/*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "ShortcutGetter.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static QHash keyMap; static void initKeyMap() { if ( !keyMap.isEmpty() ) return; /* I'm a bit unsure about these one... */ keyMap[Qt::Key_Escape] = "Escape"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Return] = "Return"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Enter] = "Enter"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Insert] = "Ins"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Delete] = "Delete"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Home] = "Home"; keyMap[Qt::Key_End] = "End"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Left] = "Left"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Up] = "Up"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Right] = "Right"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Down] = "Down"; keyMap[Qt::Key_PageUp] = "PgUp"; keyMap[Qt::Key_PageDown] = "PgDown"; keyMap[Qt::Key_CapsLock] = "CapsLock"; keyMap[Qt::Key_NumLock] = "NumLock"; keyMap[Qt::Key_ScrollLock] = "ScrollLock"; /* These one are quite sure... */ keyMap[Qt::Key_F1] = "F1"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F2] = "F2"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F3] = "F3"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F4] = "F4"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F5] = "F5"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F6] = "F6"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F7] = "F7"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F8] = "F8"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F9] = "F9"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F10] = "F10"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F11] = "F11"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F12] = "F12"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F13] = "F13"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F14] = "F14"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F15] = "F15"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F16] = "F16"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F17] = "F17"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F18] = "F18"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F19] = "F19"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F20] = "F20"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F21] = "F21"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F22] = "F22"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F23] = "F23"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F24] = "F24"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F25] = "F25"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F26] = "F26"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F27] = "F27"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F28] = "F28"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F29] = "F29"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F30] = "F30"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F31] = "F31"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F32] = "F32"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F33] = "F33"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F34] = "F34"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F35] = "F35"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Exclam] = "!"; keyMap[Qt::Key_QuoteDbl] = "\""; keyMap[Qt::Key_NumberSign] = "-"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Dollar] = "$"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Percent] = "%"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Ampersand] = "&"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Apostrophe] = "\'"; keyMap[Qt::Key_ParenLeft] = "("; keyMap[Qt::Key_ParenRight] = ")"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Asterisk] = "*"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Plus] = "+"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Comma] = ","; keyMap[Qt::Key_Minus] = "-"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Period] = "Period"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Slash] = "/"; keyMap[Qt::Key_0] = "0"; keyMap[Qt::Key_1] = "1"; keyMap[Qt::Key_2] = "2"; keyMap[Qt::Key_3] = "3"; keyMap[Qt::Key_4] = "4"; keyMap[Qt::Key_5] = "5"; keyMap[Qt::Key_6] = "6"; keyMap[Qt::Key_7] = "7"; keyMap[Qt::Key_8] = "8"; keyMap[Qt::Key_9] = "9"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Colon] = ":"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Semicolon] = ";"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Less] = "<"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Equal] = "="; keyMap[Qt::Key_Greater] = ">"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Question] = "?"; keyMap[Qt::Key_At] = "@"; keyMap[Qt::Key_A] = "A"; keyMap[Qt::Key_B] = "B"; keyMap[Qt::Key_C] = "C"; keyMap[Qt::Key_D] = "D"; keyMap[Qt::Key_E] = "E"; keyMap[Qt::Key_F] = "F"; keyMap[Qt::Key_G] = "G"; keyMap[Qt::Key_H] = "H"; keyMap[Qt::Key_I] = "I"; keyMap[Qt::Key_J] = "J"; keyMap[Qt::Key_K] = "K"; keyMap[Qt::Key_L] = "L"; keyMap[Qt::Key_M] = "M"; keyMap[Qt::Key_N] = "N"; keyMap[Qt::Key_O] = "O"; keyMap[Qt::Key_P] = "P"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Q] = "Q"; keyMap[Qt::Key_R] = "R"; keyMap[Qt::Key_S] = "S"; keyMap[Qt::Key_T] = "T"; keyMap[Qt::Key_U] = "U"; keyMap[Qt::Key_V] = "V"; keyMap[Qt::Key_W] = "W"; keyMap[Qt::Key_X] = "X"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Y] = "Y"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Z] = "Z"; keyMap[Qt::Key_BracketLeft] = "["; keyMap[Qt::Key_Backslash] = "\\"; keyMap[Qt::Key_BracketRight] = "]"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Underscore] = "_"; keyMap[Qt::Key_BraceLeft] = "{"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Bar] = "|"; keyMap[Qt::Key_BraceRight] = "}"; keyMap[Qt::Key_AsciiTilde] = "~"; // Added