/* * Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Jacek Sieka, arnetheduck on gmail point com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "Util.h" #include "File.h" #include "StringTokenizer.h" #include "ClientManager.h" #include "SettingsManager.h" #include "LogManager.h" #include "version.h" #include "File.h" #include "SimpleXML.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "w.h" #include "shlobj.h" #include "lmcons.h" #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_IFADDRS_H #include #include #endif #include #include "CID.h" #include "FastAlloc.h" #ifdef USE_IDNA #include #endif namespace dcpp { #ifndef _DEBUG FastCriticalSection FastAllocBase::cs; #endif time_t Util::startTime = time(NULL); string Util::emptyString; wstring Util::emptyStringW; tstring Util::emptyStringT; bool Util::away = false; bool Util::manualAway = false; string Util::awayMsg; time_t Util::awayTime; Util::CountryList Util::countries; string Util::paths[Util::PATH_LAST]; bool Util::localMode = true; static void sgenrand(unsigned long seed); extern "C" void bz_internal_error(int errcode) { dcdebug("bzip2 internal error: %d\n", errcode); } #ifdef _WIN32 typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* _SHGetKnownFolderPath)(GUID& rfid, DWORD dwFlags, HANDLE hToken, PWSTR *ppszPath); static string getDownloadsPath(const string& def) { // Try Vista downloads path static _SHGetKnownFolderPath getKnownFolderPath = 0; static HINSTANCE shell32 = NULL; if(!shell32) { shell32 = ::LoadLibrary(_T("Shell32.dll")); if(shell32) { getKnownFolderPath = (_SHGetKnownFolderPath)::GetProcAddress(shell32, "SHGetKnownFolderPath"); if(getKnownFolderPath) { PWSTR path = NULL; // Defined in KnownFolders.h. static GUID downloads = {0x374de290, 0x123f, 0x4565, {0x91, 0x64, 0x39, 0xc4, 0x92, 0x5e, 0x46, 0x7b}}; if(getKnownFolderPath(downloads, 0, NULL, &path) == S_OK) { string ret = Text::fromT((const tstring&)path) + "\\"; ::CoTaskMemFree(path); return ret; } } } } return def + "Downloads\\"; } #endif void Util::initialize(PathsMap pathOverrides) { static bool initDone = false; if (initDone) return; Text::initialize(); sgenrand((unsigned long)time(NULL)); // Override core generated paths for (PathsMap::const_iterator it = pathOverrides.begin(); it != pathOverrides.end(); ++it) { if (!it->second.empty()) paths[it->first] = it->second; } #ifdef _WIN32 TCHAR buf[MAX_PATH+1] = { 0 }; ::GetModuleFileName(NULL, buf, MAX_PATH); string exePath = Util::getFilePath(Text::fromT(buf)); // Global config path is DC++ executable path... if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG).empty()) paths[PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG] = exePath; if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_USER_CONFIG).empty()) { paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = paths[PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG]; loadBootConfig(); if(!File::isAbsolute(paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG])) { paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = paths[PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG] + paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]; } paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = validateFileName(paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]); } if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_USER_LOCAL).empty()) { if(localMode) { paths[PATH_USER_LOCAL] = paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]; } else { if(::SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buf) == S_OK) { paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = Text::fromT(buf) + "\\EiskaltDC++\\"; } paths[PATH_USER_LOCAL] = ::SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buf) == S_OK ? Text::fromT(buf) + "\\EiskaltDC++\\" : paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]; } } if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_RESOURCES).empty()) paths[PATH_RESOURCES] = exePath; // libintl doesn't support wide path names so we use the short (8.3) format. // https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=4882703 tstring localePath_ = Text::toT(exePath) + _T("locale\\"); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); ::GetShortPathName(localePath_.c_str(), buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(TCHAR)); if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_LOCALE).empty()) paths[PATH_LOCALE] = Text::fromT(buf); if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_DOWNLOADS).empty()) paths[PATH_DOWNLOADS] = getDownloadsPath(paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]); #else if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG).empty()) paths[PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG] = "/etc/"; const char* home_ = getenv("HOME"); string home = home_ ? Text::toUtf8(home_) : "/tmp/"; if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_USER_CONFIG).empty()) { #ifdef FORCE_XDG const char *xdg_config_home_ = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); string xdg_config_home = xdg_config_home_? Text::toUtf8(xdg_config_home_) : (home+"/.config"); paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = xdg_config_home + "/eiskaltdc++/"; #elif defined __HAIKU__ paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = home + "/config/settings/eiskaltdc++/"; #else paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = home + "/.eiskaltdc++/"; #endif loadBootConfig(); if(!File::isAbsolute(paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG])) { paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = paths[PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG] + paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]; } paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = validateFileName(paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]); } if(localMode) { // @todo implement... } if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_USER_LOCAL).empty()) { #ifdef FORCE_XDG const char *xdg_data_home_ = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME"); string xdg_data_home = xdg_data_home_? Text::toUtf8(xdg_data_home_) : (home+"/.local/share"); paths[PATH_USER_LOCAL] = xdg_data_home + "/eiskaltdc++/"; #elif defined __HAIKU__ paths[PATH_USER_LOCAL] = home + "/config/data/eiskaltdc++/"; #else paths[PATH_USER_LOCAL] = paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]; #endif } if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_RESOURCES).empty()) paths[PATH_RESOURCES] = paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]; if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_LOCALE).empty()) paths[PATH_LOCALE] = LOCALEDIR; if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_DOWNLOADS).empty()) { #ifdef FORCE_XDG const char *xdg_config_down_ = getenv("XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR"); string xdg_config_down = xdg_config_down_? (Text::toUtf8(xdg_config_down_)+"/") : (home+"/Downloads/"); paths[PATH_DOWNLOADS] = xdg_config_down; #else paths[PATH_DOWNLOADS] = home + "/Downloads/"; #endif } #endif if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_FILE_LISTS).empty()) paths[PATH_FILE_LISTS] = paths[PATH_USER_LOCAL] + "FileLists" PATH_SEPARATOR_STR; if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_HUB_LISTS).empty()) paths[PATH_HUB_LISTS] = paths[PATH_USER_LOCAL] + "HubLists" PATH_SEPARATOR_STR; if (Util::getPath(Util::PATH_NOTEPAD).empty()) paths[PATH_NOTEPAD] = paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] + "Notepad.txt"; File::ensureDirectory(paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG]); File::ensureDirectory(paths[PATH_USER_LOCAL]); try { // This product includes GeoIP data created by MaxMind, available from http://maxmind.com/ // Updates at http://www.maxmind.com/app/geoip_country #ifdef _WIN32 string file = getPath(PATH_RESOURCES) + "GeoIPCountryWhois.csv"; #else //_WIN32 string file_usr = getPath(PATH_RESOURCES) + "GeoIPCountryWhois.csv"; string file_sys = string(_DATADIR) + PATH_SEPARATOR + "GeoIPCountryWhois.csv"; string file = ""; struct stat stFileInfo; if (stat(file_usr.c_str(),&stFileInfo) == 0) file = file_usr; else file = file_sys; #endif //_WIN32 string data = File(file, File::READ, File::OPEN).read(); const char* start = data.c_str(); string::size_type linestart = 0; string::size_type comma1 = 