAL { {none} } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 15 } tBgpPGIpv4AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceIpv4AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per IPv4 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers on this peer group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 16 } tBgpPGVpnIpv4AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceVpnIpv4AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per VPN IPv4 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers on this peer group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 17 } tBgpPGIpv6AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceIpv6AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per IPv6 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers on this peer group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 18 } tBgpPGVpnIpv6AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceVpnIpv6AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per VPN IPv6 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers on this peer group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 19 } tBgpPGFlowspecValidate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGFlowspecValidate specifies whether validation of received flow specification routes is enabled for this peer group. When the value of tBgpPGFlowspecValidate is 'true', the flow routes received from other peers are validated. The default value of tBgpPGFlowspecValidate is 'false', which means validation of received flow routes is disabled and all flow specification routes are considered valid." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 20 } tBgpPGUpdatedErrorHandling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGUpdatedErrorHandling specifies whether the error handling mechanism for optional transitive path attributes is enabled for this peer group." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 21 } tBgpPGDefaultRouteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGDefaultRouteTarget specifies whether to send the default Route Target Constraint (RTC) route to peers in this BGP peer group. The default RTC route is a special type of RTC route that has zero prefix length." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 22 } tBgpPGAigp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGAigp specifies whether Accumulated IGP (AIGP) path attribute support is enabled on this bgp group. The default value of tBgpPGAigp is 'false', which means the AIGP attribute is removed from the advertised routes and is ignored if present in the received routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 23 } tBgpPGMinHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpHoldTime MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPGMinHoldTime specifies the minimum hold time that should be strictly enforced on tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime. When the value of tBgpPGMinHoldTime is configured, BGP will not negotiate a hold time lower than the configured value. When the value of tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime is changed, the value of tBgpPGMinHoldTime is reset to its default value. The value of tBgpPGMinHoldTime is inherited from the corresponding object value in the tBgpInstanceTable, when the inheritance bit for tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime is set to zero. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a non-default value when the value of tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime is inherited from instance level. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 24 } tBgpPGRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs specifies whether or not to remove the private autonomous system number (ASN) from AS-Path, if the AS-Path contains the ASN of the external BGP (eBGP) neighbor on this BGP peer group. When the value of tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs is true, BGP will not remove the private ASN from the AS-Path if it is the same autonomous system number as the remote eBGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupParamsEntry 25 } -- -- Peer Group Policy objects -- tBgpPeerGroupPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerGroupPlcyTable is the list of configured policies in BGP Peer Groups." ::= { tBgpPeerGroupObjects 6 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeerGroupPlcyTable." AUGMENTS { tBgpPeerGroupEntry } ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyTable 1 } TBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy6 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy7 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy8 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy9 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy10 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy11 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy12 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy13 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy14 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy15 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy6 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy7 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy8 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy9 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy10 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy11 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy12 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy13 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy14 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy15 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy1 specifies the first import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 1 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy2 specifies the second import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 2 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy3 specifies the third import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 3 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy4 specifies the fourth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 4 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy5 specifies the fifth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 5 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy6 specifies the sixth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 6 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy7 specifies the seventh import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 7 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy8 specifies the eighth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 8 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy9 specifies the ninth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 9 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy10 specifies the tenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 10 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy11 specifies the eleventh import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 11 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy12 specifies the twelfth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 12 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy13 specifies the thirteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 13 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy14 specifies the fourteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 14 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy15 specifies the fifteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 15 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy1 specifies the first export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 16 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy2 specifies the second export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 17 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy3 specifies the third export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 18 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy4 specifies the fourth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 19 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy5 specifies the fifth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 20 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy6 specifies the sixth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 21 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy7 specifies the seventh export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 22 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy8 specifies the eighth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 23 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy9 specifies the ninth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 24 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy10 specifies the tenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 25 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy11 specifies the eleventh export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 26 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy12 specifies the twelfth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 27 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy13 specifies the thirteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 28 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy14 specifies the fourteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 29 } tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy15 specifies the fifteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerGroupPlcyEntry 30 } -- -- Peer objects -- tBgpPeerTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupTableLastChanged specifies the last timestamp when an entry in the tBgpPeerGroupTable was last changed." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 1 } tBgpPeerTableSpinlock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TestAndIncr MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGroupTableSpinlock specifies voluntary serialization control for tBgpPeerGroupTable. It is mainly used to coordinate changes to tBgpPeerInheritance." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 2 } tBgpPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerTable is the list of configured BGP Peers. The table entries are indexed by the peer's IP address. For administrative convenience the Peer Group name should be set but is not used for sorting in the agent." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 3 } tBgpPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeerTable. An entry can be created using the row status object, tBgpPeerRowStatus. When created, all objects are initialized to their default values. Before the Peer entry can be used, tBgpPeerRowStatus must be set to 'active(1)'. The Peer entry can be removed by setting tBgpPeerRowStatus to 'destroy(6)'. The Peer entry will be advertised to BGP peers when tBgpPeerShutdown is false." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerAddress } ::= { tBgpPeerTable 1 } TBgpPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerAddress IpAddress, tBgpPeerPeerGroup BgpPeerGroupNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerRowStatus RowStatus, tBgpPeerShutdown TruthValue, tBgpPeerDescription DisplayString, tBgpPeerConnectRetry BgpConnectRetryTime, tBgpPeerHoldTime BgpHoldTime, tBgpPeerKeepAlive BgpKeepAliveTime, tBgpPeerMinASOrigination BgpMinASOriginationTime, tBgpPeerDampening TruthValue, tBgpPeerLocalAddress IpAddress, tBgpPeerLocalAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpPeerLocalPreference TmnxBgpLocalPreference, tBgpPeerLoopDetect BgpLoopDetect, tBgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisement BgpMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerMaxPrefix BgpPrefixLimit, tBgpPeerMEDSource BgpMEDSource, tBgpPeerMEDValue BgpMEDValue, tBgpPeerMultihop BgpTimeToLive, tBgpPeerNextHopSelf TruthValue, tBgpPeerNoAggregatorID TruthValue, tBgpPeerPassive TruthValue, tBgpPeerPeerAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpPeerPeerType BgpPeerType, tBgpPeerPreference TmnxBgpPreference, tBgpPeerRemovePrivateAS TruthValue, tBgpPeerLastChanged TimeStamp, tBgpPeerInheritance Counter64, tBgpPeerImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerOperStatus BgpOperState, tBgpPeerLocalASPrivate TruthValue, tBgpPeerMd5Auth TruthValue, tBgpPeerMd5AuthKey OCTET STRING, tBgpPeerClusterId IpAddress, tBgpPeerDisableClientReflect TruthValue, tBgpPeerGracefulRestart TruthValue, tBgpPeerGRRestartTime Unsigned32, tBgpPeerGRStaleRoute Unsigned32, tBgpPeerGRAdminState TmnxAdminState, tBgpPeerGROperState TmnxOperState, tBgpPeerFamily TmnxIpFamily, tBgpPeerVpnRemoteFamily TmnxIpFamily, tBgpPeerVpnApplyImport TruthValue, tBgpPeerVpnApplyExport TruthValue, tBgpPeerVpnLocalCaps TmnxVpnCapability, tBgpPeerVpnRemoteCaps TmnxVpnCapability, tBgpPeerConnState INTEGER, tBgpPeerASOverride TruthValue, tBgpPeerOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerExtCommsOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerExtCommsSendOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerExtCommsRecvOrf TruthValue } tBgpPeerAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Index for tBgpPeerTable, tBgpPeerAddress indicates the IP address of the Peer." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 1 } tBgpPeerPeerGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerGroupNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPeerGroup specifies the name of the Peer group for the Peer. This object can only be set when the tBgpPeerRowStatus is not active(1). Setting this object causes the Peer attributes to be set to the inherited values from the Peer Group and from the global BGP defaults. This will destroy any previously configured values. So, when creating a row, set this object first, or second after tBgpPeerAddress. Then set any peer attribute objects." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 2 } tBgpPeerRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerRowStatus specifies the row status for this BGP Peer for the virtual router. It is used to create and delete row entries in this table. In order for an attempt to 'destroy' this row entry to succeed, the value of tBgpPeerShutdown must be 'true'." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 3 } tBgpPeerShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerShutdown specifies if we advertise this peer or not. A value of false(2) means no shutdown, so advertise; true(1) means this entry is shutdown, so do not advertise." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 4 } tBgpPeerDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerDescription specifies a user provided description string for this peer entry. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 5 } tBgpPeerConnectRetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpConnectRetryTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerConnectRetry specifies the value (in seconds) of the BGP Connect Retry timer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval" DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 6 } tBgpPeerHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpHoldTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerHoldTime specifies the value (in seconds) of the BGP Hold Time." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerHoldTime" DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 7 } tBgpPeerKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpKeepAliveTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerKeepAlive specifies the value of the BGP Keepalive timer. A keepalive message is sent every time this timer expires." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerKeepAlive" DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 8 } tBgpPeerMinASOrigination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinASOriginationTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMinASOrigination specifies the minimal interval (in seconds) at which a given path attribute can be advertised to a peer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval" DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 9 } tBgpPeerDampening OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerDampening specifies if route dampening is applied to learned routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 10 } tBgpPeerLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerLocalAddress specifies the local IP address to be used by this peer. If set to, then use a (non- Peer Group Local Address, or a (non- global Local Address. If both are zero then find the local address by querying the closest interface to the peer address from the routing table." DEFVAL { '00000000'H } -- ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 11 } tBgpPeerLocalAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerLocalAS specifies the autonomous system number to be advertised for this peer. If the value of tBgpPeerLocalAS, the value of tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS or tBgpInstanceLocalAS will be used in that order." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 12 } tBgpPeerLocalPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpLocalPreference MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerLocalPreference specifies the default value for the Local Preference attribute. This value is used if the BGP route arrives from a BGP peer without the Local Preference attribute set. It is overridden by any value set via a route policy." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 13 } tBgpPeerLoopDetect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpLoopDetect MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerLoopDetect determines how the peer session should deal with loop detection in the AS Path." DEFVAL { ignore } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 14 } tBgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinRouteAdvertisement UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisement specifies the minimum interval at which a given path attribute is advertised to a peer." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 15 } tBgpPeerMaxPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPrefixLimit UNITS "number of routes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "configures the maximum number of routes that can be learned from this peer. zero means 'no limit'. if the number of routes exceeds 90% of this limit, then the tBgpMaxPrefix90 notification is sent. if the number of routes exceeds this limit, then BGP peering will be dropped. Also, the tBgpMaxPrefix100 notification will be sent." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 16 } tBgpPeerMEDSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMEDSource specifies the source of the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) value for peers in this group." DEFVAL { noMedOut } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 17 } tBgpPeerMEDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMEDValue specifies the value of MED when tBgpPeerMEDSource is 'metricVal'. If the value of tBgpPeerMEDSource is not 'metricVal', this object is ignored." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 18 } tBgpPeerMultihop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpTimeToLive UNITS "TTL hops" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMultihop specifies the TTL used in IP packet header for BGP advertisements. Default TTL values for EBGP peer is 1, and MAX_TTL for IBGP peers. Default value if not set is no_type - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 19 } tBgpPeerNextHopSelf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNextHopSelf specifies if routes advertised to EBGP peers in this group have NEXTHOP path attribute set to this router's physical interface. When false, third party routes are advertised." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 21 } tBgpPeerNoAggregatorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNoAggregatorID specifies if different routers in the same AS create aggregate routes containing different AS paths. A value of 'true' would enable setting the router ID to 0 in the aggregator path attribute when BGP is aggregating routes. A value of 'false' would disable setting the router ID to 0 in the aggregator path attribute when BGP is aggregating routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 22 } tBgpPeerPassive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPassive specifies if the peer will not attempt to connect to the far end peer or just wait for the far end peer to connect." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 23 } tBgpPeerPeerAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPeerAS specifies the Autonomous System number for the remote peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 24 } tBgpPeerPeerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPeerType specifies the type of peer - noType(1), internal(2) and external(3). Default value if not set is noType - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { noType } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 25 } tBgpPeerPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpPreference (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPreference specifies the route preference for routes learned via the peer." DEFVAL { 170 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 26 } tBgpPeerRemovePrivateAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerRemovePrivateAS specifies if private AS numbers should be stripped from the AS Path before advertising them to BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 27 } tBgpPeerLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value tBgpPeerLastChanged indicates when an entry in tBgpPeerTable was last changed." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 28 } tBgpPeerInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerInheritance specifies if the peer entry in this row, should inherit the operational value of an object, or use the administratively set value. This object is a bit-mask, with the following positions: tBgpPeerShutdown 0x04 tBgpPeerConnectRetry 0x10 tBgpPeerHoldTime 0x20 tBgpPeerKeepAlive 0x40 tBgpPeerMinASOrigination 0x80 tBgpPeerDampening 0x100 tBgpPeerLocalAddress 0x200 tBgpPeerLocalAS 0x400 tBgpPeerLocalPreference 0x800 tBgpPeerLoopDetect 0x1000 tBgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisement 0x2000 tBgpPeerMaxPrefix 0x4000 tBgpPeerMEDSource 0x8000 tBgpPeerMEDValue 0x10000 tBgpPeerMultihop 0x20000 tBgpPeerNextHopSelf 0x80000 tBgpPeerNoAggregatorID 0x100000 tBgpPeerPassive 0x200000 tBgpPeerPeerAS 0x400000 tBgpPeerPeerType 0x800000 tBgpPeerPreference 0x1000000 tBgpPeerRemovePrivateAS 0x2000000 tBgpPeerImportPolicy1 0x8000000 tBgpPeerImportPolicy2 0x10000000 tBgpPeerImportPolicy3 0x20000000 tBgpPeerImportPolicy4 0x40000000 tBgpPeerImportPolicy5 0x80000000 tBgpPeerExportPolicy1 0x100000000 tBgpPeerExportPolicy2 0x200000000 tBgpPeerExportPolicy3 0x400000000 tBgpPeerExportPolicy4 0x800000000 tBgpPeerExportPolicy5 0x1000000000 tBgpPeerLocalASPrivate 0x2000000000 tBgpPeerMd5Auth 0x4000000000 tBgpPeerMd5AuthKey 0x8000000000 tBgpPeerClusterId 0x10000000000 tBgpPeerDisableClientReflect 0x20000000000 tBgpPeerGracefulRestart 0x40000000000 tBgpPeerGRRestartTime 0x80000000000 tBgpPeerGRStaleRoute 0x100000000000 tBgpPeerGRAdminState 0x200000000000 tBgpPeerFamily 0x400000000000 tBgpPeerVpnApplyImport 0x800000000000 tBgpPeerVpnApplyExport 0x1000000000000 tBgpPeerASOverride 0x2000000000000 tBgpPeerOrf 0x4000000000000 tBgpPeerExtCommsOrf 0x8000000000000 tBgpPeerExtCommsSendOrf 0x10000000000000 tBgpPeerExtCommsRecvOrf 0x20000000000000 When the bit for an object is set to one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value is. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the object's administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding object in tBgpPeerGroupTable, or from the corresponding object in tBgpInstanceTable." DEFVAL { 0 } -- by default inherit everything from tBgpPeerGroupTable ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 29 } tBgpPeerImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerImportPolicy1 specifies import policy number 1 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 30 } tBgpPeerImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerImportPolicy2 specifies import policy number 2 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 31 } tBgpPeerImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerImportPolicy3 specifies import policy number 3 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 32 } tBgpPeerImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerImportPolicy4 specifies import policy number 4 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 33 } tBgpPeerImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerImportPolicy5 specifies import policy number 5 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 34 } tBgpPeerExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerExportPolicy1 specifies export policy number 1 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 35 } tBgpPeerExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerExportPolicy2 specifies export policy number 2 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 36 } tBgpPeerExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerExportPolicy3 specifies export policy number 3 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 37 } tBgpPeerExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerExportPolicy4 specifies export policy number 4 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 38 } tBgpPeerExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerExportPolicy5 specifies export policy number 5 for peer level." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 39 } tBgpPeerOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperStatus indicates the operational status of this BGP Peer. A value of 'inService(2)' means the bgp peer is fully functional. A value of 'outOfService(3)' means the bgp peer is down. A value of 'transition(4)' means the bgp peer is performing a transition from state inService(2) to outOfService(3) or vice-versa. A value of 'disabled(5)' means the BGP peer needs to be restarted by the user." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 40 } tBgpPeerLocalASPrivate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerLocalASPrivate specifies if the local autonomous system number is hidden in paths learned from peering." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 41 } tBgpPeerMd5Auth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMd5Auth specifies if the authentication using MD5 message based digest protocol is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 42 } tBgpPeerMd5AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMd5AuthKey specifies the authentication key to be used between BGP peers neighbors before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol. Authentication can be configured globally and applied to all BGP peers or per group or per peer. The most specific value is used. The authentication key can be any combination of letters or numbers. Note that the string may contain embedded nulls." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 43 } tBgpPeerClusterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "This value of tBgpPeerClusterId specifies the cluster ID for a route reflector server. A value of indicates that no cluster ID has been assigned to the BGP peer." DEFVAL {'00000000'H } -- ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 44 } tBgpPeerDisableClientReflect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerDisableClientReflect specifies if reflection of routes by the route reflector to all client peers within its cluster is enabled or disabled. A value of 'false' means reflection of routes to all client peers is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 45 } tBgpPeerGracefulRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGracefulRestart specifies whether or not graceful restart capabilities are enabled on this instance of BGP. When the value is set to 'false' graceful restart is disabled and any previous configuration of other graceful restart parameters is removed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 46 } tBgpPeerGRRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGRRestartTime specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that a graceful restart should take." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 47 } tBgpPeerGRStaleRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGRStaleRoute specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that stale routes should be maintained after a graceful restart is initiated. This value should be at least as large a the value of tBgpPeerGRRestartTime." DEFVAL { 360 } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 48 } tBgpPeerGRAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGRAdminState specifies the desired administrative state of the graceful restart capabilities for this peer of the BGP protocol. When the value is 'outOfService' the graceful restart capabilities are disabled but the graceful restart configuration parameters are retained." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 49 } tBgpPeerGROperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerGROperState indicates the operational status of the graceful restart capabilities for this peer of the BGP protocol." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 50 } tBgpPeerFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerFamily specifies the types of routing information to be distributed by the local side of this Peer of the BGP protocol. BGP was initially designed for the distribution of IPv4 routing information. Multi-protocol extensions and the use of a VPN-IPv4 address have been added to extend its ability to carry overlapping routing information. A 'vpnIpv4' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. This object has been obsoleted in release 6.0." DEFVAL { {ipv4} } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 51 } tBgpPeerVpnRemoteFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerVpnRemoteFamily indicates the types of routing information to be distributed by the remote end of this Peer of the BGP protocol. BGP was initially designed for the distribution of IPv4 routing information. Multi-protocol extensions and the use of a VPN-IPv4 address have been added to extend its ability to carry overlapping routing information. A 'vpnIpv4' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. This object has been obsoleted." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 52 } tBgpPeerVpnApplyImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerVpnApplyImport specifies if the BGP import route policies are applied to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group. When the value is 'false' the application of the base instance BGP import route policies to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 53 } tBgpPeerVpnApplyExport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerVpnApplyExport specifies if the BGP export route policies are applied to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group. When the value is 'false' the application of the BGP export route policies to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 54 } tBgpPeerVpnLocalCaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVpnCapability MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerVpnLocalCaps indicates the capabilities supported on the local end of the BGP Peer." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 55 } tBgpPeerVpnRemoteCaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVpnCapability MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerVpnRemoteCaps indicates the capabilities advertised by the remote end of the BGP Peer." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 56 } tBgpPeerConnState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(1), connect(2), active(3), opensent(4), openconfirm(5), established(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerConnState indicates the BGP peer connection state. This object is the shadow object of bgpPeerState as existing in the BGP4-MIB." ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 57 } tBgpPeerASOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerASOverride specifies if the service provider BGP will override the customer AS number in the ASPATH with its own AS number. A value of 'true' means the service provider BGP will override the customer AS number in the ASPATH with its own AS number. Without this feature there could be scenarios where multiple CE locations belonging to the same AS will not be able to communicate due to a potential loop detection." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 58 } tBgpPeerOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOrf specifies if outbound route filtering capability is enabled or disabled for the BGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 59 } tBgpPeerExtCommsOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerExtCommsOrf specifies if outbound route filtering capability is based on extended communities for the BGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 60 } tBgpPeerExtCommsSendOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerExtCommsSendOrf specifies if outbound route filter advertisement to the neighbors in this BGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 61 } tBgpPeerExtCommsRecvOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerExtCommsRecvOrf specifies if outbound route filter for this BGP peer is accepted from the neighbors is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerEntry 62 } -- -- peer operational information -- tBgpPeerOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerOperTable is the list of configured BGP Peers and their operational status information." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 4 } tBgpPeerOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeerOperTable. Entries in tBgpPeerOperTable are created when entries are created in tBgpPeerTable." AUGMENTS { tBgpPeerEntry } ::= { tBgpPeerOperTable 1 } TBgpPeerOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsRcvd Counter64, tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsSent Counter64, tBgpPeerOperInputQueueMessages Gauge32, tBgpPeerOperOutputQueueMessages Gauge32, tBgpPeerOperReceivedPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerOperSentPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerOperActivePrefixes Gauge32, tBgpPeerOperReceivedPaths Counter32, tBgpPeerOperPathsSuppressedByDamping Counter32, tBgpPeerOperFlaps Counter32, tBgpPeerOperLastState BgpPeerState, tBgpPeerOperLastEvent BgpPeerEvent, tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerOperVpnSentPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerOperVpnActivePrefixes Gauge32, tBgpPeerOperGRSupport TruthValue, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyRestart TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyFwding TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyNegotiated TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerOperGRRecvEOR TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerOperGRSendEOR TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerOperGRStaleRoutesTime Unsigned32, tBgpPeerOperGRRequestRestartTime Unsigned32, tBgpPeerOperGRStatus INTEGER, tBgpPeerOperNumRestarts Unsigned32, tBgpPeerOperLastRestartTime TimeStamp, tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerOperV6SentPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerOperV6ActivePrefixes Gauge32, tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPaths Counter32, tBgpPeerOperV6SuppPathsDamping Counter32, tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPaths Counter32 } tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsRcvd indicates the number of octets received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 1 } tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsSent indicates the number of octets transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 2 } tBgpPeerOperInputQueueMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperInputQueueMessages indicates the number of unprocessed messages in the queue, from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 3 } tBgpPeerOperOutputQueueMessages OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperOutputQueueMessages indicates the number of untransmitted messages in the queue, to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 4 } tBgpPeerOperReceivedPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperReceivedPrefixes indicates the number of prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 5 } tBgpPeerOperSentPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperSentPrefixes indicates the number of prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 6 } tBgpPeerOperActivePrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperActivePrefixes indicates the number of active prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 7 } tBgpPeerOperReceivedPaths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperReceivedPaths indicates the number of paths received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 8 } tBgpPeerOperPathsSuppressedByDamping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperPathsSuppressedByDamping indicates the number of paths from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 9 } tBgpPeerOperFlaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperFlaps indicates the number of flaps of updates from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 10 } tBgpPeerOperLastState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperLastState indicates the last BGP state of this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 11 } tBgpPeerOperLastEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerEvent MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperLastEvent indicates the last BGP event of this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 12 } tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPrefixes indicates the number of received VPN prefixes." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 13 } tBgpPeerOperVpnSentPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperVpnSentPrefixes indicates the number of transmitted VPN prefixes." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 14 } tBgpPeerOperVpnActivePrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperVpnActivePrefixes indicates the number of active VPN prefixes from this BGP peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 15 } tBgpPeerOperGRSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRSupport indicates whether the BGP peer supports graceful restart. If tBgpPeerOperGRSupport has a value of 'true' the peer supports graceful restart." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 16 } tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyRestart indicates the capability type of NLRI that peer supports restart for." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 17 } tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyFwding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyFwding indicates the capability type of NLRI that peer saved forwarding for." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 18 } tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyNegotiated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyNegotiated indicates the capability type of NLRI that restart is negotiated for by the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 19 } tBgpPeerOperGRRecvEOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRRecvEOR indicates the capability type of NLRI of received end-of-rib markers from the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 20 } tBgpPeerOperGRSendEOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRSendEOR indicates the capability type of NLRI of all the sent end-of-rib markers by the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 21 } tBgpPeerOperGRStaleRoutesTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRStaleRoutesTime indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds that stale routes are maintained by the peer after a graceful restart is initiated." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 22 } tBgpPeerOperGRRequestRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRRequestRestartTime indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds that a graceful restart takes for the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 23 } tBgpPeerOperGRStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notHelping (1), restarting (2), restart-complete (3), helping (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperGRStatus indicates the graceful restart status of the BGP peer.' The values of tBgpPeerOperGRStatus means: notHelping (1), -- Peer is not currently being helped restarting (2), -- Received restart request from the peer restart-complete (3), -- The peer has completed the most recent restart helping (4) -- Peer is helping us in restarting." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 24 } tBgpPeerOperNumRestarts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperNumRestarts indicates the number of times the peer has attempted restart." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 25 } tBgpPeerOperLastRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperLastRestartTime indicates the last time the peer attempted restart." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 26 } tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPrefixes indicates the number of IPv6 prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 27 } tBgpPeerOperV6SentPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperV6SentPrefixes indicates the number of IPv6 prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 28 } tBgpPeerOperV6ActivePrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperV6ActivePrefixes indicates the number of active IPv6 prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 29 } tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPaths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPaths indicates the number of IPv6 paths received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 30 } tBgpPeerOperV6SuppPathsDamping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperV6SuppPathsDamping indicates the number of IPv6 paths from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 31 } tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPaths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPaths indicates the number of VPN paths received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerOperEntry 32 } -- -- BGP Peer Send Orf Route Target Table -- tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The table contains information about the route targets to be advertised to the peers if it is Outbound route filtering capable." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 5 } tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetTable. Each entry represents a route target to be advertised to the peer." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerAddress, IMPLIED tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTarget } ::= { tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetTable 1 } TBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTarget TNamedItem, tBgpPeerSendOrfRTRowStatus RowStatus } tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "Index for the tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetTable. The value of tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTarget specifies the extended community name to be advertised to the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetEntry 1 } tBgpPeerSendOrfRTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "RowStatus for the Send Orf Route target entry." ::= { tBgpPeerSendOrfRouteTargetEntry 2 } -- -- BGP Peer Group Params Table -- tBgpPeerParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The table contains information about the attributes configured for the BGP instance." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 6 } tBgpPeerParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tBgpPeerParamsTable. Each entry maintains the attributes configured for BGP instance." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerAddress } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsTable 1 } TBgpPeerParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerParamsInheritance Counter64, tBgpPeerDisableFEFailover TruthValue, tBgpPeerDisableComms TruthValue, tBgpPeerDisableExtComms TruthValue, tBgpPeerDefaultOriginate TruthValue, tBgpPeerAdvertiseInactiveRts TruthValue, tBgpPeerMinTTLValue Unsigned32, tBgpPeerTTLLogId TFilterLogId } tBgpPeerParamsInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerParamsInheritance specifies if the peer entry in this row, should inherit the operational value of an object, or use the administratively set value. This object is a bit-mask, with the following positions: tBgpPeerDisableFEFailover 0x0000000000000002 tBgpPeerDisableComms 0x0000000000000004 tBgpPeerDisableExtComms 0x0000000000000008 tBgpPeerDefaultOriginate 0x0000000000000010 tBgpPeerAdvertiseInactiveRts 0x0000000000000020 tBgpPeerMinTTLValue 0x0000000000000040 tBgpPeerTTLLogId 0x0000000000000080 When the bit for an object is set to one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value is. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the object's administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding object in tBgpPeerGroupTable, or from the corresponding object in tBgpInstanceTable. By default all of these attributes should be inherited from the tBgpPeerGroupTable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsEntry 1 } tBgpPeerDisableFEFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerDisableFEFailover controls whether the router should drop an external BGP session immediately when the local interface goes down, or whether the BGP session should be kept up until the holdtime expires. Setting the value to 'true' causes the external BGP session to go down immediately when the local interface goes down." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsEntry 2 } tBgpPeerDisableComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerDisableComms enables or disables sending of community attribute to the peer for non-external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsEntry 3 } tBgpPeerDisableExtComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerDisableComms enables or disables sending of community attribute to the peers for external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsEntry 4 } tBgpPeerDefaultOriginate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerDefaultOriginate enables or disables the sending of default routes to the peer, making it independent of the route policies." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsEntry 5 } tBgpPeerAdvertiseInactiveRts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerAdvertiseInactiveRts enables or disables advertising of inactive BGP routes to other BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsEntry 6 } tBgpPeerMinTTLValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMinTTLValue specifies the minimum TTL value for an incoming BGP packet. If tBgpPeerMinTTLValue is set to zero (0), the TTL Security feature is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsEntry 7 } tBgpPeerTTLLogId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TFilterLogId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerTTLLogId specifies the filter log to use for packets that fail TTL security check. The value zero indicates that logging is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerParamsEntry 8 } -- -- Peer objects -- tBgpPeerNgTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerNgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerNgTable is the list of configured BGP IPV4 and IPV6 Peers. The table entries are indexed by BGP instance, peer address type and the peer's IP address. For administrative convenience the Peer Group name should be set but is not used for sorting in the agent." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 7 } tBgpPeerNgEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerNgEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeerNgTable. An entry can be created using the row status object, tBgpPeerNgRowStatus. When created, all objects are initialized to their default values. Before the Peer entry can be used, tBgpPeerNgRowStatus must be set to 'active(1)'. the Peer entry can be removed by setting tBgpPeerNgRowStatus to 'destroy(6)'. The Peer entry will be advertised to BGP peers when tBgpPeerNgShutdown is false." INDEX { tBgpPeerNgInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerNgAddressType, tBgpPeerNgAddress } ::= { tBgpPeerNgTable 1 } TBgpPeerNgEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerNgInstanceIndex TmnxVRtrID, tBgpPeerNgAddressType InetAddressType, tBgpPeerNgAddress InetAddress, tBgpPeerNgPeerGroup BgpPeerGroupNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgRowStatus RowStatus, tBgpPeerNgShutdown TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgDescription DisplayString, tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry BgpConnectRetryTime, tBgpPeerNgHoldTime BgpHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive BgpKeepAliveTime, tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination BgpMinASOriginationTime, tBgpPeerNgDampening TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress InetAddress, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType InetAddressType, tBgpPeerNgLocalAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference TmnxBgpLocalPreference, tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect BgpLoopDetect, tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement BgpMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix BgpPrefixLimit, tBgpPeerNgMEDSource BgpMEDSource, tBgpPeerNgMEDValue BgpMEDValue, tBgpPeerNgMultihop BgpTimeToLive, tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgPassive TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgPeerAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpPeerNgPeerType BgpPeerType, tBgpPeerNgPreference TmnxBgpPreference, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgLastChanged TimeStamp, tBgpPeerNgInheritance Counter64, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgOperStatus BgpOperState, tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey OCTET STRING, tBgpPeerNgClusterId IpAddress, tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime Unsigned32, tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute Unsigned32, tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState TmnxAdminState, tBgpPeerNgGROperState TmnxOperState, tBgpPeerNgFamily TmnxIpFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteFamily TmnxIpFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgVpnLocalCaps TmnxVpnCapability, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteCaps TmnxVpnCapability, tBgpPeerNgConnState INTEGER, tBgpPeerNgASOverride TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgLocalAS4Byte InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpPeerNgPeerAS4Byte InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpPeerNgDisable4ByteASN TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeIsStrict TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgL2vpnCiscoInterop TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixLogOnly TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold Unsigned32, tBgpPeerNgDisableCapNegotiation TruthValue } tBgpPeerNgInstanceIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVRtrID MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tBgpPeerNgInstanceIndex is the bgp instance index for tBgpPeerNgTable." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 1 } tBgpPeerNgAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for tBgpPeerNgTable. The tBgpPeerNgAddressType indicates the IP address type of the Peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 2 } tBgpPeerNgAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE (4..20)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for tBgpPeerNgTable. tBgpPeerNgAddress indicates the IPv(4/6) address of the Peer. If tBgpPeerNgAddressType is 'ipv4', then tBgpPeerNgAddress object expects an ipv4 address. If tBgpPeerNgAddressType is 'ipv6', then tBgpPeerNgAddress object should be a 16-octet value ipv6 address." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 3 } tBgpPeerNgPeerGroup OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerGroupNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgPeerGroup specifies the name of the Peer group for the Peer. This object can only be set when the tBgpPeerNgRowStatus is not active(1). Setting this object causes the Peer attributes to be set to the inherited values from the Peer Group and from the global BGP defaults. This will destroy any previously configured values. So, when creating a row, set this object first, or second after tBgpPeerNgAddress. Then, set any peer attribute objects." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 4 } tBgpPeerNgRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgRowStatus specifies the row status for this BGP instance for the virtual router. It is used to create and delete row entries in this table. In order for an attempt to 'destroy' this row entry to succeed, the value of tBgpPeerNgShutdown must be 'true'." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 5 } tBgpPeerNgShutdown OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgShutdown specifies if we advertise this peer or not. A value of false(2) means no shutdown, so advertise; true(1) means this entry is shutdown, so do not advertise." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 6 } tBgpPeerNgDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDescription specifies a user provided description string for this Peer Group. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 7 } tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpConnectRetryTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry specifies the value (in seconds) of the BGP Connect Retry timer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval" DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 8 } tBgpPeerNgHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpHoldTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgHoldTime specifies the value (in seconds) of the BGP Hold Time." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerHoldTime" DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 9 } tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpKeepAliveTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive specifies the value of the BGP Keepalive timer. A keepalive message is sent every time this timer expires." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerKeepAlive" DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 10 } tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinASOriginationTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination specifies the minimal interval (in seconds) at which a given path attribute can be advertised to a peer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval" DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 11 } tBgpPeerNgDampening OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDampening specifies if route dampening is applied to learned routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 12 } tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress specifies the local IP address the peer-group or Peer is to use as advertisement source address. If the tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType is set to ipv4, then the local address is an ipv4 address, if the tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType is set to ipv6, the local address of the peer is an ipv6 address. If tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress is set to, then use a (non- Peer Group Local Address, or a (non- global Local Address, If both are zero then find the local address by querying the closest interface to the peer address from the routing table. If local address is not set, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType is set to unknown and tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress returns a null string." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 13 } tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType specifies the local IP address type the peer-group or Peer is to use as advertisement source address. tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType can be either unknown, ipv4 or ipv6." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 14 } tBgpPeerNgLocalAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgLocalAS specifies the autonomous system number to be advertised for this peer. If the value of tBgpPeerNgLocalAS, the value of tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS or tBgpInstanceLocalAS will be used in that order. This object was obsoleted in release 7.0. It is replaced with the 4-byte AS number defined by tBgpPeerNgLocalAS4Byte." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 15 } tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpLocalPreference MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference specifies the default value for the Local Preference attribute. This value is used if the BGP route arrives from a BGP peer without the Local Preference attribute set. It is overridden by any value set via a route policy." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 16 } tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpLoopDetect MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect determines how the peer session should deal with loop detection in the AS Path." DEFVAL { ignore } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 17 } tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinRouteAdvertisement UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement specifies the minimum interval at which a given path attribute is advertised to a peer." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 18 } tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPrefixLimit UNITS "number of routes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix specifies the maximum number of routes that can be learned from this peer. A value of zero specifies that there is no limit to the number of routes learned. The tBgpMaxNgPrefixThreshReached notification is sent when the number of routes exceeds a percentage of this limit as specified by tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold. If the number of routes exceeds this limit, then BGP peering will be disabled and the tBgpMaxNgPrefix100 notification will be sent." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 19 } tBgpPeerNgMEDSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMEDSource specifies the source of the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) value for peers in this group." DEFVAL { noMedOut } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 20 } tBgpPeerNgMEDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMEDValue specifies the value of MED when tBgpPeerNgMEDSource is 'metricVal'. If the value of tBgpPeerNgMEDSource is not 'metricVal', this object is ignored." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 21 } tBgpPeerNgMultihop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpTimeToLive UNITS "TTL hops" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMultihop specifies the TTL used in IP packet header for BGP advertisements. Default TTL values for EBGP peer is 1, and MAX_TTL for IBGP peers. Default value if not set is no_type - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 22 } tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf specifies if routes advertised to EBGP peers in this group have NEXTHOP path attribute set to this router's physical interface. When false, third party routes are advertised." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 23 } tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID specifies if different routers in the same AS create aggregate routes containing different AS paths. A value of 'true' would enable setting the router ID to 0 in the aggregator path attribute when BGP is aggregating routes. A value of 'false' would disable setting the router ID to 0 in the aggregator path attribute when BGP is aggregating routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 24 } tBgpPeerNgPassive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgPassive specifies if the peer will not attempt to connect to the far end peer or just wait for the far end peer to connect." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 25 } tBgpPeerNgPeerAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgPeerAS specifies the Autonomous System number for the remote peer. This object was obsoleted in release 7.0. It is replaced with the 4-byte AS number defined by tBgpPeerNgPeerAS4Byte." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 26 } tBgpPeerNgPeerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgPeerType specifies the type of peer - noType(1), internal(2) and external(3). Default value if not set is noType - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { noType } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 27 } tBgpPeerNgPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpPreference (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgPreference specifies the route preference for routes learned via the peer." DEFVAL { 170 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 28 } tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS specifies if private AS numbers should be stripped from the AS Path before advertising them to BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 29 } tBgpPeerNgLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value tBgpPeerNgLastChanged indicates when an entry in tBgpPeerNgTable was last changed." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 30 } tBgpPeerNgInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgInheritance specifies if the peer entry in this row, should inherit the operational value of an object, or use the administratively set value. This object is a bit-mask, with the following positions: tBgpPeerNgShutdown 0x04 tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry 0x10 tBgpPeerNgHoldTime 0x20 tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive 0x40 tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination 0x80 tBgpPeerNgDampening 0x100 tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress 0x200 tBgpPeerNgLocalAS4Byte 0x400 tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference 0x800 tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect 0x1000 tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement 0x2000 tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix 0x4000 tBgpPeerNgMEDSource 0x8000 tBgpPeerNgMEDValue 0x10000 tBgpPeerNgMultihop 0x20000 tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf 0x80000 tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID 0x100000 tBgpPeerNgPassive 0x200000 tBgpPeerNgPeerAS4Byte 0x400000 tBgpPeerNgPeerType 0x800000 tBgpPeerNgPreference 0x1000000 tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS 0x2000000 tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1 0x8000000 tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1 0x100000000 tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate 0x2000000000 tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth 0x4000000000 tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey 0x8000000000 tBgpPeerNgClusterId 0x10000000000 tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect 0x20000000000 tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart 0x40000000000 tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime 0x80000000000 tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute 0x100000000000 tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState 0x200000000000 tBgpPeerNgFamily 0x400000000000 tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport 0x800000000000 tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport 0x1000000000000 tBgpPeerNgASOverride 0x2000000000000 tBgpPeerNgOrf 0x4000000000000 tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf 0x8000000000000 tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf 0x10000000000000 tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf 0x20000000000000 tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType 0x40000000000000 tBgpPeerNgDisable4ByteASN 0x200000000000000 tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeIsStrict 0x400000000000000 tBgpPeerNgL2vpnCiscoInterop 0x800000000000000 tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd 0x01000000000000000 tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixLogOnly 0x02000000000000000 tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold 0x04000000000000000 tBgpPeerNgDisableCapNegotiation 0x08000000000000000 These named bits correspond to the names of objects in this table, but all import and export policy objects are represented by the same tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1/tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1 bit. When the bit for an object is set to one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value is. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the object's administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding object in tBgpPeerGroupTable, or from the corresponding object in tBgpInstanceTable." DEFVAL { 0 } -- by default inherit everything from tBgpPeerGroupTable ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 31 } tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1 specifies import policy number 1 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy1." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 32 } tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy2 specifies import policy number 2 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy2." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 33 } tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy3 specifies import policy number 3 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy3." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 34 } tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy4 specifies import policy number 4 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy4." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 35 } tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy5 specifies import policy number 5 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy5." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 36 } tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1 specifies export policy number 1 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy1." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 37 } tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2 specifies export policy number 2 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy2." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 38 } tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3 specifies export policy number 3 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy3." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 39 } tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4 specifies export policy number 4 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy4." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 40 } tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5 specifies export policy number 5 for peer level. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy5." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 41 } tBgpPeerNgOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperStatus indicates the operational status of this BGP Peer. A value of 'inService(2)' means the bgp peer is fully functional. A value of 'outOfService(3)' means the bgp peer is down. A value of 'transition(4)' means the bgp peer is performing a transition from state inService(2) to outOfService(3) or vice-versa. A value of 'disabled(5)' means the BGP peer needs to be restarted by the user." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 42 } tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate specifies if the local autonomous system number is hidden in paths learned from peering." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 43 } tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth specifies if the authentication using MD5 message based digest protocol is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 44 } tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey specifies the authentication key to be used between BGP peers neighbors before establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol. Authentication can be configured globally and applied to all BGP peers or per group or per peer. The most specific value is used. The authentication key can be any combination of letters or numbers. Note that the string may contain embedded nulls." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 45 } tBgpPeerNgClusterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value of tBgpPeerNgClusterId specifies the cluster ID for a route reflector server. A value of indicates that no cluster ID has been assigned to the BGP peer." DEFVAL {'00000000'H } -- ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 46 } tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect specifies if reflection of routes by the route reflector to all client peers within its cluster is enabled or disabled. A value of 'false' means reflection of routes to all client peers is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 47 } tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart specifies whether or not graceful restart capabilities are enabled on this instance of BGP. When the value is set to 'false' graceful restart is disabled and any previous configuration of other graceful restart parameters is removed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 48 } tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that a graceful restart should take." DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 49 } tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..3600) UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute specifies the maximum amount of time in seconds that stale routes should be maintained after a graceful restart is initiated. This value should be at least as large a the value of tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime." DEFVAL { 360 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 50 } tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdminState MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState specifies the desired administrative state of the graceful restart capabilities for this peer of the BGP protocol. When the value is 'outOfService' the graceful restart capabilities are disabled but the graceful restart configuration parameters are retained." DEFVAL { inService } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 51 } tBgpPeerNgGROperState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxOperState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgGROperState indicates the operational status of the graceful restart capabilities for this peer of the BGP protocol." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 52 } tBgpPeerNgFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgFamily specifies the types of routing information to be distributed by the local side of this Peer of the BGP protocol. BGP was initially designed for the distribution of IPv4 routing information. Multi-protocol extensions and the use of a VPN-IPv4, VPN-IPv6, MVPN-IPv4 and L2-VPN address have been added to extend its ability to carry overlapping routing information. A 'vpnIpv4 (2)' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. 'ipv6 (3)', 'mcastIpv4 (4)', 'l2vpn (6)' and 'mcastVpnIpv4 (12)' are multi-protocol extensions to BGP. A 'vpnIpv6 (5)' address is a 24-byte value consisting of the 8-byte RD, and 16 bytes for the IPv6 address. When both IPv4 and IPv6 VPRN services are enabled, the PE router uses the same RD for both address families. A 'l2vpn (6)' address is a 12-byte Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-ID) value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte value. A 'mvpnIpv4 (7)' address is variable size value consisting of the 1-byte route type, 1-byte length and variable size route type specific. Route type defines encoding for the route type specific field. Length indicates the length in octets of the route type specific field." DEFVAL { {ipv4} } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 53 } tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteFamily indicates the types of routing information to be distributed by the remote end of this Peer of the BGP protocol. BGP was initially designed for the distribution of IPv4 routing information. Multi-protocol extensions and the use of a VPN-IPv4,VPN-IPv6, MVPN-IPv4 and L2-VPN address have been added to extend its ability to carry overlapping routing information. A 'vpnIpv4 (2)' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. 'ipv6 (3)', 'mcastIpv4 (4)', and 'l2vpn (6)' are multi-protocol extensions to BGP. A 'vpnIpv6 (5)' address is a 24-byte value consisting of the 8-byte RD, and 16 bytes for the IPv6 address. When both IPv4 and IPv6 VPRN services are enabled, the PE router uses the same RD for both address families. A 'l2vpn (6)' address is a 12-byte Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-ID) value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte value. A 'mvpnIpv4 (7)' address is variable size value consisting of the 1-byte route type, 1-byte length and variable size route type specific. Route type defines encoding for the route type specific field. Length indicates the length in octets of the route type specific field." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 54 } tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport specifies if the BGP import route policies are applied to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group. When the value is 'false' the application of the base instance BGP import route policies to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 55 } tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport specifies if the BGP export route policies are applied to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group. When the value is 'false' the application of the BGP export route policies to VPN-IPv4 routes of this group is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 56 } tBgpPeerNgVpnLocalCaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVpnCapability MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgVpnLocalCaps indicates the capabilities supported on the local end of the BGP Peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 57 } tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteCaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVpnCapability MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteCaps indicates the capabilities advertised by the remote end of the BGP Peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 58 } tBgpPeerNgConnState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { idle(1), connect(2), active(3), opensent(4), openconfirm(5), established(6) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgConnState indicates the BGP peer connection state. This object is the shadow object of bgpPeerState as existing in the BGP4-MIB." ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 59 } tBgpPeerNgASOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgASOverride specifies if the service provider BGP will override the customer AS number in the ASPATH with its own AS number. A value of 'true' means the service provider BGP will override the customer AS number in the ASPATH with its own AS number. Without this feature there could be scenarios where multiple CE locations belonging to the same AS will not be able to communicate due to a potential loop detection." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 60 } tBgpPeerNgOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOrf specifies if outbound route filtering capability is enabled or disabled for the BGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 61 } tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf specifies if outbound route filtering capability is based on extended communities for the BGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 62 } tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf specifies if outbound route filter advertisement to the neighbors in this BGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 63 } tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf specifies if outbound route filter for this BGP peer is accepted from the neighbors is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 64 } tBgpPeerNgLocalAS4Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgLocalAS4Byte specifies the autonomous system number to be advertised to this peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 65 } tBgpPeerNgPeerAS4Byte OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgPeerAS4Byte specifies the autonomous system number for the remote peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 66 } tBgpPeerNgDisable4ByteASN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDisable4ByteASN specifies whether or not 4-byte ASN capability will be advertised by this peer. When the value of tBgpPeerNgDisable4ByteASN is set to false, 4-byte ASN support will be negotiated with the associated remote peers. When the value of tBgpPeerNgDisable4ByteASN is set to true, 4-byte ASN capability will not be advertised by this peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 67 } tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeIsStrict OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeIsStrict specifies whether or not tBgpPeerNgHoldTime has to be strictly enforced. When the value of tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeIsStrict is true, BGP on this peer will not negotiate a hold time lower than the configured value for tBgpPeerNgHoldTime. This object is obsoleted in release 10.0. Desired functionality of strict enforcement of hold time can be achieved by configuring the value of tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 68 } tBgpPeerNgL2vpnCiscoInterop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgL2vpnCiscoInterop specifies whether BGP will provide translation between non-compliant NLRI formats of Cisco. BGP Peer sessions must be manually configured towards the non-compliant Cisco PEs. When the value of tBgpPeerNgL2vpnCiscoInterop is 'true', Cisco non-compliant NLRI format will be used; one byte length field instead of two bytes for BGP NLRI. When the value of tBgpPeerNgL2vpnCiscoInterop is 'false', Cisco non-compliant NLRI format will not be used or supported." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 69 } tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd specifies whether BGP will remove the private AS numbers for this peer. When the value of tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd is true, BGP will remove private AS numbers from the AS Path for this peer. When the value of tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS is changed, the value of tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd is reset to its default value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to its default value. This object can be reset by resetting appropriate inheritance bit of tBgpPeerNgInheritance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 70 } tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixLogOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixLogOnly specifies whether BGP peering will be disabled when tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix is exceeded. When the value is set to 'true', BGP peering will be enabled. When the value is set to 'false', BGP peering will be disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 71 } tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold specifies a percentage of tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix." DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 72 } tBgpPeerNgDisableCapNegotiation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDisableCapNegotiation specifies whether capability negotiation is disabled for this peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgEntry 73 } -- -- peer operational information -- tBgpPeerNgOperTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerNgOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerNgOperTable is the list of configured BGP Peers and their operational status information." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 8 } tBgpPeerNgOperEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerNgOperEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeerNgOperTable. Entries in tBgpPeerNgOperTable are created when entries are created in tBgpPeerNgTable." AUGMENTS { tBgpPeerNgEntry } ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperTable 1 } TBgpPeerNgOperEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsRcvd Counter64, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsSent Counter64, tBgpPeerNgOperInputQueueMsgs Gauge32, tBgpPeerNgOperOutputQueueMsgs Gauge32, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperSentPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperActivePrefixes Gauge32, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPaths Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperPathsSupByDamping Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperFlaps Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperLastState BgpPeerState, tBgpPeerNgOperLastEvent BgpPeerEvent, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnRecvPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSentPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnActivePrefixes Gauge32, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyRestart TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyFwding TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyNegotiated TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerNgOperGRRecvEOR TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSendEOR TmnxBGPFamilyType, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStaleRoutesTime Unsigned32, tBgpPeerNgOperGRReqRestartTime Unsigned32, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus INTEGER, tBgpPeerNgOperNumRestarts Unsigned32, tBgpPeerNgOperLastRestartTime TimeStamp, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SentPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ActivePrefixes Gauge32, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPaths Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPathsDamping Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnReceivedPaths Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperV4SuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4RecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4ActivePfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6RecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6ActivePfxs Gauge32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4RecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4ActivePfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnSuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnRecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnSentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnActivePfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiSuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiRecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiSentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiActivePfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwSuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwRecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwSentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwActivePfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4SupPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4RecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4SentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4ActivePfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgAddPathSendRemoteCaps TmnxAddPathAddressFamily, tBgpPeerNgAddPathRecvRemoteCaps TmnxAddPathAddressFamily, tBgpPeerNgOperBackupPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperV6BackupPrefixes Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtSuppPfxDamp Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtRecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtSentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtActivePfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnV4BackupPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnV6BackupPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4RecvPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4SentPfxs Counter32, tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4ActPfxs Counter32 } tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsRcvd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsRcvd indicates the number of octets received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 1 } tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsSent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsSent indicates the number of octets transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 2 } tBgpPeerNgOperInputQueueMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperInputQueueMsgs indicates the number of unprocessed messages in the queue, from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 3 } tBgpPeerNgOperOutputQueueMsgs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperOutputQueueMsgs indicates the number of untransmitted messages in the queue, to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 4 } tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPrefixes indicates the number of prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 5 } tBgpPeerNgOperSentPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperSentPrefixes indicates the number of prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 6 } tBgpPeerNgOperActivePrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperActivePrefixes indicates the number of active prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 7 } tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPaths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPaths indicates the number of paths received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 8 } tBgpPeerNgOperPathsSupByDamping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperPathsSupByDamping indicates the number of paths from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 9 } tBgpPeerNgOperFlaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperFlaps indicates the number of flaps of updates from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 10 } tBgpPeerNgOperLastState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperLastState indicates the last BGP state of this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 11 } tBgpPeerNgOperLastEvent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerEvent MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperLastEvent indicates the last BGP event of this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 12 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnRecvPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnRecvPrefixes indicates the number of received VPN prefixes." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 13 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSentPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSentPrefixes indicates the number of transmitted VPN prefixes." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 14 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnActivePrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnActivePrefixes indicates the number of active VPN prefixes from this BGP peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 15 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport indicates whether the BGP peer supports graceful restart. If tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport has a value of 'true' the peer supports graceful restart." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 16 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyRestart OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyRestart indicates the capability type of NLRI that peer supports restart for." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 17 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyFwding OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyFwding indicates the capability type of NLRI that peer saved forwarding for." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 18 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyNegotiated OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyNegotiated indicates the capability type of NLRI that restart is negotiated for by the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 19 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRRecvEOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRRecvEOR indicates the capability type of NLRI of received end-of-rib markers from the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 20 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRSendEOR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBGPFamilyType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRSendEOR indicates the capability type of NLRI of all the sent end-of-rib markers by the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 21 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRStaleRoutesTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRStaleRoutesTime indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds that stale routes are maintained by the peer after a graceful restart is initiated." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 22 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRReqRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRReqRestartTime indicates the maximum amount of time in seconds that a graceful restart takes for the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 23 } tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notHelping (1), restarting (2), restart-complete (3), helping (4) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus indicates the graceful restart status of the BGP peer.' The values of tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus means: notHelping (1), -- Peer is not currently being helped restarting (2), -- Received restart request from the peer restart-complete (3), -- The peer has completed the most recent restart helping (4) -- Peer is helping us in restarting." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 24 } tBgpPeerNgOperNumRestarts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperNumRestarts indicates the number of times the peer has attempted restart." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 25 } tBgpPeerNgOperLastRestartTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperLastRestartTime indicates the last time the peer attempted restart." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 26 } tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPrefixes indicates the number of IPv6 prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 27 } tBgpPeerNgOperV6SentPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperV6SentPrefixes indicates the number of IPv6 prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 28 } tBgpPeerNgOperV6ActivePrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperV6ActivePrefixes indicates the number of active IPv6 prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 29 } tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPaths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPaths indicates the number of IPv6 paths received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 30 } tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPathsDamping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPathsDamping indicates the number of IPv6 paths from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 31 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnReceivedPaths OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnReceivedPaths indicates the number of VPN paths received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 32 } tBgpPeerNgOperV4SuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperV4SuppPfxDamp indicates the number of IPv6 prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 33 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSuppPfxDamp indicates the number of VPN IPv4 prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 34 } tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPfxDamp indicates the number of IPv6 prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 35 } tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SuppPfxDamp indicates the number of IPv4 multicast prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 36 } tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4RecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4RecvPfxs indicates the number of IPv4 multicast prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 37 } tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SentPfxs indicates the number of IPv4 multicast prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 38 } tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4ActivePfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4ActivePfxs indicates the number of active IPv4 multicast prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 39 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6RecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6RecvPfxs indicates the number of VPN IPv6 prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 40 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SentPfxs indicates the number of VPN IPv6 prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 41 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6ActivePfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6ActivePfxs indicates the number of active VPN IPv6 prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 42 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SuppPfxDamp indicates the number of VPN IPv6 prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 43 } tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SuppPfxDamp indicates the number of MVPN IPv4 prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 44 } tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4RecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4RecvPfxs indicates the number of MVPN IPv4 prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 45 } tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SentPfxs indicates the number of MVPN IPv4 prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 46 } tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4ActivePfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4ActivePfxs indicates the number of active MVPN IPv4 prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 47 } tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnSuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnSuppPfxDamp indicates the number of L2VPN prefixes from this peer, which have been supressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 48 } tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnRecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnRecvPfxs indicates the number L2VPN prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 49 } tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnSentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnSentPfxs indicates the number of L2VPN prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 50 } tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnActivePfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnActivePfxs indicates the number of active L2VPN prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 51 } tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiSuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiSuppPfxDamp indicates the number of MDT-SAFI prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 52 } tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiRecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiRecvPfxs indicates the number of MDT-SAFI prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 53 } tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiSentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiSentPfxs indicates the number of MDT-SAFI prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 54 } tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiActivePfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiActivePfxs indicates the number of active MDT-SAFI prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 55 } tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwSuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwSuppPfxDamp indicates the number of MS-PW prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 56 } tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwRecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwRecvPfxs indicates the number of MS-PW prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 57 } tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwSentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwSentPfxs indicates the number of MS-PW prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 58 } tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwActivePfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwActivePfxs indicates the number of active MS-PW prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 59 } tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4SupPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4SupPfxDamp indicates the number of flow-ipv4 prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 60 } tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4RecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4RecvPfxs indicates the number of flow-ipv4 prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 61 } tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4SentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4SentPfxs indicates the number of flow-ipv4 prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 62 } tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4ActivePfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4ActivePfxs indicates the number of active flow-ipv4 prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 63 } tBgpPeerNgAddPathSendRemoteCaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathAddressFamily MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAddPathSendRemoteCaps indicates the address families for which the add-path send capability is supported on the remote end of the BGP Peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 66 } tBgpPeerNgAddPathRecvRemoteCaps OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathAddressFamily MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAddPathRecvRemoteCaps indicates the address families for which the add-path receive capability is supported on the remote end of the BGP Peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 67 } tBgpPeerNgOperBackupPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperBackupPrefixes indicates the number of IPv4 routes selected as backup from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 68 } tBgpPeerNgOperV6BackupPrefixes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperV6BackupPrefixes indicates the number of IPv6 routes selected as backup from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 69 } tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtSuppPfxDamp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtRecvPfxs indicates the number of route target prefixes from this peer, which have been suppressed by damping." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 70 } tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtRecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtRecvPfxs indicates the number of route target prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 71 } tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtSentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtSentPfxs indicates the number of route target prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 72 } tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtActivePfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtActivePfxs indicates the number of active route target prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 73 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnV4BackupPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnV4BackupPfxs indicates the number of VPN IPv4 routes selected as backup from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 74 } tBgpPeerNgOperVpnV6BackupPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperVpnV6BackupPfxs indicates the number of VPN IPv6 routes selected as backup from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 75 } tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4RecvPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4RecvPfxs indicates the number of multicast vpn ipv4 prefixes received from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 76 } tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4SentPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4SentPfxs indicates the number of multicast vpn ipv4 prefixes transmitted to this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 77 } tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4ActPfxs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4ActPfxs indicates the number of active multicast vpn ipv4 prefixes from this peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgOperEntry 78 } -- -- BGP Peer Send Orf Route Target Table -- tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetTable provides information about the route targets to be advertised to the peers if it is Outbound route filtering capable." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 9 } tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Defines an entry in the tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetTable. Each entry represents a route target to be advertised to the peer." INDEX { tBgpPeerNgInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerNgAddressType, tBgpPeerNgAddress, IMPLIED tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTarget } ::= { tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetTable 1 } TBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTarget TNamedItem, tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRTRowStatus RowStatus } tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetTable. The value of tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTarget specifies the extended community name to be advertised to the peer." ::= { tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetEntry 1 } tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRTRowStatus controls creation and deletion of row entries in the tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetTable." ::= { tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRouteTargetEntry 2 } -- -- BGP Peer Group Params Table -- tBgpPeerNgParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerNgParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tBgpPeerNgParamsTable provides information about the attributes configured for the BGP instance." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 10 } tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerNgParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tBgpPeerNgParamsTable. Each entry maintains the attributes configured for BGP instance." INDEX { tBgpPeerNgInstanceIndex, tBgpPeerNgAddressType, tBgpPeerNgAddress } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsTable 1 } TBgpPeerNgParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerNgParamsInheritance Counter64, tBgpPeerNgDisableFEFailover TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgDisableComms TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgDisableExtComms TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgDefaultOriginate TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseInactiveRts TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgMinTTLValue Unsigned32, tBgpPeerNgTracking TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgAdvLabelAddrFamily TmnxAdvLabelAddressFamily, tBgpPeerNgAuthKeyChain TNamedItemOrEmpty, tBgpPeerNgLastError OCTET STRING, tBgpPeerNgBfdEnabled TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgPMTUDiscovery TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseLdpPrefix TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgEnableAddPath TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgRecvAddPath TmnxAddPathAddressFamily, tBgpPeerNgIpv4AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv4AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpPeerNgIpv6AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv6AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpPeerNgFlowspecValidate TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgUpdatedErrorHandling TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgDefaultRouteTarget TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgAigp TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime BgpHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgSplitHorizon TruthValue, tBgpPeerNgRemPrivateSkipPeerAs TruthValue } tBgpPeerNgParamsInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgParamsInheritance specifies if the peer entry in this row, should inherit the operational value of an object, or use the administratively set value. This object is a bit-mask, with the following positions: tBgpPeerNgDisableFEFailover 0x0000000000000002 tBgpPeerNgDisableComms 0x0000000000000004 tBgpPeerNgDisableExtComms 0x0000000000000008 tBgpPeerNgDefaultOriginate 0x0000000000000010 tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseInactiveRts 0x0000000000000020 tBgpPeerNgMinTTLValue 0x0000000000000040 tBgpPeerNgTracking 0x0000000000000080 tBgpPeerNgAdvLabelAddrFamily 0x0000000000000200 tBgpPeerNgAuthKeyChain 0x0000000000000400 tBgpPeerNgBfdEnabled 0x0000000000000800 tBgpPeerNgPMTUDiscovery 0x0000000000002000 tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseLdpPrefix 0x0000000000004000 tBgpPeerNgEnableAddPath 0x0000000000010000 tBgpPeerNgRecvAddPath 0x0000000000020000 tBgpPeerNgIpv4AddPathLimit 0x0000000000040000 tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv4AddPathLimit 0x0000000000080000 tBgpPeerNgIpv6AddPathLimit 0x0000000000100000 tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv6AddPathLimit 0x0000000000200000 tBgpPeerNgFlowspecValidate 0x0000000000400000 tBgpPeerNgUpdatedErrorHandling 0x0000000000800000 tBgpPeerNgDefaultRouteTarget 0x0000000001000000 tBgpPeerNgAigp 0x0000000002000000 tBgpPeerNgRemPrivateSkipPeerAs 0x0000000010000000 When the bit for an object is set to one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value is. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the object's administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding object in tBgpPeerGroupTable, or from the corresponding object in tBgpInstanceTable. By default all of these attributes should be inherited from the tBgpPeerGroupTable." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 1 } tBgpPeerNgDisableFEFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDisableFEFailover specifies whether the router should drop an external BGP session immediately when the local interface goes down, or whether the BGP session should be kept up until the holdtime expires. A value of 'true' causes the external BGP session to go down immediately when the local interface goes down." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 2 } tBgpPeerNgDisableComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDisableComms enables or disables sending of community attribute to the peer for non-external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 3 } tBgpPeerNgDisableExtComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDisableExtComms enables or disables sending of community attribute to the peers for external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 4 } tBgpPeerNgDefaultOriginate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDefaultOriginate enables or disables the sending of default routes to the peer, making it independent of the route policies." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 5 } tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseInactiveRts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseInactiveRts enables or disables advertising of inactive BGP routes to other BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 6 } tBgpPeerNgMinTTLValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerMinTTLValue specifies the minimum TTL value for an incoming BGP packet. If tBgpPeerMinTTLValue is set to zero (0), the TTL Security feature is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 7 } tBgpPeerNgTracking OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgTracking specifies whether tracking of this BGP peer is enabled. A valuye of 'false' indicates that peer tracking is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 8 } tBgpPeerNgAdvLabelAddrFamily OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAdvLabelAddressFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAdvLabelAddrFamily specifies the advertisement label address family to support 6PE feature. The value of ipv6 can be set only for an IPv6 peer. The value of ipv4 can be set only for an IPv4 peer. If set to 'ipv6', explicit null will be used as the label. The default value 'none' disables the 6PE feature." ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 9 } tBgpPeerNgAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAuthKeyChain specifies the keychain which will be used to sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream. The keychain name is defined by tmnxKeyChainName and is the index for TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB::tmnxKeyChainTable" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 10 } tBgpPeerNgLastError OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgLastError indicates the last error code and subcode seen by this peer on this connection. If no error has occurred, two zero octets are returned. Otherwise, the first octet of this two-byte OCTET STRING contains the error code, and the second octet contains the subcode." ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 11 } tBgpPeerNgBfdEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgBfdEnabled specifies whether Bi-directional Forwarding Detection is enabled on this BGP peer. When the value is 'true', BFD sessions can be established and BFD can be used as a signalling mechanism." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 12 } tBgpPeerNgPMTUDiscovery OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgPMTUDiscovery specifies whether path MTU discovery is enabled on this BGP peer. When the value is set to 'true', path MTU discovery is enabled on this BGP peer. When the value is set to 'false', path MTU discovery is disabled on this BGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 13 } tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseLdpPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseLdpPrefix specifies whether all the activated LDP FEC prefixes will be sent to remote BGP peer to suppport stitching of an LDP FEC to a BGP labeled route. When the value is set to 'true', activated LDP FEC prefixes will be sent to remote BGP peer. When the value is set to 'false', activated LDP FEC prefixes will not be sent to remote BGP peer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if this object is set to non-default value when tBgpPeerNgAdvLabelAddrFamily is set to 'none'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 14 } tBgpPeerNgEnableAddPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgEnableAddPath specifies whether the BGP ADD-PATH send capability is enabled on this BGP peer. ADD-PATH allows a BGP router to advertise multiple distinct paths for the same prefix/NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information). This capability provides a number of potential benifits like reduced routing churn, faster convergence, better loadsharing etc. When the value of tBgpPeerNgEnableAddPath is set to 'true', the BGP ADD-PATH send limit objects tBgpPeerNgIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpPeerNgIpv6AddPathLimit and tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv6AddPathLimit represent their current assigned values. The default value of tBgpPeerNgEnableAddPath is 'false', which means the values of the BGP ADD-PATH send limit objects are inherited from group level." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 15 } tBgpPeerNgRecvAddPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathAddressFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgRecvAddPath specifies the address families which are enabled to receive BGP ADD-PATH on this BGP peer. ADD-PATH allows a BGP router to receive multiple distinct paths for the same prefix/NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information)." DEFVAL { {none} } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 16 } tBgpPeerNgIpv4AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgIpv4AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per IPv4 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers on this BGP peer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 17 } tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv4AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv4AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per VPN IPv4 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers on this BGP peer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 18 } tBgpPeerNgIpv6AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgIpv6AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per IPv6 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers on this BGP peer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 19 } tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv6AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv6AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per VPN IPv6 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers on this BGP peer. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 20 } tBgpPeerNgFlowspecValidate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgFlowspecValidate specifies whether validation of received flow specification routes is enabled on this BGP peer. When the default value of tBgpPeerNgFlowspecValidate is 'true', the flow routes received from other peers are validated. The default value of tBgpPeerNgFlowspecValidate is 'false', which means validation of received flow routes is disabled and all flow specification routes are considered valid." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 21 } tBgpPeerNgUpdatedErrorHandling OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgUpdatedErrorHandling specifies whether the error handling mechanism for optional transitive path attributes is enabled on this BGP peer. When the value of tBgpPeerNgUpdatedErrorHandling is 'true', the error handling mechanism for optional transitive path attributes is enabled and the BGP peer is capable of enabling the neighbor-complete flag in the BGP Path Attribute." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 22 } tBgpPeerNgDefaultRouteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgDefaultRouteTarget specifies whether to send the default Route Target Constraint (RTC) route to this BGP peer. The default RTC route is a special type of RTC route that has zero prefix length." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 23 } tBgpPeerNgAigp OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAigp specifies whether Accumulated IGP (AIGP) path attribute support is enabled on this bgp peer. The default value of tBgpPeerNgAigp is 'false', which means the AIGP attribute is removed from the advertised routes and is ignored if present in the received routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 24 } tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpHoldTime MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime specifies the minimum hold time that should be strictly enforced on tBgpPeerNgHoldTime. When the value of tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime is configured, BGP will not negotiate a hold time lower than the configured value. When the value of tBgpPeerNgHoldTime is changed, the value of tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime is reset to its default value. The value of tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime is inherited from the corresponding object value in the tBgpPeerGroupParamsTable, when the inheritance bit for tBgpPeerNgHoldTime is set to zero. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a non-default value when the value of tBgpPeerNgHoldTime is inherited from group. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpPeerNgHoldTime." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 25 } tBgpPeerNgSplitHorizon OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgSplitHorizon specifies whether or not to advertise the best route back to the same BGP peer from which the best route was received. When the value of tBgpPeerNgSplitHorizon is 'true', the best route will not be advertised back to this BGP peer, if the best route was received from this peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 26 } tBgpPeerNgRemPrivateSkipPeerAs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs specifies whether or not to remove the private autonomous system number (ASN) from AS-Path, if the AS-Path contains the ASN of the external BGP (eBGP) neighbor on this BGP peer. When the value of tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs is true, BGP will not remove the private ASN from the AS-Path if it is the same autonomous system number as the remote eBGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeerNgParamsEntry 27 } -- -- Peer Policy objects -- tBgpPeerPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeerPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerPlcyTable is the list of configured policies in BGP Peers." ::= { tBgpPeerObjects 11 } tBgpPeerPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeerPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeerPlcyTable." AUGMENTS { tBgpPeerNgEntry } ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyTable 1 } TBgpPeerPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy6 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy7 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy8 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy9 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy10 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy11 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy12 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy13 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy14 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy15 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy6 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy7 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy8 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy9 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy10 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy11 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy12 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy13 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy14 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy15 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy1 specifies the first import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 1 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy2 specifies the second import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 2 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy3 specifies the third import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 3 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy4 specifies the fourth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 4 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy5 specifies the fifth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 5 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy6 specifies the sixth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 6 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy7 specifies the seventh import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 7 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy8 specifies the eighth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 8 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy9 specifies the ninth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 9 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy10 specifies the tenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 10 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy11 specifies the eleventh import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 11 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy12 specifies the twelfth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 12 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy13 specifies the thirteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 13 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy14 specifies the fourteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 14 } tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy15 specifies the fifteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 15 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy1 specifies the first export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 16 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy2 specifies the second export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 17 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy3 specifies the third export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 18 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy4 specifies the fourth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 19 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy5 specifies the fifth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 20 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy6 specifies the sixth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 21 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy7 specifies the seventh export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 22 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy8 specifies the eighth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 23 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy9 specifies the ninth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 24 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy10 specifies the tenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 25 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy11 specifies the eleventh export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 26 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy12 specifies the twelfth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 27 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy13 specifies the thirteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 28 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy14 specifies the fourteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 29 } tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy15 specifies the fifteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeerPlcyEntry 30 } -- -- BGP-confederation objects (Obsoleted) -- tBgpConfederationTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpConfederationTableLastChanged specifies the last timestamp when an entry in the tBgpPeerGroupTable was last changed." ::= { tBgpInstanceConfederationObjects 1 } tBgpConfederationTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpConfederationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "tBgpConfederationTable consists of information about each confederation member for every running instance of BGP. This table was obsoleted in release 7.0. It is replaced with the tBgpConfederation4ByteTable to suuport 4-byte AS number." ::= { tBgpInstanceConfederationObjects 2 } tBgpConfederationEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpConfederationEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpConfederationTable. each entry represents a confederation member for the instance of BGP running on the virtual router." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgpConfederationAS, tBgpConfederationMemberAS } ::= { tBgpConfederationTable 1 } TBgpConfederationEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpConfederationAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpConfederationMemberAS TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem, tBgpConfederationRowStatus RowStatus } tBgpConfederationAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpConfederationAS is the secondary index of tBgpConfederationTable, each confederation entry is differentiated by autonomous system number." ::= { tBgpConfederationEntry 1 } tBgpConfederationMemberAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpAutonomousSystem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpConfederationMemberAS is the tertiary index for tBgpConfederationTable, each confederation member entry is differentiated by autonomous system number." ::= { tBgpConfederationEntry 2 } tBgpConfederationRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpConfederationRowStatus specifies the row status object of the BGP confederation entry for the virtual router. Use row status to create and destroy entries." ::= { tBgpConfederationEntry 3 } -- -- BGP Instance Route Target Table -- tBgpInstRteTargetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpInstRteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the route targets to be accepted and advertised from or to route reflector clients. If there are entries in this table for a specific tBgpInstanceIndex then only routes with one or more of the route targets, tBgpInstanceRouteTarget, are accepted or advertised to route reflector clients. These route target entries are applied to all route reflector clients connected to the BGP instance specified by tBgpInstanceIndex. If there are no entries in this table for a specific tBgpInstanceIndex all routes are reflected irrespective of the route targets associated with a route." ::= { tBgpInstanceObjects 3 } tBgpInstRteTargetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpInstRteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpInstRteTargetTable. Each entry represents a route target to be accepted and advertised from or to route reflector clients. " INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, IMPLIED tBgpInstanceRouteTarget } ::= { tBgpInstRteTargetTable 1 } TBgpInstRteTargetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpInstanceRouteTarget TNamedItem, tBgpInstRteTargetRowStatus RowStatus } tBgpInstanceRouteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the tBgpInstRteTargetTable. The value of tBgpInstanceRouteTarget specifies the extended community name to be accepted by a Route Reflector Server or advertised by the router when reflecting any routes. I.e, it does not apply to routes that are not reflected by the router." ::= { tBgpInstRteTargetEntry 1 } tBgpInstRteTargetRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status of this BGP Instance route target entry. A row cannot be created in this table if the tBgpInstanceIndex entry does not exist in the tBgpInstanceTable." ::= { tBgpInstRteTargetEntry 2 } -- Alcatel-Lucent SROS series BGP-4 Received Path Attribute Table. -- This table contains, one entry per path to a network, path -- attributes received from all peers running BGP-4 and is an -- extension of the bgp4PathAttrTable in the BGP4-MIB. tBgp4PathAttrTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgp4PathAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Alcatel-Lucent SROS series BGP-4 Received Path Attribute Table contains information about paths to destination networks received from all BGP4 peers and is an extension of the bgp4PathAttrTable in the BGP4-MIB." ::= { tBgpInstanceObjects 4 } tBgp4PathAttrEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgp4PathAttrEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about a path to a network. " INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgp4PathAttrRD, bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefix, bgp4PathAttrIpAddrPrefixLen, bgp4PathAttrPeer } ::= { tBgp4PathAttrTable 1 } TBgp4PathAttrEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgp4PathAttrRD TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher, tBgp4PathAttrOriginID IpAddress, tBgp4PathAttrClusterList OCTET STRING, tBgp4PathAttrCommunity OCTET STRING, tBgp4PathAttrExtCommunity OCTET STRING, tbgp4PathAttrASPathSegment OCTET STRING, tbgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS InetAutonomousSystemNumber } tBgp4PathAttrRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxVPNRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4PathAttrRD specifies the Route Distinguisher associated with this BGP-4 path." ::= { tBgp4PathAttrEntry 1 } tBgp4PathAttrOriginID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4PathAttrOriginID indicates the Originator ID associated with this BGP-4 path that is used in route reflectors to specify the origin of the reflection." ::= { tBgp4PathAttrEntry 2 } tBgp4PathAttrClusterList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..256)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4PathAttrClusterList indicates the list of routers in the cluster associated with this BGP-4 path. The first octet indicates the number of router IDs in the list. The list is a sequence of 4-octet router IDs." ::= { tBgp4PathAttrEntry 3 } tBgp4PathAttrCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..256)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4PathAttrCommunity indicates the list of route policy communities associated with this BGP-4 path. The first octet indicates the number of communities in the list. The list is a sequence of 4-octet communities." ::= { tBgp4PathAttrEntry 4 } tBgp4PathAttrExtCommunity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(1..256)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4PathAttrExtCommunity indicates the list of extended communities to be accepted by a Route Reflector Server associated with this BGP-4 path. The first octet indicates the number of extended communities in the list. The list is a sequence of extended communities. The extended community is an 8-octet value similar to a route distinguisher." ::= { tBgp4PathAttrEntry 5 } tbgp4PathAttrASPathSegment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tbgp4PathAttrASPathSegment specifies the sequence of Autonomous System (AS) path segments. Each AS path segment is represented by a triple . The type is a 1-octet field which has two possible values: 1 AS_SET: unordered set of ASs a route in the UPDATE message has traversed 2 AS_SEQUENCE: ordered set of ASs a route in the UPDATE message has traversed. The length is a 1-octet field containing the number of ASs in the value field. The value field contains one or more 4-byte AS numbers. Each AS is represented in the octet string as four octets." ::= { tBgp4PathAttrEntry 6 } tbgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tbgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS specifies the AS number of the last BGP4 speaker that performed route aggregation. A value of zero (0) indicates the absence of this attribute." ::= { tBgp4PathAttrEntry 7 } -- -- BGP Send Orf Route Target Table -- tBgpSendOrfRouteTargetTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpSendOrfRouteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the route targets to be advertised to the peers if it is Outbound route filtering capable." ::= { tBgpInstanceObjects 5 } tBgpSendOrfRouteTargetEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpSendOrfRouteTargetEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tBgpSendOrfRouteTargetTable. Each entry represents a route target to be advertised to the peer." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, IMPLIED tBgpSendOrfRouteTarget } ::= { tBgpSendOrfRouteTargetTable 1 } TBgpSendOrfRouteTargetEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpSendOrfRouteTarget TNamedItem, tBgpSendOrfRTRowStatus RowStatus } tBgpSendOrfRouteTarget OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the tBgpSendOrfRouteTargetTable. The value of tBgpSendOrfRouteTarget specifies the extended community name to be advertised to the peer." ::= { tBgpSendOrfRouteTargetEntry 1 } tBgpSendOrfRTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "RowStatus for the Send Orf Route target entry." ::= { tBgpSendOrfRouteTargetEntry 2 } -- -- BGP Instance Params Table -- tBgpInstanceParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpInstanceParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information about the attributes configured for the BGP instance." ::= { tBgpInstanceObjects 6 } tBgpInstanceParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpInstanceParamsEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the tBgpInstanceParamsTable. Each entry maintains the attributes configured for BGP instance." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsTable 1 } TBgpInstanceParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpInstanceDisableFEFailover TruthValue, tBgpInstanceDisableComms TruthValue, tBgpInstanceDisableExtComms TruthValue, tBgpInstanceDefaultOriginate TruthValue, tBgpInstanceAdvertiseInactiveRts TruthValue, tBgpInstancePeerTracking TruthValue, tBgpInstanceAuthKeyChain TNamedItemOrEmpty, tBgpInstanceRapidWithdrawal TruthValue, tBgpInstanceBfdEnabled TruthValue, tBgpInstanceRapidUpdate TmnxIpFamily, tBgpInstanceEnableAddPath TruthValue, tBgpInstanceRecvAddPath TmnxAddPathAddressFamily, tBgpInstanceIpv4AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpInstanceVpnIpv4AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpInstanceIpv6AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpInstanceVpnIpv6AddPathLimit TmnxAddPathSendLimit, tBgpInstanceTransportTunnel BITS, tBgpInstanceFlowspecValidate TruthValue, tBgpInstanceAdvertiseExternal TmnxIpFamily, tBgpInstanceBackupPath TmnxIpFamily, tBgpInstanceIgnoreNextHopMetric TruthValue, tBgpInstanceMpBgpKeep TruthValue, tBgpInstanceIgnoreRouterId TruthValue, tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompMEDStrict TruthValue, tBgpInstanceMinHoldTime BgpHoldTime, tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs TruthValue } tBgpInstanceDisableFEFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDisableFEFailover specifies whether the router should drop an external BGP session immediately when the local interface goes down, or whether the BGP session should be kept up until the holdtime expires. Setting the value to 'true' causes the external BGP session to go down immediately when the local interface goes down." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 1 } tBgpInstanceDisableComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDisableComms enables or disables sending of community attribute to the peer for non-external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 2 } tBgpInstanceDisableExtComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDisableComms enables or disables sending of community attribute to the peers for external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 3 } tBgpInstanceDefaultOriginate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceDefaultOriginate enables or disables the sending of default routes to the peer, making it independent of the route policies." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 4 } tBgpInstanceAdvertiseInactiveRts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceAdvertiseInactiveRts enables or disables advertising of inactive BGP routes to other BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 5 } tBgpInstancePeerTracking OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePeerTracking specifies whether tracking of BGP peers is enabled. A value of 'false' indicates that bgp peer tracking is disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 6 } tBgpInstanceAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceAuthKeyChain specifies the keychain which will be used to sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream. The keychain name is defined by tmnxKeyChainName and is the index for TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB::tmnxKeyChainTable" DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 7 } tBgpInstanceRapidWithdrawal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceRapidWithdrawal specifies whether the delay (minimum route advertisement) on sending BGP withdrawals has to be disabled. Normal route withdrawals may be delayed up to the minimum route advertisement to allow for efficient packing of BGP updates. When the value of tBgpInstanceRapidWithdrawal is 'true' the delay on sending BGP withdrawals is disabled. By default, the delay exists, which is the normal behavior for rapid withdrawal processing." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 8 } tBgpInstanceBfdEnabled OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceBfdEnabled specifies whether Bi-directional Forwarding Detection is enabled on this router. When the value is 'true', BFD sessions can be established and BFD can be used as a signalling mechanism." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 9 } tBgpInstanceRapidUpdate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceRapidUpdate specifies the address families for which the BGP rapid udpates will be sent to improve join/prune latency. A 'vpnIpv4 (2)' address is a 12-byte value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher, RD, and the 4-byte ipv4 IP address prefix. The RD must be unique within the scope of the VPRN. This allows the IP address prefixes within different VRFs to overlap. 'ipv6 (3)', 'mcastIpv4 (4)', and 'l2vpn (6)' are multi-protocol extensions to BGP. A 'vpnIpv6 (5)' address is a 24-byte value consisting of the 8-byte RD, and 16 bytes for the IPv6 address. When both IPv4 and IPv6 VPRN services are enabled, the PE router uses the same RD for both address families. A 'l2vpn (6)' address is a 12-byte Virtual Switch Instance identifier (VSI-ID) value consisting of the 8-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte value. A 'mvpnIpv4 (7)' address is variable size value consisting of the 1-byte route type, 1-byte length and variable size route type specific. Route type defines encoding for the route type specific field. Length indicates the length in octets of the route type specific field. A 'mdtSafi (8)' address is a 16-byte value consisting of 12-byte route distinguisher(RD) followed by a 4-byte group address." DEFVAL { {} } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 10 } tBgpInstanceEnableAddPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceEnableAddPath specifies whether the BGP ADD-PATH send capability is enabled on this BGP instance. ADD-PATH allows a BGP router to advertise multiple distinct paths for the same prefix/NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information). This capability provides a number of potential benifits like reduced routing churn, faster convergence, better loadsharing etc. When the value of tBgpInstanceEnableAddPath is set to 'true', the BGP ADD-PATH send limit objects tBgpInstanceIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpInstanceVpnIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpInstanceIpv6AddPathLimit and tBgpInstanceVpnIpv6AddPathLimit represent their assigned values. The default value of tBgpInstanceEnableAddPath is 'false', which means the ADD-PATH capability is disabled on this BGP instance and the values of the BGP ADD-PATH send limit objects are not valid." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 11 } tBgpInstanceRecvAddPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathAddressFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceRecvAddPath specifies the address families which are enabled to receive BGP ADD-PATH. ADD-PATH allows a BGP router to receive multiple distinct paths for the same prefix/NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information)." DEFVAL { {none} } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 12 } tBgpInstanceIpv4AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceIpv4AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per IPv4 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 13 } tBgpInstanceVpnIpv4AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceVpnIpv4AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per VPN IPv4 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 14 } tBgpInstanceIpv6AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceIpv6AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per IPv6 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 15 } tBgpInstanceVpnIpv6AddPathLimit OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxAddPathSendLimit MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceVpnIpv4AddPathLimit specifies the maximum number of paths per VPN IPv6 prefix that can be advertised to ADD-PATH peers. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceMultipath." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 16 } tBgpInstanceTransportTunnel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { ldp(0), rsvp-te(1), mpls(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bits of tBgpInstanceTransportTunnel specify whether VPNs can exchange routes across autonomous system boundaries, providing model B connectivity. The 'no' form of the command disallows ASBRs to advertise VPRN routes to their peers in other autonomous systems. If a bit is set, the corresponding mechanism will be used to exchange routes. The mechanisms represented by each bit are: ldp(0) - This allows LDP based LSPS to be used as transport from the ASBR to local PE routers rsvp-te(1) - This allows RSVP-TE based LSPS to be used as transport from the ASBR tolocal PE routers mpls(2) - This allows both LDP and RSVP-TE to be used to resolve the BGP nexthop for VPRN routes in an associated VPRN instance." DEFVAL { {ldp} } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 17 } tBgpInstanceFlowspecValidate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceFlowspecValidate specifies whether validation of received flow specification routes is enabled on this router. When the value of tBgpInstanceFlowspecValidate is 'true', the flow routes received from other peers are validated. The default value of tBgpInstanceFlowspecValidate is 'false', which means validation of received flow routes is disabled and all flow specification routes are considered valid." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 18 } tBgpInstanceAdvertiseExternal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceAdvertiseExternal specifies the address families which are enabled on this router instance to advertise the best external route to the destination even when its best overall route is an internal route. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a non-default value when the value of object tBgpInstanceDisableClientReflect is set to 'false'." ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 19 } tBgpInstanceBackupPath OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxIpFamily MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceBackupPath specifies the address families for which the computation and use of a backup path is enabled on this router instance." ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 20 } tBgpInstanceIgnoreNextHopMetric OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceIgnoreNextHopMetric specifies whether next-hop metric should be ignored when computing best routes to a destination for the base router BGP instance." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 21 } tBgpInstanceMpBgpKeep OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMpBgpKeep specifies whether to maintain descriptive information for all Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) routes on this BGP router instance regardless of the existing VPRN route policies currently configured." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 22 } tBgpInstanceIgnoreRouterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceIgnoreRouterId specifies whether to ignore the BGP identifier (router-ID) comparison when comparing two paths learned from different External BGP (EBGP) neighbors as long as both paths are not from a confed-BGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 23 } tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompMEDStrict OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompMEDStrict specifies whether to compare Multi-Exit Discriminator (MED) path attribute between routes learned from the same or different neighboring autonomous system (neighbor-AS) in the route selection process based on the value specified by tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED. When the value of tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED is 'zero' and the value of tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompMEDStrict is set to 'true', the MED attribute of two routes is compared if they come from the same neighbor-AS and the routes are compared as though the route with the missing MED has a MED of zero (the best possible route). When the value of tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED is 'infinity' and the value of tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompMEDStrict is set to 'true', the MED attribute of two routes is compared if they come from the same neighbor-AS and the routes are compared as though the route with the missing MED has a MED of infinity (the worst possible value). An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a non-default value when the value of object tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED is not set to 'zero' or 'infinity'." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 24 } tBgpInstanceMinHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpHoldTime MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstanceMinHoldTime specifies the minimum hold time that should be strictly enforced on tBgpInstanceHoldTime. When the value of tBgpInstanceMinHoldTime is configured, BGP will not negotiate a hold time lower than the configured value. An 'inconsistentValue' error is returned if an attempt is made to set this object to a value greater than tBgpInstanceHoldTime." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 25 } tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs specifies whether or not to remove the private autonomous system number (ASN) from AS-Path, if the AS-Path contains the ASN of the external BGP (eBGP) neighbor on this BGP instance. When the value of tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs is true, BGP will not remove the private ASN from the AS-Path if it is the same autonomous system number as the remote eBGP peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpInstanceParamsEntry 26 } -- -- BGP Instance Policy objects -- tBgpInstancePlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpInstancePlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tBgpInstancePlcyTable consists of information about each running instance of BGP." ::= { tBgpInstanceObjects 7 } tBgpInstancePlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpInstancePlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpInstancePlcyTable. Each entry represents an instance of BGP running on the virtual router." AUGMENTS { tBgpInstanceEntry } ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyTable 1 } TBgpInstancePlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy6 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy7 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy8 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy9 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy10 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy11 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy12 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy13 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy14 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy15 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy6 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy7 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy8 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy9 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy10 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy11 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy12 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy13 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy14 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy15 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy1 specifies the first import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 1 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy2 specifies the second import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 2 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy3 specifies the third import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 3 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy4 specifies the fourth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 4 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy5 specifies the fifth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 5 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy6 specifies the sixth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 6 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy7 specifies the seventh import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 7 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy8 specifies the eighth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 8 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy9 specifies the ninth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 9 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy10 specifies the tenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 10 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy11 specifies the eleventh import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 11 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy12 specifies the twelfth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 12 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy13 specifies the thirteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 13 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy14 specifies the fourteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 14 } tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy15 specifies the fifteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 15 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy1 specifies the first export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 16 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy2 specifies the second export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 17 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy3 specifies the third export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 18 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy4 specifies the fourth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 19 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy5 specifies the fifth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 20 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy6 specifies the sixth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 21 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy7 specifies the seventh export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 22 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy8 specifies the eighth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 23 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy9 specifies the ninth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 24 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy10 specifies the tenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 25 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy11 specifies the eleventh export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 26 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy12 specifies the twelfth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 27 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy13 specifies the thirteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 28 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy14 specifies the fourteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 29 } tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy15 specifies the fifteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpInstancePlcyEntry 30 } -- -- Bgp Peering-Policy Objects -- tBgpPeeringPolicyTableLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPolicyTableLastChngd indicates the sysUpTime when any type of change was last made to the tBgpPeeringPolicyTable." ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyObjects 1 } tBgpPeeringPolicyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeeringPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeeringPolicyTable table contains BGP peering policy definitions." ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyObjects 2 } tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeeringPolicyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeeringPolicyTable. Each entry contains all data for a given BGP peering policy. Entries are created/modified/deleted by SNMP GET/SETs." INDEX {IMPLIED tBgpPeeringPolicyName} ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyTable 1 } TBgpPeeringPolicyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeeringPolicyName TNamedItem, tBgpPrngPlcyRowStatus RowStatus, tBgpPrngPlcyLastChngd TimeStamp, tBgpPrngPlcyDescription DisplayString, tBgpPrngPlcyInheritance Counter64, tBgpPrngPlcyAdvertiseInactiveRts TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyNoAggregatorID TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyASOverride TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyAuthKeyChain TNamedItemOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyMd5Auth TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyMd5AuthKey OCTET STRING, tBgpPrngPlcyClusterId IpAddress, tBgpPrngPlcyConnectRetry BgpConnectRetryTime, tBgpPrngPlcyDampening TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableClientReflect TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableComms TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableExtComms TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableFEFailover TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPrngPlcyHoldTime BgpHoldTime, tBgpPrngPlcyKeepAlive BgpKeepAliveTime, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddressType InetAddressType, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddress InetAddress, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAS InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalASPrivate TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalPreference TmnxBgpLocalPreference, tBgpPrngPlcyLoopDetect BgpLoopDetect, tBgpPrngPlcyMEDSource BgpMEDSource, tBgpPrngPlcyMEDValue BgpMEDValue, tBgpPrngPlcyMinASOrigination BgpMinASOriginationTime, tBgpPrngPlcyMinRteAdvertisement BgpMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPrngPlcyMultihop BgpTimeToLive, tBgpPrngPlcyNextHopSelf TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyPassive TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyPeerAS InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpPrngPlcyPreference TmnxBgpPreference, tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefix BgpPrefixLimit, tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateAS TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyMinTTLValue Unsigned32, tBgpPrngPlcyPeerType BgpPeerType, tBgpPrngPlcyDisable4ByteASN TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateASLmtd TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixLogOnly TruthValue, tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixThreshold Unsigned32 } tBgpPeeringPolicyName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItem MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index for the tBgpPeeringPolicyTable. The value of tBgpPeeringPolicyName specifies the name of the bgp peering policy defined by this row." ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 1 } tBgpPrngPlcyRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyRowStatus specifies the RowStatus for the Bgp Peering Policy Entry." ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 2 } tBgpPrngPlcyLastChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyLastChngd indicates the value of the sysUpTime when this entry was last modified." ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 3 } tBgpPrngPlcyDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..80)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyDescription specifies a user provided description string for this BGP peering policy. It can consist of any printable, seven-bit ASCII characters up to 80 characters in length." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 4 } tBgpPrngPlcyInheritance OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter64 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "tBgpPrngPlcyInheritance is a bit-mask, with the following positions: tBgpPrngPlcyAdvertiseInactiveRts 0x00000008 tBgpPrngPlcyNoAggregatorID 0x00000010 tBgpPrngPlcyASOverride 0x00000020 tBgpPrngPlcyAuthKeyChain 0x00000040 tBgpPrngPlcyMd5Auth 0x00000080 tBgpPrngPlcyMd5AuthKey 0x00000100 tBgpPrngPlcyClusterId 0x00000200 tBgpPrngPlcyConnectRetry 0x00000400 tBgpPrngPlcyDampening 0x00000800 tBgpPrngPlcyDisableClientReflect 0x00001000 tBgpPrngPlcyDisableComms 0x00002000 tBgpPrngPlcyDisableExtComms 0x00004000 tBgpPrngPlcyDisableFEFailover 0x00008000 tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy1 0x00010000 tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy2 0x00020000 tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy3 0x00040000 tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy4 0x00080000 tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy5 0x00100000 tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy1 0x00200000 tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy2 0x00400000 tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy3 0x00800000 tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy4 0x01000000 tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy5 0x02000000 tBgpPrngPlcyHoldTime 0x04000000 tBgpPrngPlcyKeepAlive 0x08000000 tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddressType 0x10000000 tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddress 0x20000000 tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAS 0x40000000 tBgpPrngPlcyLocalASPrivate 0x80000000 tBgpPrngPlcyLocalPreference 0x0000000100000000 tBgpPrngPlcyLoopDetect 0x0000000200000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMEDSource 0x0000000400000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMEDValue 0x0000000800000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMinASOrigination 0x0000001000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMinRteAdvertisement 0x0000002000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMultihop 0x0000004000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyNextHopSelf 0x0000008000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyPassive 0x0000010000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyPeerAS 0x0000020000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyPreference 0x0000040000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefix 0x0000080000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateAS 0x0000100000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMinTTLValue 0x0000200000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyPeerType 0x0000400000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyDisable4ByteASN 0x0000800000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateASLmtd 0x0001000000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixLogOnly 0x0002000000000000 tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixThreshold 0x0004000000000000 When the bit for an object is set to one, then the object's administrative and operational value are whatever the DEFVAL or most recently SET value is. When the bit for an object is set to zero, then the bgp peer created with this policy administrative and operational value are inherited from the corresponding object in tBgpPeerGroupTable, or from the corresponding object in tBgpInstanceTable." DEFVAL { 0 } -- by default inherit everything ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 5 } tBgpPrngPlcyAdvertiseInactiveRts OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyAdvertiseInactiveRts specifies whether or not the advertising of inactive BGP routes to other BGP peers is allowed." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 6 } tBgpPrngPlcyNoAggregatorID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyNoAggregatorID specifies whether or not the router ID in the BGP aggregator path attribute is set to zero. When set to 'true' the router ID in the BGP aggregator path attribute is set to zero. Doing this prevents different routers within an AS from creating aggregate routes that contain different AS paths. The default is to set the Aggregator ID to the router's BGP ID." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 7 } tBgpPrngPlcyASOverride OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyASOverride specifies whether or not the customer AS number in the ASPATH attrubute is overriden with the own AS number. When the value of tBgpPrngPlcyASOverride is 'true', the service provider BGP will override the customer AS number in the ASPATH with its own AS number. Without this feature there could be scenarios where multiple CE locations belonging to the same AS will not be able to communicate due to a potential loop detection." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 8 } tBgpPrngPlcyAuthKeyChain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TNamedItemOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyAuthKeyChain specifies the keychain which will be used to sign and/or authenticate the BGP protocol stream. The keychain name is defined by tmnxKeyChainName and is the index for TIMETRA-SECURITY-MIB::tmnxKeyChainTable" DEFVAL { ''H } -- empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 9 } tBgpPrngPlcyMd5Auth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyMd5Auth specifies whether or not authentication using MD5 message based digest protocol is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 10 } tBgpPrngPlcyMd5AuthKey OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyMd5AuthKey specifies the authentication key to be used between BGP peers neighbors when establishing sessions. Authentication is done using the MD-5 message based digest protocol. Authentication can be configured globally and applied to all BGP peers or per group or per peer. The most specific value is used. The authentication key can be any combination of letters or numbers. Note that the string may contain embedded nulls." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 11 } tBgpPrngPlcyClusterId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IpAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyClusterId specifies the cluster ID for a route reflector server. A value of indicates that no cluster ID has been assigned to the BGP instance." DEFVAL {'00000000'H } -- ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 12 } tBgpPrngPlcyConnectRetry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpConnectRetryTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyConnectRetry specifies the value (in seconds) of the BGP Connect Retry timer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerConnectRetryInterval" DEFVAL { 120 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 13 } tBgpPrngPlcyDampening OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyDampening specifies whether or not route dampening should be applied to learned routes." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 14 } tBgpPrngPlcyDisableClientReflect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyDisableClientReflect specifies whether or not route reflection is active for this peer. Setting this value to 'true', disables reflection of routes by the route reflector to all client peers within its cluster. When set to 'false', reflection of routes to all client peers is enabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 15 } tBgpPrngPlcyDisableComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyDisableComms specifies whether or not the community attribute is to be sent to the peer for non-external communities. Setting the value of tBgpPGDisableComms to 'true' disables sending of community attribute to the peer for non-external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 16 } tBgpPrngPlcyDisableExtComms OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyDisableExtComms specifies whether or not the community attribute is to be sent to the peer for external communities. Setting the value of tBgpPGDisableComms to 'true' disables sending of community attribute to the peers for external communities." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 17 } tBgpPrngPlcyDisableFEFailover OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyDisableFEFailover specifies whether or not the router should drop an external BGP session immediately when the local interface goes down, or whether the BGP session should be kept up until the holdtime expires. Setting the value to 'true' causes the external BGP session to go down immediately when the local interface goes down." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 18 } tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy1 specifies the import policy number 1 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no import policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy1." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 19 } tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy2 specifies the import policy number 2 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no import policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy2." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 20 } tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy3 specifies the import policy number 3 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no import policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy3." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 21 } tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy4 specifies the import policy number 4 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no import policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy4." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 22 } tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy5 specifies the import policy number 5 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no import policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy5." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 23 } tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy1 specifies the export policy number 1 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no export policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy1." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 24 } tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy2 specifies the export policy number 2 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no export policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy2." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 25 } tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy3 specifies the export policy number 3 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no export policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy3." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 26 } tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy4 specifies the export policy number 4 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no export policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy4." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 27 } tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy5 specifies the export policy number 5 for this peer. An empty string indicates that no export policy is applied. This object was obsoleted in release 10.0. It is replaced by object tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy5." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 28 } tBgpPrngPlcyHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpHoldTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyHoldTime specifies the value (in seconds) of the BGP Hold Time Parameter." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerHoldTime" DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 29 } tBgpPrngPlcyKeepAlive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpKeepAliveTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyKeepAlive specifies the value of the BGP Keepalive timer. A keepalive message is sent every time this timer expires." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerKeepAlive" DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 30 } tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddressType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddressType specifies the address type of the peer group local address." ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 31 } tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddress specifies the address of the peer group local address. The type of address contained in tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddress is determined by tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddressType. If local address is not set, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddressType is set to unknown and tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddress returns a null string." ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 32 } tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAS specifies the autonomous system number to be advertised to this peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 33 } tBgpPrngPlcyLocalASPrivate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If tBgpPrngPlcyLocalASPrivate is true, specifies that the local autonomous system number is hidden in paths learned from peering." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 34 } tBgpPrngPlcyLocalPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpLocalPreference MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyLocalPreference specifies the default value for the Local Preference attribute. This value is used if the BGP route arrives from a BGP peer without the Local Pref attribute set. It is overridden by any value set via a route policy." DEFVAL { 100 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 35 } tBgpPrngPlcyLoopDetect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpLoopDetect MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyLoopDetect specifies how the peer session should deal with loop detection in the AS Path." DEFVAL { ignore } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 36 } tBgpPrngPlcyMEDSource OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDSource MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyMEDSource specifies the Multi Exit Discriminator value source for this peer." DEFVAL { noMedOut } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 37 } tBgpPrngPlcyMEDValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMEDValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyMEDValue specifies,when tBgpPeerMEDSource is metricVal, the Multi Exit Discriminator value for this peer. Otherwise the value of this object is ignored." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 38 } tBgpPrngPlcyMinASOrigination OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinASOriginationTime UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyMinASOrigination specifies the minimal interval (in seconds) at which a given path attribute can be advertised to a peer." REFERENCE "BGP4-MIB.bgpPeerMinASOriginationInterval" DEFVAL { 15 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 39 } tBgpPrngPlcyMinRteAdvertisement OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpMinRouteAdvertisement UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyMinRteAdvertisement specifies the minimum interval at which a given path attribute can be advertised to a peer." DEFVAL { 30 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 40 } tBgpPrngPlcyMultihop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpTimeToLive UNITS "TTL hops" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyMultihop specifies the TTL used in IP packet header for BGP advertisements. Default TTL values for EBGP peer is 1, and MAX_TTL for IBGP peers. Default value if not set is no_type - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 41 } tBgpPrngPlcyNextHopSelf OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyNextHopSelf specifies whether or not routes advertised to EBGP peers have NEXTHOP path attribute set to this router's physical interface. When false, third party routes are advertised." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 42 } tBgpPrngPlcyPassive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyPassive specifies whether or not this router will attempt to connect to the peer, or will wait for the peer to connect. If set to true, this router will NOT attempt to connect to the peer, but will wait passively for the peer to connect." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 43 } tBgpPrngPlcyPeerAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyPeerAS specifies the Autonomous System number for the remote peer." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 44 } tBgpPrngPlcyPreference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpPreference (1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyPreference specifies the route preference for routes learned via the peer." DEFVAL { 170 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 45 } tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPrefixLimit UNITS "number of routes" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefix specifies the maximum number of routes that can be learned from this peer. A value of zero specifies that there is not limit to the number of routes learned. The tBgpMaxNgPrefixThreshReached notification is sent when the number of routes exceeds a percentage of this limit as specified by tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixThreshold. If the number of routes exceeds this limit, then BGP peering will be disabled and the tBgpMaxNgPrefix100 notification will be sent." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 46 } tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateAS specifies whether or not private AS numbers should be stripped from the AS Path before advertising them to BGP peers." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 47 } tBgpPrngPlcyMinTTLValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (0 | 1..255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyMinTTLValue specifies the minimum TTL value for an incoming BGP packet. If tBgpPrngPlcyMinTTLValue is set to zero (0), the TTL Security feature is disabled." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 48 } tBgpPrngPlcyPeerType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BgpPeerType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of the object tBgpPrngPlcyPeerType specifies the type of peer - noType(1), internal(2) and external(3). Default value if not set is noType - the peer has to infer its value based on local-as, and peer-as in that case." DEFVAL { noType } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 49 } tBgpPrngPlcyDisable4ByteASN OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyDisable4ByteASN specifies whether or not 4-byte ASN capability will be advertised by this peer. When the value of tBgpPrngPlcyDisable4ByteASN is set to false, 4-byte ASN support will be negotiated with the associated remote peers. When the value of tBgpPrngPlcyDisable4ByteASN is set to true, 4-byte ASN capability will not be advertised by this peer." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 50 } tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateASLmtd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateASLmtd specifies whether this BGP peer will remove the private AS numbers. When the value of tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd is true, this BGP peer will remove private AS numbers from the AS Path." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 51 } tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixLogOnly OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixLogOnly specifies whether BGP peering will be disabled when tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefix is exceeded. When the value is set to 'true', BGP peering will be enabled. When the value is set to 'false', BGP peering will be disabled." DEFVAL { false } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 52 } tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..100) UNITS "percentage" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixThreshold specifies a percentage of tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefix" DEFVAL { 90 } ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry 53 } -- -- Bgp Peering-Policy Extension Table -- tBgpPeeringPlcyTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpPeeringPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeeringPlcyTable contains BGP peering policies." ::= { tBgpPeeringPolicyObjects 3 } tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpPeeringPlcyEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpPeeringPlcyTable." AUGMENTS { tBgpPeeringPolicyEntry } ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyTable 1 } TBgpPeeringPlcyEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy6 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy7 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy8 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy9 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy10 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy11 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy12 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy13 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy14 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy15 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy1 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy2 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy3 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy4 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy5 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy6 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy7 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy8 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy9 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy10 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy11 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy12 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy13 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy14 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy15 TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy1 specifies the first import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 1 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy2 specifies the second import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 2 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy3 specifies the third import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 3 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy4 specifies the fourth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 4 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy5 specifies the fifth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 5 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy6 specifies the sixth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 6 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy7 specifies the seventh import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 7 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy8 specifies the eighth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 8 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy9 specifies the ninth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 9 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy10 specifies the tenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 10 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy11 specifies the eleventh import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 11 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy12 specifies the twelfth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 12 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy13 specifies the thirteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 13 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy14 specifies the fourteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 14 } tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy15 specifies the fifteenth import policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 15 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy1 specifies the first export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 16 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy2 specifies the second export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 17 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy3 specifies the third export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 18 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy4 specifies the fourth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 19 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy5 specifies the fifth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 20 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy6 specifies the sixth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 21 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy7 specifies the seventh export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 22 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy8 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy8 specifies the eighth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 23 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy9 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy9 specifies the ninth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 24 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy10 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy10 specifies the tenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 25 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy11 specifies the eleventh export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 26 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy12 specifies the twelfth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 27 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy13 specifies the thirteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 28 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy14 specifies the fourteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 29 } tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TPolicyStatementNameOrEmpty MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy15 specifies the fifteenth export policy." DEFVAL { ''H } -- the empty string ::= { tBgpPeeringPlcyEntry 30 } -- -- BGP-confederation objects -- tBgpConfederation4BytTblLstChngd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpConfederation4BytTblLstChngd specifies the time of the last change to any row of tBgpConfederation4ByteTable." ::= { tBgpInstanceConfederationObjects 3 } tBgpConfederation4ByteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TBgpConfederation4ByteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The tBgpConfederation4ByteTable has an entry for each confederation member. This table holds information about each confederation member for every running instance of BGP." ::= { tBgpInstanceConfederationObjects 4 } tBgpConfederation4ByteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TBgpConfederation4ByteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry (conceptual row) in the tBgpConfederation4ByteTable. Each row entry represents a confederation member for the instance of BGP running on the virtual router." INDEX { tBgpInstanceIndex, tBgpConfederation4ByteAS, tBgpConfederation4ByteMemberAS } ::= { tBgpConfederation4ByteTable 1 } TBgpConfederation4ByteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { tBgpConfederation4ByteAS InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpConfederation4ByteMemberAS InetAutonomousSystemNumber, tBgpConfederation4ByteRowStatus RowStatus } tBgpConfederation4ByteAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpConfederation4ByteAS specifies the secondary index for tBgpConfederation4ByteTable. Each confederation entry is differentiated by autonomous system number." ::= { tBgpConfederation4ByteEntry 1 } tBgpConfederation4ByteMemberAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAutonomousSystemNumber MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpConfederation4ByteMemberAS specifies the tertiary index for tBgpConfederation4ByteTable. Each confederation member entry is differentiated by autonomous system number." ::= { tBgpConfederation4ByteEntry 2 } tBgpConfederation4ByteRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpConfederation4ByteRowStatus specifies the row status of the BGP confederation entry for the virtual router. Row status is used for creation and deletion of tBgpConfederation4ByteTable entries." ::= { tBgpConfederation4ByteEntry 3 } -- -- Notification Objects -- tBgpPeerNgAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAddrType indicates the type of address for the BGP peer represented by tBgpPeerNgAddr." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 1 } tBgpPeerNgAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerNgAddr indicates the address for the BGP peer." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 2 } tBgpFlowspecExtCommunityAction OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TmnxBgpFlowRouteExtCommAction MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpFlowspecExtCommunityAction indicates the extended community action received as part of flow route from a remote BGP peer." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 3 } tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddrType indicates the type of address for the BGP peer represented by tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddr." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 4 } tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddr indicates the address of the destination BGP peer received as part of a flow route." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 5 } tBgpFlowRouteInvalidReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpFlowRouteInvalidReason indicates the reason why the received flow route is invalid." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 6 } tBgpFlowRouteNLRI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..30)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpFlowRouteNLRI contains at most the first 30 octets of the NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information) received in a flow route." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 7 } tBgpFlowspecExtCommActionValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..64)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpFlowspecExtCommActionValue indicates the extended community action value received as part of flow route from a remote BGP peer." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 8 } tBgp4OptTransPathAttrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4OptTransPathAttrType indicates the optional-transitive path attribute type received from a remote BGP peer." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 9 } tBgp4OptTransPathAttrLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4OptTransPathAttrLength indicates the length of optional-transitive path attribute length received from a remote BGP peer." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 10 } tBgp4OptTransPathAttribute OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..60)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4OptTransPathAttribute indicates the optional-transitive path attribute value received from a remote BGP peer." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 11 } tBgp4OTWithdrawnRouteLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4OTWithdrawnRouteLength indicates the length of the route withdrawn as a result of optional-transitive path attribute error." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 12 } tBgp4OTWithdrawnRoutePrefix OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgp4OTWithdrawnRoutePrefix indicates the prefix of the route withdrawn as a result of optional-transitive path attribute error." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 13 } tBgpRouteInvalidReason OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpRouteInvalidReason indicates the reason why the received route is invalid." DEFVAL { ''H } ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 14 } tBgpRouteNLRI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255)) MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of tBgpRouteNLRI contains at most the first 255 octets of the NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information) received in a route." ::= { tBgpNotificationObjs 15 } -- -- Notification Information -- tBgpMaxPrefix90 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerMaxPrefix } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "the number of routes learned from this peer has exceeded 90 percent of the configured maximum." ::= { tBgpNotifications 1 } tBgpMaxPrefix100 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerMaxPrefix } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "the number of routes learned from this peer has exceeded the configured maximum." ::= { tBgpNotifications 2 } tBgpPeerGRStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerOperGRStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The tBgpPeerGRStatusChange notification is generated when the graceful restart status changes for a BGP peer." ::= { tBgpNotifications 3 } tBgpMaxNgPrefix90 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "A tBgpMaxNgPrefix90 notification is generated when the number of routes learned from the peer has exceeded tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold percent of the configured maximum (tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix). tBgpMaxNgPrefix90 replaces notification object tBgpMaxPrefix90 as the latter does not support an IPv6 peer." ::= { tBgpNotifications 4 } tBgpMaxNgPrefix100 NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tBgpMaxNgPrefix100 notification is generated when the number of routes learned from the peer has exceeded the configured maximum. tBgpMaxNgPrefix100 replaces notification object tBgpMaxPrefix100 as the latter does not support an IPv6 peer." ::= { tBgpNotifications 5 } tBgpPeerNgGRStatusChange NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tBgpPeerNgGRStatusChange notification is generated when the graceful restart status changes for a BGP peer. tBgpPeerNgGRStatusChange replaces notification object tBgpPeerGRStatusChange as the latter does not support an IPv6 peer." ::= { tBgpNotifications 6 } tBgpNgEstablished NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgLastError, tBgpPeerNgConnState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tBgpNgEstablished notification is generated when the BGP FSM enters the ESTABLISHED state. tBgpNgEstablished is only generated for ipv6 addresses. BGP4-MIB::bgpEstablished is generated for ipv4 addresses." ::= { tBgpNotifications 7 } tBgpNgBackwardTransition NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgLastError, tBgpPeerNgConnState } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tBgpNgBackwardTransition notification is generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher numbered state to a lower numbered state. tBgpNgBackwardTransition is only generated for ipv6 addresses. BGP4-MIB::bgpBackwardTransition is generated for ipv4 addresses." ::= { tBgpNotifications 8 } tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeInconsistent NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgAddrType, tBgpPeerNgAddr, tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeInconsistent notification is generated for a BGP neighbor when a peer tries to establish a peering with a hold time less than the configured minimum hold time. The peering would be rejected." ::= { tBgpNotifications 9 } tBgpFlowspecUnsupportdComAction NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpFlowspecExtCommunityAction, tBgpFlowspecExtCommActionValue } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tBgpFlowspecUnsupportdComAction notification is generated when the best route for a flow specification NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information) is received from a remote BGP peer with an extended community action that is unsupported. [EFFECT] The BGP peer dose not create ip filter entry for the received flow route even if the NLRI(Network Layer Reachability Information) has valid extended community actions. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tBgpNotifications 10 } tBgpFlowRouteInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgAddrType, tBgpPeerNgAddr, tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddrType, tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddr, tBgpFlowRouteInvalidReason, tBgpFlowRouteNLRI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tBgpFlowRouteInvalid notification is generated when the received BGP flow route is invalid. [EFFECT] The BGP peer dose not create ip filter entry for the received flow route. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tBgpNotifications 11 } tBgpMaxNgPrefixThreshReached NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] A tBgpMaxNgPrefixThreshReached notification is generated when the number of routes learned from the peer has exceeded tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold percent of the configured maximum (tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix). tBgpMaxNgPrefixThreshReached replaces notification object tBgpMaxNgPrefix90 as the latter limits the threshold to 90 percent. [EFFECT] No direct effect but if the peer continues to advertise more routes then the number of routes may exceed the configured maximum (tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix). in that case the peer would just be disabled. [RECOVERY] Increase the max-prefix for this peer." ::= { tBgpNotifications 12 } tBgp4OptTransPathAttrInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrID, tBgpPeerNgAddrType, tBgpPeerNgAddr, tBgp4OptTransPathAttrType, tBgp4OptTransPathAttrLength, tBgp4OptTransPathAttribute } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tBgp4OptTransPathAttrInvalid notification is generated when the received optional-transitive path attribute is unknown to this BGP peer. [EFFECT] The BGP peer simply passes the path attribute to the next BGP peer along the route and is not considered responsible for any encoding error. In this case the BGP peering is not torn down. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tBgpNotifications 13 } tBgp4OptTransWithdrawnRoutes NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrID, tBgpPeerNgAddrType, tBgpPeerNgAddr, tBgp4OTWithdrawnRouteLength, tBgp4OTWithdrawnRoutePrefix } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tBgp4OptTransWithdrawnRoutes notification is generated when the processing of optional-transitive path attribute results in the withdrawal of the routes included in the BGP update. [EFFECT] This notification has no direct effect. The withdrawn routes are logged to aid debugging and tracking back the root cause of the problem. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tBgpNotifications 14 } tBgp4RouteInvalid NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { vRtrID, tBgpPeerNgAddrType, tBgpPeerNgAddr, tBgpRouteInvalidReason, tBgpRouteNLRI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "[CAUSE] The tBgp4RouteInvalid notification is generated when the received route is invalid for a specific reason and the route can not be used or advertised further. [EFFECT] The BGP peer ignores the route and flags the path attribute and the route so that the peer/tribe that was attempting to advertise the associated route can skip this route. The BGP peering is not torn down in this case. [RECOVERY] There is no recovery required for this notification." ::= { tBgpNotifications 15 } -- -- Conformance Information -- tmnxBgpCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxBgpConformance 1 } tmnxBgpGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tmnxBgpConformance 2 } -- compliance statements -- tmnxBgpCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE -- ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 1 } -- tmnxBgpR2r1Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE -- ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 2 } -- tmnxBgpV3v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE -- ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 3 } tmnxBgpV4v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 4.0 of TIMETRA-BGP-MIB for management of extended BGP features on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxBgpInstanceV4v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV4v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupV4v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV4v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV4v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV4v0Group, tmnxBgpConfederationGroup, tmnxBgp4PathAttrGroup, tmnxBgpNotificationV4v0Group, tmnxBgpObsoleteV4v0Group, tmnxBgpObsoleteNotificationV4v0Group } ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 4 } tmnxBgpV5v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 5.0 of TIMETRA-BGP-MIB for management of extended BGP features on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxBgpInstanceV4v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupV4v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpConfederationGroup, tmnxBgp4PathAttrGroup, tmnxBgpNotificationV5v0Group, tmnxBgpObsoleteV5v0Group, tmnxBgpObsoleteNotificationV4v0Group } ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 5 } tmnxBgpV6v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 6.0 of TIMETRA-BGP-MIB for management of extended BGP features on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxBgpInstanceV4v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupV4v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpConfederationGroup, tmnxBgp4PathAttrGroup, tmnxBgpNotificationV5v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV6v0Group } ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 6 } tmnxBgpV7v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 7.0 of TIMETRA-BGP-MIB for management of extended BGP features on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgp4PathAttrGroup, tmnxBgpNotificationV5v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeeringPolicyV7v0Group, tmnxBgp4ByteASNV7v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceV7v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupV7v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV7v0Group, tmnxBgpNotifyObjsV7v0Group, tmnxBgpNotificationV7v0Group } ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 7 } tmnxBgpV8v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 8.0 of TIMETRA-BGP-MIB for management of extended BGP features on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgp4PathAttrGroup, tmnxBgpNotificationV5v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeeringPolicyV7v0Group, tmnxBgp4ByteASNV7v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceV7v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupV7v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV7v0Group, tmnxBgpNotifyObjsV7v0Group, tmnxBgpNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceV8v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV8v0Group, tmnxBgpGlobalV8v0Group } ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 8 } tmnxBgpV9v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 9.0 of TIMETRA-BGP-MIB for management of extended BGP features on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgp4PathAttrGroup, tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeeringPolicyV7v0Group, tmnxBgp4ByteASNV7v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceV7v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupV7v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV7v0Group, tmnxBgpNotifyObjsV7v0Group, tmnxBgpNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceV8v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV8v0Group, tmnxBgpGlobalV8v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV9v0Group, tmnxBgpAddPathV9v0R4Group, tmnxBgpGlobalV9v0Group, tmnxBgpFlowSpecV9v0Group, tmnxBgpDisableCapNegoV9v0Group, tmnxBgpNotifyObjsV9v0Group, tmnxBgpNotificationV9v0Group } ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 9 } tmnxBgpV10v0Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for revision 10.0 of TIMETRA-BGP-MIB for management of extended BGP features on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." MODULE -- this module MANDATORY-GROUPS { tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV5v0Group, tmnxBgp4PathAttrGroup, tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerParamsV6v0Group, tmnxBgpPeeringPolicyV10v0Group, tmnxBgp4ByteASNV7v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerGroupV10v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV10v0Group, tmnxBgpNotifyObjsV7v0Group, tmnxBgpNotificationV7v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceV8v0Group, tmnxBgpInstanceV10v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV8v0Group, tmnxBgpGlobalV8v0Group, tmnxBgpPeerV9v0Group, tmnxBgpAddPathV9v0R4Group, tmnxBgpGlobalV9v0Group, tmnxBgpFlowSpecV9v0Group, tmnxBgpDisableCapNegoV9v0Group, tmnxBgpNotifyObjsV9v0Group, tmnxBgpNotificationV9v0Group, tmnxBgpGlobalV10v0Group, tmnxBgpPeeringPlcyV10v0Group, tmnxBgpRTConstraintV10v0Group } ::= { tmnxBgpCompliances 10 } -- units of conformance -- tmnxBgpGlobalGroup OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 1 } -- tmnxBgpInstanceGroup OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 2 } -- tmnxBgpPeerGroupGroup OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 3 } -- tmnxBgpPeerGroup OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 4 } tmnxBgpConfederationGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpConfederationTableLastChanged, tBgpConfederationRowStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP confederations on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 5 } tmnxBgp4PathAttrGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgp4PathAttrOriginID, tBgp4PathAttrClusterList, tBgp4PathAttrCommunity, tBgp4PathAttrExtCommunity } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP4 path attributes on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 6 } -- tmnxBgpNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 7 } -- tmnxBgpInstanceR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 8 } -- tmnxBgpInstanceParamsR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 9 } -- tmnxBgpPeerGroupR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 10 } -- tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 11 } -- tmnxBgpPeerR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 12 } -- tmnxBgpPeerParamsR2r1Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 13 } -- tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 14 } -- tmnxBgpPeerParamsV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 15 } -- tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 16 } -- tmnxBgpPeerV3v0Group OBJECT-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 17 } -- tmnxBgpNotificationV3v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP -- ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 18 } tmnxBgpPeerV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerTableLastChanged, tBgpPeerTableSpinlock, tBgpPeerNgPeerGroup, tBgpPeerNgRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgShutdown, tBgpPeerNgDescription, tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry, tBgpPeerNgHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive, tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerNgDampening, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType, tBgpPeerNgLocalAS, tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference, tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect, tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerNgMEDSource, tBgpPeerNgMEDValue, tBgpPeerNgMultihop, tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerNgPassive, tBgpPeerNgPeerAS, tBgpPeerNgPeerType, tBgpPeerNgPreference, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerNgLastChanged, tBgpPeerNgInheritance, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgOperStatus, tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth, tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerNgClusterId, tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState, tBgpPeerNgGROperState, tBgpPeerNgFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerNgVpnLocalCaps, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerNgConnState, tBgpPeerNgASOverride, tBgpPeerNgOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsRcvd, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsSent, tBgpPeerNgOperInputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperOutputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerNgOperPathsSupByDamping, tBgpPeerNgOperFlaps, tBgpPeerNgOperLastState, tBgpPeerNgOperLastEvent, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnRecvPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyRestart, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyFwding, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyNegotiated, tBgpPeerNgOperGRRecvEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSendEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStaleRoutesTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRReqRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperNumRestarts, tBgpPeerNgOperLastRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPathsDamping, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnReceivedPaths } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 19 } tmnxBgpInstanceV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceTableLastChanged, tBgpInstanceRowStatus, tBgpInstanceShutdown, tBgpInstanceDescription, tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED, tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnore, tBgpInstanceBgpId, tBgpInstanceConnectRetry, tBgpInstanceHoldTime, tBgpInstanceKeepAlive, tBgpInstanceMinASOrigination, tBgpInstanceDampening, tBgpInstanceLocalAS, tBgpInstanceLocalPreference, tBgpInstanceLoopDetect, tBgpInstanceMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpInstanceMultipath, tBgpInstanceNoAggregatorID, tBgpInstancePreference, tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateAS, tBgpInstanceLastChanged, tBgpInstanceMultihop, tBgpInstanceMEDSource, tBgpInstanceMEDValue, tBgpInstanceConfederationAS, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy1, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy2, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy3, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy4, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy5, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy1, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy2, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy3, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy4, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy5, tBgpInstanceOperStatus, tBgpInstanceLocalASPrivate, tBgpInstanceMd5Auth, tBgpInstanceMd5AuthKey, tBgpInstanceClusterId, tBgpInstanceDisableClientReflect, tBgpInstanceIBgpMultipath, tBgpInstanceFamily, tBgpInstanceGracefulRestart, tBgpInstanceGRPathSelectDefer, tBgpInstanceGRRestartTime, tBgpInstanceGRStaleRoute, tBgpInstanceGRAdminState, tBgpInstanceGROperState, tBgpInstanceVpnApplyImport, tBgpInstanceVpnApplyExport, tBgpInstanceIgpShortcut, tBgpInstanceDisallowIgp, tBgpInstanceOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpInstRteTargetRowStatus, tBgpSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpInstanceAllowInterAsVpn } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of each extended BGP instance on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 20 } tmnxBgpObsoleteV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerPeerGroup, tBgpPeerRowStatus, tBgpPeerShutdown, tBgpPeerDescription, tBgpPeerConnectRetry, tBgpPeerHoldTime, tBgpPeerKeepAlive, tBgpPeerMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerDampening, tBgpPeerLocalAddress, tBgpPeerLocalAS, tBgpPeerLocalPreference, tBgpPeerLoopDetect, tBgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerMEDSource, tBgpPeerMEDValue, tBgpPeerMultihop, tBgpPeerNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerPassive, tBgpPeerPeerAS, tBgpPeerPeerType, tBgpPeerPreference, tBgpPeerRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerLastChanged, tBgpPeerInheritance, tBgpPeerImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerOperStatus, tBgpPeerLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerMd5Auth, tBgpPeerMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerClusterId, tBgpPeerDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerGRAdminState, tBgpPeerGROperState, tBgpPeerFamily, tBgpPeerVpnRemoteFamily, tBgpPeerVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerVpnLocalCaps, tBgpPeerVpnRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerConnState, tBgpPeerASOverride, tBgpPeerOrf, tBgpPeerExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsRcvd, tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsSent, tBgpPeerOperInputQueueMessages, tBgpPeerOperOutputQueueMessages, tBgpPeerOperReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerOperReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerOperPathsSuppressedByDamping, tBgpPeerOperFlaps, tBgpPeerOperLastState, tBgpPeerOperLastEvent, tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperVpnSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperVpnActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerOperGRSupport, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyRestart, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyFwding, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyNegotiated, tBgpPeerOperGRRecvEOR, tBgpPeerOperGRSendEOR, tBgpPeerOperGRStaleRoutesTime, tBgpPeerOperGRRequestRestartTime, tBgpPeerOperGRStatus, tBgpPeerOperNumRestarts, tBgpPeerOperLastRestartTime, tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperV6SentPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperV6ActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerOperV6SuppPathsDamping, tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerParamsInheritance, tBgpPeerDisableFEFailover, tBgpPeerDisableComms, tBgpPeerDisableExtComms, tBgpPeerDefaultOriginate, tBgpPeerAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpPeerMinTTLValue, tBgpPeerTTLLogId, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAddress } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 21 } tmnxBgpPeerParamsV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgParamsInheritance, tBgpPeerNgDisableFEFailover, tBgpPeerNgDisableComms, tBgpPeerNgDisableExtComms, tBgpPeerNgDefaultOriginate, tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpPeerNgMinTTLValue, tBgpPeerNgTracking } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peer parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 22 } tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPGParamsInheritance, tBgpPGDisableFEFailover, tBgpPGDisableComms, tBgpPGDisableExtComms, tBgpPGDefaultOriginate, tBgpPGAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpPGMinTTLValue, tBgpPGTTLLogId, tBgpPGLocalAddressType, tBgpPGLocalAddress, tBgpPGPeerTracking } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP Peer Group parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 23 } tmnxBgpPeerGroupV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerGroupTableLastChanged, tBgpPeerGroupTableSpinlock, tBgpPeerGroupName, tBgpPeerGroupRowStatus, tBgpPeerGroupShutdown, tBgpPeerGroupDescription, tBgpPeerGroupConnectRetry, tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime, tBgpPeerGroupKeepAlive, tBgpPeerGroupMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerGroupDampening, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS, tBgpPeerGroupLocalPreference, tBgpPeerGroupLoopDetect, tBgpPeerGroupMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource, tBgpPeerGroupMEDValue, tBgpPeerGroupMultihop, tBgpPeerGroupNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerGroupNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerGroupPassive, tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS, tBgpPeerGroupPeerType, tBgpPeerGroupPreference, tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerGroupLastChanged, tBgpPeerGroupInheritance, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerGroupOperStatus, tBgpPeerGroupLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerGroupMd5Auth, tBgpPeerGroupMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerGroupClusterId, tBgpPeerGroupDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerGroupGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerGroupGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerGroupGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerGroupGRAdminState, tBgpPeerGroupGROperState, tBgpPeerGroupFamily, tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerGroupASOverride, tBgpPeerGroupOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPGSendOrfRTRowStatus } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP Peer Groups on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 24 } tmnxBgpNotificationV4v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tBgpMaxNgPrefix90, tBgpMaxNgPrefix100, tBgpPeerNgGRStatusChange } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 25 } tmnxBgpObsoleteNotificationV4v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tBgpMaxPrefix90, tBgpMaxPrefix100, tBgpPeerGRStatusChange } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 26 } tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV4v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceDisableFEFailover, tBgpInstanceDisableComms, tBgpInstanceDisableExtComms, tBgpInstanceDefaultOriginate, tBgpInstanceAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpInstancePeerTracking } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of each extended BGP instance parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 27 } tmnxBgpPeerV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerTableLastChanged, tBgpPeerTableSpinlock, tBgpPeerNgPeerGroup, tBgpPeerNgRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgShutdown, tBgpPeerNgDescription, tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry, tBgpPeerNgHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive, tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerNgDampening, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType, tBgpPeerNgLocalAS, tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference, tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect, tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerNgMEDSource, tBgpPeerNgMEDValue, tBgpPeerNgMultihop, tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerNgPassive, tBgpPeerNgPeerAS, tBgpPeerNgPeerType, tBgpPeerNgPreference, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerNgLastChanged, tBgpPeerNgInheritance, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgOperStatus, tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth, tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerNgClusterId, tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState, tBgpPeerNgGROperState, tBgpPeerNgFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerNgVpnLocalCaps, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerNgConnState, tBgpPeerNgASOverride, tBgpPeerNgOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsRcvd, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsSent, tBgpPeerNgOperInputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperOutputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerNgOperFlaps, tBgpPeerNgOperLastState, tBgpPeerNgOperLastEvent, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnRecvPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyRestart, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyFwding, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyNegotiated, tBgpPeerNgOperGRRecvEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSendEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStaleRoutesTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRReqRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperNumRestarts, tBgpPeerNgOperLastRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4ActivePfxs } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 28 } tmnxBgpObsoleteV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerPeerGroup, tBgpPeerRowStatus, tBgpPeerShutdown, tBgpPeerDescription, tBgpPeerConnectRetry, tBgpPeerHoldTime, tBgpPeerKeepAlive, tBgpPeerMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerDampening, tBgpPeerLocalAddress, tBgpPeerLocalAS, tBgpPeerLocalPreference, tBgpPeerLoopDetect, tBgpPeerMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerMEDSource, tBgpPeerMEDValue, tBgpPeerMultihop, tBgpPeerNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerPassive, tBgpPeerPeerAS, tBgpPeerPeerType, tBgpPeerPreference, tBgpPeerRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerLastChanged, tBgpPeerInheritance, tBgpPeerImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerOperStatus, tBgpPeerLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerMd5Auth, tBgpPeerMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerClusterId, tBgpPeerDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerGRAdminState, tBgpPeerGROperState, tBgpPeerFamily, tBgpPeerVpnRemoteFamily, tBgpPeerVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerVpnLocalCaps, tBgpPeerVpnRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerConnState, tBgpPeerASOverride, tBgpPeerOrf, tBgpPeerExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsRcvd, tBgpPeerOperMsgOctetsSent, tBgpPeerOperInputQueueMessages, tBgpPeerOperOutputQueueMessages, tBgpPeerOperReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerOperReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerOperPathsSuppressedByDamping, tBgpPeerOperFlaps, tBgpPeerOperLastState, tBgpPeerOperLastEvent, tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperVpnSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperVpnActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerOperGRSupport, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyRestart, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyFwding, tBgpPeerOperGRFamilyNegotiated, tBgpPeerOperGRRecvEOR, tBgpPeerOperGRSendEOR, tBgpPeerOperGRStaleRoutesTime, tBgpPeerOperGRRequestRestartTime, tBgpPeerOperGRStatus, tBgpPeerOperNumRestarts, tBgpPeerOperLastRestartTime, tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperV6SentPrefixes, tBgpPeerOperV6ActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerOperV6ReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerOperV6SuppPathsDamping, tBgpPeerOperVpnReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerParamsInheritance, tBgpPeerDisableFEFailover, tBgpPeerDisableComms, tBgpPeerDisableExtComms, tBgpPeerDefaultOriginate, tBgpPeerAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpPeerMinTTLValue, tBgpPeerTTLLogId, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAddress, tBgpPeerNgOperPathsSupByDamping, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPathsDamping, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnReceivedPaths } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 29 } tmnxBgpPeerParamsV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgParamsInheritance, tBgpPeerNgDisableFEFailover, tBgpPeerNgDisableComms, tBgpPeerNgDisableExtComms, tBgpPeerNgDefaultOriginate, tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpPeerNgMinTTLValue, tBgpPeerNgTracking, tBgpPeerNgAdvLabelAddrFamily, tBgpPeerNgAuthKeyChain, tBgpPeerNgLastError } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peer parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 30 } tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceDisableFEFailover, tBgpInstanceDisableComms, tBgpInstanceDisableExtComms, tBgpInstanceDefaultOriginate, tBgpInstanceAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpInstancePeerTracking, tBgpInstanceAuthKeyChain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of each extended BGP instance parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 31 } tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV5v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPGParamsInheritance, tBgpPGDisableFEFailover, tBgpPGDisableComms, tBgpPGDisableExtComms, tBgpPGDefaultOriginate, tBgpPGAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpPGMinTTLValue, tBgpPGTTLLogId, tBgpPGLocalAddressType, tBgpPGLocalAddress, tBgpPGPeerTracking, tBgpPGAuthKeyChain } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP Peer Group parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 32 } tmnxBgpNotificationV5v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tBgpMaxNgPrefix90, tBgpMaxNgPrefix100, tBgpPeerNgGRStatusChange, tBgpNgEstablished, tBgpNgBackwardTransition } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "the group of notifications supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 33 } tmnxBgpInstanceParamsV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceRapidWithdrawal, tBgpInstanceBfdEnabled, tBgpInstancePurgeTimer } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of each extended BGP instance parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 6.0" ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 34 } tmnxBgpPeerGroupParamsV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPGBfdEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP Peer Group parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 35 } tmnxBgpPeerParamsV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgBfdEnabled } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peer parameters on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 6.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 36 } tmnxBgpPeerV6v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerTableLastChanged, tBgpPeerTableSpinlock, tBgpPeerNgPeerGroup, tBgpPeerNgRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgShutdown, tBgpPeerNgDescription, tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry, tBgpPeerNgHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive, tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerNgDampening, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType, tBgpPeerNgLocalAS, tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference, tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect, tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerNgMEDSource, tBgpPeerNgMEDValue, tBgpPeerNgMultihop, tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerNgPassive, tBgpPeerNgPeerAS, tBgpPeerNgPeerType, tBgpPeerNgPreference, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerNgLastChanged, tBgpPeerNgInheritance, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgOperStatus, tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth, tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerNgClusterId, tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState, tBgpPeerNgGROperState, tBgpPeerNgFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerNgVpnLocalCaps, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerNgConnState, tBgpPeerNgASOverride, tBgpPeerNgOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsRcvd, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsSent, tBgpPeerNgOperInputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperOutputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerNgOperFlaps, tBgpPeerNgOperLastState, tBgpPeerNgOperLastEvent, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnRecvPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyRestart, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyFwding, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyNegotiated, tBgpPeerNgOperGRRecvEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSendEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStaleRoutesTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRReqRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperNumRestarts, tBgpPeerNgOperLastRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SuppPfxDamp } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 37 } tmnxBgpPeeringPolicyV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeeringPolicyTableLastChngd, tBgpPrngPlcyRowStatus, tBgpPrngPlcyLastChngd, tBgpPrngPlcyDescription, tBgpPrngPlcyInheritance, tBgpPrngPlcyAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpPrngPlcyNoAggregatorID, tBgpPrngPlcyASOverride, tBgpPrngPlcyAuthKeyChain, tBgpPrngPlcyMd5Auth, tBgpPrngPlcyMd5AuthKey, tBgpPrngPlcyClusterId, tBgpPrngPlcyConnectRetry, tBgpPrngPlcyDampening, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableClientReflect, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableComms, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableExtComms, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableFEFailover, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy1, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy2, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy3, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy4, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy5, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy1, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy2, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy3, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy4, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy5, tBgpPrngPlcyHoldTime, tBgpPrngPlcyKeepAlive, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddressType, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddress, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAS, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalASPrivate, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalPreference, tBgpPrngPlcyLoopDetect, tBgpPrngPlcyMEDSource, tBgpPrngPlcyMEDValue, tBgpPrngPlcyMinASOrigination, tBgpPrngPlcyMinRteAdvertisement, tBgpPrngPlcyMultihop, tBgpPrngPlcyNextHopSelf, tBgpPrngPlcyPassive, tBgpPrngPlcyPeerAS, tBgpPrngPlcyPreference, tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefix, tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPrngPlcyMinTTLValue, tBgpPrngPlcyPeerType, tBgpPeerGroupDynamicPeerGroup, tBgpPrngPlcyDisable4ByteASN, tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateASLmtd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BGP peering policies on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 38 } tmnxBgp4ByteASNV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tbgp4PathAttrASPathSegment, tbgp4PathAttrAggregatorAS, tBgpConfederation4BytTblLstChngd, tBgpConfederation4ByteRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting 4-byte Autonomous System Number on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 7.