// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package cache import ( "context" "fmt" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "golang.org/x/mod/modfile" "golang.org/x/mod/module" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/event" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/gocommand" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/command" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/debug/tag" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/protocol" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/lsp/source" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/memoize" "golang.org/x/tools/internal/span" ) type parseModHandle struct { handle *memoize.Handle } type parseModData struct { parsed *source.ParsedModule // err is any error encountered while parsing the file. err error } func (mh *parseModHandle) parse(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot) (*source.ParsedModule, error) { v, err := mh.handle.Get(ctx, snapshot.generation, snapshot) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := v.(*parseModData) return data.parsed, data.err } func (s *snapshot) ParseMod(ctx context.Context, modFH source.FileHandle) (*source.ParsedModule, error) { if handle := s.getParseModHandle(modFH.URI()); handle != nil { return handle.parse(ctx, s) } h := s.generation.Bind(modFH.FileIdentity(), func(ctx context.Context, _ memoize.Arg) interface{} { _, done := event.Start(ctx, "cache.ParseModHandle", tag.URI.Of(modFH.URI())) defer done() contents, err := modFH.Read() if err != nil { return &parseModData{err: err} } m := &protocol.ColumnMapper{ URI: modFH.URI(), Converter: span.NewContentConverter(modFH.URI().Filename(), contents), Content: contents, } file, parseErr := modfile.Parse(modFH.URI().Filename(), contents, nil) // Attempt to convert the error to a standardized parse error. var parseErrors []*source.Diagnostic if parseErr != nil { mfErrList, ok := parseErr.(modfile.ErrorList) if !ok { return &parseModData{err: fmt.Errorf("unexpected parse error type %v", parseErr)} } for _, mfErr := range mfErrList { rng, err := rangeFromPositions(m, mfErr.Pos, mfErr.Pos) if err != nil { return &parseModData{err: err} } parseErrors = []*source.Diagnostic{{ URI: modFH.URI(), Range: rng, Severity: protocol.SeverityError, Source: source.ParseError, Message: mfErr.Err.Error(), }} } } return &parseModData{ parsed: &source.ParsedModule{ URI: modFH.URI(), Mapper: m, File: file, ParseErrors: parseErrors, }, err: parseErr, } }, nil) pmh := &parseModHandle{handle: h} s.mu.Lock() s.parseModHandles[modFH.URI()] = pmh s.mu.Unlock() return pmh.parse(ctx, s) } // goSum reads the go.sum file for the go.mod file at modURI, if it exists. If // it doesn't exist, it returns nil. func (s *snapshot) goSum(ctx context.Context, modURI span.URI) []byte { // Get the go.sum file, either from the snapshot or directly from the // cache. Avoid (*snapshot).GetFile here, as we don't want to add // nonexistent file handles to the snapshot if the file does not exist. sumURI := span.URIFromPath(sumFilename(modURI)) var sumFH source.FileHandle = s.FindFile(sumURI) if sumFH == nil { var err error sumFH, err = s.view.session.cache.getFile(ctx, sumURI) if err != nil { return nil } } content, err := sumFH.Read() if err != nil { return nil } return content } func sumFilename(modURI span.URI) string { return strings.TrimSuffix(modURI.Filename(), ".mod") + ".sum" } // modKey is uniquely identifies cached data for `go mod why` or dependencies // to upgrade. type modKey struct { sessionID, env, view string mod source.FileIdentity verb modAction } type modAction int const ( why modAction = iota upgrade ) type modWhyHandle struct { handle *memoize.Handle } type modWhyData struct { // why keeps track of the `go mod why` results for each require statement // in the go.mod file. why map[string]string err error } func (mwh *modWhyHandle) why(ctx context.Context, snapshot *snapshot) (map[string]string, error) { v, err := mwh.handle.Get(ctx, snapshot.generation, snapshot) if err != nil { return nil, err } data := v.