0; string::size_type comma2 = 0; string::size_type comma3 = 0; string::size_type comma4 = 0; string::size_type lineend = 0; CountryIter last = countries.end(); uint32_t startIP = 0; uint32_t endIP = 0, endIPprev = 0; for(;;) { comma1 = data.find(',', linestart); if(comma1 == string::npos) break; comma2 = data.find(',', comma1 + 1); if(comma2 == string::npos) break; comma3 = data.find(',', comma2 + 1); if(comma3 == string::npos) break; comma4 = data.find(',', comma3 + 1); if(comma4 == string::npos) break; lineend = data.find('\n', comma4); if(lineend == string::npos) break; startIP = Util::toUInt32(start + comma2 + 2); endIP = Util::toUInt32(start + comma3 + 2); uint16_t* country = (uint16_t*)(start + comma4 + 2); if((startIP-1) != endIPprev) last = countries.insert(last, make_pair((startIP-1), (uint16_t)16191)); last = countries.insert(last, make_pair(endIP, *country)); endIPprev = endIP; linestart = lineend + 1; } } catch(const FileException&) { } initDone = true; } void Util::migrate(const string& file) { if(localMode) { return; } if(File::getSize(file) != -1) { return; } string fname = getFileName(file); string old = paths[PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG] + fname; if(File::getSize(old) == -1) { return; } File::renameFile(old, file); } string Util::getLoginName() { string loginName = "unknown"; #ifdef _WIN32 char winUserName[UNLEN + 1]; // UNLEN is defined in LMCONS.H DWORD winUserNameSize = sizeof(winUserName); if(GetUserNameA(winUserName, &winUserNameSize)) loginName = Text::toUtf8(winUserName); #else // not _WIN32 const char *envUserName = getenv("LOGNAME"); loginName = envUserName? Text::toUtf8(envUserName) : loginName; #endif // _WIN32 return loginName; } void Util::loadBootConfig() { // Load boot settings try { SimpleXML boot; boot.fromXML(File(getPath(PATH_GLOBAL_CONFIG) + "dcppboot.xml", File::READ, File::OPEN).read()); boot.stepIn(); if(boot.findChild("LocalMode")) { localMode = boot.getChildData() != "0"; } if(boot.findChild("ConfigPath")) { StringMap params; #ifdef _WIN32 // @todo load environment variables instead? would make it more useful on *nix TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; params["APPDATA"] = Text::fromT((::SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, path), path)); params["PERSONAL"] = Text::fromT((::SHGetFolderPath(NULL, CSIDL_PERSONAL, NULL, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, path), path)); #endif paths[PATH_USER_CONFIG] = Util::formatParams(boot.getChildData(), params, false); } } catch(const Exception& ) { // Unable to load boot settings... } } #ifdef _WIN32 static const char badChars[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, '<', '>', '/', '"', '|', '?', '*', 0 }; #else static const char badChars[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, '<', '>', '\\', '"', '|', '?', '*', 0 }; #endif /** * Replaces all strange characters in a file with '_' * @todo Check for invalid names such as nul and aux... */ string Util::validateFileName(string tmp, const string& badCharsExtra) { string::size_type i = 0; // First, eliminate forbidden chars while( (i = tmp.find_first_of(badChars, i)) != string::npos) { tmp[i] = '_'; i++; } i = 0; if(!badCharsExtra.empty()) { while( (i = tmp.find_first_of(badCharsExtra.c_str(), i)) != string::npos) { tmp[i] = '_'; i++; } } // Then, eliminate all ':' that are not the second letter ("c:\...") i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find(':', i)) != string::npos) { if(i == 1) { i++; continue; } tmp[i] = '_'; i++; } // Remove the .\ that doesn't serve any purpose i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find("\\.\\", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.erase(i+1, 2); } i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find("/./", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.erase(i+1, 2); } // Remove any double \\ that are not at the beginning of the path... i = 1; while( (i = tmp.find("\\\\", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.erase(i+1, 1); } i = 1; while( (i = tmp.find("//", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.erase(i+1, 1); } // And last, but not least, the infamous ..