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 39 } tmnxBgpInstanceV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceTableLastChanged, tBgpInstanceRowStatus, tBgpInstanceShutdown, tBgpInstanceDescription, tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED, tBgpInstanceBgpId, tBgpInstanceConnectRetry, tBgpInstanceHoldTime, tBgpInstanceKeepAlive, tBgpInstanceMinASOrigination, tBgpInstanceDampening, tBgpInstanceLocalPreference, tBgpInstanceLoopDetect, tBgpInstanceMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpInstanceMultipath, tBgpInstanceNoAggregatorID, tBgpInstancePreference, tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateAS, tBgpInstanceLastChanged, tBgpInstanceMultihop, tBgpInstanceMEDSource, tBgpInstanceMEDValue, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy1, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy2, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy3, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy4, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy5, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy1, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy2, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy3, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy4, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy5, tBgpInstanceOperStatus, tBgpInstanceLocalASPrivate, tBgpInstanceMd5Auth, tBgpInstanceMd5AuthKey, tBgpInstanceClusterId, tBgpInstanceDisableClientReflect, tBgpInstanceIBgpMultipath, tBgpInstanceFamily, tBgpInstanceGracefulRestart, tBgpInstanceGRPathSelectDefer, tBgpInstanceGRRestartTime, tBgpInstanceGRStaleRoute, tBgpInstanceGRAdminState, tBgpInstanceGROperState, tBgpInstanceVpnApplyImport, tBgpInstanceVpnApplyExport, tBgpInstanceIgpShortcut, tBgpInstanceDisallowIgp, tBgpInstanceOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpInstRteTargetRowStatus, tBgpSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpInstanceAllowInterAsVpn, tBgpInstanceLocalAS4Byte, tBgpInstanceConfederationAS4Byte, tBgpInstanceDisable4ByteASN, tBgpInstanceMultipathEiBgpState, tBgpInstanceHoldTimeIsStrict, tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateASLmtd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of each extended BGP instance on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 40 } tmnxBgpPeerGroupV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerGroupTableLastChanged, tBgpPeerGroupTableSpinlock, tBgpPeerGroupName, tBgpPeerGroupRowStatus, tBgpPeerGroupShutdown, tBgpPeerGroupDescription, tBgpPeerGroupConnectRetry, tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime, tBgpPeerGroupKeepAlive, tBgpPeerGroupMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerGroupDampening, tBgpPeerGroupLocalPreference, tBgpPeerGroupLoopDetect, tBgpPeerGroupMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource, tBgpPeerGroupMEDValue, tBgpPeerGroupMultihop, tBgpPeerGroupNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerGroupNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerGroupPassive, tBgpPeerGroupPeerType, tBgpPeerGroupPreference, tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerGroupLastChanged, tBgpPeerGroupInheritance, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerGroupOperStatus, tBgpPeerGroupLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerGroupMd5Auth, tBgpPeerGroupMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerGroupClusterId, tBgpPeerGroupDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerGroupGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerGroupGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerGroupGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerGroupGRAdminState, tBgpPeerGroupGROperState, tBgpPeerGroupFamily, tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerGroupASOverride, tBgpPeerGroupOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPGSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS4Byte, tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS4Byte, tBgpPeerGroupDisable4ByteASN, tBgpPeerGroupHoldTimeIsStrict, tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateASLmtd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP Peer Groups on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 41 } tmnxBgpPeerV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerTableLastChanged, tBgpPeerTableSpinlock, tBgpPeerNgPeerGroup, tBgpPeerNgRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgShutdown, tBgpPeerNgDescription, tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry, tBgpPeerNgHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive, tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerNgDampening, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType, tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference, tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect, tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerNgMEDSource, tBgpPeerNgMEDValue, tBgpPeerNgMultihop, tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerNgPassive, tBgpPeerNgPeerType, tBgpPeerNgPreference, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerNgLastChanged, tBgpPeerNgInheritance, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgOperStatus, tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth, tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerNgClusterId, tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState, tBgpPeerNgGROperState, tBgpPeerNgFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerNgVpnLocalCaps, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerNgConnState, tBgpPeerNgASOverride, tBgpPeerNgOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsRcvd, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsSent, tBgpPeerNgOperInputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperOutputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerNgOperFlaps, tBgpPeerNgOperLastState, tBgpPeerNgOperLastEvent, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnRecvPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyRestart, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyFwding, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyNegotiated, tBgpPeerNgOperGRRecvEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSendEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStaleRoutesTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRReqRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperNumRestarts, tBgpPeerNgOperLastRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgLocalAS4Byte, tBgpPeerNgPeerAS4Byte, tBgpPeerNgDisable4ByteASN, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeIsStrict, tBgpPeerNgL2vpnCiscoInterop, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd } STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 42 } tmnxBgpObsoleteV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceLocalAS, tBgpInstanceConfederationAS, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS, tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS, tBgpPeerNgLocalAS, tBgpPeerNgPeerAS, tBgpConfederationTableLastChanged, tBgpConfederationRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects in TIMETRA-BGP-MIB which are obsoleted in Alcatel-Lucent SROS 7.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 43 } tmnxBgpNotifyObjsV7v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgAddrType, tBgpPeerNgAddr, tBgpRouteInvalidReason, tBgpRouteNLRI } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notify objects supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 7.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 44 } tmnxBgpNotificationV7v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeInconsistent, tBgp4RouteInvalid } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 7.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 45 } tmnxBgpInstanceV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceRapidUpdate, tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnoreFamily } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of each extended BGP instance on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 8.0" ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 46 } tmnxBgpObsoleteV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceAsPathIgnore } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects in TIMETRA-BGP-MIB which are obsoleted in Alcatel-Lucent SROS 8.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 47 } tmnxBgpPeerV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnSuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnRecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnSentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperl2VpnActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiSuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiRecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiSentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMdtSafiActivePfxs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent 8.0 SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 48 } tmnxBgpGlobalV8v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstancePMTUDiscovery, tBgpPeerGroupPMTUDiscovery, tBgpPeerNgPMTUDiscovery, tBgpPeerNgAdvertiseLdpPrefix, tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixLogOnly, tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefixThreshold, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixLogOnly, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefixThreshold, tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixLogOnly, tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefixThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 8.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 49 } tmnxBgpAddPathV9v0R4Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceEnableAddPath, tBgpInstanceRecvAddPath, tBgpInstanceIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpInstanceVpnIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpInstanceIpv6AddPathLimit, tBgpInstanceVpnIpv6AddPathLimit, tBgpPGEnableAddPath, tBgpPGRecvAddPath, tBgpPGIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpPGVpnIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpPGIpv6AddPathLimit, tBgpPGVpnIpv6AddPathLimit, tBgpPeerNgEnableAddPath, tBgpPeerNgRecvAddPath, tBgpPeerNgIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv4AddPathLimit, tBgpPeerNgIpv6AddPathLimit, tBgpPeerNgVpnIpv6AddPathLimit, tBgpPeerNgAddPathSendRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerNgAddPathRecvRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerNgOperBackupPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6BackupPrefixes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP ADD-PATH on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 9.0R4." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 50 } tmnxBgpPeerV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwSuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwRecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwSentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMsPwActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4SupPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperFlowIpv4ActivePfxs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent 9.0 SROS series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 51 } tmnxBgpGlobalV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceTransportTunnel, tBgpInstanceAdvertiseExternal, tBgpInstanceBackupPath, tBgpPGUpdatedErrorHandling, tBgpPeerNgUpdatedErrorHandling, tBgpInstanceDisableRtTblInstall } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 52 } tmnxBgpFlowSpecV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPGFlowspecValidate, tBgpPeerNgFlowspecValidate, tBgpInstanceFlowspecValidate } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting BGP Flow Spec on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 53 } tmnxBgpDisableCapNegoV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerGroupDisableCapNego, tBgpPeerNgDisableCapNegotiation } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting disabling capability negotiation on BGP Group and peer level on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 54 } tmnxBgpNotifyObjsV9v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpFlowspecExtCommunityAction, tBgpFlowspecExtCommActionValue, tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddrType, tBgpPeerFlowRouteDestAddr, tBgpFlowRouteInvalidReason, tBgpFlowRouteNLRI, tBgp4OptTransPathAttrType, tBgp4OptTransPathAttrLength, tBgp4OptTransPathAttribute, tBgp4OTWithdrawnRouteLength, tBgp4OTWithdrawnRoutePrefix } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notify objects supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 55 } tmnxBgpNotificationV9v0Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { tBgpMaxNgPrefix100, tBgpPeerNgGRStatusChange, tBgpNgEstablished, tBgpNgBackwardTransition, tBgpFlowspecUnsupportdComAction, tBgpFlowRouteInvalid, tBgpMaxNgPrefixThreshReached, tBgp4OptTransPathAttrInvalid, tBgp4OptTransWithdrawnRoutes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of notifications supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 9.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 56 } tmnxBgpGlobalV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceIgnoreNextHopMetric, tBgpInstanceMpBgpKeep, tBgpInstanceIgnoreRouterId, tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompMEDStrict, tBgpPGAigp, tBgpPeerNgAigp, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnV4BackupPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnV6BackupPfxs, tBgpInstanceMinHoldTime, tBgpPGMinHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgMinHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgSplitHorizon, tBgpInstRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs, tBgpPGRemovePrivateSkipPeerAs, tBgpPeerNgRemPrivateSkipPeerAs, tBgpInstanceNHResUseBgpRoutes, tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMcastVpnV4ActPfxs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 57 } tmnxBgpRTConstraintV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPGDefaultRouteTarget, tBgpPeerNgDefaultRouteTarget, tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtSuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtRecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtSentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperRtTgtActivePfxs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting Route Target Constraint on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems release 10.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 58 } tmnxBgpInstanceV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceTableLastChanged, tBgpInstanceRowStatus, tBgpInstanceShutdown, tBgpInstanceDescription, tBgpInstanceAlwaysCompareMED, tBgpInstanceBgpId, tBgpInstanceConnectRetry, tBgpInstanceHoldTime, tBgpInstanceKeepAlive, tBgpInstanceMinASOrigination, tBgpInstanceDampening, tBgpInstanceLocalPreference, tBgpInstanceLoopDetect, tBgpInstanceMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpInstanceMultipath, tBgpInstanceNoAggregatorID, tBgpInstancePreference, tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateAS, tBgpInstanceLastChanged, tBgpInstanceMultihop, tBgpInstanceMEDSource, tBgpInstanceMEDValue, tBgpInstanceOperStatus, tBgpInstanceLocalASPrivate, tBgpInstanceMd5Auth, tBgpInstanceMd5AuthKey, tBgpInstanceClusterId, tBgpInstanceDisableClientReflect, tBgpInstanceIBgpMultipath, tBgpInstanceFamily, tBgpInstanceGracefulRestart, tBgpInstanceGRPathSelectDefer, tBgpInstanceGRRestartTime, tBgpInstanceGRStaleRoute, tBgpInstanceGRAdminState, tBgpInstanceGROperState, tBgpInstanceVpnApplyImport, tBgpInstanceVpnApplyExport, tBgpInstanceIgpShortcut, tBgpInstanceDisallowIgp, tBgpInstanceOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpInstanceExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpInstRteTargetRowStatus, tBgpSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpInstanceAllowInterAsVpn, tBgpInstanceLocalAS4Byte, tBgpInstanceConfederationAS4Byte, tBgpInstanceDisable4ByteASN, tBgpInstanceMultipathEiBgpState, tBgpInstanceRemovePrivateASLmtd, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy1, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy2, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy3, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy4, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy5, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy6, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy7, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy8, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy9, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy10, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy11, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy12, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy13, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy14, tBgpInstancePlcyImportPolicy15, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy1, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy2, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy3, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy4, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy5, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy6, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy7, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy8, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy9, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy10, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy11, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy12, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy13, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy14, tBgpInstancePlcyExportPolicy15 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of each extended BGP instance on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems since release 10.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 59 } tmnxBgpPeerGroupV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerGroupTableLastChanged, tBgpPeerGroupTableSpinlock, tBgpPeerGroupName, tBgpPeerGroupRowStatus, tBgpPeerGroupShutdown, tBgpPeerGroupDescription, tBgpPeerGroupConnectRetry, tBgpPeerGroupHoldTime, tBgpPeerGroupKeepAlive, tBgpPeerGroupMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerGroupDampening, tBgpPeerGroupLocalPreference, tBgpPeerGroupLoopDetect, tBgpPeerGroupMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerGroupMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerGroupMEDSource, tBgpPeerGroupMEDValue, tBgpPeerGroupMultihop, tBgpPeerGroupNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerGroupNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerGroupPassive, tBgpPeerGroupPeerType, tBgpPeerGroupPreference, tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerGroupLastChanged, tBgpPeerGroupInheritance, tBgpPeerGroupOperStatus, tBgpPeerGroupLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerGroupMd5Auth, tBgpPeerGroupMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerGroupClusterId, tBgpPeerGroupDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerGroupGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerGroupGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerGroupGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerGroupGRAdminState, tBgpPeerGroupGROperState, tBgpPeerGroupFamily, tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerGroupVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerGroupASOverride, tBgpPeerGroupOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerGroupExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPGSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerGroupLocalAS4Byte, tBgpPeerGroupPeerAS4Byte, tBgpPeerGroupDisable4ByteASN, tBgpPeerGroupRemovePrivateASLmtd, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy6, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy7, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy8, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy9, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy10, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy11, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy12, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy13, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy14, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyImportPolicy15, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy6, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy7, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy8, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy9, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy10, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy11, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy12, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy13, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy14, tBgpPeerGroupPlcyExportPolicy15 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP Peer Groups on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems since release 10.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 60 } tmnxBgpPeerV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeerTableLastChanged, tBgpPeerTableSpinlock, tBgpPeerNgPeerGroup, tBgpPeerNgRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgShutdown, tBgpPeerNgDescription, tBgpPeerNgConnectRetry, tBgpPeerNgHoldTime, tBgpPeerNgKeepAlive, tBgpPeerNgMinASOrigination, tBgpPeerNgDampening, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddress, tBgpPeerNgLocalAddressType, tBgpPeerNgLocalPreference, tBgpPeerNgLoopDetect, tBgpPeerNgMinRouteAdvertisement, tBgpPeerNgMaxPrefix, tBgpPeerNgMEDSource, tBgpPeerNgMEDValue, tBgpPeerNgMultihop, tBgpPeerNgNextHopSelf, tBgpPeerNgNoAggregatorID, tBgpPeerNgPassive, tBgpPeerNgPeerType, tBgpPeerNgPreference, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPeerNgLastChanged, tBgpPeerNgInheritance, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgOperStatus, tBgpPeerNgLocalASPrivate, tBgpPeerNgMd5Auth, tBgpPeerNgMd5AuthKey, tBgpPeerNgClusterId, tBgpPeerNgDisableClientReflect, tBgpPeerNgGracefulRestart, tBgpPeerNgGRRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgGRStaleRoute, tBgpPeerNgGRAdminState, tBgpPeerNgGROperState, tBgpPeerNgFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteFamily, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyImport, tBgpPeerNgVpnApplyExport, tBgpPeerNgVpnLocalCaps, tBgpPeerNgVpnRemoteCaps, tBgpPeerNgConnState, tBgpPeerNgASOverride, tBgpPeerNgOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsSendOrf, tBgpPeerNgExtCommsRecvOrf, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsRcvd, tBgpPeerNgOperMsgOctetsSent, tBgpPeerNgOperInputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperOutputQueueMsgs, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperReceivedPaths, tBgpPeerNgOperFlaps, tBgpPeerNgOperLastState, tBgpPeerNgOperLastEvent, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnRecvPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgSendOrfRTRowStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSupport, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyRestart, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyFwding, tBgpPeerNgOperGRFamilyNegotiated, tBgpPeerNgOperGRRecvEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRSendEOR, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStaleRoutesTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRReqRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperGRStatus, tBgpPeerNgOperNumRestarts, tBgpPeerNgOperLastRestartTime, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ReceivedPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SentPrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV6ActivePrefixes, tBgpPeerNgOperV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnSuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperV6SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMCastV4ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperVpnIpv6SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgLocalAS4Byte, tBgpPeerNgPeerAS4Byte, tBgpPeerNgDisable4ByteASN, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SuppPfxDamp, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4RecvPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4SentPfxs, tBgpPeerNgOperMvpnV4ActivePfxs, tBgpPeerNgL2vpnCiscoInterop, tBgpPeerNgRemovePrivateASLmtd, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy6, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy7, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy8, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy9, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy10, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy11, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy12, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy13, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy14, tBgpPeerPlcyImportPolicy15, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy6, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy7, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy8, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy9, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy10, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy11, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy12, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy13, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy14, tBgpPeerPlcyExportPolicy15 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of extended BGP peers on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems since release 10.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 61 } tmnxBgpPeeringPlcyV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy1, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy2, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy3, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy4, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy5, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy6, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy7, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy8, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy9, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy10, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy11, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy12, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy13, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy14, tBgpPeeringPlcyImportPolicy15, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy1, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy2, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy3, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy4, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy5, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy6, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy7, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy8, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy9, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy10, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy11, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy12, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy13, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy14, tBgpPeeringPlcyExportPolicy15 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BGP peering policies on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems since release 10.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 62 } tmnxBgpPeeringPolicyV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpPeeringPolicyTableLastChngd, tBgpPrngPlcyRowStatus, tBgpPrngPlcyLastChngd, tBgpPrngPlcyDescription, tBgpPrngPlcyInheritance, tBgpPrngPlcyAdvertiseInactiveRts, tBgpPrngPlcyNoAggregatorID, tBgpPrngPlcyASOverride, tBgpPrngPlcyAuthKeyChain, tBgpPrngPlcyMd5Auth, tBgpPrngPlcyMd5AuthKey, tBgpPrngPlcyClusterId, tBgpPrngPlcyConnectRetry, tBgpPrngPlcyDampening, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableClientReflect, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableComms, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableExtComms, tBgpPrngPlcyDisableFEFailover, tBgpPrngPlcyHoldTime, tBgpPrngPlcyKeepAlive, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddressType, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAddress, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalAS, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalASPrivate, tBgpPrngPlcyLocalPreference, tBgpPrngPlcyLoopDetect, tBgpPrngPlcyMEDSource, tBgpPrngPlcyMEDValue, tBgpPrngPlcyMinASOrigination, tBgpPrngPlcyMinRteAdvertisement, tBgpPrngPlcyMultihop, tBgpPrngPlcyNextHopSelf, tBgpPrngPlcyPassive, tBgpPrngPlcyPeerAS, tBgpPrngPlcyPreference, tBgpPrngPlcyMaxPrefix, tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateAS, tBgpPrngPlcyMinTTLValue, tBgpPrngPlcyPeerType, tBgpPeerGroupDynamicPeerGroup, tBgpPrngPlcyDisable4ByteASN, tBgpPrngPlcyRemovePrivateASLmtd } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects supporting management of BGP peering policies on Alcatel-Lucent SROS series systems since release 10.0." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 63 } tmnxBgpObsoleteV10v0Group OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { tBgpInstanceHoldTimeIsStrict, tBgpPeerGroupHoldTimeIsStrict, tBgpPeerNgHoldTimeIsStrict, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy1, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy2, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy3, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy4, tBgpInstanceImportPolicy5, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy1, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy2, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy3, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy4, tBgpInstanceExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerGroupImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerGroupExportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgImportPolicy5, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy1, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy2, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy3, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy4, tBgpPeerNgExportPolicy5, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy1, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy2, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy3, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy4, tBgpPrngPlcyImportPolicy5, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy1, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy2, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy3, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy4, tBgpPrngPlcyExportPolicy5 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group of objects in TIMETRA-BGP-MIB which are obsoleted in Alcatel-Lucent SROS 10.0 series systems." ::= { tmnxBgpGroups 64 } END