by rvm: keyMap[Qt::Key_Space] = "Space"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Backspace] = "Backspace"; keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaPlay] = "Media Play"; keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaStop] = "Media Stop"; keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaPrevious] = "Media Previous"; keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaNext] = "Media Next"; keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaRecord] = "Media Record"; keyMap[Qt::Key_MediaLast] = "Media Last"; // doesn't work? keyMap[Qt::Key_VolumeUp] = "Volume Up"; keyMap[Qt::Key_VolumeDown] = "Volume Down"; keyMap[Qt::Key_VolumeMute] = "Volume Mute"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Back] = "Back"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Forward] = "Forward"; keyMap[Qt::Key_Stop] = "Stop"; } static QString keyToString(int k) { if ( k == Qt::Key_Shift || k == Qt::Key_Control || k == Qt::Key_Meta || k == Qt::Key_Alt || k == Qt::Key_AltGr ) return QString::null; initKeyMap(); return keyMap[k]; } static QStringList modToString(Qt::KeyboardModifiers k) { //qDebug("modToString: k: %x", (int) k); QStringList l; if ( k & Qt::ShiftModifier ) l << "Shift"; if ( k & Qt::ControlModifier ) l << "Ctrl"; if ( k & Qt::AltModifier ) l << "Alt"; if ( k & Qt::MetaModifier ) l << "Meta"; if ( k & Qt::GroupSwitchModifier ) ; if ( k & Qt::KeypadModifier ) ; return l; } ShortcutGetter::ShortcutGetter(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { setWindowTitle(tr("Modify shortcut")); QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this); vbox->setMargin(2); vbox->setSpacing(4); QLabel *l = new QLabel(this); l->setText(tr("Press the key combination you want to assign")); vbox->addWidget(l); leKey = new QLineEdit(this); leKey->installEventFilter(this); vbox->addWidget(leKey); // Change by rvm: use a QDialogButtonBox instead of QPushButtons // and add a clear button setCaptureKeyboard(true); QDialogButtonBox * buttonbox = new QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox::Ok | QDialogButtonBox::Cancel | QDialogButtonBox::Reset ); QPushButton * clearbutton = buttonbox->button(QDialogButtonBox::Reset); clearbutton->setText( tr("Clear") ); QPushButton * captureButton = new QPushButton(tr("Capture"), this); captureButton->setToolTip( tr("Capture keystrokes") ); captureButton->setCheckable( captureKeyboard() ); captureButton->setChecked( captureKeyboard() ); connect(captureButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setCaptureKeyboard(bool))); buttonbox->addButton(captureButton, QDialogButtonBox::ActionRole); connect( buttonbox, SIGNAL(accepted()), this, SLOT(accept()) ); connect( buttonbox, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(reject()) ); connect( clearbutton, SIGNAL(clicked()), leKey, SLOT(clear()) ); vbox->addWidget(buttonbox); } void ShortcutGetter::setCaptureKeyboard(bool b) { capture = b; leKey->setReadOnly(b); leKey->setFocus(); } QString ShortcutGetter::exec(const QString& s) { bStop = false; leKey->setText(s); if ( QDialog::exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) return leKey->text(); return QString(); } bool ShortcutGetter::event(QEvent *e) { if (!capture) return QDialog::event(e); QString key; QStringList mods; QKeyEvent *k = static_cast(e); switch ( e->type() ) { case QEvent::KeyPress : if ( bStop ) { lKeys.clear(); bStop = false; } key = keyToString(k->key()); mods = modToString(k->modifiers()); //qDebug("event: key.count: %d, mods.count: %d", key.count(), mods.count()); if ( key.count() || mods.count() ) { if ( key.count() && !lKeys.contains(key) ) lKeys << key; for ( const auto &key : mods ) { if ( !lKeys.contains(key) ) lKeys << key; } } else { key = k->text(); if ( !lKeys.contains(key) ) lKeys << key; } setText(); break; case QEvent::KeyRelease : bStop = true; break; /* case QEvent::ShortcutOverride : leKey->setText("Shortcut override"); break; */ default: return QDialog::event(e); break; } return true; } bool ShortcutGetter::eventFilter(QObject *o, QEvent *e) { if (!capture) return QDialog::eventFilter(o, e); if ( e->type() == QEvent::KeyPress || e->type() ==QEvent::KeyRelease ) return event(e); else return QDialog::eventFilter(o, e); } void ShortcutGetter::setText() { QStringList seq; if ( lKeys.contains("Shift") ) seq << "Shift"; if ( lKeys.contains("Ctrl") ) seq << "Ctrl"; if ( lKeys.contains("Alt") ) seq << "Alt"; if ( lKeys.contains("Meta") ) seq << "Meta"; for (const QString &s : lKeys ) { //qDebug("setText: s: '%s'", s.toUtf8().data()); if ( s != "Shift" && s != "Ctrl" && s != "Alt" && s != "Meta" ) seq << s; } leKey->setText(seq.join("+")); //leKey->selectAll(); }