\! ... i = 0; while( ((i = tmp.find("\\..\\", i)) != string::npos) ) { tmp[i + 1] = '_'; tmp[i + 2] = '_'; tmp[i + 3] = '_'; i += 2; } i = 0; while( ((i = tmp.find("/../", i)) != string::npos) ) { tmp[i + 1] = '_'; tmp[i + 2] = '_'; tmp[i + 3] = '_'; i += 2; } // Dots at the end of path names aren't popular i = 0; while( ((i = tmp.find(".\\", i)) != string::npos) ) { tmp[i] = '_'; i += 1; } i = 0; while( ((i = tmp.find("./", i)) != string::npos) ) { tmp[i] = '_'; i += 1; } return tmp; } bool Util::checkExtension(const string& tmp) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tmp.length(); i++) { if (tmp[i] < 0 || tmp[i] == 32 || tmp[i] == ':') { return false; } } if(tmp.find_first_of(badChars, 0) != string::npos) { return false; } return true; } string Util::cleanPathChars(string aNick) { string::size_type i = 0; while( (i = aNick.find_first_of("/.\\", i)) != string::npos) { aNick[i] = '_'; } return aNick; } string Util::addBrackets(const string& s) { return '<' + s + '>'; } string Util::getShortTimeString(time_t t) { char buf[255]; tm* _tm = localtime(&t); if(_tm == NULL) { strcpy(buf, "xx:xx"); } else { strftime(buf, 254, SETTING(TIME_STAMPS_FORMAT).c_str(), _tm); } return Text::toUtf8(buf); } /** * Decodes a URL the best it can... * Default ports: * http:// -> port 80 * dchub:// -> port 411 */ void Util::decodeUrl(const string& url, string& protocol, string& host, uint16_t& port, string& path, string& query, string& fragment) { size_t fragmentEnd = url.size(); size_t fragmentStart = url.rfind('#'); size_t queryEnd; if(fragmentStart == string::npos) { queryEnd = fragmentStart = fragmentEnd; } else { dcdebug("f"); queryEnd = fragmentStart; fragmentStart++; } //size_t queryStart = url.rfind('?', queryEnd); //size_t fileEnd; //if(queryStart == string::npos) { //fileEnd = queryStart = queryEnd; //} else { //dcdebug("q"); //fileEnd = queryStart; //queryStart++; //} size_t queryStart = queryEnd; size_t fileEnd = queryStart; size_t protoStart = 0; size_t protoEnd = url.find("://", protoStart); size_t authorityStart = protoEnd == string::npos ? protoStart : protoEnd + 3; size_t authorityEnd = url.find_first_of("/#?", authorityStart); size_t fileStart; if(authorityEnd == string::npos) { authorityEnd = fileStart = fileEnd; } else { dcdebug("a"); fileStart = authorityEnd; } protocol = url.substr(protoStart, protoEnd - protoStart); if(authorityEnd > authorityStart) { dcdebug("x"); size_t portStart = string::npos; if(url[authorityStart] == '[') { // IPv6? size_t hostEnd = url.find(']'); if(hostEnd == string::npos) { return; } host = url.substr(authorityStart, hostEnd - authorityStart); if(hostEnd + 1 < url.size() && url[hostEnd + 1] == ':') { portStart = hostEnd + 1; } } else { size_t hostEnd; portStart = url.find(':', authorityStart); if(portStart != string::npos && portStart > authorityEnd) { portStart = string::npos; } if(portStart == string::npos) { hostEnd = authorityEnd; } else { hostEnd = portStart; portStart++; } dcdebug("h"); host = url.substr(authorityStart, hostEnd - authorityStart); } if(portStart == string::npos) { if(protocol == "http") { port = 80; } else if(protocol == "https") { port = 443; } else if(protocol == "dchub") { port = 411; } else { port = 411; } } else { dcdebug("p"); port = static_cast(Util::toInt(url.substr(portStart, authorityEnd - portStart))); } } dcdebug("\n"); path = url.substr(fileStart, fileEnd - fileStart); query = url.substr(queryStart, queryEnd - queryStart); fragment = url.substr(fragmentStart, fragmentEnd - fragmentStart); #ifdef USE_IDNA //printf("%s\n",host.c_str()); char *p; if (idna_to_ascii_8z(host.c_str(), &p, 0) == IDNA_SUCCESS) { host = string(p); } free(p); //printf ("ACE label (length %d): '%s'\n", strlen (p), p); //printf ("%s\n", host.c_str()); #endif //printf("protocol:%s\n host:%s\n port:%d\n path:%s\n query:%s\n fragment:%s\n", protocol.c_str(), host.c_str(), port, path.c_str(), query.c_str(), fragment.c_str()); } void Util::parseIpPort(const string& aIpPort, string& ip, uint16_t& port) { string::size_type i = aIpPort.rfind(':'); if (i == string::npos) { ip = aIpPort; } else { ip = aIpPort.substr(0, i); port = Util::toInt(aIpPort.substr(i + 1)); } } map Util::decodeQuery(const