(*modWhyData) return data.why, data.err } func (s *snapshot) ModWhy(ctx context.Context, fh source.FileHandle) (map[string]string, error) { if fh.Kind() != source.Mod { return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s is not a go.mod file", fh.URI()) } if handle := s.getModWhyHandle(fh.URI()); handle != nil { return handle.why(ctx, s) } key := modKey{ sessionID: s.view.session.id, env: hashEnv(s), mod: fh.FileIdentity(), view: s.view.rootURI.Filename(), verb: why, } h := s.generation.Bind(key, func(ctx context.Context, arg memoize.Arg) interface{} { ctx, done := event.Start(ctx, "cache.ModWhyHandle", tag.URI.Of(fh.URI())) defer done() snapshot := arg.(*snapshot) pm, err := snapshot.ParseMod(ctx, fh) if err != nil { return &modWhyData{err: err} } // No requires to explain. if len(pm.File.Require) == 0 { return &modWhyData{} } // Run `go mod why` on all the dependencies. inv := &gocommand.Invocation{ Verb: "mod", Args: []string{"why", "-m"}, WorkingDir: filepath.Dir(fh.URI().Filename()), } for _, req := range pm.File.Require { inv.Args = append(inv.Args, req.Mod.Path) } stdout, err := snapshot.RunGoCommandDirect(ctx, source.Normal, inv) if err != nil { return &modWhyData{err: err} } whyList := strings.Split(stdout.String(), "\n\n") if len(whyList) != len(pm.File.Require) { return &modWhyData{ err: fmt.Errorf("mismatched number of results: got %v, want %v", len(whyList), len(pm.File.Require)), } } why := make(map[string]string, len(pm.File.Require)) for i, req := range pm.File.Require { why[req.Mod.Path] = whyList[i] } return &modWhyData{why: why} }, nil) mwh := &modWhyHandle{handle: h} s.mu.Lock() s.modWhyHandles[fh.URI()] = mwh s.mu.Unlock() return mwh.why(ctx, s) } // extractGoCommandError tries to parse errors that come from the go command // and shape them into go.mod diagnostics. func (s *snapshot) extractGoCommandErrors(ctx context.Context, goCmdError string) ([]*source.Diagnostic, error) { diagLocations := map[*source.ParsedModule]span.Span{} backupDiagLocations := map[*source.ParsedModule]span.Span{} // The go command emits parse errors for completely invalid go.mod files. // Those are reported by our own diagnostics and can be ignored here. // As of writing, we are not aware of any other errors that include // file/position information, so don't even try to find it. if strings.Contains(goCmdError, "errors parsing go.mod") { return nil, nil } // Match the error against all the mod files in the workspace. for _, uri := range s.ModFiles() { fh, err := s.GetFile(ctx, uri) if err != nil { return nil, err } pm, err := s.ParseMod(ctx, fh) if err != nil { return nil, err } spn, found, err := s.matchErrorToModule(ctx, pm, goCmdError) if err != nil { return nil, err } if found { diagLocations[pm] = spn } else { backupDiagLocations[pm] = spn } } // If we didn't find any good matches, assign diagnostics to all go.mod files. if len(diagLocations) == 0 { diagLocations = backupDiagLocations } var srcErrs []*source.Diagnostic for pm, spn := range diagLocations { diag, err := s.goCommandDiagnostic(pm, spn, goCmdError) if err != nil { return nil, err } srcErrs = append(srcErrs, diag) } return srcErrs, nil } var moduleVersionInErrorRe = regexp.MustCompile(`[:\s]([+-._~0-9A-Za-z]+)@([+-._~0-9A-Za-z]+)[:\s]`) // matchErrorToModule matches a go command error message to a go.mod file. // Some examples: // // example.com@v1.2.2: reading example.com/@v/v1.2.2.mod: no such file or directory // go: github.com/cockroachdb/apd/v2@v2.0.72: reading github.com/cockroachdb/apd/go.mod at revision v2.0.72: unknown revision v2.0.72 // go: example.com@v1.2.3 requires\n\trandom.org@v1.2.3: parsing go.mod:\n\tmodule declares its path as: bob.org\n\tbut was required as: random.org // // It returns the location of a reference to the one of the modules and true // if one exists. If none is found it returns a fallback location and false. func (s *snapshot) matchErrorToModule(ctx context.Context, pm *source.ParsedModule, goCmdError string) (span.Span, bool, error) { var reference *modfile.Line matches := moduleVersionInErrorRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(goCmdError, -1) for i := len(matches) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { ver := module.Version{Path: matches[i][1], Version: matches[i][2]} // Any module versions that come from the workspace module should not // be shown to the user. if source.IsWorkspaceModuleVersion(ver.Version) { continue } if err := module.Check(ver.Path, ver.Version); err != nil { continue } reference = findModuleReference(pm.File, ver) if reference != nil { break } } if reference == nil { // No match for the module path was found in the go.mod file. // Show the error on the module declaration, if one exists, or // just the first line of the file. if pm.File.Module == nil { return span.New(pm.URI, span.NewPoint(1, 1, 0), span.Point{}), false, nil } spn, err := spanFromPositions(pm.Mapper, pm.File.Module.Syntax.Start, pm.File.Module.Syntax.End) return spn, false, err } spn, err := spanFromPositions(pm.Mapper, reference.Start, reference.End) return spn, true, err } // goCommandDiagnostic creates a diagnostic for a given go command error. func (s *snapshot) goCommandDiagnostic(pm *source.ParsedModule, spn span.Span, goCmdError string) (*source.Diagnostic, error) { rng, err := pm.Mapper.Range(spn) if err != nil { return nil, err } matches := moduleVersionInErrorRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(goCmdError, -1) var innermost *module.Version for i := len(matches) - 1; i >= 0; i-- { ver := module.Version{Path: matches[i][1], Version: matches[i][2]} // Any module versions that come from the workspace module should not // be shown to the user. if source.IsWorkspaceModuleVersion(ver.Version) { continue } if err := module.Check(ver.Path, ver.Version); err != nil { continue } innermost = &ver break } switch { case strings.Contains(goCmdError, "inconsistent vendoring"): cmd, err := command.NewVendorCommand("Run go mod vendor", command.URIArg{URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(pm.URI)}) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &source.Diagnostic{ URI: pm.URI, Range: rng, Severity: protocol.SeverityError, Source: source.ListError, Message: `Inconsistent vendoring detected. Please re-run "go mod vendor". See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/39164 for more detail on this issue.`, SuggestedFixes: []source.SuggestedFix{source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(cmd, protocol.QuickFix)}, }, nil case strings.Contains(goCmdError, "updates to go.sum needed"), strings.Contains(goCmdError, "missing go.sum entry"): var args []protocol.DocumentURI for _, uri := range s.ModFiles() { args = append(args, protocol.URIFromSpanURI(uri)) } tidyCmd, err := command.NewTidyCommand("Run go mod tidy", command.URIArgs{URIs: args}) if err != nil { return nil, err } updateCmd, err := command.NewUpdateGoSumCommand("Update go.sum", command.URIArgs{URIs: args}) if err != nil { return nil, err } msg := "go.sum is out of sync with go.mod. Please update it by applying the quick fix." if innermost != nil { msg = fmt.Sprintf("go.sum is out of sync with go.mod: entry for %v is missing. Please updating it by applying the quick fix.", innermost) } return &source.Diagnostic{ URI: pm.URI, Range: rng, Severity: protocol.SeverityError, Source: source.ListError, Message: msg, SuggestedFixes: []source.SuggestedFix{ source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(tidyCmd, protocol.QuickFix), source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(updateCmd, protocol.QuickFix), }, }, nil case strings.Contains(goCmdError, "disabled by GOPROXY=off") && innermost != nil: title := fmt.Sprintf("Download %v@%v", innermost.Path, innermost.Version) cmd, err := command.NewAddDependencyCommand(title, command.DependencyArgs{ URI: protocol.URIFromSpanURI(pm.URI), AddRequire: false, GoCmdArgs: []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v@%v", innermost.Path, innermost.Version)}, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return &source.Diagnostic{ URI: pm.URI, Range: rng, Severity: protocol.SeverityError, Message: fmt.Sprintf("%v@%v has not been downloaded", innermost.Path, innermost.Version), Source: source.ListError, SuggestedFixes: []source.SuggestedFix{source.SuggestedFixFromCommand(cmd, protocol.QuickFix)}, }, nil default: return &source.Diagnostic{ URI: pm.URI, Range: rng, Severity: protocol.SeverityError, Source: source.ListError, Message: goCmdError, }, nil } } func findModuleReference(mf *modfile.File, ver module.Version) *modfile.Line { for _, req := range mf.Require { if req.Mod == ver { return req.Syntax } } for _, ex := range mf.Exclude { if ex.Mod == ver { return ex.Syntax } } for _, rep := range mf.Replace { if rep.New == ver || rep.Old == ver { return rep.Syntax } } return nil }