string& query) { map ret; size_t start = 0; while(start < query.size()) { size_t eq = query.find('=', start); if(eq == string::npos) { break; } size_t param = eq + 1; size_t end = query.find('&', param); if(end == string::npos) { end = query.size(); } if(eq > start && end > param) { ret[query.substr(start, eq-start)] = query.substr(param, end - param); } start = end + 1; } return ret; } string Util::getAwayMessage() { return (formatTime(awayMsg.empty() ? SETTING(DEFAULT_AWAY_MESSAGE) : awayMsg, awayTime)) + " <" APPNAME " v" VERSIONSTRING ">"; } string Util::formatBytes(int64_t aBytes, uint8_t base) { uint16_t a = (base < 2? 1024 : 1000); float b = a*1.0; char buf[128]; if(aBytes < a) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%d B"), (int)(aBytes&0xffffffff)); } else if(aBytes < a*a) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), (base == 0 ? _("%.02f KiB") : _("%.02f KB")), (double)aBytes/(b)); } else if(aBytes < a*a*a) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), (base == 0 ? _("%.02f MiB") : _("%.02f MB")), (double)aBytes/(b*b)); } else if(aBytes < (int64_t)a*a*a*a) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), (base == 0 ? _("%.02f GiB") : _("%.02f GB")), (double)aBytes/(b*b*b)); } else if(aBytes < (int64_t)a*a*a*a*a) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), (base == 0 ? _("%.02f TiB") : _("%.02f TB")), (double)aBytes/(b*b*b*b)); } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), (base == 0 ? _("%.02f PiB") : _("%.02f PB")), (double)aBytes/(b*b*b*b*b)); } return buf; } string Util::formatBytes(int64_t aBytes) { return formatBytes(aBytes, SETTING(APP_UNIT_BASE)); } string Util::formatExactSize(int64_t aBytes) { #ifdef _WIN32 TCHAR tbuf[128]; TCHAR number[64]; NUMBERFMT nf; _sntprintf(number, 64, _T("%I64d"), aBytes); TCHAR Dummy[16]; TCHAR sep[2] = _T(","); /*No need to read these values from the system because they are not used to format the exact size*/ nf.NumDigits = 0; nf.LeadingZero = 0; nf.NegativeOrder = 0; nf.lpDecimalSep = sep; GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SGROUPING, Dummy, 16 ); nf.Grouping = Util::toInt(Text::fromT(Dummy)); GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, Dummy, 16 ); nf.lpThousandSep = Dummy; GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, number, &nf, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)/sizeof(tbuf[0])); char buf[128]; _snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%s B"), Text::fromT(tbuf).c_str()); return buf; #else char buf[128]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), _("%'lld B"), (long long int)aBytes); return string(buf); #endif } vector Util::getLocalIPs(unsigned short sa_family) { vector addresses; #ifdef HAVE_IFADDRS_H struct ifaddrs *ifap; if (getifaddrs(&ifap) == 0) { bool ipv4 = (sa_family == AF_UNSPEC) || (sa_family == AF_INET); bool ipv6 = (sa_family == AF_UNSPEC) || (sa_family == AF_INET6); for (struct ifaddrs *i = ifap; i != NULL; i = i->ifa_next) { struct sockaddr *sa = i->ifa_addr; // If the interface is up, is not a loopback and it has an address if ((i->ifa_flags & IFF_UP) && !(i->ifa_flags & IFF_LOOPBACK) && sa != NULL) { void* src = NULL; socklen_t len; // IPv4 address if (ipv4 && (sa->sa_family == AF_INET)) { struct sockaddr_in* sai = (struct sockaddr_in*)sa; src = (void*) &(sai->sin_addr); len = INET_ADDRSTRLEN; } // IPv6 address else if (ipv6 && (sa->sa_family == AF_INET6)) { struct sockaddr_in6* sai6 = (struct sockaddr_in6*)sa; src = (void*) &(sai6->sin6_addr); len = INET6_ADDRSTRLEN; } // Convert the binary address to a string and add it to the output list if (src != NULL) { char address[len]; inet_ntop(sa->sa_family, src, address, len); addresses.push_back(address); } } } freeifaddrs(ifap); } #endif return addresses; } string Util::getLocalIp(unsigned short as_family) { #ifdef HAVE_IFADDRS_H vector addresses = getLocalIPs(as_family); if (addresses.empty()) return (((as_family == AF_UNSPEC) || (as_family == AF_INET)) ? "" : "::"); return addresses[0]; #else string tmp; char buf[256]; gethostname(buf, 255); hostent* he = gethostbyname(buf); if(he == NULL || he->h_addr_list[0] == 0) return Util::emptyString; sockaddr_in dest; int i = 0; // We take the first ip as default, but if we can find a better one, use it instead... memcpy(&(dest.sin_addr), he->h_addr_list[i++], he->h_length); tmp = inet_ntoa(dest.sin_addr); if(Util::isPrivateIp(tmp) || ::strncmp(tmp.c_str(), "169", 3) == 0) { while(he->h_addr_list[i]) { memcpy(&(dest.sin_addr), he->h_addr_list[i], he->h_length); string tmp2 = inet_ntoa(dest.sin_addr); if(!Util::isPrivateIp(tmp2) && ::strncmp(tmp2.c_str(), "169", 3) != 0) { tmp = tmp2; } i++; } } return tmp; #endif } bool Util::isPrivateIp(string const& ip) { struct in_addr addr; addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip.c_str()); if (addr.s_addr != INADDR_NONE) { unsigned long haddr = ntohl(addr.s_addr); return ((haddr & 0xff000000) == 0x0a000000 || // (haddr & 0xff000000) == 0x7f000000 || // (haddr & 0xfff00000) == 0xac100000 || // (haddr & 0xffff0000) == 0xc0a80000); // } return false; } typedef const uint8_t* ccp; static wchar_t utf8ToLC(ccp& str) { wchar_t c = 0; if(str[0] & 0x80) { if(str[0] & 0x40) { if(str[0] & 0x20) { if(str[1] == 0 || str[2] == 0 || !((((unsigned char)str[1]) & ~0x3f) == 0x80) || !((((unsigned char)str[2]) & ~0x3f) == 0x80)) { str++; return 0; } c = ((wchar_t)(unsigned char)str[0] & 0xf) << 12 | ((wchar_t)(unsigned char)str[1] & 0x3f) << 6 | ((wchar_t)(unsigned char)str[2] & 0x3f); str += 3; } else { if(str[1] == 0 || !((((unsigned char)str[1]) & ~0x3f) == 0x80)) { str++; return 0; } c = ((wchar_t)(unsigned char)str[0] & 0x1f) << 6 | ((wchar_t)(unsigned char)str[1] & 0x3f); str += 2; } } else { str++; return 0; } } else { wchar_t c = Text::asciiToLower((char)str[0]); str++; return c; } return Text::toLower(c); } string Util::toString(const string& sep, const StringList& lst) { string ret; for(StringList::const_iterator i = lst.begin(), iend = lst.end(); i != iend; ++i) { ret += *i; if(i + 1 != iend) ret += sep; } return ret; } string Util::toString(const StringList& lst) { if(lst.empty()) return emptyString; if(lst.size() == 1) return lst[0]; return '[' + toString(",", lst) + ']'; } string::size_type Util::findSubString(const string& aString, const string& aSubString, string::size_type start) noexcept { if(aString.length() < start) return (string::size_type)string::npos; if(aString.length() - start < aSubString.length()) return (string::size_type)string::npos; if(aSubString.empty()) return 0; // Hm, should start measure in characters or in bytes? bytes for now... const uint8_t* tx = (const uint8_t*)aString.c_str() + start; const uint8_t* px = (const uint8_t*)aSubString.c_str(); const uint8_t* end = tx + aString.length() - start - aSubString.length() + 1; wchar_t wp = utf8ToLC(px); while(tx < end) { const uint8_t* otx = tx; if(wp == utf8ToLC(tx)) { const uint8_t* px2 = px; const uint8_t* tx2 = tx; for(;;) { if(*px2 == 0) return otx - (uint8_t*)aString.c_str(); if(utf8ToLC(px2) != utf8ToLC(tx2)) break; } } } return (string::size_type)string::npos; } wstring::size_type Util::findSubString(const wstring& aString, const wstring& aSubString, wstring::size_type pos) noexcept { if(aString.length() < pos) return static_cast(wstring::npos); if(aString.length() - pos < aSubString.length()) return static_cast(wstring::npos); if(aSubString.empty()) return 0; wstring::size_type j = 0; wstring::size_type end = aString.length() - aSubString.length() + 1; for(; pos < end; ++pos) { if(Text::toLower(aString[pos]) == Text::toLower(aSubString[j])) { wstring::size_type tmp = pos+1; bool found = true; for(++j; j < aSubString.length(); ++j, ++tmp) { if(Text::toLower(aString[tmp]) != Text::toLower(aSubString[j])) { j = 0; found = false; break; } } if(found) return pos; } } return static_cast(wstring::npos); } int Util::stricmp(const char* a, const char* b) { while(*a) { wchar_t ca = 0, cb = 0; int na = Text::utf8ToWc(a, ca); int nb = Text::utf8ToWc(b, cb); ca = Text::toLower(ca); cb = Text::toLower(cb); if(ca != cb) { return (int)ca - (int)cb; } a += abs(na); b += abs(nb); } wchar_t ca = 0, cb = 0; Text::utf8ToWc(a, ca); Text::utf8ToWc(b, cb); return (int)Text::toLower(ca) - (int)Text::toLower(cb); } int Util::strnicmp(const char* a, const char* b, size_t n) { const char* end = a + n; while(*a && a < end) { wchar_t ca = 0, cb = 0; int na = Text::utf8ToWc(a, ca); int nb = Text::utf8ToWc(b, cb); ca = Text::toLower(ca); cb = Text::toLower(cb); if(ca != cb) { return (int)ca - (int)cb; } a += abs(na); b += abs(nb); } wchar_t ca = 0, cb = 0; Text::utf8ToWc(a, ca); Text::utf8ToWc(b, cb); return (a >= end) ? 0 : ((int)Text::toLower(ca) - (int)Text::toLower(cb)); } string Util::encodeURI(const string& aString, bool reverse) { // reference: rfc2396 string tmp = aString; if(reverse) { string::size_type idx; for(idx = 0; idx < tmp.length(); ++idx) { if(tmp.length() > idx + 2 && tmp[idx] == '%' && isxdigit(tmp[idx+1]) && isxdigit(tmp[idx+2])) { tmp[idx] = fromHexEscape(tmp.substr(idx+1,2)); tmp.erase(idx+1, 2); } else { // reference: rfc1630, magnet-uri draft if(tmp[idx] == '+') tmp[idx] = ' '; } } } else { const string disallowed = ";/?:@&=+$," // reserved "<>#%\" " // delimiters "{}|\\^[]`"; // unwise string::size_type idx, loc; for(idx = 0; idx < tmp.length(); ++idx) { if(tmp[idx] == ' ') { tmp[idx] = '+'; } else { if(tmp[idx] <= 0x1F || tmp[idx] >= 0x7f || (loc = disallowed.find_first_of(tmp[idx])) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(idx, 1, toHexEscape(tmp[idx])); idx+=2; } } } } return tmp; } /** * This function takes a string and a set of parameters and transforms them according to * a simple formatting rule, similar to strftime. In the message, every parameter should be * represented by %[name]. It will then be replaced by the corresponding item in * the params stringmap. After that, the string is passed through strftime with the current * date/time and then finally written to the log file. If the parameter is not present at all, * it is removed from the string completely... */ string Util::formatParams(const string& msg, const StringMap& params, bool filter) { string result = msg; string::size_type i, j, k; i = 0; while (( j = result.find("%[", i)) != string::npos) { if( (result.size() < j + 2) || ((k = result.find(']', j + 2)) == string::npos) ) { break; } string name = result.substr(j + 2, k - j - 2); StringMap::const_iterator smi = params.find(name); if(smi == params.end()) { result.erase(j, k-j + 1); i = j; } else { if(smi->second.find_first_of("%\\./") != string::npos) { string tmp = smi->second; // replace all % in params with %% for strftime string::size_type m = 0; while(( m = tmp.find('%', m)) != string::npos) { tmp.replace(m, 1, "%%"); m+=2; } if(filter) { // Filter chars that produce bad effects on file systems m = 0; while(( m = tmp.find_first_of("\\./", m)) != string::npos) { tmp[m] = '_'; } } result.replace(j, k-j + 1, tmp); i = j + tmp.size(); } else { result.replace(j, k-j + 1, smi->second); i = j + smi->second.size(); } } } result = formatTime(result, time(NULL)); return result; } string Util::formatTime(const string &msg, const time_t t) { if (!msg.empty()) { tm* loc = localtime(&t); if(!loc) { return Util::emptyString; } size_t bufsize = msg.size() + 256; string buf(bufsize, 0); errno = 0; buf.resize(strftime(&buf[0], bufsize-1, msg.c_str(), loc)); while(buf.empty()) { if(errno == EINVAL) return Util::emptyString; bufsize+=64; buf.resize(bufsize); buf.resize(strftime(&buf[0], bufsize-1, msg.c_str(), loc)); } #ifdef _WIN32 if(!Text::validateUtf8(buf)) #endif { buf = Text::toUtf8(buf); } return buf; } return Util::emptyString; } /* Below is a high-speed random number generator with much better granularity than the CRT one in msvc...(no, I didn't write it...see copyright) */ /* Copyright (C) 1997 Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura. Any feedback is very welcome. For any question, comments, see http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/matumoto/emt.html or email matumoto@math.keio.ac.jp */ /* Period parameters */ #define N 624 #define M 397 #define MATRIX_A 0x9908b0df /* constant vector a */ #define UPPER_MASK 0x80000000 /* most significant w-r bits */ #define LOWER_MASK 0x7fffffff /* least significant r bits */ /* Tempering parameters */ #define TEMPERING_MASK_B 0x9d2c5680 #define TEMPERING_MASK_C 0xefc60000 #define TEMPERING_SHIFT_U(y) (y >> 11) #define TEMPERING_SHIFT_S(y) (y << 7) #define TEMPERING_SHIFT_T(y) (y << 15) #define TEMPERING_SHIFT_L(y) (y >> 18) static unsigned long mt[N]; /* the array for the state vector */ static int mti=N+1; /* mti==N+1 means mt[N] is not initialized */ /* initializing the array with a NONZERO seed */ static void sgenrand(unsigned long seed) { /* setting initial seeds to mt[N] using */ /* the generator Line 25 of Table 1 in */ /* [KNUTH 1981, The Art of Computer Programming */ /* Vol. 2 (2nd Ed.), pp102] */ mt[0]= seed & 0xffffffff; for (mti=1; mti= N) { /* generate N words at one time */ int kk; if (mti == N+1) /* if sgenrand() has not been called, */ sgenrand(4357); /* a default initial seed is used */ for (kk=0;kk> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1]; } for (;kk> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1]; } y = (mt[N-1]&UPPER_MASK)|(mt[0]&LOWER_MASK); mt[N-1] = mt[M-1] ^ (y >> 1) ^ mag01[y & 0x1]; mti = 0; } y = mt[mti++]; y ^= TEMPERING_SHIFT_U(y); y ^= TEMPERING_SHIFT_S(y) & TEMPERING_MASK_B; y ^= TEMPERING_SHIFT_T(y) & TEMPERING_MASK_C; y ^= TEMPERING_SHIFT_L(y); return y; } /* getIpCountry This function returns the country(Abbreviation) of an ip for exemple: it returns "PT", whitch standards for "Portugal" more info: http://www.maxmind.com/app/csv */ string Util::getIpCountry (string IP) { if (BOOLSETTING(GET_USER_COUNTRY)) { dcassert(count(IP.begin(), IP.end(), '.') == 3); //e.g IP : w=23, x=24, y=25, z=26 string::size_type a = IP.find('.'); string::size_type b = IP.find('.', a+1); string::size_type c = IP.find('.', b+2); uint32_t ipnum = (Util::toUInt32(IP.c_str()) << 24) | (Util::toUInt32(IP.c_str() + a + 1) << 16) | (Util::toUInt32(IP.c_str() + b + 1) << 8) | (Util::toUInt32(IP.c_str() + c + 1) ); CountryIter i = countries.lower_bound(ipnum); if(i != countries.end()) { return string((char*)&(i->second), 2); } } return Util::emptyString; //if doesn't returned anything already, something is wrong... } string Util::getTimeString() { char buf[64]; time_t _tt; time(&_tt); tm* _tm = localtime(&_tt); if(_tm == NULL) { strcpy(buf, "xx:xx:xx"); } else { strftime(buf, 64, "%X", _tm); } return buf; } string Util::toAdcFile(const string& file) { if(file == "files.xml.bz2" || file == "files.xml") return file; string ret; ret.reserve(file.length() + 1); ret += '/'; ret += file; for(string::size_type i = 0; i < ret.length(); ++i) { if(ret[i] == '\\') { ret[i] = '/'; } } return ret; } string Util::toNmdcFile(const string& file) { if(file.empty()) return Util::emptyString; string ret(file.substr(1)); for(string::size_type i = 0; i < ret.length(); ++i) { if(ret[i] == '/') { ret[i] = '\\'; } } return ret; } string Util::translateError(int aError) { #ifdef _WIN32 LPTSTR lpMsgBuf; DWORD chars = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, aError, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); if(chars == 0) { return string(); } string tmp = Text::fromT(lpMsgBuf); // Free the buffer. LocalFree( lpMsgBuf ); string::size_type i = 0; while( (i = tmp.find_first_of("\r\n", i)) != string::npos) { tmp.erase(i, 1); } return tmp; #else // _WIN32 return Text::toUtf8(strerror(aError)); #endif // _WIN32 } bool Util::getAway() { return away; } void Util::setAway(bool aAway) { bool changed = aAway != away; away = aAway; if(away) awayTime = time(NULL); if(changed) ClientManager::getInstance()->infoUpdated(); } void Util::switchAway() { setAway(!away); } string Util::formatAdditionalInfo(const string& aIp, bool sIp, bool sCC) { string ret = Util::emptyString; if(!aIp.empty()) { string cc = Util::getIpCountry(aIp); bool showIp = BOOLSETTING(USE_IP) || sIp; bool showCc = (BOOLSETTING(GET_USER_COUNTRY) || sCC) && !cc.empty(); if(showIp) { int ll = 15 - aIp.size(); if (ll >0) { string tmp = " "; size_t sz=tmp.size(); tmp.resize(sz+ll-1,' '); ret = "[" + tmp + aIp + "] "; } else ret = "[" + aIp + "] "; } //printf("%s\n",ret.c_str()); if(showCc) { ret += "[" + cc + "] "; //printf("%s\n",ret.c_str()); } //printf("%s\n",ret.c_str()); } return Text::toT(ret); } bool Util::fileExists(const string &aFile) { #ifdef _WIN32 DWORD attr = GetFileAttributes(Text::toT(aFile).c_str()); return (attr != 0xFFFFFFFF); #else struct stat stFileInfo; return (stat(aFile.c_str(),&stFileInfo) == 0); #endif } } // namespace dcpp